#this obviously doesn’t apply to everyone:
tempestmothstorm · 2 days
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ok ok so I was just going to draw long haired Sayori but then I came up with a bunch of elementaryish aged designs and now I came up with a bunch of headcanons and more sketches so woohoo lots or text under cut open for more headcanons (also idk why tumblr made the image change quality that is not the same colour or quality I had it in)
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Yknow for some reason I just can’t imagine Natsuki being like a happy kid in the past like at all. I think it’s like a “kid who obviously has a bad home life and acts out because of it but nobody’s gonna to actually try to do anything about it so they just put her in detention” kinda vibe. I don’t think anyone outright hates her since she probably would have brought it up in base game/side stories, but she isn’t exactly a beloved member of the school either
In the side stories she talks about being very different in the past and specifically going through a really edgy ‘I hate everyone phase’ in middle school. This isn’t a middle school headcanon but I feel like her being kinda bitter before the total edgy phase makes sense.
I think in contrast to her having a super defined sense of self present day, Natsuki here was a lot more identityless and unsure about what she wants. She gets really into cutesy stuff in the future but here she leans a lot more into the angry side of her because she doesn’t really understand a lot of what she’s feeling. It’s why I didn’t really give her a unique hairstyle, if she had something she’d actually like I don’t think she would have changed it to the pigtails
Also her clothes are kinda bad and has a hole in her sleeve since she doesn’t really get a lot of clothes due to obligatory ~home life angst~ but this post isn’t about that so
She gets into manga pretty early but just kinda enjoys it casually on a surface level thing. She drops it for a bit before picking it back up, and suddenly understanding what plot and themes are lead to her going insane about it until present day.
She’s into skating because I said so
It also makes a great explanation for why she gets a broken arm and why she always has a bunch of bandaids :))))))))
Ok I might also just like giving character designs bandaids
Tbh I forgot if they said Natsuki’s friends met in middle school or not but I think it still applies since they probably knew her through every cringe phase she had (including the fanfics). But either way they were probably one of the few people to actually give Natsuki a chance which is part of why she puts up with their bullying so much. Throughout every phase she might have had they made fun of her every step of the way, to the point she’s just kinda used to it now. Doesn’t help that she thinks her old self was cringe, so by present day she just assumes she deserves whatever bullying she gets from them. Girl needs to have compassion for her past self. And present self tbh
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While Natsuki was cringe in the ‘I hate everything’ way, Yuri was cringe in the ‘I am a massive nerd for cringe pieces of media and am going to make everyone aware of that fact’. At least that’s how they see themselves now
She’s a lot more open to talking about her interests. She can and will yap to random people with little to no prompting because she hasn’t really learned yet that people would be put off by it
She’s not overly social but more willing to chat with others with a polite and friendly attitude. She hasn’t been hurt yet so she is filled with joy and whimsy and is overall more cheerful compared to present day
She has her hair like that so I could give the vibe of ‘cheerfully annoying and/or adorable☝️🤓’ nerd archetype instead of ‘would rather become a speck of dust than talk to a person’ nerd archetype. Her hair is generally more dishevelled to show she’s more naive and less elitist I guess. She also isn’t as good at taking care of her hair yet so it looks kinda bad in a charming way(her school would not agree)
Her bangs being up with the headband shows her being more open and willing to be vulnerable to others in a way that’s lost in present day, where her long bangs hide a lot of her face in that one sprite. Her forehead is a metaphor 😭
I don’t really have parent headcanons but the cardigan is from her mom. I just think it’s cute
Random headcanons idrk where else to put but since that one act 2 sprite just borrows the teeth from Natsuki I like to think her teeth is also weirdly sharp it just doesn’t stick out as much. People think her teeth are creepy though so she tries not to smile with her teeth. She doesn’t care to smile like that anyways since she doesn’t really know how to in pictures (me projecting) and her natural smiles are a lot more subtle/don’t show teeth so it’s all fine.
