#this isn't that good but i am not gonna look at it more
sanguineterrain · 3 days
I am FERAL over your knight Jason thought. FERAL!!! Okay check this out: so Jason's ignoring reader because he feels guilty right? Maybe he tried to give them back but the king wouldn't allow it. But maybe the reader misunderstands and thinks they're not doing their "duties" so they make dinner and breakfast and wash his clothes and basically act like a perfect spouse. How would Jason react? 👀
Dear god... I feel another series coming on...
Idkidk, their dynamic is just really interesting to me! it's probably gonna be a bit of a slow burn here. Feel free to send more thoughts about them. I am rotating these two like a rotisserie chicken in my brain.
knight!jason todd x gn!reader. ambiguous time period but just assume it's olden times *gestures vaguely*. tw arranged marriage/forced relationship but it's complicated! jason is full of angst and self-loathing but he's a sweetie as per usual. original post for context.
The soldier—Jason—has said four words since you've arrived.
The first was "here," which he said whilst handing you a mug of milk. He didn't look at you as he said it, and that morning, he left for a five-day long station. You only know that because he said, after handing you the milk, "I've been stationed."
You realized it was five days when you heard his horse galloping towards the house... five days later.
You haven't initiated conversation because though you're a commoner, and no one ever had much hope for you to become anything but an old spinster, you know not to challenge knights.
But this is fucking ridiculous.
"Do you like veal?" you ask on your fourteenth day here.
Jason is about to leave, his boots half laced. He freezes at your question and looks up.
You stand tall, chin up. This is a normal question. A question a wife would ask her husband, except you're not a wife, and you're pretty sure this soldier isn't a husband either.
"I like veal," he says carefully, slowly. "Would you like me to fetch some from the market?"
Now, this is where it gets tricky. When the king summoned you, he made it clear that you were expected to care for Jason under his rules. You don't know how to navigate this world. You know what couples in your village do, but you don't know what's expected of you here.
"Actually, I..." Jason looks at you. His eyes are very green. He has a surprisingly sweet face under his helmet. "Actually, I was wondering if I could go. On my own."
You brace yourself for arguing or yelling. True, he hasn't raised his voice once, but he also hasn't said much at all. It's like living with a ghost.
"Yes, of course. Of course you can go." He fishes out a pouch of coins and gives them to you. You take it slowly, waiting for him to realize his mistake. He doesn't.
"Thank you," you say.
He nods and watches you walk.
You stop. Here it comes.
"There's a cargo ship in port today. The guards rotate at noon."
He leaves before you can form a thought. You hold the coins, watching blankly as the door shuts behind him. His horse whinnies, and then he's gone.
The market isn't far from the cottage. It's fantastic to be outside again. No one's noticed your absence, clearly, but that's alright. You've never expected more.
You buy a good cut of veal and potatoes and carrots and apples. Jason gave you more money than any cut of meat would cost, so surely he assumed you would buy other food. Why else would he give you so much?
A ship's horn drones in the distance. You're feeling some oranges when you remember his words. A cargo ship.
The sun is almost at its highest point.
"Oi! Either buy 'em or stop feelin' 'em!" the seller snaps.
You roll your eyes and move on from the orange stand. You can see the horizon of where the sky meets the sea from here. Any moment, the guards will change, and the ship will be...
You stop. Was Jason hinting at your escape?
No, he couldn't have been! That's preposterous. Why would he want you gone? The king took you for a reason.
And where would you go anyway? Once you leave, you'd be a criminal forever. You couldn't make a home on your own. And who knows what could happen in between? Pirates, enemy soldiers, anybody could snatch you up.
This must've been a test. A test to see if you would run. That's why he agreed to you going so easily.
No, your escape can't be planned now. Not when you're so obviously uncomfortable, and Jason knows it.
You ignore the ship and go home with your purchases. You spend the rest of the afternoon preparing veal stew. You warm leftover bread over the fire and set a pot of butter on the table.
Jason comes in louder than he has before, humming quietly. You perk up at the sound, happy for the lack of silence.
You set a bowl of stew at his chair and wait by the fire. As soon as he enters the kitchen, the humming stops.
"Welcome home," you say, wringing your hands. "I made supper."
Jason glances at the table, then back at you.
"You came back," he says.
"Why wouldn't I?" you ask, face neutral as you cut the bread into chunks.
"That—did the ship come?"
Jason sits. His face is dirty from training.
