#this ones a long one and says nothing of valie you can ignore it
princessmyriad · 6 months
Having a weird night in which the knowledge that i am the only person that an ex friend has told that they want the body of the sex they werent assigned, and that i may be the only person they tell, i dont know what to do with that information. Like i hope they find people who help them come into themselves if they can but they very specifically have told me they dont think any trans-ness is worth it for them bc they dont think they can have the body they want and they dont dislike what they have now so they wont even consider smaller changes. A friend in their group is trans the same way theyve said they want to be but they never talk about the friend and rarely talk to them and as the first openly trans person in their friend group id just think theyd have some more to say if they really have thought as hard as they say about body swapping. Theyve even told me my body is almost the blueprint of what they wish their body could be but then when i did their makeup like mine and found them a cute dress of mine to borrow they said they felt uncomfy. Not everyones into makeup and dresses i get that, i suppose its about the body shape and not the femininity but there wasnt even an ounce of gender affirming feeling then? Baffling.
But now we havent talked as friends in years and if even my introduction to myself (nonbinary genderfluid neopronoun user) and my very queer brother and his very queer boyfriend and the accepting and supportive trans spaces im part of online cant get this kid to introspect harder then i dont think anything will. Fuck it they still call me she exclusively and deadname me constantly.
I just. I dont know what to do with this information. I was glad at the time that youd told me but if you didnt want anything to change when i offered to help you try out different names and/or pronouns until you felt comfortable then why did you tell me. Why did you tell me and no one else. I dont know if theyve told anyone since but i doubt it tbh. And now this thought is rattling around my brain tonight like a volleyball tournament held in a sardine can. I hope you find the right friends to help with the right path for you soon. I hope youd be a better girlfriend than i was. I hope youre a better boyfriend than you were (but i also doubt this..)
Idk like. Its almost like a shit or get off the pot situation but were not close enough that i can say that any more and i understand that everyones ready for their journey at their own pace. I dont really have any conclusions. I dont know what this is i just. I guess im thinking about my own recent transitions regarding my witchcraft path and ive got caught here.
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lilisouless · 1 year
just read an anon's ask hating on jack wolfe's wylan. no honey. he's too precious. he's so wylan he's exactly how i pictured him and there's also plenty of time for character development in s3 !! the only thing i was slightly bothered by was how quickly wesper just. appeared. don't get me wrong i'm as in love with the ship as they are with each other but it was so quick...
anyways i'm just saying, many people also love jack's wylan :)
Oh boy, you got a long one, sorry
I honestly didn't think anon intentionally wanted to hate on Jack, i used those words so they (and people that think like that) would actually reflect on what they were saying and the implications of that, maybe finding out if there were actually some prejudice on what they were saying because sometimes what you hate on a character can reflect on the actor and its not fair critism them for that and in this case, it doesn't apply because at least on my perspective there was nothing on Wylan being overly cutesy or childlike, other than, again; being played by an actor that looks younger than he is and has very expresive mannerism (actually, if you have seen Jack´s interviews, he moves and gesticulates way more than Wylan)
The thing was that i wasn't interested in using courtesies until the person reflected on that, i kind of kept waiting until the person write again to say "i didn't mean that, i actually meant..."
This is why sometimes i am careful on what characters i express my dislike over because i try to reflect if there is some prejudice i have that i have failed to reconigze in myself. Sure, in my head there are valid reasons to not like them, but i sometimes end up self questioning if i am trying to excuse myself to not revise that prejudice (i am thinking about two specific charcters right now)
But enought about me: wesper , the rush on them is disapointing, yes or yes. You may like them on the show, you may like the story made of them but its rushed, it is and it leaves the hole, people know why Jesper fell in love with Wylan on the book, but on the show you don't , there is no explanation on why Jesper suddenly is interested in starting something with Wylan, if you read the book it makes some sense because you know Jesper did appreciated Wylan´s wit (bomb building) his courage (standing up to Kaz) and generous soul (you could say enjoying playing the piano), you can take that from the show but if you haven't read the book you´ll think it was only the piano. Is not that it doesn't makes sense (it kind of does if you recall Jesper went to live with Wylan at the end of CK and they were dating for a day by then) , is just that there is something missing, a hole in the story that they forgot to fill.
Thats why i would like to say that Show!Wesper aren't in love yet, i have said that before and to me it works better that way, they are both exited with each other but have yet time to actually being the love of each others lifes (which is good, i wouldn't want them to be show!Nina-ed) and the resolution for that could be actually interesting, the thing is that hole in the middle of the develoment that well, it can't be filled so its easier to just ignore it.
Now to the Jack-Wylan thing, i have said before that you have to play attention who to actually blame.
Nina and Inej are wonderful and rounded characters but there are people that still recude them to their love interest, Jesper is a wonderful and rounded character,but some people still label him as a purely comic relief, is that Leigh´s fault? no! , sometimes people just are awful readers . The same happend with Wylan, Leigh didn't wrote him as a uwu baby (neither the mini kaz crazy yandere the fandom want btw) yet people still read him like that, still not Leigh´s fault
IF the show had portrayed Wylan the way those people think he is , believe me i would have complained too (it would still not be Jack´s fault for doing his job) but, while the show has a LOT to critize (they are so gonna pay for validating Helnik shippers that secretly hate Nina) and there are valid critism on Wylan´s portrayal, "the show made him a little sun baby" is simply not true
-He is not innocent, he tries hard to be but he still gets involved in exploting things and even kills someone onscreen (probably not completely intentional but not-not wanting to do it either)
-He is not (i say this because a lot of the uwu baby thing overlaps with sexualization most of the times) a virgin or sexuallly inexperienced. Now, to get this out of the way; not every character needs to be sexually experienced to have agency, be mature or assertive ; hell, i am a virgin myself and as you can see i never shut up. What i am trying to get here is that Wylan being not a virgin on the series seems like a deliberate way to avoid the "shy virgin guy meets the sexually experienced man that teaches him to do sex" trope before the fans could ever interpret this like that (you know there are people that see book!Wesper like this) so there was a deliberate move to defy the uwu baby wylan trope. I have in mind a couple of things that people would say about this but i will keep them to myself because they may be taken as creepy
-I think most of the "show!Wylan baby" actually comes down to that tic he has of deviating his smile , but i think thats meant to be a reemplacement of his (book canon) constant blushing, like if thats the whole base of claiming show!wylan is a uwu baby then...its pretty few to talk about
Lots of text, sorry, you just wanted to say you loved Jack as Wylan 🤐
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magioffire · 3 years
[ 3 - 5 songs/lyrics that remind you of your muse. ]
(probs part one because i have so many fucking song lyrics that fit vali)
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1. Puppet Loosely Strung by The Correspondents  ( verse 1: Let me put myself in your shoes as a puppet loosely strung Around you they were so confused a faulty man could have so much fun They read your smiles, nothing but teeth, looked at you with pity first, then disbelief. verse 2: Let me put myself in your shoes as a puppet loosely strung. They may think they'd never choose to be the man that you've become. you never felt the need to conform. We get drunk or high to feel what you've felt since you were born. verse 3: Let me put myself in your shoes as a puppet loosely strung. Did you feel the weight of other's views, or was  their ignorance a source of fun?. I hated the whispers in the street. Do you oppose a greeting, pulling the rug beneath their feet? verse 4: In the past you would have been seen as a family's disgrace. Now they think you're putting on a brave face. They might fear that one day they'll wear your shoes. But you're the one who's laughing, you had nothing to lose.)
2. Wonderland by Caravan Palace (See the stone cold face, Try to knock it, I can't be trapped, never walk, I'm a rocket. I gotta be in it, I gotta grip in it, I gotta be, I gotta be, I gotta get it. Look how the streets turn cold when I walk it. It's my rules, no man can stop it. I throw a kick so quick that'll leave you in the gutter, Leave you in the gutter, gutter, gutter. In my dreams I rock and I rule the Wonderland)
3. Venus Fly Trap by Marina  (verse 1:Whatever you give life, you will get back. Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap? I never quite fit in to that Hollywood thing. I didn't, play that game for the money or the fame. I did it my way, baby. Nothing in this world could change me.  verse 2: Don't underestimate me, 'Cause one day you're gonna see you're in a losing battle. Babe, you'll never stop me being me. I got the beauty, got the brains. Got the power, hold the reins. I should be motherfuckin' crazy. Nothing in this world could change me. verse 3: I sacrificed it all for a life to call mine. All the love and security to be myself, oh, I. I know that money ain't important, And it don't mean you're the best, But I earned it all myself and I'm a millionairess. verse 4: They'll shame you, blame you, pretend to even hate you. Take away your rights, pacify you with their lies.) 
4. Bullet with Butterfly Wings by The Smashing Pumpkins  (verse 1: The world is a vampire. Sent to drain, Secret destroyers, Hold you up to the flames. And what do I get for my pain? Betrayed desires, And a piece of the game. chorus: Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage. Someone will say, "What is lost can never be saved." verse 2: Now I'm naked, Nothing but an animal. But can you fake it, for just one more show? And what do you want? I wanna change. What do you got, When you feel the same? outro: And I still believe I cannot be saved.)
5. Eulogy by Tool (this one really hurts me :) ) (verse 1: You told us how you weren't afraid to die. Well, so long, Don't cry, Or feel too down. Not all martyrs see divinity, But at least you tried. Standing above the crowd, He had a voice that was strong and loud. verse 2: No way to recall, What it was that you had said to me? Like I care at all. But it was so loud, You sure could yell. You took a stand on every little thing And so loud. You could be the one who saves me from my own existence verse 3. Yeah, standing above the crowd. He had a voice that was strong and loud and I, swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so eager to identify with: someone above the ground, Someone who seemed to feel the same. Someone prepared to lead the way. And someone who would die for me  verse 4: You've claimed all this time that you would die for me. Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy? verse 6: Come down, Get off your fucking cross. We need the fucking space to nail the next fool martyr.)
tagged by: i stole it :3 tagging: @mahrdika @xynchronicity (for varren) @xaallo @aceparagon @archiveye @archaevist @audaciiae (for conall uwu) @hhemeraa (for myles) @bornofbloodandwater @ovisac @bransles​ 
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thenorthernrecords · 5 years
Kveldulf Cyme
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[ This is a long one, but enjoy! ]
Jacob sent Erik back to bed, and before he did, the little boy greeted Slania warmly, giving her a hug once she knelt down. Slania held him tightly, bid him good night, and stood up right when Erik returned to the bed chambers. Soon after, Slania held up a letter, crumpled but folded.
Jacob let out a long sigh, already guessing who the letter sending may be. The distraught look on Slania’s face said it all.
“So, our former Earl has finally decided to acknowledge our existence, hm?” Jacob asked sarcastically, slumping down on the chair by his table as Slania approached. She tossed the letter upon the table’s surface, right by to the cups, bottle of mead, and candle he had there, and sat across from him.
“Don’t call him that. He didn’t stay long enough to be truly be established as such,” Slania muttered quietly, reaching out, sliding the letter towards him, “But, yes it is him. I doubt you can read it, but take a look. It is written in a language you would have learned had you had been raised as the member of the our royal family, as you should have.”
Jacob hestitantly took the letter, unfolded it, and looked at it. It seemed to be written in two, short parts. He glanced at the first one, and frowned:
Kveldulf cyme. Scierpan sweordan þín.”
“Other than your name, I truly have absolutely no idea what this says.” Jacob commented with raised brows.
Slania rose from her seat, leaning forward enough to see the letter herself. She pointed at each word, pronouncing it slowly for him.
“Kveldulf cyme. Scierpan sweordan þín. It means: Kveldulf is coming. Sharpen your steel.” Slania said somberly, slowly sitting back down, and poured herself a cup of mead automatically.
“Kveldulf? The Kveldulf? Wait, is your brother saying the Kveldulf are coming here?” Jacob asked, perplexed, gaze leaving the parchment and resuming back onto his cousin.
Slania drank from her cup, made a face, but poured herself some more drink either way. “Yes. That’s what he’s saying. Do you remember Vali Kveldulf?”
“...Remember him? I know of him. He’s become an incredibly powerful warlord with a great army. They even say he actually becomes a terrible, giant wolf during battle. Naturally, it’s all just exaggeration, but it speaks to how powerful he’s become since your father’s death. Geir used to work under him, and he was concerned that one day Kveldulf may find out about his actions towards your father, and try to punish him.” Jacob explained, putting down the letter down in front of him.
“It seems that Geir had nothing to fear, for now it is Eamonn whom Vali seems to be after.” Slania replied, her eyes distantly focused on the cup she held in her hand, “He blames my brother for the death of his first born son, and for some time, my brother feared he’d take action. It seems that his fears have become come true. I received a letter from my uncle today, saying that my mother’s lands are also under threat as well.”
Jacob stared at Slania, bewildered, and eventually shook his head, unable to believe what he was hearing.
“...So you’re saying that Kveldulf will come here, possibly to attack us, because of your brother? That... that makes no sense, Lani. If he’s so bent on avenging his son’s death, why not just try to kill the person he wants dead?” Jacob was raising his voice, and he meant not to, but he was very alarmed about the idea of a great army, infamous for the death and destruction they caused, setting Wexford as a target.
“I don’t know, perhaps he means to prove a point to my brother by destroying the places where his origins are rooted. If he just wanted my brother dead, he would have done so already.. It’s all so fucking childish when you really think about it.” There was an edge to Slania’s tone then, as she frowned deeply in anger, “The man forgets we also lost our father Maxim, and eventually our mother, whose death was tied to my father’s. We all lost people upon that day, not just him. But, from the little my brother has bothered to tell me, he is a self centered man who only sees his own pain.”
Slania took a sharp inhale, scoffed bitterly, and added before taking a long swig of mead: “He and my brother don’t seem so different in that aspect.”
Silence befell them as Jacob tried to process what he had just learned. He sat back, and exasperatedly slid his hand down his face. “Fuck, Lani. We may not able to withstand a great army in our state. We lost a good number of people, we’re still recovering... Geir Lundsson is one thing, but the Kveldulf?”
“I know,” Slania replied quietly, eyes downcast as she gently shook her head, “I received this letter two days ago. I couldn’t read it right away, but once I got an urgent letter from my uncle today, I knew I had to. I am worried for my clan and family in Connacht, but they are in far better shape to fight a large infantry than we are.”
Jacob glanced down at the letter, and pointed at the final words, written all the way down at the bottom.
“What does that say? At the bottom there?”
Slania didn’t look up at him. She didn’t even attempt to look at the letter. She simply finished her cup with another swig and spoke up moments later.
“Līcast forgiefan mec. Ic eftcyme.” She said softly, looking somewhat wounded, “Please forgive me. I am coming.”
Jacob said nothing, as he was surprised that Eamonn would write such a thing. 
“... He is truly a fool,” Slania said in that same quiet tone, taking the letter and put the edge over the flame. As the letter began to burn, she watched it, tears forming in her eyes. But, they didn’t fall. “He’s done so much harm, and he believes written words will fix it all. You were there when we spoke last. You saw the cruel way he spoke down to me, the way he called me stupid and shit. It was then when I realized that he never truly respected me, even after all of my achievements. I worked hard to make our father proud, to make him proud, and it means... nothing.”
Slania put the burning letter into her cup, allowing it to burn out and turn into ash. As it did, she simply took the entire bottle of mead, and took a swig. Jacob watched, noting that the only times he’d seen her drink heavily was when someone went into detail about the fire of Wexford, or her brother.
“He doesn’t know who I truly am, nor did he ever want to know. To him, I’m only an extension, some sort of collateral, some air-headed girl that just so happens to also share the same parents and have the same name. When he came here, I thought he’d help us, hear us out, but it seems I truly was delusional this whole time. I tried to fucking tell him...”
Without warning, Slania took the cup and flung it towards the nearest wall, causing it to smash and break into pieces. Slania’s eyes were widened with fury, but after some sharp inhales of air, she sat back down. Jacob jumped at the sound of the cup breaking, but frowned sadly as he watched her try to calm herself down. He too was upset at Eamonn, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but sympathize, and he resented himself for it.
“...Lani, don’t...throw anything at me, but,” He hesitated, but leaned forward, “Perhaps it is not enough, but a proud man like your brother asking for some type of forgiveness? That only happens when he means it.”
Slania raised her head, glancing at him, but she didn’t reply. So, Jacob was prompted to continue.
“Perhaps he’s starting to realize the severe weight of his mistakes. Your brother may be pompous, entitled, and incredibly irritating, but...I know what it feels like to think you’re doing the right thing, ignore every warning and then watch the people you care about suffer because of your actions. I made a lot of mistakes, and disregarded people unintentionally, but that didn’t mean I never cared. I always did. I suspect he does as well.” Jacob grimaced, in disbelief that he was actually speaking for his imperious cousin, but it seemed to calm his redheaded relative even further.  “I’m not telling you to forgive him. No one will blame you if you never do, especially what happened to you in the fire. But, when he came here, while his methods were ... extraordinarily terrible, he meant no true harm except towards my enemy. It is why I won’t kill him upon seeing him again. He probably thought he was doing something that’ll benefit the family ... and perhaps even me, unless it’s truly my imagination running wild now.”