Stating the obvious here but she was totally outcasted by like most of her school. Most people thought she was weird and her enthusiasm off-putting so they’d try avoiding her. She doesn’t really know why they think she’s off-putting though, people just start avoiding her for no reason. A few would go out of their way to bully her too, which ont added fuel to the iscolation fire, which ended up give her massive vulnerability and self esteem issues. Shocker ik. It takes a while to fully break her down from here to her high school self but it does mess her up a lot even then. At this specific point in time though she stills has her innocence so dw it’s fineeeeeee
Her anxiety issues are also there but she still has enough of a positive attitude to go ‘hey this sucks but maybe this time talking about my interests will work and they’ll actually like me!’ even if it didn’t work the last time. She doesn’t really know how else to talk to people so she keeps trying the same thing hoping maybe this time it’ll work out.
things get worse. you probably know that
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Sayori still the sillyyyyy
But tbh she probably changes the least compared to present day. I mean she gets more mature and less starry eyed but her mask is basically the same as her kid self. I don’t have as much to say on that specifically cause compared to the rest she doesn’t change that much
Yeah Understanding said she used to have long hair but cut it since she couldn’t really take care of it. I feel like even before the depression got worse she sucked at taking care of it because she has the self proclaimed attention span of a donut. Her hair is really scruffy and if you tried to comb it would probably hurt a lot. So she doesn’t ever
Her and mc are still the the goofy-goober and straight man dynamic they have in base game. Sayori drags mc into some shenanigans and mc tries to help her get out of trouble. He also has less of an ‘I don’t want to be seen with this cringe’ attitude he has a bit of in the base game since he isn’t as concerned with reputation because he’s like 7, so he’s more open with being directly nice to her. He acts a lot more genuinely with their friendship overall compared present day where he finds it a lot harder to earnestly share his appreciation of Sayori as a cool sigma male
A lot of their banter is light hearted, but Sayori doesn’t start interpreting his teasing for actual criticism of her character until a little later into their relationship. His jokes probably hurt more in hindsight when they do end up drifting apart because his lighthearted jokes stated feeling more real.
It’s sorta implied in side stories that there was a point where everyone found out about her depression and was worried constantly about her. It probably was from an old friend group considering nobody else seems to know about it, but I feel like mc drifted apart before that considering he doesn’t know. I think they became friends again by sides stories, but considering he doesn’t act like he’s as concerned for her well-being as he is by the end of act one, he probably wasn’t there when everyone else found out and therefore doesn’t know about the depression here either. Idk though side stories have different continuity apparently so who knows maybe that never happened or maybe he’s just stupid
Yeah of course she still has depression here. It probably got worse over time though since I feel like her constant silly oblivious persona would have came from somewhere. She is naturally pretty upbeat, it’s just that she had to lie more over time in order to keep that idea going. Now she feels like that old her is basically dead, with her just masquerading as someone who isn’t there anymore.
She’s like the only one here who has a positive opinion of her past self, to the point where she actively wants to go back and be that person. In a way she still is that little kid, but at the same time things can never go back to how they were. Uh yeah but she still hates herself so I guess no one gets to reap the rewards of caring for their past self.
She also trips constantly. I don’t think it’s that surprising
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Since Monika has the least specific info on her past I got to be a bit silly about it and make up as much as I wanted.
She is like completely different from her present self. Similar to Natsuki she’s also sorta identityless but in a weird quiet gifted kid sorta way instead of an angry lost child sorta way.
