#this is the only flexible part of my stiff body
I just studied for 5 hours and then I wrote these Nimona headcanons
Bal has an extreme love-hate relationship with puns and dad jokes 
And by love-hate I mean he hates how much he loves them
A good pun will have him rolling on the floor in laughter (especially if it’s a science or math pun)
Whenever a pun or dad joke is told in public Bal tries really hard to hold back his laughter 
But this man is the worst actor in existence so it’s painfully obvious what he’s trying to do 
Nimona and Ambrosius have made it their mission to get him to admit that he actually likes those kinds of jokes
By telling the best jokes they could find 
They actually get him to admit it after three months of them each telling one stupid joke a day 
And after that, they make it their mission to tell him a corny joke a day to put a smile on his face 
In a similar way to the “origin story” of how they found Nimona Bal and Ambrosius never tell people the true story of how they met 
It feels too personal too private only Nimona knows the full story and their close friends know bits and pieces of their friendship before they started dating 
But as I’ve said in many of my posts one of their favorite activities is messing with nosy bitches 
So every time someone asks how they met and to explain their love story 
They really lean into the drama
Before they knew Nimona they would joke that Ambrosius rescued Bal from a vicious monster 
Sometimes Bal will jokingly say he broke into Ambrosius' room to steal something and was stopped in his tracks by his beauty 
Sometimes Bal fought off a pack of wolves from Ambrosius' unconscious body 
Sometimes Ambrosius got lost in the shadier part of the kingdom and discovered Bal before the Queen did 
No one knows the true story and this often sparks debates in fandom spaces and statements like “Bal said this” or “Ambrosius said that” are basically deemed unreliable 
And comments like “Well Nimona agreed that this story was true” and “but they also said they witnessed this happening” are often ignored  
They were both confronted about this during an interview and all Bal said was “We’ve told the truth to someone” and they have just not to unimportant people
I feel like Nimona is the most flexible just by themself 
But they will get rid of bones just to prove a damn point 
And they’ve absolutely gotten rid of joints or made themself double-jointed to freak Bal and Ambrosius out 
Ambrosius is pretty damn flexible too
He’s not human contortionist level but he can put his feet behind his head and do every kind of split 
Bal is stiff as a damn brick 
That man can’t even touch his toes let alone do the splits 
Ambrosius tried to get him to join his and Nimona’s morning stretches but Bal complained the whole time so he gave up 
His exact words were “Fine but when you sound like a maraca when you’re 30 don’t come complaining to me”
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acapelladitty · 7 months
Riddler/Reader - Reverse Prayer
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Summary - Bound by his delicate ropework, Edward decides to take advantage of your smart mouth to further develop your 'skills'.
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Groaning in discomfort as his hand tilted your head to the side, the ache in your shoulders made it difficult to listen to his words as he berated you once again for your perceived incompetence.
"Come now, sweetheart. Surely my task isn't too difficult for someone who claims to be different to the dull denizens of Gotham City."
Forced to kneel between his legs as your arms were useless in protesting any movements, Edward had seen fit to expand on your oral training as he claimed your previous efforts were lacking. In doing so, and in his own words, he had seen fit to ensure the highest level of co-operation.
The reverse-prayer position he had asked you to assume was difficult enough to begin with as your limbs weren't necessarily the most flexible, but you couldn't fault his craftsmanship as the resulting ropework was impeccable.
He had spent minutes wrapping thin layers of softened, green rope around your arms. Starting at the elbow and working his way down to your hands, his deft fingers had only ever paused to allow his lips to lay soft, almost reverential kisses to the skin he was working with. But he was merciless. Pulling at and manipulating your limbs, he was not satisfied until every section of your arms were touching equally - despite the muffled grunts and groans of discomfort which slipped free of the fabric gag he had placed gently in your mouth - and he had secured the final pieces of rope around your fingers in a clean knot.
That had been almost ten minutes ago and so far you had only been able to take about half of his cock within your mouth before panic made you pull away. His taste was everywhere against your lips and the stresses of your throat and arms had led to your sight becoming glassy with moisture.
"Ready to go again?" Edward asked, the sides of his feet pressing against your naked knees as they remained rooted to the floor while his own knees clamped around your upper body to ensure that you couldn't fall back and damage yourself.
"Yes." You cough out, preparing yourself mentally to accept him once again.
Wetting the inside of your mouth, you drop your head forward to capture his stiff cock between your lips. Teasing the head with your tongue, you wrap your mouth around the head and massage it gently, ensuring that every part was subjected to some kind of sensation in the way that you know he adored.
You glanced up at him as you worked, and his lined face gazed back at you unflinching. The only hint to the pleasure he was hiding very well was the slight sheen of sweat which had appeared on his forehead, quickly wiped away by the back of his hand as he tapped his fingers along his grease and oil-stained shirt.
"Now, now." Edward drawled out the words, pulling his cock free of your mouth with an audibly wet noise. "Do you think I'm stupid?"
Opening your mouth to fire out a quick denial you find your words halted by his fingers as they slip past your lips to press harshly against your tongue. The taste of metal is quick to gloss across your senses, making the smallest wrinkle appear between your brow as you fight to relax against the pressure of his fingers.
"Use your empty head to answer me. I'll keep this teasing, foolish tongue pinned for the moment."
Shaking your head gently, you straighten your spine to alleviate the tension in your shoulders. The ache between your legs was almost as bad, your neglected sex feeling wet and sensitive as you subtly rubbed your thighs together.
"Quit teasing, dear." Releasing your tongue, Edward was firm in his demands. "Waste my precious time again and I'll leave you like this until morning."
Not doubting the threat of his words, you nodded dumbly and sank your head down on his cock - instantly taking half of his length into your mouth as the head pressed threateningly against the back of your throat. Breathing around him, you attempted to relax your straining muscles as you braved forward another inch.
His reaction is immediate as a soft gasp slipped free of his chapped lips and his hand flew to the back of your head. Fingers pressed against your scalp, he held you there in position for a moment until he felt you push back against him.
Coughing lightly as you pulled free once more, the taste of his pre-cum seemed to coat your mouth and your tongue licked at your lips, a slight ache in your jaw making the bones there click in place.
"Not good enough." Edward chastised, his free hand dropping to your chest as he playfully slapped at your left nipple, "which is disappointing. Truly. Even the most braindead of Gotham's cheapest whores is capable of achieving this simple task. Perhaps a more direct force of hand is necessary?"
Without giving you a moment to consider what that meant, his hand on your head tightened to the point of pain and as your mouth opened in a discomforting gasp, he thrust his cock within your mouth - burying his full length down your throat without mercy.
Instantly your body flew into panic, fingers flexing against their bonds as your panicked throat constricted around his invasive cock. Having had no time to prep, already the lack of oxygen made your eyes sting and water freely - a fat tear rolling down your left cheek.
Heat flared across your body as your knees quaked in place; unable to pull free of the floor due to the pressure of his body pinning your own into place.
A panicked gurgle humming free of your blocked throat, the blood rushing in your ears is almost painful as he snatches his cock free just as abruptly. Coughing and spluttering as a shameful strand of drool dripped free of your lips to your exposed chest, you almost miss his smug words as you struggle to control your breathing.
"Better." Edward growled. "But make no mistake, you won't be rising from this position until you've swallowed down everything I have to offer."
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tralalalalally · 5 months
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Some sketches of headcanons for Maedhros' body-type, tattoos, and scars.
I will give a warning for talk on poor mental and physical health before my notes:
. His body-type in particular is something he specifically works for - before Thangorodrim I think he had the more stereotypical elf-prince body (his mother-name is "well-formed", yes?) - something classically desireable. After his capture, the mix of starvation and hard physical labour made him unhealthily lean. After being rescued he was able to build up body fat again, but instead of regaining his old body he works for this new one. Something undeniably strong, untouchable, a warriors body further exaggerated. Not only does he want to distance himself from the perfection of the old him, he wants to make sure noone looking at him could see him as weak. I doubt he'd remember at least the first few months after his rescue well, but from what he does, he feels ashamed. Hiding, cowing away in fear like a child, striking out at those trying to help, revealing far too much of his trauma from the enemy. Emotion becomes a weakness to him, and he learns to control that, but then as he heals further he seeks control over his body too. I think he might eventually see himself - both body and soul - like a project similar to the construction and ruling of Himring. Especially I imagine a disconnect from his body - it is something to be built up, made strong and impenetrable, anything to not be harmed and tormented again.
. The most important scars for my headcanon (other than his missing hand of course) are the brand on his shoulder and the whip marks on his back. The brand effects him the most, and is something he covers as much as possible. None would know about it other than Findekano, Makalaure, and a few healers. Unfortunately due to it being raised, it cannot be tattooed over (nor do I think he'd be able to sit through any tattoos). I am thinking of designing some type of clothing that would essentially be part of his underwear, something that would keep it covered as often as possible - goes over the shoulder, wrapping around his body to beneath the right arm pit?
For the whip scars - when first brought to Thangorodrim he would sometimes be put to work with the other thralls. This was meant to be demoralising, the thralls seeing their prince/king reduced to this, and to show Maedhros how much had been taken from him. Of course the scars healed poorly and were often infected (I think with the brand, it may have been purposefully aggravated to make the scarring worse), though due to his positioning he got enough medical care to keep him alive. Now that he is free they still give him trouble - mobility issues from ones that cut into muscle, and the scarring itself makes the flesh stiff and less flexible. There is also a lack of feeling for most of the area.
. Tattoos - I honestly don't have any real sure designs or positioning fro them. My main thought was the vision of a tattoo of the 8 pointed star, broken up and faded due to scarring caused at Thangorodrim. You can still tell what the tattoo is of, but it has undeniably been damaged. I think I'd like to design for him a large back tattoo - star of Feanor in the middle, with other references surrounding it. Then, of course, the whip scars on top.
(Ah, and for body hair: I imagine elves can grow it, just usually not as thick. I think I remember reading that some can grow beards in old age? (As with Cirdan), so why not the same for body hair lol. I mean, humans also only get most after puberty)
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Yayyy asks r open! Could you write a one shot of Hobie with an insanely flexible spider reader? Like a drops-into-splits-like-it’s-nothing, can hold a scorpion pose for an almost unnatural amount of time, almost contortionist-level Spider-person. Whether they’re dating, one of them are catching feelings, or they’re just meeting for the first time is completely up to you!
omg I love this!!
I headcanon that Hobie is probably the least flexible person you’ll ever meet. Like his bones crack when he walks. I doubt the guy can even touch his toes.
Sorry this took me so long to write, I was pretty busy :/
I hope you like it <3
Hobie Brown x Flexible!Spider-PersonReader
Can be read platonically or romantically!
Hobie let out a screech and stumbled back, falling onto his bottom and looking over at you with a terrified look on his face. His expression slowly morphed from completely horrified to a look of amusement as he realized what he was looking at.
You were hanging off the ceiling and looking at him, your limbs contorted into what could only be described as a jumble of body parts, your hand holding on the web that was keeping you from falling flat on your face.
"How do y'even do that?" he asked incredulously, ignoring the annoyed look on your face as you twirled around, returning to your normal position and hopping down onto the floor with a little jump.
"Do what?"
He pointed his finger at you, waving it around as if he was gesturing to all of you.
"The whole Eldritch Horror kind f'thing."
You tilted your head at him, rolling your eyes and scoffing. "You mean this?" You asked, bringing your leg up and pulling it up to your head, straightening it out and balancing yourself on the tip toes of your single leg. He looked at you in awe, a grin spreading across his face. "Thas' bloody terrifying"
Feeling a bit proud of yourself, you went back into a bridge position, then into a handstand, looking up at him from your position, your legs in the splits. "You're telling me you can't do this?" You asked cockily, tilting your head to the side slightly. "Aww bloody hell no. Can't even touch my toes" he said with a grin, reaching down and showing you. His fingertips just barely touched his ankles and he let out a small groan as he straightened himself back up again, clutching his lower back like an old man. It was a funny sight, and his annoyed smirk let you know that your amusement was quite obvious.
