#literally the nicest
shyrule · 2 years
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mqstermindswift · 6 months
2 ppl who'll always have my heart are my english n physics teacher.idc if this sounds weird but they're the best.
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greybugg1864 · 16 days
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Rosé really is the girl ever
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tomfrogisblue · 7 months
Big fan of whenever a creator from one of the other languages meets Bad for the first time and he tells them his name is BadBoyHalo and explains it to them
Then they fucking hit it off and later the creator explains to him that no, he is not a bad boy, he is a good boy, he is GoodBoyHalo
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sixth-light · 4 months
I do wanna say without derailing the other post that there are, absolutely, books and TV series and movies out there, including adaptations of things I love, that I hate. No nuance, no complex relationship, no I-hate-this-but-I-love-that, I just think they're terrible, sometimes for reasons of genuine objective badness and sometimes for reasons of my personal taste and often for a mix of both. And I certainly have complained, and will in future complain, about these things both to my friends and in public.
What I don't do is make hating those things a long-term lynchpin of my fannish experience, because...I hate them, so I do not wish to spend time thinking about them. Yeah, it's satisfying to know other people feel the same way I do, but once we've established that then what else is there to talk about? There's joy in a good Fisking, to be sure, but that requires extended and thoughtful engagement with the thing (that I hate) and even, I would argue, a measure of affection for what it could be in other circumstances.
Cultivate profound indifference to the stuff you hate. Cultivate happiness within yourself for the people who don't hate it, having fun over there. Cultivate the ability to exorcise your demons in the group chat and then let it go. I promise, with all my heart, it makes fannish life a hell of a lot nicer.
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cloysterbell · 1 month
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Pete, I need you to stay here.
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grimvestige · 1 year
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I finally got around to reading my Vampire Hunter D ebooks so I wanted to do a little fanart of everyone's favorite pretty dhampir~
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femmeidiot · 6 months
I hope that my genuine affection and deep care for other people comes through even online like idk I like to crack jokes but I love and care about other people so much
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darthbenn · 3 months
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sometimes you meet your favorite actor in the grocery store parking lot after working outdoors in Vegas summer for 12 hours
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driftsart · 9 months
why is shockwave so eepy 💤🛏 ?? OwO
Shockwave has an obsession with science, more than normal. When he gets an idea he researches and works on it nonstop. This means he tends to ignore things like sleeping and just taking care of himself in general, which is why he's almost always exhausted.
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And he's a war machine:
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He's full of weapons, (since the empurata punishment he went through was to turn him into something he hated, which was war and destruction) and these weapons use a lot of his energy as well as a lot of his energon. Plus they weigh him down.
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wiklm · 6 months
i’m watching demon slayer with my dad and i think tanjiro is the funniest guy ever. like yes he is kind and lovely but he’s also an absolutely insane and off-putting FREAK and somehow his power of friendship effect still works on EVERYONE? like he meets genya once and shows up the next day to give him his TOOTH??? THAT HE KEPT FOR SOME REASON???? and then it WORKS. it works and genya is struck down by the awesome power of tanjiros relentless optimism as everyone is eventually fated to. and that’s actually so hilarious like i love this guy what the hell is his problem
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eikichi-supremacy · 22 days
sorry, sorry. i know- i know you wear the pompadour to- yes, yes i know it's very intimidating and delinquent like but-and again I'm sorry-it just makes you look a little cute I'm sorry-
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greatvaluevertigo · 1 year
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@sergle bought this ages ago, it only just now found its way onto my bike
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hockey-finns · 8 months
I know that jere’s boyfriendex already cosists of very well known guys but I just want to point out that the newest addition pekka rinne is literally one of the best and well known finnish goalies and the nhl team he played for built a whole ass statue of him in front of their arena and also no one else in the team is never allowed to wear #35 in nashville because it’s pekka’s number
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and jere probably only had look at him once with those blue eyes and he was sold
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
like. ok i am going to spell it out
the reason having conversations about representation can be productive in the realm of like. tv or movies or published fiction is that
a) those forms of media are outside the realm of your control. like. most individuals do not get much of a say in the creation of film and most individuals never publish books, etc. BUT
b) those forms of media are largely driven by audience consumption. they exist in a profit economy and rely on reaching an audience to survive. so it does matter what the audience thinks, because a bigger, happier audience = more money
ergo, yelling about liking or disliking something is essentially one of the only ways you can make a difference in those forms of media. it can be productive to push for lesbian rep in tv shows, for example, because if consumers are putting their money where their mouth is then it incentivizes the people who do control what gets made to make things that consumers will want to buy.
but none of that applies to fanfiction.
do you see where i'm going with this? generally speaking, fanfiction is something made as a hobby by individuals who are writing stories that they want to see. because there is no profit, it doesn't really matter what an audience wants; at the end of the day, people generally aren't going to be motivated to write stories for free in their spare time if the story isn't something they themselves want to write. if someone is choosing to write stories about men over writing stories about women, that is not automatically or inherently misogynistic.
additionally--this is a space where you can control the media you consume! if there's a story you want to read, you can just write it. like. it's fanfiction. you can literally just write anything you want to see.
"oh but i'm not a good writer" "oh but that takes so long" "oh but that's so hard" "oh but i don't want to write it, i just want to read it"
okay? go search for the stories you want then. there are tons of people writing wlw fic in this fandom; you can find them if you try.
"yeah but the wlw fics aren't as good--" fuck off
"yeah but there aren't as many--" THEN WRITE SOME. or find a fic writer who writes wlw fic and shower them with praise if you really want to encourage them to keep writing. aside from writing it yourself, supporting wlw fic writers is the most productive thing you can do if you genuinely feel that this is a serious issue.
but when you complain that there's "not enough" wlw fic, you are approaching fanfiction in the same way you would approach media created within a profit economy. you are acting as if fic writers are obligated to provide you, the consumer, with certain types of "content," which deteriorates the boundaries that keep fanfiction outside the consumer economy and protect it as one of few community spaces left that has not been entirely swallowed by the chokehold of capitalism. is there a conversation to be had about how misogyny might play into the popularity of mlm vs. wlw fic? sure! but that is a nuanced conversation that cannot be boiled down to a one-sentence tweet or a single comment on tiktok, and trying to simplify it down to a punchline does more harm than good.
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aromacaque · 1 year
you want to analyze a cartoon that is something children can watch? ok here's the first and most important lesson ever.
have you ever heard of "suspension of disbelief?"
ok. next step. do you know what an unreliable narrator is and can you separate the character's perspective and opinions from the writers? because i promise you that the beliefs of the main character do not always reflect the writers and the point of analyzing media is to dissect that.
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