She’s pretty quiet and doesn’t talk much. With a pretty expressionless face and more deadpan voice she kinda gives creepy horror movie child vibes but the type of child that appears before the horror actually starts (which is to say not actually scary but just kinda weird) (I just realized a lot of this is just me projecting what I was like as a kid but with less prep energy)
Yeah she’s extroverted but at this point she doesn’t really seek out people until she starts actively trying to boost her image
She doesn’t really have many hobbies outside of being a teacher pet and if it weren’t for her stellar grades she totally would of been bullied, but she’s nice enough to help people study so she’s safe
She isn’t really the most popular in school until high school. She does start out as the token prodigy gifted kid so everyone expected her to excel in everything so on a whim she’s like ‘ok guess I’m doing everything now’ and it’s totally not going to alter the course of her life forever
She likes the validation and wants to live up to the expectations so she starts leaning super hard into the perfect image. She gradually starts joining clubs, getting cool achievements, studying for those straight A+ grades, talking to people and networking, and overall changing her image from quiet kid to strong confidence friendly student who’s going to go far. Awesome
She kinda had to train herself to not be weird creepy child and would practice smiling, facial expressions, being more sociable, talking less deadpan, etc. She has a lot of “fake it till you make it” vibes in the side stories to the point I don’t think she even realizes she’s doing it. I imagine her going from weird little kid to most popular high schooler around was like wearing the mask until it became the real thing.
Tbh this whole design started because I really like the headcanon design of her bangs covering her eyes. And then I gave her a stripped shirt because it felt generic but also not boring but it ended up making her look like one of the seven human souls lol
Honestly if I could describe her vibe here in one sentence it would be utdr protagonist but like in prep school
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ok that’s it idrk how to end this but thanks for watching hit the like and subscribe and
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mariathechosen1 · 4 months
I love it when you play so much DnD that your character choices sorta come full circle:
In your first ever game you might start out as a human fighter, or an elven rogue, or maybe just a half-elf wizard, and then you slowly progress to warlocks and artificers, homebrew perhaps??
But then at some point…you just sorta return to the basic???
For example: I had a moment after a one shot (one that several different groups had all played through separately) where a member of a different group, who had played DnD a year or two, had asked me, who at that point had played for about 5 years, what character I was playing.
I, of course, started ranting about what role in the party I wanted to explore and how I felt the role of ‘maternal’ and ‘the moral one’ was so often associated with being dull when in fact there’s so much unexplored potential in it, and how I wanted to challenge myself by being a character who truly wears their heart on their sleeve and-
Then he asked “ok, but what class and race are you tho?” “………….human fighter” “Ah. There’s no shame in being a bit basic I guess”
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harp00ns · 1 year
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Might as well post this here
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edwinisms · 3 months
#this question is very hard for me to answer so obviously I have to torment everyone else with it#cause like. like I can really see the potential in either answer. both are feasible#I will say. most realistically. to me. edwin first charles harder#because I think…..I think the reasoning behind the other way around usually tends to be about how edwin absolutely was slower to bond and#open up in general whereas charles hit the ground fucking running#but i don’t think that particularly applies to their romantic relationship#if you mean ‘fell for’ in a general sense rather than a romantic one then yes 100%#but that’s not what im talking about here#I have a few different reasons but generally I think edwin fell first because like… the way he attached himself to charles and accepted him#as his person and etc is so unlike him to do with literally anyone- especially at the point where they first met/the first years they knew#each other. charles just seems to have hit him as something very very special and irreplaceable quite quickly for him to open up the way he#did and change and flourish into a fully realized person because of how safe and worthy charles made him feel#he took to charles with an unusual amount of ease and trust and I think that says something about how charles struck his heart Early#whereas with charles… yes on one hand he did stay on the mortal plane largely because of edwin and absolutely would’ve been impacted by the#tender act of mercy that was edwin reading to him as he died so he wouldn’t be scared. that’s absolutely what got him to trust edwin and to#want to be with him and protect him and so on#but charles would still do that and be like that under intense platonic circumstances I think#but most importantly I just think charles fell harder. when he fell is less important to me here- more important is that by GOD that boy is#down so fucking bad and outright SAYS IT in so many ways that he doesn’t realize– the sheer amount he restates how he’s content so long as#he’s with edwin. how he doesn’t want to be anywhere where edwin can’t follow. would and Did go to hell and back for him. believes him#to be the kindest and most incredible person he’s ever met. prioritizes him above anything and everything. etc etc etc#that’s not to say edwin doesn’t feel a similar amount of devotion– but charles just. really loves him with his whole person. loves him as a#fact of his existence and a piece of his very soul#idk man. it just feels like he is so incredibly smitten and he doesn’t even know it.