#this isn't about people's opinions it's about patterns and critical thinking idk i just think people got so hyped over nothing
trans-leek-cookie · 1 year
someone talking about the ways media and common tropes/depictions of things that are either explicitly or implicitly linked to marginalized people are demonized and presented badly is not a fucking opportunity for you to flex how you're doing it Differently And Better
#I'll rb the post but I domt want to add it on cause it feels. Not my place maybe#Anyway fun fact! You can think that all you fucking want! Close your God damn mouth about it and figure out if it actually adds to the#Conversation! Marginalized ppl don't have to hear about how you're hashtag Not Like The Others!!! TAKE IN THE INFORMATION AND CONSIDER IF#THE THINGS YOU DO TRULY DEFY STEREOTYPES OR ARE STILL IMPLICITLY INSPIRED BY THESE BIASES!!! AND DO IT QUIETLY OR WITH SOMEONE WHOS WILLING#TO LISTEN! NOT ON THE POST INFORMING YOU OF THE PROBLEMS EXISTENCE#Also I'd move this tag up but genuinely idk if I can do that atm. But I'm LITERALLY guilty of the same shit. I immediately jump to no true#Scotsman the subject because I want to defend it!!! Yes I recognize the pattern is wrong and yes I genuinely believe it isn't necessarily#Inherent! But I still have to confront the fact that it's so prominent and to many people inseparable from the subject#(That being disability and body horror). I will say: my immediate instinct was to disregard any body horror that is just like Real Shit Tha#Happens To People as body horror but that's not helpful! I can't just say well it's not body horror BECAUSE PEOPLE STILL CALL AND SEE IT AS#BODY HORROR!!! I HAVE TO STOP AND CONSIDER THE LARGER IMPLICATIONS. My PERSONAL OPINIONS do not matter and the pedantic discussion is#Something to be had with friends or used as it's own criticism of the genre not ON THE POST CALLING OUT A REAL ISSUE! Anyway just.#Both artists and consumers have to be critical of What we see as body horror/what others tell us is body horror/what we accept as body#Horror bc/what we create as body horror etc. We NEED to confront that and we can't just say I Wouldn't Do That! We need to understand that#It goes deeper than that!!! Also YOU DONT INHERENTLY KNOW WHATS POSSIBLE FOR A HUMAN TO EXPERIENCE#There's so many things that ppl can experience and Live With! There are obviously things that are fatal so u rarely hear abt them but human#Beings can survive a lot of things!!! And here's the thing: the rarer something is the shittier it feels to have it misrepresented!!!#At the very basic level: CHECK IF THE THING YOU WANT TO USE AS BODY HORROR IS A RECORDED PHENOMENON AT LEAST!!! FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK#DO THE BARE MINIMUM
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
ok so here are my thoughts on the first three chapters and the prologue of tgg (and like the two other chapters we got before)
don't read if you don't wanna hear criticism on lyra, other characters, and stuff. these are my opinions and you can have your own (obviously)
also, i just want to say that my opinions will definitely change as a i read the book. this is based off of what we know now (which isn't much).
also i counted the amount of chapters for each character. lyra has 31. gigi has 28, and rohan has 24 (25 with the prologue). there's an epilogue called the watcher who i'm pretty sure is eve (and probably sets up book 2)
ok. i'll split this into parts so it makes more sense
lyra: most people here seem to love lyra, but i honestly don't think she's anything special (so far). she seems to be a mix of avery, grayson, and jameson. her inner monologue resembles avery, her coping mechanism (running) is similar to grayson's, and the fact that she showed up at school in pajamas and went to a class she wasn't even enrolled in gives off jameson vibes (the jameson vibes are not as strong as grayson and avery but they're still there). i do find her backstory interesting, and i'd like to learn more about it. i also find her acing a test for a class she didn't attend weird. it was only 10 questions but why? her attachment to numbers isn't weird, but for her to be able to detect a pattern in an test is kind of excessive in my opinion. i get that jlb probably wrote her this way so that she's able to play the game, but, idk, i honestly don't know how to feel about it (all ik is that im a bit iffy about it. avery acing a test made sense. she attended the class and studied really hard for it, but for lyra to just randomly ace an exam for a class she doesn't even attend just seems a bit random). i did like the scene where she throws a ball at her catcaller's face.
