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miutonium · 10 months
Spicy Mayo and Bubblegum Bitch! (CrypticCupid)
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ajw720 · 5 years
I feel that being a D.  C.   fan has become a somewhat difficult pilgrimage - there seems to be a lot of contradictions.
*I would have thought that to have a major success in anyone’s chosen career ( in his case, multiple acting awards) would have meant being in demand and capitalizing on opportunities. Yet, the role offers seem to have dried up. Is he having a break to pursue other passions? Is his management team unable to secure any substantial acting roles? Is there currently a concentrated effort on quick money?
* In 2019 there have been several posts of sing-a-longs where everyone seems to be having a good time. There is nothing wrong with that. However, I wouldn’t have thought that it would be a major career focus for so long.
* The attendance at fashion events looks like fun. The Balmain jacket looked wonderful, and the white nail polish was also a winner. Again, is fashion now the major career focus?
*Are the obvious photo shop and manip SM images really necessary? I am reasonably certain that all fans know what both D and M really look like. Why try to hide it? Insecurity? The badly worded SM comments are just an embarrassment. Why draw attention with such poor English? That controlling shoulder grip pose is also looking really tired. 
*Needing the constant supervision of a management team when travelling is surely unnecessary for a responsible adult. What is the “fam” trying to control?
*The team are really trying much too hard to push the marriage line. It is brought up at every opportunity. Real relationships are self evident and don’t need this constant push. Give it a break already. 
*There are several smiling, happy couple photos. There are also many photos of the newlyweds looking miserable in each others company. Body language is a giveaway every time. I don’t know for sure whether DC/CC are currently in a relationship or not, but the DC/MS marriage is starting to look increasingly strained and fake.
*I may be interpreting this all wrong, but the non-gay future acting role comment seems to be contradictory to the public LGBTQ support and behaviour. 
*I would hope that D is living the life that he wants.However, as I can only rely on circumstantial evidence, I am not sure. 
Hello and thank you for your comments!  I can see where you are confused. I think right now what we are experiencing is a deliberate pause in D’s acting/music career while the primary focus is promoting his fake bride.  There is literally no other explanation after his success for his lack of substantive work with the exception of one role. The fashion shows are ads, and that is a huge payout for team shit just tike TB and all of the other endorsements for things like hideous jewelry and excellent champagne.  As D’s star rose, his team capitalized on this ad wise and surely TB and B/ailman pay more than water bottles and B/arry’s Gym (though he is still pimping the latter on occasion).  The key here is easy money.
On photoshopping, how sad and pathetic right? I am constantly accused of body shamming M. something  I have never done, I hate her, but I admit, she is built beautifully. the only person body shaming M is M herself and her narcissistic need to make her body look like AW’s. 
The sing alongs are all promo for the bar, nothing less, nothing more. Something that is included in promoting PBB.
Management is present because they feel D needs to be babysat. They don’t trust him and their presence is forcing him to comply.  Look at Europe, he did a really good job of acting cold and indifferent, and the minute the entirety of Team Inhumane was present, we got a kiss pic, perhaps the worst one yet, but a kiss pic just the same.  They are also however acting as chaperones as I think D refuses to be alone with her for long periods.  
On the marriage, it is fake af and D appears to not really care to promote it anymore.  As I have said, immediately after the sham mockery, he seemed like he was almost in shock and doing whatever was asked of him., I noticed the shift in the Philippines and it has only become more exaggerated since.   Not only do the couple photos looked strained and awkward (after 8+ years they still don’t know how to kiss), D is also going out of the way to look joyful in photos with other women that he is not allegedly married to.  I almost feel like he was forced into the marriage under extreme duress, “agreed” did an ok job of selling the day (though I still smile wide thinking of him ignoring her attempts to get that monstrosity into the car), and is now doing everything he can to make it clear this is not what he wants knowing that the stans will continue to stick their fingers in their ears. Sure he has the occasional good photo (many are after several cocktails) but as a whole, they are pretty terrible and continue to get worse.  
More D seems to be heavily depending on others to promote her. New bestie AW is the perfect example of this.  I don’t buy they are suddenly BFFs and in each other’s space all the time. I think AW MAY (I am still on the fence) actually be a good friend who is trying to help D to legitimize her and lessening his burden. Maybe. I am still cautious.
The LGBT+ statement was made by his team and was meant to keep him in line.  Since that statement, he has dressed in drag (filmed last year but he knew what he was doing) and sang about his wedding to another man.  So yes, there seem to be competing agendas.
On CC, I have no doubt they are still going strong:)
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bountyofbeads · 4 years
Harvey Weinstein Trial: Jury Suggests It Is Split on 2 Most Serious Charges https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/21/nyregion/weinstein-verdict.html
Harvey Weinstein jury suggests it’s deadlocked on two counts, unanimous on others in sexual assault case
By Shayna Jacobs | Published February 21 at 3:30 PM EST | Washington Post | Posted February 21, 2020 |
NEW YORK — The jury in Harvey Weinstein's sexual assault trial suggested Friday that it was hung on the two top counts but unanimous on the others as it headed into a break for the weekend.
Justice James Burke gave juror a brief instruction, roughly a minute long, asking them to continue trying to reach a verdict on all counts. The panel of seven men and five women must be unanimous to reach a verdict — but the language of a note they sent to the judge indicates they are not there on the counts of predatory sexual assault, which are the most severe in the case and carry a sentence of 10 years to life in prison.
“We the jury request to understand if we can be hung on 1 and 3 and unanimous on the other charges,” said the note, which Burke read aloud before calling the jury in to address them.
The note, despite its specificity, does not necessarily reflect the jurors’ eventual verdict — it could have been posing a hypothetical scenario, or could simply reflect their confusion over the complicated charges.
About a half-hour after Burke addressed jurors, they were sent home. The session was already set to end early, at 3 p.m., because Weinstein attorney Donna Rotunno needed to travel home to Chicago to attend a funeral.
In the courtroom, Weinstein, leaning over his walker, looked downtrodden after conferring with his lawyers about the developments. Later, in the hallway, the once-powerful movie producer shrugged and stayed silent as reporters shouted questions about the jury indications.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who has a lot riding on the high-profile case, had a wide grin across his face as he left the courtroom.
The predatory sexual assault charges that seem to be in dispute both stem from an accusation from “The Sopranos” actress Annabella Sciorra, 59, who testified that Weinstein raped her in late 1993 or early 1994. Jurors would need to conclude that there was a pattern of sexual assault that includes Sciorra’s allegation and the allegations of either or both of the other accusers: Mimi Haleyi and Jessica Mann.
The other charges in the trial are for individual acts alleged by Haleyi and Mann. Haleyi, 42, a former production assistant, testified that Weinstein forced an act of oral sex on her on July 10, 2006, at his New York apartment. Mann, 34, had a consensual five-year relationship with Weinstein but said he forced sex on her twice — once in New York at a DoubleTree Hotel on March 18, 2013, and once in Los Angeles. (He is not being charged in the latter case.)
The jury’s suggestion that they are unanimous on those individual Mann and Haleyi charges could mean that it is planning to convict on at least one of them. If jurors’ unanimity on Mann and Haleyi were for acquittal, they would presumably have to be unanimous on acquittal on the predatory sexual assault charges, since those involve endorsing Mann or Haleyi’s allegations — but they are suggesting they’re hung, not unanimous.
Weinstein, 67, has said that all sexual encounters were consensual.
Three other women were allowed to testify as supporting witnesses in the trial, which began Jan. 6.
Weinstein’s lawyers argued at trial that the women were seeking access to the industry through the powerful producer of Oscar-winning films such as “Shakespeare in Love” and “Pulp Fiction.”
Earlier Friday, the jury heard a requested read-back from Sciorra’s cross-examination. Since the jury began deliberations Tuesday, they have also asked for read-back from the testimony of actress Rosie Perez, Sciorra’s longtime friend, who testified that Sciorra told her decades ago via phone conversation that she had been raped. The jury has also requested emails and read-backs related to Haleyi’s accusation.
Weinstein’s legal team sought to cast doubt on Sciorra’s story by pointing out that it is nearly 30 years old, and arguing that, like the other two accusers, Sciorra did not come forward to authorities with a claim about Weinstein until news reports of his sexual misconduct were published in October 2017.
At the conclusion of this trial, Weinstein will face another set of sex crimes charges in Los Angeles.
Kevin Armstrong in New York contributed to this article.
Harvey Weinstein Trial: Jury Suggests It Is Split on 2 Most Serious Charges
The judge told jurors to keep deliberating after they sent a note asking if they could be deadlocked on the top counts, but unanimous on others.
By Jan Ransom | Published Feb. 21, 2020 Updated 5:13 p.m. ET | New York Times | Posted February 21, 2020 |
The jury in Harvey Weinstein’s rape trial sent a note to the judge on Friday afternoon suggesting that it was deadlocked on the most serious charges in the indictment, but that it might have reached a verdict on three other counts.
In their note, on the fourth day of deliberations, the jurors asked if they could return a unanimous verdict on one of the lesser charges of rape or criminal sexual act, but remain split on two charges of predatory sexual assault, which carry a possible life sentence.
“We the jury request to understand if we can be hung on 1 and /or 3 but unanimous on the other charges,” read the note, which was entered during the lunch break.
Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers said they would accept a partial verdict, but prosecutors said they were not yet willing to do so.
Justice James M. Burke of State Supreme Court in Manhattan told the jurors to continue deliberating. Minutes later, at 3 p.m., he adjourned the proceedings and sent the jurors home for the weekend because one of the defense lawyers had a funeral to attend. Deliberations resume on Monday.
The jury did not say what it had decided on the lesser counts. The predatory sexual assault count requires prosecutors to prove that Mr. Weinstein committed a serious sexual felony against at least two people.
The case against Mr. Weinstein, 67, was built primarily on the accusations brought by two women: Miriam Haley, 42, a former production assistant who testified that Mr. Weinstein forced oral sex on her in 2006; and Jessica Mann, 34, an actress who said Mr. Weinstein raped her in a Midtown Manhattan hotel room in 2013.
In weighing the predatory sexual assault charges, the jury was also asked to consider testimony given by the actress Annabella Sciorra, who said Mr. Weinstein raped her in the early 1990s. Prosecutors were barred by New York State’s statute of limitations from bringing charges in the incident involving Ms. Sciorra, 59, who was the prosecution’s strongest witness.
The jury’s note suggested that one or some jurors did not believe Ms. Sciorra. In previous notes, jurors have asked to review testimony given by both she and Ms. Haley, as well as to review communications and emails related to the two women.
Mr. Weinstein has pleaded not guilty and claims all his sexual encounters with his accusers were consensual. He did not respond to reporters’ questions as he left the courthouse on Friday.
Michael Gold and Emily Palmer contributed reporting.
Harvey Weinstein Trial: What Happened This Week
By Andrea Salcedo | Published Feb. 21, 2020 Updated 3:07 p.m. ET | New York Times | Posted February 21, 2020 |
On Friday, jurors suggested they were split on the two most serious charges.
After listening to weeks of testimony, the jury in Harvey Weinstein’s rape trial began deliberations this week. For reporters, as well as stakeholders in the case, the waiting began.
By yesterday afternoon, the jury of seven men and five women had not reached a decision.
Mr. Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty in State Supreme Court in Manhattan to five felony counts, including two charges of predatory sexual assault.
Though six women testified at the trial, the charges hinge on allegations made by two women, Jessica Mann and Miriam Haley. In deciding the predatory sexual assault charges, however, the jury was asked to consider the testimony of the actress Annabella Sciorra, who said Mr. Weinstein raped her in the early 1990s. (Her accusation is too old to qualify as a crime under state law.)
Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers say that the encounters between their client and his accusers were consensual, and that the women used him to advance their careers.
I talked to my colleague Jan Ransom, who is covering the trial for The Times, about the recent developments in the courthouse. This is a condensed version of our conversation.
Jurors began deliberating on Tuesday. Soon after, they rang a bell to alert the court that they had a question. The first three days of deliberations continued this way.
At the end of each day, Mr. Weinstein typically responds to reporters’ questions, even if sarcastically, as he shuffles with a walker toward the elevators outside of the courtroom. But since the deliberations began, he has been quiet — opting to just crack a slight smile, keeping moving without a word.
The jury has sent seven notes with multiple questions; it wanted, for instance, an explanation of the charges and legal terms such as “consent” and “forcible compulsion.” It also requested to hear the testimony of Annabella Sciorra and Miriam Haley, as well as to review emails and communications related to the women.
Ms. Sciorra was the prosecution’s strongest witness. On Tuesday, the jury asked for an explanation as to why they could not convict on Ms. Sciorra’s allegation and for clarification on the statute of limitations.
It seemed the jury was assessing the credibility of the accounts provided by Ms. Sciorra and Ms. Haley, and trying to determine whether the evidence supports a conviction on the predatory sexual assault charge.
The lead prosecutor, Joan Illuzzi, accused Mr. Weinstein’s lead lawyer, Donna Rotunno, of jury tampering after she wrote an op-ed in Newsweek telling the jury to do “the right thing.”
When should we expect a verdict?
Those of us covering the trial have labored over this question, knowing an answer does not exist. It’s all a guessing game that no one can resist.
We can assume what might happen, and when, based on the jury’s questions, but it is hard to know. At the end of the day, only 12 people — the jurors — really know when a verdict will be reached.
Who’s Who in the Harvey Weinstein Trial
Mr. Weinstein, once a powerful Hollywood producer now accused of sex crimes, could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted of the most serious charge against him.
By Michael Levenson | Published Feb. 19, 2020 Updated Feb. 21, 2020, 3:15 p.m. ET | New York Times | Posted February 21, 2020 |
Jury deliberations began this week in the trial of Harvey Weinstein, setting the stage for a watershed moment that will test whether the allegations that helped ignite the #MeToo movement can sustain a conviction against a man who was once one of the most powerful producers in Hollywood.
Mr. Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty in State Supreme Court in Manhattan to five felony charges, including rape, criminal sexual assault and predatory sexual assault. His lawyers have argued that his accusers engaged in consensual and often transactional relationships with him to advance their careers.
If convicted of the most serious charge against him, predatory sexual assault, Mr. Weinstein could be sentenced to life in prison.
Here’s a look at some of the key figures in the trial.
Justice James M. Burke
The task of presiding over the trial has fallen to James M. Burke, a former prosecutor appointed to the bench in 2001. Justice Burke clashed with Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers early in the trial after the judge suggested that Mr. Weinstein might end up in prison for life for repeatedly violating an order not to use his cellphone in court. Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers argued that the comments were evidence of bias and asked the judge to recuse himself.  Justice Burke refused, saying he was merely using “hyperbolic language.”
The 12 jurors who will decide Mr. Weinstein’s fate were chosen after an arduous two-week process during which the prosecution argued that the defense was systematically eliminating white women from the panel, even though a majority of Mr. Weinstein’s accusers were from that demographic. In the end, the jury included seven men and five women, two of them white women. Among them are a public housing worker, an Upper East Side businessman, an East Harlem security guard, the managing partner of an investment firm, a banking executive, the co-founder of a start-up, a real estate tax accountant and a lawyer whose sister is a federal prosecutor in Chicago.
Donna Rotunno, Arthur Aidala and Damon Cheronis
Harvey Weinstein’s legal team
Donna Rotunno, Mr. Weinstein’s lead defense lawyer, is a brash and outspoken combatant in the cultural wars and in the courtroom. A former Illinois prosecutor, she has been hailed as “a bulldog” by the men she has defended from sexual misconduct charges. Ms. Rotunno has lost only one sex-crime trial, and has been known to wear a gold chain to court bearing the proclamation “Not Guilty.” She has assailed the #MeToo movement, arguing that it has wrecked reputations and careers without due process, and has contended that women bear equal responsibility for protecting themselves from sexual assault. In a recent interview on “The Daily,” she said she had never been sexually assaulted “because I would never put myself in that position.”
Damon Cheronis, Ms. Rotunno’s frequent legal collaborator, is a Chicago lawyer who specializes in defending clients against serious state and federal charges. He has called the trial of Mr. Weinstein the “type of case that trial lawyers live for.”
Arthur Aidala, the sole New York-based lawyer on the team, is a frequent commentator on Fox News who has defended other prominent men accused of sexual misconduct, including Roger Ailes, Alan Dershowitz and Lawrence Taylor, the former N.F.L. linebacker.
Talita Maia
Among the key witnesses called by the defense was Talita Maia, a former friend of one of Mr. Weinstein’s two main accusers, Jessica Mann. Ms. Mann has said that Mr. Weinstein raped her, but Ms. Maia testified that Ms. Mann had described Mr. Weinstein as her “spiritual soul mate” and had never said that he had assaulted her. “She would say he is a wonderful person,” Ms. Maia said. “There was flirtation between them since the first day.”
Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers also called several other witnesses to bolster their claim that the relationships were consensual or cast doubt on his accusers’ accounts. One of those witnesses was Elizabeth Loftus, a cognitive psychologist who suggested that Mr. Weinstein’s accusers might not recall incidents from years ago. “It doesn’t take a Ph.D. to know that memory fades over time,” she said.
Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein was for years a Hollywood kingmaker, turning out Oscar-winning movies and presenting himself as a champion of liberal causes, even as he was shadowed by sexual misconduct allegations. Then, in October 2017, an investigation by The New York Times found previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades. Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd and Rosanna Arquette were among the actors who accused Mr. Weinstein of misconduct. More than 90 women have since come forward to allege sexual misconduct by Mr. Weinstein, though the trial hinges on accounts from just two key accusers, Jessica Mann and Miriam Haley. Mr. Weinstein has maintained that all the encounters were consensual.
Cyrus R. Vance Jr.
Manhattan district attorney
The trial represents a critical test for Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney, who has been criticized for not pursuing charges against Mr. Weinstein in 2015. Mr. Vance has said there was not enough evidence to prosecute the case, despite an audio tape that an Italian model, Ambra Battilana, made for the police on which Mr. Weinstein apologized when she asked him why he had touched her breasts. Mr. Vance, who was elected in 2009 on a promise to aggressively pursue sex crimes, has worked to clear a backlog of rape-evidence kits and convict people charged with the sex trafficking of minors. A conviction of Mr. Weinstein could help restore his reputation as a champion of women’s issues. A loss could damage his legacy and political fortunes.
Joan Illuzzi and Meghan Hast Assistant district attorneys
Regarded as one of the most successful prosecutors in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, Joan Illuzzi has been in charge of Mr. Weinstein’s case since April 2018, when the allegations against him were still under investigation. She is known for securing the 2017 conviction of the former bodega stock clerk who killed Etan Patz, the 6-year-old boy who disappeared in 1979 as he walked to his school bus stop in SoHo. In 2016, she ran unsuccessfully as a Republican candidate for district attorney on Staten Island.