#like I said though I can see both options and give reasons for both options so this question EATS at me I GENUINELY don’t have a super#strong feeling either is absolutely correct. it’s so difficult to answer they’re both so smitten and have such a history and GRAHHHH#payneland#dead boy detectives#rambling#polls
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bleue-flora · 4 months
I want to debate with you over dsmp lore but I'm terrified you'll hate me
Hate? I won’t hate you for having an opinion, everyone has a right to one and I’m happy you have one :D especially if it’s your opinion not purely someone else’s (not to say it can’t align with someone else but it’s yours as in your not just mindlessly repeating someone if that makes sense…). And typically there is a little truth in both sides. Even in the times I’ve disagreed with people it has made me question things. Like for example my conversation with elmhat about c!Quackity prompted me to ask the question: why do I see him as unempathic and find no sympathy for him? Was he not betrayed? Was he not hurt? Was he not discriminated against and overlooked? Why is it that I can be so against him when some of the same things I sympathize with Dream on happened with Quackity. Which then spurred my research into Antisocial Personality Disorder (disorder relating to psychopaths and sociopaths) and Audience Perception. So even if I disagree or dislike what you have to say, I’m not going to hate you for it, and it’ll likely make me question why I think differently, often spurring my dive into lore where I usually find other fun things.
Like this funny clip with c!Schlatt and c!Quackity I discovered last night where c!Schlatt says that Austin Show is dead with him, which almost implies he’s some secret additional mystery character drifting in limbo?…
unless of course we consider that c!Schlatt also talks about the picture on his wall as his Dad who runs the gym with him… man seems to be going insane to be honest and who can blame him, he’s spent how many decades in limbo?…
Anyways, having said that, while certainly optional, definitely not required or necessary or expected, I’ll just let you know as an autistic person I do appreciate sources because there are a lot of times I forget about something or didn’t know and I want to see for myself, not because I don’t personally trust you but because my general rule to the internet is to not pass something on as truth just because someone said that because even in the context outside of dsmp analysis that’s how misinformation spreads so fast.
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sassmill · 8 months
“If a lot of men get killed at one go, does it make the killing of one man less of a crime? I don’t know, Andy, I don’t know. I’m only twenty and they say today the world is ours, but Pa was twenty once and felt the world was his, and long, long ago Mad was twenty too, laughing at applauding audiences, smiling from picture postcards, and when I am as old as she is nothing will have changed…”
Daphne du Maurier, Rule Britannia (1972)
#think about the context of this woman writing this right#she was born in 1907#so by the time she was 20 she had lived through one world war with the next right on the horizon#as well as at this point witnessing the effects of so many other 20th century conflicts#she’s 65 at this point and this is what she sees ahead for future generations#which I’ve no doubt others saw coming as well but just like everyone for USUK in the book is acting#I’m sure plenty read this and thought but that could never happen not now not here not to us#but look where we are today#look at the genocide being enacted in Palestine#I want people to read this book in 2024 and think hard about it#because the events of the book are happening to white people in England right#I’m not at all trying to say she described anything on the level of the real world atrocities currently happening#but the slowly building anxiety of ‘but what could really happen they won’t do that’#then overnight all these new restrictions and retaliation#phones cut power cut water cut travel ban#just because it’s happening to people far away from your life#doesn’t mean it could never happen#you wouldn’t see it coming or think it was all that bad until suddenly it was too late#obviously I am reaching to apply this book to today but I think it could make certain people reexamine their mindset#daphne du maurier#rule britannia#quote#this book is making me think so much about imperialism and occupation and military states and civilian cruelty#through such an interesting lens considering what I know of Daphne du mauriers life up to the point she wrote this#this was her last novel#and it’s so different from her other novels#like this to me is her equivalent of a Connecticut Yankee in king Arthur’s court#except it’s just the ending where everything becomes terrible so fast
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min-pathologica · 6 months
“it’s not that deep” yes! yes actually it is!!