Jacob shrugged, and Slania smirked towards his last dry words, but the smirk quickly faded away. “...It would be much easier to hate him, because the weight of the hurt and disappointment I feel is incredibly heavy.” She stated sadly, crossing her arms again, “But I don’t think I’m capable of hating him, unfortunately.”
“He said he’s coming here, right? To try and help us against the Kveldulf? Why not let him know he’ll need to do more to prove how sorry he is. If he doesn’t, then you can disown him, and cut him out of your life. But, if he does try, then... do what you feel will help you.” Jacob suggested casually, shrugging again.
Slania seemed to think about, slowly nodding, as if considering it. But then, she sat up, recomposing herself. “Perhaps ... but that aside, we should begin to truly discuss what we must do now that a new enemy is coming. We need more information from Eamonn. He worked closely with Kveldulf, maybe even faced him before for all we know. Then, we can plan out of strategies accordingly. We have fought so much for this settlement, and we shouldn’t plan to give up on it now.”
Jacob gave her a half smile, and nodded. “He better just help. If he tries to name himself Earl again, I swear by the gods I will knock him out as I wanted to before... But you’re right. Perhaps if we defeat the Kveldulf by some miracle from the gods, Geir will be easier to deal with. What should we do in the meantime?”
“Continue to prepare our defenses, perhaps accelerate the progress, and...eventually tell the people who else we must face.” Slania grimaced, and Jacob also made a face, dreading it.
“That won’t be easy, but the sooner we let them know, the better. I’ll be sure no harm befalls our dear Eammy, as I’m sure the people won’t be happy to see him after everything... We will have to let Leviticus know that he’ll be working twice as hard to make more weaponry.“ Jacob said pensively.
“I’ll speak to him and his aides about that. We should also deal with our captive in the meantime.  We have some time on our side, so we should take advantage of it. Maybe then, we may be able to actually win this one as well.”
The two continue their discussion into the night. Slania left as the sun began to rise, and Jacob went to rest for a few hours in his bedchambers, holding his sleeping wife tightly as he finally went into an uneasy slumber.
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forlornmelody · 7 years
Spare Part Chapter 8--Show Me
Rating: M/E (See below for notes)
Ship: FemShep Clone/Maya Brooks, FemShep Clone/Asari OC
AO3 Links: First Chapter. Previous Chapter. This Chapter.
FF.net Links: First Chapter. Previous Chapter.  This Chapter.
Summary:  Cerberus wants Shepard’s clone dead. Hope Lillium wants the clone to replace Shepard. The reapers want to exterminate her along with the rest of the galaxy. No one asks what the clone wants–and even she isn’t sure if she has the right to ask. But she asks that question every day.
Notes: I’ve decided to post two different versions of this chapter. The Fanfiction.net version will continue to be M rated (as to comply with their content policies. I also recognize that not all my readers enjoy smut.) The AO3 version has“deleted” scenes so to speak, that are more explicit, and will have an E rating. The safe(r) for work version is posted below. 
The Clone remembers almost nothing from her next training session. All she can think about is Dreya and their upcoming study date. Only, she can’t imagine them getting much studying done--and she doesn’t want to. She impatiently watches clock tick forward as she works on her barrier—it’s not wanting to cooperate. Her biotics keep fluctuating with her concentration, which dips back and forth between her, the clock, and her training partner.
Dreya has a pistol loaded with stunning rounds, nothing lethal, but man, do they hurt when they launch through the gaps in Ana’s barrier. Her shots come lazily, half of them missing on purpose. She’s toying with her. “You know, if you don’t get your shit together Tandros is going to make you stay after class.”
“Not…happening.” She would kill for a ration bar right now.
“Mm. What are those metaphors you humans like to use? Football? Dead infant dogs?”
Ana shrugs. “Hell if I know. Colony kid, remember? That stuff doesn’t translate past the relay.”
“Mm. Right. Okay. Imagine Tandros throwing up after a long night.”
Her barrier stutters as she laughs. “Do Asari even get hangovers?” One round hits her shoulder, sending electric sparks all over her nodes. “Grah.”
“Not usually. It’s easier just to burn off the alcohol. Unless we want to get completely plastered.”  
Eons later Tandros finally dismisses them. Ana stands, stretching, and wincing as she feels every single one of those stun rounds as her muscles move. “Here.” Dreya steps up behind her, opening a medigel packet with one of her teeth. It’s the least graceful thing Ana’s ever seen her do. Dreya’s fingers glide over her skin, sending goosebumps all over her body. The implants flare in warning—her position is prone, the Asari is far too close to strike--
The words tumble out of her mouth before she can stop. “That feels really nice.” Ana blushes after more than one classmate stops their conversation to look at the both of them.
“Mm. Your place or mine?” Dreya gives the medigel one last rub. She taps Ana’s arm twice.
The look on Hope’s face when she flipped on the light flares across the Clone’s mind, and her muscles tense all over again. “Yours,” she says flatly.
Dreya leads her to a sky car in the nearest lot, and Ana runs her hand over the window. Her implants remind her of all the ways to crash a sky car and injure the other passenger, some options more lethal than others.
“It won’t kill you, I promise.” Dreya pulls the door open on the opposite side, watching her with an amused smile.
Opening the door on her side, Ana asks, “This is your skycar?” The Clone can’t recall a time where she’s ridden in one. Has she ever existed off this planet?
“Try not to scratch the paint. Now get in before it takes off without you.”
Ana laughs as she sits beside Dreya, pulling the door closed behind her. “Right. Because this car totally has a mind of its own.”
Dreya leans closer. “It does when I put it on autopilot.” Her finger taps the interface, and the car lifts off  ground, throwing Ana against the seat.
“Shit!” Her arms flail, and one of them grabs Dreya’s for purchase. “Oh, sorry.”
“Relax.” It’s Dreya’s turn to laugh. “You look like you’ve never flown before.”
Shit. “It’s been a while.”
“Clearly.” Dreya leans closer, toying with the bangs falling into Ana’s face. “Now that we’re finally alone…”
Ana chews her lip, reaching with a tentative hand, brushing Dreya’s crests. The Clone swears Dreya’s skin glimmers even in the low light of the car. She watches her with an amused smirk. Tentatively, Ana squeezes one of the ends. “Does that hurt?”
“Not really. It would be pinching your earlobe, or your nostril.” Dreya takes her hand, guiding it between the ridges of her tentacles. Her voice falls soft, and her eyes close as Ana draws a finger up the line one of the tendrils. “Now that feels really nice.”
It’s then Ana realizes their faces are close enough to kiss. She isn’t sure what to call what’s happening between them, but she knows she’s enjoying every minute of it. Bumping her nose against Dreya, the Clone whispers, “What does it feel like?”
Dreya snickers softly. “Well, I’ve never been human, but your people seem to have a similar reaction when I do this.” She weaves her fingers between Ana’s hair, scratching small, soft circles against her scalp.
Ana’s eyelids flutter closed, her mind blissfully silent for what might be the first time ever. She swallows, managing to find the words. “Yeah, that does feel nice.”
“Hey, Ana?” Something in her voice makes the Clone open her eyes. The Asari’s eyes search her own as she  weaves her fingers in hers. “Can I kiss you right now?” She smiles shyly.
The Clone can barely speak. “Of course!” Warmth fills her body as Dreya leans forward, brushing her lips with her own. Just as Ana presses closer, tilting her head to deepen the kiss, the skycar beeps. Apparently it landed while their attention lied elsewhere.
“C’mon.” Dreya takes her hand, pulling her out of the skycar and toward one of the largest homes Ana has ever seen. It stands at three stories tall, curved like the petals of a tropical flower, wide at the base and sloping up to a sharp curve at the top. Glass covers the entire building. Ana stumbles as Dreya tugs her inside.
“This is your home?” Ana stands in a sprawling foyer, with two staircases spiraling from the entryway. A ring of sofas sit between them, with a marble coffee table between them. Hope’s apartment would fit on this bottom floor thrice over. “How many people live here?” The size staggers her, as do the number of entry points. Her implants examine several of them for their tactical weakness.
“All the local matriarchs and their families.” Dreya leads her up the staircase on the left, down the hall to the first suite on the right. “My mother, father, and I live in these rooms.”
Ana gapes at the living area, her gaze flying from one hall way, nook, and corner to another. She stops by the massive row of windows that rise from floor to ceiling, showing off the view of Serrice’s city center. Her hand presses up against the glass as she takes it in. The implants in her brain rage about how her back is turned, how vulnerable she is to attacks—The Clone does her best to ignore them.
“You okay?” Dreya slides an arm around Ana’s waist, leaning against her.
“Your home is beautiful.” She smiles shyly at the Asari inches from her face. “Makes sense, I guess.”
Dreya nuzzles the tip of her nose against her cheek, nearly kissing her lips, but never quite touching. “You look nice, too.” She smiles mischievously. “Maybe I’ll draw you if we have time.”
“Time? After what?”
Dreya answers her with a kiss.
While her kiss was soft and gentle before, this time Dreya doesn’t hold back, pressing her mouth and her body against Ana’s as if she can unite them as one. Her tongue slides along Ana’s bottom lip, and she invites her in with a small gasp. Ana swallows, feeling as warm as the sun outside, and yet she can’t get enough. She skims her hands up the back of Dreya’s neck, pressing tight, small circles along the bottom of her crest, melting at the sweet taste of the Asari’s mouth. They pull apart, breathing raggedly against each other’s faces.
“That was amazing.” Ana presses another kiss against Dreya’s cheek, closing her eyes in reverence.
Dreya brushes each of her cheek bones with her thumbs, cupping her jaw with her fingers. “Mm. We’re just getting started.” She slides her index finger down the bridge of her nose. “How far do you want to take this?”
“Uh…” Ana blushes as red as the sunset. She wants everything at once—her nose pressed against Dreya’s crest, her lips on her chest….her fingers between—“I…I haven’t done this before.”
The Asari smirks, and if she had eyebrows, one would be raised right now. “With an Asari? Or…with someone other than a man?”
Ana clears her throat.
Dreya laughs. “Don’t tell me.” She hugs her close, then pulls back to look into her eyes. If she’s put off by Ana’s shyness, she doesn’t show it. “Show me.” Taking Ana’s hands, she lays hers on top. “Show me how you want me to touch you.” Her words hum with warmth…and something different, something that flares in the Clone’s gut.
Later after sun has started to set, and they’ve worn out their bodies, Ana holds Dreya close against her chest, not wanting to ever let her go. She struggles to find the words to describe how she feels, the overwhelming warmth in her body, the sunlight and the blissful silence between her ears. “Dreya…I…”
Someone on the other side of the room clears her throat. “Really, Dreya. Out here?”
Ana ducks behind the back of the couch, reaching for her clothes that have scattered between it and the windows.
“Oh hey, Dad. You’re home early.” Dreya hardly moves, and she grins at her father.
Ana manages to slip her shirt back on. “Eh…nice to meet you s—uh..” She frantically glances at Dreya for a hint.
“Please. My name is Vali T’Vasi. And who are you?” Dreya’s father eyes what little of her is visible past the couch with disdain.
“Ana Fields. Nice to meet you.” Dreya presses her pants into her hands. She dives to the floor, wrangling them back on. It’s then that she notices the twilight outside. Shit.
“Mm. Haven’t heard of you.”
Dreya rolls her eyes. “So she’s a colonist, so what?”
Ana touches her arm. “Dreya? Could I get a ride home? It’s getting late.”
“Probably lives in the slums, doesn’t she?”
“Enough, Dad.” Dreya leads her out, shaking her head. When they reach her car, Dreya says softly. “Sorry about that.”
Ana swallows the knot in her throat. “Could have been worse.” She gives Dreya her address and they take off.
They ride back in silence, Dreya boring holes into the windshield with her gaze. The Asari’s probably just angry with her dad, not at her, but her stomach keeps twisting into knots. “…I had a really great time.”
Dreya throws her a soft, sheepish smile. “So did I. This your place?” She lands the car, squeezing Ana’s hand.
“Yeah.” Ana dares to kiss her one last time. “Thank you. For everything”
“Always.” Dreya returns the kiss, watching her go. Ana waves as the sky car takes off.
Hope locks the door behind her. “How was your study date?”
Ana starts a little at the word “date,” but she tries to play it off. “Really well. We drilled some pulling maneuvers. Wanna see?”
Yawning, Hope shakes her head. “Not particularly. Let’s grab something to eat.” Something about Hope’s stare seems to pierce right through her. She slides an arm around her, guiding her to the kitchen.
“Sounds good.” The Clone rests her hand on Hope’s, remembering the feel of Dreya’s fingers all too well.
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topfygad · 5 years
Is Iran safe in 2019?
One of the frequent questions I normally get requested for is what’s the greatest nation I’ve ever visited. 
It’s a very difficult query as, mainly, there isn’t a proper reply, and the reason being that each nation has it personal magnificence, its execs and cons, so it’s simply unimaginable to find out which one was the perfect, particularly as a result of it additionally is determined by numerous elements, out of your temper to your luck, the folks you meet and the time you spent within the nation. 
Nevertheless, whereas it’s troublesome to say a favourite vacation spot, mentioning a bunch of nations the place you had a few of your greatest experiences is unquestionably simpler and, for some purpose, Iran all the time makes it to the checklist.
I like Iran and I completely loved my time there, not solely as a result of that is residence to essentially the most placing Islamic structure and a few of the most hospitable folks I’ve ever met but in addition, as a result of Iran is among the most secure international locations on the planet.
True story.
This information is a private and thorough evaluation that can take you thru all the explanations why Iran is secure, with out forgetting all its inside political issues and, in fact, a sequence of tremendous helpful security ideas.
For all the sensible data to go to the nation, don’t neglect to learn my journey information to Iran
My private expertise Iran right this moment
Delicate areas  Security ideas
Solo feminine journey Individuals and British in Iran Driving in Iran Conclusion
Be taught right here easy methods to get a visa for Iran
  Is Iran secure? My private expertise
I’ve been to Iran twice.
The primary time, I barely spent 10 days. 
On my second time, I spent 2 months. 
Now, I’m planning a 3rd time, and I’m fairly certain there will probably be a fourth.
Iran is superb.
On the one hand, the nation is large and it’s residence to infinite various things to see, from dreamy islands to alpine mountains, desert and historic cities. Every area has one thing very completely different to supply and it might take an eternity to go to all the things.
If you wish to know the locations I visited, test my 1-month itinerary.
Then again, Iranians are nice folks, extraordinarily hospitable, well-educated, kind-hearted and, general, stunning people who find themselves very curious to satisfy foreigners and assist them, more often than not anticipating nothing in return.
Do not forget that, due to the sanctions, most journey insurance coverage firms, together with World Nomads, don’t present protection for Iran. The one which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives plans for all sorts of vacationers, from backpackers to households. Moreover, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost. BUY IT THROUGH THIS LINK TO GET YOUR 5% DISCOUNT
Pleasant locals are those who make you all the time really feel secure in Iran
It’s a kind of international locations the place you might be constantly making native mates.
Tea and home invites, infinite random conversations, sharing road meals…
Throughout my journey, the native interactions had been all the time nice, and real, and this is among the issues that can make you notice that Iran is a secure vacation spot, as a result of Iranians make you’re feeling so.
I can’t suggest Iran sufficient and, primarily based on my great expertise, I’m actually snug sufficient to say that that is certainly one of many most secure international locations I’ve ever been to.
Nevertheless, there are some things it is advisable to find out about security in Iran and that is the rationale why I wrote this publish. Proceed studying to know extra. 
With Vali’s household in Mashhad
  Is it secure to journey to Iran? The scenario these days
In keeping with Wikipedia, official sources say that in 2013, Iran reached 4.76 million overseas guests and, since then, the nation has elevated massively in recognition, which implies that the determine could have simply doubled and even tripled – only a guess.
These statistics are simply insane for Iran, particularly if we take note of that the Western media, particularly American, has been portraying the nation because the worst, most harmful and repressive of all international locations.
At present, historic Persian cities such as Shiraz, Esfahan or Yazd, are stuffed with each vacationer teams and impartial vacationers, completely lined memento stalls and cute boutique accommodations.
And this could solely imply one factor: Iran is secure as hell.
The structure is really attractive
  The media: is Iran harmful due to the Western media?
After all.
If anybody thinks Iran is a harmful nation is due to the media. 
For many years, the American newspapers have been promoting a very biased picture about Iran, solely centered on nuclear weapons, non secular fanatics, human rights abuse and, mainly, a dictatorial regime. 
In Europe, it was the identical story however I really feel that they’ve softened their speech and right this moment, whereas they’re nonetheless speaking about all of the loopy issues happening there, they’re constantly publishing reviews and chronicles speaking about its nice vacationer sights and other people, and this is among the the reason why many vacationers began to think about Iran as a secure vacation spot to journey to. 
