#this is so fucking sweet thank you for remembering me !!! im so glad to hear this dude
crushsuggestions · 2 years
I’m happy to see you active again!! I used to ramble on anon about my crush, way, way back, and we’ve since started dating!! we’ve been together for a year and a half and I’ve never been happier! to everyone out there feeling nervous, you’re totally valid, but please, please, try to fight off that anxiety as best as you can! things can work out and confessions can go well. sometimes, you just need to panic and ramble about your feelings while half asleep because you’re too tired to actually be anxious???
( thank you so much - im so proud of you !!! also hardcore agree, sometimes getting it out in words does so much good, it's why i started this blog in the first place 😎🥰💖 )
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burntb4bydoll · 11 months
i just got off my period so im hella horny
2023 Tom Kaulitz x fem!reader
Warnings: sex toys ( a vibrator), praising, daddy kink
You were sprawled out in front of Tom with a bullet vibrator in his hand. He had bought it a while back, but ended up forgetting about it so you never got around to using it. Obviously he had remembered that he bought it because he woke you up from your nap so that he could use it on you. He had already discarded your bottoms before he sat between your legs, caressing them comfortingly.
“Ok hun, you ready?” He asked, turning on the toy. You just nodded, a little nervous because you had never used one before. Even though you nodded, he needed verbal confirmation. “Words, baby. You know daddy wont do anything until I hear that pretty voice of yours.” You wiggle your hips up towards him before huffing out an annoyed sigh
“Yes daddy, please just do it already!” The sentence sounded a lot brattier that you intended, making Tom lightly slap your thigh.
“Enough with that attitude, or I’ll leave you here without letting you cum.” The threat make your attitude disappear quickly, not wanting him to punish you.
“ ‘m sorry daddy,” you pouted “I just need you so bad. Please?” His eyes softened after seeing the look on your face. All he did was nod, bringing the vibrating toy up to your cunt. The second that it touched your body, you let put a small yelp and closed your legs around his hand. Tom laughs a little before using his free hand to spread your legs.
“Oh? You liked that, huh baby?” He pushes the vibrator to slowly push into your entrance. The new feeling made you moan loudly, your head leaning back against the pillow underneath you. Tom starts to pump the toy into you slowly, eventually picking up the pace once you got used to the feeling. “God, you are so wet right now. Is it making you feel good?” You nod, “yeah? How about I go a little faster…” he didn’t let you get a chance to respond before immediately speeding up his movements. You back arched off the bed and your hands tangle themselves in his long hair. “Such a good girl. Daddys so proud of you, sweetheart. You’re doing such a good job.”
“Thank you daddy! It feels ‘s good…” you pant, subconsciously grinding yourself into the toy. He pulls the toy out, replacing it with his fingers. The loss of contact made you whimper, your eyes opening to give Tom a pleading look.
“Shh, it alright…Im gonna try something, just be patient.” Tom leans down to press a kiss to the corner of your lips in attempt to calm you. He trailed the vibrator up to your clit, making your whole body jolt.
“Oh fuck! Tom, that feels s-so good!” The pleasure was clouding your mind, so you didn’t notice how you called him by his name until he pulled away from you.
“Is that what you call me? Hm?” His voice is sweet, but the look on his face makes chills crawl up your spine.
“No, daddy. Im sorry, I didn’t mean to call you that. Please keep going…I’ll be good I promise!” He smiles at your desperate voice, placing the toy back onto your clit. He continues for a while before smirking to himself. You catch a glance of his face and give him a confused look. “What? Why are you smiling like that..?”
“There’s a higher setting on this thing…you wanna test it out?” You think for a second before nodding quickly. The sounds of the vibrations grow louder as he slowly turns up the intensity. Your legs start to tremble as he pushes the toy harder onto your sensitive clit. You could feel your stomach growing tighter and you moan,
“Daddy, I need to cum so bad. Let me cum please. I need it so bad!” Toms fingers start to curl inside of you,
“Come on, baby. Come on daddys fingers like a good girl.”
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flowercitti · 10 months
Hi!! I loved your Tav/Astarion fic where they draw his face, it was so good and tender ; ; could i request something sweet where Astarion does something selfless for Tav? presumably after the graveyard scene in Act 3 where he's finally free to be himself! thank you!
Thank you sm im glad you enjoyed my other fic! 🌸🤍 And thank you sm for sending a request! Took me a little while to figure out what i wanted to do, but I hope this fits the theme!
Fluff/Angst/Gender-Neutral Tav
Astarion taking care of a sick Tav post-canon.
It has been a very long time since Astarion has cared for another living soul outside of his own.
What would he have done with compassion during those two centuries of torture? What good would it do him, to find himself caring, to find a morsel of kindness in his rotting soul? It would not have allowed him to escape Cazador, it would not have stopped the ache in his bones, the gnawing pain that ate away at his un-beating heart. Any softness inside of him quickly died with his screams of agony—or perhaps it had died the moment his heart stopped and his throat was ripped out, a corpse left to bleed out into the unforgiving dirt.
Astarion had woken up in his own grave, choking on congealed blood and forced to climb out through the dirt until his nails had fallen off. When he found Cazador there waiting for him, he knew that his life had ended a second time.
All he had was himself—trapped in his own body as he was, barely scraps of a person, skin and flesh that was named but left vacant.
He did not care for his supposed siblings. There was no point in feeling a thing for the poor, pitiful creatures that were just as trapped as he was. Unwilling perpetrators in his torture, but perpetrators nonetheless—sorry sacks of flesh that were just as fucked as he was. He thought—knew, for a long time, that none of them were going to make it out of this.
They were going to die here, enslaved and starving and empty, or tortured for the rest of eternity.
It was death that Astarion yearned for most after so long, when freedom seemed like the dreams of someone far younger and more naive than he was. It was barely a decade before he gave up, before he knew there was no point anymore. His body had been twisted, changed, and something wicked and burning pulsed through his veins—like the thick sludge of tar, like the foul stench of sewer water and waste.
Whoever Astarion was before—they were long gone now.
There was nothing left, no family, no friends, no lovers that lasted longer than a night. Perhaps he had a mother, perhaps not. He couldn’t remember after long enough, drowning in a cloud of pain, his mind swimming, thoughts and memories sliding out of his hands like water. Flashes of soft hands, of a motherly voice and the hum of a gentle melody to greet him at the deepest recesses of his mind. Maybe he had just come up with such a thing for comfort, he doesn’t know.
Days would pass in episodes of complete dissociation, his mind so utterly disconnected from his own body, eyes only catching flickers of lights and colors before he retreated again. His body would move and he would not know why, he would hear voices and he could never make them out, his mouth would move with noise that he could not hear.
Cazador hated it most—when Astarion was too gone to feel it.
“My sweet Astarion. Where have you gone, boy?”
Astarion was not sweet—his flesh felt putrid, like the peeling of rotten fruit, like he were flayed open and bare for picking. His mouth tasted like the blood of rodents and maggots, or the spit and release of another body he could not remember the face of. He felt like a retched thing, his blood poisonous and his mind infested, a disgusting thing that Cazador owned—a kept thing that did not remember what it felt like to be alive.
Other times, Astarion felt everything in bright, startling clarity. Every starburst of pain, every touch, every drop of his own blood spilling onto the floor. Cazador loved it when he screamed, when he was brought to pathetic tears, too broken to scramble for a semblance of dignity—but never so pitiful as to bother with begging. It would have done nothing, would have granted him no mercy, and would have only served to please Cazador’s sadistic whims. It was a lesson he had learned early, that he held no power, no control. What was done to his body was done, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Inescapable—pressing over his skin like a sticky film, keeping him trapped, keeping him present when all he wanted to do was slip away. It was a cycle, unending, and it went on for over two bloody centuries.
Any remnants left of Astarion’s heart had been carved out and eagerly feasted upon before his own eyes. He believed that he was never going to get it back, that he wouldn’t even want it, should it be offered. He had no use for it now, had no use for more weakness, more pain.
And then he finally tasted freedom again—and then there was Tav.
After two centuries of pure shit, of torture and existing as the barest sliver of a person, Astarion began to remember what it felt like to care.
It was fucking terrifying. It was exhilarating, gratifying, like waking anew. Astarion hasn’t even felt alive in the past two-hundred years, and now he feels like he’s been washed clean and left a different person. Hopefully for the better, this time around, and so much of it is due to Tav and their persistence. They helped him wipe Cazador’s sorry face off the planet, and stayed at his side every step away, patient and kind when Astarion didn’t deserve a bit of it.
He cares about them, even when he had thought he’d forgotten how to, and he can’t help but be grateful for even having the chance to try.
And right now—Tav is sick.
They’ve barely left their bed in two days now, curled under thick furs and shivering, little more than a head that peaks out from under their cocoon. They only leave to piss or puke their guts out, before crawling back under the comforters and passing out.
It isn’t fatal, and it will pass within the coming week, even with the discomfort and pain. Tav is resilient and tough, has been through far too much to be taken by simple illness. Astarion knows that they’ll make it out of this just fine, that they’ll be back on their feet soon. They don’t need a bedside nurse, and surely not in the form of Astarion of all people—but.
He’s cradling a bowl of soup in his hands. Its heat is stark against the natural frigidness of his skin, and the chicken broth makes his stomach turn, food that would expel itself immediately should Astarion venture for a taste. But the soup is for Tav, prepared to the best of Astarion’s ability, and surely edible. He hopes.
He places it on Tav’s bedside table, perching himself delicately on the edge of the bed.
“You haven’t eaten anything today, darling.” He says quietly, his hand brushing gently over Tav’s shivering shoulder. It’s nearly noon now, but the room is bathed in pitch black to protect Astarion from the sun’s rays. He misses the warmth of it, now that he is unable to traverse under its watchful eye—but he dispels the thoughts quickly lest it sour his mood.
Tav makes a small noise, turning over to face Astarion, blinking up at him blearily. Their eyes are glassy, their face tacky with sweat, lashes fluttering as they try focus.
“Huh?” They mumble dumbly, tongue thick in their mouth, a hitch catching in their throat that’s immediately followed by wracking coughs.
Astarion winces, placing a hand on their forehead and almost flinching away at the temperature, “You’re nearly scorching, dear.”
Tav blinks, their brows furrowing, “Thank you.”
Astarion resists the urge to allow his head to sink down into his hands.
He only huffs instead, “Come now, I need you sitting up for this. If you spill all this soup on yourself after I spent so much time preparing it, I’ll be very—upset with you.” The words are stilted, far softer than the terse tone he was going for. True, genuine threats used to slip off his tongue so easily, even in regards to Tav—if he was pissed off enough. Now, he just sounds like a doting hen—a loving husband, maybe.
But Tav looks nearly worried, though moving easily with Astarion’s urging hands, propped up against the headboard, cushioned with pillows.
“Aren’t you hungry?” Tav asks suddenly, their hand wrapping around one of Astarion’s wrists. They hold him there, a feverish looks in their eyes. “You—you haven’t fed in a while.” They pout, tugging at their shirt collar, as if they were preparing to bare their neck right then and there.
There’s something that twists behind Astarion’s ribs—tight and heart-shaped.
He pushes Tav’s shirt back up, lingering briefly over the warmth of their skin, “You’re sick, darling. I’m not feeding off of you when you’re like this. I shan’t starve without you, I promise.” He says lightly, taking the cooling bowl of soup in his hands, ignoring the violent churn of his gut. Tav looks nearly teary-eyed when he turns back to them, their lips twisted in discomfort, their gaze burning with fever. Astarion sighs quietly, taking the side of their face in one palm, silently delighted when they sink in to the gentle touch.
“Come now, don’t look so sad. How about this—I—I’ll feed you this time, hm?” His thumb traces over their cheekbone, “You needn’t be the one looking after me.”
Tav sniffles, “I like taking care of you.”
Astarion takes a measured breath, trying not to stare blankly at such a bold-faced admission. He thinks Tav may come closer to killing him than Cazador ever did.
“Yes, yes, I know dear. Now eat, and once you’re all better, you can be your perfect, doting self again.” He pulls his hand away reluctantly, but the warmth of Tav’s skin stays pressed into his palm.