she's not a bad character, per se, and we literally know next to nothing about her character so its not that i don't like her, its just that, so far, she seems to be like every single other jlb main character (avery, cassie, etc). this literally goes for the other characters (gigi and rohan). don't get me wrong, avery is my favorite character and if lyra is anything like her, i think i'll like her. i just wish lyra wasn't a copy paste of avery.
oh, and, idk why, but thought her having a little brother was kind of cute (especially if he's really young, i'd like to read about their dynamic). her being a dancer is also nice.
i do hope lyra and avery become good friends. i think they have a lot in common (the hawthornes ruined (or tried to ruin) their lives (tobias giving avery the fortune knowing she might die, using her, skye trying to get her killed, etc), they seem to think similarly, etc) and could really hit it off. avery also needs friends who aren't trying to get her killed (*cough* rebecca and thea *cough*)
its really late, and i have more thoughts on lyra but i can't seem to put them into words so ill make another post someday.
rohan seems very similar to grayson and jameson. in tbh, he seemed to be more like jameson, but, reading from his pov, his inner monologue is clearly more similar to grayson's (at least from what i remember, i read the chapters a while ago). im glad that he's not an exact copy paste of another character and at least a little different. after what we got from tbh, i expected him to be a jameson 2.0.
i'm glad we now know his motives and why he's participating in the game. also, i think its crazy he's been in the devils mercy since he was 5. he probably hasn't been training since he was five, but i still find this interesting. im excited to read more about his childhood. where exactly are his parents?
i don't have many thoughts on him. im still kinda disappointed he's similar to jameson and grayson, but i was sort of expecting it so it wasn't like what i felt with lyra. anyways, i think i'll like his character. i'm especially excited to read more about his childhood.
ik she's similar to xander, but i've liked her ever since i read tbh. im still disappointed (like with lyra and rohan) about her being like xander, but i've come to terms with it. she seems really sweet and kind-hearted (a bit like sloane from the naturals whom i love). she's definitely not my favorite (that title goes to avery), but i do really enjoy her. some people find her character annoying, but i don't think so. i'm really want to read more about her (just like the other characters).
i don't think all of her chapters will be similar to the one we got bc i remember a scene in tbh where grayson said smth like 'maybe she isn't happy all the time' after seeing her a little sad (or maybe she's the one that mentioned not being happy all the time. idk i just remember a scene that mentioned that gigi isn't always happy). i doubt that all of her chapters will be like the one we got bc of this, but i might be wrong. if they are all like that, i dont think itll get too annoying bc we have rohan and lyra chapters in between hers. anways, ik i'll like her in tgg (bc i liked her in tbh even though sometimes she made me cringe)
final thoughts:
i think i'll like tgg (i liked all of the jlb books ive read so far). i'm a bit disappointed that the characters are so similar to some that we already have but i think i'll get over it. i do think that it is safe to say that, bc of this, tgg won't take tig's spot as one of my all time fav contemporary books (i separate contemporary from fantasy and stuff bc it doesn't make sense to me how im supposed to rank books that are completely different) and none of the pov characters will replace avery as my fav (this is confirmed, i see so much of myself in avery and i read her books when i was at my lowest. no one will replace her). i am quite tired so this may not make sense or might be repetitive. i have some other thoughts, but im too tired to write them down.
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
No, I do not see Ed that way at all. In fact I believe so hard in an uneducated Ed to subvert that very thought. My believing he's illiterate is based entirely on what is shown in canon (including his mother's thoughts on their lot in life) and my own knowledge of that period in history and how common illiteracy was. I also just love the idea of this poor, uneducated, abused brown boy growing up to become the most feared pirate in the world without any help. He doesn't need Izzy. He doesn't need Stede (as much as he wants him). He don't need no education, to quote Pink Floyd. He's still Blackbeard and he made himself what he is, ability to read or not.
I get the issue and I hate the way the person brought it up in that comment with a burning passion. But in my opinion canon does not disprove the possibility of him being uneducated. We can happily disagree on that point though.
anon, can I ask you a question? Why is it so important to you to defend that headcanon to me?
