#this one's name is earthheart
zoeisabelladaily · 10 days
Terravale Hall
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Hey Diary,
Today was a whirlwind of mysteries and revelations. Let me spill the beans.
Mr. Servius escorted me to Terravale Hall with the golden key card, and the stone door greeted us with a loud creak, as if awakening from a deep slumber. Terravale Hall, a sanctuary embracing the essence of the earth, unfolded before me. The colossal stone fountain in Earthheart Plaza flowed with earth-infused water, and ancient trees whispered tales of magic. At the heart of the hall, an intricately engraved earth rune marked the gathering place for ceremonies. Rockhaven Grotto and Verdant Canopy Grove showcased magical creatures, while the Geomancer’s Archive, a magical library, invited quiet study. Dormitories carved into earthen walls provided cozy havens. Everything, in brown and green, radiated a connection with earth’s energy.
Everything there was the same as I saw earlier around my room, like the corner room, scratch on my door but the wall that swallow people wasn’t there. In my room my luggage waited for me. I arranged everything, feeling reassured that this couldn’t be mere imagination. It was as real as the air I breathed.
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Morning brought a surprise — a box on my doorstep containing the school uniform and a wand, a gift from Mrs. Morgana Revancraft. The wooden wand symbolized my connection with Terravale, chosen by the “Foresight Fire.” However, this wand was different from the one the old lady gave me in Ebonhaven Village. A strange feeling urged me to keep quiet about the old lady and her wand, so I hid it. Trust needed to be earned before I could spill any secrets.
Lilith knocked on my door, and we headed to the great hall, though it seemed we were fashionably late. Albert Pendleton, a shy, bookish boy from Aetherion Spire, kindly found us seats. Headmistress Morgana Revancraft and the professors took their places, and she addressed the students. The main agenda for the day was the policy regarding relationships with “mundane am.” The rule was clear: no relationships with mundane am for the safety of everyone. Breaking this rule meant facing consequences, and it felt more like a warning than a piece of advice.
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After the peculiar announcement from Headmistress Morgana Ravenscroft about the restrictions on relationships, I couldn’t help but notice Albert’s discontent. The policy seemed to weigh heavily on him, sparking my curiosity about his feelings towards these rules. Following the assembly, we headed to the food court for a delightful feast.
During our meal, Lilith inquired about my encounters with magical powers. She found it hard to believe that a witch or wizard could go through life without experiencing magic. I hesitated and confessed that I had never felt anything to indicate that I possessed magical abilities.
Now, alone in my room, reflections flood my mind. Recollections surface, like the time a dead plant revived at my touch or when I sensed influencing the positions of stars. Was I unconsciously using magic all along? And when I shared these oddities with Adam, why did he dismiss them as normal? Does he possess magical knowledge or, perhaps, love me despite being a witch? Questions swirl in my head, and answers remain elusive.
On another note, I planted the seeds Professor Xorki gave me by the riverside. The bag also contained a note with instructions to plant them discreetly. It adds another layer to the mysteries surrounding this school and my role in it.
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Oh, and guess who I found under my bed? Misty! The same cat I encountered before. I called her by name, and she came to me as if she recognized my voice. Animals are incredible, aren’t they? They have a way of making us feel a connection that transcends words.
As I navigate through these magical twists, the uncertainties deepen. What other surprises await me in this mystical realm? Only time will tell.
Yours truly, Zoe
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underground-monarch · 2 years
ok. um. sorry but like
In Empires, only the rulers are Players. Only the leaders of each empire have the ability to die and come back, while their citizens are just mobs that, once dead, are dead for good. Right?
Does anyone see where I'm going with this?
Icestar (warrior name Icewing) is a fluffy white tomcat with elegant golden-yellow markings on his head, face, back and tail. His intense cyan blue eyes appear cold at first, but warm to the shade of a sunny winter sky when gazing upon those he cares about. His loyalty to his Clan is fierce, and he would not hesitate to give every single one of his nine lives to ensure their safety.
Webbedstar (warrior name Webbedfoot) is a lithe tomcat with short, sleek, murky brown fur. As a newer leader, the others enjoy poking fun at him, and though his reactions and retaliations are those of annoyance, there is often a sparkle in his bright green eyes, like sunlight glinting on the surface of a calm sea.
Redstar (warrior name Redsmoke) is a dark ginger tabby tom. With his usually rumpled fur and dusty black patch markings on his paws and chest and around his striking blue eyes, he perpetually looks as though he has been rolling in soot. He is a mischievous character, and while this trait can come across as antagonising to the other leaders, he is warm at heart and enjoys spending time play-fighting with the Clan’s kits, making the effort to get to know all his Clanmates personally.
Crystalstar (Crystalheart) is a pale ginger tabby she-cat. While the expression in her jade-green eyes might often be read as gentle, she is not a leader to be underestimated; a skilled fighter and hunter making use of her quick wits and unusual pale-purplish claws, she will always stand up for her Clan. Although she is usually more level-headed than her brother, she is not above participating in mischief, and to others’ surprise she often seems to enjoy it immensely.
