#this isn't a bragging post. its a things are really weird and im gonna have to go back to not having shit post.
seraphim-soulmate · 1 year
it's strange beyond belief going from thinking "oh I need a new bag" -> finding one on the street that's in pretty good condition and going "yes fuck yes thank GOD I really needed a bag"
thinking "oh I need a new bag"" -> "well I guess I'll add it to my dad's wishlist and we can talk about whether or not he wants to buy it" -> "oh shit he bought the bag for me without me having to convince him of the pros of having this bag. I have a bag that I like and that suits all my needs now and I didn't have to mentally agonize over it"
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silly-username-here · 1 month
Rant (if you don't want to read please scroll to the bottom)
This is my two cents on the live action snow white movie as a theater kid, cosplayer, Disney princess lover, and snow white doppelganger.
1-Snow white. Now before you come after me for talking about the actress this is NOT because she isn't white, she is a beautiful actress and imo her not being white doesn't matter, racism is not tolerated on my blog. The only thing I have "against" her is the snippet of her singing that we've gotten. Her voice is beautiful, but not right for snow white. In the snippet of her singing "whistle while you work" It feels too heavy for the character. In my opinion someone with a more operatic voice would've fit the role more. There are other Disney princess roles that would suit her voice better, but snow white needs someone with a softer voice.
2 (part A)- The dress. The dress sucks, you can't change my mind. It's so ugly. The yellow color they made her skirt looks so tacky and bright, same with the blue. The material they made her skirt out of looks so costumy and it's way too puffy. the bodice isn't super bad, but, the waistline is weird and the lace up thing that's going on in the front feels out of place. Her sleeves are cool I guess? There are many examples of Disney butchering the dress in live action adaptations (ex. Beauty and the beast), but they also have some good examples where they do the dress justice (ex. Cinderella), it's always kinda a hit or miss with Disney. I've done theater for years, and I've been in two productions of beauty and the beast the musical (one with a local theater and one with my hs theater), both times with belles dress they have knocked it out of the park, I'm not being biased they have made some horrid costumes believe me, but, both times I saw belles yellow dress for the first time it was so amazing and beautiful. Cosplayers are another good example of making Disney princess dresses look good. one of my cosplay mutuals made an Ariel dress, yes it was teal (but that's a discussion for another post), but it felt so real. It didn't look costumy at all, and the material looked so nice and everything looked like it's belonged. If theater departments and cosplayers with a limited budget can make Disney dresses better than DISNEY then that shows how much effort they really put into their movies. Also what's with the necklace? I know it's probably gonna be incorporated into the story like "her mom gave it to her before she died" or something because Disney loves to do that but it just looks like they started recording and she forgot to take her necklace off.(If you want to hear more I recommend lovebunnycos's videos, you can find them on tiktok and Instagram)
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2 (part B)- the hair and makeup. I have been told countless times that I look like snow white (not really right now because my hair is purple and in a pixie cut) especially when my hair is in a bob, Im very pale,I have a round face, and I always dye my hair black, so I unintentionally look like her (on the dl she's one of my least fav princesses so I'm not trying to brag💔). I'm not trying to be biased or anything when I say this but her hair sucks. It does not look flattering on this beautiful actress. Its cut weird and it looks very unnatural. I see what they were trying to do with it at the ends but it was not executed well. I like that they gave her brown hair because black just wouldn'tve looked good imo, but other than that it just looks bad. Now her makeup, it's not bad at all but I do think it needs tweaked. First I would give her more blush on the apples of her cheeks, on her chin, and on her nose. It would really add to the cartoon look and definitely make her look younger (I'm not saying she doesn't look young it's just snow white is literally a child). I think using contour to make her face rounder and adding more red to the lips would add a lot more to the look. Other than that I don't really have any complaints about the makeup. Also where did her bow go? I loved the bow :(
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3.- The dwarfs. What are you doing Disney? They got rid of them but then brought them back but made them cgi because they wanted to be PC but in turn became less PC. Just hire little people?? Little people exist, they don't bite. Just hire seven people with dwarfism and leave your weird cgi for animals. Literally what was Disney thinking making them cgi? Again just Disney not caring or putting any effort in their live action movies.
