#this lil guy has been living rent free in my brain since i made him
bred-is-a-dumb-name · 8 months
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I caved, I made a silly little guy for the circus show. They're name is mimika (they/he), they're a mime marionette doll thing, and they can't speak but use aggressive hand gestures and asl (if I can ever figure out how to draw that properly). Also they hate Jax, like they cannot get along w him at all. Pretty friendly w everyone else tho!
Also featuring my friends (@ozziago) OC which is just. A giant worm on a string. They're perfect.
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nuwanders · 1 year
tagged by @aartyom​​, thank you sm! <3 shamelessly stole your banner layout 😅
rules: sort your OCs into the below categories and (optionally) make them in this picrew. 
tagging @connortheconceded @lucien-lachance @mondhound @wispstalk @ervona @dirty-bosmer @netch-rancher @mareenavee @cultistbase @creaking-skull @stormbeyondreality @swordcoasts​ @vulpixelates​ @auddun​ @indorilnerevarine​ @thetinyshiloh​ @mantleofsanguine​ though no pressure as always xx
if i normally tag you in these sorts of things and have forgotten on this occasion feel free to just do it anyway :’)
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cheating a little here but these two are very much a package deal to me, they have always been jórunn and raydrin, raydrin and jórunn. do not separate them 🤧 they’ve been living rent free in my brain for over a decade, have grown and matured as i have, and if i could go back in time and tell my ten-year-old self that she’ll still be writing silly little stories about the characters she invented on the floor of a y6 maths class, i think that would make her very happy <3
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i invented vivienne because when i finally sat down to plan this story that had been kicking around in my head for years, i realised how little sense it made for mathyas to be the listener and so needed a new character to fill that role. though she was designed with a specific narrative function in mind, she has since come into her own as a character in her own right and i’d love to explore her properly someday
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as above— i’ve had these two since i was around ten, though their names, personalities and appearances have undergone a lot of work since then. i originally created them for a short story about a young couple going spelunking together, but they soon took on lives of their own, especially once i committed to the TESified versions of them <3
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vivienne speaks as little as she can get away with, but will make no effort to mask her contempt for others where she feels it (which is often). if she goes so far as to verbally express her disdain for someone, it’s because she’s deemed it objectively necessary for them to know how repugnant she finds them. she is so full of hate <3
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cassathra is a hug personified, my goal with her was always to create a character who was very earnestly kind n warm. it was only when i sat down to write up her storyline that i realised how genuinely harrowing some of the events of the College of Winterhold questline are, but it’s important to me that she emerges at the end with her big, squishy heart intact :’)
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this one almost goes without saying— jórunn’s aloofness is one of the first things strangers will notice about her. she’s quiet, reserved, and blunt when prompted to speak, not just around acquaintances but around friends, too
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raydrin is by no means stupid, but he often is guilty of thinking with his heart more than his brain… he’s impulsive and reckless which i think can sometimes manifest as stupidity. but he’s smart in less obvious ways :^)
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despite the arguably unwise decisions mathyas makes in the fic (he’s having a bad year), he’s a genuinely very intelligent guy. i kind of designed him and raydrin to mirror each other, in this way— mathyas could afford to perhaps think with his heart now and then
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oh i would get on SO well with sanjir. that man could be anyone’s best friend if he wanted to be; he’s arguably the most gregarious and personable of all my characters, as well as genuinely kind-hearted, down-to-earth, quick witted, and charming. i’m excited to beat him up a lil now that the civil war questline is finally underway, but it comes from a place of love <3
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hischiersjohnston · 8 months
Talk Hockey To Me
tagged by: @jonassiegenthighler ty for the tag &lt;3
Tell me about:
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
STORY TIME: i moved to canada, just outside of Hockey Capital (Toronto) when I was 9 years old (am 23 rn). so you'd think that i'd have been into hockey since i moved, right, considering that i was surrounded by leafs fans and like a good chunk of guys in my classes growing up were hockey boys?
all the guys ever cared about are the stats. so i wasn't too too interested in hockey. but i somehow absorb a lil too much info about hockey and the leafs in general but i never got /into/ the sport until my best friend lucy got into hockey like in february/march 2023. the irony is that lucy is from the uk and that's who got me into hockey: not any of the hockey boys I grew up having a crush on (bold of my family and friends to assume i got into hockey to impress a guy lol), not any of the hockey boys I went to high school with and was on good terms with. but my British friend (she’s a real one for it). And Tbf it’s because she talked more about the vibes first before she went into talking about the stats. im not a math person so the stats were like flying over my head. but she sends me videos of their interviews and game highlights and talks about them and i'm like... aight okay let me give this hockey thing a chance.
and here i am.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
definitely lucy (@ draisaitleons) like... she introduced me to the sport, so she's my first ever fandom friend on here.
3. The jersey you would most like to own
ngl i've been eyeing the hischier premier heritage jersey... either that or the black and white jersey one, though i'm leaning more towards the first one.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
who else but nico hischier? tbh i can't even remember how i first heard about him. but i swear it must be all the gif sets i kept seeing when i started following more and more hockey blogs around april/may 2023? then i watched a few of his interviews and was endeared; thought he was cute and a good captain. but what REALLY sold me was when i found out that his birthday is on january 4, which is two days before mine. i was like "oh cool, a fellow capricorn" bc at that point, i'm pretty sure all the hockey players i keep seeing on my dash had birthdays in april and may, so to see a capricorn hockey player i was like... okay okay. so that's also the story behind my tag for him which is "my cap(tain) and fellow cap(ricorn) <3" if anyone was ever curious. then i read up on him; found out he was drafted first overall in 2017 and i just really liked his vibes as a captain and a player, and decided "yep, that's my guy".
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
ooh this is hard but ngl... kailer yamamoto x connor mcdavid. HEAR ME OUT: yes, i know yamo is no longer with the oilers (rip but he seems happier and less stressed out in seattle, so go have fun, king <3) but when i discovered this pairing when i was reading rpf, i was confused at first but i was VIBING! there was this fic i read on ao3 and it hasn't been updated but the premise was that kailer was a single dad, but no one on the team knows except for like one other person. and connor only finds out that kailer's got a kid when he goes into kailer's apartment to drag him to a team bonding. oof, can't wait to read more tbh. but the fic that really sold me on the pairing was connor having a crush on kailer, who had no idea connor was into men (he thought connor and lauren were dating, when they were really just besties) and i was HERE FOR IT.
tl;dr: kailer x connor will be my rarepair that needs more fics.