Do you assume whether or not Iran is secure? Anti-American propaganda simply exterior of the previous American embassy in Tehran
This isn’t the case of the American media, nevertheless, particularly with the present Authorities, who retains on contaminating the general public opinion with the concept Iran is the last word arch-enemy and one of many unfriendliest international locations on Earth.
You’ll be stunned to know what number of Individuals consider that. 
In actual fact, I’ve had just a few small arguments on social media, just like the day when that American dude replied to one in all my tweets – see under – saying that why would somebody need to go to in such a harmful place and, to assist his reasoning, he posted one article from Fox Information. Hilarious. 
I’m conscious that this has been stated again and again, however don’t belief what the media has to say a couple of nation and do consider the lots of of hundreds of vacationers who’ve been there.
Do not forget that, due to the sanctions, most journey insurance coverage firms, together with World Nomads, don’t present protection for Iran. The one which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives plans for all sorts of vacationers, from backpackers to households. Moreover, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost. BUY IT THROUGH THIS LINK TO GET YOUR 5% DISCOUNT
  Issues: is it secure to journey to Iran now?
Is Iran secure to go to regardless of all the present issues?
Certain, Iran is secure for vacationers, however we are able to’t ignore that they’ve some critical inside points.
Iran is a dictatorial regime dominated by Islamic Legal guidelines – As a lot as I like Iran, we are able to’t ignore that this can be a repressive dictatorship that violates human rights once in a while. Nevertheless, having a nasty Authorities doesn’t make their folks unhealthy as nicely and, so long as you observe some easy guidelines – extra on that later – you shouldn’t be anxious about it.
Violent protests (replace 2019) – You in all probability heard about some violent protests in 2019 which concerned a number of useless civilians and the Authorities shutting down the web for practically per week. Certain, the Authorities’s response to demonstrators will all the time be repression and extra repression, however that is occurring internationally, together with in Chile, and I don’t see Donald Trump complaining about it. The perfect you are able to do is to keep away from any public demonstration. 
Terrorist assaults – There have been some terrorist assaults in Iran, the final massive one being in 2017 in Tehran, the place a number of Iranians died. It was an unlucky occasion however terrorist assaults additionally occur in Europe – extra typically than in Iran – and, within the USA, there’s a mass taking pictures each different day.
Ladies at Tehran metro exit
  Areas in Iran which aren’t secure for vacationers
In accordance to the FCO Recommendation, the province of Balochistan and the areas bordering Iraq and Afghanistan are suggested towards all journey, for apparent causes. 
The remainder of Iran, nevertheless, is completely secure for vacationers.
Nonetheless, there are two issues it is advisable to find out about these harmful areas:
To begin with, they’re distant from all touristic locations
Second of all, the FCO recommendation will all the time be totally exaggerated
Comparatively harmful areas in Iran
Border with Iraq – There could also be some pressure within the southern a part of the border however I crossed myself the northern Iran-Iraq border, on the Kurdistan half, and I can guarantee you that that a part of Iran is secure to go to. 
Border with Afghanistan – I haven’t been there however intrepid vacationers cross that border on a regular basis and, to this point, I’ve by no means heard of any unhealthy experiences or reviews.
Balochistan – Balochistan is a province whose majority of individuals are Sunni so, for the previous couple of years, there have been some tensions however the scenario has improved plus, with the rise in recognition of Pakistan, this area is day-after-day receiving increasingly more vacationers on their approach to Pakistan.
As I stated, I strongly consider the FCO Recommendation could be very biased however, in case you are undecided about it, you simply want to stay within the touristic and secure a part of Iran.
The Iran-Iraq border
  Is it secure to go to Iran? – My prime security ideas
These are just a few further security ideas for Iran:
behave in Iran (cultural etiquette)
As I stated, Iran has some strict Sharia guidelines however they’re really extra relaxed than in Saudi Arabia for instance, a rustic with a big Western expat group.
For males, the one factor you’ll be able to’t do is sporting shorts.
For ladies, it is a little more difficult however all it’s a must to do is protecting your hair and never displaying any of your curves.
Apart from that, simply apply frequent sense and know that public reveals of affection are usually not tolerated – like in Dubai – and alcohol just isn’t allowed, though it’s extensively out there within the black market and locals do drink typically.
About faith in Iran In Iran, most individuals are Shia, a department of Islam completely different from Sunni, the prevalent department throughout the Arab international locations. By nature, Shia individuals are extra relaxed than Sunni, which implies that, relating to faith, Iran is extra liberal than contries like Oman or the United Arab Emirates, plus Iran has additionally a big inhabitants of atheist folks, greater than every other Arab nation, and you will notice it while you go there. In any case, faith nonetheless performs an necessary position within the nation, so be all the time respectful such as you can be in every other Muslim nation.
I feel mannequins are the one scary factor in Iran
  Is there a hazard of being arrested?
One other of the the reason why Iran is commonly perceived as harmful is as a result of each time a foreigner will get arrested, it seems all around the information, and reviews say that foreigners could also be locked down in a cell room for months with out having the ability to talk with the skin world.
Nevertheless, there are two sorts of foreigners who get arrested: journalists and vacationers doing silly issues, like these bloggers who obtained arrested as a result of they flew a drone over a army facility or these Individuals who had been caught crossing the Iranian border illegally from Iraqi Kurdistan. 
Simply be good and you may be positive.
  Journey insurance coverage for Iran
One thing it is advisable to find out about journey insurance coverage is that it is among the necessities for getting your visa on arrival. In case you don’t have one, they may make you purchase a dodgy one on the airport.
Furthermore, keep in mind that, due to the sanctions, most insurance coverage, together with World Nomads, received’t present protection for Iran.
The which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives loads of completely different plans for any sort of traveler, from funds backpackers to households.
Furthermore, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost.
  Maintaining your cash secure in Iran
This isn’t a security tip however a precaution. 
In Iran, worldwide bank cards don’t work, which suggests that you’ll want to hold all of your money for no matter time you might be within the nation.
For this, you’ve two options:
Purchase an area bank card and prime it up – There’s a service for foreigners which consists of an area debit card which you top-up with money upon your arrival, so that you don’t want to hold all the cash. Mah Card is one in all these providers which you’ll belief.
Guide your accommodations, home flights, and bus tickets ONLINE by 1stQuest – 1stQuest is an area firm that gives a big number of reserving providers for Iran, together with accommodations, bus & flight tickets, and so on. You received’t be capable of buy these providers on-line by an area web site – as they don’t settle for bank cards – however 1stQuest is among the only a few firms which does so, not less than, you received’t want to hold all of the money for accommodations or home flights, which is perhaps half of it. The perfect of it’s that readers of this weblog get an unique 5% low cost. How? Through the use of the promo code ATC-QST. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT 1STQUEST
  Browsing the web safely
As you might know, in Iran the web is censored, so a whole lot of web sites are blocked, from Fb to YouTube. 
With the intention to entry these web sites, you’ll need one thing known as a Digital Personal Community (VPN) and yow will discover extra details about it right here.
However, isn’t it unlawful to make use of a VPN? Why ought to this be a security tip?
Sure, utilizing a VPN is unlawful however everyone in Iran makes use of it – actually, everybody – and the one individuals who get punished for utilizing it are, for instance, those that use the web to arrange protests towards the regime.
Additionally, a VPN is not going to solely can help you entry blocked websites but in addition, it permits you to browse extra privately and safer and, in these sort of authoritarian regimes the place anybody may very well be spied at, you actually need to use one. 
I personally use ExpressVPN, one of many quickest VPNs out there out there.
If you wish to know extra about this subject, learn: discover the appropriate VPN for Iran
The extra distant you go in Iran, the safer it will get!
  Is Iran secure for solo feminine vacationers?
This is among the questions I get requested for extra typically from girls.
Is it secure to journey in Iran as a solo lady?
Effectively, I’m a person, so I clearly obtained a really completely different expertise than most girls, however I don’t know a single girl who didn’t have an exquisite expertise so, primarily based on their opinions, I can definitely inform that Iran is a secure vacation spot for ladies. 
If you wish to know extra particulars about it, I interviewed Eveline from Earth Wanderess, who shares her journey experience about solo feminine journey in Iran. 
Eve from Earth Wanderess in Iran
  Is Iran secure for Individuals and British?
The million-dollar query.
No one has ever requested me this as a result of I’m neither American nor British, however I do know some folks from these international locations who’ve been to Iran and all of them stated that it didn’t actually make a distinction.
As I stated, Iranians are curious to satisfy any foreigner and, really, they may in all probability be extra excited to satisfy an American than every other vacationer.
Furthermore, I can guarantee you one factor which is that an American will really feel 10x safer and extra welcome in Iran than an Iranian will really feel within the USA, the place they is perhaps subjected to racism and prejudices, True story.
On this publish, Jackie wrote about American vacationers in Iran.
  Is driving secure in Iran?
Like in most international locations within the Center East, the locals don’t actually observe the visitors guidelines, so automotive accidents do abound. 
Nevertheless, I felt that in locations like Egypt or Saudi Arabia, the locals are crazier.
Crossing the streets in Iran
One of many potential threats most vacationers face in Iran is crossing the road, particularly in Tehran, as crosswalks are fully ineffective so, when attempting to cross, automobiles don’t cease and easily keep away from you.
The primary few instances you do it, you assume you’re going to die however after some apply, you get used to it. In any case, it’s all the time advisable to cross the highway subsequent to an area particular person.
Public transportation in Iran
The entire of Iran is tremendous well-connected by a super-effective and environment friendly bus community, so it’s the preferred method of transportation amongst impartial vacationers. 
There are two kinds of buses, regular and VIP and, with the intention to journey safer, it’s best to get the VIP one, because it solely prices 20-30% extra, which is just a few extra € and, since they’re newer and greater, they’re undoubtedly safer. 
Bear in mind you’ll be able to ebook your bus tickets by 1stQuest and reap the benefits of my 5% low cost through the use of the next promo code: ATC-QST.
Alternatively, if you wish to keep away from touring by highway and, since distances in Iran are big, it’s best to contemplate taking home flights and, as soon as once more, you are able to do it by way of 1stQuest and in addition reap the benefits of my 5% low cost.
  Conclusion: Is Iran a secure nation to go to?
Total, Iran is a secure vacation spot and that is the rationale why the nation has suffered a vacationer growth within the final couple of years. 
Like in every other nation, nevertheless, there are, in fact, some small threats however the excellent news is that these tiny risks are usually not explicit from Iran however they do occur in lots of international locations internationally. 
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imagine-loki · 6 years
If I could Turn Back Time, I’d Still Choose This
TITLE:  If I could Turn Back Time, I’d Still Choose This CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 28 AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that when Odin found Loki on Jotunheim, he did not take him to raise as his son, as Frigga was pregnant at the time, instead he was given to a normal Aesir family. Years later, Loki meets Odin’s daughter Sigyn, and trouble ensues.
Sigyn sat looking at the plate in front of her. Fandral, to her side, she realised, was just as silent. They had not wanted it to go this far, Odin had decided their “courting” was more than adequate and was pushing for a wedding. Fandral and Sigyn had both been startled and left silent and open-mouthed at his insistence that there would be a marriage by the end of the year. Thor seemed the only one capable of speech and tried to tell his father that that was not in anyway conforming to tradition, which dictated a longer engagement to allow for foreign dignitaries and monarchs to ready for the event. Odin dismissed him in private and said that nothing was more important than having everything put behind them and that he believed it to be the right thing to do for Sigyn and to not thwart her chance to be happy, as well as permit her to truly be a mother, since she seemed, in his eye, to wish for that. Thor argued, but it was to no avail, leaving him, Sigyn and Fandral in his rooms trying to figure out how to delay things.
Fandral’s mother, seemed far happier with the state of affairs, Frigga, though she was happy to see that Sigyn was apparently happy with another, felt somewhat uneasy about both the hastiness of it all, and noticed the exchange of silent looks between her daughter and Fandral and on occasion Thor about it,but said nothing.
The pair looked at one another wondering how they could force a delay in things when Sigyn frowned and looked at the door.
‘Sigyn?’ Her mother asked, looking at her, then to the door. ‘Are you alright?’
Sigyn rarely spoke to her mother when in company, and ignored her altogether when alone, but her ignoring was not for the same reasons as usual, she genuinely could not hear her mother as she rose from her seat, her eyes still fixed on the door. ‘It can’t be.’
A moment later, the door opened and Anastasia walked through. ‘Did you sense me, Duckie?’ She smiled, seeing Sigyn’s half risen and focused look. Sigyn rushed over and embraced her. ‘How are you?’
‘I missed you so much.’ She whispered before she froze and stared at her aunt.
‘You sense them.’
‘You…?’ Sigyn’s eyes filled with tears.
Anastasia nodded slightly. “Later” she mouthed causing Sigyn to nod. ‘Now, what is this of an engagement, where is he, I have to inspect.’ She walked forward and stood looking at Fandral, who looked at her in confusion. ‘A tad gormless, isn’t he?’
‘You’ve just startled him.’ Sigyn forced herself to pull her thoughts from her sons and used her elation at seeing Anastasia to feign her excitement at the situation at hand. ‘Anastasia, this is Fandral, he is lovely, so don’t be mean.’ She helped pull Fandral to his feet.
‘Fandral.’ Anastasia was unsure as to what Sigyn would tell her, but it was clear, something was afoot. ‘Do you know who I am, Boy?’
‘Yes…’ Fandral cleared his throat. ‘Excuse me, yes, Ma’am. You are the Duchess Anastasia, the aunt of the Allfather.’ He bowed slightly.
‘Maybe not so gormless after all,’ She eyed him again. ‘Perhaps you are good enough for my nephew, but let’s see if you are good enough for my little Duckie in my eyes.’ She smiled in a manner that terrified Fandral, he looked to Sigyn to see her reaction, concerned that she seemed to have a dismissive face on.
‘Perhaps lunch, with just Fandral and I is needed to show you his worth.’ Sigyn suggested with a smile, daring her mother to object as she did.
‘Lunch then. I have little time for tea parties since I grew up.’ Anastasia looked at the table in front of her as Sigyn forced herself not to laugh, having loved how Anastasia never filtered herself for fear of hurting others. ‘I will get settled.’
‘You’re staying?’ Sigyn beamed.
‘Only for a day or two, Duckie.’ Sigyn’s face fell. ‘But I will be back soon, I have to return to Alfheim as quick as possible, I need to help someone with a couple of kittens.’ Sigyn stared at her aunt in confusion before her eyes filled with recognition, so she feigned disappointment and nodded. ‘I needed to see my girl and this man I heard was in her life.’
‘How did word get to Alfheim so fast?’ Frigga questioned.
‘Good news seldom remains secret, my dear Frigga.’ Anastasia smiled, her knowing smile telling Frigga a lot more than words ever would.
Frigga did not know what to say. She had hoped with time, Sigyn would get over everything that had happened, with the children and with Loki. she saw the courtship with Fandral as a major step towards that and knew that Anastasia would not think twice of bringing up the topic with Sigyn and in Frigga’s mind, cause her to step back to becoming upset once more. She was polite but cold to her mother in public, only because she had to be, but Frigga knew any chance of repairing her relationship with her daughter would be hampered by Anastasia. ‘Tanya, you and I need to discuss certain aspects of the announcement that needs sorting. You two need to speak with Diane regarding your clothes, I suggest you do that now if you plan on meeting Anastasia for lunch.’
Sigyn allowed Fandral to put his arm around her waist and guide them from the room. As soon as they were outside, he looked at her. ‘Can I ask…?’
‘It’s complicated.’
‘But part of this?’
‘Very much so.’
Fandral looked at her, slightly confused. Thus far, both Thor and Sigyn had not told him too much of what was afoot, per se, but clearly, it was far more complicated than he thought. ‘Okay.’
Sigyn looked him in the eye and shook her head. ‘I am sorry you are dragged into this, Fandral. I honestly cannot even begin to express my remorse that you are here now, dealing with this with me and you never deserved to be.’
‘I have no idea what happened to cause this, but clearly, it was something of a magnitude I cannot understand.’
Sigyn looked at him guiltily. ‘I wish I could tell you, you deserve to know.’
‘I am not as gormless as I look.’
‘No, you’re not, and when I can, I will tell you, but I can’t, not yet.’
‘When we’re married?’ There was an implication in his tone that told her of his reluctance.
‘It will never get that far, I promise.’
‘I am somewhat doubtful.’
‘That ribbon will never tie around our hands, even if it got that far, it would get no further.’ She swore. The conviction in her words made him believe that if nothing else, she believed it.
Anastasia stood dictating where everything she had with her was supposed to go before dismissing everyone from the room. ‘It’s rude to sneak up on people, Duckie.’ She turned to see Sigyn standing behind her. ‘Does he realise you have your seidr back yet?’
‘He knows it is slipping, he has no idea how far it has gone though. I am not revealing my hand, not yet.’
‘Good, smart girl.’