"I bought more than veal," you say, and hand him the pouch. "I hope that's alright. We—there were no more potatoes."
He takes the pouch, rubbing the string tied around the top. "You went to the marketplace... and came back."
It's not a question, but it sounds like there might be one behind it.
"Certainly," you say. "I'm loyal to you, Jason. I serve you."
He looks up, blinking rapidly. Then he looks back at his stew.
Oh, right. He's waiting for you to ask permission to sit.
"May I join you?" you ask.
Jason flinches. "You don't... you don't have to ask. I would never stop you from eating."
The words hang in the air. It's like neither one of you can speak right.
You watch him, and he watches you as you serve yourself and sit on the opposite side of the table. Jason takes the first bite, and you eat right after.
"Is the supper satisfactory? Have I done well?" you ask.
Jason stops chewing and sets his spoon down. You're struck by his shift in demeanor. You worry for a moment you've screwed up something as dim-wittingly simple as stew.
His eyes are sad as they fall on you. It's akin to grief, the pain he wears, but you don't know why he's grieving. You silently offer him more bread, pushing it toward him. He takes it.
"Yes," he says quietly and eats another spoonful. "You did. Thank you for supper."
Jason cleans his bowl three times. You have no stew leftover, which pleases you.
But as soon as Jason finishes eating, he gets up, rinses his bowl, and wordlessly leaves.
You don't see him for the rest of the night.
Somehow, you feel lonelier than when you weren't speaking.
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hello idk if you’re taking requests, pls ignore if not, but is there any way you’re able to do the figure skating au again but with Oscar? if you are thank you! but also if not thanks anyways!
▮𝑶𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝑷𝒊𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊
/ / In which oscar piastri is obsessed with his gf and there's no hiding in it !! / / ✿
. . ҂ 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: smau, fluff, slice of life, fan behavior?
✎ ᝰ 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: tbh i had no idea what troope to do so i just did this. hope you like it haha
© moonlightpearlspots
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liked by yourinstagram, mclaren, landonorris, and 701,240 others
oscarpiastri spent my free time chasing my professional figure skater girlfriend on her tour
view all 31,103 comments
oscarpiastri rating the programs!! in the memorium, a solid 100/10. literal art on ice. black swan, 10/10 again. loved the concept and my girlfriend looked talented and pretty on ice as usual. don't leave your loved ones behind, 15/10 there only 2 photos because i ended up crying. the artistry was just chef's kiss.
user1 so.... who's gonna tell him it's his main account.....
oscarpiastri instructions unclear lol
user2 what a cute little pr disaster
yourinstagram i broke the record scale?
oscarpiastri you always do! you even broke the technical score box
yourinstagram osc 😭😭😭
user3 please the way his pfp is literally her 😭 i am crying
starsonice loved having you at the shows!!
oscarpiastri thanks for having me 🤗
user4 atp bros been to more ice shows than his own races
user5 welp mclaren denied oscar for having a yn fan acc is so crazy 😀
oscarpiastri ikr! like sm people run fan accounts for her why can't i?!
user6 buddy have you considered that you are a professional athlete and they are not
oscarpiastri still doesn't make sense
user5 oscar piastri beefing with random people on internet and wanting to run a fan acc of his girlfriend was not on my this year's bingo card 😭
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liked by yourinstagram, mclaren, landonorris and 81,024 others
oscarpiastri and ofcourse hands down the best of all. her best program, ave maria wins it all.
view all 33,610 comments
user1 help he's still not done
user2 oscar "the smip of the century" piastri bf
user5 nah because he's so right ave maria is hands down one of her best, if not the best programs
yourinstagram sucks it's gonna be reserved for gala shows now
oscarpiastri can you keep for next season too?
yourinstagram no 🧡
oscarpiastri well atleast i get it enjoy it during galas and the private show for myself
user6 what private show 😁
oscarpiastri she trains and i watch her train you nasty human
user7 imagine being called a nasty human by oscar piastri. i would be EMBARRASSED like bbg that's embarazzing
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, avtrusova, jmedvedevaj and 701,681 others
yourinstagram spent the off season with osc 🧡
view all 28,025 comments
oscarpiastri my favorite person to spend time with
yourinstagram <3
user1 "country club" just say you're rich and go 😭😭😭
user2 yn feeding us oscar bf material
user3 they're so cute ( gonna kms )
user4 eww i still don't understand why her. i liked his ex better
user5 clarance almos tremblay han
user5 want me to do you too???
