#this one is made to match the demyx one!
bitternace · 2 years
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Lay down your bets for the Gambler of Fate—
[ID: two digital drawings of kingdom hearts character, Luxord. the backgrounds are light blue, and the colors are faded.
in the first image, he’s shown looking to the side with a slightly satisfied smile. He half-squats, with both arms raised to chest height in a wide stance, one hand extended and the other curled somewhat on itself as if throwing something underhand. Beside his head, there are five cards of Fair Game, blurred with movement. His organization 13 coat flares a little behind him.
the second image is a close-up of his face. /End ID]
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goldenchocobo · 4 months
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Here’s what I’ve been working on, it’s taken a month, but I’ve finally completed it!
All 13 14 Organization XIII members with flowers!
I did reuse some flowers; but I’ve been wanting to redraw those portraits for a while now, so I can cross that off the list too
Under the KEEP READING are the flowers included, along with why I chose them for that Organization Member.
- You've clicked the 'Keep Reading', so you're in for the long-haul; 14 flower analyses in one! Better get snug!
I. Anemone flowers (also called wind flowers) have a lot of meanings, more negative than good ones; the ones I singled out for Xemnas was death and loss. Flower meanings require a lot of context- like sentences, so in this instance, I’ve used ‘loss’ to mean ‘loss’ in a general sense- Xemnas lost his heart, his comrades, his emotions; and by the end of KHIII; even his motivation; saying he doesn’t really care for his comrades’ demises, and that after he’s gained any kind of sensation back; it’s regret.
II. Knowing Xigbar is keeping all kinds of secrets, and knowing them is his business, Snapdragons are perfect. White and purple denote the spiritual and mystic. Them covering his mouth means that he knows something you don't, and he won't tell you anything.
III. We don’t know much about Xaldin- or Dilan. But with how I interpret him and his actions; he’s someone who has been scorned before- or at least has a lot of jealous dislike towards relationships and is sickened by how love makes people act. Hydrangeas are a flower both used for some wedding bouquets, as well as denoting jealousy, especially in their purple-blue colouration, as it's higher pH that causes the flowers to be that colour.
IV. Azeleas are flowers of two halves. They can mean Temperance and intelligence, but also temptation and caution. This is why I thought it was perfect for Vexen. Not only does he give into the temptation of his (immoral) research- more than once, but also ignored the dangers of it. When he's recompleted, we can see that he's gotten rid of these temptations (or at least I hope so). I made them orange to deeper the 'danger' and 'caution' theme as orange is a colour in nature that denotes it- like toxic amphibians and insects.
V. Lexaeus is a quiet man; so I don't really know much about him other than that he's strong and wants to protect Ienzo/Zexion; as such gladiolus- a symbol of such strength and protection is perfect for him.
VI. Zexion is interesting because I kind of see him as a tragic two-sided character. His scheming, 'throwing morals out the window and toying with people' Zexion in CoM side, and his more naïve, innocent and caring Ienzo side we see in KH3. I gave him Begonias for this reason; the purple in one hand representing mystique and curiosity, whilst white being for a more innocent side to him. I specifically chose Begonia pavonina leaves because they look weird and mystic and kind of match his shimmering hair.
VII. I've already used yellow roses for Siax/Isa, in the same configuration as well; and the meaning remains the same. Yellow roses can sometimes mean jealousy- especially towards friendships. Siax got too into his head about Axel making friends. That was when his jealousy took over, and he was lead by it.
VIII. Axel has had Alestromeas before- as they usually mean strong bonds of friendship; something Axel and Lea has shown over and over again. Like with Siax, I chose to make them a crown to show that, that friendship and keeping those friends safe is what drives him.
IX. It was kind of hard to come up with a flower for Demyx. originally I had him with Geraniums as they can represent folly; but instead, I went with Daisies; with the adage, 'Lazy Daisy'- for obvious reasons. Daisies- or asters- come in a large variety and specie. For Demyx, I chose two for aesthetic purposes; common daisy for around his head, and leucanthemum daisy for his neck- for their size.
X. Finding the right flower for Luxord was difficult. I did originally just have him with clovers, but felt that they didn’t suit. I chose poppies instead, as while they’re known for being symbolic of war & peace, fallen soldiers and death, there’s an under-current of time meaning; time being passed while we sleep, the time we remember the departed, and time marching on until the grave.
XI. For the longest time, Marluxia was going to have roses- it’s his whole motif; there’s rose iconography everywhere. But I chose Magnolias due to their symbolism of remembrance. While not fully aware until the very end, Marluxia was always searching for his sister, not believing that she had gone. The yellow Magnolias represent the joys he shared with her, whilst the purple imply the dignity of being a Union Leader, and Lord of Castle Oblivion.
XII. Marigolds are pretty, but their meaning is not... sometimes. Out of their meanings, I've chosen their meaning for Larxene to be one of cruelty and coldness. Because that's what she is to everyone.
XIII. Roxas keep his Dahlias from his original flower piece. The meaning remains the same; That- even in the face of hardship and despair, he will remain kind, friendly and cheerful.
XIV. I was going to reuse the obvious choice of Forget-Me-Nots for Xion; but honestly, I felt intimidated by how small they are, and- if you've paid attention, kept a strict number limit on my flowers; so that wasn't doable. Instead, I chose a Cornflower, which has a similar meaning of not being forgotten, as well as hope, devotion and love.
The stones inlayed in the frames have no real significance other than that they match the character's colour scheme; Here's what each stone is: Xemnas: Pearl Xigbar: Smokey Quartz Xaldin: Amethyst Vexen: Emerald Lexaeus: (orange) Agate Zexion: Lepidolite Siax: Moonstone Axel: Sunstone Demyx: Sapphire Luxord: Hematite Marluxia: Rose Quartz Larxene: Topaz Roxas: Snowflake Obsidian Xion: Obsidian
OK- I lied a little; there's some theming between characters, but nothing majorly deep; I haven't really looked into gemstones and their meanings.
If you've read this much, congratulations! Flower Count: Xemnas has 13. Xigbar has 3. Xaldin has 1. Vexen has 7. Lexaeus has 5. Zexion has 13. Siax has 7. Axel has 7 Demyx has 20 (13 common, 7 leucanthemum). Luxord has 7. Marluxia has 5. Larxene has 5. Roxas has 7. Xion has 13.
The only outlier is Xaldin; but Hydrangeas are hard to draw and only had the motivation to draw one.
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
rambling about the org xiii orchestra art
as someone in an orchestra for real
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(from here)
I can’t tell what instrument Larxene has. I thought it was castanets and someone else suggested egg shakers but both are not traditional orchestra instruments so it’s really just weird
neat that both Xaldin and Lexaeus are playing the BIG percussion instruments, and both Axel and Saix are playing woodwinds (harp is a stringed instrument too so i make no comment on the strings)
There’s no [x]ylophone pun unfortunately because those huge tubes indicate that’s actually a marimba both Xion and Roxas are playing. There is however a pun in the fact that it’s a KEYboard instrument. also they’re just adorable
actually I just remembered that instrument names aren’t common knowledge, here they are:
Xemnas is the conductor/orchestra director; Xigbar on saxophone, Luxord on trumpet, and Marluxia on trombone (that’s our brass); Axel on flute and Saix on.... it’s hard to see but I think that’s an oboe (woodwinds); Xaldin on timpani, Lexaeus on bass drum, Larxene on... something??, and Roxas & Xion on marimba (percussion); and then Vexen on harp, Zexion on violin, and Demyx on double bass (strings)
Marluxia why are you holding a flower I know you have an aesthetic but you need both hands to play a trombone
There are 3 main instrument sections (kinda) that are the “obnoxious know-it-all” instruments, stereotyped as generally having a superiority complex over the other sections because they’re soooo important look at meeee carrying the melody: the trumpet for band, the 1st violin for orchestra, and the soprano for voice (and the secret 4th, the flute for woodwinds). With that said, of course Zexion would play violin
And following both that and his Mystery Gear in 358/2 Days, it would have made more sense thematically for Xigbar to be playing the trumpet. however the saxophone is the funny meme instrument so it still works
There is NO WAY Demyx is a double bass player. It’s the only instrument besides percussion that you have to stand up for (though some orchestras do have the bassists sit on stools), and it’s much more work to actually PLAY than the other string instruments, by virtue of being much bigger. they tend to play less than most other stringed instruments, sure, but if you want to be sitting around not doing much you’re best off picking a different instrument entirely, especially since string sections tend to require more unanimity in playing than the brass/woodwinds/percussion since there’s more people playing each part
harps are rare to include in compositions. they’re very nice and melodious though. idk what this says about Vexen
generally there’s not enough percussion players to cover every single instrument which means that Larxene is definitely running around to cover all the small parts (whatever she’s holding, it’s definitely percussion)... actually with Xaldin Lexaeus Roxas and Xion in percussion as well she might not have to but she is the speedy one so
I hope what Saix is holding is an oboe and not a clarinet because if it’s an oboe we get some more symbolism, as well as some very nice... dynamic between his instrument and Zexion’s :)
you see, the oboe is the instrument that tunes the entire rest of the orchestra. whatever the oboe’s A sounds like will be the A the ensemble matches. one could say it’s the most important instrument
HOWEVER, the first chair of 1st violin is nominally the most important instrument- that’s the “concertmaster”, and they get to walk on-stage after everyone else (but before the conductor, obviously). they’re also important for real- based on the repertoire they’re basically guaranteed to have at least one solo. they sit at the very front, right next to the conductor. in my orchestra the concertmaster has a little biography in the program along with the conductor’s
there’s actually multiple rounds of tuning- the first couple it’s the oboe doing their thing and the other non-string instruments matching, and then the last round the concermaster matches the oboe, and then the string instruments match the concertmaster.
and that’s all so very interesting, isn’t it
and finally
Xemnas is 100% a garbage conductor. To the audience he looks very cool, doing all his sweeping motions, but it’s impossible to follow as an orchestra member, so you’re really on your own because the conductor is not conducting properly and not giving helpful cues
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cloudofash · 7 months
Kingdom Hearts is Like a Chess Game...And It Explains the Characters' Story Arcs
If you've played the series up until KH3 you should know that the story of Kingdom Hearts and the characters within our current tale are likened to pieces on a chess board an ample amount of times, especially where Eraqus and Xehanort's chess-like game are a literal re-enactment of the events of the KH3 Keyblade Graveyard war between Light and Darkness.