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
has to be when jack tackles aho back during the playoffs. this lived rent-free in my brain and i was like.... huh... maybe i should check out the new jersey devils if they got a guy who tackles people like this.
this gif set of travis konecny by lucy !! altho really, any gif sets made by lucy deserve so much more love <333
... tbh i am really really proud of all the gif sets i've been making lately for the nj devils, but!! i gotta shamelessly plug in my latest gif set of my captain nico hischier scoring his first goal of the season with an assist from jack !!
tagging: @draisaitleons @luvembarrassing @toffoliravioli @hischierlovebot @skjeisy @kmercer
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venusiangguk · 3 years
I would cry if you made a mini drabble or comment on how dilf Jk and OC are doing. Are they still together?
the art of wanting drabble: gardening and pool day with dilf jk and baby nari
>>pairing: jungkook x reader / dilf!jk x grocery store clerk!oc
>>genre: strangers to lovers / fwb / fluff
>>rating: PG
>>word count: 1.2k, drabble
>>warnings: not much, mentions of alcohol, implied smut, cutest baby ever
>>notes: just a lil update on the favorite not-so-couple couple and the apple of their eye, little nari <3
>>summary: nari plays in the dirt while jk gardens and you make a bet.
The blender was very fancy and had a lot of buttons, but alas, you made due and are now stepping out into the backyard, hands full of watermelon juice. Two with just a pinch of the rum you found in the built in wine cooler by the dishwasher, one with a spill proof lid.
It's your day off from the god forsaken grocery store, and the sun is beating hot outside, but the light breeze makes it bearable. The pool a little ways away gets more and more tempting as the heat sends waves to your bare arms and back. The bikini top you’re wearing basically useless as protection from the sun.
Good thing you’ve got a certain someone to sunscreen your back for you.
Jeongguk is shirtless, his sleeve on full display. His long hair is being held back by a baseball cap, and he’s got his gardening gloves on. You watch as he uses the back of his tattooed arm to wipe at some of the sweat dripping down the side of his face. He looks sunkissed and just edible.
You reign your thoughts in however when your eyes move next to him.
Little Nari is sat on a small blanket with a portable umbrella keeping her in a small patch of cool shade, her little toes dangling off the edge and digging into the small pile of soil that Jeongguk provided her to play in. He even put a few weeds and some of the flowers that were on their last few days of life into the mix. Nari digs one out with her pudgy little hands and squeals as she raises her hand for her dad to see.
Jeongguk, the ever doting father, takes in his baby and laughs when he sees that her overly large sun cap has fallen into her eyes. He adjusts it on her head, and you hear him give a playful gasp as you get closer.
“Oh so pretty, little flower,” he coos, “Is that for me?”
Nari snatches her hand away from him. “Nuuuuw, Da,” she shakes her head with so much force her whole little body jiggles, her round tummy on display in a tiny bikini of her own.
You smile to yourself and you take a seat with Nari on her blanket, stealing a bit of her shade. You hand Jeongguk his drink with a soft grin, and he smiles back at you, soft and sweet as he takes the glass.
“Oooh look what ___ brought for us,” he says, to Nari, “What do you say?”
Nari whips her head around to you like she didn’t notice you sit right next to her. She giggles, baby gurgles sounding in the backyard air. She claps her hands as she smiles at you her round doe-eyes squeezing shut in glee. That’s when she seems to remember the small blossom in her hand.
Her eyes go wide and her mouth parts in a small ‘o’ before she extends the flower to you.
You bend down to her level, and she tucks the flower into your hair as best she can with her baby motor skills and then wacks at her dad’s knee.
Jeongguk glances over at you as you grab a nearby watering can and use it to clean Nari’s hands before handing her her juice. She suckles on the sippy straw until she absolutely has to stop, gasping and taking deep breaths before getting right back to her sweet treat.
Her dad glances between her and you trying to figure out why his daughter tried to get his attention. His face falls and he gives a playfully annoyed expression.
“You know,” he starts, “Maybe Daddy wants a flower every once in a while.”
Nari is unbothered as she fists her sippy cup in one hand and the other goes right back into the dirt.
You giggle as you sip your drink and then lean back some, resting on your free hand. “You have the prettiest flower all to yourself already,” you say, nodding in Nari’s direction.
Jeongguk’s face softens, and he goes from looking at you to his little baby. He laughs quietly as he pinches her tummy. She giggles and some watermelon juice dribbles down her chin, unable to swallow before getting attacked by her daddy’s tickles.
Her hiccuping babbles and baby giggles are contagious, and you can’t help but join along. Nari puts up with her dad’s pestering for a good amount of time before she screeches and holds up a tiny dirt covered hand, as if saying ‘stop’.
“Nuw, Da,” she babbles. She’s getting closer and closer to talking as the days pass, even in the short months that you’ve been coming around, she’s already made progress.
Jeongguk’s eyes shine with laughter as he nods, a closed lipped smile holding in his own giggles. “Oh, okay, sorry,” he tells her, flicking his eyes to you before back to Nari, “Carry on, the weeds aren’t gonna pull themselves Miss Nari,” he gestures to her pile of dirt. Nari nods, a diligent little weed puller indeed.
“Hey,” you whisper after a few moments, the both of them back to work, “Gguk.”
He turns to you, a question on his face. You don’t respond right away, just smile at him and he gives in, leaning back and angling himself towards you. Nari sat between your bodies, in front of you.
He’s resting on his elbow, his upper half in the shade with you. He smiles up at you lazily. “What’s up?”
You glance at Nari making sure she’s distracted, and then you flip his cap so it’s backwards, before placing a small hand onto his hot, red face. You angle him towards you and it warms your heart at just how easily he goes with you and lets his eyes fall shut, already knowing what’s about to happen.
You kiss him softly, before deepening the kiss just a bit before pulling away. He tastes sweet like watermelon, slightly salty from the sweat on his upper lip.
He hums, eyes still closed a soft smile still on his mouth. “What was that for?”
You pat his cheek and flip his hat back around. “Just because,” you say quietly. Then you wrinkle your nose. “You’re so sweaty.”
He nods, unashamed. “Working hard.”
You glance at the tempting pool. “Why don’t we ever go in there?”
He hums. “Nari doesn’t like the water, and I don’t do anything without her.”