I never addressed you personally - that is, we don't have this conversation because I criticized anything you wrote or made. I have no way of knowing if you explored this in any kind of fanwork, and if so, to what aim. If you feel like you're not part of the pattern I criticized, then I wasn't talking to you. Why is your attachment to that headcanon so strong that someone criticizing a general tendency in fandom makes you feel personally attacked?
You can argue until the cows come home that actually, thinking Ed lacks basic life-skills* just proves his strength and resilience (which, yk. Is not as good an argument as you may think it is). Or that it's a disability headcanon and that makes it fine. Or it's all in the name of historical accuracy. Or whatever. Like, I agree with your basic interpretation of him, and idk how often you want to hear that I believe you when you say you're not ill-intentioned.
That still doesn't erase the fact that it's part of a larger pattern of racist interpretations of ofmd, and that there is no real proof in canon either way**.
idk what to tell you. If it's fundamental to your worldview that Ed is illiterate, go on believing that, I won't stop you. But I also won't stop thinking that it's telling so many people accept this without question, because it is.
*before you take offense: literacy definitely is a basic life skill to us, the audience. And it would be a major handicap for a captain to be completely illiterate, too. I get your arguments about historical context and illiterate historical figures; but Ed isn't an actor, and his story is told in a modern context, to a modern audience. Things like historical accuracy or realism are pretty low on ofmd's list of priorities, anyway.
**Actually, scratch that, on his wanted poster, listed among his crimes, are improper citation, plagiarism, and tax evasion. All of which require literacy. There's your proof #confirmed
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paledarklight · 3 months
Hi! I’m a little confused.
I don’t want to start anything but I have a few questions:3
1. You know when Daryl and Beth meet when she’s 16? And she’s underaged throughout most of the relationship? I don’t want to hate but I didn’t know if you knew this. (Daryl is his early 40s when they meet btw) I just find that relationship weird, even in a romantic way.
2.I also saw you say something about Carol being an old creep? (I believe thats what was, correct me if I’m wrong, sorry!) But how? She’s like 3 years older than Daryl.(Both early 40s when they meet) I DONT SHIP THEM BTW. I think they are just friends:3
3.You said Carol pushes the boundaries and her relationship with Daryl, can you dumb that down for me? I read your post and wasn’t understanding. It seems more she’s trying to be good friend, and I’ve just never really seen her show interest like that? Idk, I feel like a lot of this stuff you say might just be because of the shippers and not actually canon (that sounds mean I’m sorry😕)
Just stuff I wanted to know! Also in no way I’m I trying to hate:3 I respect your opinions on not liking a ship or character. I’m not a hater of Carol or her ship with Daryl. I have a lot of criticism, but I think i have that with every character. We just have different opinions and that’s okay:3 Hope you answer this and have a lovely day!
Okay so I'm going to Correct you sweetheart.
Daryl was not in his forties but I love the way you said that as if I was wrong, it gives off saying the wrong answer in math class with your whole chest.
I'm telling you this because this has been corrected by Norman himself, Norman has said that his character is in his thirties at the start of the show.
If he is in his 40s It is by season 5 season 6 what he would probably be 39-40 and by that time best would already be in her 20s.
Yes Beth is 16 at the farm but she isn't having sex so what's the issue, he isn't courting her .
(16 is the legal age in Georgia)
And just too correct you again because I'm sure you know this but you're going to cherry pick, Rosita and Abe are roughly the same age difference, Abe was most likely in his 40s , he already had a wife and kids that left him (he most likely had anger issues before the fall )
He used Rosita.
He fucked her until new pussy came around.
Yet no one has a problem with him. Hmmm, odd.
Zac was a college student and most likely in his 20s and Beth was maybe 17 at the prison and so again
I see no one talking about that. Mmmmm.
Remember Axel. No one has ever made a hate post about his gross ass.
People like to pick and choose what couple they support.
Daryl has never once tried to be inappropriate to Beth.
He never hurt her.
He's a gentleman compared to half these creeps .
Yet he gets shit on the most.
