#this isnt my proudest moment
Just figured out that Hieronymus is a version of Geronimo (and Jerome or w/e) which is insane to me for some reason. But now I know how to pronounce Hieronymus
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smollandkindaannoyed · 3 months
I see and hear so many people going "I can relate to Simon", "I defently am like Wille", "I can see myself in Felice"
But here I have to dit with the knowelage that I can't say those things cause if we talk about "Which character in Young Royals are you?" I will have to say August.
I will have to talk about my obsessive need to be liked by everyone around me, talk about how I put a shit ton of my self worth on the school I go to even though I am failing right now, talk about the ED and other mental illnesses I also didnt want to admit to having. I will have to talk about how I have this idea of what love is supposed to be which makes me rush into it only to know I will break both of our hearts because my idea of love has been off for years. And like don't get me wrong, I would never post pictures or videos of people online, I don't get angry like August does, but I would have to talk about the way he feels anger. The way it just keeps stewing inside until it is to much and I do something I really fucking shouldnt have done.
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Tldr; the wwdits writers know a thing or two about depression and being tired of life, nandor is a prime example, allow them to bring about his character arc in a natural way
Nandor's 'I'm whispering bc I care about marwa and don't want her to know I'm about to replace her' gives me hope and much food for thought. Excuse the rambling because I'm fleshing this thought out as i go.
Because he's just self aware enough to know when his actions are making people sad. It means that he knows when he's doing/ done something wrong, and actually, I was super mad about this episode be guillermo and marwa and freddie deserved better, but now that I'm thinking more clearly, the writers have been leading up to this.
Everytime nandor does something wrong, he does notice. A lot of it is stupid dumb shit like getting locked in a cage at the rescue shelter. But when he pushed guillermo off the balcony during their fight, he has a millisecond of hesitation before he says OOPSIES. Likewise, when he's discussing the freddie fiasco, he considers for a moment that he's doing something wrong, then very deliberately glosses over it like it's nothing. (For more, see nadja figuring out he pillaged her village, leaving benjy alone and hypnotised, turning Gail without her consent, etc)
I believe the reason for this is a very specific turn the writers want to take with nandor as a character. It's a fact that nandor hasn't been happy for a long time, but this fact only becomes evident from the latter half of season 2 onwards. This is also when he starts fucking up more, and instead of taking responsibility the way he did with Sean and the brain scramblies, he starts to write things off like they don't really matter.
Had the vampires not stated clearly that he was going through vampire depression, it would have been evident from the way he just... stopped caring about everything and everyone. Compounded by guillermos apparent betrayal in 3×10, I believe he just kept sinking into these feelings, until he became the nandor we see in s4.
I know in a previous post i said they'd just made him into an asshole incel (which btw I do still think), I believe its a mask for the terrible depression he's going through. He's a lonely lonely vampire who wishes he could be human, who wants a lifeline so badly he'll cling to one made of gum and feathers at this point, and he's been in this despairing state for a while.
First, he clutched onto guillermo, thinking if he made him a vampire then they'd be happy. Then, he decided a wife would fix him. But she didn't, so he thought she needed to be changed. All this while he's struggling both with depression and buried feelings for guillermo. Which means when guillermo and freddie show up, happy and gay, he is intensely envious and immediately latches on to "what he's been missing".
Freddie. Freddie is the stand in for everything nandor wants but can't have. A human, slightly nerdy boyfriend, who dresses like the pits of fashion and knows enough about nandors niche interests to be interesting. He's the "perfect fix". Until he isn't.
This episode made a lot of people, including me, very very angry. But I think we need to look past this to what nandors really struggling with and allow the writers to let him grow without praising them for some episodes and cursing them for other, heartbreaking but necessary ones.
Honestly I'm pissed about the ending they forced on marwa, because yes she deserved to stab him at least once. But once again, I think that last shot of them together just highlights how far gone nandor is. She looks miserable, because he IS miserable. Marwa doesn't like him because he doesn't like himself. Marwa doesn't like living because nandor doesn't like living.
Sure, he smiles and laughs with freddie, but he's uncomfortable not knowing human jokes. Even the second time around he looks deeply unhappy when he's laughing at the roomba joke. He wants to be a part of this little clique humans have SO SO badly, but at the end of the day he is other.