user6 nah mate we good 😀😀😀😀😀
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liked by yourinstagram, mclaren, landonorris and 801,580 others
oscarpiastri i and my gf 💞
view all 33,093 comments
user2 was all the dior for yn?
oscarpiastri who else would it be for?
user3 wake up babe oscar piastri is raising the standard again
user4 people were talking about your business osc and yn but i didn't participate 🧍‍♂️
user5 didn't you set fire on an orphanage and stole money from tip jars?
user6 didn't you spit on my grandma and pushed her onto traffic
user7 every man for themself huh ⁉️
user8 😭😭
user9 so cute gonna check if i can survive if i throw myself infront of a train 😁
use10 time to sleep on highway!!
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dnpbeats · 11 hours
more phagenda theories ft. analysis of dan's story bc i am painfully unemployed
hi besties it's me again. i'm reaching the point of waiting for the announcement where it's like that tweet about the plate of corn in encanto. i decided to go back and watch dan and phil's first videos to see what frames they used to see if it would reveal anything intersting and well... it kinda does, but also this theory falls apart a bit towards the end so. take this with a grain of salt this is just for fun i'm just yapping it's not meant to be that serious etc etc
so starting with phil's video blog, i believe the frame is from about 0:41 or at least very very close to there (based on the position of phil's paper):
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(side note but i don't wanna get too off track: 2 seconds after this is when phil's curtain blows which like obviously is from wind but maybe in another universe it's some kinda sci-fi fantasy spirit ghost thing idk)
this section of the video is when phil is reading off a question from his linguistics exam. we know from "teaching dan to speak" that if youtube hadn't worked out and phil actually used his degree, he was gonna be a forensic linguist. okay so now, what frame is used from hello internet? this one isn't quite as easy to pin down but my best approximation is at 0:37, or at least somewhere soon after that (going off of dan's placement in front of the door):
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this is the section of the video immediately after dan gets done saying some "really good friends" he's made recently persuaded him to "give it [making videos] a shot" which like, we all know means phil. when i say immediately i mean he finishes saying that at 0:36
i just personally find this intersting because like. for phil's video why pick a frame of him reading an exam when you could've gone with the thumbnail or him looking at the camera or something? with dan, i at first thought it was the very beginning of hello internet, but it's definitely not based on the way he comes into frame. instead it's right after he says that phil persuaded him to make videos... so this brings me to the ripple effect/alternate universe idea a lot of people have been throwing around. what if they chose phil reading his linguistics exam bc they are going to explore a universe where he becomes a forensic linguist? and of course, if he didn't do that, then dan wouldn't have made his video, because the part where phil persuades him to give it a shot never happened (this is where we get into dinok territory). ok so how does this fit with the other two shots we can see? (i'm not including something we want to tell you bc it would be impossible to know exactly where in the video that shot is from, and ofc i can't include the mystery one 💔)
(warning this is where this starts to fall apart lmao) now obviously the one from gtpwtw is from the yoga section:
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how does this fit in with the alternate universe/choices theory? well, this particular moment is right when dan is asking phil "top or bottom," which obviously in the moment is a joke and it's a really inconsequential question. however, it is a question nonetheless, with two possible outcomes 👀
for saying goodbye forever... i quite literally have nothing, the shot they chose has nothing going on it's just them standing there as priest sean walks in at about 0:35 💀💀
anyway yeah, assuming they consciously chose what shots of videos to include, it might give more validity to the multiverse idea, regardless of what medium they present it in! ofc this could also all mean nothing and i am just grasping at straws (10x more likely) i just thought it was intersting :)
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kpopscruggles · 3 days
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Needed to get this off my chest, also requests open!!
Ya girl has disappeared and I apologize
I looked at the time 12:45 am. The party started not too long ago, but I was too busy doing my makeup, hearing someone sighing next to me, I chuckled, turning to see Jake who had been ready for about 30 minutes. That’s not what he was bothering me for though, the silence was stuffy, and I knew he’d ask sooner than later “You annoy me you know that? I know you're not getting dolled up for me and I’m your boyfriend.” He was right, but why speak up when he got dressed up for his little friend that he had already slept with, meanwhile I just wanted to see the guy. Jake knew I wasn’t going to feel bad for him, he had done worse to me.  
