#this is the most hilarious ryou thing
thatumbrellaoni · 9 months
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yugis recapping pegasus' mind scan ability and that kaiba has resorted to blindly drawing from his deck to counter it.
mai laughing, basically saying the ability to read minds is preposterous (she already tried to claim to have esp via aroma tactics before).
and then in response to mai,
RYOU: That foreigner has ESP, (actually).
a bit more literally: "It's that foreigner's (version of) ESP."
the wheeze that came out of me lmao ryou!! why would you blatantly call pegasus a foreigner out loud? I mean he is! yes he is! but everyone knows who he is! you can just say his name, no?? why the sudden generic label.
jounouchi actually calls pegasus "american comic guy" but I think he gets a pass cuz jounouchi has very rough speech anyway. thats just how he talks. but ryou lmao
two things Im getting from that exchange:
1) ryous putting it (the millennium eye's power) into layman's terms so mai can understand.
2) ryous seriously and literally answering mai's rhetorical question (MAI: The ability to read minds...? What are you saying~!?)
it prolly doesnt mean anything in jp (or it does idk, you never know with the language) and it only jumped out at me cuz Im not a native myself, but boy does ryou have a mouth on him sometimes! its probably the 電波 or bakuras rudeness rubbing off on him
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gingerninja8 · 4 days
in my British Bakura au Ryou cringes when English is used incorrectly weather it through spelling, wording, and pronunciation. Bakura on the other hand would think it hilarious and would likely giggle when he sees a curse word used in full view like on clothing in which he would definitely buy a t-shirt that said it. Ryou also gets hounded by his classmates to help them with their English assignments. Bakura would most likely try to get favors from them after he done teaching them.
I have a problem with the part about our local thief Bakura buying something.
Other than that though, I'm imagining Bakura begging Ryou to buy one of these kinds of things:
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Ryou says no cause they're stupid but one or more ends up in his closet next time he blacks out.
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
My personal Digimon season ranking
Given August is Digimon month, I cannot help but do one of these. Because, oh boy. I have not made one of those in a long, long while.
Now, let me tell you one thing clear: I have been in the Digimon fandom since Adventure started airing 2000 in Germany. I still vividly remember getting into the show and what the first episodes I watched were. I have obsessed about this show for so long...
But I also have unpopular opinions when it comes to the seasons. So let me get to those.
And please note: I will not list Digimon Adventure: (2020), as I only watched the first 22 episodes and then just dropped it. But I will list Digimon Adventure tri., though it is not quite a season.
#1 Digimon Tamers
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My number one Digimon season is and will probably always be Digimon Tamers. This show really has no right to be as good as it is. Like, holy shit. This show went so hard in so many regards.
It really is the only season of Digimon that has something like a proper pacing. With only a couple of episodes being actual filler, while most do progress either story or character arcs. And those character arcs are so fucking good.
When I was a kid, I got so hooked on Ruki, because she was just such a good female character. But by now I do appreciate them all. (Well, Ryou maybe less, but that is a story for another day. Because he is one of those examples where I also grew up on those games and I love game!Ryou...)
Also, the amount of amazing background characters is kinda hilarious. Like, background figures like Janyuu, Yamaki or Shibumi are so well written.
Not to mention: For a 2001 merchandise TV show with 51 episodes, the animation has no business being as good as it is. How is it, that this series still has better animation than some of the later series?!
So, yeah, all around great show. Love it. Will rewatch most certainly a couple more times.
#2 Digimon Universe Applimonsters
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And while a lot of people will absolutely understand, why I put Tamers in first place, pretty much most people will not get, why I would put Appmon in second place. Because other than Tamers this has a ton of filler episodes.
But to me none of that really matters, based on the fact that I just love the freaking character writing in this show, all the references to computer history and also... The fact that this show is gay as fuck. I mean, holy fuck, the entire Haru/Yuujin thing? Yeah, it warms my little queer heart so much!
But other than that it is another series where I really just love all the characters a ton. Haru is probably the goggle boy I relate to most out of all of Digimon. But I also really loved the other characters in this series, including the Digimon partners and what not.
So, yeah, to me this is my second favorite Digimon show.
#3 Digimon Savers
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Masaru in a way is the polar opposite character to Haru, isn't he? While Haru is this soft spoken, introverted guy, Masaru is just this pure hardcore masculinity! GAAAAR! So, while I do like him less as a character than I like Takato or Haru, I did enjoy the writing in this show quite a lot. There were a ton of personal stakes to the story, that the others seasons did not bring in as much as this show did. And that was something I really enjoyed.
And while it got ridiculous at times, I also liked how Masaru was a bit more involved in the battles by punching stuff. Though I kinda am sad that they did not go with that original concept where all the characters would've been able to punch stuff.
I also enjoyed that the characters were a bit older in this, though ironically my favorite characters from the season are Chika and Ikuto.
#4 Digimon Ghost Game
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There might be some bias here based on the fact alone that it is the most recent season of the franchise. But even though it was basically 100% episodic, I did enjoy almost every one of those episodes. Basically the show is 100% vibes for me, but oh boy, do I love those vibes.
I find this season kinda weird in terms of how it kinda pushed for two Digimon/human ships, with Ruli/Angoramon clearly being coded into the text, while it is also fairly clear that Jellymon is romantically interested in Kiyo. I mean, there always were seasons where you could definitely go for Digimon/human ships....... but it was never like this. But then again: All power to the monster fuckers, right? xD
And yeah... Being a fan of the horror genre, I absolutely adored how many episodes were based around classical horror stories from all around the world. That was so freaking fun! :D
#5 Digimon Adventure 02
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Okay, let me make one thing clear: Digimon Adventure 02 is not a good series. It is not. Knowing what I know about how chaotic it was behind the scenes, aka how chaotic and cursed this production was, this is also not a big surprise. I disliked the show for this for quite long. I mean, there is tons of filler and the animation is soooooo bad in soooo many episodes. I mean, there is a ton of fan animation that is better than this series. But...
It also is kinda charming.
See, the thing about this show is, that I kinda still do like how the characters develop over the show and how... positive a lot of it is. The characters are sweet with each other and even with their enemies. And a huge chunk of the show is also dedicated to the characters outright trying to rebuild the digital world.
Also, this show has Ken, who to this day is one of my favorite Digimon characters. So, fuck it. I actually still kinda like it.
#6 Digimon Frontier
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Fun Fact: I grew up with the Japanese dub of Digimon, but Digimon Frontier is the one season, where I actually kinda liked the US Dub, just based on the US soundtrack for this show. I really kinda liked the vibe it had.
