#this particular AU is plaguing my brain lately so. had to draw.
raiiny-bay · 5 months
more sketch wips
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wildblue2020 · 2 years
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I haven't been drawing a lot lately because of being plagued with schoolwork, so after careful planning I can finally present new OCs part of my new AU called TMNT Street Punks Next Gen. (basically if the original TMNT and the Street Punks had a child).
This only took me two weeks to sketch and two nights to color. It was so much fun!
You can learn more about them on my DeviantArt: DudetteJassyJ
Also decided to add a brief bio to them. Starting from left to right:
AGE: 9
PARENTS: Father - Rebel, Mother - Leonardo Hamato
ROLE(S): Mom (formerly), Leader
PERSONALITY: Enthusiastic, Responsible, Fearless, Short-Tempered, Stubborn, Encouraging
LIKES: Japanese Culture, Cooking, Blossom Trees,
DISLIKES: Rainy Days, Waiting, Bland Food
AGE: 9
PARENTS: Father - Ghost, Mother - Raphael Hamato
ROLE(S): Hothead, Weapons Expert/Keeper
PERSONALITY: Sarcastic, Straightforward, Aggressive, Light-Hearted, Reliable, Free-Spirited, Meticulous
LIKES: Competing, Fighting, Animals, Roller-skating
DISLIKES: Shotguns, Lectures, Waiting, Being told what to do
AGE: 9
PARENTS: Father - MC, Mother - Donatello Hamato
ROLE(S): Brains, Team Scavenger
PERSONALITY: Loyal, Adventurous, High-Strung, Fair, Artistic, Charismatic
LIKES: Science, Art, Dancing, Stakeouts
DISLIKES: His mom's overprotective nature, Being pressured, His cousins fighting, Burdening himself too much
AGE: 9
PARENTS: Father - Swift, Mother - Michelangelo Hamato
ROLE(S): Heart, Team Strategist
PERSONALITY: Immature, Social, Impulsive, Foolish, Intelligent, Sly
LIKES: Flirting, Video Games, Skateboarding, Pranking
DISLIKES: Being looked as the 'runt of the litter', Being alone, Being bossed around (by Ryne in particular), Having his and other people's feelings hurt
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
22 for plague dogs au please
So I’m very late, but I wrote two whole things so? Yeah no I’m still late, but then I say I’m taking prompts, I mean it! It just,,, might take a while,,,
“I have approximate knowledge of many things.” 
Fic 1
Shouta will never admit it, but he doesn’t hate the dogs he’s taken in. Toshinori might be thin – and absolutely terrifying – but he’s a good hunter, and much stronger than Shouta himself. He’s rather envious of those teeth, the things he could do with fangs like those. Izuku is, well, he’s not exactly useful, but there is a certain charm about him. Shouta bows his back, feeling his muscles loosen slightly in the weak sunlight, ignoring the thorn-sharp teeth gnawing on his tail.
His kit – the pup, Shouta, he’s a dog ­– the pup is easily dislodged by a gentle flick of his tail. Satisfied he isn’t going to lose any more of his fur, Shouta settles down in the sun. The clouds are the same colour as the shale rock around them, they won’t have the sun for long, so he’d best make use of it while he could.
Leaving an eye cracked open, he watched Izuku totter towards him, before sitting so close he was brushing his whiskers. Shouta’s nose twitched involuntarily.
“Shou?” The pup asks, tail thumping regularly against the ground. “Can you tell me something? I wanna know something new please.” Shouta had to consciously still his own traitorous tail, damn that pup. He sat himself up, looking down at the excited scrap. Izuku forgot things, memories, anyway. He’d forget the day before or important things in his past, but the sharp little thing had a mind for any information you’d give him. Once you told him a fact or taught him a trick, he knew it. He was probably the smartest dog he’d ever met, not that he was going to be sharing that little bit of information any time soon. Shouta was not soft.
He flicked an ear in contemplation. “Upwalkers can see better than you or I, but they are as deaf as can be, and their noses are basically just for show.” Izuku nodded happily, little paws working the ground in excitement.