But Tav seems to hum happily at the thought, gratefully accepting the spoonful of soup that Astarion brings to their lips. They make no obvious face of disgust, so Astarion decides that it truly is edible. That, or they’re too delirious from fever to even notice—but they eat the whole bowl regardless. They can barely keep their eyes open by the time its empty, their chest rising and dropping with slow, deep breaths.
“Lets lay you back down before you pass out. You’ll whine about the crick in your neck if you fall asleep like this.” Astarion tells them, bullying them back under the covers as they groan sadly, looking far too small and breakable against the large mattress.
“I feel awful.”
Astarion swallows, gently brushing his knuckles over their forehead. “You’ll get better soon, love. You needn’t worry.” The words sound as if they were meant more for him, a strange tightness in his throat.
He knows that they will be fine, he knows that. They’ve both been through worse. And yet—
He leans down, lips brushing over their forehead, far too hot and sweaty. He lingers for a moment longer anyways, listening to the soft murmur of contentment that leaves Tav’s mouth.
“I love you.” They mutter drowsily, their eyes flickering open for just a moment before they slip closed again.
Astarion breathes out, weak and shuddering.
“I love you too, darling. Now sleep, I’ll be back soon enough.”
Thank you sm for reading! If you wish to send me Astarion-flavored requests for fic or headcanons, they’re still open! ☺️🤍
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mourninglamby · 2 months
Very very excited to hear u talk more about mortis metamorphosis, u truly were a beacon of light in the depravity of that fandom. I literally remember when u started posting about it and being so excited bc u have been an artist I’ve looked up to for so long!!!! Years and years fr!!!!! Anyway yeah glad you are taking that trainwreck of a story and actually making something Genuine🙏
wow thank you!!! that is truly so sweet i appreciate u sticking around <333
i also want to address this because ive been seeing discourse lately that's got me a little uneasy ... but a lot of what i already have written and want to expand on is based on canon dsmp. it will never be fully separate because the allure of the original (the fucked up shit/character dynamics being a mimicry of real life to an uncomfortable and almost predictive extent) is baked into every bit of content i would go further into detail abt, and im fully aware of that. thats neither good nor bad. it exists and im fascinated by it. im not endorsing them by working on this and anyone who believes i am is a fucking moron and i need to remind myself of this often. its something im deeply insecure about.
my retelling, or "mortis metamorphosis", is like an adaptation from an author who plucked dsmp from public domain. ive thought more about this and i think id keep tagging my work as dsmp along side mortis metamorphosis ... it would feel a bit sneaky to try and claim it all as my own when it belongs to everyone. even if i plan on putting my own spin on it.
what you all must remember is that nobody creating "ocs" out of dsmp characters are doing it out of malice. most of us are just very scared and uncomfortable with whats currently taking place, and dealing with the complicated emotions that go with still finding comfort in this story. thats all ... meow
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fruitsoxs · 11 months
hello socks!! im not sure if you're taking requests but i want to suggest you something.. i don't remember if i ever saw someone writing about vash being trans (you know.. since he's a plant and most plants have female bodies etc) so what about a sexy moment between trans vash with an afab reader ;;
ahhh of course! i love this hc!
pairing; (trans) vash x (afab) reader warnings; smut, !NSFW MINORS DNI!, fingering, pussy eating, notes; special thanks to @meryls-gf , @trigunsbbygirl , and @jan3sm1th for helping me find the courage to post this lol -- i was hella nervous for this request
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His chest rises and falls slowly as he stares down into the eyes below him. He’s almost hypnotized by the sight of your lips trail down his stomach, kissing the skin so delicately. Almost like you’re afraid of hurting him. He’s glad that you are, because if you were to pick up the speed at all he’s afraid he might explode. He’s already feeling such intense things just by the sight of you.
He can’t believe he ever got so lucky as to have you in his life like this. Kissing him, loving him, fucking him with your fingers as he squirms and moans. You’re the only one who can make him come undone like this. 
“Does that feel good baby?” You ask, the soft pads of your fingers curling up inside him. He squeezes around you, moaning as tears begin to accumulate in his eyes. The sounds of his cries mixed with the sloppy noises of his pussy echo around the room, creating a harmony of sinful noises. “I’ll take that as a yes.” You mumble and lean down, your face hovering over his vagina.
He cries out at just the feeling of your breath so close to his throbbing clit. His hands are tied above his head by a piece of cloth, or else he’d be grabbing at your head. You let out a little chuckle as he whines for your touch, but you don’t give in. Not yet. You want to hear him beg for it, and he knows that. 
“Please.” he whispers and you pause your movements. “What was that?” you ask, looking up at him with an innocent gaze. He squirms his hands around and lets out a few more whimpers. “Please- Please I need it.” He cries out wanting your lips against him so desperately, but you still don’t do it. No, your mouth stays above him teasing him with your breath. “Need what?” you ask, leaning a bit closer. 
“I need you to- please-” the tears are back as he begs. He’s so needy, but he knows you love it. You love seeing him messy and wanting. Something in your eyes changes at the sight of him. “Alright baby.” you finally agree, closing the distance between your lips and that sweet spot that has been neglected up to this point.
When your tongue presses against him he lets out a soft cry, hips thrusting upward to meet your mouth. You use your free hand to press him down against the bed, and  nip at him with your mouth. You drink in his noises, wrapping your lips around his clit gently. It's loving, but so intense at the same time. Vash can feel the heat building up inside his gut.
The pleasure is like nothing he’s ever experienced. When he’s with you like this, all pain and despair from his everyday life disappears into a euphoria he almost can’t describe. It’s unlike anything he’s ever had before, and he can only get it from the feeling of you on his lips. It’s magical. 
His back arches as you add another finger into the mix, fingering him with a new intensity. His eyes squeeze shut. “Oh. Oh.” he moans out, head tilting back as your fingers move in and out. His walls tighten around you and you let out a groan. The vibration makes his head spin. He can’t stand this much longer. “I’m so close. So close.” he murmurs, barely audible over his moaning. He’s getting close fast, and he wants to let you know.
“Such a good boy.” you say against his clit, and he lets everything go.
He cries out your name as he cums around your fingers and tongue. His toes curl, and his head goes back. His eyes are half lidded, high on his own pleasure. He’s so caught up in his climax that he doesn’t even realize as you pull your fingers out and climb back up over his body. When he opens his eyes, they widen at the sight of you above him, grinning at what you have made of him.
You lean down and kiss up his cheeks, wiping away the salty tears that cover his face. He closes his eyes and smiles at the feeling. When your lips touch his, he kisses back. He can still taste himself on your lips. He presses his tongue against your lips. When you open up for him, he licks around your mouth soaking in his own taste. He lets out a small whine as you pull away, the desperation from before back.
“Don’t worry, we aren’t done yet.”
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I’m obviously super fuckin late to this but WHAT THE FUCK WAS HARRYS SURPRISE FOR Y/N??? (ysijwa) sorry not yelling I knew when I started this fic it was unfinished and I thought I’d be able to handle it but I severely underestimated my emotional investment
Ps you’re a beautiful writer and thank you for blessing us with what you did. I do hope it gets finished but if not thank you for all you gave us anyway. Such a beautiful story and the way the plot and characters developed was just so realistic and authentic. I’ve read many fics where like the MC is just magically the game changer and upon Harry first meeting them, it’s like an imaginary spotlight shines on them and they stand out in a crowded room. And I’ve always struggled to find that storyline believable. Like for some reason she just magically stands out? But the way y’all wrote it was just so organic and well written that it was unbelievable. In fact, he chose her for the opposite reason, which was just so bloody clever? And then I understood why she captured him over time, believed in why she was his game changer. There’s so many parts that had me giggling and hiding under my covers and grinning like a fool at my phone. So much joy and silly goofy things and little moments that were sprinkled in that I feel get missed in other fics. His goon squad being so funny. And the c/w’s were just the cutest. And there’s so much personality in both of y’all’s writing. I know I had more to say but I’m blanking. Will drop back by and let you know if I remember pending this message isn’t annoying for you. It was just a joy to read.
OH MY GOD PLSKWKDJS MY FUCKING HEART 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 YOUR MESSAGE ISNT ANNOYING AT ALL, ITS ACTUALLY MADE MY ENTIRE DAY 😭😭😭😭 thank you sm for leaving such a sweet, thoughtful message it truly made me smile so big wtf 😔😔😔
I tried to give some context clues about the surprise but essentially he built her a big pillow fort bc he knows she’s feeling homesick and it’s something her and her friends used to do :’) and he got a bracelet making kit cause she’d mentioned that too so they’re gonna have a date in there and make silly little bracelets for each other and just be goofy lovey dovey morons AS THEY SHOULD!!!
I’m so happy you liked the way the storyline developed, I know some ppl were beefing with the fact that he was so indifferent to her in the beginning 💀 but that’s what makes their relationship arc so meaningful, it wouldn’t be realistic if he just immediately took to her bc real connection takes time and effort y’know??
Pls do drop by again if you’d like, I love hearing people’s thoughts on the fic even if it’s been on hold for a bit cause of life and work 🥺 I do hope to finish it, it’s just gonna take a bit 😭 THANK YOU SM AGAIN MY HEART’S GONNA BURST
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spookyserenades · 5 months
but I wanna punch u in like a loving way ya know 🥹🥺🙈🙊🙉😭
ok i didnt have time to talk abt last chapter, but honestly all u have to know is that i loved every single word, every punctuation mark, every period, every space-
omg this chapter was wild i cant-
yoongi and y/n, I’ve never met a couple whose good and bad at communication at the same time i cant- no cause like him writing a song for her bc of her, when he played it i imaged Butterfly for some reason, the melody is so beautiful on the piano 🥺🥹 omg not him with his shirt off at the b-ball court. He rlly flexing huh, yeah sure ur too HOT 🥵 omg she got a vision, LIKE HER MOM! Will this be a reoccurring theme with her? Oooo. OMG THAT FIRST KISS WAS SO SWEET WHEN IT SORT OF CAME FULL CIRCLE WITH YOONGI ASKING HER TO KISS HIM! AND THEN HIM ASKING FOR MORE OMG ITS SO HOT WTF I KNOW I SHOULDNT BE THIS HORNY YET BUT UR WRITING IS JUST 🤌🏼 💋 THEY ARE IN LOOOOVE FR LIKE WE KNEW THEY BOTH HEAD OVER HEELS, SO HEAD OVER HEELS THEY COULDNT GET SLEEP FOR WEEKS/DAYS~ OH MAN SECRET RELATIONSHIP YEAH WELL-
omg wtf yeah secret relationship went down the drain lol. Either hobi’s hearing is super good and he’s near the room or everyone heard y/n fucking whining into yoongis mouth dam. Or he saw that quick kiss in her room omg ur cliffhangers dana drive me INSANE! Hobi is such a tease too! Now him teasing her for her heart palpitations poor girl cant handle all the handsome men around her like same girlie pop-I do wonder how this will effect the hybrids dynamics with each other and her 🤔
omg jinnies b day he deserves the world. Not him feeding her, he KNEW what he was doing and in FRONT of everyone too 😏 him warming up her hands with his breath i cant- and then going to take cooking class in February. HIM SAYING HE DOESNT WANT TO GO WITH ANYONE ELSE BUT HERRRR 😭 him saying lets go home bc home is smth he never truly haddd and he feels safe mow eeek😭😭😭😭
Omg not tae driving the way home- KNOWING THE WAY HOOOME. No cause like you can tell they probably all know the way home by heart bc they cherish her and the house sm its means so much to them i cant i actually had to stop reading after that line bc i got so emotional. Omg tae is taking his photography seriously 🥰 im so glad hes really delving into his passion! Omg their ID’s lol they must be so cute and funny 😆
ofc jimin is a responsible cutie we love, cant wait to see more scenes with him later~ but him saying y/n looks good in any photo ✋ stop sir u are such a charmer i cant- eeeeeek
omg joonie so cute. He cares for her sm and he’s the type of person to not beat around the bush. He cares and wants her to be straightforward when shes upset 😭 eeeek
omg the scene with jk- i LOVE BANTER SM and their scenes always crack me up. Jk’s dialogue is so fun! No not her giving the puppy dog eyes 🥺 and it not working… or maybe it did 😏 omg and her being bold with that KISS ON THE CHEEK- i was imagining jk when he gets surprised or zones out 😲 its so funny 😂 omg y/n has W Rizz for sure~
omg ben already predicted this my mans was just waiting for her to catch up- its so good to see him again I love y/n’s friends. Him lifting her up but also humoring her is SO what i would do if my friend was in a similar situation! Like Y/N GIRLIE POP I ARE THE IT GIRL U GOT NOTHIN TO WORRY ABT!
