#this is the only thing in this ep I'm heated abt
maybe-theres-hope · 2 years
Ok I gotta say something abt this ep
and fellow texans from other areas please tell me if I'm wrong
but I grew up in southeast texas and half my body is basically made up of tex-mex my blood is 72% red enchilada sauce at this point and I have NEVER, NOT ONCE IN MY WHOLE ASS LIFE
i was so blown away by that I'm like..............excuse me????????? 🤣
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stop hating on the Coffee Theory ffs
ok listen.
I've considered Aziracrow to be amoral & selfish AT BEST, and hedonistic, uncaring and totally disregarding of human free will, nature, or anything but them selves at worst, WELL before s2. My views of both of these characters are, and always have been, FAR harsher than anything these anti-Coffee Theory posts are arguing for.
I'm also really, really, REALLY tired of seeing ppl getting heated and making "anti"/"critical" posts ovr a random, fluffy, tropey-asf fan theory.
I'm ride-or-die for the Coffee Theory. I love it. Here's why:
The two months after a DEVASTATING finale are explosions of creativity and expression in fandoms, even if some of it is Extremely Silly(tm). If the Coffee Theory is still as prevalent and simplistic in a few months, maybe there's a problem- but like, it's only been a week.
It might end up leading to a deeper/better theory, I've seen some posts trending that way. It might be consigned to the realm of au fic or fade away altogether once the shock of ep 6 isn't as strong and ppl have had time to rly think abt it. Or, it could vanish as a specific theory/hc, but leave trends/tropes behind for GO/Fandom as a whole to play with.
The level of Weird Obscure Bible Shit that ppl are researching to justify it is genuinely delightful, I've never seen a whole fandom really hit the lorebooks for fix-it content like this and would love if it became more common.
also it's been ONE WEEK.
have some faith that once the dust has settled and ppl start really thinking abt the events, they'll understand what Neil is trying to say.
to semi quote an anti-Coffee Theory post, the fandom will change their mind once ep6 wears off.
no it's not the point of the episode, or the character, or the show.
Let. People. Enjoy. Things.
whenever I see lines being drawn in fandom with terms like "anti-" or "(insert thing here) hate" or "(thing)-critical", and that Thing isn't something that's harmful in any way, red flags go up. this is a time of MASSIVE strife for writers and creators, and Neil has made it clear how much fandom needs to show up and show up LOUD both in support of a 3rd season and in general support for the ppl who make these stories. "anti-" and related mindsets carve up, distract and divide fandoms, I've seen it happen before with fandoms I was in.
this is the worst possible time to start pointing fingers at each other. Good Omens is a solid, supportive, amazing fandom, and the amount of anger and wank I've seen at this theory is ridiculous. I've NEVER gone on ANY good omens tag and just seen a screen of top-to-bottom angry/hateposting.
Click away, mute the tag, whatever, this is the NOT the time to section off the fandoms over something this fucking trivial!
the companies would LOVE if we were divided. they WANT us to point our anger and frustration at ANYONE BUT THEM. DONT GIVE THEM THAT. Get your tempers under control and use the mute button. Don't give them what they want.
We're an amazing fandom. this is a theory about coffee that kinda sorta ignores canon characterization.
also stop sending angry messages to Neil. wtf yall.
for fuck's sake just chill
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iiiiiii need to go to ✨bed soon✨
i had a really good day though :(( we'll see how fast i can type
had a fun outfit!!! it was kinda mismatchy but it was nice lakjdfa;lskjdf
finished the hrose camp arc i am so !!!!!! [insert the 'talented showstopping amazing etc etc] gif]
started an audiobook!!! it's one of the ones where they throw a bunch of vocabulary at you for the world and i find it silly and fun even if it is a lil hard to follow al;skdjfa;slkdf
watched a couple more steven universe eps!!! he finally had an episode (tiger millionaire) where he was not traumatized or had his life threatened whoooo (i did skip a couple eps last time that orion said weren't plot relevant bc that's the only way i was able to see myself starting this long show slkdjfa;lsdjf but maybe there was something there too)
i am messing around on my laptop i am creating(??) a youtube video (ahhhh???) wish me SO much luck, i think i'm mostly done but i'm also so scared i'm missing something bc idk what i'm doing <3
went to the store and got jam 😎
played the crofters musical song on the way there and i thought about getting crofters but it was more expensive so i decided against
my dad made bread !! and snickerdoodles !!!!
i had a couple of DELICIOUS pb&j sandwiches for lunch
and then i made ratatouille yesterday and i had leftovers for dinner mmmmmm
*does a jump and dabs midair* jolly ranchers *epic guitar riff*
*does another jump and dabs twice midair* WATER *even more epic guitar riff*
i had a couple rolls for breakfast, those were so good
you guys ever look at a fic and you're like "hm i will look at the first little bit" and then you read the whole thing? that happened twice today alkfja;sldf once it was just a normally lengthed oneshot but the other one (which i was considering for reading the whole thing but was still hesitant abt) was a good 45k 😭 it was good though no regrets
i've also been going through this star wars fanfic yesterday/today,,,, SO good and things are heating up!!! whoo!!!!
watched kipo with ashes and ahhhhhhhhhh i enjoyed it sm :]]] yumyannnnnnnnn hammerpaw!!!