"Maybe you should stretch more. Its not good for your joints to be so stiff" You giggled out, putting your hands on your hips as you watched him approach you. "S'not my fault. I was born like this"
You shook your head at him, trying not to laugh at his sheepish expression. "I can do this though" he said, his eyes lighting up as he motioned toward his knees. He straightened his leg out and then bent it, eliciting a quiet pop noise to come from his joints. You winced at the noise. "Yeah...that isn't normal" You said, suppressing a giggle. He did it again with his elbow, straightening it out and then quickly bending it, another pop noise coming from it. "Really? 've been doing it for ages, mate"
As he reached toward his other leg to do the same, you stopped him. "Yeah, let's not do that anymore." You said, grabbing his arm before he tried to pop another joint, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face as he looked down at you. "Aww, y'scared I'll hurt myself?" he teased, leaning down slightly to meet your eyes. You gave his arm a smart smack and he winced. "Ow!"
You rolled your eyes at his reaction. "That hurt more than you popping your joints? Drama queen."
"Popping 'em doesn't hurt!" He retorted. He feigned a stab to his heart, mockingly staggering backwards before he looked back at you. "You not believing me hurts more"
"Do you want me to hit you again?"
"No thanks."
This was really short, but I didn't know what else to add 😭
I hope you liked it!!
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pandorasword · 5 months
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
The relationship between Chaeri and her mother
No one will know the violence it took to become this gentle
❒ warnings: Dysfunctional family, food deprivation, bullying
7 years old Chaeri
"It hurts!" Chaeri whined.
She hated that time of that day, in those classes where your whole body is stretched to its limits and then pulled back tight. The pain always made her feel sick before she came home.
Her teacher kept her knee between her thighs and held both of them pressed flat to the floor. She had said that flexibility training were necessary, but the pressure was terrible.
"It will get better" her teacher insisted "You have to push through the pain, otherwise you'll never get good at this" 
Chaeri gritted her teeth, trying not to cry. She hated how her tears always made the pain worse.
"I don't want to be good at this" 
9 years old Chaeri
"What happened?!"
Kim Eun's eyes were wide with anger as she looked at her daughter. Chaeri knew that look, she had seen it a million times before. It was the look of disappointment and anger and resentment, all rolled into one.
"I'm sorry" Chaeri cried "It just...slipped"
She tried her hardest, she had practiced over and over the choreography for weeks before going on that stage, to compete with other girls from all parts of France.
She worked hard in the hopes of winning, putting in long hours, catching every nuance of what she wanted to accentuate with her body language alone. But who would have expected a mishap like that?
The hat needed for the continuation of the choreography had slipped off the stage.
Chaeri had been trying to grab it, but she was too late. It had fallen to the ground and she had tripped over it.
"I didn't deserve such an untalented daughter"
10 years old Chaeri
Chaeri was in her room. Her face was still adorned with the sparkling glitter she had used in the competition earlier that evening.
She had prepared so much for this contest, to the point of exhaustion.
Months of rehearsing the same choreography over and over again, perfecting every move, every expression, every breath.
She had come home with a beautiful, shiny silver trophy, just big enough to sit proudly on the shelf above her desk.
The walls were painted a light purple, and the trophy she had just received stood out in its bright tones.
“What did the first-place winner do that you did not?” Chaeri, who had not heard the woman's footsteps stopping at the door frame to her room, jumped in fright at Eun's low, stiff voice.
The look on her face was one of disappointment, but not surprise. 
There was a minute of silence before the girl found the right words. She knew that it would only lead to more unpleasant consequences if she gave an answer that the woman would find stupid.
“She… she was perfect,” Chaeri admitted, the admittance a shard of glass in her throat.
“Perfection is what we strive for” her mother stated  “Anything less is simply rehearsal.”
Chaeri’s fingers curled into the fabric of her skirt, the trophy’s shine now seemed to have suddenly become dulled, taking the form of a pale witness to failing. “I thought you would be proud…just a little maybe”
“To be proud, Chaeri, one must first be satisfied” Kim Eun said, holding back a bitter laugh. She could not believe what she was hearing. “And satisfaction is earned, not given for mediocrity. Second place is just the first loser.”
“I’ll do better next time.”
“Do better?” Kim Eun scoffed, stepping into the room, her presence overwhelming. “Doing better is not enough. You must be the best. Anything less is a waste of my investment in you.”
Chaeri’s hands clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms. “Your investment” she echoed. Feeling more than ever like an object and not a daughter.
"Yes, my investment,” she affirmed, disgusted to have to repeat herself. Ashamed to have received such a response  “I’ve given you everything— the best teachers, the best opportunities. And yet, you consistently fall short.”
The room felt smaller, the air thicker. Chaeri’s breaths came in short gasps, as if the very act of breathing was a challenge. She wanted to scream, to lash out, to tell her mother that she was more than an investment, more than a project to be perfected.
She opened her mouth to speak. Her eyes burned with anger and rebellion, not at her mother, but at her tormentor. For all of her life.
But she had no time to do so, as the woman turned and told her  “I expect you to practice until you can’t stand,” she said, her voice devoid of warmth. “Maybe then, you’ll have a chance at being worthy of this family”
11 years old Chaeri
Still in her bun and the warm baby pink jumpsuit, Chaeri wandered through the many rooms of her huge mansion looking for her mother.
It was almost sunset, and by that time, Chaeri was usually never home.
The ballet classes she took would occupy her entire day, giving her free time only after dinner and on weekends.
Hence, hearing the young girl's voice around the house disturbed her mom.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"
Chaeri followed her mother's voice that led her to the woman's bedroom.
She was rarely allowed to enter that room. As her mother said, a woman's bedroom is a sanctuary that must not be violated.
Bullshit, Chaeri thought. Her mother thought she was stupid enough to believe that shit just because she was only 11 years old, but she knew perfectly well the real reason: Her mother was sleeping with her dance teacher and didn't want her children to see the evidence of it.
But she honestly didn't care. Her mother's private life was none of her business. 
Kim Eun, who never seemed to have a hair out of place and always looked like she just stepped off the pages of a magazine, was there. Even though her makeup was usually so subtle that it did not even seem real, today, without wearing any makeup at all, she was more beautiful than a normal woman could ever hope to be. Her skin looked as if the sun had kissed her whole face, giving her smooth cheeks and an ivory complexion. 
"I'm home" Chaeri greeted her softly, remembering all the times her mother had scolded her for being too loud and clumsy
"I can tell you're home, I asked you why" Her mother crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, a sure sign she was already annoyed by the conversation, but Chaeri ignored it, she knew that what she was going to say would change her mood.
"I got the role of Columbine in the Nutcracker!"
"Well, I'm not surprised" Kim Eun said and Chaeri's face lit up, thinking she was about to receive congratulations from her mother "You have an innate talent for earning good-for-nothing roles"
"But this is the role I've been waiting for" Chaeri protested "All my classmates wanted to be 'Clara'. I think Columbine is a much more fun character and then, the duet with Harlequin is very difficult, just because I dance less doesn't mean I'm-"
"Stop it" In a sudden outburst, her mother's voice was louder than usual and Chaeri stopped midsentence.
The usually graceful Kim Eun, who towered over her daughter with her imposing height, looked like a mad woman. She only revealed this side of herself within the walls of her home
"Stop talking nonsense" she hissed "Did you even try to get the role of 'Clara'?"
Dropping her head, Chaeri turned to look at the tips of her shoes. They were beautiful; shiny white so bright you could see yourself reflected in them. There was no occasion when her mother did not remind her how all those 'beautiful' things she got them because of her and no one else.
"I tried, even though it wasn't the role I wanted"
"And you couldn't get it"
"Obviously, you tried not hard enough," she snapped back "You are a disappointment. Why can't you be as good as your brother? You will bring shame upon my reputation"
"No matter what you expected of me, I wanted the role of Columbine anyway" Chaeri said, trying to keep the hurt out of her voice "So I'm not interested in what you have to say"
"You little- " Before her mother could finish, Chaeri turned around and ran out of the room, not wanting to be hit by her.
12 years old Chaeri
The kitchen was quiet, the only sound was the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. Chaeri sat at the table, staring at the plate in front of her. It was almost empty, just a few slices of apple and a handful of almonds. This was her dinner, the same as it had been for the past few weeks.
Her mother believed that a ballerina’s figure was paramount, that it was the key to grace and beauty on stage. “You must be light as a feather, my dear” she would say, her voice as cold as the untouched food on Chaeri’s plate. “No one wants to see a heavy dancer.”
Chaeri knew better than to argue. The last time she had asked for more food, her mother had looked at her as if she had asked for the moon. “You want to be a dancer, don’t you?” she had said, her tone implying that hunger was a small price to pay for success.
But Chaeri was tired. Tired of being hungry, tired of the constant ache in her stomach that no amount of water could quell. She missed the warmth of a full meal, the satisfaction of eating something meaty.
All because she'd been found to be one pound over her classmates during the monthly body check at dance school. That damned pound, her teacher had pointed out, was too much for a dancer whose job is to be lifted into the air by others. "Don't be selfish" the teacher had told her, "you'll make anyone who does a pas de deux with you lose their breath at that weight."
Never before had she felt so humiliated, never before had she been so ashamed of the chocolate chip cookies in her backpack that she had brought with her as a snack.
She pushed the plate away, frustrated with that dinner that could not be called 'dinner'.
Her mother smiled at her when she saw that she got up from the table without touching a single almond. Her stomach turned and she felt nauseous.
How perverse was it that she had to treat her body unnaturally in order to gain the approval of the woman who had given her life?
She caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the window. The moonlight cast a pale glow on her face, highlighting the sharpness of her cheekbones, the hollowness of her eyes. She was the picture of a perfect ballerina, and yet, she had never felt more imperfect. 
She turned away from the window, from the ghostly reflection that seemed to mock her. She would go to bed hungry again tonight, but in her dreams, she would feast like a queen.
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @bts-dream | @enchantingbrowneyedgirl | @ycuvi | @cosmicwintr
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vshthestmpede · 1 year
Hey there buuuuddy?!
Could we get headcanons or a little drabble for vash meryl knives and nikc (separately) hearing their s/o singing for the first time? Maybe they are cleaning or doing something and mindlessly singing whatever song thats in their head and the crew is just stands there listening before making themselves known?
If not thats fine too! Thank youuuu 💕
the melody of love - vash, meryl, knives, wolfwood
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word count; 1,090
warnings; none!
note; thank you all for your patience! i've finally gotten my hands on more free time and i was absolutely smitten with this idea! also: i have just requested to join ao3, so i do hope to have an account soon to post these works and other trigun / multifandom works if anyone is interested! i'll keep you all in the loop as to when i create it <3
i totally had the song "my muse" by owl city in mind when writing this(i think it works so well with knives' part tbh) so if you wish to listen to it while reading, be my guest but i didn't add any specific song within the piece so it can be flexible!
crossposted on ao3
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you were kneeling in front of him, his prosthetic arm cradled gently in your lap as you tinkered with the mechanics. vash tried to focus on cleaning his gun but his eyes kept wandering over to you. he would murmur a reminder to watch your posture every now and then, to which you would hum in response as you straightened your back and rolled your shoulders.
as you became more engrossed in your work, you began to hum softly to yourself to fill the silence in the room. your hums gradually grew into quiet singing, your concentration fully turned to the joints of the fingers and how stiff they were.
vash, however, had completely lost track of where he was in his task as he watched you, admiring you and your voice. he didn't speak up even as you finished one song and moved onto another, relishing the sweet sound.