A little idea forms in your head. “I bet if I go in, she’ll go in.”
Jeongguk raises an eyebrow. “Wanna bet?”
You nod. “I win, we… you know,” you raise your eyebrows at him. He blushes a little, but a ghost of a smile dances on his lips. “You win, we still… you know.”
He gives you a knowing look, plucks his gardening gloves off before he uses the arm he’s not leaning on to reach over and adjust the flower Nari put in your hair, tucking it behind your ear. “Are you sure you can be quiet enough while we… you know?”
With an excited grin you nod and run to the outside pool shed to grab Nari’s floaties. That baby will be a little mermaid by the time the sun goes down.
aha!! a little drabble to update you guys on dilf jk, since he do be living in our heads rent free. so to answer the q: they are together but not together together. i have a longer one shot in my brain that includes more plot and actual smut, but idk when i'll get around to writing it so hopefully this will hold u guys over till then !! sry for the blue balls, but just so u know jk had to cover oc's mouth and he might've scolded her while they were... you know... "I thought I told you to be quiet?" :o ok byee
also i hope u like it :) if u did, pls do all the things: like, reblog, comment, share, send an ask~~ as always i love hearing ur thoughts and talking to u :*
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Oh my god dude can I get 116 for Jesse??? Bc he seems like the type of smug lil shit who would wear full lingerie under his armor and show you just to get you flustered 👀
HA, I finally got time to write! So sorry for being inactive on you guys D: I've had zero motivation, plus work, prepping for school, and holiday stuff I've been so scatter brained. Plus I was hard-core pinning for a dude and WHEW that distracted the heck out of me but I'm convincing myself it's not worth it and to focus on myself 😎👍(I'm failing but oh well.)
So, Jay bestie, this ask has been living in my mind rent free since the day you sent it. I love it so much, it is such a Jesse thing. That man would kill me if I saw him in lingerie of any type. Also I self indulged because suspenders are *chef kiss* in my opinion. Anywhoo, let's get on with it.
Jesse x Reader: "Wanna see what I'm wearing underneath all this?"
Words: 819
Readers Gender: neutral! Nothing specific stated :) (gunna start adding this part because U always forget to include if the reader in gn, f, m, etc.! Don't forget you can request gender if you send a request as well!)
Warning: leads onto suggestive content, but there is no actual smut! I was too lazy to write it out. So that's up to you to imagine I guess. Might make a pt.2 if I ever feel like it? There is mentions of drinking, lingerie, kissing, uhh- think that's it?
Tags: Tag List: @murdertoothpick @andiebell2023 @kaitou2417 @tacticalsparkles @baroclinicinstability @captain-rexs-girlfriend @kirinpl @anotherdudeinthisworld @bitchylittleredhead @neekid @dwarfplanet69 @phoenixhalliwell @spaceydragons @marvel-starwars-nerd @perfectcolortreestudent @ladykatakuri @my-own-oracle @808tsuika @blueplaidhood @bleghbreakdown @edlix @ahsoka1 @nahoney22 @perpetual-fangirl900
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"Wanna see what I'm wearing underneath all this, you seem eager enough, mesh'la." His voice was muttered in your ear while you sat on his lap in a booth at 79's. The two of you had met up at the bar way more than you'd care to admit. A few drinks or so and now you were in his lap, teasing him. Or at least you were trying. 
"I seem eager?" You muttered back, glancing back to him just the slightest. Rather thankful the other 501st boys were off doing their own things. 
"Oh, you do," he affirmed, groping your thighs with his large hands. Smirk finding its way to his face at the way your breath hitched. "You're always eager for me." He cooed, and you both knew he was right. 
"Bold words coming from you, Jesse," you spoke under your breath, yelping a bit when he pinched your hips. The action from you made a small laugh elicit from deep in his chest. You could probably feel the rumble of his chest if it weren't for his armor. 
"Jesse," you hissed, which only egged him on to continue his devious schemes. 
"Yes, Beautiful?" He cooed, lips pressing soft, warm kisses against your neck. Hands rubbing up and down your thighs with small hums. 
"I still have a drink to finish, I can't just leave it." You stated persistently. Smiling smugly at the groan he let out. 
His hand beat you to your drink. Snatching and downing the substance. 
"What drink?" He asked after a sharp sigh. 
You rolled your eyes with a small pout. "I was gunna drink it," leaning back against him with folded arms. To glance up to his face, only to notice the smirk he was shooting you. If it weren't for how handsome he was, you'd probably smack him. 
It wasn’t before long until the two of you were back at your apartment. You were pressed flat against the bed, Jesse hovering over you. Something you were sure you'd never get used to. How his heavy form above you made the mattress around you dip. His surprisingly soft lips against yours. Calloused, ungloved fingers, trailing over what exposed skin they could find. 
"I do have a surprise for you," he offered. His surprises were always something that you'd never expect. This one was beyond your mind as well. 
"Oh yeah?" You asked with a grin. His lips pressing another gentle kiss to yours. 
"Yup, but I need to undress first, I promise, you'll love it," he spoke with a wink. A small groan leaving his throat. Then he kissed and nipped at your neck. Both of you giggling at the way you gasped and yippee at the sensation of his teeth pinching your skin. 
He climbed off you. Leaving the room for the fresher. Leaving your mind to wander. What was this 'surprise'? The two of you had been together for forever, now. Yet he still had oh so many tricks up his sleeves. Was it a new tattoo? A toy? It was honest to the maker, hard telling with the man you fell in love with. 
"Jesse," you hummed out. Scooting further back onto the bed. "You need some help?" Your voice with soft and persuasive. A small smile pulling at your lips when you heard the way he seemed to speed up the way he removed the plastoid and fabric from his body. Along with the small curses falling from his lips. 
"Nope, almost done, cyare." 
The two of you hadn't done anything suggestive for quite a while now. So you could hear the desperation sneaking through his voice. The way you could hear him race to the fresher door and kick his armor aside with his feet. It made you smile quite fondly with how madly insane you could drive this man. 
The fresher door finally opened, and you were in shock, putting it mildly. Your eyes raked up his body. The way he leaned against the fresher door. One arm above his head on the door frame. Other resting on his hip. His one ankle crossed over the other, and that signature smirk plastered on his face. But that's not even what had you in shock.
"Surprised?" He asked. Using the hand on his hip to motion at his body. 