Carol is actually most like forty unlike Daryl who I corrected you is NOT forty . Maybe you don't actually pay attention, which most people don't, they watch a TV show without doing research about it, finding out questions. Only nerds who really love the show so that
So yes she's older . And Norman's character has stated he feels like a mother and Child relationship.
Also if a man wants to he will if he really wanted to fuck her he literally would, it didn't stop Glenn and it didn't stop Rick. Nothing stands between a man and his pussy.
No I'm not just saying she has boundary issues because of propaganda, as if to imply that I'm just regurgitating hate and not because I don't have a mind of my own or eyes . I watched the show it's not like I watched a different version.
It didn't even start at the prison it was happening at the farm as well, Daryl needed space , Sofia was dead and he needed space to process what happened and Carol wouldn't give him space she kept invading his literal space, his camp site and sure you can say it was coming from a good place but seeing as it's a pattern, then no.
Second time is the prison, he's just being nice and giving her a back rub so she makes a gross pass at him to fuck around and he says no
She she then GOES ON and makes a pussy eating joke (go down first)
That's sick, you sick bitch
When someone says no that means no that does not mean keep trying. Making sex jokes AFTER someone has said no is disgusting I shouldn't have to explain why.
She's horny and Daryl is who she thinks will give her a quick fuck but he doesn't like her like that and maybe she thinks if she just pushes him he'll say yes
He doesn't.
Again I don't care, as in I can't control who you ship but don't force me to ship it.
You wanna ship Carol and fantasies about how he thinks she's attractive, great .
Do that.
Away from me
I can't control what people ship I can only voice what I like and what I don't.
I love Beth, Love Daryl.
I don't care about Carol at all, I think about her as often as I think about the poop coming out of my colon
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lunar-years · 5 months
💖💚for unpopular ask
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
uhhh I have many. I would say my most unpopular are probably:
I don't care that the show had no big "endgame" ships. I actually appreciated it being left to interpretation on where we want the characters to go. And throwing them into relationships given where they are at in the end wouldn't have made much sense anyway. (beardjane was terrible but i don't count that as a 'big' ship lol. no one was shipping them. TOMATOES!!! -500/10). the show's focus was never romantic relationships to begin with fwiw so it's weird how much people center that in their conclusion about whether the show was good enough.
Ted going home to Henry was also Really Good and the Whole Point/Natural Conclusion of his arc.
I liked that RoyKeeley broke up. Didn't love where they went with it necessarily, and both of their characters deserved to be written soooo much better in s3, but I do think the breakup itself was a Good Thing that Needed to Happen for these characters to progress.
Given the season and events as they are written, I think Keeley is far more likely to get back together with Jamie immediately post finale than she is Roy. (I don't think she should get back together with either of them right away, mind you. My girl needs some time to not exist as part of a relationship, because she has clearly spent most of her life being in relationships and it has caused Problems to her sense of self worth that i am desperate for her to healthily address. And then I would ultimately very much like her to end up with both of them, lol. But I'm just saying finale Keeley totally WOULD get back together with Jamie).
In a very similar vein to all the above, a criticism i see ALL the time that absolutely drives me UP THE WALL is when people claim the writers fell into the ol' GirlBoss Slay trap with Keeley, where in order to make her an Independent Confident Businesswomen™️ they had to remove all romance from her storyline and claim that's why they broke roykeeley up. The writers wrote Keeley very extremely terribly in s3, do not get me wrong. But this argument that writers just hate romance and don't see how a woman can be successful and also be in love (when Rebecca, a very successful businesswoman with a major arc about wanting to find love is their lead female character, mind you), just feels like baseless ragey criticism from people mad about there not being a roykeeley endgame. Look, if that's what the writers were trying to do, they don't even come close to fulfilling the other end of that promise (trading her romance to make her a Caricature Slay Business Woman) because 1. they don't show Keeley becoming independent with her business at all (Rebecca just swoops in and saves the day) 2. they do a very poor job of showing her overcoming imposter syndrome and coming into her own and 3. after the breakup with Roy, they literally show her immediately jumping into another relationship. sooo. I think it's much more likely that the writers were attempting to show Keeley spiraling in the same patterns of self-destructive behavior she exhibited in s1 and s2. rather than attempting to wash away all her flaws I actually think they were trying to highlight and reflect on those flaws. Unfortunately they just did it very, very badly and left out the necessary other half of the arc that makes it compelling and successful: actually giving Keeley the space to recognize and reckon with those flaws. the problem is they too rarely let their own characters talk and have it out in meaningful ways. anyway.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Roy isn't like THAT but he's also not like that. you know. people are always falling in love with completely different made up versions they've got of him and then acting like their Roy is canon Roy. Idk who that guy is but he isn't Roy!!! ughhhhhh. sorry.
