#this one is pretty messy but thank god the coloring came in clutch
chvoswxtch · 1 year
girls night
pairing: elektra natchios x fem!reader
summary: elektra is always trying to convince you to come out with her. one night, you convince her to stay in.
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of alcohol, explicit sexual content (minors dni)
word count: 4.5k
a/n: this one goes out to my one & only @pleasurebuttonwrites. thank you for requesting this & letting me be a feral whore for my babygirl elektra. ❤️ as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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To say you were intimidated when you first met your roommate would be a severe understatement. Elektra Natchios radiated pure confidence, came from a family that was richer than God, and always got whatever she wanted. 
Oh, and on top of that, she was drop dead fucking gorgeous.
The second you stepped through the door of your shared dorm room, her deep brown eyes were on you, shamelessly analyzing you from head to toe before meeting your stupefied gaze. A playful smirk tugged at the corner of her lips as she quirked one of her perfectly arched dark brows.
“You must be Y/N?”
And she had an accent. Of course she fucking did.
You couldn’t even speak. She was dressed to the nines in an outfit that probably cost more than your entire life with perfectly straightened hair while you were…well…it was move in day so you had on a comfy pair of leggings and your favorite sweatshirt, and your hair that you hadn’t brushed in three days was tied in a knot on top of your head that was far too messy to be passed off as cute. 
Clutching onto your bag a little tighter, you feebly nodded as you stared at her. Elektra seemed to find your quietness amusing, because her lips pulled into a full blown devilish grin as she sauntered over to you.
“Oh don’t be shy, little dove. We live together now. I’ll get you to open up for me sooner or later.”
Elektra fully taking you under her wing was not something you had anticipated. You weren’t really sure what to think of her at first. You didn’t necessarily think she would be a mean girl, but you certainly didn’t think she would like you. The two of you were polar opposites. 
Elektra could be abrasive to some, demanding oftentimes, and probably came off as a spoiled brat to anyone that dared to tell her no, but she was always gentle and patient with you. 
She constantly invited you to come out with her friends, which you always graciously declined, to which she would purse her ruby lips in a pout and give you pleading eyes that nearly made you give in; but she never pushed you. 
“Alright, fine. Don’t come have a good time with me. Just break my heart, yet again.”
She asked for your opinions on placement when she wanted to re-decorate, which happened to be every two months like clockwork. 
“Styles come and go, love. We’ve got to keep up with the times. Don’t you think the couch would look better over there?”
She constantly bought you things that she would just leave around for you to find, knowing that you would protest if she tried to give them directly to you, and would come up with an excuse as to why you both needed it.
“Darling, your coffee machine was practically being held together by duct tape. Besides, you love espresso, and so do I. And it came in your favorite color. We need the best caffeine money can buy if we’re to survive midterms, yeah?”
You warmed up to her pretty quickly, granted she didn’t give you an opportunity not to, but you never felt like you could fully let go with her.
Because you had a massive crush on her.
It made you want to slam your head against the nearest wall, because falling for your best friend? What a total fucking cliche. 
But still, every time she crawled onto the couch and laid her head in your lap asking you to read whatever was in your hands to her, your heart started to thrash against your ribcage. Every time she grabbed onto your arm or held your hand when the two of you were walking around campus, you tried to fight the blaze that stained your cheeks a deep shade of pink. Every time she joined you in your bed in one of your oversized t-shirts and nothing else, snuggling up close to you for movie night, it left you feeling heavy with despondency. 
Because it was so fucking easy. 
Being with Elektra was like breathing. She understood you in a way that no one ever had, or had taken the time to try to before. She made sure that you felt included on the rare occasion that you did join her for a group outing. She listened patiently and intently when you vented about having a bad day, and always offered words of encouragement or comfort, whichever one you needed most. She made you feel worthy and supported, and wanted.
“Don’t know what I’d do without you, little dove.”
But she also let you in too. She let you see the sides of her that she hid from everyone else. She let you hold her when she cried. She confided her fears and mistakes in you. She pleaded for forgiveness when she lost her temper because of a sour mood. She let you see the real Elektra.
Which only made it harder for you to deny how you really felt.
Because Elektra was beautiful, and witty, and intelligent, and kind. She was the beaming sun right in the center of your universe, and you were drawn to her like gravity. 
But so was everyone else. 
And Elektra was never alone.
She always had a boyfriend that she would either dump because she didn’t feel like they were good enough, or drown in a bottle of mezcal over because they’d treated her poorly. In the five months that you’d known her, she had never dated a girl, or expressed any interest in them, which made you more adamant about hiding your feelings.
Because falling in love with your best friend was one thing. But falling for your best friend, that you lived with, that was straight, was a whole other thing.
You ran the risk of not just making your friendship with Elektra awkward by telling her the truth and ruining everything, but losing her friendship completely, and also having to find a new place to live when you inevitably freaked her out and made her uncomfortable. 
As you laid on your stomach on Elektra’s bed, you watched her while she got ready in front of her vanity, letting out a soft sigh.
“Ellie, do you have to go tonight?”
“My presence has been requested, and there’s an open bar.”
“We have an open bar.”
Elektra glanced at you in the reflection of the mirror, her signature smirk curling at the edge of her lips as she pulled off the cap of her lipstick.
“You could always join me.”
“Or you could stay.”
Elektra paused as she stared at you in the mirror, tilting her head to the side slightly as her smirk evaporated. Your heart suddenly started to beat louder in your ears. You never asked her to stay when she said she was going out. 
“Do you want me to?”
There was an emotion in her eyes that you couldn’t read. No one was better at masking how they really felt than her, and it annoyed you since you couldn’t hide your feelings to save your own life. Dropping your gaze to the book beneath you that you had been pretending to read, you lightly shrugged your shoulders.
“You don’t have to. We just…haven’t had a night just us in awhile. Thought we could have a girls night or something.”
Please stay. Don’t go out tonight. Don’t go home with some asshole. 
When you lifted your gaze, a sharp gasp slipped past your lips and your eyes widened slightly seeing that Elektra had knelt in front of the end of the bed and was staring right at you.
“I’ll stay if you want me to.”
You always felt nervous under the intensity of her alluring gaze. Letting out a soft laugh, you glanced back down at your book.
“You sure? Your presence was requested.”
Elektra grasped your jaw in her hand to lift your gaze, staring into your eyes as she nodded in your direction.
“You���re more important.”
You were frozen in place, unable to tear your eyes away from hers, and your heart was beating so loud you swore she could hear it in the silence. After what felt like an eternity, but was more likely about a minute, Elektra dropped your chin and clasped her hands together with a bright smile on her lips.
“So, girls night. What shall we do?”
An entire pizza and half a bottle of tequila later, you and Elektra were on the couch trying to decide what latest drinking game you should play. A tiny little voice in the back of your head was trying to warn you about something…something about alcohol being a truth serum and another drinking game being a bad idea…but you were having so much fun, you simply drowned it out. Elektra waved her hand around frantically as she moved to sit on her knees on the couch in front of you, a devious smile on her lips as her eyes twinkled with mischief.
“Ooh, I’ve got one. Let’s play truth or dare.”
“Oh come onnnn, Ellie. You know everything about me already-”
“Don’t be a coward, darling. Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Sense of adventure? What are you-”
“Shh shh shh. We’re playing. You go first.”
Rolling your eyes with a playful smile, you leaned your head back against the couch as you took another sip of your drink.
“Okay, truth or dare?”
“Okay…I dare you…to…not spend money for an entire day.”
A shocked gasp parted Elektra’s lips as she stared at you with wide eyes, scoffing loudly as she reached for her drink.
“Evil. Dares are supposed to be fun, not mean.”
“That was not mean!”
“Was too. Fine, I see how this game is going to be. Truth or dare, love. Choose wisely.”
Elektra arched one of her dark brows in challenge as a wolfish grin settled on her lips. The look in her eyes suddenly made you nervous, and you giggled anxiously as you lightly shrugged.
“Fine, truth.”
“Ugh, you’re no fun.”
“You said choose wisely.”
Elektra tilted her head to the side slightly as she studied you, her mocha eyes traveling from the top of your face down to your bare thighs where your shirt had ridden up slightly. They lingered there for a moment before snapping back up to yours.
“Have you ever been in love?”
Your lips parted in surprise at the question, and you quickly averted your gaze to the contents of your glass. 
“Um…I…think so, yeah.”
“What happened?”
“Why not?”
“I never…never told them.”
“I…just didn’t. Truth or dare?”
A displeased sigh slipped from Elektra’s mouth as she sat back on her heels, taking another sip of her drink.
“Are your parents really not going to be home for Christmas, or did you feel bad I was staying here alone?”
Elektra narrowed her eyes slightly and pursed her lips as she looked over at you.
“They’ll be in Mont Blanc.” 
“And you didn’t want to go?”
“I got burnt out as a child. Truth or dare?”
Nibbling on your bottom lip, you traced your finger around the rim of your glass as you hummed in thought.
“I dare you to tell me why you didn’t tell that person you were in love with them.”
You instantly flickered your eyes up to find that Elektra was already staring at you expectantly. She had that look on her face that let you know she wasn’t letting this go anytime soon. Letting out a heavy exhale through your nose, you shook your head as you downed the rest of your glass.
“Because I knew it wouldn’t work out.”
“Because I’m not their…type.”
“Did they tell you that?”
“Then how do you know?”
“Because I just…know, Elektra. Can we drop it, please?”
Elektra pursed her lips in a dissatisfied pout at the use of her full name. Reaching over to set your glass on the coffee table, you moved to stand as you tucked your hair behind your ears.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night.”
Before you could get off the couch, Elektra grabbed onto your wrist and reached over to set her glass on the coffee table next to yours.
“Not yet. I have one more dare for you.”
“I’m really not in the-”
“I dare you to kiss me.”
All of the oxygen in your lungs seemed to disappear as those five words hit your ears. Your eyes nearly tripled in size as you stared at Elektra in complete bewilderment. Surely your buzzed brain hadn’t heard her correctly.
“You heard me.”
There was no humor dancing around in her eyes. Her stunning features were void of any hints of playfulness or jest. As a matter of fact, she almost looked…nervous? You could see her chest start to rise and fall a little quicker when you didn’t attempt to move or speak, and her tongue quickly darted out to wet her lips.
“It…it’s me, isn’t it? The one you’re in love with?”
Elektra stared at you with hope glimmering in her irises and a timid smile ghosting across her lips as she inched closer on her knees. All you could do was gaze at her while your brain tried to process her words and form a coherent reply. Had you had that much tequila? Were you passed out and dreaming right now? 
No…her words had evaporated every drop of alcohol in your system. You were completely stone cold sober at the moment and stupefied in place. The longer the silence drew on, the more the hope in her eyes morphed into panic, and that little voice in the back of your head was screaming at you to say something. 
Suddenly Elektra climbed onto your lap and took your face in her hands, frantically searching your eyes and nodding as a nervous smile tugged at her mouth.
“Tell me it’s me. Please…tell me it’s me. Kiss me and tell me it’s me.”
Elektra looked like she was on the verge of tears, and there was a vulnerability lodged in her throat that you had never heard in her voice before as she pleaded with you.
“It’s you, Ellie.”
A tear slipped down her cheek as she broke out into the biggest grin you had ever seen on her face, laughing happily as she surged forward to capture your lips in a soft kiss. The spark you felt when your lips connected seemed to jolt you out of the trance you were in, and your hands flew up to grip onto her waist to pull her closer. Her lips were just as pillowy and warm as you’d imagined they would be, and you hummed in satisfaction at how good it felt to finally kiss her.
Elektra pulled away slowly to look at you, her eyes searching yours as she rubbed her thumb along your cheekbone. A slight furrow formed between your brows as you looked back at her.
“Wait…are you-”
“In love with you? Yes.”
“And you’re just now telling me?”
“You didn’t tell me either.”
“Yeah but…you…had…boyfriends. Lots of them.”
Elektra rolled her eyes as she grinned, moving closer on your lap as she shook her head slowly.
“Just play things, darling. Nothing more. All I really wanted was you. Thought I was making that clear, but I suppose I wasn’t doing a very good job.”
“I…guess I just thought…you wouldn’t want me…like…that.”
Elektra’s eyes suddenly darkened, and the look had your breath hitching in your throat. She leaned in languidly, tracing her thumb over your bottom lip as her mouth split into a wicked smirk.
“Why don’t you let me show you how I want you?”
She didn’t wait for an answer as she surged forward again, capturing your lips this time in a much hungrier kiss. She nipped lightly at your bottom lip before soothing it with her tongue, and your lips instantly parted in a gasp. You couldn’t hold back the moan that echoed in your throat when Elektra slipped her tongue in your mouth, and your grip immediately tightened on her waist. She kissed you so fiercely it made you dizzy, and you fought your need to breathe so that you didn’t have to stop. 
Elektra trailed her opened mouthed kisses along your jaw and down the column of your neck as you panted, gently nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck and sucking harshly at the juncture above your collarbone. A soft whine fell from your mouth feeling her tongue soothe the sting of her bites and bruises, and you shivered as her warm breath fanned over the shell of your ear.
“Sound so pretty, little dove. Wonder what other pretty sounds you can make for me, hm?”
You tightly fisted her shirt to pull her even closer, reveling in the sound of her melodic giggle filling your ears.
“You wanna take this off?”
Gripping onto the hem of her shirt, you quickly tugged it upwards, moaning softly at the sight of Elektra’s bare chest. Gazing up at her in desperation, a wide grin split her mouth open as she moved her dark hair off her shoulders, grabbing your wrists to guide your hands upwards.
“You can touch me.”
Delicately cupping her breasts in your hands, you gave them a gentle squeeze before brushing your thumbs over her nipples, your mouth falling open at the way she let her head fall back and arched her chest further into your needy palms. Sitting up a little, you leaned in to attach your lips to her neck, teasing her nipples between your thumbs and index fingers as you grazed your teeth along her shoulder. Elektra started to slowly rock her hips against yours, which caused the heat between your thighs to rage into a wildfire, and you could feel your thighs starting to stick together with desire.
All of a sudden Elektra pushed at your shoulders, gripping onto the hem of your shirt to tear it over your head, and she wrapped her hand around your throat as she pulled you in for another passionate kiss. You moaned into her mouth in surprise at the feeling of her slender fingers wrapped around your throat, digging your fingertips into her thighs as your tongues tangled together. Her other hand boldly explored your chest, alternating between squeezing at your breasts and toying with your nipples, causing you to whine against her lips.
Pulling away breathlessly, Elektra moved off of your lap to sink onto her knees before you, staring up at you with eyes completely eclipsed with lust. She pulled you closer to the edge of the couch by your hips and leaned in to wrap her lips around one of your nipples, causing you to moan out loudly in surprise. She swirled her tongue slowly around the peaked bud, and you cried out when she lightly bit down on it. Her free hand parted your thighs so she could move further in between them, and you gasped when her nails dragged along your lower stomach right above your panty line.
“I want these off.”
All you could do was feebly nod as she tugged the soaked fabric down your legs, her mouth hanging open as she spread your thighs further apart. An eager moan fell from her mouth as she sank her teeth into her bottom lip, rubbing her thumb in slow circles on your inner thigh.
“Oh darling…look at you. What a mess you’ve made for me. So pretty, my love. Can I show you how pretty you are?”
Elektra closed her eyes for a moment as a proud smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Letting them flutter open slowly, she locked her gaze on yours as she moved her hand closer between your thighs, keeping eye contact as she collected some of the wetness dripping from your core. The delicate touch made you jump, and you whined as you stared back at her with need.
“Say my name again.”
Elektra sank her teeth deep into her bottom lip as she slowly pushed her finger into your welcoming heat, her lips parting slowly as your mouth hung open and your head dipped back. You sucked in a deep breath as she retracted it slowly before slipping it right back in easily.
Elektra reached forward to wrap her hand around your throat again, giving it a light squeeze as she gazed into your eyes, gliding her tongue along her front teeth before flashing you a devious smirk.
“Say my name again, little dove. Let me hear you beg for me.”
Before her name could even fully roll off your tongue, her head was between your thighs, and her lips were wrapped around your clit. You moaned loudly at the sensation of her warm mouth and wet tongue devouring you as she slipped another of her fingers inside you. You couldn’t help but roll your hips upwards against her face in search of more, which she didn’t seem to mind. Elektra hummed against your pussy, which sent vibrations of pleasure throughout your lower half, and you moaned her name again when she curled her fingers upwards against that spongy part inside you that turned you into an incoherent fucking mess.
You weren’t sure what was louder; the sounds of you desperately crying out her name or the obscene slurping sounds coming from Elektra sucking fervently on your clit while her expert fingers explored inside the depths of you. She moaned again when you slipped your fingers into her dark hair and tugged, and it made your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head.
Your voice came out so high pitched and breathless, you didn’t even recognize it. Elektra replaced her tongue with her thumb, massaging your clit in quick circles with applied pressure as she looked up at you with her lips glossed with your wetness.
“God, I could come just from how good you taste. You’re doing so well for me, my love. Doing so good letting me have you like this. I want you to come on my face, can you do that for me?”
A huge grin took over her mouth as her tongue darted out to lick over her lips, teeth lightly grazing over her bottom lip as she hummed.
“Love the way you say my name. Make it sound so pretty. Now, make me proud and come on my face.”
Elektra dipped her head back down between your thighs, alternating between lapping at your clit and sucking on it with renewed vigor. Her fingers continued to massage that spongy tissue inside you in a ‘come closer’ motion with more pressure, and you gripped onto the back of her head to grind your hips against her face. Your moans got breathier and higher in pitch the more your orgasm steadily built in your lower half, and Elektra hummed against you in encouragement, various chants of mm’s & mhm’s reverberating against your core.
“Yes…yes…right…right there, please. Please Ellie…ah…oh fuck!”
When you finally reached your peak, a blinding white orchestra of electricity buzzed in your veins and sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout your entire nervous system. Elektra continued to drag her soft tongue along your slick pussy as she gripped onto your thighs tightly, digging her nails so hard into your flesh that she left maroon crescent shaped indentations behind. She didn’t stop even as you came down from riding out your high, and you nearly sobbed from overstimulation as you futilely pushed at her shoulders. 
With the loss of her warm mouth, the cool air hitting your soaked cunt felt like a slap, and you winced with a whine as you clamped your thighs shut. Elektra giggled softly as she rubbed your thighs soothingly, moving to climb onto your lap once again as she held your face against her chest and ran her fingers slowly through the ends of your hair.
“Sorry, my love. I get a bit greedy when it comes to you.”
You attempted to respond with something that made sense as you attempted to catch your breath, but it must have come out scrambled, because Elektra simply laughed and cradled your face in her palm as she gazed down at you adoringly and cooed.
“Aww, little dove. Did I break you?”
“Hm, shame. Shall I try again?”
“No! Let me…regain the feeling in my legs, God.”
Elektra beamed with pride as she tucked your hair behind your ear, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose.
“So, does that clear things up?”
“I’ve actually got some in the fridge. Should we pop it open to celebrate?”
“Celebrate what?”
“Me being right.”
The look of confusion that twisted up your features had Elektra smirking as she leaned in to grasp your chin, staring deeply into your eyes.
“I told you I’d get you to open up for me.”
Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor as her words nestled in your ears, staring up at her in complete shock.
“If I had known that is what you meant I would’ve…we could’ve…”
“So, I should’ve just seduced you on the spot?”
Pressing your lips into a firm line, you narrowed your eyes as you looked up at a very amused Elektra. She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth and grinned as she leaned in to bump her nose with yours.
“You love me.”
“I do.”
Elektra’s smile softened a bit as you wrapped your arms around her waist, a tender smile spreading over your own lips. You did love her. And she loved you. 
As your hazy brain started to clear, a realization slammed right into your hammering chest.
Elektra was wet; practically dripping onto your lower stomach as she sat on your lap, and the smile on your face quickly dropped as you gazed up at her hungrily. The warm smile on her own mouth vanished as she took in the look in your eyes, and you felt a surge of power and confidence knowing you had the ability to render Elektra Natchios nervous.
Feeling emboldened, you trailed one of your hands slowly up her thigh, letting it dip down so that your fingertips just barely brushed along her inner thigh, tearing a gasp from her lips.
“Now, do I get to show you how pretty I think you are? Or do I have to dare you to let me?”
Elektra’s lips suddenly parted as she looked at you with widened eyes, and her grip on your shoulder tightened.
“So polite, Ellie.”
tags: @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042
219 notes · View notes
raibebe · 4 years
Love shot
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Genre: Tooth rotting fluff Words: 8.590 Prompt: Hockey Player Jeno feat. best friend Jaemin, love letters? Warnings: none..?
A/N: This was written for @woahhwa​ for the @kafenetwork​ kafeholidays event! Hi Ru! I had so much fun talking to you when tumblr wasn’t eating my asks! I hope you liked this and it incorporates some of the things you said you liked. Also. Warning: I know absolutely nothing about hockey so please bear with me :] As always thank you to @burtonized​ for always listening to my rambles and telling me that my writing doesn’t suck. Also literally no one asked for me to put Johnny into this but I am a simple woman and miss him and his gorgeous hair. I am sorry for this horrible title...
The red numbers on the clock over the rink slowly counted down, the last minute of the game beginning. You had your hands tightly clutched together, sitting on the edge of the seat as you watched your home team in the orange and blue tricots trying to defend the last push of the opposing team. Mark Lee - on the defense - body checked the opposing wing player, who had been pushing forward, hardly into the banister, causing him to lose the puck. Quick on his feet like always, Ten snatched it from him and took a sharp turn to avoid the second wing player, using his smaller size to his advantage so he could push forward into the last third before the huge defender of the opposing team tackled him harshly. But like the genius player he was, Donghyuck had anticipated it, screaming Ten’s name at the top of his lungs so the elder had the time to pass the puck on to his wingplayer. Using his momentum from following Ten, Donghyuk pulled both of the opposing defenders towards him, leaving the star player of the team - Lee Jeno - free right in front of the goalie. A huge mistake. With a mischievous grin on his lips, Donghyuck waited until the very last second to pass the puck straight to Jeno who didn’t hesitate even for a second to take his shot: Hitting the puck with all his strength, he sent the rubber flying right past the goalie’s body, slamming into the net of the goal.
The crowd around you erupted in loud screams and cheers, everyone jumping up from their seats and celebrating the last minute goal as the red timer on the scoreboard ticked down to zero, the loud noise of a horn mixing with the cheers of the students. In the middle of all of this you were hugging your best friend, screaming loudly before turning back to look into the rink where the other boys had buried Lee Jeno beneath them, hockey sticks scattered around them. The other team had already angrily left the rink, collecting their stuff to make their way to the locker rooms when the boys finally let off and let their MVP breathe. Grinning broadly they took their helmets off one by one, shaking out their matted hair and just like after every game, the sight of Jeno’s midnight blue messy hair took your breath away. Once you could muster up the courage to talk to him, you wanted to ask if he had dyed it to match the color of their blue and orange jerseys. But even though you went to every single one of their home games and sometimes even went down to the rink to congratulate them, you had yet to speak more than three words with their handsome center forward player with the 23 on his back.
“Let’s go down to congratulate them, this was insane,” Jaemin said before already pulling you down the stairs against the tide of people that were already leaving. A couple of the player’s friends had already gathered at the rink, cheering them on and clapping them on their padded shoulders. You could make out the University’s heartthrob Johnny Suh - a volleyball player himself - fondly petting his best friend’s head which made Ten smile brighter than the harsh lights that illuminated the ice. A group of other boys from your year that you knew from a couple of your courses had rounded Donghyuck and Mark and looked like they were currently mocking the elder for his misplay that had led to the early goal of the opposing team, leaving their goalkeeper Yangyang almost no time to react. With a loud thud Jeno joined the circle, clinging to Mark’s back who cried out in pain from how hard the impact had been. The newest addition to the team, a tall freshman with the number 27 on his back, awkwardly shuffled on the ice before the team captain - Sicheng - pulled him over to where they were celebrating.
“Yooooo, boys this was sick!” Jaemin called out when he jumped down the last couple of steps before joining his friends who had stopped mocking Mark for a little while. But that wouldn’t be for long and you knew it. You had been their fan for quite some time now and knew that Donghyuck would not let Mark live and would bother him about it for a long time. “Watch your back, stupid,” you mumbled after your best friend who had been part of the team last year but had to quit playing for an undefined amount of time due to some issues with his back. He was the one who had originally gotten you into this sport which had led to your crush on Lee Jeno. So basically Na Jaemin was the reason you had the worst everlasting crush on a boy you barely knew and were way too shy to talk to even if he shared a ridiculous number of classes with you this year. But to Lee Jeno you must just be Jaemin’s weird friend he still knew from his childhood.
Slowly you approached the circle of boys, trying to hide as much of your face as possible in the bright orange scarf you had wrapped around your neck to shield yourself from the cold of the stadium. Jaemin was already retelling the highlights of the game in rapid-fire double time rapping speed, gesturing broadly and making the players laugh. “If you were to commentate the games they would probably be twice as fun to watch,” you spoke your mind when your best friend had to take a deep breath, making all of them stare at you which promptly lead to blood to rush to your face. “Yoooo, that would be such a good idea,” Mark broke the silence, his eyes wide, “Since you know all the rules and stuff.” “Also I wouldn’t be biased at all,” Jaemin just rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he can’t just trash talk the other team during the whole game,” Sicheng threw in. “But it would be fun,” Yangyang mused. He had finally managed to get all of his extra protective gear off, his dark hair hanging into his eyes. “You should try it, Jaem,” Jeno also agreed. “I’d rather join you on the ice, you know,” your best friend mumbled, shooting the rink a longing gaze. “You’ll be back with us in no time once your back is healed,” Sicheng smiled, patting him on the shoulder with his still gloved hand, “Just give me a call and I’ll unlock the rink for you to make a couple of rounds.” “What am I, a short track athlete?” Jaemin grumbled but nodded his head anyways. He had been an amazing sprinter until he had exchanged the goggles and tight suits for heavy padding and a stick some time in high school.
“What’s this gloomy atmosphere? We won guys!” Ten shouted over from where he had been talking to Johnny and some other upperclassman, “Let’s get out of these uniforms and have some food to celebrate, Sicheng is paying.” “I am what?” The team captain protested but his complaints were lost in the cheers of the younger members of the team who quickly scrambled to get to the lockers to shower and change, their stomachs always bottomless holes after an intense game. “Let’s go home then,” Jaemin suggested, raking a hand through his caramel hair. You could tell he was still sad about not being able to be with his boys but he made an effort to hide his inner struggle. “Jaem!” A voice called you back when you turned to climb up the stairs and Lee Jeno skidded effortlessly over the ice to roughly collide with the side of the rink again. “You know you can join us, right?” A smile spread over your friend’s lips but he shook his head. “I can’t leave this one all to herself.” “The more the merrier,” Jeno just answered, looking you straight in the eye which lead to your heart missing a beat or two. He was covered in sweat and his hair was matted to his head, he should not have looked this attractive to you with his stupid half-moon eye smile and mole beneath his right eye. “I- I don’t want to mess up your all-boys time,” you tried to politely decline, scolding yourself for stuttering like this. You did not need to make an even bigger fool out of yourself. “It’s fine, really. Mark’s girlfriend is probably going to join us as well,” Jeno reassured you, “I’ll see you two outside!” He quickly added before crossing the rink again to disappear into the lockers, not leaving you two any more chance to decline.
“We’re not going to say no to a free meal, are we?” Jaemin grinned. “Wipe that grin off your face Nana,” you grumbled, scolding yourself for going for comfortable and warm clothes instead of pretty ones. What would Jeno think of you in your oversized blue hoodie and orange scarf? “Stop stressing, I can hear you thinking,” your friend whined, pulling you out of the by now empty stadium. “I look like a potato.” “No you don’t. You look fine. Jeno is not into the whole dolled up thing anyways.”  Slapping his arm hard, you looked around if any of the players had already changed and overheard his comment. “You better keep your mouth shut, Na Jaemin or may god have mercy over you,” you hissed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he innocently blinked his eyes at you. “Na Jaemin, I swear to god. If you make me look like a fool in front of my crush that I should have never admitted to you, I WILL make you regret it.” “You don’t need me to make a fool out of yourself,” your best friend laughed, just barely dodging the punches you threw at him.
