#this isn’t a callout post btw
woundedheartwithin · 3 months
You can always tell when a fic written in a university setting is written by someone who hasn’t graduated yet cuz in graduation scenes they always have the characters receive their actual diplomas instead of a decorative tube with a piece of paper that says congrats and a coupon for the alumni association store 😂😂😂
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macbethz · 3 months
every human being on planet earth has been an asshole some point and idk this culture of like immediately deplatforming and deleting everything related to a piece of media when the creator is revealed to like…have a bad breakup or had an onlyfans subscription or smth is so insane to me. There is no person on earth that would survive twitters scrutiny y’all are not gonna have any media left. getting “EVERYONE YOU LOVE HAS DONE SOMETHING UNFORGIVABLE” tattooed on my forehead
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realreulbbrband · 7 months
I’m gonna be so upfront and just say that if I choose not to talk about something its cause I honestly don’t care enough about it.
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if i had a nickel for every time a blorbo of mine started wearing a plague doctor mask to indicate when he was being possessed by a bird-themed demon, and was pressured and then mind-controlled by said demon into trying to kill his friends & allies with a handgun, i’d have two nickels.
which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice!
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ratlesshonret · 11 months
random ramble: to me, it feels like basically the whole project moon fandom is just into limbus and nothing else really. like yeah, i get it, that is the current game and people are gonna discuss it. but like, even most library content i stumble across is kinda old, and recent lobcorp content is even harder to come across.
idk, as someone who still hasn’t gotten to limbus, or even library yet, it just feels like i’m staring at all the cool kids through a big glass window. it sometimes seems like people only care about lobcorp through the lens of limbus despite it being a really cool game. like it has been put into its younger sibling’s shadow.
am i just fucking insane? did i gaslight myself? im expecting to post this and get 70 responses that are like “no you’re fucking insane what the hell are you talking about” because i am very fucking insane and very fucking stupid.
this isn’t a fandom callout btw. im just observing something.
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bioethicists · 4 months
Your post about unfollowing people who’re really combative online made me think about someone in particular. Apologies if this is out of nowhere so feel free to ignore.
If somebody (with thousands of followers) who isn’t a part of a specific marginalised group habitually seeks out bad takes regarding them to dunk on, isn’t that a little weird? I’m not talking about defending your friends when they’re facing discrimination or dunking on the main bigot character of the day, but regularly seeking out bad takes from small accounts that’d otherwise never seen the light of day.
It’s nobody on here I’m referencing. I feel a little crazy because this person gets heralded as a huge ally and has a lot of people in this marginalised group who’re really devoted to and defensive of them but it just really rubs me the wrong way because they seem really discourse-brained more than anything else.
yeah haha ironically i think some of the ppl on that post are seriously missing the point (which i probably could have made clearer) in terms of some of them are like. people who clearly think being told they're racist is the same as the type of behavior i'm talking about.
but also yes! this is more what i meant- people who are seeking out fights with those who would otherwise never get any attention! especially when it's takes that are NOT popular or the response is just totally disproportionate. or just building a social media brand off of over-exaggerated hatred/meanness towards people who "deserve it". it reminds me of all the cis people on here who constantly reblog shit about like... putting terfs in meat grinders but then never even lift a finger (or, more likely, are part of the mob) when trans women are sexually harassed or viciously bullied.
i don't think joking about harming bigots is some grand moral wrong, but it's often just gratuitous in a way where... are you actually expressing outrage or are you using the performance of outrage to get followers? what if that outrage is directly putting people in danger (e.g, if you find a terf with 45 followers + start sending her death threats, is that helping anyone or is it potentially provoking more violence, which you know full well you will NOT be the primary target of). i can see how this behavior can result in members of certain groups defending you, because if nobody has shown their willingness to defend you, isn't it refreshing to see someone who will? it's not so simple, either, cuz i do think ppl who do this do CARE, but i'm not sure the way that they care is sustainable or would hold up to a real, complex situation where allyship is needed.