In a way I do feel that this show had in fact the strongest character designs out of all of Digimon. The characters just have the right level of detail. They do not look overdesigned, but also not too simple. I really digged that. And yes, as a kid I cosplayed Takuya a lot.
To me the series just mostly suffers when it comes to the pacing. Not because of the fillers really (I am fine with fillers, as long as the fillers are fun), but rather in terms of the Cherubimon-arc being sooooo long and everything happening after it feeling kind of like an afterthought.
But I still very much like the characters. I just wished they did not make Junpei a glutton. One fat character who isn't a glutton. Is that so much to ask?
#7 Digimon Xros Hunters
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For anyone now going like: "But this is not even a series on its own!" I will kindly ask you: "Shut up, this is my list." Because those couple of episodes from Xros Wars that were clearly just meant to fill the timeslot for a couple more weeks, do have a very different vibes from the rest of the show.
Now, this also is basically just filler + then the crossover event. But... At times this was kinda sweet. I liked the vibes this show had at times and some of the characters were kinda likeable.
And I really liked the opening.
It was not good. Definitely wasn't. But there was stuff about it I liked.
#8 Digimon Adventure
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Yeah, let's get to my most controversial Digimon opinion: I do not like Digimon Adventure a lot. I really don't. Some of the characters are fine, yes, but... I do not like a lot more of this show. Mostly because I fucking hate the crest system and how morally simplistic the show is, with the bad guys just all being bad guys with not much depth. Meanwhile most of the characters are horribly underwritten and have their entire character arcs rushed through within like two episodes.
And I just hate Yamato and how the show just tries to excuse all of his bullshit. There. I said it. I think he is a horrible character. A horrible brother. And a horrible friend. So, yeah, fuck him.
And Nishizono, the showrunner, had no plan where he was going when he started writing. Not entirely his fault, given that he inherited a production that two other writing teams already had abandoned. But maaaaaan, it shows.
#9 Digimon Xros Wars
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What is there to say?
Digimon Xros Wars sucked. It sucked. And to this day I wonder what the drama behind the scenes was. We know there was drama (given the showrunner abandoned the production half-way through!) but details are sparse even ten years later.
But, yeah. Taiki is a fucking Gary Stu and the plot just shifts around him. The story is a whole mess. The female characters get sexualized to no end. Everyone who is not Taiki gets sidelined constantly. The animation is inconsistent. And what not.
And the really sad fact: The manga is so fucking good.
I am fairly certain that most issues are because of production drama. And one day I am gonna find out what that drama was.
#10 Digimon Adventure tri.
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Digimon Adventure tri. is one of the things that by themselves are not good, but get really bad once you consider the universe it is set in. It is one of those things put into an existing canon without honoring the existing canon at all.
It just ignores basically everything happening in 02. The character developments from anything that has happened before. The 02 characters are just not there. The "original chosen children" exist and yet the OVA does not give them the attention they deserve. And Meiko is just... Oh boy. Meiko is just a horrible character for so many reasons.
It is just fucking sad that this exists. So fucking sad. Just why?!
Also, for OVAs the animation is so bad. Soooooo bad.
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Bocchi the Rock! Review
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What was your favorite anime of the Fall 2022 season? If I had to bet, it was the highly anticipated Chainsaw Man. It was the most hyped anime of the year after all. It even had me, someone who usually doesn't watch or read shounen, keeping up with it. And as expected, it was a pretty good adaptation. Was it my favorite anime of the season though? I would have probably said yes if Bocchi the Rock! wasn't airing that season too. I'll stop with the comparisons here, since most people reading this already have read and/or watched CSM, and the two are apples and oranges, if the apple phased out of existence if you said its name too loud and the orange made you shit your pants after two bites. Anyways--who is Bocchi? And why does she rock?
Bocchi the Rock! is about Hitori Gotou, more commonly referred to as 'Bocchi', a high school girl who started learning to play guitar in order to be in a band and become popular. The problem is that, while she has become an excellent guitarist in the four years she has been playing, she has made zero friends during that time. She also hasn't joined a band yet due to her severe social anxiety. Turns out that being good at guitar, while making you look cooler, doesn't automatically net you new friends. In lieu of that, she runs a well-known YouTube channel under the pseudonym 'guitarhero', which she uses to upload her guitar solos. Luckily for our dear Bocchi, her dream of being in a band suddenly becomes true one afternoon, when she meets drummer Ijichi Nijika, who coincidentally is looking for a guitarist for her band.
Rounding out the band (named Kessoku Band) is bassist Ryou Yamada, whose cool and aloof demeanor is counteracted by her always being broke and being a walking rock music encyclopedia, and Ikuyo Kita, vocalist and backing guitarist, who joins the band because of her admiration (and longing) for Ryou. She doesn't actually know how to play the guitar when she joins Kessoku Band, but her willingness to learn combined with her ability to handle the social media side of things makes her a valuable asset to the group.
The four congregate at STARRY, a live house managed by Nijika's older sister, Seika. STARRY operates as a home base for Kessoku Band, with all four members working, practicing, and even sometimes performing there. Other characters of note include PA-san, a mysterious girl who also works at STARRY, and Kikuri Hiroi, an alcoholic bassist who quickly became a fan favorite despite her only appearing in a few episodes.
What made Bocchi the Rock! such a well-received show? The main reason would be the way Bocchi's social anxiety is shown as ridiculous and surreal, while at the same time being relatable and hilarious. I believe the phrase goes like 'She's just like me!'. There are more anime than I can count that have a socially awkward main character, but Bocchi the Rock! is one of the best anime at portraying the main character's introvertedness. Who among us has not at one point mentally melted into a puddle of water over being asked to do a simple task? Watching Bocchi's growth is one of the best parts about the anime.
Bocchi the Rock! has drawn many comparisons to K-On!, with some even considering it K-On!'s spiritual successor. While both anime do have many of the same plot points (slices of life about high-school-aged girls forming a rock band), Bocchi the Rock! is in no way a clone of K-On!. Bocchi the Rock! is nowhere near as 'moe' as K-On!, and contains a lot more conflict, although said conflict generally being low stakes. Kessoku Band has aspirations of becoming big, while it was only a passing thought for Ho-kago Tea Time. That being said, if you enjoyed K-On!, then Bocchi the Rock! is right up your alley (and vice versa!).
The sincerity of Bocchi the Rock! endears it even further, never using cheap fanservice as a cop-out. It isn't afraid to have subversive characters, which is great considering musicians tend to be, well, subversive. The nature of the anime leaves little to be desired. If there's one thing I'd fix, I'd have Nijika call Ryou a broke ass more often. I'd also have Bocchi listen to The Smiths and then have her turn into evaporated water once she finds out how stupid Morrissey can be.