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reflection-s-of-stars · 7 months
Trans people 🤝 fat people
Only feeling like you can wear hoodies
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d-parade · 9 months
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womp womp 😢
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grayintogreen · 11 months
The Sideways Universe is so funny because you can see where it was built to give some people comfortable afterlives based entirely on what they most desired- Sayid wanted Nadia to live but didn’t believe she would ever be able to do that with him and therefore his was a world where she’s married to his brother and he can still remain in her orbit; Ben wanted Locke’s support but also the chance to choose Alex over power and make the right choice this time; Desmond has been haunted by Widmore not respecting him so he gets a world where he’s his favored protege; Sawyer chooses not to go down the path of self-destruction that con man led him down; Dan gets a world where he gets to play piano instead of devoting his life to self-destructive physics and he’s Widmore’s favored child; Even Penny gets the reality where SHE’S Widmore’s bastard and he has nothing to do with her.
And then you have Juliet whose peak desire is “have an amicable divorce with a man I can still be friends with.”
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jalluzas-ferney · 1 year
I’m not emo but I Iove emo kids sm like they will wear whatever the fuck they want and stand out and they’ll have everyone make fun of them and judge them and even bark and call them weird - but at the end of the day they truly dgaf and keep dressing however they want because it’s their clothes and body and they can express themselves however they want. I find them so cool.
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gender-haver · 2 years
So it’s finally clicked that when people ask you if you want to help them with something, they’re not actually asking if you want to help they’re really asking you to help them.
To make this situation less confusing I just ask if they need help. And then help if they say yes, it’s a great clarifier and keeps people from getting mad when you say no to their original question
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ethrealprincess · 8 months
there’s no need to send more asks about that situation because it was literally weeks ago and this is not a fandom blog (if it wasn’t obvious already lmao). im not reading them anymore and just gonna go straight to blocking!
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lacewise · 10 months
Something I don’t see crafters talk about in the fast fashion of crafting conversation (and I’m not interacting with the og post because it’s been hijacked by “individuals have no responsibility” folks, which is frankly a conversation I’m completely unwilling to engage with) is the huge swath of people, especially crafting influencers, who are v clearly (at least) middle class using their disposable income to recreate the fast fashion process at home, making things they will wear once and then toss, making things for photoshoots, and then making more things. They overconsume as much as anyone buying from Shein, using the same materials and cutting the same corners, and are doing it explicitly so their microtrend items are even more unique.
They are spreading dupe culture and misinforming the public on how they “made” something for a tenth the price of the original luxury item (because the luxury item will not shred if you look at it funny) and their platforms rely on people not knowing the difference between materials.
And then it circles back to people saying worse quality materials are *actually better* quality because they’re “more convenient”, which has somehow trickled up to genuine professionals in the fashion and fashion commentary industry.
These influencers cosplay as professionals to their audience but will absolutely *freak out* if you put the professional responsibility of not lying to the public on them and I never see anyone criticizing them because if anyone dares, they’re elitist.
Cannot believe I have to disclaim this but I am not talking about people learning a new craft or people making a normal amount of imperfect or quickly made crafts. I mean, everyone knows exactly which communities I’m talking about, but the internet is dedicated to bad faith interpretations of things already addressed so…
Meanwhile, we will all drown in their “new outfit a day” Shein-quality goods, whether they were made in a factory or a garage.
No matter how you make it, hyper fast fashion is never sustainable or ethical.
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crushmeeren · 5 months
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♡ Master List Link
❥ Quickies with the MHA Boys
❥ Everyone involved in this work of fiction is 18+/aged up.
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♡ Bakugou Katsuki
Katsuki doesn’t mind quickies per se. He just has to be in the right mood for it. He’d much rather take his sweet time. Not wanting to rush, being able to relax afterwards — otherwise he’d rather just not have sex at all.
But there are times when he’s frustrated. When your schedules haven’t lined up, when you haven’t had sex in weeks — he gets pent up.
