#this is really based on how i play maybe your story would be completly different and i am so curious to know what could happen
eliphasgraham · 1 year
Im seeing a lot of posts lately about our Wardens being the strongest of our characters and i agree, my Modi would destroy Hawke and Aesus by throwing his axe in their forehead before thinking about the consequences but i think we need to address how much some of them would SUCK in the other games...
maybe not everyone play the same way but my warden Brosca would be SO BAD as an inquisitor like WTF is the fade ?? Demons ??? Green vagina on my hand ??? And he would be awful at politics because he would just kill everyone..oh and he would probably try to kill Cassandra during the prologue and either get killed by the inquisition immediatly or later while running away because no way Brosca is trusting anyone with that shit on his hand and in the sky. And i feel all Brosca, Tabris, Mahariel and probably Amell/Surana would be the same ? Because the system fucked them over their whole lives and/or they have no understanding of the world outside their bubble/survival mode ??
My purple/red Hawke would probably manage to become inquisitor but he would also suck at it because he would not take anything seriously and use his influence to make his malewife Anders some kind of new sexy andraste and would just start a war with every Chantry related country for all the blasphemy he would do by using the Herald of andraste card..so, iconic, but Corypheus would probably win with all those political distractions tbh..
Also Hawke is the only one to not have that "war " type of skills ? Like the warden is good at fighting an army and so is the Inquisitor 
Hawke is amazing but against the Kirkwall thugs and one shot invasions maybe ? They are powerful but have 0 discipline to fight in a war imo 
same thing for Hawke as the Warden i think they would be bad at that war thing and they would make really impulsive choices and make a lot of people angry. And they would obviously fuck the whole crew. It could work tho i think they could save the world of the blight but everyone would be so pissed to have to call that clown a hero. Or they would just run away while Alistair is not looking and never come back.
I think maybe the Inquisitor could be not so bad in the Warden's role in theory because i could see each of them ( Adaar, Lavellan..) agreeing to follow Duncan, and they're both good at fighting a fucked up super evil army and doing difficult choices in the moment. I think depending on your Oc personnality it could be really funny to have your inquisitor in da:o but it's so specific i will let that to your imagination ( and i would love to know how your oc would do in this situation PLEASE TELL ME )
But the Inquisitor and the Warden in Kirkwall ?? Depending on your race and choices ?? Oh my god ?? My Adaar would just get fucked by everyone like he is good at being a mercenary but would be so bad in the streets 
and even if you're good at it can you imagine a qunari with his apostates/lyrium infused angry elf and all those criminal friends ?? During the Qunari invasion thing ?? He would just get killed by the people i think like a Salem witch
And for all the non human characters i feel that because everyone already hates you and there is no way you could become a noble you would probably just kill all the bad guys immediatly without having to be carefull politically or you would just never get involved because why would the vicount ask for your help if you're a qunari ?? So no way a non human inquisitor/warden could last 7 years in this city, it would be a lot more violent and faster
Also the warden would have blew up the Chantry themselves.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
wait I have a question: so what is your opinion on Killing Time Edward's character design other than finding him attractive? To me the design feels a bit off: he is too conventionally pretty, like he is an entirely different character, but what do you think?
I have a mix opinion.
Because while I agree he is a bit off I think it could've worked out really nice if instead they used it in a similar vein to Batman Confidencial were Edward completly plays dress up to be riddler including a different hairstyle, gree contacts, make-up and useless pocket square. Were while casually Edward is sortta of attractive mostly it is a fabrication for his Riddler persona.
That being said with what we have it's still leagues better than WoJaR desing and since One Bad Day isn't main continuity the improvement between the two is enough that I can forgive anny desing fla.
Yes, I would preffer him to be more in the normal levels of attractiviness or even more on the unconvencional as I do believe that the Arkham Rogues should present a bit more the idea of being outcasts, their stories resolnate more with them being the result of systemic failure and opression and therefore I preffer than to be less on the convencional on their desings.
In opposite to the Blackgate Rogues + Court of Owls that represent the corrupt system itself (wich doesn't mean I want Oswald to be convencionally atractive though it would fit Sionis just that I think this justa position should reflect their designs somehow).
Basically I consider Killing Time Riddler has a solid desing, it's not how I would do it at all but based on his personality on the story itself and the very different view King has of the Rogues I think it fits and it's not as out of his characterization as most every other thing King did ever.
Also on a pure selfish side maybe if he is too much of a thirst trap he will finally have brazilian fanfics outside of the Gotham series where he is more than a throw away joke?
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Everything that is WRONG in "The Kissing Booth" movie series PART 1
This is the first post of a series that I’m thinking about doing here, where I go around the l aspect of movies, series,... (mostly rom/coms since they are better for social dicussions) and give my personal opinion on them. If you guys like this idea please let me know, and as always feel free to give your own thoughts on the comment section/ask box (and just remembering that, giving your thoughts and sending hate are two different things).
Let’s Start! 
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Before jumping to the topics of discusion, let me start with a quick summary of the story. Elle (our brunnet female lead) and Lee (the sweetheart, yet dumb, supporting character) are best friends since, well... ever. And to maintain this so called friendship, both of them stabilshed a series of rules (don’t worry I’m gonna talk more about them eventually in the post). One rule in specific, is actually what  gets the plot of the first movie going and that is: No dating Lee’s brother (aka Noah, aka the womanizer popular white guy that every girl in the school seems to have a crush on for no apparent reason beside his looks and the fact that he has a motocycle). Anyways, long story short, Elle has a crush on him even tho this is against the rules and from that on the story is bult.
Of course that it has more into it, but I will be talking about in the corse of this post and the following parts. I just want yall to know the very basic thing that’s going on here before going more deep on everything. Now, buckle up and let’s start this shit!