THANK YOU SM FOR THIS UPDATE I LOVE U SM DANA!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! Remember, make sure to take care of urself first and foremost! 😤 Love you byeeee~
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FDJSKAFHDSAF I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO PUNCH MY SKULL LMAO!! I'm so so happy that you loved the last two chapters, there was SO much that went down, I can't wait to chat about them hehehe 💜
SO fhdjsaf you're right on the money with Yoongi and MC not knowing how to communicate with each other for SHIT. Like I think they rely on telepathy or vibes too much, neither of them are mind readers... so much of their conflict these past two chapters could have been resolved if they just sat down and talked calmly about things for an hour or so!!! 💀BUT stop it right now Butterfly is one of my favorite BTS songs, so so gorgeous on the piano, and I could imagine a very similar melody that Yoongi would write for MC being something like that too. 🦋
HNNNNGGGFF Yoongi all sweaty on the court without his shirt.... damp long hair....teasing MC the whole way UGH I just know that I'd be drooling! 🥵And with that vision WHEW I'm so happy I could incorporate that into MC's character finally, I will say that this is something that will begin to happen more frequently for MC-- ever since she has been diving more into her spirituality and practices, her psychic abilities have been getting stronger.
The kiss. THE KISS!!! I'VE BEEN DYING TO WRITE SOME ROMANCE FOREVER NOW MY GOODNESS IT TOOK 13 CHAPTERS!! I just feel like Yoongi is such a 0 to 100 kind of guy when it comes to kisses, sweet and tender to begin with, then BAM super passionate and intense. I really really loved writing that scene, I'd say that Yoongi was truly desperate and yearning for MC for so long that he couldn't help but beg for more hnnnnngggg. But now they have to tip toe around for a little bit until they figure out how to tell the others, which turns into MORE yearning and AH I wanna chew on my drywall!!!! 👹
djkafdakfdask I'm excited to continue off where we left off! You know I always gotta leave you all on a cliffhanger. I wonder how MC is going to dodge Hoseok's questioning, and we don't know if he heard those two making out (he shouldn't have been able to, the music room is soundproofed...) or was perceptive to how weird MC and Yoongi were being with each other. I also feel like if Hoseok heard them, some of the others would as well, and I can think of a few (Namjoon, Tae, Seokjin for ex.) that would probably bust down that door!!! But also your theory of Hoseok possibly catching their kiss in the hallway is something that could have happened eeeee. Also I love teasing Hoseok as well he raises my blood pressure... poor MC can't even hide her heartrate from them!
UGH Jinnie's birthday he's such a sweet darling, I love that he was able to go out somewhere yummy to eat and spend time with everyone. I also really love when he feeds MC... it's so hot to me idk why like yes PLS grab my face and stare at me and treat me like a princess Jin!!! Always making sure she's warm, wanting to go to the cooking class with just her, and feeling truly at home with her and in their house I CAN'T He's just such a love. 😍
Tae baby... just like Jin, he knows where home is now and AH they're just all getting so close. You're so right, they really cherish her so so much. Tae and his photography too is so fun to write about, it's nice that he gets to express himself creatively and the other hybrids let him take their ID pictures was a sweet hidden moment that I'm happy you noticed!
Definitely more Jimin on the way!! It's been the Yoongi show for a bit, but that's just how I've planned these few chapters. Don't worry, each of them will get their turns to be the stars, which I'm super excited about in the future! Charmer Libra Jimin is my Roman Empire, totally more of a flirt and a romantic as time goes on. Joon UGH!! My little wolf, he's warmed up so much to MC, and he's very straightforward and stern like you said-- ever since the Incident, he seems to be very concerned about weather or not MC is feeling upset.
HA I love writing MC and Jeongguk's interactions, they're both such little shits and you can tell when they get on each other's nerves, but it's less antagonistic these days and more playful. He totally called her out for pouting, and while it might work for some of the others, it doesn't on him LOL. But she got him back with that kiss, huh? I bet she's been dying to do that for months...
I'm PSYCHED you mentioned Ben. He's my favorite side character to write, and it's nice that MC is able to confide in him about any of her worries. You're right, he totally caught onto her having crushes on all of them (it's probably dead obvious to him) But ahh it makes me so happy that you love him as well!! I agree, I'd probably act the same way towards MC if I were Ben-- teasing her but trying to encourage as well. 🫣
FDJAKSFH THANK YOU FOR READING AND SENDING ME SO MANY LOVELY COMMENTS!!! As always I look forward to what you have to say about updates, and I love you sm as well! Hope you had lovely holidays and a fun new year my sweets! 😘💜
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hyunjinspark · 5 months
JADE 🗣️🗣️🗣️
the screaming anon is back (what I’m now calling myself) & I just have to say…
ch. 18? the angst? the heartbreak? THE PHOTO BOOTH PICTURES??? the argument beside the train? the fact that her professor was a fucking creep? all of it.
the wait for this chapter was so worth it. the way you pieced everything together was incredible. the way that still, with everything going on between them, your writing reminds us that Hyunjin & y/n are the only two people who truly see each other. nothing else matters when it comes to them & I find that so imperative to remember as a reader. & the way that you convey their hurt & how we’re able to physically feel that heaviness & hurt & frustration alongside of them??? but somehow still feeling light whenever a laugh or a smile between the two is mentioned??? wheeew bestie, I feel it all. not to mention how heavy & exhausting it felt to be reading Hyun’s POV. like I felt so bad for him & all he wanted to do was see but also protect y/n. 😭
I had a feeling that it was the professor who was going to make some kind of pass at her, & I was completely devastated to read this, and to feel her devastation & confusion & terror was heartbreaking & unfortunately familiar due to something similar happening to me. but!! I trust you & your writing & the life that you’ve created for Hyun & y/n so I have a feeling that all of this is just the catalyst to come back together somehow. that Hyun is going to show up & be the steadfast anchor that she needs in the middle of this storm. to ease her mind & kiss her doubts & fears away. my god. 😭
& I’m sorry to bring it up again, but the photo booth pictures!!! her copy is ruined & I feel so ridiculous for sobbing when I read that they were crushed in the process but they have to make a comeback, right? like hyun has another copy & we’ll get the full explanation of how he got them?? maybe???
I love this story down to my bones & I will never not be obsessed with it. my love for it grows with each chapter & ch. 18 is just another example as to why. thank you for sharing this with us. for trusting us with your words & your creativity. for providing a story that feels like a friend & a comfort & a cozy place to reside. I hope you’re happy & healthy & are looking forward to the new year. thank you for all that you do. ♡
welcome back !! 🗣️🗣️
ohh this is such a sweet review. they are the core of the story so despite the misunderstandings, ofc they still belong together 🙁 its a relief to hear that it still conveys their bond, amongst everything going on !
im sorry to hear about that ! the professor truly sucks but yes all of that is a catalyst for everything else to come, it was also not meant to be “random” suffering for the sake of angst and i hope it doesnt come off as that 😭 it is an important plot point to the arc of the story and how everything will fall into place.
hyun definitely needs to be that anchor :( im glad you are fixated on the photobooth pictures,,, hopefully there is the other copy…
thank you for this message 🥺 i reread it a lot, and it made me feel happy.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 100. brb x oc
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WE HIT 100 CHAPTERS MY HOLY FUCK!!! this wouldn't have been POSSIBLE IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU GUYS' LOVELY SUPPORT! thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'll have to say, that the fic will soon come to a conclusion.........WHICH IS A GOOD THING SINCE I HAVE A SEQUEL PLANNED HEHEHEHEHEHEH ( you think im letting go of these two dumbasses??? never) I'll let you guys know :) in the meantime, enjoy the chapter and get ready for the party and honeymoon <333
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
2 hours before the wedding
Their wedding ceremony was set to start at four, so they had a little time to get ready. Again, neither saw each other as they got to the venue, which was what had to happen even if both desired the opposite. Rooster and Beatrice were in the northern and southern rooms of the venue, so there was no chance they’d get a glimpse of each other before the time.
Rooster had Maverick with him as he changed into his wedding suit. Wedding suit, he was really getting married…and he was glad he didn’t have a hangover - the boys decided that after a while and especially with Jolene with them, they could just order the drinks to someone’s house and have it there-  because he’d be a complete mess, even more than right now.
From where he was he could see the venue right below, he could see everything getting ready and he could even see Beatrice’s mother and aunt walking about. He was following the two women around with his eyes, all the while trying to tie his tie but everytime he thought he got it, it just fell apart on his neck, “God damn it.” he growled, looking down at the two sides of the maroon tie down his chest.
“Something wrong?” he hears Maverick ask and the younger pilot turns, gesturing to his collar with a frown, “Ah,” Mav chuckles, “Let me help.”
“Thanks.” was what Rooster said with his eyes anywhere but on Mav, thinking back when he helped him the same way at his father’s funeral. He remembers very little of it, honestly, but he does remember Mav crouching down and helping him…except now his godfather was no longer taller than he was. Bradley licks his lips, his left leg bouncing anxiously and Pete notices.
 “Easy Romeo.” he jokes, tossing the tie inside the loop around his collar, “You’ll get there soon.” Bradley laughs back, breathily, chewing his lower lip, “There you go, looking sharp.” Maverick steps back after patting his nephew’s shoulder, watching the young Bradshaw march to the mirror on the side of the room to take a look at himself.
He looked good. He always said he looked great in a suit but somehow this time he felt like he was looking incredible. He pats his breast pocket, then looks around, “Where’s the–” Maverick holds up the flowers he was looking for, making his nephew smile, “Thanks Mav.” he says, pinning it to his breast pocket as he looks back at his reflection.
Maverick watched from afar, his own arms crossed with a wistful smile on his face, “You know,” he begins, “When Goose was going to get married to Carole,” the mention of his parents makes Rooster snaps his head Mav’s way “He was nervous to the point his hands were shaking.”
Bradley looks down at his hands, being able to see a slight tremble when he holds it straight in front of his eyes, “Hah, well,maybe it runs in the family.” he jokes, clenching and relaxing his hand, popping his knuckles after a while. It’s silent for a few seconds, but Bradley finally looks up at Mav again, “Thanks for being here.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” he smiles, stepping closer to his godson to pat his back, “You know that.”
Rooster knows it. He is more than happy they made up months ago, Mav not only was his godfather, his father figure but also his best man. Having him here, being part of such a happy step in his life was more than special, it was downright incredible. He was excited, he was nervous, he was shaking just a tiny bit.
But he was glad he decided to do this.
He’s not going to get any younger, he was already thirty seven, why wait when you found the one you love? Beatrice was his one, she just showed up when time was right and his demons were mostly dealt with. He told her before that he wasn’t sure if he’d know how to deal with his feelings if they met before now - he was sure he’d still be in love with Bea, it was hard not to - and considering everything, he wasn’t sure if he’d go as far as ask her hand in marriage.
Or think about kids for that matter.
So, to him, the time worked as it should, slow yet steady. It gave him the privilege to work on himself, work on his relationship with Mav and then meet Beatrice. He smiles looking at his reflection, thinking that on the opposite side of the venue she was getting ready, probably surrounded by her sisters and bridesmaids.
“What’s on your mind,Rooster?” Mav’s question catches him off guard since he was busy thinking about his future wife, “You got quiet suddenly.”
Bradley laughs softly, dropping his head with the same little smile, “I’m thinking about Beatrice.” he says gently, much to Maverick’s amused smile, “...you know,” he digs his hands in his pants pockets, walking away from the mirror, “When I first saw her I was so smitten,Mav. She is such…this spark or joy and brightness that just drew me in. I couldn’t ignore her no matter how I tried, I just wanted her to notice me.”
Bradley walks further away from the mirror, eventually landing on the couch in the room, stretching his legs in front of him with a sigh, “I wanted her from the very beginning. I see that now…it was a crush, sure but it was more than one. You know how crazy that is?”
Pete chuckles but nods, “I think I can imagine that.”
