#twilight princess manga beloved
shyrule · 2 years
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honestly going into the twilight princess manga nobody ever told me it was gonna be shoujo as hell and that Link and Midna's relationship would be very clearly sub/dom dynamic. Or that there would be massive amounts of Link whump. Or that Zelda and Ganondorf would have their own humanized version of the Hylia vs. Demise rivalry. The ending where Link rides into the sunset following the Hero's Shade that is simultaneously sweet, nostalgic, sad, and all around ambiguous?
People were saying it was good, didn't expect it to be good and catered to me personally that's what I'm saying.
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legendary-pancakes · 2 years
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Linktober 2022: Day 22 - NPC
idk man I just wish she was more plot relevant :T
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 19 days
How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise react to having Hanahaki Disease?
For those Who Don't Know: Hanahaki disease is a fictional trope that appears in fanfiction, manga, and literature. It involves a character suffering from unrequited love and developing flowers in their throat and lungs. The character may cough up or vomit flower petals as a symptom of the disease. The disease can be cured in two ways: The beloved returns the feelings: If the character's love is reciprocated, the flowers will disappear. Surgery: The flowers can be surgically removed from the lungs, but the character will also lose their romantic feelings. If the flowers are still alive and growing, the surgeon may need to open the character's chest to remove them. There's no guarantee that the flowers won't grow back, and the character may never be able to love the person who gave them the disease again
Here's how each Ganondorf and Demise might react to Hanahaki Disease and the decisions they would make:
Ganondorf (Wind Waker)
Thoughts & Reactions: Wind Waker Ganondorf, with his complex and contemplative nature, might initially struggle with the disease. He would likely be both frustrated and pained by his unrequited love, seeing it as a weakness that he can't afford. His pride would make him reluctant to admit his feelings, but the discomfort of the disease might eventually push him toward confession, especially if he sees a chance to resolve the situation without compromising his pride.
Small Scene: Ganondorf stands alone in a dimly lit chamber, struggling to suppress the coughs that threaten to choke him. The vibrant petals that escape his lips betray his secret, and he clenches his fists in frustration.
When his beloved approaches, noticing his distress, he meets their gaze with a pained expression. “I have… I have something to confess,” he begins, his voice strained. “This affliction I suffer from is not merely a physical ailment but a consequence of my unspoken feelings for you.”
He pauses, eyes locking with theirs. “I seek neither pity nor a cure. Only a chance to have my feelings known. If you cannot reciprocate them, I will bear this burden alone.”
Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
Thoughts & Reactions: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would find Hanahaki Disease particularly galling, viewing it as a vulnerability that undermines his control. His reaction would be a mix of anger and desperation. He might try to conceal the symptoms, reluctant to admit weakness, but if the disease worsens, he would be driven to confess his feelings, seeing it as a final attempt to control the situation before opting for surgery.
Small Scene: In the privacy of his chamber, Ganondorf coughs violently, petals scattering across the floor. The sight of the flowers only fuels his anger, and he paces restlessly until his beloved arrives.
“You must know by now,” he growls, “that this affliction plagues me because of my feelings for you. I have never been one to show weakness, but this... this torment cannot be hidden any longer.”
He meets their gaze with a fierce intensity. “I will not endure this suffering forever. Either you return my feelings, or I shall seek a cure—though I will be left empty without them.”
Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
Thoughts & Reactions: Twilight Princess Ganondorf, with his calculated and strategic mind, would view Hanahaki Disease as an obstacle to be dealt with efficiently. He might initially try to hide the symptoms, but if the disease becomes severe, he would weigh the options carefully. His preference would be to confess his feelings if he believes it could lead to a favorable outcome, but he would also be prepared to undergo surgery if necessary, viewing it as a tactical retreat.
Small Scene: Ganondorf stands on a balcony, the cool night air brushing against his face as he tries to calm the persistent cough. His beloved finds him there, the petals that fall from his lips making the situation clear.
“This affliction,” he begins, his voice steady despite the strain, “is the result of my unfulfilled desires. I have long hidden these feelings behind a mask of power.”
He turns to face them, eyes dark with determination. “If you do not return my feelings, I will resort to surgery. I cannot allow this weakness to compromise my position.”
Ganondorf (Hyrule Warriors)
Thoughts & Reactions: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, with his fierce and combative nature, would likely see Hanahaki Disease as an affront to his strength. His pride and warrior ethos would make him resistant to showing vulnerability. If the disease progresses, he might choose to confess his feelings out of a sense of honor or be forced into surgery if he cannot resolve the issue through confrontation.