And finally, that shot at the end where nandor cries after leaving freddie on the train. Is he grieving leaving freddie or is he grieving the travels he could have had with guillermo? Is he really crying or just scrunching up his face for the cameras? It all comes down to the original question: does he care? And the answer is, no, not anymore, not for a long time.
In conclusion, this has been long and rambling, but I can't wait to see how far he has to fall before he hits rock bottom, or if this is perhaps rock bottom. At that point I would like to see if he wishes to become human, or wishes that he'd always be happy. Or, my favourite option, I would like to see who the writers bring in as the person who shows him how to heal himself. Either way, the writers have brought the show this far without ruining it, and I trust them with this episode and the bigger picture, and I can only hope that they follow through on that.
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years
for those of you who are new here: im a math bitch
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sohnric · 5 months
bad idea, right? – k. sunwoo
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pairing: soundcloud rapper! sunwoo x gn! reader
genre: exes to lovers, angst, suggestive. i know this is toxic as fuck dont @ me sometimes i like to write shit like this because it's realistic...
word count: 4k
warnings: a whole lot of arguing, swearing, both of them being toxic and childish, a heated makeout session, overall just..messy. so messy.
a/n: similivinlife u inspired this. not my proudest moment but oh well 😵 the original of this draft was for the fic dancing in my backseat on @rrxnjun that i didnt end up using and revamped for this, so if u see any similarities it is because both fics are mine :P and once again, as always, thank u @csenke my sweetest beloved for beta reading 🤍
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“I don’t think you can imagine the things I have to deal with about that track, like, I was literally in the town yesterday and around six people stopped me and wanted the backstory and I don’t know what, and it’s really, really annoying–”
Your voice cuts off, being replaced by a beat that makes acid taste on your tongue and hair stand up all alert, like a feral cat’s would when you try to get close to it, making you immediately turn off the song, letting a scream out into your pillow. There’s a storm of emotions inside of you as you take the phone you’ve been listening to the new song on back into your hand and pull up his number– because you blocked him everywhere else in hopes of never seeing his face again– and shoot him an angry text about the matter.
you [7:21pm]: are you kidding me???
you [7:21pm]: you are really so damn egoistical for doing this 
you [7:21pm]: really don’t think about anyone else except yourself huh
you [7:21pm]: ignore my messages again like the last time and i swear to god i’ll send someone to beat your ass
Fingers quicker than your own thoughts, you hammer down the messages on the keyboard, laced with the fury that’s been shaking with you ever since you learned that he released a new track that included yet another one of your voice messages you sent to him. It was excruciating to listen to, to say the least– your dignity stripped away slowly, piece by piece with the unsettling realization that your personal matters are now out there in the open, for everyone to see and judge, for the whole world to pick apart and analyze. Which is kind of funny, considering the nature of your breakup– you’re not so sure his fans would like what they would find out about him, had they dug deep enough.
Not saying that you are innocent in this matter, of course– you just don’t think it’s really fair to not have the platform to tell your side of the story.
don’t pick up [7:24pm]: feisty one aren’t ya
don’t pick up [7:24pm]: what’s this about
Clenching your jaw as you stare at the messages popping up on your screen only a few minutes after yours get delivered– which is unusual for him, to say the least– you work your way through another angry reply.
you [7:25pm]: your song???
don’t pick up [7:25pm]: did you like it? ;)
A dry chuckle escapes your throat at the last message. Of course you didn’t like it. You weren’t really a fan of the invasion of your privacy. You didn’t like the fact that he once again used your voice without permission, letting the whole world listen to your angry words that were addressed to him and only him. What was there for you to like about the song? His cheesy lyrics? The way he acted like he was way above you, belittling you with the power he had over you with all those voice messages? 
you [7:26pm]: yes i loved the invasion of my privacy a lot, thank you sunwoo
you [7:26pm]: isnt this illegal? ill look into it
don’t pick up [7:27pm]: now you’re being ridiculous.. its just a song y/n :) 
Was he being serious? Just a song? What about the prying eyes staring at you whenever you walk through the campus? What about the whispering behind your back whenever you sit in the school cafeteria? The pointed fingers whenever someone recognises that it’s you– the one that dated the good-for-nothing Soundcloud rapper and then broke his poor little heart. Was it ever really just a song?
you [7:28pm]: you cant be fr rn..
don’t pick up [7:33pm]: ah…let’s just talk abt it then
don’t pick up [7:33pm]: i’ll pick u up at 8? 
