#this isn't 100% soft minho
death2normalcy · 2 years
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Lee Know being adorable (a.k.a. mostly soft minho)
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bethanysnow · 2 months
How I think Stray Kids Members would date a Plus Size girlfriend ~ Hyungline
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Maknae line
-Bang Chan
This man deadlifts 350lb....do you think it's only for our benefit????? NAH this boy got an actually plus size gal in his minds eye. Large arms, soft shoulders, STOMACH, back???, calves???!?!?!?! Why does no one talk about calves!?! Where this man can man handle and grab and pull to his hearts delight and not break her. Lord knows one spank from him would probably break someone's pelvis if it didn't have padding.... Now I do think he would need to work on himself internally on some of his "complexes" and self image and self confidence?? I love this man to death, but you'd be reassuring him just as much as he is you. He went from the body checking capital of the world to the plastic surgery capital of the world at a formative age; it fucks with your head.
But he would love you, becoming friends would be faster than blinking, but I get the vibe it takes a while to fully trust? He trusts too easily and has been hurt by it in the past so he needs to know that you're gonna he there for him as he is you. He would 100% be the bf to make sure that there are clothes you can wear in his closet but not say anything. He's conscious of how he has insecurities and understands that it takes more than kissing it better and a love making session. It takes work. And he'd be there to remind you every step of the way how much he loves you.
This quiet man might surprise you. Now I don't think he'd be the first to come to mind when possibility dating a plus size gf, but this man is a intelligent one. He is introspective, quiet, understanding. He is one of those people in life that either body size wouldn't even cross his mind when dating you, or he would be very conscious of it. Not in a bad way of course.
He is just very concerned about you in how people treat you because of your size, not liking that he gets treated so special cuz he happened to end up being traditionally handsome. Where he sees the mistreatment you deal with and feels protective over you. So he plans ahead, makes sure the restaurant has chairs without arms, would rather people look at him and how OH LOOK ITS LEEKNOW than make you uncomfortable that you think people are staring.
If diets and conversation around diets make you uncomfortable I can see him changing the topic even around the members if you're there. He wants you to be happy and comfortable around him. While he isn't very affectionate or loud about his love its just as deep.
Also.....you got the best ass even if its flat
I think for someone who goes to the gym as much as he does he would understand if someone was having bad experiences tied to it? Like he is paid to work out and have a nutritionist and a stylist and all these team members. Not everyone has that. So he wouldn't pressure you into going with him unless you wanted to go. If you did though he'd be the first one to brag to everyone that you can out-leg press him. It would be the first thing in the group chat in all caps.
Dating Changbin, it is so domestic? I imagine? Like you start dating and he is just this big ol' teddy bear and he would feel so honored if you let yourself be timid around him. Being plus size (insecure or not) you have to have a thick skin, you grow to defend yourself, you protect your heart because people have been cruel and society is a bitch. In doing so the walls are a bit higher, and the fortress is a bit more imposing. But with Binnie, he is a hug that is open anytime anywhere. The absolute pride in his man once you allow yourself to lean on him, or dare to lay on his chest while cuddling? ahhh thats the good stuff
I also think he would be the first one to defend you, knowing the boys love language is poking fun he wouldn't have it if it was you. Be prepared to be presented with one of the boys' heads in a headlock by Binnie if they say anything. He is your knight in shinning armor and will make sure you are laughing and smiling and having a good time. Also he like chan feels more at ease knowing you aren't gonna break if you two get up to something more rough or naughty in the bedroom. Even on a more innocent path just knowing you aren't gonna judge him for how he looks like he doesn't judge yours makes his heart soar.
Hyunjin I think would have the most obstacles in regard to dating someone of size. Not that I don't think he wouldn't, but I think with the Korean beauty standard he has a lot of internal stuff he needs to work out before he could be in a healthy relationship. He knows what its like to be judged on only by how you look. He wouldn't want that for you or any of his friends, so I think he would be friends to lovers? You are a great deal of a reality check for him, when he gets very internal and in his head about stuff he goes to you.
So by the time he figures out he has a crush on you his entire art book has already started to look like Renaissance drafts of plus-size women. Starts seeking out media and art that reminds him of you. I don't even think hes conscious that he's doing it? I think it feels like an itch he can't scratch just right and its driving him insane because he doesn't know how to pin down this feeling. Not in art, not in lyrics, it evades him. Till he is standing in front of you, at your apartment, with an Idol worthy bouquet of flowers. Opening his heart and hoping you don't reject him.
Which....would never happen? Your relationship is one of the ages, he writes songs about you, and draws you constantly. In-person he has to be near you, even as simple as playing with your jewelry or showing you memes on his phone while you eat silently side by side. It is a love that is comfort, its like warm clothes out of the dryer for hyunjin.
@7ndipity @kaciidubs @itshannjisung @dreamescapeswriting @moonlightndaydreams
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jeongintwenty3 · 1 year
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pairing: lee know x gn!reader
summary: lee know being all lovey dovey to his one and only
genre: fluff
warnings: a few curse words
author's note: hi! rey here ♡ i'm back after a long break. decided to write ab minho being extremely endearing to his other half cos i am a sucker for soft minho <3 feedback is very welcome. please excuse any misspellings or misuse of grammar ): enjoy loves 🌻
with no reply from you, he made a beeline for the reading room; a place where you decide to spend time once you get home from work. opening the door, he ran to the couch where you were sitting; the gray piece of furniture that's way too big to accomodate the both of you, which he insisted on buying due to the black friday sale but really, he just wants to cuddle the shit out of you while still in outside clothes but don't tell him that.
"hi, min" you giggled. "i missed you".
"did you? guess i have to go on trips more often in order for you to blurt it out loud then".
with that shit eating grin of his, he pulled you into his chest whilst adjusting the both of your position to read more comfortably.
the two of you were enjoying the atmosphere, however minho isn't minho if he's not gonna annoy you somehow. contemplating whether to let you read or annoy you, he chose the latter, and he's not going to leave you alone until you become a flustered, blushing mess.
"babe" he said while poking your sides
"i love you" he said nonchalantly, when actually, his heart was about to jump out of his chest seeing your puzzled reaction but you were the most endearing thing he ever seen in his life.
it would be a lie if you weren't taken aback. yes, you were used to his annoying but loving banters, but every time he says the 3 words makes you feel like a high school kid crushing on one of the seniors. with that, you replied. well, at least you tried to.
"i love you too-"
but minho isn't minho without him trying to confess his undying love for you.
"no!!! i love you most, no denying, nothing."
"okay?" while trying to keep your giggling and butterflies in control.
"only okay?! what do you meeaann by thaaattt"
"you don't get it babe, it's just that i'd build 100 skyscrapers just to see you smile. it's serious"
with an eyebrow raised and still not getting his point, you asked, "what is?"
"can't you see?! i love you soooo so much i don't think i want to continue living without my other half. i might not make it"
smiling, "i think you can manage just fine without me, min"
grabbing your book and bookmarking it before leaving it on the table behind, he pulled you onto his lap, making you face those oh so adorable eyes. "i can but i don't want to, i'd be a fool to take you for granted" giving you the smile that will easily make you fold. "so i guess you're stuck forever with the handsome, talented, smart, loving, adora-"
your cheeks were reddening and you only managed to laugh, "okay i get it! and i'm totally okay with that, love. that sounds great."
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
SKZ: In Bed
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A shit show of a conversation was started in my writers club discord (Feel free to join!) with @maeleelee & @d4vekat-otp so here are my unhinged thoughts about how SKZ are in bed:
-He has so much control right now, even if it may not seem like it sometimes he just needs someone else to take control.
-Needs to be loved on and pampered, he's tired of taking care of his 7 kids all day
-Would love just being told what to do
-Seriously just tell him what to do, let him turn his brain off for once.