Rooster’s eyes follow Maverick as he sits down next to him, “Were my parents like that?”
“Oh yeah.” Maverick chuckles, “Hit them fast, pretty much like you two.” Maverick leans back on the couch, crossing his legs by the knee and supporting his elbow on the couch’s armrest, “...you two remind me of them a lot.” Bradley looks up at him in surprise, “And I mean…everything,it’s like I’m reliving what happened before. The first time meeting, the first date, the lovey dovey looks…it’s really nice.”
From outside they could hear the wedding planner talking to a few people, sounds of chairs moving and fabric being tossed adding to the soft wind in that warm afternoon. “I never knew that, you never told me.”
Maverick just shrugs, “Honestly, I never thought about sharing it until now. I thought it’d be interesting.” and the two share a smile, one that resembled the one Maverick and Goose did on the very day of his wedding. “You are a man now, Brad.” he begins, “You are a man with a life you should be proud of. Even with its ups and downs, you managed and look at you now, getting married.”
Bradley’s cheeks flushed but he nodded, sighing while leaning his head back on the backrest of the couch, blowing the air through his lips, keeping his eyes on the ceiling, “Yeah, you are right.”
They were to talk more, if it wasn’t by the noise coming up from the outside followed by the door opening and his groomsmen coming in, “There he is!” Payback laughs, clapping the other pilot’s shoulder, “We were rounding the bar and look what we found!” Fanboy raises a bottle of bourbon with a bright grin, “We have to celebrate.”
“I don’t want to get hammered before the wedding,” Rooster says but he does grab the glass that Coyote hands him, thanking Fanboy when he pours some of the amber liquid inside. Every single one of them now has a glass, filled with the same amount of bourbon to just warm up before the ceremony.
“Come on, it’s your wedding day!” Coyote laughs, flopping down on the couch in front of the other two pilots, “We have to have something.”
“Speech!” Fanboy shouts, “Speech!”
Rooster laughs, looking down at the amber liquid for a second before he decides that…why not? It’s not like he plans on redoing this again. He pushes himself to his feet, giving an once over towards his friends in the room, “Well, let’s see.” he taps his finger on the side of the glass “Well,I don’t know how to start this,” he laughs, “Weird thinking about it now but…I guess I can make it short and sweet-”
“Something Hangman knows about.” the sudden cut from Coyote makes another row of laughter echo around the room, much for the blonde pilot’s unamused stare, followed by the shove on his co-pilot’s shoulder.
“Anyway,” Rooster begins once his own laughter dies down, “I just want to thank all of you for being part of this day, this very special day. When I asked you guys to be my groomsmen I didn’t do it just because you guys are my friends, you are my brothers. You are my family. There’s no one else I’d want more than you guys in here, no one else who I’d like more to have besides me. So, thank you guys, for being there for me.”
He lifts his glass in cheer, which in turn makes the other pilots stand up and repeat the motion, downing the bourbon in one gulp. Rooster smiles when his friends start talking, turning his head to the side to look at Pete, immediately freezing when he could swear he saw someone else there. Someone who looked eerily like him, someone who too lifted a glass in celebration before completely disappearing from view.
He said nothing, but the sudden warmth behind his eyes signaled that it wasn’t a trick from his mind, he wasn’t that drunk already. His lips quirk up in a little smile, taking in a deep breath and turning his attention back to his friends.
1 Hour before the wedding 
Beatrice tried to not make a face when Marina pulled her hair, holding a pin between her teeth as she tugged a few strands into a half bun, “Hold still.”
“I’m not moving,Mari.” she winces, clenching the ends of her robe. She didn’t want to go too overboard with her hairstyle, deciding that something simple would work better with what she had in mind, since her hair was already washed and clean from the spa yesterday. She only asked her sister to fix the half bun because she thought it was falling but now she was starting to regret it, “You are pulling my hair.”
‘You are moving.” Marina says in the same intonation, “Look at me?” Beatrice does watching Marina’s eyes move all over her face, her sister’s hands cupping her cheeks and turning her head back and forth, “I think it looks good.”
“Thank Jesus.” Beatrice whispers under her breath, turning around to face the vanity’s mirror, smiling when she sees her reflection. She looks really beautiful, without a doubt. She felt beautiful many times before, especially during their relationship, but she couldn’t think of a time where the word ‘magnificent’ appeared in her brain so easily.
Sabrina enters the room after a while, stopping at the door to admire her little sister, “My,my, che bella, eh?”  she closes the door behind her to approach Beatrice, appearing on her sister’s shoulder with a smile, “How are you feeling, bella?”
Beatrice laughs softly, with her hands folded on top of her lap,”Nervous, excited, happy.” she whispers, exhaling quietly, “I am very happy.” She then turns on her seat to face Sabrina, “Is mamma and papa out there?”
“Mamma is, do you want me to call her in?” Beatrice nods, giving herself an once over as her oldest sister disappears outside, hearing her call her mother. Claudia’s quick footsteps signaled she was already rushing over, immediately stepping inside while holding the ends of her dress, looking around before she met Beatrice’s eyes.
Claudia’s eyes immediately fogs over, the hand not holding her clutch comes up to cover her mouth, “Oh, mia bambina…” she whispers, handing the clutch over to Sabrina and immediately approaching her youngest daughter, “Stand up,stand up, let me see you.”
Beatrice obliges, thanking Marina when she fixes the ends of her dress so it doesn’t get stuck, before turning to her mother with her smile widening. Claudia fans her eyes, mentioning that the makeup took a long time to do and she’d hate to have it ruined right now, sniffling and holding her daughter’s hands with her own, “Dio mio, che bella.” she repeats Sabrina’s words, “You look so beautiful, tesoro mio. You look like the star you always were.”
Beatrice smiles with her eyes shining with tears, but they don’t come out, “Grazie,mamma.” she says “Is papa outside?”
“He’s talking to your brothers, they are all eager to see you.” Claudia then turns to her other daughters, “But before that.” she gently takes Beatrice to sit down on the couch in the corner of the room, “There is a tradition every bride goes through.” she sits down next to her daughter, gently cupping her cheek, “Do you know what that is?”
The brunette thinks about it for a second, then her eyes shine with realization, “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?”
“Yes.” Claudia grins, looking back at Sabrina who hands her a small box, “This has been used for each of our weddings.” she gently opens the box, revealing a locket, a tiny one, with the Schiavoni insignia engraved on it and the Martelli - her mother’s maiden name - on the other side, “Something old.”
“Mamma, I–” 
“Sssh, bambina, it's tradition. You wrap this around your bouquet, it brings the energies of our ancestors to bless your wedding.”
Beatrice gently picks the locket up, rubbing the pad of her thumb over the engrained metal, it had no pictures inside but was covered in dark red velvet, undoubtedly it was meant to hide something more than images of the former owners, “Thank you mamma.”
“Something borrowed,” Sabrina then said, pulling out another box, bigger than the one before, “That was also used in our weddings.” Beatrice opens it this time, gasping at the beautiful jewelry, knowing who it was from immediately, “Mamma kept it saved up for when it was your time.”
Her mother’s jewelry was beautiful, a pair of earrings with a thin necklace with a small diamond as a pendant, “Oh, mamma…” she whispers, gently picking it up, following the intricate lines and different shapes in the gems with a tiny smile, “Thank you.” she immediately put on the diamond earrings before asking Marina to help put the necklace on. The three Schiavoni women looked at her proudly, ‘How do I look?”
“Still looks beautiful, sis.” Marina chuckles, “Now, for something new.” Bea had no idea where they were hiding all of those boxes, they kept on appearing out of thin air but she was too happy to care, “Mamma, look away.”
“It’s lingerie, mamma!”
Beatrice gasps while laughing, trying to control herself when her mother’s face turned from adoring to horrified in a matter of seconds, “You are saying as if your father and I never–” the three sisters immediately voiced in complaint, begging their mother to spare the details as Sabrina handed Beatrice the large pink box, offering her a wink.
Beatrice looks down at it once she opens, her cheeks reddening at how revealing it was…but considering what she wore before, it wasn’t so bad. She just had to remember to put it on before the honeymoon. “Thank you, Mari.” her sister smirks, winking again as Beatrice puts the box aside, “Well,I guess all that’s needed is something blue,right?”
“Indeed.” her mother walks away with a little smile, grabbing the last gift “Here. Something blue.” Beatrice looks down at it, then chuckles softly when she sees what it is. A pair of blue shoes, more comfortable than the heels she was wearing now, “For when you have to dance.”
She laughs again, picking one of them up and looking at the tiny details on it, rubbing her finger on the outer side to the heel, “...thank you. Thank you all very much.” she whispers “I’ll keep them all safe.”
Claudia smiles, leaning closer to kiss her daughter’s forehead, “You will do fine, bambina.” there’s a knock on the door that turns all the heads in its direction, watching it slowly open to reveal Martha, her serene eyes moving around until she sees her nieces and sister in law, “Look Martha, look, doesn’t she look incredible?” Claudia adds, gesturing to her daughter with pride.
Martha enters the room with her smile widening and her eyes shining with tears, placing one hand above her heart, “She does.” Beatrice stands to her feet, careful of her dress, offering her aunt a shy smile. Martha inhales deeply, her hands coming up to cup her niece’s cheeks before her lips touch the top of her forehead close to her scalp, “You look like a dream, preziosa.” 
“Grazie, zia.” 
“But I came here because your brothers and father are very excited to see you and I believe,” she looks down at her watch, ‘It’s the right time too, since the ceremony will start soon and the photographer is down there as well.”
The ceremony will start soon, she repeats in her head, Beatrice nods, asking her aunt where they are and she says they are in the back gardens right below them. The brunette leaves, after hugging her aunt and sisters, gently making her way downstairs. She could hear the people coming, but she couldn’t see them from where she was, nor could she see Rooster or any of the Dagger squad yet. 
Beatrice’s heels clicked on the stone floor, breathing in and out quickly as she heard her brothers’ loud voices - mainly Michael and Leonardo - getting closer. She smiles seeing that they all had their backs to her and her father wasn’t in sight yet, undoubtedly he was checking the flowers on the far side of the garden so he could plant it at home as well.
Her heels sounded behind the three brothers, who turned almost in sync to where she was with their eyes wide - even Guillermo who lacked any expression besides forlorn or passive - with Michael covering his mouth with his hands and laughing in delight, ‘Holy shit! Look at you!” Beatrice drops her head sheepishly, smiling at her feet before looking up again. Leonardo steps closer, hugging his sister tightly while the other brothers are trying to take in everything.
“You look beautiful.” he says in her ear as she hugs him back.
“Thank you Leo, is Cyn okay?”
“She’s fine,” he laughs, of course she’d ask about others on her day, “She’s comfortable in one of the rooms this place has, just lying down a bit,” he leans back with his hands on her arms, “Holy shit,Bea.”
Michael then steps closer, shaking his head with a little smile, “You look beautiful, sis.” he says with his voice choked up just a tiny bit, clearing his throat and sniffling before looking away, “Come here and gimme a hug damn it.” he chuckles, opening his arms wide so his little sister would step closer. She managed to hear a few clicks of the camera - her aunt did say that the photographer was there after all - and she was glad she was able to get candid pictures instead of staged ones.
Guillermo was the last of the brothers, standing still as a statue, looking down at his baby sister with his gaze unreadable. Beatrice smiles up at him when Michael lets her go, holding her hands together, waiting for him to say something but her brother, her silent and immense brother, just stepped closer and much like his brothers hugged her as well. “You look beautiful.” his deep voice says, a sniffle soon follows, “You truly do.”
“Thank you Gui.” she smiles up at him, leaning back as her hands dragged down his shoulders until they were no longer touching her brother’s suit. Now there was only one person left,the very person who was now looking right at the two and was trying his best to keep himself together. Beatrice steps away from Guillermo, her cheeks hurting from smiling as she approaches her father, “Hi,papa.”  
Rafael’s eyes were already bloodshot, he laughs tearfully while he wipes his eyes once he removes his glasses, “Hello, tesoro.” he smiles, looking at his daughter from top to bottom, shaking his head, “Look at you, all grown up.” Beatrice’s eyes sting with tears when he says it, her father getting closer to cup her face between his palms, “About to get married to a man who deserves you.”