it's so contextual + i'm not arrogant enough to pretend like i'm the one who can see the context right 100% of the time. this is a little sappy but i feel like the difference is whether the root of the anger is love/hope or if its fulfilling your own desire to lash out/release tension/look good. like "i'm pissed because i care about my trans siblings + it hurts me to see them treated this way + nobody else is saying shit for them so i'm stepping up" vs "raging online meets a need in me that i'm not willing to acknowledge + here's the perfect target". not exactly that simple but sometimes u can tell someone would be a kiwifarms bro if they didn't need social capital from a different crowd, ykwim (which btw we regularly learn that certain leftists will comb through + disseminate kiwifarms shit if it fits their vibe, which is an automatic red flag to me that you only care about drama, not morals)
it reminds me of how some "callouts" are clearly written with the intention of preventing harmful people from maintaining the power to do more harm (e.g x popular artist sexts underage fans) while many others are clearly written with glee about someone turning out to be Bad (e.g x popular artist has a private twitter that i, op, SCROUNGED to find, where they say horny things about genshin impact characters)
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ropebuny · 1 month
im so sorry but i can't with the pedo callout post and then the posts right next to it for daddy to do stuff to you on your blog djksgehrk. like -- i might be wrong here -- but is it possible faggotrocious and you both have..... kink related fantasies? of ageplay? with no actual evidence that you're fr acting on them outside of kink contexts? there's no actual evidence either u or faggotrocious is sexually abusing underage people or being sexually abused; that'd be a different thing. what you screenshotted are some edgy posts where it's unclear how much fantasy it is, sure, but given the context of horny posting can we assume it's a kink? i swearrrrr to god ppl take any chance to cancel trans fems w "gross" kinks at any moment lmao
I understand what you mean. but you’re saying like I made that post to ‘cancel trans fems w gross kinks’ which I don’t appreciate btw. this has nothing to do with cancelling trans fems with gross kinks. I’m an avid supporter or gross kinks, very clearly. lots of my mutuals are gross trans fems and I love them with all of my heart and I was in a relationship with one for 3.5 years and my best friend is a trans masc with gross kinks.
but this person I posted about literally reblogs things like “you hate pedos for loving children more than you ever will” that is Not normal horny posting btw. and them saying how “pedos are silly haha :3 ^_^” is Not normal horny posting btw. and literally nowhere on there blog is stated that this is all fantasy. but it is on mine. so please don’t compare my posts with theirs lol. and they rbed a photo of literal teenagers and made a weird tag that said something like “I need to be them. and I need to [redacted]” which I can only speculate means something sexual towards the kids in the picture. which is Not normal horny posting when you’re involving actual kids. like we aren’t even on the hypothetical side anymore, that is a photo of actual teenagers they reblogged on a blog where they talk about being a pedo, supporting pedos etc… is that not a little weird to you ? and not like. oh weird kinks, whatever. but like. weird, on the illegal territory ? weird, like this isn’t a kink anymore because you are involving not only hypothetical but also literal kids ? it’s not like they post ageplay like I do where I, an adult, want to pretend to be little with a consenting partner and I post about my fantasies. they post things like “pedos are silly ^_^ x3” which is weird in my opinion, because you are lumping all pedos in one positive group. like why would you do that unless you were a pedo or supported them ? like talking about pedos in any light that isn’t “I hate them” on nsfw tumblr is weird to me. cause even ageplay accounts on here are like “dni if you’re an actual pedo” but this person has never written anything like that, but instead reblogs what clearly seems like pro-pedo posts. which is WEIRD to me and no longer considered a kink and many others agreed with me
like I’m all for kink positivity. I think people using the ‘p3do bait’ tag is weird as hell but if I check their profile and see that they are over 18, not much I can do. but that person I called out has no age in their bio which is immediately a red flag. and the pedo joking, calling themselves a pedo and how they support pedos etc… is not normal horny posting. and even if they thought it was and they weren’t an actual pedo, they are making a community for pedos to interact with. I make it avidly clear on my blog that I despise actual pedos and I constantly make sure to out them so when I saw this, I did so. without ever thinking about their gender or if they’re trans cause that’s the least that matters in this situation. like if one of my mutuals rbed something like this, I’d immediately have the same problem with them. and you don’t need to “actually sexually abuse anyone underage” like you say there is no proof they are doing so. yes,,,,, but if you’re a pedo who has sexual thoughts about kids and posts about it, you’re a bad person. no actual inappropriate contact with a child is needed for you to be considered a bad person in that case
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a-frog-in-a-bog · 4 months
You guys know that you should be fact checking and reading sources for everything and not just takes you don’t agree with right? The number one way misinformation spreads on this site is people reading something that validates their feelings and slamming reblog without any second thought. And this isn’t me preaching on a high horse I am also guilty of this.