Staring at the messages on the screen, you let out another dry chuckle. The skin of your fingertips tingles when you swipe across the surface of your phone, opening the messaging app once again and tapping on the little bubble on the bottom, making the keyboard appear. The gears in your brain turn in swift motion as you try to sound nonchalant in your response, typing and deleting the message again, never getting the tone quite right. 
Responding to your ex boyfriend’s jabs and teasing in person seems to be easier for you, contrary to popular demand– you don’t have much time to think of your answer before the time frame between your arguments would turn too awkward with the silence, so you just say the first thing that comes to your mind. It comes naturally to you, though, and while you don’t particularly enjoy the fury and adrenaline that his smug smirks and jarring words make you feel, the tension his sudden messages built up only makes you more hesitant. 
You haven’t met up with Kim Sunwoo since the day you ended things, and you know damn well there’s a good reason for it.
Seeing him around campus or at parties of your mutual friends is a whole other thing than being with him in a closed space, all alone. It’s been a month since you ended things and while you are fairly certain that Sunwoo is a major jerk that is out to ruin your life, you can’t really tell if you’re actually over the major jerk that is out to ruin your life.
Seemingly letting Sunwoo know that you have the chat open, letting him watch your chat bubble pathetically appear and disappear in consistent time intervals, another quick message is shot your way, making your heart drum against your rib cage in even swifter motions. Running your hand through your hair, you sigh and drop the phone into your lap, helpless.
don’t pick up [7:40pm]: i’ll take it as yes
Sighing to yourself, you stand up from your bed and put on some presentable clothes. You don’t want to give Sunwoo any ideas, and that’s why you only change into clean sweatpants and a tank top, not putting much effort into your appearance at all. You need to send him the signal of being nonchalant– although your stance on the way he uses you in his songs is full of anger and resentment, you don’t want it to seem like you care much about the man himself at all.
Dragging yourself out of your room and putting on your shoes, you bump into your roommate Aeri passing you by with a mug of tea, her hair in a towel as she just came out of the shower. “You’re going somewhere?” 
“Going out,” you grunt.
“Oh?” she hums, leaning into the doorframe, “with who?”
The question catches you off guard. Turning around on your heel, you flash her an innocent smile, brain thinking of every possible solution you could use to not tell her that you’re going out with the exact person you’ve spent the last few weeks grunting over in dismay. “No one important,” you start, when her face morphs into a distressed frown.
“Is it Sunwoo?”
“Look, I-”
“It is fucking Sunwoo! I heard you scream into your pillow just now, I should’ve known it was that prick again,” she grunts, her guess confirmed by the very obvious discomfort on your face, suddenly in a hurry when you try to get out of the house in one swift motion and save yourself from the cross-examining conversation that’s surely about to happen judging by the look in Aeri’s face.
“I gotta go-”
“What about all your ‘I don’t ever wanna see him again’ talk?” she sighs, clearly disappointed with your life choices. 
“Look, it’s about the songs he’s been putting out. He’s being an ass about replying back to my messages and god knows I’m not calling him, or else he’d record it and put it in another song like the freak he is,” you squint your eyes at her, making sure your intentions are clear to your worried roommate. 
“Oh, right, because he’s going out with you just to talk,” she mutters, “when all you two have done since you broke up is argue. Mhm, seems about correct,” Aeri adds, making the situation even worse than it already was, because she’s right, after all– when have the two of you held a normal conversation in the past few weeks? Seeing him tonight might just be the worst idea of your life– right after deciding to date him, of course– and you’re completely aware of the fact.
Opening your mouth to answer with a jarring comment meant to put your roommate back in her place, the words are taken off your tongue when you hear the ring of your phone, the notification on your screen flashing with his messages.
don’t pick up [8:04pm]: youre 5 mins late
don’t pick up [8:05pm]: come out
“Look, I gotta go. We’ll talk about this later,” you mumble as you take your bag off the hanger, Aeri’s disapproving eyes following you as you head towards the door. 
