#this post is just me gushing about forecasting love and weather that is all
nancypullen · 2 years
First Thursday in October
It’s been a good day. This morning I ran up to Walgreen’s and sat down for my flu shot and a COVID booster.  This was the view from my seat as I waited...
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Is that just seasonal decor or can I bring the family up and use it for our Christmas card photo backdrop?  The grandgirl would love that.   Anywho, got a shot in each arm and received instructions to wait fifteen minutes before leaving.  No problem. I had a coupon I was itching to use so I grabbed a basket and picked up a couple things.
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If you see a 59 year old woman with purple and black Halloween nails, mind your own business.  I wait all year for this month I intend to enjoy it head to toe.
I popped by the post office and sent a box of earrings off to my sister.  I’m late with it but she’ll still have twenty days to enjoy the Halloween bits and another month after that to use the autumn leaves and pumpkins. Here’s what I’ve been cutting, cooking, and putting together...
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I keep the wonky ones and give away the ones that aren’t as bad.  It’s been months since I’ve worked with clay and I’m rusty.  It was still fun.  Any day spent creating with these two for company is a good day.
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They think everything I do is wonderful. I could hold up a pair of sweaty socks tied together with a bow and they’d swear they love it.  I make something, show it to them and say, “What do you think?” and I always get a rousing response.  Of course, it’s the same response I get when I say, “Want a treat?” or “Ready for bed?”  Everyone should have a fan club.  You can see in that picture that I had the windows open today - we’re enjoying such nice weather, cool in the mornings, pleasant in the afternoons. We had a glorious string of chilly, rainy days and I confess I was a little disappointed by today’s sunny and warm forecast.  Chillier, please. I’m seeing more colorful leaves in the trees, on the driveway and in the yard.  They’re truly works of art. Look at this beauty!
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Have I mentioned how much I’m loving my craft room?  It is perfect.  It’s the first thing I see when I come downstairs each morning and, I have to admit, it inspires me.
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There’s still a bit to do, like a quote for the front of the desk, and a bit of foo-foo here and there, but I like it.    I tried to make a video to share with you but I’m very, very bad at videos. This was my attempt.  It will either make you seasick or annoy you with odd, unexplained noises.
For some reason I felt the need to zoom in on that little library mouse print.  I was probably going to gush over the frame, another barn sale find from Tennessee. It used to be in the grandgirl’s room in Mt. Juliet, framing a map of NeverLand.  She prefers it over (as she calls it) “the cozy chair.”  Over on the top of the cabinet that holds all of my art supplies I repurposed a bird cage that once held plants on the porch. I just stuffed a fake plant in there.  It’s not perfect, but I’ll figure it out. It works for now.  But enough about that room.  Just because it makes me happy doesn’t mean anyone else is interested.  We still have plenty to do in this house.
In the video you may have noticed that the stair bannisters are still that orangey wood. Ugh.  They clash with the new floors.  The plan is to eventually rip up the awful carpet on those stairs and just have them stained or painted.  We’ll do the railings then too. Until then I’ll have to ignore it.  The upstairs bathroom floors also have to go.  They are currently a really cheap and ugly sheet vinyl.  I’ve got nothing against vinyl flooring, but this stuff is not well done and it’s not in fabulous shape.  I do like that it’s neutral, and that’s about the only nice thing I can think of to say about it.  In the Halloween bathroom it’s in slightly better condition than in the master bath.  I haven’t done a whole lot in the master bath yet.  I’ve got our ruffled shower curtain from TN in there, a couple of sage throw rugs in front of the double vanity (more orange wood), and one “art” piece hung on a wall beside a window. I’m too lazy to go upstairs and get a picture of it, it’s just a cute painted tin floral thing.  It works in the space.  BUT, this week I added a little something new.  The toilet in that bathroom sits in a little alcove and it’s quite plain.  I’ve eyeballed it and wondered if I should put a couple of floating shelves there and add a plant , some TP, and a candle or a couple of knickknacks. Nothing felt right. So I did what I always do and decided I’d come up with a little something, print it, frame it, and hang it.   It’s a start, right?  I’m pleased with it, and feel it adds a bit of levity to the room.
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You finished the rhyme in your mind, didn’t you?  
Felt appropriate for the space.
It’s not finished.  I placed it a little high because I’d like to add a tray to the tank and put a plant, candle, whatever there.  You get the idea.
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Maybe a shelf would look better. I think I’m Team Shelf.
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As I say so often, I’ll figure it out. So that’s what I’ve been up to - painting stuff, making stuff, printing stuff, decorating stuff, still trying to Nancify it up around here.  After a summer that rocked me a bit, I feel like I’m finally getting my groove back.  No surprise that I’m reborn in the fall.
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Net week Matt arrives for a quick visit before attending a conference in D.C.  Rumor has it there may be a family trip to the Renaissance Fair that weekend.  After that the mister and I will be escaping to Chincoteague where the wild ponies play. It’s only about an hour from us, so an easy drive.  Assateague (Maryland) and Chincoteague (Virginia) sort of all run together and Assateague is supposedly one of the best spots in the world to get night sky and Milky Way photos. Here’s an article about that: https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/maryland/best-stargazing-in-the-world-md/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=maryland&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_content=nltitle1 You know that’s why my photographer husband wants to go, but I’m planning to bring a pony home.  Just kidding.  I’m just saying that we have different reasons for looking forward to this little get-away.  If we end up with a pony that’s just a bonus.  It’ll be a nice escape for him, work is stressing him out and he’s getting on my nerves. That’s what’s shakin’ here on our patch of the Eastern Shore.  I’m vaxxed against everything but the plague, I’m staying busy, we have plenty to look forward to, and fall is in the air.  It’s good, it’s all good.
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Sending out loads of love and big hugs for anyone who needs one. Heck, even if you don’t. Consider yourself squeezed.
Stay safe, stay well, go get your booster.
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4 notes · View notes
cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Autumn in My Heart (Taeyong x you, you x Jaehyun)
hello, another fic I made that flopped, but I want to bring this back with another pairing. I love this, still one of the angst I made that I feel okay to post.
One shot - angst/fluff
a/n : Taeyong sounds like a bad boyfriend, but trust me he isn’t. Jaehyun is the rebound you found in the middle of a storm.
(Posted on wattpad before, and one in tumblr as an exo pairing but only got 1 notes ☹)
The picturesque scene of red and orange trees cannot fool the dull and sombre race of falling leaves pulled by the gravity. Be honest, autumn is depressing. See the falling leaves, dying every time a gush of cold wind tingles. (y/n) hates seeing the piles of dead leaves on the ground, she feels like the trees are selfish that they let the leaves die in order to survive.