At the end none of that mattered though, I loved him, and he loved me. No matter who else was involved we always came back to each other. He was mine, and no matter what either of us done it wasn't going to change. Weve both admitted whatever we had done it was never better than what we had and that was the main reason we knew we needed each other.  
I paused from what I was doing to feel his lips on my neck “Why don’t we just stay here baby? We both know you want to cum tonight and while he may feel fresh for you, I'm yours, and your mine...we could do whatever..” his lips moving up to my ear leaving small nibbles “just put the blush down..” he added as his hand took the pallet from me “Lay on the bed...so I can eat this pussy..hmm?”. I shivered feeling his warm hand contact my clothed clit, the dress somehow already lifted to my waste before his fingers dipped in completely.  
“You know I want you more than he does-” “But do you want me more than-” “Yes baby, I want you more than her, I want you more than her everyday”, I felt a shiver run down my spine feeling his fingers rub my slit as he made me look his way “Do you want me more than him?’. I immediately nodded, I wanted jake more than I wanted anything. 
Only moments later, His cock buried in me as my hips grind on him. His lips left hickeys on my chest as his arm wrapped tight around my waist. “t-that’s it princess, fuck!” the moans from his lips only getting louder as he looked up at me with weak eyes “Are you gonna milk me baby? P-please do~ I wanna cum so good for you!”. I nodded only being able to give out whines, Yelping I felt my back hit the mattress. Hovering above me, one hand gripping my waist as the other had the same tight grip on my neck “my pretty girl treating me so well with this pussy, it’s all mine, isn't it? Say it!” I nodded, my cunt gushing with each thrust. “A-a-all yours~!”. 
“I love you~ I love my girl so fucking much~” my heart pounded out of my chest hearing his words, and the sweetest sounds he gave while trying to speak. Once again, my cunt gushing with each action he gave me, his hand now moving from my neck to my breasts gripping one to steady himself. The small batch of stubby hair rubbing against my clit with every thrust he gave me. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer “J-jake please~ please cum with me~”. I only got nods in response, his body now pressed against mine, head in the crook of my neck, the small pants of breath leaving him with every twitch of his cock. My stomach dropping, body shivering, feeling the bit of cum leak from my hole and drizzle slightly as he continued to thrust into me through our release. I felt his lips back on mine giving me weak but full kisses “I love you” he reminded.  
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coldgoldlazarus · 3 days
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Okay, mostly done screeching in excitement, now it's analysis time.
First point: That purple blast of the turret getting taken out looks great.
Looks like we're opening hot, a lot like Corruption's beginning. Hopefully won't be quite as protracted as the Norion battle, though, lol.
Also, I've seen some jokes already about how this section will end with Samus getting depowered like the openings of Prime and Echoes, but given how barebones her arsenal seems to be here, (missiles and morph ball, which sometimes she just starts with and keeps, maybe bombs too) I don't expect that to happen.
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The HUD and helmet edges are a lot more dialed back this time, pushed as far into the corners as they can go. Probably better for visibility this way, but I am gonna miss the more wraparound feel of the previous setup, with the missile count and hazard meter along the sides. But this isn't a bad look by any means, and we still have a fair few items here.
A & B: My bet is this is the replacement for the old hazard meter. In addition to keeping it out of the way, putting it right next to the motion tracker is a good move. I may actually remember to use that more this way.
C: Health bar is obvious, of course, but I really like the move of tucking it away into the notch on the top of the Echoes/Corruption/Beyond(!) helmet visor. The lines around it suggest an empty row above, undoubtedly for the energy tank pips once those are picked up.
D & E: Minimap is present as usual, not really much to say there, but I love the addition of a compass direction scroll beneath it, which should be helpful for putting places in context of the broader map. (Tallon IV's elevator label system, anyone?)
F: Missile count has been shunted down from the side to the bottom corner. I'm interested to see if it will grow upward, or just stay in its present spot and scale accordingly, as you collect more expansions.
G: This is the one everyone's already pointed out, but it seems that we won't have a visor OR beam swap readout.
Scan Visor is still an option as shown in the next bit, but based on the lack of an indicator in the hud, it's probably just going to be a toggle between that and combat, without anything else like X-Ray or Thermal or Echo or what have you. (Or it could be that that would only get added to the HUD after picking up a third visor, but I won't hold my breath for it.) Kinda disappointing to deemphasize one of the cool new mechanics the Prime subseries brought to the table, on one hand, but I'm still grateful to have the Scanner, and the extra ones always did struggle a bit to see much use.