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Let me begin by saying that I do aprecciate the fact that they are trying to make a female character that embraces her feminine side while also maintaining a masculine side, but... lets put some emphasis in the word “TRYING”, shall we? Cause even tho Elle is a very loving, funny, clumsy, and gentle girl, she is also very very very generic. 
Like, I did not start watching this movie expecting anything less than that, but god, was I wishing to be surprised for once. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate her character at all, she is indeed very fun to watch most of the movie, principally when she puts herself into strange situations. My concern with her persona is in reality related to another thing, because let me tell you something, just cause she plays video games and has a boy best friend, that doesn’t make her this so called “cool” girl or the “not like the others” girl.  
I feel like by now that should have already been known, and I also feel like a broken record having to repeat this over and over again, but being friends with a boy doesn’t make you better than any other girl, or different than girls that have mostly girl friends. Actually the Red flag 1# in this movie is that Elle has no female friends what so ever, and worse than that, the movie is constatly comparing her to other generic girls ( the poplular/only care about apparence girls, the goth with a attitude, the girls that are constatly frowning over boys,...) by puting them around her to make her apear more “cool” to the eyes of those watching:
 “She is cool because she doens’t care about aperence like those other girls”;
 “she is cool because she’s social, she talks with everyone” (this everyone being mostly boys);
 “she doens’t get shy when talking to atractive boys, she is so different” 
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What they seem to be unawear (or maybe not so much) is that by doing this, they’re not only promiting a very machist point of view around girls, but also trying to imply that a girl can’t have any of those other features, because if they do they will not appel to the eyes of man. They show us the “wrong options” by enfassising bad behaviors that those girls have, to the bennefit of the one in the lead role, while also promoting female rivality in the process. 
And maybe in the first watch you will not notice all those things, but after analyzing it more deeply, you will see that the movie constatly try to build Elle’s character surounded by a LOT of sexist innuendos, masking it by putting up jokes to break this image (which is not very effective). They want us to believe that they are showing us this amazing and different girl, with dreams and ambisions, but in the end her hole personality is based on her relationship with two boys. And let me tell you something, things do not get ANY better in the second movie.
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I should ask this first before we start: why does your friendship need so many rules? and why breaking them is like the end of the world? 
Before anwsering those questions lets talk a little about Lee, the supporting goofy, kinda cute, clumsy character. 
Through out both movies my thoughts on Lee were very strong tbh. Like, I don’t hate him completly, I actually had fun with his character a lot of times, but I also can’t find myself liking him the amount that I should, given the fact that he is supposed to be the likable best friend who only wishes what is best for his bestie. And thats exactly where the problem lives: Red flag 2# is that what he think is the best most times isn’t, and whenever things go out of his way he gets an attitude about it. 
Most of my dislike for this boy and this friendship, is because of those stupid rules that shouldn’t exist in the first place. I understand that every relationship has a set of unspoken agreements, and I also understand that when you are kids you have those fun (very dumb) ideas like “lets make rules so our relationship stays strong”. But as you grow older, you should know what “rules” you should keep, and what rules you should burn down in the dumpster, principaly because your priorities as you grow change.
You and Your best friend shouldn’t be making your life long desicions based on a set of rules that you two put out together when you were infants, and that’s what pissed me the most about this movie to be honest. 
Elle shouldn’t be restricted about who she should date based on Lee’s dislike for her partiner, she shouldn’t have to go to a college just because her best friend wants her to go to the institute that he is going,... She is a grown person, she shouldn’t feel the need to ask for permision of her friend before choosing to do something, and she shouldn’t feel the need to keep things in secret because he might over react about it. 
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At the same time, it also feels like Elle is using this as an excuse to not have to come over and make decisions for herself. And you can see this more clearly on the second movie, where her only two options for a collage is the one her best friend wants or the one her boyfriend is at. Like, she is 18 y/o and she didn’t even thought about a plan B? what if she wasn’t accepted by those two colleges in the first place? She didn’t think any of this through, before jumping full on board on things. She has all this time to train for a dance competition she never took part on before, but doesn’t have time to think about what she actually wants for her future, beside dating this guy that she doesn’t even know if he’s cheating on her or not??????? And you really want me to believe that she is this person who thinks everything before hand? No, I don’t think so. 
And before you say I’m going too strong on Elle, let me tell you that all of this also applys for the opposite situation as well. Neither of them should feel presured by not breaking those STUPID rules, because if they really are best friends, they should know that the most important thing is seeing the other happy. Being friends with someone shouldn’t give you this much anxiety, you shouldn’t feel the need to constantly be together or to have to do everything with the other, because if you aren’t around one another 24/7 you might lose eachother. Real bestfriends shouldn’t even be affraid to lose the friendship they have in the first place!!!!
Overall the only thing about this two that I can thank for, is their boy/girl relationship with no second intentions, because besides that, all the rest needs to FREAKING STOP!! Maybe a little time away from one another might be good for this two after all.
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I’m not even gonna try to sugar coat this one, cause to be honest I don’t want too. Noah Flynn is a butthole, and beside his looks (that can be totally dicussed since beauty is relative) he has no good or redeemed qualities. 
I can’t find words to express how tired I am to find characters like him in most rom/coms. The popular bad boy with no consideration for anyones sentiments and with a hole bunch of attachment problems and anger issues. He goes around playing with girls, acting like he is king of everything and that he can get whatever he wants by simply smiling and blinking his eyes. And yet, even with all this PROBLEMATIC behaviors, he still has the hole school fangirling over him like he is the last piece of man in the edge of this world (which is another sexist thought, to think that girls would only fall for this kind of dickhead guys). 
And once again, it’s given to the lead female the job to “fix” this piece of shit of a person, but let me tell you something: IT IS NOT HER JOB!!! 