Darkstar (Darkclaw) is a big dark grey and black tabby. His pelt is unusually coarse, except for his soft pale cream belly fur. He is a ruthless fighter, determined to make sure his Clan is the greatest and ready to unsheathe his claws on anyone at a moment’s notice. His desire for power smoulders in his deep amber eyes.
Goldenstar (Goldenwing) is a long-haired she-cat; her sleek golden-brown fur ought to be elegant, but it is often ruffled by playful wrestling matches with her Clanmates and fellow leaders. Her yellowy-green eyes glow like the summer sun reflecting off a grassy hillside as one bathes in its invigorating warmth. Her Clan and their home territory is her life, her heart; if anyone wanted to take it from her, they would have to kill her ten times before she would stop fighting.
Petalstar (Petalshine) is a petite she-cat with beautiful long, pale pinkish-beige fur. Her warm brown eyes hold the deepest secrets of the earth, and her heart holds the peace of the world. Although less willing to unsheathe her claws, she is still a formidable barrier against threats to her Clan.
Shrubstar (Shrubtail) is a small yet strong she-cat. Her fluffy tabby fur is marbled with a hundred shades of brown and grey, and her dark green eyes express a slight haunted depth behind her usual bubbly happiness.
Leopardstar (Leopardpelt) is a lanky golden tomcat, his short fur awarded with brown tabby-like rosettes that ripple across his sleek body like the dancing dappled shadows of leaves across the ground. His Clan is smaller than others, but no less fiercely protected; he will do anything - anything - to make sure his home remains unharmed.
Earthstar (Earthheart) is a short sandy and dark brown tabby tom with a tall spirit. The people he loves mean more to him than anything, and his Clan never tire of witnessing that fact. Despite his stature, he is a powerful leader, and any who belittle his Clan regret getting themselves on the wrong side of his claws. The frequent flash in his emerald eyes could describe any emotion from relaxed happiness to eager mischief to vengeful anger.
Oceanstar (Oceantail) is a large yet elegant she-cat. Her pale, almost bluish fur is mostly short and sleek, but her contrasting long and flowing tufts on her tail, ankles, elbows and ears give her an aura of majesty. Her eyes are light pink in colour, but the connotations of softness in that shade are a misleading foil to her unending determination to protect her Clan and those she loves.
welp. this was a fun little writing and character design exercise!
I have ideas for the season 2 characters as well, but I’ll probably post those separately, so keep an eye out for that :]
I was planning on having done drawings of each of them before making this post, but my arting braincells aren’t currently active and my writing braincells are, so yeah here ya go :) I’m still planning on drawing them at some point though! (but then again I’ve also been planning to draw my Last Life Warrior Cats AU characters for like. a year. and that still hasn’t happened sooooo. we’ll see 😅)
but if anyone else wants to draw these guys, please please please do!!!!! I would absolutely love to see how others interpret these descriptions, so if you do please tag me! :D
I might do a bit more worldbuilding on this concept as well, maybe come up with Clan names and other characters and stuff like that, maybe write some actual stories with these characters... 👀
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randomgurustuffs · 11 months
Can we get the lore on Rosemary Mane?
Rosemary grew up in Canterlot. Her parents are middle class and live in the cheaper part of town. When she was a filly, her mother had her babysat by a doctor. While she was there she got her cutie mark mixing things with a mortar and pestle. She was inspired to be a nurse as a result, and went down that career path when she grew older.
She went to school in Manehatten for her nursing degree, then moved out to a remote tropical island a bit before Twilight came to Ponyville. There she worked in the hospital, generally on very foolish tourist patients and bought a small house. She was never fully accepted by the islanders, but they treated her fairly well. After some time on the island, something very interesting occurred. A paramilitary team in an airship visited the island after one of their members turned into an unstoppable rage monster. In the process of fighting, one of the members of the team was grievously injured and taken to the hospital. He was a large earthpony named Gurumane. Rosemary tended to his wounds and developed a crush on him. However, the pony was paranoid and used her as a hostage to escape the hospital to rejoin his team. He was immensely sorry for what he'd done and came back to apologize over and over. The paramilitary group managed to stop some pirates and the rage monster, but destroyed the town. Afterwards, the earthpony came back and tried to apologize over dinner. The townsponies saw, decided Rosemary was fraternizing with the people responsible for their misfortune, formed a mob, and burned down her house. She had no choice but to return to Equestria with the team. On the way back she fell for the pony who had held her hostage and took him to meet her parents. The pony managed to convince her father to let them date, and she accompanied the team for the remainder of their missions as a medical aid. After the missions were finished, she ended up marrying the earthpony. After more excitement in which the chapel was leveled during the ceremony, she and Guru went on several classified adventures, as he turned out to be a spy. Eventually they settled down outside Ponyville and had 4 children: Autumn, Thundermane, Earthheart, and Rosepetal. She works at the local hospital in Ponyville to make some money on the side, but makes sure to look after her children and husband.
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askhugsworthy · 6 years
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Nigel has given no comment as he just wants to stay out of this, though he supports Rosa in her decision, of course.
