#this is why i am ADAMANT that twi is just like
shyrule · 2 years
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secretlysheikah · 4 years
Tower Trouble: Before the Storm
This took longer than expected, (I blame Age of Calamity and my own writer’s block) but I feel happier with the result. I hope you all enjoy. I did a cursory once over to try to catch errors, but if I missed something I apologize.  
As always the Linked universe belongs to @jojo56830 (check out their stuff)
I claim nothing of the Linked Universe I am but a simple story weaver who wants to share a thing. 
Start Here: 
“Yep, you’ve definitely got another broken rib.” Hyrule said as he leaned away from Wild’s side.
“Wonderful.” Wild hissed as he flopped his hand over his eyes. He was still sprawled out on the ground where Legend had left him. He couldn’t see Hyrule’s face but he felt him place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, it could be worse, you could have collapsed your lung again.” He said gently. 
Wild splayed his fingers so he could peer out at Hyrule.
“Always looking on the bright side aren’t you?” He said flatly and Hyrule gave him a lopsided smile and shrugged. Hyrule had a small cut just above his eyebrow and was sporting a few new bruises of his own. Wild couldn’t help but wince. The ambush had been executed perfectly and it appeared the group had taken a bit of a beating. Twilight had trotted over while Hyrule was looking him over and had said as much but didn’t really go into detail. Wild had felt the worry and guilt hit him like a blow, he didn’t like the idea of the others being hurt on his account. Which to his great displeasure was the only thing that seemed to be happening as of late. 
“How is everyone doing?” Wild asked from his place on the ground, his voice just above a whisper. Hyrule gave him a comforting look before he shrugged and scratched at his cheek.
“I’d assume they are about the same since the last time you asked. That is unless they decided to do something stupid which knowing this group is entirely possible.” Hyrule quipped with a smirk as he tugged Wild’s tunic back down again. 
“Quit worrying, they’re alright, everyone got a little banged up but nothing too major.” Hyrule said reassuringly as he sat back and stretched his legs out with a weary sigh. Wild let out his own tired sigh and tried not to think about it, it was a failing endeavor though. Hyrule was right of course although that fact did nothing to allay his guilt in the slightest. 
“what about you? How are you feeling ‘Rule?” Wild asked and Hyrule gave a small shrug. 
“About what you would expect, a bit achy and tired but nothing too major.”
Hyrule much to Wild’s protests had insisted on healing the smaller wounds left behind by the shrapnel. It had taken a lot of convincing on Hyrule’s part, and  even then the shallow cuts were very slow to heal and Wild could tell the effort had left Hyrule drained. Thankfully Hyrule had decided to splint Wild’s broken arm instead of trying to heal it. After he had set and splinted his arm, Wild was able to convince Hyrule to leave the older wounds he had received from the tower incident alone for the most part. Though Hyrule had cleaned and rewrapped them for him which Wild was grateful for considering he still didn’t have the energy to move just yet. 
“What about Legend? He looked pretty rough when he left to collect you.” Wild asked and noticed how Hyrule glanced back towards the small fire the others were gathered around. 
“I didn’t get a chance to really check him out yet. He was adamant that I take care of you first.” Hyrule said almost guiltily. Wild huffed letting his head fall to the side so he could look over towards the small camp. He could see the flickering light of the fire in a distance and he watched as figures moved around completing their various tasks. Not for the first time he wished he could have been able to help out more. 
“Of course he did. Well just so you know he’s got some puncture wounds on his back from where he got bit by one of those plant things.” Wild said with a snort. Hyrule didn’t respond and Wild looked back towards him in concern. Hyrule was chewing on his lower lip seemingly lost in thought. 
“Are you sure you’re alright ‘Rule?” Wild asked bringing Hyrule out of his reverie. 
“Yeah, sorry, I guess I’m just a little lost in thought.” He began and paused before shaking his head and continued. “I’m worried about Legend.” He admitted with a defeated sigh. Wild raised a concerned eyebrow and nodded quietly.  
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked as he watched Hyrule pull his knees up to his chest. It was clear that Hyrule wanted to talk about something and was weighing out the choices before him. Wild waited patiently while the other pondered not wanting to inadvertently sway the other’s decision. Hyrule gave another sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Legend is really torn up about about the whole tower thing. I’ve never seen him so...” Hyrule paused, his hands waving small circles in the air until he found the right words. “I wouldn’t say manic, but he was practically beside himself with how upset he was. I mean we all were pretty upset and worried, but this... It was like... Guilt but ten fold.” Hyrule explained and at his words Wild suddenly had the urge to sit up so he could get a better look at Hyrule’s face. Mutely Wild held out his hand and gestured for Hyrule to help sit him up. He obliged and with a grunt of effort helped Wild sit up. 
Wild barely suppressed a groan at the movement and once he was sitting upright he hissed and clutched at his side and waited for the pain to subside. Hyrule eyed him carefully ready to catch him if he toppled over. After a moment of labored breathing Wild felt the pain ebb slightly and he was able to focus on Hyrule once again. 
“Did Legend explain why he was so upset?” Wild asked and Hyrule shook his head. 
“He didn’t specify, only that he felt guilty and that he didn’t know how he was going to make it up to you. I tried to explain to him that you weren’t upset with him but he wasn’t convinced.” Hyrule explained and Wild felt himself nodding again. So Legend hadn’t told Hyrule that he had basically lied to him and tricked him into drinking that damn tea he laced. 
It made sense in a way. Legend was already a private person as it was, and somehow Wild could see why he wouldn’t have told Hyrule or anybody for that matter about his treachery. He wasn’t sure how Twilight had seemed to know about it but Wild severely doubted that he was in on that particular plan of Legend’s. Wild made a decision then, he would keep this secret for Legend. If Legend wanted to keep that particular aspect of his guilt a secret then it wasn’t up to him to tell Hyrule about it. 
“Anyways, I told him that he should talk with you, you know? Clear the air. I heard him talking with you before we got ambushed, were you guys able to hash it out?” Hyrule asked hopefully and Wild found that even though Legend didn’t apologize per se, He did seem at the very least appropriately sorry for what he had done. Still a small part of him was angry but he was willing to force that part of himself down if that meant bringing some semblance of peace to the others, it was the least he could do.  
“We were able to talk it out a little. I’ll make sure he knows I’m not upset with him. No worries okay?” Wild said and he was surprised to find that he meant it. Hyrule seemed to deflate a little with a relief. 
“That’s good, he will be happy to hear it.” Hyrule said before he yawned and scratched at the back of his head. Wild watched as Hyrule’s eyelids seemed to droop slightly, and that his eyes seemed just a bit dull. Another twist of guilt in his stomach made him wince.   
“What do you say we hobble over to the others? I’m sure they’re wondering what the hold up is.” Hyrule said sleepily and Wild sighed and rubbed at his scars. 
“We can try, I’m afraid I might be a little unsteady on my feet though.” Wild said apologetically. He still hated how dependent he was on the others for the most simple things. Hyrule eyed him for a moment tilting his head slightly before leaning forward and placing a firm hand on Wild’s shoulder again.  
“Wild, it’s okay to ask for help. Would You like me to go get Twi?” Hyrule asked.  
Wild bit his lower lip and was about to answer when he felt a sudden chill run up his spine. It felt like someone had just run their fingers across the back of his neck. He whipped around eyes wide and suddenly he felt a tug of fear pull at his stomach and he didn’t want to be alone. His heart was a painful staccato that beat against his ribs and the thrum of it made his head feel light.     
“Wild? Wild what’s wrong?” Hyrule asked suddenly alert, eyes darting around the darkened woods around them. Wild felt his mouth going numb, his finger tips growing cold as adrenaline started to flood his veins. He could see the wind rustle the tall grass around them and the sound of hidden bugs still sung in the darkness. Wild swallowed painfully and savagely forced himself to calm down. Dark would be foolish to come this close to the camp, especially after the day they just had. Everyone would be on high alert and Dark would be destroyed quickly. HIs pitiful attempts at self reassurance did little to actually calm him. A small voice in his head that whispered that it wouldn’t matter, they would all lose in the end. Wild’s breath hitched slightly and he squeezed his eyes shut and blocked out the malicious whisper. Wild popped his eyes open when he heard a shifting from his right side, it made all the alarm bells sound in his brain.   
“It’s nothing, I just thought...” Wild gasped quickly and coughed as he worked to pull his mind back from the panic.  
“Well actually never mind that, I think I can manage. Lets just get out of here.” Wild said quickly, shaking his head in an attempt to dislodge the growing unease that threatened to crush his good sense. He worked his legs under himself and didn’t care that he wobbled with the effort. Hyrule nodded quickly apparently sensing something was amiss as well and helped get Wild up and on his feet. Hyrule slung Wild’s arm around his shoulders and Wild gratefully leaned on him as they made their way over to the others as quickly as they could. They didn’t speak as they walked, and Wild kept his head moving, scanning the area while they made slow way to camp. Their shuffling steps and Wild’s labored breaths were the only thing to make a sound in the darkened field at their backs. Wild didn’t trust it for one second.   
Wild sat on his bed roll with Twilight who was dozing lightly at his side, while he watched the goings on around him with a critical eye. There was an odd buzz around camp. Everyone seemed twitchy and on edge though they were doing everything in their power to act like everything was normal. Wild was no exception, on more than one occasion he found himself flinching at the odd noise that would arise from just beyond the light of fire. Wild had no clue how Twilight had been able to relax enough to doze. Though he wondered just how relaxed Twi actually was. One glance to his mentor’s hand showed that they were balled into tight fists and he would twitch whenever the fire crackled. 
Wind and and Sky had set themselves up by the cooking pot and there was something bubbling away. Even as they had their attention fixed on the cooking pot Wild could see how their eyes flicked to the outskirts of camp where Time and Warriors had gone. Wild brought his attention back to the pot, whatever was cooking away didn’t smell too awful. The smell of fish, pumpkin and some other unfamiliar spices wafted out periodically. Wild felt his stomach flip, he couldn’t see exactly what was cooking away and for that he was grateful. 
Moving his eyes to focus just past the two at the cooking pot Wild could spy Four sitting close by. He was industriously sorting through his pack, though it almost seemed mechanical like he wasn’t actually focusing on the task at hand. Four would often pause, his ear twitching as he listened to the woods around them before startling back to the present. Wild watched him for a few minutes as he picked up his shield for the fourth time and set it back down in the same spot.  
Wild couldn’t spot Time or Warriors, but the faint sounds of talking and rusting leaves told him they were out patrolling close by. With a yawn Wild lazily slid his gaze over to Legend who was sitting across from him with Hyrule kneeling at his back. There was a faint glow emanating from where Hyrule’s hands hovered over the vet’s back. Hyrule had a look of concentration mixed with frustration plastered on his face and Legend didn’t look too happy either. To Legend’s credit he said nothing opting instead to stare blankly at the fire in front of him with a slight scowl gracing his lips.