Small Scene: Ganondorf is found in the training grounds, struggling to suppress a fit of coughing. His beloved, concerned by his condition, approaches him.
“You’ve noticed,” he says, his voice rough. “This sickness is a testament to my feelings for you—feelings that have been a weakness I’ve tried to deny.”
He meets their eyes, his expression a mixture of defiance and resignation. “I would rather face this affliction head-on than succumb to it. If you cannot return my feelings, I will endure the surgery, though it will mean losing this part of myself.”
Ganondorf (Tears of the Kingdom)
Thoughts & Reactions: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf, with his deep understanding of dark magic and curses, might approach Hanahaki Disease with a mix of fascination and frustration. He would see it as a personal challenge and a test of his power. If his beloved’s feelings are not forthcoming, he might be more inclined to opt for surgery, viewing it as a way to eliminate a weakness.
Small Scene: Ganondorf sits in a darkened room, petals falling from his mouth as he coughs. His beloved, having heard of his condition, approaches with concern.
“This disease,” he says, his voice low and filled with a strange mix of resignation and resolve, “is a manifestation of my desires. I have always viewed obstacles as opportunities.”
He looks up at them, a steely determination in his eyes. “If you cannot return my feelings, I will remove this affliction through surgery. I refuse to let it control me.”
Demise (Skyward Sword)
Thoughts & Reactions: Demise, with his embodiment of hatred and unyielding nature, would be infuriated by Hanahaki Disease. To him, it would be a sign of his failure to achieve his goals, and he would see it as a personal affront. He would likely be driven to either forcefully confess his feelings in a bid to resolve the issue or opt for surgery as a way to remove what he sees as a weakness.
Small Scene: Demise stands in his dark lair, the petals from his persistent cough forming a macabre trail. His beloved approaches, and he glares at them with intense frustration.
“This disease,” he growls, “is a result of my unfulfilled desires. It is an insult to my power and my will.”
He confronts them, his voice thunderous. “I demand that you either acknowledge my feelings or face the consequences of my resolve to eradicate this weakness through surgery. I will not be controlled by such a trivial affliction.”
Each character’s reaction reflects their personalities and priorities, with some leaning towards emotional confession and others viewing surgery as a means to regain control and power.
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fearlessdevil17 · 1 month
Redraw of old drawing from 2021
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Alright i caved.
I had the urge to draw something sad, so i went over to Zelda series to find something to draw there. because in case you didn't know, most of the Zelda games have such Bittersweet Endings. This franchise is an angst goldmine and i live for it.
Especially when you know the reason's. God i feel like crying already :'(
I would like to point out that Zelda has always had a huge impact on me, i think i was about 8 or 9 when i first discovered this amazing series. From being at a friends house and watching them play it, to having one of my own, Twilight Princess might have been my first ever adventure game. Every time i come back to visit this beloved franchise, it always remind's me as to why i love it so much. Even just thinking about the entire lore of and listening to the soundtracks makes me want to tear up. When i first picked up the Hyrule Historia book, i learned a lot as to where the stories from each game takes place and how they are connected. I remember being full on mind blown as i mostly focused on the Twilight Princess section as a kid, and discovered that the Golden Wolf you encounter in the game is none other then Link from Ocarina of Time.
And to this day, the Hero of Time's story still makes me bawl my eyes out, Especially when i relived that story back in 2020, & was quarantined. My Idol "MajorLink" posted his first episode of "A Hero's Purpose" at that time, and man, that was a roller coster of emotions for me. But my favourite part in that EP was when Link reunited with Skull Kid at least seven years after the event's of Majora's Mask, that part made me cry the most lol. A few weeks after the EP, It inspired me to make some artwork about the two forest dweller's, because i love their relationship, and how they parallel to one another. Link died with many regrets, and in order to ease them, he passes on his hidden skills to his descendent. While Skull kid carried his faults of when wearing Majora's Mask and sotted out to find redemption, and found it by becoming a Guardian of the Master Sword to honour his late friend. I always found it fun when encountering the two of them in Twilight Princess, and i wish they had an ending card in the credit's like the other NPC's.
But this drawing is what i can imagine tho.
Also upon hearing that EP 6 of "A Hero's Purpose" is nearly done gets me so excited, i honestly cannot wait to see what happens next :D
Here's the Old Version:
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I also wanted to share this from the Twilight Princess Manga because i screamed after reading this part. Poor Skull Kid, he waited so long for Link to come back to the Temple of Time, only to mistake the Hero of Twilight for his long time friend after seeing the Triforce mark.