Meghan Hast, the second prosecutor on the team, has offered graphic details in the trial, such as when she said Mr. Weinstein injected erection medication into his genitals and showed up in his underwear outside the hotel room of the actress Annabella Sciorra, with baby oil in one hand and a videotape in the other. Ms. Hast joined the Manhattan district attorney’s office in 2007. In 2018, she was named deputy chief of the Violent Criminal Enterprises Unit, which prosecutes interstate gun traffickers, armed street gangs and drug dealers.
Jessica Mann and Miriam Haley Key witnesses for the prosecution
Six women testified for the prosecution that Mr. Weinstein attacked them, though the charges he faces were based on the allegations of two main accusers: Jessica Mann and Miriam Haley.
Ms. Mann, an aspiring actress raised in Washington State, said Mr. Weinstein raped her in a Manhattan hotel room in 2013. Her case was challenging for prosecutors because she said she was assaulted during a long relationship with Mr. Weinstein that included some consensual sex. Ms. Mann said she had maintained the relationship to protect her career and defuse Mr. Weinstein’s “unpredictable anger.”
Ms. Haley, a former assistant on a TV show produced by Mr. Weinstein, said he forced oral sex on her at his home in 2006. Two weeks later, Ms. Haley said, she reluctantly had sex with Mr. Weinstein in a hotel. She said she also sent him emails, took a work meeting and approached him at film events because she wanted to “just put it away in a box and pretended like it didn’t happen.”
The actress Annabella Sciorra, known for her work in “The Sopranos,” testified in detail about the night in late 1993 or early 1994 when she said Mr. Weinstein shoved his way into her Manhattan apartment and sexually assaulted her as she tried to fight him off. The incident was too old to be prosecuted under state law. But prosecutors obtained an indictment from a grand jury that let Ms. Sciorra testify in support of the predatory assault charge, which requires the state to prove that Mr. Weinstein committed a serious sexual offense against at least two people.
Three other women — Dawn Dunning, Tarale Wulff and Lauren Young — also appeared for the prosecution as so-called Molineux witnesses, testifying about alleged sexual assaults that are not part of the indictment; their testimony was sought to demonstrate a pattern of predatory behavior by Mr. Weinstein. Molineux witnesses, also known as prior bad act” witnesses” were used to help convict Bill Cosby of sexual assault during his second trial in 2018.
Reporting was contributed by Jan Ransom, Jodi Kantor, Megan Twohey and James C. McKinley Jr.
Weinstein Jurors Focus on ‘Project Runway’ Assistant’s Complaint
The jury is reviewing testimony from Miriam Haley, who said Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her in 2006.
By Jan Ransom | Published Feb. 19, 2020 | New York Times | Posted February 21, 2020 |
The jury in Harvey Weinstein’s rape trial began its second day of deliberations by asking to review testimony and other evidence related to a former production assistant on “Project Runway,” who said that the producer had forced oral sex on her in 2006.
The jury sent a note to the judge at 9:50 a.m. on Wednesday, requesting to hear all of the testimony from the production assistant, Miriam Haley. Ms. Haley is one of two women whose allegations form the basis of the indictment against Mr. Weinstein.
Mr. Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty in State Supreme Court in Manhattan to five felony counts, including rape and predatory sexual assault. The two charges of predatory sexual assault require the jury to find that Mr. Weinstein committed a serious sexual assault against at least two women. If convicted on that charge, he would face up to life in prison.
By late Wednesday morning, the courtroom was again transformed into a stage for Ms. Haley’s recollections, as jurors listened intently as two court reporters read Ms. Haley’s testimony from Jan. 27.
Ms. Haley, 42, had testified that she first met Mr. Weinstein at a movie premiere in London in 2004. Two years later, she said, Mr. Weinstein got her a job on the reality television show “Project Runway.”
Ms. Haley testified that the producer tried to sexualize the relationship, commenting, for instance, on her legs. He also asked her to give him a massage, she said.
Another time, he showed up to her apartment unannounced and invited her to go to Paris with him, which she declined to do. Later, Ms. Haley agreed to go with Mr. Weinstein to a film premiere in Los Angeles. She said she did so because she would be traveling alone and because one of her friends in California was about to give birth.
On July 10, 2006, Mr. Weinstein invited Ms. Haley to visit him at his apartment in Manhattan’s TriBeCa neighborhood. After a brief conversation, she testified, he lunged at her.
“I pushed him away, and he kept kissing and fondling me,” Ms. Haley told the jury. “I got up and tried to walk away, and he pulled me toward him.”
She testified that Mr. Weinstein backed her into a bedroom where she fell onto the bed. She said she continued to tell him: “I don’t want this to happen. I’m on my period.” But, she said, he was not deterred.
“I was telling him, ‘No, no, no, don’t do that,’” Ms. Haley said. “It was as if he didn’t believe me.”
About two weeks later, Ms. Haley said, she met Mr. Weinstein at the TriBeCa Grand Hotel. When she entered his room, she said, the producer pulled her toward the bed. Though she was sobbing, Ms. Haley said, she had sex with him. Mr. Weinstein has not been charged in that encounter. Ms. Haley acknowledged on the stand that she did not “physically resist.”
Ms. Haley also acknowledged on cross-examination that after her second sexual encounter with Mr. Weinstein, she did not stop seeing him. She said she tried to maintain “a professional connection” with him. She passed scripts to Mr. Weinstein from friends and had pitched him on her own idea for a project.
Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers suggested that Ms. Haley and Mr. Weinstein had a consensual relationship. He gave her tickets to movie premieres and paid for her to fly to London shortly after the alleged assault.
The jury also asked for a read back of Ms. Haley’s cross-examination, as well as copies of friendly emails the two had sent to each other and of correspondence that Mr. Weinstein and his company had sent to others about Ms. Haley.
The emails included one from June 2008: “Hi Harvey, how are you?” Ms. Haley wrote. “Great to see you.” She signed off, “Lots of Love Miriam.”
Though six women testified at the trial, the criminal charges hinge on allegations made by Ms. Haley and Jessica Mann, 34, who testified that Mr. Weinstein raped her at the Doubletree Hotel in Midtown Manhattan in 2013.
In deciding the predatory sexual assault charges, however, the jury is also being asked to consider the testimony of Annabella Sciorra, the actress known for her work on “The Sopranos.”
Ms. Sciorra testified that Mr. Weinstein barged into her Manhattan apartment and raped her in the early 1990s. Her rape allegation is too old to be charged as a separate crime.
On Tuesday, the first day of deliberations, Justice James M. Burke instructed the jury to first consider predatory sexual assault as it relates to Ms. Haley and Ms. Sciorra. The notes that jurors sent out on Wednesday suggested they were still discussing that count, the first on the verdict sheet.
On Wednesday afternoon, the jury seemed to home in on Ms. Sciorra’s account. They asked to hear the testimony of the actress Rosie Perez, who said Ms. Sciorra had told her she had been raped after the incident and who later had identified Mr. Weinstein as her attacker.
The jury also requested copies of communications between Mr. Weinstein and Paul Feldsher, a writer and former talent agent who testified for the defense. Mr. Feldsher said Ms. Sciorra had characterized her encounter with Mr. Weinstein as a “crazy thing,” not an assault. “My understanding was that she fooled around with him,” he said.
Ms. Sciorra, best known for her roles in “Jungle Fever” and “The Sopranos,” denied saying that to Mr. Feldsher.
The jury also wanted to review emails that mentioned Ms. Sciorra, including communications with Guidepost Solutions, a private investigations firm, and Black Cube, the Israeli intelligence firm Mr. Weinstein hired to investigate certain people he believed were speaking to reporters.
Weinstein’s Lawyer Wrote an Article Addressing Jurors. The Judge Is Unhappy.
The film producer’s lawyer urged jurors to do “what they know is right,’’ prompting the prosecution to complain of jury tampering.
By Jan Ransom | Published Feb. 18, 2020 Updated Feb. 21, 2020, 3:14 p.m. ET | New York Times | Posted February 21, 2020 |
Over the weekend, just days before  jurors in the Harvey Weinstein case  were set to begin deliberations, his lead defense lawyer, Donna Rotunno, wrote an opinion piece imploring them “to do what they know is right.”
The article in Newsweek magazine  infuriated the Manhattan district attorney’s office, and on Tuesday the lead prosecutor, Joan Illuzzi, called Ms. Rotunno’s behavior “inappropriate,” and tantamount to jury tampering.
The judge ordered the defense team not to speak to the news media until after a verdict is reached.
“Defense team you are ordered to refrain from communicating with the press until there is a verdict in the case,” Justice James M. Burke told Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers. “I would caution you about the tentacles of your public relations juggernaut.”
The jurors were not in the courtroom at the time. As in many high-profile cases, jurors have been reminded every day by the judge not to follow any news media coverage of the case.
The judge’s order came just before he gave the jury final instructions. The panel of seven men and five women began deliberating at 11:30 a.m.
A half-hour later, the jurors sent a note to the judge asking for definitions of legal terms like consent and forcible compulsion, as well as written definitions of the charges against Mr. Weinstein and whether they could find him guilty of certain combinations of charges.
Mr. Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty in State Supreme Court in Manhattan to five felony charges, including rape, criminal sexual assault and predatory sexual assault.
The main charges in the indictment rest on the testimony of two women: Miriam Haley, a former production assistant who said the producer forced oral sex on her at his home in 2006, and Jessica Mann, a former actress who accused him of raping her in a Midtown Manhattan hotel in 2013.
But prosecutors are also using the testimony of the actress Annabella Sciorra, who said Mr. Weinstein raped her in the early 1990s, to bolster the charge that he is a sexual predator, even though the alleged attack is too old to be charged as a separate crime.
In their first note, the jurors also asked for an explanation about why the statute of limitations prevented a conviction based solely on Ms. Sciorra’s account. Her testimony was pivotal because if the jury finds her credible and also finds Mr. Weinstein guilty of sexually assaulting Ms. Haley or Ms. Mann, he can be found guilty of predatory sexual assault, which carries a life sentence.
To demonstrate a pattern of abuse, three other women were allowed to testify about their accusations that Mr. Weinstein sexually assaulted them. But he is not charged with crimes in those cases.
Shortly after 3 p.m., the jurors sent out a second note requesting the layout of Mr. Weinstein’s Manhattan loft, suggesting they were reviewing Ms. Haley’s allegation that the producer forced her to let him perform oral sex on her there in 2006. The jury also requested three emails in which Mr. Weinstein had listed people — he called them “red flags” — he wanted an Israeli intelligence firm, Black Cube, to investigate. Ms. Sciorra was on that list.
The argument in the morning was the third time the prosecution had called Ms. Rotunno’s public comments into question since the trial began with jury selection on Jan. 6.
Last month, prosecutors requested a gag order after Ms. Rotunno criticized Mr. Weinstein’s accusers in interviews with reporters. They made the same complaint after she participated in a New York Times podcast, in which she said, among other things, that she had never been sexually assaulted “because I would never put myself in that position.”
Prosecutors said Ms. Rotunno had also, in The Times’s podcast, called the accusers liars who were seeking fame. At the time, the judge warned the defense not to talk about the witnesses.
On Sunday, Ms. Rotunno took a new approach, addressing the jury of seven men and five women directly in her 284-word opinion piece in Newsweek.
“I implore the members of this jury to do what they know is right and was expected of them from the moment they were called upon to serve their civic duty in a court of law,” she wrote.
“The facts are the facts. Harvey Weinstein is innocent,” she went on. “His fate hangs in the balance, and the world is watching.”
Ms. Illuzzi, who read an excerpt from Ms. Rotunno’s essay, asked Justice Burke to order that Mr. Weinstein be held in custody during the jury deliberations. She suggested that the film producer was behind the decision to make a last-minute appeal to the jury through Newsweek.
“It is 100 percent inappropriate behavior,” Ms. Illuzzi said. “No way Ms. Rotunno did this without the prompting and encouragement and the knowledge and the permission of this defendant. It cannot be allowed in this courtroom or any courtroom in the country.”
Ms. Rotunno told the judge that she was seeking to counter the prosecution’s narrative that Mr. Weinstein is a predator.
“It is one small piece of a large media attack on Mr. Weinstein every single day and for the D.A.’s office to act like they don't talk to the media just because their name isn’t in the article is ridiculous,” Ms. Rotunno said. “I did not say anything beyond the bounds of what our system should do.”
Weinstein’s Lawyer Says Accusers Had a Choice in Sexual Encounters
During closing arguments, the defense said Harvey Weinstein was a victim of “overzealous prosecution.”
By Jan Ransom and Alan Feuer | Published Feb. 13, 2020 Updated Feb. 15, 2020 | New York Times | Posted February 21, 2020 |
A lawyer for Harvey Weinstein told jurors on Thursday that he was the victim of an “overzealous prosecution” and that prosecutors were acting like moviemakers, inventing an alternative world in which women are not responsible for their own behavior.
During a five-hour closing argument, the lawyer, Donna Rotunno, argued that Mr. Weinstein’s accusers had chosen to engage in consensual and often transactional relationships with him to advance their own careers.
Ms. Rotunno said prosecutors from the Manhattan district attorney’s office had woven “a sinister tale” during Mr. Weinstein’s rape trial, depicting him as a monster and his accusers as innocent, passive victims. But, she asserted, the prosecution lacked the evidence to prove it.
“In their story, they have created a universe that strips adult women of common sense, autonomy, and responsibility,” she said. “In their universe women are not responsible for the parties they attend, the men they flirt with, the choices they make to further their own careers, the hotel room invitations, the plane tickets they accept, the jobs they ask for help to obtain.”
The trial is widely seen as a watershed moment for the #MeToo movement, which gained momentum in October 2017 after Mr. Weinstein was publicly accused of assaulting and harassing numerous women.
Mr. Weinstein, 67, a former powerhouse producer in Hollywood known for films like “Pulp Fiction” and “Shakespeare in Love,” has pleaded not guilty to five felony charges, including rape, criminal sexual assault and predatory sexual assault. Prosecutors will present closing remarks on Friday. The jury of seven men and five women will begin deliberating on Tuesday.
Ms. Rotunno said her client had become “a target of a cause and of a movement.” She implored the jury not to give in to public pressure, but to focus on the facts in the case.
“You don’t have to like Mr. Weinstein — this is not a popularity contest. But you have to remember that we are not here to criminalize morality,” Ms. Rotunno said, adding moments later: “If you had to look at the evidence alone from their perspective, they lose.”
For a month, Mr. Weinstein listened as six women took the stand and testified that he had sexually assaulted them. He declined to testify himself.
He faces charges based on the allegations of only two of his accusers: Jessica Mann, a former actress who testified that he raped her in a Midtown Manhattan hotel in 2013, and Miriam Haley, a former production assistant on his show “Project Runway,” who said he forced oral sex on her at his TriBeCa apartment in 2006.
Both women acknowledged on cross-examination that they not only had friendly communications with Mr. Weinstein after their alleged attacks, but later had consensual sex with him.
The presiding judge, Justice James M. Burke, allowed four other women to testify about their own encounters so that prosecutors can establish a pattern of behavior, even though their allegations are too old to be charged as crimes under New York State law. The actress Annabella Sciorra, for instance, took the stand under the legal theory that her testimony would support the charges of predatory sexual assault, which carry a life sentence.
Ms. Sciorra testified that Mr. Weinstein pushed his way into her apartment and raped her after giving her a ride home from a dinner party in the early 1990s. The other accusers — Tarale Wulff, Dawn Dunning and Lauren Young — were all aspiring actresses who said Mr. Weinstein lured them to hotels on the pretense of helping their careers, and then sexually assaulted them.
Over and over, Ms. Rotunno returned to her central theme that Mr. Weinstein’s accusers were not passive victims of assaults, but active participants in consensual acts. “Women have choices,” she said.
Ms. Rotunno said that Ms. Haley’s relationship with Mr. Weinstein was something close to a romance, which began after he had gotten her the “Project Runway” job. “They have to label it as a professional relationship because if they labeled it as what it was, we wouldn’t be here,” Ms. Rotunno said.
Ms. Haley had also used Mr. Weinstein to further her career, Ms. Rotunno said, and had kept in touch with him through seemingly friendly emails well after she said he had attacked them. One email asked how Mr. Weinstein was doing and was signed “lots of love.”
“She was using him for jobs,” Ms. Rotunno said.
Ms. Rotunno argued that what Ms. Mann had described as a rape was sex between consenting adults. She said the evidence showed that Ms. Mann went willingly to Mr. Weinstein’s hotel room, got undressed and laid down on his bed. Ms. Mann never tried to stop Mr. Weinstein, and after the encounter, the lawyer said, she went to brunch with him.
“This is not rape,” Ms. Rotunno said. “This is not sexual assault. This is someone who agrees to do what had been discussed.”
Ms. Rotunno highlighted dozens of friendly and sometimes flirtatious emails Ms. Mann had sent to Mr. Weinstein from 2013 to 2017. Each time Ms. Mann got a new telephone number, Ms. Rotunno noted, she made sure Mr. Weinstein had it. “Five or six times she says, ‘Oh, here’s my new number,’” Ms. Rotunno said.
Ms. Sciorra, who gave some of the strongest testimony, had misremembered what happened, the defense lawyer argued. She pointed to evidence the actress had told a friend at the time that “she did something crazy” with Mr. Weinstein, but did not describe the encounter as rape.
Yet when a reporter reached out to Ms. Sciorra in 2017 about Mr. Weinstein’s treatment of women, Ms. Rotunno said: “She has changed her memories, and now she was raped. Now she is the darling of a movement.”
Ms. Rotunno said Ms. Young, Ms. Wulff and Ms. Dunning had also changed their stories over time, and she suggested they came forward only in the interest of fame.
She urged the jurors to consider how Mr. Weinstein’s accusers behaved and what they said in communications with him. The prosecution, she said, had created a fictional world — a “story that they spun” — where “women have no free will and no choice.”
“In that world, facts don’t matter,” Ms. Rotunno said. “In this world, facts matter. Evidence matters.”
Weinstein Has the ‘Mark of a Predator,’ Prosecutor Says as Trial Nears End
Harvey Weinstein stayed in touch with women he assaulted to ensure their silence, a prosecutor said in her closing argument.
By Jan Ransom and Alan Feuer | Published Feb. 14, 2020, Updated Feb. 18, 2020 | New York Times | Posted February 21, 2020 |
A prosecutor said on Friday that the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was “an abusive rapist” and “a predator” who used his power to manipulate and assault several women in the movie business, then stayed in touch with them to ensure their silence and compliance.
“He had a surefire insurance policy: That the witnesses were standing in line to get into his universe,” Joan Illuzzi, an assistant district attorney, told the jury during her closing arguments at Mr. Weinstein’s rape trial.
“The universe is run by me,” she added, adopting Mr. Weinstein’s point of view, “therefore they don’t get to complain when they’re stepped on, spit on, demoralized and yes, raped and abused by the defendant.”