A lonely tear rolls down her cheek and Rafael is quick to wipe it away, “Grazie,papa.”
“Bambina…I was so blind at first, I was so worried about you I didn’t want to admit that Bradley was the right man for you. I am sorry about that, he’s a good ragazzo, he has his heart in the right place.”
Beatrice eases out a breath of relief when her father says it, she knew it but he never voiced it this much before, offering her father a sweet smile, “It’s okay,papa. I forgive you.” she sniffles, gently pressing her thumb below her eyelid to prevent another tear from sliding out, “I know you only want the best for me.”
Rafael’s gaze softened behind the glasses, “I do.” he wraps his arms around her and tucks her head on his shoulder in a hug, kissing her temple, “You’ll be so happy, bambina. I know you will.”
Beatrice’s brows crinkled as she tried to hold back more tears, opening her eyes when she felt it was safe to, looking back at the several roses and colorful flowers moving gently with the afternoon breeze. She didn’t even notice someone there, sniffing the flowers, someone with a floral shirt and red skirt that touched below her knees, brown hair with wisps of white and gray. 
Her eyes widened when the person slowly turned around, thick glasses glinting under the sunlight, “...nonna?” she whispered so quietly that her father hadn’t heard. The…spirit of her nonna smiled, holding up a rose that she plucked out of the bushes, bringing it to her nose. She wasn’t expecting her to say anything, anything at all, but seeing her suddenly immediately made more tears gather by the corners of her eyes.
Her nonna disappeared in a matter of seconds, in fact the whole thing lasted seconds because when Rafael pulled back he didn’t seem fazed by what had just happened. Beatrice sniffles, wiping her eyes the best she could before giving her father a smile, reassuring him she was fine.
5 minutes before the wedding
Bradley was already at the altar, trying his best to keep himself together, looking over at the people seated in front of him, some were Beatrice’s family, some were his Navy friends - including his superiors - before looking away to chew his lower lip. He looks back at Mav, who is standing right behind him, “Relax…” the older pilot drawls, “Relax, Rooster.”
“I am relaxed.” he mutters, but he’s fidgeting a bit on the spot, rolling his shoulders, holding his wrist in front of him with his eyes turned to where he could see the long maroon carpet disappear from his view, where Beatrice would walk in. He breathes harshly out of his mouth, licking his lips, unconsciously rubbing his mustache out of nerves.
Shells smirked from the opposite side, the bridesmaids and groomsmen were already out there, holding the small bouquet to cover her mouth, “You gonna cry,Bradshaw?” she teases, Bradley ignores it but he’s not sure if he won’t cry. “It’s okay if you do, the photographer is right there and will take pics for prosperity- ow!”
“Stop that.” Evelyn snaps after gently elbowing the blonde on the ribs, then turns her eyes to Rooster, “It’ll be okay Rooster, ignore her.”
“I’m trying.” he says through gritted teeth, then bites his lower lip again, clearing his throat and turning his head towards Mav, mouthing the word ‘time?’. Maverick looked down his watch, then held up three fingers signaling there were only three minutes left. Rooster faced the people again, seeing Michael and Leo coming over, they were on each side of Leonardo's very pregnant wife,helping her walk to their seat as Guillermo stood behind hovering a hand on her upper back in case she needed a push.
He watches Cynthia sit down, Leonardo follows and Michael moves ahead to take on his seat next to Guillermo’s family. He meets his future brother-in-law's eyes, gives him a double thumbs up and a wink before he sits down himself. That’s always good, right? Bradley’s response was a small grin, his hands now behind his back because he couldn’t figure out what to do with them. 
He feels his stomach turn in knots, not because he’s scared but because he wants to see Beatrice. How much longer? He wanted to check again, but it wouldn’t be polite no matter how eager he is and especially because he hears the music playing and his heart stops for a second. Chairs scrape, there’s a bit of chatter from the people and he sees the heads turning towards the entrance.
Bradley breathes in and out slowly, his chest rising and falling every time as he tries to calm his beating heart. He thinks it works until he finally sees Beatrice and Rafael’s silhouette in the distance. His mouth falls open as his wife-to-be steps out of the building, the collective gasping coming from everyone adds up to the amazement that they were all seeing. He couldn’t take his eyes away, not from her, not when she looked like a fairy princess with her dress and the flowers on her hair.
His eyes immediately sting and he has to bite hard on his lower lip to hold back the sob, but tears definitely slide down his eyes and he hears the photographer’s camera ‘click’, getting that specific moment. Bradley tried to control his breathing the best he could, but he couldn’t hold back a few soft hiccups, wiping his eyes with his hands. He feels Mav’s hands on his shoulders, shaking them in congratulations and Rooster lets out a breathy chuckle, still crying as Beatrice nears the altar.
She meets his eyes, her own irises shining with tears as she holds tightly onto her father’s elbow, biting her pink lower lip the longer she looks at him. He always looked good but he was amazing in that black suit with the maroon tie and his shiny hair…like a prince. He was really a prince. Rafael stops in front of the altar, turns to Beatrice to kiss her forehead and whispers something against her skin before he turns to Bradley. He clasps his son in law hand tightly, bringing the pilot to a hug, “Take care of my tesoro, Bradley.”
“I will sir,” he whispers back, “I promise.” Rafael steps back to nod in thanks, gently grabbing his daughter’s hand to place on top of the pilot’s, giving them one last look before he joins his wife in the first row of seats. Bradley’s eyes never leave Beatrice, he doesn’t know where to look first, biting the inside of his cheek with a smile and a soft shake of his head, leading her forward.
Beatrice looks up at him again, “Hi.” she whispers quietly, holding one of his hands as the other holds up the bouquet, “You look amazing.”
“You look beautiful.” he whispered back, his eyes - still shining with tears-  finally stopping on her face, “Fuck, you look so beautiful.”
Beatrice smiles sweetly, gently wiping the few tears rolling down his face with the pad of her thumb, before he does the same to her and he has to remember he can’t kiss her yet. The officiant, an old family friend who was at her aunt’s wedding as a guest, gives the two a knowing smile and gently clears her throat, breaking the couple’s constant stare, “Welcome, you may be seated.” 
They hear the people sit back down on the chairs, neither of them are looking away from each other yet, just taking in how amazing they looked. Beatrice however could hear, amongst the chatter the obvious voice of Michael saying  ‘Mawage, mawage is wot bwings us together tod-’ the obvious sound of a slap followed by Michael’s quiet ‘ow!’ makes Beatrice grin and look over her shoulder to where her fourth oldest brother is rubbing the back of his head and Guillermo crossing his arms with a little smile. 
The officiant, Mrs.Okuda, just gives the man an amused stare, “Dearly beloved, friends and loved ones, we are here to celebrate the marriage of Beatrice and Bradley.” They look at each other again for a brief second “Not only the marriage, but the love you have discovered in each other and the commitment you are willing to make. Marriage is more than repeating vows, marriage is the lifetime of learning and growing you’ll go through together.”
Mrs.Okuda continued, the more she spoke the more they felt that this was really happening, they were truly getting married. Their cheeks hurt from smiling so much, he couldn’t stop looking at her and she couldn’t stop looking at him, everything they’ve been together these past months came crashing down. So much happened, so fast and yet so…naturally, they found each other because they had to, there was no other way of explaining it.
Shells said it best, there was no Rooster without Bea and no Bea without Rooster. Finding such a connection was so rare and yet so beautiful, so genuine, that neither of them couldn’t believe it when they first figured it out.
Mrs.Okuda continued with the reading, until it was time for them to say their vows. Beatrice was first, she handed her bouquet over to Evelyn - since Shells was trying hard to not sob too loud -, then Nat handed her the vows she had written. Beatrice grabs the mic from Mrs.Okuda’s hand, giving Bradley a nervous look - one that he winked at her in reassurance - before she takes in a deep breath, “Um…”  her voice echoed around them and she tried to swallow the anxiety the best she could “...Bradley,” she begins, taking her eyes from him for a second to read her words.
 “When I first saw you months ago I never thought what was happening here right now was possible. When I was watching from afar, like a little girl with a crush..I..” another deep breath, “...I saw the unachievable when I looked at you, I didn’t think I’d be ever able to have what we have now.” her eyes stung with tears yet again, “But then, one day…one day you surprise me and you make my heart somersault with happiness.” she pauses, chewing her lower lip, and once her voice returns it’s a bit shaky.
“You make me laugh, you make me think, you make me stop for a moment to catch my breath but more importantly, you make me happy. “ This time tears are finally going down her eyes, her lower lip trembling,”I promise to always protect you from harm, to stand with you against your troubles and to look to you when I need protection.”
When she looks up at him, he’s already wiping the tears off her face even if his own isn’t that much different. He sniffles, giving her a warm smile and mouthing that she did ‘really good’. He knew how much public speaking would make her anxious and speaking from the heart as she did took a lot of courage. “Well,” even Mrs.Okuda sounded a bit choked up, “It’s your turn Bradley, do you need a moment?”
He half laughs, “No.” even if his voice sounds cracked, sniffling quietly to himself, “No,I’m fine.” Beatrice looks so sweetly at him he almost forgets he has to grab the paper inside the suit, it’s Mav who gently clears his throat and snaps him back into reality. Rooster blinks, apologizes quietly and then reaches for his pocket, mouthing ‘sorry’ to Beatrice who just smiles wider.
There’s a deep breath that leaves his mouth as soon as he holds the mic, licking his lips, “Beatrice, first of you look beautiful,” her cheeks redden, “Like you always do, there is not a moment when I first saw you that I couldn’t notice how gorgeous you are. But you are so much more than your beauty,” another tear rolls down her face as he speaks, her lower lip being chewed into her mouth.
 “You are such a kind and sweet soul, a soul I didn’t think I’d be able to follow. When I am with you, everything else fades to the background. You flood my senses with joy. You are my life, my greatest gift. I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness,” her eyes widened in recognition over the words “When all the other lights go out. Nin er a onlui, i onlui er im could oiale mel.”
My one and only, the only one I could ever love.
Her eyes are ready to pop out of the sockets, followed by the obvious gasping of Michael and Leonardo from the crowd, “Brad…t-that’s Sindarin.” she whispers but her voice could be heard barely over the mic, “You…you learned…Sindarin?”
He chuckles softly, tilting his head to the side in confirmation,”I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day.” By the end there are more people sniffling and crying, including himself, which makes Beatrice lean her hand close to his face to wipe it away again, even if she wasn’t much better.
Mrs.Okuda breathes out “Wow,” she gently dabs the corner of her eyes, “That was beautiful, you two.” Then she looks up, “Now, please,will the ring bearers step forward?”
Every head turned back, a collective gasp and ‘aww’ leaving their mouths when they saw Jolene and Bianca side by side. Bianca’s flower dress matched with the flowery collar on Jolene’s neck, the pittie even had a flower crown on her head with the rings dangling by a thin pink satin bow. Bianca was too excited, Beatrice could see her bouncing on the stop as she ‘guides’ Jolene forward, sometimes going too fast only for the pittie to hold her back until they reached the altar.
Besides the obvious heart melting scene this was, both of them were more than happy to see the two of them together. Jolene’s tail wagged wildly as she neared the two, but she followed Bianca’s quiet ‘sit’ command so she could grab the rings for her aunt - and now uncle - giving them to each with a little smile, “Thank you Bibi.” Beatrice whispers, crouching down to her niece’s level the same time Bradley did.
The blonde girl grinned wildly, hugging both of them and letting Jolene lick their hands before she walked away, back to where her parents were. The couple inhaled deeply, giving each other a look, Bea mouthed ‘okay?’ and he nodded with a wink. “Very well, Bradley, do you take Beatrice to be your partner, live together in matrimony, to love her,” his eyes shine, “To honor her, to comfort her and to keep her in sickness and health, forsaking all others, for the rest of your lives, as long as you shall both live?”
His smile is wide, “I do.”
Mrs.Okuda nods, “Beatrice, do you take Bradley to be your partner, live together in matrimony, to love him,to honor him, to comfort him and to keep him in sickness and health, forsaking all others, for the rest of your lives, as long as you shall both live?”
Beatrice’s breath shakes and more tears come out, “I do.”
