#this is the main conflict for Andor season 2
jedimandalorian · 1 year
According to the latest Star Wars Chronology, the years 9 ABY to 19 ABY are called the “Peace of the New Republic.”
It is likely that the Ahsoka series and its sequels and crossovers all take place in this time period, which means
1. Lucasfilm will have to retcon this chronology because Thrawn starts another galactic war.
2. Thrawn finds out that the Emperor he once served is dead and the Empire has fallen, so he goes home to the Chiss Ascendancy in the Unknown Regions.
3. The Nightmothers were just using Thrawn to get to Dathomir, just as Thrawn was using them to get back home to the main SW galaxy. Now that the witches have achieved their goal, they will betray Thrawn and/or he will betray them.
4. There will be an effort by the heroes of The Mandalorian, the Ahsoka show, and other members of the Ghost Crew to stop a war. There will be an armed conflict with little or no help from the New Republic, and the brave unsung heroes save the galaxy from a bigger war that could have happened but didn’t.
Likely character deaths or transformations: Thrawn. Ahsoka.
Possible romance arcs completed: DinBo, Sabezra.
Cultures reborn/transformed: Nightsisters, Mandalorians, Jedi.
New Master and Apprentice pairings: Sabine and Grogu, Ezra and Jacen.
These are the “Jedi Mandalorians.” (Yes, I have been thinking about this for a very long time. Look at my username.)
Mando by birth: Sabine Wren, who restores her Clan.
Mando by adoption: Grogu.
Mando by marriage: Ezra Bridger. 😏
What do you think? What are the other possibilities?
Am I crazy? Here’s my Ahsoka Season 1 Bingo card:
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Tolkien references (too many to list here)
Jacen is Force sensitive.
Sabine misses Ezra. 😢
Thrawn does the unexpected.
Kanan reference (more than expected). 😢
Chopper is a menace (not as much as he could have been).
Hera misses Kanan (his photo is on her dashboard). 😢
“Snips” 🙌
Anakin flashback. 🙌
Rex lives. (They didn’t kill him off yet and we did get a cameo so that’s a win.)
Quotable Huyang (Don’t get me started.)
Ezra is still a dork (and we love him for it). 😂
Ezra is a badass. 🙌
Sabezra tease. (Just go look at the rest of my Tumblr.) 😍
Mutual pining idiots. (See above.) 😍
Clan Wren. (We got a mention. R. I. P. 😢)
Sabine painting. (We saw the mural, the loth cat doodles and the graffiti in Ezra’s tower and on Ahsoka’s ship.)
No Fenn Rau. (I still want to see him in live action, maybe in Mando s4.)
Clone Wars Flashback. (More than one!)
No Rebels flashback. (We did get many callbacks though. I’d love to see any of them cameo in Andor s2.)
Loth rat. (Not the animal, but Ezra being his usual chaotic streetwise self, such as impersonating a stormtrooper and stealing his helmet and armor.)
Loth cat. (Sabine’s adorable pet. 😻)
Loth wolf. (They are on the end credits star map and the Lothal Rebels mural. Howlers are also wolf-like.)
Run. (Our heroes did a lot of that.)
So am I good, or what?
The Prophet of the Church of Ezrabine has spoken.
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amemoryofwot · 6 months
Ok final TSR wrap up and thoughts moving into S3 below
Whatta book damn. RJ is genuinely funny to me and there’s a lot of like, physical and situational comedy that I hope carries through to S3 (Nynaeve throwing the collar at Moghedien, Elayne and her 2x4, nobody knowing what the hell anyone is ever doing). He’s also so good at just like, desperate crushing character moments, like the AoL Aiel, Aram taking the sword, the final Battle of Two Rivers.