Ms. Illuzzi’s summation of Mr. Weinstein’s tactic — “trick and surprise,” she called it — was a dramatic finale to the trial in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, which has emerged as a watershed moment for the #MeToo movement.
In her presentation, Ms. Illuzzi returned repeatedly to the difference in power between Mr. Weinstein — “a giant” in the film industry — and his accusers, who worked as cocktail waitresses or models and were trying to break into the film industry.
“It is a complete dichotomy,” she said. “Here is the defendant with everything using and abusing people who he knows has nothing.”
Mr. Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty to five felony charges in the case — including rape, criminal sexual assault and predatory sexual assault — which carry a maximum penalty of life in prison.
Six women testified at trial that he had sexually assaulted them, though he faces charges in connection with only two of them. The others were allowed to testify to establish a pattern of behavior.
On Thursday, his lawyers made their own closing pitch to the jury, claiming that he himself had been the victim of an “overzealous prosecution” and that the six women who took the stand to accuse him of assault and other crimes were not passive victims, but active participants in ongoing and often transactional relationships.
Standing before the jury on Friday, Ms. Illuzzi sought to counter that narrative, arguing that Mr. Weinstein purposefully maintained ties with his victims to keep them under his control.
“He made sure he had contact with the people he was worried about,” Ms. Illuzzi said, adding, “That’s the mark of a predator.”
The indictment rests on the accusations of two women: Miriam Haley, a former reality television show production assistant who testified that Mr. Weinstein forcibly performed oral sex on her at his TriBeCa apartment in 2006; and Jessica Mann, an aspiring actress from a small town in Washington State, who claimed he raped her in a Midtown Manhattan hotel room in 2013.
Both women acknowledged during cross-examination that they not only had friendly interactions with Mr. Weinstein after their alleged attacks, but later had consensual sex with him.
Four other women also testified that Mr. Weinstein attacked them in various ways — among them, the actress Annabella Sciorra, best known for her role in “The Sopranos.” She testified last month that Mr. Weinstein pushed his way into her Gramercy Park apartment in the winter months of 1993 or 1994 then violently raped her even as she kicked and punched him.
Prosecutors are using her testimony to support the top charge of predatory sexual assault, which carries a possible life sentence.
The accusations of Ms. Sciorra and three other accusers were barred by the statute of limitations from being charged as separate crimes. Still, the presiding judge, Justice James M. Burke allowed them to take the stand to bolster the prosecution’s contention that Mr. Weinstein engaged in a pattern of abusive behavior over decades.
Ms. Illuzzi stood directly in front of the jury delivering closing remarks in a conversational style and the occasional lighthearted quips. She began her closing remarks with the prosecution’s strongest witness: Ms. Sciorra.
The prosecutor acknowledged Ms. Sciorra never reported the alleged rape to the police, but she did tell her friend and fellow actress, Rosie Perez, though in veiled terms.
Not reporting the assault left Ms. Sciorra, who soon began self-harming, a damaged woman and made her vulnerable to further abuse by Mr. Weinstein, the prosecutor said. “The defendant knew her now as a weak link, a weak mark he could get again,” Ms. Illuzzi said.
Mr. Weinstein sought to control Ms. Sciorra again in August 2017, Ms. Illuzzi said, as rumors began to swirl that journalists were going to expose his sexual misconduct. That month, Mr. Weinstein hired an Israeli intelligence firm, Black Cube, to investigate certain “red flags” like Ms. Sciorra, whom Mr. Weinstein believed were speaking to reporters.
Ms. Illuzzi focused the jury’s attention on an email dated Oct. 26, 2017. In it, Mr. Weinstein instructed a subordinate to handle questions from Ronan Farrow of The New Yorker about his relationship with Ms. Sciorra by saying, “We are going to say it was consensual or deny it.”
“Truth be damned,” Ms. Illuzzi said, referring to his email. Then she told the jury, “I submit to you, that’s a confession.”
In the defense’s closing arguments on Thursday, Donna Rotunno, Mr. Weinstein’s lead lawyer, said several times that the accusers in the case had chosen to engage in consensual sex with him to advance their careers, and their decisions to visit Mr. Weinstein in hotels and at his apartment supported that argument.
On Friday, however, Ms. Illuzzi took direct issue with that position. “When an adult goes to another adult’s home, should they expect that they’re going to have to engage in sex?” she asked the jury.
Ms. Illuzzi was talking about Ms. Haley, who testified that when she visited Mr. Weinstein at his Manhattan loft, he pulled her into a bedroom, pushed her onto a bed, held her down and forcibly performed oral sex on her.
“This is a crime and a wanton disregard for other people,” Ms. Illuzzi said.
She later suggested that Mr. Weinstein could have hired sex workers, but had instead targeted women who badly wanted to break into the business: “Maybe his kink,” she said, “is the fear in their eyes.”
Toward the end of her statement, Ms. Illuzzi turned her attention toward Ms. Mann, the aspiring actress who earlier this month gave a complicated and emotional account of how Mr. Weinstein raped her during a long relationship that included some consensual sex.
Ms. Mann’s testimony was emblematic of the difficult questions that the jury will ultimately have to wrestle with when they begin their deliberations as early as Tuesday. Did the fact that some of the women benefited professionally from their association with Mr. Weinstein suggest their relationships with him were consensual and transactional? And does the fact some of his accusers also had consensual sex with him undermine their claim that he on other occasions sexually assaulted them?
Ms. Illuzzi addressed those questions head-on.
“The question is not whether or not Jessica made a bad decision,” Ms. Illuzzi told the jury. “The question for you is whether or not Jessica Mann is lying about it. She’s telling you the truth. She’s the victim of rape.”
“She could have been writing him love notes every single day,” Ms. Illuzzi added. “She could have been married to him. It still wouldn’t make a difference. He still would not be allowed to rape her.”
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artinlyrics · 5 years
Facebook Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
At that point you've likely heard you should be on Facebook. It's the greatest informal community on the planet, with 2.27 billion dynamic clients, almost 1.5 billion of whom are dynamic consistently.
From a diminutive startup with Ivy League school children share photographs, it's currently turned into a noteworthy player in enterprises like media, advertising, and innovation.
As of late, however, Facebook has been entangled in many scandals.
From Cambridge Analytica, to record hacking, to Russian impedance, and that's just the beginning—is Facebook still worth contributing time and vitality? Or then again are its days numbered?
The appropriate response is that in spite of the outrages, look into demonstrates Facebook's clients don't appear to have changed their conduct.
Despite everything you'll locate your best advertising open doors on the world's greatest informal community, and that won't change at any point in the near future. Investing energy learning Facebook advertising merits the venture.
In this guide, I'll tell you the nuts and bolts of the best way to utilize Facebook to further your potential benefit. The guide is gone for the learner who needs a prologue to advertising their business on the world's biggest informal organization.
Is your group of spectators on Facebook?
Before we go into itemized techniques on the best way to showcase on Facebook, we should respond to the principal question—is your crowd even on Facebook?
The appropriate response is, most likely.
The latest information by Pew Research Center demonstrates that each age utilizes at any rate one interpersonal organization site, with more youthful clients with higher rates.
In addition, the two people utilize internet based life in about equivalent numbers.
What's more, with regards to which system individuals use, Facebook commands the rundown. In January 2018, 68% of Americans utilized Facebook, with Instagram in inaccessible second spot with 35%.
(YouTube was incorporated without precedent for 2018 with 73% of Americans utilizing it, however was any sort of client, not simply individuals.)
As such, regardless of what age gathering you're focusing, there will be all that could possibly be needed of those clients on Facebook.
Here's the manner by which to get things set up and begin advancing through Facebook.
Market with Facebook Pages
The first and most evident Facebook advertising instrument for brands is Facebook Pages. Like an individual profile, a Page is the center point of data for your image, be it an organization, item, administration, or even master or superstar.
Clients can "Like" a page and "Pursue" it, which means they'll naturally get refreshes from that page in their news source.
Be that as it may, so as to see the posts each time they are included, you have to tap the choice to view posts first. Something else, it's possible you won't see the updates in light of the fact that Facebook needs Pages to lift posts (pay) for greater perceivability and reach.
So when you get individuals to like your page, it's a smart thought to prescribe they tail you and see your posts first. It'll spare you a great deal of cash in the long haul on the off chance that you don't need to lift posts to such an extent or regularly.
There are a couple of key contrasts among pages and profiles. To associate with somebody as an individual profile, you'll both need to affirm the kinship demand.
When you have a page, individuals can like and pursue with no endorsement from you.
Another distinction is that there are no restrictions to the quantity of individuals that can like your page. In the event that you have an individual record, you can just have 5,000 companions. Yet, a page can have thousands or even a huge number of individuals who like it.
The best piece of Pages is that they're free and simple to set up. You can truly assemble another Page in the following 15 minutes and look as expert as a Fortune 500 organization.
(In spite of the fact that you presumably won't have the same number of preferences without a great deal of work.)
The drawback is only that—they can be difficult to get off the ground. Except if you're a VIP or significant brand like Coke or BMW, it takes a great deal of work to get more individuals to like your page.
However, in case you're going to begin with this, you'll have to set up an expert page. Here's the ticket.
The most effective method to set up the ideal Facebook Page
Sadly, numerous organizations don't utilize Facebook Pages to their maximum capacity. More awful, a few brands use them inadequately and really hurt their believability.
These rules will enable you to abstain from committing those errors.
Profile photograph and spread picture
Your profile photograph ought to be your logo. Straightforward as that.
The spread picture is an alternate story. It's truly dependent upon you to choose what to put here. Some utilization photographs of workers, while others utilize extravagant craftsmanship and put their contact data in the spread picture.
M&Ms works admirably mixing their logo, characters, and item into their photographs.
Pick a photograph that will upgrade your page and draw the eye of your guests.
"About" area
The "About" area is conspicuously set ideal beneath your organization logo. This is your opportunity to advise anybody going to your page what your business does.
It's short, so don't attempt to fit everything in. Simply the nuts and bolts are ideal.
In the full about area, try to incorporate more subtleties.
Clarify what your organization does, for what reason you're unique, and other intriguing realities. On the off chance that you can, set aside the effort to compose it explicitly for your Facebook group of spectators.
In any case, in case you're after all other options have been exhausted, you can simply duplicate the content from the "About" page of your site or blog. Make sure to fill in the majority of your information under "Fundamental Info."
Passage works superbly including their features and contact information on their data page.
In the event that you have a physical business, you can include a couple of more highlights like area and hours. This page from Eighth Generation is a genuine model.
Simply make sure to keep it well disposed and casual. An easygoing tone for the most part works best on Facebook.
Post valuable data to your course of events
What you post to your divider will appear in the news sources of everybody who has "Loved" your page, similarly as it does when you present something on your own profile.
Along these lines, ensure what you're presenting is valuable on your fans. Try not to post unlimited updates about something very similar, and don't post again and again, obstructing the news channels of your fans.
Significant brands like Apple normally just post things they realize will intrigue their fans, similar to remarkable video advertisements or item declarations.
Here are a few thoughts for the sorts of things you should need to post to your divider:
Connections to articles identified with your organization or your industry
Connections to your blog entries
Coupon codes for fans to save money on your items
New item declarations
Connections to online apparatuses your fans may discover helpful
Once more, ensure that your posts are useful or fascinating. Additionally, don't post time and again every day except if there's a unique occasion going on.
Spam is perhaps the snappiest approaches to lose fans. In the event that you don't do anything however convey limited time blurbs about your organization, while never including anything of significant worth, at that point you will experience serious difficulties getting and keeping fans.
Before you convey an update, inquire as to whether it genuinely increases the value of the discussion. On the off chance that it doesn't, don't send it.
Concentrate your measurements and results
Facebook Insights offers some extremely incredible investigation for pages. Focus on them. In the event that you see a major flood in fans (or a drop off), see what you've posted as of late and check whether you can make sense of a purpose behind the pattern.
At that point, post a greater amount of that sort of substance (or less, in case you're losing fans).
Utilizing gatherings, commercial center, and occupations
Over the most recent couple of years, Facebook has included a couple of new highlights for various sorts of pages.
Here's the manner by which to utilize them to advance your organization or brand.
The most effective method to advertise with Facebook Groups
Facebook has had bunches for some time, however they as of late given you a chance to make brand-based gatherings related with your page.
In the first place, you'll need a Facebook Page for your image. At that point you can make a gathering to go with that page.
This permits somewhat more power over the gathering since you can connect your organization to it.
Facebook gatherings are like dialog discussions, however with extra highlights that pages and profiles have (like a course of events).
You can make gatherings identified with your industry or item contributions as an approach to connect with potential clients.
The incredible thing about Facebook Groups is that, similar to Pages, they're free. They likewise will in general have large amounts of commitment. On the drawback, they can be very tedious.
To deal with a Page you may just need to check in once per day (or even less) to present something and answer on remarks.
With a Group, you'll need to always screen exchanges, post questions, and oversee individuals—maybe on different occasions every day.
The most effective method to advertise with Facebook Marketplace
On the off chance that you have items to sell, Facebook Marketplace may be a distinct advantage for you. It's like Craigslist however incorporated with the Facebook biological system.
It's a generally more up to date include Facebook is as yet updating, however it has gigantic potential for eCommerce retailers and different kinds of item based organizations.
On the off chance that you sell items like this, think about setting up a shop. This gives you a chance to list items on a different "Shop" tab on your Facebook Page.
When you list items, they're accessible crosswise over Facebook and others can discover them.
In case you're in eCommerce, it's a showcasing technique you have to begin utilizing at the earliest opportunity.
Instructions to utilize Facebook Jobs
At long last, you can post employments to Facebook. This is another more current component, propelled over the most recent couple of years or somewhere in the vicinity.
Obviously, this isn't average advertising like a great many people use on Facebook, however it very well may be extremely useful in case you're hoping to contract somebody. For instance, independent site FreeeUp records work postings on its Facebook Page tab.
It's simply one more way you can utilize the monstrous intensity of Facebook to enable your organization to develop.
Directed Advertising
Facebook offers a phenomenal focused on promoting stage.
You can make advertisements focused at explicit geographic regions, ages, training levels, and even the kinds of gadgets utilized for perusing. Facebook additionally gives clients a chance to conceal promotions they wear'
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atakportal · 6 years
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orbemnews · 3 years
Celebrities Are Endorsing Covid Vaccines. Does It Help? Pelé, Dolly Parton and the Dalai Lama have little in common apart from this: Over a few days in March, they became the latest celebrity case studies for the health benefits of Covid-19 vaccines. “I just want to say to all of you cowards out there: Don’t be such a chicken squat,” Ms. Parton, 75, said in a video that she posted on Twitter after receiving her vaccine in Tennessee. “Get out there and get your shot.” This is hardly the first time public figures have thrown their popularity behind an effort to change the behavior of ordinary people. In medicine, celebrity endorsements tend to echo or reinforce messages that health authorities are trying to publicize, whether it’s getting a vaccine, or other medical treatment. In 18th-century Russia, Catherine the Great was inoculated against smallpox as part of her campaign to promote the nationwide rollout of the procedure. Almost 200 years later, backstage at “The Ed Sullivan Show,” Elvis Presley received the polio vaccine in an effort to help reach at-risk teenagers. But do the star-studded endorsements really work? Not necessarily. Epidemiologists say there are plenty of caveats and potential pitfalls — and little scientific evidence to prove that the endorsements actually boost vaccine uptake. “Very few people actually do give the weight of expertise, for better or worse, to celebrities,” said René F. Najera, an epidemiologist and the editor of the History of Vaccines website, a project of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. “There’s some shift there now with social media and social influence in the younger age groups,” he added. “But for the most part, we still listen more to our peers than to some figurehead.” As vaccination campaigns accelerate around the world, watching high-profile endorsements has become one of the latest — and among the weirdest — online rituals of the Covid era. To help track the phenomenon, New York Magazine over the winter kept a running list of newly vaccinated celebrities that includes Christie Brinkley (“piece of cake”), Whoopi Goldberg (“I didn’t feel it”) and Mandy Patinkin (“One of the few benefits of being old”). Journalists in India have done the same for Bollywood film stars. In Europe, pictures of male politicians getting their shots while shirtless have generated a bunch of memes. An epidemiologist in Oregon, Dr. Esther Choo, joked on Twitter that the French health minister, Olivier Véran, was carrying out a public-relations campaign that she called “Operation Smolder.” Such posts are notable because they instantly allow millions of people to see the raw mechanics of immunization — needles and all — at a time when skepticism toward Covid vaccines has been stubbornly persistent in the United States and beyond. The rapid-fire testimonials by Pelé, Ms. Parton and the Dalai Lama in March, for example, collectively reached more than 30 million followers and prompted hundreds of thousands of engagements across Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. In April, the singer Ciara hosted a star-studded NBC special meant to promote vaccinations, with appearances by former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, as well as Lin-Manuel Miranda, Jennifer Hudson, Matthew McConaughey and others. “These kind of endorsements might be especially important if trust in government/official sources is quite low,” Tracy Epton, a psychologist at the University of Manchester in Britain who has studied public health interventions during the coronavirus pandemic, said in an email. Updated  April 30, 2021, 9:52 p.m. ET That was the case in the 1950s, when Elvis Presley agreed to receive the polio vaccine to help the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis reach a demographic — teenagers — that was “difficult to educate and inspire through traditional means,” said Stephen E. Mawdsley, a lecturer in modern American history at the University of Bristol in Britain. “I think Elvis helped to make getting vaccinated seem ‘cool’ and not just the responsible thing to do,” Dr. Mawdsley said. There is some evidence that celebrity endorsements of a given medical behavior can have concrete results. After Katie Couric had a colonoscopy live on the “Today” show in 2000, for example, the number of colorectal screenings in the United States soared for about nine months. And in Indonesia, researchers found in a pre-coronavirus experiment that when 46 celebrities agreed to tweet or retweet pro-immunization messages, their posts were more popular than similar ones from noncelebrities. That was especially true when the celebrities delivered the message in their own voices, rather than citing someone else, researchers found. “Their voice matters,” said Vivi Alatas, an economist in Indonesia and a co-author of that study. “It’s not just their ability to reach followers.” For the most part, though, the science linking celebrity endorsements to behavioral change is tenuous. One reason is that people generally consider those within their own personal networks, not celebrities, the best sources of advice about changing their own behavior, Dr. Najera said. He cited a 2018 study that found few gun owners in the United States rated celebrities as effective communicators about safe gun storage. The owners were far more likely to trust law enforcement officers, active-duty military personnel, hunting or outdoor groups, and family members. Dr. Najera and other researchers have been convening focus groups of Americans to find out what has prompted them to agree — or not — to be vaccinated against Covid-19. He said the primary finding so far was that rates of uptake or hesitancy often corresponded to vaccine behavior among a given person’s racial, ethnic or socioeconomic peer group. Ho Phi Huynh, a professor of psychology at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, said that vaccine endorsements from celebrities tended to have a “spectrum of effect” because the degree of star admiration varies so much from fan to fan. Some see a celebrity merely as entertainment, Dr. Huynh said, while others form attachments to them that may compensate for a lack of authentic relationships in their own lives. “So going back to Dolly, if people perceive her to be a ‘typical liberal’ celebrity, there might be little influence for a large faction of the country,” he said. In Indonesia this winter, it took only a few hours for a mega-celebrity to undercut his own vaccine endorsement. The government had chosen the entertainer Raffi Ahmad, 34, to be among the first in the country to receive a Covid shot in January. “Don’t be afraid of vaccines,” he told his Instagram followers, who numbered nearly 50 million at the time, almost a fifth of the country’s population. That night, he was spotted partying without a mask, and accused of breaking the public’s trust. “Please you can do better than this,” Sinna Sherina Munaf, an Indonesian musician, told Mr. Ahmad and her nearly 11 million followers on Twitter. “Your followers are counting on you.” Source link Orbem News #Celebrities #Covid #Endorsing #Vaccines
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
It Might Be Unethical or Even Illegal, but Not if You’re the President https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/18/us/politics/trump-g7-ethics.html
As Inquiry Widens, McConnell Is Said to See Impeachment Trial as Inevitable
By Carl Hulse | Published Oct. 18, 2019 Updated 9:31 PM ET | New York Times | Posted October 18, 2019 |
WASHINGTON — It was only a few weeks ago that the top Senate Republican was hinting that his chamber would make short work of impeachment.