‘Have you really seen them?’
‘I have.’
‘Please….’ Sigyn begged.
‘Oh, they are their father’s sons, but you are there too.’ Sigyn cried. ‘Vali looks more like you, he is the one you saw, the firstborn. And Narfi…’
‘Their names…Loki…?’
‘You don’t know….he has them.’ Sigyn began to shake. ‘They are on Alfheim, all of them.’
‘I have to go back with you, I need to be with them.’
‘No Duckie, not yet, we need to wait.’
‘I have waited, too long. I need to be with them.’ Sigyn's voice cracked as she spoke.
‘Duckie, please, we need this to be timed right.’
‘What? Time what right?’
‘We have an ally, one that wants to assist, one that we need the aid of, but not yet.’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘You don’t need to, not yet. I have had my eyes and ears here, they will inform you soon enough of what we are to do. But you need to tell me about your plan with this boy.’
‘Father was going to send me to Midgard, he had contacted Frey about it, I was to be banished there. He felt I was going to destroy our house, betray him, Mother and Thor. Thor told me, and he asked his friend who was being badgered into a courtship to assist, and that is how he is involved.’
‘He is not exactly mind-blowing.’ Anastasia commented. ‘I prefer your taste.’
‘How...how is Loki?’
‘He misses you, something terrible.’
‘Not as much as I miss him.’
‘I will tell him.’
‘Please, tell him what is happening here and that I love him, more than ever, and I want to be with them, and it is breaking my heart, I don’t feel right not being with them, but that I am so relieved the boys are with him.’ She could not control the tears any longer. ‘I…I don’t know if I will ever get there.’
‘You will, Duckie, just stay the course.’
‘I feel so lost, so broken.’
‘It goes against nature, being away from your children when you love them and wish to be with them. Your seidr knows it, you have to hold on, Sigyn, know that we will get you through this.’
‘I...I don’t know if I can.’
Anastasia looked at Sigyn and wished for nothing more than to comfort her. ‘I know, Duckie, I know it hurts, but you are stronger than them, you are like me, and we remain strong, if only to look those who wrong us in the eye as we watch them buckle.’ Sigyn looked at her great aunt. ‘I wanted to die when my George was taken from me. Those who caused his death, however unintentional it was, they thought I would not find out, but I did, and I watched them fall to guilt and made sure they knew that I knew. You are Sigyn the Loyal and Faithful, you will not let those who wrong you from being so, do you hear me. Look Odin in the eye and remember that he cannot take your honour from you, let him know that you will never buckle to him or any other man.’ Sigyn, though she felt herself becoming more crippled by her own attempts to feign being happy when her seidr and her heart seemed adamant to tear her apart, knew what her aunt was saying was right. ‘Duckie?’
‘They’re coming.’
‘Go and try and centre yourself.’ Anastasia instructed. Sigyn could only nod before allowing her copy fizzle away and do as instructed.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
A Warrior’s Life
TITLE: A Warrior’s Life
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Eighty-Four
AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Viking Loki coming to your village, raiding, and pillaging, before deciding there is something about you that intrigues him and deciding to take you back to Asgard with him. There, you are forced to learn a new life and language, and though you hate what has happened to you, you learn that Loki is not as bad as you think.
RATING: Mature
“Maebh? I am going to assist Thor with something, I will be back as soon as I can.” There was no response, but for the last week, that was the norm. Loki looked at his wife sadly before leaving; she had turned into a lifeless shell since Liulf was taken from them. Seeing and speaking to Danu and Vali was all that seemed to lift her spirits, but only while in their presence, and never to the fullness that she had before, and every step away from them was a step closer to her current state.
Several times each day, Loki demanded updates on Kushtrim, who, though his fever had broken, was still ill, but his prognosis was for a recovery, as was Sif’s, the woman was almost ready to join her family again, but she was reluctant, knowing that Kushtrim would then be by himself to recover, which she worried would cause the child to not fight the sickness and be taken too. The pair were still curled up together in the room where so many ha died, though the numbers of whom did so seemed to be decreasing by the day. But the casualties were vast, no family was left unscathed.
Heimdall was one of the earlier ones to get the illness, but he had also been the first to break the fever, as did his five-year-old daughter, his wife and other two children were not so lucky. Helga and Liulf had been the only two from the royal homes to be lost, Hogun lost two of his daughters, he was a widower before the illness ever struck, Volstagg lost his two younger children, only his oldest son had survived, he also lost his wife. Fandral’s wife had not been the town when the illness was present, so she and his daughter were safe, but his brother and his family were all struck. Eir had quickly caught the illness, as had any of her aides and healers that were present where those who were ill were present; even as she felt her fever take her, Eir tended to others as best she could, passing on her knowledge to those that were still standing before she fell to her sickness. Out of all the healers and aides to assist the sick, only one survived. Helena, Tyr’s widow, had lost all but two of her six strong brood, two of her boys had survived, Barwin was one of them. All around them, the casualties were seemingly endless, sometimes, the illness struck and took entire families. Heimdall, who in his grief yearned for something to assist him through it, made it his purpose to conduct a count of all those who had caught the illness, as well as calculate who had survived it, died from it or never caught it at all. Almost two thirds of those in the village had caught it and died, but less than half of those in the surround country area had, giving some credence to the suggestion Eir had come to as she lay dying, that one could spread it to another by being in close proximity to one another.
Loki mounted his horse and rode alongside his brother, out of the town and to his brother who was sitting on his own steed close by. “Ready?”
Loki nodded. “Yes, are you sure this is where it comes from?”
“According to every source, we found, yes.”
“Heimdall has outdone himself.” Loki commended, “I only wish it was not for the reasons he did so.”
“As do I brother,” Thor added solemnly, before kicking his horse with his heels.
It did not take long to get to their destination, when there, they acquired what they needed, more of the herbs that seemed to do the best work at aiding the sick recover, and brought it back to the village. “I had best get back to Maebh.” Loki turned to head to where they were all staying.
“How is she?” Thor could tell the answer from Loki’s face, both heading back to their dwelling. “Her shoulder?”
“I do not know, I…” Loki frowned. “I honestly do not know.”
“You need to tend to her now Loki, with the injury, the child and with Liulf, she is not in a mind to tend to herself.”
“This is all too much,” Loki looked to the skies above. “I cannot cope with the burdens of all of this.”
“I know, each day I wake, though most nights I do not sleep to wake, I suppose it would be more accurate to say that most days I rise and feel like I cannot bear the burden I now face.”
“I just feel so lost, Maebh is the one who keeps everything together, for her to be the one to not be able to do anything now…I am worried brother, Maebh is the rock and I fear she is crumbling.” Loki dismounted his horse. “I am scared I will lose my son, I am scared I will lose another child and I am scared I will lose my wife. I cannot mourn my son and I cannot hold my other children, I do not know what to do.”
“It could be worse,” Thor sighed.
“How in the realms could this be any worse Thor, I have lost my son, I set fire to his pyre, I had to watch him burn,” Loki challenged.
“We have both lit the funeral pyres of one of our children.” Thor reminded him angrily, “The greatest difference between us now Loki, is I was here when it started, I watched as they started to die.” Both men sensed the presence of another and turned to see Maebh standing silently looking at them, saying nothing and doing nothing but looking at them. “Which one of us wakes next to our wife in the morning Loki, where is mine right now?” Thor looked directly at Maebh as he spoke, he walked away after making his statement.
“Have you had your shoulder tended to today?” Loki looked to Maebh, not expecting her to answer, she simply turned to leave. “Maebh, stop, have you had the wound dressed today?” again, she ignored him. Half in anguish and half in anger, he walked over to her and placed his hand up to stop her before checking her shoulder himself, he knew the answer then, there was dried blood on the rag, not only had it not been changed, but it had begun to bleed again. “So, what is your plan, to slowly die of blood poisoning, is it? Leave me here, leave our children without their mother, kill the one inside you, is that it?” He snarled angrily at Maebh’s lack of caring for herself, she remained silent. “Answer me.” He shook her slightly. “Where are you, where is my terrifying wife, who has struck down every man to cross her path, who has always fought and won, where is she now?” He looked into her grey eyes. “Maebh?” She only looked at him in return. “Please come back to me.” He pleaded. Looking away from him, she began to walk passed him and back into the dwelling, before going to the bed she and Loki were using, readying to lie in it, leaving Loki to follow her, “Why will you not speak to me?” Maebh remained silent. “Gods, please say something.” Maebh made a huff of a scoff. “What?”
Finally, she looked at him in the eye. “When will you fools ever see, there are no Gods? What Gods are there that see no wrong in taking children, in taking a little boy who has never wronged anyone and allowing him to die? Get it into your thick head, there are no Gods, there is no Valhalla, there is only this existence, it is cruel and unforgiving and your pathetic stories will not change that.” She snapped viciously.
Loki looked at her in shock for a moment that finally, she was speaking again, but also for her anger and her reasons for such also. “Maybe they are not real, but it is as likely they are, what right has anyone to take the belief of those when it assists them through all of this? Our children, my mother, my brother and his children, even I, your husband, we are holding on to our faith as a means to get through this.” Loki stated firmly. “No one has right to take that from us.”
“No one had the right to take my son, yet, where is he? Burned, gone forever, nothing but ashes and memories, all I will ever have of him is in my mind.”
“Yes, and it is wrong, it is terrible and wrong he has been taken, not just from you, but from me, from his brothers, his sister, his aunt and uncle, his grandmother, you think you alone grieve him? I know a mother holds a bond no other can hold with a child, but I created him too, he was born of me too. I sired him, I came home to your belly, to our little boy inside it, moving against my hand, his declaration to me that he lived. I too cannot stop thinking of him, of how he would smile mischievously at me as I found him creating havoc, you think I do not think of them day or night? When did you last ask of Kushtrim? Do you remember him?”
Maebh walked forward, the anger in her face blatant. “I have stood watching him from the doorway to the house every morning and night.” Loki stared at her, shocked at her revelation. “He is in a bed, towards where we used to sit and wait to receive people, he shares it with Sif, they have two pelts on them, one black from a wolf, the other brown from a deer, he is still as pale as you, that is the reason they are worried about him, he was always my tone.” She looked at him angrily.
“If you are concerned for him, for any of our children, why are you not tending to yourself, you do not clean the wound, you do not eat.”
“What is the point?”
“What about our children?”
“They do not need me.”
“Do not…you are their mother! You are carrying one, it is in you, without you, it cannot live.” He yelled. “They need you, I need you.” She looked at him, unconvinced of his words. “Do you not see, you are the centrepiece of this family Maebh, you hold us together, you are the one that stands tall when no other even kneels.”
“So that is my purpose, to continue to stand when you all fall, to not be allowed grieve as a person, because of some notion that I am above that, is it? When will I get to grieve my son, when everything is back to normal, when the smell of scorched earth no longer fills my nostrils?” she looked at him, her fight gone again, her tone cold like stone. “I was not born to be everything for others.” She ignored him and got back into the bed.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
A Warrior’s Life
TITLE: A Warrior’s Life
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Eighty-Five
AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Viking Loki coming to your village, raiding, and pillaging, before deciding there is something about you that intrigues him and deciding to take you back to Asgard with him. There, you are forced to learn a new life and language, and though you hate what has happened to you, you learn that Loki is not as bad as you think.
RATING: Mature
Finally, Kushtrim was permitted to leave, he lost weight, he was pale, but he was clearly no longer ill. Sif had stayed with him until he was cleared, the healer thinking that he would not eat well surrounded by illness when he had a brother and sister waiting for him to act like a child again. He walked out of the building and into his father’s waiting arms. Loki had tears in his eyes of elation to have his little boy back. ‘I have missed you dearly.’ He admitted. Beside them, Thor kissed his wife, he was beyond words at having her by his side again.
‘Where is Mother?’
Loki looked at his son sadly. Since her outburst the week before, Maebh had fallen into a darkness like none he had witnessed. Daily he personally stood over the cleaning of her wound, since she did not move and he carried her into the sunlight for a short time. She refused to sleep with him, he was certain that she was not sleeping much at all. Her words had resonated with him. She had been everyone else’s rock, all of the time, since the day they fled her father’s castle. No one was ever hers. Now she was wounded, pregnant and grieving and he had thought she would remain his rock, but she had failed to remain her own. Frigga had stated that all have their limit, Maebh had finally reached hers. ‘She was wounded when we were on Vanaheim son, she is healing.’ She had commented. Usually, Kushtrim would begin to weep at such things, but this time, he failed to. He simply looked upset and accepted what his father had said. For his part, Loki realised part of Kushtrim had died with his illness, he was not the same boy that they had left behind on their journey to Vanaheim before, his childishness seemed to have perished. ‘It is time you see your sister and brother, they have missed you, Danu especially.’
Kushtrim smiled before noticing someone behind them. ‘Mother?’
Loki turned to see Maebh standing nearby, wondering for a moment why Kushtrim used as questioning tone, but seeing her behind them, he could see why their son would hardly recognise his own mother, Loki hardly did. Maebh was drawn, her face was an oddish yellowish grey hue and looked waxy, her hair was limp and tangled and her expression lifeless. He watched as she looked at Kushtrim run over to her and wrap his hands around her middle, he was unsure how that did not knock her to the ground. Walking over, he looked at her analytically, ‘Maebh?’ when she looked at him, his heart broke. Her eyes were void of all emotion, happy, and sad, nothing was there. ‘We need to go home.’ she just nodded slightly and began to walk.
As she did, Kushtrim pulled back, but she did not seem to have noticed. ‘Father?’
‘She is not herself, Kushtrim.’
‘That is not Mother, it looks like her, but that is not Mother.’
Loki nodded. ‘I know, son.’
Maebh walked without thought to their home, not thinking for the entirety of the trip. When they arrived, Gertrude was smiling happily in the yard, her stomach showing somewhat. She had ceased working for the family but was still living there, her husband was Jonah, one of the farm hands. She frowned for a moment, not recognising the princess at first; Maebh on the other hand, ignored her completely and walked into the house, walking straight into the bedroom, passed her baffled other children, her nephews and mother-in-law and into the bedroom, curling up in the bed without a word.
When Loki entered the dwelling, Gertrude looked to him worriedly before seeing Kushtrim beside him and smiling brightly at the boy, rushing over and embracing him. ‘You are home.’ she all but sang. ‘We have missed you greatly.’
Kushtrim, elated with the attention, smiled back at her. ‘I missed you all too.’ He turned a moment later to see Danu running towards him, Danu crashed into him, wrapping her arms and legs around him, Loki having to help his still weak son keep his twin sister and himself up. ‘You are so annoying.’
‘I missed you too.’ Danu giggled. She turned slightly and looked around. ‘I told you he was back.’ she shouted. A moment later a baffled Vali and Frigga walked out of the house, their confused faces turning to ones of joy as they saw Kushtrim in front of them, Thodin and Modi emerged a moment later.
Vali hugged his brother close. ‘Get off him, Danu.’
Frigga came over and looked at her grandson, relieved he was home, and already planning how to help him gain condition again. Her gaze met Loki’s for a moment and while the children were preoccupied with Kushtrim’s return she availed of the moment to talk to her son. ‘I did not recognise her.’
‘It is difficult to.’
‘Loki, if she continues as she is…’
There was no need for her to say anymore, Loki knew it himself. He also knew of the child in her, a fact his mother was unaware of. ‘I know.’
‘I cannot fathom what she is thinking, she is like one that has given up on life.’
‘She has, she sees no reason to continue, the other children...when she saw Kushtrim, she merely stood there. Her son is alive and able to come home, she was able to come home and she did not even blink.’ Loki stated, his heartbreak clear.
‘I do not know what to say.’
‘Mother…’ his mother looked at him expectantly. ‘She...she carries another.’ Frigga stared at him in shock, ‘But she is not caring for herself, or for the child. She will not eat and was not tending to her shoulder.’
‘She cannot carry it or indeed birth it if she somehow manages to get it that far if she does not care for herself.’ Frigga voiced the obvious. ‘It does give some insight as to what is going on with her though.’
‘How do you mean?’
‘As you are aware, an expectant mother is more emotionally volatile, losing Liulf is hard enough, with everything, I have little doubt it is causing her severe anguish.’
‘I do not know what to do.’
‘We need to give her space to breathe and grieve, yet make sure she tends to herself.’ Loki nodded. ‘When…?’
‘Before we left, she informed me when we were in Vanaheim, she is showing, I think.’
‘You think?’
‘She does not wish to be around any, myself included. I know nothing of what she is doing and thinking.’
Frigga looked to the house as she gripped Kushtrim tightly having finally pried him from his siblings. ‘We will get her through this.’ She promised.
Loki nodded and walked into his home for the first time in months. Looking around, it was clear that he required repairing in some places, he also knew that though the workers had continued to tend to the needs of the home in his absence, he needed to ensure everything was as required. Walking through the house, he heard Thodin and Modi shouting in joy from the yard, telling him his brother had come to retrieve them.