"alright, all do-" you stopped short as you found vash already staring at you when you looked up, a goofy smile on his face. "you alright, lovebug?"
vash nodded. "you have a beautiful singing voice, (name). could you sing for me more?"
you faltered as all the heat rushed to your face, mumbling to yourself as you reattached vash's arm to his body. you could feel his eyes on you as he awaited an answer even as you sat back down.
"please, my mayfly?"
you were always a sucker for the name let alone when he paired it with that innocent (but knowing) begging voice.
"fine," you caved, "but you can't tell anyone about this, you hear?"
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you were doing laundry in the latest motel the crew had found, neatly folding meryl's clothes as she was (supposedly) helping the boys plan for the next stretch of the journey. you hummed to yourself, getting lost in the repeated movement.
your hums gradually evolved into soft singing, so lost in your own world that you didn't hear meryl enter the laundry room. she leaned on the doorframe, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched you sway to the sound of your own voice.
"you should sing more, my love," she piped up as you trailed off, laughing when your shoulders tensed. "you have a lovely voice."
you relaxed a bit as she sidled up to you, grabbing a shirt from the pile and folding it. you refused to look at her, the red tint of embarrassment still painting your face. she didn't say anything but instead began to hum a tune of her own.
reluctantly, you joined her and the laundry was soon forgotten as she took you in her arms and lead you in an impromptu dance around the room. you laughed as she spun you and you joined in on her antics, taking her by surprise by dipping her.
"you always find a way to make me fall more and more in love with you," meryl teased as you slowly pulled her back up, one of her hands cradling your face while the other gripped your bicep. "please sing for me more often, my love."
"only for you," you promised, leaning in and pressing your lips to hers.
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you swore he was asleep.
with how much wolfwood teased you already, the last thing you wanted to do was give him more things to poke at you for. he was relentless as is but you figured he would have to run out of material sooner or later.
with a book in one hand and the other tangled in your boyfriend's hair with his head in your lap, you were quietly singing the song on your mind as you read. your breath caught in your throat when your eyes drifted from the book to see nicholas watching you out of the corner of his eye, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"you jerk," you muttered, pulling your hand away from his hair. "you could've told me you were awake."
nicholas moved from your lap to his pillow, his eyes squeezing shut as he yawned. "then i wouldn't have heard you sing that song."
you tried to keep your focus on your book, preparing for him to start making fun of your voice or something but he reached over and plucked the book from your hands.
"hey!" you protested as he tossed it onto the bedside table. as you reached over him, he took your arm and pulled you down into him, encasing you in his arms. "nico!"
"let me hear that beautiful voice again, my star."
you stopped struggling with him and pressed your lips in a tight line, warmth spreading through your cheeks.
"you're not going to make fun of me?" you asked and nicholas chuckled. "i knew it!"
"my star, you and i both know my teasing is only an indicator of my love for you." you were stunned into silence so he continued, "now, please, can you sing that song for me again?"
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given that the only time you could really find privacy with knives was in his piano room, you spent a lot of time surrounded by music and the pieces he would make.
between grandiose and simplistic, most you ended up committing to memory with how many times you heard them. you loved watching him come up with new things to play and seeing the creative side of knives shine.
one particular melody, a simple one that was sweeter on the ears, was one he kept playing more frequently to the point where your mind would start to try and put words to it. curled up in a nearby chair with notebook in hand, you experimented with sets of lyrics to pair with his playing.
after writing a few verses, you would quietly sing them to yourself to get the feel of them before you would start the next verse or start over.
"i like that line, sunshine. keep that one," knives piped up, his fingers still dancing over the keys. you froze and stared at him with wide eyes. "what's the next line?"
"i-i don't know," you stammered, your hands gripping the notebook tightly. "haven't thought that far."
the melody was at it's softest at this point and knives was looking at you with a small smile. you blushed at the sight, always over the moon to be the one who gets to see this side of knives.
"c'mere." he patted the spot on the bench next to him. "let's come up with something together."
you joined him silently and he took your notebook, placing it next to the sheets of music in front of you. he nudged your shoulder encouragingly before starting over, listening as you started from the beginning.
as you reached the end of your lyrics, you noticed knives was humming along.
"you really have a gift, sunshine," he commented as he continued. "i can't wait to hear it when it's finished."
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quinloki · 9 months
Kaido - Lust (and Sweet/Spicy)
Reader style - Afab she/her Time slot - After Hours Client Name - @anon-germany @t3arslikeglass CW: naked reader, alcohol, size difference extremely, canon One Piece Kaido size, ... oral? technically? I think.
I hope you two don't mind that I smashed these requests together, but I think it turned out well, for what I think is officially my first Kaido smut drabble.
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I’ve said before I haven’t decided if I’m going to have the same size differences as OP in this Host Club AU or not. I’m leaning toward not, but I wanted to write this with full-sized Kaido in mind.
You were barely bigger than a cup, as far as the massive dragon Kaido was concerned. But you were one of his favorites, and as such you had nothing to fear.
In this particular case you were practically playing the part of cup for him.
Naked, laid out in the round red sake cup, you shivered a little in anticipation as his eyes moved over your form. His tongue slipped between his lips unconsciously, adding to the hungry look in his eyes. The cup was a little bigger than he would normally use, you weren’t quite that small comparatively, but it was just wide enough that your arms and legs still dangled over the edges.
Your arms were draped over the edges of the cup to help you stay in place, and you gasped a little as the cold liquid was poured into your little space. The scent of sake was enough to make your head go hazy. What was a sip for the dragon was enough to be a bath for you, and there were certainly certain dangers associated with that.
But Kaido only filled the cup when he was done admiring your body, and he was already bringing it to his lips. Your legs were open wide, heat flushing through your body as his lips sip the sweet liquid from between your thighs.
Kaido’s hot breath over your body sent shivers through you as it crashed against the remnants of sake clinging to you and the cup. Clear, sharp eyes watched you with an intensity most only saw when the dragon was in the midst of a fight.
Wet with drink, hot with desire, his tongue slipped out from between his lips and dipped into the cup. He licked slowly up the inside of the cup, the tip of his tongue pressing into your thighs, heavy and hungry.
He lapped against your thighs and pussy, up your stomach, flicking along your breasts. The flexible muscle twisted and slipped over and around you with ease. Your body trembled with building pleasure, and soft gasps escaped your lips as you held onto the cup, moving from one side to the other as his tongue urged you.
Eventually you were turned completely around, his tongue between you and the cup as you held onto the lip. Wet and rough it teased you so completely it was a struggle to keep hold of the cup, the rough bumps sending thrills through you as they caressed your clit and slipped over your stiff nipples.
There wasn’t a drop of sweet sake left, but he was far from sated.
“A little more,” his voice rumbles over you, cold sake splashing against you before his tongue goes back to work. One of his fingers holding the cup becomes something for you to hold onto, peppering desperate kisses against it as you whine into the thick, scaly skin.
When you cry out in surprise at a particularly well-place lick, he stills, letting you grind against his tongue. As your kisses against his finger turn into heavy moans of pleasure he brings your thighs to his lips, using his entire mouth to bring you to orgasm, again and again, until your small body leaked pleasure against his tongue enough to sate him.
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chikaras-garden · 10 months
What are your tips for writing smut in particular? I wanna know how to write it and how to write it well.
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As with any writing advice, these are guidelines, not rules. I’m also not the singular best smut writer in the universe, so please don’t feel like you have to do any of this; it’s just what works for me!
Read. A lot. And not just fanfic; find romantic and/or erotic novels you like and read actively, taking note of the turns of phrase (i.e. word choice and sentence structure) that stand out to you—then think about why. Is it the connection between the characters? The vividness of the descriptions? Not only will this help you learn effective writing, but you’ll also find inspiration you may not have thought of otherwise.
Know your characters, their personality, and their relationship to each other. This will help you write actions and, more importantly, reactions. There’s a difference between lovemaking and hatefucking. There’s a difference between Jason Todd and Dick Grayson. Are you writing comfort sex? Sleepy sex? “I’m so mad at you I have to fuck you” sex? How would Jason vs. Dick kiss a reader he’s in love with? What does each of them need to do or feel in order to be satisfied? Knowing how your characters feel and behave should guide every decision you make in your writing, whether it’s smut or anything else.
Characterize your reader. In the same vein as the above, your reader is a character. They should have a personality, likes, dislikes, wants, and needs—knowing this will help make writing their actions and dialogue flow more easily for you, and it makes the scene more interesting.
Smut is (usually) a multi-person ordeal. What I meant when I said that reactions are important is that one character isn’t acting in a vacuum and the other character isn’t, like, a sex doll. Character A and Character B should constantly be acting and reacting to each other, keeping their emotions, personality, and relationship in mind. In most scenarios, Character A is doing something with the express purpose of getting a reaction out of Character B. And even if Character B is submissive, a bottom, or even tied up, they shouldn’t be entirely passive. Their facial expressions, sounds (moans), and actions feed into what Character A chooses to do next.
Keep positions and anatomy in mind. Know where each person’s hands are, what they can reach with their mouth, and how other body parts like thighs, chest, neck, and butt, come into play. Don’t be afraid to use reference photos for this, and also keep in mind each character’s physical ability. Using Jason and Dick as an example: Dick is generally more flexible than Jason, but Jason is generally seen as having more brute strength. Their physical abilities would impact their instincts: Dick might be more inclined to twist himself to reach something, while Jason might simply move the reader where he wants them.
Slow your pace and focus on detail. Thinking about the vivid descriptions from the romance novels we like, “he sucked her nipple” is less impactful than “he made a cup of his fingers and lifted her breast to his lips” (I believe this was in The Governess Game by Tessa Dare). Why? Because we can better visualize what’s going on. The second sentence has movement that takes us though the scene instead of making us imagine it for ourselves: he made a cup of his fingers, then he lifted her breast to his lips, then (it’s implied that) he sucked her nipple. The word choice here is specific to his characterization; he’s explicitly being gentle with her, as compared to a character who would instead “bring her nipple to a stiff peak with several rough twists of his fingertips, then cover it with his lips” (I do not remember what novel this is from).
Spend some time on non-sexual intimacy. In my own writing, the actual act of penetrative or oral sex is maybe the last 33% of the piece I’m writing because there’s so much intimacy in foreplay. Sexual tension is your buildup, while the sex itself is really only the payoff, so give the same attention and detail to the kisses, touches, or even looks that get us to the main event in the first place.
Here are some more resources:
Smut terminology
Smut-writing advice
Ultimate guide to writing smut fic
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sevilai · 1 year
Needle Felting and Armature Wire
@samspiritoftheforest Apologizes for taking a minute to get back to you! This is to answer their question about how I made the antlers on my Nowhere King felt. I'm making this it's own post so hopefully this can help anyone else who may also be looking to make antlers in their felting projects! I'll explain it as well as I can and if there's any confusion, I'll gladly elaborate on any part!
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The Nowhere King has a central, thicker wire for a spine that runs through his whole body. His legs and antlers are both anchored to this main length of wire.
The main wire for the antlers is a single piece wrapped around this spine! I feel that making horns(and limbs) of a needlefelt creature one wire helps in making the limbs or horns stronger and less likely to slip or rotate on the wire they're attached to. The felt itself will do some of the work of keeping parts in place, but it never hurts to be a little extra secure! This will make each side a little offset from each other, but this is easily fixable by crushing the wire into place with your pliers.
*As a note, I like to curl my wires in at the ends. This both stops the raw wire edge from poking through and gives an extra anchor point for the wool.
The antlers actually do not have wire running through every point/tine. Now you could run wire through the entire thing if you wanted, but I'd honestly consider it a waste of time unless the part you're making is very long and thin, or you want the part to be posable.