“Right. Have fun,” she ironically sings, knowing very well what Kim Sunwoo’s intentions are for the night. Still, you fakely gag to her comment before you’re out the door and walking down the entryway.
As your figure walks out of the apartment complex, you almost don’t notice the man. You were expecting him to be waiting just behind the door, resting against the wall as he usually did back when you two were dating. The sight that meets your eye shocks you a little when you find him leaning against a 2007 Audi A4, the silver exterior of the car contrasting with the darkness of his clothes, hands folded on his chest as he watches you with an overly-confident smirk. 
“Took you long enough,” he teases as you finally cut through the distance. 
“Didn’t know you were so eager to see me,” you bite back, eyes scanning the vehicle. “Did you finally get a car with that new profession of yours? Or is that another one of your friend’s again?” you point towards the car, making the boy chuckle.
“Mine,” he says, “my ‘good-for-nothing career’ is taking off, as you may have noticed,” he hums, referencing all the arguments you two used to have about his dreams and ambitions, making you wince a little at the comment. You never believed in him ever making it big– you just didn’t think his dreams were ever really realistic– but judging by the way it’s been going for him, you must admit you may have been wrong with your snarky arguments before.
“Well, it’s not much, then,” you mutter instead, pretending to judge the state of his old, used-looking car.
“Gets the job done,” he shrugs as he peels himself off the door, opening the passenger side and sparing you a short glance. “Hop in?”
Sunwoo doesn’t wait for you to sit down so he can close the door after you– instead, he walks around the front of the car to the driver’s side, getting in himself– much to the gentleman he’s always been. Making sure you slam the door shut with as much force as you can, just to anger the man and his new toy, you fasten your seatbelt and watch as Sunwoo winces, but doesn’t mention it when he turns the engine on with a turn of the key and drives off the parking lot.
“Where are you taking me?” you ask, watching as the male snickers to himself. The calmness of his composure makes you oh so annoyed, making you despise every second spent together with him in the small space breathing in his cologne and listening to the songs playing through the speakers, reminding you of the playlist he’d always put on when he was given the privilege of the aux cord.
“What? Are you scared I’m gonna kill you?” Sunwoo jokes.
“Seeming that you’re batshit crazy, one can’t know what to expect from you nowadays,” you grunt, making him cheese with amusement.
“I thought I was just ‘a loser Soundcloud rapper that can’t do anything in life’,” he repeats to you a sentence you uttered out upon your breakup, the emotions getting the worst out of you after the way he’s been treating you. “Would a loser like me kill you? I don’t think so.”
“Very funny, Sunwoo,” you ironically bite back, rolling your eyes at his composure. The fact that he seemingly has the upper hand on you in the conversation makes you falter a little bit. “I just wanted to talk about the songs you’ve been putting out.”
“You wanted to tell me how much you like them? Thank you, I’m flattered–”
“No, you idiot. I wanted to talk to you about how uncomfortable they’re making me feel!” you yell out, making the male wince. 
There’s a momentarily silence in the car as the male drives, the streetlamps disappearing out of sight as he drives away from the city, into more sparse areas. His voice is a little more serious when he speaks up now, the lack of teasing in his tone making shivers run down your spine. “I don’t think it’s that serious, really.”
“Really?” you chuckle. “Because I don’t find it fun when people stop me on the street and ask all about our relationship, Sunwoo. Because I don’t know if you noticed, but you never asked for my permission when you used those.”
The sound of your own voice resonates through your brain, the first voice message he ever used in one of his songs (the one that made him finally more popular, funnily enough) making you sigh out in the darkness of the car. ‘Just.. I dunno, I said sorry, I apologized, I don’t know what more you want me to do.. like, what’s going on? Literally nothing, so like.. can’t we just… move on from this and… fucking let it go?’
“One would think you’d stop sending me these after the first one,” Sunwoo utters out, voice low and almost a little amused, which makes you tip over the edge.
“And I would think you wouldn’t use audio of me being vulnerable with you in a fucking song that everyone would hear, Sunwoo!” 