Even more so than Rand this is really Perrin’s book. He has the most complete storyline, which is great for S3 but a challenge moving forward as he is literally not in TFoH, and doesn’t do much until Dumai’s Wells. He also fights a lot of Trollocs, like a lot. Every second chapter someone is fighting Trollocs. For timing purposes the show could easily cut it down to Perrin’s failed ambush, and the final battle. That would still get him to the Tuatha’an and the Whitecloaks while cutting out two or three skirmishes. Whether CGI or practical i’m sure the Trollocs would be expensive and they already got dragged for 1x08’s PS2 Trollocs, so i’d personally rather have them less but better quality. I could see him and Faile having a whirlwind “omg what did we just do” kind of wedding in face of all the Trollocs and not expecting to live, but I can also see that being pushed. I think this will be the bulk of the S3 time.
Rand’s storyline could really be two eps, there’s actually not a lot there once we get rid of the Stone (for now). One for Cold Rocks Hold leading to Rhuidean, and then one for the journey to Alcair Dal. Of course he’s gonna have more to do like argue with Moiraine about prophecy, and hopefully everyone will get some bonding time in Falme, but he’s mostly travelling which the show doesnt really focus on with their wild back and forth, and he also gets attacked by a lot of Trollocs. Lan also has nothing to do this book so sword and toxic masculinity lessons being pushed to S3 will smooth that out at least.
Egwene kind of has nothing to do this book so S3 will surely be her Dreaming, although I wonder in what capacity. Verin, Siuan, or the Wise Ones or even Aviendha could really be intro points. I also don’t believe she would pass by the Dominion Band two or three times without realizing what it is, so her intro Dreaming sequence is largely filler except for meeting Amys. Nynaeve has a line about Egwene waking up screaming from nightmares so i think she of all people would recognize it. She also has a few moments with Moiraine so Moiraine’s story will probably be focused on Egwene and Rand versus her own S2 storyline.
Much of Tanchico is through Elayne’s perspective, which pulls her into our main group. Nynaeve takes a slight backseat in PoV to balance it out. There will be a lot going on between Thom, Min, Liandrin, Moggy, and possibly Mat, (Egeanin?) but I think it will also be the smoothest to adapt as everybody has something to do already, instead of having to make stuff up to keep them moving together.
The leftover bit is the coup. Min not being there to rescue Siuan doesnt really matter except that someone will have to take her spot, as i dont think Siuan can do it herself. Gawyn seems a good choice to set up his inner conflict/indecision. The Blues could also just sweep them out on their way to Salidar. Siuan does spend a LONG time looking for Salidar, and as much as i love a good depression roadtrip this would cut time AND spare us Gareth if they could just go right there. Especially if LoC plotlines are coming in S4 we dont have time to wander the countryside and burn down a barn.
Anyways my inexperienced opinion is its actually not that much to get through, if you imagine one intro episode, 2 for each Two Rivers, the Waste, and Tanchico storylines, and maybe even one Andor/Tower focused. Two Rivers will wrap up in ep 7, and the rest in ep 8. I’m imagining the coup and Couladin will be the big season cliffhangers.
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electricprincess96 · 2 months
how can you like andor and dislike house of the dragon season 2? at least house of the dragon has dragon battles and good dialogue
Is the good dialogue in the room with us? The dialogue quality in HOTD S2 went down hill after Aegon became bedridden with the one exception being the scene in the finale with Alyn and Corlys.
Nothing dialogue related came close to the Alicent and Rhaenyra scene in S1 after Aemond lost his eye. That scene perfectly encapsulates who this version of Alicent Hightowers SHOULD be.
Also Andor isn't boring. The politics in Andor is interesting, constantly evolving and masterfully portrayed none of which I can say about HOTD S2.
Being slow paced is not inherently bad, the issue with HOTD S2 is it did not NEED to be so slow paced and every scene Rhaenyra is in should not feel like I'm rewatching every previous scene from her just worded slightly differently. She should not STILL be trying to look for a peaceful resolution come episode fucking EIGHT. Likewise Daemon should not have other people (Alys and the Tully Boy) going off and getting his army for him while he trips balls all for the moral of the story to be he needs to bow to Rhaenyra when that's how he ended S1.