‘Loki?’ he turned to look as, sure enough, a moment later, Thor stood in his doorway. ‘Do you need anything?’
‘Nothing able to be given to me.’ Loki stated solemnly. ‘I will return to the village tomorrow for whatever is required of me.’
‘Afternoon, there is no need to be there earlier. I do not want to be parted from my boys until then.’
‘Until then.’ Loki stated, earning a nod from Thor before he departed. He looked at his bedroom, knowing Maebh was inside. He wanted to go in, partly to be close to her, partly to yell, scream and even beg to see if he could coerce her to even make a noise. They finally had their son back and she did not even say something, she merely stood there, like one whose body was animated after death.
Before he could, however, he felt the presence of another in the room. He turned to see his mother in the doorway. ‘Heimdall is here, he wishes to speak to you, he says it is important.’
‘Bring in the children, make sure Kushtrim eats.’ Loki ordered, walking to the door. Frigga gave a small smile and touched his arm as he walked passed her, as though making sure it was truly him and not some illusion. Loki gave her an encouraging smile back before looking at Heimdall, noting he had his only survive child, his daughter with him, though she seemed to have little interest in her father, her attentions were on her fellow youths. ‘Bring in Brienne also.’
‘Of course, come along darling.’ Frigga encouraged. Danu and Brienne smiled gleefully, the pair were similar in age and though they seldom were around each other for long periods, they enjoyed each other’s company when they were. Vali and Kushtrim, by virtue of there being only a year between them and the fact that Vali finally had his younger brother for company after weeks of only Danu and his cousins, was elated to have someone, in general, to speak with.
When they went inside, Loki looked to the other man worriedly. There was something blatantly bothering Heimdall and he wondered what it could be in relation to. ‘Here or away from the house?’ he asked as he walked forward.
‘Wherever you think best, this will not be a long conversation.’ Heimdall stated. Loki frowned but indicated to the outhouses that housed his horses. Once inside, he waited, arms folded for Heimdall to say what he wished to say. ‘I need a simple yes or no, for now, I will not be offended if you decline, I simply need to know. Further arrangements can be made a later date should you choose.’ Loki cocked his head slightly. ‘I am aware that usually, you would consult with Maebh, but so too am I aware that she is in no fit state to think, much less give an answer, I also think she would accept the decision you would make.’
‘What is it, Heimdall?’
‘Brienne is all that I have left.’ he began. ‘I have to secure her future.’
‘The concern of any father.’
‘She will have everything that is mine.’
‘Yes?’ Loki had no idea where Heimdall was going with his train of thought.
‘Your son, Vali.’ Loki realised then what Heimdall was implying, his face gave away his thoughts on that match. ‘You decline.’ Heimdall stated defeatedly.
Loki’s mind thought fast. ‘On Vali, yes, I do. But I have a proposition.’ Heimdall looked at him curiously. ‘Kushtrim. He is not my heir, per se, as my younger son. But he is already showing great skill as a carpenter, as you have seen. That would provide a good living for him and a family, the lands and wealth you possess…’
‘You swear it a match.’ Heimdall extended his hand.
‘We will agree on the terms fully in the presence of my brother, but yes, I swear it.’ Loki extended his hand and they shook. ‘Though I must ask, why my family, why not Modi?’
‘Modi is to be given to the Alfheim family now in place of Helga.’ Heimdall stated plainly. ‘Of course, we bore witness to Thodin's matching agreements.’ Loki nodded, they were there as the witnesses. ‘But I did not want a son of Thor, I need to know she will be cared for, your sons, yes they will have wealth but her wellbeing is more than simply that to me. You have raised your children well, they know how to respect others, they see how to raise a family right, I want that for my Brienne, I owe it to her now, now that she is all I have left, I have to make sure, if anything were to happen me, she would…’
‘We would never have allowed any harm come to her.’ Loki assured.
‘But my lands, they would no longer be in my name, she would be penniless, not worthy of a titled marriage.’ Heimdall stated.
It was true, Loki had to acknowledge, Brienne, though she could still be wed high, would not have anything to offer a good match, meaning her chances would be low. ‘We will have it officiated. Should anything occur, she will be cared for here, in my home, until she is of age, then she would be given to Kushtrim.’
Heimdall left out a relieved sigh. ‘I will assure everything that is mine will become his then. Thank you, Loki.’
‘What brought this on?’ Loki asked curiously. ‘Do you sense something?’
‘No, I thought of this as I lay there, waiting to die. I had lost my beautiful Lana already, then Frederick, Gregor was fading, but Brienne was fighting it. I swore to the Gods, that I would give everything to have her safe, to give her the greatest life possible, to have her cared for. I thought then who would suit her, what man would be worthy of her, there was no doubt, a Lokison is what I wanted, Vali, I thought, because he was your next in line, but Kushtrim, he fought the illness too and was triumphant. And Danu...I think she enjoys her company.’ Loki nodded. ‘It was the only family I considered. I prayed I would get to ask you.’
‘It would seem the Gods listened to that prayer.’ Loki smiled sadly.
‘Lana would be relieved, I like to think. She always thought highly of your second marriage, she told Brienne to see Maebh and consider her actions in her own.’ Loki gave a saddened smile at that. ‘How is her shoulder?’
‘It went bad for a few days, but the healer removed the infected tissue and it seems to not have continued.’ Loki informed him.
‘She is not taking it well though.’
‘I try to understand, we know not the sensation and bond of carrying a child, but...he was my son too.’
‘I do understand.’ Heimdall stated. Loki gave him a knowing look, he had lost two sons and his wife. ‘I try to think how Lana would have given up faster if she knew of the boys, but being left behind, having to keep up the facade of a warrior, when as a father, husband and man, I am feeling vulnerable and scared…’
‘We must mourn yet stand tall at this time.’ Loki sighed. ‘No matter what, we still need to tend to them.’
‘Yes, thank you Loki. I can rest easier, knowing this, at the very least, is dealt with.’
‘I will arrange it further with Thor tomorrow.’ Loki swore as they left the stables and Heimdall retrieved his daughter.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
A Warrior’s Life
TITLE: A Warrior’s Life
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Seventy-Four
AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Viking Loki coming to your village, raiding, and pillaging, before deciding there is something about you that intrigues him and deciding to take you back to Asgard with him. There, you are forced to learn a new life and language, and though you hate what has happened to you, you learn that Loki is not as bad as you think.
RATING: Mature
Maebh looked at the bed her oldest son used to occupy, Liulf looked around calling Nafi, but could not find his oldest brother, the other children had made a few jokes about not having to listen to him snore any longer on their return, but other than that, there was only sadness as they looked at anything Nafi owned. Loki stood watching Maebh, his own grief being sidetracked by hers. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed the side of her face. "Staring at it won't bring him back."
"I miss him."
"He is not dead or harmed, my love, he is simply away from us, making a good life for himself. A king, who would have thought?"
"He will excel at it."
"Of course he will, he is our son."
"He knew, didn't he?"
"He knew you were not his father."
"How do you know that?"
"Because I felt it, in my stomach, there was one day, he came back from some time with Barwin, he looked at you oddly, then at Vali and the twins, he knew. That night, as I worked on getting the younger ones to bed, he made a comment, something along the lines of how we treated him the same as them, I just thought it then, that he knew, and he did."
"He did."
"Did he hate us for hiding it?"
"No, he loved us more, as you said, we treated him as one of ours, he knows he is loved."
"I never carried him, but…"
"He is ours, Ásvaldr knows the truth and he does not care either, Anna adores him, she will love him as long as he loves her."
"So many do not get that." Maebh acknowledged, "Will Danu?"
Loki stiffened. "I do not care if the Great Odin himself came from Valhalla and told me she was to wed a man, if she does not seem happy with the fit, it will not happen. My children will know the happiness I have gotten the chance to know. They will know the joy of loving their wives, of her telling them she carries their child, willingly."
"And when Danu becomes with child?"
"I will strike down the man who did so, husband or not."
A tad hypocritical, is it not?" Maebh smiled. "How is that fair, if my father had been alive could you see him doing such to you?"
"He would not be much of a man had he not at the very least threatened me."
"True, he would have probably sat you down and taken a knife before telling you if you touched another woman while I carried your child he would personally remove your manhood slowly for the dishonour."
"Good to know," Loki shuddered, not liking her supposed glee in that thought. "We need to go to Thor tomorrow, he said he has something to discuss."
"Very well," she turned and collected Liulf into her arms, "tonight I want to restore madness, the children all need to get back to routine." She stated as she brought Liulf into his crib. "I also need to speak with your mother."
"I am here my dear, how can I help?" Frigga walked into the room, having been going through the main area of the home just as Maebh had been speaking.
"Do you wish to have some space for yourself or are you happy to remain with Danu?"
"At my age, in with my granddaughter suits me better, she keeps me warm." the old woman stated.
Maebh and Loki did not argue, it was nothing worth arguing over, it was Frigga's decision to make, Danu, they knew, would gladly remain with her grandmother. "So that leaves do we keep the room bare or put Vali in there," Loki stated.
"He wants to remain with his brothers," Frigga stated knowingly, looking sadly at the room once occupied by the boy she too loved as her blood.
"He is heir to the house," Loki commented.
"That does not mean he needs to be above his brothers in any other manner." Maebh pointed out. "We will take the pelts, give an extra to Liulf, Frigga and Danu and whichever of the boys want it, though as Vali sees himself as part wolf, I can foresee he will not want it."
"We need to stop that story," Loki growled.
"On Midgard, there are special shapeshifting wolves, capable of taking the form of a human, they guard the women and the young, protecting them from both seen and unseen things, perhaps Vali is one." She smiled, ignoring Loki's grumbling. "I often think that perhaps that is how I came to know he was in trouble that day."
"If I had not…Ouch!" Loki rubbed his head before looking to either side of him, since both his wife and mother decided to slap his head at the same time. "I am after marrying my mother." he groaned.
"Indeed it would seem so," Frigga retorted. "And in such, I can already tell what Maebh wishes to say. Enough of this, he is alive, it is the past, it could have happened any, so we will no longer speak of it and continue our lives. Vali is in no manner hampered by it, he utilises the arm fully, he is somewhat of a leader to the others his age, so there is no use in even discussing it any longer, am I understood?"
"Yes, mother." Loki agreed, knowing better than to argue. He watched as Maebh settled their youngest son, his older brothers joining quickly, all of them still tired from their journey home. "Kushtrim, what is the matter?" he asked, seeing the older twin looking around somewhat lost.
"Nothing father."
"Kushtrim?" Maebh watched as Loki walked over to their middle son, kneeling in front of him, but Kushtrim would not meet his father's eye. "Do you wish to talk about it away from everyone?" the brown haired child nodded.
"Vali, make sure Danu is getting ready for bed also," Maebh instructed, giving her husband a nod as he encouraged their son to go outside with him.
They got as far as the outhouses, "What ails you son?"
"Am I a disappointment?" Loki stared open mouthed in shock at what his five-year-old was asking. "I am not as strong as Vali, nor am I as smart as Danu, I get called a cry baby and I get sea sick."
"Am I a disappointment because I was never as formidable as Thor? Do you think me a farce in his shadow?"
"But you are strong and smart."
"According to whom?"
"Everyone, the boys say it at training, that mother could never have had a ratty little think like me. I am no son of the formidable Midgardian Warrior Woman and the second son of Odin."
Loki swallowed, recalling the cruel taunts some had against him as a youth for not being as big built as his brother, for being so small and pale in comparison. "You are our son, you are as much our son as your brothers, I will never forget the day your mother birthed you, she had to be so strong to carry you both, birth you both, you think yourself weak? The moment your little body took its first breath, all knew you had come to be, for you declared to the realm that you had been born, no creature I have witnessed since has been as vocal as you. You are different to your brothers and sister, as they are different from one another, none of you are the same, five children, and not one of you alike, even in appearance, you all have taken a mix of our features." Loki chuckled, noting how indeed, you could tell his children were siblings from the eclectic mixture of their combined features, but no two were identical. "There is no shame in that, you look a lot like your mother's younger brother, why do you think she has such a fond smile when she looks at you, she is able to see him again through you."
"How come we never met her brother?"
"Sadly, your mother lost her whole family before she came here and became your mother, she never got to see them grow, you are how she will ever come to know what her brother would have looked like. It is your special gift to her in a strange way." Loki smiled sadly. "We love you Kushtrim, as you are."
"I will never amount to anything, I am below Vali."
"What have I amounted to? What will Liulf amount to? You take too great a stock in the opinion of others, you let their negative thoughts seep into you, do not allow it, rise above it, show them they are wrong."
"Am I like you, father?"
"In most ways, yes, a second son, of sorts, now that Nafi has gone to fulfil his life on Svartalfheim. I have not done badly, look around, you want for nothing, you can be as lucky should you try."
"But you have mother."
"I do not follow."
"You have mother, I do not want mother." For a moment, Loki did not fully comprehend what Kushtrim was saying. "I cannot marry my mother."
Loki laughed, "No, you cannot, she is my wife, and I do not ever want it any other way, but you will get a wife of your own."
"Will I have to kiss her?"
"It is common practice."
Loki laughed again, "You will not say that when you are older." He smiled knowingly. Because of intelligence of his children, he forgot some days that they were still so young, and saw the world in a far simpler manner than he did. "You are no disappointment to us, my son. If you need further proof, wait until I tell your mother your fears, she will show you how unfounded they are. But thank you for telling them to me, you can always come to me, I will never dismiss you, do you understand?"
"Yes, father."
"Now, go get some rest, you are back to training tomorrow."
"Dare I ask?" Maebh queried as she got into bed with her husband. Loki hummed, half asleep. "Kushtrim?"
"Our son is under the impression he is a disappointment." He felt his wife staring at him. "I, of course, rubbished such claims, but you know how he is, he is more sensitive than most his age."
"He is not as mature or as strong willed as his brothers, that does not make him a disappointment." Maebh sighed. "My poor little boy."
"Do not fret, I have him remembering that I too am not the big brother, sturdy and strong, and I am faring well."
"Faring well, Loki, you are setting him up to fail, for you have struck gold in your good fortunes." Maebh smiled as he pulled her against him before she pulled him over her. "Loki?"
"I want another."
Loki's smile fell from his face, "Maebh, you are simply mourning Nafi's leaving, you have made it more than clear, no more."
"Please Loki."
"I am not filling you with a child to fill a void in yourself, if you feel the same when you have accepted our son's leaving, I will gladly put more of my children in you to grow, but until then, I do not want you resenting another child because of badly made decisions."
"I loathe your logic right now." She growled, knowing he would not be swayed.
"I do this because it is right, not because it is what I want."
"Do you want another?"
"Logically, I know you do not, but to see you, swollen again, another one of my children showing the world how greatly I adore you, Norn's I adore it."
"Does your disapproval of trying to get me with another child extend to us…Norn's yes." Maebh's question was answered by her husband filling her in one thrust.
"Do this tell you of my willingness?" Loki grinned before he began to move.
"Both of us?" Loki asked. "What both?"
"You and Maebh," Thor stated factually. "They asked specifically."
Maebh stood at the far side of the room, pacing. Her husband, her brother-in-law, Heimdall and other members of his council, watching her as she did so. "Who is 'they'?"
" The Lords Eoin and Diarmaid and even that King you told us of. It will be the lords that you will meet, however."
"Niall did not get to the position he is in by being foolish and dealing with situations that he may not be in the greatest position in," Maebh commented. "Where should this meeting take place, and more importantly, what is the issue he wishes discussed?"
"He wants it at your father's castle, to discuss our plans for Midgard long term, he is not happy we have a base there, he knows there is a chance we can decide to further our interests on Midgard," Heimdall explained.
Maebh looked out the window, she could see Kushtrim with boys older than him in a grouping, she noticed he was being taught to carve with them, something Vali was nowhere near learning. "My old home, on Midgardian land, where they outnumber us thousands to one, are they so foolish to think we could ever agree to such, do they think us utterly moronic? It will be Vanaheim, the outland that is in sight of there, that is where we shall meet, for if they wish to attack, they will have to sail and if they wish to sail, they will be no match for our boats, we can flee safely." She instructed.
The men looked to Thor, who nodded, agreeing with her idea, knowing none was as cunning as his brother's wife. "The children?"
"In what realm do you think I would risk any of my children in an ambush?" Maebh growled. "They remain here, safe."
"I should warn you." She turned to face the King. "They enquired to your daughter's age."
"Never." Maebh snarled.
"Over my maggot-riddled corpse." Loki rose to his feet, the chair crashing to the floor behind him.
Thor raised his hand. "Peace brother, they too asked Helga's age, but as you know, she is promised elsewhere." There was a sadness in his tone, his oldest child and only daughter had been forced as a bargaining tool with Alfheim, though she thankfully had gotten a younger man, not much older than her, who seemed to be of good heart. "It was made clear, none of your children would be used for such things."
"Has not the eldest already been bartered off?" Olaf commented. "If it prevents lives lost, why not trade off the girl?"