Wild felt Twilight shift next to him and he smiled. When he and Hyrule had finally made it over to camp Twilight had hovered around them like a worried parent. Wild bore the attention for a few minutes before he had grabbed Twilight by the sleeve and forced him to sit next to him. Looking down at Twilight again he could see that his hands had relaxed and that his breaths were slow and even. Wild didn’t know exactly when he had fallen asleep, but he was grateful for the modicum of peace. Wild’s eyelids felt heavy and he debated closing his eyes for a moment when he caught Legend’s eye from across the flames. they stared at each other for a moment before Legend blinked slowly and his eyes slid away from him.  Almost without thinking Wild found himself picking himself up off the ground, making sure not to disturb Twilight, and wobbled his way over to Legend.
Wild glanced at the cooking pot as he passed and shuddered at the grayish looking stew that bubbled thickly. He stomach flipped dangerously and he adverted his eyes. When he reached Legend’s side he let himself flop down with a grunt. Wild could see Hyrule raise a tired eyebrow and Legend eyed him with a hint of curiosity.
“How are things looking?” Wild asked sleepily leaning back to take a look at Hyrule’s work.
“The punctures were pretty deep, I’m glad you let me know. This idiot was trying to convince me that it wasn’t too bad.” Hyrule said with a trace of disapproval in his voice. Legend scoffed and shot Wild a glare.
“I can’t believe you tattled on me to Hyrule. That was a low blow.” He complained and Wild blinked at him.
“Consider us even then.” Wild quipped back giving Legend a smile that was just a little bit vindictive. Legend pursed his lips and gave him a curt nod.
“Almost done here,” Hyrule said tiredly, breaking into the conversation.
“Finally.” Legend grumbled and hissed in pain as Hyrule punched him in the arm. 
“What was that for ‘Rule?” He gasped rubbing at the sore spot on his arm.
“That’s for being an ass and for trying to hide injures from me. Honestly you should know better.” Hyrule seethed and he finished the last bit of healing with a flourish of yellow sparks. Legend grumbled something unintelligible and Wild hid his snickering behind his hand. Hyrule glared at him in turn.
“Don’t laugh Wild you’re worse than him.” Hyrule said sternly and it was Legend’s turn to disguise a poorly contained laugh. Hyrule rolled his eyes and stood. 
“I’m going to go lie down, let me know when dinner is ready.” Hyrule said as he glanced towards the pot and wrinkled his nose. 
“Or maybe not... I don’t know what that is and that makes me worried.” 
“It’s seafood stew! My gran gave me the recipe!” Wind chirped back happily as he gave the thick liquid another stir.
“Where did you get the fish from?” Legend asked slowly as he straightened up so he could get a proper look into the pot. 
“I had some dried fish in my pack. It’s not as good as the fresh stuff but it should do.” Wind answered happily as he brought the spoon to his mouth for a quick taste. A smile lit up his face and he shoved the spoon out for Sky to taste. Sky let out a small chuckle and brought the spoon to his lips. He pursed his lips and tilted his head in thought. 
“I think it could use some more salt” 
Wind nodded sagely and grabbed a small jar from where it sat next to the fire and proceeded to dump the remaining contents into the stew. 
“Great, can’t wait. I’m going to lie down now.” Hyrule answered in kind as he gave a stretch and shuffled off to set up his bed roll. It didn’t take long to hear his soft snores and Wild heard Legend sigh. 
“I worry about him sometimes.” Legend said quietly and Wild gave him a questioning look.
“How do you mean? Hyrule isn’t hurt is he?” Wild asked as he cast a worried glance towards the sleeping brunette. 
“No he’s not hurt. But he has a tendency to over extend himself when he’s healing. It’s not healthy to use magic so frequently and to the point of exhaustion.” Legend explained, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. Wild glanced away from Legend then, not wanting the other see how much that thought bothered him. He looked back though when Legend addressed him again.
“But I have the distinct feeling that’s not why you stumbled over here, now is it?” Legend ventured as he raised an eyebrow and fixed Wild with his best bored expression. 
“You’re right, I came over here to see how you were doing and to apologize.” Wild said quietly and watched as Legend’s eye brow shot up towards his hair line. 
“Apologize? What for?” 
“For being cruel.” Wild began unsteadily. His fingers found their way back to the splint and began tugging at it. 
“I can see why you did what you did. I doubt the decision was made lightly and I...”
“Stop.” Legend said suddenly sitting upright and making a sharp motion with his hand in a gesture that matched his words. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. The choice I made was mine and mine alone. I did what I foolishly thought was right, I broke your trust and for that alone I don’t deserve your apology.” Legend said harshly before continuing.
“I won’t apologize, words won’t correct the action. But what I wish to ask is for you to give me the chance to make it up to you.” Legend started and paused a moment before continuing. 
“I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but I promise I will gain your trust again.” Legend said finally as he cast his gaze back to Wild and waited for his response. Wild blinked owlishly at Legend. That had been unexpected to say the least and he found himself struggling to find an answer. He pondered over Legend’s words for a moment before he nodded mutely unable to find the words. 
“Then it’s settled and I don’t want to hear another word of it.” Legend said and once again Wild found himself nodded his agreement. 
“Alright! Soups on!” Wind cried out excitedly and Wild watched as Twilight jerked awake violently and slapped at the ground where Wild had once been sitting. 
“Some guard dog you are Twi,” Legend snorted as he accepted his bowl of gray stew. Wild shot him a guilty wave from across the fire and accepted his own bowl. Wild eyed it for a moment before carefully bringing a spoonful to his lips. It was surprisingly edible if a bit over salted for his taste and he said as much to Wind who scoffed. 
“Of course it’s edible, I made it, and you can blame Sky for the salt.” Wind said as he puffed out his chest in pride. Sky snorted from his place next to the fire and helped himself to another spoonful of the stew. Legend eyed the stew and took a spoonful from his own bowl and shrugged.
“I suppose this could be worse. You did a pretty okay job squirt.” 
“Such high praise, be careful I don’t know if Wind’s ego can handle it.” Twilight snarked from the other side of camp. Both Legend and Twilight smiled into their bowls as Wind rolled his eyes took his seat next to Sky. Wild had to suppress his own smirk at that and he slowly took another bite of stew. 
Wild watched as the others finished off their stew. While the conversation wasn’t very lively it still had a calming affect on him. He had set down his half eaten bowl of stew about an hour ago and had taken his place next to Twilight once more. Twilight had scooted over for him, and offered him a warm smile as Wild sat and Wild felt warmth unspool in his heart. After the long day they had it was nice to have the company of family around. The sound of the crackling fire mixed well with the murmur of their voices and he felt his eye lids droop and his head dip.
“It is a beautiful night. Perfect for relaxing with friends” a hateful voice sneered out from just in front of him.  
Wild’s eyes shot open and he lurched to his feet. His eyes darted around the still camp for a moment before they fell onto the back of Dark Link who was sitting in front of the fire.
“You, how...” Wild snarled as his eyes looked frantically around towards the others. The whole scene was bizarre everything seemed in motion but stagnant all at the same time, it was jarring to say the least. 
“Don’t bother looking for help from them. You aren’t actually awake right now.” Dark said lazily and he jabbed a stick into the fire and watched the sparks fly into the air. Wild felt his eyes glaze over with confusion and he took a closer look around at the others. 
They were all sitting around the fire all seemingly frozen in place as they held their various conversations. Wild took a closer look at Twilight who had his hands outstretched in some dramatic gesture as he apparently told some story of his to the others. Wild bent forward and waved a hand in front of his eyes. Nothing happened. Looking around they all seemed to be the same way. Sky was in the middle of showing Four how to carve what looked like a flower of some sort. Wind, Warriors and Legend stood over the cooking pot looking down at the remnants of the stew. Time was leaning up on the stump next to Hyrule who looked about five minutes away from drifting off again. It was eerie and very off putting to see them all so close to Dark and them not even realizing it. He was about to turn around to look at Dark again and stopped, he saw himself laying down just behind him, his scared and bruised face slack with sleep. Wild couldn’t wrap his mind around it, it was just too weird. 
“You’re awfully quiet back there, what’s the matter?” Dark drawled calmly as he rose and turned to face Wild. Dark still wore Wild’s appearance, though it was a much cleaner, less beat up version of himself. Wild felt anger bloom in his chest at the sight. Dark just stretched and crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Wow, in the light you look way worse than I thought. Maybe the problem is that you’re too broken to speak? Which I have to admit could be a problem.” Dark chuckled and Wild felt himself bristle despite himself.  
“Must you wear my semblance like a cloak?” Wild sneered as he eyed Dark Link up and down. The other just snorted and shook his head.
“It’s not like I have my own appearance, and anyway it makes you upset.” Dark taunted.
“Or maybe you’re just a coward.” Wild snipped back and smiled when Dark glared at him.
“Careful with that talk, I have very little patience for back chat.” Dark said with a warning air. Wild lifted his chin in a show of defiance but kept his mouth shut for now. He wanted to know what Dark wanted though he had an idea. 
“I was curious, have you thought about our little deal?” Dark asked and Wild couldn’t help rolling his eyes. Dark gave him a flat look eyes burning like the hot coals in the fire. 
“I’m not used to you being this direct. Where’s the mystery? The subterfuge? Honestly I expect more from you.” Wild leered and he could tell that he was frustrating Dark. His heart fluttered at the thought and he wondered just how far he could push him. 
“If you like I could make this more interesting. Maybe I could slit someone’s throat? Bathe this pathetic camp in their blood maybe? Really paint the town.” Dark bit out dangerously as he took a step towards Wind. Wild felt his breath hitch at the thought. 
“If you do that I will make it my life’s mission to keep you alive long enough to feel your skin being removed.” Wild said so quietly that he wasn’t sure if he had actually spoken. Dark raised an eyebrow but stopped moving. 
“Oh ho, that’s awfully monstrous of you. I thought heroes were meant to be above such heinous acts?” Dark asked with a toothy grin, his eyes flared with some unreadable emotion. 
“I may be a hero, but for you I would make the acceptation.” 
“So you consider yourself a hero now? what a novel idea.” Dark drawled as he stepped forward and lifted his own chin in a mimicry of Wild.  
“And here I thought you wanted to talk deals, not a poor attempt at head games,” Wild sneered and straightened focusing a hard gaze on the interloper. Wild wasn’t altogether sure where this new found confidence in his hero status came from but he revealed in it nonetheless. To protect the others he would become anything to ensure their safety and if that meant he was a hero, than so it be it. 
“Tell me champion have you made a decision or not?” Dark challenged eyes narrowing as he took a menacing step forward. Wild felt his heart begin to  hammer away in his chest and forced himself to stand firm. This was his chance to buy time and he was going to make damn sure he didn’t waste it. 