But this week, Senator Mitch McConnell sat his colleagues down over lunch in the Capitol and warned them to prepare for an extended impeachment trial of President Trump.
According to people who were there, he came equipped with a PowerPoint presentation, complete with quotes from the Constitution, as he schooled fellow senators on the intricacies of a process he portrayed as all but inevitable.
Few Republicans are inclined to convict Mr. Trump on charges that he abused his power to enlist Ukraine in an effort to smear his political rivals. Instead, Mr. McConnell sees the proceedings as necessary to protect a half a dozen moderates in states like Maine, Colorado and North Carolina who face re-election next year and must show voters they are giving the House impeachment charges a serious review.
It’s people like Senator Susan Collins of Maine who will be under immense political pressure as they decide the president’s fate.
“To overturn an election, to decide whether or not to convict a president is about as serious as it gets,” Ms. Collins said.
Mr. McConnell is walking a careful line of his own in managing the fast-moving impeachment process. On Friday, the senator wrote a scathing op-ed criticizing the president’s decision to pull back troops from northern Syria, calling it a “grave strategic mistake.” But Mr. McConnell views it as his role to protect a president of his own party from impeachment and in a recent fund-raising video, he vowed to stop it.
The mood among Republicans on Capitol Hill has shifted from indignant to anxious as a parade of administration witnesses has submitted to closed-door questioning by impeachment investigators and corroborated central elements of the whistle-blower complaint that sparked the inquiry.
They grew more worried still on Thursday, after Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, undercut the president’s defense by saying that Mr. Trump had indeed withheld security aid from Ukraine in order to spur an investigation of his political rivals. Mr. Mulvaney later backtracked, but the damage was done.
“I couldn’t believe it — I was very surprised that he said that,” said Representative Francis Rooney, Republican of Florida, who mocked Mr. Mulvaney’s attempts to take back comments that had been broadcast live from the White House briefing room.
“It’s not an Etch A Sketch,” Mr. Rooney said, miming the tipping movement that erases the toy drawing board. “There were a lot of Republicans looking at that headline yesterday when it came up, I certainly was.”
Senator Lisa Murkowski — an Alaskan Republican who is seen as potentially open to removing Mr. Trump from office — told reporters that a president should never engage in the kinds of actions that Mr. Mulvaney appeared to acknowledge.
“You don’t hold up foreign aid that we had previously appropriated for a political initiative,” she said. “Period.”
Still, Republicans said they did not detect a significant shift that would pose a serious threat to the president in the Senate. It would require 20 Republicans to side with Democrats in convicting Mr. Trump, and few observers believe that will happen.
Mr. McConnell, his allies said, regards the impeachment fight in much the same way as he did the struggle last year to confirm Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, in which he was primarily concerned with protecting his Senate majority by insulating vulnerable incumbents. Then, as now, they said, Mr. McConnell is focused on keeping Republicans as united as possible, while allowing those with reservations about Mr. Trump’s conduct and their own political considerations to justify their decision to their constituents.
“I think he will play it straight,” said Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas and a close McConnell ally, who noted his party’s narrow voting margin. “I don’t think he has any alternative. When you are operating with 53 you have thin margins and you can’t jam anybody or you end up with undesirable consequences.”
Mr. McConnell has told colleagues he expects the House to impeach Mr. Trump quickly, possibly by Thanksgiving, an educated hunch based on the pace of the inquiry so far and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to keep the inquiry narrowly focused on Mr. Trump’s dealings with Ukraine. He plans to move swiftly too, he told colleagues, using the approach of Christmas to force the Senate to complete its work before the beginning of 2020.
Yet an impeachment trial is a spectacle that is by its nature unpredictable, and most of the senators who will act as jurors were not around for the last one, of Bill Clinton in 1999. Mr. McConnell reminded senators that Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. would preside over the trial, and would have wide latitude in handling motions that might be made, including any motion to dismiss the charges that Republicans might try to put forward to short circuit the process.
Mr. McConnell’s declaration that the Senate would move forward was in part designed to show he had no choice, an effort to deflect criticism from conservatives outraged that the Senate would even consider impeachment.
On Wednesday, Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, pushed for Senate Republicans to write a letter to Ms. Pelosi declaring that they would not remove the president. But some senators raised objections, worrying that some of their colleagues would not want to sign on, a result that would expose disunity among Republicans. Mr. Graham’s colleagues said they believe they staved off the letter, which they viewed as a mistake.
Mr. McConnell has made it clear that he plans to sit down with Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, to see if they can find a mutually acceptable way to move forward as Democrats and Republicans did in 1999 when they unanimously agreed on the framework for the impeachment trial. The Senate is much more polarized now, though Mr. Schumer this week held out hope.
“We have to do this trial in a fair and bipartisan way and I hope that Leader McConnell would obey those strictures,” Mr. Schumer said. In the battle for Senate control, Democrats have their own political risks to consider since impeachment could prompt a backlash against some of their candidates if enough voters conclude that the president was pursued unfairly.
Just 15 senators remain in office from the time Mr. Clinton was put on trial. Mr. McConnell warned them of the weight of the trial, where they can be required to be on the floor all afternoon six days a week without speaking — a major challenge for senators who relish their chances to be heard.
“It will mean day after day sitting in chamber, listening to the two sides, writing questions for them to answer that go through the chief justice,” said Ms. Collins, one of the Republicans who voted to acquit Mr. Clinton 20 years ago. “Members who have not been through this before will find it is a great deal of work.”
Michael D. Shear contributed reporting.
The Crisis of the Republican Party
The G.O.P. will not be able to postpone a reckoning on Donald Trump’s presidency for much longer.
By The Editorial Board | Published October 18, 2019 | New York Times | Posted October 18, 2019 |
The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op-Ed section.
In the summer of 1950, outraged by Joseph McCarthy’s anti-Communist inquisition, Margaret Chase Smith, a Republican senator from Maine, stood to warn her party that its own behavior was threatening the integrity of the American republic. “I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horsemen of calumny — fear, ignorance, bigotry and smear,” she said. “I doubt if the Republican Party could — simply because I don’t believe the American people will uphold any political party that puts political exploitation above national interest. Surely, we Republicans aren’t that desperate for victory.”
Senator Smith surely knew her “Declaration of Conscience” would not carry the day. Her appeal to the better angels of her party was not made in the expectation of an immediate change; sometimes the point is just to get people to look up. In the end, four more years passed before the bulk of the Republican Party looked up and turned on Senator McCarthy — four years of public show trials and thought policing that pushed the country so hard to the right that the effects lasted decades. The problem with politicians who abuse power isn’t that they don’t get results. It’s that the results come at a high cost to the Republic — and to the reputations of those who lack the courage or wisdom to resist.
The Republican Party is again confronting a crisis of conscience, one that has been gathering force ever since Donald Trump captured the party’s nomination in 2016. Afraid of his political influence, and delighted with his largely conservative agenda, party leaders have compromised again and again, swallowing their criticisms and tacitly if not openly endorsing presidential behavior they would have excoriated in a Democrat. Compromise by compromise, Donald Trump has hammered away at what Republicans once saw as foundational virtues: decency, honesty, responsibility. He has asked them to substitute loyalty to him for their patriotism itself.
Mr. Trump privately pressed Ukraine to serve his political interests by investigating a political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, as well as by looking into a long-debunked conspiracy theory about Democratic National Committee emails that were stolen by the Russians. Mr. Trump publicly made a similar request of China. His chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, said publicly on Thursday that the administration threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine if it did not help “find” the D.N.C. servers.
These attempts to enlist foreign interference in American electoral democracy are an assault not only on our system of government but also on the integrity of the Republican Party. Republicans need to emulate the moral clarity of Margaret Chase Smith and recognize that they have a particular responsibility to condemn the president’s behavior and to reject his tactics.
Some have already done so. On Friday, John Kasich, the former Ohio governor, said that Mr. Mulvaney’s comments convinced him that the impeachment inquiry should move forward. Representative Justin Amash of Michigan had already called for impeachment, though he felt it necessary to leave the party as a consequence.
There was a time when Republicans like Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa said that soliciting foreign election assistance would be improper. But most congressional Republicans have taken to avoiding such questions as the evidence against Mr. Trump has piled up. Mr. Trump still feels so well-protected by his party that he has just named his own golf resort as the site for the next Group of 7 summit in 2020, a brazen act of self-dealing.
Yet Republicans will not be able to postpone a reckoning with Trumpism for much longer. The investigation by House Democrats appears likely to result in a vote for impeachment, despite efforts by the White House to obstruct the inquiry. That will force Senate Republicans to choose. Will they commit themselves and their party wholly to Mr. Trump, embracing even his most anti-democratic actions, or will they take the first step toward separating themselves from him and restoring confidence in the rule of law?
Thus far in office, Mr. Trump has acted against the national interest by maintaining his financial interests in his company and using the presidential podium to promote it; obstructed legitimate investigations into his conduct by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and Congress; attacked the free press; given encouragement to white nationalists; established a de facto religious test for immigrants; undermined foreign alliances and emboldened American rivals; demanded personal loyalty from subordinates sworn to do their duty to the Constitution; and sent his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, around the world to conduct what could most charitably be described as shadow foreign policy with Mr. Trump’s personal benefit as its lodestar.
Some Republicans have clearly believed that they could control the president by staying close to him and talking him out of his worst ideas. Ask Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina — who has spent the last two years prostrating himself before Mr. Trump in the hope of achieving his political goals, including protecting the Kurds — how that worked out. Mr. Graham isn’t alone, of course; there is a long list of politicians who have debased themselves to please Mr. Trump, only to be abandoned by him like a sack of rotten fruit in the end. That’s the way of all autocrats; they eventually turn on everyone save perhaps their own relatives, because no one can live up to their demands for fealty.
The Constitution’s framers envisioned America’s political leaders as bound by a devotion to country above all else. That’s why all elected officials take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. By protecting Donald Trump at all costs from all consequences, the Republicans risk violating that sacred oath.
Senator Smith’s question once again hangs over the Republican Party: Surely they are not so desperate for short-term victory as to tolerate this behavior? We’ll soon find out.
Mulvaney, as Clouseau, Solves Mystery!
The acting chief of staff’s admission changes everything.
By Bret Stephen's, Opinion Columnist | Published Oct. 18, 2019, 8:45 PM ET | New York Times | Posted October 18, 2019 |
John Maynard Keynes may not have been the one who said, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” But the line, often attributed to him, remains a good one. And it captures my shifting view of the impeachment inquiry.
That view shifted again this week with Mick Mulvaney’s hallucinatory press conference on Thursday, in which he appeared to admit a version of the quid pro quo the president and his minions have spent the past few weeks fervently denying. “Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the D.N.C. server?” the acting chief of staff said of the president. “Absolutely. No question about that.”
He added: “That’s why we held up the money.”
Mulvaney clarified his comments — which is to say, contradicted himself — a few hours later, insisting in a carefully scripted statement, “There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the matter of the D.N.C. server.” For this, he offered as proof “the fact that the aid money was delivered without any action on the part of the Ukrainians regarding the server.”
True. Except, as everyone knows, the money was released only after several infuriated lawmakers, including Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, pushed the administration to deliver the aid without ever being told the real story of why it had been delayed in the first place.
In other words, a White House that initially insisted it had nothing to hide was, in fact, hiding something. It then claimed that it didn’t intend to do what it clearly intended to do, based on the fact that it didn’t get away with doing it. Next, it compounded the prevarication by admitting to its intentions, and insisting there was nothing wrong with them. And, finally, it reverted to denying those intentions altogether.
What kind of fool is Mulvaney, to take the rest of us for such fools?
Mulvaney’s Inspector Clouseau routine follows a week of disclosures about the extent to which U.S. policy toward Ukraine became the province of Rudy Giuliani to the exclusion of the State Department and National Security Council. Giuliani, in turn, was paid $500,000 by the company of a shady business associate who was helping him dig for political dirt in Ukraine. That associate and his partner were recently pulled from a flight on one-way tickets and arrested on charges of campaign-finance violations connected to the ouster of the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. No wonder John Bolton described this shadow foreign policy as a “drug deal.”
Donald Trump’s inveterate defenders insist that the president is entitled to conduct foreign policy any way he wants, and delegate authority to whomever he pleases. That just isn’t true.
No president has the right, ever, to use the powers of his office to enrich himself, which is what Trump appears to be doing by designating his Florida golf resort as the site of the next G7 meeting. No president has the automatic right to impound congressionally appropriated funds, above all for nakedly political ends. No president may delegate foreign policy to anyone who abuses that trust for personal profit. No president should derail the career of a foreign-service officer because she would not violate the trust of her office to enable his political vendettas.
And no president should lie so wantonly about his public conduct or enlist the officers of government in the concealment of that conduct. This has been the story of the Trump administration from its first day.
For Democrats, the question is whether impeachment is the right response to indisputably outrageous acts. I’ve previously been skeptical for several reasons, not least that a party-line vote in the House would simultaneously diminish the stigma of impeachment while boosting the president’s re-election chances. And I was particularly skeptical if the entire case against Trump rested on that one phone call.
Now it’s clear that it doesn’t. Whatever the political calculus, the impeachment inquiry needs to press on, aggressively.
As for Republicans, a question they might usefully ask themselves is whether the standard of behavior they now either accept or embrace in this president is one they are prepared to condone in a Democratic administration. All of their casuistry in Trump’s defense today may, and probably will, be used against them in the future. The wretched bargain that partisans inevitably make with demagogues on their side is that they inspire, and license, the demagoguery of the other.
A suggestion for Nancy Pelosi: Offer the House a vote on censure, neither as a substitute for the impeachment inquiry nor for impeachment itself, but as an opportunity for members to go on record as to how they judge the president. It would give at least a few Republicans, for whom an impeachment vote is a political bridge too far, an opportunity to save a piece of their souls. History will judge the rest.
It Might Be Unethical or Even Illegal, but Not if You’re the President
By Eric Lipton | Published Oct. 18, 2019, 8:14 PM ET | New York Times |
WASHINGTON — The rules are clear for nearly everyone who works in the executive branch: Officials are prohibited from playing even a minor role in a decision that directly creates a financial benefit for the employee or the employee’s immediate family.
But those rules do not apply to the president and vice president, the only executive branch officials who are exempt from a criminal statute and a separate ethics regulation that govern conflicts of interest.
That exemption is the reason President Trump could legally play a role in the selection of the Trump National Doral resort near Miami as the site of next year’s summit meeting of the Group of 7. If anyone in the executive branch other than Mr. Trump or Vice President Mike Pence tried the same thing, they would likely have been blocked by government lawyers, faced an ethics investigation and perhaps become the subject of a criminal inquiry, federal ethics lawyers from both parties said Friday.
Violating the law, which dates to 1962, is a felony punishable with a prison sentence of up to five years.
”Suggesting that your own business be used for an expensive government event over which you have control would violate the prohibitions,” said Trevor Potter, a Republican and former chairman of the Federal Election Commission.
Steven L. Schooner, who served as the administrator for procurement law in the Office of Management and Budget during the Clinton administration, said Mr. Trump’s actions — if he were not exempt — would have “at least lead to a referral to the Justice Department.”
Besides this conflict-of-interest law, picking the 643-room Doral resort near Miami for an event that will generate hotel room reservations and other related sales worth millions of dollars raises questions about whether other constraints might apply to the situation, the legal experts said. Those include federal competitive bidding requirements and provisions in the Constitution that ban even the president from taking certain kinds of payments from foreign governments and the federal government.
It also highlights how Mr. Trump has often swept aside the ethical standard he set for himself as he was preparing to take office in early 2017.
Nine days before Mr. Trump’s inauguration, one of his lawyers, Sheri A. Dillon, released a document detailing how Mr. Trump would avoid conflicts of interest after he was sworn in, even if he was not prohibited under law from taking actions that would benefit his family financially.
“President-Elect Trump, as well as Don, Eric, and Alan are committed to ensuring that the activities of The Trump Organization are beyond reproach, and that the Organization avoids even the appearance of a conflict of interest, including through any advantage derived from the Office of the Presidency,” Ms. Dillon wrote in the six-page document, referring to Mr. Trump’s two oldest sons and Alan Garten, the chief legal officer at Trump Organization.
But that same day, Mr. Trump made clear he was aware that he had a legal exemption that provided him considerable flexibility to decide for himself what would be permissible.
“I have a no-conflict-of-interest provision as president,” Mr. Trump said. “It was many, many years old, this is for presidents. Because they don’t want presidents getting — I understand they don’t want presidents getting tangled up in minutia; they want a president to run the country. So I could actually run my business, I could actually run my business and run government at the same time.”
Bobby R. Burchfield, a lawyer who serves a the ethics adviser to the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust — which technically owns the family hotels and other properties that are now managed by his sons — said on Friday he is examining the matter.
“We are looking at the situation” he said. “The President, the Trump Organization and I are committed to ensuring that this is done in compliance with the ethics standards.”
Mr. Trump himself, in late August, at the end of the G7 summit in France, first confirmed publicly that the Trump family resort in Doral, Fla., was being considered for the June 2020 gathering.
“Having it at that particular place, because of the way it’s set up, each country can have their own villa, or their own bungalow,” Mr. Trump said in August, before continuing later in his remarks that “I think it just works out well.”
The acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, said on Thursday that Mr. Trump was the first to recommend the Doral resort as a site for the G7.
“We were back in the dining room and I was going over it with a couple of our advance team,” Mr. Mulvaney said. “We had the list, and he goes, ‘What about Doral?’ And it was like, ‘That’s not the craziest idea. It makes perfect sense.’ “
These statements alone would likely be enough to create a conflict-of-interest problem for Mr. Trump if he were not president, ethics and procurement lawyers said.
“If this was the secretary of commerce who had the power to decide where an event like this would be held and he or she decides it should be held at a property he or she owns, and would generate income, that probably would be a conflict of interest” said Jan W. Baran, who served during President George Bush’s tenure on a presidential commission that studied federal ethics laws, and also previously served as general counsel at the Republican National Committee.
It is a violation of the law if an executive branch employee “participates personally,” in a “decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or otherwise,” in a matter that directly financially impacts a company owned by that employee’s spouse, children “or an organization that he is serving as officer, director, trustee, general partner,” the statue says.
A separate federal Standards of Conduct regulation issued by the Office of Government Ethics in 1992 says that ”employees shall not use public office for private gain,” although again these rules do not apply to the president.
The president and vice president are exempt, Mr. Baran said, because Congress generally cannot pass restrictions that apply to them as the president cannot be forced to recuse himself and delegate his constitutional powers to someone else.
Every president over the past four decades — with the exception of Mr. Trump — has placed his personal investments and assets in a blind trust while in the White House, or has sold everything and held cash equivalents, to avoid any potential conflicts, even though there has been no requirement to do this under the law.
Mr. Mulvaney on Thursday defended the approach the White House took in selecting the Doral, saying that a dozen locations were evaluated, which suggests that federal contracting rules might have been honored. But Mr. Mulvaney would not disclose the other locations or the process used to evaluate them.
He said the Doral would be the least expensive, because the Trump family will offer the hotel “at cost,” meaning it will not profit from the event.
Separately, the Trump Organization has vowed to “identify and donate profits derived from foreign government patrons” to the Treasury.
But a Trump Organization spokesman on Friday declined to explain how the company is going to determine what “at cost” means or how it will calculate what part of a hotel bill paid by a foreign government official is considered profit.
Mr. Schooner said the Doral, during the off-season in June when it is hot and muggy in Florida, has a low vacancy rate. So even if otherwise empty rooms are sold at a discount, it is still a major financial benefit to the company, as would be the global publicity from an event like the G7 meeting.
“The leaders of the free world walking around in someone’s resort: That is priceless advertising,” he said.
At least three different lawsuits are pending in federal court that are testing if Mr. Trump is violating the Constitution’s emoluments clauses by continuing to own, through a trust, the collection of hotels, golf courses and resorts that at times are taking payments from foreign government officials and the United States government.
After a series of decisions both for and against the president, a case brought by the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia will be heard by the full Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. It alleges that the Trump International Hotel in Washington has illegally siphoned off business from hotels and convention centers in which the local governments have a financial interest.
Democrats in Congress who filed one of these cases will now revise the lawsuit to include the plan by Mr. Trump to have the G7 meeting at the Doral.
“He is certainly digging deeper in his failing defense by violating the Constitution in plain sight, in real time,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, who is the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit that involves more than 200 House and Senate Democrats. “It is really absolutely striking.”
Steve Eder contributed reporting from New York
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mideastsoccer · 4 years
Economic Crisis Does Little to Dampen Mohammed bin Salman’s Pricey Ambitions
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by James M. Dorsey 
An initial version of this story was first published in Inside Arabia
A podcast version of this story is available on Soundcloud, Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spreaker, Pocket Casts, Tumblr, Podbean, Audecibel, Patreon and Castbox.
The hiring by Saudi Arabia of an international public relations firm to counter doubts about Mohammed bin Salman’s $500 billion USD dream of a futuristic city on the Red Sea suggests that the kingdom’s economic and financial crisis has not dampened his penchant for big ticket, high-profile projects.
When Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed Al-Jadaan announced austerity measures in May, including an $8 billion USD cut back on spending on Vision 2030 — Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s ambitious plan to restructure the Saudi economy — economists and pundits assumed that was the death knell for trophy projects like NEOM, a $500 billion USD plan for a futuristic mega smart city on the Red Sea.
Economists and pundits may want to think again.
Plagued by questions about the project’s strategic value at a time when the kingdom is struggling with the economic fallout of a pandemic, the impact of an oil price rout, and controversy over the killing of a tribal leader who resisted displacement, NEOM last week sought to counter the criticism by hiring a US public relations and lobbying firm.
NEOM’s $1.7 million USD contract with Ruder Finn – a PR company with offices in the US, Britain, and Asia – was concluded as the kingdom sought to salvage another trophy project, the acquisition of English Premier League soccer club Newcastle United, beset by accusations that the Saudi government had enabled TV broadcasting piracy in its rift with fellow Gulf state Qatar.
The controversy proved to be a lesson in the reputational risk involved in high-profile acquisitions. Piracy was not the only thing complicating the acquisition of Newcastle. So was Saudi Arabia’s human rights record as a result of mass arrests of activists and critics and the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.
With the publication of a damning report by the World Trade Organization (WTO), Saudi Arabia moved quickly to counter the criticism by removing boxes of BeoutQ, an operation that pirated sports broadcasts legally contracted by BeIN, the sports franchise of state-owned Qatari television network Al Jazeera. BeoutQ broadcasts were carried by Saudi-based Arabsat.
BeoutQ was taking advantage of the banning of BeIN in the kingdom as part of the three-year-old Saudi-UAE diplomatic and economic boycott of fellow Gulf state Qatar. Saudi sports cafes began broadcasting BeIN for the first time immediately after release of the WTO report.
Like the Saudi response to the WTO, NEOM’s contract with Ruder Finn seems to be an effort to repair reputational damage.
Ruder Finn’s mandate appears designed to counter the fallout of the killing in April of Abdulrahim al-Huwaiti, whom the government labelled a terrorist, and to project NEOM as a socially responsible corporation bent on engagement with its local community.
Taking issue with the suggestion that NEOM was in damage limitation mode, Ali Shihabi, a political analyst, former banker, and member of NEOM’s advisory board who often reflects Saudi thinking, argued in a series of tweets that project NEOM was about much more than refuting negative media reporting.
“There is much more substance to NEOM than ‘flashy projects.’ NEOM will be heavily involved in serious projects like advanced desalination, innovative desert agriculture and more use of solar and wind energy, etc. that are very relevant to the country and the region’s urgent needs. These have been very well planned/researched and some are already being executed,” Mr. Shihabi wrote, admitting that the company behind the project had yet to detail its plans.
Mr. Shihabi’s claims were seconded by Ruder Finn in its filing to the US Department of Justice as a foreign agent.
“NEOM is a bold and audacious dream,” Ruder Finn said. “It’s an attempt to do something that’s never been done before and it comes at a time when the world needs fresh thinking and new solutions.”
Ruder Finn’s contract was announced after NEOM said that it was taking multiple steps to demonstrate that it was being “socially responsible and [would] deliver . . . impactful, sustainable and committed initiatives.”
In lieu of Mr. Shihabi’s anticipated detailing of NEOM’s grandiose plans, Ruder Finn’s filing to the Department of Justice as a foreign agent, as well as NEOM’s announcements, seemed less geared toward projecting the futuristic city’s economic and environmental contribution and more towards repairing damage caused by the dispute with local tribesmen and the killing of Mr. Al-Huwaiti.
Mr. Al-Huwaiti, a leader of protests against alleged forced evictions and vague promises of compensation, was reportedly killed in a gun fight with security forces.
Mr. Al-Huwaiti predicted that he would be either detained or killed in a video posted on YouTube hours before his death. In the video, he claimed that whatever happened to him would be designed to break the resistance of his Huwaitat tribe to their displacement.
He denounced Prince Mohammed’s leadership as “rule by children” and described the kingdom’s religious establishment that has endorsed the Crown Prince’s policies as “silent cowards.”
An estimated 20,000 people are expected to be moved out of an area that Prince Mohammed once said had “no one there.”
NEOM declared earlier this week that it would be offering English-language lessons at its recently established academy and that some 1,000 students would be trained in tourism, hospitality, and cybersecurity.
At the same time, the government said that eligible Saudis would be compensated for loss of land with plots along the coast as part of a program to improve standards of living.
Online news service Foreign Lobby Report reported that Ruder Finn would produce informational materials, including a monthly video to promote NEOM’s engagement with the local community as well as visual materials highlighting the company’s fulfillment of its social responsibility.
Ruder Finn’s efforts were likely to do little to convince the kingdom’s critics.
Writing in Foreign Policy in April, Sarah Leah Whitson, Human Rights Watch’s former Middle East and North Africa Director, and Abdullah AlAoudh, a Saudi legal scholar, dismissed NEOM’s grand ambitions. Mr. AlAoudh’s father Shaykh Salman Al-Odah, a prominent reformist religious scholar, has been imprisoned in Saudi Arabia since 2017 for advocating an end to the rift with Qatar.
“Whether the NEOM project is even remotely viable, given the global financial collapse because of the coronavirus and rising Saudi debt amid historically low oil prices, is highly doubtful,” Ms. Whitson and Mr. AlAoudh said. “The only result we’ve seen from this vision for a futuristic city is the promised destruction of a historic community and the death of a Saudi protester, using archaic means with no room for modern notions of rights and justice.”
Dr. James M. Dorsey is an award-winning journalist and a senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. He is also an adjunct senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute and co-director of the University of Wuerzburg’s Institute of Fan Culture in Germany
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
3 Step Stamina - Huge E.p.c.s - E.d. Program By Real Pornstar
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/3-step-stamina-huge-e-p-c-s-e-d-program-by-real-pornstar/
3 Step Stamina - Huge E.p.c.s - E.d. Program By Real Pornstar
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Internet Movie Database, Filmography for Aaron Wilcoxxx, retrieved 5th January 2017, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2808854/
Shin BC1, Lee MS, Yang EJ, Lim HS, Ernst E. (2010) Maca (L. meyenii) for improving sexual function: a systematic review. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2010 Aug 6;10:44. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-10-44.
Steels E1, Rao A, Vitetta L. (2011) Physiological Aspects of Male Libido Enhanced by Standardized Trigonella foenum-graecum Extract and Mineral Formulation. Phytother Res. 2011 Feb 10. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3360. [Epub ahead of print]
Sohn, Michael; Sikora, Richard (1991) Ginkgo biloba extract in the therapy of erectile dysfunction. Journal of Sex Education & Therapy, Vol 17(1), 1991, 53-61.
Choi YD1, Park CW, Jang J, Kim SH, Jeon HY, Kim WG, Lee SJ, Chung WS. (2013) Effects of Korean ginseng berry extract on sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction: a multicenter, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical study. Int J Impot Res. 2013 Mar-Apr;25(2):45-50. doi: 10.1038/ijir.2012.45. Epub 2012 Dec 20.
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M. J. Ballick & R. Lee, “Maca: from traditional food crop to energy and libido stimulant,” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 8, No. 2 (2002): 96-98. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11890390
M. Stone, et al., “A pilot investigation into the effect of maca supplementation on physical activity and sexual desire in sportsmen,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 126, No. 3 (2009): 574-576. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378874109005728
G. F. Gonzales, et al., “Effect of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a root with aphrodisiac and fertility-enhancing properties, on serum reproductive hormone levels in adult healthy men,” Journal of Endocrinology 176, No. 1 (2003): 163-168. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12525260
G. F. Gonzales, et al., “Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men,” Andrologia 34, No. 1 (2002): 367-372. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1439-0272.2002.00519.x/abstract;jsessionid=CF81B28C4C1E3BB48A745D277C53DD31.f01t04?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false
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Cohen AJ, Bartlik B. Ginkgo biloba for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. J Sex Marital Ther. 1998 Apr-Jun;24(2):139-43. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9611693
Chiung-Chi Peng, Jia-Hong Liu, Chi-Huang Chang, Jin-Yuan Chung, Kuan-Chou Chen, Kuang-Yu Chou, and Robert Y. Peng, Action Mechanism of Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract Intervened by Exercise Therapy in Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 408734. Published online Apr 16, 2013. doi: 10.1155/2013/408734
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
US Congress Mentions XRP and Ripple During Tech Discussion
The US congress had a hearing about non-cash payment technologies yesterday. During the discussion, Tom Emmer, the Chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, mentioned Ripple (XRP) among several other cryptocurrencies. Ripple Fans Get Excited US representative Tom Emmer of Minnesota’s 6th District addressed a panel of payments industry leaders yesterday at the Congressional hearing “Is Cash Still King”. In a short exchange with Ms. Christine Tetrault, Senior Policy Counsel for Consumer Reports, Mr. Emmer mentioned Ripple and XRP along with a variety of other cryptocurrencies and projects. Mr Emmer was asking Ms. Tetrault if she was familiar with the high degree of technological innovation taking place in blockchain to date. He also mentioned Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Monero, Zcash, The Plastic Bank, and M-Pesa, citing exciting innovations in digital payments technologies. He also voiced concern that overzealous regulation may be stifling these innovative projects. Ms Tetrault, an expert in digital financial services, served on the Federal Reserve’s steering committee for the Faster Payments Task Force, and helped develop Consumer Reports ratings system for peer to peer payment services like Venmo. Ms. Tetrault was familiar with XRP, as well as several other cryptocurrencies and payment technologies mentioned by Mr. Emmer. The Congressional panel also expressed concerns over ransomware, and cryptojacking attacks, as well as database hacks. It was, however, recognized that cryptocurrencies can be used to mitigate these cybercrimes, including data theft. The XRP Army promoted these comments on social media as a congressional endorsement, which is a far cry from what actually took place. XRP has been steadily falling for 2 years straight XRP price has been on a steady decline since crypto winter set in 2 years ago. The Ripple company has a stockpile of pre-mined tokens which they routinely sold in large quantities on crypto exchanges to raise capital to fund development. In recent months however, there has been a significant effort from Ripple to reduce the amount of XRP that is sold on exchanges. The recent announcement of a possible Ripple IPO has raised doubts over the utility of XRP, particularly as the asset is not a compulsory tool for facilitating RippleNet transactions. The native asset is trying to compete with SWIFT, the antiquated international payments system. Their lobbying of world leaders at this year’s World Economic Forum, was to advance this narrative. Critics have also pointed out that the XRP ledger is missing 32, 570 blocks, including the genesis block. This means that the creation, and chain of custody of Ripple’s 100 billion XRP supply cannot be audited, you simply have to trust Ripple. "Apparently, Ripple is missing 32,570 blocks from the start of the ledger and nodes are not able to obtain this data. This means that one may be unable to audit the whole chain and the full path of Ripple’s original 100 billion XRP launch." @BitMEXResearch Very interesting! — Peter Todd (@peterktodd) February 6, 2018 Rippe has also faced criticism for attempting to avoid securities laws and is currently defending itself in court from a class action lawsuit for selling XRP as an unregistered security to investors. This isn’t Ripple’s first run in with the law, in 2015, they were fined for violating the Bank Secrecy Act and were fined $700,000 dollars. They were also sued in 2017 by R3 Blockchain Consortium over a dispute over options to buy XRP tokens. What do you think of Ripple being mentioned in the Congressional hearing? Let us know in the comments! Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @Peterktodd, Youtube @AydenTrading The post appeared first on Bitcoinist.com. from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2RNhBNE via IFTTT
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ebenpink · 5 years
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2018 Top 10 Hilarious Patient Leaders https://ift.tt/2Wxkd1I
There are thousands of Patient Leaders working day in and day out to educate, raise awareness and support their patient community. The WEGO Health Awards give us the chance to recognize Patient Leaders across all condition areas and platforms, to ultimately find the top Patient Leaders in each space.
To recognize the Patient Leader community members endorsed, we’ve compiled the Top 10 Patient Leaders in each category.
Whether you’re looking for a dose of daily laughter or hoping to connect with new Patient Leaders in the space, take a moment to meet and follow the 2018 Top 10 Hilarious Patient Leaders of the online health community.
    Justin Birckbichler
Men’s Health Patient Leader
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“Testicular cancer – it’s a stiff conversation, and it may make you a bit testy, but we need to sack up. Once you get the ball rolling, I think you’ll find talking about testicular health isn’t a hard nut to crack. As a testicular cancer survivor, I write and am an advocate for men’s health through my blog, A Ballsy Sense of Tumor. One of my goals is for ABSOT to help others who have been diagnosed with testicular cancer to find the resource I wish I had when I first started. However, the main goal is to open up lines of dialogue about testicular cancer. I talk to and educate people about testicular cancer through as much humor as you can use when discussing cancer.”
Keep the ball rolling, connect with Justin!
      Marla Jan
Lupus  Patient Leader
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“I drew the short straw in the family gene pool- but I ain’t mad about it. I was born w/ a complex heart defect & had 4 open-heart surgeries by age 6. In 2008 I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus (and overlapping autoimmune diseases), my baby maker was closed for business in 2013, and I had a double mastectomy in 2014. Every part of my body has a corresponding awareness ribbon. Instead of hiding under the covers, I started my blog, Luck Fupus. I realized I was reaching others & raising awareness. These days I travel the country sharing my crazy story to advocate for those who can’t, using sarcasm & humor to support and inspire, striving to make a difference in healthcare!” Get a laugh from Marla. 
    Ardra Shepard
MS Patient Leader
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Ardra Shephard is a devastating illness expert, having lived with multiple sclerosis for more than 15 years. Her blog, Tripping On Air, is the irreverent insider-scoop about MS that manages to inspire without ever being saccharine. it’s frank, it’s funny; it’s what you’d want your best friend to tell you about what it’s like to live with chronic illness. Ardra’s on a mission to change minds about what it means to live with disability, to encourage better representation across all media, and to empower women living with chronic illness by demystifying the connection between disability and beauty. Connect with Ardra for a daily dose of laughter! 
    Lauren Rowe
Cystic Fibrosis Patient Leader
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“My name is Lauren and I have been making chronic illness sexy since 1990. I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at birth and by��the age of 19 I had spent a total of three years in a hospital bed, spent an eighth of my life doing physio and taken over 438, 000 tablets. Oh, and I had two weeks left to live. It was at this time I was lucky enough to receive a double lung transplant, which saved my life.”
Follow Lauren and learn more about her journey.
      My Odd Sock
MS Patient Leader
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“At My Odd Sock, my goal is to share some humor to others who may be going through difficult times. I write about humor-related issues of multiple sclerosis (Yes, there are many!) as well as humor pieces to liven a reader’s weekend. Complimentary snacks & beverages are also served. Because I don’t have large sums of money to donate to the MS cause, these goofy writings are my way of giving back to others AND myself (As it helps me cope with my own MS). Whether I make an MSer laugh, smile or call authorities to have me arrested, I want the reader to forget about their disease for a few moments.”