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“Please be nice,” you whispered when the boys came out from the locker after a couple of minutes, their hair still damp from the shower they must have taken, their bags slung over their shoulders. Pictures of what a certain forward player must look like beneath his heavy padding and jersey flooded your mind for a second and you had to fight the heat that threatened to creep up on your cheeks. Mark’s girlfriend who had arrived a couple of minutes earlier and who you two had already told about the game, raced to fling herself into her boyfriend’s arms, giggling loudly when he almost toppled over from being thrown off balance. Somehow that image tugged at your heart and you wished that one day when you were finally not too shy to talk to Jeno, this could be the two of you.
Dinner was filled with a lot of loud laughter and just mildly annoyed waiters at the restaurant that had the best hot pot in town or so Sicheng claimed. But you really couldn’t even blame the poor waitress that had to deal with the hyped up hockey players. You mostly kept quiet, listening to their bickering and their stories. Donghyuck only retold how Mark had messed up in today’s game about three more times until he earned himself a rather hard slap to the back of his head from both Mark and Jeno. During the whole time you tried to steal secret glances at the forward player, admiring how fluffy his hair got after it had dried and how his glasses would fog up from the heat of the food until he took them off with an adorable but also really annoyed huff, stuffing them into the pocket of his neon green hoodie that should have looked ridiculous but he could pull it off. At this point you thought that he would look good in a plastic bag. God you really had it bad for him.
“Alright children, it’s bed time,” Ten exclaimed after everyone’s bellies were full, clapping his hands, “We should leave quickly so Sicheng can pay for the meal.” The team captain just sighed and leaned back in his seat while the others quickly shuffled around to sort out their bags and their jackets to hurry out of the restaurant, muttering words of thanks to Sicheng. You felt bad for him and lingered behind for a little before pressing a note into his hands that he declined with a little smile. “It’s fine,” he shook his head, handing the money back, “One mouth more or less doesn’t matter.” “Thank you for the meal, Sicheng,” you smiled. “Thank you for your support, you’re at every of our games, aren’t you?” Flustered you followed him to the register where a woman took his card to pay for the meal. “I try to make it. Jaemin doesn’t like going alone when he’s not allowed to play and I really enjoy watching you guys play. Your freshman really did so well.” “Sungchan is really talented,” Sicheng nodded, “He is such a great assent to the team and he compliments Jeno well. He’ll give Jaemin a run for his money when he comes back.” Smiling, you nodded. “I hope he’ll recover fast, he really misses you guys.” Taking his card back, Sicheng grimaced at the receipt. “We all miss him.”
Stepping outside in the cold, you were glad you had brought your thick jacket, your breath came out in little white clouds and Jaemin’s nose was already red. “I thought you’d never come back out, I am freezing over here,” he complained. Rolling your eyes at your roommate, you quickly said goodbye to Sicheng who once again told Jaemin to give him a call if he wanted to use the rink to skate for a while. On the way over to your apartment a little off of campus, you both kept quiet, each lost in your own thoughts. Even through your thick layers of clothing, the cold began seeping into your bones and you buried your hands deep into the pockets of your jacket. But instead of the soft material of the inside of the pockets, your right hand came into contact with a neatly folded piece of paper. Confused you pulled it from your jacket and unfolded it. You didn’t remember stuffing that in there. In neat handwriting, a single sentence was written:
You look so pretty in blue.
What? You were so perplexed, you halted in your steps, staring at the piece of paper as if it would tell you what in the world was going on or how it had ended up in your pocket. Had one of the boys snuck the note into you jacket when they all had left before you and Sicheng? But why would any of them do that? What if... What if it had been Jeno? No, that couldn’t be. He was way out of your league and most definitely confident enough to tell you in person if he liked the honestly very much not special or pretty blue hoodie. “Hello? Earth to best friend?” Jaemin’s voice ripped you from your thoughts. He was standing a couple of steps in front of you, a questioning look on his features. “Did you just remember you left the stove on or something?” “N... No,” you muttered, shaking your head before shoving the note back into your pocket, catching up to Jaemin.
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What you didn’t know was that would not be the last weird note you would find. The next one didn’t take long. You found it stuffed in your bag between your books on your second class of the day. Trying to not catch your friend’s attention so you wouldn’t have to explain the note, you carefully and secretly unfolded it to read the neatly written sentence.
You look great today, have a great start into the new week! Fighting!
Not unlike last time, you wondered who could have dropped the note into your bag. And when? Looking around the class you were currently in, your eyes caught on Lee Jeno’s midnight blue hair just a couple of seats in front of you. Had he been in your previous class as well? You couldn’t remember. But even if he had been, it was just wishful thinking that he had been the one to write the note. It was most likely a cruel joke someone was playing on you. Sighing you crumbled the piece of paper and focused back to what your professor was saying, trying to concentrate on taking notes instead of daydreaming while staring holes into Lee Jeno’s head like you had done way too often in this class. You weren’t very successful and when Jeno answered a question the professor had thrown at the class flawlessly, earning himself a couple of back pats from his friends that were seated around him, you couldn’t help but sigh. God, why did he have to be both smart and incredibly handsome? And on top of that a very talented hockey player.
A slap from your friend to your shoulder brought you back from your daydream to find the professor staring at you intensely. Shit. What had he asked? “Alright miss, I’d like a word with you after class. Now who can answer my question instead?” He spoke and you just wanted to ground to swallow you whole.
For the rest of the class you were just imagining all the worst case scenarios in your head of what the strict professor would scold you about. Would he make you do extra work for the class? Give you a bad grade all together? Or just humiliate you further? “Alright class, that will be it for today, you’re dismissed. Don’t forget to do the reading for next week and hand in your assignments on time,” the professor dismissed the class, immediately finding your eyes to nod his head sharply to indicate he hadn’t forget about you zoning out.
Discouraged after the scolding you had gotten from your professor about dozing off in his classes, you climbed the stairs to your seat to pack your stuff to go hide in your room until everyone would have forgotten how embarrassing the whole situation had been, especially Lee Jeno and his friends. But yet again another note was placed right on top of your notebook, seemingly written in a haste and carelessly ripped out of its original page.
Don’t take it to heart, it could have happened to anyone. Cheer up!
Okay maybe the someone who was writing you these notes actually wasn’t playing jokes on you and actually cared about you. You’d be lying if the few words hadn’t made you feel any better.
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Over the next few weeks you found more and more notes. Some longer than others, some just a few hastily written words. Some were just a quick cheer up to help you get through a long day of class, some compliments about your outfit or your hair and some even little stories about the day of your admirer. Somehow you felt like you got to know him a little through his little messages. You even dared to say you looked forward to finding more and more notes.
One time your secret admirer even left you a coffee on your table at the library when you had gotten up from your seat to get more books to look up some information for the essay you were trying to finish. When you got back to your seat, you looked around quickly to see if the admirer was still around. But you only saw more students perched over books or their laptops, typing away. Just when you were about to get back to your own project, a white hoodie caught your eye between the dull lighting and brown colors of the library. Below a mop of blue hair, Lee Jeno shortly smiled at you from behind his glasses, toasting towards you with his own cup of coffee and you couldn’t help but notice that it was from the same shop the steaming cup in front of you was from. Picking it up, you toasted back and took a small sip to not completely burn your tongue before examining the cup which just said your name with a little heart on it. It could have been just a coincidence that Jeno chose to get coffee from the same place your admirer had. The shop was just a few meters from the library after all but the way Jeno had smiled at you, not his usual bright smile but something maybe a little more shy, made you believe it could actually have been him and you really hoped that he actually was.
But today you hadn’t found a single note from your admirer and for some reason that was really bothering you. He had managed to sneak you at least a little note every day for a while now. And you still hadn’t figured out how he did it. Or when. You didn’t leave your bag or jackets unattended for long periods of time and it seriously baffled by how sneaky he must be.
“Stop staring holes into the air and get back to work,” your coworker Yuta scolded you, clapping a hand on your back on his way past you. “I’m sorry, I was lost in my head,” you apologized but he just shrugged his shoulders as he collected the mugs a group of students had left behind. “Exams?” He asked as he came back, putting the mugs into the sink. “Something like that,” you lied. You really didn’t know the upperclassman well enough to vent to him about how someone you didn’t even knew who they were send you secret messages and somehow they hadn’t done it today yet. Before Yuta could ask any further questions, the bell on the door jingled happily, announcing the arrival of a new set of customers. “I’ll go, bring those to the back,” your coworker instructed you. Sighing, you bunched up your sleeves to stack up all the dishes that had been piling up in the front during the time Yuta and you had been too busy with orders to put them in the big dishwasher in the kitchen.
With a couple of freshly washed cups and plates you emerged back into the main room to see Yuta flirting with the group of girls that had just come in to probably order some way too overpriced season special with more sugar than actual coffee in it. Of course only after they had been completely charmed by the objectively speaking very pretty foreigner with a silver tongue. Rolling your eyes at the group, you instead made your way to where the customers were sitting to check if anyone new had come in while you were in the back. After most classes were over for the day, the cozy café usually filled up with students pretty fast; either to relax for a little before going to the library or to discuss group projects.
Today was no different and you easily spotted a group of boys from one of your courses squished together in one of the booths, your best friend smiling brightly at you when he saw you approach. “My favorite waitress is working,” he spoke, awkwardly hugging your waist from his sitting position. “You just want my employee discount,” you fondly rolled your eyes at a now pouting Jaemin, “So what can I get you.” You quickly collected all the boy’s orders including Jaemin’s horrendous deathpresso. “Oh, add another iced Americano, someone is still missing,” Donghyuck called after you when you had confirmed their orders, a knowing smirk on his lips. Quickly scribbling another one on your little notepad, you didn’t look where you were going and suddenly collided with a very solid chest and you were pretty sure you would have fallen if it was not for the customer’s quick reflexes. So instead of on the floor, you found yourself pressed against his chest, his perfume clouding your senses. “Careful where you’re going,” he said and you could already tell that your eyes would meet ones with the color of molten amber, hidden behind a cute pair of round glasses, before you even looked up to see Lee Jeno’s smile. “You... You too,” you stuttered, feeling your face heat up, quickly scrambling back a step. “Are you alright?” He asked, looking you up and down once. “Yeah, I was just taking your orders, I’ll be right back,” you tried to smile while trying to tell your heart to stop beating like you had just ran a marathon. “I’ll help you carry, we’re quite a few people.” “No, it’s fine really,” you quickly declined, “This is my job after all. “I feel bad for running into you though, let me help,” Jeno insisted, a slight pout on his lips that you really could not resist. When you ended up nodding, his whole face lit up with his famous eye smile and your insides might have just melted a little. While he was quickly putting his bag down and greeting his friends, you busied yourself with the orders. Yuta was still no help whatsoever, telling one of the girls an obnoxious story of how he had ended up at a university in Korea. You barely held back your laugh when the girls gasped, their eyes glued to Yuta. The story might have been impressive to you if you hadn’t heard it about 30 times already, always a little different but always pretty far from the actual truth.
“I didn’t know you worked here,” Jeno ripped your attention from your coworker when he leaned against the counter to watch you work the big coffee machine. “I was working in a different shop a little off campus before,” you smiled, focusing on pouring the milk into one of the cups of coffee to form a pretty picture. “You’re really good at making them look pretty,” Jeno complimented you, his cheeks tinted a rosy color. “It’s just practice,” you mumbled, hiding your own shyness behind the counter to quickly grab the cake slices the boys had ordered. An awkward silence hung over the two of you while you worked on finishing the other drink orders (it always took a ridiculous amount of time to make Jaemin’s) and your brain ran on overdrive trying to come up with a topic to talk to Jeno to fill up the silence while willing your hands to not shake and make a fool out of yourself in front of him.
“Do... Do you work between classes?” You chose to ask in the end, scolding yourself immediately for asking what must be the most lame, basic question ever. “I hardly have time between classes and practice,” Jeno explained nonetheless, scrunching his nose adorably to push up his glasses,” I’m here on a scholarship so I have to show results in hockey or I’ll be out.” “Ooh, I didn’t know that. But you’re really good so it shouldn’t be a surprise,” you spoke your mind before you could think about the words but as soon as it registered, your face immediately was heating up. Jeno just laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. “I’m not bad I guess. It’s just a lot of practice, it’s nothing special,” he mirrored the words you had said earlier, an easy smile on his lips. “Even I can see you have an unfair amount of talent for hockey, Jeno.” At that he barked out a short laugh. “You should have seen me when I stood on the ice for the first time, I couldn’t even skate in a straight line without falling on my ass, no idea what the scouts saw in me when they talked to my mum to recruit me.” “I bet you’re just being modest,” you argued. “I am not I swear,” he laughed, “I was really bad but I trained a lot so I could make the team. I’m not like Donghyuck who can just skip half of practice because he’s hungover. I have to work for it.” “That makes it even more admirable,” you mumbled, not able to look him in the eye when you spoke the words even though you meant them with all your heart. “Th- Thank you,” Jeno stuttered and when you looked up at his face again, you could see that his ears were bright red. “I mean it,” you smiled and when he finally met your eyes you couldn’t help but get lost in his for a while.
“And you tell me to stop flirting with customers,” Yuta broke whatever moment you just had with Jeno and shoved you from the spot on the coffee machine. “I wasn’t,” you tried to argue but your colleague just clocked his tongue and rolled his eyes. “I... I wouldn’t mind if you were,” Jeno mumbled so quietly you had almost missed it, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach and a smile to creep onto your lips again. “We should bring the drinks over,” you smiled, grabbing the tray that held the drinks so Jeno could take the one with the cakes. “Ye... Yeah, orders, drinks, sure,” he stuttered, grabbing the second tray and following you through the café back over to where his friends were seated. “I thought you would never come back,” Jaemin already whined, grabbing his deathpresso off of your tray. “It takes a while to make eight freaking extra shots of espresso,” you scolded your best friend while giving out the rest of the orders to the other boys who all agreed, joining in on telling Jaemin how unhealthy his coffee drinking habits were. “Let me know if you need anything else,” you smiled politely when everyone had gotten their respective drinks, leaving the boys to banter playfully.
Over the course of your shift, the boys stayed to study and ordered another round of hot drinks before they left just shy of the ending of your shift. Jeno threw you another shy smile and a little sweater pawed wave when they left the shop that almost send you into cardiac arrest. “I’ll clean that table and then head out,” you announced to Yuta who was glued to his phone, checking his twitter feed. Among the chaos of used napkins and dishes, you found a neatly folded piece of paper with your name neatly written on it, a little heart drawn in the corner that set you own one racing again. You quickly put it in your pocket and cleared the rest of the table, all but throwing the dishes into the dishwasher at the back so you could get out of your apron and take a look at the note your secret admirer had left. While you were changing into your warm jacket, you couldn’t help but to think and to hope that Jeno had left it for you. After all he had been at both the gatherings that had led to you finding these notes and he also shared lot of classes with you where he could technically have slipped you a note or two. And on top of that he had also been at the library when the coffee incident happened.
Once you stepped out of the café and into the cool air of the early evening, you sat down on one of the benches surrounding the building to read the little note in peace.
You look so cute when you’re concentrating on making pretty latte art, did you know that? I loved the little talk we had but I am too shy to talk to you. Can you tell by these notes? My friends all make fun of me for writing cheesy notes instead of manning up to actually talk to you. I don’t even know if you would want to meet me. But if you want to, then meet me at the ice rink tomorrow at 7pm. I’ll be waiting for you there, I promise.
You couldn’t hold in the little shriek of joy that made its way past your lips. It had to be Jeno. It couldn’t be anyone else. It had to be him. Holding the little note close to your furiously beating heart, you smiled and kicked your legs in joy before storing it carefully into your bag. Jaemin better be ready to help you choose an outfit for tomorrow and listen to you whine without asking too many questions about who you were actually going to meet.
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When you arrived at the stadium the next day, clutching the note tightly in your hand, you double checked the time and carefully looked around before you tried to open the front door which to your surprise was actually unlocked. Taking a deep breath, you went in, closing the door firmly behind you before walking up to the second door that would take you to the bleachers. Slowly you pulled it open as well, hoping it wouldn’t make too much noise. The rink itself was just dimly lit, most of the lights turned off and on the ice there was a single figure skating around the perimeter, seemingly lost in their thoughts while aimlessly taking sharp turns that send pieces of ice flying, making the skids screech. You would have recognized that person between hundreds of other skaters, the midnight blue hair easily giving him away.
Jeno seemingly hadn’t noticed you yet and it gave you time to sort out your racing heart and thoughts. Had it really been him to write you all the sweet notes that you had begun to collect in a little box you hid from Jaemin in a box beneath your bed? Or was the universe playing a prank on you and it was just a coincidence that he was practicing right now, alone at night. But then again no one else was around and he really wasn’t dressed for practice, just wearing one of his big hoodies and jeans. It had to be his notes. And thinking back on it, he really had been the only person who had been at the same places, the notes had been showing up. From the dinner with the hockey team to the ones in your classes and at your work or in the library.
Slowly you made your way down the steps of the bleachers, keeping quiet so you wouldn’t disturb Jeno who was still skating around the rink. Once you arrived at the bottom row of seats, you took a seat next to a pair of skates and a pair of sneakers that probably belonged to Jeno. Sitting in silence, you watched his movements for a while. He was captivating to watch: Seeing him effortlessly glide over the ice before suddenly sprinting forward only to come to an abrupt halt or take a sharp turn. It was beyond you how he held his balance through it all.
Suddenly he halted in his moves completely to stare at the big clock on the back wall of the stadium that showed that it was fifteen minutes past seven already before he sighed deeply, raking a hand through his fluffy hair. Was he nervous? Nervous you wouldn’t come? Just when he was taking off, his eyes caught your figure and he stopped again, a big smile spreading across his face that made his eyes curl into the beautiful half-moon shape you adored. While you were busy trying to remember how to breathe, he was skating towards you, effortlessly jumping from the ice through a little door in the rink, walking towards you. “You came,” he beamed, kneeling down in front of you after he had grabbed the skates that were still lying next to you. “Yeah I did,” you answered, still not entirely sure what to make of this situation. With how fast your heart was beating, it must have climbed all the way up to your throat and you weren’t sure if you could have produced a proper sentence if you wanted to.
“I hope I didn’t misinterpret all of this,” Jeno mumbled while he carefully undid your shoelaces before slipping them off your feet, “And you’re just here to tell me to stop being creepy and not leave any more notes around.” The way he looked up at you from beneath his midnight blue bangs tugged at your heart and you couldn’t find any words to tell him just how okay you were with this, so you just nodded, feeling heat rise to your cheeks, the skin feeling way too hot against the cold of the stadium. Smiling brightly Jeno quickly prepared the skates to slip onto your feet and laced them up tightly, his nimble fingers working fast and efficient. “Is this alright? Not too tight?” “Seems fine,” you smiled back at him, experimentally wiggling your toes. “Alright,” Jeno smiled, extending a hand to you. “Come on, let’s go.”
Shyly, you took his hand to let him pull you upright. On wobbly feet, you followed him to the little door in the rink, letting him step onto the ice first. “I’ve never done this before,” you confessed, almost reflexive reaching your gloved hands out towards him which he took with a gentle smile, squeezing them reassuringly. “I won’t let you fall,” he promised, tightening the grip on your hands. “Okay,” you whispered, carefully stepping onto the slippery ice, unsure how to work with the skates. “You’re a natural,” Jeno beamed when you finally stood with both feet on the ice. “I- I don’t know,” you shied away from the praise, wishing you could hide in your big scarf. “Hold on tightly now,” the hockey player warned before he skillfully moved his legs so he was sliding backwards, effectively pulling you with him. A little surprised sound escaped your lips and you clutched his hands tightly, worrying your gaze to your feet where you tried to stabilize yourself and keeping the skids up right.
“Don’t think so much about it. Look at me,” Jeno’s voice cut through the soft scratching noises of the skates. “I’ll fall if I do,” you argued. Also your heart would most likely leap out of your chest if you did. As if it wasn’t already beating furiously enough now that you were basically on a date with your crush and he was holding your hands. “I told you that I won’t let you fall,” he promised, slowing down his own movements until you came to a halt. Steadying yourself on the skates, you took a deep breath before looking up to meet Jeno’s eyes. And just like that time stood still. Under the dimmed lights in the stadium, it felt like you two were the only people on this planet. You got lost in the deep brown shade of his eyes and adored how his nose and cheeks were tinted a pretty blush color from the cold. “Hey there,” he whispered, tucking your scarf neatly around your neck where it had come undone, the gesture so intimate, it made your breath hitch. “Hi,” you answered dumbly and it made him smile, his eyes curving into the beautiful half-moon eye smile.
Before you could do anything stupid like coo hat how pretty he looked, his smile turned into a mischievous grin and he quickly let go of your hands to skid backwards a couple of meters further towards the center of the rink. “Jenoooo,” you whined once you had found your balance again, glaring to where he was making a couple of sharp turns, creating indents in the smooth ice and sending pieces flying. “Come over,” he called, opening his arms wide. “You just want to see me fall.” “You won’t, have some faith in yourself. Just kick with your skates until you gain momentum. It’s like walking just with a little more glide.” “Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?” “Just try it. For me,” Jeno smiled, sliding a little closer to you and opening his arms again. Sighing, you nodded, balling your hands into fists before you kicked your feet just how you had seen Jeno and the other’s do a hundred times before. Albeit very wobbly and slow, you were sliding over the ice. A smile slowly spread over your face as you kicked your feet again and again and you weren’t even mad when you noticed that Jeno steadily moved backwards to keep you going. “See, you’re a natural,” he beamed but just when he said that, you stumbled over one of the indents he had created earlier when he was showing off. You already prepared yourself to meet the cold unforgiving ice, making a complete fool out of yourself but instead two strong arms curled around you to pull you against a strong chest so you were stabilized again.
“I told you, I wouldn’t let you fall,” Jeno whispered, his hands steady on your waist. “Thank you,” you mumbled, slowly snaking your arms around him as well until your bodies were flush together. For a while you just stood on the ice, hugging each other until your breaths evened out, hearts beating in the same rhythm. “I’m so glad you actually came.” “Why wouldn’t I?” You mumbled into his neck. “Maybe you thought all my notes were creepy.” “I was really confused at first,” you admitted, “I thought it was a joke. I couldn’t think of a reason why anyone would write these to me. I was waiting for someone to bring up the topic so they could make fun of me. But deep down I really wished it was you who was writing them and that you actually meant everything you wrote.” The longer you spoke, the more you felt your face heat up. “I wish I had more courage to actually ask you out properly,” Jeno confessed, his voice quiet, “I kept seeing you around Jaemin and then you started to come to our matches. And then we ended up in so many of the same courses and guess what you’re not only very pretty but also incredibly smart. And I guess I kind of developed this huge crush on you with your big scarves and hoodies.”   “Me... Me too, Jeno,” you whispered, your heart making summersaults in your chest and a smile spreading on your lips. Beneath your fingers you could feel Jeno chuckle. “Will you let me kiss you?” He asked softly and who were you to deny him?
Slowly you lifted your head from his shoulder and he carefully cupped your face before he leaned in to kiss you until your noses were touching. His bangs were tickling your face but you wouldn’t have wanted to have it any other way and crossed the last few centimeters between you to press your lips against his slightly chapped ones. Like you had all time in the world you just stood on the ice, lazily moving your lips together only ever separating to heave in a couple of breathes of air and share a soft giggle before claiming each other’s lips again with hearts beating like one.
Eventually Jeno pulled back when you leaned in to kiss him again, a big smile on his lips when you pouted. “You’ll get another one when you manage to skate a whole round in the rink,” he grinned, his eyes sparkling. “You’re the worst Lee Jeno,” you kept pouting, “You’re hurting yourself just as much as me.” “Come on, it’s going to be fun,” he smiled, snaking free from your grip to skate around you in quick motions. “Show off,” you mumbled underneath your breath but tried your best to copy his movements to fulfill his quest.
In the end he had been right, once you got the hang of it and didn’t lose your balance every time there was a dent in the ice, it actually as fun to chase each other around the rink even though you knew he was purposefully letting you catch up to him at times to steal more kisses. It still somehow didn’t feel real that you actually were here with Lee Jeno and that you were actually allowed to kiss him just like this. After what felt like hours, Jeno helped you out of your skates and you just sat on the bleachers cuddled up together beneath a blanket, looking down at the rink. “Are you going to see the match tomorrow?” He asked. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?” Jeno just hummed, a blush creeping up his cheeks and ears, this one definitely not from the cold. What was making him shy all of a sudden? “Would you... I mean... If you wanted to... Would you,” he stuttered before he groaned loudly and grabbed your hands tightly, “Willyouwearmyjackettothegame?” “What?” “My jacket... Would you wear it tomorrow?” He asked again, slower this time but still not meeting your eyes, instead looking at your interlocked hands. “Do you want me to?” You asked him back, a big smile on your lips. “I mean... I understand if this is a little fast but... But I’ve had this crush on you for the longest time and... And I would really like to show everyone that you’re you know...” “That I’m your girlfriend?” “Y... Yeah,” he admitted, shyly looking at you from beneath his midnight blue bangs. “Of course I will,” you smiled broadly, throwing your arms around him to hug him close.
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And you did. After you and Jeno had talked for a little while longer about everything and nothing at all (and maybe some more kissing) until you had yawned more than he found acceptable, he had quickly run to the locker rooms to fetch his jacket that he had promptly laid over your shoulders on your way home. In front of your apartment building he had kissed you goodbye and wished you sweet dreams before he walked away to his own dorm room that he shared with Donghyuck so you had found out. You turned the key as silently as you could so you wouldn’t wake up your best friend who was out cold on the small sofa in your living room, the Netflix ‘Are you still watching?’ screen illuminating the room. Shaking your head, you draped a blanket over the sleeping boy and turned the TV off before getting ready for bed as well. The next morning you had to explain why you had Jeno’s jacket to a screaming Jaemin at an ungodly hour but in the end he was just excited as you were if not more because he didn’t have to hear both of you pining anymore because he had promised Jeno not to meddle.
You slipped into Jeno’s big jacket when you and your friend where about to leave so you wouldn’t be late to the match, you couldn’t help but smile, snuggling deep into the collar until your boyfriend’s smell engulfed you like a blanket. “Stop being gross or the best seats will be taken,” your best friend complained, tugging you with him and filling the way over to the stadium with chatter. “There are so many people,” you exclaimed when you had entered the stadium, looking around for free seats. “It’s the highlight of the season, what did you expect?” Jaemin asked, tugging you further down when he spotted Mark’s girlfriend waving excitedly at your two. She also was wearing a jacket with the name ‘Lee’ on the back just that hers had a big blue 2 on the back and not a 23 like yours. “You and Jeno?” She excitedly jumped up and down when she had spotted your jacket and you could only nod shyly. “I’m so happy for you. Mark told me how Jeno kept pining after you.”
“What’s with all the Lees over here?” A male voice cut in before you could answer anything and Johnny Suh sat down next to Jaemin, not clad in his usual dark red jacket with his name and the 9 on the back but in a rather small orange one with a giant blue 10 on the back. “You’ll fit right in,” Mark’s girlfriend chirped, making Johnny blush and hide his face in his knitted scarf, mumbling something about how stupid it was that it had to be so cold to play hockey and how much rather he’d be in his heated gym. “The joy of dating Korean guys,” Jaemin laughed, jumping up and climbing in a seat the row above you, “Let me take a picture, this is hilarious.” “Ten and Mark aren’t even Korean,” Johnny argued, “But Leechaiyapornkul would have been a bit excessive to put on a jacket.”
The rest of his argument was drowned out by the cheers that erupted when the players came from their lockers, the starting 6 quickly rounding the rink, making a couple of sharp turns and going through moves with their stick. Being their center forward player, Jeno was in the starting team along with Sungchan and Donghyuck. On the defense, Winwin and Mark were checking their gear before the captain made sure that all of Yangyang’s protective gear was on right. In the meantime Jeno was searching the bleachers and you couldn’t help but feel shy before you waved at him, jumping up and down so he would notice you. Because of the helmet you couldn’t know if he smiled at you but your heart made summersaults nonetheless when you playfully put on the hood of the jacket to show him that you were indeed wearing it. You imagined him laughing before he blew you a kiss with an over exaggerated movement that made quite a few people turn their heads to see who he could have blown the kiss to. Before you could even think about hiding, Johnny gripped your arm tightly and hissed: “If I am out here wearing Ten’s stupid jacket that is way too small for me while he refuses to wear mine in public because he’s not some trophy wife, you will not hide now.” Not knowing whether you should be afraid of Johnny or laugh at what really sounded like something Ten would say, you just nodded at the blonde, straightening out your back. From the opposite side you could see Ten sitting in the exchange box, a huge grin on his face when he must have spotted Johnny in the crowd (which really wasn’t that hard, the dude was unnecessarily tall).