-SO SO SO in love with a calm, sweet, after care ritual:
- cuddling,
- kisses,
-a bath,
-hot chocolate,
- just be gentle with him after <3
-Everyone imagines Lino as a hard dom. me included. based on his looks and demeanor but what if we based it off how he looks at Jisung?
-Suddenly the man is softer than SoonDoonDori
-Consent is sexy KING: asks if you're okay with everything he does
-SO SO SO passionate
-Gentle unless asked not to be
-Will bring the cats in after sex to let you cuddle up to them because he loves seeing his four babies all together.
-"want me to make you a snack?"
-TIGHT cuddles, man will literally NOT let you go
-Would check in to make sure you're not hurt anywhere if he got 'too rough'
-Gives you his hoodie and sweats to sleep in
-HELPS YOU change into everything because "I'm changing the saying from No one helps you once you're fucked." (he's a lil dumb sometimes, he's doing his best okay?)
CHANGBIN: SWITCH (Depending on the day)
-Loves a good rough fuck
-but GOD WOULD HE LOVE being taken care of.
-Either manhandles you with his thicc muscles
- or pouts for you to be gentle with him
-Bubble Baths <3
-Would CARRY you to the bath <3 (Even if you can still walk. he WILL carry you)
-HE PREPARES!!! Whether he assumes he's gonna get some, or not, hes ALWAYS prepared for what you'll need after just in case! (Like water and snacks, or advil) (he do get a little sleepy after sex please cuddle him)
-Soft boy, Shy when people compliment his looks BUT
-Behind closed doors, he KNOWS. He KNOWS hes hot. and uses it against you
-He's a slut (lovingly)
-LOVES roleplay LOVES being a character so he can forget he was shy earlier about receiving a compliment
-PRAISES YOU "you're so perfect." | "More beautiful than any art piece in any museum" | "Made just for me,"
-He wants to be in control, but doesn't want to hurt you ever, only wants to make you feel good
-Will sketch you naked while you look fucked out (paint me like one of your french girls)
-The Most EXTREME Aftercare (it's such a long process)
-Will not let you lift a single finger, while he massages you, helps you bathe, puts lotion on you, gives you a face mask, changes you, and ultimately puts you to bed
-KISSES ALL OVER YOUR FACE before you fall asleep <3
-LOVES EDGING. (Ignores us on bubble forever, knows we want him, knows EXACTLY when to drop content, and leave us begging him for more)
-LOVES watching you beg for him. "I don't think you deserve it though-"
-WHORE (lovingly)
-Showers TOGETHER. you're not allowed to go in there alone wtf??
-HATES being seen as a pretty, fragile, princess
-NEEDS to take out his frustrations but what BETTER way than to show his partner whos in charge (Spoiler: It's Him.)
-The type to fuck you against the wall
-Seriously. He wants to pick you up and fuck you against any flat surface he can find- especially- when you piss him off.
-Leaves SO MANY marks on you. "Everyone needs to know who you belong to."
-LOVES face fucking. L O V E S it
-PRAISES YOU (if you deserve it) "Just like that, you're doing so good"
-IF YOU DONT DESERVE IT THO: "Stupid little whore, forgot whos in charge again huh?" (NOT HAPPY. STILL SO HOT OF HIM THO)
-SWEET BABY DURING AFTERCARE, WHOLE 180 CHANGE, "Baby what do you need?" "are you ok my love?" "Thank you for letting me get my anger out..." SO SO SO SO SO SOFT
-Man isn't just a dom. He's a mother fucking SADIST
-Teases you until you cry
-LOVES making you angry/frustrated
-LOVES watching you fight back (like the brat you are)
-LOVES it more to see you lose the fight (Source: Trust me bro)
-LOVES Using toys to overstimulate you.
-LOVES the power he has over you!!!!!!!!!
-JEALOUS FUCKING. "so you wanna act up in front of other guys? REMEMBER who fucking OWNS you."
-AFTERCARE IS SO NICE WITH HIM THO. HES A TOTAL PUPPY. Following you around to make sure you're okay, like a dog with its tail between its legs he needs lots of attention, cuddles and kisses. He loves you SO Much, he can't help his jealousy issues...
-DOESNT want to be Baby bread. HES SAID IT. (he wants to be Daddy Toast fr)
-Hes SO innocent looking? RED FLAG. HES 100% A WHORE (Lovingly)
-LOVES using his hands and his tongue
-Will over stimulate you with them before he even THINKS of fucking you
-When he DOES fuck you, the grip he has on your body will leave bruises on you for a week
-Wants YOU to mark him in forms of hickeys or scratches
-CHOKING - HAVE YOU SEEN HIS HANDS???????????? (Chanting: BREATH PLAY, BREATH PLAY, BREATH PLAY yeah. Im part of the breath play cult...)
-ALL THE KINKS, HES A FUCKING F R E A K "You see me as a baby? I'm about to prove you wrong little fox."
-WANTS YOU TO WEAR A FUCKING COLLAR WITH HIS NAME ON THE TAG. "You're mine. don't fucking forget it."
Tags @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup
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spiceofvy · 8 months
SKZ with a insomniac reader
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cws: gender neutral reader, sfw, fluff, one sexual reference (Chan)
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Chan: As a fellow insomniac he honestly is a little bit happy that he doesn't have to spend his nights alone anymore. But he wants to improve his sleep schedule for you and with you. But he can't. He still overworks himself and stays up all night. But he knows how to spend his time well, without working. Takes you on late-night drives (in both ways). Listening to your favorite music. Getting takeout. He holds your hand while driving, supporting you, and staying with you. Easing your mind.
Minho: Nah, he ain't messing around. This is a serious issue that can negatively impact your health. He takes you to a doctor, faster than you can say anything more. No matter what the doctor tells you to do, Minho makes sure you do it. Meds? You take them on time every day. Breathing exercises? Video calls to make sure you do them. He doesn't joke around when it comes to your health. He also takes you home as much as he can because he is 100% sure that cats help falling asleep.
Changbin: He is a bit clueless honestly. Doesn't know how to handle it but he tries his best. Asks his mom if she knows any good tricks that helped him fall asleep when he was younger. Which is really sweet, so she sends you a bunch of teas and heated pillows and similar things. He makes you lay your head on his chest and talks to you lowly. He always falls asleep before you, but he holds you the whole night, not letting you go for a second.
Hyunjin: Well, he tries a different route. Instead of making you fall asleep, during the night he makes sure that you make up your lost sleep during the day. Which means one thing: nap time. No matter if you take a nap together with him koala hugging you or you sleeping on your own. He always makes sure that wherever you go you can take a nap to make up for the lost sleep. His favorite is soothing you to sleep by making you watch him paint. He talks about his day while you watch how his brush moves over the canvas.
Jisung: While his sleeplessness is not as bad as Chan's he is also happy to have someone at his side during the late nights. He likes to take you to the studio with him, you lying on the couch as he works on songs, turning to you to show you what he is working on. Talking excitedly to you as he works. It's adorable honestly. But when the insomnia starts affecting your health seriously he gets really anxious and takes you to a doctor. You getting sick is something he is really scared of.
Felix: Deep voice activated. No matter if he is talking about his day, telling you all his favorite moments, or funny things that happened. Or reads his favorite childhood stories to you, petting your hair as you lay next to him. He will do it in his beautiful deep voice, that stay told him so often is very calming and easy to fall asleep to. He would also ask Chan what he should do. Who probably isn't the best person to ask. But he means well.
Seungmin: He will also take you to a doctor. But he is very soft about it. Texting you every night to remind you of your schedule. Because he works out a whole routine for you. Including no screen time, set times to brush teeth, certain foods to avoid. Whenever he can he spends his nights with you, doing the routine with you. Holding your hand when you brush your teeth. Puffs your pillows, and hums to you while cuddling you. No anxiety allowed for you. Just calm minds and soft thoughts.