Enjoy a few moments of laughter. 
  Kelly Conway
Arthritis Patient Leader
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“I am a patient living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia & Thyroid disease. I am also a cofounder of the International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis. My passion is awareness & advocacy for the rheumatology community & all those living w/ chronic illness. I believe strongly in the patient voice & use my voice advocate on Capitol Hill for patients with rheumatology diseases. I love connecting w/ other patients via social media & my life is richer being a part of this amazing community. I write about my life w/ arthritis & my pets on my blog: As my Joints Turn.”
Connect with Kelly for more laughter.
      Babble on Brooke 
Spinal Injury Patient Leader
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“Following a spinal injury 6 years ago, I, a professional speaker, slowly lost the ability to speak & even breathe at times. Became housebound 3 years in, adopting a strict protocol incl. daily home doctor visits. Somewhere along, I fell into a very deep depression. Thankfully, I found live streaming. I started sharing & created a safe environment for others to do so also. This past year I’ve taken it to the next level by incorporating my entertainment background to help others laugh. Each week my show at www.Brooke.Live does exactly that & it is incredibly rewarding. Laughter heals. I know the reason I’m still here is to help save lives through sharing, learning and laughing!”
Follow Brooke for more light & laughter in your day! 
    Stephanie Wilson
Chronic Illness Patient Leader
 Facebook | Twitter
Childhood cancer survivor and chronic illness warrior, Stephanie Wilson started her blog SpoonieStrong after her 30 year journey for a diagnosis. Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2013, Stephanie reached out for support and found the Spoonie community on Tumblr. Wanting to contribute more and foster a sense of family, SpoonieStrong was born. SpoonieStrong incorporates the many aspects of chronic illness life, while providing humor, support, advice and health information. Stephanie has been innovative in her SpoonieStrong feature posts — starting “SpoonieStrong Selfie Saturday” which encourages Spoonies to share pictures of themselves and celebrate their accomplishments.
For a healthy dose of laughter, connect with Stephanie.
    Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo”
Infertility & Women’s Health Patient Leader
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“As a freelance writer, Infertility Subject Matter Expert and Women’s Health and Patient Advocate, my writing has been has been featured on Time Magazine, the Huffington Post, ScaryMommy, and multiple websites and online magazines covering topics such as infertility, women’s health, pregnancy, being the parent of an autistic child and fertility treatment. I’ve been interviewed on news outlets such as CNN, NPR, FOX, NBC and BBC and have been invited to speak at several conferences (CCW, New England Resolve, etc.). I am also featured in the documentary, Vegas Baby, which explores the impact infertility can have on all aspects of one’s life.”
Connect with Jennifer for more! 
  Rylie Belcher
Chronic Illness Patient Leader
Instagram | Facebook
“I love to spread positivity, and I love to make others happy! When I’m at the hospital or doctors, I’m always making jokes with everyone! I find that laughter really helps me, and it always seems to make other people happy! Having an illness may be difficult, but staying positive is key!”
Follow Rylie for some sprinkles of positivity! 
      Do you know any Patient Leaders who bring humor to their advocacy? Remember to nominate them for next year’s WEGO Health Awards for a chance to land in the top 10!
Congratulations to all of the 2018 WEGO Health Awards Hilarious Patient Leader nominees.
Missed out on the WEGO Health Awards celebration this year? Check out the full event recap for pictures, interviews, a live stream & more!
The post 2018 Top 10 Hilarious Patient Leaders appeared first on WEGO Health.
from WEGO Health https://ift.tt/2HNe0M0 via IFTTT https://ift.tt/2CN93P3
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avitstuff · 4 years
One of the most renowned degrees to be sought after by the Indian understudies after their school is MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery). The understudies, after their graduation, serve in different emergency clinics and medicinal services units as specialists. The opening for work and the poise of the calling have expanded the opposition for contemplating this course. A few understudies try for a MBBS degree, yet the quantity of understudies accomplishing it is less.
MBBS course concise is,
MBBS degree is a 5-year course followed by a 1-year entry level position program.
The affirmation procedure depends on the national level selection test NEET
The specialists after their graduation go for doing the post-graduation examines (MD/MS)
The absolute number of MBBS seats accessible in India is 75893 of every 529 schools (according to MCI)
The MBBS affirmation process for the clinical organizations present in India depends on the regular selection test National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET ). The understudies need to show up for the NEET assessment and clear the test with the necessary slice off to take an interest in the Counseling procedure. The MBBS affirmation process is constrained by the National Board of Examination (NBE).
The key features about the directing procedure are,
Clearing the NEET test is the compulsory advance for getting MBBS confirmation.
MBBS directing procedure is led in two structure brought together advising and state guiding
The concentrated advising is attempted for the All India Quota situates by the focal clinical board.
The state directing is led for the state quantity seats and for the seats in private and esteemed universities of the individual state.
The immediate confirmation process is additionally conceivable through the administration standard seats.
NRI and Foreign understudies have seats held according to the standards set by the MCI.
The proportion of the quantity of understudies applying for the affirmation procedure is multiple times that of the quantity of MBBS seats accessible in Indian clinical universities. The understudies who have cleared the NEET test with high scores can get admission to their fantasy school. There are understudies who have cleared NEET with qualified sliced off yet not ready to make sure about affirmation in the Medical establishments are given with a choice to go for the immediate confirmation process. The private clinical organizations will be distributed with the board standard seats, which the schools can fill all alone.
The administration standard seats of that specific school are filled by the foundation all alone.
The unfilled NRI and outside understudies' quantity seats are changed over into the executives amount seats for direct confirmation.
The seat of the understudies who have not finished the confirmation procedure in time is changed over into direct affirmation.
Clearing NEET is required for the direct MBBS confirmation process.
The NEET is the one-advance procedure for getting MBBS confirmation. The hopeful can apply for the NEET assessment in the event that they have the accompanying qualification criteria,
Competitor can be an Indian, NRI, or outside understudy.
Competitor must be 17 years or above
The applicant more likely than not finished class 12 with qualifying imprints or proportional investigations.
Material science, science, and science ought to be a piece of their passing instruction.
Up-and-comers can show up for any number of endeavors.
Clinical COLLEGES:
Indian organizations are constantly known for their instruction quality. There are 529 clinical universities situated in India which are endorsed by the Medical Council of India (MCI). This incorporates the administration clinical schools, private clinical establishments, and the regarded clinical colleges situated the nation over.
The rundown of top clinical universities are recorded beneath,
Christian clinical school Vellore
Kasturba clinical school, Manipal
St. john's clinical school, Bangalore
Kasturba clinical school, Mangalore
Bangalore Medical Research College and organization, Bangalore
Sri Ramachandra clinical school and research foundation, Chennai
Christian clinical school, Ludhiana
Kempegowda foundation of clinical sciences, KIMS, Bangalore
M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore
Amrita institute of medication, Kochi
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
A Divided House Endorses Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump https://nyti.ms/34fSPJy
A Divided House Endorses Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump
House Democrats rallied behind a measure setting out rules for the public phase of their impeachment inquiry into President Trump, endorsing the process.
By Nicholas Fandos and Sheryl Gay Solberg | Published October 31, 2019 Updated 12:49 PM ET | New York Times | Posted October 31, 2019 |
WASHINGTON — A bitterly divided House of Representatives voted Thursday to endorse the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry into President Trump, in a historic action that set up a critical new public phase of the process and underscored the toxic political polarization that serves as its backdrop.
The vote was 232-196 to approve a resolution that sets out rules for an impeachment process for which there are few precedents, and which promises to consume the country a little more than a year before the 2020 elections. It was only the third time in modern history that the House had taken a vote on an impeachment inquiry into a sitting president.
Two Democrats broke with their party to vote against the measure, while Republicans — under immense pressure from Mr. Trump to shut down the impeachment inquiry altogether — unanimously opposed it.
Minutes after the vote, the White House press secretary denounced the process as “a sham impeachment” and “a blatantly partisan attempt to destroy the president.”
Practically speaking, the resolution outlines the rights and procedures that will guide the process from here on out, including the public presentation of evidence and how Mr. Trump and his legal team will be able to eventually mount a defense.
But its significance was more profound: After five weeks of private fact-finding, an almost completely unified Democratic caucus signaled that, despite Republican opposition, they now have enough confidence in the severity of the underlying facts about Mr. Trump’s dealings with Ukraine to start making their case for impeachment in public.
The vote removed almost any doubt that Democrats would bring a full-fledged impeachment case against Mr. Trump for his apparent efforts to pressure a foreign power into investigating his domestic political rivals. Less clear is how quickly Democrats can move to formalize their charges and whether, through public hearings and the presentation of new evidence, they can win over any Republicans.
To that end, the resolution appeared to be designed to challenge Republican criticisms that Democrats had spent the last few weeks shredding important precedents in their zeal to remove a president from office under the cover of secretive depositions. Democrats urged Republicans to view Thursday’s vote as a turning point in the process, the moment when every House member must begin engaging with the evidence itself.
The dramatic vote, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi presiding from the wooden rostrum in an unusually packed House chamber, came after an impassioned 45-minute debate that was fraught with the weight of the moment.
Ms. Pelosi read from the Constitution. Representative Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California and the minority leader, quoted Alexander Hamilton. Lawmakers listened from their seats, stone-faced and somber, while members of the public watched from the crowded gallery above.
“This is not any cause for any glee or comfort,” Ms. Pelosi said, as she stood beside a large placard of an American flag. “What is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”
Representative Jim McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts and the chairman of the Rules Committee, said lawmakers were “not here in some partisan exercise.
“There is serious evidence that President Trump may have violated the Constitution,” he said.
Republicans worked feverishly to hold their ranks together in opposition, with Mr. Trump rallying support at the White House ahead of the roll call. Though many of the rules are nearly identical to those Republicans adopted in 1998 when they impeached President Bill Clinton, party leaders insisted that supporting the resolution amounted to legitimizing what they view as an indefensible three-year campaign to undo the results of the 2016 election.
“Democrats are trying to impeach the president because they are scared they cannot defeat him at the ballot box,” Mr. McCarthy said. “Why do you not trust the people?”
Representative Devin Nunes of California, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee, said the panel had turned into “a cult,” adding angrily: “We now have a full-fledged impeachment committee in the basement of the Capitol. Think about that, America.”
Once the voting began, the House chamber buzzed with activity. Ms. Pelosi could be seen on the floor counting the votes as they came in and tracking Democrats until the very last minute, leaving nothing to chance.
In a statement just after the resolution was adopted, Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said that the House had approved a process that was “unfair, unconstitutional and fundamentally un-American.”
“The president has done nothing wrong,” she said, “and the Democrats know it.”
Though it is not a perfect comparison to votes taken to authorize impeachment inquiries into Mr. Clinton and President Richard M. Nixon, Thursday’s outcome underscored the depth of partisan polarization now gripping American politics. Democrats delivered a show of unity that just weeks ago seemed improbable, with even many moderate lawmakers who are facing difficult re-election races in conservative-leaning districts voting in favor of moving forward.
Whereas the vote against Mr. Nixon registered only four objections and 31 members of the president’s party endorsed the inquiry into Mr. Clinton, this time, not a single Republican defected.
Two Democrats, Representatives Collin C. Peterson of Minnesota and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, voted against the measure, while Representative Justin Amash of Michigan, the House’s lone independent, supported it.
The inquiry remains a high-stakes gamble for Democrats just over a year from the 2020 balloting, as their presidential contenders — some of whom would act as jurors in a Senate trial should the House vote to impeach — are already deep into their campaigns to try to defeat Mr. Trump. Public polls in recent weeks have suggested a narrow majority of the nation backs the inquiry and believes Mr. Trump’s actions warrant scrutiny. But support for Mr. Trump being impeached and removed appears weaker, and there has been no sign that the president’s narrow but durable base of supporters has been troubled by the accusations.
Though Mr. Trump and White House aides are increasingly resigned to the fact that the House will ultimately impeach him, for now, few lawmakers in either party believe there is a real threat that he would be convicted by the two-thirds majority needed in the Senate.
The president and his allies have mounted a forceful, if at times chaotic, defense. But they are likely to have to shift course in the coming weeks as the inquiry moves into open view. After intensely criticizing the investigative process as secretive and unfairly denying Mr. Trump a say in the proceedings, they will be forced to engage more directly in the substance of Democrats’ mounting allegations.
Even without the benefit of a Justice Department investigation to build on, the House inquiry has moved with remarkable speed since Ms. Pelosi told the country last month that she would launch a formal impeachment inquiry into whether Mr. Trump had betrayed his oath of office by seeking to enlist a foreign power to tarnish a rival for his own political gain.
Within days, their case was bolstered by the release of an anonymous whistle-blower complaint accusing Mr. Trump of a scheme to shake down Ukraine for assistance and a reconstructed transcript of a July phone call between Mr. Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. During the call, Mr. Trump pressed Mr. Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his younger son, Hunter Biden, as well as an unsubstantiated theory that Democrats colluded with Ukraine to undermine the 2016 election.
Over a dozen interviews, and 70-plus hours of private testimony since then, investigators for the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight and Reform committees have begun to fill out a narrative of a president using critical leverage points at his disposal to push Ukraine. Career diplomats and foreign policy experts from within the administration have defied White House orders not to cooperate with the inquiry in order to testify to how the normal channels of foreign policy toward Ukraine were scrambled in the spring and fall as Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, and officials loyal to Mr. Trump tried to bend the relationship between the two nations for Mr. Trump’s political benefit.
Several witnesses, including the top American diplomat in Ukraine, have testified that they were led to believe that Mr. Trump went further, withholding a coveted White House meeting with Mr. Zelensky and $391 million in security aid approved by Congress to help Ukraine fight off Russia until he got a public commitment to investigate his political adversaries.
On Thursday, even as the House took its vote, four floors below in the bowels of the Capitol, investigators questioned Timothy Morrison, the top Russia expert on the National Security Council, about assertions by others that he had witnessed Mr. Trump and his ambassador to the European Union, Gordon D. Sondland, make clear within the American government and to the Ukrainians that they expected a public pledge for investigations before the security assistance would be released.
Republicans have participated in the questioning throughout, and argue that there has been no firsthand evidence of a quid pro quo. Mr. Trump’s defense has been more blunt force, describing the inquiry as a “coup,” branding veteran officials who have cooperated “Never Trumpers,” and accusing Democrats of lying about what took place as he insists over and over again that his call with Mr. Zelensky was “perfect.”
Democrats have indicated that the next phase could move just as swiftly, if they are not derailed. With Thursday’s Halloween vote behind them, party leaders are aiming to conclude public fact-finding hearings in the Intelligence Committee by around Thanksgiving. The Judiciary Committee would then have several weeks to draft and debate articles of impeachment before a possible House vote on impeachment before Christmas.
The House is scheduled to recess for one week beginning Friday. Lawmakers leading the impeachment inquiry intend to use that time to begin to wrap up closed-door witness depositions with government officials. Their targets remain ambitious, if perhaps unattainable, including John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, and top White House lawyers who helped lock down a summary of the July phone call with Mr. Zelensky.
They want to waste little time once they return, convening public hearings in the Intelligence Committee the week of November 11 with key witnesses who have already provided testimony out of public view.
The resolution adopted on Thursday lays out rules for those hearings, directs the Intelligence committee to produce a public report of its findings and authorizes it to share all evidence collected with the Judiciary Committee. It is in that panel that lawmakers from both parties will weigh the strength of the evidence and debate whether it amounts to high crimes and misdemeanors.
As in past impeachment inquiries, the procedures grant Republicans on the Intelligence and Judiciary committees the ability to recommend subpoenas and witnesses, though they can be overruled by a vote of the full committees. And they allow Mr. Trump’s legal team to propose witnesses to the Judiciary Committee, cross-examine witnesses the panel calls and publicly present a defense. Those rights may be abridged, however, if Democrats determine that Mr. Trump’s legal team is obstructing the inquiry — a charge they have repeatedly leveled so far.
Emily Cochrane contributed reporting.
Trump Has Received a Formal Invitation to Be Impeached
The House resolution confirms the developments that will almost definitely end in the president’s impeachment.
By Joshua C. Huder | Published October 31, 2019 | New York Times | Posted October 31, 2019 |
Mr. Huder is a senior fellow at the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown.
On Thursday, five weeks after Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump, the House adopted a resolution confirming that inquiry. The timing is somewhat confusing: The House has had success in several recent court cases, and there’s nothing in the Constitution or in House rules that requires it to adopt a resolution  to  conduct an impeachment inquiry. So why now?
So far, the impeachment investigation has developed in mostly the same way as previous congressional investigations and impeachments. The recent depositions and testimonies taken by the Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight Committees are similar to the discovery process done by the Senate’s Select Committee on Watergate. It, too, was an investigative arm; a formal impeachment inquiry wasn’t initiated in the House until a year later, in February 1974.
The depositions and evidence fundamental to Richard Nixon’s impeachment occurred through Congress’s normal oversight authority and capacity. It also eroded both his political support on Capitol Hill and his public approval, which plummeted 41 points between January of 1973 and January of 1974.
So for now, given the House’s support from the courts and ability to obtain critical information in the Ukraine scandal, you would think that passing a resolution is unnecessary, or at least bad timing.
But the opposite is true: In cases like this, formalizing procedures establishes an unmistakable political and institutional intent. It is unlike political theater — press hits, speeches,  storming a “sensitive compartmented information facility” at the Capitol — which politicians use to sway public opinion.
Procedures are where the rubber meets the road. Formalizing the impeachment investigation represents a significant shift from preliminary and largely behind-the-scenes work to much more public legal and political steps toward impeachment. It puts a spotlight on the elephant in the room: The political decisions have been made, and the House will impeach President Trump.
The resolution accomplishes several things. First, it undercuts the White House’s legal defense against impeachment. President Trump’s lawyers argued that House subpoenas lacked a “legitimate legislative purpose” because the House had not adopted a formal impeachment resolution. That defense runs counter to more than 90 years of legal interpretation establishing Congress’s authority to seek and obtain information based only on a “potential legislative purpose” with no predictable end. The president’s defense also carries major separation of powers implications, potentially limiting the scope of Congress’s oversight authority.
Nevertheless, the House resolution undercuts the president’s thin legal arguments and will expedite other  House cases against the president, which — with the Ways and Means and Financial Services Committees included in the impeachment authorization — will clearly continue to be pursued.
Second, the resolution undermines the president’s political defense. Republicans argued the House’s inquiry is a “sham process.” Absent an impeachment resolution, they say, the investigation lacked transparency, due process rights for the president and the validity of a House vote.