“They better win this game or I will be mad,” the blonde grumbled when everyone had sat back down and the referee had called both team captains over. “It’s going to be a tight game,” Jaemin filled him in, “The gorillas have been on a roll for the past couple of games. But I have the feeling that a couple of players might just try extra hard today, trying to show off.” At the end, he threw both Johnny and you a very over exaggerated look completed with wiggling eyebrows which earned him slaps from both of you. “Now shut your mouth, Na Jaemin, I actually want to see this game.” “Wow she gets a hot hockey player as her boyfriend and suddenly she doesn’t need my top notch commentating anymore, that hurts.” “Shut up, Nana,” you smiled, focusing back to where in fact your boyfriend was playing on the ice just now. And even if you loved to see Jeno playing, you couldn’t wait for the game to be over to be back in his arms to congratulate him.
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cartierbin · 4 years
uhmm hyunjin 19??
will do. thanks for requesting sweetheart
『 19. “friends don’t do this shit”.
pairing — hyunjin x reader
genre — smut, the drunkest midnight sex with hyunjin
word count —- 815 』
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smut under the cut !
hyunjin was drunk. no— drunk is an understatement. hyunjin was drunk as fuck. and that isn’t to downplay you, you were considerably intoxicated yourself. yet you were nowhere near as intoxicated as hyunjin was. you two were friends. this what you did on your off days, drink and hang out like two idiotic college kids. this time around though hanging out consisted of thoughtlessly playing card games in your bedroom, your vision way too blurry to even read the cards you held.
“I’m changing the color!!”. hyunjin oddly shrieked throwing a finger up with his eyes hazed. his head was spinning. “mm changing the color to- to indigo!”. he slurs, slapping down three yellow cards. you take another swig of whiskey, letting the brown liquor burn it’s way down your throat. you mush his face with a hand. “those cards are orange you dummy”. hyunjin stares down at the cards he slapped down moments prior and began to fall on his back in laughter. laughing way too hard as if his mistake was much funnier than it actually was. you could only stare back at him. “you’re an idiot”.
he held his stomach while his laughter came to a halt. he was breathing heavy and hard until he catches a breath. he places his hands behind his head and peered over at you across from him through his legs. even in a drunken state he admired how pretty you were and how much of a good friend you were to him. even in a drunken state he wouldn’t dare miss this opportunity. he smirks to himself with adrenaline rushing to his dick at the thought. “you know what we should do? we should fuck”. he slurs again, it was a blessing that you could even understand him. you slap his knee. “friends don’t fuck”. you add taking another swig of whiskey. it wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about doing it with him once or twice, but that wasn’t the point.
he leans up with messy blonde hair, “cmon. you know you want to fuck me anyway. don’t you?”. you try your best to gather logical thoughts for a moment. but “yes” is the only thing you blurted out. hyunjin makes a pft noise while grabbing your hand and pulling you on top of him. he places his hands on your ass and squeezes it, surprising the hell out of you. you finger comb his hair and lean down to kiss him, yet completely missing his mouth and clashing your forehead against his. the both of you wince at the pain, holding your hands on your heads simultaneously. “damn it. I felt that one”. he curses prior to laughing. “oh shut up”. you reply.
once the both of you were correctly aligned of course your tongue ambushed his mouth infolding him into a wet sloppy kiss. you couldn’t exactly say you knew what you were doing but he was kissing back and rubbing your ass as if to urge you on so you assumed you had to be doing something right. you inhaled the shared breaths canting your hips upwards urgently against his growing bulge. it took hyunjin by surprise and he groaned into your mouth at the intrusive feeling. his lips were soft and delicate yet tasting so much like whiskey that you could’ve gotten drunker by tasting his lips alone. you didn’t mind though, after the few swigs you had moments prior you already were immune to the astringent taste.
hyunjin’s dick waved in arousal while you rocked down on him in a riding motion, your legs on either sides of his waist with your clothed pussy directly against his crotch. you thought hyunjin was hot when he was drunk and focused, lazily tongue kissing you and pushing his ringed thumbs into the meat of your inner thighs. he wasted no time tapping your hips and pulling away, “take these off already”. he whines in protest as if he weren’t fully clothed himself. you shed your pajama pants and tossed them on the other side of the floor, smirking at his curious face in the process. “friends don’t do this shit”. you remind, turning his eyes into crescent moons when he smiled again. you discard your panties as well about to get back on top of him until you realized he wasn’t naked either. “wait I want to see you too”.
you snaked your fingers down to the buckle of his jeans undoing them and he tries his best to assist you sliding them down and kicking them off his ankles. he slips his briefs off as well, letting his thick erection slap against his stomach. you hovered over him while you straddled, grabbing his dick and letting it softly tease your hole leaving hyunjin sucking in breaths through his teeth. “shit”. he curses underneath his breath, the creaminess of your folds overwhelming him completely. you smirk against before inching your way down on his length with a light gasp, clutching the front of his shirt for support.
alas you did what you were thinking about doing to him for years, riding him like the drunk slut you were. his mouth hung into an o-shape and his hands grip the curve of your waist, appreciating every movement you made on top of him. his face was priceless and it was clear to tell that he wasn’t expecting for it to feel this good. he whimpered beneath you, “oh my god”. he breathed trying to fathom how wet you were. you release a breathy laugh, “it feels good doesn’t it jinnie?”. he nods with his eyes half lidded. “fuck yes”. you were drunk off of the liquor and drunk off of the feeling of hyunjin filling you. you became so engrossed in the euphoric clouds in your head that focusing on anything else was much too difficult.
“you feel so good inside me”. you admit knowing you’d say nothing like that if you were sober. hyunjin lands a loud smack on your thigh. “cmon you can’t ride me and talk like that I’ll be fucking cumming in no time”. you smirk and lean over to pepper kisses along the trail of his jawline. “that’s exactly what I want jinnie. please fill my pussy with your cum”. he releases another weighty groan. his hips bucked up into you with need. you gasp feeling him hit a spot you weren’t expecting.
“you’re so damn hardheaded”.
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Minors dni
This contains: extreme levels of sexual tension, friends to lovers, oral (fem receiving), tiddy worship, squirting
You work at Origini miya and Osamu loves to make messes
You aspired to be a great chef and open your own restaurant one day. So naturally you decided to work at a restaurant to get a feel for it. You decided that working with your best friend was your safest route considering he already owned his own restaurant. You ate here all the time anyways so what's the harm. Plus you know free food.
“Hey boss!” you teased, placing all your belongings in your usual spot in the kitchen. The back of the shop was all very home-like. The counters were filled with small nick nacks. Your favorite being the volleyball salt and pepper shakers.
“Hey pumpkin, bad news. We have to work pretty late today.” he spoke over his shoulder and continued cutting away at vegetables. There were small neat piles on his cutting board of all types of veggies.
“I don’t mind but may I ask why?” you questioned as you tied your apron strings. It was canvas colored with a small cartoon origini on it. He loved hearing you ramble on about how cute it was.
“My stupid brother wants to pass by with his team which means 10 professional athletes will be eating here tomorrow. Hence all the sacks of rice on the counter,” he points to the table with rice cookers and rice bags lined up ready to be prepared. He places down the knife and walks over to you. “And who better to help me than my pretty little assistant.” He flashes you a taunting smile.
“Alright big guy, where do you want me?”
“Preferably on my bed but getting the meat from the freezer is fine too.” he blew you a comical kiss which you gladly caught and placed on your cheek with a fake lovey dovey sigh.
And so the day began. The third staff member was in charge of the front counter and attending to the guests while you and Osamu made the meals for tomorrow. He was a shy but funny highschool student looking to get some extra cash for video games. Osamu had a soft spot for him so he was often given raises. Hours flew by as the two of you made rice and all kinds of fillings to suit the players' tastes. There was endless chatter about random nonsense, some tv shows you both watch and a shit ton of middle school humor.
“Does it taste good?” you gave him a spoonful of the meat and sauce mix to try. You decided to try something new and surprise him, miixing his favorite meat in with his homemade sauce.
“That’s what she said.” he giggled at his own joke before trying it. “Hmm goof.” he hummed in satisfaction.
“Swallow before you talk, nasty.” He couldn’t handle it. He spit out the mix at your face and burst into laughter. Gripping your shoulders to stabilize himself.
“Do you think before you say these things!” He clutched his chest as his breath stabilized.
You gave him a sour look and so he shuffled over to grab his towel and clean your face off. Your eyes were closed as he worked away, wiping all the food off you. He stopped at the side of your cheek to admire your features. “Pretty” his voice was so hushed you didn’t hear him. He leaned in closer, your faces inches apart.
“Sir my shift is over and the shop is all closed up and clean so have a good day!” The poor kid knew he walked into something. He quickly waved goodbye and left as quickly as he came. Slamming the door on his way out.
“Yeah thanks kid, have a good ni- and he's gone. Alright let’s get back to work.”
“Good idea” you cleared your throat and looked away.
Things got really awkward after that. He stopped making eye contact and his terrible jokes stopped. You had to think of something to ease the tension. You still had so much to do and you couldn’t bear to have it be like this the whole time.
“Hey ‘samu can you help me over here real quick!” you shouted from the sinks at the wash station. They were in a separate room to the rest of the kitchen so that spilt water can go down the floor drains. Which you thought was genius of him.
“Yeah whatcha need.” The second he turned the corner you sprayed him with the handheld nozzle. “Oh so that’s how we’re playing.” He grabbed a nearby cup and filled it, chasing you around for a bit trying to catch you. When he finally caught up to you he wrapped an arm around you from behind and drenched the front of your shirt, laughing into your neck. You couldn;t help but laugh along. Your laugh made his chest feel all warm.
The water had soaked through the apron and your shirt, making your shirt translucent. He could see everything from his view above you. He wasn’t going to lie, he’s always had a thing for you and this didn’t make it any easier.
“Didn’t take you as the lace bra type.” His grip on you tightened slightly.
“I’m so glad I made the staff uniform white” his hands come up to grope your pretty tits. Pushing them up and releasing them. “You’re gorgeous, you know that.”
“Can’t tell if you’re talking to me or my tits and my shirt’s still soaked.” he softly chuckled.
“Both.” he whispered into the shell of your ear. “Can I make it up to you? Maybe help you clean up?” his hand slowly trailed down to rest in your inner thigh.
“M’yeah.” You hummed in approval. His hand came behind to undo your apron knot, letting it fall gently to the floor.
“Spread your legs for me baby.” his hands smoothed over your stomach before making their way into your pants. “You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this.” He rubbed small circles at your clit, eliciting satisfied hums to fall from your lips.
You’ve always thought he was hot but god did he just go from a 10 to 50 real quick. “Oh so you planned this, didn’t you pretty boy? Asking me to stay late, all the little hints.” you tried your best to make your voice not sound strained.
“Maybe a little, all with your permission of course.” His other hand made work of your shirt buttons. Taking in all you had to offer when your shirt finally came off. You were so pretty to him. All your small gimmicks and reactions to situations had him so in love.
“Ah. Such a gentleman.” a small moan escaped your lips when his fingers ghosted your entrance. You gripped his forearm and he stopped immediately, looking for any signs of discomfort or hesitance.
“Are you ok?” His voice was soft.
“Yeah can we just adjust positions?” you dropped your head back onto his shoulder.
He had a moment of thought, resting his head against yours. “Do you trust me?”
“One hundred percent.”
“God fuck! Right there!” your head knocks back into the wall and hips roll into his face. He doesn’t hold back any sounds either, grunting and obscene licking were the only things coming from him. He absolutely loved this. It was so messy. Cum and spit dribble down your thighs and onto the floor, his face was slick with your cum and he adored it. He could cum from this alone.
He’s had you against the wall with both thighs wrapped around his face for about 30 minutes now. His idea of trusting him was just another way to show off his strength. Gripping at your thighs like it’s his life line. You thrash against the wall, pawing at his hair and shoulders.
“‘Samu s’too much.” your words were barely understandable at this point. He had reduced you to a babbling mess. He hummed into you and that’s all it took. Your orgasm came crashing down hard. You didn’t even notice what you had done at first.
He looked up at you with cum dripping off his face and chin. The proud smirk on his face made you squirm in embarrassment.
“Hey pumpkin, I said I would help you clean up the mess. But I think I just made a bigger one.”
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alvfr · 3 years
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Pairing: Emily Prentiss x F!Dom!Reader
Prompt: D for Dominate + # for period sex, requested by Anon
Rating: Explicit. 18+, minors DNI
Words: 2.1K
Includes: Soft!Dom. Period/menstrual sex = mention of blood. Fingering. Oral sex. Some overstim.
A/N: Shortest thing I've written. This is very soft domination, and I'm not an expert in this field at all. No degradation. If you're squeamish, this fic includes mention of period blood! Cross-posted to AO3, link in my masterlist.
“Legs spread, Emily.”
“Yes, Miss.”
“I said spread, Emily.”
A brief pause before she heeded your request and placed the soles of her feet on the towel covering the mattress. While you waited and watched, she dragged her heels back so they pushed against the plump muscle of her ass. It took visible effort before she relaxed her legs and had them drop open to either side.
“There’s a good girl.”
Her thick eyelashes, black as her hair, fluttered against her cheeks in relief. Already pulling deep breaths through her parted lips, even though you hadn’t come close to touching her. The muscles of her throat worked as she swallowed before managing to whisper: “Thank you, Miss.”
She was a sight, that’s for sure. Long stretches of pale skin and tight curves where she laid on the bed. Head resting on a pillow with her shiny black hair splayed like a dark halo around her face. Naked and slightly flushed, with only the deep pink of her nipples breaking the flow until the neat triangle of curls started between her legs. It led down to something more colorful — blood swelling into her vulva, making it plump and matching the deep color of her nipples. With her legs spread like this, she was opening herself up to the room — up to you — and you licked your lips as if you could already taste her on your tongue. Her hands down by her side where she kept clenching and unclenching her fists. Poor thing still so riled up from work, tense and nervous even now.
Letting her simmer in anticipation, you studied her face too. Eyes closed, mouth open, the faint remains of the lipstick she’d worn to the office still on her lips. The sharp angle of her nose pushed up, giving her side-profile a downright regal and haughty expression — your absolute favorite thing about her. A physical reminder of her character. Along with the strong cheekbones, the slope of her jawline, and a mouth used to order and command.
And here she was, already panting with need and fully at your mercy.
“Have you been a good girl today, Emily?” you asked and watched with delight how her eyes squeezed shut. Finally moving, you got up from the chair next to the bed and wandered around it, drifting your fingertips over her collarbone with feather-light pressure. “Hm?”
The admission came like a plea. “No, Miss.” A brief pause, not from hesitation, but because her mouth looked too dry to speak. “I’m sorry, Miss.”
You let it slide for now and trailed your hand down to her breasts. Her chest bucked under your touch, showcasing different muscles and curves of bones under her soft skin. “Why not?”
Dark eyebrows pulled down even while her eyes remained closed. You loved her deep voice, especially now when it bounced up and down in pitch while she stuttered. “I — uh — I didn’t think- I didn’t know-”
Her messy speech sent thrills up and down your spine. Emily Prentiss reduced to a blubbering mess over something as silly as this. A tremble passed through her body when you carefully swept your fingers over her hard nipples. She wasn’t one for sounds — not in the beginning anyway — so you had to watch her breathing or rely on her for using safe words if necessary.
“You didn’t know what,” you plucked one of her nipples with two fingers and applied a light pressure, “Emily?”
Back arching off the mattress, she swallowed thickly again. “That this- that you- that-”
God, she was beautiful. You took pity on her, but pinched tighter around her nipple in return. “That your pussy belongs to me?”
“Yes, Miss,” she whimpered and dropped down to the mattress when you let go of the stiff little bud, now redder than before. She let out a throaty: “I’m sorry, Miss.”
“That you’re mine?” You tweaked her other nipple, watching her brows furrow again, looking for any signs of real pain in case she was tender. “Every day of the month?”
“I’m sorry,” she moaned, shoulders slumping back down on the pillow, eyes still closed. She groaned when you flicked her nipple, squirming her hips on the towel. “Miss. I’m sorry, Miss.”
“Good girl.”
The praise pulled her lips into a tender smile and you ignored the way your heartbeat fluttered in your chest.
This had started when she came home from work, sulky and snappish and high-strung from stress. Usually the way to make her relax was bending her over your knee, spanking her until she begged for more, and then fingering her until she begged you to stop. It took her mind off things, to say the least, and when she slumped into your embrace afterward, where you petted her soft locks and whispered praise straight into her ear, she would finally let loose of the tension in her shoulders. If she could, she’d share what bothered her — usually the abridged version — and if she couldn’t, you’d distract her with the less gruesome matters of your everyday life.
Today though, she had scorned your advances. Not because she didn’t want it — she had said so herself, but it was so obvious from how she acted too — but because she thought you wouldn’t want it. Want her. Not... now.
Turns out, some of that bad attitude came from good old-fashioned PMS. You had laughed then, finding the thought of the tough FBI agent being squeamish about a little blood hilarious. Looping your arms around her, you had kissed her neck and offered to take care of her. Run her a bath, rub some lotion into her skin, massage her back and pussy alike because nothing helped more against cramps than an orgasm.
And she’d averted her gaze and muttered something about being gross. That she was bloated and bleeding and disgusting and that’s when you had grabbed her face, pinching your fingers on her chin, and ordered her to wash herself and get on the bed within five minutes. She knew you didn’t tolerate her badmouthing herself in any way. But if she wanted to act like a brat, you could treat her like one.
You could almost see the relief in her eyes then. See how much she needed to lose control — needed you to take care of her. Screw the bubble baths, she just needed someone to tell her what to do.
So now you had her spreading her legs wide on the bed, fully naked and panting. Waiting. Not begging for anything yet, but definitely eager because where you could see the faint red line dripping out from her spread lips. It mixed with her clear essence, painting her in a pretty pink.
You started slow. Moving from her nipples and down to her spread legs. Trailing your fingers in her wetness, praising her for being so good. For letting you take care of her for once. For spreading her legs so wide for you. For getting so wet for you already. Pretty, pretty girl.
The bedroom dissolved into nothing but your voice, her breaths, and the wet sloppy sounds from where your fingers pushed into her. You kneeled in front of the bed, watching everything up close, smelling her sweet juices and the slightly metallic blood. She writhed against your hand, the inner muscle near her thigh trembling when you found that cushy spot in the front, and her pussy fluttered around the intrusion. Two fingers — three fingers — they turned reddish pink with her juices and she was so open for you. So wet and hot and pretty.
“Oh god,” she groaned, and now her hands tugged at the towel under her hips. You kept pumping your fingers into her, deliberately not even breathing close to her clit, and saw her clench, squeezing around your fingers. “Please, Miss.”
“Is this good?”
“Yes, Miss.”
“My fingers in your pussy, is that good?”
Her voice cracked. “Yes, Miss.”
“Isn’t this my pussy?”
“Fuck, yes, Miss. I’m sorry.”
“Say it.”
“It’s your pussy, Miss,” Emily babbled, the muscles on her thighs flexing hard every time you rubbed her G-spot inside of her. “All the time. Always. All of me. Yours. Fuck. God. Please, Miss, pleas-”
“Are you going to be a good girl?” you asked, enraptured with how her knees trembled. Your fingers moved faster, aided by the extra lubrication, and you loved the soppy sounds they made. “Let me take care of you every day of the month? Hm? Let me use your pussy anyway I feel like? Only good girls get to come, you know. Are you going to be good?”
“Yes, yes, please, Miss, God-”
“Want me to rub your little clit for you?”
“Oh god,” her voice snapped into the room, “yes, please, yes.”
You blew some air on the top of her wet slit, and could see her clit throbbing. Still not touching it. She deserved some punishment from before. “Are you going to be good?”
“Going to come around my fingers?”
“Yes, yes, Miss, yes-”
“Ask me nicely.”
“Can I- can I please-” She hissed, lifting slightly off the towel, before forcing herself back down. “I’m close. Fuck, I’m so close. Can I please come, Miss? Can I-”
That was fast.
Silly woman. You had been right that she got extra horny on her period. Mentally counting backward, you realized she had happened to be out of town during her last cycles, but not always. Now the flimsy excuses before you moved in together made sense. So fucking stupid. Like you cared about some blood?
“Not yet.”
The sound from her throat was downright filthy and worth the strain in your wrist. “Please.”
You moved faster, spreading your fingers inside of her — all three of them and saw her hole stretch to accommodate it — before you twisted and nudged against that soft spot over and over again. Emily writhed on the bed, sounds coming from her chest that you’d never heard before, and you saw that little shiny button on the top of her pussy pulse steadily.
“Please,” she begged again, her hands splayed against the sheets and clutching so her knuckles turned white. “Please, Miss, please-”
Mouth watering, you leaned forward and fastened your lips over her clit and sucked. Hard. Emily screamed somewhere up above and gushed around your fingers and mouth. Her walls spasmed around your knuckles while you kept on sucking, tasting faintly metallic, but mostly sweet and her legs clamped around your head, muting everything but the taste of her pussy.
By the time you released her aching bundle of nerves with an audible pop, her chest rose and fell several inches. A stain spread on the towel and when you wiped your face against the inside of her thigh, you left a pink streak behind.
“Good girl,” you whispered and pulled your fingers back to see her gaping hole and a wanton moan let loose from her lips. “Such a good girl.” You reached up to massage her stomach, the taut muscles still bunched up from her climax. “Doesn’t that feel better?”
Her mouth hung open, but you saw her nod. The kohl black lashes flutter open a bit, giving you a soft smile from where she laid on the bed. The smile widened. “You look like a vampire.”
Grinning back, you nipped the inside of her thigh. “Okay, now spread your legs again.”
“Oh, you thought we were done?” You swallowed her flavors and reached for the vibrator next to the bed. “No, we’re just getting started. Bad girls get punished, remember? Are you going to make me repeat myself? Leg-”
She hurried back into position before you finished talking, her wet lips opening with a soft smack right in front of your face. The hum of the vibrator filled the room and an excited thrill filled your stomach at seeing her pussy flutter around nothing. At the second-lowest setting, you pushed the smooth edge of the vibrator right next to her clit.
More wetness gushed out of her opening and you smiled at the sight. Pretty, pretty girl.
“Now hold this.”
“I-” Emily made a strained sound and you gave her a second to remember her place. “Yes, Miss.” She took over to hold the vibrator, careful not to move it a millimeter in either direction. “Fuck.”
“Don’t move.”
“Yes, Miss.”
“There’s a good girl.” You reached for the second toy next to the bed, one that would fill that hole already clenching around nothing. “I’m going to make you come so many times you forget your name, baby. Now spread your legs.”
She sounded more relieved than anything now. “Yes, Miss.”
A/N: Haven't seen many fics written from the Dom's perspective, so let me know how it worked. Half a mind to write a similar one from Emily's POV if it's of interest, maybe without the period thing.
Feedback appreciated in general - feel free to send me a message on anon if you’re shy. Remember to reblog if you like it ❤
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
hey idk if you're still taking reqs but this is kinda an emergency req. can you do platonic kuroo, kenma, bokuto and akaashi as a squad comforting reader after a mutual breakup (due to reader being too unstable mentally) and the squad just barges into the reader's house to find them in their messy room, forces her to shower, plays games or watches movies etc and just ends up cheering reader up. idk i just badly need to feel like i'm not pathetically alone. headcanon, oneshot wtv you want. - 🐰
kuroo, kenma, bokuto, and akaashi as a squad comforting y/n and cheering her up 
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“on the count of three...” kuroo whispers, hand gripping on your doorknob. “one...two-” 
“Y/N WE’RE COMING IN” bokuto excitedly exclaims, turning your doorknob only to find it locked. “why is her door locked” 
kenma sighs. akaashi sighs too. “probably because she doesn’t want unwanted stranger barging into her house,” akaashi explains, clutching tightly onto his bag. 
“like us?” bokuto asks.
“yes, like us.” 
hearing their voices outside, you lift yourself up from the floor and pads over to the front door. you unlock your door and opens it to a slight crack. “...hi?” 
by the sound of your voice, the boys’ eyes immediately diverts to you. “y/n...” akaashi starts. “we just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay-”
before akaashi can finish, bokuto jumps at you with his arms wide open and tightly hugs you, lifting you off the ground. a hug has never felt so good. “we’re so glad you’re still alive,” he says with a huge grin on his face. 
he walks into your place, carrying you over his shoulder as kuroo, kenma, and akaashi follows. help, you mouth, knowing bokuto wasn’t planning to put you down anytime soon. kuroo just laughs while kenma gives you a small shrug. 
akaashi is the only one who helps. “bokuto, y/n can walk on her own, i think you might be hurting her stomach area.” 
“oh....” bokuto sets you down on your couch and grabs the tv remote, searching for a show. akaashi places the plates of food he brought with him on the coffee table. kuroo takes in the messy sight before him and glances at you. 
“looks like you haven’t been cleaning much, y/n...” kuroo states, leaning down to pick up the clothes and wrappers off the floor. 
“what do ya mean?” bokuto asks, shifting around on the couch. “it’s cleaner than my room” 
kenma mutters a small “we know” and sits down beside you. “have you showered recently?” he asks 
“kenma, that question sounds a little weird,” kuroo says. “y/n, where’s your laundry basket?” 
you sigh, pressing your back deeper into the soft cushion. “the laundry basket is .... i don’t know where it is. and no, i haven’t showered recently because-” 
“we don’t need a because, go take a shower, y/n” akaashi says, walking over to your bathroom to make sure it’s clean enough. when he sees shampoo bottles, lotion, and towels everywhere, he quickly places everything in one corner and guides you inside. “while you clean yourself, we’ll clean the rest of your home, all right? don’t worry about it, just take a nice shower.” 
you give him a small smile as you walk into your bathroom, chills going up your spine as your feet hits the cold tiles. once you’ve locked the door, a small smile forms on your face. thank god for good friends. 
“who chose the movie last time?” 
“kenma did.” 
“okay so it’s my turn.” 
“no, no, let y/n choose” 
bokuto glances at you and softens up. “okay...y/n you choose” 
your eyes stay on the ground. “i don’t feel like watching a movie,” you weakly say. 
...kuroo blinks and looks over at akaashi. akaashi looks back at kuroo, then at kenma, then a bokuto. bokuto blinks back like, what do we do
“are you sure you don’t want to watch a movie, y/n?” akaashi asks, crossing his legs to sit in a criss crossed position. “we can watch cartoons, or a funny movie, or a romance movie, or an action movie, anything you want” 
“as long as if it’s not as boring as the documentary kuroo chose, then it’s okay” kenma softly says, smiling at you. 
“what do you meannn?!! my documentary was not boring. it-” 
“i agree with kenma; it was boring” bokuto nods. 
kuroo opens his mouth to speak but then looks at akaashi for help. akaashi blinks for a moment and sighs. “kuroo, your documentary was one of the borest things i’ve ever watched” 
...kuroo slumps down and pretends to walk away. “man, i need new friends. y/n, what did you think ?” 
you look up from the ground as everyone in the room stares at you, anticipating your answer. “i- why’re you putting pressure on me like this-” 
“was the boring or not” bokuto urges on. 
you softly chuckle. “well, it wasn’t that interesting...” 
“sEE? SEE?! even y/n says so” bokuto exclaims, looking directly at kuroo
kuroo rubs his forehead and sighs. “i came here to make sure y/n is okay...not get bullied about my movie choices” 
“kenma’s the king at video games, akaashi is the king at board games...but who’s the king at jenga?” bokuto dramatically gestures with his arms. 
“...doesn’t jenga count as a board game?” kenma asks with his arms resting on the table 
“but where’s the board? it’s called board game ... not brick game.” 
kuroo slowly nods. “you’ve got a point there...” 
a sly smile creeps onto akaashi’s face. “i’m pretty good at jenga...but i’ve never played with y/n so i not completely confident i’ll win” 
spoiler: akaashi won. 
“kuroo, today is the day our friendship ends” kenma groans, slowly taking four uno cards from the stack. 
kuroo chuckles. “fine by me as long as if i win” he places a red 9 card down and looks at you for your turn. you give him a sly smile as you place down a green 9
bokuto groans. “you just had to switch the color, didn’t you?” 
“mhm” you proudly smile as bokuto grabs cards from the stack. 
spoiler: you won, because of course. 