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frogsandfries · 2 months
So anyway, the real reason I came over here:
I've been watching more sketchbook tours and watching people talk about their graphic novels. I just wanted to remark, I'm noticing this interesting pattern. Or, idk I guess maybe not a pattern. There are some people who are perhaps, in my opinion, overly proud of their work, even though it's not all that, and by their own admission they didn't work all that hard on it. On the other hand, I found someone who was perhaps overly critical of their work, to the point of going back over and over, not redrawing the whole thing, but redrawing pages they weren't happy with.
I'm obviously no professional. When it comes to discussing my own graphic novel, I obviously have no fucking idea what I'm doing, seeing as I've never sold a copy of my single issue of my own graphic novel (available on Amazon please at least click the link if you see this).
As a matter of fact, I wonder if I'm not maybe a little embarrassed of what this cute, seemingly-innocent slice of life will become...one day, maybe in a million years, it feels like. Maybe that's what's holding me back...
But, I don't look back. That's the rule. I have been searching for a way to continue coloring my graphic novel, so very strictly speaking, you very fairly could say that I most certainly have gone back. I have started coloring volume 001 probably three times. To be fair, it's not like I've gotten very far on any of my attempts. I'm not charging forward with the coloring only to repeatedly backtrack. More to the point, since I've "Actually™️ Started " the graphic novel, I haven't gone back and completely redrawn entire scenes. I've traced my own work in order to set it up for the coloring process. I've improved hands and feet. But I haven't finished any part of my work only to completely throw it out and start completely over.
I don't look back. No matter how badly I might one day want to, like, maybe I've finally finished it and I'm comparing the last-est frame to the first? I mean, personally, I like to think I'm pretty zen about my art. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time, more secure than insecure that yesterday is gone and behind me, even in my art.
Plus, when trying to make a graphic novel, I'm not trying to suffer any more than I already am. It feels like the only thing there is, at least in terms of my linework and this graphic novel, is whatever there is. For graphic novels, it's perhaps the one time and place in my creative journey where quantity is more significant than quality.
I read graphic novels, of course I do (mostly for the art). I know that when I'm reading a graphic novel, I'm paying more attention than the average reader to things like composition, color palette, character design, small details that anyone with an untrained eye wouldn't think twice about.
I know there's probably a million places where the artist said to themself, quietly, Oh shit. Oops. Argh.
But a fellow artist who has zero relation with these artists has no idea where these "oh shit"s are. And the average reader probably doesn't really even know or care that these moments happen (unless they are so jarringly, glaringly obvious that there was definitely an opportunity to fix that and now anyone who sees this error will be thrown bodily from their suspension of disbelief).
So, apart from fighting myself over how to color the damn graphic novel in the first place, given that pixel art was painfully unsustainable, I have a) learned to train my focus forward (especially because, if you think Ava's Demon is huge, the only difference between the sizes of our bodies of work presently is merely starting time), and b) fully embraced quantity of art over quality of art for this body of work. If I want to make any sort of progress on this project, I simply cannot be throwing the whole thing in the garbage every six months because it isn't absolutely flawless. I've been making art for long enough, and college was brutal enough, for me to have fully made me more than embrace the imperfection of a quantity-based creative endeavor, but I have fully absorbed the lessons of imperfection.