4- yapping. Disney needs to stop with live action movies. I know there are people who love live action adaptations, and I've enjoyed a few of them. With Cinderella it was fun! Jungle book was cool, and then lion king everyone was tired. If they need more ideas they need to hire younger writers. There are tons of new stories out there that will never reach people because Disney's too busy cranking out live action cash grabs and sequels to movies that don't need to be tampered with. It's gotten so bad that the Internet will believe anyone if they say another movie is being made into live action (ex. "Live action" tangled, where Avantika Vandanapu was harassed for being fan casted as repunzle.). I think if Disney really wants to make more money they should put more effort into their movies and listen to what the audience want. Disney hasn't been original in decades, every movie is a remake of something, but you could take an already made story and make it interesting in other ways.
No matter what I say it's not gonna change anything. I'm a teenage girl ranting on Tumblr and Disney is a giant multi million dollar company run by white rich men who only care about money. It's just nice thinking some people will hear what I have to say and agree with it, even tho it won't change the bigger picture.
I can change a familys life though. Disney doesn't care about people dying or what's happening on the other side of the world, but we as individuals can. ⬇️
This is my friend Farah, her and her two little boys were displaced in the ongoing g3n0c1d3 happening in g🍉za. If you could donate to or share her gofund me it would mean so much. Or if you could just reblog this post and say "scroll to the bottom" it would help too. https://gofund.me/545623fe
Thank you 💜
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thebreadcrew · 5 years
Bread Crew Text Posts Part 13
Lilith: I didn't choose the cool life, it didn't choose me either. I'm not cool./ the reason i sin is because there's a stairway to heaven and highway to hell and i sure as shit ain't climbin no stairs/ Ummmm I'm sensitive/ my tru aestetic is "wears mostly black and imagines they're hard and tough but stutters when socializing and is seconds away from crying at any given moment"/ be the smoking hot demoness you wanna see in the world/ (search) how to be deadly how to be pretty/ when i was 7 i had a crush on girl & didn't know how to deal with it so I wrote her a letter that just said "get out of my school"/ if i was a ghost i would do useful things like let the cat out or take flammable things off the stove and sing to small children when they can't sleep and terrify the fuck out of assholes hell yeah bitches. what was that? did I hear you make a derogatory remark about women? bam, your lamp is now on the floor what cha going to do punk? are you abusing that child? wambo, your walls are now bleeding motherfucker
Criswyn: Snake.....on......meeeeeee.....(snake on me) snake.....meeeee.....OOOOOOOOOOOON (SNAKE ON ME)/ i eat a lot of bread because it's soft and i deserve it. also i am gorgeous/ What's the worst decision you made while you were drunk? Don't mean to brag but I don't even need alcohol to make really bad decisions./ me @ very talkative cats: i love you so much. please continue your story. tell me about your day. i love you/ coherent people are the worst...like stop making sense for one fucking second. say some nonsense every once in a while. literally so boring if i can understand every word you say like shut up or say some dumb shit i swear to god/ teachers r so full of shit "ohh u need to learn how to read its a life skill" the only life skill you need is lesbianism/ I have pure intentions, bitch! you can't kill me/ i am but a simple lesbian who enjoys the color pink and heart shaped things/ my tiny human body isn't big enough to hold all the love that's inside me and that's why i'm always crying / it's uwu time bitch
Freyja: My body is a temple. Well, more like a Catholic church. Full of wine and bread./ Are you there god It's me your bastard child/ to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand humans/ there's no such thing as a painless full suit of armor/ I believe in reincarnation because I KNOW I was a the Trojan guard who saw the Trojan horse and was like "wow, stunning, yes! Open the gates! Let it in, omg a big horse!"/ you think your crush is laying in bed thinking about you but in reality they're reading about swords on Wikipedia/ I Was Trying To Be Loving And Supportive But I Probably Overstepped My Boundaries And Came Off As Creepy: a feature length film with two sequels and a TV series adaptation
Aislyn: My body is not a temple it's a burnt down Taco Bell/ Do you have a significant other? I'm significant by myself./ i may not be beautiful but at least i know a lot useless information/ who hasn't fantasized about illuminating manuscripts by candlelight in a medieval scriptorium tbh/ im just an asshole with feelings/ I Was Trying To Relate To Your Difficult Situation But It Probably Sounded Like I Was Making It All About Me: a novel sage with several side book adaptations and a movie/ death is a reoccuring theme in my 3rd grade journal
Hawthorne: yes i am gay yes i am a bastard no i cannot be stopped/ *sticks my leg in the air* give me attention/ my gender is pretty boy/ I Was Trying To Be Funny But It Came Out As Really Mean: A 5-part documentary starring me
Val: haha! have fun at highschool today NERDS. i'm gonna be doing cool ADULT stuff like sleeping WHENEVER i want and CRYING/ you've given me a lot to think about which is unfortunate considering i already have a bunch of better things i wanted to think about, who knows if i'll even get around to your stuff./ It's time I start letting you figure things out on your own instead of me not knowing the answers, but making them up anyway.