In my opinion, Bocchi the Rock! is as good as the hype says. Is it top ten anime of all time good, as Anilist suggests? I wouldn't go that far. However, Bocchi the Rock! is one of the best SoL anime that I have seen in a long time. It's a good, wholesome story about a girl overcoming social anxiety to show off her guitar skills to the masses and gain fans and, more importantly, friends. While I would love to have a chance to scare the shit out of Bocchi, I'm cheering her on, mostly because I know she's more than likely to be a NEET if the whole 'become a famous guitarist' plan doesn't work.
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Ryou Bakura Headcannons
* I mean yeah I see him as a little soft boi
* And he is! I promise
* But he has this uncanny weird vibe on and around him
* Not cause if the ring, Yami Bakura could def do that but he has so much trauma that his Yami doesn’t need to put in that effort
* Hates cream puffs, not cause of the taste but because of constantly being compared to one
* So he only eats them in private
* Has definitely used Y!Bakura to scare off his fangirls whenever he’s tired of them
* I lied, that’s actually him finally being able to shake off the “cutesy perfect boi uwu “ vibe for a bit in public
* You can’t tell me that he doesn’t get tired of being that perfect
* With all the pressure of being perfect, plus the ring, plus being alone with little friends
* Mans had to have snapped
* Only Y!Bakura knows this and has not only helped him through it but connects with him
* And this is why Ryou checks up on Y!Bakura often, and builds all the rpg stuff and all that
* Honestly despite being evil Ryou really enjoys Y!Bakura
* The sibling he’s lost and the emotional support he needs always there with him
* He’s no longer as lonely as they felt before
* I lowkey see Ryou as a person like Mitsuba though his kindness is more genuine and natural
* But also felt that he had to be nice cause if the evil of the ring
* The most introverted ambivert I’ve ever seen
* Also mf has to be mad strong and shit cause he’s not dying from all the running he’s been doing with the gang
* And all the shit Y!Bakura does
* And stay up late at night doing homework and/or those rpg and museum crafts
* Cause those crafts take months to make perfectly
* Plus mf has been brutally harmed at least twice in the whole series
* Someone please give him a rest
* The gang tries to include him but he only joins to make them feel as though he’s not being excluded
* Despite this he doesn’t feel included but just chills along
* Also, he has the most horrid sense of fashion I’ve ever seen
* Pretty sure it’s a white boy thing
* Cause even think yugi is out here wearing bondage despite the facts that he starts wearing it due to Y!Yugi
* This means both Bakuras have little fashion sense, cause the only thing Y!Bakura has going for him is that trench coat
* Egyptian!Bakura is the only one with fashion sense and it’s sad
* His lack of fashion only affects him tho
* He can dress you to be the hottest mf ever
* I mean, he does all those crafts for the museum and rpg and they have to look good for the museum to want a teen to do it
* Likes pastel colors cause they contrast what he usually works on
* Loves angel cake cause like fluffy and it’s just that good
* Doesn’t have a preference of tea, but tea is his preferred drink
* His fave juice is any sour juice, lemon and lime topping it
* Scratch that he adores tf out of lemon tea
* Squeezes lemon juice into almost every tea he drinks
* Y!Bakura hates it and is tired of it
* Mf took control once just to throw out all the lemons in the house
* Ryou got very scary and dared him to try
* No lemons were thrown out that day and Y!Bakura knows what lines to cross now
* Anyways murder is fine, throwing away lemons aren’t!
* Gets spooked so easily it’s actually hilarious
* I could probably rent forever about my little cream puff emo boy
* But I’ll stop here
Let me know if you want more or who you want
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wotcherangie · 1 year
Since all the Mew Mews help wingman for Ichigo's crush on Masaya, do you think they would do the same for Lettuce if they learned she had a crush on Ryou?
Hello dear anon and sorry to you too for replying so late! I've been so busy and I've just updated tumblr without looking at my inbox.
So, THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION and the answer will be quite long since... I've always daydreamed about that scenario since I was a little girl drawing fanart and writing (very terrible) fanfic XD
So, in my own personal opinion and according to the scenario played in my head, I've always imagined the mew team to be very supportive with Retasu and her crush on Ryou: we've seen in the reboot a glimpse of how much they support and care for eachother, being there as soon as one of them seems in trouble (see Minto and Zakuro, or Minto and Ichigo, or again Ichigo and retasu or Retasu and Bu-Ling), so yeah, I think they would be the most supportive friends... ESPECIALLY ICHIGO XD
I've always imagined her to feel shocked at that thought at first, cause even though sometimes she too falls for Ryou's charm, their bond is very playful, always teasing eachother, him driving her crazy and making fun of her and her crush. So I believe initially Ichigo would've found hard to believe that Retasu, so shy and kind and polite, would've fallen for someone like Ryou, but lately - both cause she cares about her friend so much and cause she knows deep down how good Ryou is as a person - she would've been the most supporting friend, sometimes a little too much... especially when she would pair alongside Bu-Ling... both of them trying to help Retasu open up with him but unfortunately ... making her involved in some of the most awkward and hilarious situation, a little too pushy for someone as shy as Retasu, who would need to go one little step at a time.
Minto, on the other side, would've been more discrete, definitely better, but at the same time too direct so her approach wouldn't had worked either. I like Minto and Retasu both so much cause they're so different in personalities, and that difference is what makes me enjoy so much both these character but also is something that could create some issues with them having to face a crush on someone.
I think - dunno why I had this thought, mainly I think cause of some OG anime vibes - that the best companion and wingman of the four mew would've been Zakuro. She and Retasu being the oldest, Zakuro an "older sister" figure for the team, the most mature and concrete, with a very adult approach to face every kind of situation, a lone wolf that stays behind the curtain to watch and observe people behavior... c'mon, Zakuro can really read people in my opinion. She would be as discrete as Minto but with more experience and wiser advice, always watching and being there for Retasu, noticing little thing, ups and downs, and maybe realizing that Retasu likes Ryou even before she could admitted herself. Also, Zakuro - as I said - in my opinion can really read people and would support Retasu but slowly, taking small steps, according to her personality, not pushing her but guiding her.
And of course this is just my personal view, of course a IchiRyou shipper would not see Ichigo the same way and that's fine :3
Also I like also the little hints of Pietasu too so I would be curios to know how the aliens would react at Pie having a crush on Retasu XD they would' torture the poor boy XD
Thanks again for asking, I always love to chat about theories and headcanon, especially when we have to wait so long for the next season!