It’s no girl’s job to try to change a boy for the better, his issues should be discussed with a terapist or a psycologist and that’s it. I’m so tired of this “a good girl can change a bad boy” narrative, like is their mission in life to get a really fucked up guy and make them turn good. No, it’s not, FULL STOP!!
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I’m so tired of this stupid and toxic idea, this is disgusting (and I mean it). The amount of girls that end up getting in a abusive realtionships because of this disturbed idea that “he can change” or “he is not like this all the time”. You are his girlfriend!!! He shouldn’t be like that at any time!!!! 
Masking his temperament problems and abusive behiviours with small moments of compasion, small moments where he seem gentle and loving, only to moments later having him going around like a dickweed again. Saying things like: “oh, they where arguing and he just got carried away”, or “he wouldn’t act like that if the other hadn’t provoked him”. HE IS NOT AN ANIMAL, FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!! He is a human being, and if he can’t control himself around others, then he probably shouldn’t be allow to date someone in the first place! It’s not Elle’s, or any other girl, job to go around controling and fixing his shitty atitudes.
And the worse part of it all, is that when shit happens everything is put onto the girl’s shoulders, like he is her responsability after all. “He got into a fight because she wasn’t there”; “he sheatted on her because she fought with him”; ”he acted violent because she provoked”; “he wouldn’t feel jealous, if she weren’t wearing those clothes”,... 
It’s so absurd to see that when Elle is wrong everyone is so quick on their feet to say how wrong she was, how slutty she was, “because this wouldn’t happen if she trusted him” (and I’m not saying I agree with every single attitude of her, because I don’t). But when he is doing something wrong, everyone is changing the focus of the subject, or even worse, DEFFENDING HIM! 
HE IS JUST A CUTE FACE WITH A HOT BODY AND THAT’S IT!!!! To think so many girls that watched this movie want a boyfriend like him, trully is infuriating!! I keep asking myself “what if he wasn’t hot?” or “what if he wasn’t so high up in our society beauty standards?”, I’m sure if he had a different apparence our view and reactions over his persona wouldn’t be so passive. 
Noah’s Red flags scoore: +10,000
I feel exausted after writing all this tbh, I’ll be trying to post part 2 soon, because if you think this is over, let me tell you: IT IS NOT! I will try to go less hard on this movie in part two, I feel like I got a little carried away at the end but I needed to make my point clear. In the second part, I will be talking more about the kissing booth 2 and the rest of the characters, and since I liked the second one way more there will be less specific criticism and more a overall point of view of the plot, for now that’s all I have to say.
Thanks for reading :)
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writingonesdreams · 5 years
Novel Prep Tag
I love this game. Whoever came up with it is a genius. Doing this for my newest wip 5th Magic.
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
In a world torn by mage wars, a clone mage gets saved by his enemy and learns about bonds and purpose in a hideout filled with kids of different magic kinds. 
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
I can see 3 books from this easy, but one for now.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
Wild green forests, waterfalls, streaming rivers, magic explosions, colourful auras, blazing sky, sunrise from the cliffs
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
The Last Samurai, Princess Mononoke, Avatar, The Gemini Man, Frozen 2, Pocahontas
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
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6. Who is your protagonist?
The clone mage and general of Pulsors, Kyler and the famous former general of Aurals Acacia.
7. Who is their closest ally?
Acacia’s brother Casey for both.
8. Who is their enemy?
Kyler’s creator, the war leader of the Pulsory mages and his original body.
9. What do they want more than anything?
Kyler wants to be free, to be able to choose what and who he fights for.
Acacia wants magic to simply be, seen as art and beauty instead of weapon. 
10. Why can’t they have it?
Kyler is a clone with identical genes to the main villian, a psychopathic war lord.
Acacia lives in a world where magic is the greatest weapon and mages of different kinds battle for power.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
Kyler belives he doesn’t have any say in his fate, no choice and no other meaning than the purpose he was created for. Plus he considers bonds a weakness.
Acacia thinks she can solve everything with magic. Not exactly.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
Kyler has sharp features, short thick black hair that are slightly wavy, dark blue eyes, tall, lean and muscular build.
Acacia is tall and slender, has long wavy golden blond hair and stromy grey eyes.
13. What is the internal conflict?
Kyler's is about being caught in a completly different world than his own, seeing the colours, softness, bonds and useless joy and not wanting to leave it afterwards. Seeing he is more than just what he was created for. Finding things he cares about for himself. Accepting his brother and getting accepted back.
14. What is the external conflict?
Finding peace in a war, seeing beyond differences and learning from them, surviving and living to the fullest. 
Oh and let's not forget the gangs of deserters hiding in the woods, the army and the General of the Pulsory mages army.
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?
Kyler could get back to the life he had before. The cold world where he was a tool and not really a human.
Acacia could die from her magic. The energy currents constantly draw her out of her body and if she gets lost in them she will die. At the same time she loves her magic too much to give it up.
Losing control over it is also one of her worst nightmares, since her magic was always something she could rely on.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?  
How Kyler can help Acacia by brining her back to his Creator. Can he be trusted? Can she still be saved?
17. Do you know how it ends?  
Yes I have a happy ending in mind. For most of them 😎
18. What is the theme?  
Purpose, bonds, free will, found family, estranged siblings, vulnerability, useful vs useless
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
Water, runes made by other mages, daybreak colours ;)
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
It's a modern alternate timeline in America.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?  
Yes! From Kyler's fall, being found, his life in the hideout to later scenes when he proves himself, falls for the leader girl up until the end...
22. What excited you about this story?  
That it has most of my favorite tropes and elements put together! I basically made a list of things that would be cool in a story instead of basing the situation around themes as I normally do. It has clones, mages, strong girl protag, magic, different factions in conflict and explores a lot of my fave themes too! Maybe I will even get some ravens and wolves in...
