#this is their best sg concept
aeor-is-for-reccing · 2 months
Highly Specific Aus!
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This week, we have eight highly specific AUs - Alternate Universes that move away from the common tropes we love - often towards things that the authors have put a lot of experience and thought into. Check them out beneath the cut, and as always - feel free to comment or kudos if you like them!
when the lights go out by 06151126 (27307, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: panic attacks, self destructive behavior
The formula one racecar AU
Reccer says: Perfect characterization and backstory in a completely different world - this is what AUs are all about
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This sudden burst of sunlight, and me with my umbrella by Criticalpancake (63817, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
The Mighty Nein are orchid thieves. Essek is still a traitor
Reccer says: Orchid theives! It's fascinating and something I would have never thought of
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I’ve been lost before (and I’m lost again, I guess) by toneofjoy (165080, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek ran away from his problems and settled in the seaside city of Nicodranas. When Caleb Widogast joins their team at the Tidepeak rock-climbing gym, everything changes. Caleb has plans to take down his old coaches, and Essek has secrets. (It’s the Shadowgast climbing AU.)
Reccer says: Its still the first fic I think of when I think of amazing fics built on an unexpected premise. Absolutely phenomenal writing
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More Things in Heaven and Earth by kaeda (76998, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb and Essek wake up and find themselves teleported into the alternate universe of the trashy smut novel, Tusk Love
Reccer says: Some of the best Crack Treated Seriously I've ever read 💜
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Wishing Coin by Luckyowlsfoot (45913, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Magical Highschool/Academy where Caleb and Essek are secretly dragons
Reccer says: Interesting concept and fun Worldbuilding
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the fire kept closest (burns most of all) by mousecookie (21822, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Major Character Death
Essek is a Volcanologist. Caleb used to be as well, but now he's something a bit different.
Reccer says: I absolutely adore this fic
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resonance broadening by toneofjoy (51665, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: None
It’s SG as labmates who hate each other: they’re tired, sassy, and secretly enamored.
Reccer says: Beautiful and Lovely with lots of sass between Caleb and Essek. Great if you ever went to grad school
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some branch of stars we see by SongOfWizardry (4680, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes, WIP
A Mighty Nein and/or Shadowgast Teaching AU.
Reccer says: Teaching AUs aren't exactly rare, but the amount of detail put into this AU that is clearly based on the author's experience elevates it to highly specific
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with Kink Negotation!
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i-starcreamed · 2 years
this seems like such a cool prompt but I had nO IDEA how to write this apologies if it sucks
also had no idea how to title this does it look like nonsense or does it make sense
For those that don't know, SG stands for shattered glass btw :)
MTMTE SG!Swerve with a SG!Con!S/O
First of all the concept of SG! Swerve is so interesting to me,,, in contrast to his usual self he's a less sociable, bitter, and far more aggressive bot. I think in this AU he struggles to talk, like literally doesn't know how. Also one of the best sharpshooters lolol
and con!s/o...opposites attract sometimes
It's a surprise you somehow got him to talk to you in the first place, he doesn't even talk to the autobots man. You had the patience to talk and talk while being aware he was listening, despite his lack of input or dialogue
that's kinda how your relationship is, really. He's more of a listener. Although, as your relationship progresses he does begin to talk more....only to you tbh
You stop him from being so impulsive, and he protects you with his life. In this AU he may not be the most affectionate or verbal, but love language is probably acts of service? If he knows someone dangerous may spot you two, he always goes out first, blaster in servo and ready to shoot
you've got quite the dangerous conjunx though, with his sharpshooting skills and dedication to you, he'll take down anyone. Other Cons that find out do not approve whatsoever but are too scared to take action :/ same thing with bots of his faction
More about his love language...he tries to help you if you get injured, always stands up for you at all costs, if you mention you don't like someone he WILL pull out his blaster too. Hearing his voice is something kinda special, ask him to just talk and he will. He'll start telling you one of his many stories (which you're probably the first one to hear them) as he caresses your servos. His voice gets especially hushed and soft in these moments
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isagrimorie · 9 months
I love Star Trek but sometimes they do storylines that even for their time was really terrible. Or done at cross purposes like Voyager’s “Retrospect” it ends up being a terrible “don’t believe the victims” type of storyline.