I only wired what I deemed to be necessary to keep the antlers from folding in on themselves. I identified what felt like the longest continuous line for the main wire, and branched off in places I thought could use a little extra support. I'm no professional of course, if I were to make him again, I probably would've made the armature more like this:
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This way of making the armature would make the final product a little stiffer than what I ended up with. The two main wires twisted together would be more solid than the top loop I made for real, and the piece in the middle would help stabilize the not-wired antler points in between them. I would likely still wire the point on the bottom, as I feel it's long/heavy enough to need extra support.
Now, IDEALY, you could cut two sheets of felt into the correct shapes and sandwich the wire between them, but I... Did not do that! And hand felted both antlers with wool roving! Don't do what I did because it's likely that I could've saved several hours if I used sheets of felt instead!
I haven't gotten to this step yet as he's still not quite finished, but I ALSO plan to do one final thing to his antlers to really make them solid; Fabric Glue.
Densely felted wool holds it's shape very well. ((As a rule of thumb, if you're making a thin felted piece is any shorter than about four inches/ten centimeters, it will likely hold it's shape just fine without any wire!)) However, they will still be a tad flexible. Fabric glue dries stiff, and adding it to your felted pieces can help make them a bit more solid.
I'm no expert of course, there might be some better method to doing stuff like this. Anyone's welcome to make any additions to this post, this is just how I've found success in making stuff like this!
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bellafragolina · 11 months
*bursts in through the sliding glass door*
My beautiful, darling strawberry~
Do you remember the gargoyle!Emmet thing you did around Halloween last year? For the monster + quote prompts?
Could I please request a continuation of that? 😩💕
oh for sure!! here's the prompt, for those curious!
Emmet is new to being, well, alive again. Sure, he was aware of himself all those years, but thinking and actually moving are two different things. His body isn't the most flexible, made out of stone as it is, but he's so happy to be alive that a little stiffness doesn't seem to bother him.
Since living gargoyles aren't exactly a common sight in your city, Emmet sadly stays at home. Not that he has much of a choice, as you both discover, rather terrifyingly, that he crumbles easily when doused in sunlight. So until night falls, he stays within your home with the blinds drawn, eagerly awaiting you return.
"Darling!" Emmet cries, when the door opens. You giggle, arms open and ready for your lumbering lover's embrace. Emmet stumbles up to you, scooping you up into his arms to swing around, side to side. "You are home!"
"I am!" You sing, peppering his cold face in kisses.
Emmet beams at you, hurrying you back into the house to the dark abode that is your bedroom. He's created a sort of den ever since he moved in, a mess of blankets and pillows with snacks and drinks stashed between the layers. He says it's a natural instinct, but you suspect it's only so you'll never have to get up from your designated cuddle times for sustenance.
You're laid into the bed with careful precision. Emmet climbs in after you, limbs moving slow as he settles to not accidentally crush you in any way. He's cried over the bruises he's accidentally given you before, and refuses to entertain the chance again, if he can help it. Thus it takes a bit of time before he's finally settled down next to you, his wings a shield against the outside world.
Nothing but you and him remains.
"You are home." Emmet says again, his face content as you curl up into him. He's surprisingly warm, and you wonder if he's been stealing your heating pad to make himself such. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." You hum, sighing. "Wish you could come with me."
"Me too." Emmet nuzzles his nose into your hair. You asked him, once, about his senses. Touch, taste, smell, and the rest appear to be heavily muted, due to his being stone. His eyesight is the only keen thing about him, followed by his hearing. "Wish the sun wasn't. . . bad for me."
"We'll go out tonight." You soothe him, running your hands over his literally chiseled body. Whoever sculpted him did a good job. His features, while sharp, are incredibly handsome. And easy to kiss on, which is what you do. "We'll do something fun, yeah? Whatever you want."
Emmet trills. Your kisses are returned tenfold, to every piece of skin that Emmet can reach, while he rambles about this and that he's seen on the TV. His head is heavy against your chest, but it's a comforting weight. You stroke his hair, molded as it is, and bask in his love.
While not perfect, it's more than you could've ever ask for. Even if the whole "living gargoyle" part was unplanned.
i love gargoyle emmet so much thank you for requesting him again!! he's so excited to see the world and be with you!!! he's so happy <3
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ghostsprettymama · 2 years
WARNINGS: Smut, cussing,murder,teasing,manipulation,safe sex,daddy kink,no spell check, angst.
PAIRING: Gang leader ! T'Challa x Black ! reader
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plot: you wake up in your room after your party yesterday, your friend is gone but you struggle to remember what happened. The Udakus across the street from you are weirding you out. but T'challa is also watching your every move.
key words:
gugu'lami - my treasure
entle - beautiful
Sthandwa-my love
Le intombazana izoba kukufa kwam
- this girl will be the death of me
Ndingubani igama lam Umenz - what's my name baby
Y/n' s room
I woke up in my room? i couldve sworn i was some where else. But i knew it was early, I opened my curtains and i heard the birds chirping. For some damn reason i had a migraine too? the hell was happening to me. I took a shower, lathering my body up in soap. i didnt even notice the teddy bear in my bathroom.
T'Challa Pov.
He sat in the Camera rooms Watching Y/n,every move she did he saw. This man was beyond toxic and conceited. he wanted this woman so bad . But dating her and marking her as his would be suicide. it could fuck everything up.
"Damn. Why do i gotta play these fucking games." he mumbled to himself. he watches you shower, seeing you turn, he got hard looking at your Chest. You were bending down to look at the teddy bear.
"Dad mustve got me another stuff animal?" you shrugged it off, oo lord when you turned around, this man was on the edge of his seat looking at your ass. almost beating in person views.
' god give me the fucking strength to work today ' he thought
Y/n Pov
I got out the shower putting a casual fit on after putting lotion and perfume on and a little bit of red lipstick,my momma said she wanted to do some yoga in the yard so i came with her. it was now saturday so ofc im busy helping my mom.
In the yard we did excersizes, we even practice choreography for the next game or event my team had to go to.
"how was the sleepover with sasha?" your mom asked. You couldnt remember . You just shrugged it off
"Is that the lil Udaku boy over there?" you turned and he was washing his car. damn he did look sexy too. you bit your pretty lips watching him. you locked eyes with him, something in your somach felt like butterflies.
Locking eyes with him felt warm. as if you were infront of a king who only saw you. if you were a pretty crystal he wanted in a pile of diamonds. he was walking over? oh lord . "y/n baby youre drooling-" your mother said and you wiped your mouth.
you turned around going back to doing yoga, while he talked to your mother, you tested your flexibility since you need it for being a majorette, you heard him clear his throat. behave you assumed thats what it meant. but you were infront of your mother so it didnt matter.
"Well my baby is a little stiff with yoga so can you help her while i run to the store right quick baby?" your mother said and T' Nodded. she got in her car driving off.
He did what he was asked, he corrected your posture, noticing youd flinch lwhenever he grabbed your hips because of how it affected you. "If you pose like that you look like a cat throwing up." He said, of course he was gonna be a jerk, And a Attractive one too. "Well i dont see you being the flexible one here Sir." you said with the sass alike your fathers.
"Lower your tone, speak to me like that again and see what happens" He promised pressing against me on accident, which is what i assumed. I never felt something like that before, he felt so big n hard. i fell from him distracting me. "T'Challa what the hell!" i said standing up pushing the 6" foot somethin man. "What? got involentary movements now. i thought a majorette would have more balence?" he walked around you checking you out.
You rolled your eyes going back to doing yoga, you felt his private parts touch yours. Your dad looked out the window opening it. "Y/n who the hell is this?" your dad ask as you stood up straight, he was still rubbing his rock hard erection against your soaked warmth. "Its my friend Nathan sir. Mama asked him yo help me with dancing and yoga." you said holding the noises that wanted to escape in. "well boy do you want some lemonade." Nick fury asked.
"Yes sir." he said avoiding nick seeing his face. Nick paid no mind to it closing the curtains and window heading to the kitchen.
When you were sure your father couldnt see you moved from T'challa crossing your arms. "What the fuck T'!" you said making him laugh "im sorry im sorry. hearing you cuss is like a feral mickey mouse cussin." he said leanining against a tree. you got so wet from looking at him, he was so unbelievablly sexy to you.
You bit your lips, your eyes moving down, T'Challa was watching you, just as your eyes were about to move, you heard him say in his native tongue " my eyes are up here gugu'lami ( my treasure) ." he said.
You rolled your eyes getting closer and staring in his eyes." Yeah jus like that entle (beautiful) listen t' me ." He said lifting your chin, your pretty eyes looked at his hungry ones, he whispered in your ear.
"You have no idea on how much i wanna devour you right now." he said like a hungry wolf. then he looked at nick who came out with two cups lemonade. He handed yours to you, handing T'challa his. Immediantly going back inside.
you grabbed his cup pouring it in the grass with yours, he raised an eyebrow. "He probably poisoned it. Dad doesnt like his princess with perverted men that would hurt her." You said mockingly.
He raised an eyebrow. His phone got a notification, he read it going up on your porch knocking on your door, your dad answering. "If you mind my mom asked us to go shopping for her, can Y/n come with" He asked fury. "well ill be damned? someone asking me to take my daughter somewhere? you sure you not tryna date my daughter or something ?" he said.

you got flustered at the idea, you and T' dating? Sure you were friends with him since freshmen year ( 4 years) but youd never think he liked you. "No sir, i rather get to know her" He said, damn he was winning my dad over. "Damn hes a rare one. Dont scare your friend off Y/n!" your dad said embarassing you.
"Dadd! stoppp!" you whined out. They shook hands and T'Challa walked you to his now clean car putting you in the passengers seat. He got behind the wheel as music played when he started his car, he drove w one hand on the steering wheel, the other on your thigh. his eyes was on the road.
"So did you enjoy my party?" the party
you completely forgot as your heart skipped a beat. then it all came back as you looked at T'challa like he was crazy. "My friend sasha.." you said, tears swelling up. T'Challa parked in a secluded place. Locking the doors so you wouldnt run. "Mhm but wanna know why that happened." he said and you nodded.
Before he told you he pulled trackers from you clothes or listening devices, breaking all of them.His eyes shifted to you, he looked angry now, for some reason it turned you on so bad. "Because your daddy likes to fuck up my operations.. and i dont like that Ms princess of law" he said, you realised who he was and you nodded.
You went for your phone forgotting he had it. "Aht aht. I know daddys girl would go telling him. " T'Challa said and you eached for it, your breast threatening to fall our your bra. "sit the fuck down. people can see in this damn car." his voiced boomed in your stomach and you listened to his orders. "Good girl. Now i have an offer right" He smiled at you.
"What is it.. " You said, he pretended to break your phone first which made you fucking sob. "hey now, Dont cry pretty Girl." He said wiping your tears, he lifted your chin so you looked at him.
"my mom finds you interesting. so she wants you to get every file he has on us, and delete them off of every single thing." he asked you, but you shook hour head "I cant do that T' thats illegal! my daddy works for the government!" you said and he chuckled.
"Well you can baby. you wouldnt want me going to jail right? then you couldnt have your perverted little looks at me, or touch yourself to me at nigth,or desperately hump your pillows to the thought of me. tsk.. its a shame i have all of that recorded.. itd be a shame id i just.. sent that to him and everyone in the school.. Y/n fury! the notorius pervert that desparately wants to corrupt The star student!" he said, faking his innocence, you couldnt believe be was blackmailing you to do what you want.
"Fine..you already broke what i have i dont have anything to lose." you sniffled hugging your knees. Seeing you cry made his heart hurt but he had to put his job first. "Hey hey im sorry baby. i promise if you do what i said.. itll be gone okay i can even do somethin bout sasha aight?"
The Udaku's and Maria were over for dinner, But Shuri and T'Challa were in their house since they didnt wanna go, so only their parents went.