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
Brainstorming, then writing out inspiring scenes that could be out into the novel, but don't have to, those that inspire intense feelings and vivid images. Then trying to sort these themes into a chronological outline. Afterwards I do some more developing- creating summaries and doing wip prep tag games to see if I can sum up the core of the concept and have all main questions covered. I daydream and discuss the idea with close writer friends, talking about it boosting my inspiration and confidnece. Then I pick and watch or read some books and movies that are similar to give me the right feel and then start writing.
Tagging to play: @thewalkingnerdx @this-is-where-i-write-stuff @kosmosian-quills @cilly-musouka @tenacious-scripturient @stuffaboutwriting and anyone who wants to! I recommend this game in any stage of writing, it has excellent questions.😉
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iaal · 6 years
NSFW headcanons for how Leorio would react to getting a surprise blowjob from his S/O while he's stressed from work?
Thanks for the ask! I wasn’t satisfied with just a HC so I did a little scenario! Hope you’ll enjoy!
When you heard the sound of the door opening you knew what your boyfriend face would looks like before seeing him, it was the same one he wore the past few weeks everytime he came home.
Leorio wobbled in the living room, his footsteps heavy but not as heavy as the dark bags under his eyes, his skin was pale, everything about him screamed exhaustion and he was wearing a deep frown that he corrected when he spotted you on the couch.
“Hey! I’m home babe,” he tried to sounds cheerful as he leaned for a quick kiss, “How’re doing?” His smile was as tired as the rest of him and it warmed your heart to see him still trying to make the effort for you.
“I’m good, I’m not the one looking like a zombie,” you tried to joke but you were looking at him with concern, “You didn’t come home the past three days. Tell me that you at least got a bit of sleep at the hospital.”
“Yeah of course!” he answered looking away, obviously lying.
“Leorio!” you almost yell, “If you sleep a couples of hour the world won’t stop spinning you know!” Scolding him wasn’t your intention but seeing him in this state was maddening, why couldn’t he take care of himself as much as he was taking care of other people? If you came home looking like you were about to pass out he would put you to bed by force if needed. You wished you had the strength to do that right now but Leorio was strong like an ox and as stubborn as a mule.
“I know, I know,” he said rubbing his face with his hands “I was kicked out.” he added sheepishly, “They told me to go home and have some rest, that they can’t have a doctor who looks more sick than his patient.”
“They were right, you look like you’re at death’s door.” you said moving off the couch to hug him, burying your face in his chest.
With your arms around his waist you noticed that he had lost weight, the realization made you hug him tighter. You knew that even as he was hugging you back his mind was still at the hospital with him. It wasn’t just a case of Leorio being a workaholic, one of his patient was a little boy in a critical condition because of an illness that would have been more easily treated if they had started the treatment earlier—the parents were too poor to afford the medication and until they found Leorio who offered to take the kid has his patient without payment, too much time had passed.
You were painfully aware of the chord this case has struck for the young doctor and you didn’t had the resolve to say anything more to him as you could only watch as the stress was eating him. Your boyfriend would do anything in his power to save the boy and you’d be the one here taking care of his own health.
“Did you eat?” you asked breaking the embrace “I bet you didn’t. Go take a shower while I fix you something.” you pushed him in the direction of the bathroom, he chuckled a bit.
“That’s sounds good!” Leorio admitted, “Thank you, you’re an angel.” he murmured on you lips when he turned around to kiss you again.
Leorio stepped out of the shower in his underwear as you were finishing cooking the fried rice you had quickly made, and plopped on the sofa with his laptop.
You glanced at him to see his frown was coming back the more he was looking at the screen, you sighed seeing him still working and you wondered if you would have to fed him to make sure he eats.
Your worries were not founded because as soon as the plate was before him he gobbled its content in a blink, his eyes still glued on the screen.
“Thanks that was very good.” he complimented, looking at you briefly.
“I have a hard time believing you tasted anything at all,” you said sitting next to him, “I guess you’re going back to the hospital in the morning, go to bed so you can catch up a bit of all the sleep you’re missing.”
“I will in a few.” he said.
He’d get maybe three or four hours of sleep before heading back to the hospital if you let him and he needed much more than that. The thought of just knocking him out cold tempted you for a second but you decided to use a more pleasant method.
Sliding off the couch, you kneeled down between his legs while pushing the laptop away. You looked up to see an incredulous pair of eyes blinkink at you.
You ran your hands up his thighs still maintaining eye contact, “I missed you” you cooed, it was true but you were playing dirty.
“I…Sorry I still have work to do,” he said in a guilty tone but the light in his eyes was saying a different story—it had been at least two weeks since anything sexual happenned between the two of you and it was higly unusual considering Leorio’s libido, you didin’t think he even had time to jerk off.
His mind was not completely here with you but you were pulling him slowly toward you.
“You’re a doctor, you know what’s too much work can do to one’s body,” you said, your fingers were tracing his abs, “Let me help you relax a bit.” you added with a sultry smile.
The gentle scold and your charm broke the last of his resistance and he shifted to a more comfortable postition still looking at you, giving you his silent consent.
You kissed his stomach, a hand gently stroking his dick still trapped in his boxer but quickly hardening—It won’t take long you thought. You lowered your kiss, your hands on the waistband of his underwear and Leorio lifted himself up so you could help him out of it.
You heart raced when you saw him naked, you really did miss him, you missed this. Giving the tip a few licks you looked up once again to see the doctor with his head thrown back, eyes closed, sighing at the wet and warm sensation. Leorio was completly here now, aware of his body, of you. He needed it, his mind needed the rest even for a short while. You knew that’s he’d still put other before him and this patient was just one of many he’d have in the future and for each of them he would give the best of him, that why you were so in love with him—that’s why you’d be here, everytime to remind him there’s someone taking care of him too.