Lisa Klink, one of the writers of the episode tried to clarify that it was supposed to be about false and implanted memories that were infamous during the ‘90s. About a family accused of doing that and basically ruining their lives.
Unfortunately, Bryan Fuller revealed as noble the goal was, to his shock and horror, the moment Jeri Taylor and the other women in the writer’s room left the men in the room started sharing stories about “punishing bitches”. He was just a new writer back then and couldn’t do anything nor say anything.
TLDR— instead of being a story about implanted false memories it became a “don’t believe the victims” story. (The first mistake, I think was using Seven of Nine for this— if they used as Garret Want proposed, Harry or Tom instead, it would probably play differently. Or maybe even the Doctor).
In DS9, its the fact that Sisko was conceived from Sarah, a woman who was basically possessed by a Prophet and forced to conceive and give birth to Sisko.
The moment Sarah came back to herself she ran away and when Ben’s dad contacted her she supposedly was in an accident before they got to meet again.
I completely forgot this happened until I rewatched again— and I was flabbergasted to find out up to this day there are many who don’t consider it rape and even excuse the Prophets.
(The writers were obviously trying to recreate the Immaculate Conception of Mary with Sisko’s mother. And yet, the 90s version is more horrific.)
Edited to add: What the Prophets did is akin to what the Goa’uld to people they possess, except the only good thing maybe is Sarah was not aware of what’s happening. It’s still terrible waking up months or even a year later married with a child she doesn’t remember having.
But in Stargate SG-1 this was why Goa’uld were considered villains…
And then what happened to Kurn, Worf’s brother— they basically mind wiped him. Instead of trying to convince Kurn to live and find a way back to honor, they just mind wipe him and pretend he was from another House.
And then, a season or two later, Worf is adopted into another House and restored honor. The very thing that Kurn yearned for, but Kurn would never have that because they wiped his mind.
I’m sure there are more egregious examples but those are the ones that come to mind.
I just wanted to write it down because it’s been on my mind lately. Star Trek has some of the best and high minded concepts, and a hopeful future but as a consequence of being written in their time or by people in our era…
Starfleet also has, in-universe, I think a problem addressing mental health of their traumatized people.
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protocolseben · 8 months
dunno if someone asked this before but top 5 helmets????????
heyo! nope, you're the first person to ask~
my memory of helmets is governed mostly by mr Seb because he just loves changing it so much, and all of them are recent year ones because there is way more creativity in all of them!
#5: Lewis' 2022 Monaco Helmet
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I actually liked the concept of this helmet! I'm a huge sucker for close ups so when the came up with this one together with an artist, I was pretty please. It's a shame that the sponsors were unhappy that they couldnt see their labels and he had to change it out, but I think if he tweaked it and made it permanent, it easily could be his signature!
#4: Kimi's 2013 Helmet
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Kimi's helmet is like, the maximum amount of swishy-swooshy lines that someone should/could have, without just being a mess AND keeping his character + his logo. It's subtle, but the gold on his helmet paired with the suit's red and gold accents on black is (CHEF'S KISS)
#3: Sebastian's 2012 Singapore Helmet
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I'm just mad biased at this part! Seb's LED helmet is so iconic that it has to be in this post one way or another. I mean the thought process behind it was probably the most straightforward, let's just stick some cool blinking lights up there. Even when turned off and by itself, the glitter adds more 'life' to just basic black. Made even better by the FIA saying NO WE ARE BANNING THAT right after. What a guy.
(I'm horribly biased to any and all helmets he brings to Singapore. I'm glad he does the same and tells Jens Munsen to really work it every race in SG)
#2: Sebastian's 2011 Korea Helmet
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Boy. I genuinely thought he couldn't get better than this. Dark dark dark navy + gold? Like, what else do you need? I'm shocked he didn't use this combo often, it's so sleek and classy, especially in the current era where all helmet designs are just (vague gesturing). (Todd Howard voice) It Just Works!
#1 however goes hands down however to...
#1: Valtteri's 2023 Australia Helmet!
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Completely can't be beat. Everything about this piece of art is just gorgeous, In so many shades of blue and white of his Finnish flag, and designed with an immensely experienced hand. Best of all, it's auctioned for a good cause. This one just stuck out to me because I can really see the care the artist put in it. It just delights me in so many ways. What a great shade of blue and navy!
