#a massive softie
shyrule · 2 years
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emloafs · 1 month
thinking about if hawk really doesn't go to MIT, but demetri does:
demetri's college friends have been listening to demetri go on and on about his boyfriend eli who's like a mathematical genuis, and the biggest nerd on the planet, and a huge softie, and they were childhood best friends before the started dating, blah, blah, blah.
and then when demetri's boyfriend comes to visit for the first time and they see hawk they're completely dumbfounded. they take in his mohawk and his clothes and his entire stature and they're like who the fuck is this guy? what happened to eli?
and demetri is like wdym this is eli obviously
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imagine-darksiders · 2 years
Out of the horsemen and makers, who would you want to be your significant other?
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Someone very specific springs to mind.
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cosmicwhoreo · 2 years
First of all, love your art, it is very fren shaped. And second, this is obviously non obligatory, but do you think you could draw Dedede being nice to Vespaa 1 time? Just kinda want to see him be a good boss as repayment for her efforts. (rip Vespaa btw she tries) Again tis just a request. And with that I wish you a wonderful Day and or Night!
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Also we get to see a VERY rare instance of Vezzpa being tolerant of the King! She could teach kirby how to write, so what makes this grown bird any different? They at least managed to teach him what 2+2 was...
Maybe this could be during like a Re-dede-demption arc where his majesty finally takes a step back to look at his closest workers and sees how much they dealt with from him just to keep him happy and/or to keep the kingdom afloat and wants to try and make it up to them. Granted, he still messes up; but he's well-meaning just like when he tried sticking up against N.M.E in the last episode by chewing them out over the phone (only to give away their position, but he meant well...)
Because now, at least he's trying to do better.
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
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volturissideslut · 1 year
A snippet from the new fic in working on:
The man simply nodded, too entranced by her to even notice or ask, and the game continued silently. He had no idea what to say, distracted by her ethereal beauty. Her voice echoed in his head like a symphony and in his divergence he had forgotten how to play. How embarrassing that a man who had lived for over three millennia was losing a game of strategy to a mortal woman who hadn't played since she was a young girl, but it simply could not be helped. He would lose a thousand times over if it meant he could stay near her for just a minute longer - no matter how damaging to his pride it may be. And he could certainly lose a million times over just to see the grin she had when she realised she had won again.
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rexcantread · 1 year
So I might have made another au…. I’m experimenting with names and have decided on Never Lose Sight.
So here’s my Donnie, he’s blind and a big softie
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More coming soon about the au
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catboynutsack · 5 months
me: heh yeah I'm tough as hell...... I'm punk as hell........... I don't go with the grind........... I do drugs............ heh...........
also me: *sniffling and holding back tears bc I forgot to pay for a $2 spike (mlp) plushie at the thrift shop and accidentally stole it and I feel bad*
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oozeandgoo-art · 1 year
Another cowboy - Texco! To fill a hole in the group we found XD gotta have a new giant bottom
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originalzin · 2 years
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Now's as good a time as any to remind everybody that I have a terrible stone cold possum girl sonic OC and she's never had an emotion in her life.* Also she keeps collecting birds. *She will cry if you're nice to her 😌
Tulip the parrot is her roommate and the oc of my little sister, @nobodytheelf Cassidy is her frenemy to lover and is the oc of my partner, @primroseimpropr
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zareleonis · 2 years
It hadn't taken Yaz long to notice that it was never completely quiet on the TARDIS. No, it was never that, not even when nobody was dashing around being excited. Even at the quietest moments, there was always a faint hum, reminding you that the ship was alive, sort of (she certainly wouldn't chance saying it wasn't alive, and certainly not when the TARDIS could hear) and that at any moment, something wonderful and marvellous and quite probably madly dangerous might suddenly start happening. And Yaz loved it, loved every single second of it. The marvellous travelling, the wondrous marvels, and the marvellous wonders. And the danger: yes, she would have to admit she liked that too. It was one of the reasons that she'd picked her career. Not because she thired on danger, or got a kick from taking risks. Those people didn't get far. No, Yaz was the kind of person who stayed cool when other people panicked. That made her feel useful, helpful, and in control. Yaz knew that when things were going wrong, she was the kind of person who could make a difference. What her time on the TARDIS was teaching her was on what scale she could make that difference. She spent her "off-duty" time, as she sometimes thought of it, wandering this amazing ship: exploring, checking for exits (Yaz was practical and sensible too), and trying to understand something of the nature of her new digs, eventually, she would come back to the console room, and there, inevitably, she would find the Doctor, this most wonderful and marvellous of all the wonders and marvels that Yaz had recently seen; this incredible traveller and adventurer; source of fun; force for good; friend and mentor. Yaz had wondered a couple of times what she would do when her time with the Doctor was over. Would she be able to go back to her job, her old life? Would anything ever seem as brilliant and exciting again? She would put these thoughts aside. Time to worry later about the future. For now, enjoy the present — or whatever time it was when the TARDIS happened to land. Coming into the console room, Yaz found the Doctor all by herself. She was unusually quiet too—for the Doctor—but still plainly busy. The Doctor was gripping the console with both hands, murmuring something… Coordinates? Some new language? A Recipe? A spell? French verbs? You never quite knew. But there was alwasy something. Yaz got the feeling that the Doctor didn't rest—not really—and that her mind was always ticking away, absorbing some new piece of information. Learning, discovering, connecting, thinking… Yaz, watching her, thought, I want to be like that… The Doctor saw her and smiled.
Doctor Who: Molten Heart by Una McCormack
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
kicking my feet & twirling my hair thinking abt galen
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the-blazing-light · 1 year
Since you're taking notes, it's my turn uwu; what are some of Arengar's biggest kinks? What's he like to do in the bedroom? (@commanderhorncleaver)
jdsfjhg thank you for the ask!
so Arengar is honestly a massive service kinda guy, he just wants his partner to be happy and to give to them, and while he won't say no to being the one to lay down and have all the attention on him, his default is definitely trying to give to his partner, to take good care of them.
While he can be quite soft and caring like that, being a blood charr who slept with plenty of other blood soldiers, things are bound to get rowdy between 'em sometimes, and Arengar enjoys some rough play: to bite, to scratch, to leave marks or get some himself, it's all in good fun for him. When he was younger and had frequent hook-ups he'd more often than not have some bite marks and scratches over his body that he was plenty happy to show off.
He also really likes his tail being interacted with in bed, grab him by his tail or pull on it, run your hand over the base of his tail and that man's gonna purr. In a similar vein, he also really enjoys his partners' grabbing him by his horns during sex, it's a nice point of contact that he enjoys a lot.
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Obsessed with the fact that Totoro is a troll and looks like that.
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bri-to-the-future · 1 year
Whoops, forgot to post this one here yesteray!
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prozacthewizard · 1 year
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"angel" in a british accent
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