The man was wearing a set of navy blue lingerie. His chest was bare, besides the suspenders that hooked to the 'shorts' he was wearing. Covering the tiniest amount of his chest. 
"Surprised doesn't cover it, hot stuff," you quipped. Which only made him snicker. Your words which only fill his growing ego. 
"Well, now guess what?" He asked. One knee resting on the bed beside you. Mattress dipping once more. Leaning down to run a hand beneath our shirt. 
"What, handsome?" You purr, batting your eyelashes. 
"Now it's your turn to undress, unless you want another ripped outfit." 
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a-flickering-soul · 3 years
do kylux for the ask meme 😳 you + me = mental illness
i love you so much for sending this in this truly is the mortifying ordeal of being known
putting this under a readmore because it is LITCHERALLY 1.2k words because i am literally clawing at the walls of my enclosure about these two
ANYWAYS go ahead and send me a character and i’ll give you some headcanons bc im having fun doing these!!!
Kylo Ren
Sexuality Headcanon: ambiguously queer. Don’t make me think about him having sex he makes me so angry
Gender Headcanon: he Must be a cis man. He has so much mommy issues. He is such an incel. He is so full of toxic masculinity. He must be a cis man.
A ship I have with said character: Kylux. Every single angle you take this ship from it’s funny and good. Canon—they hate each other and want each other dead. AU—they still hate each other but they’re (probably) less fascist and genocidal. It’s just so funny. They are so obsessed with each other. They gaslight each other into love confessions. It’s unreal. I’ve been thinking about Kylux for the past month and I feel like an entire geological age has passed. You can tell I’m a Kylux shipper and a R*ylo anti because I almost exclusively refer to him as Ren instead of Kylo. The gay angel went to superhell for Kylux to go canon in Lego Star Wars (twice) and a kids’ comic book. God mocks me to my face.
A BROTP I have with said character: This got literally shot to shit but post-TFA when a bunch of people headcanoned Rey as Luke’s kid and she and Ren were cousins and he reluctantly babysat her because he was literally ten years older than her (hhhhh.) and they had this weird mildly-contentious relationship as adults where they grudgingly acknowledge they are both the most powerful Force users in the galaxy and are the only ones who mutually understand the legacy they bear and care about each other but also cannot be in the same room together and hold a civil conversation for more than five minutes before resorting to uncomfortable silence. Like when you’re at a family reunion and you’re automatically shunted with the only other kid around your age so you have to make conversation but you are just so fundamentally different there’s nothing to talk about. Unreal.
A NOTP I have with said character: Hhh. R*ylo. I’m one of those evil lesbians who hate that ship viciously and one of my dreams is to be one of the mean antis that that bully a shipper in a story that’s clearly exaggerated or made up and then get cancelled for having good taste.
A random headcanon:  I think he and Phasma used to spar a lot. I keep thinking about the five years he spent on the Finalizer pre-canon and I can’t reasonably justify the Knights of Ren hanging out with him for the entire time on a literal military ship and I like the idea of them being the only people that are reasonably on par physically (I also like how Phasma is an inch taller than him because....whew).
General Opinion over said character: God. He drives me wild. I have a lot of thoughts about him and how good he was in TFA and the pre-canon comics/novels as a really fucking good example of a morally-conflicted villain (especially the comics where it made it really clear that he was very much manipulated and gaslit since like…ten years old). Like! The way he could flip at will from drawing strength from both the light AND dark side of the Force is just!! So cool! The way his strength literally derives from moral conflict is just really interesting to me but….idk the way post-TFA he was thrown into a redemption (Rendemption) arc that hinged on Rey being a literal genuine fascist sympathizer made me just really disappointed. He had a lot of amazing potential to be either a really interesting semi-redeemed Byronic antihero OR a full on unhinged animalistic power-mad villain that Rey has to mercy-kill like a rabid dog. And then. Well. Yeah. I like him a lot in very specific contexts and flat out hate him in most others.
 Armitage Hux
Sexuality Headcanon: gay! He is gay! I have an entire list of reasons why he’s gay and it grows daily! Without a doubt a homosexual! Gay and repressed!
Gender Headcanon: Also a cis guy even though I still do have a lot of half-formed thoughts about gender in the First Order/post-collapse of the Empire society.
A ship I have with said character: Kylux! Again! I’m obsessed with how obsessed Hux is with Ren. He hates him so much it’s unreal. I keep reading the novelizations and thinking so fucking hard about how consumed Hux is with hatred for this one man. He’s so repressed. He’s so damaged. It’s unreal. The brainworms in my head have metamorphosed into moths and they’re flapping their wings so hard they’re disintegrating my grey matter. I think near-daily about how he personally went down to retrieve Ren from the collapse of Starkiller Base and yet would not touch him to drag him to shelter in the Hux graphic novel. Would you take off your glove to check his pulse or would you attempt to feel it through the leather and touch something’s dead skin rather than his living warmth. I’m so deeply unwell.
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Phasma!!! The way they are on first-name terms with each other….the way one of the few times in the graphic novels you see him smile is when Phasma comes back onto the base…..the way they plotted to kill Brendol together….truly evil mlm/wlw solidarity you simply love to see it
A NOTP I have with said character: Oof I see a lil bit of shipping him with Resistance members (I think I’ve seen him with Rose and also Poe??) and I know TROS made the decision to have him defect from the First Order (out of. again. his obsessive hatred with another man. writing choices.) but it makes me INSANELY uncomfortable seeing people of color being shipped with a literal fascist parody of British colonialism and imperialism lmao like….just ship Kylux bro they’re mutually bad people AND a power couple
A random headcanon: Frankly at this point I joke so much about how much like a sick Victorian orphan he looks like that I could write an entire fake medical file for him but I’ll spare you all and simply say that I am incredibly partial to the headcanon that Hux is a freak that bites string cheese instead of peeling it like a normal person. Also…the implications that he Personally placed the tracker in Ren’s belt rather than someone else, so that he alone could keep tabs on him…..I’m unwell. Enough.