Bonus : Sebastian's 2020 Steiermark Helmet! Matte and white....wohohohoho.
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sluttyten · 11 months
I told myself that I wasn’t gonna buy any of the Seasons Greetings this year but then they just dropped the pics and, like, it’s not my fault that wayv always has the best SG concepts
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
it really is buck-wild that there isn't a standard radio reply or another check system in place for the GDO signals the SG teams send back through the stargate. like i'm sure they replace the batteries or whatever before heading out, but that really is an awfully big leap of faith that nothing shorted out in the control room right before you dialed home?? i mean maybe the pilot episode concept was that radio signals could only travel one way so there would be no way to send a confirmation back, and then they just never thought about changing the way they used that technology in the script, but i'm watching children of the gods for the sixth time this week and it's really nuts that they're all like WELL it's a few minutes past our hard-stop deadline when they were definitely to lock it down, but we shouldn't stay here so i guess let's us and our forty-five refugee friends all pile through this wormhole and hope for the best!
and then they just continue to do that forever. every single person on this show tuned their survival instinct to yolo and broke off the knob.
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i read all of IDW Shattered Glass...read the first part some time ago, but just now got to reading the second part and have thoughts below on it. i'm kind of glad it ended where it ended bc it's at least semi-hopeful
Soundwave's the best part obviously, i love the concept of his character and how he's basically the hero of the second part. Wheeljack was also interesting; he and Ratchet definitely have a Thing going on. i felt really bad for Blaster because it's super easy to make me sad over a cassette carrier. Megatron didn't have much to do unfortunately, that's my only real complaint, the first part made such a huge deal out of Starscream finding him but then Megatron just isn't involved in the final conflict at all. uhh Flamewar could have gone interesting places if the comic went on for longer, i like her dynamic with Slipstream. did the Skystars like the ending bc i thought it was kinda sweet and as good as you could do in a short time span
anyway, yeah, liked it pretty well, thought it was a much more appropriate send-off for IDW's run than Last Bot Standing even though SG has so little to do with anything else
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estheraholic · 2 years
Hey! I am sorry for bothering you. I just read your recent post and I have a question. I want to shift to a reality back in 2019 where I have amazing parents and no trauma. I know that creation is finished and I can manifest anything I want. It's just that I want to manifest all that 22 documents at once. I just want to wake up and have everything I desire. What should I do for that? Like should I go to the void, or use, like, shifting techniques?? Also, how do you get into void?? I have been very close a lot of times but whenever I think I have entered, I either wake up or go back to sleep.
hi babe 🤍 waking up and having everything you want is very much possible, and it's not difficult at all. Just chose ONE thing that is suitable for you.I suggest you to leave the void alone OR work on your void concept but you don't have to get into the void to manifest your dream life.
Manifestation without the void is instant, manifestation is instant in itself, meaning it's done as soon as you say your affirmation for the first time or in the moment when you're just figuring out your desire, it already exists so it DOESN'T MATTER which metdod you chose. If I were you, I would just simply live in the 4d 24/7, and I'd deny everything that doesn't align with my desires. You can manifest as much things in one go as you want, just use umbrella affirmations, for example „I have my dream life” or „it's 2019 and I'm living my best life” sg like this. Make some affirmations up that you like.
You don't have to visualize, you don't have to script, you don't have to shift, just please don't make manifestation a job. I posted some self concept affirmations, please read them, they are so fucking simple and they do the job well. Anyway, you don't even have to affirm if you don't want to, you dont have to say specific things, you can even combine the methods just ASSUME you have everything. Just ACCEPT that you are God and that you have your desire.
decide what you want, form an assumption about it, persist in that assumption like a stubborn ass bitch and get your desire. nothing more
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jadelotusflower · 11 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x15 Cor-ai
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Society of many hats! I love a society of many hats.
This world is interesting because the population are not enslaved by the Goa'uld, rather it's regularly raided for hosts. The implication being it's not under the dominion of any particular system lord, but set aside for the purpose of harvesting hosts by multiple Goa’uld - perhaps Kendra's planet was the same?
The language is a Latin and Greek derivation - likely that this society was originally founded by the Ancients?