The clock strikes six when you have put on your tailor fitted Pea coat from Schott’s. Tonight, your favorite fragrance from Chloe accompanies you. You inhale your favorite floral scent and get ready as your smart watch rings with a caller ID you love dearly. Your lover has rung you up saying he is downstairs waiting for you to take your time. You make your last tuck on your Pea coat and pocket your phone as you slipped your feet to the leather boots. You make sure to kiss your corgi good bye before keeping the key in your pocket and slightly run to meet the waiting prince; your waiting prince!
The elevator ride almost killed you; you frown whenever the door opens and what greet you are the foreign faces of your neighbor from other floors; after pressing the close button five more times, you finally reach your destination. With your round eyes you scan the whole room and find your prince in no time. His fashion and his tall body make him easy to spot.
“Taeyong! I’m here, let’s go!” you cling into the taller man’s arm and giddily drag him out of the warm lobby. The early cold wind harshly welcomes both of you outside; Taeyong clears his throat and pulls you closer. He takes in your small hand, holds it firm in his big hand, and pops it nicely into his toasty pocket of his Burberry trench coat. “It’s starting to get cold,” Taeyong smiles.
You blush, even when Taeyong had done this for three consecutive autumns, your heart will always beat like it was your first time. You did nothing though and just follow his long legs that bring them to a place you know a bit too much.
“Usual place Yong?”
The tall blonde man nods and after walking through the busy streets, you found yourself in a restaurant district. Your stomach growl when the delicious smell of your favorite food can be smelled from a meter. You both sit down on your usual chairs, place the same ordinary menu; a Hawaiian pizza slice for you and a Pepperoni for Taeyong. Though Taeyong never agrees that pineapple goes with pizza, he never speaks his opinion out loud to you, he just can’t. Try and say that to a person who really enjoys it and do you dare see their heart breaks? No Taeyong doesn’t want to break her heart; it’s the last thing he wanted to do to (Y/n).
Dinner is amazing. Over two slices of giant pizza and soda, you exchange stories, laugh over new jokes, and secretly treasure this sweet moment. You both end their pizza date with a split bill and with the warmth of a full stomach. The couple make their way out of the bright, fragrance road and move to another crowded and romantic district.
You told Taeyong about a new milkshake shop opening in here in Gangnam, and Taeyong will do everything that brings a smile to your face. With you standing close by his side, Taeyong naturally slides his arm to hug your slim waist from the side as he reads the menu in the TV from the queuing line.
The café is full of sweet couples, the atmosphere here is so warm and comfortable, Taeyong knows this will 99% become their favorite hangout place.
“We’re so sorry, but we sold the second last cup already… We only have one left for the special house favorite’s chocolate,” the man with a name tag reading Doyoung, smiles apologetically to the two sweet couple across him.
You run your eyes to the TV screen to look for another substitute, but Taeyong was faster.
“No problem, an extra straw will do. How much for the last cup?” Taeyong hands Doyoung his card and swipes the bill.
You squeal deep inside your heart, how come Taeyong could always do a new sweet action every time we go out?!
“You sure don’t want anything else?” you ask when Taeyong lets go off his straw after a good five sips.
Taeyong shakes his head and raises his thumb to wipe a trace of chocolate from your lips, “No, you can have them all. It tastes good and I know you like them so much.” Taeyong kisses his thumb and cleans the chocolate from your lips.
You playfully punch Taeyong, “What’s into you?! Why are you suddenly this sweet!”
Taeyong laughs it off and rolls his eyes, “Because I am a nice boyfriend? Come on admit it—” you shut him off with a quick peck “—I’m going to have heart attack (y/n), if you are making that a habit.”
After making a loud sip to ensure you leave nothing on the bottom of the glass, you and Taeyong step out of the lovely café. Both of you freeze when you see people carrying umbrellas and celebrating something.
“The first snow!” Both of you choir and giggle upon welcoming the cold winter!
You reach for a folded umbrella you had brought in your pocket and this time take the lead to pull the taller man closer and tries your best to raise the umbrella to his height. Taeyong cannot oppress his gummy smile and allows you do your thing.
“I am not taking care of a sick Taeyong again, that’s why I read the weather forecast earlier and they predicted the first snow the fall. Turns out they were accurate this year, come Yong let’s walk under the first snow!” you sneakily place your hand into Taeyong’s coat and the taller simply holds your hand.
You both have fun for a moment under the first snow, took some pictures and updated your social media platforms.
“The snow is falling harder; shall we head home?” Taeyong worries for your health. The two of you are responsible for coming on working days, falling sick is something you two can’t afford.
You do not refuse; along your careful steps on the slippery grounds the couple doesn’t stop talking at all. You will find new topics whenever a topic seems to come to an end. Tonight is a good date night. The date night ends with Taeyong ushering you back to your Apartment room.
“Goodbye Yongie, thank you for tonight!” you shake your wet umbrella.
“No problem sweetie, I’ll be going now,”
“Wait—” you run to your room and return not long after it, you get on the tip of your toes and wrap a warm red scarf over Taeyong “—take that with you, it’s my winter present. Stay safe okay and call me when you got home.” you bury your face on his chest as he hugs you  tight.
“Thanks honey, Good night.” Taeyong steps back and waves his hand.
You wiggle your hand in panic, “Oh take the umbrella! And please just grab a taxi!” you push your umbrella to Taeyong’s hand.
Taeyong chuckles and tousles your soft hairs, “Yes maam! I can take care of myself—” Taeyong winks and you only roll your eyes. The tall blonde makes his stealing move and kiss the plump lips of yours before finally going back home.
Sun rises and sets, moon shines and hides, the world rotates, and time runs. Your love for each other blooms, although the relationship has ups and downs, the two of you can overcome the big waves and sail your ship to another calm ocean. A calm sea will never make a skilful sailor, and one day the biggest wave crashes to their ship, and you feel like you are forcefully drowned into the dark deep grief of heart breaks.
The road is crowded, well at least there are cars speeding in the road, and your sparkly eyes are fixed on a “sweet” scene in front of you. Yeah sweet if the people you saw were someone you did not know, or your best friend; but seriously not sweet if it’s your boyfriend you saw over the road holding hands with another pretty girl, wrapped in an expensive suit looking all lovey dovey with your man. Maybe Taeyong did not know or see you on the other side of the road, but you cannot mistake that man as someone else. Your eyes turn red; you fetch your phone and take the speed dial to call Taeyong. You wait for a moment with your eyes fixed on the two people across you.
The pedestrian traffic turns green, and you see the two of them walking to cross the road. You quickly hide yourself in an old payphone box while still listening to the waiting tone and keeping an eye on Taeyong. When Taeyong made it with the sweet smiling guy to the same street as yours, you swear your call was sent to voicemail. Taeyong also presses his screen earlier, hufth he didn’t even hesitate to reject your call. Insteaad, Taeyong looks so happy walking with this new girl. Your jealousy and suspicion completely take over you, you lean over the small phone box and stare at your screen emptily.
“Sorry, busy can’t pick up your call.” taeyong’s message appears in his notification bar.