Despite Kingdom Hearts' chess-like game being well...chess-like and and not an exact 1:1 of chess, we know at the very least that there is a "King" piece within the Kingdom Hearts' chess game. With the introduction of Verum Rex (Verum meaning true Rex meaning King) in KH3 as well as one of the secret endings with Yozora in Re:Mind being titled "Falsus Rex" (False King) entertains the idea that our KH chess game maintains the same (or similar) chess pieces that regular chess has. That is, a King piece, Queen piece, 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops and 8 Pawns.
This being said, I want to explore which Kingdom Hearts character is which chess piece.
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We know there is a Verum Rex/True King and a Falsus Rex/False King. Yozora is the True King of his Quadratum Universe. The Kingdom Hearts universe is the unreality-reality mirror to Quadratum, meaning that there must be a True King in the Kingdom Hearts universe as well. The true "King" of the KH Realm is most likely Riku, the Keyblade's original and true chosen and he looks nearly identical to Yozora as opposite Kings on a chessboard would. The False King, in this particular case, would be Sora since he wasn't the Keyblade's true chosen and only obtained the power because Riku fell to darkness and his heart's light passed the Keyblade to Sora making him the replacement/fake. However, I don't believe being a False King is Sora's true role in the Kingdom Hearts game of chess. I believe that if Riku's heart never fell to darkness, Sora would be a completely different chess piece that I will get to later.
The other pieces contain a Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights and 8 Pawns, giving us a 15 pieces (16 total if you include the King). Now in the Kingdom Hearts game of chess there are only 7 (original) Light Guardians, however in the final battle there are actually 10 Total Guardians: King Mickey, Sora, Aqua, Ventus, Axel, Kairi, (and Riku) are the original 7 and then Terra, Roxas and Xion join the fight after being saved. 12 if we count Donald and Goofy and 13 if we count Riku Replica, but it doesn't stop there. Namine made an appearance as well and helped shift the tide by finding Terra's Lingering Will and connecting him to the battle, and Master Yen Sid also joined the fight in the graveyard. The final piece and final character to help in the war is the light from the past, Ephemer.
In other words, we actually have all 16 chess pieces present in the Keyblade War (on both sides if we include Demyx, Vexen and the Xehanort Replicas as the final 3 to the 13 Darknesses). If we match the pieces with the characters I believe it goes something like this based not only on their role within the War but also their importance and contribution to the overall story. Please know that some of these positions can be debated:
Terra - Rook. Terra reconnecting with his Will and Body drastically alter the events of the Graveyard. TerraNort single-handedly defeated all of the Guardians and Terra's intervention stopped them from losing and altered the timeline altogether. Plus, Terra was also carrying the Heart of Master Eraqus who ultimately ended the war by stopping Xehanort. Considering Terra's value to the War, I can't view him as any piece less than a Rook.
Ephemer - Rook. Though he plays a minimal role in the entire Keyblade Graveyard war and no role at all in the entire Xehanort Saga, his small appearance is what saves the wielders from total demise yet again to the Giant Demon Tide. Since he saved Light from expiring at the part in time where they were destined to expire he is a crucial chess piece. And for those who know chess, the Rook piece is required for a "castling" a move that saves the King (or again, the False King) which is exactly, to me, what Ephemer did.
Namine - Bishop. Her action of calling Terra changed the tide drastically. However, I will place her position as debateable as there may be others who you could count as a Bishop.
Yen Sid - Bishop. He saves the wielders from the Heartless Army, ultimately saving Light from expiring making him a key player in the War. Without him they most likely would have lost the war or would have been severely weakened and incapable of winning the war.
Mickey - Knight. I give Mickey Knight status due to his Last Stand where he single-handedly pushed back all of the 13 Xehanort Replicas and saved everyone. It may not be timeline altering but it is still a contribution nonetheless.
Aqua - Knight. Debateable position, however Aqua took the lead at several points in the battle and barked battle instructions, almost acting like a military general. Thus I rank her above some of the others.
Roxas - Pawn. Originally a pawn to Org 13, although he went through an incredibly journey he ended up locked away back into Sora's heart and wasn't able to participate or contribute to the war or storyline until he received a Replica body and Sora's connection.
Xion - Pawn. She was used as the 13th Darkness until Sora connected with her and helped Axel remember her.
Ventus - Pawn. He contributed to the war as an Original of the 7 Lights, but he did not alter the timeline nor save the Lights from expiring, nor did he take any lead during the war thus can only be considered a Pawn piece. Not to mention, he took an enormous backseat as a character after being asleep for 11 years. As such he hasn't had much time to shine since his Union Cross days. That may change in the next Arc, especially since he has ties to the Lost Masters.
Axel/Lea - Pawn. A literal Pawn to Org 13 for most of his story until the end when he final joins the the Guardians of Light. In fact, Xemnas even makes a chess analogy when calling Axel a "pawn" during his fight against Isa and Xion.
Donald - Pawn (extension of Sora)
Goofy - Pawn (extension of Sora)
Riku Replica - Pawn (extension of Riku)
And I know many will not like this, but I place Kairi as a Pawn. The reason isn't to shoot the character down, but I believe within the story she is literally treated like a Pawn. Her entire story begins with Xehanort treating her like a Pawn to get to the Keyblade Wielder. Narratively she is only used to push the stories further, constantly getting kidnapped or harmed. Some of the other characters are debateable but I stand firmly in that Kairi is a Pawn piece and it explains why she feels lackluster. She is meant to be, it's simply her role in the KH Chess Game. This doesn’t mean she'll stay a Pawn, as the Lost Master's Arc is starting a "new" KH chess game and thus the roles of many of the chess pieces (sans Riku and Sora) will change. I believe she'll be a Bishop in the Lost Master's Arc but as of the Xehanort Saga Kairi is only a Pawn.
But if Kairi is not the Queen piece, as I'm sure many of you initially thought, then who is?
I'm sure you noticed I skipped a character. That's right: Sora. Sora is the Queen piece in this game. A Queen piece acting in the place of the King, a false king. If you know chess you know that the Queen piece can move in any direction she wants as many spaces which is exactly what Sora is and what he can do. Sora is ridiculously OP as a character to the point he is often considered the most powerful and it's the Queen piece that is the most powerful, not the King piece as some unfamiliar with chess may believe. Sora can move any which way he pleases, even traverse time, travels worlds through hearts and hearts through worlds and even moves between Realms to save Riku from Dark Aqua as a Queen piece would rush to the save the King piece. All of which is reminiscent of a Queen moving all around a board in any way.
Riku is the King piece which is why the battle in the Keyblade graveyard wasn't considered over until Riku was defeated or checkmate'd. After Riku was defeated by the Demon Tide Storm, Sora was instantly knocked off the board. Also again, he is a mirror of Yozora much like the White and Black Kings in chess mirror each other. And if we think about the King piece in chess, Riku makes the most sense. The King is the most important piece and often times Riku is the most important to the story (especially Dream Drop Distance and now post Re:Mind) hence his character development and getting more development than Sora in many ways. In the Keyblade Graveyard War, he IS the most important as its his sacrifice that changes the timeline altogether and saves Light from Expiring. Without his sacrifice, the 13 Darknesses would have won and Light would have remained expired. It doesn't get any more important than that. In addition, if the Crown Necklace theory is proven true and Sora acquired his crown necklace chain from Riku, that means Riku was the original bearer of the Crown and most likely descends from Ephemer's Royal Line (which is all but confirmed, he literally looks like Ephemer) making him make even more sense as the King Piece.
Sora and Riku are the only two who I believe will keep consistent Chess roles as the King and Queen pieces. That's what their relationship is to one another. The only change I can see is Riku and Sora themselves officially swapping roles, with Sora becoming the True King and Riku relinquishing his role as King to become Queen. Considering the way Riku rushes to save Sora and how he travels to all ends to do so (including traveling to an entirely new universe just to save him once more and traveling between dreams to become a Dream Eater to save Sora), it almost is like he is beginning to move all around the "board" and could very well be showing signs of becoming a Queen piece to protect Sora, who would then become the new King piece.