This episode was written by Tom J Aste, and while it was his only Stargate effort, he would go on to write screenplays for the Get Smart remake, romcom Failure to Launch, and animated films Epic and Home.
Also notable as the final SG-1 episode directed by Mario Azzopardi, who loves nothing more than an overhead shot like the above.
Hanno is played by David McNally who will show up again in different roles later on, including on Atlantis. I think this is his best.
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Pretty impressive that Teal’c can actually remember killing Hanno’s father just by seeing his crutch - it happened at least ten years prior to the episode if not more, which implies it stuck with Teal’c.
“Only the person who has suffered understands the pain that has been inflicted. Who else could fairly say what the punishment must be?” I like the cultural differences explored in this episode. This viewpoint is anathema to Jack when the person being judged is his friend, although it’s one that he has more sympathy with when he’s the one upon whom the suffering has been inflicted.
“What I did while serving Apophis I will not hide from.” I wouldn't describe Teal'c as having a redemption arc in the show, but like Xena the cornerstone of his character is seeking to right the terrible wrongs he committed prior to the show. This underscores everything Teal'c does, and the character arc comes not from him seeking forgiveness or redemption, but rather a commitment to serve a greater good, although that is sometimes (as we'll see in later seasons) at odds with his personal desire for revenge.
This is something not only Teal’c will struggle with, but Jack and Daniel as well. Put a pin in this concept, we’ll revisit it later.
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This is a great episode not only for Teal’c, but for Jack as well. He projects a little on Teal’c given his own past in black ops, but we understand his pov in adhering to the chain of command and seeing Teal’c as the man he is now and not the man he once was. We also appreciate Teal’c’s perspective that he has victims in his past and those deeds aren’t washed away by the good he does now, and isn’t going to try and avoid retribution if it is demanded of him.
This is reflected ten years down the line in one of my favourite Teal’c moments of the entire show, when in Arc of Truth he tells Tomin: “Nothing I have done since turning against the Goa’uld will make up for the atrocities I once committed in their name…You will never forgive yourself. Accept it…Fight for others that may be saved through your effort. That is the least you can do.”
The least Teal’c can do, or at least he feels he can do in this episode, is refuse to run and accept whatever punishment Hanno decrees. The least Jack can do is everything in his power to prevent that from happening. We don’t often see Jack and Teal’c at odds, this is a fantastic scene.
Both RDA and Teal’c brought their A game this episode.
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“Yeah, Teal’c helped kidnap my wife but totes feels bad about it now” is hardly the sterling defence Daniel and Jack seem to think it is.
“It was difficult for me at first, I wanted to hate him.” Huh, you wouldn’t know it from the second episode.
We get another insight from Arc of Truth reflected back here: “Others may try to convince you that they have forgiven you. That is more about them than you.” How much of Daniel forgiving Teal’c is necessity and how much is true friendship? The former that merges into the later as time goes on, but I wonder if a part of Daniel’s friendship, at this point, is predicated on Teal’c helping him in the search for Sha’re. He explicitly says he knows that Teal’c would do anything, even give up his own life, to help save her.
The dramatic irony apparent only on rewatch is that while it’s certainly true Teal’c would give up his own life for Sha’re’s, he’s not willing to give up Daniel’s life. And while Daniel does eventually forgive Teal’c for that too, it’s also true that forgiveness is more about Daniel than Teal’c.
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This character is credited only as Byrsa Woman, but I really enjoy her, there’s a sweet fragility that underscores the precarious lives of the Byrsa. The actress is Tabitha St Germsin aka the voice of Rarity from My Little Pony!
Again I like the differing perspectives on justice and justification - for SG-1 Teal’c’s choice to kill Hanno’s father is mitigating, to kill one to save the rest, and kill the injured so during the next raid they all might get away. But for the Byrsa, who would not leave anyone behind when they flee, it’s even worse because he chose to kill the weakest and most helpless. Teal'c's morality revolves around doing the least evil and the greatest good, while for the Byrsa it's all or nothing - "we all go, or none of us do."
Hammond: “The United States is not in the business of interfering in other people’s affairs” Jack: 🤨 Sam: 🤨 Jack: “Since when, sir?” Iconic! Evergreen.