Katsuki’s the kind of guy who will lounge on your bed in just his tight black boxer briefs. Arms folded behind his head as he lazily waits for you to get out of the shower, because of course he’s aware the long lean line of his body will draw your eye.
He knows it also gives you the view that you’re unable to resist of his unreasonably toned arms, biceps flexing in an infuriatingly effortless display.
And of course, he remembers that you have to leave for work in less than 20 minutes. He just doesn’t give a single shit.
He’s been dreaming about your warm pussy sucking in his cock in all night and there’s not a chance in hell he’s letting you go until he fucks you silly.
So, when you finally exit the shower, he tilts his head and leers at your naked body as you drop your towel onto the bed. He urges you in a low, rasping voice to “come here baby,” sporting a wolfish grin that makes your insides twist.
What he wants is glaringly obvious. From the way he can’t keep his eyes off your tits to the way his arousal is obviously beginning to strain his briefs.
“Five minutes Katsuki, I’m serious.” You shoot him a pointed glare. He scoffs, rolling his eyes and gesturing you forward with a curl of his finger.
“As if I won’t have you cumming in less than two minutes.” The grin he levels you with is sharp at the edges.
Although, the man’s right to be confident. Much to your chagrin.
Katsuki will drag you onto the bed when you are within reaching distance. His dick’s already stiff and thick when he wiggles between your legs, yanking his briefs down to mid thigh and letting his cock bob free.
Admittedly, you’re turned on enough that he slides in with relative ease, even if it burns a tad, because let’s be real — he’s so hot you would take him any time, any place. No questions asked, even if you do keep that piece of information from him for fear of inflating his already mountain sized ego.
Katsuki will tug one of your legs up, hooking it over his shoulder. He’ll bend you in half and circle his fingers around your throat, applying pressure that’s just right, because he’s memorized all the spots that make you weak.
With precision, he wholly makes this quickie worth it. Katsuki has your toes curling, cheeks flushed so hotly it travels to your hairline. Choking on your own moans as you cum.
He does exceptionally well with the time limit, just as he does with everything else in his life. He pulls out, stroking his cock eagerly and cums all over your belly with a groan that leaks out between gritted teeth.
Almost exactly five minutes on the dot.
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♡ Kirishima Eijirou
Eijirou has the spirit of a happy, care free, lovesick golden retriever. So naturally, he loves physical touch.
He’s addicted to constantly being in your space. Hugging you, holding your hand, pulling you to sit on his lap, kissing you., etc.
And if we’re being honest, whenever he gets the chance, he’ll be inside you too. Stretching you out. Making you feel so good it melts your brain — if only because it makes him feel twice the amount of pleasure to you see come undone.
Needless to say, Eijirou enjoys quickies a fuck ton. He also is the sort of guy who gets literal heart eyes whenever you initiate one with him.
He’ll be relaxing on the couch, lost in some sort of video game when you snatch the controller out of his hands and place it out of his reach.
Eijirou sputters, glancing up at you in surprise. His startled expression turns to one of knowing when you straddle his lap. Your sundress bunches up and exposes the soft skin of your inner thighs in the process.
“I’ve got 10 minutes until I leave for my appointment. Wanna have sex, Ei?” You ask teasingly, a coy smile playing on your lips. You wrap your arms around his neck, gently scratching your nails up and down the nape of his neck, a shiver wracking through the red head.
You swear if Eijirou had a tail it would be wagging. He moans lowly in his throat. Your light touch and filthy words are all it takes to get him hard, stiff cock pressing eagerly into your thigh.
“How could I ever say no to you gorgeous?” He beams at you with his sharp teeth, resting his hands your hips. You snicker, raising up a little so he can slid his shorts down enough to free himself — letting the waistband rest just under his balls.
He sneaks your panties to the side, rubbing precise, quick circles into your clit with his thumb. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, trying to hold in a whine.
He has mercy on you, gripping his shaft and parting your pussy with his cock until the head catches. You ease yourself down onto him until you’re fully seated in his lap, the easy slick glide of his cock stretching you out is delicious.
You both simultaneously breathe out a sigh of relief.