“Oh, did you mean that part where you called me a hypocrite for hanging out with my friends from high school without telling you? Or the part where you cursed me out after you broke up with me because I dared to text you again–”
“I was trying to pierce things back together!” you yell, making the male quiet down, resulting in taking a right turn towards a dead-end, the road approaching a forest. Not a single soul is to be found around here except the two of you, and when he turns the engine off, but stays staring ahead of him towards the trees, you continue with everything you’ve been holding inside of you– instead this time, your voice is more quiet, not having to scream over the sounds of the car anymore.
“I was apologizing. I was trying to make us work, Sunwoo. And just because you didn’t see it or didn’t have it in you to pay attention to me that night, it doesn’t give you the right to exploit me for your gain and make a fool out of me in front of everyone,” you say, watching as the male chews on the inside of his cheek.
“You are the one that broke up with me,” he says into the silence, “not the other way around.” 
A moment of silence hangs over you two like a heavy jacket. You were well aware of the fact– you broke up with Sunwoo after the night he went out with all of his female friends from high school, not telling you a thing about it before you found out through an Instagram story of one of them. You knew he was being petty, you knew he was doing it just to get back at you– because you never passed out on a chance to make him feel jealous, getting back at him for all the controlling comments he would make whenever you went out to clubs with your girlfriends– but it still drove you up against the wall and made you break.
Maybe you and Sunwoo weren’t made for each other. There’s no denying that you loved each other– you just didn’t really know how to handle your relationship. You never really learned how to handle problems. How to resolve issues. Both of you were too immature for the other, and it would never work– you only came to this conclusion after many tear-filled evenings, but coming to peace with it is still yet to come.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to this conversation,” you say, shaking your head in disbelief.
The male scoffs, turning his head towards you, meeting your eye. “Did you even listen to the songs?” 
“Of course I did, how else would I know–”
“Then you must have noticed that I’m not making fun of you, or putting you on blast, or belittling you, or whatever you and your friends have said about me for the past month,” he counts on his fingers as he recites the words with an annoyed tone, big eyes bearing into yours. 
“You exposed me being vulnerable.”
“I’m vulnerable in these too!” he urges out, eyebrows furrowing at you in exasperation.
“That’s your fucking choice! Don’t drag me into it!”
While you must admit that none of the lyrics Sunwoo’s ever written about you were lies, or making fun of you or throwing harsh words in your direction, you still feel as if a chunk of you has been thrown out in the open, for anyone to pick apart and poke around. You always told Sunwoo you liked his way with words, and there is no denying that his lyrics, although they were painfully honest, were quite beautiful. If you weren’t the one the songs were about, maybe you’d even like them. Maybe you could give them a listen without feeling like you want to crawl out of your skin. Maybe you could add them to your playlist without feeling ashamed that you’re still thinking about the male, picking apart your relationship like every outsider has been doing since the songs went viral, but instead, finding places where you could’ve done things differently and kept him by your side.
It was hard to listen to his words and see the reflections of your past flashing in front of your eyes like a movie. While you admit that he did the timeline of your relationship justice, you do despise the fact that his words are getting to you so much. 
You don’t like hearing about the things you’ve done wrong. You don’t like listening to him apologize– although he would never do so directly. You don’t like to hear him say that he misses you, because it makes it hard for you to keep your fair distance from him.
“I don’t know what I was thinking… Can you drive me home, Sunwoo? We’re clearly not on the same page about this,” you say, averting your gaze from him towards the window.
“Sunwoo, can you please drive me–”
“Not until we talk about this, no,” he says firmly, watching you foam over with fury.
“What else is there to talk about?”
“There’s no us anymore, Sunwoo! And I think it’s the time you come to terms with that and stop abusing our failed relationship for your stupid songs,” you bark, throwing daggers into his skull with your fierce eyes.
“So you get to go and post angry tweets and badmouth me in front of your friends, but when I cope in a perfectly respectful manner, it’s wrong?” he argues, scoffing and shaking his head at you.
“God, you’re unbelievable. You’re comparing two vastly different things–”
“Do you not like the songs because you feel exposed, or do you not like them because I’m saying exactly what you don’t want to hear?” he asks, eyes bearing into yours with such heaviness you feel like you could cut the tension with a knife.