Jeongin: He also asks Chan what to do. But when he isn't of help he just decides that the best way to treat insomnia is money. Everything that could make sleeping easier. Fancy Pajamas matching his own. Silk bed sheets, extra soft. The fluffiest pillows. The warmest duvets. Probably one of those scented air moisturizers. And plushies. Of course, plushies. Including an FoxI.NY (also in a matching pajama). It may not heal your insomnia, but man does it make you feel loved.
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hyunsvngs · 10 months
no thoughts head empty just fratboy!minho 😵‍💫😵‍💫 goD PLEASE i need to know what was going through his head throughout that whole exchange starting from the video (what if,,,,minho pov 👀)
for real omg, fratboy minho is taking up 100% of the real estate in my brain rn and he isn't paying me a single penny of rent 🫠
believe me tho, minho was going absolutely feral on every emotional level, from the second he saw that video. he's just far too good at keeping his composure
some thoughts below the cut....
minho had obviously had his eye on you for a while. from the very first time you'd shown up with felix and jisung, actually.
he knew you wanted him - you were much less subtle than you thought. he'd seen you checking him out, just about every single time the two of you were in the same room. and every time he so much as smirked at you, even raised an eyebrow, you either flushed bright red or found an excuse to run out of the room.
you seemed so shy, but minho knew better. this was the behaviour of someone who was harbouring some dirty, dirty thoughts.
honestly, he'd been disappointed when you stopped coming around. he thought that maybe you'd found yourself a boyfriend or something, which annoyed him more than he'd care to admit. if only he'd moved in a little faster, and you could've been his... he hadn't wanted it to transpire like that, though. he needed you to grow more and more desperate, until you needed him so bad it outweighed your shyness.
and that's what had happened. in a more roundabout way.
when he heard you in the background of that video, it felt like christmas had come early. minho prided himself on his restraint. he could wait for as long as was necessary. he wasn't one to rush. but after hearing that, hearing your vulgar words... he knew he had to seize this.
he hadn't even said goodbye to anyone at the theta chi theta party. he'd high-tailed it back home, he couldn't risk the possibility of you running away before he got there. seungmin was the first one he saw when he got there "where's-" "jisung's room."
he started to get hard as soon as he saw your shocked little face. honestly, he didn't know what had gotten into him. he usually had so much more restraint than this. he could hold off his own pleasure for hours, if it meant he could toy with a pretty baby, watching them get more and more desperate.
god, he felt like the desperate one with you. he did a fairly good job of not showing it, or he hoped so at least. but when he saw the need in your eyes; when you undressed for him, and he finally got to see your bare skin, all soft and ready to be touched; when he first saw your pussy, dripping with want.
and when you asked him to cum? he had just blown, instantly. this was the first time in a long time he hadn't felt in control. and the strangest thing was, it didn't even frustrate him. well, okay, it did a little bit. but most of all, he was intrigued.
he'd laid awake for a while, after you'd fallen asleep. thinking about things. he was satisfied, more satisfied than he'd been in far too long. but, in the same vein, he was hungrier than he ever had been, filled with pure want. he craved you, urgently.
honestly, he had to hold himself back from waking you up for part two. you slept so sweetly, though, he couldn't. instead he lay there, holding you gently, brainstorming all the horrible, filthy things he'd do to you tomorrow.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 6 months
100 Followers Event
In celebration of getting 100+ followers, I decided to do this little event. Thank you, my gorgeous loves, for all the love and support! I hope you guys enjoy this.
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Event last until December 30th
You can request any Stray Kids member
I have no limit on how many characters you choose
You can choose any AU
I'll try to do drabbles with at least 300 words
Regular guidelines apply as well
Prompts can be reused
Specify who you want saying what
"Nicholas says the bold stuff and you can let whoever say the rest" or, "Hyunjin say italics and Nicholas say bold and Minho say the normal stuff"
Or you can give me free range and I'll make whoever say the prompts
Soft Yandere
Hero/Villian AU
Grumpy x Sunshine
Demon or Angel
Horror (I might suck at this ;-;)
Platonic or Romantic
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"Wait, don't go."
"Can I have a hug?" "You know you don't have to ask, right?"
"I'm not giving you anything!"
"Get your own!"
"I'm sorry." "No, you aren't."
"I'm sorry." "Not your fault."
"Don't look at them. Look at me. You're doing amazing."
"I'm proud of you." "I didn't do anything." "You're alive."
"Why are you so sleepy?"
"I'm gonna hang up so you can sleep." "No."
"You're so mean!" "I'm not, but I can show you mean."
"Are we ignoring the hole in the wall?"
"Your Highness-" "Stop calling me that." "What do I call you then?" "My name?" "...Your majesty?" "I'm gonna hit you with this book." (Can be a different title)
"Where do you think you're going?" "Away?" "Away where?" "To a faraway land-" "Answer the question." "I'm going to piss! Can I go to the bathroom?!"
"Guys?" "We aren't going that way!" "Guys?" "That way or back! Cause I'm not going with creepy old man. No offense." "Hello?" "Can we talk about this?" "Guys!" "What?!" "Don't yell! There's a man in the window." "No, there isn't." "They're not lying! He's right there!"
"Are we ignoring the massive claw marks?" "Ignorance is bliss."
"That's not what I had in mind, but I'll allow it 'cause it's funny."
"I know y'all heard that." "Nope." "We're choosing to ignore it." "Well, now we can't cause it's coming this way." "How can you say that so calmly?!"
"On a normal day, we would be eating a sugar night snack right now." "You guys eat human food?" "You don't?!" "You're missing out."
"This is why you don't lean over someone sleeping." "How the hell was I supposed to know he would break my nose?!"
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Thank you again, my gorgeous loves!
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Where do I even begin.
WereRoomies has an absolute chokehold on me I check this more often than I check my assignments for grad school. Everything is just *chefs kiss*
Seriously, everything I’ve read from you is amazing. I’ve never been so excited to read an authors fan fiction.
I asked before, but I think it may have been eaten in the inbox so I’ll ask again here…
We know Pretty Mum has accidentally made a nest, but now that she knows about them and Chris knows she knows about them…. How feral is Chris going to get when (and yes I mean when because pretty mum will do anything to rile up her dearest alpha) she make one on purpose?
got me all blushy and giggly over here, omg. glad you've enjoyed it so far~
i did receive it ! sorry i haven't answered it yet, it's just that i kinda want to write a drabble with that concept and was planning on using your ask for it sdfkjsdhjkfshf i'm honestly not 100% sure yet if i'll write it or not.
so, since i don't know how long that could take (or if it'll happen at all), i'll leave some generic thoughts under here that aren't necessarily related to what i was thinking for that drabble:
if you thought minho went crazy for kitten's nest, you wouldn't even believe what a nest made by pretty would to to chris.
as soon as chris sees that nest you could practically see smoke coming out of his ears.
it'd be a 'no thoughts, head empty' situation. his instincts will kick in and there's nothing on his mind other than breed breed breed...
which, i'm sure would be exactly what pretty wanted if she was right there, in the middle of her nest, on their bed, waiting for him.
listen, chris and pretty are the alpha couple of the pack. it's in their inherit nature to feel the need to reproduce. which is why they're arguably the horniest couple.
there'd be barely any coherent words coming out of each other's mouths. only horny talk.
i think, if it's the first time it happens, there'd be little to no foreplay (which is unusual for chris). he just needs to breed his soft, perfect mate and he needs to do it now or he'll die.
the desperate fucking will slow down only after he's blown his load at least once.
there'll be some clarity back in his mind, but i'm sure pretty would be able to do something to get him back into his frantic self (she likes this, clearly. maybe a bit too much...)
they'll just fuck so much... if it isn't the weekend, pretty will call in sick the next day for sure because of how tired and sore she'll be skjhfskdjf
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changbinslovelylegs · 2 years
Can I ask about skz who do you think is dom /sub/switch please 🥺 🥺
Of course baby, I hope you enjoy!!