For example a long time ago I saw a post that said “Fox News just published an article calling all aces and aros pedophiles!!1!1!” And while it was believable that Fox News would demonize any sexuality that doesn’t fit their narrow definition of normal what tipped me off is that most conservatives don’t know what ace or aro means much less have an opinion on them. 30 seconds later I found the article and lo and behold that is not remotely what the article was about. The actual article in question was essentially a callout post for Washington post for being a cringey liberal newspaper and one of their points was “they ran an article on Valentine’s Day about what people who don’t feel romantic love are doing instead of going on a date” and in a completely separate point said “last month they published a review about a play where the main characters are all pedophiles”. The author surprisingly didn’t even pass any judgement on EITHER point, like it literally was just “haha look at this liberal newspaper and their dumb articles” (btw all the comments were either “lol I thought this said aromatic as in smelly” or “this isn’t a new identity I know many couples at my church who feel this way”). Not even the most bad-faith zero reading comprehension could produce the earnest belief that this article was calling aces and aros pedophiles, the op was genuinely just trying to fear monger and spread misinformation and scare naive people for no reason. Or maybe for discourse reasons which imo is even worse.
But a quick glance in the notes proved that not one person had fact checked this claim, or even questioned it. This post had over 10,000 notes when it came across my dash!! And everyone fully trusted that op was being honest bc it aligned with their beliefs!! And they were understandably terrified about the implications of this nonexistent article!! I debunked the post and linked the actual article as proof but I have limited reach and clearly damage had already been done. Ok I’m done rambling sorry
tldr fact check everything, even claims you believe and agree with bc some people are stupid and some people have malicious intent
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pistachi0art · 26 days
omg imagine reblogging my post 3 times?? 🥰 to not even give yourself a good defense, d’awww 🤭
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But in all realness why even bother replying at this point? You say you don’t care/that it’s over only to then rant and post about how much people hate you. And what’s even funnier is you also pulling out the minority card with every 5 posts because you HAVE to make it clear, in a community full of ppl who also are probably like you in that regard, that you are apparently the “underdog” who’s being attacked by the “mean antis”!
And to then say that i’m the one being irresponsible for informing my friends/mutuals about your degenerate ass behavior is also really funny, because I wouldn’t have even made the callout in the first place had you just kept your illegal sexual fantasies to yourself! And don’t even try dragging the A03 filters into this bc hey! Guess what dipshit, some people just want to look at the recent fics without having to go through the hassle of trying to filter out every single gross thing you decided to tag! And next to that sometimes people want to look at darker fics without having to read about traumatic events! simple as that.
Not only that people here just sometimes don’t want to check every account bio to make sure that whoever’s post they liked/reblogged isn’t a creep! you keep making points that seem to fly over your head, but you said it yourself, my fan base has minors in it! What if they saw a post, like your recent drawing, and just went and liked it. I know for a fact your ass isn’t going through every single account to make sure that whoever interacted isn’t a minor/anti.
(Also nice job screenshotting every satirical hate comment! Aw what, they said something mean/negative? don’t worry AGAIN you said it yourself, it’s not real so it doesn’t matter! Psst guess what? Tumblr too has a fascinating filter called the delete button! Maybe you could use that and ignore the “haters”!)
It’s clear you must have a very strong humiliation kink. No shame to that but I’m sure you can find healthier options! Oo here’s a good idea! Maybe write about that instead of children!
Better yet go to a mental health consultant and get evaluated! I’m sure they’ll have plenty to say about how this isn’t healthy in any aspect for you, nor is posting about it online!
(Btw did you know that most medical mental health professionals say that your behavior is more likely to be a trauma response from an event within your childhood? Fascinating stuff right? isn’t great to know that your potentially kicking up a whole new wave of people who could potentially become pedophiles because you’re attempting to normalize it? Fun!)