After that, he lets you ride him until you’re sweaty and satiated. He praises you sweetly, holding your waist with a tight grip and helping you bounce.
“That’s it baby, take what you need. I’m right here, I’ve got you. Love it when you cum for me, so pretty” he coos, voice tender and adoring.
It’s effortless to cum like that, face buried in his shoulder while you rock back and forth in his lap. Letting him hug you tightly to his chest.
Once you come back down to earth, you check for the time, noticing you’ve only got a meager two minutes left.
You taunt Eijirou with the time limit, telling him it’s his turn to cum unless he was planning on taking care of himself.
He snaps his hips upwards in shallow thrusts, chasing his own pleasure desperately. Kissing you to keep himself from biting marks into your neck.
You’re only running a couple minutes late when you go, leaving Eijirou a sticky, gooey mess on the couch.
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♡ Todoroki Shouto
Shouto, he’s, well — a mix of the two really. He enjoys taking his time, but he also cannot keep himself out of your bubble.
One of Shouto’s absolute favorite past times is cuddling with you. He’s a bit touch starved and he’s aware of it, embracing it with no shame.
He just loves the coziness of your body, the way you fit like a missing puzzle piece into his toned chest. The tender kisses he can trail across your neck and the ones you give him in return.
That’s why Shouto takes immense pleasure in those honey coated, sweet and warm, limbs riddled with sleep morning quickies.
He can’t resist the temptation.
You’ll hear Shouto’s piercing alarm go off in the morning, jostling you from your dreams. The sheets rustle as Shouto maneuvers to turn off his alarm.
Your lids are droopy, and your limbs lag by a couple seconds when you turn over to cling to him.
You sprawl out half way on top of his chest and you slip your arms around his neck, nuzzling his utterly too warm left shoulder.
“Sho,” you mumble in his ear, voice rasp and faint. He snakes an arm around your waist, tugging you closer when you brush your lips over his cheek, and he subconsciously leans into your touch.
“Mm?” The noise he makes rumbles in his chest.
“I want you before you go, please,” you plead softly, kissing along his jawline. He squeezes you tighter briefly, responding without a trace of hesitation.
“Turn over baby, I’ll have to make it quick.”
So, you shift around until you’re on your side. Back facing Shouto as he scoots in close, wiggling down until his forehead rests at the back of your neck.
He shoves the large T-shirt you’re wearing up to your ribs, finger tips tickling the ridges of bone on his way back down. He smoothes his hand over your bare ass and squeezes until your breath hitches in your throat. Shouto smacks your ass playfully.
Automatically you lift your thigh and Shouto grips underneath it to keep it in that position, shifting his legs until he’s got the right angle.
The silky, warm skin of his full cock slides along the lips of your pussy and you jolt. He must’ve gotten rid of his briefs at some point.
Shouto shift his hips, pressing the head of his cock to you, rocking his hips unhurriedly until he’s sliding in and out to the root with each thrust.
You were already crying out his name, white knuckling the sheets when only half his cock had been worked inside you. Now each thrust knocks the breath from your chest.
“Is this what you needed Angel?” Shouto pants hotly against your neck. “Your pussy feels incredible,” he moans, the sound pushing the edge of a whine.
You can’t speak, still halfway asleep as Shouto takes you with powerful and deliberate thrusts.
He repeatedly presses into your g-spot as your climax builds gradually. It’s like a faucet sluggishly dripping warm water into a cup until it fills to the brim and overflows through your veins.
It doesn’t take long for Shouto to cum after you clench him like a vice.
He presses in until his balls are flush against your skin, biting harshly into the back of your shoulder blade with a breathy moan. That will definitely leave a mark.
“I love you,” Shouto murmurs, planting a kiss to your cheek after he helps you get clean enough to fall back asleep.
You’re out like a light before you hear the door shut, hoping Shouto makes it to the agency on time.
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vaipet · 1 year
people who are sooo Negative all the time are hard to be around., how about you Eat a Turkey and cheese sandwich instead❤️ have a Good time
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