I see all of the members as switches however I do see different members that would be sub lean vs dom lean so I'm gonna take that approach when writing this.
Warnings: smut, language, different kinks mentioned!
Chan (dom lean) - Defiantly needs a partner who is open to things because while Chan prefers to dom there are some nights where all he wants to do is sub. A heavy dom lean though cause daddy Chan just wants to have his way with you all the time and just loves the noises he can draw out from you.
Minho (dom lean) - I'd say Minho is the most dom leaning 90/10 like if he was ever asked to sub he would do it and would enjoy it but he just prefers domming. It's what he loves and what he's best at too just loves seeing his partner all fucked out because of what he did.
Changbin (complete switch) - I 100% see Changbin as a 50 50 complete switch like I think he doms just as much as he subs and I think he needs both in his life to have a "happy sexual life" I think Changbin would want a partner who is ok with this so no matter his mood everyone can be taken care of.
Hyunjin (dom lean) - You best believe Hyunjin is the biggest soft dom ever like he loves to give you all the pleasure in the world but you still gotta do as he says. I'd say 70/30 the 70 being domming and the 30 being subbing and he's just the cutest sub it's hard to say no.
Jisung (sub lean) - I think Jisung can dom and does enjoy it and most likely has a thing for being called sir, deep down he just loves to sub. He's the biggest brat ever and always needs to be tamed but also wants to be loved and taken care of. It's just not all the time as he's not a complete sub.
Felix (sub lean) - Sometimes Felix just wants to be taken care of and basically not think for a while thats why he loves to sub. It helps him to relax and being the best boy for you always makes him happy. Just like Jisung however it's not all the time so expect the dom side to surprise you just like his kink for fucking your mouth.
Seungmin (dom lean) - Theres no way Seungmin isn't a dom lean there just the vibes I get from him. Loves to see the way you submit so beautifully for him it makes his heart flutter. However would want a partner who is up for anything cause when Seungmin feels like subbing he doesn't wanna be turned away.
Jeongin (complete switch) - I see Jeongin as a switch but a little different to Binnie. It depends on who Jeongin is with whether he doms or subs, he loves both and needs both but it's not a life necessity. As long as he's pegged every now and then he's good.
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hi hi~ i wanted to see what you thought about who's the most to least kinky and why? don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable but i'd love to know! <3
Hey Anon!
Of course, I don't mind answering these types of questions at all!
But of course, I do unfortunately have to state that this does not depict the members in real life, this is just from a perspective of a fan!
Lee Know
I have a strong feeling that if it came down to it, Minho would literally try anything and everything and would not hesitate to use it in the bedroom. The filthier the better I think.
Similar to Minho and to be fair, it would be a whole new person from the bedroom to the outside. But who's to say he wouldn't try it on outside? Just saying
Bang Chan
Do I even have to explain this? Like seriously? That man has exposed himself enough as it is, and I can't even imagine the extents it could go with him. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?
It may seem surprising but I feel Felix would have SO many tricks up his sleeves to leave you questioning the cute facade he puts on. I can tell you for free he is NOT innocent.
I would put him higher up, but I feel he'd be the same as Felix, honestly. Though it wouldn't be as much of a surprise. However, if he WANTS to be, you're in for the time of your life.
Okay, okay. If there's I will say, is that he's 100% not innocent and not completely vanilla. However, I do not or could not see him as the type to be such. However, it would be a happy surprise.
I mean, I can see him being into some stuff and absolutely love it but I can only see him being one for the soft and gentle lovemaking... Unless he's PISSED OFF or needs a stress reliever.
He could be hiding a lot of secrets but whenever I look at him, I couldn't dare think he'd be into anything more than the most vanilla stuff and that really isn't a bad thing at all!
Feel free to challenge this! I honestly would love to know everyone else's opinions!
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christronomy · 7 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ . . . lovemaking with skz
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⋆·˚ ༘ * hcs on what i think making love with each skz member would be like
pairing: ot8 x fem reader
cw: literally nothing else except smut but it's disgustingly soft and mushy. not 100% proofread, excuse any errors.
an: ik ik. everybody has already made hcs like this thousands of times. i js felt like writing my own cause i needa beat this writer's block. haven't really been in the best mental state. just so unmotivated and bleh. needed some extra comfort/emotional support. plus i never have actually written any ot8 content so i figured it's about time i should. anyways, enjoy. muah. 🫶🏻
18+ minors/ageless blogs do not interact.
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chan - he's definitely a protective lover, of course, especially in this scenario. wraps his arms around you and holds you as close as possible, makes sure that no one can reach you in this little space he's created for you in his embrace. his lips stay glued to yours the entire time cause he loves taking in your little whines and pants. will smile and chuckle softly against your lips whenever you make a sound or jolt a little cause he finds it so endearing that you're so sensitive and responsive. it's always slow, yet rough strokes, his cock reaching the deepest parts of you and making you shiver and clench every few thrusts, cause he's pressed against your body, legs entangled with yours in a way that keeps you spread open for him. there's also a lot of intense eye contact, soft whispers and moaning into each other's mouths while you make out. he's always gonna make sure no one can hurt you when you're like this. you're always safe with him.
minho - very sensual, although very quiet, but that doesn't mean he isn't enjoying it. he's all about facial expressions, body language, and eye contact. he studies your expression intently, the way your face contorts in pleasure when he thrusts into you at a particular angle, engraves that into his memory for next time. he's always gonna put you in several positions—gently, of course—to figure out what feels best. once he's found the best one, he's going at it super slow, swiveling his hips and angling them just right, eliciting the prettiest sounds from your lips that he just can't get enough of. they're so addicting to him. rarely ever moans or talks but will definitely purposely pant heavily in your ear so you'll know he's really loving this. super gentle with you, his touches are extremely delicate, as if you'll break if he's not careful enough, and the way he drops that cold demeanor, paying attention to your every want and need just makes you fall even more in love with him, if that's even possible.
changbin - you want extremely passionate, emotional lovemaking? he's the one. it's common knowledge that although he's all big and bad looking for the most part, he's actually a huge teddy bear and doesn't mind being vulnerable from time to time. might actually end up crying most sometimes, cause he just loves you so much he doesn't know what to do with himself, so he'll just burst into tears when he's about to cum, rutting into you desperately and whining out the sweetest yet softest "i love you's" in that cute little soft voice of his. he's more of a whiner than a moaner, but god does he sound so pretty. you're already swimming in pleasure as soon as he pushes his cock in, cause it stretches you out so nice (cccc™ iykyk), and that paired with his slow, soft thrusts, and the way he swivels his hips so deliciously, is literal heaven. sometimes he gets a little carried away and ends up rutting into you roughly, nonetheless he still makes sure to keep it at a pace that's comfortable for you. constantly touching you everywhere his hands can reach, his big, strong arms wrapping around you to hold you close against him cause he doesn't wanna be away from you for a second. looks at you with the biggest heart eyes like you're the only girl that exists in this world, cause if he's honest, in his mind, you kinda definitely are.
hyunjin - he gives me such a poetic lover vibes it makes me sick. in a good way though. when he makes love it's like when he's making art, in the sense that he pays attention to every detail. everything needs to be perfect to a T, he can't go wrong at all. he knows how to please you just right and constantly praises you, cause he needs you to understand how beautiful and amazing you are to him like he needs air to breathe. never stops whispering nice things that make you feel like you're literally on top of the world. "my muse, my precious, sweetest love. let me take care of you." begs to cum inside you so he can show you how much he really wants this, wants you, cause in his mind, that makes things a lot more intimate between you. also the constant hand holding. he can't function properly if he's not holding your hand. he loves watching your facial expressions and hearing your little sounds cause he thinks you're just soooo cute when you're feeling good. :( he's also one for intense eye contact, needs to see your face when you cum and isn't satisfied until you are first. his thrusts are slow, almost lazy, if he's not looking at you then he's got his face buried in your neck or collarbone, marking you up all for him. he doesn't care if anyone sees those marks, cause to him, they represent his love for you and you shouldn't be ashamed to show that.