“Like what? That you think I regret breaking up with you?” you scoff, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Why else would you pick a fight with me every time I call? Why pick it up at all?”
“Why do you call, then?” you challenge him, chewing on the bottom of your lip. The male leans closer to you, sparks dancing in his eyes when his voice resonates through the car like a low thunder, making the tips of your fingertips buzz and your heart beat faster.
“You know exactly why I call.”
“To make me angry and get me to scream at you?”
“If that means I get to talk to you,” he shrugs, a subtle grin overtaking his features, a churn of your stomach warning you of the dangerous area you just entered.
Eyes never breaking contact with his, relishing in the way his hungry gaze picks you apart, you attempt to conceal your true feelings with an annoyed comment. “This isn’t going anywhere,” you muse, “god, I never wanna see your face again.”
He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, teasing you. “That’s what you said last time,” he says, “so what are you doing in my car then, babydoll?”
The pet name makes your stomach drop, the lightness in your head coming back to you as you furrow your brows at the male, trying hard to come up with a smart remark. Your brain turns into liquid and there’s buzzing in your ears as you try to focus on staying calm and true to your best judgment, but the moment Sunwoo’s head leans even closer to your face, his words render you both speechless and thoughtless as he mutters a sentence that’s barely louder than a whisper, yet powerful enough to pull you in.
“Stop fighting me for once, will you?”
Your lips are pushed against his with force, the kiss mirroring the essence of being starved of each other for the past month. His plush lips move against yours with the skill that only a man you’ve spent tens and hundreds of nights kissing would acquire, his hand placed on your jaw to steady you, adjusting the pace of his kisses just the way you always liked it. 
A force that’s greater than yourself brings you out of your seat and into the driver’s lap, giving the male better access to your throat as you settle comfortably under your newly acquired human chair. His strong thighs flex under you when you thread your fingers through his hair, bringing him back up to connect your lips together before he breathlessly pulls away, gazing at you with a boyish grin on his face.
“Why did we even break up again?” he jokes.
You reply to him with the same lightness of your tone, shrugging. “Because you were a jealous, possessive prick and I had a short temper that always egged you on?” you say, watching as the male pretends to ponder on the information, humming to himself.
“I think I can put that past me.”
“Can you?” you joke, tracing his cheekbone with your thumb, a sly smirk playing with your lips as you lean over him and press a firm, yet short peck to his swollen lips. “Or will you make another mediocre song about it?”
“Don’t call them mediocre,” he squints at you, eyes tracing your face when your hands slip further down his face to cradle his jaw, thumbs padding his lips.
“I easily outdid you on your own song, Kim Sunwoo.”
“That’s why I add you in, actually.”
“Really?” you snicker, tone full of fake disbelief. His hands hold your sides when you lean over the man and latch yourself to his neck, dragging out kisses up and down his warm skin. “Will you make a song for each of our arguments, then?” 
Teeth scraping the skin of his throat, you find the male humming under you in pleasure and satisfaction. He has you right where he wanted you– and although this is not how you imagined the night to go, you don’t find yourself disappointed with the turn of events. The previous annoyance is still there, but now is shielded by the need in you, the longing for him you can’t really battle whenever he is around.
Settling deeper against his body, you feel the male slip one hand into your hair, tugging at the roots of your hair gently to bring your face back to his, averting your attention away from the love bites you’ve been placing on his skin. 
“Unless you give me another topic to write about,” he suggests, his hungry lips swallowing your reply. 
You and Sunwoo were never really good for each other. Too messy, too turbulent, but too consumed with the other to ever truly let go. Seeing him tonight surely wasn’t the best of your ideas– but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t silently hope the evening would turn out this way.
You and Sunwoo were never the ones to make good decisions when it came to the other one anyway. What’s one another badly calculated step in your relationship gonna do?
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wacklemons · 1 year
Being alt and considered cringe is fun to be. I love being in subcultures that makes me feel like I'm the coolest little guy ever. I love music and ideal based subcultures because for mostly all of my life I've been a part of them.