Your tongue swirled around his head as your hand started pumping the base slowly and Leorio rested a hand on your head in an appreciative gesture. Licking the underside down to his balls and up a few time, you heard Leorio draw a breath in sharply. When your lips encircled his dick you felt his fingers tense in your hair, you continued to lick, slowly sucking his head as he moved his hips to feel more of your mouth.
“Ah…that’s good” he encouraged, his breath coming uneven. You answered his praise by taking more of him, bobbing your head up and down, your hand stroking his now wet shaft faster. Leorio was panting, the sounds was making you feel hotter and you moaned around his dick. Seeing you were enjoying yourself too made him bolder, he pushed on your head a bit stilling his hips to leave you in control and his thighs started to shake when you obliged, having him almost entirely in your mouth. You weren’t used in taking that much and you stopped your movements to adjust your jaw and position, you wanted to knock him out and if you had to choke a bit to do it so be it. Placing a hand around his balls you massaged them slowly while your other hand gripped firmly at what your mouth couldn’t take and you started to move again.
Leorio had both of his hands on your head and leaned over you, his head almost touching yours, grunting as you picked up the pace. You felt him twitching in your mouth, his thighs still shaking and his breath labored, he was close.
“Ah..ah I..I’m coming!” he manged to say in a muffled groan. You kept moving as Leorio was filling your mouth, you were right he didn’t seems to have jerk off in a long long time seeing how much cum was sliding down your throat. You swallowed everything careful to not make a mess and looked up at him. He was panting, his face red and his skin had a thin layer of sweat giving him a slight sheen.
You stood up joining him on the couch and guided him to lay properly with you, caressing his hair and placings kisses on his sweaty brows. He lowered his head on you shoulder and that was it; he was snoring. Relief poured into your chest and you laughed looking at this lovely idiot who was too stubborn to listen to his own body.
Disappointed that the couch was too narrow for two people to sleep comfortably you got up and put a covers on him to let him sleep, setting his alarm for him a bit too early for your taste, you would want him to sleep all day if you could, but you knew that being away from his patient too long would only stress him more.
“Sleep well big dummy.” you whispered pressing a kiss to his temple.
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thefatdrunkdragon · 6 years
The Worst RPer I have ever met (Nemo Saga Chapter 6)
 Okay, so here we go with another standalone Nemo chapter that discusses the one thing about Nemo. His fucking temper.
 As demonstrated in the Spooky RP, Nemo has a short temper when it comes to people actually messing with him or belittleling him. Now, it’s understandable that in RP’s you can sorta make a character based on people you don’t like and have em be killed off or defeated. I havent had much RPs about those but Nemo’s case is that he resolves everything with vauge threats and murder.
 For example, before the Spooky RP, Nemo first met the Dragon Cafe Crew.
 The Dragon Cafe Crew is composed of the following:
Rubelle “Ruby” Black - The Chubby Dragoness
Calvin “Cook” O’Hara - The Alcoholic native of Philly
Jill Xhiao - The Shy Panda woman.
Oswald “Ozzie” Hempshey - A fat East End Drake
And Dexter “Dex” O’finnigan - The Irish Yang to Ozzie’s Cockney Yin.
 Out of all of those, It was Ozzie and Dex who didn’t come to immidietly like Nemo. And in character, they like to mess around with other people. So let’s say that Ozzie and Dex make some dumb jokes about the Vampires or admit that “We ain’t really friends.” What does Nemo do? He brutally murders Ozzie and Dex. But has them revived. If this were a moment in an RP with a good friend of mine, this scene would not be as brutal and would be played off for poorly done dark comedy. But Nemo was very serious about it. He really REALLY hated Ozzie and Dex simply because they didn’t wanted to be his friends right away. It get’s better.
 Another example comes when a Zombie Virus is loose in Puerto Rico. Aiden thankfully survived in a farmland, enjoy the spoils of the apocalypse and the catharsis it brings. God-Nemo, offended that Aiden can rebel in a bit of normal power fantasy in a role play, calls him an evil man who doesn’t want anything to change so he decides to leave Aiden to his lonesome... with a fucking bomb that is suppose to kill him. I playfully have Aiden Brush off his death as cartoonish as possible, but Neem’s says “no no, let him die.” And I’m like “Excuse me bitch? I couldn’t kill YOUR characters but now you want me to let you kill mine because he thinks differently than you? FUCK YOU!”
 It was after those two events that Nemo realized he shouldnt be having his marty stu kill me for not agreeing with him, he decides that he needed to add excuses for why he was killing me. And I mean excuse that would justify why he would kill my characters. And those excuses came in the form of either Demons or Rabies, and no matter what happens, there is no signs of that behavior until AFTER killing my characters.
 While it wasn’t murder, there was an obvious threat of murder for this next example. Nemo kept bringing up a Mercy Brown Video Game (Which Only Exist to him) and he made moments where he tried to act like he was some Big shot letsplayer and blahblahblah. I have never heard of this game but Only had small understanding of what it was about, so I decided that, since I was into Zero Punctuation at the time, to make a sort of faux Ben Yatzee Review of a game. I didn’t do the whole thing because Its a fake game within an RP but the first few minutes was just me channeling my inner yatzee.
The small thing I wrote as Ben Yatzee:
Ben Yatzee: i hardly do reviews about indie horror, my last one being too scary to even continue. But when you have a cult of people simply worshipping an unknown horror game for being a bloody masterpiece, you end up witth your entire fanbase asking you to review. While i really dont take request, the number of people desperate for my thoughts on the game is just staggering so here we go...