“I have considered the deal, and might I say I would be lying if I said I wasn’t interested.” Wild began, he didn’t miss how Dark’s eyes seemed to flash with delight at his words. Wild swallowed back the bitter taste in his mouth and continued his thought. 
“However, how can I make a choice when you’ve given me nothing to prove that you will follow through on your promise.” Wild asked and he watched as Dark’s expression hardened. Wild shook off his nerves the best he could before he soldiered on. 
“So far all you’ve done is have me beaten within and inch of my life, threatened and kept me weak and sleep deprived with your little games.” Wild said as he ticked off each point on his fingers. “honestly it doesn’t give me much confidence in your word.” Wild finished with a sardonic raise of his eyebrow. Dark stopped short, head tilting as he pondered. 
“A show of good will? It’s not really my style kid.” Dark said with a sneer. Wild shrugged letting a small smile grace his scarred face before he answered. 
“What can I say, I have trust issues.” 
Dark shot him a sour look and licked his lips. Wild only stared making sure to keep his expression mild and bland. 
“Tell you what, I like your spirit kid. How about you tell me just what you want to show that I will follow through on my word.” Dark asked slowly and Wild felt his smile grow slightly as he thought. It was time to make a play and he hoped it would work. 
“Heal me.” Wild said after a minute of exaggerated pondering on his part.
“Not going to happen.” 
“Then there is no deal.” Wild sneered his face screwing up into a mask of scorn as he made to turn his back on Dark. It was a bit of a risky move for his taste but he was banking on the hope that Dark wanted him on his side for whatever reason. There was a dark chuckle and he heard the crunching foot steps as Dark Link moved closer. Wild shot him a glare from over his shoulder and Dark gave him look he was sure was meant to be friendly and open but came off as frustrated and slightly constipated. 
“Look, kid, if I healed you what’s to say you wouldn’t just run off and make plans to destroy me with those fools? That is an awful lot of trust I’d have to put into you taking this deal. You see where I am coming from?” Dark wedeled before continuing “Unless you take the deal now.” It was a struggle but Wild kept a strong hold on his facial expression and shot Dark a flat look.
“That’s not going to happen.” Wild deadpanned and felt his heart give another flutter of anxiety as he waited for Dark’s answer. His lips turned down slightly into a sneer and Wild swore he saw his eye twitch. It was clear he was frustrated but not wanted to show it. 
“Then we’ve reached an impasse for now.” Dark said calmly after he seemed to get his emotions back under control. Dark leaned back on his heels and casually put his hands on his hips. After another moment he shook his head and gave a little chuckle. 
“Honestly I didn’t think you would such a hard negotiator, color me impressed cub.” A cord snapped in Wild’s mind at the use of his the word ‘cub’ and his calm demeanor was washed away with the unexpected tide of his rage. 
“Don’t you dare call me that.” Wild hissed whirling around and taking an angry step forward. Dark’s calm smile turned into a snarl and his eyes flared a bright red. 
“I can do whatever I like,” Dark sneered back at him and raised a hand. 
“and I grow tried of your insolence” He said and his raised hand turned into a tight fist. 
Wild gasped and doubled over, his whole body suddenly alight as every pain senor in his body screamed that he was being ripped apart. The pain rocketed to a fevered pitch  as Dark jerked his hand backward like he was opening a particularly stubborn door. Wild stumbled as he desperately tried to fight back the sudden vertigo and stay on his feet. A strangled gasp of pain erupted from his throat involuntarily and he began to cough uncontrollably. 
“Look, I already told you that I like your spirit kid, but I can only handle so much disrespect and my patience wears thin.” Dark whispered into Wild’s ear and he shuddered as a fresh wave of agony brought him to his knees. He was unable to speak, unable to move and it was a struggle to just draw breath between his choked coughing. It felt like his ribs were being twisted and broken into splinters as his head was being split open all at the same time.
“Time grows short and I fear I have to leave you for now. I suggest you make your choice soon, I grow weary of waiting.” 
Wild was just able to lift his head to look at Dark and he felt tears welling in the corners of his eyes. Dark glared down at him and waved his hand in a clear dismissal. Shadows seeped into his vison and felt himself sinking to the ground as his muscles turned to chu jelly. Wild gave a choked gasp as another tidal wave of pain ripped through him and stole his breath. His vison finally began to tunnel and went black and he welcomed the release. But just as his vision failed him, he could have sworn he saw Sky’s eyes flicker towards him, though that could have just been a trick of the dying light. 
Wild jerked awake to the feeling of someone shaking him. He let out a small choked cry of pain and curled in on himself. His ribs were on fire and it compounded with the stabbing pain of bruised and torn skin. It took a moment for him to notice that whoever had shaken him awake was also talking to him. His mind scrambled over broken thoughts and fractured emotions and he felt out of control, unable to tell up from down let alone comprehend what was being said. Wild held up a hand signaling them to stop and wait while he tried to reorder his chaotic mind. 
They complied though he could feel their nervous energy buzzing next to him. Wild focused on gathering his scattered thoughts the best he could. It was difficult and the pain seemed never ending. Another flair of pain bloomed brightly behind his eyelids and he shuddered and gasped. Distantly he felt a hand come to rest on his shoulder and he realized he was letting out small whimpers as he fought through haze of pain.
“Do you need Hyrule? I can get him.”
Wild’s foggy brain tried to puzzle out who the voice belonged to, Legend maybe? It sounded like him, or maybe it was Time? Wild cracked open an eye and peered at the speaker and found to his surprise that It was Four who was sitting beside him. Wow he was really off. Wild shook his head and mouthed a quiet no when the pain dipped slightly. He felt Four shift and come to rest right next to Wild’s head.
“What do you need? Water? I can get Twilight he’s not too far.” Four babbled on and it took all of his energy to gasp out a desperate no. Wild knew Four was only trying to help but he just needed Four to shut up so he could focus on making the world feel less out of control.
“Stop... talking...” Wild gasped and Four stiffened and sat back and waited in anxious silence, his eyes never leaving Wild’s face. Wild squeezed his eyes shut again to block out the other’s gaze. Painfully he forced down large lung fulls of air and basked in the bright hot pain that lit up his world as well as acted as an anchor. When he finally choked down enough air he uncurled slightly and lifted his head. Four looked concerned and his eyes flickered with the fire light. Wild bit back another groan of pain and gestured for Four to come closer. Four complied and mutely Wild pointed to his slate that was sitting a few feet away. Four retrieved it quickly and handed it to him. Wild nodded his thanks and quickly opened the slate and pawed through the contents. 
“What are you looking for?” Four asked as he leaned over to look with him. 
“Herb,” was Wild’s only response as his finger finally alighted on what he was so desperately searching for. In a flash of blue Wild held a small bundle of Hyrule herb. He tore at the leaves and ripped off a few and popped them in his mouth. Four looked from the sad looking plant in Wild’s hand’s and back to Wild who was methodically chewing. 
“What’s that supposed to do?” He asked and Wild gave a few more chews before he swallowed with a grimace at the bitter aftertaste.
“You can add it to food and it increases it’s healing potential. But I’ve found that if you eat it raw it has a bit of a numbing effect.” Wild explained hoarsely and he ripped off some more leaves.
“Does it only numb your mouth?” Four asked his eyes shimmering purple in the light before shifting to a crimson. 
“What if you bite your tongue off?” He asked wide eyed almost as an after thought. Wild blinked at him, confused by the sudden shift in the conversation. 
“Think of it as a very mild pain reliever, it’s enough to take the edge off.” Wild said taking the last of the leaves off the stem and tossed the remnants away.
“I don’t think I’ll bite my tongue off, at least it hasn’t happened yet.” He said as he finished off the last of leaves with a shiver, as the last of the bitter plant made it’s way down his sore throat. Four nodded pensively and toyed with the tassel attached to the pummel of his sword.
“Are you alright?” He asked quietly and Wild gave a noncommittal shrug.
“Well, what we’re you dreaming about? It must have been bad, you started writhing around and I was worried you were having a seizure or something so I went to wake you. It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Four said in a rush and Wild chewed at his lip.
He didn’t know what would be safe to tell the other. He really didn’t want to mention that Dark was in camp if he didn’t have to. He couldn’t even be sure he was actually there or of it just another one of those illusions Dark was so fond of and he didn’t want to cause undue stress. Not to mention he didn’t want to talk the particulars of the dream yet, considering he would then have to explain the terms of the deal to Four. No, this was not the time for that. He had the feeling he would never actually disclose that if he could help it. 
“I don’t know what the dream was about, but I have the feeling it wasn’t very pleasant.” Wild said cryptically. Four squinted at him and Wild was sure he wasn’t convinced so he opted to change the subject rather than trying to think of way to talk around the subject. 
“What time is it?” 
“best guess, I’d say just past 3am” Four said as he cast his eyes to the sky to gauge the position of the moon. Wild nodded tiredly and leaned his head against the log behind him. He was so tired it was painful. 
“Do you want to try to sleep again?” Four asked and Wild slid half lidded eyes his way. 
“I’m not sure it’s entirely worth it. I haven’t had a peaceful night’s rest in days.” Wild said sadly and Four bobbed his head. 
“Nightmares?” He asked and Wild swallowed hard. 
“In a sense.” He replied and Four gave him an understanding sigh. 
“That’s rough... Do you want me to tell you a story? When I had trouble with nightmares my uncle would tell me stories.” Four said sheepishly and Wild raised an eyebrow, intrigued. 
“What kind of stories?”
“Mostly nonsense, but it was more than enough for my mind to drift off.” Four said with a shrug. 
Wild contemplated this for a moment. He never had anyone tell him a bed time story before, it sounded nice even if he was convinced it wouldn’t work.
“Why not? Give me your best stories,” Wild said with a tired smile. 
“Alright, get comfortable.” Four said suddenly perking up and ushered for Wild to lay back down. 
Wild did as he was instructed. It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. Even with the Hyrule herb he downed he was still was in a considerable amount of pain. Wild tried his best to force it down though. Once he was settled Four scooted to his side and grabbed his hand and started to trace small circles into his palm. Wild raised an eyebrow but said nothing, in fact the light touch on his palm was rather comforting. Wild let his eyes slide shut as Four began to ramble out a story, the thread of which Wild lost almost instantly. He felt his mind drift pleasantly, though he wouldn’t exactly call it sleep, it was more like an odd kind of doze. 
When he opened his eyes again it was to the brightening sky of early morning. Four was gone from his side and he could hear the sound of the camp waking up for the day. Wild groaned unhappily when he tried to turn over on his side. His head felt like it was filled with cotton and hammers and his body was just as leaden and somehow even the act of breathing was a chore. With a superhuman act of will Wild pushed himself up off the ground and wobbled his way to help pack up the camp with the others. 
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linerwriter · 4 years
Part 1 and Part 2
The (hopefully) thrilling conclusion to the idea that took almost a year to finish! If this was on AO3 and I could see a date to when it was last edited, I would be ashamed.