You sat on your dads chair, logging in his computer, his password was your birthday and his anniversary. You werent as dumb as people made you to be.When you Found their file, you saved the ones were you assumed was about T'challa or mentioned him sending it to your plugged in usb.you deleted the rest quickly , leaving the room.
Then you left the house Polietly knocking on the door and Shuri answered. "How can i help you ma? " she looked down at you. "Can i speak with your brother?" you polietly asked, Shuri loved how kind you were. she moved out the way letting you in.
you went upstairs knocking on his door, he answered only in sweatpants, half asleep. his pants were so low you could see his happy trail and his v line. "Hmmm? did what i asked you to do princess?" He said in his deep but raspy voice,you nodded "can i come in?" you asked and he nodded.
You walked in looking around . he closed and locked the door behind him, you both sat in his bed, well you laid down since it was so comfy. "i did it, so can you delete it now." you asked." hand me the usb " He said, your heart dropped to his ass.
"How did you know.." you said handing him it sighing. "Cameras." He replied. "Boy why the fuck are you watching me on camera's". you turned your head to him. he was laying on his side, his arm propped up holding the side of his head as he looked at you.
"Cause in interested in you Miss fury." He said getting close to you. You didnt move for some reason. "Well im not a damn show.. im a real person " you pushed him back, you werent gonna be seduced. " i didnt ask. im interested in you and know what my family does so im gonna watch you eitherway."he stood up going the foot of the bed.
"Youre just so fucking tempting yknow.. i have the temptations of the gods not to fuck you and make you mine." He said going off topic. You raised your eyebrow. "Well im not a cheap whore. sex or being my first time isnt gonna make me fall in love with your psychotic ass." you crossed your arms bickering with him like you were his wife.
"Lose the adtittude before i make you lose it." He said, he already looked pissed off. but you didnt care "Treat me with common fucking respect and i will bitch." you said, his hand was on your throat as you looked up at him. he squeezed down hard.
"Mmh T' dont do that." you said, shit he was turning you on." mm-mm. you deserve this for calling me out my name" he said softly. "Mm. say sorry and ill let go. he sat down moving you ontop of his lap. "Why are you like this.." you asked. "because i want, but i cant have you. " He said,you realised why.
"Is that gona stop you from.. doing stuff with me.." you said as your finger ran down his body, T'Challa said. "Baby im toxic. you would cry because of me" he said laughing ,hand still on your throat. "i dont care.. i just keep having these thoughts of you and i wanna act on them... continously ..•" you said, he raised his eyebrow. "Just say sorry and ill make you feel good. ill be my job to spoil you and make you feel good. just like youre mine." he looked down at me, i could tell he was serious.
"Im sorry daddy." you said with a smirk. T'challa laughed "just you wait." he laid be down kissing me, i kissed back wrapping my arms around him, my eyes closed as i let him guide me, he soft lips left mine as he bit on my neck, leaving hickeys and kiss marks. "mmhf Erik.. but my dads gonna see" i said worried, he pressed his thumb down on my throat telling me to shut up.
I whimpered and moaned at the bite marks,hickeys and kisses he left all over my body. he stopped at my jogging pants looking up at me, i nodded.
"sorry, we do verbal consent around here Sthandwa (my love)" He stared up at you"Please. Please fuck me." "please what" "Please Fuck me T'challa, i need you to please me daddy. i want only you." you caressed his face. thats all that he needed to hear, he slid your joggers off .
"Not wearin any panties conviently?" he said, his accent coming in. you looked away ashamed. " i.. um... see about that" you said "girl i dont give a fuck why you arent wearing panties right now , i just wanna give you head shut up." he said, you listened.
and when he did eat you out, he most deffinently was good at it. He is a munch. He deffinently is Overloard much too. He used his tongue on your clit , lapping at your clit, the motions drove you crazy as you gripped his hair. his fingers fucked your pussy so good, you moaned his name not trying to be so loud . he made you feel so good. "mmh im gonna cum soon ffuck." you grinded desperately against his mouth, his mouth and fingers absolutely attacking your pussy. you felt like heaven . "Squirt on my face baby. make a mess ,jus f'me"he said, fondling your breast with his free hand
Lord he enjoyed eating your pussy, you could tell that he was starting to get pussy drunk.
And so you did, you panted, he licked what he could off what he couldnt reach he cleaned off with a towel. "mmh do i get to make you feel good too?"you said sitting up. he raised his eyebrows " You sure Sthandwa?(my love) dont want you to choke on my dick" he said concerned
and so you did, but you didnt take in what you couldnt handle. you stroked his shaft as your tongue explored his shaft and tip when your pretty lips consumed him."mm fuck. you look so pretty" he caressed your face, such a praise would make you absolutely devour him.
You took him whole bobbing your head up and down, you were making the man whimper and throw his head back, you looked up at him smiling with your eyes,you didnt stop, you began to deepthroat him nice and slow.
he had shaky breathes. He began to fuck your mouth as he whined out "im gonna cum soon. on your pretty little face yeah? you want that Angel?" He asked you, you nodded, you felt like you were ontop of the fucking world.He pulled out, stroking his cock till came on my face.
T'Challa pov.
Fuck this girl was kinda good. atleast im getting what i want right? i took a picture of her face with my cum on it. "Whos the picture for ?” she asked me while giving me a look.
“Erik, cause i js wanna make him mad” I said replied. “Oh so you just did this with me to piss him off?” y/n said getting sassy with me, i rolled my eyes shaking my head. “Na. Of course not beautiful. I want you and im js establishing that you fuck w me and only me now.” i stated to her.
“No thanks i can do stuff with who i want to .” the shit she said pissed me off i tossed her onto the bed . “You funny if you think other people gon touching on you”
i laughed at her” now do you want me to please you or do you wanna stop?” I saw her bite her lip looking me up and down, her eyes meeting mine. Damn i love those pretty eyes of hers. “ i want you to do whatever you want to me” she said.
Then i snapped, i went down on her kissing her body and worshipping her. Shit if i was gonna risk my damn life, I was gonna be romantic about it. I gently played with her breast.
When i was done worshipping her, i teased the entrace of her pussy with my tip” you sure you don't wanna back out pretty girl?”i teased her. “Course i dont wanna back out ‘challa, youre my first” she told me, for some reason it made me smile.
I Opened a condom, of course i wasnt gonna go raw for her first. when i put it on and slowly entered her, she felt so warm even with the condom on, so nice. I tilted my head back, a soft groan escaping my lips. “Jus tell me when i can move..” i said, gently interlocking my hand with hers
Y/n Pov
I waited to get used to his length. "you can move now" i said, his thrusts were gentle and slow. he didnt wanna harm me. i moaned as he embraced me kissing on my neck.
This man fucked me like he loved me, his gentle strokes and kisses making me feel like i was loved. i knew i wasnt but atleast he made me feel good.
"Mmh faster please!" you said, He sped up hitting a spot you clenched around him when his cock grazed against your g-spot. "mmmh! right there please!" you were vocal about how good T'challa made you feel and he loved it. "Mmh you feel so good,nice n warm just f'me yeah?" T'challa said " Mmh? Found your g-spot. good." He added on .
He began to abuse your sweet spot making you feel so good, he fucked you so nice and deep, fast with it but not too fast for this to end quickly, he huched over to give you kisses, but this one was nice and deep. for a fuck buddy he loved to have loving sex. your tongues battled for dominance, when he pulled away a saliva trail was produced and broken.
He sped up his pace going rougher,still felt good but you were slowly getting overstimulated and cockdrunk. You scratched up his back listening to him moan and whimper in your ear. "Say my name." he said in your ear, fucking you so fast and deep,you could barley even think.
“T’Challa makin me feel so good !” you said choking on your words as all the sounds you could produce is your moans as this man took your virginity, his back was covered in your scratches while your body was covered in his hickeys , bite marks and lovebites.
i didn't know a man that could fuck and worship me as if i was a goddess he needed to worship ,ever crevice or nook he kissed. " Le intombazana izoba kukufa kwam."(this girl will be the death of me.) he said, his accent being thick and deep, raspy yet attractive. "I love when you speak your native language. its so pretty" I said, he was fucking you so nice n good.
"Thank you my love. Ill cherish your words" he chuckled as his thrusts got sloppy, he got more clingy. "im gonna mcum soon.. want me to pull out ?" He asked and i nodded, condoms could break and i deffinently wasnt ready for a kid.
He kept fucking me till i cane again, them he pulled out cumming all over my stomach.
i felt him lift me up and place me in a hot bath. it had bubbles in it,he sat in with me smiling. "why give me a bath?" You asked.
"Its aftercare baby. a normal person that fucks with you should give you it, but dont worry about that. youll only be with me" He said. "what if im not only with you?" you innocently asked.
"You dont wanna do that." he said in a threatening tone. i shrugged it off washing myself, he made me feel weird.
"do i get sasha back now.." you said hugging your knees. "like i like doing stuff with you but.. you killed my friend" you said tearing up. "no i didnt." he replied.
"Erik killed her because she was a spy." He said "as a gang, more like a mafia kinda. We have to do buisness, expand territory, sell goods for stuff we need, transport, trade etc." he said getting uo wrapping a towel around them. "and you killed her because she jeporadized you and your gang.." i said, he nodded but he gave me a light kiss in my forehead. "so youd kill me too. fucking with you is a death trap." i said glaring. i got out the bath and he blocked the door. "im not letting you go home, youre naked and know too much. " he said
"You must think im some delusional ass white girl to to think im not fucking going home" you said standing up with a towel around you. "cuss at me again and see what happens." he said staring down at me, boy he was infuriating. "Why are you doing this. you know i wouldnt tell my dad." you said , he sighed rolling his eyes "no because you would babble to your friends, and its 11:35. You leaving now is suspicious dumbass” he flicked my head.
“Where am i gonna sleep??” you said, frowning up. T'challa gave you the real face as if you weren't in his room. "im not sleeping in your room." you said. T’challa left the room putting a shirt in the bathroom. “Put that on. Im not arguing with a naked woman .” Tchalla said, you put the shirt on, sitting beside t’challa yawning.
“Why are you a brat?” T’challa asked. “Why are you a bitch” you replied turning your back to him, and nuzzling the big pillow on my end. “ baby are you mad at me” he asked in a soft tone, i ignored him and he got in my ear. "Ndingubani igama lam Umenz." he said, i turned to him understanding Xhosa abit. "T'challa." i replied,his hand gently caressed my face, smiling. "Mmh cmere" he said. you rested your head on his chest laying ontop of him.
You fell asleep to hearing a camera click. mmh you felt so safe in his arms, he kissed your head goodnight.
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pomegranarchy · 11 months
The Graduating Class Of [XXX]
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Wilbert Phlegm (5'5 ft), Inkwell Bubbles (4'8 ft), and Amber Phalanx (6'5 ft)
Each are bestowed three mox crystals upon their clothes or as accessories, alongside the fourth that tips their hats.
For Wilbert, one points each of the ends of his cardigan (third not pictured, as the third point is the back).
For Inky, one sits around his throat as the connector for his cape, and the other two hang from a wrap around their tail.
For Amber, two are earrings, and the third tips the butt of her spear.
Some other notes for my interpretations of the three mages:
Amber has metal bones, and she has pieces of armor that rise above her skin (that are also part of her skeleton). Such as her visor. She has shin and arm guards, and as consequence for her metal bones, she is very inflexible. The cartilage in her body is also mildly affected, making her joints stiff.
Inky uses they/he
Inky is also a member of my original species, the kimblie, and has a mark on his forehead (three black bubbles) but because it's black on black, it blends in.
Wilbert's hair is naturally green. In opposite to Amber, he's hyperflexible and has some issues with joints popping out of their sockets.
Inky is kind of the mid-point in flexibility, but also the only one that does anything with it. They're a menace that can crawl into many spaces and a bit of an escape artist.
Each has a focus on an 'element' alongside with magic that intersects with their interests.