Similarly, a bit disappointed this means we're probably looking at a stacking beam like in Corruption and the 2D games, (unless of course beam swapping is still there and just being left off the HUD until relevant for the sake of cleanliness #copium) but not entirely surprising; I'll live.
But what is interesting is what's there instead. The D-Pad seems to be tied to non-Beam weapons or tools instead, with the missile launcher as the only one available at present. I'm really curious to see what the other items will be; I imagine this is going to be Prime 4's unique spin on things. I saw someone suggest affinity weapons like in Hunters, but given those all function like Beams, it feels weird to me to set them against Missiles instead, ammunition requirements notwithstanding. I'm not going to rule those out, of course, but I could see this being something completely different entirely.
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Again, I am very glad to see the Scan Visor is still here at least. Even better is that it uses the full-body highlighting of objects like Echoes and Corruption instead of Prime 1's icons. Pretty minimalistic layout, all told; I like that the scanning bar is a ring now. And it doesn't reflect Samus's face by default like in Corruption, which makes sense since we're not liable to have the same kind of mutation shenaniganry happening here.
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I forgot to snag a screencap of this bit on my computer, so forgive the lower quality, but this scene is interesting for a few reasons.
The Pirates' breaching charges letting them into this room just as Samus passes through a gap in the wall overhead is a nice touch, and also remniscent of some sequences from early on in Corruption.
The Federation guys in here seem to be wheeling away someone or something on a stretcher in a hurry. That could be important.
Energy tank up in the rail section, but blocked by a box. Are we just going to bomb through to get it right away, or will we drop down into the room, and have to come back from the other direction to pick it up? (Please be the other direction)
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Samus looking spiffy here, even at a distance. And as some have pointed out, looks like she's walking out of a portal instead of a door, pointing to either more dimension-hopping shenanigans like in Echoes, or possibly the time travel elements I recall hearing Tanabe wanted to play with at some point. (This plus the black hole look of the logo makes me think this could be more likely.)
Whatever the nature of the portal, though, the interesting thing to me is the sort of circular structure in the rock around it, suggesting a doorframe almost. A lot of the portals on Aether seemed to actively cut into the environment at random, the rock carved out in perfect spheres with fucked-up edges, and interrupting the pre-existing architecture or geology. In contrast, this looks like it was put here on purpose, implying a more controlled creation. Potentially really fascinating implications in that.
I also kinda wonder if these portals will be replacing elevators as a way to get between regions.
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Ignoring the big numbers in the middle, (though they do kinda mess with my prediction that Prime 4 was going to be a 2024 holiday title to avoid getting eaten by Switch 2's inevitable 3D Mario launch title,) a couple things stand out to me here.
Giant tree in the background is giant, and I love it for that. Also looks like it's not the only giant tree here, even if still probably the biggest. I hope we get to go there later.
But in addition, we have a bridge in the middle distance, and a tunnel opening in the foreground. I will eat my hat if we don't get to cross that bridge, and my bet is that they're going to pull a similar trick here as with Skytown, letting low-poly versions of other "rooms" be visible from the current one, but dividing them with interior sections for optimization reasons, allowing for amazing landscapes of all traversible terrain. I loved that there, it looks great here, I can't wait to go explore all this myself next year.
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tswwwit · 2 months
How is the part fifth of the cult AU going?
Don't want you to feel pressure with the ask, feel free to ignore it. Take care❤️
It's currently just shy of 5k! I took a break for a bit, but momentum has returned. And I have some very fun scenes in mind I think people will like!