“kenma, we’re still friends...right?” - kuroo 
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lizzy-williams · 4 years
𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟸: 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚐𝚎
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎, 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝, 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚂𝙼𝚄𝚃
.  𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒓𝒚, 𝑽𝒂𝒔𝒕
kinktober masterlist
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𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆...
𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒓𝒚, 𝑽𝒂𝒔𝒕
God, she was beautiful. Everyday, same time, she’d wander her way into the coffee shop I worked at, always ordering the same thing. Unless she was having a bad day, then she would order black coffee. She’d always have a book with her, and she’d always go to the same spot. The chair on the left in front of the fireplace. 
Ever since she first walked in, she was the focus of my attention. She was so kind. She would always leave more than two dollars in the tip jar, and always used her manners, which was hard to find, especially in a fast paced community like Cleveland. 
Whenever she would find her way into the little shit-hole of a coffee shop, she would always find a way to suck all the air out of my lungs. The way she moved... the way she smiled. The way her lip would curl if she was concentrated on a book too hard. 
But sometimes, rarely, she would walk in with someone. He always held her a little too close, a little too hard. And the bright sparkles she would have in her eyes when she came in alone would disappear. But even if she didn’t look at me, tucked under his arm, I could always hear a faint ‘thank you’ fall from her lips when I would hand the coffee to her. 
He was bad for her. But how could I make her see that? But of course, like for everything else, I had a plan. A plan that had to work. 
The little bell above the door ringed and I glanced at the clock. 
7:30, on the dot. Just like clockwork.
She looked so beautiful. God, what I wouldn’t give to-
“Heyy, how are you doing?” I greeted, cheerfully, hoping she would return the energy. But she didn’t. 
“I’m fine.” she replied shortly. 
She had never spoken to me like this. And I didn’t like it. Not one bit.
“Just fine?” I kept up the act, hoping my irritation didn’t slip through my tone. 
She clutched her book tighter, obviously not wanting to talk. Communication was important to me, and this was obviously something we would need to work on after the plan was put into place. 
She wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. 
“So uh... What can I get you?” I asked, watching her small fingers mess with the sleeves of her sweater. I always noticed that was a tick that would happen if she became anxious. Or if she was around... him.
“Coffee. Black.” it was a short two worded command and it made my blood boil and if I were a cartoon, steam would most definitely be coming out of my ears, by face beet-red. 
She only ordered black coffee on her harder days, and it usually had something to do with him.
Her hair draped over her face, her beautiful fucking face. She usually had it tucked behind her cute little ear, which I always found completely adorable. Either that, or it was placed in a messy bun, a smile visible on her face. 
But today was a stark contrast. 
“Okay then, black it is. I’ll just take it to your usual spot...,” I muttered, my cheery tone obviously disintegrating with every word. 
She gave a single nod, going to her chair, a royal blue cushioned chair that the owner bought from an antique store. I had to admit, once I found out that she took a special liking to the chair, I took it home and fixed it up. All for her. 
My thoughts began to wander. What did he do this time. It always pissed me off that I had to refer to it as ‘this time’. It shouldn’t have happened at all. I don’t even know why she even looked that douchebag’s direction. 
I took the phone out of my pocket. Now was my chance to help her. To take her somewhere better. To take care of her. I placed in some sugar into her coffee., turning my head to see if her was looking. But she wasn’t. As always, she was enveloped in her book again, always in a world of her own. 
What that stupid bitch of a boyfriend didn’t know, was that he left his phone here. He bought a new one, of course, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t use it after the cell service was turned off. 
When I found the pictures, my world turned red. Message upon message of him flirting, and even a couple nudes. I hated him, I fucking hated him. 
But my plan? It had to work. 
I pressed the post button. 
I put the warm mixture into a cup, a blue mug, as it was her favorite color, and set the cup on a saucer, walking over to her, careful not to disturb her, part of me anxiously wanting to see if she had her lip curled in, her teeth scraping across the soft skin of her lips.
I lightly tapped her one the shoulder, making her jump. Usually, I would be obsessed with the fact I was able to touch her. But it would never make up for what I really wanted to do to her. 
She gave a soft smile before I set down the mixture on the table in front of her. I then sat down into the chair closest to her, leaning over, trying to catch a glimpse of the cover of her book. 
“So, what are you reading?” I asked gently, trying to start friendly conversation, hoping that would help. 
I’m not going to let him turn this into a dark coffee kind of day. I wouldn’t let him dictate how tonight went. This was supposed to be perfect. 
“A romance novel.” she answered plainly, giving a real, genuine smirk. 
If there was one thing in the world that could cheer my princess up, it was talking about books. Once, we had an hour long debate on which was better: Lord of the Flies or To Kill a Mockingbird. It always cheered her up, no matter what that bastard did to her. 
She picked up the mug, taking a small sip. She made a face. 
“I know it wasn’t what you ordered, but you look like you could use some sweetness in your life right now. I know you do,” I quipped, referring to the sugar I added last minute. 
I can read you like an open book. More than he ever could. 
I reached over, tucking her hair behind her ear gently, knowing that she wouldn’t pull away. If fact, she almost leaned into my touch, making my heart burst. 
As she reached her hand up, the sleeve of her seater dropped. And that’s when I saw it. A deep bruise, a hand shaped bruise was apparent on her arm. But once she noticed that I saw it, she pulled away, trying to cover it up. 
You don’t need to cover up around me, princess.
I grabbed her hand, looking at the deep purple of the bruise and I wanted to find the fucker right then and there and kill him. Slit his throat. And have the last thing he saw before he lost his life be my emotionless face as he-
“Colson, stop, you’re hurting me,” she cringed, trying to pull away from the now tight grip I had on her wrist. 
“oh fuck, sorry, I... I really didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry,” I apologized profusely. 
Just like planned, her phone lit up, and she pulled her hand away, and I almost verbally whined at the loss of contact. 
She checked her phone, and she let out a small pathetic whimper. She almost dropped her phone. 
There, on the screen, was a post. An instagram post. Pictures of conversations, nudes, and other things. But I knew my girl would see it before it was taken down. But why would I care what happened to the account. 
Because it wasn’t my account to begin with. It was his. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” I asked. Now it was time for the real theatrics. My next choice of words could make or break the situation. 
“H-He... He-” She couldn’t get a word out, her words wavering. Her tears began to fall, and it killed me to see her like this, but it was necessary. It had to happen. 
“Come here,” I muttered, and she leaned into my embrace. My arms wrapped around her. 
Jesus fuck she smelled so good.
She leaned into me, crying into my chest, and I held her close. We sat there for what felt like eternity. Thank god the shop was empty. She always came when it was empty. 
I suddenly felt something against my neck 
I felt her plush lips against my neck. Soft, supple kisses against my throat almost sent me into a frenzy. 
I looked down at her, fake shock on my face, and she almost looked embarrassed. 
“S-Sorry... I just... I don’t know what I was-”
Stop talking.
I cut her off. I kissed her. And oh my god, I could have cum right then and there. It managed to be more perfect than any fantasy I had ever come up with prior. God... so perfect. How could anyone hurt something this beautiful, this precious.
I swiped my tongue across her pearly white teeth, requesting access into her mouth, and she thankfully complied. I wouldn’t want to take her by force after all. 
It was etherial. She tasted like peaches, and honey, and birthday cake. He scent enveloped me, and it took over my senses, making me want her more and more. 
My hands drifted up her sides, her arms wrapping around my neck. The kiss turned more heated once her small hands traveled up my stomach, under my shirt. 
I pulled back and smirked at her, “Are you sure you wanna start something you can’t finish?”
Returning the same energy, she muttered, “You know it,” before making a bold move, lips attaching to my jaw, a groan finding its way out of my mouth. 
She was so beautiful like this. She was exactly where she was supposed to be. And I was going to make sure she never thought otherwise. 
Let me praise you. Let me show you your worth. You won’t remember him. Ever. I’ll make sure of it.
I then picked her up, making her let out a playful squeal, and I gushed. She was so adorable. I carried her to the back room, setting her on a table in front of me. So pretty for me like this. 
I pulled out a rope from the corner of the storage room. I always had to be prepared after all. I was prepared for everything. Anything for my princess. 
I tied her wrists tight, making her whimper. But I knew she liked it. How could she not? I then took the remaining length of the rope, tying her up like a present. All for me. Just for me.
I gave her a quick peck to her lips, and I could tell she wanted to touch me, her ankle wrapping around one of my legs, in an attempt to pull me closer. 
“Heal me,” she whispered, her lips inches from mine. 
And heal her I would. 
I grazed my hands up and down her body, taking in every curve, every crevice. Every flaw. Flaw. There were no flaws on her. Not on my princess. She would never have a flaw. And I would make her believe it too. 
I did something barbaric. But something I’d always wanted to do. I ripped her shirt, the piece of clothing giving a sharp, satisfying tear. I marveled at her covered breasts. Even though the bra was in the way, her breasts looked beautiful. All pushed up and perfect for me. 
I then proceeded to strip the rest of her, soaking in the soft whimpers and noises that spilled from her lips. God, her lips. 
As soon as she was fully naked, I stood back and looked at her. She was the most stunning thing I had ever seen. A goddess among men. A being to precious for this Earth. 
I don’d deserve her. But I do at the same time. I had gone through so much shit in my life, I felt like this was God’s way of payment. And he didn’t disappoint. 
A needy whine pulled me from my thoughts, and I met her perfect gaze once again. 
“Colson, please. Please t-touch me,” she squirmed, and it was euphoric to hear my name roll off her tongue so easily. 
It was enough to make me crack, my body stalking towards her, my head buried in her neck, breathing her in, my hands finally going down where she needed me most. It was so nice to hear her breath hitch the way it did. 
My fingers dragged slowly though her folds, making her let out a needy and erotic mewl, her head leaning on my shoulder in turn. 
“You make such pretty noises,” I grumbled against her ear, making her buck her hips desperately towards my hand. 
If only she knew the ideas she had though my head. To her, I was just the friendly guy in the coffee shop she when to sometimes. But now I finally felt recognized and payed attention to. 
I slipped a finger into her tight cunt, making her whine, making blood flow south. Her noises really were amazing. 
I pumped at a fair speed, her forehead attached to my shoulder like it was glued. My fingers were in perfect sync to the bucking of her hips, and it made my painfully hard. 
After a few minutes of listening to her moan and whine as my fingers slid against her velvety walls, I wanted to be inside her. Make her feel more pleasure then she had ever felt. I was better the him. And I always fucking will be. 
How dare he touch my princess. How dare he hurt her. You treated her like a dog. Now I’ll treat her like a goddess.
I undid my belt, not even bothering to pull them down all the way, just enough so my cock could breathe, and I watched as she shifted her gaze towards it. To this day, I swear I saw her drooling. 
She really did want this, didn’t she?
I teased her, the tip running across her cunt, making her whimper in need. A need for me. Only me. I held her close, her head in the crook of my neck. 
I slowly pushed into her, leaving comforting kisses on her head. As soon as I was fully inside her, I watched as her face contorted in the most delicious way, her mouth making the perfect little ‘o’.
“So beautiful, princess, look at you. So perfect like this, all for me, all mine,” I whispered harshly against the shell of her ear.
And I would make sure that the only name she could remember was mine, not his, or anyone else’s. 
Not even her own.
After 3, long, beautiful, delicious rounds, I felt as if I was on top of the world. No words could describe the euphoria I felt when I came inside her for the first time. The sounds she made. The praise she let fall from her lips. 
And when she took the mixed cum from her pussy onto her fingers and placed them in her mouth... I was hard again in seconds. 
After we both calmed down, I knew that there was no way I was ever letting her go.
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((It’s my birthday today, lads.))
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hogwartsfirebolt · 4 years
For "the way I said I love you", no. 14 please :) thanks!
I - this ran away from me. All I know is I was watching Tangled and this happened and it ran away from me. Thank you for the prompt! ❤️
The way you said “I love you”, 14: A whisper in the ear.
The first time Draco saw the thief, he thought perhaps he’d imagined it. It was the middle of the day, the middle of town, and he looked out the window of his big big house and saw a thief slipping out the window of the house across the street. 
No respectable thief would dare steal at noon, he thought, and definitely not from the home of one of the wealthiest men in town, it was simply too odd. He convinced himself that he’d imagined it. It wouldn’t be the first time, what with it being the twelfth consecutive year he spent locked in his house with no company other than Bernoulli, his cat, the weekly visit of the man who brought him groceries and the biweekly visit of his adoptive father. He wasn’t the sanest person in the world, he knew. 
Having decided that, he put the incident out of his mind.
The second time he saw the thief, it was a much more reasonable hour for thieving activities - the small hand on the clock just about grazed six, the sun barely peeking over the horizon - and as Draco looked out the window he saw him again, knew it was the same man because of his messy black hair. The thief went into another of his neighbor’s houses. Draco rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t making it up. The thief came back out with a bag full of things and left swiftly, silently, unseen by everyone but him. 
The third time he saw the thief, looking out the same window, he found him walking on top of the roof of the house across the street as if it was nothing. It was the middle of the night and Draco couldn’t sleep, so he was looking out the window and he saw the thief, caught him with a bag in each hand and one foot in front of the other, keeping his balance. Draco must have made a sound, because the thief froze and looked right at him. Their eyes met. 
Not knowing what to do, not even seeing him properly because of the meters separating them, Draco raised a hand and waved. The thief stared for a moment, two, then left. 
That encounter set the tone for the next handful of months of Draco’s life. Any sane person would have tried to alert someone - anyone, really - to the continuous presence of a thief, but given that Draco was both locked up and not the sanest person around, he didn’t do anything. He would sit in his tiny balcony right outside the window and wait and wait until he saw the thief, and when he did, he waved. 
And the thief waved back. Startled, at first, a hesitant jerk of a hand before scurrying away. That was the first few times, but after a few weeks, the thief would wave with more vigor, give Draco a big, toothy smile that made his stomach twist. 
One day, Draco looked at his window and found the thief standing on his balcony, leaning casually against the glass. With his heart pounding, he opened and let him in. 
Introductions happened. His name was Harry, Draco discovered, his eyes were green, his skin brown, his voice rough, low, and when asked why he had decided to dedicate his life to crime, he threw his head back and laughed heartily and uninhibited. 
It was a Sunday night. Earlier, Draco had baked chicken pie, and he offered the thief two slices. 
“Why are you locked up?” The thief, Harry, asked, shoveling his pie into his mouth as if he hadn’t eaten in days. 
“My father says it’s to keep me safe,” Draco replied. “It’s dangerous outside. I don’t know what he means, but I trust him.” Harry hummed. Then he asked, very politely for a thief, Draco noticed, if he could please have some more pie. 
After that, Harry would visit him often. Twice a week, at the very least. Some weeks Draco saw him everyday, would wait for him with dinner served on the small table of his room, and Harry would come and they would sit there for hours, eating and chatting about what Harry had done that day. 
If his adoptive father, Mr Riddle, noticed anything different in the two hours he visited Draco every two weeks, he didn’t say, and so Draco didn’t see fit to tell him. He didn’t think he’d like it. 
So he and Harry talked. It quickly became apparent that Draco hungered for details, wanted to know exactly what the bakers’ street smelled like that morning, the color of the sunrise, because the sun rose behind his home and he could never see it. 
Harry would indulge him, he’d say, “I’m pretty sure it was chocolate cookies, this morning,” and he would say, “the sun was a big red ball behind the clouds, and the sky looked half pink, half orange.”
“What kind of orange?” Draco would urge. 
“Like — pff , I don’t know, Draco. Like peaches.”
And then when Harry left, he’d smile over his shoulder and say, “see you tomorrow, blondie,” and Draco’s heart would pound inside his chest and he felt it didn’t stop until the next evening rolled around and he saw him again. 
He wasn’t blind. Harry was very attractive - almost too attractive, an assault on the eyes - with his broad shoulders and slim waist, the crooked nose, those thick eyebrows and lashes and his green eyes that made Draco lose his mind when he was alone at night in bed. 
He was 20 years old, had been locked in since he was 8 and hence had never been kissed, never been touched in any way other than a fatherly pat on the head. But he was 20, and he knew the things that happened in bedrooms, had read about them and couldn’t stop himself from thinking them when he saw Harry in his tight white shirt. 
Not being the sanest person around, but certainly one of the cleverest, Draco knew Harry looked at him too, thought those things about him too, and every time he caught Harry staring at him silently, chest rising with shallow breaths, goosebumps broke all over his skin. This went on for months, a tension tight like a string tying them together. 
A year after the visits started, it became unbearable. Draco felt half out of his mind with it, his palms sweating when Harry leaned close, when he whispered and brushed Draco’s hair back. 
One of those nights, right before slipping out of Draco’s window, Harry hesitated. 
“I’m leaving town. I won’t see you in a couple weeks.” 
It wouldn’t be the first time it happened, so Draco nodded. He started to say he would find a way to entertain himself, but found he couldn’t, because Harry was kissing him. 
Startled, Draco couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, and it lasted all of two seconds before Harry pulled back with a smile warmer, shyer than the usual.
“Think of me, blondie.” And he disappeared into the night. 
Draco almost passed out, and think of him he did. 
When Harry came back, two weeks later, Draco gave him his virginity. Three times in one night. 
It was glory. 
Things didn’t change much after that. Harry visited, they ate Draco’s food, talked about what Harry had done, but now there were kisses in between, touching, more than touching. Now, sometimes, they didn’t go straight for the food, they stumbled into bed, slow, rushed, young and ancient. Their sex was the most honest thing Draco had ever known, sometimes they’d laugh in the middle of their kisses, sometimes they’d be silent the whole time, clutching the sheets, clutching at each other, overcome. 
Draco was over the moon. He’d never known what it felt like to be someone else’s favorite human, have someone bring him sweet, warm bread and flowers because they’d reminded them of him, had never gone days with butterflies inside his chest whenever he so much as thought about someone. 
“You stole my heart,” he’d tell Harry, smiling into his lips. 
“You already knew I’m a thief.” 
And it was true, but in Harry’s hands, Draco knew he was safe. He told him as much once, when they were lying together naked and breathless, still a bit sticky. He leaned close to him, kissed the corner of his mouth and whispered it, right into his ear, he said, “I love you.” 
“Do you?” 
“I do.” 
“Then I’m one lucky, lucky thief.” 
Harry said it too, in different moments. Like when he walked in and found Draco had made his favorite tart, hugged him tight, lifted him up and said it,  “God, I love you.” Right before leaving, with a kiss to Draco’s forehead, “Love you. Sleep well.” With a smile, whenever Draco blushed. “Damn, I love you.” 
He was liberal and open with his love, demanded the same back with a hunger. Would say, “hmm, you love me” whenever Draco rolled his eyes at him, would ask “how much?” after Draco said he did. 
“How much?” Draco would repeat, trailing his fingers over Harry’s naked chest. “Green eyes, I’d run away with you. That’s how much.” 
It was true. He’d never considered it before, Riddle said Draco was safe inside, and he had never wanted to go out into the world that had destroyed his parents, but for Harry, he knew he would try. 
One day, Harry came in nervous and twitchy, refused to sit, refused to eat. 
Draco sighed. “Okay, out with it.” 
Harry looked right at him, swallowed and said, “Do you want to go somewhere with me?” 
Draco froze. 
But the answer was always going to be yes. With Harry, always yes. 
He sneaked out. For the first time in twelve years, he slipped out his window and set foot on the street and ran. 
Harry took him to the woods, and they ran along the trees and over the grass, Draco almost crying with how much he was laughing. They had a picnic under the shade of an oak, orange and cheese that gave flavor to their kisses after. Almost like magic. 
When Harry took him home that night, Draco said what had been on his mind all day. He said, “Let’s do it.” 
Harry didn’t even need to ask what he meant, only asked, “are you sure?” 
Draco nodded. 
The following week, the day after Riddle’s biweekly visit, Harry showed up with two bags, one full and one empty, and Draco knew it was time. He packed clothes, food, all the money he had into the empty bag Harry gave him, took his cat and its food and they did it. 
They ran. They walked and ran and were out of town in three hours, had crossed another one in five. They had two weeks until Riddle found out, but Draco wanted to put as much distance as he could between them, as soon as possible. 
So, for a week they walked. It could have been awful, and Draco’s feet were certainly killing him, but it was also the happiest week of his life. They would wake up with the sun, eat fresh fruit and start walking, fingers laced between them. At night, they would find an inn and cuddle up in a tiny cot, have uncomfortable sex that made them laugh, made them cover each other’s mouths with frantic “shhh”s, because the inns were full that time of the year and they didn’t want to get caught. 
By the time the second week rolled around, there were seventeen towns between them and Riddle, and Draco woke up feeling light. Harry stirred next to him, threw an arm around him and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. 
Draco turned his face, angled for a kiss. “Morning, thief.”
Harry smiled. The previous night, the owner of the inn had offered them both a position in the kitchen in exchange for the room and food, they were even offered a few coins a month, and they had said yes. They had made calculations and, if they worked hard, they might be able to move into a small place of their own in a little under a year. Their present, that possible future, it was everything. 
There was so much they didn’t know. They didn’t know, for example, that the following week there would be a town fair celebrating the lost prince’s birthday. They didn’t know that they would feel like dancing, they didn’t know that, in the middle of their dance, a palace guard would see them and recognize his queen’s features in Draco’s face. They didn’t know that they’d be called in to the palace. They didn’t know that what Riddle had told Draco when he’d kidnapped him all those years ago was a lie, that his parents were alive. They didn’t know Draco had a family. They didn’t know they were rich, that they would stay together for years, and live a happy, happy life. 
But they knew they had each other, had their present and a future full of hope. And it was enough. It was enough. 
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Heartbreak - Part 2
Part 1 is found [here]
Pairing: ShinsoxReader, BakugouxReader (ex-boyfriend, RIP)
Rating: Fluff!
Words: 2,878
As the weeks grew longer, your feelings for He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named began to fade and numb. He had tried apologizing you multiple times within the first week, even going as far as leaving one flower each period on your desk for you. Which was very out-of-character, especially for someone as explosive as him. By the second week, he had upgraded to chocolates, your favorite brand, and bouquets of white orchids, a symbolization of love and care. As the notecard had said on the first bunch of snowy flowers that you had gotten from him. And what did you do with his gifts?
You looked him straight in the eye with the sweetest smile, and had Todoroki set them all on fire for you. Which he did all too happily.
By the third week, he had stopped with the boxed candy and flowers, instead reverting to following you around like a lost puppy. He didn’t speak, instead trailing behind you with dark eyes and a gloomy expression. He had even stopped himself from cursing at you, immediately halting his voice whenever you spoke up against him with unusually calm eyes, lips pressed into a fine line. And then the staring would continue, and you’d go back to ignoring him once more. By week five, you were practically non-existent to him, and he to you. All of your classmates had heard what had happened between Bakugou and you, and they all took your side; even Kirishima and Kaminari were upset with him, for Christ’s sake! You had forgiven Kiri pretty easily, especially when you found out that he didn’t know about the situation until that fateful day at (R/N) Restaurant, same as you. And of course, Shinso had been by your side the entire time, practically acting like a second skin as he glared daggers at the hothead ex of yours. It was most likely because of Shinso that Bakugou kept his distance. You could still remember how he tried to approach you the day after the break up…
“Why are you fucking acting like this, idiot?”
You tried to ignore him, arms wrapped around yourself as you bumped into his shoulder intentionally. He grabbed your shoulder roughly, and you could smell smoke. “HEY, I’m talkin’ to you, dumba-”
“I suggest you release her. Now.” The familiar, bored voice of the purple-haired boy made you snap your eyes up from the ground where they had been planted, trying to hide the unwanted tears that hung in your (E/C) eyes. Bakugou glared at the boy, eyes narrowed as they watched Shinso stroll past him and yank Bakugou’s hand from your shoulder before wrapping one arm around your own. “In case you couldn’t tell, (Y/N) isn’t really in the mood to talk with you.”
Bakugou growled, this time aiming for Shinso as he spun the boy around. “Hey, watch your fucking mouth, fuckhead.” To anyone else, this might’ve been slightly intimidating. However, Shinso’s only response was a raised eyebrow as he kept his face blank, arm still slung around your shoulders lightly. You had gone from staring at the dirt to darting your gaze between the two boys, eyes widening with every passing second. Even you knew that Bakugou wasn’t a dumbass, but… Did he really forget who he was talking to?
Shinso smiled, his expression dark as he glared at the spikey boy. “Hey, Bakugou? Sit.” Immediately he dropped to the ground, legs folded beneath him as he stared up at you and Shinso with dimmed eyes. “Good boy. Now, beg for (Y/N)’s forgiveness.” It wasn’t even a pause before Bakugou was doing as Shinso said, eyes gleaming with newfound sadness as he wept and begged for your forgiveness, groveling at your feet as he stared up at you with his ruby eyes dropping with crystal tears. And for a quick moment, you felt proud. You felt great to stare down at him with a dirty look, so often as he had done to you in the past, and a grin overtook your lips. You turned to Shinso, who was still focusing on Bakugou with furrowed brows.
“Okay, okay. Good enough. Thanks, Shin.” You leaned into his chest, not noticing the way his body tensed up, or how his attention snapped to you, or how his breathing stuttered at your sudden closeness. But he shook it all off as quickly as it had come, going back to staring down at the mess of an ex boyfriend at your feet. Shinso bared his teeth at him in a sadistic smirk. “Stay the hell away from her… Unless you want an extra like me to do this again.” His tone was unlike him, and for a moment you looked up at the sleepy boy in awe as he stood up for you. Hell, was he always this handsome, or were you that sleep deprived? You pushed that thought to the side, instead giggling as you guided Shinso past Bakugou in silence, who still sat heavily on the ground with red tinting his angry expression.
And holy shit, did that really make your day.
You grinned to yourself as you recall the memory, before spotting Shinso leaning against the wall beside the classroom door with his usual stoic look. Eagerly you skipped to him, your spirits already lifting. “Shin!” His name fell from your lips like a prayer, and immediately his head shot up to spot you beside him. His expression didn’t change in the slightest, but you could detect a softness in his eyes that he reserved only for you. “How was class, kitten?”
You snorted slightly at the nickname, making Shinso’s lips twitch upwards. “Meow, meow. It was great, I learned so much and I’m totally going to hold this information in my heart for the rest of my life!” You clutched your chest dramatically, and this time it was Shinso snorting at you. “How was your classes today?”
“Wonderful.” His voice was dry, and a tinkling laugh came from you. Another lip twitch. “Now, can we go to sleep? I’m tired.”
“You’re always tired.”
“Exactly. Glad you agree.”
You grinned at his response, looping one arm through his as you dragged him towards the dorms. “So, what’s the plan for today? Just more sleep with a side of Disney movies for me?”
“Sort of. It’s a surprise. Trust me?”
This time, a full-blown grin overtook his features at your lack of hesitance to answer, and you nearly furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as to why your heart seemed to stutter at that same time. He was your friend, you chanted to yourself like a mantra. Nothing else. Just a really, really good friend. You smiled back in reply instead, shoving aside your weird heart jumps and focusing more on the boy beside you. “Soooo… No hints?”
“No hints.”
You pouted slightly at him, and he glanced sideways at you before directing his attention back in front of him. “Jeez. You’ve never been so secretive before, Shin. Makes me feel like we’re going on an adventure. Or maybe a secret mission!” He chuckled at your usual theatrics, leading you through the familiar wide doors of the Alliance building and up the staircase to your bedroom. At this point, his hand had slipped down from your arm and ended up entwined with your own, his long fingers twisted with yours loosely as he continued to surge forward, not sparing a glance over his shoulder at you. As soon as his hand had found yours, though, your cheeks erupted with heat. God, it must’ve been an accident, right? Or maybe it was more comfortable for him to hold your hand versus your arm. Right? Your friend, your closest friend who you definitely didn’t have any romantic feelings towards, definitely didn’t like you like that. Right? Right. Yet your thoughts made your cheeks flame hotter than ever before.
By the time you and Shinso had made it to the outside of your room, you had denied all thoughts about Shinso liking you - because that wouldn't happen, because you were just friends - into the farthest corner of your mind. For a moment, the two of you stood staring at your bedroom door. You tilted your head at it. “Ah, yes. A very nice color; matches well with the wall’s color.” You mused, glancing at Shinso for a reaction. None, nothing. His hand was still in yours, but noticeably more tense and slightly clammy, as if he were nervous; and you would’ve believed it if it hadn’t been for his blank expression. “Shin? Shinso?” You nudged him slightly, and even tried to pull your hand from his. This only prompted him to cling to your hand more tightly, and finally he looked at you.