General Opinion over said character: If Ren is a character I love to hate, Hux is a character I hate that I love. I just. I can’t stop thinking about this gay little war criminal. It truly, genuinely baffles the mind how much information there is about him. It triggers that same little part of my brain that goes wild over like. ARGs and stuff. There’s just so much lore. With every new piece of canon or semi-canon information I learn about him I can feel my grip on sanity slipping. He owns a black robe. He has a personal hitman in the First Order ranks to poison people he doesn’t like. He drinks tea. He’s a bastard son. He’s great with kids. He was in charge of a squad of feral orphan child soldiers at five years old. I just. I just don’t get it. I’m enamored with him. His compulsive attention to grooming. His hubris. His ambition. How literally unhinged he is (the “rabid cur” line genuinely lives in my head rent free). The way he systemically killed every single person who saw him weak and abused as a child. There’s just so much to talk about with him. He’s so evil. He’s so fucked up. I love him so deeply. He is such a horrible person and he is so fun to make fun of and he is so fun to think about. God wants there to be a bullet in my head so badly.
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vanityloves · 4 years
anyways im gonna listen to/read the fuckin...rise of the ogre shit bc ive been putting it off 🪓🥴 im gonna put stuff under the cut bc im gonna be TALKING n dont wanna make a new post everytime
ok he performed for 2 pounds 50. which is basically $3 today i- well it was absolutely a power play on his father behalf that also had the promise of money so.
also lol he said Rejection fueled my ambitions which, yknow,, i already knew but it still hurts and i will continue to talk ab it xoxo
AH HELP. "...if ebay had been invented at the time he would've sold me online there and then,"
"man hands on misery to man, yknow"
THEN PROCEEDS TO CONNECT IT TO MUSIC/HIS CAREER. this man said :) the one thing i truly have a passion for. the one thing i fucking like.
oh yeah. bullied by students AND teachers.
oh god hes 42ish during this interview? ok.
the fuckin school bully saying he wouldve acted differently if he knew what hed become
getting called "faceache", then proceeds to call 2d that. jfc he really does just repeat what everyone says. really "treating others how i was treated/how they treat me"
maybe thats why? hes kinder to fans? bc :] you support me and like me so, ok ill return that energy
a real rowdy boy. absolute nasty boy. fraud and arson... shooting ppls windows with his air pistols
black sabbath being a huge inspiration? fucking absolutely.
became a satanist n shit at age 16? "it fitted me like a glove" "heavy metal and devil worshipping became my favorite past times" ajsj funny that ppl in trying times often seek religion or following of some sort
heavy metal being his favorite, n loving the clash, while hannibals was more punk based
hannibal breaking murdocs nose for the 2nd and 3rd time for playing his music on hannibals turntable
he doesnt sound that bitter? ab hannibal? he doesnt sound incredibly fond but he talks ab how he got him into a lot of music. so, i imagine they we're a bit closer than i thought?
international baccalaureate in antisocial? anthropology?
MURDOC IS ACTUALLY SMART HE WAS JUST. NOT INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECTS? I GUESS? (also,,, he literally Built cyborg noodle and i think he had a PhD too lol. but its always nice to hear hes actually...yknow, interested or good at other things)
alright but murdoc having a fascination w/ other cultures - or at least some interests, that lead him to actually study the damn subject and "pass with flying colors"
'fuck college though. im gonna be a rockstar'
he sold his soul at 18ish? whenever the fuck he got kicked out but college was mentioned so my brain goes to 18ish idk
he lived with his father still and paid rent via low paying jobs one including 'part time dressing as santa'
help he was ab to take a Personal Job for quick cash and uhh well, "still made me call him sir though" he really said 20 dollars is 20 dollars, huh "that story was totally true"
alright, 1997,,,
2d stuff
loves zombie stuff? thats really cute, and is freaked out by the way they move. god he rambles
both he and murdoc are horses in the chinese zodiac
[[jfc ok if the official shit compares them a lot i understand why ppl ship them but Dont. its a narrative foil and that doesnt always mean Romance jfc.]]
truly... a lil stinker. super cute bouncing baby and a "bit thick" which is stull so endearing to me. hes just a happy man!
excitable 10 year old and would dance around his room
jfc the fact he has normal/caring parents. i kinda forget how opposite hes supposed to be from murdoc but i think thats another thing jsjsysg (murdoc said why isnt my tragic story making me famous why does he get to be the Star. no wonder he acts like a loon)
i still dont get how gettin bonked by a tree branch made him go bald and also turn his hair blue
big tiddy nurse mommy,,,
went to the same school as The Cure and got decent grades despite hittin the noggin quite hard. WANTED TO BE A STORM CHASER... OMG??
oh thats really cute, hed bond with his dad by building keyboards toegther 🥺💕
messed around with paints and graffiti? artistic king
oh yeah d day...new instruments, new band, new singer - and 'had to be the best or no dice' and absolutely CONFIDENT that his songs were bangers ajsjd
but on that same note, had absolute faith (or desperate) in 2d which i love
ransacked the fucking music shop jdjdj and 2d said he was Just Standing There behind the counter the whole shift hdhdh
"thats when your eye came out, yeah" "yeah!-" HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND SO HAPPY AB IT ?? yes he said ut hurt but he sounds...ok
jfc murdoc ragdolling this poor mf around. dunking him and slapping him around. actually? so incredibly terrible and abusive and i hate him for that 🔫 im sorry 2d stans. we dont condone that behavior here ong.
how and why the FUCK did 2d's parents allow that fucker near their child after that i??? help. wtf. his moms a nurse why didnt she just have murdoc sit in plain view of other people. god damn.
2d flying out the window n hitting the curb "whoops"
"just two black holes...[ah] it looked great...a blue hair, blacked eyed GOD- the girls would go wild-" "pretty boy looks" ???? HELP. HE DOESNT GO LIGHT ON THE COMPLIMENTS, HUH
oh yeah, he straight up kiddnapped this man help. idk how he managed that, russ is a Big Man??
AND MURDOCS MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING SEXY GOOD that russel said hm alright ill stay, :] out ifbhis owm free will im screaming.
"oh this is one of them febreeze commercials" "uh . yeah sure. *murdoc turning on his Sick Tunes*" but that either means? it was just his guitar playing the convinced russ? unless he and 2d recorded sumn?
"2d was the looks, murdoc the brains, then russel truly was the heart"
'while 2d and murdoc liked music, this man was a MUSICIAN' god fucking bless this book holy shit ny man russ getting some respect. he said back hurts from carrying this band.
murdoc basically heard this guy had big trauma that gave him So Many Skills n said "thats what i want" ok idk thats actually really? inch rest ting to me. seems that murdocs fine handing out compliments but i guess that where his charisma really helps out yeah?