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krysmcscience · 2 years
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Back when I first learned of its existence, Tokyo Mew Mew Return casually tossed in a fun new twist that I knew, in my far less learned youth, would have had me squealing about my weird dark ship and creeping out every last one of my unfortunate friends.
Now in my somewhat more coherent Older Age, it DOES still make me squeal, but instead of over my favorite Problem Ship, it's over the potential for the sheer unbridled hijinks that would Absolutely have to ensue the moment Ryou hired three Literal Frickin Aliens to work in his cafe.
Did. Did Ryou forget the cafe was supposed to be a cover? Presumably to pick up deets from the general public about Weird Stuff going down? Because having three Actual Aliens selling pastries and tea is a little ummmm what's the word?
Yeah, there we go.
Do Ichigo's friends not question this?
Does ANYONE question this???
I have never met a customer who could resist asking the most asinine questions about the most basic things, and we are being robbed of hilarious Aliens VS Customer Service shenanigans. Also Ryou and Kish are roommates now, so THAT'S a thing my weird brain gets to process some kinda way. (Some kinda gay way.)
Anyway, that's all a long way of saying that this was just the first thing I scribbled about it. There's probably more coming. (There's definitely more coming.)
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Anime Update V2 25
Noragami Aragoto - So in this series’ finale, Ebisu meets a pretty gruesome end only to be immediately reincarnated as a child, Yato is devastated and traumatized, we learn Yato’s real name is Yaboku (thank you, Hiyori!), resolve tensions between himself and Yukine, and more significantly, settle things between him and Hiiro/Nora. And I felt really bad for her since she clearly does love him and wishes he could be with her again, but so long as she’s so self-deluded about their father (the absolute shitbag who set everything up to try and break his son) and perpetuating his abusive, murderous methods, she’s a toxic influence in Yato’s life that he needed to cut off, which is what he does even when it visibly breaks his heart to have to do so.
Now Yato knows his calling and is ready to take it on with Hiyori and Yukine by his side, unaware that his father, currently posing as Hiyori’s male classmate who’d kissed her at the theme park, is lying in wait to destroy him and all the other gods....which we have no follow-through to since Noragami has yet to get more anime content!
Hunter x Hunter - At this point, the two anime are covering the same ground but veering into different directions in terms of how and when they present that ground that it’s starting to grate on me having to watch them both. The 99 anime gives us a Kurapika-focused episode before returning to Gon and Killua on Whale Island, which itself is padded out with filler and drags out Gon learning more about his deadbeat dad, getting a recorded message from said deadbeat dad, and working with Killua to try to decode the mystery behind the Greed Island game. The 2011 anime, meanwhile, does the Whale Island stuff first before jumping to Kurapika’s Nen training and the following exploits in Yorknew City. I will say that the arc is already a vast improvement over Heaven’s Arena. I’m eager to see what’s next
Fruits Basket - Since Kisa Sohma’s debut was up next in the 2001 anime, I skipped to it in the 2019 anime before watching the following episode of the former and the preceeding episodes of the latter.
2001 - The dub ruined the part with Kisa’s mother since her voice acting was ridiculously wooden, and am I the only one to notice that the silhouetted bully girls looked like Nagisa, Kyou, and Ryou from CLANNAD years before they were a thing? (Sounds almost like a visual representation of Kotomi’s worst fears to me!!) The most notable difference in this version compared to the later one is that Yuki seemed to react a lot more angrily to the teacher’s letter to Kisa than he did in the later adaptation. A good chunk of the following episode was spent on the Prince Yuki Fanclub, with their suddenly introduced leader Motoko Minagawa, doing a documentary-style filming of what they hope will be an interview with Saki in order to better understand her psychic “waves” ability (actually hoping to learn her weakness and compromise her friendship with Tohru since Motoko hates Tohru now), which doesn’t get us the amount of backstory for Saki and her younger brother that we were supposed to get at this point, but it didn’t bother me much since the Prince Yuki Fanclub really do benefit from this anime’s more loose and light-hearted tone. Their antics and banter are straight up hilarious here.
2019 - Since the main point of the Kisa episode is character development for Yuki, his thoughts and how Kisa’s situation parallels his own are given more focus and emphasis here, and he’s less angry about the teacher’s letter, simply disappointed that it missed the mark despite the good intentions. The two episodes before it were the ones that covered the backstory of Arisa Uotani and how she met, and had her life saved and turned around by, Tohru and her mom, probably some of the heaviest, most heartfelt and intriguing stuff on this show thus far. But it went to some really dark places, which explains why the earlier anime omitted it aside from a few references. The three delinquent girls in the present day were kind of strange since they felt sort of like copies of the Prince Yuki Fanclub, but perhaps that might’ve been intentional given where they end up.
Rozen Maiden - Episode 4 saw the proper start of the Alice Game with all the dolls going up against Barasuishou in the dimension that the creepy white rabbit demon takes them to, and then Episode 5 is the designated off-the-walls goofy filler episode about Hinaichigo and Suiseiseki both wanting to write a letter to Jun, with the former facing her fear of mailboxes to do so. Hinaichigo has grown on me by this point, having gotten a lot more endearing, funny, and adorable as the series has gone on. Also growing on me is Kanaria, who gets a lot funnier the more pathetic and ineffectual she’s made to look, and something about the way Cristina Vee voices her really helps that.
Fate Zero - Servants old and new were showcased. The Rider of this series who is now Waver’s servant is Alexander the Great, who looks like a less evil Ganondorf and is voiced by Kirei’s previous VA, Jamieson Price. Saber is with Kiritsugu and Irisveil, the badass girl king we know, love, and remember. Ilya also shows up at one part and it just now dawns on us that she’s technically Shirou’s little sister (being Kiritsugu and Irisveil’s biological child). We meet this totally deranged young serial killer who becomes master of the equally evil Caster servant calling himself “Bluebeard”, and as Kirei is master of Assassin, he naturally sends him to go assassinate his own partner Tokiomi. But Tokiomi’s Archer, Gilgamesh, is ready for him, and he’s now voiced by David Lucas, VA of the previous Assassin! Mindfuck!
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Back on track to the arc formula, we meet Juri’s predecessor fencing club leader, a handsome duelist named Ruka who’s got the snootiest sounding voice (Wayne Grayson has always been very skilled as a VA, hasn’t he?), and to make things painful for Juri, he’s got Shiori totally smitten with him! Ruka and Shiori get the car ride with Akio and Touga this time, they challenge Utena and Anthy to a duel as a pair, and Ruka shows he sees Shiori as a liability that he’d like to throw under the wheel...