Wilbert has earth, Inky has water, Amber has fire.
Wilbert can pull the concept of colors out of things and swap them around, or mix em together, but can't make new ones. He's an avid artist.
His hair might be green because he put green in it or maybe he was born like that. You'll never know.
Amber has a combat focus, and can create physical planes using fire and other plasma. It's kinda trippy.
Inky however-- water IS their interest, and as such can do the most creative things with their magic. Turns into water, can teleport between puddles, can breathe in water, can--
Love these guys. :]
I've essentially converted them into a new file format (into my original universe whoopsies) rather than kept them as Inscryption characters... But hey. It's fun and I'm playing with dolls.
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Chapter 1: Make it out
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"An escape to meet others like me means breaking down connections such as what happens within"
Words: 4664
I open my eyes, I am standing in the middle of the ocean near my house. The breeze was strong, the sky was a dark grey, and the waves of the ocean were big and dangerous. It was almost like a typhoon. Something didn't feel right at all. In fact, it was like another presence was there with me. The wind blew stronger, I felt like it was about to push me, but for some reason, it didn't.
I look around only to see nothing but the whole ocean surrounding me. But then I hear a voice and I recognise it, it was my mom's. "Isla tulungan mo ako please" (Isla please help me). I froze I haven't heard her voice since I was 8 years old, the words kept repeating.
I slowly turn to the direction of her voice but it was too late the water around me became blood and I started to hear sobbing. I tried to move but for some reason I was stuck, it was like being trapped in a box or something. Then I tried to scream, nothing came out. Then my mom appeared infront of me looking at me, angrily.
"AHHHH!" I screamed as I woke up. I look around me and suddenly felt safe to see that it was my room that I saw. I tried to calm myself down by doing the breathing exercises my aunt told me to do. My forehead was covered with sweat and tears started to form in my eyes. I continue to do the breathing exercises until I finally calmed down.
"It was one of those dreams again." I sighed as I get the glass of water I prepared for myself in case something like this happens again. These days it's becoming more and more frequent for some reason.
I put the glass down and looked at my phone. It was 2:30 am, it was the time of day once again. I leave my phone and start preparing for my daily swim. Normally I would do this in my family pool but there isn't a crime in doing this in the ocean, but my extended family thinks of it as a crime. Maybe this is the time to prove them wrong.
"Vitamins are taken, My temperature is normal and regulated, skin checked. Alright time for my swim." I say as I go downstairs and head for the front door.
I get out of the house and lock my door. I put my keys in a pot of plants, knowing no one will get it since I'm mostly the one who takes care of the garden. Then I head out into the ocean. The night was cold, and I shivered as I walked down the beach since I was only wearing a robe.
The dream I had would have been a sign, people will think it would be a sign to not get into the water but I knew that it was definitely a warning for something else. The dreams keep coming back, I haven't had them since I was 18 but they came back 6 years later. I start to think to myself as to why they came back but then stop when realised I was already at the spot.
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Thankfully this part of the beach is private property of ours. I look around me to see if maybe a family member was out or if someone came looking for me but thankfully no one came looking for me. I took off my robe and walked into the ocean nude.
My body then started transforming. Scales appeared in several parts of my body, and gils started to appear. My hands started becoming webbed, and most importantly, my tail, yes I am indeed a Serena (Filipino siren). My mother was a siren. She was also famous as she caught people's attention in her siren form.
I look at webbed hands only to see how poor the condition of my siren form was, my webbed hands were stiff and slimy unlike a healthy Serena where it is flexible and rubber like, my gils felt clogged and I couldn't breathe properly, and lastly my tail and scales they were loosing their original color from a bright red tail to a Grayish pink. I knew I wasn't crazy. The pool that my aunt kept me in since they thought it was safer was more dangerous than they thought.
The pool chemical were killing my siren form slowly, but they wouldn't see the problem. A Serena needs natural minerals from natural bodies of water in order to maintain our fish like bodies. 'Hopefully, I have enough time before they wake up to at least help myself in this form,' I thought as I began swimming around
It has almost been four hours at most. My Serena form started to heal almost immediately, but I knew it still wasn't enough. I explored parts of the ocean that was near the beach, the oceans in the Phillippines are so polluted I wasted nearly half my time picking up trash and objects from the ocean floor. There was nothing exciting about swimming in that area since there was nearly no fish or anything, but I knew I had to stay just for my own health.
Another hours passed and I was relaxing on the ocean floor when all of a sudden I saw a familiar boat, my cousins boat. I immediately swam up since I knew they were already looking for me.
"Isla, Isla!! Isla bumalik ka na, galit na si tita!!"(Isla, come back, Auntie is getting mad already) I heard from underwater before popping my head out.
"Nandito na ako, bakit naman sila galit eh kailangan ko naman talaga ng tubig para mabuhay" (I'm here already, why are they even mad when I really do need water to survive) complained. My cousin then pulled me up and gave me a robe.
"Eh kasi naman alam mo may mga mangingisda na dumadaan dito. Baka makuha ka at ibebenta ka sa palengke sa Presyong 100k" (Well, because you know that there are fishermen who pass by here. Maybe they'll catch you and sell in the market for the price of 100k) My cousin joked, and I just kicked him while he was rowing back to our house.
We finally reached the shore of our house, and to no one's surprise my aunt was there, full on ready to scold.
"Anak ng tokneneng, ilang bese ka na sinabihan Isla na wag na wag kang lumangoy sa dagat. May swimming pool naman tayo bat di mo yun gamitin?" (Son of a bitch, how many times do we have to tell you not to swim into the ocean. We have swimming pool, why dont you use that?) My aunt said.
"Tita sinasabi ko naman sainyo na kailangan ko ang tubig ng dagat para lang di masira ang Serena form ko eh. Lagi kong sinasabi sainyo di kayo naniniwala." (Auntie, I already told you over and over that I really need the oceans water just so that my Serena form won't fall ill. I keep telling you all, but you guys don't believe me.) I said as I started to walk into the house.
"Isla ano ba, alam mo naman may mga mangisngisda dumadaan doon. Gusto mo ba mamatay?" (Isla, what is it with you? You already know that fishermen pass there. Do you want to die?) My aunt yelled as I went into the garden and grabbed my keys from the pot.
"Eh pinapatay niyo na nga ako ng onti onti sa pool na sinasabing niyong mas safe. Tita, namamatay na nga yung Serena form ko di niyo ba nakikita?" (Well, you guys are already killing me bit by bit in the pool that you guys say is safer for me. Auntie, my Serena form is dying, don't you see?) I yelled as I approached our front door.
"Oo nakikita ko pero isipin mo naman kami, di kami Serena kagaya ng mama mo at baka patayin ka pa pag may makikita sayo. Kung sana lang may lugar talaga na para sa mga Serena lang talaga eh o kahit anong monster na kagaya mo puntahan namin para sayo. Kaso wala eh wala tayo magawa." (Yes, I see it, but think about how we feel, we're not Serenas like your mom, and it's possible that you can die just from someone else seeing you. If only there was a place for just you as a Serena or maybe even other monsters, we would go there just for you. But there isn't and there's nothing we can do.) Aunt said before giving me a towel and some slippers.
"Kung meron ako mahanap na Lugar para saakin kung saan di ako papatayin, papayagan niyo ba ako pumunta doon?" (If there was a place that I found that it just for me, where I can't be killed, will you allow me to go there?) I said as I dried my hair with the towel. "Oo, bibigyan kita ng pera para pumunta doon. Pero parang impossible eh. (Yes, I'll give you money just to go there. But it's just impossible.) My aunt said going inside our house.
'I don't think it's impossible. I'm not the only creature in this world. There has to be a place. I'll research on it after work.' I thought to myself as I headed inside my house.
"Ate Isla kakain ka po ng pang umaga?" (Isla will you eat breakfast?) My younger cousin said as he sat down on our dinner table. "Sorry but I still have to prepare for work," I said as I looked at the clock it was 7:12.
"Work from home ka naman, okay lang yan ah. Di mo naman na kailangan maligo." (It's just work from home, though. That's just okay already. You dont need to take a bath) My cousin teased. "Kuya naman," I said as I was still drying my hair.
"Isla, bakit ka parin nag oonline sa trabaho mo na yan? Diba pwede ka naman mag face to face sa trabaho mo?" (Isla, why are you still online in that job of yours? Aren't you allowed to have it f2f?) My cousin said. "Eh kasi naman si tita ayaw ipa face to face ako. Tsaka, just being safe lang siguro." (Well, because Auntie doesn't want me to go face to face. And you know just being safe, I guess.) I said as I walked up the stairs.
Once I was in my bedroom, I could hear my auntie complaining about me, how insensitive I was, how irresponsible I was, I was already used to how she was so I gave it no mind but it still bothered me so much that I just decided work will take my mind off it.
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I prepared myself for work, took a bath, and set up my workspace but not without greeting my boyfriend, Mark, I our usual good-morning texts, we've been distant these days but I know that it was because of our work, who would've guessed that a model and an online psychiatrist would have a loving relationship.
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It was about my lunch time, I knew that my cousins were out and so was my auntie so I was eating lunch alone or was I? I thought of maybe calling my boyfriend for lunch, we used to do that when he was travelling but when I opened his message I saw that he didn't answer my text this morning. I just thought he was busy, so I just went ahead and heated up the leftovers that were left from breakfast and went back to work immediately.
Another hour passed I was finishing up with a regular client of mine when my phone to started to ring in the middle, I was about to decline it when my client and said that it was okay for me to answer since it might be important. I thanked the client and looked at my phone to see who was calling. It was Mark.
'Finally, maybe he's going to ask me out after my shift." I thought to myself as I answered the phone.
"Love! Kamusta naman?" (Love! How are you?) I said excitingly, but then I heard him sigh, my stomach dropped, and I already sensed that this may not be good.
"Fine, but we have to talk. When does your shift end?" He said coldly, I don't know what's going on. Did something happen to him? I quickly removed those thoughts.
"The session that I'm having right now will end around 3:00. I could meet you by then. Where will we meet?" I said trying to control my voices, my siren senses and gut feeling are telling the same thing. This will not end well, his change of tone, the way he has distance himself from you in any way unlike before, the way he just sees your messages but never replies. It's all leading to one thing, a breakup.
"I'll go to your house by then." He sighed. I start shaking, I wasn't prepared for this. I have been so avoidant of love until I met him and we've been together for so long ever since my last year of highschool. We knew that our career paths would make it harder for us but I didn't think it would lead to this. Even if he hadn't said it yet, you already know that it's coming, it's coming to an end.
"Alright, be safe driving. I love you." I said with a trembly voice, everything started to become blurry. It felt like more weight was put on your shoulders. "Okay." I heard him say while he hanged up the phone.
I was about to breakdown by then but I knew I still had a job, I took a deep breath and went back to my client. I knew myself well enough that after that phone call, I'm not going to be myself at my work but I thought that maybe just maybe I could at least put in decent effort just for my client.
3 pm came, I was hoping that time would stop at that very moment. While you were having that session, you couldn't help but pray that the minutes would go slower. I pray that he would change his mind on the way there, but you thought wrong. I saw the notification. He was there already.
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I was hesitant to go down, I already knew what was about to happen, but I still didn't want to face it since I loved him so much, more than I know. But then I told myself that maybe if I pull through this quicker, the faster I have to go through it. I took a deep breath and headed outside.
Once I was there, I saw him. His face was showing little to no emotion. The hope that I held on suddenly disappeared, just by looking at his face. It wasn't like the first time he came to my house, where I ran to him with joy and excitement. Now I could barely move. I slowly approached him, and each step felt like I was going towards a cliff. Then suddenly I was in front of him, this felt like I was on the edge of that cliff.
"Isla, I think you know where this is going already. I know you have strengthened senses from your Serena nature from my call earlier." Mark said as he brought a box.