You swallow the stuck lump in your throat; disappointed and angry, you run back to your apartment. You were planning to buy dinner and surprise Taeyong in his office for working overtime. If his vocabulary for overtime means having a walk with another woman, heol you won’t bother coming to see him.
You lock yourself in your room and cry your heart out, your stomach grumbles, but your heart aches more. You ignore all of the calls and messages in your phone. Thirty minutes later you wipe your eyes and after ensuring your heart you need to do this: you text a number.
“Yuta, you’re right… I’m coming to the dinner tomorrow. What’s his name again?”
This time you regret not listening to your friends when they warned you about your boyfriend playing fire behind your back. You are too naïve and blunt to realize Taeyong has slowly changed. He was not as sweet as he used to, he got busy, and he rarely picked your calls. At first you simply forgive him; thinking he must be busy with his works, turns out you are living blindly.
Taeyong paces in his room while sticking phone to his ear. He bites his lips when the line beeps but no one seems to answer the call.
“Pick up. Pick up (Y/n)…. Please… I’m worried sick…” Taeyong ends the waiting and jumps to the message room. He sends more messages asking if you are okay, why are you not picking up calls, and why are you not reading his messages.
Taeyong feels guilty rejecting your call earlier, but he cannot pick the call there when he thinks his coworker has a big crush and is flirting with him. Taeyong cannot bring himself to answer the call and crushes the cute girl’s dream. Yes, his co-worker is lately clinging on his side, and Taeyong cannot lie and say she’s unattractive. She is a calm and nice woman, good with works, and Taeyong finds it hard to keep his heart stable when she’s around.
Taeyong thought he saved the girl from crying in the streets, when in reality his real girlfriend is the one crying on the busy streets… by herself. Poor Taeyong doesn’t know this.
The next morning, you did not bat an eye nor reply any of Taeyong’s messages. You muted his number and prepare for work. As you spray your perfume, the front door beeps open and a tall man you used to love, but now hate, shows up with a bouquet of yellow flowers on his hand.
“Good morning sunshine! What’s with the cloudy face?” Taeyong extends his hand to give you the arrangement.
You look at his sickening handsome smile and walk to take your working bag. “Nothing. I’m tired of work and this life full of lies.”
Taeyong frowns, “What do you mean?”
You  just hum an “I don’t know” tone and occupy yourself with packing your lunch and laptop.
Taeyong walks to the kitchen table and picks your phone, he scrolls through the notifications and shakes his head, “WOW! You haven’t opened my text, not a single one! Why?” he sounds confused.
You’re the type to always have your phone on your nose almost every second, what’s with leaving him unread?
You snatch your phone, “I fell asleep earlier yesterday after you said I shouldn’t come and have dinner with you, since you’re taking overtime.”
Taeyong sighs, “Come on (y/n), you’re acting like this just because I denied your offer to eat dinner together?” you walk away.
“Don’t act so childish. We can always have dinner together tonight or other nights.” Taeyong snaps.
You keep your cold face on;  take your lunch and working bag, and slip into your shoes. Taeyong shadows you all over the place.
“Really? Then why did you cancel it yesterday?” You hold on to the door knob.
“I had a sudden meeting.” Taeyong lies quickly.
“Oh so now you call walking with another woman without companion, while acting lovely is your definition of meeting. To me I call that a secret date mister!” you stomp your foot, “Now go! Leave! I am tired of your lies!!” you exit the room, but Taeyong holds a grip of your hand.
“but…” Taeyong is cut off by your voice “For your information Taeyong, I saw you with my own eyes walking with a woman and rejecting my call.” you raise your tone and his face turns red. You break your hand free and rush to the parking lot.
Taeyong runs after you, but luck must’ve left him today for the lift closes before he can reach you. You are clearly mad and fed up, for you are not trying to do anything to clean up the misunderstanding.
Your day goes on differently, you are still absorbed in the sadness and pain, while Taeyong… Taeyong thinks today’s problem will end like any others. His day is smooth and the woman from yesterday even offers him coffee. Upon seeing Taeyong busy checking his phone; waiting for someone to call or chat; she asks him, “What’s bothering you?”
Taeyong thinks for a while, should he tell her what actually happened, but what if things get darker and dangerous? After some consideration, Taeyong decides to use the help chance. He told her what happened yesterday and earlier this morning. She just laughs and comes up with a solution, “I can help you clarify this… Give me her number, I’ll talk to her.”
Taeyong denies that idea at first, but after some more convincing words from her, he gave up your phone number to her. He thought maybe you would listen to her.
Sure, her idea was not completely wrong, You answers her call in a friendly manner and you did not blame her for anything. You listened to all of her kind and sincere explanation, but your heart still cannot easily forgive Taeyong for doing it.
You dress up nicely in a bomber jacket and put on a cap to hide your puffy eyes. You take your step to greet your date tonight, the man Yuta told him about. Jung Jaehyun, son of the CEO of Neo corporation: Korea’s first leading group in food supply, while Taeyong is the son of the second leading group.
To put it into words, Jaehyun is a man of daydream. He is everything you expected when meeting a living prince charming. He talks in his deep voice, his choice of words are amazing, his fashion taste is casual yet daydreaming, his manners are polished as perfect as one can be, but no matter how nice and perfect Jaehyun is, your heart cannot stop comparing him to Taeyong. Taeyong is not as perfect as him, Taeyong is more of the clumsy type and silly. However, one thing for sure, you like Jaehyun’s jokes better than Taeyong’s.
His choice of place for a first meeting is way beyond expectation. You would have dressed up properly if you knew Jaehyun is bringing you to a secluded private restaurant. You seal your mouth tightly about this date, yet Taeyong knows.
You come home with a bright smiling face, Jaehyun had just dropped you off from his Mercedes-Benz G65. You secretly smile to yourself and wrap your jacket tighter as you enter the lift to reach the floor. You can’t stop humming small tunes while taking steps.
With a big surprised face, you take a step back when Taeyong greets you in his stern voice.
“Why are you here?” you sound annoyed. Your mood totally jumped from hype to down.
Taeyong raises his brow, “Am I not allowed to visit my lover? Beside I came here to check if she’s here yet, since she ignored my calls and texts.” You make your way to the kitchen and fill yourself a glass of water, “Well, sorry but I have someone to see tonight,” you shrug your shoulder.
Taeyong joins you to the small kitchen, “Yeah and I just found out my girl, without my acknowledge, went to meet another man and came home—” he glances at his watch, “—late, my girl came home pretty late. It’s 10!”
You finish your glass of water, and slam the cup a bit too hard, “So what? I’m big enough to come home whenever I want and I can take care of myself.”
“Who’s that man? How are you sure he is someone good?” Taeyong elevates his tone.