We will have to wait and see which way this chess game goes in KH4 and beyond to confirm or deny any of this theory.
Anyway, that's all I have I hope you all feel free to share your thoughts. If you have alternate Chess Rankings, please feel free to share!
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//With 31.1% of the vote, our 8th match will be Komaru Naegi Vs Katie Mitchell from The Mitchell's Vs The Machines.
//I predicted as much after Fluttershy won the last one. Should be an interesting match for our Ultra Despair Girl.
//Speaking of girl protagonists, how about I give you another one?
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//Reasoning below:
Kotone - Both characters are female protagonists from the third mainline installment of their franchises (Danganronpa V3 and Persona 3) but are pretty unconventional in how they are presented (Kaede is the initial protagonist of V3, but then dies and her mantle is taken by Shuichi, and Kotone only appears in the canon of Persona 3 Portable, and isn't canon to the main series). They're both very gregarious, humorous, positive, and joyful, especially when compared to their dark blue haired and brooding male counterparts (Shuichi Saihara and Makoto Yuki). Unlike the other protagonists in their series, their conversations in all of their incarnations show a wide range of emotions, including sarcasm, humor, seriousness, and more. Both girls also wield blade-ended polearms as their weapon of choice.
Yun Jin - Both are widely recognized by their musical talent (Kaede is the Ultimate Pianist and Yun Jin is the leader of the Yuheng Opera Troupe) and both wield a polearm as their primary weapon of choice. Both are also outgoing and willing to try new things, in spite of their careers being rooted in classical origins.
Demyx - Both fight with weapons based on musical intruments (Kaede's Mozart MK2 is modelled after a piano while Demyx wields a Sitar weapon) and both are very casual and easygoing despite their immense strength and power. Both also work for a powerful organization, but on different sides (Future Foundation and Organization XIII)
Sara - In addition to being female high school students caught in a death game, they are also the protagonists of their games (at least initially for Kaede) and they rise fast to become the head of their respective groups. They are also highly regarded by their peers, and despite their tendency to take responsibility for themselves when things don't go as planned, the others appear to rely on them in most circumstances, in spite of the fact that both are still completely capable of doing "bad" things (Kaede almost killed Rantaro in the V3 universe attempting to murder the Killing Game's mastermind, and Sara has proven to be quite adept at manipulating others). One could argue that both are victims of the "Redshirt" trope (Despite being portrayed as the protagonist throughout, Kaede dies at the end of Danganronpa V3's first chapter. Sara is traumatized from the beginning after being made to witness her best friend Joe's death in a similar plot.)
Raine - Both are musicians with musical based powers and weapons, are are recognized as a leader of their specific group (The V3 Kids and the B.A.T's/C.A.T's) Both are very kind-hearted and nice to a fault, but they are both competent leaders and surprisingly good tacticians and fighters, who don't hesitate to ask difficult questions or make difficult decisions. They both have a close relationship with someone who many consider to be dangerous and/or a loose cannon, but trust them inexplicably (Kuripa Kurafto, whom Kaede sees as an older brother/mentor figure, and Eda Clawthorne, whom to Raine is old childhood friend and eventual partner). They both are shown to be incredibly devoted, selfless, and lively individuals who enjoy having fun, and they both enjoy making light fun of their friends, particularly their love partner (Shuichi and Eda), however, both have also been known to make heavy sacrifices for their sake (In an effort to reveal the Killing Game's mastermind, Kaede not only attempted to kill the hidden enemy, but forfeited her chance to escape and ultimately met her demise; while to stop the Day of Unity and save all the witches, Raine was prepared to give their life in order to defeat Eberwolf and Darius Deamonne.)
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randoimago · 11 months
Day 17 - Carnival AU
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Character(s): Ienzo
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): I believe the original requester wanted S/O to be the one suffering for Ienzo so here you go!!
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He had tried to warn you. He's told you all about the probabilities and how carnivals cheat people out of their munny. And yet he still sees the bags piling up on the stand as you continue to use the fake crossbow to try and pop the Moogle balloons. You have to pop as many as you can in under a minute and you were determined to get a high score to win him the massive Moogle stuffed animal.
While Ienzo did feel touched that you wanted to win him something (and a tad embarrassed), he did not want you to become broke while trying to do this rigged game. He thought dealing with Demyx's clones in ten seconds was awful. The crossbow you have keeps catching or the trigger gets stuck.
But you're determined to do this for him despite his protests. He told you that he'd settle for a funnel cake instead, which you replied with, "You'll get your cake and eat it to!" which made no sense to him but you're still trying to get the damned Moogle.
And rather it's luck or the operator of this carnival stand taking pity or just the power of spite, you manage to get the last balloon you needed popped just as the timer got to zero.
You and Ienzo let out a sigh of relief for different reasons as you're handed the Moogle stuffie which is then pushed into Ienzo's hands. He has half a mind to give the thing away with the amount of trouble it's caused, but he accepts because you did go through a lot because of him.
"I am never letting you do that again," Ienzo sighs out and you give him a cheeky smile. Because even if it did cause you to lose almost all of the munny you've had saved up, you managed to do it despite Ienzo's protesting.
"You know you love that plushie. Now let's go ride the ferris wheel!" Ienzo shakes his head as he follows you, pouting a bit because that's not a funnel cake. But he does manage a small smile because you look so happy and while he didn't want you to go through that much trouble for him, you still did. He hugs the moogle a bit tighter to match how his heart speeds up with how much he loves you.
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floriswrite · 1 year
It was a Friday night tradition to meet up at Vexen's. The man was on call on Saturdays and had made that a strict part of his contract with the hospital since having Zexion.
Vexen was not even always there for the parties that took place at his house.
The backyard had a firepit that Lexaeus and Xaldin had built with Xigbar's supervision.
A grill that everyone had chipped in to get as a father's day gift. Lexaeus and Xaldin took turns using it.
They had discussed a pool but neither Vexen nor Zexion were big on swimming and were happier with the grassed space. They did have a hot tub that sat upon a bricked off area. It was a more recent purchase.
A midlife crisis. Except his midlife crisis was supposedly Marluxia.
Larxene often arrived first for no other reason than she could. She worked as a wedding planner and her schedule was chaotic. She showed up with chips and pretzels and more often than not jello shots because she could.
The backyard was set up with various coolers that were labeled Yes Zexion and No Zexion. The joke would probably still stay even after he was twenty-one.
It was a toss up on when Lexaeus would show. It depended on school and parents and traffic. He taught first grade these days and he had never seen the man be more fulfilled. He brought soda and juice boxes.
Xaldin had the bakery open later on Fridays and brought whatever was left over from the day over. It was a smattering of fruit flavored cupcakes and flower shapped cookies. He always went home to change before coming over. He also brought burgers and portobello mushrooms with him.
Xigbar showed up with his charming personality and a cooler with fish in it. No one was going to question how far he drove to go fishing.
Marluxia arrived with fruit salad and an apologetic kiss about it being late. Vexen was not going to bring up the fact that everyone would be there until morning. Instead he took more kisses.
Demyx rolled in with vegetarian hotdogs and a thankful look to both Xaldin and Xigbar for remembering he was pescatarian.
Zexion kept Lexaeus and Xaldin company by the barbecue. He took up the task of sous chef, cutting up vegetables and getting things from the house. There was a concrete table built next to the babaque that filled with food just as quickly as it was taken.
Vexen refused to let anyone that came over go hungry. Even if he constantly forgot to eat.
They stayed outside well past the sun going down. His fence was hung with white icicle string lights that stayed up year round. Let alone a few stand lights and a bugzapper that was background noise.
Food was securely packed away before they headed inside. A mix match of Pyrex and Tupperware and Chinese Food Containers. Most of the food would stay at Vexen's and help get them through the recharge weekend the two introverts would have.
Vexen liked blankets. It also helped that one of Xaldin's various hobbies was crocheting and his other hobby was teaching Lexaeus his hobbies.
His couch still had the small quilt that they made for Zexion when he first joined the family.
His couch was shoved back while the coffee table and various chairs and lamps were moved against the walls. His floor was quick to become a mess of blankets and pillows and soon limbs.
A movie was put on, the flat-screen that Vexen found obnoxious illuminating his living room. It was nice.
Marluxia sat against him on the outer edge. Even after all of these years Vexen still found it hard to relax fully. Marluxia held one of Larxene's hands.
Zexion was always in the middle. Often times bracketed by Lexaeus and Xaldin. Safe.
Demyx felt the need to touch everyone in one way or another. Limbs all over the place as he laid on top of them.
Heads wound up in crotches.
Feet wound up held hostage to stop them from being in faces.
Spots were moved and lost between bathroom breaks.
It was what they all needed.
The morning was met with everyone's alarms at different times.
Demyx did not remember to turn his off or change them the night before and had no less than ten alarms that went auto snooze. Zexion turned his phone off. He knew he had no where to be until 2pm.
Breakfast was less of an adventure than the night but only just so.
Vexen owned this fancy vertical waffle maker that Xigbar found the most fascinating thing ever. It was also one of the few things he was allowed to touch in the kitchen.