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chrisbangs · 1 month
i finished thesis, won an award, and have graduated.. hello 👋🥸
#i'm not coming back but :') hello#i forgot i even had tumblr still on my phone djdkdkdkdk#i just opened it for the first time in ??? 5 months or smth i think idk for sure#life is weird :')#remember when i said i wanna drop out every day of my life :') bc i suck at design#welp i won an award for my design thesis :')#jsjdjdkdkdkdj#turns out having friends kinda changes your life 🫂#having friends at school has actually :') made me a happier more normal person lol#i haven't been miserable?? i haven't wanted to kms ... i have been so happy and yes school was shitty but i wanted to go and try hard bc#my friends motivated me to stay and try and that's crazy :') idk#felt really loved and like i belonged somewhere for the first time in my life 🫨 like woah ppl like me and wanna be my friend? me??#:') i'm really happy... isn't that weird#i used to want to kms every other day hsjdndkdkdks lol 😭#now i'm like 😭 every day i look forward to waking up bc i'm happy and i have ppl who love me and i wanna see them again and i wanna spend#time with them again and play games with them again :')#literally stayed up till ??? 4 am yesterday talking to one of them like#😭#god jm djjdkdkdkd idk :')#my life is good...#???? IM NOT MISERABLE IDK GUYS#wild af#even winning the award was such a shock like 🥲 damn . who ? me?#ppl from like :') this big design thing in toronto we're praising it too like djdjdodjdkdj#:') it's kinda crazy.. i was super !#man.. i cant believe how 5 months ago i was gonna kms 🥸👆 and now i'm like erm actually maybe we do need to live#:') anyway#i hope ppl on here are doing good 🫨🔨#it is sad to not be here as much but also 👋😌 i'm happy to be free at the same time so ✨
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
jing yuan and yanqing are giving zhongli and xiao if the latter’s canon relationship was Actually fanon’s made up father figure/adopted child dynamic
#idkkkkkkkkkkkkk who looks at zx and is like 'you know what. this is a healthy parent child relationship'#like girl by fitting them into father son boxes you are actively making their relationship imbalance Worse#if you do that and dont shy away from it i respect that but if you say dad/son makes their relationship more wholesome or whatever like WHY#now i wont deny shippers might do that too but i see the dad son version so much i think im just averse to it by default#also because i think father son makes people actively Try to make their relationship something that its not and it erases a bunch of subtlet#subtleties in it. it's the nuanced r/ship -> entirely unproblematic and flavorless r/ship that i hate#also the number of people who'll block if you ship zx. like damn thats crazy you guys really think theyre father son (fake)???#at their peak they're like. 4000 year old guys who have too much history and repression and some weird entanglement of 'nah im bothering him#too much' and 'gotta protect him w my life' complexes. and then this devolves into theyre never gonna kiss until 3000 more years have passed#listen they just Contain Multitudes idc if you dont ship it just dont make it into dad and son and we will be so gucci#jing.yuan and yanqing are like different i think mostly bc yanqing is actually like a minor and jing yuan is also a normal ish person#plus the light cone and the abouts?? yeah this is an actual like adopted parent/child thing#also good or bad news i caved and am now playing hsr. the plan is to pull yanqing and then go on infinite hiatus in the game 👍#JWKFLJWEK i dont think theres really any draws for me besides him. personally neutral on turn based combat and the open world isn't giving#the only saving grace i have rn is 1) ive gotten to the part where bron.seele is real and man theyre gay 2) trailblazer trio 3) tall female#mc 4) everyone has way better emoting abilities than genshin 5) su.shang's really cute <3#the story doesnt really interest me though its like cool but not mindgrippingly interesting#tbf i think genshin is the same way storyline wise (at the beginning) but the difference is that turn based combat isnt really my thing LMAO#ramblings!#zhongxiao#if you want to filter it out ??
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Spirit Animal
Summary: this is simply high ramblings with the guys.
Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve Harrington (can be considered platonic or romantic)
Content warnings: just some weed
All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Thank you.
You had been at Family Video, picking up a movie to watch with the boys later. You had been having random conversations with Robin when she brought up a topic you had never thought of before. Robin had pointed out that some people resemble their animals (like Janice from the trailer park who looked like her Shih Tzu), which made her think that you could assign a person an animal. "Like if you died and got reincarnated or some shit, you come back as that animal. It has to be like your spirit animal! It would suck if I came back as a Robin just cause thats my name..." You had laughed a bit but the thought had stayed with you.
It had stuck with you so much you actually were categorizing your friends as animals now. Which led to later that night, sitting in your apartment with Steve and Eddie, passing a joint around. Eddie was leaning against the couch, with one leg straight out in front of him and the other curled towards him. Steve was laying on his side on the couch. You were sitting next to Eddie facing him, but if you turned your head right, Steve and your faces would meet.
Eddie was absolutely the most sober out of you and Steve. You were trying your best, but fuck if you weren't giggling (and you don't giggle). You looked over at Steve, who had a small grin and glassy eyes. You looked at Eddie, who wiggled his eyebrows st you before crossing his eyes, making you giggle more. Eddie grinned taking another drag from the joint. He had shed his jacket and vest, his arms on full display along with his tattoos. Eddie thought you were simply staring at his bare arms and his tattoos, so he was slightly flexing for you. Meanwhile, you were staring thinking about the topic Robin had brought up earlier, not even noticing him flexing.