"Just say it already, I know we fell apart from our careers and I know there isn't anything I can do anymore. Even after I tried so hard to keep what we had." I said as I look at the box he was holding.
"No... it's not because we fell apart." He sighed. I look at him, senses were picking up an emotion that wasn't supposed to be in this. Guilt. Maybe he was guilty for falling out of love with me, I told myself to wait patiently for him to speak.
"Isla, I'm so sorry... I cheated on you. I cheated on you with another model who I worked with and now she's pregnant." He said as he gave me the box. Everything around me felt like it dropped. I wanted to scream, to punch him, to cry, but I couldn't. My mind was blank, the only thing I could think about were the possibilities of who he cheated on me with.
"So you're breaking up with me just because she's pregnant? Why didn't you do so sooner?" I asked with a shaky voice, but I really did mean that question. He was already cheating on me. Why did he wait until the girl got pregnant just to break it off? I think it was obvious by now since he always said he wanted a family, but did he really have to cheat for that? I was willing to be a bride for him anyway. I was ready.
"Isla, I'll be honest with you whenever I thought about a future with you. I felt uncomfortable with the fact that my child wasn't going to be like the other kids. You told me you spent your life avoiding kids in the streets since you were always afraid that once they find out that you're a Serena, you'll be killed." He explained.
"Cut the crap. Just say that you want a normal family with a normal woman. After everything we've been through. Did that all mean nothing to you?" I yelled, starting to feel tears going down.
"No. I just really want this, and you're just not.... you're too focused on work. And I may not be a Serena, but I feel like something bigger is coming for you in your job." He paused to look at his watch. It was 3:13 pm, 13 minutes passed, but to me, it felt like a whole hour. I don't know how to feel now, am I supposed to be angry? Am I supposed to be sad? Was I even supposed to feel anything? Fuck, I don't know.
"I'm sorry but this is the end for us Isla. I'm so sorry but I have to go, we both still have jobs to do but be safe hope you find another person who loves you." He said as he patted my shoulders. I looked at him and nodded, I didn't know what to say at that moment. He went into his car and began to drive off.
As his car began to drove off. I began to breakdown, all of the emotions that I held onto for so long have finally left me. Betrayed, hurt, and empty was all I could feel.
"Isla?" I turned around to see my cousin standing behind me. I started to wonder if he saw the whole thing. "Diba sasakyan yun ni Mark? Ano nangyare.." (Isn't that the car of Mark? What happened...) He paused when he looked at me. Tears would not stop falling. I suddenly felt him hug me, then grabbed my arm slowly so that he could bring me inside.
"Kuya...." I sighed. He put me down on the couch and pulled out a tub of ice cream. "Buti nalang naiisipan bumili ng ice cream. Nagcracrave kasi ako eh nung ko papunta na ako dito. Teka lang, wag ka muna mag kwento kunin ko muna ang mga kutsara at baso." (It's good that I thought of buying ice cream. I was craving it while I was going back here. Wait for a while, don't tell me just yet. I'll just get the spoons and cups.) He said as he stood up and went to our kitchen. I'm thankful that he was here by the time Mark left because knowing how he looked at me as his sister instead of cousin, he would've beaten Mark up.
"Eto na. Yung mas malaki na baso para lang sayo." (Here it is. The bigger cup just for you.) He gave the cup and spoon. "Now, tell me what's going on? I'll just speak English for this one for you to know the therapy vibe." He joked, trying to make me feel better, which did make me giggle a bit.
"Mark and I broke up..... but he also revealed to me one thing." I whispered with a shaky voice. My cousin then looked at me as he was scooping the tub of ice cream, silently asking me for an explanation. "Turns out, he was cheating on me, and now he got the girl pregnant." I explained. My tears were starting to come out once more, and all the thoughts came back to me, but just then, I was cut off by spoon falling.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him. I FUCKING KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP WITH HIM" My cousin yelled as he stood up and marched through the door. I stood up quickly wiping my tears and grabbed him. "Kuya please. Tapos na, umalis na siya at di na rin yan babalik dito." (Kuya please. It's done, he left and he won't come back here ever.) I pleaded with him because I know him well to know that he would get his hands bloody just to protect me but in that moment I just really needed him to comfort me because I was about to breakdown again and I did since I started sobbing and feeling my tears.
Then it was like he read my mind since he just hugged me and brought me back to couch. Usually we would talk about what our problems were and how to fix it but all I needed right now was a distraction from all this. I was so thankful he bought ice cream since it really was comfort food. We just both sat there in silence enjoying our ice cream and the others company.
"You know.." I turned to my cousin who finally spoke up after half an hour of silence. "Right Auntie told you that if there was a place just for you or any monster in this world, she would do anything for you to be there." I look at him with sudden excitement because my senses were telling me he was going to show me something.
"Well... I have to show you something!" He exclaimed while grabbed his laptop out of his bag. "I hope the ice cream didn't make it wet." He whispered as he got his laptop out of his bag. "You could've just told me to get my laptop upstairs you know that?" I jokingly asked. "That wouldn't make it special." He stated as he started to open his laptop. I started to question what the hell he was going to show since he looks really excited to show mr what he found, he was typing somewhat aggressively on his laptop which made me even more curious.
"Here!" He said turning his laptop to me. I looked at his laptop and it showed me a school website, the school name was Nevermore. I took a closer look at his laptop to see all of the details, the more I read the more excited I get. It was like a finding a part of you, you didn't think exists, feeling like this is finally your place, feeling like you finally found the answers to you problem. "This.. is amazing! Kuya, where did you find this?" I asked excitingly while scrolling the page even more.
"My coworker told me she recently came back from a trip to Vernont and stumbled across that school. She told everything about it or at least everything she heard from people from the town that was located in." He explained. That's when I looked at the location of the school. It was in America, meaning I could possibly go there with my own money. "I don't know.... what will Auntie think?" I asked since I was worried that despite her words from this morning, she would not allow me to go.
"Sabi niya nga, kung may mahanap kang lugar para sayo dun ka na daw. Kunin mo na ah may job application sila o, tignan mo." (Well, didn't she say if there was a place for you, you'll be there. Take the chance already there's a job application going on, look.) He pointed at the website, and I took a closer look at it to see that there was an opening for a guidance counsellor.
"Wait, why is there an opening for a guidance counsellor position if there's literally a therapist they visit in the town that are located in?" I asked, scrolling to the part of the oage where it showed that they have a therapist they could console to named, Dr. Valerie Kinbott.
"Di ko rin ngay alam. Tanongin mo nalang pag ininterview ka." (I really don't know as well. Maybe you could ask when you get interviewed) He answered. I just nodded my head but then I looked at him with surprise when I realised what he said. "Anong interview?" (What interview?) I asked nearly shouting because of how surprised I was.
He looked at me for a second and laughed. "Surprise! I got you an interview for that job. It's going to be this Friday, do your best." He answered while patting my shoulders . I look at him with wide eyes, not knowing how he did it. "Well, to explain this, I kind of hacked into your work email and emailed the school during lunch since I know that's the time you don't check emails. It was wrong, but like this is a really great opportunity for you." He explained. I looked at him mouth agape, so many things had happened within the past day, honestly it's overwhelming.
"Thank you kuya, buti nalang na Wednesday ngayon at Friday yung interview para may ako makaprepare pa ako para sa interview na eto." (Thank you kuya, it's good that today is Wednesday and the interview is on Friday so that I still have time to prepare for my interview.) I sighed, not knowing what to feel since it's been a roller coaster. First I get scolded and talked shit about by my auntie just for taking care of myself, secondly my long term boyfriend cheated on me, and now my cousin just revealed to me that he hacked into my work email and got me a job in a place that could accommodate my occult. The emotions are mixed and I know that my cousin could tell.
"Marami kang pinagdaanan ngayon Isla. Pero isipin mo ng ganito, kung di mo toh kunin at di ka na talaga paoayagan sa dagat ni tita. Mamatay ka talaga. Kahit pagbigyan mo nalang yung interview na yan. Kung hindi ka nakuha edi atleast ginawa mo ang lahat, diba?" (You've been through alot today Isla. But think of it like this, if you don't take this and you won't ever be allowed in the ocean everr again by auntie. You will die. If you don't get chosen for the job then atleast you tried right?) He comforted me while hugging and rocking me, he used to do that every time everything got intense at home.
We pulled apart and I feel he secretly has a mind reading since he immediately went into the cupboards and pulled out my favorite wine. "Sabihin ko kay tita di ka kakain ng pang gabi. Mag rest ka muna, umiyak, sumigaw, or suntukin mo unan mo. Ilabas mo lang mga emotions mo. (I'll tell auntie that you won't eat dinner. You should rest, cry, yell, or just punch your pillow. Just let out all of your emotions.) He said while I took the wine out of his hand. "Dalhin mo muna yang alak na yan, ako na sa mga baso at ice cream" (Bring that wine of yours, I'll handle the cups and the ice cream.) He added.
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
Mike’s Pocket - AKA, Theo losing his goddamn mind over FUCKING fabric
Okay, so I’ve talked about this before, you’ve definitely read about this before, everyone knows about Pocketgate by now—so, instead of reiterating old points, I’m gonna summarize my opinions (and therefore what I’m drawing from for this whole thing) the stuff that we’ve all been over and then I can talk about fun stuff >:D
1. Finn Wolfhard said that the pocket was sideways!
Okay, yes he did say that, but I also need everyone to look at the pocket closely for a second.
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See that thick shadow and creasing at the top? The pocket opens from the top, meaning that it can’t open from the side (underneath the triangle) because it needs to be attached by at least three sides—otherwise, it would be hanging off. There is no way for the pocket to open from the side, because it wouldn’t be structurally sound—additionally, we would see the fabric creasing to accommodate that opening, whether or not there’s a cover over it. That triangle opens (we can see that the metal circle is the same kind of snap closure that’s at his neckline), but it’s purely decorative.
2. The triangle points to Will all the time!
3. There’s a letter in the pocket! Hm. See, this is where I’m torn, because I love the idea, but also, I don’t think it… makes sense? Even folded up notebook paper (because it would have to be folded to fit) would be noticeably bulging (hate that word for…chronically online reasons) against the fabric and noticeably pushing it out. This anon I got a while back makes a good point, but I’m not a huge fan. I just feel that we would see the letter in the pocket, because even if (like the anon said) they’re planning on him having a letter, he wouldn’t have had it in that pocket because changes of clothes do exist, and after several sweat, dirt, blood and grime filled days in the same clothes, no matter how much of a teenager Mike is, he would one HUNDRED percent change out of that thing as soon as he had the chance. No point in keeping it around.
4. Triangle imagery = queercoding!
FUCK yes. The woman in charge of costume design literally said that she purposely incorporated triangle patterns and organization into Robin’s clothing, there’s absolutely zero reason to believe that she wouldn’t do that for other characters that are intended to be queer.
FUN PART NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just finished my fourth or fifth rewatch of season 4 today, and I noticed something kinda neat—it almost seems like there’s… two jackets?
I’ve talked before about my theory that they used interfacing in the pocket (because we know that it’s handmade) to draw our attention to it, and I stand by that based on the way that it moves—in certain scenes.
A fabric that’s reinforced with interfacing will bend, but it will NOT bend the normal way fabric does. It doesn’t quite follow the shape of your body—I mean, it will follow the curve roughly, but it’ll kinda make its own shape. I wish I had an example, but I don’t own any clothes with interfacing, aaand my mom already looked at me like I was insane when I ran in to bend the collar of my dad’s shirt to hopefully get an example, so. You’re just gonna have to take my word for it. 
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For example- interfacing in the collar of his shirt to keep it stiff!