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Like it really said "what are happy endings?" XD
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matherofdragons · 2 years
Spy x Family Musical
The musical was amazingly well done. From the set to the performance!
I saw 15.03.2023 13:00 musical starring: Hiroki Suzuki; Mirei Sasaki; Miharu Izawa and Tsubasa Takizawa as Loid, Yor, Anya and Yuri.
>Loid's reason to become a spy
>Operation Strix
>Adoption of Anya
>Mentioning the labs
>Anya getting kidnapped
>Anya getting rescued
>Anya passing the exam
>Yor talking about being unmarried
>Yor's call to Yuri and Garden
>Princess Lorraine or whatever
>Meeting Yor
>Party with Yor
>Moving in
>Going to the ooting
>Yuri and SSS appear
>We got an SSS song
>Act ends right before the big exam
Act 2
>Sylvia song
>Meeting Sylvia to talk about Anya's achievements, the tag was mentioned
>Eden interview
>The Baldie
>Cow fight
>Henderson had a song about Elegance
>The Interview itself
>BONDMAN appearance. Like real Bondoman and Princess Honey
>Yuri visits
>The kiss
>Then Fiona visits
>Then it shifted to the castle episode where Yor and Loid fought against one another
Actual Review
The Hall:
The hall was enormous, and my seat had a good view of the stage. It was very comfortable and it didn't feel as if you were sitting for a few hours because you were too focused on the musical itself. The hall was of course full of people raging from young to old. I even supported a small Anya cosplayer. She was "tots adorbs".
The Musical:
This was my first time going to a musical and I was excited. It was separated into two acts and the transitions were very organic.
The Set:
The set was amazing. From rotating buildings to actual screens that contributed to the set. The screens were used to introduce characters, and to show us the infamous animal scene from the beloved source material. They were also used to show us the spy dialogue between Loid and Fiona and to introduce Sylvia. Special mention goes to the one screen that popped up a few times with the face of Donovan Desmond. (He looked like an Italian Mafia Boss.)
ACT 1:
Act 1 started with the instruction of the Handler and Loid. I was instantly mesmerized by Handler's voice. Not only was it similar to the anime voice actress but also it was so melodic. Hander's voice stuck in my head. It was that good. After that, we got the song of Twilight. I would like to mention that we got the infamous rumble chair from the manga and small [Redacted]. Some of the chairs from the covers do appear in the musical like Yor's Red chair. It was a small detail but it really struck me how much they incorporated it into the musical. Suzuki-san played his Loid role so well that I thought it was Loid. And his singing voice was great. He has a rich and deep voice.
Here is where I want I want to talk about how they presented their inner thoughts. They used the lighting to paint a soft dark bluish light to the others and point the white projector to the one who was having an inner thought. Sometimes characters would even do weird actions that we perceive as things in their head.
After we were introduced to Loid we were shown how Operation Strixxx came into action. The iconic “You need to find a child in a few days” line was included. Unlike in the manga, the whole talk about Operation Strixxx was between Sylvia and Loid.
The scenes flowed really nicely into one another. After that, we had a song about how Anya and Loid met one another. Anya’s actress was adorable. She captivated the character well in speech and mannerisms. She was neutral on the stage.
When Anya got kidnapped I liked how Loid’s disguise was played by another actor but we saw Loid next to him which indicated we saw his brain process too.
Also, a cute moment happened when Anya was singing about herself, about things she liked and disliked and then she said: And my favourite thing…chichi. It was so cute I could melt.
It was interesting that Eden got its song performed by Sylvia and Henderson. Their voices matched well. 95% was just singing and dancing and it was glorious.
After Anya’s successful exam, we sadly didn’t see Kento Kinouchi become a Female Franky but we saw how Franky was becoming a good uncle. When Loid went to get the stolen papers about the single females after he left Franky kicked the chair in annoyance and it was one of the funniest things I have seen. Kento brought the character to life. Goated performance.
One of the cutest scenes in this arc was Loid passing out after seeing that Anya passed and instead of laying on the ground, we saw him laying on the sofa as the scene moved flawlessly to the mailman coming and realizing Anya has no mama.
Yor appeared before the meeting of course. Kudos to the actresses playing the Horrible trio, this is the 3rd dimension where I don’t like those characters (actresses did great). There was a nice scene of Yor calling Yuri and we saw him striking his head out of the window (RED CHAIR APPEARANCE).
Yor meeting Anya and Loid was magical. The singing, the lil gremlin pulling the strings, the background music. I loved it.