"he was going to be in my band whether he liked it or not" ...murdoc-
HELP. 2D IS LIKE BRO GO ON IM LISTENING 🥺 despite hearing the story 50-60 times and murdoc said fuck off you lil shit.
ok irrelevant but i love his voice! its super comforting n nice to listen to 🥺
idk how/why he sucked up all his friends souls though ... how are they all possessing the same person. they said "its my turn on The Russ"
went to a private school,,, and was already possessed? and the thing where he gets bigger and smaller is a reoccurring thing?
was in a coma for 4 years?
hiphop machine...time and history...the ultimate set i guess.
his knowledge was infinite and hes a "Renaissance man" hes so fucking smart our king. jack of all trades but a master of drums. he said i know im good and what of it
yes russel our king. fuck up his nose 5 more times. probably stunted his growth too. he shrunk after russ gave him a wallop im sure
why dies paula sound like tracer overwatch
also only dated 2d for 2 months before joining the band?
HELP SHE REALLY WAS THE FIRST MURDOC FUCKER: "but when i saw murdoc with his thick greasy hair, green teeth and yellow skin i thought 'oh this is the ine for me!'" "OH HES SUCH A DANDY-" HELP ME IM HQJDHD
sick in the head...like i want to hurt people help girl. shes fucking Crazy. but she rly said damn i didnt hear back from him again 😭 and my purse is gone JSHHD
"small japanese person!"
2d: we werent gorillaz until noodle arrived!
im dying the reason he chose gorillaz. 'swinging through the jungle baring my ass'
noodle really said "im just happy to be here" and she balanced everyone out 😭 "she gave off pure love and the fact that she could laugh at murdoc REALLY helped too" RUSS... IS BABY
2d rambling ab some girl he met and "ssSs" "whats the s stand for hawhaw" "i dont know!".
one song is all it took i ❤ good for them
just murdoc talking ab the party that they threw for thier deal and saying "you dont know how much of a dick i felt like [when carrying one of those huge checks]" like oh thats whatll make you a dick? alright.
ahshdj damon and murdoc not getting along bc of Rival Band One Uppery + damon calling murdocs cuban heels crap since ge wore steel ones with gold spurs.
but the band and damon getting over music and their ambitions and became a "paternal figure"
HELP MURDOC SAID AWIOGA @ RACHEL WHICH MADE HER THROW HER DRINK IN HIS FACE AND SPLIT FROM 2D. kinda sad actually, she said i still like 2d but murdoc kinda ruined it by trying to get it in with me, it put a strain in our relationship :/ oh god murdocs That Dude
nov 31 1998: started recording :]
40 tracks that got cut down to 15 holy shit
hooking up cameras in every room ejdjsu
webby artist of the year in 2006? holy shit
noodle learning ab kong studios omfg
built in 1739?
the ghost of the first owners ghost still roams around in the kitchen in the early hours and moans 'aaa glass of water'
theres some rotting bullshit near the studios and in the summer its fucking TERRIBLE
the former owners were a biker gang, and they all died in a fire
murdoc said this place has bad vibes. i want it.
grim weather
the building feels impossible to escape from huHgg
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brushes-of-sage · 4 years
If all 8 parts dont come thru blame tumblr and their ask limit frozen au idea: ok so yeah varian was born with ice powers(btw i have no idea if hugos adopted in this au or not, it might come back later, my brain is just spitting things at me atm)Varian hugo quirin and ulla were a happy family until one day and accident involving alchemy, ice magic, and a startled alchemist involves in both parents getting trapped in a giant amber trap(Hugo comes in just as the amber finishes consuming them)(1/8)
After this, varian is scared of himself and his abilities both in magic and alchemy. He now wears his gloves 24/7 as opposed to just during experimenting(varian is 9, hugo is 8 kinda like elsa and anna but flipped(i think)) Any confidence he had in his abilities is immediately shattered and try as he might he cant seem to free his parents with magic alchemy or both. Hugo tries to help as much he can but varian is too scared and doesnt want to hurt him. After doing some research,(2/8)
he tries to ask for the trolls help but they cant so he requests they erase his memories of varians power, for fear of hurting his brother (he cant seem to keep hugo out of his lab. He feels horrible about it but cant risk hurting his only family left) Btw i dont c varian hurting hugo accidentally as well i dont think he could emotionally handle it, but all u angst writers, knock urselves out. Fast forward a few years and varian is 21 and about to be crowned king bc he still hasnt found(3/8)
a way to free his parents. While at the coronation party hugo meets donella, quickly filling the mother role he wished he had. Little does he know, she is only posing as a foreign dignitary bc she heard rumors about a magical prince hiding in arendelle and wants to exploit/study it. By the end of the evening she determines its not hugo, but hopes getting in hugos good graces could help getting to varian. Fast forward to the ballroom, the brothers argue (about what i dunno), ice spikes, (4/8)
varian runs, hugo leaves to follow him, and leaves donella in charge. I also headcannon he gets his memories back as the movie goes on bc reasons. Along the way, he runs into belle, a hardened ice harvester whos seriously annoyed about this snow storm in july.(dont worry guys hugo and belle dont fall in love, theyre just friends)They trek their way up the mountain while varian builds himself an ice lab cuz hes a dork. Along the way they meet ice ruddiger("Im sorry u 2 made a snow raccoon but(5/8
not a snowman?" "shut up Belle")So they make it to the lab, Hugos impressed, he wants to reconcile, but varian still has Confidence Issues, insert first time in 4evr reprise and whoopsies Hugos heart is frozen and his hair is turning blue(its already blond) and Belle takes him to the trolls. They tell him “an act of true love” like b4 but they interpret it as familial/platonic love bc that love doesnt get enough love. He thinks its donella bc just like how anna was desperate for love,(6/8)
hugo was desperate for some sort of parental figure, and rushes back, insert evil monologue by donella here. The rest of the movie pretty much plays out as b4: varian is captured, donella continues playing good guy, hugo gets out of the locked library, slowly freezing as he makes his way across the fjord insert art by mom, love heals, parents are finally free, gates are open roll credits. This is honestly something ive been thinking about all day and this au now lives in my mind rent free.(7/8)
I know there are plot holes and missing elements, but this is what i have so far, i lowkey love it, and if u have any questions pls ask, i wanna elaborate this au as much as possible and questions will help and pls tag mom i want her to c this. Sorry if this is too long i just have a lot of thoughts. And oh my goodness that means so much that you've gotten invested tysm(8/8) -💙
Response under cut
Okay, first off oh my heart, I need this movie now akfjakfja (and tagging @cinn-a-mom too ‘cause bless)
So lil Varian is the partial cause of the encasement, right? ‘Cause oh gosh, this poor kid being so enthused by alchemy and now has powers and all of that building up to encasing his parents?? Someone give him a hug 🥺🥺 (and omigosh if this does end up being where Hugo is somehow adopted into the family, just ohhhhh, him coming in at that moment is just *tears*)
And ohhhhh, I love how you slightly changed it to, if I understood right, Varian requesting that the trolls take away Hugo’s memories of his powers - ‘cause this kid is just wanting to help and Varian is scared and worried of hurting him, so he sees this as an option to protect him. (And ohhh, while the angst of him accidentally hurting Hugo with his powers is definitely wonderful, now I’m just imagining smol Varian going to the trolls and pleading for them to help and then coming to the decision to take away Hugo’s memories. Like OH MY HEART-)
And ohhh, I don’t think it’d play such a big part in the story, but as they’re both growing up, who’s acting regent at the moment? Or at least I’m just musing how things would be as they’re growing up since they were kids when Quirin and Ulla were encased (and if you don’t have any thoughts for it yet, that’s totally cool 🤗)
Ajfkakfjka Donella posing as a foreign dignitary to find the ‘magical prince’ to study is ahhhhhhhh- And then Hugo being drawn to her as the mother figure he’d always wanted and lacked for so long????? Lemme just
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And omigosh, the whole dynamics between Belle and Hugo would be hilarious (“Shut up Belle” while she’s laughing yessss) Also snow/ice Ruddiger is absolutely adorable ahhhhh!