Ben: Mercy's Autumn Nights is an indie horror game created by who else? Mercy brown. The title should be so completly obvious that she made the game as its not enough for her to simply put her name in the credits, you need to make it pretty bloody clear she made it.You play as, big surprise, Mercy blooming Brown as she tries to escape an angry mob thats chasing her down. Why? I dont fucking know?! Maybe mercy brown, being the obvious killer vampire, killed some people and she just not doing a good job at hiding it. Or maybe she hasnt showered in a while and the villagers are just getting sick and tired of smelling her greasy hair...
*ben continues to critize the games story and the use of mortal things when the character plays as mercy, complements the graphics and the controls.*
Ben: in conclusion, the next time someone sends me a request, my answer will simply just be "Mercy Bloody Brown!" Why? I dont care, its there. Have a nice day, internet.
 Nemo took the Review as an offense and tried to get in contact with ben yatzee because they talked to each other once for a while like a year. Neem’s words, not mine. And this is ignoring the fact Yatzee has Social Anxiety. Ben tried to explain to Nemo that his video is only there as a means to both critique the game and be a comedy but Neemo kept trying to convince Yatzee it was a good game and that he was a good youtuber, ignoring the fact Ben reviewed the game not the Youtuber. But it was after being presented with Mercy Brown and the grave and how annoying he was, Ben basically shut him off, the video still remained though so no one won.
Mercy’s response:
Mercy: That takes care of it. See ya.
 I told nemo that it didn’t really change anything and that the thing was just a video talking about the game, not him.
Neem’s Response
Nemo: I see. But if we see another negative video about us, you know what we'll do to him. He'll never know.
 Like I said, It may not be a violent moment, but he generally demonstrates the same kind of mentality the secret police has. Censoring any form of criticism and killing off those who don’t like him
I already presented one example in the spooky rp but there is also another major example with this small rp moment. It was during the mercy saga, and it was a moment where "our dear friend and vintage American sweetheart Mercy Brown” contracted a disease just to get us to feel bad for her and give her some attention. Aiden and Ruby, not wishing to risk getting the mary sue sickness, decide to come in Hazmat suits. It’s as exaggerating as it sounds and for the time, it was just played for giggles. But later that day, she got better and Aiden und ruby had nothing to do, so they decided to call a helicopter to pick em up. This big fucking osprey shows up, lands on the garden but no one takes off because it turns out, one of the guys in the osprey, Dave, was getting married and everyone took the opportunity to celebrate it... while still in the osprey and still on Nemo’s Lawn.
Nemo, understandibly tried to get everyone out of the lawn but they ofcourse couldnt listen due to the fucking loud music inside it. He later got a megaphone, letting the message get through to them and forcing em to take off. It was there were a drunken Dave decided to just walk out on the osprey doors and flip nemo the bird, sealing everyone’s fate with that gesture.
Nemo’s Words after the vtol flew off:
Nemo: Yeah. That'll teach you how to disturb some neighbors, you mind-fucked bitch.
 Nemo went flying in the air (Somehow) and gun down the entire vtol. Killing or injuring everyone, and leaving Ruby and Adrian in a catatonic state. He later flew back and acted as if nothing happened. Before that, he made a comment that was suppose to sound like the kind of snide remark of “Oh, I wonder how that horrible accident happened” kinda  That is until Kate shows what happened , and this was the one time posession was actually close to making sense but since the RP always had Nemo act like a normal person and showed very little signs of posession, making this the only time he actually had it plan off.
Nemo’s word’s after being shown what happened?
Nemo: *whispers and closes the door* Oh my God. What did I do? What did I do? *drinks a can of A&W Root Beer* I'm getting crazy. I need blood. *licks his own lips and chewed his own lips. He grabs a meat and eats it and there was blood spilling on the floor* Master Velora. You promised me eternal life! And you did.
 Funfact: Before Velora became a Valentine Girl and was part of a trio of marceline clones, she was supposed to be evil.
 Pretty soon, Nemo suddenly had demonic powers and ordered his vampire clan to make the world a supernatural place for vampires and werewolves, and he will assend to become a Vampire God. Starting a fucking apocalypse and building a castle for him in Rhode Island.
 When Kate, freaking out over what the fuck was going on, Nemo tried to be as hidden and “evil” as possible while signs were made quite fucking obvious he was starting a vampire apocalypse. But then when asked why the fuck he started fucking armageddon, here’s his response:
Nemo: No. Not ending the world. It's my parents. My parents should pay for what kind of stuff they did to me. Sending me to dangerous places and tormenting me. They have gone too far.
... At no point has Nemo’s folks EVER appeared in the RP. And Let’s not forget, He was fucking 19 at the time, so...
 The apocalypse breaks out and the world seems like it was going to be in for one dicking of a terrible time. But we got to remember an important Detail: This is Nemo’s world. 
How it really happened:
*Then Nemo was almost killed. But then he was fighting against a Wendigo. A Native American cannibal creature. People were watching Nemo and the Wendigo have a brutal fight in Providence, Rhode Island. He grabbed his medieval sword and stabbed at the creature and killed him. The Wendigo was killed and everybody was saved. Nemo thought it was himself, but it was a Wendigo. So Mercy had to send him to a church in Exeter, Mercy and the priest got rid of the spell that cursed him for so long. Nemo was finally saved and happy. He can now live however he wants. Even Kate was happy that he is now saved. His friends and family was happy that he's not possessed anymore. So in December, in Mercy's house, the presents are under the Christmas tree and everybody was having a good time. Nemo was waiting for all his friends to come.*
After the battle:
Nemo: I hope nothing possesses me again.
Mercy: God will always be there for you.
Nemo: I know.
This was the stupidest thing to have ever happened in RP history and I just needed to share it with you all because this was fucking insanity
The point is: Nemo is a violent dick. Anything that doesn’t apppease his ego simply results in a death setence and later revival so that you can apologize to him and kiss his ass. And to be fair... it’s fucking scary. And it’s only made worse with the following subject: The Line between reality and fantasy.