They managed to combine the fighting scene with the party well. I like that we even got to see the car, even though it blinded me.
The proposal was perfect too. I like how the Hermes Bag Yor has made an appearance and after the party, Loid took Yor’s coat and then carried her bag. Precious.
The “ooting” scenes were so well made too. You could feel Loid’s desperation in his voice. Granny came to the rescue tho when she called them a “Wonderful family”.
After that, we had a wonderful song about the SSS. While they were singing about protecting their county, Yuri was singing about the fact that his sister didn’t tell him about her marriage. The song was kino tho.
Act 1 ends before the big interview.
ACT 2:
Act 2 started with a Sylvia song. I stan. Her voice is amazing and we need more Handler songs. We were introduced to the scene with Sylvia’s new jacket and Loid telling her about Anya’a achievements. The execution was on par with the anime.
The highlight of this act was the Eden Interview. I loved Henderson’s performance. It was truly elegant. And yes they did change clothes in 5 seconds it is possible. The interview was following the anime and it was really satisfying to see prof. Henderson punch the “swine” in real life. I wish I could rewind and see it again. Anya’s answers were really cute and the whole theatre was politely laughing (this is Japan after all). Another cool thing was that after we saw Yor thoughts about killing someone so Anya can move up on the Eden waiting list.
Did I mention how surprised I was when I saw the cow on stage? The cow deserves better honesty. I want to compliment Yor’s actress (or the double) for performing gymnastic tricks for us. We were as surprised as Loid.
Yuri coming to the Folgers was another peak event. I loved the whole scene. Especially Yuri calling Loid “LOTTIIEEEEE”. How dare Lottie and Yor try to kiss!? Unforgivable! It was hilarious when Yor was saying: “I forgot to tell you” and “I must have forgotten that I forgot” or something like this, Loid dropped not 1 but 2 plates. The shocked expression of Loid was worth spending money on the musical.
After that, we saw the real MVP of the show, no not Franky, but Bondman. Yeah, Bondman came out of the tiny screen for us. He managed to save Princess Honey.
Coincidently after Yuri fiasco, we were introduced to Fiona. It is the same as in the manga but it was funny to see the following convo:
>You should conceal your emotions
>So I should have a poker face all the time
>That’s not what I meant
Fiona’s actress was wonderful. I loved her performance. Fiona singing about how much she loves Loid was a bit weird. “Senpai SUKIIIIIIII” appeared and it was executed perfectly. The scene with Anya saying how much she loves Yor was adorable.
The act’s ending was shifted to the castle episode. Franky being an instigator was amazing especially when he tried to talk like Anya. We got to see a really neat fight between Yorticia and Loid. Evil Franky was precious.
The musical ended with the grand final performance, a song mirroring the opening one about “Phase 2” (Phase 2 of Operation Strixxx that is). Everyone joined it and it was so good. Kudos to all singers, back performers and the orchestra. They all did an amazing job. The whole musical was one of a kind. It was amazing and I had really good time.
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ao3feed-twiyor · 2 months
Yor the Songstress
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EIJguKn by jamethinks Loid skips work and is rewarded with the symphonic melodies of his beloved wife. Words: 772, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Bond (SPY x FAMILY) Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: mentions of Anya - Freeform, Silly post I wrote on tumblr, incomplete drabble, etta james mentionn, Humor, Fluff and Humor, yor and bond bonding time, twilight is eepy read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EIJguKn
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zeldauniverse · 1 year
The 10 Most Memorable Moments from the Twilight Princess Manga
Earlier this year the Twilight Princess manga came to a close, finishing what was by far the biggest and most ambitious Legend of Zelda manga adaptation to date. The artist duo of Akira Himekawa poured every ounce of effort and passion that they had in them across the series’ 11 volumes, delivering a faithful retelling of the beloved video game while also including plenty of surprises that built…
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your-local-uwu-artist · 8 months
talk about vampires
-tragedy where one in a pair of childhood friends that would be friends to lovers but one becomes a vampire and has to reject their friend because 'bro I don't age' (sssshhh yes this was the plot of a southpark fanfic shhhhhh)