What is Teal’c’s legal status anyway? Refugee? Does he get a salary? Hammond does make a good point that Teal’c is essentially a war criminal, however hypocritical that stance in the grand tradition of Operation Paperclip.
All of this upright moral standing will be forgotten by the time of Stargate Atlantis when they’re war criming all over the Pegasus galaxy. Hell, it won’t even last until next season when the SGC (save our team) is hell bent exploiting indigenous land rights.
“I have spent a lot of years in the service of my country, and I have been ordered to do some damn distasteful things. I will not allow them to execute my friend.” I’m surprised this one got past the Airforce vett! Jack once again identifying with/projecting onto Teal’c.
Our old friend Shak’l from The Nox leads Apophis’s raiding party. What exactly does he need new hosts for so soon?
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Hanno tells a young boy that if he dies, to inform those remaining he still wants the sentence carried out - this boy then hands the knife to Teal’c to cut his bonds. Was the boy swayed by the team’s arguments or did he just see it as the best option? A nice touch either way.
And Shak’l gets Shank'ed, then Teal’c yeets himself across the room to take out another Jaffa, getting shot in the process.
Teal’c apologises as he stabs Shak’l - a reminder that this was once his protege, someone who he would have preferred to convert, not kill, but while the Jaffa pose a threat to others he has to make the hard choice, the lesser evil, as he did when he killed Hanno’s father. Except this time it is truly his choice, his own free will according to his own morality.
Hanno spares Teal’c by the same logic the team proposed - that Teal’c is not the same man, a neat way to give deference to the argument, but also retain the Byrsa sense of justice. He doesn’t forgive Teal’c for killing his father, instead he reframes it that Teal’c killed the Jaffa who killed his father.
SG-1 offers their help, which Hanno accepts, and they become one of the many alliances relegated to offscreenville.
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Teal’c gets a shoulder pat!
Nicely played moment by Judge - relieved but overwhelmed, he does so much by doing so little.
This is an underrated episode! The first to really focus on Teal'c, and there's some great character development for him and his relationship with Jack and the team.
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whatudottu · 2 years
I feel like if BETC!Blitzwing was in the Shattered Glass universe (either the original who got transported there somehow or his actual SG counterpart) he'd chuck SG!Sumdac's ass into a space bridge (if he was feeling merciful, at least) immediately upon seeing how he treats SG!Sari, and then he would adopt SG!Sari
Bot Experiment Triple Changer AU? More like 'Blitzwing adopts every experimented upon child All Universes'-
If original verse BETC!Blitz found themselves in SG!Sumdac's 'graces' there would be no advising to hold still and punt the prick to pluto if the nearest available space bridge isn't available, picking up another 'not like other kids (literally)' child to adopt. I can't exactly say what SG!Blitzwing would specifically do, but they're a war bot with a lot of trauma because that BETC thing and would invariably go 'not this again' and at the very least threaten the human in perhaps a far more dangerous way, and probably have a better time overall being a parental figure than OG verse. But I haven't much a clue about a Shattered Glass BETC!Blitzwing before haha- this is some thinky thoughts-
As a sidenote TFA Shattered Glass is an interesting concept to me because the canon Autobot elite, society, and scientific higher ups are already implied to be kinda not the best, what would it mean for the wider Shattered Glass Animated world?
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california-112 · 2 years
Massive shout-out to the absolute legend who was working the gift shop of the Science Fiction exhibition at the Science Museum today! I was wearing my McKay cosplay, but there didn't turn out to be any Stargate in the exhibition (some 'jump gates' with the same concept, but no actual Stargate :( ). He had a Stargate pin on his lanyard, AND recognised my SGA uniform, AND played the Atlantis theme on the speakers as I walked in, AND played the SG-1 theme later! AND! Correctly guessed I was cosplaying McKay then made a lemon joke AND gave me a discount on the stuff I bought! Genuinely this was the best thing ever, I was grinning my face off for the rest of the day :D
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hewwo léksléks i am handing u vixx and/or exid for that game if ure still playing also i love u mwah
uwu hewwo miwwie sowwy it took me so long to get to this but now i am ready to answer!!
my first bias: cha hakyeon
my current bias(es): still hakyeon going strong for eternity but also taekwoon and sanghyuk
my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): no ranking but my fave album is eau de vixx (despite n&sg) and my fave era is shangri la!!