It meant that Xigbar turned Vexen's kitchen into a waffle factory between people waking up and leaving because he certainly had no where better to be. He got out whipped cream and peanut butter and syrup and Zexion walked in to him in the pantry trying to find pie filling.
It was a nice morning after a nice night. But he was ready to curl up in his bed until monday.
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A challenge for mod! Songs that remind you of org members, not necessarily aesthetic wise or word wise, but songs that you hear and just think “yeah that’s them”
I tried to do songs I haven’t mentioned before - but yeah, these don’t necessarily match org members completely, but there’s something about these songs in particular that make me think of them.
Xemnas - You Should See Me in a Crown by Billie Eilish
“Count my cards, watch them fall. Blood on a marble wall, I like the way they all scream.“
Xigbar - Gun in My Hand by Dorothy
“Why did love put a gun in my hand? In my head, in my bed, in my hand.“
Xaldin - With Love by Christina Grimmie
“'Cause every time I’m slipping away from myself, you’re the one who moves me like nobody else.
Vexen - When the Darkness Comes by Colbie Caillat
“Drawn into your mystery, I was just beginning to see your ghost.“
Lexaeus - Dirt on My Boots by Jon Pardee
“Might have a little dirt on my boots, but I’m taking you uptown tonight. Might have a little mud on my wheels, but they’re gonna shine when you’re up inside.“
Zexion - I Put a Spell on You by Annie Lennox
“I put a spell on you because you’re mine. You better stop the things you do, I tell you I ain’t lying.“
Saix - Unsteady by X Ambassadors
“Mother I know that you’re tired of being alone. Dad, I know you’re trying to fight when you feel like flying.“
Axel - Let Him Fly by Patty Griffin
“The proof is in the fire, you touch before it moves away.“
Demyx - A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope
“It’s like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, but I’m holding you closer than most ‘cause you are my heaven.“
Luxord - Ballroom of Romance by Celtic Woman
“The week is over, work is done, now it’s time to have some fun. The place is old and there’s money owed, tonight forget that heavy load.“
Marluxia - Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
“She rings like a bell through the night and wouldn’t you love to love her?“
Larxene - Mexico by Carrie Underwood
“Run, run your own direction - I’ll lead ‘em down a different road. Take the gun, hide the car and the money, I’ll meet you in Mexico.“
Roxas - So Close by Jon McLaughlin
“So close to reaching that famous happy end.“
Xion - Gunpowder and Lead by Miranda Lambert
“I’m gonna show him what little girls are made of - gunpowder and lead.“
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Sora Is The Master Of Masters
Part 2:
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The design of the normal Chirithy is also bizarre given how, unlike every other dream eater, it has very calming, less vibrant colours compared to the likes of Meow Meow and the other dream eaters from DDD. Chirithy is small in stature but absolutely loyal to their master, to the point of falling into darkness with them to try and help them. Their fur is a grey-ish silver, with bright blue eyes, a blue and cream collared cape, as well as holding a pink pouch with what appears to be lux or a wayfinder around its neck. It’s design is made of a plush, toy-like texture and it has no mouth. Seemingly made by the MoM artificially somehow (much like how Sora would create Dream eaters in DDD), he describes them as “like cats or dogs, and they’ll be your loyal pet.” Unlike its original reveal, Backcover immediately tells us that these are not naturally made creatures but are made by the MoM as he shows it to the Foretellers in a scientific beaker and the Dream Eater theme plays, which directly matches how Sora and Riku would make them in DDD. The reason I call this to attention is due to both how much it reminds me of Riku, with its silver fur and loyalty, as well as Kairi with its pink pouch and blue eyes. It would make sense that, in order to make a loyal creature, Sora would combine qualities of his best friends into a single form. We never see anyone else, aside from the TWEWY gang, use Dream eaters aside from Sora and Riku. And what happens at the end of DDD and directly after in 0.2? Sora visits his dream eaters and misses the others going on their missions for KH3 due to the fact that he “likes to say goodbye to all his friends”. Meaning that Sora, unlike Riku who never uses Dream Eaters after DDD, values these creatures as much as his human friends and even uses them as a summon in KH3, meaning even in the real world he still has power over them.
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Now, knowing Nomura, there is also a good chunk of symbolism we can look to that hints towards these two being one in the same. In the opening for Kingdom Hearts 3, we are introduced with Sora’s opening quote “they can take your world, they can take your heart, cut you loose from all you know. But, if it’s your fate? Then every step forward, will always be one step closer to home.” Nomura has confirmed that this quote is Sora’s thoughts after the events of KH3 and follows his change of attitude towards destiny much like his speech about destiny. The actual opening begins with an image of Sora, alone, standing in The Final World and looking out towards the breaking light of morning—daybreak. These two scenes come across as very similar, focusing on Sora/MoM gazing out towards the daybreak sky littered with dark clouds (symbolism for the troubling times ahead ?) as they both proclaim a speech about destiny and talk about how what is to come is inevitable but the aftermath and how they handle that or what happens after is what is actually important. Both know of the hardships ahead; “A great war shall transpire. Darkness will prevail and the light expire”/ “they can take your world, take your heart, cut you loose from all you know.”, but decide to look ahead to the future with hope; “we have to focus on what comes after, there’s no point focusing on events that we know are going to happen!”/ “but if it's your fate, then every step forward will always be one step closer to home”.
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This opening scene quickly skips to night, traditioning to Young Xehanort staring at the night sky before seeing a purple light that represents his pull to darkness, suggesting the passage of time given it focuses on the sky shifting to these times. Having Sora be shown before Xehanort is suggestive enough, acting as though he came before Xehanort, while daybreak connects to the MoM's home of Daybreak Town. In recent time, the importance of the sky and its colour was given significance with the box-art showing it shifting from daytime to twilight to nighttime and finally daybreak with the foretellers looming ahead on the 2.8 box-art. A note to make is that this happens in the KH3 box-art also, with all the skies forming an x-shape with Sora square in the middle - Sora is connected to all of these skies and as a result, holds some connection to all these different times that those skies represent. Sora, and his entry into the series, has always been represented by daytime, so to include him at Daybreak, which may represent the death of night (Xehanort) and the birth of a new day (new saga for the series), it could also represent Sora himself coming far before any other character in the series. The end of the opening features Sora’s friends joining him, but it is now daytime.
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Xehanort moving his pieces to mark the actions of the villains throughout the games as everything leads up to KH3 and him making his way to Sora and surrounding him with his darknesses. When the prophecy comes to pass, he claims victory, only for Eraqus to pull the biggest cheaters' move in the book and the Dandelions save Sora once he reverses time. The Dandelions are led and their keyblades seemingly summoned by Emphemer, who asks Sora if he wants help... but why? Why would these ancient, dead keyblade wielders help Sora who has no connection to them aside from Ven who was easily murdered by Terranort in the previous timeline? Why would Emphemer, who is apparently long dead, appear to Sora and offer him help? And why, when Sora gazed up in surprise at the Keyblades and their Deux-ex Machina rescue, did his eyes have a green tint to them despite the dry, orange landscape around them much like how they changed to a green-blue colour, much like that of No Name, when confronted by the likes of Xigbar and Marluxia? Why have a close-up shot of his eyes especially? This reason also explains why Sora’s eyes don’t react to Larxene, Luxord or Demyx; they were not Dandelions or as connected to MoM as the Lauriam, Ventus and Ephemer.
The symbolism of the chess pieces continues to the end of the opening, when we see Sora still alone against the daybreak sky, holding Xehanort's piece while Young Xehanort a moment before stared at Sora's lone piece. Untouched. But alone. The symbolism of how, in the end, Sora is at the start of time and Xehanort is his pawn? How he was the one in control while Xehanort couldn't touch Sora? Because he had help from the past.
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And I would love to tell you. @spiiderbiites​
Fun fact: It does have a name, Deep Seas and High Stakes, but I am pretty sure it’s going to be tagged on both blogs as Mermaid AU That Needs a Name forever, because there were a lot of posts made with that tag, and even though tag replacer is a thing, so is laziness. Also, SOMEONE keeps forgetting the name. It’s me. I am someone, even though I came up with the name. I blame the fact that the title does not reference anything and isn’t a joke. It’s just “what sounds like a swashbuckling adventure romance mermaid and pirate au title?” title. The AU’s real name is Bless the Woodpecker anyway. Don’t ask.
Once Upon a Time, Eraqus and Xehanort ruled the Kingdom Below, comprised of the seas surrounding the Destiny Islands, together, the wisdom and magic of both rulers renown even in far off seas . Then there was a big, gay, magical, underwater divorce  a falling out. The stories say it was over King Xehanort's dabbling in dark arts, though other legends place the blame on King Eraqus's xenophobia and King Xehanort's belief that the denizens of the surface world could be easily manipulated negotiated with. This argument took a darker turn when the trident that they shared (a single conduit of unmatched strength that represented the harmony of their rule and their bond) was shattered, and with it, a large portion of both Mer-kings' power was lost. 
Eraqus retained rule and loyalty of their subjects and Xehanort was banished to deep trenches to nurse his grudges and seek still more twisted ways to rebuild his power. Good King Eraqus himself, suffering from broken heart and diminished strength, survived not long after (in mer terms) but it was not his wasting that killed him, but human menaces, cementing the lesson that the most dangerous creature of all in the mind of the young princess now queen, Aqua. 