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Before Landing
One hour left before we land on Earthless.  Earthmore, Earthheart.  I’m trying to find a name for this planet that makes it feel like home. Recline back, grasp the plush leather as I exhale and close my eyes into thoughts with smiles.  Lindy has encouraged me to take inventory of things I enjoy, what keeps me happy.  Also to remind myself of dangers and pitfalls that are all too immediate when around others. Knowing I’m a loner means I cannot trust anyone.  I cannot put stock in relationships as I would have them become, because they will not manifest in those ways I desire them to.  I must keep to myself and share a drink when possible.  Knowing it’s just a drink with a stranger passing by.  A passerby, someone travelling a different path, who happened to intersect my road for a moment.  And that’s all it is.  When I taste victory in a cup, it is for me, and I am the champion I feel within. The roar of the alcohol teasing my brain into believing fantasies.  They are too fancy for my liking, in the end.  
           Working out is a good friend.  That is, exercising.  Lifting weights, engaging in cardiovascular activities.  Playing music on a stringed instrument, preferably one called a guitar. Reading books, many, many, books. Writing to the voiceless heard that listens from great distances and place afar.  Music by musicians who captured the feeling in moments so perfect one cannot forget.  Who made it work with the time they had to play together.  Working with Lindy to continue tattooing my body.  Can you believe she still charges me for each tattoo she does?  What does she need the money for?  What does Lindy spend her coin on, when no one else is paying her any attention? Guess that’s for her to revel in, taking stock in her private lifestyle.  Eating food and smelling the ingredients mixing themselves together.  
           Don’t tread on the police of these lands.  Don’t bother or stir the attention of those who claim to serve and protect.  They do little of that.  Their bullies with weapons, looking for excuses to be bullies on the unruly. It’s all too much like the days of high school.  The evenings at the sweat-filled gymnasium events.  Lindy reminds me that we need to find shelter when we arrive.  I’m tired of seeing green lines under these sentences. They are perfection you dumb fucking computer.  I am the master of my own thoughts.  You cannot control me, you little machine.  You cannot, nor will you ever.  I can say whatever I want however I want to say it.  It’s my choosing my freedom my ability to speak without reprimanding myself. You have no power over me computer. I am your master and you will listen to my commands.  Good. No more green lines.  
           Lindy says she’ll try and find a decent whore once where on Earthlove. Earthworldly, Earthfeelingemptyalone. Thanks Lindy.  Just make sure she’s only sleeping with under ten other men. That’s all I request of this whore you find.  I want her to be a commodity.  A high price for her services.  I don’t have to pretend I’m a decent person.  I won’t have to show through actions that I’m well-mannered and someone who keeps themselves well attuned within society.  I don’t have to show her I love or care about her, emotionally. None of that will be necessary to her. She’s in it to please, and I’m in it to be pleased.  To release for a price.  That’s what I call a good relationship.  No fronts, no hiding who I really am.  I can be myself without worrying about judgement.  Without wondering if I need to text her and reassure her I’m interested in her the way she feels I ought to be.  None of that nonsense.  That’s all an illusion, like it was spoken about in the Tempest.  It’s a trick, slight of hand- deceit in the fullest.
           If I go to hell, so be it.  I’d rather be there than I would be with the people who say their going to heaven. All in all, I feel I truly believe I’ll go to the same afterlife my dogs have gone, and will go (Caliman and Ming). I’m going to be there with them, and I’m sure I’ll see Samuel Langhorne Clemens when I arrive, as well.  Perhaps even Jack.  And we can play guitars and howl with each other.  That’s what I call heaven.  I don’t believe there’d be anything better than that.  I don’t want to meet some guy who left us all, even though he claimed he was here to save us all.  Then, why are we still here?  What a fucking liar.  What a goddamn hack; him and his acclaimed dad.  Their fragile and wanting what the image to be reality; yet their paradox excludes reality from meeting the imaginary creation in this life.  Confusing and a letdown.  What a letdown, God, son of the same.  Where have you gone?  Why you walked out on us, I’ll never know.
           Thirty minutes from landing.  Lindy and me are playing chess.  I want to play with chests, the woman kind.  But hey- pieces on a board will do for the time being.  I’m petting Caliman, and Ming stares out of the port window. She’s always staring into space. I don’t know why; maybe she’s a guardian, watching for any enemy nearing our ship.  Thank you Ming.  
           I’m not entirely sure what it is I’m going to accomplish while here on EarthPlacePointTwo.  Not sure at all.  It’s going to become apparent with time.  It always works that way.  Time reveals all.  So, I’ll do what I do, wandering and tasking about.  Feeling the earth beneath my feet.  The ground, the water, the puddles, the mud.  All of it will combine into a realizing that something needs me. To find.  I don’t even know what I’m purposed for, besides assessing and resurrecting a former sanctity to the dilapidated situation.  I incur what.  I don’t know nor can I say.  
           Five minutes from landing.  Landing on the main base in the central part of what we’re calling Future Mexico. Heading North from there.  We might catch a plane to EuroTrash.  Maybe we’ll see the MightyMiddleEast.  The AstoundingAsia.  Who knows where we’ll go once afoot on this EarthWorld.  Cheers,
Space Ranger D
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