You take a deep breath and speak out loud clearly, “it’s none of your business! Even I did not know who the woman you’re with yesterday was and I did not ask you anything! I did not interrogate you Lee Taeyong!” you spit those words in one breath. You toss your jacket then lock yourself in the room. Taeyong knocks on your door relentlessly and all he gets is silence.
Silence from the loudest person is the scariest thing
You wake up with heavy head, puffy blood shot eyes, and a runny nose. You force yourselfto leave the bed and calls in for a day off today. You have called Jaehyun last night and told the new man everything, something in your heart screams that Jaehyun can help and Jaehyun will not hurt you like Taeyong did. With your beloved corgi walking beside you, You open the apartment door and freeze when you see Taeyong sleeping uncomfortably on the floor.
“Babo-ya,” You scoff in your mind and leave the big baby on the floor. You make yourself a glass of tea and gul an aspirin down your dry throat. You take your time writing a short note and stick it on Taeyong’s free arm. You bend to place a soft kiss on his temple, probably your last, and secretly leave.
Taeyong wakes up from the pain his back screams for sleeping on the floor, he yawns and stretches then looks around and realizes he had fallen asleep when begging you to open the door. He sees the post it on his arm and he quickly read it. His brow scrunches as the line gets down, and finally they widen and his mouth fell. Taeyong lost his sense of touch, hearing, and sight… he feels like a thunder just hit him and he’s drowned in his emotions. He slowly sits on the sofa and re-reads the nicely written letter. He makes sure to not miss any single word or get the wrong idea. But no matter how many times he checks the letter again, the words don’t change.
“(y/n) wants us to end it here,” Taeyong speaks to himself, the blonde quickly searches the house. Hoping to find the woman he was looking for, he needs to discuss this with you. Seriously you did not need to break up over a silly matter!
“(y/n)-ie, what do you mean? We can talk about this… where are you?” Taeyong puts on his shoes and coat.
“We don’t have to discuss anything Tae. We’re not meant to be, I realized we’re not made for each other. Our parents don’t even support this relationship we had for three and a half years. It’s over Taeyong, go get that woman and I will go my way.” You explain as best as you can.
“No, We need to meet. We’re not breaking up over phone. I don’t consider our relationship over just because you decided it by yourself. We need to meet.” Taeyong grips his phone harder.
“I can’t Tae, I’m no longer near you. Bye,” you said.
Taeyong hears the faint background sound and damn that you are in the airport, where the hell are you going now without telling him.
You turn off your call and sadly stare at the wallpaper. It’s a picture of happy Taeyong and you laughing under the mistletoe from last Christmas.
“Are we ready to go?” Jaehyun’s deep voice resonates beside you. You groggily nod and copy his steps to the boarding gate. You take one last heavy breath; yes you are leaving Korea and Taeyong behind. This is what your family wants, this is for the best.
You come from the family of the leading electronic cooperation in Korea; turns out your parents had made an agreement to make you and Jaehyun an official pair. Simply said your parents arranged your marriage with Jung family for the sake of business. Your family does not have a good history with the Lee family. Both Taeyong and you had been trying your best to keep your boat sailing despite the harsh wind made by your own families, but you have had enough. Both of you used to think if you are together, you can fight your families and live happily ever after, but that’s too good to be true.
Now, your parents have made a lot of agreements with The Jung family, and that explains why you are sent to leave Korea with Jaehyun the night when you reported Taeyong’s actions. Your father used the situation to break you apart, and he partly succeeded.
Right now, you are seated on the first-class flight to Britain, with your future fiancé (That’s what your parents insisted).
The loving couple separated without a clear ending, Taeyong still lives his life to the fullest he can, but everything is pointless when you are not in his life. He did not date anyone, he still holds on to the belief that you are still his girlfriend, and he is still committed to you, he woman he loves.
His colleague has tried a lot of things to set Taeyong up with a new date, but none of them seems to win his heart. Taeyong only attends the blind dates she made, just to respect her kindness and attention. That woman herself has won the heart of the cute guy in the milkshake shop Taeyong and you once visited, Doyoung. She was close with Taeyong because she needs help with winning the cute man’s heart. The night when you went home with Jaehyun, Taeyong was actually waiting for you to explain everything. Taeyong wanted to tell you that you don’t have to be jealous of the woman, for she has her heart and eyes for another man. Fate did not let him explain anything that night, and the next day you were already gone from his life.
Taeyong changes into a cold and quiet man, while you have opened your heart to the new man. You realize Jaehyun shares a lot of things in common with you. Knowing the new tall man with dimple is easy and both of you get along so well. You spend a good two years in England, and have to return to Korea when the working contract for Jaehyun ended.
The plane touched down on the land of Korea, where the leaves are starting to fall and the winds getting colder. You sigh it’s once again autumn, you always hate autumn.
Jaehyun feels he needs to check the office and sends you home by yourself. You did not mind, instead you are happy you can have your time alone here.
You take the taxi to a park you missed. A small park with benches for couples to seat and enjoy the falling leaves with the big Han River across them. You breathe in the autumn leaves and slightly smile when the memories you made here with Taeyong slowly floods his mind. A small tug is felt in your heart, how is that handsome blonde doing? You walk and walk then sit at one of the empty benches, your hand traces the old wood and smile when your eyes caught a small scribble that still managed to be intact even when seasons has changed.
You trace the craving and secretly hide a smile when the memory comes back in your mind.
The writing of Taeyong and (y/n) in a big heart, deriving from four years ago. You remembered craving your names cheesily on a park bench when the first leaf fell. You scoff when you realize a lot of things you did with Taeyong are associated with autumn.
You close your eyes for a while and found yourself awaken in surprise when a familiar voice greets you.
“(y/n)?” the voice sounds unsure, “(y/n)?! It’s really you?” this time it sounds surprised and a bit happy.
You open your eyes and gulp when the same man you left without news is here again in front of you. The man you shared love, the man you secretly hate and love, the same man who used to be your happiness. He looks different! He definitely loses weight, his hair is now plain and boring brown, his eyes no longer offers the star and galaxy you used to spend your time gazing. His voice didn’t change though, still the same deep voice that never fails to make you tremble.
“Taeyong, well… yes this is me.” you sheepishly admit.
“It’s been a while,” Taeyong opens his mouth. He takes the empty spot beside you.
“Look Taeyong, I don’t have much time,” you dare yourself to face him and hold your tears back. You almost broke down in tears when you once again sees the man you love standing here across you.
“I know it was hard for both of us, but that was the best for us. This is the best for us.” Taeyong stays quiet despite wanting to kiss you and tell you everything he kept to himself for a good two years, but no he wants to listen to you. He reflected for two years and he wanted to make up all his bad mistakes.
“Fate doesn’t let us be together… our family hates one another… we can’t… we just can’t be one Taeyong.” You bite your lips and hold your tears back. Your heart is breaking right now when you see the broken look in Taeyong’s eyes.