“Can they see better than Toshi?” Shouta let out a snort. The dog in question levelled him a glare from where he’d just exited the hollow they’d spent the night in.
“Pup, Toshinori is as blind as a bat. The sheep we killed last night can see better than him.” Toshinori let out a low growl as he stretched in the morning sun. Shouta had about a minute until the old dog’s joints were warm enough to run, so why waste them?
“Did you know that foxes are much smarter than dogs?” Izuku tilted his head, eyes flopping against each other. Toshinori kept growling. “Yep, dogs are a dumb as dirt. You must be at least part fox – every dog I’ve ever met is a blithering idiot.”
The growling stopped. Instinctively, Shouta leapt out of the way, huffing in amusement as Toshinori lunged at the space he’d previously occupied. “Yep, all the brain activity of a large rock, those dogs.”
“Get back hear you little - !” Try as he might to sound intimidating, Shouta could see Toshinori’s tail wagging. His own was as well, not that he’d ever admit it.
“They’re also slow as a newborn lamb!”
“Lamb?” Toshinori spluttered indignantly. “It’ll show you lamb!” The large dog broke into a run, long legs working with some intimidating speed. Shouta took off in a sprint but there was little he could go in a straight run – he was hopelessly outclassed. Toshinori grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. Shouta let himself be dragged back; the old dog was holding him so gently he could have gotten out at any time had he wanted to.
“Toshi is so cool!” The little pup raved. Toshinori set him down with a pleased huff, enjoying Izuku bouncing haplessly around him. “Shou is so cool too!” Shouta startled, turning to the pup with a look of poorly masked confusion. Oblivious, Izuku babbled on. “He’s so good at dodging and so clever! I want to be just like Shou when I’m grown! Like Toshi too!” Shouta, flustered, tried in vain to hide behind his tail. Toshinori rumbled a laugh from beside him.
“Told you he grew on you.”
“Shut. Up.”
 Fic 2
 “To start our unit of laboratory animal science, I’m going to show you a collection of pictures from a lab in the area which was closed down. I do hope I don’t have to explain why.” Nezu opened his PowerPoint, briefly reading through the overview of the unit before making his way to the first picture. There was a collective wince from the class. He knew the pictures were awful, and they certainly didn’t get better – to make matters worse most of his students were bleeding hearts. Still, they did need to see this. The vet industry required a certain level of both detachment and empathy that was difficult to cultivate without seeing some of the worst people could do.
As Nezu lectured, he felt his eyes draw to a small cluster of students nearest the front of the class. They were whispering comments, a faint look of recognition in their eyes. The oldest, an ex-policeman, only a little younger than himself if Nezu remembered correctly – and he always remembered correctly – raised his hand. The young woman behind him was swatting at his arm in an attempt to get him to lower it, while the young man beside her shot her a wry look.
“Yes, John?” He asked, pausing. His students did tend to develop a rather bleak sense of humour but most sobered up during this particular lecture. The small group had been smiling, and he was admittedly curious as to why. He was pretty sure he’d already guessed though.
“Hannah has a question.” He said with a smirk, gesturing loosely to the girl behind him. Her eyes widened and she looked at John in betrayal. The young man next to her lent over, muttering something like “well, you’ve got to ask now.” She glared at the two of them, before shooting Nezu a nervous look.
“Those two dogs, in the pictures?” Nezu nodded. “That’s Crash-test and Rake, right?” The other students in the room let out faint noises of realisation. Nezu grinned broadly.
“It is indeed! I was going to tell you all at the end that there was a happily ever after for those two, but it looks like you’ve spoilt my ending! Not entirely sure where those nicknames came from, but they are my dogs.”
“What are their actual names?” The young man beside Hannah called out, looking eager.
“Midori and Yagi. Now, let me get back to the lecture; you can ask me about my dogs later.” The man grinned broadly, nudging Hannah. They both whispered something before settling down with their notes again, looking at him expectantly.
“As I was saying –“
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