An edited version will also be going up on AO3, if you are interested in seeing that. I do not know when it will be coming out, but hopefully before next year. I will be posting a link when it is up if anyone is interested.
TW: suicidal thoughts and trauma are expressed. If you wish to skip, it is from “Because I’m tired, Twilight” to “So how can I help you believe it?”
A week had passed since Wild’s attack, a week of tense silence and many excuses. Wild had woken up the house a few more times since then, but had still refused to elaborate on the reasons why. The only person he accepted to know was Zelda, and she was even tougher to crack.
“I’m really sorry, Mr. Time, but if you want to know, you need to ask Link yourself. It’s not my place to share someone else’s trauma.” Zelda said after Time tried to grill her for information. She slumped down, “I’ve tried my best to get him to open up, but he’s adamant on not doing that.”
Time sighed, “I understand, Princess. Just try your best to help him, okay?” She nodded and proceeded to leave the room, stopping at the entryway to look back at him.
“If you can find any way to help him, please do. And please, call me Zelda.”
Time smiled, “Of course, Zelda.” She smiled back and finally left the room, her short golden hair bouncing with her. He turned toward the other person in the room, the furry gray pelt seeming somehow deflated. Time could see the way Twilight’s eyes took on a more defeated tone than before they spoke to Zelda.
“Why?” Twilight whispered, “Why does he not want us to help him?”
Time closed his eye with a sigh, “I don’t know, cub. Perhaps he’s spoken to Malon about it?”
“But she would’ve told us by now if he did,” Twilight guessed. Time nodded silently, sitting down heavily in a chair. The two mingled in silence, an oppressive feeling in the air. It was broken when Twilight asked,
“How much longer until he breaks, Time?”
Time stared out the window, a helpless feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time creeping into his heart. “I don’t know.”
Their answer came later that night. It was decided that they were going to leave the next morning to meet with Time’s Zelda, and possibly leave Wild’s Zelda there to learn about the history of Hyrule that had been lost to the ages. 
The group had decided to head outside after dinner to enjoy the stars. They had set up a campfire and had taken turns sharing stories, regaling the others with quests of honor and mistakes. After Wind had shared about the first time he climbed out of a boat after sailing for a long time, which had led to many laughs, everyone turned to the duo glued together.
“You’ve must have done something dumb at one point, Wild.” Legend goaded the scarred hero, “Come on, tell us!”
Zelda giggled quietly, “I remember at one point, he tried to fly across Hyrule with some minecarts. He got to the Thundra Plateau and was zapped out of the sky!”
Wild smiled faintly, “And I seem to remember the time you thought you picked up a sword and it was really the bones of a dead bokoblin. You screamed so loud you woke up half of the forest.”
“Ugh.” Four wrinkled his nose, “I’m with you there, Princess.”
Zelda shuddered, “Never again. And like I’ve said, please, call me Zelda.”
“It’s kind of confusing to call you that, though, isn’t it? We all have our own Zeldas, so how do we know which one we’re talking about?”
Zelda hummed, “I see your point. A nickname, perhaps? You can give one to every Zelda you end up meeting.”
“That sounds like a good plan. What would you like to be called, Zelda?” Malon said warmly from beside Time.
Zelda thought for a moment, “Scientist, perhaps?”
Warriors shook his head, “Too stiff.”
“How about Bones? From how much you screamed at some?” Legend snickered.
Twilight saw the subtle flinch Wild made at the suggestion. He exchanged a look with Time, the other looking resigned. Zelda took his hand and said softly, “Maybe not that one.”
The naming went on for a few more minutes, the nicknames getting closer and closer but still not perfect. Zelda was clutching Wild’s hand tightly, looking at his blank expression every so often. Finally, they got to the point where everyone was quiet, listening to the crackle of the fire and thinking. It ended when a voice spoke up.
“Flora,” Wild said shortly, “Her name is Flora.” Then he left the group.
Twilight followed.
“I’m fine, Twilight.”
“Are you sure?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at Wild’s back, “You don’t seem fine to me.”
“I’m fine, Twilight, now will you please leave me alone?”
“No, cub, because you’re very obviously not ‘fine’.”
Wild finally stopped walking to throw his hands up into the air, “Goddesses, Twilight, I’m fine! I just wanted to leave!”
“Yes, you’re fine and you didn’t just leave the group for no reason.” Twilight sighed, “Wild, I know. Whenever you say you’re fine, you’re never fine.”
“Oh? And how are you so sure?”
“Would you like a list?”
Wild breathed in slowly in annoyance. His voice was measured and clipped as he said, “I am okay, Twilight. You can go back to the group now.”
“Uh, no, I’m not.” Twilight crossed his arms as his voice became more serious, “Cub, I’ve seen you this entire week. You’re tense, constantly searching the surroundings for an exit. You’ve had nightmares multiple times this week, and yet, the only person allowed to help you is Flora.” With each word, Twilight saw Wild’s shoulders lower further and further, until he looked like a hedgehog. He continued lowly, “You don’t laugh anymore. You don’t smile. You react to a joke, sure, but it’s never genuine. Once the attention is off of you, you shut down.”
“I’m not the only one that’s noticed, Wild. Everyone has.” Wild whipped his head up in surprise, “They just know there’s no point in trying.”
Silence. Wild’s hands started to wring together, his head lowered to the ground. Twilight looked at him, his eyes boring into the smaller man’s head. 
“When will you tell me what happened, Wild?”
“I can’t,” came a wretched whisper.
“Why?” Twilight’s question was calm.
“Because it’s easier for me to keep my head down and ignore it.”
“Bullshit!” Twilight’s anger was starting to manifest outside of his mind. “You ignore it because it’s easier? When have we ever done that?!”
“Because I’m tired, Twilight!” Wild finally swung his eyes toward Twilight’s, who could see the pain and misery etched into them. “I’m sick and tired of being those deities plaything! For over a hundred years, I have been forced to do what they told me to, and at this point, I don’t care anymore. If this kills me, then so be it. I welcome it, even!”
“Don’t you dare say that!”
“And why can’t I? Because you care about me?” Wild’s voice started to steadily rise. “Do you know what it feels like to have your entire beliefs questioned? To know that because you just weren’t good enough, everything fell apart? I had to retrain myself to be worthy of the Master Sword, Twi, you know this! I was the one responsible for what happened when the Calamity came. I was the reason why it turned out the way it did. I WAS THE REASON WHY THEY’RE DEAD!”
So, Twilight thought, that’s what this is about. He watched numbly as Wild fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. With a faint sigh, he stood and crouched down next to his friend, rubbing his back gently. 
“...Do you wanna know why me and Zelda are always so close together?” Wild’s question came out quiet and defeated.
Twilight’s response was just as quiet. “Sure.”
The smaller man took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “D-down there, there were some monsters that liked to play with our minds. They could manipulate the way we perceived the world, make us see things that weren’t real.” His voice dropped to a whisper, “At one point, I thought Zelda had been killed.”
“And since they can’t replicate the Goddess’s light, you took to being close to one another to make sure it was real,” Twilight guessed with a sinking heart.
Wild nodded his head dumbly, staring at the fire. Twilight sighed again, “It’s okay to ask for help, you know. I’m always here, so is Time. You don’t have to keep it bottled up inside.”
“I don’t want to be a burden.”
“You’re not a burden.”
“There’s a difference between knowing and believing, Twilight!” Wild snapped.
“So how can I help you believe it?” Twilight asked gently, “‘Cause you aren’t, Wild, and you never were. I guarantee you, if I go around to everyone in this group and ask if you are a burden, they would say no. You cook for us, you hunt for us, you make everyone worry whenever you do some death-defying stunt and come out alive at the end!” He shook his head, “Asking for help doesn’t make you a burden, Wild. It means you’re willing to start respecting yourself and allowing yourself to heal.”
Wild sniffed, “You really think so?”
“I know so.” Twilight took a moment to compose himself, “You know my journey. You know what happened during it. You know the trauma and fear it gave me; for years, I carried that around with me, unwilling to bare myself to the world and accept the love and kindness the people around me were desperately trying to give. It took Zelda finally knocking some sense into me to realize that keeping it to myself wasn’t good, it was harmful.”
“Did she really?” Wild turned his big blue eyes toward Twilight for a moment, a sparkle so curious it reminded Twilight of Colin.
He smiled ruefully, “Took a good smack at me.” He wagged a finger at Wild, causing the younger man to giggle, “Never offend a Zelda, they have a mean right hook. You should know that better than anyone.”
Wild nodded, the last of his tears drying up, “I wouldn’t dare.”
“Good, you’re smarter than me. Anyway,” Twilight became serious again, “you can’t keep bottling yourself up, pup. Do you have to share everything that happened right away? No, that would be cruel. But if something is wrong, like what happened last week, then you gotta say something. Even if it’s as simple as ‘I’m feeling sad today, can I have a hug?’ No one will blame you. Got it?”
Wild nodded again, “Got it. Can I have a hug right now?”
Twilight’s face softened, “Of course you can, pup. Come on, bring it in.” He opened his arms wide, giving the younger man a big bear (wolf) hug. Wild relaxed into the hold, breathing in the comforting scent of his pseudo-older brother. 
The two broke apart a few moments later, after Wild finally felt better for the first time in months. He took a deep breath, “Can I tell you a bit about what happened down there?”
Twilight very carefully didn’t react, “Whatever you want, Wild. And while we’re on that, mind telling me about the arm?” He gestured towards Wild’s limb, “It’s a bit more… glowy than before.”
Wild laughed lightly, “Sure. It all started when…”
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cuubism · 5 years
in the palm of your hand
Malec, Rated T, h/c, implied sexual content, canon-typical violence, TWI!Verse
SH Tarot Challenge Prompt 1: The Magician
(read on AO3)
“So do you do palm readings?”
Magnus blinked at the sudden question, looking up from his book to meet Alec’s gaze. His boyfriend—and it still felt strange to say that word after so long closing himself off to anyone who tried to get near—was watching him intently, something mischievous sparking in his gaze.
“It’s not my specialty,” Magnus said, closing his book, “but yes. Why?”
“Will you read mine?”
Magnus’s cheeks heated unexpectedly at the request, but he took Alec’s proffered hand, cradling it in his own. “This is—”
He could barely get out a word before Alec was twisting his hand to take hold of Magnus’s, a cheeky grin on his face.
Magnus narrowed his eyes. “Was that just an excuse to hold my hand?”
Alec looked so pleased with himself for the minor deception. Magnus couldn’t deny that the warmth of Alec’s palm against his own was quite pleasant, especially when Alec ran his thumb back and forth over his pulse point like that.
“Do you want me to read it or not?”
Alec flipped his hand back over to its original position. “Sorry, yes.”