“Get the rings ready, folks.” Mrs.Okuda jokes, nodding to Bradley to grab Beatrice’s trembling hand, his thumb gently rubbing against her knuckles “Repeat after me—I Bradley,”
“Take you Beatrice.”
“Take you,Beatrice… to be my spouse, best friend and confidant, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.” Beatrice tries to wipe her tears, sniffling and biting her lower lip with a smile “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment.” the gold band slides down her ring finger, stopping right above her engagement ring and he has to try his best to control himself, his stomach twisting with excitement.”
Beatrice exhales shakily, sniffling - with Shells sniffling louder in the background, Nat having to hand the blonde another napkin as Evelyn gently rubbed her shoulder - looking down at the wedding band, “Holy shit.” she whispers.
“I know right?” he whispers back with laughter breaking from both.
Mrs.Okuda then turns to Beatrice, repeating the same words for her. “I,Beatrice, take you Bradley to be my spouse, my best friend and confidant, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better,for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment.” She slides the ring on his finger, giving it a gentle squeeze once it reaches the base. Both of them are teary eyed and red faced, but they couldn’t look away from one another.
She however comes up to wipe his face again, whispering a ‘oh,baby’ while crying herself. Mrs.Okuda smiles brightly, “By the power of the authority vested in me under the laws of the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” she grins wider, “You may kiss, I know you two have been dying to.”
She doesn’t have to finish the sentence, because he wraps his arms around Beatrice’s waist and hers around his neck, kissing each other with the wet on their cheeks touching their faces. The sudden explosive cheering, clapping and the shouts of ‘Mrs & Mr. Bradshaw!’ deafening every other sound there was supposed to be. When they break the kiss, pressing their foreheads together and laughing almost in disbelief at what just happened, her hands are cupping his face, “I love you.”
“I love you too,gorgeous.” he kisses her again, only breaking apart when Shells’ voice shouts.
“Time to party folks!Yee-haw!”
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hi, are your requests still open?? Or I'll even pay you to write something too.
If they are, can I request fic with Deimos, Hank, 2B, and Sanford protecting and comforting a FTM(not transitioned yet) reader that is their partner. They protect him from an abusive family member? If that's not okay then maybe just comforting them on a really really bad dysphoria day?
I'm dealing with major family issues rn on top of my HEDS/POTS flair ups and I'm just breaking down and need some comfort from my boys that would def hug me and kiss me and tell me im okay and tell my family members to "Fuck off cuz I am a real man." I'm trying to draw some art too... but I have major art block art.. but your writing Is amazing and inspirational. I always look forward to everything you do. You are my hero and I wish I could write like you. Thank you for everything you do and please take care of yourself! Drink and eat pls!!❤️❤️❤️
Also this is the first time I'm asking something and I'm to nervous to come of anon so I guess you could call me...Kai? Thanks and sorry if this is too much yiu can ignore it
I'm sorry to hear about everything you've been going through Kai, it's beyond awful to have family members who're so unsupportive and damaging. :( I'd be more than happy to provide some comfort and protection from the boys for you, and as always, free of charge. <3 (Thank you so so much for your kind words as well, they're awfully sweet of you to say and reading them made me pretty emotional haha. I'm glad you like my work so much, it's readers like yourself that make writing so fulfilling for me, so thank you for that as well. And please take care of yourself too, of course. :)) 💕
[Part 1] They Protect a Transmasc!Reader from their Abusive Family ft. Hank & Sanford
(TW: Transphobia, Verbal Abuse, Violence (they're not yandere but still, it's Madcom), ft. Transmasc!Reader) //- {PART 2 HERE <3} -//
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Anyone who knows of your significance to Hank would realize that it’s not exactly a good idea to try anything against you, whether it be trying to make you uncomfortable or attacking you physically.
Your partner is the most wanted man in Nevada, and he has absolutely no patience when it comes to anyone or anything threatening you, period. It doesn’t matter if it’s some random grunt on the street, or some agent Doc insists he works with, or even if they’re an Employer. If they hurt you in any way, shape, or form, he’s paying them back for it tenfold.
It’s only right since you’re likely a target simply for your relationship with him and he considers it his “job” to protect the people he loves. And by that, just you, really. He can’t even remember the names of the other SQ members he works with 90% of the time, so you’re it for him. Although this just means all of his protective instincts are centered on a single person, which if anything would be more of a deterrent. (For mildly intelligent people, at least.)
However, while he never expected your family of all groups to be added to his “blacklist”, he isn’t averse to going after them the same way he does all your other persecutors. Hank genuinely couldn’t care less about their blood relation with you or any history you have with them; he solves nearly all his problems with violence anyway, so another set of bodies means very little to him in the long run. (Bear in mind, he won’t outright kill them in front of you, you don’t need to see that.)
Though because you’d generally prefer not to have to deal with organizing a funeral or explaining why your significant other gunned down your family (to your other family members who you'd prefer not to speak to), you made him swear not to kill them. A shame since they more than deserved it to him, but you're one of the few people Hank actually listens to, so he'll go along with it.
However, you never told him that he couldn't be violent with his protectiveness, even if they didn't end up dead.
So when he happens to be accompanying you to your family’s place to fetch some of your things and someone decides to make a little unwelcome comment about you (something about how you’re “never gonna be a real man”, whatever that means), he bristles when he hears the words. The look of discomfort and sadness on your face immediately drives him to physically threaten them; he's quick to invade the offending family member's space, anger coursing through his veins as a hand reaches for one of his knives.
It doesn’t take long for whoever made the comment to be thrown to their knees, a blade at their throat before you’re able to stop him. He's always been impulsive, and what they've just done to you would be enough to warrant murder if it were from anyone else. (They should consider themselves lucky you were more merciful than he was.)
He can only think of the look of your frowning visage as he grabs their jaw harshly, almost driving the knife into them as they jolt in his grasp. He usually doesn't care about insults, but if they're against you and targeting something so intrinsic to who you are, it's enough to piss him off immensely on your behalf, to say the least.
"Newsflash, asshole. Nobody asked for your dogshit opinion," he hisses, jostling your terrified family member before forcefully turning them to look in your direction. "See him? He's a real man. If you're too stupid to understand that, that's on you. But if you say anything like that to my boyfriend again, I'll fucking kill you, understand, dipshit?"
You know it's more of a bluff than a genuine promise, given the fact that you've been over this with him before. (Or at least you think so.) You ignore your family member's pleading for Hank to let them go, as well as the other people in the house who've come to watch, still feeling hurt at their comment. Having your partner there made it better, but it still didn't lessen the sting of the words themselves.
Hank notices this of course and will drop the offending individual to the floor (paying no mind to how their skull painfully hits the concrete below them, whoops) so he can pick you up protectively and remove you from the situation entirely. You let him, of course, silently eyeing your family from over his bicep as you snuggle into his arms, relaxing a little for once that evening.
The complete juxtaposition in Hank's behavior the moment you two exit through the front door is honestly amusing to you in retrospect, but in your sickened feelings at what just happened you don't notice it. He holds you tighter to himself as he walks, leaning down to press his forehead to yours and nuzzle into your temple. You told him once that his purring was comforting for you, so he'll do it here, and loudly too. He's relieved when he feels you sink into his grasp more at all his affection, but he can tell what just happened is still weighing on you.
Despite excelling at dealing with matters physically, Hank is very inept at anything concerning emotions (and to his credit, he knows it very well). He'll still try though since you need the encouragement and he hates seeing that despondent look on you. (He also just loves you and wants you to be alright, but that's hardly anything new.)
"You okay?" He rasps lowly, almost whispering to you, and you give a strained half smile in response. He tilts his head in concern and you sigh, reaching up to cup his cheek and watching as he leans into your hand absentmindedly.
"Not really, no, that was…a lot. I will be though, eventually…Thanks for that, by the way," you say, voice small as you rest your head on his chest. It’s funny, you were only there for forty-five minutes and you’re exhausted. This only makes you doubly grateful for your partner being willing to carry you and comfort you physically, even when you don’t feel like talking.
You could feel him nod resolutely against your hand, the only reply you’ll get from him on this matter. His silence is fine with you; you were so close that you didn’t need words to understand his view anyway. Especially not with how he makes sure to hold you as close to him as possible on the way back, wrapping you up tightly in his arms as if to protect you from the rest of the world as he takes you back home, where you’ll be safe from everything else.
Hank’s type of care is a strange one. Filled with gentle touches and harsh protectiveness, Nevada’s most infamous mass murderer is nothing if not soft around you. You were a point of vulnerability for him, but one that he welcomed with open arms. He’d rather die than let something happen to you (and he’d be very willing to if it came down t it). Even if the threat isn’t incredibly violent, his main priority is your well-being, whether that be your physical or mental health. Perhaps this is why you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep in his arms, content that he’d keep you safe as you went home. He wouldn’t let anything happen to you and you knew it. After all, he loves you beyond belief, just as you do him.
As one of the few people in Nevada who actually has a semi-intact family in his life, Sanford knows the true value of having close relationships with your parents and/or siblings. However, he realizes that your family is also the people who can cause you the most suffering. They know every little button to press to get a reaction, and it's only elevated to a more painful level if they don’t accept you for who you truly are.
In all likelihood, you’ve confided to him before about your familial situation, and what he heard both depressed and angered him. How anyone could be so awful to you is just beyond him; you’re one of the nicest people he’s had the pleasure of coming across and he wouldn’t trade you for everything, why would your family do you so much harm purposefully?
The feeling of disgust only festers with each time you tell him about another one of your family's abusive actions towards you, and he honestly considers just suggesting you cut them off. They don't deserve to have someone like you around them, just as you don't deserve to be mistreated for something as simple as your gender identity. You don't need to justify who you are to them, and the fact that they badger you about it and degrade you is enough to make his blood boil.
You probably don't see your family that often anyway, cause once you two got together he was fully willing to just get a place with you away from anywhere having to do with them. The further the better. (The last thing he wanted to happen was for them to encounter you when you went out for groceries or ran errands. More distance meant more safety from them, after all.)
It's not that he wants to isolate you or anything like that, and really you're free to do what you want, he just doesn't want to run the risk of them hurting you more than they have already. As such, he’s hesitant to even drive you to visit them, to be completely honest. You don’t deserve to be put in a potentially abusive situation, but if you have to be around your family for whatever reason, he insists on accompanying you.
He holds your hand the entire way there, throwing you soft looks to gauge your mood and running a thumb over your knuckles when he sees your nervous posturing. He hopes that his reassurance will help in some way, even if he's also dreading encountering your family.
He's tense at your side the moment you both walk through the door to your family's home, putting himself between you and any family members as he oversees your interactions. Most would feel threatened by his posturing; it’d be quite obvious that he’s acting as sort of a sentinel for you, and having someone like him as a protector should be a deterrent to any awful behavior. Lest they end up suffering some harsh consequences for their actions.
But of course, this doesn’t stop some people. Perhaps they just walked in and saw you, thinking you were on your own and taking it as an opportunity to slew some abuse at you, completely oblivious to the fact that your partner was just across the room. Or maybe they were just ignorant enough to believe your partner wouldn’t protect you from them.
However, they’ll notice and realize the reality of the situation soon enough. It’s impossible not to when they open their mouth to make a disparaging comment about you and are met with a painfully tight grip on their shoulder and the broad form of your boyfriend looming over them.
You'll notice that their abusive remark is cut off by a sharp squeak, and turn to see them looking almost sickly with fear at your boyfriend. The same whose glare seems to darken when they have the nerve to send a pleading glance towards you to make him stop, as if they're not the one who tried to verbally attack you in the first place.
No matter, he'll helpfully twist them around so he's all they see instead. (Quickly too, since he hated the way you seemed to freeze when they tried to make eye contact with you.) The perpetrator is terrified to their core since they know very well about who he is, but the short apologies they try to stammer out don't quell any of Sanford's anger at them. It's not him they should be apologizing to.
He'd even consider forcing them to right that moment if he couldn't read you as well as he does. He knows from your shaky motions and quick glances back at him that having any prolonged contact with them would probably just risk upsetting you more, and besides, what kind of a partner would he be if he brought his boyfriend's abuser closer to him?
Despite this, he won't let go of them. He's almost like a guard dog that's latched onto someone, unwilling to let them move a mere inch away as you go about your business. While you're distracted, he'll even lean down to get uncomfortably close to your family member to give them a bit of a warning, silently delighting in how they jump at his sudden movements.