Hatchmates Sora, Vanitas, Roxas, and Xion were eggs when the big, gay, magical, underwater divorce falling out happened and small fry when Eraqus passed, but they have heard far too many versions of the story. We don't talk about how the royal siblings came to be. We just don't. Don't ask. Magic was involved. IDK. "I Will Do Anything for Love but I Won't Do That" will start playing in the background if you start talking about seahorses and try to lock down details.
Anyway. Fast forward to the hatchmates grown. 
Vanitas has always been an outsider among his siblings, or at least he's always felt it. He's drawn to different currents, and his siblings don't understand, citing their own restlessness and desire to explore and to lead less sheltered lives when he tries to explain how his purpose lies elsewhere. He seeks out the only other family that he might have a connection with, Xehanort, and ends up staying with him to become his apprentice. Queen Aqua and his other siblings do try and go after him at different times but they are thoroughly discouraged by Vanitas himself.
Kairi, princess of a different sea kingdom, comes to live with our royal family. She's a gift--a description Kairi herself highly resents--a future wife for one of the princes, part of an arrangement made long ago. The marriage isn't to happen for a long time; she is allowed to get to know the princes and they her, and see what personality suits, but that is far as the freedom goes as Kairi's kingdom needs the alliance and the young Queen Aqua is regrettably convinced she cannot dissolve or alter the contract without incident. Kairi and Sora do hit it off immediately, so the choice would seem easy, but they are both still far from enthusiastic about the forced aspect of it all.
Life under the sea is really shaken up though when rebellious Prince Roxas, long time sneaky boat chaser, meets a sailor named Axel and is struck dumb in love. He starts disappearing more and more often and it doesn't escape notice. Even worse, this "human madness" spreads, Prince Sora and Princess Kairi both independently becoming obsessed with Axel's crewmate aboard the Dawnfire, Riku. Xion does not feel the same kind of bolt but she is convinced of Axel and Riku's good intentions and to keep this "hatchmate secret" from Aqua.
Ventus, a dreamer who was first to start weaving tales of mermaids even though he's not met any, and, the solid, reliable Terra, who Axel and Riku don't dare tell about their liaisons with the deep for fear of being laughed at in the best case and put in an asylum at the next port at worst,  round out the crew of the Dawnfire. 
Xion finds what she thinks is a match of her own when she follows the music of a "land siren" one day and meets Demyx. Unfortunately, Demyx and Xion are not as sneaky or as lucky as some others, and Demyx runs with a rougher crew than Axel and Riku. Xion's Land Siren proves as dangerous as his nickname implies when Xion finds herself caught in a trap of the infamous Thirteen ( a pirate crew  that is admittedly down a few numbers from what their name implies, which we blame on frequent mutinies) and then used in turn as bait for a bigger catch after Demyx is caught meeting with Xion by Xigbar and bullied into betraying her trust.
Why do they want the mermaids? Sell off mermaid scales as having magical and medicinal use when used as potion ingredients. Harvest mermaid tears. Sell the mermaids themselves to a sideshow. All valid reasons even if you discount that some larger plot may be at play.
What happens next? That's spoilers for one day when writing cute, funny scenes about Sora and Riku breaking down the language barrier or drawing Axel and Roxas snuggling isn't more pressing.
The mermaids aren't the only prisoners aboard the Thirteen's vessel though. There is also the fair Namine, a nobleman's daughter kidnapped for the ransom, though she is treated with far more accommodation.
Just put tagged/mermaid au that needs a name in my or Shaky’s blog for more, or ask more questions if you want.
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disneydreamlights · 3 years
Summary: While cleaning her room, Xion finds a box of shells and decides to make something for her friends.
A/N: Written for @disorganizine. Writing for this zine was an absolutely incredible experience and I am so thankful to Alias for letting me in!
Xion set down the box she was carrying next to the closet and began digging through for items that could be deemed as "useless clutter," to be gotten rid of on Xemnas's orders. After a certain member (Demyx) had been found with his room covered with music books all over the floor, the boss had ordered that they all clean out anything they didn't need. Admittedly, she didn't have much in her room to get rid of since she'd only been around for a little over one hundred days, but it still meant at least cleaning out her closet of everything that Xemnas would probably demand get tossed out.
"Alright, let's get to work." She nodded to herself before going through her belongings. Her Organization robes were hung up neatly, with the pants hung up underneath the cloak and her boots in the corner. The single casual outfit she owned (Vexen had bought it for her before he left, she thought) was kept folded in the corner and out of the way on the off chance she needed to go undercover. She almost decided then that there was nothing that she needed to clean out at that moment, but stopped when she saw a small box on the top shelf. She summoned her Keyblade and used the blade portion to push the box forward, hooking the key onto the back to pull it towards her and off the shelf. The box slid easily, and as soon as it fell off the shelf she sent away her Keyblade to catch it.
Box in hand, she sat down on the bed and opened it up. When she saw its contents, a soft smile fell upon her face. Inside the box were shells of all different colors from her early missions, back when she'd been sent frequently to the beach. Admittedly, it hadn't been the best time of her life; she'd collected some of those for Roxas in hopes that he'd wake up to see them, but she'd kept some for herself as well simply because they were pretty. And now that Roxas was fine, she could appreciate them just as they were.
As she picked up one shell, a plain white one that looked as though it had a mouth and teeth, her head began pounding.
"S–! R–!" a small girl with red hair approached two boys, a smile wide on her face. It felt like static was blocking their names, and their faces felt hard to make out.
"K–! What's up?"
"I wanted to give you these." She gave the two boys bracelets made up of the same shell. One was painted a bright yellow, and the other a bright red. On her wrist, she had a pink one that matched.
"You made these!" One boy looked at his bracelet with awe. The second boy looked over his own with a small smile as well.
The girl nodded. "They're friendship bracelets! That way no matter what happens, you'll always have something of me with you."
There was a slight feeling of sadness at the statement, and despite not feeling anything more there was a feeling of fear as though being taken from her friends was something that had happened to the girl once before and that she was afraid of happening to her again.
Before any elaboration could be given, Xion was pulled from the memory of her time before the Organization abruptly, leaving her confused as she glanced down at the shell in her hand once more.
"A friendship bracelet…" She couldn't keep the shells in the box in her closet anymore, not if she didn't want Xemnas mad anyways, but if she could get a few more shells like these, then maybe she could make bracelets like those for her current friends too.
It was about a month later, with the shells locked away in her drawers away from Xemnas's eye, that Xion finally managed to finish a mission early enough to go to the beach in her off time, so she took advantage of the opportunity almost as soon as it appeared. Her eyes skimmed the white sand for the ones from her memories. She could picture them in her head still, small and rounded, with a small opening that looked like teeth that would easily hold a string without allowing it to slide off.
She skimmed her hand over the sand, ignoring the feelings of familiarity as she searched, knowing that they belonged to a life she could no longer remember.
"You're looking for shells?" Xion turned around at the sound of a new voice, surprised to see a girl with dark red hair behind her. She almost summoned a corridor of darkness in panic, as they were never supposed to be noticed in the worlds they visited. The girl had evidently picked up on this, because she raised her hands in an attempt to show she had nothing on her to hurt Xion with. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to know." She smiled.
Deciding that, for now, she could at least answer the question, Xion nodded. "I am. I'm hoping to make bracelets for my best friends."
The girl nodded, and knelt down, her eyes skimming the area in front of her, much to Xion's confusion. "I used to do that all the time when I first got here," she said, her voice soft as though thinking of a good memory from her past. "I stopped a few months ago, when I lost my best friends."
Kind words full of reassurances almost escaped Xion's mouth, but there wasn't much more she could say. She didn't know the girl's best friends, even if she once had. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright, I know they're out there somewhere." The girl picked up a shell, and passed it over to Xion, reminding her once more of the search she'd been intending. "And I'll be here waiting for them when they return."
Xion nodded, unsure of what to say, and returned to her initial search for shells as she grabbed a few more that she managed to find. She expected them to continue to search in silence when the girl spoke up again. "You're from another world, aren't you?"
"I am." She could have lied to her, but given the girl's pre-existing knowledge, perhaps it wouldn't matter if she mentioned the other worlds after all. "You've been to other worlds?"
"A couple," the girl said. "My friends are on other worlds too."
"If I see them, I'll let them know you're looking." Something deep in her told Xion that she wouldn't manage to find the girl's friends, but there was a part of her that felt a connection with the girl. A vague inkling that maybe, before she'd become a Nobody, she and the girl had been close. "Maybe I could have my friend's search too?"
The girl shook her head, a sad smile forming on her face. "Thank you. I have a feeling they're not ready to come home yet, but I'll see them again soon." She held out the shells she'd collected to Xion, who took them. "Do you know how to make the bracelets? I can help if you don't."
"I'd appreciate it." Xion smiled, the help appreciated given her memories had never supplied the steps to make them.
The girl grabbed her hand. "Let's go to my house then, my parents won't mind, and I can show you how and lend you paint!"
She spent the rest of the free time after her mission working on the bracelets and making a new friend.