Magnus hummed, looking down at his palm, deciding to skip right to the line he was most interested in.
“This is your heart line.” He traced it with a light touch, not missing the way it made Alec shiver. “See how strong the curve is? That means you’re straightforward with your emotions when you care about someone.”
“That’s true enough.”
“And see how it ends right below your middle finger?” Magnus’s lips quirked up in a small smile. “This indicates a pure and true love.”
Alec frowned at him, though his eyes were sparkling. “You’re not just messing with me, are you? Is this your version of flirting?”
“I promise I’m not.”
“Go on, then.”
Magnus ran a finger along the swooping line under Alec’s thumb. “This one is your life line. A strong, heavily-curved line such as this suggests energy and enthusiasm.” That certainly described Alec. Magnus leaned in to take a closer look at some of the details of the line.
“When it’s broken like this, that means—” He stopped suddenly.
It means injury. Injury or illness. Though Alec was young and fit, so illness was relatively unlikely. But a catastrophic injury? That could strike anyone at any time. Just as an accident—
“Magnus?” Alec was still watching as Magnus silently spiraled. “Everything okay?”
Magnus dropped Alec’s hand. “I shouldn’t waste your time with this parlor trick.”
Alec chuckled nervously. “I’m not gonna die or something, am I?”
“No, of course not, darling,” Magnus reassured him, patting him on the arm for good measure.
Alec still looked a little spooked. Magnus couldn’t really blame him, considering he could hardly get his own expression under control.
He’d meant it when he said palm reading was a parlor trick. Well… mostly.
But now that the thought was lodged in Magnus’s head, he couldn’t help but feel a little unnerved.
“Is this okay?”
Alec was so cautious in touching him. He always asked before so much as holding Magnus’s hand. As they walked back from dinner, he was hovering his hand over Magnus’s lower back, waiting to see if he’d be allowed to place it there.
“Yes, of course, darling.”
Sometimes, Magnus wished Alec would just take what he wanted. But he didn’t know how to say that while also expressing his appreciation for how adamant Alec was in respecting his boundaries.
Alec laid his hand on his back, and it was a comforting connection, the warmth of him bleeding through Magnus’s jacket.
He felt so warm when Alec touched him, not just at the point of contact but all over, like he was made stronger by the touch, the cracks in his heart filled in with gold pouring from Alec’s veins.
Magnus leaned against Alec, relishing in the flood of warmth all along his side. He was content to just walk in silence, listening to Alec breathe beside him, taking in the cool night air.
He had just let himself close his eyes, trusting his boyfriend to guide him, when Alec stiffened.
“Who’s there?” he called out.
Magnus opened his eyes and followed Alec’s gaze.
Twenty-or-so feet ahead, a large, humped shadow was rooting around in a trash can. It could’ve been a racoon. If it were five times smaller. A chill ran up Magnus’s spine.
Alec had probably assumed it was a mugger or some such person of ill-intent. Trust him to feel duty-bound to confront them instead of turning around like a reasonable person.
Alec’s stance relaxed as he, apparently, came to the conclusion that the ‘person’ was harmless. “If you need change to get something to eat, we can help out,” he called down the road, “you don’t need to dig through the trash.”
Oh, sweet innocent Mundane, Magnus thought, that’s no human you’re trying to help.
Magnus grabbed Alec’s arm and tugged. “Let’s go.”
Alec turned to Magnus with a frown. “Don’t you wanna—”
“Alec, now."
Alec must have picked up on the fear in Magnus’s expression, for his eyes widened. He let Magnus turn him—
It was too late.
The sound of trash crunching stopped abruptly. Two orange eyes blinked up at them, and there was a loud, wet huff.
They wouldn’t outrun it now.
“Get behind me.”
Alec just stared at him. The order must have sounded ridiculous to him. Not only was Magnus physically smaller, but he was also—to Alec’s mind, at least—essentially gentle and bookish, not the type of person who’d do battle in a dark alley. Meanwhile Alec was trained in several forms of martial arts and worked out daily. Why on earth would he let Magnus protect him?
Magnus rubbed sweating hands on his pant legs, hoping to god that he’d be able to summon his magic. Never mind that revealing it would likely blow up his relationship with Alec, he had bigger concerns.
Like the six-legged wolf demon currently crawling out of the shadows.
Magnus had suspected—had known, even—that it was a demon, but he hadn’t believed. Because that was—
“You’re impossible,” he whispered, staring at its glowing eyes, its two rows of teeth.
“Yeah, no shit!” Alec yelped, his voice shooting up an octave. “What the hell is that thing?!”
“Demon,” Magnus said softly. “Stay behind me.”
“A WHAT!?”
The demon crept closer, scenting out its prey.
“Is this one of those, like, prank shows? Because if so, consider me pranked! You can stop now!”
Alec should have known better than to think Magnus would ever do something so stupid and cruel.
“It’s not—” he started to say—
And the demon leapt right for him, dozens of teeth bared.
Magnus called all of his magic to his hands—it started to congeal in a swirling ball of red between his fingers—but it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t fast enough—  
Alec grabbed his hand.
And suddenly magic was pouring through his veins, bursting out of his fingertips—
—and Alec was yanking him out of the way—
—which put him in the path of the teeth—
—which closed around his shoulder—and he screamed, and the sound would echo in Magnus’s nightmares—
—and then Magnus’s magic was slamming into the demon, shattering it into dust.
As soon as it started, it was over.
Magnus crumpled to the pavement beside Alec, who was curled up on the ground, shaking, clutching his shoulder. Blood poured out between his fingers, so much blood—
“Easy, darling,” Magnus tried to say, voice trembling, heart racing in his chest. “Easy, let me see—”
“What— what did you do?”  
“I banished it.”
“But how?”
Magnus placed a hand on his forehead. It was already clammy. “Shh. I’ll explain everything later. Right now, I just need you to lie still.”
“Is— is this a nightmare? Am I losing my mind?” Alec’s eyes were panicked, and it was startling to see his normally unshakeable boyfriend looking so terrified.
Magnus knew that he’d probably ruined them—surely no relationship could survive this?—but he banished the thought from his mind. Right then, he just needed to save Alec.
“This may feel a little strange,” he warned, hoping his voice sounded steadier than he felt, and then he was pressing any magic he could summon into the gashes in Alec’s shoulder.
Alec tried to jerk away from him. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you call an ambulance?” His voice sounded fainter already, he was fading fast.
“They can’t help with this.” And neither, it seemed, could Magnus—his magic didn’t seem to be having any effect on the wound. Each gash that he closed just reopened, seeping black sludge onto Alec’s skin. “Damnit!”
“It’s alright, darling, it will be alright.”
Alec flailed for him with an uncoordinated hand. “Everything’s spinning. Why is it spinning?”
“Don’t think about it. Look at me.” Magnus turned Alec’s face towards him.
Alec squinted up at him. His eyes were glassy already. “Which one of you? There’s three."
Magnus swallowed against the lump in his throat. “Whichever you like.”
“I like…” Alec’s head lolled back against the ground. His eyes started to close. “...all of them. I like… you."
Magnus tried to open a portal. Nothing.
“Hey, hey. Hey,” Alec said, though Magnus hadn’t said anything. His hand found Magnus’s face. “Magnus. Listen.”
Magnus tried to open a portal again. “I’m listening.”
"Listen." His voice was slurred. “S’important."  
“You have my attention, dear.” You always have my attention. “What is it?”
Alec blinked, long and slow, like he’d lost his train of thought. Then he smiled up at Magnus. “I love you.”
Magnus ripped open the fabric of the air, crafting a portal out of sheer anger and grief. Of course Alec had to choose now to say that to him for the first time, just for the sheer drama of it all—to remind Magnus now, when he was on the verge of losing everything, that, new as they were, he hadn’t loved a partner like this in centuries.
He hauled Alec up in his arms, staggering a little under his weight. “I love you, too, Alexander. So much I don’t know what to do with it.”
Sometimes, Magnus felt like his body wasn’t made for the depth of emotion it experienced. It felt like it should break down or burst from the pressures of his heart. Like now, when Alec went limp in his arms, his head lolling back against Magnus’s shoulder.
Magnus wasn’t even sure he had heard him.
He stepped through the portal back into the loft, depositing Alec on the couch. Here, under better lights, he could really see the damage—the deep puncture wounds in his shoulder, the blood, so much blood—
Magnus had known that the Shadow World would eventually come for his relationship with Alec, but he hadn’t expected it to be like this.
“Stay still, love. Don’t move!” he called over his shoulder as he ran to his apothecary. Alec didn’t respond.
Magnus dove into the room, rummaging around, throwing ingredients haphazardly into a cauldron. Fortunately, healing potions were hardy and didn’t require precise measurement. Soon enough, he had it ready, and was sprinting back out into the living room to skid to a stop by Alec’s head.
His love was still and pale, sweat beading on his brow. Magnus cut open the sleeve of his polo shirt to expose the wounds, slathering on copious amounts of the potion.
“There you are, that’s it. You’ll feel better soon.” He had to.
Magnus watched anxiously as the potion dried, sucking the poison out of the wounds. But when it was done, the wounds remained gaping open, weeping now-clean blood. Magnus pressed more magic into them with trembling hands. No dice.
He tried again, murmuring, “Come on, love. You can do it. Come on, Alexander.”
Alec’s breathing slowed further. He was incredibly pale. Bleeding out.
“No,” Magnus whispered. Then, louder: “No. No! Alexander, don’t do this to me. We were supposed to—” all Magnus’s energy left him in an instant. He slumped to the floor. “We were supposed to have more time,” he breathed.
Alec’s hand twitched and touched Magnus’s. Magnus jolted at the spark of energy that arced between them.
Wait. Was it possible…?
He thought back to the demon attack, how Alec had grabbed his hand. How Magnus’s magic had surged at the contact.
In the next second he was hurtling to his bedroom, coming to a violent stop against his nightstand, rummaging through the upper drawer. It had been years, but he must still have it, mustn’t he?
He plucked the stele gingerly from the drawer, still unused, even after all this time, to the idea that it wouldn’t burn his fingers. He carried it back to Alec’s side, and then, with the glowing red tip poised above Alec’s skin, hesitated.
By all odds, it made sense that it should work. The way Magnus’s magic had reacted to Alec’s touch, like Alec carried his own magic inside him—the fact that, when Clary from the alternate universe had visited, she’d said that the whole group were Shadowhunters there.
But if Magnus were wrong, he wouldn’t just kill Alec. No, it would be far worse than that.
Alec stirred again beneath him, breath hitching painfully. And Magnus made his decision. He would rather try to save Alec and fail than not try at all. He had spent a long time letting the currents push him where they would. No longer.
He pressed the tip of the stele to the inside of Alec’s wrist and drew an iratze.
The stele resisted Magnus’s touch, but eventually took to Alec’s skin, the thick black lines of the rune standing out starkly against his pale complexion. Magnus held his breath while the mark flared.