You nodded once and then twice to yourself before blurting out," Hedgehog." Both boys turned to you with confusion plainly written on their faces. "Sorry, what was that sweetheart?" Eddie asked as you paused before shaking your head. "No wait does that even work?" you mumbled resting your head on your hand. "Babe, what are you talking about?" Steve asked, pushing some hair out of your face so he could see you fully.
After explaining the whole concept to them that Robin brought up ("Which Robin is totally not a bird like sure that's her name but like she isn't! She's like...like a honeybee! She's sweet and always buzzing around, and she's like and like yeah and honey and like..." "You lost your train of thought didn't you?" "No no they have a point."). "So wait... you think one of us is a rodent?" Steve asked wrinkling his nose. You scoffed," they are mammals Steve." "Aren't...aren't all rodents mammals?" He tilted his head, making you pause before mumbling, "Huh...well shit." Eddie chuckles as Steve gives you a shit eating grin.
You cross your arms and glare at both of them. "This whole topic is stupid. We are people for a reason," Steve muttered looking at his nails. "You just don't understand my genius," you flick Steve who slaps your hands away," It is stupid though!" "Uh huh, like you won't think of this later, man. So, who is this hedgehog then?" Eddie asks, discarding the stub of the joint. He turns to face you, laying his head against the couch and against Steve's knee. "It's gotta be you, you're a rodent. A rat." Steve says, reaching over and bopping Eddie on the nose. Eddie immediately goes to bite Steve's hand and you wave your hands," See! That's what I'm talking about!" They look at you confused. "My friend had a hedgehog and it nibbled a lot. It bit when it found a scent it liked. Eddie you literally come up and bite us randomly all the time!" "...They're love bites..." You ignore Eddie's interjection and continue," plus they make like dens. Like they make little piles and hide in them. You will steal all the blankets I own and curl up under them. And hide in them, wait did I say that already? Plus PLUS they have quills which are sharp and they protect you! It's like an armor and like you put on this act to protect yourself but really you're sweet and have a soft underbelly."
Eddie blinks a few times, opening and closing his mouth. "Aren't they like night creatures the...fuck I forgot the word...not awake during the day?" Steve runs a hand through his hair and you snap pointing at him," Yes nocturnal! So is Eddie!" "Okay okay enough exposing me." Eddie lightly kicks you," besides if I'm a hedgehog what is Steve?" You pause as you think before grinning. "Uh obviously I'm something cool like a-" "A chihuahua." "oh fuck you!"
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aro-aizawa · 9 months
me, whenever i figure a plot twist in a 20 year old anime: oh wow i am SO big brained rn i am such a genius
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me, two minutes later, conpletely blindsided by a major plot twist:
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#shut up danni's talking#danni liveblogs#danni liveblogs detco#gif#detco spoilers#look i was 100% sold on the idea that jodie = vermouth/belmont i did NOT peg dr araichi as her instead#episode 345 took me out w the whiplash i got enduring all those plot twists i did not see coming#but looking back i can DEFFO see where they came from and the foreshadowing ohhhhhh i can tell.#i can tell this isn't gonna be a blast through the content and forget abt it kind of thing my mind has been racing w fanfic aus#i wanna delve into the fanfic/fandom too but hnk i wanna avoid spoilers!!!!!!#also i don't know how the fandom categorises things that happen at different plot events etc#there's straight up like a thousand episodes and im only a third of the way through#anyways thats gotta be a good stop for today i can't remember how long i've been awake for but it feels like forever#i am exhausted#urgh this always happens when im home alone for more than a few days#fun fact: kogoro is legit my least favourite character and yet i relate to him immensely#me daydreaming of when i catch up/know every case; i cannot wait to write an au where shinichi gets credited for the cases he solved via him#either shinichi or conan idk which would be better bc shinichi being nowhere near the crimes solved them or a literal 6 year old#im leaning more to the six year old bc its fkn hilarious#that one episode where he defused a bomb in a major landmark and was credited for it as a 6 year old is so fkn funny#this guy had the whole city hostage and yet he was completely stopped by a 6 year old#yeah he has the mind of a 17 y old but c'mon he's physically 6#this is my allure to this series which will win; hundreds of criminals or one determined 6 year old#if you bet against the 6 y old he's coming for your kneecaps
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acearohippo · 1 year
Love how her esper fit is just "tits out, ass out"
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She looks like the gals drawn in True Beauty, down to the exaggerated hips and thigh gap and triangular waist to hip to rib cage ratio. No shade, but it makes me giggle every time. Actually, a bit of shade cause why her shirt perfectly suctioned on her baubles?? 🤣 damn bubble boobies striking again.
