#this one sucks
twsted-kinks · 10 days
Weird shit Yuu would say
(Mostly as an American. Also kinda dark)
Yuu: *playing in snow and giggling*
Epel: Wow, you're really getting into it
Yuu: Last time I saw snow people died so this is a nice change of pace (Reference to the Texas Freeze)
Epel: ... What?
Yuu, making repairs to Ramshackle's roof: If I fall don't call an ambulance. I can't afford that shit
Deuce: ??? How can you not afford an ambulance? It's free
Yuu: Oh... Right, different place. Are doctor visits cheap? I haven't been to one for a couple years
Deuce: YEARS?!
During a fire drill
Yuu, looking around
Ace: Chill, everyone's here you don't have to worry about people missing
Yuu: Nah, I'm looking to see if there could be a shooter. Fire alarm is the perfect way to make us sitting ducks
Ace: S-shooter? Like with a gun?
Yuu: Yeah. What? You've never done shooter drills?
Ace: NO!
At Sunset Savanna
Yuu: Is that... Holy shit, that's a quagga
Leona: Uh, yeah they're common here. Nothing special
Yuu: They're extinct where I'm from so they're pretty special to me
Leona: ... You know what I'm not even gonna ask.
Yuu: Wow, this beach is so clean
Azul: Most beaches are like this
Yuu: What, most got trash pickers to clean up on the daily?
Azul: No? Is trash on beaches a problem where you're from?
Yuu: Just trash in the ocean in general is a problem. Lots of sea life die from it. Hopefully they got off shore drilling under control though now.
Azul: I know I'm going to regret asking but what are you talking about
Yuu: Y'all never had an oil spill?
Azul: I'm not even sure what that means so likely no
Yuu: Basically tons of crude oil leak into the ocean. Just imagine that shit getting into your lungs- or gills would be more accurate. Happened a couple of times. Lota of dead marine life
Azul: ... How can you say things like that so casually
Yuu, shrugs
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xrd · 3 months
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55-degrees-fahrenheit · 4 months
karate joe: hey dad can i get a balloon- senior: SHUT UP "The Fighter" SHUT THE FUCK UP
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softhairedhotch · 8 months
was at the shop earlier n there was so many big puzzles sets that were half price n all i could think about was buying a bunch for aaron bc i hc that he's really into puzzles :') i wanna be able to buy him stuff so badly </3
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part1cleman · 1 year
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happy pride
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residentrookie · 1 year
all i want to do is write and yet it's also the very last thing i want to do on a very long list of terrible horrible things
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fatestayyuri · 1 year
maybe Patrick Americanpsycho from American Psycho was a nonverbal bottom. ever think about that?
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missjackil · 1 year
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
After a close battle, Clap Your Hands defeats Unforgiven! I don't think it will have any problem with the next opponent.
Chuck, who is it today?
Chuck: Well Miss Jacki, today we have Mannequin 3 : The Reckoning - Dean runs off to rescue Lisa after a frantic call from Ben. Sam stays back to hunt a spirit that possessed mannequins.
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raindropcascade · 4 months
the united states view of death/grief is stupid
someone i know is dying right now and im still expected to show up at work and not have emotions about it
like im sorry my feelings are inconvenient to the slavery capitalist system
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Round 2
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xamaxenta · 2 years
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jyunism · 7 months
weekly matcha 💕
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insanityrat · 8 months
If i was in the wild east. Well, heh. Lets just say undertale yellow would still be called undertale yellow. `,B)
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mcgeez9040 · 8 months
3 Drawing pratices with cheap brushes/pens
Most of them ARE my ocs (because i need to pratice drawing my blorbos)
@unknownarmageddon @justanidiotartist (tag you guys for the meme)
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Main oc - miss cloudy
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Jesus Au- Joshua
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Detective Bruce
Bonus shitpost:
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Nightmare towards killer/Joshua:
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Cream: Mr. Sonic, Mr. Tails, are you home?
Sonic: In the backyard, Cream!
Tails: Sonic, don't tell her that!
Sonic: Why not?
Tails: I don't want anyone to see me like this!
Sonic: It's your fault in the first place, so no whining...
Cream: Mama said you guys weren't answering your house phone so she asked me to deliver th--ah..., excuse me, Mr. Sonic, but why are you giving Tails a bath outside?
Sonic: Mr. Tails had a little accident in his lab so now I gotta spend my weekend cleaning soot and oil out of his tails.
Tails: You don't have to do this, Sonic...
Sonic: ...I don't? Awesome! Cream, you take over, I'm going to the beach! Later!
Tails: Sonic!
Cream: Mr. Sonic, wait!
Tails: aaaaand he's gone...sigh, what was the delivery you mentioned, Cream?
Cream: Uh, oh right, Mama made soap bars...you wanna try it?
Tails: sigh, sure...
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leripo · 11 months
Day 20 drawing every PjSekai character: An!
I honestly dont like this one that much, i didnt have any motivation today so it shows :(( ill redraw it one day, to do An some justice
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