The magic sank into Alec’s body, and Magnus almost collapsed in relief when the gashes in Alec’s shoulder slowly knit together and he began to breathe easier.
Hands shaking, Magnus drew a blanket over Alec’s now-peacefully sleeping form.
He’d have a lot of explaining to do in the morning.
“Magnus, what the fuck.”
Magnus jerked awake in the armchair he’d collapsed into, disturbing Church from where he’d curled up in his lap. His presence, in itself, was disturbing. Church never tried to comfort anyone.
As the cat jumped to the floor, Magnus turned to his boyfriend, who was now sitting up, looking much better, but tense, looking—
—at the black mark inscribed on his skin.
Alec looked up at him, eyes wide in alarm, but still trusting. Magnus hated that he’d have to shatter that trust.
“How are you feeling?”
Alec’s nose scrunched up. “Fine, I guess? Why, what happened? Did I get super drunk and get a tattoo?”
He didn’t sound like he would be terribly surprised if that were the case. For an instant, Magnus toyed with letting him believe that version of events. But he pushed the thought aside almost as soon as it had arisen. Alec deserved better than that.
“What do you last remember?”
“Coming home from dinner, we ran into a—” Alec jerked as it came back to him, turning a shaken gaze on Magnus. He pulled the blanket tighter around himself, drawing his legs up to his chest. “That thing— with the teeth— and you did something with your hands—”
He was spiraling quickly. Magnus reached out a hand to steady him, wrapping it around his ankle. “Easy, breathe, it’s okay now—”
“How are you doing that?”
Magnus blinked, following Alec’s gaze down to where his palm was pressed to his skin. Without Magnus’s conscious consent, calming blue magic was seeping out of his hand.
Magnus jerked his hand away, heart racing. How was he doing that? He hadn’t had such easy access to his magic in decades.
He remembered the night before, when Alec had grabbed his hand and sparks had, literally, flown.
Instead of following that thought down its deep rabbit hole, Magnus took a shaky breath and refocused on the man sitting before him. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“You’re part of a cult,” Alec guessed.
Magnus blinked. “What—”
“That’s what this is, isn’t it?” Alec pointed to the rune. “Like a cult initiation symbol? Am I a part of—”
“Oh, my god, no,” Magnus said. “I’m not part of a cult.” Although, he thought, that might actually be easier to explain. He showed Alec his hand, willing small flames to flicker to life in his palm. “I’m a Warlock.”
Alec’s eyes widened, though he didn’t look afraid per say. More cautious and curious. “As in—”
“As in, a being who can use magic.” Magnus left out the part about immortality, for now. One relationship hurdle at a time.
“Magic, huh?” Alec was fixated on the flames dancing in Magnus’s palm. He reached out to touch them. “Can I—?”
“It won’t hurt you,” Magnus assured him, hardly daring to breathe as Alec dipped his fingers into the fire. He couldn’t believe Alec actually wanted to touch his magic, couldn’t believe he hadn’t immediately leapt over the back of the couch and fled the apartment.
“Huh,” Alec mused, “tickles.” He wrapped his hand around Magnus’s, extinguishing the flames.
“It tickles? That’s all you have to say?”
Alec shrugged. “I don’t know, what did you want me to say? I could ask a gazillion questions but I kind of figured you didn’t want to talk about it if you waited so long to bring it up.”
“Ask them.”
“Okay,” Alec frowned in thought. “Is that what you did last night? Magic?”
“To banish the demon? Yes.”
Demon, Alec mouthed, rolling the word over his tongue. “There’s such thing as demons?”
“Not anymore,” Magnus said. “Well, not usually,” he corrected himself. “I will have to look into it. They’re supposed to be extinct in this realm.”
Alec was silent for a moment as he processed this. “You seem to know a lot about this.” For the first time, Magnus heard a hint of uncertainty in his tone.
Heart inching up his throat, Magnus didn’t know what else to say other than, “Yes. I suppose I do.”
“So there’s just this— what, this whole other world out there?”
“You could say that.”
Alec looked down at his hands, one of which was still wrapped around Magnus’s. “A world you’re a part of and I’m not.”
“No.” Magnus tugged on his hand until Alec looked back up at him. “No, darling, that’s just it. You’re part of it, too.”
He pointed to the rune slowly fading on Alec’s arm. “You see this? This is a healing rune. Not just any human could bear this mark. You have magic in you as well.”
Alec frowned, ghosting his fingers over the rune. “So does that mean I’m a War—”
“Not a Warlock,” Magnus corrected, “a Shadowhunter. Angelic demon hunters from the distant past. They faded away after the last of the demons were destroyed.” He paused, thinking. “Although, if demons are afoot, there may come a time soon when we need Shadowhunters again.”
Alec just stared at him, looking totally lost. Magnus cupped his cheek. “Why don’t we talk about it more later? This is a lot, and you’ve just had a scare.”
“Yeah, did you— did you save my life?”
Magnus blinked. “I suppose I did. Only after you saved mine, though.”
“You saved my life.”
“Yes, dear, that’s what I said.”
Alec was looking at Magnus like he was standing on the ceiling.
“Is there a problem?” Magnus asked.
“No, it’s just—” Alec shrugged helplessly. “You, you’re so— gentle, and you— you murdered a demon for me.”
A small smile tugged at Magnus’s lips. “Oh? And how do you feel about that?”
Alec grinned at him crookedly. “Kinda like it.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah,” Alec leaned in to kiss him, and this time he didn’t need to ask before he touched Magnus—Magnus was already leaning in to meet him, chasing the comfort of Alec’s lips, the gentle touch of Alec’s fingertips as they cupped the back of his head.
Alec pulled back after a moment to rest his forehead against Magnus’s. “Are you okay?”
“I was scared,” Magnus admitted. “I almost lost you.”
Alec ran a hand through Magnus’s hair. “It’s all okay now.”
And really, Magnus should be the one telling that to him. “I didn’t know if I’d get to keep you.”
“You mean when that fucked-up dog thing almost ripped off my arm?”
“No,” Magnus said, “when you found out what I was.”
Alec pulled back so he could look Magnus in the eye, concerned. “You really thought I would just leave?”
“It’s not exactly a normal thing to ask someone to deal with in a relationship, Alexander. I thought you’d be scared, or overwhelmed.”
“Scared of you? Never. You’re like the kindest, gentlest person I’ve ever met.”
“A kind, gentle person who just disintegrated a demon with one blow,” Magnus pointed out.
“So a soft-hearted badass, then. What’s not to love?” As soon as he said it, he stilled, then closed his eyes and said, softly, “fuck.”
Magnus swallowed hard. He’d known, he must have known that Alec hadn’t meant it last night, but he’d allowed himself to hope—
“I didn’t mean to say that this early,” Alec said.
Magnus looked up at him, hope fluttering anew in his chest. “You said it last night,” he said quietly, “though you were quite delirious at the time. It’s alright, you can take it back—”
“No! Magnus—” Alec reached out to cup his face. “I don’t wanna take it back. I just didn’t want to overwhelm you.”
Didn’t Alec understand that he did overwhelm Magnus, but in the best way? When Alec touched him he felt like he was burning from the inside out, like he was aglow, like his soul had finally found the place where it was meant to curl up and be protected.
“I love you,” Alec said again, “so much.”
“I love you, too,” Magnus said, the truth of it settling warmly in his chest like a missing piece.
Alec looked hesitant. “You don’t have to say it just because—”
Magnus couldn’t have this. “Please look,” he interrupted, opening a palm between them and letting blue flames dance there again. “My magic has been quiet for a very long time. But when you grabbed my hand in that alley, well. It came back to life.”
“You mean—”
“It responds to you. I respond to you. This,” he let the flames flare brighter, “is because of you.” Magnus sighed, watching Alec become enraptured by the glow of the magic. “I feel that… I am these flames, and you are my hand. You hold me, and I come alive again.”
Alec’s head jerked back up to look at him. “Magnus.”
Magnus closed his fingers over the flames. Maybe, this time, he would ask for touch. “Will you hold me?”
Alec folded him in his arms, pulling Magnus’s head to his shoulder. Magnus breathed him in, the last vestiges of fear in his system finally fading away.
“Always,” Alec was saying into his hair, “always.”
Magnus just stayed still, relishing in the warmth, in how their relationship had fundamentally changed, but also, hadn’t at all.
“You know,” Alec said after a while. “This is kind of weird. Not in a bad way! I just mean… we haven’t even had sex yet.”
Magnus’s laugh was startled out of him. “Well,” he said, leaning back from Alec, “you haven’t asked.”
Alec stared at him. “Does that mean what I think it means?”
Magnus just winked.
Alec collapsed dramatically back onto the couch. “Magnus, come on.”
“You have no one to blame but yourself, darling.”
“I was trying to go slow, for you! I assumed—”
“Never assume. It makes an—”
“Please, for the love of god, don’t say it.”
Magnus grinned at him, thoroughly enjoying watching his normally put-together boyfriend unravel like this.
“You know, you could have said something,” Alec said.
Magnus shrugged. “I was rather enjoying all the longing glances, the lingering touches, who was I to—”
He was cut off as Alec lunged forward to kiss him, a messy kiss, all tongue and heat that curled down into Magnus’s belly.
“What do you say,” Alec murmured into his mouth, the rumble of his voice sending a spark down Magnus’s spine, “we go remedy this situation immediately.”
Magnus couldn’t deny that, as much as he’d enjoyed letting the tension build between them, he’d also been craving this release. He buried a hand in Alec’s hair and pulled, feeling Alec jolt against him at the touch.
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, my love.”
Alec stood, tugging Magnus to his feet and backing him towards the bedroom. “So does this, uh…” he waved a hand in an approximation of Magnus’s magic, “have any, uh… benefits?”
Magnus feigned ignorance, frowning. “Benefits?”
“You know what I mean.”
Magnus trailed a finger down Alec’s chest and zapped him with a little burst of magic. Alec jumped.
Magnus grinned up at him, stomach fluttering at how Alec’s eyes darkened. “Guess you’ll have to find out, won’t you?”
And then Alec was kissing him again, and Magnus’s eyes were closing as he let Alec’s hands, gentle and reverent and blisteringly hot, guide him into the bedroom and down onto the bed, and it was terrifying, how his whole being rose and caved to one person’s touch, but after so long holding back, it also felt like the most beautiful relief.
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bxstiae · 4 years
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[ @wildshero​​​ / —–  PLOTS  ]   A C C E P T I N G !
plots please
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im probably gonna go all over the place but lets go.