anywho, nice talk! If you really didn’t care you’d block me and move on 💖
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ghostlyplacetobe · 6 months
Read before you follow please and read this before you request
Reply icons are mostly used from @/glitchylaptop or pinterest
Request: open
Inbox: 0
Anon is tagged as #anon.exe btw
Not all ghost anon you see is me btw
I do not tag spoilers for any fandoms I’m in so follow at your own risk
I kin and self ship as a coping mechanism, ask for my kin and self ship list off anonymous please, I’m picky about who I show it to, I also age and pet regress to cope with trauma too
Send me a 🌺 for a random gender from a gender generator
Send me a 🎧 for a random song from my playlist
Ask game
Oc ask game
Drawing game
F/o ask game
Roleplay game
Ship bingo
Character bingo
I made a guestbook
Stuff to tag me in (may get updated in the future)
This blog isn’t new, my first blog was made in 2021 but got terminated somewhere around june or july of 2022 for no reason, my old pin was made in 2022 but it is deleted
Tlg88 supporters and friends are also not welcome here, here’s why, also I do not care if she “apologized” because her apology was half ass since she didn’t mention everything in the callout made about her, people who are also “neutral” on the genocide happening in paletine or are “neutral” on cops and believe there are “good” cops also aren’t welcome here, there is no such thing as a “good” cop and if there are “good” cops they are often killed by other cops
I support: paletine, black lives matter, acab, stop asian hate, muslim lives matter, jewish lives matter, lgbtq+ lives matter, self dx as long as a lot of research is done because i also self dx since I don’t have money to get a diagnosis, ex-radqueers/transids/transxs/abusers/proshippers etc, cis and/or straight people who identify as trans, aromantic, asexual, or aroace, cis women who use he/him or they/them pronouns/cis men who use she/her or they/them pronouns, cis people who use xenogenders/neopronouns
I believe: blackwashing isn’t real, if it’s okay to make a character fat, muslim, jewish, or disabled, i don’t see why it’s wrong or bad to make a character black, whitewashing is real and is offen used to speak over black people and whitewashing is mostly made out of spite to make dark skin characters “look better” or “less ugly”, xenogenders and neopronouns do not mock or make fun of the trans community, I’m saying this as a trans person myself, I believe that gays can date non binary and multigender people and that non binary and multigender people can be gay/lesbians can date non binary people multigender and that non binary and multigender people can be lesbian, trans men and transmasc aren’t the same/trans girl and transfem aren’t the same, cis and trans men can’t be or date lesbians, there is no such thing at cisphobia, heterophobia, or racism to white people, healthcare and therapy should be free, minors (aka people under 18) shouldn’t post nsfw artwork because it makes it easier for them to get groomed, but note that a minor getting groomed is never their fault and minors also shouldn’t interact with nsfw because you can actually get the person who draws it falsely accused of being a sex offender because it’s illegal for people under 18 to be exposed to that stuff, like seriously where are thses kid’s parents at? Do parents not check their kid’s phones anymore these days?
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My sona/oc (pretty much both + I update him)
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He has both acne and freckles, he has body hair so if you draw him shirtless or anything make sure to draw him with leg, arm, and armpit hair, his hoodie said “super mario”, you just can’t see it because of the watermark (I watermark my art for a reason so dumbasses don’t try to steal it)
Here are the boundaries by the way (do not ask to draw nsfw of him if you are a minor, I’m not comfortable with that /srs)
-sona/oc boundaries-
is fanart okay? — please it would make me so happy!
is shipping okay? — ask permission first
is kinning okay — no
is fanfiction okay — depends
can others draw their oc with mine — yeah
is n$fw okay? — ask permission first and be an adult
Gonna say this too but also ask permission before putting headcanons on him too
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
please can you guys stop acting like bee wasn’t antiblack, or that her being rightfully angry about antisemitism means that it’s ok to be antiblack. i get it i get that she was hotheaded and emotional. i also get that she is not doing well mentally at all and that’s why she disappeared off tumblr as a result of the situation. i ALSO get that she read and re-read that post after writing it multiple times and went back and added to it and reblogged it a couple times to encourage people to also reblog it to spread it. i know this because i didn’t reblog it myself until about the 3rd time i saw it on my dash. there was ample opportunity for bee to see that her wording was messed up and if she didn’t mean it or miswrote what she meant to say, she could have removed it. whatever, that isn’t the situation at this point. the situation at this point is people know and accept that bee herself admitted she was being antiblack and apologised, but are now rallying some kind of a support group for her being like ‘we know you were antiblack and we don’t agree with that, but it’s ok because we know you didn’t mean it and we love you!’ THAT ISN’T YOUR PLACE. it’s not my place either but evidently you need someone to tell it to you like a dickhead because everyone affected has been way too fucking nice about it. like are you guys stupid? genuinely asking. because you’re starting to sound exactly like the twitter fans you keep mocking and disowning every day in your little screenshots you post on your blogs. racism sucks until it’s your friend, or your mutual, right? then it’s fine? because it’s your friend and you know them and they’re absolutely NOT racist, just in this instance, right? i’m closer to bee and laura than over half of you people on anon or throwaway blogs ever were btw ????? like im literally their friend???? or was supposed to be???? which is why i even expressed such disappointment @ laura and waited so so long for her to try and get back to me and try to tell her that it wasn’t ok to get so defensive????? to the point of her also being racist and antiblack???? but im not gonna stay silent abt it and pretend it’s not happening or defend them on main OR WORSE ON ANON LOL like not even owning what you say, to say things like ‘i know you were racist but i love you :(’ like cmon.... are you SERIOUS with this. BRO YOUR FRIEND WAS RACIST. if you’re not gonna get involved directly on main like i didn’t get til now, at the very least try and talk to them about it, like i know other mutual friends of ours have. at least BE A FRIEND not a fucking asslicker. you didnt see me asslick bee for being in the wrong. i sent her a dm at the start of the chae situation telling her to take care of herself and then supported the community she hurt on here. me distancing myself from them further after all the other shit that happened is because i personally dont feel comfortable interacting with people who were so confidently antiblack and racist on main after doubling down on the initial callout. if u get called out, you review what you said, you apologise sincerely if you were in the wrong, you move on and grow. you allow the people you hurt to process that hurt. that’s how this shit works. you guys are 3rd parties DO NOT get to sit there and go ‘it’s ok!!!! you deserve support, we know you didnt mean it!!!’ while COMPLETELY IGNORING the fact that an entireeeeeee group of black people have been hurting over this situation for DAYS.... like. i have literally seen it with my own two eyeballs because i see their posts. they are hurting!!!! you guys are literally NOT CARING!!!??? get a grip! if you’re gonna support your friend, fair, but at least acknowledge at the VERY LEAST that they literally added to the disgusting treatment black people face enough on here and off here every day. MAY I ALSO MENTION, as my friend jewel also mentioned yesterday, black jewish people exist. this situation hurt them tenfold. like what was the reason for pitting two minority communities against each other like that??? not once have i seen one of you guys say something so simple and so true and that is that ANTISEMITISM IS BAD but SO IS ANTIBLACKNESS.
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vergess · 1 year
I think you’re right to be upset with the antisemitism present in Letters to Watson, but I think you risk hurting people who are in your corner by framing those who have disagreed with you as violent antisemites. It’s not my place to tell you to calm down and that isn’t my intention, but I think it’s worth reconsidering a call out post, and redirecting your energy into a discussion, if you’re so inclined. I hope you’re doing well.
Oh man, oh man, you would not believe the vigour of my victorious dab as I slammed open the unpublished draft of part 3 that I barely, barely resisted posting because I felt I had adequately made my point, and surely, surely no one could possibly find room to be weird about it as a """"callout"""" and not sheer fucking exhaustion at yet another fucking microaggression.
But alright!!!!!! Let's goooooo!!!! :D
I've no qualms whatsoever with the substack operator, btw. They have done a lovely job thus far. The CW list available on the collaborative google doc looks very thorough, far better than anything I could have organized.
I'm not upset with the book club as a whole, I'm not going to quit or anything.
I just don't think many gentiles understand the scale of antisemitism. So many of you, bless your kind intentions, think it's a historical thing. You think that because it's old and gone, you're on our side by simple virtue of history.
It isn't over. These are not old scars lightly touched.
These are bleeding wounds, often torn open that very day, being poked and prodded during what should be our relaxing hobbies.
Think about whatever marginalizations you have, I'm sure you have them.
And then imagine antisemitism as another one, added on top. Another whole stupid bonus layer. Another shit-icing on the shit-cake.
And then think about all the people telling you that you should just be more grateful for the google doc telling you in advance about the shit corn!
Think about all the kind-hearted anons withing you a good day, with a smile and a wave, so sweetly confused that you aren't smiling back.
That you're not grateful for their utterly, spectacularly useless, meaningless, unhelpful advice. The google doc with the whole "hey, there's gonna be some corn in the shit" warning doesn't really make the shit less shitty.
And it certainly doesn't make the entire process more fun or bearable to have a bunch of condescending little fuckers telling you that the goddamn google doc full of corn warnings really should be more than enough I mean what more do you want them to do, listen to you talk about how unpleasant all this shit-corn is? It's a bit gross you know. Kind of impolite really.
Honestly, at this point you're making it more uncomfortable for everyone else. Can't you just, you know. Leave the poor baker alone?
It's so mean.
So, anon, I appreciate the advice.
But, with all my fondness and all my kindness, may I in turn offer this advice to you:
If you're one of the people who Did The Thing?
You're not a "violent antisemite" or fucking whatever.