It was late when Xion had arrived back in the castle, late enough that even Saïx had turned in for the night. She hadn't intended to stay on the islands that late, but the girl (her name had been Kairi) kept her late and she hadn't been ready to leave. As it was, she was probably going to be in trouble for not turning in a mission report, but had she stayed any later she wouldn't have left until morning and that would have gotten her a worse punishment than the one she was already looking forward to.
As she started to walk the corridor to her room, she heard her name and turned around to face a very worried Roxas, followed by a concerned Axel. "We've been looking everywhere for you."
"You have?" Xion asked.
Axel rubbed a hand through his spiked hair, as though embarrassed. "Well not everywhere, but we were already worried when you didn't show up at the clocktower, and then when Saïx said you never rtced…"
They'd gone looking, which was probably why they were still up at this hour. Xion couldn't help but smile. Even if she'd felt bad for causing them to be so worried, it meant that she could give them the bracelets now instead of waiting for tomorrow. "I'm sorry, if I'd known I'd be on the beach this late, I would've found a way to let you know."
"You were at the beach?" Roxas tilted his head slightly, waiting for an answer as to why an impromptu beach trip was even taken, let alone one that would take hours.
She pulled out the two extra bracelets she'd made, one now a bright red and the other a light blue. "I had a memory of who I was before. I used to make bracelets like these for my friends then. Now that I remembered, I wanted to give them to you too."
Axel and Roxas both were caught off guard, though Axel recovered faster, giving Xion a big grin. "So you wanted to surprise us? Well, I'd say this is a pretty good surprise, right Roxas?"
Axel nudged Roxas with his elbow, pulling him from his thoughts. "Right." He nodded. "Did you make one for yourself too?"
She nodded, and lifted up her wrist to reveal the purple shell bracelet she'd made herself. "Of course. They're meant to connect us together, I couldn't just not make one for me."
"Axel and I could've made one for you, right?" Roxas asked.
At that comment, Axel laughed, though he disguised it as a cough. "I suppose we would've, it might have been made out of ice cream sticks instead of sea shells though, knowing Roxas."
"I could've gone to the beach and collected shells!"
At Roxas's protest, Xion held back a giggle. "Even if it was made out of ice cream sticks, I would've loved it anyways." And she would've. It would've been a gift from her friends and that would've been priceless.
She watched them share a grin, before Axel turned to face Xion once more. "Anyways, it's getting late, and after spending so much time searching. I'm beat." He started down the hallway, beginning the walk to his room. "I'll see you both tomorrow before our missions."
"Of course." Xion smiled. "And Roxas, Axel, I promise, next time I'm late, I'll let you both know, so you don't have to worry about me."
"We'll hold you to it."
As Axel and Roxas left down the hallway, Xion went to her own room, a smile on her face and a spring in her step.
Sure, she still had some paperwork to do, but she'd given her friends something to show her love for them, and their smiles made all the trouble that she'd be getting into the next day worth it.
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skysabri9 · 4 years
What made you start shipping Larxene and Demyx
Hello again! ^^ I started shipping LarxDem a looooooooong time ago. Why? Because I kinda like the “enemies to lovers” dynamic. Although in most cases the characters aren’t actually enemies but simply don’t get along well at the beginning and it’s fun to watch their interactions xD And that’s what happened with LarxDem. The way they were constantly arguing, mostly about silly things and trying to annoy the other one, made me think there was probably a deeper meaning to it, maybe they had feelings for each other but weren’t sure about it - were trying to deny it - and/or that’s the best way they found to catch the other’s attention (and what a way, huh? xD but that happens a lot in real life too, lol). Plus, I’ve always thought they make a good couple because their personalities complement each other, so their relationship and its development would be pretty interesting. Also, their appearances match, so they look good together as well! :) Thanks for your ask! ♥
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kingdomheartsmarts · 4 years
Can I please request Lea, Xigbar, and Demyx getting pegged? (Lol just saw ghose headcanons for Demyx and had to request! Thank you~)
well, we’ve already pegged xiggy in the time that this ask has been sitting in my ask box- it can be found here. i had fun with these~ 
thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoy~ 
smutty under the cutty
Demyx & Lea being Pegged
“What was that?” You sneered, landing another slap against his blushing ass as you thrust forward, a hand wrapped securely in his hair while Lea whimpered under you. 
“Th-thank you,” Lea corrected himself, stilling his hips as he restrained the urge to squirm against the strap on, his pretty red ass starting to match his hair. 
“I don’t think that’s what you said,” You rubbed your hand over his stinging flesh, the delicious pain that made his cock twitch against his stomach- a rough slap landing against him again, “So what should you say?” 
“Thank you,” Lea panted, your hips rolling against his in reward, his soft pants making your core pulse with pleasure. 
“Good boy,” You praised him, a hand leaving his hair as you rest your hands on his hips, rolling your hips with precision as he whimpered at the coursing pleasure.
“A-am I allowed to moan?” Lea shakily asked you, half expecting to be spanked for talking out of turn. 
“Hm, you’ve been fairly well; moan,” You said after a moment, a hand leaving one of his hips to roughly hold his cock, an intoxicating moan resonating through the room, “good boy.” 
“Thank you,” Lea panted, his hands giving out, falling to his forearms. 
“Now take your reward~” 
“Look at you, all pretty just for me,” You said sweetly, your eyes scanning over your panting boyfriend, his cyan eyes meeting yours as he whined at your stillness within him. 
“I bet you want me to fuck you hard, don’t you?” You teased, running a hand down his chest while he wrapped his legs tightly around you, another whimper escaping his lips. “Use your words, Demyx.” 
“I want you to be gentle,” He finally said after thinking for a moment 
“Then I’ll be gentle, baby,” You quietly reassured him, noticing the blush that spread across his cheeks at his shy confession, “Do you just want me to take care of you tonight?” 
Demyx nodded, his legs tightening around your hips in an attempt to get you to move. “There you go,” you quietly praised him, his head falling back against the pillows as he moaned, one of his hands finding yours as it clung to yours. 
“I’m right here, Demyx,” you reassured him, slowly rolling your hips with precision against his prostate, his bottom lip being taken between his teeth. 
“It feels good,” Demyx moaned lowly, his hand squeezing yours. 
“Good; now relax and be a good boy- I’m going to take care of you.”  
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atrashsith · 5 years
Initially written as a joke based on this post, people have asked me to continue it as an actual fic and... someday I will, I love Isa with all my heart
“Where’s Lea? He’s running late.”
Isa scrunched his nose up. I didn’t know if it was because of the mediocre coffee they served at some café Lea recommended us, or due to my question, but when he turned to me with a grimace I got my answer.
“Nevermind.” I sighed and propped my elbows on the table with my own cup in hands. I blew on it until I thought it was cold enough, then burnt my tongue as soon as I sipped. “Fuck this. Lea’s not coming, again , why are we still here?”
He frowned down at his cup. “The movie doesn’t start for another hour.”
“Fuck that too. I’m not in the mood anymore.” I grunted and left some munny in the table beside my full cup, then went to stand up, only to be held back by Isa holding my wrist. I felt my eyes starting to burn, so I kept my eyes away from him.
“Let’s go to my place then. We can watch something on Netflix, stop somewhere to buy junk food.”
I sighed as he moved his hand down to intertwine his fingers with mine. “Only if we buy some alcohol too. I’m thinking tequila shots.”
“Just beers. We’re not getting wasted, we have class tomorrow.”
I pouted as I finally turned to face him. He raised an eyebrow, as if daring me to retort. I scoffed and pulled at his hand. “Fine. Let’s get going before I find my common sense and buy that bottle of tequila behind your back.”
“Is he hiding somewhere around here?” I looked around his apartment as soon as I walked in.
He glanced at me amused as he kicked the door close. I pointed towards the couch and squinted my eyes.
“He’s going to jump out from behind the couch, isn’t he?”
“He didn’t even come home last night.”
I frowned as I turned towards Isa. “Really?”
“Or the night before that.” He murmured as he walked past me with the plastic bags, as if he didn’t want me to hear him.
“Wait, wait, wait. What? ”
He scoffed as he dropped the bags on the counter and pulled the beers out to put them in the freezer. “I saw him yesterday after class, he was hanging with those kids from your year.”
“Well… duh, they’ve been friends for years.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I thought you were gonna say he’s been doing drugs with Demyx, or that he’s hanging out with that hot senior again.”
I managed to make him crack a smile at that. I silently cheered as he looked down and his hair prevented me from admiring the rare sight. “There are a lot of hot seniors. You have to be more specific.”
I dropped myself on the couch, kicking my shoes off to curl myself in a ball and wrap a blanket sitting at the end of the couch around me. “One of the twins, the cute one.”
“Xemnas?” His voice sounded distant, like he had gone deeper into the apartment.
I snapped my fingers and raised my voice so he could hear me. “That’s the one. I wish he was into cute freshmen girls, or at least one of his brothers. I want to hook up with one of them.” I turned the tv on and tried to find something decent to watch. “Or all three of them, I don’t really care.”
“I didn’t need that mental picture.” He groaned as he finally came out into the living room, now wearing navy sweatpants and a thin shirt.
He offered me one of his shirts. I smiled before taking it and shuffling towards the bathroom to change quickly, folding my clothes and putting them aside before Isa could yell at me for being messy.