It hurts a little when people think these subcultures are only aesthetic and clothes when that's not even close. In these subcultures the clothes are not as important as the other parts. I'm glad more people are realizing that it's fun to dress different from the norm but it's not fun when those same people call themselves part of a subculture without listening to the music or having the ideology.
It's also not fun when people harass people for being a part of an alt group. "Wrist checks" should not be a thing. Telling someone "one wipe" isnt really funny I honestly dont understand it that much (makeup doesn't even go away that fast). Telling someone they should kill themself because they aren't "normal" isn't okay. Harassment and verbal/physical assault is not something you should have to deal with if you are not "normal."
Being a part of an alt subculture should make you feel welcome because it is (as the name suggests) a culture.
Being cringe isn't just being alt either. Being cringe is fun because the people calling you cringe are simply not having the fun you have!! :3 I think some kids in my school put me on a cringe compilation it's one of my proudest moments because I feel infinitely cooler than them.
Be as cringe as you can be as long as it makes you happy! Glomp your friends (if they let you)! Wear a tail or ears! Listen to your silly music full volume (dont damage your ears)!!!! Do silly makeup!! No one else will be as cool as you because everyone sees cool differently. Be the coolest person to yourself !!!!
this is a really sloppy post but I think it gets my point across
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sleepumy · 1 year
send me am ask l8r to read one of ur fics. whichever ur proudest of at the moment. maybe a shinsou one?
ok this one isnt my most recent but i reread it and i actually im kinda proud of what i did here
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
what if y/n or reader was the villain in the show welcome home puppet show and had a crush on one of the character
There was only one person who did this so far and i loved it
would the reader go easy on them or harder so no one would know
would they show concern when there crush is crying
would they stop there plans all together if they were asked by that person (only for a day maybe)
hey uh I actually rlly love the idea of this request but 😬erm. i lost passion in writing for Welcome home puppet show. idk i genuinely dont know y and how i just did
i came to a conclusion y i lost passion for it and i think is because of my bleach obsession that never left
it WILL and CAN cut off anything i got interested in so..hrgh..
plus writing with yandere wally isnt rlly..my proudest moments bc is against the creator, partycoffin boudaries so i decide to stop writing for it as a whole bc of my lost of passion and breaking the creator itself boudaries
i genuinely feel so bad bc this request is so good and i rlly wanna give an exception to this but..i genuinely lost passion for it and i just..cant and dont wanna write abt it anymore
but maybe you can go and request this to another writer! shes my friend and her writing is very cool which the blog is @noria-sweetie she write for welcome home on there so pls feel free to check her out and request this to her
sorry anonie <3
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byeproxy · 5 years
A Red Bull and a five hour energy are not the secret to writing a five page paper in two hours
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boyfeminism · 3 years
least favorite areas in hollow knight. fungal wastes. soul sanctum. that ash place that i dont know the name of bc i never go back to it bc i havent figured out how to kill the big jumping guys. the scary place. crystal peaks. i could possibly keep listing places which is kind of fucked up of me actually. this is my favorite game.
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eliasbouchardslut · 3 years
thinking about how for one of my friends birthdays I went to take them on a picnic in the park with food I made and then the bees started trying to steal the food and I screamed and abandoned them in the bee swarm
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oktobearfest · 3 years
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if i was super rich like jeff bezos i wouldnt buy expensive houses or a yacht i would buy....him
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hrrycore · 3 years
every day i fall in love
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imthejudge · 5 years
I uh... forgot I fell off a balcony earlier
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wolfsgravity · 4 years
Pokemon TCG really thought they could do this
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And get away with it. Without me knowing. And needing to smooch.
(It also comes in rainbow)
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oopsitszuli · 3 years
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“Shut up Akutagawa Kinnie.” Kaigaku x GN!S/o (Sfw Scenario)
Authors note: this man. This peachy boy. I HATE HIM SO MUCH- BUT HES KINDA HOT- SO IM CONSTANTLY IN A STATE OF ANGER. LIKE- >:((
Anyways enjoy the fic!! I’ve finally fought writers block!!
Extra notes: Modern au!! (So he isnt a fuckin asshole.)