Jezebel: stuffing go WHERE?!!?!?
The Crew: It's weird that pirates would go from shore to shore looking for buried treasure when the real treasure was in the friendships they were making
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Grace & Janis
Little Twin Times
Grace: It's not too late to change your mind! Get dad to bring you xxx Grace: 👍💜💭 Janis: Nah, you're all good, I'm going out to play footie with lads from down the road after tea Janis: You having fun? Grace: 😮😈 WHICH LADS??! Grace: of course! it's the best! 🙌 Name a film and we've got it ready to watch Grace: her mum ordered from the posh bakery too Grace: They've got each of our names iced on so you've gotta come Janis: You know, they live in the farmhouse one along if you keep going down the lane, renovated all fancy, like but they're actually alright Janis: shit at football though 😉 Janis: s'alright, you eat mine Janis: think they use too much cream, s'not as good as Da's stuff Janis: got any horrors? Grace: EW JANIS THOSE BOYS ARE GROSS DON'T PLAY WITH THEM Grace: they always shout stuff at us they think they're so 💪😎 Grace: You always say that! You'd eat custard tarts every day and never try anything new ever! Grace: 🙄 Grace: OBVIOUSLY WE'RE NOT AMATEURS Grace: the cinema room has everything it's like being out at the poshest one you can imagine 😍 Janis: Only 'cos you act like such a drip whenever you see a boy Janis: If you shouted back instead of going all giggly and red maybe they'd not take the piss, ey? 🙄 Janis: I would if I was faced with all that pastry and cream...tastes like fusty old tissue paper 🤢 Janis: At least that'll be a laugh then Janis: Her house smells like an old lady's handbag though 😂 Grace: OMG I DO NOT! Grace: what would you know anyway you're too busy trying to BE like a gross boy to get a boyfriend Grace: such a 👽 weirdo for a sister, how and why Grace: AGAIN DUH! It is such a laugh and you're missing it Grace: for football 🙄 Grace: RUDE JAN-JAN IT DOES NOT Grace: you're just jealous of how cool her house is Janis: Yes you do, you all just nudge each other and laugh like a bunch of loonies Janis: LOL and what would you do with a boyfriend, gracie? you can't even talk to one nevermind anything else Janis: for you, maybe, i'm good where i am tah 👌 Janis: why would i be jealous of having a too large tv in a too small room and calling it a cinema Janis: they ain't even got that much money, we've probably got more, they're just snobby twats about it Janis: how cool, so cool, woooow Grace: DO NOT Grace: I can't believe you've already forgotten that Jake and two of his friends are all fighting over who gets to be my boyfriend rn so Grace: I'm gonna be a great girlfriend like in all the films excuse you Grace: ugh you're the snobby one thinking we're richer than everyone and talking about how much money everyone's got all the time Grace: what am I gonna do with you? 🙄 Janis: how buzzin you must be Janis: doesn't mean you'll know what to do Janis: s'the stuff that happens after the happily ever after you need to know, graciekins Janis: only cos she's a show-off when she's got no right to Janis: always bragging that one Janis: you just don't like it 'cos you're up her hole, like 😂 Grace: I will too! I've practiced kissing loads Grace: Just because you don't have a clue don't tell me I don't Grace: You're the showoff always trying to beat the boys ugh Grace: just brush your hair, put some gloss on and come over Grace: you'll see she is cool and you're just being salty as usual Janis: yeah, we've seen the gloss on the oranges, its manky Janis: at least eat them when you've frenched them Janis: there's no trying involved, i'm just better than all the boys 😏 Janis: no thanks, i've got plans, like i said Janis: if she's so cool why you ignoring her rn hmm Grace: YOU'RE MANKY I don't even use 🍊 thanks Grace: You think as much of yourself as the