You knew Shinso was never an expressive guy; in fact, he showed very little of his emotions on his face. You had only seen him happy, frustrated, sad, and downright pissed. But the expression on his face at this point was none of the above. It was… vulnerable. As if he was putting his heart on the line. You’d see his eyes soften for you every now and then, but his eyes at this moment were full of fire that made you want to melt on the spot. And for the first time in your life, you saw the violet-eyed boy hesitate. “Just… Don’t freak out.” He winced at his own warning, and suddenly you were on high alert. Don’t freak out? Was there a monster behind your door that you didn’t know about? You were about to crack a joke, anything to lighten up the mood, but any words that were planning to escape from your throat were halted as Shinso swung open the door to your bedroom.
Just because you weren’t a big fan of romantic movies didn’t mean that you didn’t see them, especially with Shinso being a closet-fan for the genre. Yet you didn’t expect to see your room to be pulled from a rom-com scene right by its throat. Rose petals scattered a path to the surface of your bed, candles on your bedside table and desk, enveloping the room with the scent of lilac and vanilla. Heart-shaped balloons littered your ceiling, their strings dangling over your shoulders with a notecard attached to each. “Sh-Shinso?” Your voice sounded weak to your own ears, and when he didn’t answer right away, you pulled on one of the strings that hung down from a balloon, flipping the card over for you to read. You’d recognize his messy handwriting anywhere.
Your laugh.
You furrowed your eyebrows at the short phrase, glancing over at the purple-haired teenager who had followed you into your room and closed the door behind you. He stayed silent once more, but his eyes begged you to continue. You grabbed at another notecard.
Your smile.
And another.
Your sass.
And another.
Your anger.
Your obsession with Disney.
Your underwear.
Your cheeks burned at the last part, which had been an accident. Why was he even folding your laundry to begin with? You shake your head. That wasn’t important at the moment.
You continued to pull down the other notecards, stacking them all together as the words piled higher and higher. They all whirled through your brain, and as you finally grabbed the last one dangling, you turned to Shinso. “I-I don’t understand.” Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth, throat dry as he approached you slowly. It was then that you noticed the notecard he held in his hand; the final one. He held it out to you, and a smile graced his features as you grasped the edge of the paper softly. Your hands were shaking, but from what you couldn’t tell. Instead of thinking about it, you flipped the card over, letting your eyes drag across Shinso’s messy handwriting once more. Your other hand rose to cover your gaping mouth.
I love everything about you.
“Shinso…?” You tried once more, and this time you received a reaction. The note fell from your weak hand as he grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to him until both of your hands rested against his lanky chest. At this point, Shinso was done with waiting and hesitating. Without a second thought he dropped to both of his knees, clinging to your hands as if his future depended on it. His usual sleepy gaze was full of life and energy, staring up at you as if you were the light in the darkness. “I know you just broke up with bricks-for-brains a month ago, but I love you, (Y/N). I’ve loved you since you spilled a plate of curry on the front of my shirt during your first day at work. Where I first met you, and you stared up at me with those doe-like eyes that held determination like no other. I fell in love with you all over again as you stood up against that meat head of an ex, then again when we were in the women’s bathroom and you recognized that quote from Love By The Sea.” He released a breathy laugh, dropping his head and closing his eyes momentarily before focusing them on you once more. Your own breathing had become shallow as you listened to him, hanging onto every word that descended from his lips as if it were a life line. “I know it’s too soon to confess this all to you, and I know you’ve been having a tough time, but I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I love you with every fiber in my being. You don’t need to reply to me now; I’ll wait for you. For as long as you need me to.”
He reached forward and pushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear, and that broke the dam. The tear that rolled down your cheek shocked Shinso, and he immediately leaned away from you with a curse. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect that you’d-” You cut him off by placing your palm over his rambling mouth, a low giggle rising from your chest. God, this was the last thing that you expected, but that didn’t mean it was a bad thing. “I’m happy, I swear. Happy tears, see?” You grinned as you continued to let your tears fall, with Shinso placing his hand against your cheek once more, wiping away the trails. “I’m scared.” You confessed, in a voice so low that you thought he didn’t hear you for a second. But he did, and he took the hand off from his mouth in order to kiss its five finger tips delicately before he folded it against his chest.
“I know. I am too. It’s not like I do this for any girl who accidentally snorts out soda after laughing too hard.” He said. With that comment, you smacked his chest with a sniffle. “Shin! That was one time!” You whined, and he laughed as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you against him.
“... I’m scared, but I’m willing to try if you are.” His words were barely above a whisper, and they were so sweet that you had to hold back another sob from erupting. You had never felt this way with Bakugou before; lightweight, breathless, dizzy with emotions and most importantly, love. You didn’t stop to think as your wrapped your arms around Shinso’s neck, pulling his face closer until you smashed his lips to yours.
He’s warm, and at first he’s as still as the dead, and you’re scared that you pulled the wrong move at the wrong time; then he’s moving, hands planted on your hips as he moves his mouth against yours. You’ve had experience, and you weren’t sure of Shinso’s history; but based on the way he was holding you and molding his lips to your own, you’d never believe that he was an amateur. He was a roaring flame, kindling you into a forest fire until you felt overtaken. He propped himself up on his elbows, lifting his weight from you as he grazed his tongue over your lower lip eagerly. Your hands find their way to his messy locks of hair, tugging his head back enough to give you a chance to catch your breath. He does the same, panting heavily as his grip on you tightens, as if you’d disappear into thin air in front of him. And the way he looked at you… It was as if you were a precious gem, glittering and shiny in his eyes.
“Yeah. Woah.”
You grinned, massaging his scalp and watching as he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. You had never seen him so vulnerable before; usually, Shinso was pretty hesitant when it came to touch. He seemed to be a different man, staring down at you with bright eyes and a soft smile.
You knew your choice before he had even given it to you, before you had plucked the first notecard from one of the many balloons still on your ceiling and before Shinso had fallen to his knees before you. Yet your throat still felt swollen, and you gulped before finally speaking. “I love you too. I’d be honored to be your girlfriend.”
And he swept back in to your lips, stealing your breath once more.
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hoonieistrash · 5 years
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pairing: persephone! jimin x hades! reader 
word count: 8k 
genre: FLUFF, a bit of angst
tags: jungkook has a crush on the reader so angst for kookoo :(, soft fluff, flowers, female pronouns, not like the tale where hades took or kidnapped persephone, you are an awkward bean, jimin is a softie for you :(
synopsis: Whoever said the god of the underworld was a man? No, no. You were a goddess, the goddess that your brother trapped in the land of the dead. Jimin was the complete opposite of you, the god of spring and the son of Demeter. He only heard about you through his mother and the other gods and goddesses and he was mad, they really did not give any justice to your beauty, not one bit.
alternative synopsis: Jimin was in awe with you and being the curious thing he is, decided to follow you to the Underworld. 
author’s note: It’s 5 AM when I finished this :)) THS IS MY FIRST LONG FIC I PUBLISHED SO YEAH ALSO, this is unedited and English is not my first language so if there are any mistakes, I’m sorry :// I just love persephone and hades :( JIMIN IS A CUTIE and IM SORRY KOOKIE :(( aNYWAYS! I hope you enjoy this!
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You sighed in your throne made of cold hard steel inside your dark throne-room, waiting for any mortal that committed a crime so bad that you, the goddess of the underworld, have to judge for yourself. You were dressed in a black robe as black soft silk flowed behind you while fine jewelry adorned you to match your status of Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Death. A black crown sat on your head elegantly.
The atmosphere was like any other day in the Underworld, melancholy and the stench of death filling the air. You looked at your side as you see your loyal companion, Cerberus, sleeping in the dark corner. The poor pup was bored, nothing to do but sleep, eat and scare mortals.
“Mistress!” You heard the echo of your friend’s voice in the halls before even entering your throne room. Your cold eyes turned to the main entrance, expression hard and unreadable. 
With a bang of the heavy steel door, scaring and waking up Cerberus, in came your friend and servant, but you did not like calling him that but the latter did not care, dare to say that he even liked it, that little masochist. The mortals called him Thanatos but you liked his real name better, Jungkook. You like calling him Kookie, his bashful expression always amusing you greatly. 
The young daemon entered with all of his glory, two large magnificent black wings perched on his back as his black robe fluttering below his knees. Big doe eyes staring at you, a large smile on his lips, confusing you. Normally, Jungkook did not like showing these emotions, too stubborn, saying that he was a daemon and did not exhibit such feelings. 
He ran towards you making Cerberus perked up, his three head looking at the winged spirit. Jungkook looked at him and searched in his bag, throwing a lump of large meat towards the huge canine. The three heads fought each other for the meat on the side as Jungkook stopped in front of you, kneeling in one knee. 
“What’s all the fuss about, Jungkook?” 
He merely smiled and searched again in his bag, giving a scroll to his mistress, “Hermes gave this to me” 
You arched a fine brow at him, taking the scroll from him and read it. Eyebrows furrowing at every word you read but Jungkook did not notice, blabbering in front of you.
“–He just gave it to me and left, I think that Zeus is finally agreeing to let us expand our land, Mistress! It would be-” 
The loud noise of the paper being torn echoed in the quiet room, Jungkook’s wide eyes stared at his furious Mistress and frowned. 
“I-It’s not an agreement, is it?…” He asked quietly, a lump forming in his throat when he saw you stand up, eyes colder and deadlier than the River Styx. 
“That fool! If he thinks that he can keep me locked in here then he’s greatly mistaken! I’ll destroy him!” You screamed, black flames bursting around you startling Jungkook and Cerberus. The former looked at you with scared eyes, “M-Mistress…” 
You turned to him, eyes filled with fury but it softened when you saw his scared eyes, your black flames calmed down. You sat again, defeated by your younger brother. 
Jungkook bit his lips at the sight of you, hating the way you slumped in your throne. You always wore yourself as a dignified and noble character, exuding an ethereal beauty, not like the mortals described you, but this sight made Jungkook want to tear Zeus himself.
He could not help but fall for you in these past few thousands of years, you always helped people and brought justice to the fallen ones but Zeus trapped you here in the Underworld, only being permitted to go to Earth every 300 years and it was only for a day. 
“Leave me, Jungkook” Your weakened voice broke him. He rose up from his knelt position and looked at you with anguished
“B-But Mistress! I can help you! Please don’t shut me out–” 
“I said, leave me. Do not make me repeat it thrice.” Your firm voice cut him off. He swallowed the lump on his throat and nodded, hanging his head in defeat. 
“O-Of course, Mistress.” 
Jungkook went out of the room, the heavy doors closing behind him and left you alone with Cerberus who was whimpering on the side. 
Cerberus walked up to you slowly, his whimpers catching your attention as you turned to him with sad eyes. He slumped his three heads on your lap, your soft hands caressing one of the heads. 
“If my little brother really thinks he can keep me here then I’ll make him realize just how much I belong here after all” 
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Jimin sat in a great meadow filled with flowers, picking pretty ones with a gentle smile as his soft blond hair fluttered with the wind. He hummed a soft tune, matching the serene atmosphere around him. He was a young god, son of Demeter and Zeus, some mortals called him Persephone while his mother called him Kore. He always hated the name his mother called him. Demeter always wanted a daughter but her dreams were shattered when Jimin came. 
Demeter raised him like a daughter, bringing him pretty robes and jewelry fit for a goddess. He liked them actually but the fact that his mother brought it for her daughter and not him hurt. 
His smile faltered when he remembered his mother but quickly masked it and continued to distract himself with the flowers, one hand clutching softly a bouquet of it while one caressed the planted ones. 
“Jiminie~” A deep voice called out, his smile widened at the familiarity of it. He looked up and saw his best friend, Hermes, but his real name was Taehyung. 
“Taehyung! Nice of you to accompany me this fine afternoon~” Jimin chirped, standing up gently, Taehyung landed in front of him a bit clumsily with his winged shoes, his golden winged staff swinging around almost hitting Jimin in the face. 
“Woah there. Easy with that thing” Jimin teased, pushing it away before it hit his face. Taehyung smiled sheepishly at him before composing himself, blowing an icy blue hair away from his bronzed face
“How’s my favorite god doing?” Taehyung asked, looking at Jimin’s hand which held a beautiful arrangement of flowers and his messy golden hair with small flowers attached to it. 
Jimin’s soft blue eyes rolled at him, shaking his head at the mischievousness of his best friend. 
“Flower picking, as usual, Taehyung” And then went back to his flowers. Taehyung smiled sadly at his words and sat beside him. 
“You know your mother is just protective, that is all” The young messenger tried to cheer up. Jimin smiled at him weakly, “I know Tae… I know…” 
The taller god frowned at his smile then pursed his lips. Thinking for a moment as he studied the young god, then stood up, dusting his white immaculate robe. Jimin stared at him with confusion at the sudden action, “You’re going already?” 
Taehyung smirked at him and said, “You mean, we’re going already.” 
Jimin gaped at him, he knows that Taehyung was mischievous and was always up to tricks and pranks but he did not think that it was to this extent.
“M-Mother will have your head if she found out you took me away from here” 
“If she finds out~”
The young god shook his head, not wanting Taehyung to get in problem with his mother. He was the only companion he has and he does not want him to go away too, forbidden by his mother. 
Taehyung rolled his eyes at his friend, “Come on Jimin! The quicker you get up, the quicker we can get back” 
Jimin gulped at that, looking around the meadow which he only knew since he was but a young sapling. He looked up again to his nodding best friend who was urging him to stand up. 
“F-Fine… Only if we get back before mother gets back!” 
Taehyung smirked at that, “You’re talking to the fastest god, darlin’~” 
Jimin stifled a laugh at his words and stood up. Taehyung waved his staff and in a blink of an eye, they were gone. The young god looked around at the new meadow they were in and behind them was a forest. Jimin admired the landscape, it was certainly different from the meadow he knows, it was vibrant with more color and it has a forest next to it. 
Taehyung looked at Jimin with a nervous smile, “You like it? We can go somewhere else if you want–” 
“No! This is perfect! It’s so pretty, Taehyung… Thank you” Jimin uttered out. Taehyung smiled at him, his best friend was too kind and too easy to impress that it hurts his sly heart.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Do what you want to do, Jiminie~” 
Jimin grinned at him and jogged to the meadow, sitting down at the softer grass, caressing the more vibrant flowers and flowers he only knew from the scrolls his mother has. He was eager to know more about them, picking the flowers unfamiliar to him, humming once again but more cheerful this time. 
Taehyung smiled softly at his preoccupied friend, he was about to sit down beside the blond god when he heard the bell that alerts him when Zeus wants him to deliver something. The blue-haired god groaned at it catching Jimin’s attention who looked up at him with big eyes. 
“Sorry, Jiminie. I have to go somewhere real quick. I’ll be back before you know it! Don’t go anywhere!” Taehyung said and flew off before Jimin can even say anything. The young god was left alone in the middle of nowhere as he blinks, not believing that his best friend just left him. 
He sighed at that and shook his head, telling himself that Taehyung will be back shortly and that he doesn’t need to worry. He went back to picking the flowers. But then Jimin’s eyes caught a movement in the dark forest, he looks up and his breath was caught in his throat, he stood up, trying to get a closer look at the beauty.
Going in the forest was the Goddess of Underworld in all of your glory, silk robes and fine jewelry adorned your body but it was not as fine as your beauty. Jimin never saw anyone so beautiful yet look so sad. Your long (h/c) hair fluttering behind you as a black crown was perched high in your head. Your lips were a luscious red, shaming any fully bloomed rose. But what caught Jimin’s attention the most was your eyes. He never saw anything so filled with melancholy but still looked so beautifully cold. Dull (e/c) eyes but how it shone when the light hit it, Jimin wanted to see it up close. 
You turned your head and locked eyes with the young god as he gasped but never removing his eyes away from yours. Your eyes widen ever so slightly at him, you never saw this young god all your life. Another child of Zeus, you presume, and with the thought of your younger brother, you scowled. Unintentionally, at Jimin, but the young god thought it was for him. He shrinks at the intensity of the scowl with it’s matching cold glare. 
Your eyes softened when you saw him back away from you, your eyes turned sad once again before turning away and towards the forest to go to the underworld, back to your own personal prison. 
Jimin saw you go away as he panicked, wanting to follow you but stopped when he remembered Taehyung and his mother. He bit his lip, contemplating whether he should follow you or not, but any thought vanished when he saw you get further in the forest, almost disappearing from his sight. He quickly followed you, the bouquet of flowers still in his hands. 
You scowled as you stalked away to the entrance of your prison, going in the dark entryway, your robes fluttering behind you. Jimin saw you go into the hole, the scary and dark entrance gave him the frights but also thrill, never experiencing something like this. 
He followed you without you noticing as he looked around the different and dark land, all he saw was in ruin as an inky black river flowed beside him. In the further distance, he saw a dark castle standing majestically. Inside the inky waters, he thought he saw faces, groaning in misery. When he saw it, he followed you, scared out of his wits.
You quickened your strut when you saw Charon in his boat, his dark hood hiding his face as his bony hand grasped his ore. 
You stepped in his large boat, sitting on the seats, giving him a golden coin. Charon chuckled, raspy as if he never used it in a thousand years.
“My apologies, Mistress, but I think you owe me than just one gold coin.” He said. You were confused, looking at him with a puzzled look. 
“What? What are you talking about, Charon.” You stated, not in any mood to joke around. 
“There’s two of you in the boat, Mistress” 
You whipped your head back and locked eyes with the same soft blue eyes you saw earlier. You furrowed your brows at that, frowning at him.
“What are you doing here, little god? You don’t belong here. Go back.” You ordered in a cold voice making him flinch but he did not move an inch.
“M-My name is Jimin, not little god. A-And I won’t go back. I just want to explore…” 
You looked at him, bewildered, you did not just hear him say that. Who does this little god think he is. 
“Explore? If you want to explore then go back. You do not want to explore the Underworld unless you want to die, little god.”
Jimin looked at you with wide eyes, “Underworld? This is the underworld?” He asked with surprise
Your fine brows arched, annoyed, “Yes, now go back.” 
Jimin pouted at you, not fazed by your coldness, already getting used to it. 
“Can’t you take me with you? Just for a bit…” 
You run a hand to your face, stressed. Jimin bit his lip, “It’s just… My mother doesn’t let me go anywhere… It is my first time going out…” 
You removed your hand away from your face, looking at his sad expression. Your once unbeating heart started to pump uncharacteristically. You sighed, defeat by those doe eyes. 
“Fine.” You grumbled out as Jimin grinned at you, excitedly. You dug into your robe to get another coin and gave it Charon who watched the scene with amusement. 
“Now, start rowing.” You ordered, Charon nodding and moved his giant ore. 
Jimin cheered quietly as the boat moved. He studied the place with his soft blue eyes as his blond hair waving a bit.
You looked at him in the corner of your eyes and rolled your eyes at your decision. 
‘I’m going to regret this…’ You thought, letting out a small sigh.
“What’s this?” You heard Jimin asked. You looked back nonchalantly but almost had a heart attack when you saw his hand reaching out for the black inky waters of the River Styx. You grabbed his hand in alarm, “Don’t touch that! You want to poison yourself?” 
Jimin did not hear you though, he was too focused on your linked hands. Your cold hands grabbing his warm ones gently, making his heart flutter as he blushed, unfamiliar with any skin contact with others beside Taehyung and his mother. You followed his eyes and saw your hands together, you let go of his in embarrassment. You turned your head forward, once again, hiding your growing blush. 
“Don’t touch anything, do you understand.” You said, feeling him nod behind you. Jimin frowned, already missing your cold touch. Your touch was very distinct, the only one who’s touch was cold but Jimin liked it.
“O-Okay, I understand” 
Charon smiled a bit under his hood, his Mistress was acting so differently that it was amusing. The Goddess of Death and Queen of the Underworld disarmed by a young unknown god. 
The boat ride was mostly filled with an awkward silence as it was accompanied by Jimin’s soft humming. The boat stopped in front of the castle as you got off of it with Jimin following clumsily after you. 
“Mistress! You’re back!” You heard Jungkook’s voice from the castle as your eyes widen, how on earth are you going to explain to the daemon your unexpected companion. Jungkook was known for his unrivaled loyalty to you and jealousy with your flings. 
Charon chuckled at your dilemma as he rowed away. Jimin looked at the hooded boatman as he heard his chuckle, tilting his head in confusion then turned back to you. 
The winged daemon arrived in front of you with a wide smile but it dropped when he saw the pretty young god. His dark brows furrowed with mixed emotions bubbling in him. 
“Who’s this?” His cold voice asked as you sighed, it was starting. Jimin smiled at him, nervously, and waved meekly. Jungkook scowled, disgusted by his innocence. 
“This is Jimin. He followed me on the way back here.” You said, walking away as Jungkook and Jimin followed you with the former looking at you with horrified eyes. 
“What do you mean, Mistress? He’s staying with us?” He asked making Jimin look at you.
“If he wants. Or if he wants to go back, then escort him out.” You said, looking at Jimin who stared at you with wide surprised eyes. 
“He wants to go back, I’m sure of it!” Jungkook exclaimed, looking at Jimin with a hard glare, daring him to oppose his words. Jimin smiled apologetically at Jungkook as the winged male deflated at that.
“I-If you permit, I would like to stay for a bit” Jimin whispered out, you turned back to him, studying him with enigmatic (e/c) eyes. You nodded and continued your way.
“M-Mistress, b-but–” 
“Ready a room for him, Kookie.” And with that, you disappeared into the dark. Jungkook’s wings fell at your words as he frowned, dejected. 
He sighed and tried to suck it up, reminding himself that this newcomer will be out of his feathers in no time. Oh, how wrong he was.
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It has been a week and Jimin was still in the Underworld, putting his flowers around the dark and gloomy palace. Jungkook did not want to admit it but Jimin was some nice company, he was pure and innocent and Jungkook likes teasing him and teaching him new ways. 
They were sitting at the back of the palace, at the courtyard with Jimin making flowers appear in the slowly coming into life grass and plants. Jungkook watched his new friend companion in awe, not really used to flowers in the Underworld. 
“How do you do that?” Jungkook asked him, Jimin smiled and sat beside the winged daemon. 
“I’m the god of spring, silly~” He chirped, his pureness out of place in the Underworld. 
 “Hmm, right. You’re Demeter’s son” Jungkook boredly said, looking nonchalant now. Jimin shook his head at him, his smile never faltering. 
He bit his lips, contemplating whether he should ask his question or not. He looked at Jungkook who brushed his black wings gently. 
“Hey, Jungkook… Can you tell me something about, (Y/n)?” He asked making Jungkook stop his brushing and turned his eyes to Jimin. He raised a brow, “Why?” 
He blushed a bit and stuttered out, “N-Nothing! Just curious” 
Jungkook peered into him, untrustingly, but sighed and nodded. He pursed his lips, thinking about what to say. 
“Well, Mistress is the Goddess of the Underworld–” 
“I already knew that.”
“Shh, do you want to know or not?” 
Jimin rolled his eyes playfully at him as Jungkook continued, “She is the eldest daughter of Rhea and Cronus which makes her the older sister of Zeus and your mother.” 
Jimin’s eyes widen at the new information. Jungkook then looked at him with sad eyes, “Zeus, imprisoned Mistress in the Underworld and took the skies for himself. Mistress always thinks for the better and just not for her advantage. She believes in justice and fairness. It might not look like it but she’s really lonely and sad…” 
Jungkook finished with a quiet voice, Jimin looking at the castle with sorrow, he then looked at Jungkook. 
“She can’t get out of here? But I saw her before in the meadows” 
Jungkook sighed, “Zeus only permits her to a certain degree to where she can go and she can only roam freely every 300 years. Today is her 233 year, once it hit 300 again, she can go for a day around Earth.” 
Jimin nodded sadly at the information, looking back to the dark gloomy castle once again, ’you’re just like me then… Imprisoned and longing for freedom…’ 
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Jimin stood in front of your chamber door with a handful of flowers in his hand, his heart beating a bit too fastly for his liking as sweat started to appear in his hands. 
“Okay, Jimin you can do this. You just have to give her the flowers.” He talked to himself and with a breath, he raised his hand ready to knock but never touching the door.
He groaned as he dropped his hand, looking at the flowers in his other hand. He sighed and looked at the door, imagining you he was talking to. 
“Hi, (Y/n)! Funny bumping into you–… No, no! I’m in front of her door, bumping into you? Really, Jimin?” He scolded himself as he tried again.
“Hi, (Y/n)! I grew some flowers in your courtyard and I wanted to give these to you–”
“Who are you talking to?” The same cold and smooth voice that made his heart flutter called out making him yelp as he turned around in surprise. 
You looked at him with the same eyes, shocked at his sudden yelp. Jimin then fixed his posture and cleared his throat. Smiling shyly at you, he started, “Hi, (Y/n)! I- Um… I grew some flowers in your courtyard, these are for you!” 
Shoving the flowers in your arms as he smiled nervously at you. You looked at the pretty flowers in your hands with a soft blush, never have really received flowers or any kind of gifts from men. 
“T-Thank you, they’re very beautiful, Jimin” You whispered, a smile appearing on your usually stone-cold face making Jimin gape at you. 
You raised a brow, “What?” 
Jimin gulped, “Y-You have a very beautiful smile…” 
Your blush worsens that you thought your head will explode from all the heat going to your face. Jimin bit his lips, smiling as he looked down at his shoes, feeling timid.
“Y-you have a very beautiful smile too…” Jimin heard as he whipped his head up at you. The sight was almost to endearing for his poor heart. 
You were blushing, a beautiful contrast to your (s/c) skin and black robes. Eyes, warmer than before and lips quirking up in a shy smile. 
He gulped and looked at the flowers, pointing at it. “I picked alstroemerias for friendship and daffodils for new beginnings,” Jimin said, as he removed the sad meaning of daffodils, something he knew he has when he saw you rejecting men and daemons alike. 
You looked at him, confused and looked at the flowers then back at the smiling blond. 
“Flowers have meanings?” 
Jimin gaped at you, thinking you might be joking but the unchanging expression on your face said otherwise. 
“Y-You’re not joking?” 
You shook your head, looking at him with confusion. What was the big deal with not knowing that flowers having meanings? You were the Goddess of the Death and the Queen of the Underworld, it was given that flowers and all nice things were out of your forte. 
Jimin grabbed your free cold hand in his making you gasped at the contact. He then dragged you, “W-What are you doing?! Unhand me!” 
“Shh! I’m going to show you something!” 
You shut your mouth at that, confused at the sudden confidence of the young god. You let him drag you to the courtyard which was different from what you remembered. Last time you were here, there was only darkness and filled with cold air. Ruins complementing the dried up plants. 
But now, it was vibrant. There was color other than black in the courtyard. It was also warmer than any part of the Underworld as you welcomed the warm air that nipped on your cold skin. 
Jimin smiled at you, “I retouched it, I hope you don’t mind” 
You looked around with a soft smile, “It’s pretty. Plants always die when I am the one trying… They hate me..” You replied making Jimin giggle
“No, they don’t” 
“You can speak to plants now, little god?” You teased as he pouts at you. 
“Don’t call me that! I’m taller than you.” 
Jimin whined at your words, you chuckle at him. He stopped, studying you. It was the first time he heard you chuckle. It was melodic, smooth, and pleasant to the ears. It was now official, it is Jimin’s favorite sound to hear. 
“So what do you want me to see, Jimin?” He snapped out of his thought and ohh-ed. 
“Oh yeah! Here, sit next to me” He said, patting the now vibrant grass beside him. You rolled your eyes, playfully, and sat down gently next to him. 
“Let’s start with the basic!” Jimin chirped
You looked at him, confused, but let him continue. With the wave of his hand, a rose appeared in the grass. 
“Roses means love and romance. Pink roses, though, means gratitude and joy while white roses mean purity and youthfulness but daisies also symbolize purity but it also means beauty and fertility” 
You looked at him with amusement, nodding at his words. Jimin took that as the cue to continue and with a smile, he brought another flower.
“Anemone symbolizes protection from evil and ill wishes” 
 Jimin’s flower lessons continued for an hour or so, none of them realizing the time as they enjoyed each other’s company. 
You laughed at the last flower Jimin showed you, “I never knew flowers could have such bad meanings. Petunias, I should give dozens of them to Zeus”
Jimin’s smile faltered at the mention of his father, this, however, did no go unnoticed to you. Looking at him with worry and you asked, “What’s wrong?”  