Anyway, all this to say, I think style one of being peacockish-ly proud of something you barely put any time and effort into, to the point that it shows, is sophomoric in not having any critical thoughts or feelings toward your work. I don't beam like a toddler every time I finish a single page. Style two of reviewing your graphic novel every six months or whatever is also sophomoric, perhaps self-sabotaging in a way. I'm not trying to pretend that one shouldn't be proud of their graphic novel, whether it's five pages or twenty-five volumes. I don’t think you should be so proud of your work, you want to slap it on the fridge; nor should you be so self-sabotagingly harsh.
And to be totally fair, maybe low-effort artist has it right in a way: Maybe, who cares about becoming a better artist in the course of making a graphic novel. Certainly most readers aren't necessarily watching your creative journey; they should be focused on the story.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
idk if anyone remembers this but like, last year when frontiers (then dubbed "rangers") was being introduced they said something along the lines of "ever since sonic adventure 2, we've been trying to emulate and carry on from the game since it had changed the image of sonic in such an impactful way. we hope this next game will do the same for sonic, giving him a new image and fresh start for the years to come, just as adventure 2 brought us everything since then"
now, this is a VERY rough paraphrase because i genuinely couldn't be bothered to go find the real quote, but it happened. they said something like this
why am i mentioning it? well, not to be a pessimistic veteran of the sonic fandom, but i see a LOT of people getting their hopes up for sonic adventure 3. and let me just say...
if i'm being blunt, i don't think "sonic adventure 3" means what the name implies at first glance. if frontiers is supposed to be some form of reboot for the franchise (piggybacking off the movie's success and renaissance of new fans) and also the fact iizuka mentioned using the work of frontiers for said "adventure game" i... guys i don't think he means a literal adventure 3. as in, what WE think it might be (similar format, story, vibes, campaigns, a silver game lol, etc...)
now, i could be wrong. i'm biased and i certainly do not trust a word iizuka says since he's usually just improvising during interviews lmao. HOWEVER, i'm fairly certain that we can't predetermine what adventure 3 means or looks like until frontiers is released or we know more about the game. if "adventure 3" is supposed to break away from the sonic formula and match/utilize the energy of frontiers, it won't be like the adventure games since that would be a regression, something which it seems like sega is trying to avoid rn
i guess those are my thoughts for now, i'm actually putting a disclaimer this time because LAST time i did a sonic hot take vent piece, people went a little feral since i was saying things the general fandom would not want to hear 🥴 don't pick fights i'm not here for it
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yaraflors-archive · 3 years
Hello! I was just curious of what you'd have to say in terms of criticism of Tom Taylor's run on Nightwing. I read through it as it came out myself and while I note 'able-bodied Oracle' as a con, as well as the overall 'safeness/no-risks-taken' nature of the storyline, I wonder if there was anything else I may not have picked up on at the time. It's been kinda hard for me to find proper written critiques of the run outside of Tumblr that isn't just blind praise.
I also have strong qualms on how dick has been written in general? I think everyone loves a good “sweet boy” dick grayson. However the way Taylor has written him to be almost?? Unaware of his previous upbringing?? Is odd. Like, example, he makes dick say this whole “I have privilege and money” spiel (super weird and performative btw. very reminiscent of the performative stuff that happened in the last year.) almost as dick would not have prior knowledge to being?? Poor? Like he spent some time in a not great boys home, time on the streets, and even it’s been expressed that in halys he and his family were really just getting by. I think this is sadly a pattern in new dc writers where they seem to ignore a characters previous established story beyond the basics? Idk it just feels like there are moments where dick seems to be unaware of his own past?? If that makes sense? And I think it’s a huge disservice to his character to make him seem so detached from the people?? Like his whole “giving back” speech.. it makes it seem as though he was not already a spider-man type hero (hero of the ppl etc). When he was!!! he wanted to give back and be a hero that was there for people personally.. he has stated this in different ways many times?? And it makes me sad that it’s like.. being seen that this is the “first time” he’s helping the people.
Also to touch on babs. I hate how they gave her an explaination for removing her disability as a catch all. Like ok so they made it so she can walk now(🙄😪).. but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t have chronic pain?? Or stiffness or even exhaustion surrounding her back and legs. As a person who DOES have chronic back and leg pain, would benefit from a mobility aid, and also has a metal rod in my back.. i can attest to the fact that this pain would not go away. This to me just highlights that they do little to no research on disabled people and they care very little about babs. They don’t want to give her character development and they treat her like dick graysons cute plush keychain. They act like her disability is just POOF gone.. also that she was so “held back” from her disability + wheelchair.