-charlotte my beloved Charlotte my beloved Charlotte my beloved
-OH WAIT SO RECENTLY I got my hands on the nendoroid doll 'Mila' she's adorable an perfect and ima draw her sometime and low-key steal her and make her my OC
-I was gonna watch 'the vexations of the shut in vampire princess' but then they tried to pull the 'vampire that doesn't drink blood' thing on me so now I'm procrastinating, I'll probably watch it evveuntually though cause the animations nice
-vampire bf and human gf except nothing like how the trope ussually goes is my favorite, like I want human gf to be eccentric and loud and flirty and vampire bf is just flustered and shy and 'just some guy' coded
-I have a list of vampire short story ideas someday I wanna make a comic anthology out of them
-vampire x cosplayer, vampire wants to try out makeup and cosplayer helps them, vampire overcomes insecurity with the power of 'I feel pretty cute rn'
-vampire mad scientist is such a slept on concept I mean mad scientists already often have the 'there are doing something dubious to lengthen their length span' vibe so really why not vampire mad scientist I am begging the universe please I want vampire mad scientist
-some solid vampire media is the webtoon 'vampire husband' which the premise is a vampire and his human wife who is now an old lady. It's silly, it actually works in the webtoon format (short comedy strips, no dump clif hangers to bait early pass) it's mostly silly funnies and vampire jokes + happy in love old married couple jokes. It's really good and has a side of deeper aspects with a relationship between an immortal and mortal person and themes of growing old and it's just lovely
-another good vampire webtoon is this absolutely based one is this silly one where it's 'vampire bf' except vampire bf is a classic old guy that lives in mansion instead of a twilight vampire, it's really wholesome and comedic and simple and cute :3
-i'm still hunting down more good vampire webtoons and then next I'll hunt down good ghost webtoons and also I'm hunting down good vampire mangas animes and light novels
-vampires as allegories my beloved!!! There's so many different concepts to be explored.
-vampire as autism allegory! Old timey shut in vampire lacking social understanding and struggling with disconnection from humanity and their identity as inhuman as well as a desire for human connection. Plus the whole bat thing!!! Being more connected with animals then humans and having different untraditional ways of expressing yourself
-vampires as allegory for chronic illness and various conditions, with a need to drink blood and undeadness framed as a medical condition. the way someone being turned to a vampire being seen as pityful and tragic in a way thats demeaning to the vampire turned being reminiscent of the reaction of people to someone being discovered to have a disability/illness. Plus there's that long going 'vampires just have iron deficiencies' thing
-we need asexual vampires we need asexual vampires we need asexual vampires
-we need more gay vampires we need more gay vampires we need more gay vampires
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Headcanon 2 of the linked universe boys
How the boys react to their partner tranform into a humongous and survived
*a ask from my friend* ((idea from the anime/Manga Fullmetal Alchemist))
Enjoy everyone ^^
Time fell to his knees to see what have become of his partner and felt a tear from his good remain eye
He soon go to them to check if they have any injuries that may or may not been from the force transformation
Time grows more protective and worry for his partner and seek help from his friend the princess and impa
He felt like a failure to not realize or notice his partner situation to somehow let this happen
He's overprotective turn to overdrive since he and his partner is in a unsafe position/location
He secretly hide his partner with impa village by impa permission in order to find a way to fix this issue yet he try to comfort his partner the best he can but if his partner is a fighter than he make sure they stay close to him
Twilight felt like he been slapped in the face or punch hard in the stomach to walk in to see what's in front of him
Twilight would try his very best to comfort his partner while hold back tears of his own and rub their back or pet their head
Twilight is the whole meaning of overprotective of their partner and refused to allow them to be harmed again yet he'll go to the princess for help
He just slient and staring what's in front of him and hoping that this is a really bad nightmare, takes him a while to come down to reality but once does his first thing is comfort and ask "who did this to you?"