Whereas no one is gifted anything in Andor, the characters have agency and their own motivations and reasons for doing what they do. The one arc in Andor I initially felt was a bit contrived turned out to he very necessary for Cassian's character, and I ended up loving it the most. I can't say that for anything in HOTD S2.
Stop assuming the only reason people disliked S2 was cause its "boring" cause while it was the bad writing was my main issue, it wasn't just slow it was slow and poorly written with messed up character motivations, poor dialogue and uninteresting "conflicts".
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suh01 · 2 years
andor should teach sw creators (well any show creators really) to make longer series with longer seasons and episodes. kenobi had some good moments but it gave the audience no time for any of it to have a real impact. having only 6 episodes per season worked okay for the mandalorian, at least in the first season, because it was more like a prelude, an introduction to the world, the theme, the characters. for me, season 2 was a bit too much already. not saying it was bad, it was enjoyable but it could’ve done with a bit less. these shows have to slow down and let us really get to know the characters and their motivations, and understand the main conflict and the universe. simply eliciting an emotion from the audience is not enough, it also matters how you elicit it. and honestly what happened to shows having not only twelve but god forbid 24 episodes per season? why does everything have to be so fast and short?
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brianhanes · 2 years
21 Concepts “Star Wars Ahsoka” Should Have
1. Grand Admiral Thrawn (Legends Style)
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For those who don’t know, Grand Admiral Thrawn was a major anti-hero in a popular Star Wars “Hier to the Empire” 1993 novel trilogy. He would later be used again in Disney’s “Star Wars Rebels” series, but the big difference I would like to see is a scaled-up Thrawn from that version. In Rebels, Thrawn seemed to be a bit watered down. He gave away battles as he looked at ‘the big picture’. 
A major change that we need to see a Thrawn who is constantly winning important battles and seems unbeatable (as he was in Legends). Someone who dominates the scene almost all the time and only gives up ground when necessary. Someone who only takes battles worth taking rather than wasting time on pointless missions. 
Thrawn might be the only big villain in season 1, but that could leave room for another key villain to rise in book 2! Hopefully this villain would be teased during the end of season 1 (read more to find out who I’m talking about).
2. Mara Jade
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Like Thrawn, Mara Jade was a major character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe (comics, novels, etc. outside of the main films) before Disney took over. While Disney may be looking to promote the new characters it has introduced, it would be a travesty if they ignore her. Thousands of legends fans would salivate at the sight of her! It would automatically give the series more love and praise. Mara=$$$ so they better not pass this up!
Mara was an Emperor’s Hand meaning she was trained and raised by Emperor Palpatine himself. The Emperor Hand was a special program that is similar to the Imperial Inquisitor program in that it brought in dark force sensitives into the Empire. Like inquisitors, hands were not Palpatine’s actual apprentices and weren’t caught as deeply in the dark side as Vader. On the other hand (no pun intended), Hands didn’t grow up as Jedi. 
Mara was also special in that she was trained to be a grey user. Palpatine wanted to see if he could successfully recruit a grey person to his ranks that would be less likely to betray him than another Sith. Mara Jade was pushed to be completely loyal to Palpatine and she was until his ‘passing’ during the Battle of Endor. It would be nice to see Mara with her purple lightsaber, hand-to-hand skills, force lightning, marksmanship (she could use a sniper rifle or pistol in battle), force choke abilities, and wit in to rival Ahsoka. 
Mara is also an expert pilot like Luke. She is sort of like a combination of Ventress, Black Widow, and Luke! That is too good of a character to be passed up. And when I say great pilot, I mean even better than Ahsoka good (only Luke should be able to match her in space). 