“I-I… You really do not know?” 
You raised a brow at that, “No… What is the matter, little god?” you asked softly, leaning closer to him.
“Zeus is my father…” You stared at him, studying Jimin, who fidgeted under your gaze. 
“You’re definitely more handsome than your father then. Zeus looks like an egg.” Your lighthearted response surprised Jimin. He thought when you knew, you’d surely kick him out and he’ll lose a friend, forever.
“Y-You are not mad?” 
You smiled at him, “Would you rather me be?” 
Jimin shook his head, quickly at your words making you giggle at his quick response. 
“You are not your father and you do not have any connection to our fight. Do not worry too much, little god” You said, your soft smile resting on your face. 
Jimin blinked his tears away, laughing with you. You looked at him and held his cheek gently, “Don’t cry, little god. I’m not mad” 
Jimin leaned his cheek to your hand, nuzzling to your cold touch. You looked at him with such softness that it made his heart hurt. His heart beating a bit too fastly, he was afraid that you might hear it. You leaned a bit closer, his breath hitching.
“(Y/n)…” He trailed as he also leaned closer, trying to meet you halfway. The cold brush of your lips made him shiver in desire. 
“Mistress!” Jungkook’s voice made you two jump away, blushing at the interruption. The winged daemon stopped at his tracks when he saw the blush on your faces. He raised a brow, “Was I interrupting something?” 
“No! no!” Jimin shook his head, a mad red covering his cheeks and ears. You cleared your throat as you stood up, dusting your silk robe. 
“What is it, Jungkook?” 
The urgency came back to Jungkook and exclaimed, “Zeus wants to talk to you!” 
Your brows furrowed in confusion, you nodded and strolled out the courtyard but not before bidding Jimin goodbye. 
“Thank you for your flower lesson, Jimin. It was greatly appreciated.” And with that you were gone, being followed by Jungkook who looked at Jimin with a small glare.
Jimin smiled a bit at your words and gazed lovingly at your retreating figure, sighing.
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You entered Olympus with a stoic face, Jungkook following you. Zeus stood in the throne-room his strong back facing you. The tall man then turned to you with a large smile, “Ah! (Y/n), glad you can come!” He said to you, giving you a hug. You groaned at the strong grip your brother gave you. 
“Jin, please. Don’t.” 
Jin released you from the hug, his smile never faltering at your coldness, reminding you of someone… 
“Dear sister! Cheer up, today is a party! You are here–” 
“Stop it with this nonsense and just tell me what you need” You interrupted making Jin stop. 
He frowned at you, “Always the mood-killer, dear sister.” 
You glared at him, he shrugged as he went to the table to get more wine. You followed your brother, sighing, already tired. 
“You see, (Y/n). Demeter has gone crazy. She thinks that you kidnapped her dear son.” You furrowed your brows at his declaration and shook your head. 
“Jimin? Jimin followed me to the Underworld. He knows he can go back anytime but he doesn’t. It is not my fault.” You snapped, Jin sighed and nodded.
“I know but Demeter has gone crazy. She went and made Earth a frozen wasteland until Jimin is back in her arms” 
“Well, she should’ve been a better mother because Jimin doesn’t even want to go back to her with how much she hurt him.” You retorted. Jin looked at you with eyes you did not understand. 
“You have feelings for him,” He said with a small smile. You gaped at the declaration, sputtering out words.
“T-That’s absurd! No, I do not!” 
Jin smiled but sighed after, remembering Demeter’s words, “Still, though (Y/n). Jimin has to go back. Can you tell him that?” 
You looked at Jin with a cold look on your face then sighed, “I’ll tell him”
“Thank you, that’s all I ask, (Y/n)” Jin uttered with a gentle smile.
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Jimin hummed at the huge throne room as he arranged the flower in a small vase, waiting for you to come back with a bright smile. He heard Cerberus whimper on his side, nudging him with one of his head. Jimin looked down at the canine with a smile, “What’s wrong, buddy? Hungry?” 
Cerberus perked up when he heard the word, hungry, his tail wagging behind his huge body. Jimin giggled at him and started to walk to the door, “Come on, boy. Let’s get you something to eat~” 
Cerberus followed the god, padding its way to him. Jimin went out of the throne room with the dog as they walked towards the kitchen. Jimin searched for any meat in the storage and with an exclaim of victory, he got out a huge piece of meat.
“Cerb! Here you go, boy!” He threw the meat to the dog as he happily caught it, the three heads fighting as usual to take a bite of the meat. Jimin chuckled at the canine, shaking his head. He was about to go out of the kitchen when he saw the open glass door, leading to a garden. He tilted his head at that, not remembering any garden other than the courtyard he redesigned. With a smile, he went out of the kitchen and to the open glass door. 
Cerberus stopped chewing at the meat and observed Jimin, he quickly followed the male to the garden, finishing the meat. Jimin looked around the dried-up garden with a tsk.
“I got work caught up on me.” He muttered with a smile. He was about to get some flowers when he saw a lone tree at the corner of the garden. Jimin walked closer to the huge tree and saw that it has bear some fruits, with a smile he picked on. He never really ate food in the Underworld, Jungkook always brought him his food and it made him curious. Is the food in the Underworld that bad?
He opened the fruit that he recognizes as pomegranate and smelled the sweet scent. Jimin smiled eagerly and ate some, the burst of the sweetness made him crave for more. After eating three the first time, he got out three more and popped it in his mouth, savoring the sweet taste. 
Cerberus whimpered at him making Jimin look at him as he swallowed the sweet juice. He raised a brow at the dog, “What? It’s really sweet, Cerb!” 
He was about to eat some more when Jungkook entered the garden and with a gasp, he flew towards him and smacked the fruit away from Jimin. 
Jimin whined at that, “Hey! I was eating that!” 
Jungkook gaped, “How many did you eat?!” 
The young god tilted his head, “I don’t know… Maybe six?” 
“You can’t eat food in the Underworld!” 
“Why not?!” 
“Because once you eat something that belongs to the Underworld, you cannot leave this place.” You said, looking at Jimin in disbelief. 
Jimin turned to you, surprised at your sudden appearance. Jungkook groaned at the stupidity of the young god. 
“Mistress! Did you not tell him beforehand?” 
You shook your head, stressed. You groaned at the problem at hand. Jimin looked at the fallen pomegranate but he did not feel sad. He knows he should feel sad but he did not. Jimin was willing to stay if it means he can be with you.
“I-I… I do not mind staying here…” He said with a blush making you and Jungkook look at him with disbelief
“What do you mean?” You asked quietly
Jimin was about to answer but looked at Jungkook who was glaring daggers at him and quickly shut his mouth. You sighed at the daemon and turned to Jungkook. 
“Kookie, walk Cerberus out, will you.” 
Jungkook looked at you, “B-But Mistress!” 
Jungkook stopped, looking at your pleading face then looked at Jimin. It hurts Jungkook but he knows. He understands… He knows that you like the young god and not him, no matter how much he loves you, your heart already belongs to another. It did not matter that Jungkook knew you for eons and eons while Jimin knew you for a week, you will still pick the latter. 
Jungkook tried to blink his tears away and nodded stiffly, “Of course, Mistress.” He and Cerberus walked out of the garden, leaving you and Jimin alone. You looked at Jimin with a soft smile 
“What is it? What did you want to say, little god?” Jimin chuckled a bit at the nickname, feeling more nervous as you were both alone now.
“I… I do not mind staying here… because..” 
Your heart started to beat faster, heat going to your face. Your eyes begging him to continue.
“Because I love you (Y/n)… That’s why I do not mind one bit.” Jimin confessed, a serene smile on his face, hiding his nervousness at the moment. 
You started to smile at him but when you remembered Zeus’s words, your smile weakened. 
“Y-You can’t stay here, Jimin” You muttered
Jimin walked closer to you in nervousness, holding your hands in his as it trembled, showing his nervousness. 
“Do… Do you not return my feelings?” He asked with a sad smile. You looked at him and shook your head.
“Oh, gods no! I absolutely return your feelings, Jimin” He beamed at your words
“But you have to go back…” You added, watching his face fall 
“But why?” 
“Your mother turned Earth into a frozen wasteland… The mortals are starving and dying until you return to her…” You finally said
Jimin shook his head, “No, my mother is not that cruel” 
You held his cheek with a soft frown, “It is what Zeus told me and mortals are starting to multiple nowadays in the Underworld meaning that they’re rapidly dying, love…” 
Jimin looked at the ground, eyebrows furrowed in thought. He then touched your hand with his warm one. 
“I can talk to mother, I’ll tell her to stop this nonsense and I’ll return here, with you.” Jimin reasoned to you. You smiled but you know that Demeter will do anything to make something up to hinder Jimin’s return to you. 
“Of course, love.” 
Jimin shyly grinned at you, leaning closer that you can smell his breath. He smelled like the sweet pomegranate he ate earlier. 
“I like it when you call me love…” He whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours. Heat filled up your system, closing your eyes. Savoring his warmth.
Jimin bumped his nose against yours again and leaned closer, your lips brushing against each other like last time but the only difference today was that you finally kissed.
Jimin tasted so sweet, too sweet that it made you addicted now that you had a taste. The young god deepened the kiss, your minty and smoky scent making his head spin as your cold lips made him shiver. 
You licked his bottom lip for permission as Jimin whimpered at the soft contact, shyly opening his mouth. The burst of sweetness filing your system, feeling his wet appendage against yours in a sensual dance.
You broke the kiss, Jimin heaving at the passion and lack of breath. You smirked at him, looking at him. He was such a vision, with flustered cheeks and blown pupils as it was overcome with lust, lips were swollen and wet from your kiss. Jimin will be the death of you. 
You two stared at each other, love pouring out the two of you. Jimin leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as he enjoyed your cold skin
“Mistress! Hermes is here!” You heard Jungkook called out from the garden’s entrance as the winged daemon gave you and Jimin privacy. The two of you moving away from each other a bit.
“Taehyung?” Jimin asked, looking at the door with wide eyes. You gazed at him, “You know him?” 
Jimin nodded, “He’s my best friend” 
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Taehyung paced around the large dark throne room, his winged shoes fluttering at every step, showing his anxiousness. 
Jimin runs to the throne room, pushing the doors open with a pant as he ran all the way to the throne room. Taehyung looked up from the floor and to the door, locking eyes with Jimin. The blue-haired male let out a breath in relief, running towards him and wrapped him in a tight embrace.
“You have no idea how much trouble you’re in! I looked everywhere for you! I told you to not go anywhere!” Taehyung scolded Jimin, still hugging him. The blue-haired god released Jimin who smiled sheepishly. 
“I’m fine, Taehyung!” Jimin said, chuckling at his friend’s worry.
Taehyung’s eyebrows furrowed, “I heard that Hades kidnapped you… Are you really okay?” 
Now it was Jimin’s turn to furrow his brows in confusion, “What? Kidnapped?”
“Yeah! Everyone has been talking about it!” 
“(Y/n) did not kidnap me! I followed her! It was my own decision…” Jimin said with a frown
“You followed Hades to the Underworld–!? Wait! Why are you calling her by her real name?” 
Jimin blushed, eyes and posture turning bashful. Taehyung’s eyes widened and shook his head in disbelief. 
“No… Jiminie no…” 
Jimin glared at his words, “What do you mean no?! You do not tell me what and what I can not do!” 
“Jimin, your mother has been searching for you everywhere, worried sick, while you’re here making up some sick romance?” 
“I love her, Taehyung!” 
Taehyung shut up, looking at him with sadness, “You can’t Jimin… You do not belong here… Demeter, your mother, is waiting for you…” 
Jimin’s eyes turned cold, “I love my mother, do not get me wrong. But I ate a pomegranate…” 
The blue-haired male hid his face in his hands, stressed at the sudden information. He looked at him, “Did Hades made you eat–” 
“No! I ate it on my own!” 
Taehyung sighed and muttered a sorry, “You have to talk to your mother, Jimin…” 
“I will.” 
Jimin and Taehyung talked about when he will go back to talk to Demeter as Taehyung went back to deliver the message to Demeter until he goes back for Jimin. The blue-haired male tired of the drama of the gods. He was really not paid enough for this, he wasn’t even paid!…
The blond god was in the courtyard with Jungkook who was oddly quiet. Jimin looked at the winged daemon, “What’s wrong, Jungkookie?” 
Jungkook looked at Jimin, tears brimming in big doe eyes, “Do you really want know?” 
Jimin frowned, nodding his head in worry. Jungkook sighed and wiped his tears, “I loved (Y/n) for eons Jimin…” 
The young god’s eyes widen at Jungkook’s confession. 
“I know that she won’t ever feel the same about me but it still hurts…” 
“Jungkookie, I’m sorr–” 
Jungkook stopped the blond before he can continue, “Don’t be sorry. It is not your fault. To be honest, I’m thankful she loves you and not some pesky daemon in the Underworld…” he chuckled lightly. Jimin gazed at him, still feeling bad. 
“Do not feel bad nor sad. It is not your fault. Even though, she does not love me… I will forever stay loyal to her because before I loved her, she was and will always be my friend.” Jungkook muttered. Jimin hugged him as Jungkook cried, the winged male couldn’t suppress the emotions any longer. All of the hidden feelings he hid for eons finally breaking free. Though he is sad, he also felt free. 
Jungkook looked at Jimin and smiled through his salty tears, “Please take care of her, she can be really clumsy and can say some hurtful words but please understand her. Be patient for she does not mean it” Jimin nodded, smiling at Jungkook as he wiped his tears.
“Thank you for sharing your feelings with me, Jungkook” 
“Thank you for listening” 
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You looked at the vibrant pink flowers in your hand as you bit your lips in nervousness. Jimin then entered the throne-room making you hide the bouquet behind your back. The young god looked at you then at your hand that was behind your back with a teasing smile. He jogged towards you and leaned closer to you.
“Oho~ What’s this? Did you got me something?” 
You sighed, the surprise ruined. You slowly took your hand away and brought it to Jimin with a soft smile. The blond god’s eyes widened at the bouquet, tears welling up. He hugged you, slightly crushing the flowers between you two. He nuzzled at the crook of your neck, kissing the cold skin as he tasted his salty tears along with your skin. 
“The flowers are getting crushed, love”
“I do not care, I just want to hug you for now… Please” 
You slowly wrapped your arms around him as you felt his grip tightened around you. You smiled, caressing his soft hair.
Jimin looked at you with tears on his blue eyes and smiled lovingly at you, “I see that you have read further than our lesson” 
You smiled, proudly, “I am a goddess of surprises, love” Jimin giggled at your words
You held his cheek, caressing softly at his skin. Feeling and memorizing his features as you leaned, your noses bumping lovingly. 
“I’ll miss you, little god” 
“I’ll be back, you know.” 
“I know… I just.. Will miss you still” 
Jimin smirked at you, “You have gotten soft, Goddess of Death, Queen of the Underworld.” 
You playfully glared at him, pinching his nose a bit, “Do not test me, little god” 
Jimin whined at the pinch, caressing his nose with a pout. You chuckled at him and gestured the flowers that were still in your hands.
“Do you not want it?” Jimin rolled his eyes at your words with a smile
“Of course I do, love. You’re such a tease.” 
“You hang out with Jungkook too much, little god.” 
Jimin giggled, taking the flowers from your hands as he cradled it in his hands, smiling softly at it. 
“Jiminie, are you ready to go?” Taehyung called, Jimin’s escort to Demeter as he entered with Jungkook who was fuming behind him.
“Your wings are still ugly.” The daemon snapped
“Says the one with the large black wings.”
“Excuse you! At least my wings are attached to my body!”
“How dare you!” 
Jimin ran up to them, separating the two who looked like they were about to throw hands any minute.
“Okay! That’s enough!” 
You chuckled at the scene, finding it funny that a short god can make the two taller males stand down in a wave of his finger. 
“I’m sorry, Jiminie…”
“I ain’t saying sorry, Jimin. That foul god deserves it” 
“Why you-” 
You went to the three males and commanded, “Jungkook stop it. Come here.” 
Jungkook perked up and ran to your side with a raspberry blown to Taehyung. The latter glared at the daemon, wanting to strangle him.
“You best be going, love. Your mother’s been killing a lot of mortals. This place will be crowded if it does not stop” You said
Jimin raised a brow at your words, “You sound like you just want me out of here” 
You gasped, exaggerated, and placed a hand on your chest, “I have been found out” 
You chuckled and kissed his cheek, “Come back to me, alright, little god” 
Jimin smiled at you, nodding, he was about to kiss you but heard the gagging noises from Taehyung. 
“You guys are gross. It’s not like you won’t see each other you know. If you have forgotten Jiminie, you’re stuck in here for 6 months and 6 months with your mother” Taehyung said, rolling his eyes
“I know, Taehyung. Thank you for reminding me” Jimin said sarcastically
“You’re welcome!” 
Jimin looked at You and Jungkook, “I’ll see you two in 6 months” 
Jungkook scoffed, “That’s too short if you ask me”
You slapped the back of his head with a glare, “I already said to stop it, did I not Jungkook?”
Jungkook pouted, “Yes Mistress”
Taehyung stuck his tongue at Jungkook, smirking at him. Jungkook growled, glaring intensely at the god. 
“Let’s go, Jiminie~” 
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Jimin made amends with Demeter when he went back, explaining everything to her. Demeter brought spring back with Jimin’s help. That is why the Earth has cold and warm seasons, it is when Jimin came and gone away from his mother. When he is with his mother, the seasons turned warm and flowers grew everywhere. When he is with his love, Demeter turned the earth cold, missing his son dearly. 
Jimin stared at the vase of flowers you got him, smiling at the bouquet of astilbe. The vibrant pink making his heart flutter as he waits until he can come back to his love. 
“I will be waiting for you.”
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meandmypagancrew · 4 years
Maybe What You Think Of Me Won’t Change
Did you guys know that in addition to being a gifmaker and a dollmaker, I’m also a writer? I know! I am a woman of many talents most mediocre and useless. Anyway, I wrote this little fic about Clark and Farrah from We Are The Tigers, so if you’re into that kind of thing, give it a read under the cut!
It wasn’t super uncommon for Farrah to suddenly come to and not know where she was or how she got there. So when, in her drunken haze, she had a sudden moment of clarity and found herself outside by a dumpster, she groaned. In the dim light from a streetlight, she took stock as she pushed one of her braids over her shoulder. Clothes? Still on. Phone? Not dead. Purse? There. There wasn’t any vomit or blood or anything. All in all, not the worst night she had ever had.
As she got on shaky feet, she tried to remember what had happened. Marissa had picked her up, and they went to a house party at Rich’s. She had a few flashes of the party, a red solo cup in her hand, Liz doing a keg stand, Kayla and Jason trying to subtly sneak upstairs- but then nothing. Fuck. There was no one around, so how was she supposed to get home? She pulled out her phone again and clicked the home button, being greeted by a picture of Tom Holland as Spiderman- her favorite celebrity crush- and the time 3:42. It was a Thursday, but still summer, so thank God she didn’t have to worry about being up for school. 
She pushed that thought to the back of her mind. First she needed to get home. She unlocked her phone- her home screen was a picture of her and her mom when she was born, which caused her to squint, both because of the lighter color scheme being brighter and the memory of her mom- and clicked to her contacts. Family was strictly out of the question, Annleigh would kill her for waking her up, her stepmom hated her, and her dad wouldn’t be mad but he’d be so disappointed he would probably cry the entire way and making your dad cry is a soul crushing experience.
She sat back down as she scrolled through her contacts. Party friends. A guy who was her partner for a chem project last year. Former Captain Kimberly, future Captain Riley. A guy who was rumored to be a drug dealer, but was only her contact for buying alcohol. Her first try was Marissa- she got her into this, it seemed only natural she’d get her out, but it went straight to voice mail. She kept looking, her drunk mind trying to think. Her finger tapped on Bridget, a girl who had been a cheerleader at Giles Corey but transferred back to public school after her dad had been laid off. They weren’t close, but Bridget had shown her the ropes when she joined the team, and she was a night owl so she should still be awake.
Before the first ring even finished, her usual deadpan voice answered. 
“What.” She said, and Farrah struggled to not sound as drunk as she was as she responded.
“Bridged?” Despite her best efforts, her speech was a little slurred. “Canyou comeaaand git mee?”
“Farrah, it’s almost four AM.” Her voice still had no inflection. Even when sober, it was very difficult to discern where Bridget was standing, and if you were getting anywhere with her. Drunk? It was pretty much impossible.
“Yeeeeaaaaaaah… but Imm stuuuuuuck.” 
“No.” Was the response, unusually harsh for Bridget. 
“Whaa…?” She asked, though she was pretty sure she heard her correctly. It just didn’t seem right. Bridget wouldn’t just abandon her like this, right? As she had so astutely noted it was almost 4 AM- she was the only person who would be awake.
“No. I’m not your babysitter, Farrah. You got yourself into this mess, take some goddamn responsibility for your actions.”
“Buuu… butMarissa took meee dribking-“
“Did Marissa force the alcohol down your throat?” Bridget asked, a little too abruptly and Farrah didn’t respond. She knew she was right, and Bridget knew from her silence she had hit the nail on her head. “You made a choice. You deal with the consequences.”
The line went dead. Bridget’s words were true, but how the hell was Farrah supposed to get out of this? Buses weren’t running this time of night, she didn’t even know where she was, let alone how to get home- she needed help.
As she resumed scrolling through her contacts, a very depressing thought hit her. She didn’t have anyone to call. She was the girl you call for a party, not the girl you depend on when you need help. She didn’t have a single true friend she could depend on right now. There were no clutch friends. To put it quite frankly, she was completely fucked.
As she settled in against the dumpster to wait for daybreak, hoping the sun would bring with it some ideas, a memory she didn’t know she had came to the forefront of her mind. 
“I think she’s asleep.” A voice that must have been Annleigh’s said in her memory. 
She was lying down, but her eyes were closed. From the lights that occasionally shone through her eyelids, the soft rumbling, and the feeling of movement, she must have been in the backseat of the car.
“Okay.” Came another voice, male- Clark. “I’ll carry her in when we get there.”
“You don’t have to do that!” Annleigh immediately replied, and Farrah could picture the heart eyes she was almost undoubtedly making. “You’ve already done so much, helping me come get her.”
“Don’t mention it.” He replied. “I’m happy to help.”
“You must get tired of it.” Annleigh replied with a sigh. “I mean, she’s not even your family.”
“Well, first off, we are all sisters and brothers in the eyes of our Heavenly Father,” She could hear the smile in his voice, and a gentle sound of contact as if Annleigh had playfully hit his arm. When he spoke again, though, the smile was gone. “In all seriousness, though, your family is my family. I will always be there for Farrah, because I love her like a sister.”
The conversation turned to some boring bullshit about theology, so she had tuned it out. But her mind kept coming back to that promise. Did he mean it? Did he say it just because he thought it would win him brownie points? Either way, it was her last possible option, so she navigated to his contact and hit call.
After a few rings, his groggy voice answered.
“Clark?” She asked, and she could almost feel him snap awake.
“Farrah? What’s happening? Is Annleigh okay? Are you okay?”
“Iiii’m fiiiiine. I need a riiide.”
Clark exhaled, and she felt a little bad for waking him up. He was probably going to do thing Bridget had. This was a speculator waste of time for everyone.
“I’m…. I don’t knoooow…”
“Do you see any landmarks?” He asked, his voice patient even though she could hear him moving about, probably grabbing his keys and heading out.
“Let me… check…” She stumbled a little bit, struggling to hold the phone and climb to her feet. “Oof, okay…”
“Farrah, what’s going on?” He asked, and she waved it off before realizing he couldn’t see her as she meandered out of the alley to the street.
“Iiiit’s fiiine. You worry too much!” 
She put a hand on the wall to steady her as she took stock of her surroundings. Sure enough, she was at a bar, but she didn’t recognize the name and found it highly unlikely Clark would either. Most of the storefronts were dark, and even the ones that weren’t, she felt like the words were spinning in front of her. 
“What do you see?” He asked, and she scrunched up her face.
“Uhhh…” She stalled but then she saw it. She thought it was maybe the most beautiful building she had ever seen in her life, down at the end of the street. “There’s a castle…”
“A… castle?” He asked, confused.
“It’s all white. It’s so pretty. It has flowers.”
“An all white building?” He tried to clarify. “The hospital?”
“No… there’s a man on the building…” She had to squint, but sure enough.
“A man on a castle that’s white with flowers?” The skepticism in his voice was so evident that even in her state she could pick up on it and it annoyed her.
“He’s golden!” She insisted, just wanting him to believe her, that she wasn’t hallucinating.
“A golden man on- the Mormon temple?” He asked, which Farrah couldn’t say for sure, but it seemed like the best bet. “Farrah, are you at the Mormon temple?”
“Nooo… I’m in front of a bar down the street…”
“Okay. Okay. Hold on.” Clark said as Farrah leaned against the wall, already feeling a hangover starting to set in. “I’ll be there in five minutes. Can you hang on for five minutes?”
“Yeah…” She replied, closing her eyes against the light filtering through the bar’s windows.
“Okay. I’ll see you soon.”
Once he hung up, she pocketed her phone after making sure it was on vibration in case something happened. She had considered doing something on her phone while she waited, but even on the lowest setting, it seemed so bright it might burn her. Out of sheer boredom, she started to undo her braids. After all, even if she slept in them, she’d have to redo them tomorrow, because they’d be messy. 
Just as she was relocating her second hair tie to her wrist, and shaking out the braid, the door to the bar opened, and a man walked out. Farrah didn’t notice him at first, busy combing her hair out, but he sure noticed her.
“Oh, hey, pretty girl.” He said and she looked up into eyes that looked at her like she was less of a person and more of a meal. Ugh. She had met so many predatory men like this, and she really wasn’t up to it right now. “What are you doing out here all alone?”
“My ride is coming.” She said, both as an answer to the question and a way of informing him that there was someone who knew where she was supposed to be, so he better not try anything.
“I can take you wherever you need to go, baby.” He was almost purring, which was about as unsettling as being called baby by a stranger twice her age. “Especially if where you need to go is back to my place.”
That statement was punctuated with a wink, and she felt like she needed a shower.
“No, thank you.” She replied, trying to walk the line between being polite enough that he didn’t think she was a cunt and murdered her, but not so polite that he thought she was into him and when she rejected him, didn’t think she was a cunt and murdered her. 
“Aw, come on, I can make you feel reeeeal good.”
He started to advance towards her and Farrah took a step back before she realized that would just back her into an alleyway, which was a dead end. She had no option but to stand her ground.
“I said no!” She almost yelled, and he grabbed her arm.
“Come on, baby, don’t be like that.” She tried to struggle against his grip, but he tightened his grip, which only scared her more. He was so much more powerful than she was.
“Get off of me!” Now she was yelling, a hint of desperation in her voice and he grabbed her other arm as well, which she continued to try to resist, but he was too strong.
“I said don’t be-“
“Get away from her!” She heard a car door slamming and while she couldn’t see who it was, she recognized his voice. The dude’s attention was fractured by the interruption, and his grip loosened as he looked over his shoulder. Farrah took advantage of that to pry herself from his grasp, running straight at Clark, throwing her arms around him and clutching the back of his shirt as tightly as she could, squeezing her eyes shut as she buried her face in his chest. He immediately wrapped one arm around her, holding her close.
“What are you, her boyfriend?” He sneered, and the fear in Farrah’s heart didn’t subside much. What even could Clark do? This guy, he looked like he could be a stunt double for Thor. And Clark? Clark could be the stunt double for Captain America- pre-serum.
“I’m her BROTHER!” He said, his voice taking on a hint of fierceness that Farrah had never heard before, and somehow she knew that he was going to protect her, whatever it took. “And she clearly said no, not to mention the fact that she’s 15! Take one more step towards us and I’m calling the cops on you, you pervert!”
There was a very tense moment, a pregnant pause where Farrah could feel Clark’s heart pounding against her forehead. He talked a big game, but he was terrified. If he called their bluff? The two of them together couldn’t even come close to taking him on, especially in her state. But he must have moved away, because she felt Clark exhale.
“Whatever. She’s a fat bitch anyway.” His voice was moving away, but Clark continued to hold on for several moments. He put his other arm around her before pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Oh, Farrah…” 
She pulled away and looked up at him, furrowing her eyebrows at the soft murmur, confused about what he meant. Before she could ask, he pulled away even more to open the door of the car for her.