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Alright. Here’s a shirt made out of what I’d wager is a pretty similar fabric, although I think it’s slightly more flexible than what Mike is wearing. (If I see any of y’all insulting my fashion taste I Will End You)
When the fabric around it is scrunched, it keeps its shape, yes—but the fabric of the pocket creases slightly in places where it already had wrinkles. And what about when it’s actually on?
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I hope you all know I bound my chest (at almost 11pm) so I could make this as accurate as possible without it getting in the way. 
Anyways, see how when my arm is close to it, it bends? Mike’s only does this, like, half the time.
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This is a terribly blurry image, but you can see that the pocket is facing Argyle, and is bending perfectly naturally with his arm pressed up against the side of the shirt. It matches the shape of his pose, and it doesn’t look like there’s anything in there. Regular pocket! No interfacing!
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Points to Jonathan, and it’s a little stiff, sure, but it's creasing pretty normal. Likely just a stiff jacket.
This one is,,, tricky. It looks pretty stiff, I’d agree. 
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But look closely! The black lines are where it creases and wrinkles with the shape of the rest of the fabric, and the white traces how the shape of the pocket follows the shape of the edge of his shirt.
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And oh, my favorite ever example (and the reason I’m looking into this to begin with) <3 that pocket is moving NORMALLY and it’s facing EL!!!!! RIGHT AS HE’S SUPPOSEDLY ABOUT TO SAY ILY!!!!!!!!
But let’s look at some examples where it IS facing Will. 
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NOW THAT’S AN INTERFACED BEND! JUST A LITTLE BIT TOO PERFECTLY CURVED! Notice the difference between how it’s bending in this versus when he’s with El in the last example! (of course, the difference in pose should also be accounted for, but still. That is HEAVILY drastic.)
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STIFF! ASS! POCKET! I mean, it’s nearly straight (heh), whereas Will’s is way more curved. They’re both slouching and facing the same direction. 
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(Tracing isn’t perfect but my point still stands.) 
Anyways, I fully believe that there’s two copies of this jacket—one for scenes with Will on Mike’s left, in order to draw attention to the triangle/arrow; and one for scenes without him. Thoughts?
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
Christmas Live - Dot to Dot 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Hinata, Tetora
Translation Team: Mika Enstars & 310mc
EN Proofer: ryuseipuka
"But don’t say things like “this twin” or “that twin”—I don’t really mind, but Yuuta-kun does."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Dojo
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Hinata: ‘Scuse me~!
Ossu! ♪ This is Aoi Hinata, the reliable older brother of 2wink! You here, Kiryu-senpai~?
Umm, it’s about the outfit I asked you for! I thought maybe it’d be done about now, so I stopped by to pick it up!
You’re probably busy though, aren’t you, Kiryu-senpai~?
Theeen I’ll just call off my request for the outfit, so you don’t have to worry about… Oh?
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Tetora: … …
Hinata: Hey, it’s Tetsu-kun! Hey-o~, what’re you up to?
Strange, only Tetsu-kun’s around? Is Kiryu-senpai not here? Hello~?
Tetora: … …
Hinata: Hi-yah~! ☆ [1]
Tetora: Owah~!? What’re you doing all’a sudden!? Are you an assassin out to get me!?
Hinata: Ahaha, no one’s tryna kill you, Tetsu-kun! Wow, what an amazing reaction time!
Even while meditating in a zen state, you were able to notice my jumping kick and dodge immediately, huh…♪
Impressive as always, Karate Club! It was just a test, Tetsu-kun, so don’t get mad, ‘kay~? Y’know, a little prank! ♪
Yup, here’s your certificate! From here on, you may call yourself lǎoshī, okay?
Tetora: Sorry, I’m findin’ it difficult to respond to a flurry of words thrown at me… You’re real energetic in this cold weather, aren’tcha, Aoi-kun…
Ermm, you’re the twin that’s Hinata-kun, right?
Hinata: Mhm. But don’t say things like “this twin” or “that twin”—I don’t really mind, but Yuuta-kun does.
I don’t blame you, though! Even I spot myself in the mirror and exclaim, “Yuuta-kun!” from time to time!
Hmm… Maybe I should wear a name tag with “Hinata” written on it to make it easier to tell us apart?
Tetora: More importantly, didja have somethin’ to do at the dojo? As you can see, the Karate Club’s got the day off from club activities today, so~?
Hinata: Well as I can see, it looks like you’re practicing meditating or something, Tetsu-kun! Doesn’t that count as practice—or perhaps, training?
Why zen meditation, actually? I guess there’s a big sign in the back with “self-control!” on it, but what exactly is the training for?
I don’t really get it, but it looks fun, so, I’m in! ♪
Tetora: Ooh… Wow, amazin’ as always. I mean, you need a flexible body for zen meditation…
But you got yourself into the right posture just fine. Meanwhile, my body’s so stiff that I almost felt like my bones were gonna crack.
I forced my body into this meditation position, so now I can’t get outta it on my own… I’d love some help unfolding my legs if that’s alright with ya…[2]
Although, I feel bad for making a guest do work…
Hinata: Okay~! ♪ Whoa, you’re seriously stiffened up! It’s like you locked your own joints up… You did it so clumsily that it’s practically a skill in itself!
Tetora: Owowow! Please be a li’l more gentle on me!
Hinata: Bear with it, okay~, you’ll hurt your muscles if you move! Alright, there we go! ♪
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Tetora: Ahh, whew… You really saved me there, ossu. I’ll be absolutely sure to repay the favor—You have Nagumo Tetora’s word on it!
Hinata: Right. So, is Kiryu-senpai here? I need him for something real quick, so~…
Tetora: Ahh, Taisho’s been making outfits for a bunch’a units that’ve sent in a request.[3] He’s real close to finishing ‘em all up, so he’s confining himself to his home in order to try and stay focused.
I wanna help him out too, but I’d just get in his way when it comes to that stuff~… I’ve got the free time now ‘cuz I don’t have any idol work either, so I settled with doin’ some self-training.
I seem to have no self-restraint, or more like, I immediately act on the first decision I make… I wanna get a better handle of that part of myself, so that’s why I was doin’ zen meditation.
The “self-control!” hanging scroll is meant to embody my resolve~♪
Hinata: I see… I thought maybe you were suppressing somethin’ strange down…
My brother’s like that too, but you’ll reach a breaking point if you don’t get it out of your system in time, you know?
Tetora: Well, it’s just in my nature to do this. If I don’t learn to keep control of myself through zen meditation and stuff, I’ll just end up causing trouble by running ‘round without any thought, and that doesn’t help anyone~
I’ve had enough of bein’ that “klutzy kid” to everyone.
[ ☆ ]
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I wasn’t able to convey it clearly in English, but Hinata is mimicking Bruce Lee’s signature cry here, so it’s likely he’s doing a Bruce Lee jumping kick as well.
One of the zen meditation postures require you to sit in lotus position, as shown in Tetora’s CG.
Taisho (Taishou, 大将) is how Tetora calls Kuro. It means “chief”, “boss”, “general”.
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toreii · 1 year
Lost in the Book with Stitch part 39
Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. I apologize for any mistakes. I’m by no means fluent in Japanese, but I try my best. Please, support the official translation when it comes out. Be kind and friendly, and feel free to support me by donating a ko-fi if you’d like. Link is in my description!
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Uninhabited Island - Sea
Lilia: “Haa, that was fun, that was fun. Surfing is so much fun!”
Lilia: “It's especially nice when the waves don't go as planned. I fell down so many times!”
Lilia: “Kufufu, it feels like my body is still being shaken by the waves. Also, the inside of my nose feels tingly due to the seawater.”
Lilia: “Also, the sun was blazing down l, and shining brightly on the endless water surface!”
Lilia: “There are still so many fun games to play in this world...”
Lilia: “I was able to experience something I didn't know before. I have never been so happy. I'm so glad I came to this island!”
Riddle: “Yes! I didn’t know how fun the sea could be.”
Riddle: “The joy of getting on a surfboard for the first time…”
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Riddle: “When the big waves came, I saw a large school of fish in the waves! They were all small, and they looked and greeted me with their eyes.”
Floyd: “Huh—? Isn't that just your imagination? They're not that smart.”
Riddle: “It’s my imagination. When I get back to school, I have to look up what kind of fish it is in the encyclopedia.”
Riddle: “When I sat on the board and listened to the waves, I was amazed at how loud they were. It's completely different from seeing it from a distance.”
Riddle: “When I go back to school, I'd like to invite everyone in the dorm as well. Cater and Deuce will be especially delighted.”
Floyd: “Oh, despite Goldfishy-chan falling in the water so many times. You’re surprisingly flexible.”
Riddle: “It's true that I failed many times…but, if you think of it like horseback riding, there's nothing you can't do.”
Riddle: “The one who had more trouble than me was…”
Azul: “…………”
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Azul: “I find it so difficult to maintain a sense of balance... or rather, I don't understand the point of going out of my way to stand on the board.”
Azul: “It's a human foot, right? You can't attach it to the board with suction, or wrap your foot around it.”
Azul: “Yet, why is it so easy for everyone else…”
Floyd: “Aha, Azul kept making his legs so stiff~!”
Floyd: “If you were going to be squealing, you should have used the paddle on the board like I told you.”
Lilia: “That’s right. Then, it would have been easier to surf than usual.”
Azul: “I don't want to. It's humiliating because it seems like I'm the only one with assistance.”
Azul: “How was Floyd able to ride such big waves so easily?”
Lilia: “Yeah, that’s right. Wasn’t that your first time? I was surprised at how quickly you were riding the waves.”
Riddle: “Compared to Azul, it’s not like it’s because you’re a mermaid...Do you have any tips?”
Floyd: “Hm? Just a hunch.”
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Riddle/Azul/Lilia: “A hunch…”
Floyd: “Yeah. When the waves come, move your body in the direction that makes you feel happy. That’s all.”
Floyd: “Then the waves will come and take you on board, and you can just float on the board! Like that.”
Azul: “There's no way I can learn...It was a mistake to ask Floyd for advice.”
Riddle: “It's about yourself. You'll eventually learn to ride it on your own without any advice.”
Riddle: “That it! Next time we go with our dorm, let’s bring Azul with us.”
Azul: “Oh, I’m looking forward to it.”
Floyd: “I wanna go, too! Let's also invite Jade. I'll show you how Azul’s legs tremble.”
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Azul: “Hmph, that's fine. Jade probably won't be able to surf well at first anyway...”
Azul: “This time, I’ll be the one laughing.”
Floyd: “Yeah—. I'm sure Azul will wake up early and practice every day starting tomorrow.”
Lilia: “Oh, then please invite us too. Let's surf with Malleus, Silver, and Sebek!”
Lilia: “Now then, shall we take a break?”
Riddle: “Hm? Ace and the others are…”
Grim: “Woah! Water splashed off Jack's board. It’s salty!”
Ace: “Jack, don't get carried away just because you're a little better!”
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Jack: “Hah. If you’re feeling frustrated, try to do better.”
Jack: “Stitch, Yuu, are you both exhausted, too?”
Jack: “Don't lie on your stomach all the time, show your guts...uwah!?”
Ace: “Yeah~! Yuu, did you see that? Jack got wiped by the waves.”
Jack: “Pffftpfftt……shut up. It was a choppy wave!”
*Splashes Ace*
Ace: “Woah, stop it! Don’t splash me!”
*Splashes Jack*
Grim: “They’re both splashing me too!”
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Grim: “Ooh~……….Yuu, Stitch. Let’s get back at Jack and Ace!”
*Water fight ensues~*
Lilia: “T-This is……no way……youth!”
Riddle: “Yes, the first years are so energetic, including Stitch.”
Floyd: “If we’re still planning to go back, I’ll head back first.”
Azul: “Let us do the same. I wouldn’t be able to survive among such cheerful first year students.”
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Riddle: “Hehe. That’s right. Let’s go back to the cottage, and prepare for dinner.”
To be continued…
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