3. Ezra
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Now I’ll mention another given, Ezra definitely will be in this show. To be honest with you, I really enjoyed some episodes of Rebels however, I didn’t like most of the show. For me, Rebels seemed a bit watered down (I wanted a gritty war story with lots of cultural/political lore like Star Wars: The Clone Wars). On the bright (or should I say light) side, I got much of what I wanted to see in Rebels with Rogue One and the Mandalorian. I also expect to get even more of that from Andor.
Like Ashoka, when Ezra first entered Rebels, he was very annoying. However, by the third season, I really liked him. He started reminding me of Anakin from the Star Wars 2003 Clone Wars series. Ezra was more mature, powerful, and seemed like a truly gifted Padawan. At this point, we can get an Ezra that is at knight level. We will see this with his maturity and wisdom but hopefully he also knows when to think outside the box like Qui Gon.
4. Lumiya
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This is the season 2 boss I was talking about. Maybe operate on her own at first and her loyalists will run into Ahsoka and her friends. After a few conflicts, Lumiya could join forces with Thrawn. 
Like Mara Jade, Lumiya was also an Emperor’s Hand. She was brutal, intelligent, adaptive, manipulative, and through in the force. Lumiya was trained more deeply in the darkness than Mara, which makes for a good contrast of their characters. 
Mara is that dream female supervillain that ever story needs. She gives me Cheetah vibes from DC Universe or Azula vibes from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Sometimes you really have to appreciate an amazing female villain and Lumiya is one who does this naturally. To add to that, Lumiya was experimented on from a young age. She has super strength, immense speed (like Palpatine), and amazing acrobatics (like Darth Talon).
Lumiya should be portrayed in a way that shows she is obviously physically superior to the other characters in the series. Lumiya uses a lightsaber whip that makes her distinct from other lightsaber duelists. Her whip gives her more range in a duel and she maintains a firm grip of her weapon so she isn’t easily disarmed.
One major disadvantage of the lightsaber whip is that it limits her ability to defend against saber strikes. However, Lumiya is incredibly fast and agile so she can flip and leap away when her enemies attack. On top of that, she uses force push, pull, force throw, and lightning to keep enemies away from her. Another special aspect of Lumiya’s lightsaber whip vs other whips (like the ones used by Zygerian slavers in Star Wars the Clone Wars) should be that it is lethal. 
Lumiya also had her own royal guard stormtroopers who have red armor! That makes for a whole different vibe when the main character goes up against her. Lumiya’s character themes also would make an interaction between her and Mara Jade in the show insane. Imagine Mara Jade vs Lumiya in Ahsoka! 
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But if Disney wants to move in another direction, they could give her imperial royal guards instead. That still works with the epic boss villain afterall, some of them would need a new boss after Sidious.
5. Shadow Stormtroopers
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If you have seen any of my other Star Wars threads, it should be obvious that I’m obsessed with the soldiers! Seriously, soldiers are a big part of what made the Clone Wars and Rogue One special! Just because Jedi are in this story doesn’t mean soldiers shouldn’t still get their moments. The Mandalorian brought dark troopers from legends to canon. Star Wars battlefront 2015 brought these guys to canon, still I’d like to see them on the big screen.
Shadowtroopers are stormtroopers that can turn invisible in battle. They are elite which means they have better aim, personal HUDs, superior tactics, smoke grenades, and can adjust more in firefights. Ahsoka would also be strong enough to beat them.
6. Evo Troopers
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Here are some of the coolest stormtroopers in history. Evo troopers are environmental experts with armor that can help them survive in several different environments (duh)! What makes them even more special is they basically use electric shotguns in battle and those electric shot guns fire quickly and have a wide range. They are annoying to fight in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Seeing Ahsoka go up against these guys would give many fans a rush of nostalgia and they are just awesome anyway.
7. Tie Phantoms
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Star Wars Rebels blessed us with tie defenders. While I didn’t like all the episodes in Rebels, I adore some of the things they did with the show. Tie defenders where special because they were specialized imperial tie fighters that had personal shields and more firepower. Phantoms are special because they are tie fighters that can turn invisible! Another reason they need to do this is because Ahsoka dueled Maul in season 7 of Star Wars the Clone Wars and he was the Phantom Menace!