Wild grows protective of his partner even more if the champions,king find out of his partner. He's hesitant to seek help from zelda for a while but if zelda was with him on finding out about his partner then he'll willingly go to zelda for help
There's many hiding spots wild can hide them if they want too but if his partner doesn't want to do that he'll be glue to them to no ends
Sky having a exe.error moment while staring at his partner yet is bearly/trying to get words out his own mouth
Sky goes to get help and comforting his partner the same time, he even skip sleeping for a few days to make sure that "whoever did this to them. Won't come back to finish the job"
Sky is protective,mother henning on his partner that even sun stay close for the two sakes, sun here for sky partner as emotional support/friend and is a remained for sky to rest but if sky refuses to listen sky partner the one to make sky rest
Legend did reach his hand for his sword but once he realized that this thing is his beloved partner he dropped his sword and rans to them to check them, hug them super close in order to himself that "their alive! Their here with me"
Legend seek help from his zelda when he and his partner clam down and he stay glue to his partner being their emotional support even so far as to being in a pink bunny and he's willing to throw hands to anyone who say something rude/degrading to HIS partner
Warrior would have to step in to remove legend from fights with local people and legend partner the one that have to keep legend in check yet legend felt shame to not being able to hold his partner normally like they used too but he's trying
He drop what he was holding in his hands and let shake call out to his partner and once their response back he bite back tears and the colors are going haywire in his head
If four split colors each of the colors have one job *secure the premises* red,green go to their partner to protect and comfort them as green,blue check and secure the premises to be triple sure they all are safe and once safe each take time to clam down and progress with what happened
Four is dangerous overly protective that even a weak monster is seen as a threat to his eye but is reasonable to know not to go crazy
Hyrule scream and ran over to his partner like he thinks they died (they arent)
Hyrule right away try to healing spell thinking it'll fix them but once he realized that's not the case he tears up more and apologizes to his partner but his partner would hug him
Hyrule look up ways to fix this issue of his partner from the chain's Hyrule's royal magic articles,his fairy mother, everything he can get his hands on. Yet he try his best and comfort his partner even in his sleep
Wind tears well up and fell down his face to seeing his partner but not human body like he normally see everyday
Wind would seek help and once returned quickly he's full on comforting his partner to no end and is sad that this happen and he blames himself for not being there to save them but his partner would never blame wind just glad he's with them now
Wind will never ever leave his partner even if one of the chain have to forcefully remove wind from his partner if it's truly necessary
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between this and twilight princess manga (my beloved) i love the way akira himekawa writes zelda
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observations from the twilight princess manga, volume one
midna had a pet wolf???
link is a little shit (confirmed)
i love the backstory they gave him, have i ever mentioned that?
tp zelda my beloved <3
he's so angstable (said with the intent to hurt him)
I fucking love rusl and link's relationship (whether it be brothers or more of a father figure)
ok I've never completed finished the manga but. this sword is kinda suspicious.
are you. are you sure about that. are you sure you're gonna take its arm off, link.
UNO REVERSE, FUCKER - king bulblin
wait why did I think he got thrown off the bridge? I'm so disappointed why didn't he get thrown off the bridge
I wrote a fic BECAUSE I thought he got thrown off the bridge wtf
midna really said "guess it's time for gremlin mode" when she got turned into an imp, huh
i am. still upset about the bridge. why didn't anyone tell me.
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Name: Link
Series: The Legend of Zelda
Continuity: Twilight Princess with manga influence
Age: 18
Height: 5'6"
Birthplace: Ordan Village, Hyrule
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Hylian
Occupation: Rancher (previously) Adventurer (currently)
Link is a Hylian born in Ordan Village. He never knew his father, dying before he was born and his mother died when he was too little to remember her. Living in a treehouse outside the village, he was taken in by the village and raised by them. His closest friend being the mayor's daughter, Ilia who he slowly developed a crush on. He'd earn money by being a ranch hand where he formed a bond with his beloved horse, Epona.
He never understood why, but Link always wanted to journey outside of Ordon Village to explore what Hyrule had to offer. This need for adventure would come when the Mayor had tasked Rusl, the only blacksmith in the tiny village, to make a sword to gift to the Royal Family of Hyrule. It was a coronation gift to Princess Zelda who was going to become Queen of Hyrule.
After a sudden attack, the world he once knew was drenched in Twilight. The Twilight was a realm the opposite of Hyrule, the two worlds merging caused chaos all across Hyrule. Link in particular had been strangely effected by the Twilight, turning him into a wolf upon his birthmark of three triangles glowing.
He awoke in a prison cell where a Twilight imp named Midna told him that she'd be able to help him get out of here and save his friends and Ilia, who had all been kidnapped during the Twilight invasion. Despite being a Twili herself, she had plans to repair the broken barrier between the Twilight and Hyrule.
Upon meeting the guardian of Ordon village, Link was told that he was the chosen hero of Hyrule. Normal Hylians coming in contact with Twilight will turn into a spirit, while Link was a descendent of the Hero of Time where his heroic heart turned him into a wolf.
It also turned out that Midna was the Princess of Twilight, set to become queen just like Zelda, but was turned into an imp by a council member named Zant. They would use the cursed Fused Shadow that Midna could use as a Descendent of the first Twili, the Dark Interlopers, to defeat Zant. Only they found out that Zant was working under someone else, Ganondorf.
After the Hero of Time had told Princess Zelda of what Ganondorf was planning, the king of Hyrule at the time ordered the execution of Ganondorf and genocide of the Gerudo. A long war came from this and Ganondorf's execution failed where he was sucked into the Twilight realm and began to use Zant like a puppet to get revenge of the murder of his people and the failure of his plans.