Hnnnnnngggg First Time I’m Forever Reprise and Hugo believing that Donella could break the spell (and ahhhhhh, I can just barely imagine how that monologue would go down - how she was never there for him, why would anyone want him - oh gosh, insert “More Than Just the Spare” ‘cause that’s literally how he’s feeling ahhhh - aldjgjlad even more so especially if he was adopted/taken in because he’ll feel even more isolated after all of this had happened, which is another reason why he was drawn to Donella in the first place)
And then cue Cinn’s art where Hugo sacrifices himself for Varian and we’re here to see all of the tears and sobbing and feels akfjakfjaj
BUT OMIGOSH I FREAKING LOVE THIS - Varian and all of his issues in confidence and his struggle to overcome it, Hugo and his issues in wanting to feel loved from having been pushed away for so long, you mentioned Belle was hardened so I’m excited to see her soften up ajfkakdj, and then DONELLA HECK YEAH - I was not expecting the route you took but I love it so much that it gave me chills ahhhhhh.
Wonder how Quirin and Ulla react to all of this once they get out ‘cause they’ve all grown so much and their kingdom as well
I freaking love this AU and the angst lord in me, while quite enjoying the soft and the fluff, is grinning quite malevolently at the angsty scenes hehehehehe, but seriously, this is AWESOME 😱
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Sweeter Than Sugar (Chapter 2)
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Hey everyone! This is Part 2 of the mini series! Hope you guys enjoy! Bucky x Reader, featuring Sam. There will be another part coming out soon!
Warnings: swearing, lots of fluff, love-struck Bucky, little bit of embarrased Bucky and the tiniest mention of sex.
Word Count: 2.1k
Part 1
It’s been 6 wonderful months since you’ve made Bucky’s life a lot better. He’s turned into a smiling man ever since he’s met you. Bucky cannot imagine life without you. He knows he would be lost again, facing all his troubles all alone, going to missions without a care that he might die. He wouldn’t ever be in a state of pure happiness, or know what true love is. 
And Bucky has made your life better as well. He always supports you in every decision you make (except for the stupid ones), and his number one priority was to make you feel happy. You can imagine life without him, and well it seems pretty fucking bad. You would be stuck in New York with no real close people in your life, you’d be working extremely hard to make enough money for rent, and you would be a cat lady. You already are a cat lady though, with Bucky’s lil buddy.
Your first date (going to breakfast), ended up being very memorable. You were incredibly happy and Bucky was on cloud 9 during your first date together. 
The first date was to have breakfast and you and Bucky mostly flirted while eating. Well, you did most of the flirting while Bucky fidgeted in his seat, blushing. But after the flirting came to getting to know each other. 
Bucky told you some of his struggles, while you listened and comforted him. It was upsetting to hear how much he’s been through and how some people still never accepted him as a war victim. 
He listened to how you spoke of your past. You told him silly stories of you and your friends, explaining how you guys were basically the three musketeers of your high school. He loved every bit of this. He loved listening to everything, and he loved watching your expressions and his heart skipped so many beats when you placed your hand atop his metal one. 
After breakfast, you insisted on taking him to the ice rink, claiming it was your favorite place to go in NYC since you’ve moved here. The ice rink was a disaster (almost). 
The first thing to go wrong was the worker refused to give out skates to Bucky, claiming he would kill others with the blades on the ends. You jumped in, without even a second for Bucky to respond to the man, with “You shouldn’t be scared of him. You should be scared of me! I’ve already gotten the skates from you, and I’m pretty sure I can lean over to cut you right up in a nice dish of “fuck you”. How ‘bout you give him the skates, asshat?” 
That shocked both Bucky and the worker quite a bit. The worker was actually terrified of you now, not Bucky. He quickly handed over a pair of skates, and squeaked out “Please don’t hurt me!”. 
Bucky was pretty impressed and touched that you defended him. He gave you a quick bump on your shoulder, and passed a “Thank you”. You just shrugged and smiled with, “People shouldn’t act like that to you, sweetie.” His blush from that nickname instantly came on but he welcomed it.
The second disaster of the ice rink was actually a dangerous one. Bucky spotted a target he and Sam lost a few weeks ago. Bucky spit out a “gotta go” to you before skating off to the other side of the rink. You thought this meant he wanted to race you, and well, you followed behind him. 
Seeing you behind him startled him even more, but he had to catch this guy before he ran off again. Skating in front of the man, Bucky caught his arm fast, pulling the man down. 
You slowed down, watching this scene happen, and realizing Bucky didn’t mean to race you! You stood there for a second, watching the man try to fight Bucky off, not knowing what to do. But once you saw the man reach to his pants with his free arm, you skated closer, kicked his chest, pushing him completely down, with Bucky grabbing both of his arms now. 