“Okay, but picture this.” I continued the conversation when I plopped down beside him. “I hook up with Xemnas, I get pregnant, and since he’s going to med school, boom! I’ll have a doctor baby daddy.”
“I heard Ienzo’s dad has taken an interest in Xemnas. What if he offers him a job when he graduates?”
“Ienzo’s rich ass dad? Even better! He’ll gift us something expensive for our wedding. Some ridiculously overpriced thing I see and put in the gift list thingy.”
Isa snorted and held his arm out so I could cuddle into his side. His hair tickled me as I laid my face on his shoulder.
“I can’t believe I got all dolled up for nothing.”
I could feel him rolling his eyes. “I did tell you we could still go to the movies. Sun’s still out.”
“It’s not the same without Lea.”
He tensed up, then tightened his arm around me. He let out a sigh that made my hair blow into my face. I huffed and blew at it to make it go back in place, but Isa ended up laughing and tucking the wild strands behind my ear.
“He’s just catching up with his other friends. He’ll be back with us before you know it.”
“Well, while we wait, go get us the first round of beers, will ya?”
“I have an idea.”
“I’m gonna go against my better judgement to ask, what is it?”
I pinched his side. “Listen, let’s get married.”
“Now, why on Radiant Garden would I do that?”
I reached blindly to pinch his nipple, judging by his yelp I succeeded. “That hurt, man. Anyways, we wouldn’t be married, married. We just getting fake married.”
I sat up and gulped down the rest of my beer number… whatever, to place it on the coffee table. He nursed his beer in his hand as he looked at me amusedly.
“Look, we can send Ienzo’s rich dad an invitation to our fake wedding. He’s rich as fuck, if I didn’t mention that earlier, and he won’t even have time to attend something as trivial as a wedding of two dumbasses still in college. He’ll send us an expensive gift with an apology that he won’t make it to the ceremony and boom, we can ‘break’ off the engagement. I promise to split the cash I get when I sell it forward.”
“You can keep the munny.” He placed his beer, still half full, on the table. I almost fell to the ground as I looked at him in disbelief.
“Is that… Is that a yes?” I scrambled off the couch to find my phone. “I’m texting Ienzo right fucking now. Holy shit, I’m gonna pay half my tuition with this.”
I sipped the last of my coffee and threw the paper cup away right before I arrived really fucking late to my pre-calculus class. I waved at the professor, who seemed too chill about me arriving to class only twenty minutes before it ended.
“You’ve got to stop doing that.”
I winced. “Stop being so loud, I’m right here.”
Kairi narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re hungover.”
“No shit.” I crossed my arms on the chair’s small table and laid my head on top. “I found Lea’s alcohol stash yesterday, but Isa thinks I’m a lightweight that got drunk off like three or four beers. Please don’t tell him otherwise.”
“You know he scares me. Your secret is safe with me.”
I smirked and held my fist up. She fist bumped me before turning her attention back to the professor and letting me sleep those twenty last minutes, but the moment I closed my eyes Kairi was already shaking me awake because class was over.
I groaned and walked out of the room after telling her that I’d see her later, and made my way to my next class. I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I walked across campus as fast as I could, even though I didn’t care if I arrived a couple of minutes into the lecture.
I bumped into a hard chest and heard a heavy book falling on the ground. I opened my eyes. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see where I was going.”
Ienzo’s silverish blue hair came into my field of vision when he stood straight after picking up his book. “It’s okay.” His eyes closed when he grinned at me. “I was distracted as well. I was trying to walk and study for my chemistry exam.”
“Sciency stuff, got it.” I laughed and held onto the strap of my bag. “Well, don’t let me keep you. I’m sure you’ll ace it, nerd.”
The only visible part of his cheek seemed to be tinted red to match Lea’s hair. “Right. By the way, the invitation arrived safely this morning in the mail. I was surprised, only last night you texted me. My dad said he was going to be able to attend as well, since we’ll be on summer break by then.”
I furrowed my eyebrows and laughed nervously. “The invitation?”
“For your wedding?” He half asked, half stated. “I have to say, I’m surprised you’re marrying Isa. I always thought you had a thing for Lea.”
“I’m marrying Isa.” I repeated with raised eyebrows.
He looked down at his watch and suddenly I saw a bead of sweat slipping down his forehead. “Gotta go, it’s good to see you again!”
I nodded, but I was suddenly too distracted to pay attention to my next class. I called Isa and, unsurprisingly, it went straight to voicemail. I always joked that he had to stop putting his phone on airplane mode when he was in class because someday I’d have an emergency and he would be the last to know. Well, today I was having an emergency and it seemed like he really would be the last to know.
Isa smiled down at me as he slid on the opposite side of the booth from me. “Why do I have almost twenty missed calls from you? Is everything alright?”
I took a deep breath. “Have you, by any chance, seen Ienzo around?”
“Not since august, really. He’s always studying.”
“Okay.” I closed my eyes and placed my hands flat on the table. “Remember that crazy idea I had of faking our wedding so that his dad would send us an expensive gift?”
“Yes, I even took your phone from your hands to keep you from calling Ienzo to ask for his address. You dropped it after I let you have the rest of my beer.”
I shook my head. “Please tell me you saw me getting into bed.”
“No, but I dropped you off right at the door of your dorm around nine o'clock.” He leaned forward as he narrowed his eyes at me, voice lowering to a threatening tone. “What did you do?”
I puckered my lips as I suddenly found our surroundings interesting as hell. He reached across the table and grabbed my chin so I would look at him.
“I may have gotten creative and sent Ienzo’s dad a fake invitation for our fake wedding…” I groaned and dropped my head on the table. “I don't remember walking out of my dorm at all. That’s not even the worse part. Do you want to hear the worse part?”
“Just… get it over and done with.”
“He’s coming.” I raised my head to look at him. “Ansem the fucking Wise is coming to my wedding, and I’m not even getting married.”
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Can I request Organization XIII with a team of pokemon they would use?
Ohhhh!!! (Kanto to Alola, I can’t include the Galar Pokémon that were already revealed because I actively try to avoid everything about Sword and Shield until I hold the game in my own two hands)
He tends towards strong and impressive Pokémon
Of course, he’s aware that smaller Pokémon also have their merits, and he does have one or two in his team, but in general, he tends towards those that could easily scare his opponents
Team: Hydreigon, Tyranitar, Salamence, Garchomp, Zebstrika, Delphox
He has a few others at the castle, in case one from his main team gets hurt and needs replacing
If he could add a legendary to his team, he’d pick Necrozma
If Xigbar does his job right, his enemies won’t even know he’s there before they’re, well, dead
As such, his team is also mostly made up of either sneaky or long-range pokémon
Team: Umbreon, Sableye, Decidueye, Scolipede, Honchkrow, Noctowl
Back in the Castle, Xigbar has a Cutiefly - No one else knows about it, though
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick Arceus (though he wouldn’t mind Yveltal or Darkrai either!)
Another one who prefers strong, impressive Pokémon
However, he isn’t as focused on them as Xemnas is; he prefers is team well-rounded
Team: Haxorus, Braviary, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Drapion, Rhyperior
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick Giratina
Now, Vexen isn’t much of a fighter - He can fight, of course, but that’s not what he usually does
As such, he doesn’t need to rely on having a team that can fight. Instead, he has Pokémon that can either help with recon missions or in his research
Team: Abra, Stoutland, Malamar, Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee, Porygon-Z
He never really thought about which Legendary he’d add; however, he’d be very interested in Ultrabeasts and human-made or human-altered Pokémon (Mewtwu, Genesect, Magearna, Kyurem thanks to its ability to fuse with Zekrom/Reshiram)
He prefers big, burly Pokémon, though for a different reason than Xemnas does
For one thing, he likes training with them, and the stronger his Pokémon, the better the effect
Second reason being that he is somewhat worried they might get hurt in a fight, and the more they can take, the more likely it is for them to make it through
Team: Kommo-o, Lucario, Tauros, Aegislash, Alolan Sandslash, Tyrantrum
While it doesn’t live at the castle, he’s managed to make friends with a Kangaskhan
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick Groudon
Now, Zexion is used to fighting from a distance while someone else is close-range and holds off the enemy
His team reflects that; mainly long-range Pokémon, with one or two to keep the enemy from getting closer
Team: Gallade, Decidueye, Florges, Chandelure, Gengar, Milotic
Back at the Castle, he has a Porygon2
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick Hoopa
Axel tends to tease him that he should have a bunch of Fairy types, considering his affinity for the moon, but he prefers his team well-rounded
Berserk mode gives him, personally, a great offense; however, it also means he can’t really fight with his team, since he might risk hitting them in the process
His favorite tactic is to let his team wittle down his enemy’s stamina, then call them back and finish the opponent off
Team: Swampert, Mimikyu, Aurorus, Chesnaught, Miltank, Wobbuffet
He still has a Sylveon from his days as a Somebody; it refuses to battle for him, but it also refuses to leave
If he could any Legendary, he’d pick Lugia
In battle, Axel needs Pokémon who can, literally, take the heat; many of his attacks pretty much set the entire room on fire, and it’s easier if he doesn’t have to be careful
As such, most of his team is a Fire type, though he might have one or two from other types, too
Team: Ninetails, Flareon, Typhlosion, Toxapex, Incineroar, Rapidash
Back at the Castle, he’s got a Litten - And yes, it’s related to his Incineroar
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick Entei
So, Demyx doesn’t care too much about fighting, and his team reflects that
Instead, he pretty much just picks Pokémon he thinks are cool
Team: Loudred, Chatot, Wigglytuff, Primarina, Seviper, Alolan Raichu
That said, do not underestimate his team. It might not look as impressive as, say, Xemnas’s, but if need be, he can and does use it amazingly well in a battle
If he could add any Legendary to his team, he’d pick Suicune
He has a thing for luck-based attacks - Be that due to low accuracy, high crit chance, or randomness like Metronome
That doesn’t mean his team has only that, but it’s noticeable
Team: Absol, Togetic, Persian, Crobat, Liepard, Meowstic
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick either Victini or Celebi
He has quite a few Pokémon, but seperates them into a battle team and a group which can help him in the garden
His battle team is pretty well-rounded, as he doesn’t focus on just one kind of Pokémon
Team: Espeon, Venusaur, Electivire, Altaria, Houndoom, Aggron
Garden Team: Diglett, Politoad, Spinarak
Also, he has an Espurr that he keeps as a pet
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick Virizion
Larxene isn’t one to pass up a fight; she can and will fight alongside her Pokémon
As such, she likes the ones that can match her preferred fighting style, which mainly relies on speed
(Outside of battle, she’s taken a liking to fluffy, cute Pokémon. But shh, don’t tell her I told ya!)