Fandral, Heimdall and Thor were the three between Maebh and Olaf, and all three immediately scarpered out of the way as the small woman bolted across the room at a speed that made her seem much like a blur her hand around Olaf's throat, a dagger she kept on her out and to his juggler, which was pushed up towards the surface, such was his fear. "Contrary to your pathetic opinion you filthy maggot, but I do not birth children to make your life easier. My son was offered a great life with a woman he will love with his entire being, ergo I reluctantly let him go, but I am never going to let my little girl go solely to be raped before she is old enough to even bleed, because that is what they will do simply because she is my daughter. They have done it to girls younger than her. Do you think I will allow such a fate befall my only daughter, her father's imagine but my spirit, they would have her throat slit before the end of the first night, because like me, she would never yield and they would soon realise it. No, there will be no child brought from here, not even the daughter of a wench, no child will be sacrificed, I will give them my head first." She released him once more and he fled backwards. "I will go, but only to make them understand, there is no bartering of children, not from Asgard, if they want to pawn off children, that is one thing, but ours, all of ours, are not for such a fate." there was a cheer of agreement from those gathered. "When do we leave?"
"I will send the message immediately for them to meet you on Vanaheim, give in three days to get there before you, if they decline, you can always return home," Thor stated. Nodding, Maebh looked to her husband for a moment before she left the room.
"Norn's have mercy on the creature who dares demand why little Danu is not up for debate," Fandral stated. Loki snarled before he too left. "They will tear him limb from limb."
"Maebh?" she raised her hand and Loki silenced, so she beckoned him forward. "What is he doing?" Loki pondered aloud.
"He thought himself a disappointment." Maebh scoffed. "He is at least five years younger than the next youngest." She smiled proudly. They watched as Kushtrim chiselled at a piece of wood while his instructor stood over him, simply stating how he needed to keep his eye on his work. "He is a natural."
"He has found his place." Loki smiled proudly. "He will be fine."
"You doubted it?" Maebh queried.
"No, I was simply worried."
"This will give him the confidence he requires, he will be able to deal with whatever worries him now."
"We need to protect them."
"Hence why they are not coming." Maebh continued looking ahead.
"Are you alright with coming?"
"I am," Loki looked at her in concern. "My options are to remain here and risk them assuming that Danu is for the taking, or go there and cut the tongue from the man foolish enough to suggest he or his will take her."
"I cannot promise I will have enough left for you to torture, for I want my pound of flesh also," Loki commented. "I will annihilate any who think to do anything that could place her in harm's way."
"Good, together, it will be made very clear indeed then."
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imagine-loki · 7 years
A Warrior’s Life
TITLE: A Warrior’s Life
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Sixty-Two AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Viking Loki coming to your village, raiding, and pillaging, before deciding there is something about you that intrigues him and deciding to take you back to Asgard with him. There, you are forced to learn a new life and language, and though you hate what has happened to you, you learn that Loki is not as bad as you think.
RATING: Mature
NOTES: Set a month or so after the previous chapter. 
“You cannot be serious.” Loki jumped to his feet in anger.
“I am, this has to be done Loki,” Thor stated in return, far calmer than his brother.
“I refuse to do it.”
“No Thor, you cannot honestly think to make me do such a thing.”
“I understand your concerns with regards to Maebh and how ill she has been, but she has mother now.” Thor attempted to sound diplomatic.
“She is still ill, you have heard Eir and you have heard from Volstagg and his wife, I have to be close to her, if she were to lose the baby, or…” he could not complete the sentence.
“You are being over worrisome Loki, and in doing so you are not thinking of your role,” Thor stated in a dismissive tone.
Loki glared at his brother, coming over and into his face, his index finger pointed directly at the older man. “Do not dare suggest for one moment that I am not loyal to you or dismissive of my position.” He hissed. “I nearly died protecting the future king of my land, I nearly left my heavy pregnant wife a widow and my sons fatherless to protect my land, and you dare suggest I do not think of my role.” His voice rose to a roar as he spoke. “I am the reason you are alive, why you stand here today to speak this way to me, I could easily have let you be slain in front of me, but I did not, did I? I risked my life for you.” Thor looked at him guiltily. “You owe me this, brother. I did not get to be there for Maebh when Vali was born, but if I have to fight the Great Odin himself, I will witness the birth of my next child. You will not get to preside over the naming of another of my children.” With that, he turned and stormed from the building, ignoring the worried faces of Sif, Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun, as well as others as he grabbed the reins of his horse, mounting it before turning it to head to his home, and kicking it hard with his heels, causing it to rear before galloping out of the village.
“I am going to explode, wait and see, I will rupture before this child is born.” Maebh groaned, the baby had moved within her during the night and the new manner in which it rested meant it was high, pressing against her ribs, making her feel far bigger than she physically was.
“You are being oversensitive Maebh, it is just going into position, you heard Eir only a week ago, it was the wrong way around, it will settle head down and you will be far better then.” Frigga soothed, knowing the sensation that Maebh was feeling, having experienced it herself with Loki.
“Could you imagine having to birth a child legs first?” Maebh shuddered at the thought. “It cannot be good for you.”
“Many a woman has suffered great exhaustion before her child is even halfway out. Getting the head out first is most certainly optimal.” Frigga agreed. “Wait and see, soon it will be head down, you will be able to breathe and eat again without feeling as though it is in your chest, though it will be kicking you incessantly.”
“That is not particularly comforting either it must be said. With Vali, I felt as though I had Sleipnir within me, nothing but legs kicking everywhere.”
Frigga laughed. “It is good to see you embrace all that is of Asgard so well my dear; I often forget you are not born of here.”
Maebh gave a small smile. “I suppose that is good, though some days I wish to remember my roots more too if that makes sense. Not that I am unhappy with how I am here.”
“There is no need to try to explain, for there is nothing to explain. You are of Midgard; Vali is half so, as is that little one you carry now. They will be born here, but that does not take what you are from you, or indeed them. The day will come when they will wish to know how their parents came to be wed, meaning how you came to be here will arise, and then too, their curiosity in themselves. Not to mention, your sense of identity is a part of that also.”
Maebh felt better knowing Frigga understood her perspective, she rubbed her stomach, which was no longer able to hide her growing child, but showing the world once more, that a child flourished within her. “I’m scared.”
“What if I am not strong enough to carry this child.”
“I am still ill, longer than is usual, daily, it is not normal.” She explained.
“Sweetheart, you are not yet halfway. As Eir explained, the child is badly positioned and slightly larger than Vali, so that is the reason for your increased size, and your illness, sadly it lasts a tad longer in cases where women are struck with it, you do not need to fret.” She tried to calm her, knowing she was more worried than she should be, something that Eir had warned to prevent.
Maebh inhaled deeply, “You are right, you are right.” She stated. “I am sorry, I am just so frustrated. I am not sleeping very well, I feel too uncomfortable, I am trying not to get angry at everything, yet I want to be, and I want eggs, duck eggs, chicken eggs, even a damn goose egg, but I can have none of them because they make me ill, and I can only eat at certain times a day because otherwise I will be ill, and I wish I could be of use.”
Frigga raised her hand to silence her. “Sweetheart, you are very much of use, you are carrying a child, the future of our family line, while also feeding one and rearing two others, you have the most essential of roles within this family at present, bar Thor, please do not think otherwise.” She stated adamantly. “You deserve more credit than you give yourself. Being tired and being irritable are completely comprehensible, and that is fine, I know not to take offence, I understand.” She smiled.
“Thank you,” Maebh smiled meekly back.
“Now, why do we not go and take a small walk with Vali, you need to get some fresh air, so nowhere too far.”
Rising from her seat, Maebh smiled brightly at the idea, elated at the idea of not being inside, the weather of late having been slightly wetter than usual. “I cannot voice enough my agreement to such an idea.” Vali gurgled against her. “Apparently neither can you.” She grinned, looking at the baby, who returned her bright smile happily.
“Then I will take this young man, you just look after you, if you feel ill, let me know.” Frigga took Vali, who willingly went to his grandmother.
The day was dry but overcast, and there was a chill, so they brought an extra pelt for the baby. “I cannot put into words how grateful I am for everything you have done these past few weeks that you have been here Frigga. I would not have recovered as much as I have but for you.”
“I am only too happy to be of assistance. With Thor's rule and Loki’s aid, I was beginning to feel useless, but with helping you raise your family, I feel as though I have a purpose once more.”
“We would never think you useless, you know that.”
“No, but I would feel it, besides, I miss having my family around. When it was just Odin and myself, it felt lonely also, but now, seeing my grandchildren every day, knowing soon there will be another one to dote on.” She smiled lovingly as she looked to Maebh’s stomach.
“You mean another one to wake you at night crying, to not give you any peace. I feel somewhat guilty, you have reared your children, I feel bad for shouldering some of the care of mine on you also.”
“On Midgard, did you have any of your family close by?”
Maebh took a moment before answering, not out of hesitation, but to recall, having not thought of her life there for a significant time. “My mother was born to a formidable family in Mumhain, a land far south of where my father was heir to, so we did not see her parents, I do not know if they even live still. My father’s father, my grandfather, died when I was young, I think Daire was not a year old at the time, and because my father did not wish for his mother to be alone, he insisted she move to our home.”
“So it is similar to what has occurred here so, no wonder you were so at ease with the idea.”
“I fear my father’s mother was not as good as you, though; crass is the term I would use to describe her. She had no issue with voicing her thoughts, however, good or bad they would be. She was ridiculing of my mother, thinking her nothing near good enough for her son, though her family were of good blood also. I was not too sorry when she died. I recall my mother saying once that she was the reason there was so long between Daire and Síofra.” Frigga listened intently. “It was she that promised me to Maedhbh of Connacht’s son. She had made that arrangement with her without consulting my father, and when it came to light, my father either had to agree or face a very formidable foe.”
“So he was displeased?”
“By then, much to my mother’s and grandmother’s chagrin, I was already showing signs of being the better-suited heir to my father. Daire, though I loved him greatly, was not as level-headed, or battle smart, and my father knew that.”
“What do you think would have occurred should your brother have fought you for the stake in the thrown?” Frigga asked.
Maebh knew well she was comparing her and Daire to Loki and Thor, though thankfully, Loki had never tried to overthrow his brother. “I do not know, we would have had to battle, and I know I would have been victorious, so it would have probably have cost me, my brother, be it that he would have been alive and defeated, or slain, neither something I would want. I think he too knew I was better suited, he never contested me, not properly, obviously, he would argue with me sometimes, but do not all siblings do such?”
“Oh yes, I had a sister, she died in childbirth many moons ago, but she and I used bicker incessantly. I am surprised my parents did not throw us both to the wolves.” Frigga smiled, fondly recalling her childhood.
Maebh was going to reply when she stood open-mouthed, listening. She heard it not a moment before she saw the cause of the sound; Loki’s horse’s hooves pounding the ground before turning the corner far too hurriedly to stop should he come across something. Thinking quickly, she threw Frigga and Vali to the side, herself with them, one hand protecting her growing stomach and the other around Frigga’s back, making sure she and Vali did not crash to the ground too heavily. Luckily, the older woman and young child landed in the grassy ditch, which though sodden, cushioned their fall. With both her hands occupied, Maebh landed harshly, but in a manner that her unborn child was cushioned, her head colliding painfully with a large uncovered tree root.
Loki had been so consumed by anger at Thor's words; he had not been focusing too greatly on his surrounds. It was only when he saw a flash of colour and heard Vali’s cry did he pull on his horse’s reins and look around. Immediately he pulled for the horse to turn and rushed back. “Mother, what are you…Maebh!” the sight of his wife, looking at him with her eyes clearly not in focus from the ground and with a hand to her head to stem the flow caused Loki to freeze.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
A Warrior’s Life
TITLE: A Warrior’s Life
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Fifty AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Viking Loki coming to your village, raiding, and pillaging, before deciding there is something about you that intrigues him and deciding to take you back to Asgard with him. There, you are forced to learn a new life and language, and though you hate what has happened to you, you learn that Loki is not as bad as you think.
RATING: Mature
Loki immediately sent a second boat to catch up to the first, to tell Thor of Odin’s death. The funeral was a sombre affair, with the children mourning their doting grandfather as the realm mourned its king. As his funeral boat was set alight, Loki held his mother as she attempted to hold herself together in front of the gathered crowd, while Sif and Maebh stood holding their infants, with the other children by their sides.
With Thor not on realm, the full responsibility fell on Loki’s shoulders to organise everything required after Odin’s funeral as well as Ásvaldr’s visit. As a result, Maebh was constantly at his side, even as Heimdall discussed Thor's coronation arrangements for after his return, Loki insisted Maebh even feed Vali in the room, terrified to be without her for the shortest of times, as she was more focused than he.
“How are you able to do such?” He demanded in frustration. “You organised everything, and fed our son at the same time.”
“Because I have not just lost my father, so my mind is clearer.” She stated factually as she winded Vali. “You are being too hard on yourself, taking on too many tasks at once.”
“They all need to be accomplished.” Loki snarled back.
Maebh ignored his anger and continued to speak calmly. “I am aware, but you try to do them all at the same time, that is causing nothing to be accomplished, do them one at a time and you will achieve more.” She explained. “And as for Vali, I need not concentrate too much with him. It is merely, eat, wind and sleep, with your mother stealing his company most of the day.”
“She is not taking it well.” Loki sighed in frustration, wishing to be of better help to his mother.
“She said they were married almost forty summers, I do not expect her to. She will get better with time.”
“Thor sent word this morning.” Maebh listened. “He is coming back early, but not immediately.”
“That is to be expected; there is nothing he can do now. What has he done with regards those who are loyal to Uí Neill?”
“Well there were a few actually attacking them, they were easily dealt with, but overall, people are not wishing to interact with the ‘brutish invaders’.”
Maebh placed Vali in his basket. “I see.”
“Maebh?” Loki knew that tone.
“Sean was saying that there is an idea to revolt against us, backed by Uí Neill.”
“Yes, he told Thor, what of it? Any that have been seen to act in such a manner have been dealt with as I stated, fear not.”
“I cannot help but fear. And Ásvaldr, what is the situation there?”
“He is currently dealing with issues of his own, apparently there are a few more that are displeased with his dealings with us. I am not sure how that will affect things.”
“Tell him to deal with that before his arrival; we need little notice for his coming here, we are prepared, so tell him not to concern himself with us, but with his upstarts.” Maebh suggested.
Loki rubbed his eyes in exhaustion. “I am sorry for my moods, I am just overwhelmed, I would have been lost without you.”
“I know.” She came behind him and rubbed his shoulders. “I know.”
“I am sorry for how I have treated you of late.”
“You are under duress my dear Loki, I take none of it to heart.” She smiled as he groaned in pleasure.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“You overestimate me.”
Loki pulled her around so that she was on his lap. “I would not be alive but for you my darling, I would merely have given up without you and our sons to keep me fighting for my life in Svartálfheim. And even in something as simple as listening to my woes, you are there, faithful and taking note of what I need.”
“I am your wife, is that not my duty?” She stroked his face as she pressed her forehead and nose against his.
Loki leant forward and captured her lips with his. “Well then, as well as being a wonderful being, I must commend you on being the most wonderful wife.” He smiled, kissing her again.
“There is a baby in the room need I remind you.”
Placing his hands under her upper thighs, Loki hoisted himself and Maebh up in one strong movement before carrying her to their bedroom. “One child in training, one sleeping in the living area, and we are not going to be disturbed.” He grinned wickedly against her mouth as he ceased speaking every few moments to kiss her, pushing her against the wall and using himself as a means to keep her there. “And were you to become with child again…”
“Is that your plan?” Maebh smiled, kissing him back, ensuring her legs were wrapped tight around his waist.
“It’s a good plan.” He slid his hands up her dress, pushing it out of the way as he pressed in against her more.
News had reached Thor of Odin’s death, but he would not leave Midgard until their interests there were secured and there was little risk to those who remained. Until such time as he felt that was achieved, he gave his full backing on his brother to continue as he was in Asgard.
Loki listened as one realms person informed him of some plague on their crops, the entire of which had seemed to be stricken by some illness and rotted.
“And have you brought some with you to prove your claim?” Heimdall demanded.
“No sir.”
“Good.” Loki stated, the shocked farmer and the high ranking lord looked at him.
“If they were brought here, they could have spread among other plants.” Maebh stated as Loki nodded in agreement.
“So how do we find out if his claims are true?” Challenged one of the older men that made up the council.
Maebh looked to her husband, who nodded for her to continue, seeing that she clearly had some suggestion to make. “I would suggest having someone go and verify his claim and report back to my husband. After that, dig up and burn all the affected crops, and plough the land again, do not grow anything on it that will die, perhaps grass for a year, keep some sheep or goats on it.”
“But how will I survive on grass?” The farmer asked in fear.
“Anything you require to feed your family will be given to you with some assistance.” Loki stated.
“Your highness, that is absurd.” The councilman stood. “We cannot simply give food away just because his crops failed.”