jisung - so good with his words in a way that, if you could physically melt into a puddle whenever he praises you, you definitely would. gets super sappy and emotional and mushy cause he's just so pussy and love drunk for you that he doesn't know what to do with himself. doesn't care if he's overstimulated, he's gonna keep loving you until it hurts. cries but only sometimes, especially if it's been a while since you've last been together cause he misses you all the time. his mind is just always clouded with thoughts of you. dorky lover asf, doesn't hesitate to crack a joke or two but it doesn't necessarily ruin the mood, cause it's jisung and he's always like that, which is something that you've always loved so much about him. "damn, baby i missed you, craved you. so much so that... i swear... even when i wasn't sleeping i still dreamt of this moment every second i was away," he whispers softly, trailing soft kisses down your chest and abdomen, then coming back up to place a soft kiss onto your lips. "waitwaitwait... that might be good lyric for a song or something. hold on, lemme write that down," he says suddenly, reaching for his phone on the nightstand, but you quickly grab his wrist gently as you break into a fit of giggles. "later," you say, and he chuckles, nodding and lining his cock up with your entrance. his thrusts are super lazy, barely any friction but just enough to make you both sigh in relief. he's finally back home with you, back where he belongs, between your legs, and you best believe he's gonna make the most of it.
felix - definitely a crier. not full on sobbing or anything like that, but it's almost unusual for him to not shed at least one tear when he makes love to you. it's just that he spends a lot of time away from you cause he's so busy, but he wants you to know that you're the only one on his mind all the time, and he loves you so much, and just so many other things... it just gets overwhelming sometimes. so when he's finally got you in bed, spreading your legs gently and slipping inside your warmth, he's already on cloud nine, and the realization hits him like waves. "god, baby..." he starts, tears brimming his eyes, and you reach up to wipe them off his freckled cheeks tenderly, your brows furrowing as a concerned look crosses your features. "it's just been so long... i missed you so much... missed being so close to you like this," he whispers, short huffs escaping his lips at the first thrust, and he chuckles softly at the way you moan and sigh in relief. the sound is sweet like honey, music to his ears. if it were up to him, he'd make love to you like this all day, every day.
seungmin - fuck mean dom seungmin, i like whipped pussy drunk lover seungmin too much to see him like that tbh. he's so into intimacy it's like a second language or something. idk how to explain it. when he makes love to you, you truly feel connected. he's the type to make you forget that there's even a whole world with other people and things outside of the confines of the bed that you're sharing. he speaks to you so softly, touches you so gently, featherlight, but it feels like being hit with a ton of bricks at the same time. he's just so tender and gentle with you it's so gross. *squeals into pillow.* his thrusts and his cock are otherworldly. he'll pull out until it's just the tip inside you, then slowly thrust back in, cause lovemaking or not, he's still gonna tease you just a little bit. loves finding ways to make you squeal and call out his name, especially when you look up at him like he hung the stars for you while you do so. he adores you, and he loves being able to see that you adore him just as much.
jeongin - he even said himself he's not the type to say "i love you" very often, cause he doesn't want that phrase to be taken lightly when he says it. so of course, when he makes love to you, he makes sure it's meaningful, puts his all into it. it's just so sweet and intimate *sigh.* he's a relentless lover, doesn't stop til you're both spent, cause he just wants to make it known to you that you're his only one. he'll only ever love you like this. will literally look at you like you made the universe or something, idk it's just the way he'll give you puppy dog eyes, so full of pure love and adoration for you. loves holding your hands cause his are much larger than yours and he thinks that size difference is cute and teases you about how sensitive you get, especially during moments like these. but he only does it bc he likes to see your cheeks flush and the way you look away shyly. he just thinks you're so cute when you're whining and squirming under him, begging him to make you cum and babbling about how good he's making you feel and how you love him so much. "you love me? hmm? i love you too, pretty baby. now cum for me again. i wanna love you some more."
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Shy s/o
Bang Chan
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° Will try his best to get you to become comfortable around him, he doesn't want you to feel insecure around him and wants you to see him as a safe place. You've gotten much better since you first met, seeing as he use to think you were mute for the first two months.
° Can't hold back his smile everytime you hide behind him when you're embarrassed, or whenever you whisper your opinion on a topic in his ear. He would love to see you comfortable around the members too, but he just appreciates that you trust him so much.
° Sometimes he can become a bit playful with you, sending you winks just to see you become flustered and cute. Chan lives for you tomato red complexion after he does something slightly flirtatious, he just wants to squish and hold you for hours when your all blushy and soft.
"Y/n! Come over here~"
"Just wanted to remind you how cute you are."
Lee Know
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° Won't let you breathe, since your shy he will go the extra mile to make you a flustered mess. He isn't subtle with his flirting at all either, he will kiss your neck and leave a hickey while the members are just casually around and on their phones. They honestly aren't surprised by him.
° His wallpaper is you reading a book in his hoodie and Dori is cuddled into your side. He loves coming home after a long day to your soft voice and gentle touches. Will cuddle into your chest, making you blush quite a bit. But he is too tired to comment on your tense position.
° Will help you out during award ceremonies and parties, always glancing at you to make sure you are okay. And if you look overwhelmed he will try to get you out of there as soon as possible. The worst time was when Shindong wouldn't stop chatting to you, even though you were nervous.
"At least he didn't mean any harm by it."
"It's still upsetting that he kept you from leaving."
"I wish I could have gotten you earlier."
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° Is the member who would need someone on the shyer side the most ngl, I just think he would want to calm down with someone after being stuck in the dorm with so many loud personalities that are teasing him often. He'd need someone to lean onto.
° Will avoid social places for dates, such as and carnivals. He is worried that they would make you stressed out and he knows you wouldn't admit to him if you were nervous . You'd have to tell him that you would be okay with carnival or mall dates, or else he will overthink.
° When you are sad or being hard on yourself, he will do aegyo to try and make you laugh. It always does, along with making you squeal a tiny bit from how cute he is being. He can get embarrassed easily, but seeing you become happy again makes it worth it.
"Jagiya, what's wrong?"
"Nothing... Just had a really long day."
"Yah, don't lie to your baby Binnie ~"
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° Is the second most likely to tease you all the time, only a bit softer than Minho since he will get shy from flirting afterwards. He will kiss you constantly when in private, loving the sound of your laughter as he peppers your cheeks. But will get bashful if he gets caught winking in public.
° 100% takes you to the library for dates, he assumed you liked quieter spaces... Plus there was less of a chance that fans would swarm him. Will go directly behind you and take down the book you want, even if you can reach it. He just wants to be close to you and make you blush.
° Will lay in your lap with his head on your shoulder, cutely pouting as you tell him about the book your reading. Ends up smiling into the crook of your neck when you start to play with his hair, he's very cuddly and loves when you return the favor, since you are an introvert.
"Shoto is such an amazing character and-"
"Baby, please play with my hair. I want your affection.~"
"You're such a cuddly giant sometimes..."
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° People can see why you two make a good couple, since you both are total opposites of each other. He's an extroverted social butterfly, while you're and introverted shy sweetheart. You both balance each other out amazingly and help each other out in situations you aren't used to.
° If you ever attend one of their concerts, he most definitely will call you to the stage and show you off to his fans. Laughing when you try to cover yourself with your hands due to the amazing reaction the fans give you. He once jumped off the stage to rap right in front of you.