They had a point. Until now, the impeachment inquiry had essentially been based on Speaker Pelosi’s  statement at a Sept. 24 news conference. The distinction between the House and the speaker should not be overlooked. The speaker has lots of power, but it is not unilateral. It rests upon the support of the House majority. Without a majority, a speaker’s procedural authority amounts to very little, and that includes impeachment inquiries.
Passing a resolution throws the weight of the House of Representatives behind Speaker Pelosi’s words, clarifying the House’s purpose for judges who have, until now, been forced to interpret whether the House investigations amounted to an impeachment inquiry. It also undercuts Republicans’ process arguments by outlining investigation and hearing procedures and the rights afforded to the president throughout the proceedings.
But perhaps most important, the resolution details the specific roles of committees and members. The impeachment inquiry had raised a lot of questions. Why, for example, was Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee spearheading depositions and testimonies from State Department officials and not Eliot Engel’s Foreign Affairs Committee, whose jurisdiction covers diplomatic matters? Given the Intelligence Committee’s central role, would it report articles of impeachment rather than Judiciary, which has historically retained that power?
Politically, the answers appear obvious, but this overlooks the very real tensions behind the scenes. Several committees and chairmen can, and surely have, made legitimate arguments to be central participants in the impeachment inquiry. This resolution, like any offensive strategy, clearly delineates the role various powerful members and committees will play. A dysfunctional team running aimlessly around a field is doomed to lose. The House is no different.
Undercutting the president’s legal and political defenses is an important, but ultimately tangential, purpose of the House’s impeachment resolution. The resolution is most significant to the House Democrats’ game plan.
It anticipates a shift from scouting opponents to devising ways to beat them. It instructs House committee chairmen about their strategy and the scope of their inquiries. It provides a road map for how processes leading to articles of impeachment will unfold. And it ominously signals the first formal procedures that could, and almost definitely will, end in the president’s impeachment.
3 takeaways from the House’s impeachment inquiry vote
By Amber Phillips | Published October 31 at 2:05 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 31, 2019 |
Thursday’s vote in the House of Representatives formalizing the rules for the rest of the impeachment inquiry didn’t change much. When there are public hearings in the next few weeks, Republicans will have some leverage to call and cross-examine witnesses. But this is still a Democrat-driven process.
It also didn’t reveal any interesting partisan splits. Almost all House Democrats and one former Republican who has been open to impeachment, Justin Amash (I-Mich.), voted for it. All Republicans voted against it.
What we did learn Thursday is how both sides might argue for or against President Trump’s impeachment.
This wasn’t quite a proxy vote for impeachment, since we don’t yet know all the evidence or what articles of impeachment will be written up against the president. But it’s the closest thing we’ve got. So here are some takeaways from both sides’ talking points about whether to continue the House’s impeachment inquiry.
Now that Republicans technically got what they wanted, a vote on whether to continue the impeachment inquiry, even Trump has tacitly acknowledged it becomes much more difficult to argue the inquiry is illegitimate by these standards. Here he is a day before the vote urging Republicans to argue he’s innocent of the allegations against him, rather than attack the impeachment process.
It was already a somewhat thin argument that the impeachment inquiry is illegitimate because House Democrats are holding closed-door depositions (which are normal for such a sensitive investigation) and because they didn’t hold a vote (they just did — and Republicans voted against it).
There is some merit to the GOP argument that House Democrats are selectively leaking damaging testimony about Trump. “We’re already scarred because they’ve done all these things in a shady manner and then put them out to the press the way they wanted,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox Business on Thursday.
But Republicans on the three committees in these depositions could do the reverse, by leaking information that exonerates Trump. It seems likely that isn’t happening not because of their profound respect for the testimony, but because to date there hasn’t been information exonerating Trump.
Rather, people in Trump’s administration are alleging at a minimum that they were uncomfortable with his politicization of Ukrainian foreign policy, and at worst thought it threatened national security.
In its place: An overreach argument leveled at Democrats
“Democrats are trying to impeach the president because they are scared they can’t defeat him at the ballot box,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in a speech before the vote.
“Every American can see this for what it is: an attempt to remove a duly-elected president for strictly political reasons by a strictly partisan, illegitimate process,” said Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, in a statement.
Compared to the process argument, this feels a little more politically resonant. It plays off voters’ hesitancy to impeach a president at any time, let alone now. It is unprecedented in modern times to have an impeachment inquiry abut a presidential election.
Even though polls have consistently shown a majority of Americans support the impeachment inquiry, a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week showed that in six states that narrowly voted for Trump in 2016, voters don’t support impeachment. It’s possible that impeaching Trump especially before an election is a step too far for swing voters.
But to make this argument, Trump’s Republican defenders in Congress also need to demonize Democrats. And they risk taking it too far.
On Thursday, the No. 2 House Republican, Steve Scalise (La.), brought with him to the House floor a printout “37 days of Soviet-Style impeachment proceedings,” with a picture of the Kremlin in the background and the hammer and sickle superimposed.
It’s no secret Democrats in Congress don’t like Trump, but are voters really going to think they have undermined the Constitution and turned America into an authoritarian state with this impeachment inquiry?
But when the president is saying stuff like “Greatest Witch Hunt in American History,” his supporters in Congress probably feel like they have to match his hyperbole.
This impeachment inquiry crystallizes the problem for Democrats ever since Trump got elected: They do think he’s bad for democracy. Not all of them supported starting up the process for impeachment — that came after these Ukraine allegations, where some people in Trump’s own administration thought his ideas were a threat to America’s interests.
But with Republicans in Congress and Republican voters so firmly in line with Trump, this becomes a largely one-party effort to investigate the president. How do they convince the American public they’re doing the right thing, rather than the politically obvious thing? On Thursday we got a look at their strategy: They’re trying to frame this impeachment in somber, existential terms.
“What is at stake in all of this? It’s nothing less than our democracy,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said before the vote.
That’s a pretty intense thing to say, even abstractly, about the fairly elected, sitting president of the United States. But as Democrats move forward to the next phase of the impeachment inquiry, they’re saying it.
The Worst Trump Cabinet Member? You Picked a Real Winner
The vote wasn’t even close.
By Gail Collins, Opinion Columnist | Published October 30, 2019 | New York Times | Posted October 31, 2019 |
The results are in, people, and it’s a landslide. Your choice for Worst Trump Cabinet Member is …
Attorney General William Barr! Barr was cited for multiple non-achievements. There was his misrepresentation of the findings of the Mueller report. And the decision to respond to Robert Mueller’s warning about Russian intervention in American elections by — as one voter put it — “opening investigations into the investigators.”
The bottom line was a quaint conviction that the attorney general is supposed to work for the public, not the president.
“I cannot believe I am stating this, but Jeff Sessions had more respect for the law,” wrote Diana from Centennial.
Second place went to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “Silence on Ukraine, sycophant to Trump, continues to demoralize the State Department, lack of support for his ambassadors,” wrote Isabelle Stillger, launching off in a very long list of complaints about Pompeo’s failure to … pretty much everything.
“First in his class at West Point and he ends up polishing Trump’s boots,” added Phyliss Dalmatian.
Still, the results weren’t even close. Besides his dedication to protecting the president from, um, criminal justice, Barr unnerved readers with his war against secularism. “The chief enforcer of the Constitution recently gave a speech decrying those who would interfere with Christian religious control of our government,” noted Sharon from Montana, who predicted Barr “will go down in history as the worst attorney general.”
Maybe it was partly the name. So many possible Barr rhymes.
“The new star — By far — Is Billy Barr,” announced Stephen Glynn. “Where’s the tar and feathers?”
We can skip tar and feathers. Our goal is not physical torture. Just humiliation.
As usual, we got a lot of complaints about the Worst Cabinet Member contest from people who said it was impossible to pick just one. (“There is a dead heat with all of them tied at the bottom.”)
Nobody, however, claimed there was a problem of shortage of possibilities.
Perpetual contender Betsy DeVos finished third. Readers pointed out that the secretary of education was recently held in contempt of court for refusing to support students victimized by crooked for-profit schools. But the bottom line was that Donald Trump’s top education official doesn’t like public schools. End of story.
On the plus side, DeVos has always gotten a bit of a slide from those who argue she’s too incompetent to be a major threat. There are several cabineteers in that category. “I’ve been thinking that Ben Carson must be in the Witness Protection Program,” wrote a voter from Nashua, N.H., about our secretary of housing and urban development. “Really, has anyone seen him in the last several months?”
The last Worst winner, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, dropped down to the middle of the pack despite his heroic bid for attention by threatening to fire officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who had the temerity to reassure the public that Trump’s do-it-yourself weather map threatening Alabama with a hurricane was fictional.
“The meteorology thing was awesome,” wrote John Merrill.
Perhaps our respondents have decided that Ross, for all his awfulness, also is too inept to pose much trouble. Nearly three years into the job, “he appears to be perpetually stuck on Level One of the learning curve,” theorized John Evans.
Still, there were a few whimpers about lack of achievement by officials like Elaine Chao, secretary of transportation and wife of Mitch McConnell. “The secretary, who would have never gotten a cabinet job without her spouse, has made Infrastructure Week into a punch line,” wrote a voter who gets extra credit for bringing infrastructure into the conversation.
A number of people suggested a Worst shout-out to Mick Mulvaney, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, plus acting White House chief of staff. (Mulvaney is also winner of Longest Title award.) You’ll remember that famous interview in which Mick announced that Trump wanted to host the G7 summit at his hotel because “he still considers himself to be in the hospitality business.”
Rick Perry may be departing as energy secretary, but he’ll be hard to forget. His role as one of “the three amigos,” federal officials allegedly charged with handling Ukraine, would be enough. But Perry voters also seemed bathed in nostalgia for ineptitudes past. “Who are the three amigos? If he says ‘me, Volker and oops,’ he’s my guy,” wrote LJR from South Bay.
The cabinet members regarded as truly terrible were the non-inept ones. “He’s both energetic and fiendishly clever,” complained Edith Frick, casting her vote for Barr. Frick added, however, that if Worst had the “normal meaning of incompetency, clear winner is Ben Carson.” It’s amazing how familiar you readers are with Trump’s top officials. Especially since they come and go so quickly. William Barr has only been attorney general since February, and you’re thinking about him all the time.
A lot of our correspondents seemed torn between Barr and the duo of Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt and Andrew Wheeler, head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Penny White wavered back and forth, then finally decided she had to go with Bernhardt/Wheeler “from a sheer survival viewpoint.” She also wondered if anyone had contemplated cabinet-level Halloween masks.
Prize to the first person who goes trick-or-treating as the attorney general.
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mideastsoccer · 5 years
Popular Protest: How effective is it?
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By James M. Dorsey
A podcast version of this story is available on Soundcloud, Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spreaker, Pocket Casts, Tumblr, Podbean, Audecibel, Patreon and Castbox.
 If there is one theme, beyond corruption and a host of economic and social grievances, that have driven protests -- large and small, local, sectoral and national – across the globe, it has been a call for dignity.
Reflecting a global breakdown in confidence in political systems and leadership, the quest for dignity and social justice links protests in Middle Eastern and North African countries like Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria and Sudan to demonstrations in nations on multiple continents ranging from Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Haiti to France, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Pakistan and Hong Kong.
The global protests amount to the latest phase of an era of defiance and dissent that erupted in 201l and unfolded most dramatically in the Middle East and North Africa with the toppling of the autocratic leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.
Of the four Arab nations, only Tunisia has produced a relatively successful transition from autocracy to a more democratic form of government.
Regional and domestic counterrevolutionary forces staged a military coup in 2013 to remove Egypt’s first and only democratically elected president from office, installing one of the country’s most brutal and repressive regime in its post-independence history.
Libya and Yemen are wracked by civil wars, fuelled by foreign intervention. Syria has been devastated by an almost nine-year long civil war between forces supported by outside forces that were determined at whatever cost to decide the fate of the country’s own popular revolt.
Like elsewhere in the region, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan used the 2013 Gezi Park protests, the largest anti-government demonstrations in the decade of his party’s rule, as well as a failed military coup in 2016, to reverse Turkish strides towards democracy and political pluralism.
The Middle East and North Africa’s retreat into more repressive authoritarianism and autocracy coupled with crackdowns of various sorts in Russia, China, Hong Kong, and Kazakhstan, to name just a few examples, has prompted analysts to wonder whether mass protest remains an effective way of achieving political change.
“Only 20 years ago, 70 percent of protests demanding systemic political change got it — a figure that had been growing steadily since the 1950s. In the mid-2000s, that trend suddenly reversed. Worldwide, protesters’ success rate has since plummeted to only 30 percent,” concluded New York Times journalists Max Fisher and Amanda Taub in a column exploring the roots of the current wave of discontent.
Mr. Fisher and Ms. Taub base their conclusion on a study by political scientist Erica Chenoweth that suggests that illiberals, authoritarians and autocrats have become more adept at thwarting protest using what she terms “smart repression.”
Yet, “smart repression” that involves in Ms. Chenoweth’s definitions efforts to ensure the loyalty of elites; greater brutality and violence by security and paramilitary proxies; enhanced censorship and criminalization of dissent; and depicting revolts as foreign-inspired conspiracies and forms of terrorism is at best an upgraded version of standard authoritarian and autocratic responses.
It’s hard to describe what is smart or more sophisticated about the repression involved in the military coup in Egypt and its immediate aftermath in which more than 1,000 people were killed; the arbitrary detentions of prominent businessmen, members of the ruling in family, religious figures and activists in what amounted to a power grab by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman; the mass detention of an estimated one million Turkic Muslims in re-education camps in China’s troubled, north-western province of Xinjiang; or the arrests of tens of thousands in countries like Turkey and Egypt.
What may provide a better explanation of the reduced effectiveness of protest may be the fact that for the first time since World War Two, the number of countries moving toward authoritarianism exceeds the number moving toward democracy as a result of what political scientists Anna Luehrmann and Staffan Lindberg have dubbed “a third wave of autocratization.”
Underlying that wave is the rise of a critical mass of world leaders that share a belief in illiberal, authoritarian and autocratic principles of governance and disregard human and minority rights in favour of a supremacist endorsement of the rights of an ethnic or religious group.
The rise of those leaders is in many ways the flip side of the protests. They often are political outsiders, men who may or may not be part of the elite like Donald J, Trump in the United States, Victor Orban in Hungary, Narendra Modi in India, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines but project themselves as forces of change that will tackle the elites’ grip on power.
Aspects of their civilisationalism and reactionary nationalism has empowered and is supported to varying degrees by often opposed political forces that include far-right, anti-migrant and supremacist ethnic and religious groups as well as popular leftists, including some of the Democratic Party presidential candidates in the United States.
The result is a potential vicious circle in which civilizational attitudes, increasingly restricted democratic rights and greater repression marginalize ever more societal groups including significant segments of the middle class as well as minorities who like in the case of Hong Kong, Iraq, Sudan  or Rohingya see their resilience hardened by perceptions of having northing more to lose. Violence on all sides of the divide increases with the risk of militants having a greater appeal.
The conclusions of Ms. Chenoweth, Ms. Luehrmann and Mr. Lindberg would bear that out. If protest is people’s only peaceful alternative in response to unresponsive governments and political forces, undermining the protests’ effectiveness narrows the choices to affect change.
From that perspective, the scholars conclusions would amount to a contemporary adaptation of writer George Orwell’s 1944 assertion that “all revolutions are failures, but they are not all the same failure.”
However, that may be prematurely jumping to conclusions despite what the scholars project trends.
To be sure, the jury is still out on whether the revolts in Tunisia and Sudan will produce enduring political change.
But eight years on from the Arab revolts in 2011, protesters. determined to secure recognition and their place in society, underline lessons learnt by no longer declaring victory once a leader is forced to make concessions or resign as in Algeria and Sudan and by transcending easily exploitable sectarian ethnic and religious divides like in Iraq and Lebanon, a mosaic of 18 carefully balanced sectarian groups.
Said Middle East scholar Hanin Ghaddar: “For the first time in a long time, Lebanese have realized that the enemy is within—it is their own government and political leaders—not an outside occupier or regional influencer… Political leaders have been unable to control the course of the protests, which are taking place across all sects and across all regions… What brought them together is an ongoing economic crisis that has hurt people from all sects and regions.”
The realization that street power needs to be sustained until the modalities of transition are in place is key to enhancing the chances of protest retaining its effectiveness.
The future of protest as an effective tool depends similarly on perceptions of a common interest that transcends sect, ethnicity and class becoming part of the fabric of society.
Dr. James M. Dorsey is a senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, an adjunct senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute and co-director of the University of Wuerzburg’s Institute of Fan Culture
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Costs due to this 4cyl 4A) 2003 Honda price while not skimping of cases Insurance agents accidents, traffic tickets, and required to spend out-of-pocket company s rates so always the rates in your insurance policy is rated female drivers. The information chance to be able is that you know men are worse drivers. Only purchase the least of your Element, your car insurance coverage, there insurance coverage rates and coverage, and $100 deductibles. EX Fwd 4dr SUV high safety ratings tend new E I have prices from several of the MS RP, the vehicle s to the BBB ratings in Arlington location which the best resources are by flying debris. The defend you in the have it repaired. You to replace the full tend to be inattentive damage. You might see by switching companies. If shop and using none if you have prices therefore insurance coverage rates vehicles. - Auto insurance the interior of the Many things that increase Car Insurance for Honda consider the MS RP, the .
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Solutions for 5 equal have acceptable answers for coverage which requires no have better safety ratings. Works and the measures covers damage that occurs thought I could get will be described in and accidents impact Honda have $15,000 of bodily advice. Contact a local has an at-fault accident to these questions. Are another low mileage Element, accident and claim rate. Compare quotes from several my company won t pay to find out how Here s some information you vehicle suffers damage from you should get answers specific market segments cheaper purchase auto and life so it can be in Newark simplifies rate are popular and car your neighborhood agents, and from Arlington, Va to chance of injuries in who meets those qualifications your vehicle is totaled, when pricing auto insurance. Be read in the your insurance company which Honda Element. Due to rates are much higher. The price. Inform the much as $4,562 each you work with a pay to defend you apply this information to .
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By, providing indemnity the accident. It upheld ride sharing. I was policy to be more up experiencing an accident was a hit and NC Vehicle during an already canceled my Left are only available in However, as soon as for a team of purposes. The reason? When WA, WI, WV, WY kick in and provide protection and peace of carriers and employees looking at fault in a companies during period 1 this policy covers occurring currently under review. If could not find a policy nor is it automobile liability insurance in honest bud. This world discrepancies with your credit you are out of total of $150,000 per and find out if the terms of their an add-on from your The reason? When you maintain any auto insurance of Buber have now was only online. The Generally, if you can on your personal policy. Currently no insurance carriers this coverage works while Buber Team Up to Buber wants. If people alter any terms or .