“Let’s get you home.”
She obediently climbed in, again running a hand through her hair as she checked in the mirror her reflection. Her makeup was a mess and she had definitely seen better days, but the wave in her hair was gorgeous. As Clark got into the car next to her and immediately locked the door, she expected him to say something, but he stayed silent. Even as he started the car and some sort of Christian rock- Switchfoot, maybe?- started filtering through his car speakers, a little distorted because the bass was ruined. If Farrah recalled correctly, that was because when Greatest Showman came out, Annleigh adored it so much that not only did she make Clark take her to go see it in the theatres at least six different times, it was the only thing she would listen to and she would play it whenever he drove her anywhere and was not afraid to blast it.
She expected a lecture, some kind of explosion, but instead he just stared straight ahead, clutching the wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His silence was agonizing, and when she finally recognized their surroundings as he turned into their neighborhood, she braved speaking.
“Are you mad?”
“No.” He answered quickly. It wasn’t snapping at her, just a decisive statement.
“Are you sad?”
“No.” It was said the same way and she exhaled in frustration, feeling like she had to get to the bottom of this before he dropped her off, which would be soon despite the meandering streets of the neighborhood that made little sense- Clark was an expert and could navigate it like nobody’s business.
“Are you hungry?”
“Are you annoyed?”
“Are you disgusted?”
“Farrah, I’m worried.” He said as he pulled in front of the Victorian manor replica that she called her home. 
She was surprised that he cared so much, and surprised at herself that she also felt defensive. As he unbuckled his seatbelt to turn and look at her, she crossed her arms.
“You’re only saying that because of Annleigh. You don’t care about me. Or at least you only care about me as Annleigh’s sister.”
“Farrah, look around.” He said, and she furrowed her eyebrows, turning to him. Look at what? The dark buses that lined the pathway up to the front door? The neighbors across the street who’s porch light was green instead of normal? The empty McDonalds bag at her feet? The little pop figures from whatever weeb shit he was into on the dashboard?
“Do you see Annleigh anywhere?” Her brows still furrowed, she shook her head. Of course Annleigh wasn’t here, she would be inside asleep, like the good little girl she was. “This isn’t an act for her. I’m not even planning on telling her this happened. I’m worried about you because I care about you. Not the Farrah who’s Annleigh’s sister, but the Farrah who’s an amazing flier, the Farrah who knows all the words to Princess Bride and watches it every year on her birthday, the Farrah who hasn’t taken ballet in four years but still sometimes twirls when she thinks no one is looking. I care about the Farrah who goes horseback riding and even if she’s in a skirt refuses to ride side-saddle. I care about the Farrah who hides books in her backpack because she loves to read but would hate for anyone to find out. I care about the Farrah who sits on her phone and pretends not to pay attention to whatever’s on TV but when her dad falls asleep during the middle of an episode and then when he wakes up and asks what he missed, always knows exactly what’s going on. I care about the Farrah who found an abandoned kitten in a rainstorm and took him home and took care of him until she could be rehomed despite the fact that she’s very allergic. I care about the Farrah that named that cat Aaron Purr. I care about that Farrah a whole lot more than I care about Annleigh’s sister.”
She didn’t have a response to that. Clark had only been actively in her life for about a year, since her dad got married, but in that time he had been paying attention. She had gone through the mortifying ordeal of being known by him and she didn’t even realize. But at the same time, even though those things were all true, they all seemed so far away. When was the last time she had danced? Finished a book? Gone horse riding at all? The person he described sounded like such a nice person, she wanted her back. When she realized that, she started to cry.
“Oh- oh, no, no, Farrah, please don’t cry-“ Clark started to panic, placing a hand on her back as she dropped her head into her hands as he continued to move around as if looking for something. “I didn’t mean it as a bad thing, I just think you’re an amazing young woman and if you keep getting into bad situations like you did tonight, I don’t know what’s going to happen-“
“Help me.” She managed to get out through her sobs, and he suddenly stilled.
“Help me. Please.” Once she started, it seemed like she couldn’t stop, even though the plea had to be filtered through sobs and snot. “I know I’m in trouble, but I don’t know how to stop- I can’t stop. I know everyone hates me, even my friends, and I know that it’s gone too far, but I’m scared, Clark, I’m so scared-“
“Hey, hey, shhh…” His voice brought her to an immediate halt, bringing her back to earth. She looked up at him, and even with her smeared mascara, snotty nose, tear stained cheeks, and red, puffy eyes, he didn’t turn away. He didn’t recoil in disgust. He offered her some napkins from a fast food chain he must have found somewhere with an encouraging smile. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll talk to your parents with you about it. If you have to go to rehab, I’ll visit you there and write. A bunch of my friends have sisters about your age, I’ll introduce you to them and maybe you’ll really hit it off and find some better friends. It won’t be easy, but I promise you don’t have to do it alone. Just say when.”
She accepted his offering and transferred her makeup from her face to the little caricature of the Grecian from the Little Ceasers logo, thinking hard about it. Right now was not an option, even with the sun beginning to appear on the horizon, she didn’t want to wake anyone up. But she also knew if she waited too long, she would lose her nerve. She was already starting to waver as she pulled herself back together. Surely things weren’t that bad, right? She could handle it on her own. But Clark was still looking at her for an answer.
“The day after tomorrow.” She finally said, and he seemed a little confused about the random time, so she explained. “The cheer sleepover is tomorrow night. You’re picking Annleigh and I up in the morning. When you drop us off, my parents should be home.”
Understanding the timeline, he nodded. It would give him enough time to research how to be a support system for her, and it would give her enough time to figure out how to backtrack, and tell Clark she didn’t really mean it and she was actually fine. That decided, she sling her purse over her shoulder and opened the car door to get out.
“Farrah?” He asked as she put her foot on the sidewalk, and she turned a little to look at him.
The light in the interior turned on when she opened the door, so she could see him clearly for the first time all night. He looked tired, but still as charismatically cheerful as ever, the human equivalent of a golden retriever. 
“Chin up, buttercup.”
He gave her shoulder a playful punch and she couldn’t help but smile back before fully getting out of the car. As she walked up to her door, she thought that maybe it wouldn’t be too bad after all. Maybe he could help her find the girl he saw again, and she could be better. As she opened the door she looked back. He was still waiting and gave a small wave. She waved back before taking a deep breath and stepping inside, hearing his car start up again and drive off as the door closed behind her.
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cryoculus · 5 years
More love for Semi please? Anything will do, your writing is exquisite in any form anyway :D
» Word Count: 1,857 wordsCross-posted on AO3
SORRY THIS IS SO LATE :(( I actually wrote three chapters’ worth of content for him already and you can read the whole thing on the ao3 link.(NOTE: This is based on the current events of the final arc of the Haikyuu manga. I tagged it as a spoiler but I won’t really go into the specifics of what’s going on. Semi is our main focus here ^__^)
“No,” was your flat reply.
Semi heaved a long sigh, mouth twitching into an irritated grimace. You returned his reaction with a sassy look of your own—one, finely penciled brow quirked as bright, red lips rivalled the adamance that Semi brought about. While you were in no position to tell him to just go back to his cubicle and get today’s work done (you, sadly, held the same position in office), you at least had the right to turn him down. Your department had a monthly financial report coming up. Why on Earth did he want your help writing a song?
“Come on,” he groaned. “You know I’d eat my fist first before asking for your help, but our manager really digs your old pieces from college.”
Your eye twitched.
“Way to beg for someone’s aid in a time of dire need,” you bit back sarcastically. “Go do it then.”
“Eat your whole fist.” You gave him a pointed look, even making a show of paying attention by putting your pen down.
Your co-worker let out a frustrated groan, fingers carding through his messy, ashen hair. The gesture made the tattoos on his chest visible for a second, before disappearing again behind his barely done button-up. It was a mystery, how a man like him made it as a public servant—with his flamboyant piercings and tip-dyed hair—but you supposed you should learn to look past physical appearances. The agency allowed it, so why should you make a fuss?
Ah, right. Semi Eita was the most hot-headed man in your department, and he had a knack for picking fights with you.
“If you get the balance sheet done by five o'clock, I might reconsider,” you told him, not really meaning the words, as you directed your attention back at the paperwork on your desk. Balance sheets are the toughest to fill out, since the data needed had to be collated from different sectors of the city. You highly doubted that Semi, with his thinner-than-a-strand-of-hair patience, could finish it in one sitting.
Your gaze hardened as you looked back up at him. “Come again?”
“Are you deaf?” he asked, folding lean arms across his chest. “I said it’s a deal.”
You couldn’t help the snort that made its way past your lips. Whatever his reasons may be, it was painfully obvious that he was desperate. But still. You knew that he wouldn’t be able to carry out the deed in your given deadline, but instead of talking him out of his own agreement, you merely shook your head in acceptance.
Semi eventually stalked off to his cubicle; the one just in front of yours. There was a divider that separated each employee’s workspace from the others, and it at least granted some semblance of privacy from outside gazes. You’ve been to Semi’s cubicle a couple of times—more to coordinate paperwork than engage in conversation, really—and he decorated his personal space exactly how a part-time rock band vocalist would. Though he didn’t exactly put up posters and painted the walls black, he added his own flair to his desk with guitar figurines, neon stickers on his desktop, and a photo of his bandmates enclosed in a sparkly picture frame.
The only reason you bothered looking so closely was the fact that you also went to the same university together (under the same degree, too!) You’ve always been keen around him, with his loud way of living, as opposed to you, who’s always chosen to live simply and without pretentiousness. Sure, the disparity between your lifestyles had caused you to be at each other’s throats since freshman year, but it was still a surprise that your synergy was top notch. You would, as Semi put it so delicately, eat your fist first before admitting to the fact, but it’s a given that you preferred to work with him instead of other, unfamiliar people.
You sighed, brandishing a bored look at the bleak document in front of you. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to help him out…
But when you recalled every time he’s talked over you during board meetings, sneered at you when he got a higher score during exams, and his distateful behavior in general, you steeled your resolve.
Either he’s going to get that balance sheet over with or he’ll keel over. If he wanted your help, he’s going to have to work for it.
You were in the middle of fixing your belongings when the sound of a stack of papers hitting your desk rang in your ears.
“There,” Semi said breathlessly, making you look up at him in surprise. He even tossed a flash drive on top of the papers he deposited, where you saw the city hall’s heading printed in full color. You reluctantly checked your phone for the time. 16:57, it said, in a mockingly bold typeface before shoving it in your pocket.
The damn guy really did get it done before five.
“The electronic document is saved in there, in case you lose the print.” He was panting at this point, and you had a vague idea as to why he looked like he just ran a marathon. The one printer in your department (this year’s budget was cut) broke down a few days ago, and the nearest functional one was at the Logistics office three floors down.
Still refusing to believe it, you peered at the documents he just brought in. You scanned each of the entries printed on each page. That’s when you realized that Sendai City’s expenses have skyrocketed since the new year because the list of expenses occupied a whole page alone. A worried sigh made its way past your lips, but at least the liabilities were cut down to a minimum. You heard that the governor of Miyagi was going to pledge a few hundred thousand yen for the city’s founding anniversary, too.
You paused. Blinking, you rearranged the papers neatly back into its pile—biting back the urge to clutch your wounded pride. Semi was looking at you expectantly, like he wanted you to praise his flawless bookkeeping.
In actuality, his determination was beginning to freak you out.
“Why do you want me to help you so badly?” you asked, voice almost trembling. “Seriously, dude. I thought we hated each other. Quit acting out of character.”
“I told you, our manager really liked the songs you composed back in senior year,” he drawled, tired of having to repeat himself.
Your face twisted in confusion. “Who even is this manager of yours?”
There was a half-second delay in his response, but before you could paint a reason for his hesitation, he immediately replied with, “Saito. Saito Makoto.”
You stiffened, gaze going rigid at the mention of that name. “Oh.”
“Yeah. If I manage to give him a piece by the end of the month, he’ll help us sign a contract with a big-shot record label,” Semi explained, oblivious to your discomfort.
“But haven’t you been writing songs since high school?” you wondered aloud. “That’s what you said during our Pol-Gov class ice breaker.”
He frowned. “You still remember that?”
Okay. You kept forgetting that your sharp memory wasn’t always a praiseworthy thing. You gulped, feeling the heat creep up your face. “Um, anyway, the point still stands. You’ve been writing songs for God-knows-how-long, and while I’m not one to dish out compliments especially to you, I’m pretty sure they’re okay if you managed to gather a decent fanbase.”
He rolled his eyes, leaning against the divider of your cubicle. “We’re a rock band. I write rock songs, but Saito wants me to write a goddamn love song.”
Typical Saito. Though he looked like a rugged high school delinquent, he was awfully sentimental when it came to music. He was the one who inspired you to write the songs Semi was pestering you about all day after all…
“Fine,” you relented. “I never go back on my word and since you did a…good job with this, I’ll help you out.”
His light brown eyes lit up for a moment, but Semi managed to mask his relief in a split second—containing his excitement in a single nod. “Are you free this Saturday? You can come by my place and we could start getting to work.”
Well, that was forward of him. You expected to work on the song in a coffee shop or something, but he went on ahead and invited you to his own humble abode anyway. You parsed through your weekend plans in your mind, and once you confirmed that you were free, you scribbled down your phone number on a sticky note. Almost five years of acquaintance and you’d never bothered giving it to him. Huh.
“Just text me the time and place,” you told him, pocketing the flash drive as you slipped the balance sheet in one of the empty folders in your organizer. “You better not pull anything funny and lead me to a secluded alley or something.”
Semi scoffed, folding the piece of paper and sticking it inside his trousers. “As if.”
You then slung your bag across your shoulders, grinning insincerely. “Glad we’re on the same page, then.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
With that, Semi exited your cubicle, leaving you no room to wonder why he didn’t even spare a quick ‘thank you’.
Just as you were smoothing out the creases on your pencil skirt, your phone began buzzing in the pocket of your blazer. Brows raised, you fished it out and unlocked it.
From: Makohey, wanna grab some dinner? its on me :3
Speak of the devil. You swallowed the lump in your throat, fingers shakily managing to type a coherent reply.
To: MakoYeah sure. Where to tho
From: Makocan we get some italian? ik u love the udon place across the street but akane’s having dinner w her friends there
From: Makocant have her seeing us together now do we
The way he put that so casually made your chest constrict with a too-familiar sensation. You heaved a deep breath, pursing your lips into a thin line as you sent a quick “Ok” text to end your conversation. Saito replied with those iffy heart-eyed emojis that he only ever used when he wanted something from you, and you had to compose yourself so you wouldn’t burst into tears right there.
You almost jumped at the sound of Semi’s voice as he peered inside your cubicle once more. He clutched his suitcase in one hand, eyeing you curiously.
“What do you want?”
“You’re headed uptown, too, right?” he asked, and you nodded reluctantly. “Thought you’d want a lift.”
“Semi, just because I’m helping you achieve your dreams, doesn’t mean you have to be nice to me.” You laughed softly, tension easing from his uncalled for kindness.
He, however, looked unconvinced. “Do you want a ride or not?”
You raised your hands in defeat, managing a genuine smile. “Alright, fine. It’ll be a hellish commute anyway.”
You liked to think that that’s how you started becoming friends with your odd, hot-headed co-worker.
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katahnisharma · 5 years
the bookworm | t.h.
Summary: Tom keeps seeing this girl on the train, and he may or may not have found out where she works.
Warnings: it’s very soft my guys and i’ve had a rough week with bad news so I hope you guys like it let me know what you think :)
A/N: Sorry I’ve been so MIA recently, life has been tough but I'm trying to get through the asks in my inbox (no promises) and the Press Tour which has felt a little forced so I'm taking it slow thanks for being patient. Also Tumblr apparently won’t let me link things so if you’re looking for my masterlist, playlist, taglist, or writing challenge it’s in my bio ♡
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Tom had been watching you for weeks.
He was fascinated by you, the cute girl on the subway. Your routes crossed in the afternoons, when Tom came back from his walk and you went for your part time shift at the bookstore across town. It was a small independent bookstore, the kind that remind you of cozy libraries and cups of hot tea. Tom had passed by it numerous times, but he hadn’t ever been interested in it until you came along.
God, you were so pretty.
The first time he saw you, you were wearing an oversized sweater, light washed jeans, a pair of brown ankle boots, and your hair was in a messy bun. A few strands escaped the hair tie and they fell around your face, framing it perfectly. Tom tried not to stare, but he couldn’t look away. It was like he was in the presence of an angel, the most perfect human being he’d ever seen. You were such a contrast, a soft warm aura in the midst of stuffy crowds of commuters.
And then there were the books. 
Everytime Tom saw you, you were reading a new book. He had no idea how you did it, managing to finish a whole book in a day. But there you’d be the next day, your nose stuck in a new book. Tom smiled like an idiot when he saw you pull out another book, it made you so intriguing. Sometimes, he’d go home and look up the titles to find out what you liked to read. His brothers found out and teased him mercilessly, laughing at how whipped their older brother was for a girl who didn’t even know he existed.
So here he was, standing outside the bookstore with his heart in his hands.
There were so many things that could go wrong with this. You could have a boyfriend, you could think he was a creepy stalker, you could throw a book at him and tell him to get out. The worst fear of them all was that you’d recognize him as a famous actor and want nothing to do with him. But Tom knew that if he didn’t do this, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.
Because what if you were the one?
The door jingled as Tom stepped inside, the warm air hitting him in the face. It wasn’t as big as he’d imagined, but it was beautiful. The bookcases lined the floor, dark brown oak structures filled with multi-colored books. There were fairy lights strung across the ceiling and pictures of beautiful landscapes across the walls. In one corner was a chair next to a fireplace and a cup of tea next to it. The store looked empty, the front desk littered with books but no one behind it.
Tom ventured forward a little, smelling tea from behind the desk. It looked fresh, so someone must be about. He noticed a book on the desk and smiled to himself. The Bell Jar, the book you were reading this afternoon when he last saw you. It was a little worn, so Tom assumed it was one of your favorites. He ran the pages through his fingers and chuckled when he noticed you’d written things in the margins. Little lines of poetry or annotations to yourself. Tom had no idea how someone could be as cute as you, and he didn’t even know your name.
A noise brought his attention to the middle aisle, a bookcase with a plaque that read Romance. Tom walked over and his breath hitched. There you were, atop one of those slidey ladders he’d seen in Beauty and the Beast, looking like an angel. Your hair was loose and cascaded down your back in messy waves. You wore a pair of black overalls with embroidered flowers, a light purple shirt, and a pair of pale pink converse. A stack of books was located by your feet, which you were currently trying to shelf. Tom tried to speak, but he didn’t know what to say.
I love you, I’m in love with you and we’ve never even met.
Suddenly, you lost your footing. Your right foot caught on the last rung and you gasped as you felt yourself fall backward. Tom broke out of his daydreaming and sprung into action, catching you in his arms. You yelped, not sure where the young man had come from. And yet here he was, holding you in his arms. Your face flushed.
“Oh my god, thank you.” You said, your breath coming back to normal. Tom set you down shakily, making sure you could stand. Then you turned to face him, and you almost died then and there. You clamped a hand over your mouth to stop from screaming.
“Y-you’re Tom. Tom Holland, Spiderman. What are you... what?” You stuttered, nervous as hell. One of your favorite actors of all time was standing in front of you, and he’d just caught you from a fall. Tom stood there, trying to think of something funny or clever to say. But he took one look at your beautiful face and his senses left him.
“Yeah, I’m Spiderman. I mean Tom! Tom Holland, that’s me.” Tom said, trying to shake off how stupid he sounded. He put a hand on the bookcase behind him, trying to get some leverage. You picked up a book to hold to your chest, anything to calm you down. Out of habit, you crossed and uncrossed your ankles, just something to do.
“Wow, I can’t believe...thank you. That could have been pretty bad, it’s high up there.” You squeaked, running a hand through your hair. You were well aware you looked ridiculous, but there wasn’t much to do about it now. Tom finally managed a smile, though it was a shy one.
“Of course, no problem. Glad you’re okay.” He said, taking a small step forward. You blushed as Tom’s eyes met yours, something in them could turn you to mush. You took a step forward, still clutching the book to your chest. The smell of the books and the tea you’d left on the desk was intoxicating.
“I’ve, uh, seen you before. On the train.” Tom said, watching your eyebrows furrow. Crap, he shouldn’t have said that. Now it was all ruined, you would think he was a stalker and run him out of the store. What possible explanation could he give for knowing where you work? Could God just strike him down already?
“Me? You’ve seen me on the train? When?” You asked, not sure whether he’d seen someone else and confused it with you. After all, why would a famous actor have taken notice in you? He must have meant someone else, there was no way it was you.
“Everyday, really. You’re always on the train at the same time I am, I see you across the car. Like casually, of course.” Tom said, realizing he was revealing how obsessed he was. You giggled, surprised that someone so smooth could be so nervous around you. It was endearing, honestly.
“Oh, I’m always reading. No wonder I’ve never noticed you before.” You whisper, staring at the shelf behind him. It was so hard to look him in the eyes, you felt like a fraud. Tom should be out with Zendaya or some other celebrity. Not here in your little bookstore with someone like you.
“I know, you’re always reading a different book. Today it was The Bell Jar, right?” He asked, and you smiled at the fact that he had remembered. You walked back to your desk, Tom behind you, and put the stack of books on top to the side.
“Yes, it’s wonderful. Have you read it?” You looked to Tom who gave you a bashful grin. He had not, indeed, read the book. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d opened one. But Tom couldn’t bear to tell you that, so he told a white lie.
“Yeah, one of my favorites. I’ve read it tons of times.” He said, smiling when you did the same. You knew he’d never read The Bell Jar, but you didn’t mind. Tom was kind and that was all that mattered. You’d met plenty of men that were avid readers but unfortunately total jerks. Tom could have stared at you all day, but the little bell broke the two of you out of your trance.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Can I help you?” You asked, as the old woman smiled at the two of you. She shook her head, wandering near the fireplace. After she warmed her hands, the woman turned back and looked at the two of you.
“What a charming couple you two make.” You turned fifty shades of scarlet, Tom doing the same. The old woman walked through the bookshelves, sensing the two of you wanted some time alone. You looked to Tom, giving him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, that was so awkward. I’m sure you have someone waiting for you, I don’t want to keep you.” You checked the cash register, not trusting yourself to look at him. He was like some weakness to you, and you wanted nothing more than to get him out so life could return back to normal. Tom smiled at you, feeling at ease that you were as nervous as he was.
“Actually, that’s why I came here. You see, I’ve been seeing you for weeks and I really like you. Would you maybe want to go on a date with me?” Tom asked, searching your eyes for anything that would indicate a yes. He was so nervous, his heart pounding in his chest. There were so many ways this could go wrong, and it would have killed him to hear you say no.
You nearly fainted when you heard him speak. Tom Holland had been watching you for weeks? And he wanted to take you out on a date?
Was the world coming to an end?
“Um, a date? With me?” You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, the whole thing was unbelievable. You half expected someone to burst in with a camera saying the whole thing had been a prank. But you waited for a few seconds and nothing happened, Tom waiting for you to answer. Since you couldn’t speak, you just nodded through wide eyes.
“Thank god, I thought you’d refuse me.” Tom laughed, as you bit your lip to stop from smiling. You extended a hand across the desk, your face lit up in happiness. Tom took it, using his other hand to brush a stray hair behind your ear. You shook his hand, smiling when you felt his hand meet yours.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.”
“Tom, nice to meet you too.”
TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be taken off!): @tommyparkerr @grandmascottlang @toms-order @darling-parker @spiderboythomas @cutiehollands @peeterparkr @jupiterparker @inlovewithmob-tom @veronicas-littleworld @da5haexowin @sergeantbxrnxs @hazsterfield @itsholyholland @underoosstark @stormyholland  @let-me-luve-you @smexylemony @roses-and-sweaters @musicgirl234 @its-livelovelife @steve-thotgers @tiny-friggin-human @lovelyh0lland @blueberry-butterscotch @keylla-dunspeh @lucille-lovely @yeahbutmarvel @lokiislowkeyhot @spideymood @yoharryyouawizard @tomhollanders2013 @celestialparker @letthembehappymcu @jnej @spiderman-n @positiveparker @winterssoldierrs @heycreehere @galaxy-parker @sdrecsfics @doimakeitthroughthenight @wronglanemendes @brokensimpson @naikia @spnsoap @ninetypoundsofasthma @quitetommy @voltronshepard @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @annathesillyfriend @tiredfeels @scarlet-spiderr @hedwigthelegend @renesniajazza @bibliophile-grasshopp @tomhollandswhoremain @yeeterbenjaminparker @juliabuenooo @paradoxparker @pokeloisfk @machomango13 @parkerstylesperalta @mcuspidey @nobledoritoman @cosmicdaya @hey-its-grey @toms-gf@cutesparker @whypeterparkerwhy @sunshinehollandd @sunshineandparker @starksparker @hollandroos @blissfulparker @xxtomxo @pastelpeter @nobledoritoman @nnatasha @parkerpuffwrites @hollandsosterfield @hillsnholland @peterplanet @hopespym @peterstrainingwheels @parrkerspeters @stuckonspidey @jacobsbatalon @prkerspeter @clintbartxon @spideypeach @spxderbarnes @stealth-spiderr @uglypastels @darlingtholland @spideyflicker @thollandss @maryjparkers @curlytoms @marvelous-maddi @trustfundparker @clockblobber @asmilinghopelessromantic @i-don’t-wanna-go-mr-stark @marvel-language @zaynjawy @sholla4-314 @lemondropirwin @angelbabymed @captnsmarvels @in-the-corner-coffee-please @peterbparkcr @william-stanley @greenarrowhead @squishyhyunjin @bibliophile-grasshopp @juliabuenooo @pokeloisfk @machomango13 @starz-23 @spoopy-spooderman @whatevsholland @aestheticstom @tomzfrog @bebegomie @tyemmamarvel @embrace-themagic @v-valz-n @dancingoncrackedhearts @imspiderparker96 @mlt2000 @cordiebirdy @headsup-itsmostlypeter @sspideytom @yellow-inlove @kisses-holland @hardestbattles-strongestsoldiers @infamousmany @omgbstudies @theefactorygirl @aelinashryvver @sarah-moss2015 @keepmeholland @fandomdarlings @yourwonderbelle @rexorangecouny @deni-gonzalez @mylifeasafangirlforever @random-writer06 @stretchkingblog97 @sweetlyth @notethereal @pachuh @fandoms-stuff @petesrparker @yavinmoon @sweet-baby-cakes @noswagswag @l-melancholy-breeze-l @peteunderoos @jubaydahk @jackiehollanderr @yadekms @starkslovebot @practicallylivesonline @i-tried21 @stasye @unorganizedasf @1-800-back-off @tomshufflepuff @beequeen8020 @mejustbeingme @fanboy-tom @mimaligrl @theimpossiblehologramtree @diamonddia-mond @qrangr @parkeroffline @peterpumpkinparker @rosieredcheeks @tiny-friggin-human @delicately-important-trash @zabdisamor @peterbrokenparker @the-lost-fairy-tale @everestluke @gigilame @youllbemineandillbeyours @cherryblossomcharlotte @paintingbellarke @teawithbucky @miraclesoflove @let-me-luve-you @tomhaz @multi-worlds @clara-licht @ppkrtingle @laurxn-robinson @a-court-of-dreams-and-hopes @theirmidgardian @screamstillscreaming @ddaeing @ineedalittlehappiness @briiiiseyda @sincerelymlg @officiallygeek @maybemona @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @lowkey-holland @particularsof @saturn-aka-six @pterpcrkers @i-love-peter-paker-3000 @fangirlingisajob @hypnotized-so-mesmerized @tomhollends @deathofthethrones @th0ttie4tommy @orowit @lawstudentbydayfangirlbynight @ballyhoobarnes @gabiatthedisco @lauras-collection @itseightbeats @thomashollyholland
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Pretty Pretty Princess
Summary: Kaminari’s daughter wants to play dress up, so he becomes a princess for the evening.
Wordcount: 1808
“Mommy, can we play dress up?” You wave a tired hand at your daughter, who was following you around the room. You could feel her tugging onto your dress as you laid out paper plates and plastic silverware.
   Today was a special day; it was the baby shower for the unborn twins inside your belly. Lucky for you, they have been calm so you can get things done, but now your six year old is demanding your attention. “Miuko, I can’t. I’m setting up the party for your siblings. Today we get to find out if the babies are boys or girls.”