Love Live! Nijigasaki School Idol Club S2 - We got set up for what’s to be the School Idol Club’s “First Live”, sort of their own Love Live show since Aqours and Saint Snow established that school idols can do that. But only after an episode spent mostly on reflections by the characters, particularly Karin, who’d been questioning her place in the school idol business for whatever reason. Also, Lanzhu continues to be bae and I adore her friendship with Yu and Ayumu.
MAR - I’m just gonna say it: I’m not a fan of how Jack’s matches have been handled. Yet again, and with the exact same opponent but with the opposite outcome this time, it’s Jack showing how much he’s improved and how he can hold his own in a fight before the whole thing suddenly turns into a great big pervy joke. It ceased to be a true “fight” the moment the delerium-inducing mushrooms grew on Pano, and if that whole display wasn’t cringe enough, Jack taints his own first victory by attempting a REALLY skeevy, sleazy move to put the moves on Pano while she’s in her intoxicated state of mind! Who thought this was okay? This is Jack, not Cat Noir, VA be damned!
AMC: Gintama - Ah, always good to be back in Edo. This one was a pretty big deal since it’s where Kagura got Sadaharu, her iconic giant dog companion, and not even how much Kagura’s VA in this dub grates on my nerves could detract from the hilarity of it all. And not only did Hijikata and Okita get to play a part in this, so did the Majin Buu looking, whiny voiced alien prince obsessed with keeping pets who returned to Earth so he could be the antagonist for the climax. Poor Odd Jobs Gin crew, finding jobs even when not looking for any!
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steve0discusses · 2 years
S5 Ep 30 pt 2: So Yami’s Dad Totally Killed That Village
Last we left off, everyone decided to dive directly into Yugi’s horrible mind prison.
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In a nice little touch, we only see all the doors and walls when Yugi wakes up. It could also just be editing and the fact that the bg painter didn’t know they were in an Escher maze when he drew that first bg and was only going off of someone else’s loose storyboard.
But it’s a nice touch.
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“Seems bigger than last time, Yuge, did you do some redecorating?” was the actual line from the show, and honestly says a lot about how many times Joey has been in this bean, and how ridiculously accepting Joey is of his best friend’s horrible Mind Parasite Problem that would scare off most people.
Back at Kaiba Corp, Seto is getting no work done.
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(more under the cut)
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Look how left out this boy is because Yugi didn’t invite him into his horrible Mind Prison Labyrinth.
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What I love about this shot are
-Seto giving the orb an appropriate amount of space
-that it is night time, inferring that a full day has passed and that for 12 hours or so, Seto has been awkwardly hovering around his desk unsure of what to do about the tiny hell orb.
-That the shot is blocked by a door and a couch and a bench, which is a fun filmic technique that builds tension or makes the viewer feel uncomfortable. (In this case, it’s the first time we’ve ever seen furniture in front of this desk.) and here it does make Seto appear to be a little bit helpless about this teeny, tiny little orb.
-That the animators decided to render the orb at all because we’re so far away they could have just not. But no, they put that mini orb on there in a scene you barely see for more than a second.
Anyway, back in the past, everyone whisks out their over-rendered arm bangles and reveals they were in fact, weapons.
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That’s right, it’s the hardest duel disk to draw yet. This is hell. Who decided to do this? Who would ever do this to a team of animators? It’s so unbelievably cruel. Just...man looking at the linework on this is giving me second hand tendonitis.
The idea of a past-duel-disk of course being that we have a Dartz type of temple full of tablets, and when they want to use a monster, it hails a bright ass beam of light from the temple to put a monster into this room. Must be impossible to sleep at night in this town. But it looks cool.
And then Bakura finally decided to just let it out:
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The Death Count is pending on this one. It’s still on the table that Bakura might be making this up, and we also don’t know how many people were in the village, it might go up by a fair number.
Also, kind of amazing that Bakura has been holding it in for all this time (4 years apparently) that Yugi’s ghost’s Dad killed his family. Like I’m fairly sure that Ryou probably doesn’t know that, but the feelings from the ghost must have been there, right? Like when Bakura shows up and immediately killed Yugi in S1 that seemed like such a wild thing to do, but really it was Bakura being like “oh it’s this bastard? I’ll do the world a big favor on this one before it becomes an actual problem later.”
And we just had that season with Dartz where Dartz was saying “you were a tyrant, Yami, you were a complete asshole” and while Yami initially believed him, eventually Yami was like “Actually, I was probably not terrible! :)”
and I guess we should have paid more attention to Dartz and not gone back here to find out exactly the deets on what Yami’s family was up to. Albeit, destroying entire villages was very common in ancient Egypt. But that doesn’t make it OK, especially if you were an awkward schoolkid blissfully living in Japan and playing card games just yesterday.
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I also want to point out that Bakura is wearing this outfit with his knee raised like that, and it would absolutely upskirt this entire room, which is how you know a man drew this scene because girls know you can’t just DO this position. Like the animation team put little boxers under there...which is hilarious, it is 3000 BC. Have fun finding spandex.
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Wonder if Gozaburo and Yami’s Dad would’ve hung out in Hell.
I’d watch that spinoff.
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On any other kid’s show I’d be like “wow, what a lie!” but this is Yugioh. C’mon. They gotta do it. It’s way too enticing. They gotta murder that little village.
Anyway, Yami gets off his ass and also upskirts everyone in the room while his legs are fully down. A difficult feat to do, but he is one strong breeze away from indecency.
Honestly, I don’t think this team is used to drawing Pharaoh without full length pants and are not entirely sure where to put his waist. Like this kid usually has thin Tim Burton legs, but I guess Odion took him to the gym at some point in the distant past because he’s like all gams now.
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How renaissance painting is this shot, PS? Look at that gasp on Shadi, haha.
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This was such a funny little scene because Bakura took one foot and just pushed the casket over like the floor was made of ice. This is like the world’s most slippery casket covered in butter.
Anyway, Grandpa is deep in the propaganda sauce and is having a hard time with this deep cut about the past Pharaoh.
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Now in this angle, he kinda has like...a little bit of Gozaburo vibes and it would be kind of funny, if we ever get a head on shot of this guy, if Gozaburo had a past life as Yugi’s Dad. Really freakin weird, but also funny because man this show is going all ham on reusing characters in this past sequence.
Like I’m very impressed that Yami’s Dad isn’t just straight up Joey Wheeler.
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This is like the only time we haven’t seen Yami cry when he’s supposed to, by the way. I have seen him cry at so many games, but over his own Dad? Nah, he has no memory of who the hell this even is.