how i got into them: through a compilation of boy groups doing girl group covers on youtube. i have no perception of how long ago this was tbh
which member would be my best friend: taekwoon
something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): if i don’t say coloured contacts they’ll sue me svdjfjjf but no i associate them with insane fucking concepts that are carried through in every aspect of the album and performances. also empty gas stations at night.
my first bias: miss hani
my current bias(es): still hani
my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): fave era lie and ddd, fave album street or eclipse idk……
how i got into them: i genuinely could not remember to save my life
which member would be my best friend: either hani or solji
something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): HOT BODY! HOT BODY!
send me a kpop group CLOSED
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sgchemistrytuition · 2 years
Best Chemistry Tuition In Singapore
When looking for a chemistry tuition center in Singapore, it is important to consider several factors, such as the qualifications and experience of the tutors, the class size, the teaching materials and resources, the teaching approach and methodology, the location and accessibility of the center, and the fees and payment terms.
Here are some tips on how to find the best chemistry tuition in Singapore:
Research and compare different tuition centers online. You can read reviews and testimonials from previous students or parents to get an idea of their experiences and outcomes.
Check the qualifications and experience of the tutors. Look for tutors who have a strong academic background and relevant teaching experience, preferably with a degree in chemistry or related fields.
Consider the class size. Small class sizes can provide more personalized attention and better interaction between the tutor and students.
Ask about the teaching materials and resources. The tuition center should provide comprehensive and up-to-date study materials, including textbooks, notes, and practice questions.
Inquire about the teaching approach and methodology. Look for tuition centers that use innovative and effective teaching methods to help students understand difficult concepts and solve problems.
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SG Chemistry is a tuition center in Singapore that specializes in providing chemistry tuition to secondary and JC students. It was founded by Mr. Joel Liu, who is a former MOE teacher with more than 10 years of teaching experience in chemistry.
Sg Chemistry offers a range of chemistry tuition programs, including weekly group tuition, intensive revision classes, and personalized one-to-one tuition. The tuition programs are designed to help students improve their understanding of chemistry concepts and develop their problem-solving skills.
The tuition center uses a comprehensive teaching approach, which includes interactive classroom teaching, guided practice, and regular assessments. They also provide extensive study materials, such as notes, worksheets, and past-year papers, to help students prepare for their exams.
Sg Chemistry has received positive reviews from students and parents for their dedicated and experienced tutors, engaging and effective teaching methods, and comprehensive study materials. The center is also conveniently located near MRT stations and bus stops, making it easily accessible for students.
Overall, Sg Chemistry is a reputable tuition center in Singapore that provides quality chemistry tuition to help students excel in their exams and achieve their academic goals.
Visit Website for online Classes: https://www.sgchemistry.com.sg/
Call Us: +65 8135 6556
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honorarycassowary · 2 years
while I’m laying out my unpopular Transformers opinons I’d like to say that I NOTP both Megatron/Starscream and Jazz/Prowl. I OTP CD/RW but I would have enjoyed the deleted “Chromedome removed Rewind’s memories of finding Dominus” plotline. I like Getaway and find him sympathetic. I wish exRID had talked about Soundwave leading anti-neutral pogroms at some point. Frenzy is a red-sounding name. The Quintesson origin > the Thirteen origin. Autobots and Decepticons as separate subspecies is a cool idea. I prefer smaller, less articulated toys because I like mindlessly transforming them from one mode to another and that’s hard with the toys that are more fiction-accurate. Orion Pax’s dockworker origin is his best origin. Making TFA Prowl as old as Ratchet ruined a lot of his character. I strongly dislike SG!Megatron being a former professor and think he should’ve kept a working class/military background. Both Chromedome and Prowl did super fucked up things. Special abilities being post-construction upgrades > outliers. That guy Primacron who built Unicron was a cool concept, actually.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
hey, i've been reading your Cisco-related Flash fics, and what struck to me as impressive is how you implement the mentions of tech so well. i've run into trouble into writing scenes, where Cisco might have to tinker. 🤧🤧🤧 i know this is by a long-shot, however, do you have any writing advice on how to add tech as part of a scene??? or like wording on how tinkering works?? idk just basic tech stuff i guess. thank you and sending good ~~vibes~~ your way!