Warnings: maybe minor spoilers for Bungo stray dogs? Just the special ability of a character! And kaigaku being v soft with his s/o
“You’re Chuuya Nakahara, the gravity manipulator.” Yosanos voice announced from the tv as you remained seated in your boyfriends lap, your eyes fixated upon the screen.
Said boyfriend kept his arms draped around you as he slightly shifted in an attempt to find a more comfortable position.
“Do you think chuuya and me would get along if he were real?” Kaigaku quietly questioned after stilling his movements. Not even a moment passed before kaigaku was leaning forward and resting his chin on the top of your head. You pondered for a minute in silence while looking at the screen and watching the red-head move quickly across his surroundings.
“Maybe…If he didn’t try to kill you.” You said softly, kaigaku chuckled and gently pulled you closer in to his chest.
“I’d like to see him try.” He combated cockily, a wide smirk plastered across his pale face. You giggled softly in response which consequently had kaigaku moving his head from your chin and to your right shoulder.
“What’s so funny? You think I couldn’t take him on?!” Kaigaku questioned, his eyes darting back and forth from the tv then back at the side of your face. You tilted your head slightly to the left then you rested your hands on top of his.
“Honey. Chuuya can literally manipulate gravity. And even if he couldn’t he’s an amazing fighter, he didn’t even use his ability while fighting dazai and he still gave dazai a run for his money…Kinda.” You explained, causing your boyfriend to groan and lean his body into yours more, to the point where he was almost causing you to fold in half.
“That’s so mean. I could totally take him in a fight. I’m probably way stronger then him.” Kaigaku persisted, you simply rolled your eyes at his bold statement.
“Why do you wanna fight a fictional character?!” You questioned, you could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he searched for an excuse, you chuckled softly.
“To prove I’m strong!” He said proudly, his arms remaining around your waist as he placed a kiss on your shoulder then to the side of your neck.
“Ok Akutagawa kinnie….” You said under your breath, kaigaku let out a dramatic gasp and pulled his head away from its place on your shoulder.
“Excuse me? Me? An Akutagawa kinnie? Did you hit your head?” He asked dramatically, you pulled his arms away from your waist so you could turn around in his lap and face him.
“You heard me!” You smirked playfully as kaigakus arms returned to their position on your waist, once again trapping you in his hold. The black haired male looked at you while puffing out his bottom lip, his teal eyes fixated on your eyes.
“You’re so cruel.” He said softly as you leaned in to quickly place a kiss on his cheek.
“The truth is cruel!” You combatted after pulling away, kaigaku rolled his eyes and kept his arms locked around your waist. You let out a soft gasp as he leaned to the side and pulled you down with him, so you were both comfortably lying on the couch.
“Listen at least I’m not as bad as Dazai.” Kaigaku mumbled as he attempted to burry his face in your chest.
“At least Dazai is hot- would you stop trying to use my chest as a pillow?!” You tried to swat kai away but were defeated quickly due to his almost annoying amount of persistence.
“Your chest is nice,” He said quietly “so no, I won’t stop using your chest as a pillow.” His statement was followed by a kiss to your collarbone and a wide smirk quickly spread across his face.
“Well then. Can you at least stop talking so I can go back to watching my show?!” You asked, attempting to roll over in his arms so you could face the tv once again.
“No.” He whined while dragging out the ‘o’, quickly he tightened his hold around you and began peppering kisses all along your collarbone.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” You groaned as you gently pushed his face away from your chest, kaigaku only smiled up at you while gently shaking his head in agreement.
“It’s my honor to be the death of you! For only I have that power.” He began his long drawn out speech about how he was the proudest man on earth because only he could be the death of you. You laughed at his antics before gently grabbing his face in your hands and tilting it up so he was looking at you.
“I love you. But, I’m going to need the Akutagawa kinnie to shut up.” You laughed, kaigaku joined you in your laughing fit and leaned in to place a kiss on your cheek.
“Fine, fine. If peaches wishes, I’ll shut up now…but be prepared for me to talk your ear off later!” He smiled, his usual toothy grin and the use of his personal nickname for you causing your heart to flutter like usual. Quickly you rolled over in his arms and positioned yourself so you were cuddled in to him.
“You better keep that promise.”
“I will.”
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