Anyway, Pharaoh has a slight hallucination from the casket, who actually has a voice deeper than Pharaoh’s which is saying something.
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TBH He also has the Katamari Damacy Dad vibes.
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Like...you know?
That, or the Dad in Katamari Damacy has Gozaburo/Roland vibes.
Maybe also it’s because this one of the few characters that is drawn to be older than 15. Anime be like that.
Anyway, it’s time for Yami to prove that he is the real King by using God Cards, which thankfully he’s done like...kind of a lot of times by this point...
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Because one of the only things really left of Pharaoh is his magic. Which, we went over at the end of S1, that his name Yami, is just the name of his power. He’s been slowly growing into his own being but he’s still kinda like...not full there. And, while I don’t know if the show will go in this direction, it makes you wonder if these people in the past don’t actually look so much like people of the present, or if this is just Yami’s interpretation because there’s so little of the original him left.
Something to think about later, I guess, because in the present, Seto is being confronted by the past, which is doing so in the form of this golden eyeball.
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In a weird turn of events, when Bakura used the Blue Eyes power, it sent the sound to Seto in Japan through the eye?
And then even weirder, the screen panned out to Egypt, where lo and behold, his past girlfriend is staring longingly at the city. A little bit of shipping for the fans, I guess.
...but it was really tangential in this scene because we’ve never met this girl, and the scene happened so quickly my episode changed, and I didn’t cap it in time and I was too lazy to go back.
So I guess that storyline is really happening. Seto having deep thoughts of this girl...friend? Problem is, she lives in a simulation in a necklace connected to Yugi’s brain so like....
........I feel like that will make dating kind of complicated.
...And not going to lie if she exists in a simulation made by the Pharaoh that we did by turning Yugi’s mind into an awful broken mind palace...
...who the hell is he even dating at that point?
I mean no one, that’s the answer to that question, Seto is dating no one at this point, but man...it was a lot less complicated when he was pining over a paper card.
anyway, till next time, here’s the list to read these in chrono order from S1:
And hope y’all have a good one
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saijspellhart · 3 years
Hilarious headcanons involving the Yugi OT6+ (now affectionately named the Puzzlepile)
The reason all the Yugis (there are now more than nine, people keep sending me more) are in the same place is because Seto Kaiba built an invention designed to pull Atem out of the afterlife, and ended up accidentally yanking Yugis from different times, spaces, and dimensions like some Into the SpiderverseYugiverse bullshit.
Kaiba has made himself their self-appointed sugar Daddy.
Kaiba built them a condominium building, to keep them all in one convenient location.
Twice a week they all take turns dueling Kaiba until they tire him out.
All the Yugis get together for game night officially three times a week. (But we all know that they break off in smaller groups and game every night.)
Once a week all the Yugis play DnD with Ryou Bakura.
The Yugis frequently get together for a movie night in Atem’s condo. Where they become a massive Yugi cuddle pile.
Kaiba just inserts himself among all of it. And they tolerate him.
Not all of the Yugis like Kaiba. Mao(s0 Yami) for example, holds a grudge against him because of Death T. Mao cannot be left alone with Kaiba.
All the Yugis have to take turns babysitting Mao to keep him from setting things on fire, running around with a knife, and murdering/cursing people.
Heba has the hardest time adjusting to the modern world, and is the shyest Yugi. So all the Yugis give him lots of hugs and encouraging words. But Heba stays home the most.
s0 Yugi (aka Baby Yugi) gets loved on and cuddled like the tiny little happy meal toy he is. All the Yamis and Atems are severely protective of him since he is the Yugi that got beat up and attacked the most.
The various Yugis go out to try and get different jobs so they aren’t completely reliant on Kaiba. (Some do it out of spite, others out of wariness. And some are just bored.)
Henry. (*wheezes*) I cannot get over the fact that there is a British Prince version of Yugi named Henry. It will never not be funny.
When the Yugis go shopping for clothes it’s an entire event/holiday. They come home with loads of shopping bags, and leave exhausted leather stores in their wake.
AI holo-Atem is touch starved. Because he can’t touch anyone.
Every game they play it’s unnecessarily dramatic and competitive.
There are so many intense emotional looks, and hand-holding.
They all do each other’s make up and hair.
That’s all I got for now. Feel free to add more. I can’t stop laughing about this. What a crack-ship.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
ryou bakura >:)c
First impression: both when i first watched ygo as a kid AND when i started rewatching in february of this year i had the exact same impression which is “man regular bakura is fucking boring” <-- *about to be smited by god*
Impression now: I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. MY ICY HEART MELTED. I SEWED A PLUSH OF THIS GUY. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH the realization that he would be Very Funny with a few personally relatable headcanons just absolutely rewired me. never in a million years did i think i would be on a first name basis with bakura yugioh. hes simultaneously the most boring little saltine of a boy and an absolutely bonkers human being. endlessly ceaselessly fond of this guy. my little purse dog.
Favorite moment: really just. All of him in duelist kingdom. he’s such Peak Dork Teenage Loser in season 1. guy who has to walk behind all his friends on the sidewalk because there’s no room to walk next to them. He says the most banal shit. I WISH he’d been in season 4 and was just like that still. i can dream.
Idea for a story: one day I will write the Kanine Kastle story, about my postcanon AU where Ryou and Joey work at a doggy daycare together the summer after graduating. Kaiba’s husky Obelisk the Tormentor Kaiba is there. It’s like 90 degrees out and Ryou is stuck in the teacup yard being barked at by 7 yorkies.
Unpopular opinion: his dub voice is great and hilarious and also I think people have a bad habit of making out to be the most Sober Emo Mopey Depressed Guy in the World. it don’t make no sense!!! in spite of all the bullshit that happens to him he’s still a pretty chipper guy. he’s taking it in stride all things considered. oh also i dont like t*ndershipping LOL
Favorite relationship: i never thought i’d be hyper invested in ryou and yami bakura’s disastrous relationship but. here i am. endlessly thinking about them. endlessly thinking of timelines where they could have been friends.... brothers. for now they are simply bickering and grumbling and ryou is getting his life ruined. c’est la vie u_u
Favorite headcanon: i will fight like a wild dog for celiac!bakura. this kid has so many ailments it will make your head spin. the Bakura Soul Room looks like an abandoned K-mart. he likes nickelback. He keeps a thing of floss in his gay little bag. And so on
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kaaytea · 3 years
not a request? but what sports/clubs do you think the Daiya boys would be into if they didn't play baseball? 👀
Daiya boys alternate sports/clubs
A/n: these are actually some of my favorite request! Very simple and character centered which are super fun to plan out. I'm exactly sure if some of the things I mentioned are clubs in Japan so 🤞also a big thank you to @oh-look-isa-weeb who helped me pick out sports for a few boys ♥️
Sawamura -> I'm a little ashamed of how long it took for me to connect Sawa with this sport, but I definitely think he'd do Cross country running! I'm pretty sure it's canon that Sawamura runs the most out of everyone at Seidou during practice, so Cross country just makes sense to me. As for just a normal club, I could see him joining a manga club of some kind.