Link would now have to finish what his ancestor had thought he ended, by defeating Ganondorf. Yet he would not be without his guidance. Link would meet with the spirit of the Hero of Time, taken a form he called the Hero's Shade due to his regret of being unable to pass on what he knew as the Hero of Time, he taught Link everything he needed to know in defeating Ganondorf. In doing this, he would set his ancestor's soul at ease so he could finally pass on.
Defeating Ganondorf and saving Hyrule from the Twilight invasion, Midna would finally turn back into her true form. Shocked to see it, but it would be their last conversation together. Midna was going to break the only barrier left to enter the Twilight world thereby seperating Hyrule and the Twilight realm forever. Link accepted this and knew he had to say goodbye to his new friend.
With his adventure over, and Zelda going through with her coronation again, Link decided to become an adventurer across Hyrule. There was still much to explore and repair about Hyrule, not to mention confessing to Ilia about his true feelings to her.
Link is primarily mute. If he has to speak, it's only in situations that he knows he can't respond with a simple shake, nod or point. He prefers not to speak as he finds actions speak louder than words, and he's not quite as well-spoken as one would think given his fierce look on his face.
He's not completely serious of course, often Link is very kind and helpful towards the people he meets. If anyone asked him for help, Link will bend over backwards to give a helping hand where it's needed.
The hero also has a deep love of cats. Anytime there's a cat, he happily picks it up and starts petting it. Ironic considering he transforms into a wolf of all things.
While he doesn't like to speak, his face is very expressive. It can often be easy to tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, he learned that in hopes of finding a way to avoid speaking too often.
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somer-writes · 9 months
I'm curious about your headcannons regarding Dusk (Twilight Princess Zelda) 👀
hello anon!
i have a post where i dumped a bunch so copy-pasting from there:
okay super huge lore dump incoming XD (mix of game/manga/hc). basically shes very smart, pretty, and deadly with a sword:
-> dusk has the triforce of wisdom, a vast pool of mana for spell casting, and prophetic visions. she can also see spirits
-> she was trained/tortured by the sages as a child. her training was brutal and cruel but she is extremely adept with her powers and knows the weight of them as a result. she was often locked in dark chambers at the arbiter's grounds to continuously cultivate light magic and went weeks sometimes without seeing another person. she has a fear of bugs and rats as a result.
-> only child. her mother died when she was a teenager. her father dies shortly before the events of twilight princess and at the time of the game, she is not yet coronated as queen
-> she's extremely fond of animals but especially birds
-> she likes flowers a lot too but doesn't have the time to garden herself so she dictates which plants grow in her gardens. she uses different gardens for different things (tea, medicine, butterflies, etc.)
-> she's extremely confident and assertive, but she's also soft spoken. she doesn't raise her voice often and when she does it means serious business
-> she's very kind and grateful for her castle staff. she's known to use her spies to figure out if her staff is doing well so she can take care of them properly.
-> dusk is an incredible swordsman. she took up dueling as a teenager when working through her mother's death and bc of her talent, was secretly taught combat by the guard captain. dusk doesn't fight to win in the annual sword tournie anymore but she will fight the winner (and always wins with her skill). in the question of would she beat link, i think not bc link has more true battle experience, picked up combat training earlier, and will fight dirty. dusk is a classy lady, she will not spit in her opponents eye
-> dusk is also a very good archer and better with a bow than link
-> the current court (post game) is extremely loyal to dusk and her reign is the most stable since the dynasty's establishment. she is extremely confident in her advisors and often delegates decisions to the appropriate council. she currently oversees a very prosperous time for hyrule with stable loyalty from the annexed territories
-> dusk keeps a spy network which has never been smoked out. she knows everything that happens in her kingdom
-> due to her upbringing dusk maintains a strict reputation as a very cold, very poised and regal lady. she's beloved by the people pre and post game and they see her as more of a guardian and direct vessel of hylia than a queen in hyrule proper. she's known for her beauty, swordsmanship, and wits
-> due to her upbringing, dusk really hates imprisoning criminals. instead she gives them what they need to do well as law abiding citizens. because of her reign, crime is at an all time low. when people do need imprisoned, they are kept in a small section of the rebuilt dungeon and treated fairly well.