“Woah! I knew you had a gun! That’s so crazy! Why would you pull out a gun in public like that? Just let my sweetie arrest you!” You screamed at the man. 
Bucky’s standing there, thinking, why did you go ahead and get involved? You could’ve been hurt! But you did help him there, Bucky was thankful for that. And hearing you call him “sweetie” again, oh my, did he feel conflicted! He’s blushing like a mad man, trying to appear tough in front of an actual mad man, and also extremely confused of why you jumped in! 
“Sorry doll, I’m gonna have to end this date, I have to take him in.” Bucky told you on the rink. Oh did he regret saying that! Your expression dropped and you took a step back with, “Okay, I understand.”. 
You really didn’t want this date to end all because of some lousy criminal. You wanted to spend more time with Bucky, he was so sweet to you this entire time. Bucky didn’t want to end it either! He really wanted to stay with you but had to leave. 
“I had a really good time with you, doll. I’m sorry this happened.” Bucky spoke, still holding onto the criminal. You sent a polite smile back at him and shrugged.
You really didn’t know how to respond but wow did Bucky look even more attractive (if that’s even possible), arresting someone. It made you really want to compliment him but that would be fucking awkward, with some random loser, watching both of you. 
So you decided to do the next best thing, skating towards him quickly and winking, “Thank you for the date sweetie. How about we skip the ice rink for the second one?”
Well did that shock Bucky once again! He really thought you wouldn’t want to even speak to him after that! So when you asked him out extremely smoothly, he swooned again. His frown was replaced with a shy smile, and of course he was blushing again. 
Wow, have you held this date up! His urge to flirt back was so strong, you were so incredible. He really needed to express how you resembled an angel, how you’ve been the greatest person he has interacted with since he made his way back into society. 
“Doll, I swear you’re sweeter than sugar. I’ll be waiting for our second date, see you soon Y/N.” He went to skate away, wowza is he embarrassed! He doesn’t know if what he just said was too cheesy but he needed to say it. 
Once you hear those words, your heart is pounding very hard! Wow that was so cute and sweet! Never in your life has a guy made you feel so happy like this, this fast. 
You skate fast to Bucky, pulling his hand back, and quickly lean in and place a small kiss on the corner of his lips. “Bye Bucky,” you smiled. 
Bucky is so surprised and all that is on his mind is well fuck that was so cute and he wanted to actually lean in and kiss you hard and long. And how red his face is because of this moment, well pretty sure he resembles a ripe tomato. 
Each date after the first always made you and Bucky fall farther in love with each other. By the fifth date you hinted at the idea of taking it to the next step very casually almost as if you were nonchalant about sex (you definently weren’t). 
And Bucky’s eyes bulged out of his head! His response came about a minute later, as he stared at you sipping the milkshake in your hands, “Yeah I’d like to taste some sugar.” Your eyes popped up, and mouth open, wow you didn’t see that coming! But it was pretty smooth to you, and you winked back and sent a sweet smile.
Around 3 months into the relationship, Bucky was walking through the hallways of the compound, thinking of you. How you and him had the sweetest moments and the silliest, cutest and loving moments. How everyday he woke up thinking of you and wishing you laid by him in the mornings, and spend the mornings drinking coffee with sugar, and spend the evenings with a dance and a kiss goodnight. 
Well shit.
Bucky already knew he was in love but now realizing how in love with you he was, he wanted you by his side day after day. He halted in the middle of the hallway rather abruptly with a silent “Fuck!”. 
Asking you to move in with him was a huge deal! He really had no idea how to ask and if it was too soon to ask but he did it anyway. The next time he saw you, he pulled you into a hug, slipping a spare key in your coat pocket. He never mentioned it at all for the next day, and his anxiety was rising and he was questioning himself.
Two days later, you called him to help you with “something”. Not sure what, he was nervous, and brought some coffee with sugar to share with you. 
“Hey sweetie! I got a rental to help move my stuff, can you help me move all this?” You said, giving him a quick kiss and pulling away to grab a box. 
Bucky’s brain went haywire. You really wanted to move in? He was wondering if this was just a dream. He felt like the luckiest and happiest man in the world at that moment. He swore he felt like he was soaring in the sky. 
Wow, you did this, you’re going to live with him! Fuck he forgot to clean his apartment! Bucky dropped the cups of coffee, and tugged you back into him, making you drop your box. Both of you laughed and smiled, laughed some more and kissed. 
By the sixth month of being together, Bucky felt he knew you for a whole lifetime. He would go to sleep smiling, and wake up smiling, happier than the day before when he saw you laying by him. 
You would sometimes wake up before him and smile and cuddle closer to him, and when he would wake up, you would tickle him and kiss him senseless. Who wouldn’t love that?
Sitting at the kitchen counter together, Bucky smiled before sipping his coffee, “Just how I love it. I love you, doll.” You smiled back and stood up, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Love you too, sweetie.”.
That day, Bucky went to work repeating your words in his head. His smile wouldn’t fade, and he felt like he was bouncing on happiness. Sam noticed for sure, anyone would see how love-struck he was. 
Sam gave Bucky a small nod, “Hey, how’s everything going with Y/N?” Bucky gave a nod and smiled back. Bucky opened his mouth to respond and the first thing that came out was, “I’m gonna propose. Help me pick a ring?” Oops. Yeah, Bucky didn’t mean to spill it out immediately today but he 100% knew he was going to marry Y/N.
The look of shock appeared on Sam’s face but he replied quickly with, “Wait, seriously?” Bucky could only nod, he was nervous about Sam’s reaction, since Sam has become one of his closest friends. 
“Buck, count me in, congrats!” Sam cheered, pulling Bucky into a side hug, and quickly adding on, “When do you want to pick the ring?” 
That was something Bucky did not think about exactly. He knew exactly what ring he wanted and how to propose but he had no idea where to get it and when. 
The next day, after their mission, Bucky and Sam headed over to one of the jewellery stores. The worker nervously greeted them, and offered to show everything to them, but Bucky declined quickly. 
“I want a simple ring, diamond and all, but I want this ring to be engraved ‘Sweeter than Sugar’”. Bucky spoke confidently. Sam awed at his choice, punching his arm. Bucky shrugged him off with a scoff, “Back off, she’s going to love it.” Sam nodded and grinned back at him, chuckling lightly.
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