Team: Weavile, Crobat, Scyther, Luxray, Beedrill, Emolga
Back in the castle, she has a Glameow
If she could add any Legendary to her team, she’d pick Agoyon
Since he’s one of the newest members, his team isn’t fully formed yet
In general though, he likes once that are kind of speedy and/or cool looking; plus, he tends towards first capturing a lot before he really focuses on training them
Team: Krokorok, Zebstrika, Totodile, Riolu, Ralts
If he could add any Legendary, he’d pick Celesteela, though he’d also love Silvally and Zeraora
Similar to Roxas, her team isn’t complete (or completely evolved) yet either
She prefers Pokémon that can support her or the team and/or give her opponent a disadvantage, and tends towards focus more on training the Pokémon she already has rather than catching new ones
Team: Bayleef, Sylveon, Roserade, Ribombee
If she could add any Legendary, she’d pick Jirachi
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Want to go on vacation so I have to live vicariously through this blog - org xiii going on a cruise?
oh my god let’s get this chaos rolling - I’ve never actually been on a cruise before but I would absolutely love to go on one
if i had drawing skills i would totally draw some of this because it just cracks me up to no end
EDIT: i added some stuff about Xigbar because i forgot about him lmao
Xemnas: “Whoever is humming the Jaws theme song is going to get their ass kicked.“
They’re all sorely in need of a good vacation, something that they can all enjoy where they can do their own things but not be bothered by each other. Someone mentions a cruise in passing and some of the members are doubtful at being stuck on a boat with one another for a long period of time, but... Well. The boat is large and there’s an open bar and a WATER SLIDE so it doesn’t take long to get everyone on board with the plan.
They know that a lot of rooms on cruise ships don’t actually have windows, but Lexaeus, Marluxia, Vexen, and Xemnas all demand rooms with windows. Lexaeus and Marluxia can get a bit seasick if they’re in the bottom of a boat without seeing where they actually are, Vexen is high maintenance, and Xemnas isn’t having anything less than the best.
They don’t plan on paying out the ass for rooms, so they all decide to share. Roxas and Xion get their own room that’s connected to the room shared by Vexen and Lexaeus. Lexaeus, who was originally going to share with Xaldin, was forced to switch when Vexen refused to room with Xigbar. Xemnas refuses to share with anyone other than Luxord (because Luxord spends most of his time out and about and is actually rarely in the room), while Saix shares with Axel. Larxene and Marluxia cling to one another  while Demyx and Zexion claim the last room with a window because Demyx wanted to see the ocean.
Vexen: Okay, kids, just remember to stick with your buddy when you’re on the ship and that if you go overboard, none of us are going after you.
Zexion: I have a question.
Vexen: Yes?
Zexion: What happens if you go overboard? Do we just not go after you?
Vexen: If I go overboard then it means I went overboard on purpose to get away from all of you.
There are so many things that you can do on a cruise ship and everyone is ready to stay far enough away from each other while they still enjoy themselves. Even if they’re attending the same event, chances are that they won’t be sitting near each other. They have ONE night where they all sit and have a nice dinner together, but otherwise it’s free roam for each and every one of them.
The younger ones spend most of their time lounging in or around the pool, playing around on the water slides and generally causing a lot of chaos. Roxas and Xion enjoy swimming and playfully splashing each other with water when the life-guard (and Saix) aren’t paying attention, and they all enjoy trying to tip Lexaeus and Xaldin over when they decide to join them at the pool. Axel and Demyx manage to literally carry and drag Zexion out to the pool sometime during the second day, and the young magician actually manages to enjoy himself even though he’ll never admit it.
Demyx: Zexion, stop being a sourpuss and come terrorize people at the pool with us.
Saix is also at the pool, only so he can keep an eye on the others. It’s a good thing he does because chances are that someone is going to get in a fight with someone else - probably Larxene, when she and Marluxia decide to do some sunbathing - because some asshole thought it would be cool to hit on Larxene when she’s relaxing and that’s just going to be hell for everyone.
Some mornings are for GETTING PUMPED. Not wanting to get lazy just because they’re on vacation, Xaldin and Lexaeus do spend a bit of time in the fitness area, lifting weights and waking themselves up before they enjoy themselves with other activities.
Near the gym is the SAUNA/steam room! You can bet your ass that Axel will NOT be working out but he’ll definitely be in the steam room a few times during the trip. Demyx will join him on occasion and they usually get a big kick out of all the old people that end up there. Overall, they just like sitting and chilling like two bros
SPA TIME. You can guarantee that Marluxia and Larxene are spending a lot of the time in the spa with giant mixed drinks - mimosas in the morning with fancy breakfast treats, mai-tais in the evening. Facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, everything they can think of until they’re limp and pliant and lazy. Xemnas joins them one day for a back massage, much to Marluxia’s chagrin, while Demyx joins them when they get facials.
Saturday night brings a casino night in the main area of the ship, a tiny competition that has Luxord all but shaking excitedly with energy. Of course, he sweeps the floor with the competition during a giant poker match, and wins a nice $2500 prize for coming in first place. They’re all shocked and extremely impressed at how good his poker face is. He spends a good amount of time in the casino area during their cruise, but takes frequent breaks to go swimming, to the spa, or to tan on one of the Adults-Only decks with Xemnas.
All of the eating areas are a big hit. The younger group tends to go for the tiny food places by the pool, where they can find burgers, curly fries, hot dogs, tator tots, and giant slushies. The older ones like the sit down restaurants. Expensive wine, lobster with a delicious garlic butter, top rated filet mignon with a specialty seasoning, and live entertainment - usually someone playing piano, occasionally accompanied by a singer. Overall, they both agree that they have wonderful dining experiences.
Holy shit, when I tell you that Vexen somehow ends up entering and WINNING a shuffleboard tournament? It takes the whole organization by surprise. Somehow he just ended up on one of the decks and was observing some of the skilled, veteran players, and one of them asks if he’d like to give it a shot. He does and DAMN, he’s like an expert immediately????
Vexen: *comes back to the room he’s sharing with Lexaeus with a giant trophy in one hand and a margarita in the other*
Lexaeus: Uh... what’s that?
Vexen: Hm? A margarita, what does it look like?
Xemnas is the one who mostly sticks to himself the whole time. He tries a little bit of everything. Swimming, the hot tub, reading on a chair and getting a deep tan, relaxing at the spa, getting a bit of a work out, etc. He’s a fancy bitch who enjoys the fancier things in life, and holy shit they paid a LOT of money for this cruise for 14 people so he’s absolutely going to get his money’s worth.
Movie night is every night on a cruise ship, so everyone will gather together and lounge either in the pool or on one of the deck chairs and relax as a movie is played on a giant screen. It’s a good way for them to do something together without bothering one another. Axel and Saix help pass out sodas, icee’s, and popcorn before moving to lounge in the hot tub before the movie begins.
Xigbar has made himself known to the waitstaff on the ship for two reasons - he has good taste in alcohol and he’s an incorrigible flirt. He doesn’t mean any harm with it and he has no intentions of acting on it any further than a few playful words, so everyone knows not to take him seriously when they spot him flirting with a cabana boy or the staff in the gym.
Xigbar also has a secret night time routine, surprisingly with Saix. One night, Xigbar just couldn’t sleep and he found himself walking around the ship at three in the morning, when it was quiet and most people were asleep and the halls were almost empty. He ended up on the bow of the ship and it was AMAZING to look out on the water and the sky and just enjoy the sea breeze. He did the same thing the next night and found that Saix had beaten him there. After some quiet glaring, they mutually agreed just to enjoy it and not bother one another.
Finally, most of the younger group barely get any sleep. They order room service like crazy for various midnight snacks and have fun in the arcade beating high scores on all of the games they can manage until they all end up dragging themselves back and passing out in a single room together.
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