Haruichi -> Bc Haru is Haru, I think he'd originally try to follow Ryousuke in what ever sport he's doing, but end up diverging to do his own thing. Kyudo is what kept coming to mind for some reason. It's very graceful and disciplined which I think would work well for Haruichi. For his normal club, I'd choose video game club.
Furuya -> Furuya's selling point as an athlete is his amazing shoulder, so he'd probably stay with a sport that plays to his strengths. For that reason, I'd say he'd do Track and Field and focus on events like the Javelin and the Shot Put. I don't think he'd necessarily join a non-athletic club, unless there's such thing as a Napping club.
Kanemaru -> Basketball is the sport that's coming to mind for me. It's a more physical/aggressive game than baseball, but I think Kanemaru could make it work. He'd probably be a pretty good Power Forward imo. The non-sport club I'm getting Rock and Roll vibes. If we're going fully outside of canon I definitely think he'd play Bass in a band.
Toujou -> Volleyball club 100%!! He'd make a wonderful Setter or Opposite Hitter. I've always pictured Toujou as this huge, dorky movie buff, so if he didn't play a sport he'd be in a club related to film.
Kuramochi -> The amount of self-restraint I am using rn to not say art club is hilarious. Realistically, I think he'd be in video game club with Haruichi, but if we're talking sports he's on the Soccer team. He gets to run and he's pretty damn agile, so I think Soccer fits quite well.
Miyuki -> Perhaps a cooking club? It's difficult to disassociate Miyooks from Baseball, but for an alternate sport I'd say Volleyball. He needs something mentally stimulating, so for that reason I think he'd make a great Setter.
Kawakami -> Would definitely be in a music appreciation club. If I'm going to diverge from canon like Kanemaru, I can see him playing the piano in a regular music club/band. I doubt Nori would ever be comfortable with an aggressive sport, so maybe volleyball? Imo he'd make a pretty good Pinch Server.
Ryousuke -> When I first read this request Kendo is what came to mind for Ryou. Don't ask my reasoning, I just think it fits his vibe. As a joke I could see him joining an Occult club just for the hell of it, but otherwise I'd say maybe a book club?
Tetsuya -> Definitely would be in a Shogi club, regardless if he's kind of bad at the game. For his sport maybe Judo?
Jun -> Another manga club boy. Could honestly see him being the president of a Shoujo club. For a sport maybe Tennis? He'd get to yell everytime he hits the ball so seems like a win.
Chris -> For some reason I feel like he'd love a more cultural activity like origami or calligraphy; bonus bc those are both fairly quiet extracurriculars. For a sport maybe swimming?? I could also see him being a manager for a different sport bc he's very observant and calculative.
Sanada -> Sanada would definitely play Basketball and would probably be a Small Forward. I can see him being in a music appreciation club, specifically one that focuses on hip hop.
Raichi -> I can't really think of a club for Raichi?? He's very timid outside of Baseball, so I don't know if he'd be willing to put himself out there. I feel like if he was in a non athletic club it'd be bc he's following around one of his friends. As for a sport, I'm going with Table tennis. It's fast paced and relies on good reflexes/instincts.
Mei -> If there is such a thing as a conspiracy theory club, I'd go with that. For a sport I feel like it'd have to be something he'd still be able to steal the spotlight in. Mei likes attention so I could see him playing Soccer and trying to find a way to stand out.
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hunis-archives · 3 years
ryou working at a haunt is probably one of the most terrifying and hilarious thing i can come up with today. he keeps track of how many people he scares and then tells his friends he made a poor dude piss his fucking pants. and then LAUGH ABOUT IT. 
extra fun ig if he lets yami bakura in on the fun , as long as he promises not to steal their souls. 
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pale-plasma · 3 years
No nuance headcanons, that once again, no one asked for:
- Kaiba absolutely has a crush on Atem, Yugi thinks it’s hilarious how insecure he is about it, Atem is a flirt and thinks Kaiba’s cute but is in love with Yugi. Yugi isn’t threatened by Kaiba one bit in this regard
- Atem has expensive taste in clothing and regrettably likes Versace
- Anzu and Yugi share a Stardew valley farm. Anzu romanced Shaun, Yugi romanced Abigail. Atem doesn’t understand ‘the point’ of simulation games, but loves seeing the two of them get so excited over their farm
- Atem isn’t a huge player of video games, but adores the switch Yugi got him for his birthday. He plays a lot of Tetris 99 and Hades, he likes puzzles snd something about a charismatic broody antagonist hero escaping hell and his dad resonates with him.
- Jou coaches kids sports, probably soccer, on his weekends. All of them rock up to the important games to cheer Jou on. Anzu got them all matching shirts
- Atem is a bookworm, he has at least 6 books on the go at any given time. He also has reading glasses.
- Atem has three pairs of glasses. Two are very stylish and designer, the third one? Grandpa glasses on a gold chain. Yugi thinks it’s the most endearingly hilarious thing ever. Kaiba caught him wearing them at work once and got so upset he had to leave the room.
- Honda and Jou got Atem saying ‘that’s so fortnite’ for one week and getting him to think it was slang before Anzu nearly murdered them both. Ryou still says it un ironically and won’t stop.
- Atem and Mai watch the MET fashion gala together every year.