1. twil and wild’s first meeting though. like honestly? I would love to see that interaction. just wild messing around with the slate. and then?? suddenly??? a wild twilight appears? GOD. honestly though. i have my own headcanon about the sheikah slate and how it summons twilight. but honestly? i would also like to mess around with it too? like what are your thoughts about it? does wild summon him? or do you have other theories about it? honestly there are so many ways to bounce this around but still. I can imagine wild just being like ‘oh shit oh shit oh shit.’ and twilight is just a big ‘UUUUUGGGGHHHH.....’ but still. I’m sure that first interaction/meeting is definitely a crazy one for sure. and you know what? imagine the interactions after that too?? like. im not sure how you would take it. but i know twi would have mixed feelings with wild at first.
2. okay but.... twilight.... getting super PROTECTIVE with wild. like full on big brother/dad mode. be as a beast or as his normal/true forme. twilight just taking care of wild or genuinely looking out for him. no. he doesn’t baby him. but yea. he stays awake when wild is sleeping ( that whole, keep one eye open is literally what he does ). He watches out for wild in ways that kind of go a little unnoticed. He’s always looking out for his incarnation. really though. he treats him like a pack member. 
2B. speaking of pack member. i just want to say that wild may think he’s in charge and he’s the alpha. but naw. twilight is the alpha. well im pretty sure. they are both really stubborn. but really. twi has very much a lone wolf/alpha mentality so he WILL not submit to wild. you really cannot make him. aside from the few commands like sit/stay/etc. wild has absolutely no control over him. the more interactions he has with twi, the more he will realise that he is NOT in control. Twilight does tend to give in just a little though. because in the end, he just wants to make sure that wild is safe and okay. like after all. this is wild’s journey, not twilight’s. but that doesn’t mean that wild is in charge of twilight. Twi is his companion and a friend, but NOT a servant or soldier for wild.
3. *cracks knuckles* angst time babie. cause you know. i love me some angst. I am angst king. anyway. Twilight.... getting SEVERELY injured because wild.... got a bit too careless. so twilight like pushing wild out of the way or something... and like straight up ALMOST DYING. or even dying. lets do that too. and you know... since twilight has always been SUPER adamant of always keeping a fairy on hand, the fairy saves him. but STILL. definitely wounded to a point where like a simple healing potion is going to fix it. by the gods, the way twilight heals is NOT at all how wild heals. for twilight. it takes TIME. and this right here? is probably gonna take A LEAST a week. and a majority of the time? he’s probably unconscious. some other times? twilight waking up and only hurting himself more cause well if he did die and got brought back via fairy -- he still remembers his death. so yea. twilight panicking and freaking out. that’s fun right? and even when he’s healed.. its like. he’s very..... SLOW... and who knows. maybe he’s a little resentful towards wild. maybe. i mean after all. maybe wild didn’t listen to him. him not listening almost or DID cost him his life. wild never seems to listen. or wild just seems to tunnel vision cause ‘he just wants to do it right the second’ but by trying to do it right, he seems to forget. maybe wild hyperfocuses. idk. but whatever the reason.... that can cause a rift.
3B. twilight is bitter towards wild for a little bit. doesn’t talk to him. doesn’t look at him or his direction. straight up refuses to acknowledge him for the most part. like this is after he’s healed up. twilight doesn’t d anything with wild. doesn’t listen to him. doesn’t give him anything or any advise. doesn’t help him. he literally is doing NOTHING but following him around. maybe at some point he just vanishes. idk. well vanishes enough to not be in wild’s sight. but close enough to not be TOO far from the slate. even then. maybe he just... goes home. he straight up walks far enough away that he goes back to his own world. idk. but you know twilight is really fucking mad at wild. why? cause wild was careless. this has nothing to do with twilight getting hurt/dying. no. it was wild was careless. honestly this itself could be its own thing cause dkjsahd yea...
3C. okay but also... imma also suggest... what it.... wild somehow.... manages to use mipha’s grace.... to.... save/heal twilight somehow. like straight up... even to the pint where there is no sign of scarring. like idk how you hc it. but if like... it was something where part of mipha’s ghost was with wild so maybe she was guiding him. or if it was just the ability idk. but like?? still wild just getting some senses or idea to use the grace on twi just to save him. and it actually working??? granted. twi probably still gonna be knocked unconscious for a hot minute and you cant take away those memories so twilight is gonna remember the death. and he’ll have the phantom pains but still...
3D. okay but also.... twilight getting so severely injured that... he... mistakes wild for time. or sometimes forgets that he’s not at HIS home but he is in wild’s world. like not full on amnesia. but at the same time he doesn’t realise whats going on. he’s mixing memories up and forgetting other memories. so just him straight up having moment of panic or him reaching for the master sword cause he’s forgetting that it’s wild’s turn. like he’s forgetting stuff. him grabbing a bow and aiming the arrow at wild cause he STRAIGHT up forgets who wild is for a moment. cause well. he’s messed up and broken. he’s a broken hero. struggling with ptsd and sometimes reliving his past. i mean i can go on. and on. and on. about this cause. straight up. recovering from a bad injury like that is hard. but yea... anyway. i hope you like some of these. 
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tricks-up-my-sleeve · 6 years
((okay so spoilers for s8 ep 18 aka on the road to friendship under the cut w/ a bunch of spoiler tags just in case))
So uhhh this episode was everything I wanted? A lot of it’s subtle things, but, I’m ghkjlhgfd I’m not crying you are. I don’t do horse analysis or reviews or anything like that I grew tired of those types of things ages ago bc it personally gets to a point where it sucks out the fun for me but I’m just gonna make bullet points of all of my thoughts. Mainly involving Trixie and how this episode ties into my portrayal of her. Probably others too, though.
The little magic show at the beginning? Wonderful. I love these two performing together.. and together in general. Twi & Caddy even agree on how they’re such a good duo.
Speaking of which, Twi complimenting Trixie with a huge smile? HERE. FOR. IT.
Flurry Heart watching the show was adorable. Also the inclusion of Granny Smith was of course great.
“Doing a show with you is almost as much fun as counseling students at Twilight’s school.” Almost? I’m disappointed. It’s not the first time I’ll be disappointed in Glim this episode, but we’ll get there. She’s still loved.. but it gets rough.
Loved how Hoo’far called Trixie “Miss Powerful” and her reaction to it. Just cute and silly.
TRIXIE’S. LOVE. FOR. HER. WAGON. I didn’t expect this to be a big plot point in the ep or really ever brought up, but I was so thrilled because that’s always been a small part of my Trixie. She loves her wagon. It may be small and cramped (and also, it apparently has a pretty fucked up doorknob) but it has sentimental value. It means a lot to her. I loved this so much. Not once did she stop and consider trading it for something that a lot would look at and assume was superior.
Moonwalking Trixie.
Trixie bringing up how traveling gets pretty lonely a few times in this ep. Pretty much something that’s easy to guess or assume, but that’s also something my Trixie hasn’t been too shy of admitting, either.
Trixie!!! Levitating!!! Herself!!! She obviously learned that from Starlight. Although we didn’t see it much, I’m so fucking thrilled that we see that Trixie’s been improving her magic. An issue I had with To Change A Changeling (which is just a nitpick) is that they really don’t bring that up. Personally, ever since All Bottled Up, I’ve definitely been convinced that Trixie actually has strong potential for magic, given the right teacher. Glim Glam succeeds there. I could go more into detail to why I think this is but I’ll spare you.
Trixie on the couch in Starlight’s office. I don’t even have to say anything. Just perfect.
I love how Trixie painstakingly made room for the both of them in the wagon. To it’s credit, looking at it paused, it at least isn’t as small on the inside as it is the outside. It has an entire cannon in there. It seemed like she set up two beds for them? Perhaps at least one of them was makeshift? It’s hard to tell, since Star brought stuff and then she set up hammocks. It did look slightly cozier in there before the extra luggage, though. What I guess I’m getting at, is that although it’s a tight squeeze, it’s good to see that it can at least fit two ponies, although it’s not entirely ideal. 
Seeing the inside of the wagon’s been a thing I’ve wanted for ages. I could sit and look at every little thing in there and just smile for a while. Super cute.
Trixie really is sweet and considerate, you know. Seriously. Asking if Starlight is sure she doesn’t want to ride instead of walking with her, and giving her more than one chance to back out on the trip if she wants to.
THE SONG. Tell me I’m biased, I don’t care. This is my favorite horse song. I’ve waited patiently for pony Trix to sing... and it’s just.. all so fucking cute. Too much to take in.
More of Trixie’s magic shown in her shielding Starlight. Love it.
“For untold seasons yet to come, our friendship will be here!” “For nine, at least.” FUCKING. WOW. That’s clever but it also hurt my heart. Especially since my favorite friendship duo has only known each other for three of those seasons thus far, and ultimately it’ll only be four. Too soon, Glimmy.
Trixie talking about how she learned the hard way about life on the road and saving bits and all that. I like that. It shows her more mature side, and that she’s a little street smart from experience. Usually she’s kinda shown as less mature than Starlight, and this episode shows the flip side, which I really like.
I love how she’s adamant on buying hay cakes (Haycakes? They’ve used the word pancake before, though. What’s the difference?) from her preferred stand. Like.. me too, Trix. Clearly there’s a higher quality in the line that’s actually got ponies in it.
This is where Trixie and Starlight really start to argue like a married couple. Here I thought Applejack and Rainbow Dash took the prize for that. This is so domestic tho.
The first argument, at least, is short lived. I really liked that. Trixie sighs, presumably not wanting to push farther to where she hurts Starlight’s feelings. Love how she says “No, of course not.” and continues to apologize for getting snippy. She’s really improved on being.. to put it lightly, less bitchy. It’s what I love about watching her, and while To Change A Changeling was hilarious, that was my other nitpick. She had an attitude almost the entire time.. but it was funny, and I wouldn’t go as far as to call it OOC, so I wasn’t mad. The reason Trixie appeals to me so much is that she’s definitely a much nicer pony, but she’s still her. She hasn’t seemingly changed overnight from the first time we saw her, but she’s definitely made an effort. She’s quite the sweetheart when she wants to be.
I love how Trixie states that it’s taken her years to collect all of her magical items. I just think it’s neat. Also, rightfully getting offended when her stuff is called junk.
Coward Trixie returns. This is definitely me looking too deep into it but personally I’d like to think that yeah, after the Ursa event, I’d be scared of animals outside, too.
Starlight snoring and Trixie outright performing in her sleep. Lmfao. I’ve said this like fifteen times already about other things but I love it.
I relate to these tired and grumpy girls, but even I would have made sure to save some food / juice for my pal. Well.. maybe the juice was definitely out of spite. Wish I could scold her, but I would’ve done the same thing.
The grouchy magic show hurt me to watch. It was still funny though. Again, definitely arguing like a married couple. Two tired, angry friends trying to work together is just never gonna turn out right.
I love their voices in the “Practice makes perfect.” “Not today it didn’t.” exchange. So sassy. So higher pitched. Those faces, too. Lol.
Starlight throwing all of Trixie’s shit out followed by Trix yelling “You can HAVE IT ALL!” Oof. Almost like I’m watching a breakup right before my very eyes. Also the way she runs off. These poor hopeless gays.