You're a person who made a mistake. You accidentally did an antisemitism. Happens to the best of us. I myself probably do about 3 antisemitisms a day, and I'm Jewish. It's the nature of the world we live in.
The trick is to acknowledge it when you realize you did one, apologize to anyone you hurt, and try your best not to make the same mistake in the future. You will make it again, btw. You're human. And when you make that mistake again, the solution will be to repeat the same steps then.
What it damned well won't be, it to fucking pretend you're incapable of doing any harm, claim that the real victim is the person running the email chain, and then double down on the bugshit insane idea that antisemitism ended 100 years ago.
So try. The fuck. Again.
You goddamn fucking morons.
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curejiraiya · 6 months
i want to hear more about your hayami hiro hyperfixation!
Have I ever told you how much I love that they gave Hiro a big yellow bow in his middle school idol outfit
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I love him! He's ADORABLE!!!!!!! I wish there was merch of him in this outfit, it's 100% my favorite of his. I've definitely posted about this bow before, but when do you see a masculine character that you're supposed to take seriously in a big bow. Never. And then they made him wear it again in Pride the Hero. He genuinely looks amazing in it. It's a big poofy yellow bow, he looks like a tiny soft boy. It's great. I headcanon that he continues to wear this outfit at Over the Rainbow lives when him and Kouji sing Pride together, forever. Like I want a 26 year old Hiro still wearing this knock off school uniform and big yellow bow. And the crowd goes CRAZY.
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I've also posted about this merch before, but this is my favorite merch outfit they've ever made for the guys. Hiro with his hair up 😅 I think it looks so good. The different style for Kouji's hair is really great too. You never really see anime guys with different hairstyles, but I really like the ones from this collab. But their entire outfits here. Hiro and Kouji are wearing matching leopard print belts, insane. What a fashion take, why does it work. Hiro is in a crop top here btw!!!!!!!!!! Like it's hard to tell because of the jacket but crop top Hiro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I actually love everything about these outfits so much. I want a street Over the Rainbow song that we never got but deserved. Kazuki center Over the Rainbow.
Sorry I'm just picking random Hiro things I want to talk about lol
Something I was thinking about the other night was how Kouji and Kazuki both have pretty consistent symboling, at least in King of Prism anyway. I would argue Kouji doesn’t have a symbol in Rainbow Live. But in King of Prism Kouji is associated with honey, honestly not in the show but in the fandom, right. Because of that famous post where the person was like “Honey came out of his ass!” I still think that phrase is really funny. And Kazuki is really simple, he says burning, his thing is fire. But with Hiro I think we see the symbols associated with him evolve over time. It started with the yellow Rose and the use of yellow with him, we don’t necessarily see the yellow fade away, like I’m assuming the in-universe fandom still gives him yellow roses quite often. That’s just one of his idol things, like idols have callouts and a Hiro thing is that his fans give him yellow roses. But when Over the Rainbow starts he gets this heavy association with apples. It has to be an Adam & Eve, I’m pretty sure it’s an Adam and Eve thing, but I haven’t really figured it out. He’s Eve and Kouji is Adam? That’s what it is right? But what? I don’t know, it’s a stretch, maybe it isn’t an Adam and Eve thing, but my symbolism brain has a really hard time seeing someone take a bite out of Apple and not thinking it’s in Adam and Eve thing. But then there’s the third symbol and in my opinion the best one, or if anything this is the symbol of post-character arc hero. Like SSS era Hiro is heavily associated with crowns. Because he’s the King. Like specifically this style of crown:
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And I never complained about it, but my personal gripe is that I think the traditional pointed crown is a lot less ugly LOL. But that’s irrelevant, regardless I think associating Hiro with crowns points to his character arc. That he overcame all of his struggles in Pride the Hero and came out a stronger person. I also just think this was his transition into an adult. I mean they probably officially said his age in Pride the Hero at some point, I’m pretty sure it’s 17, but he turned 18 in October of that year. And in my eyes him becoming the Prism King is him becoming an adult. It’s him casting aside the immaturity of childhood, and like committing to the things he loves. Committing to his job, his friends, his idol group. He is not a highschooler who can be manipulated anymore, he’s not a kid from a broken home. He’s an adult who won his life back. He’s overcome tragedy and this is his crown. Well not the one in the photo above, that’s from Prism Rush when they did like a fantasy thing, let me find a picture of his actual crown. I’m literally staring at it irl because he’s wearing it in a piece of merch that I have in my room.