She looks so unrealistically proportioned compared to every other character in this game, it's wild. She looks like a gacha character from one of those "It's not hentai" games in the app store.
Wonder why they went for the Halloween "sexy baseball player" get up for Dokkaebi. I mean, I guess sometimes they carry around clubs and bash people with them, but where's her bat?? They could've gone the wrestling Dokkaebi route, or maybe the archery Dokkaebi route, but I guess they just wanted to draw a sexy girl. Valid.
And, yes, I'm aware that baseball is a pretty solid sport in S.Korea, but I'mma still nitpick the decision to introduce it in the most jarring way possible. She looks like a high schooler in one of them fan service anime. What is the connection??? 🤔
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schnaf · 2 months
#learning hangul never ends#and i am like 🔪#so you're thinking of yourself as superior to chinese?? at least chinese MAKES SENSE#and doesn't have to make up new rules at every single corner#it's so weird that hangul was invented bcs this guy was like nah chinese characters are too hard i'm gonna make an easy system#and then it's like... oh but this is an exception#this letter is pronounced that way! but if it comes at this position it's pronounced another way#and sometimes it's just silent#and sometimes there are 4 letters but two of them are silent and 1 of them isn't pronounced regularly#i am DONE#sure learning chinese characters is a LOT#but at some point you can see patterns and it all fits together#korean letters are way easier but THE PATTERNS ARE A MESS#(but also i just looked at another way to count in korean)#(like.... i know un deux sept)#(but there's a second way to count and it sounds so similar to chinese and 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳)#(i know there won't be many crossovers so i'm happy about every single one)#((talking about crossovers: i started learning czech recently because i have no self control))#((((also because i told myself i'd only start learning a new language after being good in chinese and that day will never come))))#((((so i dropped that plan and now i've got nothing holding me back from starting new languages))))#((and a few days ago i listened to a russian interview and i was like wait i know these words))#((it was very nice but also a reminder that i should have stuck to languages that are part of an actual family))#((i want to know more 'if you know one you know them all' languages))#anyway that's my language rant for today and if it wasn't for my number crossover i'd be a bit more 'why did i decide to learn korean UGH'#(the answer is immersion btw. i thought if i keep watching korean stuff i might as well learn the language bcs at least i've got immersion)
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This that good shit
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Extremely incoherent tired ramble I think mostly about what the heck does empathy mean and I can't have npd right (<- doesn't remember if he actually confirmed you can't be high empathy and have npd or just got confused by something but still probably just being mentally ill in unrelated ways)
why do narcissist memes need to be so relatable like I'm high empathy unless I've gravely misunderstood what empathy is? I think that's gotta be one I don't have right ?? my brain is just still disorder hoarder mode because it still hasn't realized we already got the validation of knowing we're genuinely messed up that we were craving years ago (which was mainly "yes you're plural actually no like legit you're not making those guys up and yeah no that stuff was trauma you are not just mysteriously messed up without trauma there was definitely trauma what part of being terrified every single night for most of your childhood did you think was not traumatic") what was I talking about uh empathy is like just interpreting information to the best of your ability and then feeling things based on that interpretation like it can be incorrect just like you can read words wrong and react to what you think you read and like empathy makes you feel what you interpret other people as feeling to some extent right? and it's like analogies and metaphors in how it requires you to map one situation onto another in order to interpret it and lacking knowledge about one of them will make it much harder to understand just like I don't understand what it means to not understand metaphors to the point of struggling to communicate without the use of analogies in case that wasn't obvious but that's what empathy is right like it's not telepathy it's just interpreting and reacting to information?? I have that I can interpret information and then I react like just now I thought what if a child was sad for some reason and I almost cried bc hypothetical child is sad and that's incompatible with the thing isn't it someone who's better at humans than me please explain good night
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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[shaking them around like a tin can full of pennies]
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wingstobetorn · 1 year
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