-> she is technically the high priestess of the temple of hylia, but her light magic is so strong that she doesnt wield it lightly. just as dark magic can poison people, so too can light magic. dusk appointed a high temple priestess to oversee the church in her place. she acts as the high priestess ceremonially
-> dusk is extremely well read and an extraordinary historian. she especially loves legends/myths. she knows hylian, goron, and zora history and is slowly learning ordonian history (although most of it isn't written down). she relies on auru to tutor her in gerudo history and warfare as an adult.
-> she speaks hylian, very formal goron, and very formal zora. she can read gerudo and link teaches her ordonian slang.
-> dusk is close friends with all of the resistance. she's known auru since she was a child. he also tutored her but was kind. he knew of the sages methods and did tell the king and queen, but they trusted the sages judgment for cultivating their daughters power. auru often interfered with the sages by leaving the princess supplies or lights in the arbiters grounds
-> dusk is working on getting a written record of ordonian history. shes put the project in shads hands bc hes so close with link.
-> during the fight with ganondorf, dusks body was puppeted. she is unaware of this and link has yet to tell her. while she was puppeted, link had to injure her. the largest of these is a large slash across her chest. it crosses from right armpit to left collarbone and left a dark scar. she wears dresses with necklines which specifically show the scar as a sort of visual oath to her people. she has an inkling that theres more to the story than suffering the wound in the fight with ganon
-> the day of light is an annual festival celebrating the kingdoms freedom from the twilight. on that day, many girls use makeup to wear scars like dusks. a lot of children have dusk and twilight dolls. in place of crowns, girls wear flowers
-> dusk is a few years older than link. in part bc she has no surviving family, she sees link as a younger brother. she tries not to dote on him too much, but the court often complains shes too easy on him when he breaks decorum. dusk is the only hylian noble link shows any respect for. they are close friends even if he does avoid her (currently).
-> dusk is extremely good at chess. its one of the few things she can get link to be himself over when she soundly beats him.
-> she writes to link often. usually about nothing bc hes one of the only people she can just "chat" with. she keeps a room prepared for him at the castle at all times just in case
-> dusk is extremely kind to children. the orphanage in castle town is her personal project and she visits often. she does not allow kids in the castle for their own safety
if theres anything specific you want to know or anything lmk! dusk is my favorite zelda and i really see her as the sort that would lead the vanguard. shes a very active monarch.
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blueskittlesart · 3 years
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birdmomblogs · 2 years
so like,,, i’ve been doing a lot of digging because i’ve been wondering who the two mystery “links” are in the banner of the Linked Universe blog,,,
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with 100% confidence i want to say the one of the right (the second mystery link) is the first hero.
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the most unique similarities include: the scarf,,, the very fancy pauldrons,,, the thigh slit in the tunic,,, the buckles around the wrist guards,,, the belt design looks similar,,,
other less unique similarities are: left handed sword holster,,, short hair,,,
the chain is also in a time where NOTHING HAS HAPPENED YET!
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i seriously doubt that anyone in hyrule would forget a demon king, an evil sorcerer, a calamity, etc, etc unless dink brought them SO far into the future that they actually were mere legends at this point. buuuuuuuutttt i don’t buy that for one second. the second mystery link looks too much like first for this to not be the era of the goddess hylia.
and i think it’s very likely that jojo can draw inspiration from the skyward sword manga since there is inspiration drawn from the four swords manga, no matter how little it may be!
as for the other link,,, this one is hard,,, i’m not as confident but i think it may be dink’s humanoid form. there’s several iterations of a shadow link or a dark link. but to me, whoever this link is seems to draw upon warriors’ dark link and twilight’s dark link from the games and jojo’s old sketches of warriors and twilight, when this banner would have been made.
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there’s the left-handed shoulder holster, the thing on the front of the holster that looks like twilight’s shadow crystal, the grommets on warriors’ old tunic style and the mystery link’s, bandage-like wrist guards on twilight and mystery link, the high neck under shirt and top of the tunic cut on mystery link looks just like twilight princess dark link, regular length tunic sleeves,,,
the only thing stumping me about the mystery link character design is the belt. the only reference i can think of is the fancy buckle being a way to emulate warriors’ pauldron and the thing hanging from the belt is emulating the fabric twilight wraps around his waist???
so anyways, i think it’s a pretty solid theory at this point considering we know dink is here and has the ability to take multiple forms,,, also this,,,
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looks a little humanoid :) doesn’t it :)
those are probably my most supported theories at this point! i’m pretty knew to interacting with the lu fandom on tumblr so i don’t know it anyone has written this all out before or not but i have seen people throw headcanons around that the mystery links may be dink and first.
but maybe we are all wrong,,, maybe one of the mystery links is actually our beloved hero of koridai /j
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