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Anyway he deserves the crown. His arc to Prism Cup winner is stronger than Aira's imo (because Rhythm had the stronger arc in PR:AD heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) It was clearly set up for him to win from the beginning but you can tell he's really the director's baby boy character. No other character could come close to winning.
In 4 years when he's 21 there is a 1000000000000% chance he wins again. I think Kazuki will be worn down by then (it's not that he's gotten worse it's that he spends a lot of his time working with kids and would put that before training). Kouji doesn't have the dancing or jumping skills. I think he knows that though he'd still try and try harder than anyone but Hiro. Yuki could maybe do it, but I genuinely think he's the only Septentrion boy who has a shot currently, the rest of them aren't focused enough on Prism shows and specifically that skill. And like ofc Shin could be cheezy prism power winner but idk he seems kinda like Kazuki in that his focus is spreading the love of prism or . whatever instead of actually grinding out skills in being a performer. I think even good guy Alec is still too destructive/wild to win though he could second place.
Apparently the Joji/Ace duo is actually super skilled? like based on their score in SSS. But that's TWO PEOPLE idk gang I love them but I want Ace before he turns 20 to realize that maybe he should sing for himself (I do love their duo though I just want it to be healthier for them both). Can Louis still jump? Does he still do prism shows after SSS? Something tells me no, but I mean who knows.
Anyway Hiro would win :) I want 21 year old Hiro to kick 16 year old Yuu's ass. I want Kouji to give 120% and still get his ass kicked and have a character arc where he has to realize like, he can't win but Hiro couldn't win without him, he's literally singing his song.
I am not kidding when I say I think about the next Prism King Cup like daily. I think the ages of the Septentrion boys works really well for a story there. It's not that I have it fully planned out, it's that I think through every kind of situation that could happen. It's so good.
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They look so dumb. These 3 18 year olds are the most famous idols in Japan (I think Kazuki is 19, who cares.)
If they're 21 for the next Prism King cup, and (I'm rereading this like an hour later and I forgot you can drink in japan at 20 oh well,) after everything happens and they're just relaxing together again the night of the performance, Hiro and Kouji get fucking SMASHED. They just have that vibe. Kazuki either parties with them or is straight edge, I flip flop on that characterization for him. I also think all the girls are with them at that party, and it's like "mweh ur only 20 u can't drink," but Wakana is the type of 20 year old to NOT care and drink anyway, and Kouji is 100% slipping Ito drinks when only the two of them are looking. The other girls don't seem like drinkers. Bell is probably a wine mom later in life. A wine lesbian if you will.
The last thing I wanna rant about is that one group photo where Kazuki is getting his feet smashed, where is it.
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Imagine if I had this saved instead of just googling it and scrolling every time.
Look at Hiro's stupid little hat. Look at his wink! No wait look at his hat, that's amazing why did he wear that?
Kouji ur looking the wrong way your boyfriend is on your right. Unless you're actually looking at Kazuki being tortured, then carry on.
This is probably the best Kazuki vs Kouji height photo, because with the whole group Kazuki looks SO SMALL. The girls are all in heels but I mean that gives them like once inch. He's so short. I love it.
Like you could be saying "Kouji is looking at his girlfriend and she's holding his arm hmmm," And I'm over here saying "Kouji is wearing MATCHING ROSE PINS WITH HIS BOYFRIEND," any questions?
I just realized these are different suits then the suits they wear in that one OTR business intro in SSS. I know cuz I have a standee of those suits lol. I guess they're famous they probably need more then one suit. Hiro and Kouji's are worse here, but Kazuki's is better for the bowtie.
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Actually I lied, Hiro and Kouji have better colored suits and waistcoats above, but I really like their gay matching roses idk.
I don't have a conclusion for this post, it's just a bunch of random observations I have on my mind constantly about Hiro. In conclusion, Hiro Hayami is gay. or bi idk. I feel like he thought he liked Bell but comphet. So he calls himself bi, but let's be honest he's only dating Kouji. Or Kazuki i'm down for the street kings ship. Kazuki and Two H. Or he's dating both of them, I'm a very pro poly person.
God I could talk about Two H or Poly OTR for a long time, but I wont today I will stop typing. Sorry about my hyperfixation!!!!!!