"You aren't gonna say another fucking word to him, understand?" He hisses, "None of this shit about you not understanding that he's a man - cause that's what he is, dumbass. You can fuck off if you think I'll just let you insult him like that, or I'll make you wish you knew better."
They nod frantically, and he gives them a sardonic, if not outright threatening grin. Just in time too, as you turn back to them with some personal belongings gathered in your arms. You don't look at your family member when you approach, but Sanford's quick to disregard them as well once you're a meter or two from them. (He doesn't want you to have to be too close to them, anyway).
He gives their shoulder one last squeeze, threatening to pierce their skin with his claws before he lets go and returns to your side. You find it slightly amusing that he insists on wiping his hand off on his pants before he holds yours again, and as you exit the building he makes a joke about not wanting any "filth" to touch you. It makes you smile a bit, which relieves him.
He has a thoughtful look on his face as he helps you into his truck, one he always seems to get whenever the topic of your family comes up. You give him a few questioning glances, silently prodding at what's eating away at him as he seems to mull over something for a moment. He then turns to you, giving you a warm smile.
“I’m really proud of you, you know? I don't know how I'd be if my family pulled something like that with me," he remarks, giving you a playful glare when you shrug and avert your eyes, already beginning to formulate some sort of retort to his praise.
"I mean, I didn't do very much-"
"Not this time, I guess, at least not physically. But you've dealt with their shit for years, so I'd say you're stronger than you think you are." He states simply, a tone of finality in his words. Under no circumstance would he let you downplay or disregard your own feelings and role in this; so what if you didn't want to get in their face as he would? Physical confrontations aren't everything, especially when he's half sure those pigheaded people in your family wouldn't change with or without them. The point was that you're perfect just as you are, and you don't need some dumbasses who don't know anything to make you doubt that.
You understand as much when he leans over to give you a quick kiss on your temple, whispering so before leaving another peck on your cheek and pulling back. For that simple moment, your anxiety is quelled. Funny, how something as common as Sanford giving you affection could calm you down so much. The love he has for you is pure and nearly overwhelming sometimes; it fills you with a warmth so comforting, and a feeling of gentle reassurance you don't know how you went without before. And you knew it was the same for him.
For now, though, Sanford thinks he's got a bit of a solution to this issue (if you could call it one). He's been thinking about it for a while, but now that he's seen firsthand the quality (or lack thereof) of people in your family, he doesn't think it's going too fast. At least, he hopes you won't think so either.
Your attention is caught again when he mutters your name, and you look over to see him staring down at the dashboard, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he nervously clears his throat. It's weird to see him so nervous, but it's cute; it reminds you of when you first started dating and he was so anxious about being with someone seriously, least of all someone he admired so much.
"I know this might be too fast, but..you could, well, "join" my family, if you want. My mom's been asking about you, and they just really want to meet you, to be honest. Probably because of how I don't shut up about you," he laughs a little awkwardly, and you smile at how bashful he looks, brow quirking at the question. "They're not...like yours, and I know they won't screw with you like that. So..would you want to?" He looks hopeful as he eyes you, and you can see the slightest bit of apprehension in the way he shifts his hands against the wheel as he waits for your answer.
You hum in thought, genuinely considering the offer. Sanford's without a doubt the nicest guy you've ever met, and you don't think his family would be spoken about so highly by him if they weren't the same. Besides, there's no harm in meeting your boyfriend's family. However, there's a little something about the way he worded it that made you curious.
"Yeah, I'm down for that. All this talk about me joining your family is pre-tty interesting though, babe," you begin, a teasing lilt to your voice as you lean over the console to perch your chin on his shoulder. "You thinking about proposing?"
He sputters, face going red as you chuckle at him. He's quick to make a recovery though, nudging his elbow at you as he shakes his head to himself (he can't hide his own grin, despite this). You feel relaxed as you lean back into your seat, grateful for the distraction in light of everything else that happened that day.
Although, you don't make it entirely back to your seat before Sanford reaches out for your hand again. His larger hand returns to hold yours just as it was on the way to your family's place, and you can see a slight blush tinge his cheeks when you turn yours over to interlace your fingers. He only has a single real response to your teasing, but it's enough to make you double-take.
"That depends, would you say yes?"
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astraystayyh · 3 months
Hi Sahar 💖 (such a pretty name 😣)
I saw you said you’re not answering asks atm 😭 so I’m sorry for sending this, but I honestly just needed to send this after reading the Chan fic about the wedding and the morning after…
I just wanted to tell you that your writing is truly beautiful. Like absolutely so so beautiful. I honestly have no words :( I did reblog it, (from a different blog 🫢) and I wish I had the words to put more into the reblog and tell you just how much I loved it. but today was honestly not a great day and I came here to tell you that, even after today, your work made my heart so fucking warm. It feels like your words gave me a hug and wiped away my tears and placed a kiss on my forehead. I was genuinely so touched. And amazed— how you managed to string together simple words to paint a scene that completely encapsulates the reader. That’s a skill not many have, and I hope that you’re really proud of your work. <3 I know that sometimes writers get to that point of not enjoying writing because of a lack of feedback, if that has ever been you, I hope you know that your writing is so beautiful and that you are incredibly talented. And that you should always do what makes your heart happy— whether it’s writing or not.
I hope you are well and I hope you are having a happy evening/morning/day whenever you read this, and just in general.
Sending you a warm hug 🤗
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hi hiii my love 🥹💖
:(((( im so happy to hear that you have no idea,,, i remember writing that fic with lots of warmth and domesticity in mind so i am so so happy to know that those feelings were actually conveyed,, im glad my lil fic brought you comfort on a hard day :,) your words are so sweet i genuinely feel so much happiness reading them 🥹 thank you my love
and yes that has been me at many times but it is readers like you that make posting on here so worthwhile!!!! thank you for taking the time to send me this, i am so floored by your kindness on this fic AND your echoes of love reblog 😭😭😭 i will give you a proper reply later but just know that made my entire week 💖 ilyyyyy stay safe my love,,, hugging you just as tightly!!!!!!
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natsmagi · 10 months
I love ur art!!!! really its so gorgeous and the style brings me sm joy, its so soft and cute!! and ofc fem ntsmg is THE GOAT!!!!!!
BUT I JUST WANNA ALSO SHOW APPRECIATION FOR HOW U ANSWER ASKS AND STUFF AND IDK JUST UR WHOLE PERSONALITY IN GENERAL?? I love reading ur text posts especially when u kinda analyze the characters and stuff like its so fun to read and tbh, both natsume and tsumugi are characters that I feel are often mischaracterized in the fandom, and like idk I feel like u get them so perfectly and its sooo !??!?! Awesome getting to read ur awesome takes when new events come out and stuff like YOURE SO RIGHT ABT EVERYTHING, i be reading ur posts and going "you!!! YOU FUCKING GET IT!!!!!!!!!!" *happy stimming*
if you honestly did like a proper character analysis for them one day just now i would be so here for it and read it over and over again probably. Im currently hyperfixating RLY HARD on ntsmg so sometimes i just go through ur entire text post/ask tag and read everything over and over again 😭😭😭 I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG IN GENERAL KEEP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING, YOURE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME AND VERY MUCH BASED USER NATSMAGI!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️
im a very chatty person so im very glad u like hearing what i have to say 🥺!!! and im glad u like my personality too since i feel i can come off as harsh or arrogant sometimes AKJHFSKJH THOUGH TBF I DO TRY MY BEST TO BE KIND......
ID LOOOVE TO ANALYZE NTMG MORE !!! main reason i dont do it as often or hold myself back a bit is because admittedly its been a While since i read alot of the stories, a majority of which i have only read once, and when i make actually Proper analyzes i like to have reread the material and see if i maybe misinterpreted something on my first read or am misremembering, bc when given new info other interactions can be read differently and all that. and i also wanna actually do them justice and not accidentally spread misinfo AJHSFKJH AND I UNFORTUNATELY HAVENT HAD THE TIME NOR ENERGY TO DO THIS </3 but even without remembering every single piece of dialogue verbatim i like to think my grasp on them is still somewhat decent, and im very glad u like my interpretations 🥺❤️
it always makes me so incredibly happy when people view the characters similarly to me aswell bc like u mentioned they Are kinda prone to getting mischaracterized in some ways...... i think it mainly comes from both natsume and tsumugi having MANY factors to their characters though, and the mischaracterization comes from only highlighting one aspect of them and failing to think about how their different attributes overlap (although this can probably be said for the entire cast tbh). like an easy example that im sure everyone gets by now is natsumes little tsundereisms. if you only focus on him being rude to tsumugi it can look like hes just some edgy guy with anger management issues, but when you take into account other factors such as him having a rather spoiled upbringing both by his parents and nii-sans, and his distaste towards feeling "weak" (also caused by his upbringing, since he was frail as a child and raised as a girl) you start to see that oh. alot of that is just him being defensive and emotionally immature. since he had such a comfortable upbringing those hints of discomfort and vulnerability are threatening to him as someone who always had everything handed to him. and when you dont know how to deal with situations like that ASWELL as being afraid of being seen as "weak" youre Gonna start resorting to harsher words and sometimes even get physical because you have no clue how else to handle this. its also why the natsumes character consists of him being pretty obsessed with "growing up" and "not being a kid anymore," because he knows how immature he could be SKHDGJH he doesnt have bad intentions he just. doesnt know how to be vulnerable with people
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ellakathrinerose1 · 1 year
The Prey of the night
Warnings: smut, fluff, bdsm, etc
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[Prince James of Romania]
I was packing up for the trip with my best friend. We had planned this trip to Romania for years, we'd been stuck in this small Midwestern town and needed a adventure, a escape. I was packing necessities and a few nice outfits. "Do you think I should bring this?" I held up a silk black dress sleevless, v neck. "YES!" She shouted "make sure to pack a sweater or shawl it's gonna be cold for that but no excuse to not be sexy" She chuckled. I shrugged and packed it away with a nice fur jacket.
We went to bed neither of us being able to sleep, we were just too excited. "You wonder if they'll be any vampires in Romania?" You chuckle "I doubt it, I'm sure all the vampires died out a loooong time ago" you both laugh eventually driving off to sleep.
Next morning your both sluggish but excited getting everything ready last minute touch ups to makeup and off to the airport. You arrive and wait patiently to board the plane. You were just scrolling through your phone with your friend when a man walked by with a strong cologne made you look up. It smelled sweet like honey but hard like a campfire. You noticed a well dressed man sitting across the room, he had a suit on and a long coat, long blonde hair and pale skin
You tap your friend "look up Greek God at 3 o clock" your friend looks up and her jaw drops. "You need to get his number!"
"No are you crazy!?"
"What I thought we were gonna live a little on this trip?"
"Yea but I'm sure he's got a girl with those looks"
"Never know unless you ask" She smirked
"Your a bad influence"
You work your courage up and walk over to him he could sense you approaching him so he looked up
"Um hi I was wondering if I could maybe-"
"Get my number?"
"Uh yea haha how'd you know?"
"I could hear you and your friend"
"OH haha well im sorry didn't mean to bother you"
"Your not bothering me beautiful please sit down" he gestures and you sit next to him
"So what are you going to do once you get to Romania?" He asks
"Um not sure probably get our room and relax then we plan on exploring draculas castle and that's about it the rest we'll figure out when we get there"
"Ahh ok well I'd you ladies are interested my friends are throwing a party at another castle a few miles from draculas castle feel free to come on by" he hands her a invitation
"Ahh well thank you I'm sure we'll stop bye for a drink"
"Glad to hear, I'm James btw"
"OH I'm y/n"
"Nice to meet you y/n"
"You too!"
The lady calls for everyone to board the plane you get up and head over to your friend and tell her everything, you grab your stuff and board the plane.
You tried to find James but he was no where to be seen you wondered if he was real or not. You decided to fall asleep and enjoy the plane ride.
You arrive to Romania and head straight to the hotel, you could feel eyes on you the moment you unboarded but didn't let it bother you. The next morning you woke up early to eat breakfast and get ready to go to draculas castle.
You and your friend take a taxi and head that way "I'm so excited it's gonna be beautiful!!"
You smile and say "yes I agree especially with this fall weather."