When you first saw Taeyong sitting beside you, you swore you saw a glint of hope in his eyes but now you completely kill it. You hate yourself for once again hurting Taeyong, but this is for their own goods.
You can no longer hold back your tears, the wall you made breaks down right in front of Taeyong. You hide your face in your hands and your shoulder moves as you express all of your bottled-up emotions. Something glints under the last rays of the sun and Taeyong moves closer to your side. He bravely takes you into a hug and he brings his thumb to wipe the crystals falling over your smooth cheeks. Taeyong cannot speak a word, his mouth goes mute all he knows is his life is completely dark now without you. It was dark already before when you left, but now when you clearly said that… Taeyong feels like dying.
“Goodbye Taeyong,” you stand up and walk to leave the broken hearted man. You turn one last time to see your unrequited love; and you force your last sweet smile, “Thank you for the memories.” you take quick steps to leave the park and Taeyong. A strong wind blows and makes the piles of orange dried leaves fly around and when it’s over. You are completely not anywhere to be seen.
Taeyong closes his eyes and memorizes the last words from his love, you left him completely now. (y/n) left his presence, his world, and his hopes. Taeyong fishes his jacket and pulls out a velvet box, he snaps it open and a simple diamond ring is shining there. Well, he’s been carrying this around since you left, he wanted to propose to you whenever he got the chance to see you , but turns out your ring finger is occupied already with the same diamond ring he had in mind will fit your slender finger. Taeyong keeps the ring again in the box and he pockets it again in his left chest. He lets his tears run through his face as he walks along with the last falling leaf.
He leaves the love of his life with tears and thousands of memories. Taeyong smiles bitterly when he remembers how you always hate autumn. Turns out all memories with you are prominent in autumn: your least favorite season.
flashback <<<
“I hate autumn Yong, can you imagine how selfless the tree is, letting the leaf die so it can live longer.” you pointed to an almost bald tree.
Taeyong pinches your cute cheeks, “Well yes the trees are selfish Sweetie, but did you see how sincere the leaves are? I’m sure the tree did not want the leaves to die, instead I think the leaf sacrifice itself so the tree can live,” you cut him, “But why Yong? Why must the leaves die for the tree?”
Taeyong holds his lover’s hand tighter in his jacket, “Because my (y/n)-ie, that way the tree can survive the harsh cold winter and make new leaf later on spring. That way the leaf and the tree are once again together!”
You nod your head, “Woah that’s a better theory! You should definitely be the one telling our kids bed time stories later on!” You cheerfully peck a kiss on Taeyong’s lips and blushes.
“Just like love, you must sacrifice for the one you love.” Taeyong leans in for another kiss.
“I love you Yong, now and forever!” You lean your head on Taeyong’s strong and wide shoulder.
“I love you most (y/n), I’ll be like the leaf in autumn!” Taeyong whispers to his world; you
The two people in different place share the same memory tonight.
As the moon shines and the first snow falls, they secretly whisper each other “I still love you.”
:”) thank you for reading 
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leakgaming457 · 4 years
How much ram do i need for gaming
Of Wolf's Gaming Weblog
It really is time to recognize the greatest gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I used to watch the Feedback video more than at G4 every week, but it really is gone down hill the final few times I watched it and https://www.eviloid.online/ now that Adam Sessler is not on it and they have that girl from IGN that absolutely everyone hates in just about every episode I just cannot be bothered to watch it any more. Still worth going back and watching some of the older ones though. Klepic employed to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the very best. Back when they in fact talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect alternatively of just gushing about whatever game they are told is cool this week.
You are quietly accepting and at peace with your selection to grow to be a board gamer for life. Your family members knows you appreciate board games and almost certainly play them with you. Your good friends know love board games, and you have good gaming groups. You have committed to assigning portion of your property to be a board gaming area. For the initially time, you have began to remove games from your collection. Maybe you've sold the games, or you just don't have space to maintain practically all of them. Mentally you accept that you do not need to play every game, and you have likely narrowed down a handful of games that you want to play regularly.
I got into action games late but when I did it absolutely changed how I viewed gaming forever. The game which brought me round was Viewtiful Joe. Here was a game with a deep and open-ended combat program which seemed to be built as a suggests for the player to express creativity. This technique is then pitted against opponents and obstacles which were created from the ground up to interact meaningfully with the core technique. The course was fixed, but the approach for dealing with that course was fully down to the ingenuity, talent and inspiration of the player. You play like you have a big audience watching and the game constantly entices you to boost the concentrate is not merely on having the player from A to B, the focus is on receiving the player to play Viewtifully”.
Nowadays is the day! I will be progressively releasing the names of the leading ten gaming blogs of 2014. Looking more than this list, I am positively blown away. So quite a few awesome posts this year! If you have been disappointed by the Ennies… if you feel that the real deep thinkers in gaming commentary don't get the interest they deserve… effectively, people, we are going to fix that.
Live in the planet of games on this web-site that is committed to providing out magazine style evaluation contents on the hottest games, characteristics on the gaming community and multiplayer user interface for its readers. How to download games on computer. Get games & game keys with Green Man Gaming - get the ideal rates, great bundles & exclusive game deals day-to-day! Stop by to discover Green Man Gaming.
Here Is A Scheme Which Is Improving GAMING
CrystalSkull is packed with adequate attributes to aid you develop nearly any variety of gaming web page with WordPress. The integrated overview system means your content material will rival the articles identified on the major gaming assessment sites. With CrystalSkull, you'll be capable to create your own custom criteria for your critiques, then add a score for every item, just before awarding a final all round rating for the critique.
It is worthwhile getting a niche which will bring persons back time and again. This is how you turn out to be an authority in the gaming community. Your branding and domain need to all point to what it is you do, generating you easy to come across. Be inventive. Place your own character into your writing, and your editing. Play to your strengths. If you're a whizz on the Xbox, run with that.
Paul: Green Man Gaming, like quite a few information driven technologies marketplaces, was born in a spreadsheet and continues to this day to be heavily data dependant. The business uses historical analysis of correlated data to produce forecasts of buyer behaviour, as properly as real-time information streams to augment these forecasts in true time.
Augmented reality games are becoming a front-runners of gaming market. Nowadays, this is not just the fantastical notion. AR games enable you to fight aliens, capture fantastical creatures, defend kingdoms in the real world. And all of this is doable without the need of super high-priced headsets - just an AR-enabled smartphone or console is necessary. Wolf's Gaming Weblog is on a run to give you the most precise and sincere evaluations on the prime games in Xbox One particular, Personal Personal computer games and Board games. With this web-site in your bookmarks tab, the weather is generally superior to get your hands on some on-line games.
The Game Fanatics brings to you precise reviews, podcasts, gadget articles, gaming articles, and weekly YouTube videos about great on the internet games. The web-site is dedicated to displaying the planet some of the greatest games launched and the developers of the same. As a user reaches a gaming internet site, they expect to discover loads of visual content and media files. So, give them what they want. In order to deliver a properly-structured presentation of your content, use galleries on your site's pages and posts.
