#this is so fluffy ugh
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
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how dare they be so cute 🥺
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beybuniki · 21 days
I think the dissonance between you and the anons comes from the fact that you do see shipping potential with other characters their age but not bkdk, if that makes sense? Like you can see other pairings through a shipping lens so why not bkdk also (I’m not saying you have to, I’m just assuming people see it as a double standards of sorts)
which i would understand if i hadn't stated multiple times that i am not rejecting any romantic reading at all whatsoever, so i don't know why people act like i am, especially when i retweet ship fan art occasionally like why is this so serious to some people help
but to spell it out, i do not enjoy throwing bakugo and deku into silly ship scenarios as easily as i do in other constellations because their canon relationship is more complex and my opinions on their dynamic are more nuanced and deeper than my opinions on their friendships with other characters. the implications of 17yo bakugo asking deku out on a date differ from the implications of someone like rody asking deku on a date and i don't rlly feel like ignoring that.
i do think that deku had a crush on bakugo as a kid and he does carry some of that into their teenage years and makes everything more complicated like i am not denying that, which is why im confused by people who accuse me of having a double standard when my own interpretation and fan art more often than not hinges on this assumption. just because i don't see bakugo recognize or reciprotate any of that does not mean they can't have that one day, throwing them into that as teens just goes against the reading that i'm very commited like it's not that easy (the love thing), or i wouldn't want it to be that easy it doesn't feel right to me
some people do and i like and respect those readings, i wouldn't share their art/thoughts or do those requests otherwise lmao
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
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Goth Vaggie because how could you let her be so tasteless in the gothness bro. Please... atleast one hint at goth vaggie 😔
My other non related Vaggie redesign sort of expression sheet + goth vaggie x Charlie under cut vvvv
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Didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to. I think I rushed out the sketch and tried to fix it in line art as best as I could. Soo... I love Vaggie guys. Like a normal amount yknow? So normal. (It's crazy. I kin Charlie ofc but Vaggie is literally so mmmff)
Still trying to find a consistent head shape for Vaggie sooo I'll jst practice I guess
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Very VERY messy and quick doodle I shit out. Might finish one day, these new nails make digital art hard (i draw on phone and am too pussy for computer and I'm too poor for traditional art lmao so expect shit art for a bit maybe unless i thug it out fr)
I love these goobers so much 💜💜
Charlie tryinna not look at booba, respect women even tho they is in bed wit you 🗣🔥
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wrylu · 5 months
FUCK!!! it's finally done. after a whole day
COD CHARACTERS, but they're B U G S
cw insects!! if you get hibbie jibbies from buggo art or just bugs in general, u can scroll💗
and for those who wanna see the art, it looks better if you click on it and zoom in on it or something :)
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the worms in my brain bothered me last night to draw cod characters but they're bugs and this morning i started IMMEDIATELY
at the cost of my fingers, wrists, and hands 🕊
the amount of tags on this one.
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loo-nuh-tik · 5 months
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Ilkka Villi || Kullannuput
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theinfinitedivides · 4 months
recently every time i read an Aldis Hodge interview and he's geeking out like 'i got married!!!!! i have a kid!!!!! i'm going to be in [insert title of next coolest project here]!!!!!' my thought process is just 1. congratulations, ofc you're geeking out (as you should) and 2. do you need a third
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Daniel Brühl as Markus Baasweiler ("Schnubbi")
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general-dweebous · 7 months
I need someone to reassure me (preferably in fic-form) that Halsin would still be infatuated with me even though bugs freak me out and I’m barely a fan of camping. His whole world is nature and I’m over here like screaming over a spider and needing a cozy blanket or something
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Buddie Week Day 4: Eddie calling Buck 'Evan'
@911buddieweek (terribly sorry to the fest admin for tagging after the week is over! I really wanted to complete the week as a personal challenge even if it's delayed)
I’ll rearrange the letters of your name to spell love
Eddie starts calling Buck by 'Evan' and doesn't stop once he realizes Buck doesn't mind.
5 times Eddie calls him Evan, and one time Buck calls him Edmundo.
Mature (for mild sexual content only in the beginning) | 2,817 words
> Established Relationship, Dorks in Love, SO MUCH FLUFF, The power of names (or something like that)
Eddie's eyes are shining bright with emotions and he has that one smile that he has when he's around Chris; Buck thinks it means love but Eddie is not at that point where he's said it to Buck yet. Buck doesn't mind, Eddie declares his love for Buck in a hundred different ways. He doesn't need words to tell him that. Eddie places a hand against his face and gently caresses Buck's cheek. “Do you want me to call you Evan more?”, he asks softly. And Buck swallows against the rush of feelings at the thought. “Yes. Yeah, I think so”, he says, and he knows he sounds strangled, his voice raw but Eddie doesn't say anything. He pulls Buck closer, back to tuck his head against his neck and moves his hand up and down Buck's back soothingly. “Anything for you, Evan”, and Buck lets out a happy sigh against him. Because that too sounds like ‘I love you’ when it comes from Eddie.
