#this is soooo transphobic
emoclone · 10 months
tbh it's fucked up that i have regular homework on top of final projects :/ i'm just about ready to submit my last final paper but i also have to do 5 small normal assignments on top of that ://
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clannfearrunt · 1 month
i have a disease where I find it cathartic to make up fictional bigots in my worldbuilding projects so that I can make everything go so badly for them and the characters that would be affected by the corresponding bigotry has such a good time despite their best efforts. Also figuring out what forms of bigotry exists and how exactly they manifest helps in actually figuring out the baseline for whatever culture they're from but that's just an extra perk
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s0lemnhypn0s · 9 months
sanji cracking his egg early and thinking he was a het trans man and that he was done exploring his identity, and then he meets zoro and hes completely thrown down another identity crisis btw. just saying
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kinikxluna · 7 months
tumblr staff posts are such PERFORMATIVE BULLSHIT LIKE they intentionally made it sound like they dont like AI when they most definitely partnered up with midjourney/open ai. because they like AI.
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ro-sham-no · 5 months
Transfemme dean your beloved, you say?
- schizosamwinchester
"Dean had found some shred of himself in his father’s bed, but that Dean had died right along with him."
holy FUCK this is incredible. you've done it, you've captured The Thing.
i love the way you captured dean's internal conflict, especially about how other queer people see right through him (her?). i feel like being seen is one of dean's biggest fears, in general, but especially so for any sort of perception that shows him as weak or "less-than" in a way he doesn't intend.
that fear, to me, is a huge part of why he plays up the whole machismo act, just like you've written about here. he plays up the machismo-ness, but also his overall slob/player demeanor, which is just such a huge flag for "hate me about THIS, not that other thing that you definitely don't know about."
but i really, really love that he just can't fucking hide it. even sam sees it, "well, you are kind of butch. they probably think you're overcompensating." he is a queer, and just his existence, the composition of his skin, screams it out to every person he meets and i lovvve thattt
and then, in the end, having that identity be SO entwined with his dad and how he could be something like a woman but only in his father's bed, that when john dies, all dean has left is being john's eldest son, being sammy's older brother? so, so good!!
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spacepatrolhana · 5 months
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quaalussy · 21 days
having so many name issues this semester lol get me out of here
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uncleghostt · 1 year
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my personality looks so good in these
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luckynein · 2 years
When transphobes talk about “cutting off young girl’s healthy breasts” they. are. not. talking. about. girls. If you are responding to a transphobe who does this and you too continue to refer to us as “young girls” you are not helping. You are participating in transandrophobia.
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beesinspades · 4 months
my mother my whole adolescence: why don't you wear dresses!!!
me now that I'm transitioning: [wears a dress]
my mother: wait no not like that
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
back when the TTYD remake was first announced i would read speculation about whether or not they'd let vivian be trans and i'd see people say things like. "well i hope they don't because transphobes would complain about it and the fandom would get really messy so it's a lose-lose situation". which is just insaaaane to me 😭 i can't fathom caring so much about what annoying transphobes online think that you would hope we don't get the canon trans rep we were already supposed to have 20 years ago.
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faggotcitosis · 6 months
my parents were always known around their friend/family circle for having 3 girls. my dad was kinda of always made fun of for being on a estrogen filled household. flash forward, i transed my gender. they simply did not and do not tell people about this fact. so when meeting old friends and colleagues they're like yeah this is my son noa :) and everybody is always like ???????????? hi nice to see you ... ????????? and you can see their brain rattling around their skull like what do you mean a son i thought u had girls only but nobody ever asks bc it's all casual conversation and it's weird to ask that
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evilandcrazygirl · 7 months
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ruvviks · 7 months
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not to young vitali post on main again but ouhhh becoming so disconnected from reality in his college years to the point he was actively ruining himself at any and every party he could get into just to get some quick cash from whoever wanted to dive into the nearest storage closet with him which just worsened his addictions and worsened his leg and his hearing and. yeag
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gregmarriage · 1 year
“patty chose a life of celibacy.” marge, babe, patty is a lesbian.
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neilcromancer · 1 year
maybe I'll just stop using this website, actually.
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you think youre soooooo irreverent and funny huh?
well i might just stop using this website soon.
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