“I never stated it would be ‘given away’, I merely stated we would assist. The milk yield from the animals would aid in the costs also.” Loki sat straighter in the throne. “I am not going to have a hard working family starve for reasons outside their control. As my wife stated, we will send one to check his claim, if it is true, he does not deserve to suffer.”
“Thank you Your Highnesses.” The farmer bowed gratefully to both Loki and Maebh.
After he left, Loki gave a small smile to his wife, who turned to go to Vali, whom she suspected required another feeding.
“So we are just going to become charity to any who require it, is that it? We all suffer because one has?” The councilman bellowed furiously.
“Know your place Randúlfr.” Loki warned. “I will state this one last time to you, we will not let an innocent family suffer. My father would not have allowed it, my brother would not allow it, and by the Gods, I will not allow it.”
“You think with your heart boy and not your head, that is why you are not fit to be king.” Randúlfr stated.
“You dare speak to him in such a manner.” Maebh turned and walked towards the older man, Heimdall and one or two others hastily making room for her as she passed them. “He is still of higher standing than you and you best not forget such, lest you wish to feel more than the crack of leather on your back for such insolence.” She snarled viciously. “You think you will suffer for the few crops it will cost to feed that man and his children, you, born into a fine homestead, with plenty of lands, of your fathers hard earned work, while you sit back and get others to do your work for you while you grow fat on meats you do not deserve and crops you did not plant.”
“I think my wife put it even better than I, and her idea of punishment for your insolence is just.” Loki smirked. He turned to two guards by his chair. “Take him outside and ensure all know why he is receiving a whipping.”
“Your Highness, please.” Randúlfr begged, realising that he was about to feel the consequences of his actions.
“You are all for titles when you think they will save you for punishment.” Loki stated coldly. “If you think it unjust, ask my brother for his opinion upon his return, I very much doubt he will be any more lenient than I, matter of fact, I would wager he will give you a few more for your continued insolence.” Loki rose to his feet. “I think I shall go check on my sons now, Maebh?” Giving Randúlfr one last glance, Maebh turned and walked back to where she had been previously heading. When they reached another area of his parents dwelling, Loki rubbed his face. “Why must they fight change so much?” He groaned.
“You did the right thing. Though I would suggest to Thor on his return to think about altering the council somewhat. There are too many old fat wealthy men with only their own interests at heart on it for his rule to be a smooth one.”
“I think you right my love.” Loki pulled her close to him. “And may I say, you were exceptionally vicious with old Randúlfr there.”
“He spoke ill of you, I could not but be angered.”
“And he will be reminded for a long time to come that I am married to the most formidable woman in all realms.” Loki leant down and kissed her forehead lovingly. “I still cannot fathom what I did to deserve you.”
“I cannot fathom either, but pray to the Gods in thanks for it.” Maebh smiled. “Now, if I do not feed our son in the next few minutes, I fear I will explode.”
“They are looking rather full.” Loki grinned looking down her dress.
“Do not even think about it.” Maebh warned, knowing the look in his eye. “I will feed our son, and then you can make such comments.”
“Spoil sport.” Loki quipped as his wife went to retrieve the infant from his grandmother.
“Your Highness?”
“Heimdall.” Loki gave consent for the other man to join him.
“Randúlfr has been punished, ten lashings. The people agree with you and Princess Maebh.”
“Of course they do, they fear this could spread and they may be the ones requiring our assistance next. And how is Randúlfr now?”
“Angered and humiliated, but very much humbled. I think the most of other councilmen enjoyed Princess Maebh’s somewhat blunt words.”
“They were quite amusing it must be said.” Loki grinned thinking for his wife making a man twice as tall and three times as wide cower from her. “She is feared, many are willing to attest to her skill and ability.”
“Indeed, there is a messenger here from Svartálfheim.”
“Bring him in.” Loki instructed, fearing what was awaiting him.
“It is a simple message I am afraid. Ásvaldr is dead.”
“His home was burnt to the ground as he and his family slept. None could have survived such a blaze apparently.”
“What does this mean for us?” Loki asked fearfully.
“War. The next in line after his family despises us; his brother is the man who attacked you.” Heimdall answered, his face stern and solemn.
“Send a boat, we need to get Thor here immediately.” The men turned to see Maebh standing at the door, her fearful face echoing their own.
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topfygad · 5 years
Is Iran safe in 2019?
One of the frequent questions I normally get requested for is what’s the greatest nation I’ve ever visited. 
It’s a very difficult query as, mainly, there isn’t a proper reply, and the reason being that each nation has it personal magnificence, its execs and cons, so it’s simply unimaginable to find out which one was the perfect, particularly as a result of it additionally is determined by numerous elements, out of your temper to your luck, the folks you meet and the time you spent within the nation. 
Nevertheless, whereas it’s troublesome to say a favourite vacation spot, mentioning a bunch of nations the place you had a few of your greatest experiences is unquestionably simpler and, for some purpose, Iran all the time makes it to the checklist.
I like Iran and I completely loved my time there, not solely as a result of that is residence to essentially the most placing Islamic structure and a few of the most hospitable folks I’ve ever met but in addition, as a result of Iran is among the most secure international locations on the planet.
True story.
This information is a private and thorough evaluation that can take you thru all the explanations why Iran is secure, with out forgetting all its inside political issues and, in fact, a sequence of tremendous helpful security ideas.
For all the sensible data to go to the nation, don’t neglect to learn my journey information to Iran
My private expertise Iran right this moment
Delicate areas  Security ideas
Solo feminine journey Individuals and British in Iran Driving in Iran Conclusion
Be taught right here easy methods to get a visa for Iran
  Is Iran secure? My private expertise
I’ve been to Iran twice.
The primary time, I barely spent 10 days. 
On my second time, I spent 2 months. 
Now, I’m planning a 3rd time, and I’m fairly certain there will probably be a fourth.
Iran is superb.
On the one hand, the nation is large and it’s residence to infinite various things to see, from dreamy islands to alpine mountains, desert and historic cities. Every area has one thing very completely different to supply and it might take an eternity to go to all the things.
If you wish to know the locations I visited, test my 1-month itinerary.
Then again, Iranians are nice folks, extraordinarily hospitable, well-educated, kind-hearted and, general, stunning people who find themselves very curious to satisfy foreigners and assist them, more often than not anticipating nothing in return.
Do not forget that, due to the sanctions, most journey insurance coverage firms, together with World Nomads, don’t present protection for Iran. The one which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives plans for all sorts of vacationers, from backpackers to households. Moreover, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost. BUY IT THROUGH THIS LINK TO GET YOUR 5% DISCOUNT
Pleasant locals are those who make you all the time really feel secure in Iran
It’s a kind of international locations the place you might be constantly making native mates.
Tea and home invites, infinite random conversations, sharing road meals…
Throughout my journey, the native interactions had been all the time nice, and real, and this is among the issues that can make you notice that Iran is a secure vacation spot, as a result of Iranians make you’re feeling so.
I can’t suggest Iran sufficient and, primarily based on my great expertise, I’m actually snug sufficient to say that that is certainly one of many most secure international locations I’ve ever been to.
Nevertheless, there are some things it is advisable to find out about security in Iran and that is the rationale why I wrote this publish. Proceed studying to know extra. 
With Vali’s household in Mashhad
  Is it secure to journey to Iran? The scenario these days
In keeping with Wikipedia, official sources say that in 2013, Iran reached 4.76 million overseas guests and, since then, the nation has elevated massively in recognition, which implies that the determine could have simply doubled and even tripled – only a guess.
These statistics are simply insane for Iran, particularly if we take note of that the Western media, particularly American, has been portraying the nation because the worst, most harmful and repressive of all international locations.
At present, historic Persian cities such as Shiraz, Esfahan or Yazd, are stuffed with each vacationer teams and impartial vacationers, completely lined memento stalls and cute boutique accommodations.
And this could solely imply one factor: Iran is secure as hell.
The structure is really attractive
  The media: is Iran harmful due to the Western media?
After all.
If anybody thinks Iran is a harmful nation is due to the media. 
For many years, the American newspapers have been promoting a very biased picture about Iran, solely centered on nuclear weapons, non secular fanatics, human rights abuse and, mainly, a dictatorial regime. 
In Europe, it was the identical story however I really feel that they’ve softened their speech and right this moment, whereas they’re nonetheless speaking about all of the loopy issues happening there, they’re constantly publishing reviews and chronicles speaking about its nice vacationer sights and other people, and this is among the the reason why many vacationers began to think about Iran as a secure vacation spot to journey to. 
Do you assume whether or not Iran is secure? Anti-American propaganda simply exterior of the previous American embassy in Tehran
This isn’t the case of the American media, nevertheless, particularly with the present Authorities, who retains on contaminating the general public opinion with the concept Iran is the last word arch-enemy and one of many unfriendliest international locations on Earth.
You’ll be stunned to know what number of Individuals consider that. 
In actual fact, I’ve had just a few small arguments on social media, just like the day when that American dude replied to one in all my tweets – see under – saying that why would somebody need to go to in such a harmful place and, to assist his reasoning, he posted one article from Fox Information. Hilarious. 
I’m conscious that this has been stated again and again, however don’t belief what the media has to say a couple of nation and do consider the lots of of hundreds of vacationers who’ve been there.
Do not forget that, due to the sanctions, most journey insurance coverage firms, together with World Nomads, don’t present protection for Iran. The one which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives plans for all sorts of vacationers, from backpackers to households. Moreover, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost. BUY IT THROUGH THIS LINK TO GET YOUR 5% DISCOUNT
  Issues: is it secure to journey to Iran now?
Is Iran secure to go to regardless of all the present issues?
Certain, Iran is secure for vacationers, however we are able to’t ignore that they’ve some critical inside points.
Iran is a dictatorial regime dominated by Islamic Legal guidelines – As a lot as I like Iran, we are able to’t ignore that this can be a repressive dictatorship that violates human rights once in a while. Nevertheless, having a nasty Authorities doesn’t make their folks unhealthy as nicely and, so long as you observe some easy guidelines – extra on that later – you shouldn’t be anxious about it.
Violent protests (replace 2019) – You in all probability heard about some violent protests in 2019 which concerned a number of useless civilians and the Authorities shutting down the web for practically per week. Certain, the Authorities’s response to demonstrators will all the time be repression and extra repression, however that is occurring internationally, together with in Chile, and I don’t see Donald Trump complaining about it. The perfect you are able to do is to keep away from any public demonstration. 
Terrorist assaults – There have been some terrorist assaults in Iran, the final massive one being in 2017 in Tehran, the place a number of Iranians died. It was an unlucky occasion however terrorist assaults additionally occur in Europe – extra typically than in Iran – and, within the USA, there’s a mass taking pictures each different day.
Ladies at Tehran metro exit
  Areas in Iran which aren’t secure for vacationers
In accordance to the FCO Recommendation, the province of Balochistan and the areas bordering Iraq and Afghanistan are suggested towards all journey, for apparent causes. 
The remainder of Iran, nevertheless, is completely secure for vacationers.
Nonetheless, there are two issues it is advisable to find out about these harmful areas:
To begin with, they’re distant from all touristic locations
Second of all, the FCO recommendation will all the time be totally exaggerated
Comparatively harmful areas in Iran
Border with Iraq – There could also be some pressure within the southern a part of the border however I crossed myself the northern Iran-Iraq border, on the Kurdistan half, and I can guarantee you that that a part of Iran is secure to go to. 
Border with Afghanistan – I haven’t been there however intrepid vacationers cross that border on a regular basis and, to this point, I’ve by no means heard of any unhealthy experiences or reviews.
Balochistan – Balochistan is a province whose majority of individuals are Sunni so, for the previous couple of years, there have been some tensions however the scenario has improved plus, with the rise in recognition of Pakistan, this area is day-after-day receiving increasingly more vacationers on their approach to Pakistan.
As I stated, I strongly consider the FCO Recommendation could be very biased however, in case you are undecided about it, you simply want to stay within the touristic and secure a part of Iran.
The Iran-Iraq border
  Is it secure to go to Iran? – My prime security ideas
These are just a few further security ideas for Iran:
behave in Iran (cultural etiquette)
As I stated, Iran has some strict Sharia guidelines however they’re really extra relaxed than in Saudi Arabia for instance, a rustic with a big Western expat group.
For males, the one factor you’ll be able to’t do is sporting shorts.
For ladies, it is a little more difficult however all it’s a must to do is protecting your hair and never displaying any of your curves.
Apart from that, simply apply frequent sense and know that public reveals of affection are usually not tolerated – like in Dubai – and alcohol just isn’t allowed, though it’s extensively out there within the black market and locals do drink typically.
About faith in Iran In Iran, most individuals are Shia, a department of Islam completely different from Sunni, the prevalent department throughout the Arab international locations. By nature, Shia individuals are extra relaxed than Sunni, which implies that, relating to faith, Iran is extra liberal than contries like Oman or the United Arab Emirates, plus Iran has additionally a big inhabitants of atheist folks, greater than every other Arab nation, and you will notice it while you go there. In any case, faith nonetheless performs an necessary position within the nation, so be all the time respectful such as you can be in every other Muslim nation.
I feel mannequins are the one scary factor in Iran
  Is there a hazard of being arrested?
One other of the the reason why Iran is commonly perceived as harmful is as a result of each time a foreigner will get arrested, it seems all around the information, and reviews say that foreigners could also be locked down in a cell room for months with out having the ability to talk with the skin world.
Nevertheless, there are two sorts of foreigners who get arrested: journalists and vacationers doing silly issues, like these bloggers who obtained arrested as a result of they flew a drone over a army facility or these Individuals who had been caught crossing the Iranian border illegally from Iraqi Kurdistan. 
Simply be good and you may be positive.
  Journey insurance coverage for Iran
One thing it is advisable to find out about journey insurance coverage is that it is among the necessities for getting your visa on arrival. In case you don’t have one, they may make you purchase a dodgy one on the airport.
Furthermore, keep in mind that, due to the sanctions, most insurance coverage, together with World Nomads, received’t present protection for Iran.
The which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives loads of completely different plans for any sort of traveler, from funds backpackers to households.
Furthermore, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost.
  Maintaining your cash secure in Iran
This isn’t a security tip however a precaution. 
In Iran, worldwide bank cards don’t work, which suggests that you’ll want to hold all of your money for no matter time you might be within the nation.
For this, you’ve two options:
Purchase an area bank card and prime it up – There’s a service for foreigners which consists of an area debit card which you top-up with money upon your arrival, so that you don’t want to hold all the cash. Mah Card is one in all these providers which you’ll belief.
Guide your accommodations, home flights, and bus tickets ONLINE by 1stQuest – 1stQuest is an area firm that gives a big number of reserving providers for Iran, together with accommodations, bus & flight tickets, and so on. You received’t be capable of buy these providers on-line by an area web site – as they don’t settle for bank cards – however 1stQuest is among the only a few firms which does so, not less than, you received’t want to hold all of the money for accommodations or home flights, which is perhaps half of it. The perfect of it’s that readers of this weblog get an unique 5% low cost. How? Through the use of the promo code ATC-QST. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT 1STQUEST
  Browsing the web safely
As you might know, in Iran the web is censored, so a whole lot of web sites are blocked, from Fb to YouTube. 
With the intention to entry these web sites, you’ll need one thing known as a Digital Personal Community (VPN) and yow will discover extra details about it right here.
However, isn’t it unlawful to make use of a VPN? Why ought to this be a security tip?
Sure, utilizing a VPN is unlawful however everyone in Iran makes use of it – actually, everybody – and the one individuals who get punished for utilizing it are, for instance, those that use the web to arrange protests towards the regime.
Additionally, a VPN is not going to solely can help you entry blocked websites but in addition, it permits you to browse extra privately and safer and, in these sort of authoritarian regimes the place anybody may very well be spied at, you actually need to use one. 
I personally use ExpressVPN, one of many quickest VPNs out there out there.
If you wish to know extra about this subject, learn: discover the appropriate VPN for Iran
The extra distant you go in Iran, the safer it will get!
  Is Iran secure for solo feminine vacationers?
This is among the questions I get requested for extra typically from girls.
Is it secure to journey in Iran as a solo lady?
Effectively, I’m a person, so I clearly obtained a really completely different expertise than most girls, however I don’t know a single girl who didn’t have an exquisite expertise so, primarily based on their opinions, I can definitely inform that Iran is a secure vacation spot for ladies. 
If you wish to know extra particulars about it, I interviewed Eveline from Earth Wanderess, who shares her journey experience about solo feminine journey in Iran. 
Eve from Earth Wanderess in Iran
  Is Iran secure for Individuals and British?
The million-dollar query.
No one has ever requested me this as a result of I’m neither American nor British, however I do know some folks from these international locations who’ve been to Iran and all of them stated that it didn’t actually make a distinction.
As I stated, Iranians are curious to satisfy any foreigner and, really, they may in all probability be extra excited to satisfy an American than every other vacationer.