I just feel like in general these story arcs and character developments lack meat. And for this deep in dicks story he deserves something more. Thank you for asking me this btw!! I’m glad someone cared about my opinion enough.
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uno-writing · 3 years
AHHHHHHH this is unrelated to uno but my friend and I dared eachother to read something thatd make us cry, and I made her read the boxer and I'm on the floor sobbing over gourmet hound 😭😭 neither of us have done any work for like two days we're just binge reading
This is like, exactly how I felt when I was reading uno, but to a less extreme degree. Any of y'all felt uno legit messing with you mentally? Like actually I should've taken a break while reading it but I just read it continuously over thee days straight and was mentally and emotionally exhausted for a week after lol. I always stop rereading when the joker arc starts up bc I honestly can't handle it 😅
ik people call uno cheesy and it is, but what I felt while reading it was so intense. Ive felt that way over a precious few pieces of media. And it's so strange. I can't find a pattern at all. It isn't very well written, and the storyline is vaugely problematic, and tbh I've seen better world building, but I still love it. Same for other media I've loved, I can admit that I've read better, but I still, for some reason, resonated with these totally random (?) ones the most
If anyone's slightly curious the other works I've loved as much as uno (I call these things soul art make fun of me) are eleceed by jeho son and ZHENA (available on webtoon), the poppy war by R F kuang, his dark materials by Philip Pullman, and the Percy Jackson series and the heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan (pls don't pick on me lol). Ofc there's been stuff that's sent me into various states of existencial crisis but the characters from these works have literally always stayed with me
And Ik no one can psyco analyze me with these bc there's no way someone here has read them all mwahahaha *knocks on wood*
This was nothing really just a random baring of the soul to people who might relate 🥴
- Boba anon 🧋
Oh my god the mortifying ordeal of being known what have i done this is too personal ahhhh I'm to emotional rn I'm deff gon regret this later
UnO definitely delves into many serious topics. Like thinking back about the comic and everything that’s happened is definitely intense.🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇🍩🥖📦🌻
I also gotta say that UnO has been one of my longest lasting passions (idk if that’s the right word lmao). I first started reading it around the time John’s ability was first revealed (i gotta admit, that was the only time of my reading uno that I’ve come close to being a jimp lmao) then I put it down for about a year and I came back and that kept happening to this point. Like most stuff that I completely put down I don’t pick up again. I could probably count on one hand the content that I’ve put down and picked up with the same passion.
I love UnO so much. Like I think that’s part of the reason I have so many criticisms about it just bc it has so much potential bc it’s already amazing with all of its flaws. I don’t think I’ve consumed a piece of media that I’d consider ‘flawless’, but UnO is sooooo close to being perfect in my opinion. The criticisms I do have are things that would be so easily fixed.
And dude, you’ve already issued the challenge. The psychiatrist anons are gonna flock to you now. You did not learn from my mistake lmao It's like self fulfilling prophecy now. You're going to get psychoanalyzed
Now they're not gonna do it bc I said this with such confidence lmao
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Would it be okay with you if I posted a video about someone commenting on Knightfall? Because the fandom basically sees it as insane and all crack, but he argues as to why it’s completely normal by RWBY standards and not all that “crazy.”
Admitredly he’s pretty critical of RWBY which idk if you’ll accept, but hey it makes us seem more realistic lol
I don't know why the fandom sees it as insane and crack when R/WBY fandom is full of the stupidest fucking ships I've ever heard of. No offense, have your fun, but seriously? Knightfall is not crack.
It is absolutely not crack, especially because predictive patterns for the ship are based on the show's own usage of allusions and fairytales, and the show's themes, like it's not just hmmm I want them 2 kiss, and it's not just a ship war, and it's not just 'I like them standing beside each other' or 'I think the guy deserves to get the girl because I've never heard of narrative language before and the only thing I know is power fantasy', it's not ANY of that. I already said it in that post above, but their confrontation is a really really big deal lol. I don’t know how other ‘normal’ ships with much less significant interaction are perceived that way. Not sure if that’s a combo of Cinder and Jaune’s respective characters and fandom perception history.