° His favorite dates are when you do movie nights inside your apartment, both of you snacking on some junk food in cute animal onesies. You will take turns choosing, you always choose Attack on Titan marathon while he chooses the Avengers movies.
"Would you dump me for Levi if he was real?"
"No! Never... Would you dump me for iron man?"
"Yes, but I appreciate the high praise from you. *laughing his ass off at your shock*."
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° The amount of people that are whipped for you two are insane, you literally collect people's hearts like Pokémon cards. You both are very cute to look at if that makes sense, the members burst so many uwus when they see Felix holding you in his lap as you watch some random anime on your phone together.
° He will always take your order beforehand and then order it for you, knowing that answering phone calls and ordering at a cash are two things that are hard to do for someone who is shy. A waiter once thought it was an act of being controlling, when in reality you wanted Felix to order for you.
° The cuddliest member, so he will not hesitate to cling onto you like a koala and press kisses to everywhere he can reach. There have only been a few times where a member has told you both to get a room, this made you very shy and embarrassed so you hesitated to cuddle back for a whole week.
"Changbin was scolding me not you, y/n."
"But I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable."
"You don't love, he was only scolding me for placing kisses across your neck too often."
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° Seungmin is definitely an Ambivert, he's the closest to an introvert out of Stray Kids. But he is still just as chaotic as the rest of the members, he just is better at hiding it. Knowing you're shy, he will not rush you into meeting his members since they can be a lot of energy.
° Will introduce you to a member one at a time, starting off with Jeongin. Whenever he holds onto you in any way, the members will burst out into encouraging embarrassing shouting. This always manages to make you turn firetruck red, and you always attempt to hide behind Seungmin.
° He likes to take you out to a cute café for dates, kissing off the whipped cream from your lips as if you both are in a cliché romance movie. You always laugh and push him away, saying it's cheesy while you are trying not to show how much you are truly panicking.
"Seungmin! people are around."
"People kiss all of the time, it's a part of relationships."
"... Just warn me next time."
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° You are dating the maknae of Stray Kids... Who is already quite babied by the members and the fandom. So you will not be able to escape the constant fanboying of the members whenever you two literally do ANYTHING. Chan couldn't stop grinning during a horror movie because you two were cuddling.
° Jeongin will take you to the theatre for dates, winning you prizes at the Arcade and giving you sneaky kisses in the back row of the theatre. You are always nervous of getting caught kissing, but no one ever catches you two... Or they just simply don't care enough to call you on it.
° It was in the middle of winter and you and Jeongin were cuddling in his bed, you were cold so borrowed one of his hoodie a and walked out to get some hot cocoa... The member's thought you two did something else and Minho will never let Jeongin forget that day.
"We didn't do anything like that you pervs."
"Then why was she wearing your hoodie?"
"Cause she was cold!"
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maze runner secret santa guesses!
in the order of the works posted. i focus mostly on textual analysis, and draw on formal hints (notes, tags etc) where the guesses were harder to make.
the guesses:
<3 Lena: Major Arcana ✅ <3 Momo: Body Pillow ✅ <3 Dee: draw me a heart in the snow (because my love is a blizzard) ❌ <3 Clod: to hell with you ✅ <3 Snick: so like, stop me if you've heard this one... (Three Cryptids Walk into a Bar) ✅ <3 Juliette: christmas glader drawings <3 Crest: these truths unbound and ripe for burning ✅ <3 Fabs: Knocking on Your Heart, Could You Let Me in? ✅ <3 Saph: we were together, I forget the rest ❌
(very) elaborate (2.3 k words, you have been Warned) explanations below. enjoy <3
Major Arcana - Lena, @nachoupala
i am 100% sure of this.
lena likes merlin
slow burn
long, chaptered fic
newt has long hair
sitting on a bed + leaning against each other
hands in hair
generally intimacy between friends described in a way that makes you go hnghhhh and feel soft inside til you're just a puddle of happy yearn-y pin-y feelings
everyone going 'hmm i sure love 2 people wish there was a sOLuTioN for this' until lena hits them over the head with polyamory
newt's monologue on how love isn't exclusive to one person is very Lena
i mean y'know just generally the polyamory and friendship feels ygm
and this is maybe random but: epilogue that takes place at a vantage point where there is not only a plot-overview, but it takes place at a physically 'higher' situated place where they can see over the city (in broken promises) or the surrounding city and countryside (major arcana)
this is all based on 'broken promises and how to fix them'. marvelous fic.
Body Pillow - Momo, @thominho-incorrectquotes
again, this is a 100% sure guess.
the book scene 'if i don't see you on the other side' is mentioned
momo loves bookverse
momo loves that scene
hc for that scene is that minho was serious when saying he loved thomas, and really hurt when thomas laughed it off
thominho being best friends, and them being the most important people to each other is really important to momo
cuddling and sleeping in the same bed
minho characterization is just Momo.
misunderstandings, build-up, dramatic moment (in flower fic is was minho nearly dying of that disease, here it's thomas' breakdown), love confessions
they've always loved each other
both thought the other didn't love them
i repeat: beautiful love confessions
ending that makes you feel Peaceful, like big time, and you know thominho are always going to be together
generally, if you liked this fic i highly recommend momo's thominho flower-disease fic.
draw me a heart in the snow (because my love is a blizzard) - Dee, @graeae
this i am less sure on, mostly because there's not that much of dee's writing i have been able to read. (some of their fic explores themes which are too heavy for me) also if you wrote a newtmas fic dee, i probably haven't even laid eyes on it yet i'm sorry.
but. i have read that nalby ficlet, and. yeah. here's what i've got:
the main thing is that this fic made me *puppy eyes* all over, and that's what nalby ficlet did to me.
nalby. need i say more. hilarious and amazing charcterization, newt's a little shit and alby's all Grown Up. they make an amazing couple
introversion/social anxiety. well described, and it goes away when minho feels comfortable
what i didn't know where to place were mentions of prague (don't know if dee's got any feelings on prague), and that thomas uses a french word for humor. i think dee knows a little french, but was under the impression that portuguese is the main foreign language they know?
"formal clue" (from the notes):
dee is relatively 'new' to thominho, and the notes, of this fic bringing them closer to thominho, makes sense under that aspect.
if you liked this fic, you'll like dee's nalby thunderstorm ficlet bindweed and clover
to hell with you - Clod, @un-ah / @manako-no-yami
this i will say i am... fuck it. i was gonna say 99% sure, but i'll give this one a 100% as well.
no one whumps gally like clod does
beautiful thomally characterization. this had me thinking of crest (@crestfallercanyon ) in the beginning, but that adds up bc clod and crest talk similarly about thomally. lot of beautiful tumblr posts out there to prove that
a Bad Guy that turns out not to be as clear black and white bad
humand are Complicated and their relationships hurt
this leads me on a tangent. as i said i at first thought this could be crest's piece as well. apart from the fact that my gift was uploaded later and i'm, again, 100% sure that it's crest who wrote it, this made me think of the differences in clod and crest's writing.
in crest's writing, bad stuff happens, but it always gets *better* with human connections.
in clod's writing, it's the human connections that hurt. not to go all pretentious but what clod does reminds me too much of it to not mention it: the french play 'huis clos' (engl. 'no exit') by sartre.
in that play, 3 people are locked inside a room and told that they're in hell. at first, they're not sure how this can actually be hell, but as time goes on and they tell their story, it becomes apparent that they're trapped with each other because each of them needs something from another person present (love, approval, forgiveness), while another one needs something from them that they're not willing/inclined to give. and that makes the play end with those famous words (i *think* it's the ending lol, maybe it's just a quote but whatever):
l'enfer, c'est les autres
[engl. 'hell is other people']
and yeah, i think that's what happens in clod's writing and what she manages to do over and over. okay sidetrack over, let's go back to the List.