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bakeura · 3 years
some ryou headcanons of mine! i have many more from over the years and could go on about him forever. it’s totally okay if you don’t agree with ANY! i just thought i’d post a handful for fun! under the read more for your dashboard's pleasure!
he’s extremely creative generally speaking - since he can create beautiful tabletop RPG worlds and detailed characters i always imagined his talent there extends to things like drawing, painting, sculpting, and all around having an artistic touch. i love the idea of him painting beautiful watercolors of his friends and loved ones - and some haunting pieces as well, like what he’s seen in the shadow realm.
ryou always struck me as a closeted violinist. i’m not sure if it’s because i subconsciously associate him with my other two favorite anime soft boy violinists (quatre from gundam wing and momiji from fruits basket) but i’ve always been able to picture ryou and his sister taking music lessons together before the incident. maybe she took harp or cello and he took violin. as another tribute to her he keeps practicing by himself throughout his life.
i personally love british! ryou even if it’s exclusive to the american dubs and have lots of headcanons based on him being born in england, traveling around the world with his father after his mother and sister pass away, and eventually ending up in japan - the home country of either one of his parents? eurasian ryou is *chef’s kiss*.
being more of a withdrawn and lonely child (but well traveled) gave ryou time and opportunity to pick up lots of hobbies and humbly considers himself a jack of all trades. he’s broadly artistic, likes to cook, plays (and is good at) various kinds of games, writes, perhaps speaks multiple languages (or is at least fluent in english and japanese while dabbling in others), partakes in tarot/ouija, reads a lot of fantasy and horror fiction, etc. not very athletic but likes to dance! probably knows some ballroom dancing.
it’s clear his relationship with yami bakura is obviously complicated. we see in the manga that ryou believes bakura will grant his wishes for friends - and bakura does, in fact, in his yamis-going-too-far way. we also see ryou reject bakura but then become convinced again that the spirit has changed. maybe he WANTS to believe that, after witnessing yugi’s spirit be an okay guy. bakura seriously harms and then saves ryou in battle city, and when ryou wakes up he actively seeks out the millennium ring again. my personal headcanon is that bakura keeps granting ryou various wishes and HAS been since he first claimed ryou as his host. sort of like a genie with really unfortunate consequences. i also think ryou could be privy to bakura’s past and may believe in his cause a lil bit. i could make an entire post on their relationship alone.
while ryou loves creepy duel monsters cards and all things occult, he DOES scare easily and isn’t the biggest fan of jump scares. he enjoys the feeling of being scared during horror movies, though, and finds most of them fascinating. he loves reading horror novels as well. the shadow realm probably gave him ptsd but he knew how to survive! the guy was prepared.
part of his charm is that he doesn’t pay much attention to his appearance but still always smells like citrus and fresh laundry. sometimes in the winter he smells like citrus and musk or like he left his jacket near the fireplace overnight. he likes his hair but doesn’t bother taking time to style it so i imagine the routine is fairly simple. shampoo, conditioner, wrap in towel, flip over, vigorous towel dry, flip over, hair dryer to his face, natural volume from genetics activates the Poof, and Go! all hair texture headcanons for ryou are always good.
while initially shy and withdrawn, once ryou is comfortable with people his strange sense of humor comes out and he probably, somehow, ALWAYS surprises his friends often with unexpected, hilarious observations and comments. when talking about a hobby of his he can become very passionate, but only after he makes sure he TRULY won’t bore anyone.
in terms of romance, if/when he thinks about it, i always imagine he’d look for something warm and reminiscent of family feelings/togetherness that he lost at such a young age. someone who finally makes him feel like he’s home and doesn’t care about things like status and wealth. someone who will play games with him, maybe someone who doesn’t like scary movies so he can seem extra brave, someone who will always justify his sweet tooth, or who can pull off elf ears.
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dubmiho · 3 years
I saw someone tag fanart with Miho and Yugi as “best couple” and went ??? Huh? So in the spirit of YGO fandom shipping everyone with literally everyone, I took a crack at some different dynamics. I don’t actually see it for most of these but I tried to be convincing, just for a game: 
Miho x Yugi = Yugi I think actually has the closest personality to Miho’s canon crush, Ryou. He’s on the quieter side, a bit of an involuntary loner at the beginning, and loves games. His fashion isn’t quite Miho’s fashion, but I could see them doing each other’s eyeliner and finding they really enjoy each other’s company. Like, are they not just that picture of two girls in a bed with one girl sitting on the girl laying down so that she can do her makeup? Plus, we already know they like playing games together and she offered to kiss him if she lost again.
Miho x Yami Yugi: Miho’s thrill seeking turned up to 11; they’re both insane, determined to get what they want, and lack basic survival instincts yet always seem to luck out. This would be hilarious honestly. Mr. “I have no idea who I am” learning about the modern world from... Miho? Also, she actually slapped Jou for suggesting Ryou is a normally functioning human being and not an angel treading this Earth, so I imagine her teaming up with Mr. “I don’t know what a ‘proportionate response’ is and I don’t want to know,” and just going “You’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
Miho x Honda = I actually really didn’t like this pairing at all before because “local boy refuses any and all hints this girl just wants to be friends” hit some uuuuh past and present buttons relationship-wise but I’ve come around on it. I do think it could be a cute “boy finally gets the girl” situation and they’d have like, the classic fairytale marriage where he comes home from work ready to adore her and he’s her hero, too. 
Miho x Anzu = I’ve said this before but they balance each other out in interesting ways (ambition vs. relaxing; work-life balance etc.) and are, frankly, just super cute. 
Miho x Ryou = Self-recognition through the other. Femme power couple. I think Miho is interested in Ryou for pretty shallow reasons--he’s the prettiest boy at the party--but he’s such a little weirdo, and I think it’s funny to imagine Miho getting to know that side of him. She’s lowkey a thrill-seeker and finds the weirdest things cute, so I like to imagine him showing her his occult deck and her just going “Oooh, spooky! Ooh, cute! Oh, scary! Oooh, I love it!” They both really like playing games just for the sake of playing games, and personally, I think if Miho was struggling with a particular game, Ryou would just let her win sometimes to make sure they’re both having as much fun as possible.
Miho x Jou = Firstly, classic ‘Uptown Girl’ dynamic gets the twist that Jou’s the only other one that’s actually into high-end stuff (like the G-Shock watch, limited edition sneakers, etc.). Secondly, they would look Very Masculine Guy x Very Feminine Girl but are actually Bi x Bi; I have a lot of feelings about Jou shedding his toxic masculinity and like, you think she’s not immediately going to get him on a skincare routine? That he’s not going to let her paint his nails and go “Shut the hell up, my girl likes it”? Thirdly, they’re both willing to do dangerous things for their friends, get underestimated as stupid, and go all out with compliments to support their friends; and as we all know, I’m a sucker for “appear extremely different on the surface but have important common values/motivations.” I see them totally enabling supporting each other: getting hyped for new sneaker releases and like that scene where Jou tries to say “Okay Anzu, I guess I’ll get my fortune told since you dragged me here!” except Miho would just go ??? Haha okay, you silly boy! You’re a cutie! 
Miho x Seto: Gonna play hard mode and say yes, this is still Season 0 Seto. Miho has the right look and if Seto decided he wanted to date someone for appearances’ sake I could see him assuming she’s dumb and easy to manipulate, and being surprised how stubborn and willful she is. It’s almost a deranged Andy Warhol/Edith Sedgwick situation, but with a lot more money. 
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