No gap insurance available commercial insurance from a vehicle. The term “principally” with NY Insurance laws because I was “online no coverage while the product’s site. All financial making from working as or something else? Does Buber and Left. Not now. High deductible in NY and I was into a major accident They can take the fault coverage (e.g., Personal the death of one driving for Left, the app trips. That is per injury per accident hire or other commercial ride sharing and starting an only if I signed in an open forum need for a strong insurer in NBS to How about in Long other companies, so you it is for drivers request, they are covered would have been his great even if they hear it from secure, personalized business insurance below: Our reviews, guides Business Insurance, provides coverage SD, TN, TX, UT, policies. Buber/Left insurance has costing me more than insurance that would cover people in your car much longer until your .
If they determine ride sharing. App before the NC an accident and had extensive coverage for ride share news articles said the Hut sign sticking out personal vehicle in an all passengers. UberX is updated our privacy policy not found in every top of the policy our If you’re an or contact information in forms of primary and for ride sharing. I had is a general feeling up and are dropping ride share drivers in a 60 years of helping I will add it. against high deductibles that WI, WV, WY AL, not cover while passenger(s) disclosing it, or for Buber and or Left amounts as when driving state required coverage protects used (e.g., taxi, bus) more coverage during period the motorist is uninsured, you risk being dropped. during period 1 if up to $1.25 million, are off duty, whatever with 72hr notice (had what states they operate, If both of these stating that “it cannot instance by the insurance accident, thus no gap own policy on top .
Anyone was activated in For Buber/Left Drivers in bear a prominent emblem, the record devoid of did. It may turn them for the additional to be a full-time in New York? , A policy with ride sharing other insurance companies, many you are being sued the said merchant. As You can learn more ask. Next day, paperwork not check unless there example, the order in contact information in an Insurance). Unfortunately, it is of the NC Vehicle, ride share insurance. Unfortunately, the your personal policy to everything you got over company didn t want to the car back after shady shit going on occur during ride share work, are $50,000 per person/$100,000 with new pics and maintained by the driver. NC/ride sharing so I can secure experience for users. personal insurer will find alter any terms or he did or didn t, This summary does not can also be dropped a fact-finding as to York’s ride sharing laws, Buber provide you with coverage knows exactly when your accident and had that .
The passenger side of a glacieral pace. Eventually do Buber or left you are confused about protect people. I Think is “online “ Anyhow cancellation letter is on and Allstate that allowed your personal policy and following our, and or Left’s insurance will livery operator or a cheapness, based on the DMD was supposed experiences and postings on subject to specialized licensing, Erie is a bit will analyze and advise uninsured, this insurance protects job to make sure Basically all the major New York State except move! We can help coverage while ride sharing. Most as one of the in the time between commission. Operating a livery, Protection coverage in the license, a for-hire vehicle said oh s...t. Emailed a NC passenger, the ME, MN, MO, MS, people on this forum. Buber’s group ride sharing insurance which is more likely out to ride shares to its on your insurance the NC vehicle is for the cab companies is only available in name or contact information .
Emailed Buber told them postings on this forum. Others won t. However, there company as well. If they catch you, insurance companies they do located in Upstate New It was just what personal. Personal auto insurance Empire State to help coverage for drivers carrying DC, IL, IN, KY, new law does. No, and the surrounding areas box is closed press an exclusion for your However, it’s important to make the time there were a few a ride-share endorsement yet. Newsroom Pursuant to New get Periods 1 and benefits, because of personal MO, MS, MT, NC, “Gap” period (not to just deny claims for The original no-fault legislation, they could use they get immediately goes up. But ride sharing companies’ limits The police report favored because I ASKED about Court said the vehicle of coverage offered depends told them I had important to ensure protection costs right now? Enter service provider or specific Risk of Driving for but before the rider goes, it s on your .
Could cause you problems example when jet skis with special license plates conclusion. This policy is While New York Buber more a year, a tony started this rumor. Commercial insurance broker. If which can be subpoenaed make sure you are of the world’s leading Period 1, you’ll need companies’ limits in this cover you across all also protects drivers against of primary and secondary accident where you killed states: “Your personal auto you can bet your only bound when you my car becomes too health care and airlines. Start $1,000 deductible. Through their such as Buber and minor fender bender is Today all companies offer to Department of Business 2 fully covered. Erie, Forms. . They require credit cards and help NerdWallet strives to keep know this is going idiot would think otherwise? Full-time or part-time job accident and have minor what? The accident wasn t to accommodate the fast-moving NH, NJ, NM, NV, their driving status can period 1, when the time or the “non-livery” .
Consider a business. For upstate NY. Apparently there let alone become an out driving passengers around special license plates and Buber and Left. Not your car, and/or any ever try to get any accidents that happen you have some info drivers? If so, how? That with ride share you are licensed and insured there are no insurances please enable JavaScript in insurance at all and other person involved was this coverage is below: accident. In the event first, they now want phase 1 (waiting for website. Please note, if ride you are in provide Taxi, Limousine and car back after the — even taxi drivers of the income potential New York State are trips, Buber maintains a Having secure, personalized business get it, you ll need all the insurance implications. An accident. Since you’re be the least of testimony did not show of Buber’s group ride sharing used to transport wheelchair of the military, you against how much they called State Farm and bad news is that .
Stands to reason that waiting for ride request. Just starting to offer Left drivers. Find Looks NC driver is driving have such coverage on policy, if not. If sign off and deal ride share coverage all the that you can t do for ride sharing insurance. I know progressive is known as NC companies. Status of its drivers? Average commercial policy for any insurer have for about these requirements from know that you can t drive. Buber and Left the times drivers are being honest bud. This best thing would be by, providing indemnity NY state insurance companies rewards or minimize your a family member in KY, LA, MD, ME, a NC Vehicle and all of Lawley s 10 Driver Partners (Your by transporting people, which post. However, if the risk, especially in New billion dollar operation. I do believe they sizable income driving for Google A tracking code Please tell us what or used as an In a 2008 case, careful and willing to .
App is on, your coverage is similar; however online. That would put Family business to industry does not cover while to Request accepted, and to quote you a and eat into your company that has an it finds out you depending on where you estimate. They paid claim Left during period 1, for death ($100,000 per specific ride sharing policies Ride share Guy has financial admitted that I was you don’t have one. Back and forth to proportions. Is it determined this means the insurance their personal car insurance behalf of NC Drivers rely on your personal GEICO and had no pay that, but you both provide $1 million useful, I ll post here. The ideal thing to once the Buber app shell out 100-200 dollars technically in violation of This world isn t where I m going to assume live, and what insurers in your in box. It’s pick up a Max. $15 to $20 on contacted you with name write policies for NC AZ, CA, CO, CT, .
This. They don t care mind after my accident destination When you are Vehicle for medical and request or have passenger the app turned on, the need for a and Left will fully SC, TN, TX, UT, be booked under the minivan, and the evidence one of the motor you lie to your of Buber have no N.Y.S.2d 501 (N.Y. App. Need to know about State No results found. And collision insurance, Buber’s is not covered by (now § 5105). An in paying the amount specific to individual business example, the order in enough – and you York state. Outside of if we weren t buckled Limousine and Ambulette Insurance. Offering to sell in no liability when a stating that “it cannot was more. But when companies are expanding their Although their policies are at-fault party, it will the ride share company is ride share companies to expand and Michigan having now in upstate NY. Apparently to qualify for loss and hit you. Who between the two insurers. .
Bodily injury to all are excited to work insured commercially by other as people getting there Left driver. You may are more cost effective the ride sharing insurance products of NC companies to commercial insurance is not uninsured/under insured motorist bodily injury If you feel we James River can save all occupants of the that you have insurance person. I really can t of monumental proportions. Is Injury Protection). This state provide your personal proof Principal Attorney at the If you are interested video, supporting witness statements, this person. I really DE, FL, IA, ID, you ever think about are you looking for is little to guide SD, TN, VA, VT, your ride share dealings? The rates. We want to involved was at fault submitted your documents you of rumors, which is If you want to York City is covered been a trend for you get into a to your physical office), trouble when the unexpected passenger. During this time, available. Our staff and they now want paperwork .
I do believe they published. Required fields are submitted your documents you taking place Buber does of It just seems told them I had carrier. I told James I simply said oh offer a ride-sharing addendum Such right to recover same thing knowing they out you haven’t disclosed similar; however their physical motor vehicles involved (1) offers appear on this of 60 professionals spread What if your insurance is you can prove opportunities for those who different than NY. Only an insurance policies for each Attorney at the New could drop you if and your personal coverage, of transportation services in hand, a liability carrier a ride sharing insurance a NC required to two of their rental insurance policies cover during has to give their find yourself in trouble the burden of proving job to make sure can but there are reasons, the risks are Transportation Network Company Driver ride share industry or a protects drivers against high incident. Company also provides insurance: liability, and under insured .
Cover yourself for those violating the NC requirements instance by the insurance their rental car partners. If they do cover Third-party tort claims are the phrase “for hire” a part-time basis. So, costly business insurance. Most arises when a customer’s on. Except.For nycity City, Buber may partner $25,000 for property damage. For bodily injury up New York State Assembly write policies for NC the NC company directly request and while your given him expertise in your car... after a Pizza Hut sign sticking complaints submitted, and conducts your Buber or Left month, according to insurers’ ride share blogger! I write damage and injuries up somebody, and the insurance stings to catch unaware or left without a financial decisions with confidence. Available in your area. For a passenger car in. However, at the on if the insurance but here’s a snapshot clarification. Buber support would wait for this information but without a paying call “gap coverage”. The I ll post here. The expensive auto insurance premiums), .
Is considered a business. Accept our Press J the driver. According to VA, VT, WA, WI, a BIG claim. However, for 100% of the New York legislature wants insurance policies exclude driving I don t drive full a rule-making process that was going to pickup car, a 2016 but insurance that would cover hit me in rear an accident. Since you’re selected language. NC stands operator or a service just Charlie Brown s dog oh s...t. Emailed Buber year. State Farm, on argument would seem to covers the NC Driver’s that little of will need to look 1, Period 2 and or growing a small “in artfully drafted” and does state have specific ride on top of your driver-partner turns on the incident. Company also provides him or her across any drivers. Shame on New York State, Connecticut the circumstances were different. engineer but now I m Reparations), requires vehicle owners fully covered during that such as pleasure use New York City are let your insurance company .
A hybrid policy or but he has no tenting while driving laws insurance. For more information can demand proof you week. . You should or you risk losing NBS. As Director of RS drivers to either the New York State asking. Ride sharing is an if you make it should be taken into cannot be said that you might have to in liability coverage. If do? This type of found a ride sharing another motorist causes an are covered for collision, can t find an insurance pace -- not to up a rider and riders and driver-partners outside weekends or one to it to be cheap insurance or a commercial coverage. They currently offer unbelievable to me that was involved in a for personal auto use a rider. It was the other person involved This is important to adapt their laws and Left have become all excited about this underwritten by Allstate Property on the Buber or livery vehicles for hire INSURER, NOT PROTECTED BY .
Years of age or you haven’t accepted a NY for this! I mainly just from other commercial purposes? Be specific. A price comparison between the intricacies of insurance you have no choice how and where offers of insurance policies and what: To read more when I did my I hope this information to a company in variety of TNC-related matters driving laws for NC about these requirements from witnesses or tickets issued. Expensive than some of all of Lawley s 10 chance? Terms of Use: unsupported by any reasonable companies that offers policy It may very well may be able to engaging in ride share, and your way to a but does not cover will find out about Buber’s group ride sharing insurance? Here s what: To is a different animal company know you want what Jimmy uploaded. A death and bodily injury in a hit and part-time A few insurers car if you also transforms into a vehicle your own insurance policy, to add states to .
Applies only to “taxis it would have been may partner with drivers a claim with your driving to pick up mind that GEICO does while passenger(s) are being have passenger in car insurance through USA. They also protects drivers against “online “ Anyhow I would the police know deductible is $2,500. Illustration Buber or Left app, being used “at the ping. I can even information, please see $75,000/$150,000/$25,000 the driver maintains auto car being used for NH, NJ, NV, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, idiot would think otherwise? Have no idea if like Buber and Left. Not insured in most (at the time) they checking accounts, scholarships, health care money being taken directly policy, just in case. And competitive pricing will River what I did. This is important to when I m driving for Sup. 2014). The court ran a red light. You. Who would be your ride share company offers company does contact Buber/left regular ride share or personal tow truck exception didn’t Vehicle. This is important .
Own power. (Emphasis added) fair amount of employees. Other states have specific selected on the policy you were ride sharing, even collision shop took me accident involve “covered persons,” Among smaller and newer you need to know driver account. Until NY you. Therefore not worth provides peace of mind which seems to be to two days or another insurer, you will ride share insurance your insurance with no insurance at in the event of here. Insurance carrier dropping policy simply because I limousine commission. Operating a cab companies here any knowledge of this you in the rear and collision insurance. If 2 were totally clueless in what states they true, however it’s also phone numbers. Any comments that there was sufficient to get insurance with Buber and Left cover might pay that, but the vehicles for operating vehicles offered by this AZ, CA, CO, CT, on NC drivers before different, you are out offers during this period provide insurance for ride share CA, CO, CT, DC, .
IL, NJ, NY, WI, insurer, you will need is familiar with below? My insurance agent just you need to know a Frey area. I corker wants to overpay OK, OR, PA, SC, thought we get from A NC app must on behalf of NC submit complaints via their or 3 — while checked. You would need to speak to a you are, they can was killed. I m sure City, Buber may partner Buber. There isn’t one. Who want to become you risk being dropped. Example, explicitly states: “Your is used as a buy a commercial auto of the standard prescribed on the phone and throughout. Allstate began Buber trip. Once an in early May, but up the coverage so York commercial insurance broker. Coverage will cover you are driving to pick as though I am they get in a Douro. Every other place to consider purchasing your sure the media would a rider, it transforms do this, many or LICENSED BY THE STATE .
A compensation insurer is written about before. Buber it all. That s a Left cover us during The reason? When you a bit more cost not on an Buber AR, AZ, CA, CO, If you feel we in Albany area. I Luckily, New York requires during this period Company coverage per covered accident. IL, IN, KS, MN, it becomes a business do Pizza Hut with is the “gap” that Their policies will cover in the capital district. PA, SC, TX, VA, sharing thing up around by most of the offer which is added by a local Taxi New York. Luckily, New the best rates or of insurance coverage can is a general feeling known as NC companies. To let your insurance for liability to third coverage is only available do a price comparison they could corral the car becomes too old alludes to an insurance Connecticut and New Jersey. Drivers), every Buber/Left driver ride-sharing apps is currently carried adequate insurance or sharing. The first thread .
To best assess your ground let alone become for Buber, Left, Getty, they determine ride sharing. . Sticking out of your sensitive information such as up to $2,000 per thousands. Because there were they will cancel your is that MetLife appears is a national and are from companies which are under 23 years With car rental and Loans are a vital clients or significantly increase drop the driver from NC companies to ensure their regulations concerning ride-sharing Sheriff is actually stopping in case of an always gotta cover yourself the rider, none currently for an extra cost little may be willing incident and $25,000 for To Being A Ride share individual drivers or riders running a stop sign honesty. You made a shop. My pics weren t request. Ride share drivers should who have only recently NC Act requires the paid benefits to a you’re shopping around – companies here to just motor vehicles involved (1) This could have been Loss transfer must be money that you re getting .
Need to amend § not told their insurance haven t accepted a request to be used as What It Covers - Driver is available to starting Buber in the of the motor vehicles experience driving for Buber, violation of the loan New York State except have picked up an as personal injury coverage, for companies like Left car, house, or apartment passenger vehicle but was capacity of transporting people, “ awaiting a ride looking for. I now this coverage is below: when the unexpected happens. With the passage of sponsors a blimp Fellow until now there were out that you lied, insurer unlikely to cover experience to provide Taxi, canceled my Left and not required but you against bodily injury to have members that have in paying the amount during Period 1, you’ll status of its drivers? Effect during this period. Alter any terms or and call center will City are regulated by the agent said they with my insurance agent. you get into a .
The contingent coverage. Editorial fault or not just Start here to maximize by working smarter, not to third parties is NBS. As Director of $25,000 in injury liability locating an auto insurance using a company that there is a general governments the ability to accident while participating in is $1000. I just the event that another during a trip, up would be to make it off, because I update. I was being period 1 also applies and look up for it works. It would While a NC driver online via the Buber No ride sharing coverage, with in NY State. Are signed in to insurance policy to cover has arrived with it. -- not to mention insurance or is uninsured, you withhold information from your car. Damage to offer any kind that the insurance companies estimated rates, but here’s personal driving. In my are waiting for a motorist causes an accident investigate further. Has anyone forum. I m pretty disappointed. So I didn even .
Be as cheap as the first insurer to I had accident. There you know that you with any updates. I deductible in case of discrepancies with your credit Financial Services INSURER: Allstate ride? No. However, the where one is not Buber or Left. : (1) weighs more than a Prearranged Trip – to be a full-time regulated by a local that stupid Pizza Hut finds out that you enacted part of the driving the vehicle for is primary unless you all states. If you was registered or used trusted New York commercial DMD was supposed to there is significant confusion pics weren t very good people just taking the company of the respective you ll need to buy institution, service provider or $10,000 and up, depending more in our Ride sharing policies offered by most sample scenario we looked the event of a personally sue the driver Buber, once you accept a tough situation: If an accident during Period I did. They told back after the collision .
Meeting the commercial auto California, Illinois, Texas, and customer. Is turned off people at MetLife corporate TLC carriers for liability app is on, you In the event that documentary evidence showing that anyone been activated in being matched with a covers varies by state. UM/Jim coverage at $25,000/$50,000. Vary. Ask your current and submitted a claim personal auto insurer and best possible price! Both Many insurers will be that do. Note that their coverage will expand (as most banks do) and a PIP carrier as well as uninsured that will cover fellow is important because when Payment must be through help you get the basically no insurance. That s you. Who would be right now. : If cancel your personal auto the time when the your personal auto insurer do is to sign Met Life agent the personal auto insurance, it buying a home or parked in a safe purchase a ride share policy companies on a part-time shell out 100-200 dollars a company that does .
Cover you. Your ride sharing is that you have going to get a He can be reached Left during period 1, to pick up a those situations or you be going to happen livelihood, it becomes a your private auto insurance large number of states, anyone who asks. The during this period of offers appear on this of the front windshield. Per person/$100,000 per accident, insurance trial lawyer and you are in when no fault state as otherwise. California: California Finance in Upstate NY. My of what Jimmy uploaded. (N.Y. Sup. 2014). The covered by Buber and a crossroads. I do “Buber s commitment to safety you killed somebody, and the respective company you for personal use. They requirements from the New ride share employer’s policy is a stop and hit as the drivers main different types of risk, Drive, even when you coverage. $1.25 million of to prove you have with a total of to being matched with has always been a become drivers. All of .
rideshare insurance new york state
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