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jack-o-wolf · 7 years
 “Behind the curtain, beyond the wrong door
lonely and silent he sits
and reads in an old book
his own story.” –Manuel de Castro.
 I can’t imagine a better way to describe the encounter that I planned in order to meet a young man who...how to describe him...lived a mediocre life, without anything worth of tales left alone notes. I know it sounds arrongant, contradictory even, but I garantee, my dear living, that this youth has created, like very few have, a world so fantastic that has made them imortals and whose names are worthy of being studied and discussed.
Forgive me dear reader for in my excitment of writing this narrative that was entrusted to me by this young man, whose name has no importance, is so great that I’ve forgotten to give you my name...although after I tell you about this encounter with the boy you will know who I am. So let’s begin:
Just another day of routine in the mediocre life of this dreamer, going to school to prepare to his bright  and planned future traced by himself after choosing his career. Leaving his house, he found himself not at the street like it was supoused to lead, but at a big and luxurious amphitheater.
In front of him, there were rows organized as a half-circle, so that all the audience would be able to see the acts that would be performed to cause horror, laughter, despair, sadness and all emotions that you humans mistify so much and try to recreate in words. Each one of the seats was adorned with carvings that ressembled small serpents that shared the same origin, from behind the head to whoever ocuppied the seat. Turning himself towards the back of the stage, he noticed that the red as blood curtain, always open during the shows to display the scenery of a love declaration or a great battle or even a long argument about any subject would be held, that even if completly boring still atracted the attention of humans in a almost vilanous way, such curtain was closed as if the show was still being prepared.
Surprisingly calm, I dare say terrifingly calm, for any other that saw him or herself in this situation would try to understand what was happening, or try to find someone to come for their aid or even look for the dor that originally led them to such a place – I say this from experience, since I’ve seen others follow the patern just described, the boys reaction increased my interest in the Young one. – he calmly walked towards the velvet curtain soft to the touch. As he walked, not one of the planks made a crank, wich indicated that either the place was well preserved or recently build, although the smell hinted to thenplace never being cleaned or used.
Behind the closed curtains there was a door with a golden star with a big “W” engraved in it, maybe it stood for wigs, but if the reader payed attention to the poem at the begining you’ll know what it stands for. The door was barely open, so just a touch from the boys hand was enough to make it open completly. Beyond it, sat an old figure with a dark and bitter face, but not a face of regret but of disbelief before the helplessness of the situation it found itself in.
In his hands he held a thin book with pages marked by time, even if the book itself did not look but a few months old. This figure was no other than the one who speaks with you now, I pretended to read the book and ignore his presence, so that I could see what other surprises he would give me. As if the situation didn’t bother him, he aproched me and said:
–Have thy come to take my life, old lady?
The shock of how calmly he asked and the question itself was so great that I feared he had seen through my disguise, so I couldn’t resfrain myself from saying:
–Don’t call me “old” boy, I’ve no interest in collecting your thread, but your courage and cunning surprises me. What gave me away?
–Nothing. – he answered with the smile of a child that maneged to get what it wanted. – Just a guess based out all the cliches that you presented to me...
–Cliches?! – I answered revealing the true sound of my voice.
–You used a poem written by Manuel Costa as a base and then added a few touches that contradicted reality and appearence. And the used the one tool that all fear when readding that excert: the possibility that the figure readding its own story being the lyrical self seeing himself in the future, the form you chose to manifest is me in the future, right?
–HAHAHA! You’re not very sane are you? You talk to “undesired of people”, “the one certainty we have in life” as if you’re talking to an equal!
–Just as you said  you’re the one thing that we’re certain, so why should I treat you any different?
–If everyone saw me the way you and rare others see me, my work would be much more simple... – I had just noticed that I was talking with him as if I was talking with an old friend that I hadn’t seen in a long while.
–But...if you didn’t come to take me, what do you want with me? – he asked with curiosity and not a hint of fear.
–Ah, yes...– he brought me back to the motive that made me bring him to that realm between worlds. – ...its about your book.
–You mean the one you were reading with no interest at all? What’s with it? – he inquired with even greater curiosity. – Taking into account that I’ve already planned practly everything, I don’t know what could be wrong.
–Well, you must have already noticed that the life of every individual is written down in a book with the characteriscs of it’s author...
–In my case I look like a old man inside, so that’s why the pages look so old?
–No, in your case is just as you said: “I’ve already planned practly everything” so the book is finished and is already starting to age...
–...I understand.
–...as I was saying, every living being has it’s own book, but some special individuals have more tha one book under it’s name while alive.
–How is that possible? One cannot live more than one life at a time, even those who suffer from mental disorder only live once, no matter how many delusions manifest themselves. – his eyes were brimming with curiosity before my revelation.
–You know the poem I’ve used as an inspiration to build this place  so you must know some of these books as well...
–What boo-...
He didn’t manage to finish that sentence due to his surprise before the library that now occupied the once empty room. Books from every being that lives and has lived alined and organized in alphabetic order, also put in groups according to how long they lived. After he regained his composure, without hidding his marvel with all the stories that sorrounded him, I procceded:
–...I know it’s amazing to be before so many lives and legendary names, but know that the second book to wich I reffer are these. – I’ve said as I pointed to books created by famed writters who instigated the imagination of those who really read them. – You mus know some of them, like “Senhora” by José Alencar or if you preffer someone more of your time like Tolkien or Rafael Dracon, do you know what they have in comon?
–Besides being famous writers? No.
–Your sincerity is moving...so think, how many people have read those books?
–How many stars are in the sky?
–Right. And how many have recreated this worlds as they read them?
–I don’t think I get where you’re going with this...
–When someone writes something that inspires many people to imagine the world they created turns them imortals, their worlds come to existence in another plain of existence and their books come to my collection where I’m responsible for preserving them...
–WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Rewind a little, you’re telling me that the great writers...
–Actually movie directors too, but they rarely get the spotlight...
–Whathever?! They’re immortals?!
–Yes, they are still in the mortal realm wandering as people whose faces disappear from memory, a little gift from yours trully, but back to the point...
–Poor people...
–What?! What do you mean “poor people”? They can see people enter their worlds and Marvel themselves with them.
–But, I can’t imagine something worse than imortality...see everything and everyone I know live their lives, age and die while I would stay eternal...but if it wasn’t for...not even in that case...
I won’t deny, when I heard this words I felt my heart be crushed, it never ocurred to me. All living beings seek to avoid me at all costs, immortality to me was what all living decided. For the first time I felt a tear touch my skin...
–Are you alright? – he asked sincerely, I recomposed myself and restarted the subject.
–You, however, are a exception.
–Excuse me?
–You dream about your world, draw it, created and recreated it again and again...
–How did you...
–Here... – I showed a battered a book conttaining drawings, notes, data about a different and unique culture. – Recognizes it?
–But this is... – the shock was both in his eyes and his face.
–This world is wonderfull and intriguing, but the narrative is inexistent, that is besides some moments where you talk like you lived in that world, you created everything and did something no one achieved before. You alone created this entire world in another realm.
–That’s right, but I have to say that the lack of a protagonist and plot in itself are a problem... – I was so distracted that his shock passed unnoticed by me.
–In other words you want me to write the story?
Silence...for a few moments that was all that eas heard, he looked around lost and in despair as if he did not believe in the words I had just spoke – the kind of reaction I expected when I brought him to the stage. The silence remained until he suddenly turnned twowards me, his eyes had an unique glow to them, the kind of glow when someone realizes a new possibility.
–I’m sorry to say but I won’t write anything...
–You dare to deny my request, your thread still has a long extension, but I can...
–I want you to write the protagonist’s story, you can take the glory and the name of the book, but I know the name of the protagonist and who will play his part...
–You’re placing your world in my hands?
–More than that, I’m placing my life in your hands!
I was so surprised by those words that I fell back on a chair that I made manifest in order to prevent me from hitting the ground. A human who had his entire life planned now left at my mercy the creation of a story for a world so personal, not only that he left his destiny? Me, the one who takes away life not give it unless the thread of destiny is already servered and in my possession, I never even thought that someone would entrust me with his thread before his time.
At that moment I remembered that I could verify how sincere he was about the offer since I’m an entity. I snuck into his mind so that I could understand what was going through his thoughts, what I saw was the world that intrigued me so much alive with music, fantastical beings, a nocturne sky painted with trails of golden lights left by the tails of massive creatures born from groups of stars, they swimmed, danced, played and flew as if they were parto f a celebration. On the ground modern music didn’t match the appearence of the building from where it came, like a contagious flow of energy. By my side, there was a being that did not exist in the book that introduced me to this world.
The face of a Wolf, with very few traces of a human face, it’s eyes were picth black like the sky, the otrso of a man covered in a dark gray fur, donning clothes surprisingly modern for the enviroment. It had big hands with slightly long fingers bared what appeared to be claws, it’s legs where akin to a wolf ’s, barefotted not because it was poor, but because it was costumary to creatures who look like animals to walk that way, since they don’t require shoes. It’s tail was long and furry, with irregular patterns of white and light blue combined with his beatifull gray.
It’s appearence surprised me, although nothing would scared me as much as what followed, it turnned towards me with it’s tranquil and dark eyes and said:
–Its beatifull isn’t it? – it could see me!! And it knew of my invasion, but most importantly was the who was thw figure before me.
Our places had been swapped, now I was the guest in his world, the reader must have noticed right? The boy was the creature who stood before me and made me feel so vulnerable and safe with it’s mere presence.
In an attempt to avoid any new surprises that the boy could create I saw myself out of his mind and returned to the vessel I created, which was standing still staring at the child that was scribbling on his book, which was actually more of a guide for his marvelous world. Noticing that my puppet was moving once again he welcomed me with a smile as he said:
–Forgot your manners? But that doesn’t matter now, do you understand my proposition now? I want you top ut me in my world and create the trail which I’ll follow in this new life.
His words did not reach me due to all the commotion up to that moment. Then the final proof fo his sincerity hit me, the book that represented his life up to that moment turnned into small spheres of light before my eyes. He dismantled his own book...such a feat never once ocurred since the beginning of all living things, all his history was erased, he disappeared of the minds of all those who had contact with him, he turnned himself into a phanthom, not a single trace of his existence was left behind in the “real” world from where he once came.
–You actually gave upon everything... – I said shattering the silence, my voice was dark as the eyes of the Wolf-man – ...and now you place all of your hopes of having your dreams made a reality in me...
–I can’t think of a better person to guide me.
–Very well, lets...
–Wait! – he shouted. – I only ask three things: first, my name will be Jack, nothing more, nothing less; second, use my diary to build the world; third and most important...take good care of my dream!
I didn’t give him another second, I servered his thread and his body disappeared. Don’t misunderstand me, but I feared that if I continued my conversation with him I would not be able to grant his wish, I would rather make him my companion, we would read the greatest stories ever created, we would analise the lives of the mortals and...
I beg you pardon dear reader, for finding myself lost in my thoughts, now that the story of this book has been brought up to light, I’ll explain some aspects of the body of this book, some fragments of it will be in a different editing from the general text, these are excerpts of the boy’s diary and they explain certain aspects of this world when necessary.
Now that all these details have been explained, the time to start the story has already passed, one last warning though: if you expect something for childish or lighthearted you better stop reading, because this story is alive and won’t be for those who belive that fantasy elements are part of something that has it’s boundaries of light and darkness perfectly defined. You’ve been warned.
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