boys do it's cringey Grace: and im not even ignoring her she's setting the spa up Grace: nobody's allowed to see what's she's done until she's done it so you're wrong again there Janis: Well all the others have got fellas rn or experience under their belt so don't think they're still getting in 'practice' like its a shitty teen movie 😂 Busted Janis: soz, I'll develop an eating disorder and self-esteem issues asap Janis: oh wait, no, fuck that i'm great Janis: don't hate cos u ain't Janis: better get ur surprised face ready now, you're a shitty actress, like LiLo bad post-all the drugs Grace: It's likely you, J, you've gotten really embarrassing lately 😂 make sense why you don't wanna come out. gotta stay in with the fruit bowl Grace: Don't even joke Kirsty Dixon from number 22 had to go to the hospital loads in the summer it's so serious Grace: you're the hater on me and my friends, read the chat back if you don't believe Janis: Whatever you say, Graciepoo Janis: So? She's still a lame bitch Janis: or you gonna be her best friend now too? Janis: Last I remember, it was your pals calling her names Janis: but now she's in the hospital, you all wanna send her flowers Janis: just not chocolates, she'll be raging, like Grace: YOU'RE SO RUDE AND SOOO WRONG Grace: i know you're blinded by your jealousy but it's sad how much you have no idea what you're talking about Grace: cute but still cringey of course Janis: lol jealous of what? Grace: me having friends and you being the lone loser Janis: 😂 no Janis: firstly, your 'friends', you can keep 'em, there's a reason they were free to let you tag along and be their bitch Janis: secondly, i'm happy being alone, you're the one begging me to come hang, so nice one there 👍 Grace: I'M TRYING TO BE NICE Grace: won't next time, bitch Janis: please don't 😂 Grace: laugh it up all you want you were the one tagging along with us for ages Grace: you're not too good, you're too much of a freak now that's all Janis: yeah because wittle baby gracie doesn't want to do anything on her own Janis: don't cry about it now 😂 Grace: no i didnt want my sister to be an antisocial weirdo Grace: makes me look bad too Janis: Literally going out after tea, did you not hear? Janis: You wanna control WHO I'm friends with Janis: I've got friends, I don't want your hand-me-downs Grace: those creepy boys who want to look at you in your shorts aren't your friends saddo Janis: Your mind, Gracie 🙄 Honestly Janis: lads don't care about things like that, they wanna play footie Janis: and I have plenty of other people I hang with, not everyone wants to be in a sad lil gang Grace: now who's being a baby 😂 lads always think about stuff like that Grace: 🙄 you only think its a gang because you've made yourself unwanted Grace: whatever Jan-Jan i've got fun to have Grace: be boring Janis: They really don't, they think you're mental Janis: also a right slag 😂 Janis: sure you do 😏 laters! Grace: at least they think of me you're furniture Grace: I've got plenty of time and chances to change their mind but you're always gonna be blah Janis: lol yeah, so much chance, when i'm the one that gets to chat with them every day on the pitch and you just stand there staring and dribbling, not the ball, like 😂 Grace: 🙄 so jealous at least they know me and my friends are interested they all think you play for the other team Janis: so? I'm not the slag, I'm NOT interested Janis: how lame Grace: i'm no slag either Grace: you're just being too judgey and weird to know the difference Janis: whatever you say 👌 not me you've gotta convince otherwise, is it Grace: thank god for that 😂 Janis: eurgh don't be disgusting Janis: now who's the freak Grace: EWW THAT'S YOUR MIND I MEANT YOU'VE BEEN HIT IN THE HEAD BY THE BALL TOO MANY TIMES TO HAVE A CLUE ABOUT ANYTHING Grace: 👽 Grace: so gross Janis: no you didn't Janis: you're a shit liar Janis: why would you even