STARLIGHT GLIMMER CONFIRMED WORST GIRLFRIEND. I’mjustkidding. Naturally I saw this coming from a mile away, but still. Wow. Ouch. I do like though how it seems to be consistent that she can be defensive of her bad decisions. Not really realizing that what she’s doing is wrong.
TRIXIE FREAKING OUT, THEN BEING BROUGHT TO TEARS BECAUSE STARLIGHT TRADED HER WAGON. This hurt me more than you could imagine, but what hurt me even more is that Starlight didn’t even flinch, and was completely insensitive about it for a while. Yikes. I already went into how much I love Trixie’s attachment to her wagon, but this killed me.
Also, pretty sure that selling or trading somebody else’s stuff is illegal, Star. Trixie shouldn’t have beef with Hoo’far. She should just be planning a lawsuit against Glimmer instead.
Am I just crazy or stupid? When Trixie tells Starlight that at least the wagon wouldn’t have traded her away, I was like, yEAH, you’re valid. Tell her. It made total sense to me. Then Starlight just responds with “That’s ridiculous.” Like?? It wasn’t to me? I sound silly now bc I get the joke, it’s an inanimate object, but what I’m trying to get at is that Trixie was pretty much trying to say that if Starlight really was her best friend she wouldn’t have done that.
I love how Trixie doesn’t accept the flattery from Hoo’far like she normally would bc she’s real pissed. To be fair, though, it’s really not his fault. I mean.. okay, a little, considering he should have known that it didn’t belong to Starlight, and that the trade needed to be given the okay by Trixie. He’s not a bad guy, though.
Starlight finds out that you win some and you lose some with the bigger caravan. Also, I love how she didn’t realize how fucked up stuff was when she was with Trixie and having a good time. Her regret sinking in seems about right. You can see her start to miss her.
“Sometimes travelling together is hard.” “But you reminded us that you can also make it fun!” Definite lesson that these two needed. Obviously Starlight was breaking before hearing that, but those big sad eyes she gets after. Regret.
“What are you two doing?” “Taking a stand! By lying down!” Lmao. Never change, Trixie.
“Best friends who share a deep bond but weren’t prepared for the emotional challenges of traveling.” Oh, definitely. Really feel like their first trip should have been a short one. Possibly with more planning ahead of time.
Best. Friendship. Chant.
“Only true friends would be willing to act so ridiculous for one another.” Aww. True.
“At a certain point, I don’t even like travelling with myself.” Line I really liked. Also Starlight saying that it’s harder than she thought.
Despite their exchange about knowing not to do it again, eh, still not wanting to completely rule out the thought of them travelling together in the future. Like I said, with more precautions taken, pretty sure they could’ve been just fine. Mainly reserving a room at an inn, since the big issue really just seemed to be them getting crabby sleeping in the wagon. Would’ve preferred it if it kinda gave that lesson and had Trixie say that they’ll know how to handle it next time, with both of them saying yeah, but let’s not make that anytime soon.
Trixie and Starlight almost killed an old man.
That’s it, if anyone even read through all of that. Can’t really say much more. This may or may not be my favorite Trixie episode. I’ll have to give it some time, but I loved almost everything about it. (No Second Prances is my current favorite I suppose, due to it also validating a lot of how I viewed Trixie at the time, and still do.)
Like I said.. it’s just really refreshing to see her take on a more mature stance than Starlight for the most part, since other episodes usually show the exact opposite. Not that Starlight is incredibly mature in her own right, but she does usually take that role when it comes to her dynamic with Trixie. I love any chance we get to see Trixie, but in episodes like To Change A Changeling, sometimes I worry that they don’t give her enough credit. She’s not a complete incompetent bitch, and to be fair, I don’t think she ever really has been. I won’t go into how I personally view her flaws, though. Guess that could be another post.
Until next time. Hopefully there is another next time. Starlight’s line in the song about nine seasons still has me all fucked up and I need help. Maybe one day I could go back and do these for past Trix episodes.
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gludgenbell · 4 years
Happy NaNoWriMo Guys!
Day 1: I'm Not Okay
-Ashryver's fingers curled as they stared at the trio. Their mind raced with thoughts and arguments, but in the end, they could only nod and smile.
-"You go by yourselves, I'm sure you'll all enjoy your time!" It was happening again. Why could they never have anything for themselves?
-"Are you sure?" Lynander reached to stroke their cheek. "I don't want you being alone."
-Instinctively, they stepped out of his reach. Guilt panged in their chest when they saw him frown, but it was too late to step into his touch now, so they looked away.
-"I'll be with Twi, I'm sure everything will be just fine." But even as they said it, the words were strained. They were surprised and disappointed that no one could hear it. "Go have your fun, and when you get back, tell me all about it!"
-Margarett wrapped an arm around Lynander's, Ashryver hissed. "Yeah, Lyn!" The elf giggled. "Come on!"
-Lynander passed one more regretful look to Ashryver as he was pulled away.
-At least he cared.
-No sooner had everyone been out of sight Ashryver's claws started digging into their chest. Tears threatened to fall, and they began to shake.
-The sound of bongos cut through their griefing, they followed it all the way back to camp, where Twi was.
-The man was somewhat of a mystery to Ashryver. He was a criminal, an outlaw, a pirate who sold illegal cargo.
-And yet, he was the nicest person Ashryver had ever come across.
-They made sure to burn the tears away, monitoring their body heat as they approached the pirate man.
-He was missing an arm, and a leg, replaced with robotic pieces. Ashryver never asked, not because they didn't care, but because they didn't know how to.
-They sat on a long across of him from the green fire. Much like the man, his hometown was a mystery. Green fire, white grass.... though, the blue trees, and pink sky were familiar. Much like on their home.
-"Why aren't you adventuring with everyone else?" Ashryver inquired, not because they wanted to be alone, but because they were genuinely curious.
-He shrugged, the bells on his wrists jingling in a pretty sort of way. "Didn't feel like it."
-Ashryver frowned, sighing as they listened to the strange music.
-"This song is missing something," He mused. "Don't you think? In the tent there's some instruments, go ahead and play one."
-Ashryver frowned. "But, I can't..." He had returned to playing, eyes closed and mind somewhere far away.
-Ashryver sighed, pulling open the flaps of the bright pink tent.
-A handful of strange instruments were strewn across the floor, quite messily, but the one that stood out to Ashryver was the one that looked... something like a harp.
-It obviously wasn't, the strings were stiff and hard, Ashryver only managed to pick at it with tweezers.
-Ashryver couldn't help but smile at themself, recognizing the creation. It was a faere instrument that high lords and ladies played.
-Actually, Ashryver's mother used to play one.
-Ashryver returned it to Twi, sitting across of the strange pirate, and hesitantly picking the strings
-"Jealousy is a feeble thing, but everyone experiences it at some point," Twi mumbled. "I like to think it's one of the things that connect us."
-Ashryver paused, staring at Twi. Were they that obvious?
-Twi just smiled. "Having insecurities about yourself is normal, too. It's what makes people do what they do," He shook hid wrists. "Acalla, my wife, is insecure about her looks."
-So that was why he reminded her consistantly and constantly that she was beautiful. Ashryver squinted, daring him to tell then that they were not alone, daring him to even attempt to reassure them.
-He chuckled. "I just wanted to tell you, that it's okay to cry."
-Ashryver huffed. It was not okay to cry. Crying was a thing that children did, and children were disgusting and revolting and hated by her third father and trainer Floren.
-"Crying is for babies."
-Twi tilted his head. "I cry, do you think I am a baby?"
-Ashryver frowned. "No, but... strong men don't cry."
-"Strong men are strong, but strength comes through being open to your emotions."
-It sounded like something their mother would say, and they sighed. "I suppose..."
-"Are you okay?" It was a bit of a random question, given this was the middle of their conversation.
-Ashryver took a deep breath, trying not to let their insecurities overwhelm them again.
-Two voices fought in their head. One, adamant about the notion that crying was for children, and that acting like a child ended in pain.
-The other, murmuring that it was OK to cry.
-For the first time in their shitty life, the second voice won.
-The tears pricked and gathered at the corners of Ashryver's eyes, instinctively, they raised their body heat, trying to stop the tears before they were noticed.
-But Twi offered a patient smile, returning to the calm serene of his music.
-The clouds offered fat raindrops, somehow missing the fire completely.
-Ashryver suspected it was that hot that neither rain nor tear could bypass it.
-And in a way, Ashryver was the fire, unallowing to any sign of weakness.
-Ashryver hung their head, trembling as the tears, and the mental war returned.
-They shakily picked at the strings of their instrument, finding the melody with Twi.
-It didn't sound very happy, in fact it sounded remorseful, depressing, but calm and soothing at the same time.
-What with the raindrops that only assisted the music, and the steady fire crackle, and the tears that freely fell, Ashryver finally answered the question.
-"I'm not okay."
-Lynander was excited to get back to the camp and tell Ashryver everything he had done.
-He smiled and joked with Jaquil that the rain will turn into candy with how their day was going, he bounced and answered most of Bug's questions, he ran in circles with Margarett, and he pretended to be as stoic as Acalla, gaining a laugh from her.
-His day had been absolutely perfect so far! Save for the fact that, his favourite shapeshifter had not been apart of it.
-The small group slowed as music reached their ears. It was an odd sound, but they followed it to camp anyhow.
-The surprise came when Lynander stumbled upon Ashryver picking the strings of a strange instrument with tweezers, their two toned voice ringing out in an eerie sort of way.
-They looked calm, peaceful.
-Twi smiled at the group, bringing a finger to his lips as he kept turned to Ashryver, singing in a soft, low voice.
-Their words clashed, Ashryver's constant 'I'm not Okay,' and Twi's 'You're Not Alone.'
-At some point, the words mixed.
-The now constant "I'm not alone, I'm not alone." was soft, soothing, and somewhat optimistic.
-Ashryver lifted their head, and Lynander noticed the black streak marks coming from their eyes.
-Their purple gaze narrowed, seeing Lynander's arm linked with Margarett's. They glanced at Twi, who offered a warm smile.
-"Welcome back," They greeted, standing. There was a nervousness in their aura that confused Lynander.
-An extended hand, yanked back, replaced with hesitant open arms.
-Lynander smiled, stepping forward, and simply resting his head on their shoulder.
-"It seems you spent quality time with Twi," He chuckled. Ashryver grunted.
-Lynander buried his face in the crook of their neck. "Can we spend quality time together, too?"
-It sounded more like a whine than a question, and Ashryver couldn't help but laugh, petting his head. "Of course."
This year for Nanowrimo I'm not committing myself to writing another story, instead I'm going to be writing scenes, each inspired by different songs
This one in particular came to mind when I was listening to Corpse Husband's song Agoraphobic
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