thomas' attraction to gally is open and borders on pathetic which we love to see hmmmmm
an ending that's not a happy ending (this is actually quite cheery if you know the rest of clod's writing alskdjflas)
no one makes me cry and hurt over fic like clod does.
and no one does that in a way that leaves me begging for more, and where i'd let her do it again in an instant
so yeah. it's clod. hi bb <3
so like, stop me if you've heard this one... (Three Cryptids Walk into a Bar) - Snick, @persnickett
this one i'm less sure on. there's 2 main reasons for that:
i haven't read all newtmas fics
there's a lot of people who write newtmas, and i am familiar with almost none of them. unlike with authors for eg thomally and thominho.
so this was a harder one to guess, and if i'm wrong, this will just be a list of things that i like about snick's writing that showed up in someone else's writing.
brackets. FUNNY brackets.
mention of newt being cold in like the first few paragraphs, when it's the think gel and snick bonded over (consult Hot n’ Cold (or: Sweaters) [headcanon] on that)
newtmas have a major PDA problem (consult airport fic on this)
the word PDA. i know other people use it, but snick uses it, too, and i know that bc i had to look it up when she first used it lmao
generally the newtmas feels very Her. nuzzling into each other like there's no tomorrow (get yourself some snick newtmas nuzzling in catfic )
frequent mention of kink lololo
minho characterization. very Her.
gally characterization. very Her.
used words i had to look up. from the authors i read, that only ever happens to me in snickfic.
generally: language. rolls off your tongue and guides you through the story lightly and like a rolling boat, if that makes sense.
puns. loads of other people picked that out, too, but again snick's the only one who thinks puns are funny i've seen use puns in writing (consult: coffeeshop fic)
long 1 chapter fic
i wanted to keep reading
sweet scene breaks, i see that being her
gally‘s eyebrows even made it into a tag for snick‘s 2019 minally fic so their ample description in this fic could check out
the pining/describing minho‘s attraction to gally and all the little things he notices and how gally feels like *home* and feels *safe* are also super beautiful in both that 2019 fic and this one. so beautiful. minho and gally. my heart. 🖤 (gally's stormy eyes make an appearance in both fics i think?)
bc this was a harder guess, i'm going to include 'formal hints' in this one.
the title, 1) funny, 2) long, 3) brackets
the notes, happy cryptid-mas lmao
2nd time snick wrote a gift for gel, first time around there was a long personal message, this time she tried to keep it short and not let on how well she knows her wife.
formal thing: i first thought 'raise the black' could be snick, then scrolled through rachel's writing bc some people guesses it was hers, and it turns out rachel places periods outside of brackets also when they're full sentences, like so:
(words words words).
while snick does it
(words words words.)
cryptid fic does it the snick-way.
the notes, 'For the maze runner secret santa (tmrss21)', snick has used a variation of that each year. ('This was written for The Maze Runner Secret Santa 2019 (tmrss19)' in 2019 for example)
tags: i know no one else who posts fics with as little tags as snick does. these 2 tags, just specifying the universe.
the drawings of chrismtas soniet and tha gladers around the campfire - Juliette, @ohbluesky
i loved her piece on vulnerability for thominho week (admire it here), and instantly knew this was her. i'm not good at art so i can't say more on that, i just Knew. and just as thominho week art, these drawing made me feel super Soft inside, especially the soniet one, it's just so beautiful!
these truths unbound and ripe for burning - Crest, @crestfallercanyon
100% sure guess.
the campfire. the drinking. the friendships.
gally's brew.
generally, i caught major vibes of crest's first ever (Beautiful!) maze runner fic
safe haven (crest has 3 safe haven thomally fics and so is very comfortable writing them, and i daresay she likes the setting.) (to build a home is one of them)
bookverse. this is a bookverse fic, and crest loves bookverse. she read the books growing up, and they've felt like home to her in way that's unique to this day. she also knows those books intimately and by heart, so she feels very comfortable writing in their setting.
Minho Is A Good Friend
apelsin references. crest knows apelsin, crest loves apelsin, crest has written a fucking continuation of apelsin. additionally i think crest knows i love apelsin.
minho/sonya reference!!! (other people could know that, too, but crest definitely knows of it and she'd be thoughtful enough to include it <3)
has some vibes of sha's ( @hoesaekyoongi ) writing as well, and i know crest has read that (it's great, read it here)
the attraction
the beautiful characterizations
the words. the fucking WORDS. crest takes words and makes things with them i don't even know how to say it.
gally. he's holding back, he's There, he's so much, he's guarded but ready to be loved.
thomas. he's careful, he knows his flaws, he likes gally a lot, even if it takes him some time to realize it.
thomas' and gally's past isn't just pushed aside. thomas forgives gally, there's a sense for the things they've done, the guilt, and the way they cope with it is just so palpable, so Real.
generally, the Thomally! they're maybe even 'reluctant' at first, there's a lot of potential for misunderstandings, and there's rough edges, and it all takes Time. the time spent besides each other, the slow understanding that creeps in. the appreciation.
the way they both come to appreciate each other's company, the way that the other fills a... Place inside of them in a way that no one else quite can
i know this isn't supposed to be a liferead, but that kiss. that kiss man. it killed me. a lot like he goes down easy for me which i love to death. this is how crest writes attraction, physical contact up until s*x. it's SO fucking real, the emotions are just There, and you want to sink into this moment and never reappear again.
i'll end this by saying this fic made me feel the way crest's writing makes me feel. it makes me feel peaceful, it makes me feel whole, it makes me feel happy in a way i didnt' know i could feel.
if you liked this fic, you'll love: he goes down easy for me and those heavy hands aren't sure
Knocking on Your Heart, Could You Let Me in? - Fabs, @go-catch-a-chickn
this guess has the same problems as snicks guess:
i haven't read all newtmas fics
there's a lot of people who write newtmas, and i am familiar with almost none of them. unlike with authors for eg thomally and thominho.
it would be insane luck if i'd spotted both of my newtmas friends' fics, so i'm totally aware i could be wrong here. let me list the reasons why i think it's fabs anyway.
hair porn. need i say more.
pining. fabs likes them to pine. it's what she thrives on, i'm telling you.
fabs likes stargazing and dates
formal clue:
german quotation marks. i didn't see them in other fics, but they could have snuck in all the same. i know my word sometimes changes from english to german quotation marks randomly.
we were together, I forget the rest - Saph, @onceuponabluemoon
this one is mostly based on ~vibes~ to be honest. same as with dee, i haven't been able to read all of saph's writing because of some of the heavy topics. the one's i've read though i loved, you know that. (that scallison ficlet hmmmmm <3)
strong on environmental descriptions. i loved saph's piece on the greek village in summer that demonstrrates this perfectly, read it here)
dark, but also Good
end notes explain and give reference to the title, just like the end notes of solid ground say which songs were used.
those were my guesses, kudos to you if you made it to the bottom of this post lol <3 it was amazing to parttake in this event, and see all of the stunning fics that were written for it. so much love for the maze runner fandom hnghhh
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muselin · 2 years
that's such a great coincidence because i actually used to call my best friend binnie !
anyway im here to tell about a dream i had last night ! (nsfw, again, i hope that's alright !)
i had a dream where i had taemin tied up to my bed and a pink vibrator tied to his pathetic little cock. <3 he looked so cute, like an angel. it got me to questioning what members would possibly be submissive and so i wanted to ask your opinion !
- 🗑
I would pay money to watch this dream play out🥵
SHINee dom/sub/switch brief headcanon below, if people want me to expand on it, let me know
Onew - soft dom.
Not 100% dom so he would let you lead once in a while and he can enjoy it. However. He still needs to at least feel like he's in control most of the time. Your pleasure is very important to him, more important than his and he will take care of you first.