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kingmystrie · 1 year
Actually it’s a great thing to call out people for being “problematic” even if the source material isn’t perfect. Ppl don’t get a free pass to be bigoted weirdos just bc they like “bad” media lmao grow a spine
Okay but warrior cats is significantly more bigoted than any of the shit ive seen callout posts on, has wayy more influence and significance, has a younger audience of readers, and literally creates the culture of the fandom.
the series is fucking racist and xenophobic as shit, thinks that child abuse is okay, chock full of violent misogyny, constantly says colonialism is good, LITERALLY JUSTIFIED GROOMING and you idiots STILL buy the books AND GIVE IT FREE ADVERTISING. That's what we call hypocrisy!!!
Warrior cats isn't "not perfect" it's a fucking nightmare for marginalized people.
Btw, we're not talking about people making bigoted posts, we're talking about problematic fiction stories so its not even like im comparing apples to oranges I am comparing apples to apples.
How about instead of doing preformative acts for allyship people grow a spine. The bigotry didnt come out of thin air, it's IN THE BOOKS, its literally what the books TEACH people.
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fudgetunblr · 2 years
If you don’t think we should talk bout a woman Kanye (and KK, btw) sexually humiliated and harassed (and that is undeniably what KK and Ye were doing to her, the Famous vid is pretty cut and dry) because you personally don’t like her or her fans or because she’s problematic consider that you are not ready to talk about issues more complex than a tumblr callout post. We as a culture don’t have to ignore how grossly misogynistic everything surrounding Famous and it’s video was (not just towards her, btw, the entire video is just sex pest shit) just because Taylor’s done a lot of stupid or harmful shit (and she’s also just super annoying). I mean Jesus Christ if you can acknowledge nuance with KK you can do it with her.
Perhaps I didn’t articulate the Taylor point very well on my post, so I will clarify it here, and then if people feel the need to send more anons like this to me I’ll just delete them.
What Kanye has done to Taylor Swift in the past has been horrible. That being said, people only seem to care about Kanye’s misogyny when it affects white women. No one else gets dragged into the conversation as much as Taylor Swift, and she isn’t the first or last person he heckled on a stage. She’s not the first or last woman he’s made derogatory remarks towards. Yet she seems to be the ONLY woman people seems to think it’s worth fighting for.
Kanye’s racism and antisemitism does not affect Taylor Swift directly, if anything she’s benefitted from both. She had a huge alt-right following in the past and took a long time before she spoke out against them.
She is not being targeted by Kanye right now, Jewish people are. They deserve to be placed in the spotlight, their history deserves to be highlighted and our focus should be on calling out Kanye’s unacceptable alligence with the nazi party.
I can not reiterate this enough: 
This is about the oppression of Jewish people and the horrible repercussions Kanye’s stance has caused and will continue to cause in the future. Supporting the Jewish population should be the priority here, it’s as simple as that.
Now please anon, whoever you are. Block me.
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mousewiththetea · 5 months
First thing! This drama will have the tags #MarshCupsNMore so you can shuffle through it easier later on when posts are getting harder to find!
This will also have #marshside
Because the topic is just of marshmallow-buscuit-blog
Comment: this whole situation on outting other people is doing nothing but trying to bring harm to others. It started with vague posting then a callout post in which they used my screenshot(btw if you are reading this. Stop using it. You apologized and still had it up. Went behind my back to post it at that)
No one deserves harassment. Essp when it’s just people not communicating to eachother. Feelings got hurt.
What’s the end goal to this? To hurt people in the way you felt hurt? An eye for an eye??
There’s something your misconstruding.
Having an art style that seems to be more voluptuous on female antatomy isn’t a bad thing.
On Cup’s side there hasn’t been any pornographic images that we know of showed to minors that are clearly following them.
Most evidence is gonna be scarce on this situation when it comes to showing people that Buscuit had drawn Nsfw over artwork as a joke because they had erased it after.
All that there is so far is word of mouth. Take it how you will. Believe us or not ⟟ can’t make you do something.
But i know just form experience that it happened.
My whole opinion on that?
I understand when your friends are laughing and joking along with it, it doesn’t seem like ⏃ problem. But you have to realize as an adult that you have to separate yourself from minors when drawing or joking about this.
You can go either way.
We were all old/young enough to be joking around like that. (17 last year when it happened while she was 18)
A legal adult Still should not be able to joke about cock and balls around 17 year olds because that’s kinda weird.
Along with the other stuff like the aus about tea and the devil… uh yeah it’s just subjective if you like it or not.
They are allowed to do whatever they want with a character because it’s just that. A character. If you don’t like the way they are portraying it? That’s fair, you don’t have to like it or dislike it.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
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