You arrive and both explore the building and the grounds it takes all day taking pictures and eating the main hall. You remember the invitation and ask your friend if she'd like to go?
"Hmm sounds interesting I think we should"
"Mmm okay, but if I want to leave we leave!"
Your not much of a party person but your more concerned about seeing James again
You arrive to another castle it's very lively lots of beautiful people you decided to wear your black silk dress, hoping to draw James attention. You go inside the music is loud but tastful you find yourself wondering over for a glass of champagne and grab one for your friend.
"So why do you keep looking around" your friend asks
"Uh just taking in the atmosphere"
"Mhmm more like looking for your future fuck buddy James"
"Excuse me I don't plan on him being my fuck buddy, he's just interesting is all"
"Mmhmm that's why I notice you get all flushed when he asked you to sit"
"OK fine I will say he's very attractive but it's not my intention"
Your friend spots herself a victim for her pleasure "hey I'll be over here with this hunk"
You roll your eyes and wonder off exploring finding yourself down a dimly lit hallway looking at the pictures you find one of James
"So you are real" you whisper to yourself
You feel a presence behind you but before you could react you were pinned to the wall
"Hello bunny"
"JAMES! what're you doing you almost gave me a heart attack"
"I know I can hear it"
"What do you mean you hear it?"
"Look y/n...look at my eyes"
His eyes glow red and you feel yourself growing more attracted to him
"No no no there's no way"
"Yes way"
He was a vampire
He showed you his teeth and everything he could do lastly he picked you up and you found yourself intoxicated with hid scent you just couldn't help yourself you laid your lips on his
He went deeper into the kiss while he carried you to his quarters and laid you gently on the bed. You looked up at him nervous being a virgin, did he know?
He started to undress you dress, tights, shoes, bra but he left the panties. He stood for a second admiring your body
"Your a piece of art" he kissed down your neck and chest
He then undressed himself my God he was a Greek God built perfectly
He proceeded to kiss down your stomach then your thighs and legs then working his way back up and started to tease around your clit. He removed the panties and threw them aside.
Your smell was intoxicating he couldn't help himself he dove right in
Licking small circles and sucking on your clit then moving down a bit to your entrance and tounge fucking you.
He brought you closer and closer to ecstasy then you came. But he didn't stop he kept going making you shake and jerk and moan louder and louder.
He stopped and worked his way up kissing your lips and sucking on your neck
He brought his member to your entrance and slowly teased it making you whimper and beg
"Your being such a good bunny for me" he whispered in your ear while he entered himself into you.
He moaned a bit
"God your soo tight, it's almost as if you've never- your a virgin aren't you?"
You shook your head yes fully of shame
"That's okay bunny I'll be gentle"
He started slow and but you found yourself craving more you bucked your hips and bit his lip he started to go faster he kissed your neck and was leaving trails of hickeys behind.
He grew closer and closer to coming but he wasn't quiet ready yet he stopped
"Wait whyd you stop?"
"I have a important question for you"
"Sure what's up"
"Would you like to be with me for all eternity?"
Omg he was wanting to make you a vampire
"Yes!" You just blurted it out without thinking
He smiled and bit your neck this time drawing blood. He continued to pump inside you while drinking your blood you felt yourself coming again you came squeezing around him and bringing him to cum.
He healed up your bite mark and you both lay there breathless holding eachother and drifting off to sleep.
[Pt 2 coming soon]
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nutria--oscura · 8 months
Atonement- Anointment- an ointment? Atonyment (tony peperoni?)
~s2 ep 44 spoilers below~
ron and beth business idea? ron and beth business idea
"in fact, the only hard part my be finding someone to share it with" "oh" "..." "..." "ron... what are we?" "I dont know beth... i dont know."
"about 4 teens that got married" "4 teens?" im just gonna pretent anthony is saying it like that cause of hermie and dood
honestly, taylor as a barbarian would have been funny
goofy minmax? fuck yea
NORMAL AND LINK IN THE INTRO (sorry i loved when will and matt did that with henry and darryl)
stimming so hard cause of will
... i take it back- normal i love you but what the f-
time to update your normal designs yall
"scary doesn't run errands. she walks them... bitch"
what the fuck-
"hes[darryl] like a real zaddy" "no hes a daddy, you gotta be realistic here"
so the teens cant go to heaven, cant go to hell, where they gonna go when they die-
scary gets taken "no! my scene partner!" hermie gets taken "no! my future life partner!"
anthonys exhasparated "okay" when beth said scarys gonna look like a meatball is honestly a constant mood-
now being a ranger is useful- bhahah
"you know its not gonna be the time out room and its not gonna be good"
"no pwobwem fowwow meee"
"i wanna see if there's anyone who isn't supposed to be in heaven so i can tattle on them" "i feel like tattling as an act immediately drops you into hell" "they love tattling in hell though" "wasn't the bibles most famous snitch, like, kinda vilified for that?" "who?" "judas dude?" "judas my man. my man judas" "wait well, judas wasn't a snitch per se" "yea he was just bad" "he was a betrayer" "he was a betrayer" "he was a business man" "he snitched-" "30 pieces of silver in that economy can go a long way" "no no no no, they're-they're right Freddie. what did he snitch? like 'hey, that's Jesus' like they knew-" "YEA" "like they knew who Jesus was" "do you think the last supper was Jesus being like 'guys alright don't tell anybody don't tell anybody'" "'but we- we've gotta fucking move 10kilos of this, ok? just don't tell the authorities'" "'this is my body, let me see your body- you wearing a wire?'" "oh my god- like the last supper was like a table for 13 but then more people found out about it and they were like 'yea, i had a birthday party, the sweet 33 but you weren't invited' and Judas was like do not-" "'are you Roman? cause if you're Roman you have to tell me'"
yes, i did just sped 15 minutes to copy that section of the podcast on my first listen. yes, i do in fact now know it by heart
anthonys "yea" like "yea, no fucking shit" and then its a mens rights activist who podcasts about spaghetti who is in front of his setup eating spaghetti at the mic and only got into heaven cause he was an organ donor and all his organs saved the lives of great people who were from minorities that the guy did not like, each of which discovered the cure for a different type of cancer
im 23 mins in and ive been sat here listening for an HOUR
"taylor walks by and looks at him asianly"
"so you know how in a chirstmas story they have them say fudge so you don't have to hear the f-word?" "uh-huh" "yeaaa-" "uhhhhhhh-" "where are you going with this bro?" "careful my friend" "hes gonna say: *slowmode* 'oh darn, it's a pppppeeeeeeerrrrrrrsssoooonnnn' and hes going to say a slur, a horrible slur"
new narc type - narc on someone to their conscience
"do you[normal] really want to give me positivity? or do you want me to say thank you so you feel good about yourself?" "get him get him get him"
"im glad you got into heaven despite everything"
ooooo, new item! potentially!
love taylor asking how lincoln is doing cause of his thing with authority when he himself wont process his shit-
normal needs to go feral <3 please <3
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steelycunt · 1 year
ummm ridi, i've got a fucking bone to pick with you. i was procrastinating writing my final paper and started rereading "playing on, insane" and I just wanted to ask why you would ever do that to me. your r/s is the most accurate, in my opinion, and now everything hurts. i also read" standing, by the wall" but only the first part bc I can only put myself through so much, and omg. that sirius is so sweet and lovely and I want to hug him. I was wondering how you think everything unfolded in poi the morning after, if you have even thought about it. even though it made me rlly sad, it was very very lovely and your writing leaves me in awe every time, much love muah xx
hello!! thank u so much (n im so sorry!!) i'm glad you enjoyed them!! i always wince thinking about my older stuff because its. usually quite different to how i write now (inevitably) n i (like to) think ive developed in my writing since then but. it is lovely to hear that people still enjoy them n get something out of them :^) rest of this im going to tuck under the cut here xx
poi in particular is a strange one because i think i wrote that in like. one afternoon? a day and a half? i remember very little about putting that together frankly but considering it usually takes me like. a month and a half minimum to finish something that one is a big outlier for me (which. may or may not reflect in the quality sfhdsh) both because of that and because its llal!! which is not generally my thing!!
as for the aftermath of it. as nice as it would b to say i think they get back 2gether immediately afterwards...i think mainly the morning after is a bit of an awkward one. s would regret doing it and try to gloss over it by being a bit of an aloof cunt again and r would have. more immediate aches and pains and troubles to contend with so i think it would probably be a day or two before they can even talk about it and once they do. it would still probably be a pretty stilted conversation because well. god theyre just such bitter wearied old men by then (<- says old men as if they are not. mid thirties. well they'd had a lot taken out of them). but the upshot of that conversation would be the tentative establishment of there still being feelings there (of course there are). after that i think before they can get there they have to relearn being comfortable around each other? which is a slow process over many days of just. spending time in each others company + taking their meals together + understanding the bits that have changed between them and the bits that have stayed the same. i do think eventually they will get there though xx on a warm evening after they have had dinner and they are sitting together and they are brave enough to be fifteen again xx
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elvencantation · 2 years
everything everywhere all at once liveblog
okay i know she’s supposed to be evil and shit but JOY IS SO DAMN COOL AND HOT AND WOW. GODAMN
i love that she’s just straight up discovering weird ass new universes. rly don’t like the hot dogs for fingers tho everything on a bagel?? are you kidding me?
evil joy is too hot and that’s really not fair
the bagel cgi is cool too
poor this universe joy. yeah she’s not gonna be able to stab her is she
juju chewbacca 😂
glad she’s having this convo with joy but shit
WHAT THE FUCK WHY IS THIS LADY USING HER DOG AS A FUCKING BOLA?? not the right term but i cant remember it rn
is joy the key to defeating alpha joy?
god that would be so lovely if healing her relationship with joy in this horrible universe helped solve the problem
i love that her world saving skill in this case is thinking of weird ass random shit. i could probably do that. wouldn’t look as cute tho 😂
i hate this butt joke like. cant you take it out pls? for me personally cause it’s apparently a squick? thank you
wait so they can only access the skills as long as they’re connected to that universe? how’d she combine them all with the shield fight then? or was it cause she fractured
oh no oh no she’s gonna kill alpha waymond fuck fuck FUCK
is she stuck in another evelyn?
oh no the secondhand embarrassment of her messing up other universes
wait did she go back??
omg the creativity of putting them in her drawing??? HER MIND
oh it’s the weird white universe again
“the bagel will show you the true nature of things” GOD HOW DID SHE SAY THAT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE. ACTING
it’s probably a testament to the writing and acting that i actually kinda feel bad for hot dog Deirdre
also i know it’s bad that she’s fucking everything up but it’s such a cool sequence and joy’s face is fascinating to watch
okay now i wanna slow down that clip and see all the other universes!!!
if i was a rock would you still love me?
hmmm i’m a bit sad i didn’t hear their voices but i get the point
this is making me feel shrimp feelings. also i think i’m getting a headache. that’s probably just cause of not really having dinner and being on a plane 😂
oh no i forgot she stabbed him in the og universe fuck im gonna cry. and he’s still defending her
oh no she’s gonna kill waymond isn’t she. please don’t
why is the bagel here? and where did it go?
god every moment i’m afraid of totally devastating tragedy. see what cdramas done to me??
yess be the chaotic good to her chaotic evil!!
“i’m learning to fight like you” god now i’m gonna cry again
this is all so ridiculous i can’t. i love it. she’s finding these things from their lives- the things that make them who they are. what is in common in most if not all of the universes. this is really similar to my own concept of self god i love it i cant
oh god she’s racacoonie
don’t let her go
oh god it’s all between the three of them isn’t it. fuck
god the music is all so good and so eerie
god joy don’t cry i’ll just be crying with you and that won’t help my headache
god becky is so sweet help i cant. her smile!!!! fuck
oh god for some reason then hugging as two planets collide absolutely fucking ended me
yes yes yes. the other side of nothing matter is why not do the things that make your life and others lives better? why not be the one thing that matters to that person?
BECKY. IS. SO. FUCKING. PRECIOUS. as is waymond obvi
wait the end confused me. but i do like that she didn’t just pretend that she heard. oh like it’s gonna still be there in her metaphorical peripheral vision?
okay so watching prince of egypt wasn’t the best idea if i wanted not to cry again. time for my all time favorite- jupiter ascending
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