An additional of our best gaming influencers for 2018 is The Rad Brad We had to involve this channel due to the fact The Rad Brad is a especially properly known YouTube gamer. He produces an extraordinary amount of extremely-excellent, enjoyable content. It's no wonder he's known for creating the ideal video game walkthroughs on social media. The Rad Brad has helped to make a quantity of influencer advertising and marketing campaigns a true good results.
Gaming content material on YouTube is some of the stickiest. Much more than 20 of the major 100 YouTube channels with the most subscribers worldwide are gaming connected. Who's the most subscribed? That would be Let's Play creator PewDiePie , with more than 32M subscribers. His loyal following now outnumbers the population of Canada. To give you some point of view, Google Trends shows that searches for PewDiePie on YouTube are on par with stars such as Eminem and Katy Perry. He's even created a cameo on South Park.
Alia Lia” Shelesh, far better recognized as Sssniperwolf is the initially female gaming influencer on our list. She began her YouTube career by playing initially-individual shooter games like Contact of Duty, Halo, and Far Cry. Her account these days consists of vlogs and various video games that she plays and has extra than 7 million subscriptions.
The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the finest sub-$50 Pc gaming headset you can present. It has a lot of options, but maybe most critical is the excellent audio and a mic that has a definitely very good audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an quick-to-adjust volume controls located on the bottom of the suitable ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and flexible 90-degree rotating ear cups.
In the ‘90s, televisions got bigger, and gaming consoles got more powerful. Nintendo and Sega fought for the prime spot with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Sega Genesis, respectively. You will uncover all the retro games for SNES and Genesis you loved back in the day in one practical spot. From Golden Axe to Mega Man X, all your favorite 16-bit titles are obtainable at the Retro games shop.
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idontevenknownemore · 5 years
An Angel who Fell, but Not Quite Far Enough - Part One
*A gender-neutral, Good Omens reader-insert in which you are an angel with very bad—er, well nonexistent memory who fell, but not quite far enough...
[ Insert Guide: [Y/N]=“Your Name,” [F/N]=“First Name,” [L/N]=“Last Name,” [F/C]=“Favorite Color” ]
Amnesia wasn't all bad—well, it was, but also...it wasn't? For all [Y/N] knew they could have been a serial killer before forgetting it all, which was most certainly bad. However, whatever they had been before, it didn't weigh them down. There was no baggage, no anxiety-inducing past trauma. They lived whatever life they wanted to. For some reason, they'd never really felt the desire to find out who they were, anyway.
[Y/N]’s first memory consisted of waking up in a dark and dirty alleyway. They later discovered it was London and were very quickly transported to a hospital after a few odd conversations with strangers had prompted someone reporting them to authorities.
No doctor could explain it, nor England's best neuroscientist for that matter—[Y/N]’s brain was functioning entirely normally, they just simply couldn't remember who they were. They had basic knowledge about the world, but when it came to personal knowledge concerning their identity? They simply blanked. At first, they were accused of lying, but after numerous interviews, evaluations, counseling, medications, and even a couple of polygraph tests, there was no choice but to believe them.
Their story inspired a news article or two with headlines like "DOCTORS ASTOUNDED BY PECULIAR AMNESIA PATIENT" and, naturally, internet conspiracy theorists proposed the most outlandish ideas—like perhaps they were a time traveler or an alien or an experimental clone released into society by the government. None of them got anywhere near the truth of the matter. All the buzz even lead to them meeting the Prime Minister once. But, eventually, as with all media, the hyper fixation slowly died away and they were old news. And old news gradually became forgotten news.
After being unsuccessful in their search for their origins, the police and medical personnel eventually agreed to help integrate them into society. They got to choose a name for themselves, which they were rather keen on. After searching the internet for hours, they finally settled on [F/N] [L/N]. It just seemed right.
The doctors had projected that they were in their early twenties, so [Y/N] decided to take advantage of the government funding they were offered and enrolled in University. It seemed they had quite the aptitude for just about any topic they set their mind to; it was strange not really knowing anything and yet knowledge coming so naturally to them—as if, perhaps, they were only remembering what they had forgotten but...not really. Their topic of choice, however, centered on Theology.
They lived quite cozily in their private dorm room, which was kept quite tidy to the extent that they really didn't have many belongings.
One of [Y/N]'s favorite pastimes involved wandering around London, discovering practically everything for the first time. Today was quite rainy, more than usual, but it didn't deter them. They walked on, splashing with each step and gripping tight to their [F/C] umbrella, which was embellished with a pattern of little, silver feathers. A rather strong gush of wind threatened to carry their umbrella away and, so, [Y/N] wandered into the nearest and coziest looking building.
They really hadn't paid attention to what the building was past acknowledging the little 'OPEN' sign, but upon entering they were immediately struck with the inviting warmth that hit them—contrasting so harshly with the cold storm outside. It was like slipping into an entirely opposite dimension. Next, they noticed the scent of old parchment and glue, which reminded them of the University Library except for the fact that there was a sweet undertone to it—was that hot chocolate they were detected? [Y/N] couldn't be sure; they couldn't remember ever having it, but they must have before because they recognized the scent.
Whatever it was, [Y/N] immediately felt guilty for entering a bookshop dripping wet and so they did their very best to dry off before daring to take another step inside. They closed their umbrella tightly and left it by the door along with their raincoat to avoid scattering water any worse than they already had. They sighed, content with the respite they'd found from the storm.
Their eyes grazed over the piles and shelves of books—all old and well-cared for, they could tell. It seemed more like someone's personal collection than a shop, really. They dared to wander over to a shelf to examine the book titles, but before they could comprehend the ornate lettering on one particular book's spine, [Y/N] was alerted by the hasty shuffling of feet.
"Aaaahhh! I do apologize, but we are just about to close," they registered the warm, posh voice before they did the man generating it. [Y/N] immediately tore their eyes away from the shelf and toward him.
The moment they saw him, they were struck with a sense of warmth similar to the bookshop itself—almost as if he were the very heart of it. He had the most brilliant glow about him (an aura, they’d learned to call it from their classes); they had always been able to see them as far as they could recall. There was something familiar about the man. It wasn't his face or his voice or anything like that; it was his energy, his being. At any rate, [Y/N] couldn't exactly pinpoint the strange feeling, but it was there nonetheless.
They smiled apologetically, "Ah, I'm sorry...there weren't any hours posted and, well, with the storm and all, the place looked so inviting...-I'll go," but before [Y/N] could make way to leave, another man rounded the corner. His presence, too, was familiar, but in a much less pleasant way. He didn't frighten them, but rather they felt a sense of unease, almost distrust. His aura was strangely concealed and deceptive, but they could see a slight tinge of darkness surrounding his being--however, it was almost as if that darkness was concealing something else, something more. The smile unconsciously faded from their lips. It was like the two were polar opposites and it wasn't simply because of the way they made [Y/N] feel, but in the way, they dressed and acted as well.