Minho - dom
Classy dom. Likes to be in control but values your pleasure first, isn't controlling unless you talk it out and pre-agree everything first. He's paying for dinner, he's opening the door. Loves gently guiding you to service him, loves using you for his pleasure once he's got you to cum once or twice.
Key - pure switch
Hedonist. Loves you being in control just as much as himself controlling things. Loves surprising you and you better believe y'all are sitting down and writing a list of dos and don'ts and he's picking something off the dos list every fucking day. Endless stream of ideas and he loves trying them out with you. His harness sits on a hanger right with his most worn shirts.
Taemin - switch leaning sub
Absolutely loves it when you ride him. He works so hard and he loves it when someone else takes the reins for a change. He doesn't just starfish though, he lets you know exactly how much he loves every little movement or technique. Very expressive with his moans and expressions. Has the most soul-melting expressions when you tie him up. And if you blindfold him, he's biting into those plump lips until they bleed.
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coconutshvings · 5 years
Stray Mafia: Making out with them [Headcanon]
° Genre || ??
° Group || Straykids
° Warnings || Mildly suggestive // definitely sucks don't read // implied female
Now this is my first time writing something like this ever! Once in a bluemoon I might try more scenarios like this but they'll literally be twice a year no joke, there are smut blogs all across this app and I'm sure you can find one for your faves also because of the 100 bullet point maximum I'm gonna try to keep this short lastly I don't add Seungmin and Jeongin to these problem? Never cared. ~ WR:Le
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He's the leader so you'd assume he'd like the since of control when you're making out ....
but WRONG he'll follow along if you take charge smiling at you as you take charge colliding your lips with his with just the right amount of force
he's the type to like you directly on top of him between your legs trapping him your hands don't naturally go up to his hair but they do roam the high and lows of his body
you like kissing him in both corners of his mouth before ravishing the actual target breathing will definitely be limited because you guys go at it with so much need and want
and a makeout session with him never stays just that for long simply because you make it hard for that to happen with the constant brush of your core area brushing against him a slowly growing erection which naturally would make more happen because although
Chan is a gentlmen and will stay that way for a while in that session when the clothes are off the clothes are off honey.
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Makingout with him doesn't happen too often because he hates all the extra stuff when it all leads to one thing
ultimately I'd like to think he's a bit rough but not an uncomfortable kind of it just the kind that'll get you more excited
he'll kiss your top lip then bottom before doing both and Woojin would like to have you pinned somewhere that's a turn on for him because it's not too common and it's a test to his balance and strength
he even likes you on his desk or the edge of the couch maybe his iconic pool table in the billard room where so much has went down between you two good and bad just because it sturs tension your your lower stomach but a good kind
either way he's always inbetween your legs doing his best to brush his third leg against your clothed area getting you slight pleasure just by doing that
his hands can be on top of or under your thighs rubbing softly against them even if they're covered tongue isn't a must but it happens anyway but not too much because you both feel ot takes away from your actual kissing.
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Lee Know:
Now we know he has his thot moments but I believe he'd be a mixture of whore and sweet in this moment
you'd expect him to be completely and utterly ravishing in this moment but nope that's exactly what'd you'd expect and Minho likes to do things that you never expect it keeps it all interesting
this might drive you crazy or maybe not but you have to respect the fact that he takes it slow soft sensual pecks on the lips and his hands placed on your back easing their way up on or around you as you tease each others lips but while
I said he was sweet I also said he was a whore so don't be too shocked with one of his hands softly cups the back of your neck just so you can keep your lips on his and the other will find it's way to caressing your chin tilting his head to get the best capturing of your lips that he can
he likes to switch control because his ego isn't so big that you taking control is shameful he likes when you grip the back of his neck too and do basically whatever he does to you back to him and it's only fair in his eyes things can lead to sex but not everytime because sometimes it's just about how crazy you are about each others lips
he likes to do these things wherever you're up for may I add because he doesn't care and who's gonna tell an important member of the mafia that he can't makeout with his lover wherever he please? Nobody.
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Another one who isn't all for the foreplay but wanna know what he loves?
When you test his patience like if you say something to challenge him ex; "you're too soft to be in the mafia" or "I should've picked a stronger member for a boyfriend" things like that just make him want to show you how wrong you are everytime you want a long heated session locking lips with him you say something slightly disrespectful to get the ball rolling
a not too bad amount of your hair fisted and clenched in his hand literally gripping it because he really doesn't want to lose contact with your lips
he likes for you to be under him too or in a position where he's the dominant one he loves it when one of your thighs is around his waist making him press his noticable bulge into you
so you move the best you can against loving the feeling because no matter how layered you are in clothing you'll feel him okay?
He likes tugging at your lower lip lightly maybe a little growl here and there
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At least several times a day you think about those full pretty lips and I mean how can you not they're freaking gorgeous
so I believe a makeout session with Hyunjin will be cute but intense
see when it first begins it's little pecks because you're both afraid to take control and you guys can't stay serious so little laughs too
until Hyunjin takes the lead and captures your lips every so softly and smoothly your lips stay connected a for a bit even when you're pulling apart
he likes to cup both of your cheeks he loves to sit directly up or stand directly up and have you straddle him or have your legs wrapped him tightly so you can move against him just enough for you both to get enough friction but not too much to where you can't stop
he likes kissing under your jaw a lot leading to your lips he's usually one to initiate these Sessions to by the way
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A makeout session with him would be full of smirks he likes to go slow but quick like one little peck two little pecks then three
but after that he's grabbing your waist slowly moving you closer and connecting your lips making sure to barely disconnect
he likes to rub his hands up and down your sides and that for some reason takes your breath away
you're usually the one to initiate tongue kissing but he always allowed you access it's never your tongue down his throat or his down yours just little brushes that make you both smile while kissing
he loves to guide your hands to caress he cheeks because that makes him warm
you guys can be clumsy with it too and you don't know how but it's most likely because you both make each weak In the knees so trying to find a solid place to continue making out without disconnecting your lips if you're not already seated or laying down somewhere.
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It's you two wrestling when you makingout just tussling while kissing until one of you falls over and traps the other
he likes kissing all over your face sometimes gripping the front your neck not too firmly so that the kiss can be perfect
he loves caressing your palms and whispering compliments about how good your lips are while you're barely parted
he likes the kisses to be deep lingering and passionate loving for your legs to be lazily intertwined neck kisses that lead back to your lips
and bodies nearly one because you guys like being as close as possible while kissing
he likes when you run your fingers threw his hair while you to ravish each others lips with hunger and love.
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5hineebird · 4 years
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i should be cleaning because relatives arrive tonight but i had music playing on yt in bg and champagne popped up and it got me thinking of how yunho was pushed as this like alpha masc guy for so long.
now i can't 100% say i don't care about the sexuality of an idol bc as a gay man, it does make me happy when i find idols who openly are on the spectrum or that i think may be but
i'm not stating yunho is or isn't whatever. that is his business. but i have noticed how sm (and society in general bc yay homophobia and varying degrees of misogyny and toxic masculinity) pushed yunho to act hyper masc (like minho imo) and how this mv could be reflecting that.
his stage name is all over his shirt as he dances while surrounded by women at a car wash plus he presents himself as macho/tough.
idk if he fought sm for it or they just finally allowed him to present himself as the softer guy that he is. it makes me happy to see him (and minho) being allowed to be soft and caring. a softer kind of masculinity is real and good.
plus i think about the commercial he did that was 1000% made for gay male gaze. he had no bothers to give that day.
there's a lot of talk about queerbaiting and fan service but i often think of closeted lgbt+ idols who are having to do performative cishetness, heteronormativity. bless em all bc i can't imagine having to deal with that while being famous. esp closeted trans people.
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