say something like that Janis: you're messed up, grace Grace: WHY WOULD YOU WEIRDO Janis: I didn't Janis: you're always like this Janis: you're so fucking creepy Grace: I am not Grace: you're the gross creep Janis: get your own comebacks Janis: this is why i don't want to hang with you Janis: you're so boring Grace: get a life and stop being so disgusting all the time Grace: it's not cool its just gross Janis: I've got one Janis: and it isn't yours to ruin with your lameness Janis: ✌ Grace: I can't ruin what doesn't exist Grace: can't compete with how much of a loser you are anyway Janis: stop trying then Janis: weirdo 😂 Grace: 🙄 pathetic Janis: Oh, FYI, you forgot your jammies Janis: Rio's dropping them in so you better run unless you want her to come in and show you up for being a fake little bitch Grace: No I didn't we've all got matching here already Grace: I'm doing fine get over it Janis: That's literally the most hilarious thing I've ever heard Janis: Hope you're snapping pictures so we've all got something to laugh at Janis: 'Course you are, remember to let Jake know the # Janis: so sexy 😂 Grace: You're so obsessed it's embarrassing Grace: leave me alone Janis: I'll remember that when you're pestering me later Janis: Thanks for putting in writing Grace: Don't flatter yourself that I care Janis: So blatant Janis: N'awwwwh Grace: so annoying 🙄 Grace: go away Janis: go soak your manky feet Grace: go lose on the pitch you try hard bitch Janis: me? LOL ok Janis: trying so hard to be white and likable Janis: of which, you are neither Grace: Plenty of people like me as I am thanks Janis: oh, and who are you today? 😂 Janis: you haven't got a clue Janis: faker than your brands Grace: and you do? 😂 trying so hard to be a badass all of a sudden Grace: everyone's laughing at you Grace: not me Janis: By everyone you mean your sad little friends Janis: who no one but you gives a shit about Janis: be more mad 'cos I've ditched you FINALLY Janis: and I can actually enjoy myself Grace: go and do it then Grace: you'd have to stop talking rubbish at me first Janis: do you see me there rn? Janis: I already am Janis: laughing at you takes no time outta my day Grace: 😂 Grace: like i said, obsessed Grace: nothing better to do than be this lame Janis: like i said, bad actress Janis: i still, unfortunately, have to share a room with you, remember? i've heard you crying Janis: 😂 Grace: not everything is about you Grace: nothing is pretty much Janis: Why'd you go crying to mum about me then Janis: Now I've gotta be nicer to you Janis: What a drag Grace: you're a drag Grace: and a worse actress than you think i am Janis: I'm not pretending otherwise Janis: Its impossible to be nice to you, faking it or otherwise Grace: can't be harder than dealing with being around you Grace: too cringey for words Janis: Aww Jan-Jan please come Janis: PLEEEEEEEEEEASE ITS SO MUCH FUN Janis: now that's cringe Janis: 👍💜💭 Grace: not sorry for trying to get you to keep your invite Grace: you said you'd come and the girls were expecting you Grace: some of them wanted you to be there, because they feel sorry for you or whatever Janis: I don't recall that coming from my mouth Janis: more like YOU said I would Janis: boohoo Janis: the ONLY person who gives a shit is you Grace: blah Grace: bored of you thinking you know everything about me Grace: if you don't care then leave me alone like I already told you to do Janis: how could i not? EVERYONE knows you, right gracie? Janis: ur as transparent as a window and as shallow as a puddle Janis: doesn't take a genius babe 😂 Janis: i'm having fun, fuck off yourself if you can't deal Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: your definition of fun is so sad Grace: I'm off to have some for real Grace: bye Janis: enjoy your spa and matching jimmies Janis: you wild one 😂
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