"Forgot to flip the sign to closed again, angel?" The man clad in dark clothes leaned nonchalantly against the shelf and crossed his arms, appearing amused.
The bookkeep's attention seemed to have drifted to the window, seeming somewhat guilty. "Well, it certainly is bucketing down out there, isn't it...?"
"...nice weather...for ducksss," the other man commented under his breath with a shrug and [Y/N] was almost sure, but not definitively, that they detected a hiss in the man’s tone.
"Well, I suppose I'm lucky I enjoy the rain then," [Y/N] broke their silence, feeling a bit embarrassed for having bothered the two when the shop was intended to be closed. "I'll be going, then...," they noted as they made way to retrieve their rain jacket just as a burst of lighting illuminated the shop's window. [Y/N] didn't seem at all bothered—the man on their other hand...
Oh, curse him for forgetting that blasted ‘OPEN’ sign. After all the centuries keeping the shop, you'd think he'd remember a thing like that. Aziraphale bit the inside of his lip as he watched the stranger slip on their coat, feeling Crowley's watchful eyes on him. The sudden flash of lightning only solidified his guilt. Often, the people he rushed out of his shop were argumentative and rude, but this stranger had simply accepted it graciously. Ah, what kind of angel would he be if he let them go out in a storm like that? What if they got hurt? Wouldn't that be his fault for sending them away?
"Aahh, I trust you haven't very far to walk...?" The angel finally piped up.
"...-well, actually...I'll be heading back to the University. I wandered a bit further than I probably should have. It's my own fault for ignoring the weather forecast," they shrugged, still not a care in the world, as they buttoned up their coat. "I am sorry, again, for disturbing you. It's...-you have a really lovely place here." They compliment with a smile.
Blast. They were a kind heart and he was relenting, "My dear, you cannot possibly walk all that way in this weather. It would be quite certainly treacherous."
Crowley perked up a bit, his attention having drifted elsewhere until this moment. He saw where this was going and he knew he wasn't going to like it.
"Oh...," the stranger took a look out the window as if they had only just realized how bad the storm actually was. "But I did walk all the way here just fine...-I'm sure it will be alright." They sent him a smile, grateful for his concern.
Aziraphale jumped into action, nervous as the stranger began to open the door. "W-well, what if we offered you a ride?"
And there it was; Crowley groaned as Aziraphale turned to him with a pleading look. Those big, blue puppy-dog eyes. How many times had he given in to those? "No, no absolutely not. You heard 'em. Said they got here just fine in the first place."
The stranger paused, contemplating this. They thought about accepting until the other man piped up. “I wouldn’t want to intrude more than I already have...”
He wasn’t going to give in. He wasn’t. Those angelic eyes wouldn’t win this tim—Crowley groaned, “Oh, for somebody’s sake...-Fine. But you owe me for this one, angel.”
Aziraphale grinned, the angel pleased to get his way but playing innocent as though he’d never been begging in the first place. Spoiled angel. “Oh, thank you~”
“W-well, then. I would really appreciate the lift...,” the stranger concluded, “...-if that’s really alright...”
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crownlessk-ing · 5 years
Thank you @melodyoftheriver for tagging me in this~
1. Nickname: Kai, tho nobody calls me like that anymore (and that makes me sad actually)
2. Zodiac: Aquarius
3. Height: actually Levi’s height. shorty squad unite!
4. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (is HP even relevant anymore?)
5. Last Thing I Googled: "weather forecast in Munich”
6. Favorite Musicians: the GazettE
7. Song Stuck In My Head: GUSH by the GazettE right now.
8. Followers: Almost 600? You guys are the cutest, thank you so much~
9. Following: 281
10. Do You Get Asks?: Whenever I do it’s people with the most lovely comments and you all deserve smooches and love.
11. Amount of Sleep: 6/8 hours? I’m an old man nowadays so any night under 6 hours and I just cannot function.
12. Lucky Number: 14
13: What Are You Wearing?: It’s concert day, so black band t-shirt (very old, rare one because i’m a freaking fanboy), black shorts, black socks, black Dr Martens shoes that are seriously about to die.
14: Dream Job: Full time artist. Which, considering that I’m a tattoo artist, is pretty much my job already. I’d just love to have more time to dedicate on painting and writing.
15: Dream Trip: The one I’m doing right now? Haha. Following my favourite band on their European tour is really up there in term of dream trip. I guess the better version would be doing the whole world tour. Next time, I definitely will.
16: Instruments: I used to play the cello and the bass when I was younger.
17: Languages: French and English. And also I tiny bit of Japanese.
18: Favorite Song: Nausea & Shudder by the GazettE
19. Random Fact: The two people I look up to the most in my life happen to be just as short as I am, so nowadays I’m just really happy and proud to only be 160cm tall.
20. Aesthetic: Blood and sunlight and soft flowers and scars and guro and plants and nature and post-apocaliptic shit. 
I'm tagging whoever wants to do it~ Just @ me if you do!