8. Cal Kestits
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Cal was the main character in Star Wars Fallen Order! He is a jedi survivor of Order 66. Fallen Order is one of the best Star Wars things I have seen in a while and it would be nice to see him.
9. Imperial Jumptroopers
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One really special thing about Star Wars the Clone Wars, is there were always new droids to fight. From battledroids, to super battledroids, to commando droids, to magnaguards, to crab droids and so on. Imperial jumptroopers have been utilized a good amount by Rebels. 
10. New Republic Soldiers
This is something the Mandalorian didn’t show us enough of. Although the New Republic was considered a joke in the show, it realistically would at least function throughout the Core worlds and Colonies. If matters were important enough and there was enough political demand, they would definitely battle against Imperial Remnant forces or whatever other threat is lurking around the galaxy. 
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11. New Republic Droids
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We saw these bad boys in the Mandalorian series. They are durable, accurate shooters, and very strong. Although they are predictable, they would be useful in battle against Imperial forces.
12. Imperial Security Droids
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On the flip side of this discussion, it would also be useful for the Empire to use more of its security droids. These guys are very big and strong. They also can run deceptively fast for their size. We see in Rogue One that they are very accurate. But instead of seeing them unarmed like in Fallen Order or with pistols like K-2SO, let’s see them with heavy blaster and disruptor rifles. Then they would be deadly juggernauts in battle that even a jedi would be cautious of taking on.
13. New Republic Light Cruiser
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In the Mandalorian, there was a lot of hype about the New Republic Fleet dealing with some shady people in one of the episodes. Unfortunately, what we saw was underwhelming to say the least. We need to see a New Republic cruiser and it doesn’t need to be a massive one (a huge one wouldn’t even make sense in many cases).
14. More Battles
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More battles is always useful in Star Wars. Especially during a timeline like this where the New Republic is more powerful than the Rebellion was and the Imperial Remnant strongholds are being knocked down as their resources dwindle. 
15. Embo
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Embo was a popular and honorable bounty hunter in Star Wars the Clone Wars. It would be great to see him on the big screen. Apparently, he retired and became a farmer but maybe we could see him defend his farm. I also think Embo deserves his own series, but that’s another story for another time.
16. Jedi Leia
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The Jedi side of Leia has been abandoned in canon, but that can always change. Adding Leia and even having her fight against someone like Lumiya would be amazing. Still if Lumiya can defeat a seasoned Ahsoka the first time they fight, a less experienced Leia would really be at risk against her. Perhaps that’s where we see more parallels between Leia and her mother. 
Padme was often seen as a helpless senator by Jedi but it turned out she could defend herself well with her surprising hand-to-hand and marksmanship skills. Leia showed us the same in A New Hope but in Ahsoka she will have to be even more cautious as she takes on greater challenges with skills that she is still honing. 
17. Luke Skywalker
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Luke has to be shown at some point in the series. He is just too important to not show. 
18. Durge
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Durge was a deadly bounty hunter in the Star Wars Clone Wars 2003 miniseries. He also appeared in several comics. Durge has also appeared in one of Disney’s canon comics.
19. Smugglers and pirates
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I know this is a given, but I just decided to write it anyway. There literally has to be a couple of episodes with these type of characters. It’s like a Star Wars rite of passage for shows.
20. New Jedi Order
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Not every jedi that is listed should be named. Fall Order did a good job of avoiding this mistake. It would be nice to see more ordinary jedi in this show as well and that would also make the Star Wars universe feel bigger. A scene of Luke training padawans would also be nice.
21. Ahsoka and Chewbacca reunite
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Ahsoka has actually already met Chewbacca as a teenager during the Clone Wars. It would be nice to see them meet up again. This could also be an opportunity for her to meet Han Solo and Leia.
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