0 notes
kwonzoshi · 2 years
Whatever kp had in the beginning died in this ep so they gotta resuscitate before the tiny part of the fandom stops caring
Somehow Thankhun is consistently written
That scene of Porche confirming he loves kinn made Chan suspect or trust Porche less like he literally pulled out his gun
Korn is plotting smthg but if it's another breakup then it will be dissappointing tho i think they won't take this route make it more of an internal conflict for kp fallout otherwise it will be redundant
Porche character fizzled out in the 2nd half of the season like the blast in ep10 wanted it to be wow but too small for it to be considered an inconvenience. Like get some good rigs boc
I loved porche too much but it became a 1d at end . I mean i get it they're in love u already showed, did i want more? yes .. but show it in a way that advances plot like u got all the talent u need: the actors the music, the cinematography, why be held back for a helicopter bj? Don't address the power imbalance like make an internal conflict for them to split make it meaningful. Like the series will show in the later eps (hopefully) of how imp trust is to kp but if they don't show tiny glimpses of wt porche feels whenever kinn says he's always right or when he doesn't address their Problems and just makes out or when porchay's in danger becoz of kinn I want Porche to react how he did earlier in the show how they established him it's good that he's changed when in love just make him ask questions like him a protagonist rather than hailing kinn being above evryone else
If the above Doesn't occur in the prior eps it could be redundant.
Bigg my beloved always in the fandom's heart.
Kinn was sus abt Pete dissappearence I'm excited to see their trust break after he knows of Vegas and how the show will handle with such tonal inconsistencies
Vegaspete wow. That was good . Only if they had more screentime it was tiny bit rushed at vegas having an oh shit moment and giggling at him in a day but lt was well acted that i forgot how unnerving it is irl. They drew me into their world. Like they didn't need to be physically intimate to have my undivided attention. And when they do my brain cells would burn to survive the heat.
Mafia kids having daddy issues and dead moms is a parallel i loved but little explored thanks to Vegaspete i have seen it here.
Also what did Macau ever do u little shit gun
Vegas lonely. Cute hedgehog. Kim being mature than all 3 bros and learning from his mistakes. Korn sus. Chay needs hugs and kisses. KP the best potrayal of siblings dynamic. No duestche bank this week, it be the 2nd to only thing I look forward for kp.
Rip bigg Kate bush up the hill.
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gurguliare · 7 years
do you... have any thoughts to share abt the resolution of rosemerrow arc wrt mother glory and that whole... thing? you said some stuff in yr earlier ep reviews i really appreciated and i'm curious to hear what you have to think.
I … I FELT REALLY WEIRD ABOUT IT. uh, I guess I don’t—if it were a single-author story I’d be like, “wow, that was miserable and preventable and, although many awful things in real life are miserable and preventable in exactly the same way, it didn’t hugely increase my interest in this Racism Parable,” but actually listening to the ep I was distracted by how little communication seemed to be happening between DM and player. Both on the level of ‘did Fero know he had already passed up his last shot at breaking her out’ and … ‘does Keith give a shit about Austin’s lovingly set-up halfling politics.’ Re: Fero staying to carry on the fight, it seems tricky to contrive character ultimatums that would involve taking the PC out of the campaign; I mean, it’s going to happen sometimes, see: bargains with death, but this one was so… morally loaded… okay Hella killing Calhoun was also pretty morally loaded I’m not sure what I’m arguing here.
Maybe I was surprised because I’m used to a level of optimism from Counter/WEIGHT that doesn’t seem readily available in Hieron, probs because the final boss in Counter/WEIGHT WAS capitalism and the final boss in Hieron is, idk, entropy or whatever, and therefore all the other fights are sideshows, or they’re there to define the tragic cost of victory, not just in terms of conscious sacrifice, but in terms of neglect. Like, obviously I get Austin’s interest in “how and when do you prioritize social justice on a dying planet,” truly Pacific Rim is small change compared to the climate change drama of the Heat and the Dark. But there’s also something going on there where—you know, I never thought I’d say this, but maybe it’s the absence of a faction game: because we only have the PCs on the ground, there’s no sense that different people can confront different problems; there’s just that feeling of an averted gaze, like, well, this tragedy in Rosemerrow is important and we’re all agreed it’s important, but by god, we have a metaplot to get to.
I love the FATT players’ commitment to their myopic, selfish, silly characters, I don’t think it’s ever their bad to be true to that, but I don’t think the Rosemerrow mystery (and this season in general) was constructed in a way that … let them be violent tourists while still showing off the full depth of the world they were passing through. Instead the depth and the characters feel in conflict; Austin narrates a scene, PCs react with respectful foot-shuffling. Even with the death of Mother Glory and its aftermath. (Actually I’d probably be more impressed if Fero had reacted strongly against the suggestion that he help the gnolls, if only because that would give his time in Rosemerrow an arc, and also there are interesting arguments he could make, based on his thing about rejecting the past—the gnolls seem more interested in history and lost glory. I wonder sometimes whether the rl analogies are so heavily signaled that it might be constraining the players, since it means they don’t want to have their semiheroic characters be… like… racist-coded! But if we accept out of hand that fantasy xenophobia + culture theft?? + whatever other shit we’re supposed to infer about gnolls and halflings = irl racism, in every aspect—there’s a lost opportunity to make the conflict more specific to the fictional world. It becomes more important to establish that PCs aren’t on the side of the cops than that PCs have motives of their own, and relationships to the setting. And so you get this weird cocktail where Adaire follows her policies, but the party members who might counterbalance that [by having any investment in or perspective on the bigger conflict!] are busy not making choices at all, and your one major gnoll character is sidelined, sidelined, sidelined, killed.)
Or it’s all because they used the Consulting Detective system again, I genuinely can’t tell. /)_o sorry that was a lot, and a lot of it harsh. I was pretty stumped by that ep. There’s a difference between a disaster the players cause and a heavily rigged disaster that they fail to notice happening, and sure that’s… life… but I’m not feeling the impact. It seems like her death closes off the story without offering resolution, or even real justice or equality of storytelling—to the end Mother Glory is a lonely cipher, much moreso than Jericho. Maybe it’ll reopen itself when the gnolls come back.
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