Furthermore, I can guarantee you one factor which is that an American will really feel 10x safer and extra welcome in Iran than an Iranian will really feel within the USA, the place they is perhaps subjected to racism and prejudices, True story.
On this publish, Jackie wrote about American vacationers in Iran.
  Is driving secure in Iran?
Like in most international locations within the Center East, the locals don’t actually observe the visitors guidelines, so automotive accidents do abound. 
Nevertheless, I felt that in locations like Egypt or Saudi Arabia, the locals are crazier.
Crossing the streets in Iran
One of many potential threats most vacationers face in Iran is crossing the road, particularly in Tehran, as crosswalks are fully ineffective so, when attempting to cross, automobiles don’t cease and easily keep away from you.
The primary few instances you do it, you assume you’re going to die however after some apply, you get used to it. In any case, it’s all the time advisable to cross the highway subsequent to an area particular person.
Public transportation in Iran
The entire of Iran is tremendous well-connected by a super-effective and environment friendly bus community, so it’s the preferred method of transportation amongst impartial vacationers. 
There are two kinds of buses, regular and VIP and, with the intention to journey safer, it’s best to get the VIP one, because it solely prices 20-30% extra, which is just a few extra € and, since they’re newer and greater, they’re undoubtedly safer. 
Bear in mind you’ll be able to ebook your bus tickets by 1stQuest and reap the benefits of my 5% low cost through the use of the next promo code: ATC-QST.
Alternatively, if you wish to keep away from touring by highway and, since distances in Iran are big, it’s best to contemplate taking home flights and, as soon as once more, you are able to do it by way of 1stQuest and in addition reap the benefits of my 5% low cost.
  Conclusion: Is Iran a secure nation to go to?
Total, Iran is a secure vacation spot and that is the rationale why the nation has suffered a vacationer growth within the final couple of years. 
Like in every other nation, nevertheless, there are, in fact, some small threats however the excellent news is that these tiny risks are usually not explicit from Iran however they do occur in lots of international locations internationally. 
In case you like my web site and located this publish helpful, keep in mind that, if you happen to ebook any service by any of my hyperlinks, I’ll get a small fee at no further price to you. These earnings assist me keep and hold Towards the Compass going! Thanks
  from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2riY7pT via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Is Iran safe in 2019?
One of the frequent questions I normally get requested for is what’s the greatest nation I’ve ever visited. 
It’s a very difficult query as, mainly, there isn’t a proper reply, and the reason being that each nation has it personal magnificence, its execs and cons, so it’s simply unimaginable to find out which one was the perfect, particularly as a result of it additionally is determined by numerous elements, out of your temper to your luck, the folks you meet and the time you spent within the nation. 
Nevertheless, whereas it’s troublesome to say a favourite vacation spot, mentioning a bunch of nations the place you had a few of your greatest experiences is unquestionably simpler and, for some purpose, Iran all the time makes it to the checklist.
I like Iran and I completely loved my time there, not solely as a result of that is residence to essentially the most placing Islamic structure and a few of the most hospitable folks I’ve ever met but in addition, as a result of Iran is among the most secure international locations on the planet.
True story.
This information is a private and thorough evaluation that can take you thru all the explanations why Iran is secure, with out forgetting all its inside political issues and, in fact, a sequence of tremendous helpful security ideas.
For all the sensible data to go to the nation, don’t neglect to learn my journey information to Iran
My private expertise Iran right this moment
Delicate areas  Security ideas
Solo feminine journey Individuals and British in Iran Driving in Iran Conclusion
Be taught right here easy methods to get a visa for Iran
  Is Iran secure? My private expertise
I’ve been to Iran twice.
The primary time, I barely spent 10 days. 
On my second time, I spent 2 months. 
Now, I’m planning a 3rd time, and I’m fairly certain there will probably be a fourth.
Iran is superb.
On the one hand, the nation is large and it’s residence to infinite various things to see, from dreamy islands to alpine mountains, desert and historic cities. Every area has one thing very completely different to supply and it might take an eternity to go to all the things.
If you wish to know the locations I visited, test my 1-month itinerary.
Then again, Iranians are nice folks, extraordinarily hospitable, well-educated, kind-hearted and, general, stunning people who find themselves very curious to satisfy foreigners and assist them, more often than not anticipating nothing in return.
Do not forget that, due to the sanctions, most journey insurance coverage firms, together with World Nomads, don’t present protection for Iran. The one which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives plans for all sorts of vacationers, from backpackers to households. Moreover, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost. BUY IT THROUGH THIS LINK TO GET YOUR 5% DISCOUNT
Pleasant locals are those who make you all the time really feel secure in Iran
It’s a kind of international locations the place you might be constantly making native mates.
Tea and home invites, infinite random conversations, sharing road meals…
Throughout my journey, the native interactions had been all the time nice, and real, and this is among the issues that can make you notice that Iran is a secure vacation spot, as a result of Iranians make you’re feeling so.
I can’t suggest Iran sufficient and, primarily based on my great expertise, I’m actually snug sufficient to say that that is certainly one of many most secure international locations I’ve ever been to.
Nevertheless, there are some things it is advisable to find out about security in Iran and that is the rationale why I wrote this publish. Proceed studying to know extra. 
With Vali’s household in Mashhad
  Is it secure to journey to Iran? The scenario these days
In keeping with Wikipedia, official sources say that in 2013, Iran reached 4.76 million overseas guests and, since then, the nation has elevated massively in recognition, which implies that the determine could have simply doubled and even tripled – only a guess.
These statistics are simply insane for Iran, particularly if we take note of that the Western media, particularly American, has been portraying the nation because the worst, most harmful and repressive of all international locations.
At present, historic Persian cities such as Shiraz, Esfahan or Yazd, are stuffed with each vacationer teams and impartial vacationers, completely lined memento stalls and cute boutique accommodations.
And this could solely imply one factor: Iran is secure as hell.
The structure is really attractive
  The media: is Iran harmful due to the Western media?
After all.
If anybody thinks Iran is a harmful nation is due to the media. 
For many years, the American newspapers have been promoting a very biased picture about Iran, solely centered on nuclear weapons, non secular fanatics, human rights abuse and, mainly, a dictatorial regime. 
In Europe, it was the identical story however I really feel that they’ve softened their speech and right this moment, whereas they’re nonetheless speaking about all of the loopy issues happening there, they’re constantly publishing reviews and chronicles speaking about its nice vacationer sights and other people, and this is among the the reason why many vacationers began to think about Iran as a secure vacation spot to journey to. 
Do you assume whether or not Iran is secure? Anti-American propaganda simply exterior of the previous American embassy in Tehran
This isn’t the case of the American media, nevertheless, particularly with the present Authorities, who retains on contaminating the general public opinion with the concept Iran is the last word arch-enemy and one of many unfriendliest international locations on Earth.
You’ll be stunned to know what number of Individuals consider that. 
In actual fact, I’ve had just a few small arguments on social media, just like the day when that American dude replied to one in all my tweets – see under – saying that why would somebody need to go to in such a harmful place and, to assist his reasoning, he posted one article from Fox Information. Hilarious. 
I’m conscious that this has been stated again and again, however don’t belief what the media has to say a couple of nation and do consider the lots of of hundreds of vacationers who’ve been there.
Do not forget that, due to the sanctions, most journey insurance coverage firms, together with World Nomads, don’t present protection for Iran. The one which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives plans for all sorts of vacationers, from backpackers to households. Moreover, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost. BUY IT THROUGH THIS LINK TO GET YOUR 5% DISCOUNT
  Issues: is it secure to journey to Iran now?
Is Iran secure to go to regardless of all the present issues?
Certain, Iran is secure for vacationers, however we are able to’t ignore that they’ve some critical inside points.
Iran is a dictatorial regime dominated by Islamic Legal guidelines – As a lot as I like Iran, we are able to’t ignore that this can be a repressive dictatorship that violates human rights once in a while. Nevertheless, having a nasty Authorities doesn’t make their folks unhealthy as nicely and, so long as you observe some easy guidelines – extra on that later – you shouldn’t be anxious about it.
Violent protests (replace 2019) – You in all probability heard about some violent protests in 2019 which concerned a number of useless civilians and the Authorities shutting down the web for practically per week. Certain, the Authorities’s response to demonstrators will all the time be repression and extra repression, however that is occurring internationally, together with in Chile, and I don’t see Donald Trump complaining about it. The perfect you are able to do is to keep away from any public demonstration. 
Terrorist assaults – There have been some terrorist assaults in Iran, the final massive one being in 2017 in Tehran, the place a number of Iranians died. It was an unlucky occasion however terrorist assaults additionally occur in Europe – extra typically than in Iran – and, within the USA, there’s a mass taking pictures each different day.
Ladies at Tehran metro exit
  Areas in Iran which aren’t secure for vacationers
In accordance to the FCO Recommendation, the province of Balochistan and the areas bordering Iraq and Afghanistan are suggested towards all journey, for apparent causes. 
The remainder of Iran, nevertheless, is completely secure for vacationers.
Nonetheless, there are two issues it is advisable to find out about these harmful areas:
To begin with, they’re distant from all touristic locations
Second of all, the FCO recommendation will all the time be totally exaggerated
Comparatively harmful areas in Iran
Border with Iraq – There could also be some pressure within the southern a part of the border however I crossed myself the northern Iran-Iraq border, on the Kurdistan half, and I can guarantee you that that a part of Iran is secure to go to. 
Border with Afghanistan – I haven’t been there however intrepid vacationers cross that border on a regular basis and, to this point, I’ve by no means heard of any unhealthy experiences or reviews.
Balochistan – Balochistan is a province whose majority of individuals are Sunni so, for the previous couple of years, there have been some tensions however the scenario has improved plus, with the rise in recognition of Pakistan, this area is day-after-day receiving increasingly more vacationers on their approach to Pakistan.
As I stated, I strongly consider the FCO Recommendation could be very biased however, in case you are undecided about it, you simply want to stay within the touristic and secure a part of Iran.
The Iran-Iraq border
  Is it secure to go to Iran? – My prime security ideas
These are just a few further security ideas for Iran:
behave in Iran (cultural etiquette)
As I stated, Iran has some strict Sharia guidelines however they’re really extra relaxed than in Saudi Arabia for instance, a rustic with a big Western expat group.
For males, the one factor you’ll be able to’t do is sporting shorts.
For ladies, it is a little more difficult however all it’s a must to do is protecting your hair and never displaying any of your curves.
Apart from that, simply apply frequent sense and know that public reveals of affection are usually not tolerated – like in Dubai – and alcohol just isn’t allowed, though it’s extensively out there within the black market and locals do drink typically.
About faith in Iran In Iran, most individuals are Shia, a department of Islam completely different from Sunni, the prevalent department throughout the Arab international locations. By nature, Shia individuals are extra relaxed than Sunni, which implies that, relating to faith, Iran is extra liberal than contries like Oman or the United Arab Emirates, plus Iran has additionally a big inhabitants of atheist folks, greater than every other Arab nation, and you will notice it while you go there. In any case, faith nonetheless performs an necessary position within the nation, so be all the time respectful such as you can be in every other Muslim nation.
I feel mannequins are the one scary factor in Iran
  Is there a hazard of being arrested?
One other of the the reason why Iran is commonly perceived as harmful is as a result of each time a foreigner will get arrested, it seems all around the information, and reviews say that foreigners could also be locked down in a cell room for months with out having the ability to talk with the skin world.
Nevertheless, there are two sorts of foreigners who get arrested: journalists and vacationers doing silly issues, like these bloggers who obtained arrested as a result of they flew a drone over a army facility or these Individuals who had been caught crossing the Iranian border illegally from Iraqi Kurdistan. 
Simply be good and you may be positive.
  Journey insurance coverage for Iran
One thing it is advisable to find out about journey insurance coverage is that it is among the necessities for getting your visa on arrival. In case you don’t have one, they may make you purchase a dodgy one on the airport.
Furthermore, keep in mind that, due to the sanctions, most insurance coverage, together with World Nomads, received’t present protection for Iran.
The which does, nevertheless, is IATI Insurance coverage, a European-based firm that gives loads of completely different plans for any sort of traveler, from funds backpackers to households.
Furthermore, the readers of this weblog can get an unique 5% low cost.
  Maintaining your cash secure in Iran
This isn’t a security tip however a precaution. 
In Iran, worldwide bank cards don’t work, which suggests that you’ll want to hold all of your money for no matter time you might be within the nation.
For this, you’ve two options:
Purchase an area bank card and prime it up – There’s a service for foreigners which consists of an area debit card which you top-up with money upon your arrival, so that you don’t want to hold all the cash. Mah Card is one in all these providers which you’ll belief.
Guide your accommodations, home flights, and bus tickets ONLINE by 1stQuest – 1stQuest is an area firm that gives a big number of reserving providers for Iran, together with accommodations, bus & flight tickets, and so on. You received’t be capable of buy these providers on-line by an area web site – as they don’t settle for bank cards – however 1stQuest is among the only a few firms which does so, not less than, you received’t want to hold all of the money for accommodations or home flights, which is perhaps half of it. The perfect of it’s that readers of this weblog get an unique 5% low cost. How? Through the use of the promo code ATC-QST. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT 1STQUEST
  Browsing the web safely
As you might know, in Iran the web is censored, so a whole lot of web sites are blocked, from Fb to YouTube. 
With the intention to entry these web sites, you’ll need one thing known as a Digital Personal Community (VPN) and yow will discover extra details about it right here.
However, isn’t it unlawful to make use of a VPN? Why ought to this be a security tip?
Sure, utilizing a VPN is unlawful however everyone in Iran makes use of it – actually, everybody – and the one individuals who get punished for utilizing it are, for instance, those that use the web to arrange protests towards the regime.
Additionally, a VPN is not going to solely can help you entry blocked websites but in addition, it permits you to browse extra privately and safer and, in these sort of authoritarian regimes the place anybody may very well be spied at, you actually need to use one. 
I personally use ExpressVPN, one of many quickest VPNs out there out there.
If you wish to know extra about this subject, learn: discover the appropriate VPN for Iran
The extra distant you go in Iran, the safer it will get!
  Is Iran secure for solo feminine vacationers?
This is among the questions I get requested for extra typically from girls.
Is it secure to journey in Iran as a solo lady?
Effectively, I’m a person, so I clearly obtained a really completely different expertise than most girls, however I don’t know a single girl who didn’t have an exquisite expertise so, primarily based on their opinions, I can definitely inform that Iran is a secure vacation spot for ladies. 
If you wish to know extra particulars about it, I interviewed Eveline from Earth Wanderess, who shares her journey experience about solo feminine journey in Iran. 
Eve from Earth Wanderess in Iran
  Is Iran secure for Individuals and British?
The million-dollar query.
No one has ever requested me this as a result of I’m neither American nor British, however I do know some folks from these international locations who’ve been to Iran and all of them stated that it didn’t actually make a distinction.
As I stated, Iranians are curious to satisfy any foreigner and, really, they may in all probability be extra excited to satisfy an American than every other vacationer.
Furthermore, I can guarantee you one factor which is that an American will really feel 10x safer and extra welcome in Iran than an Iranian will really feel within the USA, the place they is perhaps subjected to racism and prejudices, True story.
On this publish, Jackie wrote about American vacationers in Iran.
  Is driving secure in Iran?
Like in most international locations within the Center East, the locals don’t actually observe the visitors guidelines, so automotive accidents do abound. 
Nevertheless, I felt that in locations like Egypt or Saudi Arabia, the locals are crazier.
Crossing the streets in Iran
One of many potential threats most vacationers face in Iran is crossing the road, particularly in Tehran, as crosswalks are fully ineffective so, when attempting to cross, automobiles don’t cease and easily keep away from you.
The primary few instances you do it, you assume you’re going to die however after some apply, you get used to it. In any case, it’s all the time advisable to cross the highway subsequent to an area particular person.
Public transportation in Iran
The entire of Iran is tremendous well-connected by a super-effective and environment friendly bus community, so it’s the preferred method of transportation amongst impartial vacationers. 
There are two kinds of buses, regular and VIP and, with the intention to journey safer, it’s best to get the VIP one, because it solely prices 20-30% extra, which is just a few extra € and, since they’re newer and greater, they’re undoubtedly safer. 
Bear in mind you’ll be able to ebook your bus tickets by 1stQuest and reap the benefits of my 5% low cost through the use of the next promo code: ATC-QST.
Alternatively, if you wish to keep away from touring by highway and, since distances in Iran are big, it’s best to contemplate taking home flights and, as soon as once more, you are able to do it by way of 1stQuest and in addition reap the benefits of my 5% low cost.
  Conclusion: Is Iran a secure nation to go to?
Total, Iran is a secure vacation spot and that is the rationale why the nation has suffered a vacationer growth within the final couple of years. 
Like in every other nation, nevertheless, there are, in fact, some small threats however the excellent news is that these tiny risks are usually not explicit from Iran however they do occur in lots of international locations internationally. 
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  source http://cheaprtravels.com/is-iran-safe-in-2019/
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