Read on AO3!
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stonermujer · 6 months
Cuddling with Alex
|A/n: just realized I’m shit at writing fluff. And titles.Also wrote this at like four in the morning bc I couldn’t sleep.
Most definitely loves being held
(Little spoon, being cradled, in between your thighs, basically any position where your holding him.)
He lays in between your chest using you as a pillow. His arms wrapped around your waist tightly. Your legs intertwined as you share the blankets. The soft heaving of chests and your breathing.
(Think of that one picture where he’s holding that pillow)
OR… he’d be the little spoon after a long day. Your arms slung around his waist as he sleeps. Stroking his hair and softly kissing the back of his head. Pulling him closer to your body since he’s so warm.
I feel like he’s always warm.
He’d love laying in between your thighs resting his head on your chest when your sitting on the couch or something.
He just loves being held :((
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steveinscarlet · 2 months
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dreamersville · 1 year
my headcannons for tamaki amajiki
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an? i was projecting ... just a little bit tho. a little smidget🤏🏾. but he dont get enough content and im suing the mha fandom for this !! and i had to throw in some black hcs, it was inveitable request are open
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- my husband 
- you not finna sit here and tell me he dont got some corny jokes stuck up in his head. his best friend is MIRIO, i know he got some jokes floating around in that noggin, but he’s too shy to say them out loud in fear that: nobody gonna laugh or get the jokes. but on a rare occasion he tells mirio and neijere. 
- if he knows he got to meet somebody new, like when he got intern for fatgum, he writes out what he wanna say and practices in his mirror for hours on end. one time mirio popped through the mirroir while tamaki was pratatcing and left with a broken nose. 
- he snoops out all the spots where he could sneak off and hide at lunch or when he feelings overwhelmed
- if he doesnt like a certain type of food, he gonna find a way to make it taste better. so because of this he got some weird food combinations that are unappeling to the eye, but tatse soooooo goood. he brings his combinatons to fatgum so he could try them out and get feedback. 
- most definitelyyyyyyy watches cooking shows with fatgum and kiri, once he’s comfortable enough. and he really gets into with the commentary. has a strange obsession with hell’s kitchen. he always get so into the show during the finale, planning out the restaurant desgins with the contestant and his menus too. 
- relationship headcannons or wtv
- he stares at you doing simple things a lot. you could really be doing anythinggg and this man you be in a tranceee, because like how you, a star who sines so bright, be with him, he would never know. 
- he a romantic. he always dreamed of sweeping or getting sweeped off his feet, and falling hopelessly in love. he got a list of romantic things he wants to do. and now that hes in a relationship its the perfect time to cross some things (hopefully all) off of his list. he didnt tell you about it you found the notebook while yall were studying in his room. without him knowing and took a picture off it so you could help it come true. (AHHHH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YALL) 
- one time he seen matching butterly pins and got them because he wanted to match with you. 
- we all know this but, he very shy when it come to PDA. so expect a lot of lingering touches, locking pinkey, occaisonal hand holding if he feeling bold that day, tends to hold on to your cholthing/accessories because he doesnt wanna drift to far apart from you, and noticed when you startoing wearing things that were easier for him to grab and fell more in love
-  but in private???? he’s a needy baby, greedy for some TLC. hes very shy to initiate it at first, but you could see the longing look in his eye and cuddle up to him. but once he comfortable enough he is start doing trying to inatate it. 
- omg if you have piercings or tattoos or anything of the sort, you could always find hims absentmindedly messing with the piercing or lightly tracing the tattoo, if youre okay with it of course. and if you want him to
- isnt really good at comforting people with his words so he tries with his actions. so if you come to him sad he has this whole sections of things dedicated to making you happier in his closet.
- when you came through with a different hairstly (braids, a wig, change of color, haircut ect.) he was stuck. stuck. stuck. cause omg omg omg you look so good. poor baby is stuck stuttering out compliments. one time you asked him to take pictures during golden hour. babes ... why would you think he could do that idk buttt he tried and they all came out blurry, but a cute blurry
- loves loves lovessss putting oil in your hair !! it always leaving the room smelling nice and it seems to relax you so win win. loves watching you stretch your hair out too. its just so satisfying to watch you do your hair. 
- he knew about some black foods from watching the shows, but he didnt know know until you cooked for him. baby wanted to get down on a knee and marry you after that first bite. now he always look forward to when you cook for him. but if you cant, you’ve got a great teacher to start learining how. he always wanted to cook with his s/o
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likesummerrainn · 8 months
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IMPACT Bound For Glory | 10.21.23
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a-dorin · 2 months
"Bundling up in five layers before stepping outside."
and han worries that you'll get too cold so he wraps his own coat around you just to be safe before you both go on patrol of hoth base
this one warms my heart <3
“and where do you think you’re going?”
spinning on your heel, you face him, “outside. on a patrol.”
he arches a brow, “without me?”