Anyway no I would prefer not to watch a R/WBY YouTuber admittedly, especially not one of the 'critical' types on there lol. They wilfully misinterpret the narrative and lean hard into the 'but it's not realisticcccc' approach which drives me crazy. Like all the power to him and if thinks Knightfall is not a crackship, cool, I hope he's having a good time.
I'm all for criticising narrative and even recently had a very pleasant discussion about issues with the show worldbuilding wise but I think that YouTube aids and abets an atmosphere of polemics. It's not two-way, it's not kind, and ultimately you need to have something more controversial to say to get clicks, and to really drum people up emotionally. I don't like it.
But yeah I don't think audience perception influences whether they go for it or not. It doesn't seem like they've compromised on that sort of thing so far for like, say, BB.
I look forward to the day when I never have to hear about what a wonderful character Pyrrha was and when will she come back when we've had five volumes of other characters' and their development. Then again, I also think the best five volumes of the show are V4-V8, so I clearly don't get along with that side of R/WBY fandom.
No offense to the people who've messaged me about Pyrrha. Her character just isn't in the side of the show I prefer and it is sort of exhausting having to always hear about Pyrrha everywhere. (I like her character! I like her ending! I think it was very good! I’m not against character death as a rule when it’s consistent. I also think her death does really interesting things in the story, and yes, is a terrible catalyst to tie Jaune and Cinder together).
But Pyrrha’s enduring longevity is the spanner in the works for Knightfall imo, if they do decide to cater to the audience (though again, Cinder's importance is really not catering to the audience lol).
My true and honest opinion is that V6 statue!Pyrrha was way too fucking much lol. I can tolerate it because it works thematically and her death now has the backdrop of the Salem/Ozma conflict revealed.
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roublardise · 3 years
hii beloved 😘 3, 12 and 17 (for the sapphicnatural ask) 💕
thank you 🥰
3. favourite canon sapphic?
basic answer i suppose, but truly claire means a lot to me. my reasoning is that obvsly my fav canon sapphic is a canon lesbian, and so i'm left with charlie and claire. and LISTEN. charlie is cool but she's a token and it shows. however claire being a lesbian isn't her main trait she's truly just here with anger issues and she acknowledges zero man, she makes fun of her straight sister, she has a grumpy cat plushie AND a sword 😭😭🥺
12. unpopular opinion about a female character?
lmao.... i actually don't think i got strong unpopular takes here, and it took me forever to think of one (besides like, some characters i find boring but that people seem to love)
but ig my strongest unpopular opinion is that the more it goes the less i enjoy "god amara endgame" bc it goes against her whole character as i went off about here
and people have fun for real, but when i, personally, see amara/billie/rowena as the endgame girlbosses i wanna bite stuff WHY wrightfullingly criticizing the finale for being a return to statu quo if it's to encourage the same statu quo but with new faces.... idk.
17. top five spn femslash pairings
omg that's hard, but here i go:
1. amara/mary!!! i didn't expect to love them that much, and yet. they fit so well it makes so much sense and the destiel parallels of it all the femme/butch energy the upper class/worker class the complexity-
2. mary/rowena, and by extension amara/mary/rowena. here's MY girlboss trio and they aren't rulling stuff they're just vibing
3. meg/bela if only for my 16yo self who was obsessed with them to the point of writing s*x for the first time (in the living room. before they even knew they were a lesbian themself.)
3bis. (i have to put it at the same level, bela has two hands etc etc 💕) bela/anael, which is more recent but very compelling as well. they trick people!! just the idea of them trying to do better but still going back to old patterns and lying/stealing and meg keeping them in check?? bc meg is the most loyal so if they decided to do better, meg would be super invested right. but bela & anael would still use fake names even when they don't need it 🥺
5. jody/donna i'm so so so weak for old women being in love. like.. oh so a future is possible. oh ok.... i'll just be here crying. they've been married and it didn't work but now they're flirting & dating & smiling 😭
sapphicnatural asks
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