Cisco tinkering is definitely fun to write, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe my process for writing those scenes. But I'll give it a shot anyway.
So Cisco's tinkering with tech in fics usually fits one of two scenarios when I'm writing. Either it's to give him something to do in the scene since Cisco's definitely someone who likes to keep his hands busy. Or it's a specific tech I plan to use for plot reasons, so it gets threaded throughout the fic. That way Cisco's brilliant ideas to save the day don't come out of nowhere.
If its the former, then I'll usually just pick something we know he's worked on in the show. The quickly forgotten Boot Tech (how useful it would have been if perfected instead of forgotten after the S2 finale), updates on the suppressant tech (the cuffs, Caitlin's snowflake necklace), the weather wand... I don't really have to go too much into detail on it, but it can be fun to poke at canon a bit for all the things Cisco develops that never show up again once their original use in the plot is over. Sometimes I just have him working towards perfecting something that didn't work as expected. Other times I have ideas for alternative uses for the tech that can be fun to mention.
I've also been a Star Trek and Stargate fan for a long, long time. So I've learned technobabble from the two scifi series that did it best. ^_^
Though, really, watching Sam Carter (SG-1) and Rodney McKay (Stargate: Atlantis) spout technobabble is a great way to learn how to make made up science blend with real science to sound relatively believable. Stargate (SG-1 particularly) was pretty good about grounding their made up science in real world concepts. Definitely having obsessively watched those two shows has helped shape how I write Cisco now that I'm in the Arrow verse fandom.
When I have Cisco's tech being used in a specific way for plot reasons, however, I definitely have to know ahead of time what the tech is for. If I'm going to make, say, the Rainbow Raider the villain of a story and have him experimenting with new applications of his powers - messing with emotions other than anger - then I'd have Cisco pull out the device they originally used to combat Rainbow Raider's powers to work on upgrading for the new scenario. That way it still works when they need it. Then I can throw in things like, maybe it gets pulled out of mothballs and immediately tried on one of RR's victims but it doesn't work. Cue drama. :D
I think some of the development process I put in there comes from what I know about tech development from a software side of things. Since I'm a software engineer, I know how different types of design and development models work. Waterfall vs agile vs... anyway, I won't necessarily ever name the dev model being used, but it'll influence how I write Cisco's development process and it'll differ based on when he's working with a team, vs one other person, vs on his own.
Having Cisco collaborate is especially fun to do. Cisco starts off as a particularly brilliant mechanical engineer and by the time he leaves the show he's become very much a multi-discipline scientist. He does so because he learns so much from the people he collaborates with - or competes with, as the case may be. Cisco's knowledge of sonic technology and acoustical engineering improves due to his exposure to Hartley's Pied Piper gear. He learns bio engineering from his many collaborations with Caitlin. Harry being rather multi-disciplined himself, often pushes Cisco to have more confidence in himself and reach beyond his comfort zone.
So I'll pick who he's collaborating on based both on when I want a story to be set, how AU I want it to be (Hartley joins Team Flash? Harry doesn't leave post S2?), and what kind of tech is being developed for the plot (improving the amnesia inducer they used on Barry? that calls for Caitlin).
A story that I've been wanting to write is Cisco mentoring Chester while Chester creates tech that - predictably, I admit - saves Barry out on the field at the end. We never really got the mentor/mentee relationship between them expanded on the way I'd been hoping for when it became clear Chester was a permanent addition to the cast. The story hasn't happened yet because I haven't really fleshed out what the technology they're working on will be. I'm probably overthinking it a bit at this point, but I want it to reflect where Chester's at mentally during the story - his struggles with self doubt and learning to be more assertive, generally showing why Cisco felt so comfortable leaving Team Flash in Chester's hands when he eventually leaves. (So it's intended to be canon compliant and set before Cisco and Kamilla leave for Star City.)
I don't know how useful my rambles have been, but I hope this helps.
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elfdragon12 · 2 years
Sg AU concept with humanformers would probably consist Astoria and Raoul being under house arrest. Astoria is still a brat while Raoul is holding on to his dignity, both refuse to be the perfect house spouse for these alternatives Sg freaks of their boyfriends.
Pretty much, though SG Tracks does his best to buy Raoul's affection, Powerglide does focus on isolation which is probably much more sinister.
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