“you had things to do,” you scoff, rolling your eyes slightly, “earlier, you were adamant that the falcon was in need of repairs.”
“well,” he exhales, shaking his head as he peels off his jacket, “you’ll need this.”
“han—“ warmth floods your cheeks as gentle hands take yours, guiding them one by one into the sleeves of the jacket, “you don’t have to do this.”
“but i want to, lovebug,” he murmurs, pressing light kisses across the crown of your head, “you need some layers. i can’t have you freezing your ass off out there.”
“what a gentleman,” a giggle erupts as he pulls you close, placing yet another kiss on your forehead, nearly smushing you, “i love you.”
“i love you too,” warmth envelops your frame as he places another coat in your hands, “bundle up, lovebug.”
“i will, i will,” you affirm, pulling your scarf out of a pcoket, “i’ll be safe and warm now, thanks to you.”
“of course. now go kick some ass if there’s any trouble.”
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fatuismooches · 10 months
But this also gave me a brainrot aboit bathing with harbingers
YES PANTALONE IS A RICH BASTARD and uses tons of skin and hair caring products. He enjoys being taken care of and will do the same in return, that's a fair exchange. Just wash his hair and listen to him complaining about his co-workers asking for budget raise for 10th time this month I think he's very stressed and tired by the end of the day, he might even doze off right in bath, since it's warm here and you gently stroke his hair (he looks cute-but wake him up please or he'll end up with sore neck)
Columbina gives me vibe of a person, who uses a lot of silly stuff, like bath bombs or salt. She's playful and will splash you, which will turn into a war with water being all over the floor (poor people who'll have to clean it up..). She's another one to possibly fall asleep in bathtub, so wake her up too. She also sings in shower
We should stop slandering only Dottore, bc Childe is also a type of person to give you a biiig hug, while covered in blood. But, well, he's easier to get to wash himself. Like Bina, he's also playful and will summon small water animals to entertain both of you (he will create a small narval and gently bup it on your nose... Before breaking it, so you'll have water over your face, bc you're so adorable when flushed!! You're allowed to splash him for this)
I think Sandrone forgets about bathing, drowned in her work and if you invite her, Sandrone will say she'll take a quick shower to return to her work. Please convince her to come with you, she needs rest. In bathtub, all of her thoughts are about unfinished projects :(
Hehe YES it's obvious Pantalone only uses the most exquisite, high-end products (have you seen his hair? absolutely LUSCIOUS) He probably made a deal with the company to have the stuff delivered to him regularly so he doesn't need to keep buying it lol, but YES he lovesss to pamper you but he also adores being pampered in return. But you gotta make sure you're a pro at it, don't tug or pull on his hair too roughly, be gentle when washing him, you know what I mean. Make sure to sympathize with him and be very soft as he complains to you about how that doctor is using up his funds with no progress. Make sure to give him lots of kisses when he decides the perfect napping place is laying on your chest in the middle of the big af bath tub 😭 (Also get him out of there because a sore Pantalone is a grumpy Pantalone) But he'd also be the kind of guy to be romantic as hell and put candles around the bath and have a book to read in there too :3
AND OMFGG 100% AGREE ON COLUMBINA SHE LOVES TO DO STUFF LIKE THAT. You two always try out new things to put in the bath, I feel like she's really one of those self-care people so your skin is gonna be ultra soft. Though she is extra silly and loves to set you up for literal ATTACKS by her (throw the rubber duckies at her pls) And yea she can fall asleep literally anywhere so try your best to get her out 😭 OMG the singing in the shower😭😭 I love her she definitely gets the best song ideas in there with you... it's brainstorm time
I HATE TO SAY IT BUT YOU'RE 100% RIGHT ON CHILDE...😭😭 Bro comes back after destroying multiple Hilichurl and Treasure Hoarder camps and is ready to hug you to death... baby i love u but CLEAN UP FIRST. But at least he actually loves the baths/the water in general so it's actually quite fun (you're just sad for the person who needs to wash his clothes 💀) He's actually so cute after a shower because his hair is all damp but then you get to see it fluff up back to life with that long ahoge 😭 He's also extra cuddly and won't let go of you <3
SANDRONE BABY NO... get her robots to turn against her. Don't let her leave until she's had a long, warm bath. Her mind will still probably drift to her robots and incomplete puppets... but give her a really good scrub and wash (she won't admit it but she feels way better after working nonstop) (she dives back right into working nonstop again though) Though i feel like she secretly likes to be pampered, lol she doesn't even walk by herself, her robot carries her. So though she doesn't express her gratitude much verbally she is thankful deep down.
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jaymber · 6 months
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I should study, but modding got the better of me...
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