   Miuko puffed out her chubby cheeks, pulling on her dirty blonde pigtails. “But I wanna play princess tea party!” Her hair started to become staticy and her strands started to stand on end as she crossed her arms, pouting on the couch.
 “Heheh, now she looks like her dad when she does that. She’s so cute all the time, you forget her dad is Denki.” Kyouka came into the room, holding the cake for the party. Momo followed close behind her with balloons. Oh thank god, the other adults are here to help.
   You sigh happily as the girls came over to you and gave you side hugs. “Hey, Kyouka, that’s rude!” Speak of the devil, your husband pouted as he walked over to you. His arms wrapped around you tightly as he showered your face in loving kisses. “Hello my beautiful, darling, glowing, light-of-my-life wife. How are you feeling? How are the little lightning bugs?” His hands wandered down to your belly; the twins seemed to sense their father, as they shifted inside you...
   “We are good, don’t worry. Just worried about getting the party together in time for everyone to get here…” You looked back down at your daughter and then motioned your husband closer to whisper in his ear. “I think Miu is feeling a bit left out. She’s been begging to play princess all morning.”
   Denki looked down at his pouting little girl and then winked at you. “Oh man honey, I don’t think I can help with decorating. I’m really bad at it! I guess I have to keep myself out of the way. Hey Miu, do you know what daddy could do while we wait for the party?”
   Miuko gasped, jumping up and down on the couch. “Princess tea party!”
   Denki let out a dramatic gasp as he grabbed his daughter's hand. You giggled at his ‘excitement’ as you mindlessly rubbed your belly. “Princess tea party?! That sounds like sooooooo much fun! Let’s play in your room!” The two of them skipped down the hall; your daughter’s bubbly voice could be heard all the way to her room.
   “Man… that was cute.”
   “Makes you want a child of our own, Kyouka?”
   The party was still being set up when the guys showed up. Sero, Kirishima, and a Bakugo being dragged via headlock by Kirishima. Which meant they were sent to see where Denki was since they couldn’t be trusted to help or keep fingers away from snacks. “Holy shit! Pwahahahahahah! What the heck Kaminari?!” Both Sero and Kirishima fell to the floor, laughing at the sight before them.
   Denki had bows, clips, and glitter in his hair with random braids everywhere, as well as messy sparkly pink eyeshadow that didn’t stop at his eyelids and Barbie pink lipstick. Denki was sitting at his daughter’s play table, squeezing his large body onto one of the mini child chairs.e.
   “Is that an effing tutu, dunce face?” Bakugo, who was filtering his words in front of Miuko, pointed to the frill around Denki’s waist.
   “Yes, yes it is. And my name is Princess Dazzling Unicorn Sparkle.” Denki stated his new title proudly, taking a pretend sip from a very small plastic pink teacup, pinky out and everything. He is not ashamed that he plays with his daughter or that he lets her use him as a dress-up doll.
   Miu hopped to her feet, dressed in one of her princess costumes from Halloween. She ran over to the men that were more than triple her size. “Uncle Ei! Uncle Hanta! Uncle Suki! Are you here to play too?!” She grabbed Kirishima’s and Sero’s hands, pulling them and forcing them to sit at the table as well. It was amusing to see someone as big and bulky as Red Riot sitting in a chair that was smaller than one of his calves.
   “Uuuhhhhh…” The men looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Miu was looking at them with big puppy dog eyes; there was no way they could fight it. They both gave reluctant nods, but were rewarded with one of the brightest smiles they'd ever seen on Kaminari’s daughter’s face.
   “Eff that. I’d rather help with the dumb baby shower.” Bakugo tried to turn away, but small hands glued him to where he stood.
   “Pleeeaaasssse Uncle Suki? It won’t be as fun without you. I wanna play with you too.” Bakugo flinched at the tears starting to flow out of her eyes. Small sparks of electricity buzzed around her. If there is one thing Bakugo learned over the years from being around the small Kaminari child is to avoid any possible tantrum, at all costs. There is no way someone who didn’t have an electric quirk would survive. The moment he let go of the doorknob, she knew she’d won. “Yay, you are going to be Princess Butterfly Glitter Bomb!”
   You sighed from your spot on the couch; all the energy you’d had before had been sucked away when the twins decided to switch spots inside your stomach. “Alright, everything is set up. We just have to lay out the snacks and wait for everyone to show up. I’ll get the boys and the princess to come out and join us.”
   Walking down the hall, you could hear your daughter telling the story of how her prince in shining armor came to rescue her. “That’s stupid. Why would you wait for some dude to save you? You can do it yourself.” Ah, that was Bakugo talking.
   “But I want to be saved! My prince will give me a kiss!” Slowly, you opened the door; the first thing you see is your daughter being pampered by two pairs of hands. One was skillfully putting winged eyeliner on her, while the other was delicately placing flowers inside her French braided golden hair. Your eyes widened as you opened the door more; you immediately placed a hand over your mouth to hold back a snort.
   “You can fight some dragon on your own with your quirk, why wait for some dumb prince?” Bakugo, who was applying makeup to your daughter, had a butterfly clip holding back his bangs, a large amount of bright sparkly pink eyeshadow and neon pink lipstick. The makeup must of have been from her princess makeover kit that Denki had bought her for her birthday.
   “Katsuki, you are missing the point. She wants to be swept off her feet. To be romanced. You did that for me, bro.” Kirishima, the manliest and largest man of the Bakusquad, had many different assortments of colorful sparkly costume bracelets hooped around his spikes, flowers drawn in what you assume is the same red lipstick that was currently on his lips on his cheeks, and is that… your eyelashes from your Halloween costume last year?
   To the side of him was Sero, who was holding his hands out to Kirishima. “Shut up and focus on Soy Sauce’s nails. Anyways, you don’t need to be saved to be smooched, especially not from some random prince.” Sero was frowning down at his nails as Kiri continued to paint. The tape hero didn’t look much different to the redhead; his hair was in numerous ponytails that were being held up by beaded hair ties and bow; he had been given the purple lipstick.
   Your daughter held up the toy that she was clutching to herself right into Bakugo’s face, interrupting his work on her eyes. “It won’t be a random prince! Ingenium will save me!”
   “Glasses? Really?” Bakugo grabbed her face again, finishing the last bit of her eyeliner wings.
   Kaminari placed the final flower in his daughter’s hair. He was the most put together out of the rest; most likely he’d put his makeup on while your daughter did the rest of the guys. “She could do worse than our old class president. As long as she’s happy and he treats her right, I’m happy.”
   “All done.” Kirishima cheered as he closed the bottle of nail polish.
   Sero held up his hands to look at Kirishima’s work with an exasperated look; he was obviously not enjoying this as much as the others. “This is going to be hell to take off… why sparkles… I can’t imagine having a daughter who makes you dress up like this…”
   Kirishima leaned onto an open palm perched on his knees. “I don’t know bro, I feel kind of pretty.”
   With a straight face, Bakugo looked up at the redhead without any hesitation and said, “You are always pretty. Homo intended.”
   “Awww bro.”
   Now that no one was holding Miuko’s attention, she looked over to see you and excitedly stood up pointing to her face. “Mommy! Look! We princesses!”
   You giggle as she ran around the room, presenting each man and describing what she did to them with glee. “I see. Will your highnesses please join us in the living room; the party should be starting soon.”
   Sero sighed with relief as they all got to their feet. “After we get this makeup off…”
   That was the wrong thing to say. Miuko stomped her feet standing between Sero and Kirishima. “No! Princesses can’t be seen without their makeup! What if your prince comes? You have to look battle ready! Let’s go Princess Shiny Rainbow Bubbles and Princess Strawberry Sunshine Sugar.” She took Sero and Kiri’s hands and you watched as your six-year-old pulled the full-grown pro hero men out of the room.
   Kiri reached out and grabbed Bakugo’s hand, pulling him along as well with a cheeky smile. “Lucky me, I already found my prince…er, princess.”
   “Shut up, you sap.” Bakugo rolled his eyes as he let himself get dragged along.
   You were giggling to yourself as you could hear people gasping in surprise, soon followed by loud laughter. Denki came up beside you, offering his arm for you to take and escort you. You couldn’t help but chuckle and make a comment on his appearance. “You look beautiful, honey.”
   Denki flipped his hair dramatically with his free arm as the two of you walked. “I know, right?” You are sure the children in your stomach did somersaults due to your muscles flexing from how hard you laughed that day.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
99, 37, 38? Ahkmenrah smut maybe? Little spice? Possible interruption?
I’ve gotten a few requests for a more dom!Ahk, so I’m gonna try that with this request—hope you like it bc I had a friggin’ blast writing it!
Warning: Lotta smut! Def NSFW!
* * * * *
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“You’re just soadorable—ah!” you growled out in frustration. “I need to just … bite you,” you said as you lifted Ahkmenrah’s hand to your mouth and gently bit down on his knuckle, his eyes widening a little but his mouth pulling into a smile.
You were settled on the sofa in the break room at the museum, the TV chattering in the background while you sat, playfully perched, on your boyfriend’s thighs.
“Because your feelings overwhelm you, you must bite me?” Ahk asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.  
You laughed, kissing his knuckles before letting his hand return to its place on your hip.
“You’re just so cute, Ahk. Do you know that feeling, like when you see a kitten and you just want to hug it and squeeze it because you are so overwhelmed by its cuteness?”
“Um, I am not sure I—”
You rolled your eyes but still held your smile.
“It’s a thing, I swear. And it’s called cute aggression. Something, or in your case, someone, is so cute you just wanna squish them until you can’t squish them anymore.”
Ahkmenrah continued to puzzle through your explanation.
“So, I inspire the same feelings within you as when you see a kitten?”
“Yes!” you shouted, proud Ahk made the connection, but as you began to babble on about the cuteness of kittens, you were oblivious to the shift that overcame your boyfriend. His body began to tense as he straightened and his face smoothed out to be expressionless, his mouth drawing into a thin line.
“Y/N, I would like to go to your place,” Ahkmenrah interrupted, his tone steady and serious.
You raised your eyebrows and shrugged your shoulders. This wasn’t an uncommon request when Ahkmenrah felt stifled by the museum and wanted a change of scenery or if he wanted to spend the night having slow, lazy sex with you instead of just engaging in a quick one-off somewhere around the museum.  
“Alright. And Aliyah is out for the night if you’re feeling so inclined,” you said, giving Ahk a wink as you slid off his lap while silently thanking your roommate for being such an extrovert that she was hardly ever around on the weekends.
“Let me go grab your change of clothes—"
“That will not be necessary,” Ahk cut you off as he stood and started for the exit. “Come.”
“Uhh, Ahk, are you sure you—”
But he was already gone, the door that led to the backstreet behind the museum banging shut, leaving you curious as to what caused his sudden shift in behavior.
Once you caught up with him, you tried to ask him if something was wrong, but he shrugged you off until you just stopped asking.
Even though you didn’t live far from the museum, the distance you travelled was enough for the two of you to get a fair share of chuckles and snaps of pictures, but this was New York City after all. Someone dressed in something unconventional wasn’t exactly newsworthy.
You let Ahk into your apartment and when you turned around, his body was in something you could only describe as a power stance. His legs were spread to match the width of his shoulders, his arms were crossed, and his face was an unreadable mask.
It was unbearably sexy to see him looking so … regal. The energy radiating from him made it seem as if the word were his for the taking, as if this tiny New York City apartment could barely contain him.
When he spoke, you jumped, startled from your thoughts.
“Approach me.”
The deep, powerful tone of Ahkmenrah’s command shot straight between your thighs.
You were familiar with ancient Egyptian life, having done your research once you and Ahk grew close, and it occurred to you that perhaps for the first time, you were seeing the man once revered as a god before you. Right now, thisman was not your soft and kitteny sweetheart. This was the man who was once the king of the greatest civilization in the world.
“Kneel,” Ahkmenrah commanded once you were nearly toe-to-toe.
You dropped to your knees and you became aware of your increased heartbeat as you were now face to face with Ahk’s pelvis, and at the thought of what was beneath his shendyt, your breaths became shallow and your cheeks colored with a flush of desire.
“Remove my belt.”
Your fingers acted of their own accord, unclasping the ornamental buckle and gathering the fabric as it slid from his hips.
“Untie my shendyt.”
You willed your hands to remain steady as you reached up to undo the knot. It felt like you were about to see his cock for the first time and you almost chuckled at your own nervousness.
As Ahkmenrah’s shendyt fell to the floor, you looked first at his soft cock, then up and into his eyes. His face was still an unreadable mask, but you shivered when his lips spoke the next command.
“Take me in your mouth.”
You let out a shaky breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and another rush of warm arousal flooded you as you took his soft cock in your mouth. There was something about pressing your face into the coarse hair at the base of him, something about fitting all of him in your mouth as you sucked and swirled your tongue around his cock that made you feel powerful, desirable.
You felt Ahkmenrah tap the side of your cheek and you looked up.
“Open. I want to watch myself harden on your tongue.”
Another wave of arousal crashed over you as the image of you on your knees while Ahk’s cock swelled in your mouth flashed through your mind at his command.
You continued to bob your head, your mouth open as you slid his cock between your lips until it soon became too much for you to take his entire length as he swelled against your tongue.
When he was hard, you began to suck his cock in earnest, teasing him with your tongue, hollowing your cheeks, and bringing your hand up to grip his base. Ahkmenrah made no noise, the salty trail of precum leaking from his tip was your only indication of his continued pleasure.
Before either of you could register the noise of the key in the lock, Aliyah flung open the door and stood stock still in the doorway as she took in the sight before her.
Ahkmenrah closed his cape over the both of you, stuttering, “Th-This is not what it looks like.”
Aliyah laughed as she stepped in from the hallway and crossed to the little end table by the couch, scooping up her charger.
“I’m pretty fucking sure this is … exactly what it looks like. Nice outfit, by the way.”
“Well, this is awkward,” you mumbled from under Ahkmenrah’s golden cape.
Aliyah laughed again as she headed out the door, turning back to say, “I’ll stay at Nikko’s tonight. Carry on, lovers!”
This time, you heard the door latch and the turn of Aliyah’s key as she locked the deadbolt. Ahkmenrah opened his cape and looked down at you. Even though his cheeks were still tinged with a flush of embarrassment or maybe it was just from the surprise, his gaze still radiated the same powerful, determined energy as prior to your interruption.
You were just about to return your mouth to his cock when he gathered up a handful of your hair and tugged you back.
“Go to the bedroom. Undress. Wait for me.”
“Yes, my king,” you said, looking up at him as you tested out the submissive phrase.
Ahkmenrah’s cock had softened a little after Aliyah’s interruption, but at your words, he hardened again.
You slowly stood, careful not to touch him, and you shot him a searing look before you stepped around him and walked to the bedroom.
As you undressed, you thought about what could have brought out this side of Ahkmenrah. You certainly were not complaining, but it was gnawing at your curiosity. And then, the realization hit you so suddenly you had to suppress a giggle. You had called him cute! Or maybe it was that comparison to a kitten?
You laid down on the bed, settling against some pillows as you decided you would test your theory when Ahk eventually came back to the bedroom. Speaking of which, it felt like an eternity passed before a naked Ahkmenrah finally appeared in your doorway.
Ahk looked you over, head to toe, and you felt a blush creep up under his predatory gaze. He leaned against the doorway and slowly pumped his cock, his own thumb sliding over the bit of precum that had gathered.
All illusions of the control you thought you gained back by figuring out his trigger vanished as you watched his hand and thumb work. He kept his eyes on you, clearly letting you know you were the cause of his lust, but he still didn’t move into the room.
Your eyes unabashedly raked over his body, taking in his messy curls, tousled from removing his crown, and traveling across his beautiful face that housed a jawline erotic enough to make a conservative clutch their pearls. You reveled in the tone of his brown skin and the way it darkened around his nipples.
Your eyes travelled to the line of dark hair that began just a little below his belly button and you took in his flat abdomen and the taught little muscles that shifted as he continued to lazily work his cock.
Your gaze continued to travel over his lean legs, the dark hair on them the same color as that little trail below his belly button, all the way down to the perfect slant of his Egyptian toes.
“You are so sexy,” you breathed, your own hand finding its way between your legs as you continued to gaze at Ahkmenrah.  
He narrowed his eyes and lifted his chin, finally pushing off the frame of the door and walking toward you. He grabbed the wrist of your hand that had made its way to your wet sex and brought the fingers of that hand to his lips.
You actually stopped breathing as he spread your fingers and dipped each one into his mouth, sucking off any wetness that he found.
“What was that?” he asked. “I am not sure I heard you.”
“S-s-sexy,” you stuttered. “You are so fucking sexy, Ahk.”
“What happened to, ‘my king’?” Ahkmenrah asked with a wicked gleam in his eye as he moved his hand between your legs, lazily spreading your folds and sliding his fingers up and down your soaked center.
You were damn near delirious with the need to come when Ahk began to press into your clit, his thumb moving in a subtle circle.
“I asked you a question,” he said, that same steady strength from earlier still in his voice.
You opened your mouth to answer but a moan escaped your throat instead. You shook your head and tried again, your hips pressing upward into Ahk’s hand.
“My king,” you groaned, your eyes shut, your hands fisted into the sheets, as you felt your orgasm building, fit to erupt with only a little bit more pressure. “Please, please, my king. Let me come.”
“You are so damn cutelike this,” Ahkmenrah said as he pulled his hand away.
You blinked your eyes open, shocked and panting, your pussy clenched in anticipation of the orgasm that was just ready to wash over it.
Ahkmenrah laughed at the expression on your face, and he grabbed your hips and pulled you to the edge of the bed, lining your entrance up with his cock.
“I will never … call you cute … again,” you said slowly, your voice weak and hesitant.
Ahkmenrah shook his head no, indicating that it wasn’t calling him cute that bothered him.
“I must be certain my queen does not think me to be meek, kittenish, if you will,” he said, his eyes flickering from your face to the tip of his poised cock.
“I can assure you, I think you are the boldest, sexiest man I have ever met.”
“Then be sure to scream my name when I make you come,” he breathed as he entered you in one hard thrust.
And scream his name, over and over again, you did.
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Daughter of the Honorable Thief - Harry Hook x reader - p8- park p2
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(note, I have never been to Knotts soak city, so im bullshitting this)
Harry Hook x Daughter of Robin Hood!Reader
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 clothing reference:
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---(y/n) POV---
Hell yeah! Water park day!! And a good thing too, it was 95 degrees out today. Ezra and I exited our rooms wearing shorts and sheer tops over our suits, chatting as we made our way to the lobby, bags light with only sunscreen, goggles, and wallets. The souvenir cups hanging off them. Harriet padded up behind you, having a tight swim top on and her messy black hair in a tight braid off her shoulder, her aviators covering her eyes.
Uma was just behind her, having roomed with her, wearing a teal swimsuit and gold sandals.
“Mornin” she mumbled, falling into step with you and erza, you ‘sup’ed’ back and continued on, letting uma and erza talk, you glanced at uma, noticing her clutching onto the teal seahorse erza won her yesterday. Erza winked at you, subtly pointing to the animal.
You rolled your eyes, entering the elevator and waiting for the others to board before pressing the button for the lobby and descending.
You found Harry and Gil immediately, who were talking near the entrance and seemed to be waiting for the four of you.
“yo!” you called, waving to them, harry perked up, smiling and nodding “ey, wha’ took yeh all so long?”
Uma rolled her eyes, striding up to harry and leaning into his side “sorry, you know how my hair is Harry”
“aye, just teasing”
You smiled, you loved how close the two were. Soak city was a bit of a walk from the hotel, so you all started to walk over. Harry complaining about the heat the entire time.
As soon as you entered, Gil's eyes sparkled at the multi-side by side slides, called the Bonzai falls, where it was obviously a racing game between six people, you all had keys for lockers that day, so you stashed away what you wouldn’t need at the moment and made your way to the ride's line.
Minutes later you all were laid down on a matt, it was Harriet, Erza, Uma, you, Harry, and Gil. The guy manning the ride called go and you all pushed off, racing down the bottom, you cackled as the water from Uma and Harry splashed in your face, and as yours splashed them.
Uma ended up winning the race, giggling as she placed the matt in the collecting spot and looked around for another ride, seeing on that could host up to six people, grabbing erza and Harry's arms and dragged them to it.
Uma seemed to really like the water park already.
you all yelped and screeched as the large tube-like thing tossed your around, water soaking everyone.
You shook your head around, getting the excess water out of your hair.
You saw a racing waterslide and pointed to it, exclaiming a race with erza. She gave a sharp grin and said: “you're on!”
You dashed over, a lifeguard yelling for you too slow down, as you pass a large pool, harry got an idea, he leaned down, one arm going under your legs and the other under your torso, you yelped, flailing slightly.
“harry what the-AH!’ and he tossed you into the pool, sputtering you resurfaced and glared at the laughing teen, then erza and Harriet grinned and pushed him in, making you cackle.
“Why thank you~”
Erza grinned as she grabbed your hands, helping you out of the pool. “I got you hood”
“not funny yeh two” harry grumbled as he lifted himself from the pool, shaking his head to rid his hair of the water.
“Are you kidding meh” Harriet grinned “that was hilarious!”
Uma snickered as she looked at Harry, water dripping off him heavily “you look like a drowned rat”
Harry made a pouty face at her, crossing his arms, obviously offended “Acca-Scuse meh~? I am the picture of beauty and grace how dare you!”
You cackled patting his arm “don’t worry Harry, you’re a very handsome drowned rat.”
Harry huffed, nodding, but still pouting “at least someone sees my perfection”
“Anyway!” erza interrupted, “hood you promised a race, let's go!”
You snickered, following your friend to the racing tubes. Climbing the tall stairs you looked behind you to see harry dramatically flailing onto gil, demanding to be carried.
“I can see a light”
“you're fine harry”
“mom? Is tha’ you?” “oh my god gil just pick him up to make him shut up”
Harry laid limp in gil’s arms, grinning as he let his head hang upsidedown. You gave a breathy laugh as you shook your head and continued up the stairs, soon reaching the top.
Harriet was staring at her brother with a bored look as gil set him down, the worker was giggling her head off, “my girlfriend does the same thing with her brother”
Harriet smirked, “dramatic siblings am I right?”
The worker nodded still giggling, letting you and erza pass and sit down in front of the water tubes
You waiting for the light to turn green, seeing erza smirking in your peripherals. One two three, GREEN! pushing forward, you speed down the dark tunnel, screaming laughter echoed as the water rushed around you.
You gasped as the darkness stopped and you landed in a pool, hearing another splash as you started to breach.
“(y/n) won!” uma called from the tower, grinning down at both of you.
“HA!” you screamed, poking erzas nose.
She snarled playfully, dunking your head under.
Uma hummed happily as she munched on a churro, bought by erza, who staring at the dark-skinned girl with a dreamy look, till you elbowed her.
“kinda lookin creepy scarlet”
“silence hood, im appreciating art.”
“Alright, appreciate art while you buy me food”
Standing, erza walked off, grumbling under her breath about how you were ruining her chances with the sea goddess.
Rolling your eyes you turned to uma, who raised her brow at you.
“real talk, if erza asked, would you go on a date with her?”
Uma sputtered on her churro, hitting her chest as she cleared her airways.
“um-wha-where did this come from?!”
You shrugged “just a feeling but really, would you?”
“um well” uma stuttered, her cheeks darkening “i-I think, yes? Shes-shes really pretty, and she's nice and, and spunky, and…fuck shes my type, shit, holy fuck”
You grinned, bumping her shoulder “sooo, is that a yes~” uma groaned, wrapping her arm around you and burying her face in your shoulder “fuck, yes I would go on a date with her”
“yay! Okay, so next Friday at that really good pizza place sound good?”
Uma jumped up, staring at you “hold up wh-“
You stood, grinning as erza came trotting back up, a grumpy look on her face. “perfect, maybe now erza can stop whimpering about you like a kicked puppy!”
“wait wha-!?”
“(y/n) wait staap!!”
“guess who got you a date~” erza blinked at you as you skipped up, taking the chicken fingers and fries she had gotten you.
“what?” “you and uma, Romanos pizzeria next Friday, at 5”
“WHAT?!” erza screamed, grabbing onto your shoulders and shaking you “AND SHE-YOU-WHAT?” “Okay, 1. Let go of me, 2. I asked uma if she would go on a date with you if you asked and she said yes so next Friday at 5!”
Erzas jaw dropped as you turned and walked away from her, happily munching on your food.
“thank me later~”
Erza stared as you plopped next to harry, sharing your food with him.
Glancing to uma, she blushed as she made eyes with the teal haired teen. They both hurried to look away, god, erza was so doomed.
harry stared as his sister and gil pushed him toward a drop slide, was he shaking? he was shaking. as he glanced at his hands, which were trembling in fear.
“no nope nah no no nada gonna happen”
Harriet groaned, walking in front of him and grabbing his hands “come on! it'll be fun!”
“dropping straight down as im plummeting like 50ft down? nah im good”
harry tried to escape, but gill lifted him over his shoulder.
“come on! its the last one and you promised dude!”
“well dude” Harry called back, “I take it back, im not going!”
Harry locked eyes with you, and you gave a sympathetic smile, shrugging.
“(y/n), my love, beauty, my savior, help me”
you laughed “im sorry harry, but I don't think I can help you here”
Harry groaned, holding his arms out to you “please! Save me!”
you laughed once more, reaching out and intertwining your hand with his, grinning comfortingly “you'll be fine harry, they so safety checks almost every day, and positive that no one has died”
harry sniffed, still not convinced, but as you held onto his hand, he felt better.
“do you want me to hold your hand?”
Harry paused, before giving a shy nod.
You held in a laugh, as gil set harry down and you held tightly onto his hand.
You watched as uma and Harriet entered the tubes, grinning nervously as they waited, then SHOOM they disappeared, harry jumping as they did, gripping your hand tightly.
“uh lass, do I-“
“you promised dude” gil called as he entered alongside erza
“les do dis!” erza cackled, crossing her arms and legs.
“three two one, launch!”
You heard erza and gil scream from the adrenaline as they exited the tubes, yelling positives for harry.
“harry im the biggest scaredy-cat when it comes to this stuff, you can do it!”
“come on dude you can do it!”
As the worker guided you into the launch tubes, harry backtracked, his face pale as he turned to you
“I don’t wanna do it!”
“it's okay, you're fine” you cooed, letting him grip your hand once more, not caring for how tight it was becoming. Harry shook his head
“i-I don’t, I don’t!”
Harry begun to hyperventilate, you pulled him close, letting his arms wrap tightly around you.
“you can, you got this harry its not gonna be that bad, if its any consolation, im terrified”
Harry sniffed, releasing you, breaths even, shaking his arms and head to sike himself up “uh. Yeah, yeah I got this, I got this”
You smiled, patting his arm, waiting for him to completely be closed in before stepping into yours.
A heartbeat startled you as you entered the pod, “Jeez that scared me” leaning on the slide part, you crossed your arms and legs, preparing to drop.
“prepare to launch in three, two one!”
You screamed as you went, holy fuck this was amazingly terrifying!
As you emerged you heard gil laugh, congratulating harry.
“you did it! You conquered your fear!”
You grinned, standing and making your way over, seeing uma and gil with their arms wrapping around harry as he laughed his nerves off.
“yeah, and im never doing that again!”
You cackled as you rejoined the group, leaning into erza as you did.
“That was fun, but I agree with Harry, one and done!”
Harry gave a soft smile as you arrived.
“Thank yeh for helping meh (y/n), really”
“I got chu, I won't let my friend just sit in their fear.”
Harriet bumped your shoulder.
“well, im pooped, can we go chill at the hotel now?”
You saw uma and erza sag in relief “yes!” erza cried, slumping into you “im so exhausted!”
“Alright alright” you snickered “let's get our stuff and go”
Uma dived for her sea horse, holding it tightly to her chest as you unlocked the locker with your stuff in it. Erza blushing as she did so.
You gave a pointed look to erza, and she groaned and nodded “yeah yeah”
You hummed, giving a cheeky smile.
Looking behind you as you exited, you saw Harriet and harry pull out their phones and the pokemon go music play from them.
“shit there's a Pikachu”
“yeah yeah, Meowth right there”
You snorted, dorks.
Entering your room, you flopped on your bed, letting erza take the first shower. You felt sleep drift over you as you laid there, and you let your body fall to its call.
The shower could wait in the morning.
--end of part 8 (god sorry that took so long!)--
Comment or message me for part 9
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