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ladyonly01-blog · 6 years
2018 Preview Party In [email protected]
Fashion Week is one the most stressful but pivotal weeks for the fashion industry, where trends are forecasted and revolutionized by a single detail in fabric, accessory or hairstyle.   hosts an event each year with similar goals but without all the stress. Our third annual Jewelry Preview Party was held in New York City last week. We invited several of our friends from well-known fashion magazines including OK! Magazine, Redbook, Lucky, Cosmopolitan, Real Simple, Woman’s Replica Cartier Earrings World and more to join us for this fun fashion trend focused event. Since I was lucky enough to go, I had to share some of the highlights with you! For starters, let’s talk about the trends! In the New Year, you can expect to see everything from jungle-inspired designs to pearls with a punch. Whatever suits your style, our has something special for you. Below are just a few of our trend tables from the event! New Year’s Resolution #1: More Carats
When I think about New Year’s resolutions, I typically think about things that are hard or difficult and somehow result in a lifestyle change. People resolve to stop smoking, eat healthy, get fit, or in my case last year, stop biting my nails! (Author’s Fake Cartier Love Earrings Note: My nails are currently much longer than this time last year, but I’m still working on this one bad habit.) This year, I’m making a resolution that’s not only going to be easier, but also going to make me happier! This year, I’m resolving to have! I’ve been telling people for a few weeks now, and they just nod their head and say “that’s great!” They of course, think I’m talking about those hard as a rock orange sticks called carrots! Ha, if only they knew I’m resolving for something much more fun and much easier to stick with! In fact, I’m so excited about my New Year’s resolution that I had to share it with you and the new pieces I’ve picked out to help me keep my 2018 resolution! This first piece is a stunning! At almost 63carats, I think it sparkles brighter than the ball drop in Times Square and priced under $100, I simply can’t resist. I can’t wait to wear it to my next dinner with friends and hear all the girls gush. The second piece is a 15ct  I love the dark purple hue. It reminds me of royalty and wearing it makes me feel regal! Cheap Cartier Juste un Clou Earrings You can’t help but feel lifted up when putting on a piece of artwork this magnificent. Next, I think these 4.68 morganite color are joining my collection soon. They’re just what I need to for my upcoming vacation. I want to look fabulous without worrying about an expensive earring going missing in the snow. Not quite done yet, I’ve chosen a 1.80 carat. I feel tipsy just gazing at it, but I simply can’t stop. It’s a gorgeous example of the kind of cocktail ring every woman dreams about and the perfect piece for my next date night. The final piece of sparkle I’ve chosen is a. The 99.35 carats are to die for and guaranteed to turn heads in every room! I may even stop some traffic with this new treasure. I can’t wait to get it home, and I may never take it off. Try not to stare if you see me wearing it the next time you’re at the grocery store. Shopping  ’s amazing selection and prices, I can have more carats than every before and not change a thing! Adding almost 183 more carats to my collection with these six new pieces, I’m positive this New Year’s Resolution is going to be kept and 2018 is setting up to be my best year yet! Luxury Jewelry Gifts I must admit, when I think of the word “luxury” so many different thoughts enter my mind. At first, visions of gold, fine furs, fast cars, marble floors and faraway places cloud my mind. I think of old Hollywood movies and the dream of swimming in Amulette de Cartier Earrings Outlet diamonds – it’s a thought that makes me smile and selfishly wish for more money…or maybe a fairy godmother? Luxury is a thing that is desirable yet seemingly unattainable. It would be a luxury to waste the days away on my own island with my own butler feeding me grapes and fanning my face as I lie on a cushioned hammock listening to the ocean waves kiss the shore… But wait! Before I let my brain go on a virtual vacation… Jewelry is a luxury, no matter who you are. As vain beings, we humans look to enhance our look with gemstones, gold, silver and, well…sparkle! And it seems appropriate to be having this conversation with the Holidays practically peeping over our shoulders. What is more sparkly, luxurious and spirit-lifting than this time of year? The answer may have been “nothing” before you read this post, but now that you are here…I may have found just a few luxury jewelry gifts that out-shine even the brightest Holiday season. If discussing lavish lifestyles, one must start with. This piece has plenty of those in its 10k white gold setting. Yes, a 2.00ctw in 10k white gold. I have to be honest with you, as much as I want to tell you about it, all I want to be doing is wearing this around. In person, this ring could literally stop traffic – it is that beautiful. I cannot wait for you to get it home and try it on. Talk about feeling like your best self! White Diamond Cocktail Ring Next, with my mind on those blue ocean waves we talked about earlier, I thought it appropriate to add some Tanzanite to the mix. This 1.30ctw cushion tanzanite pendant is accompanied by .02ctw round white diamonds all held together in the most elegant 14k white gold setting. This particular stone is a spectacular, royal blue. I want to put this on a white gold chain and wear it with a winter-white sweater. The blue brought out by this stone is one that will mesmerize anyone who catches a glimpse. Perfect for cold weather or warm! Okay, now Knockoff Cartier Trinity Earrings the 4.63ctw have selected to show you are must-haves if you are going to any kind of function or special dinner. Only to be worn with something that will let them stand out – consider changing it up and wearing your hair in an up-do if you are going to be sporting these because they need to be seen with light coming through the back of them. makes me feel like a princess. I am partial to this stone because my first purchase with Jewelry Television was a Morganite ring. However, I have a feeling I won’t be the only one who favors these. Morganite and 14kt Rose Gold Earrings The fourth piece I picked out is a 1.32ct rectangular cushion with round white diamonds set in 14k yellow gold. is a unique stone that just screams luxury.  Not only is it very rare, but also zultanite can exhibit color change or color shift properties! When you look this up, make sure you notice the detail. There are diamonds on the shoulders and bridge of this prong-set ring. The bridge of the ring also includes a leaf-like detail that is carved in the gold. The grandeur of this ring makes any hand look delicate and sweet. The last piece I’ve chosen to exemplify luxury is an absolute shoe-in. When the words are spoken, luxury lingers in the air. So, when presented with a dark gray cultured it is hard not to “ooh” and “ahh”. Earlier, when I said “if luxury is what you are looking for this Holiday season,” the feeling that you get when you see this 18-inch strand of pearls is exactly what I was referring to. Good luck saying “no” to this piece, I fear the thought of wearing this necklace will be stuck in your daydreams forever.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Autumn in my heart (krisbaek) (chanbaek)
One shot - angst/fluff
Krisbaek -chanbaek
Warning : mentions of kris wu, will bring you back memories of our best "chicken nae style anya" brother 🤧🤧
(Posted on wattpad before, so yeah this is my original work)
The picturesque scene of red and orange trees cannot fool the dull and somber race of falling leaves pulled by the gravity. Be honest, autumn is depressing. See the falling leaves, dying every time a gush of cold wind tingles. Baekhyun hates seeing the piles of dead leaves on the ground, he feels like the trees are selfish that they let the leaves die in order to survive.
The clock strikes six when Baekhyun has put on his tailor fitted Pea coat from Schott's. Tonight, his favorite fragrance from Clean accompanies him. He inhales his favorite floral woody musk mixed with a slight hint of fresh soap and gets himself ready as his smart watch rings with a caller ID he loves dearly. His lover has rung him up saying he is downstairs waiting for him to take his time. Baekhyun makes his last tuck on his Pea coat and he pockets his phone as he slipped his feet to his leather boots and Baekhyun makes sure to kiss his corgi good bye before keeping the key in his pocket and slightly run to meet the waiting prince; his waiting prince!
The elevator ride almost killed Baekhyun; he frowns whenever the door opens and what greets him are the foreign faces of his neighbor from other floors; after pressing the close button five more times, Baekhyun finally reaches his destination. With his crescent eyes he scans the whole room and finds his prince in no time. His fashion and his tall body make him easy to spot.
"Kris! I'm here, let's go!" Baekhyun clings into the taller man's arm and giddily drags him out of the warm lobby. The early cold wind harshly welcomes them outside; Kris clears his throat and pulls the brunette closer. He takes in his small hand, holds it firm in his big hand, and pops it nicely into his toasty pocket of his Burberry trench coat. "It's starting to get cold," Kris smiles.
Baekhyun blushes, even when Kris had done this for three consecutive autumns, his heart will always beat like it was his first time. He did nothing though and just follow his long legs that bring them to a place Baekhyun knows a bit too much.
"Usual place Kris?"
The tall blonde man nods and after walking through the busy streets, they found themselves in a restaurant district. Baekhyun's stomach growls when the delicious smell of his favorite food can be smelled from a meter. They sit down on their usual chairs, place the same ordinary menu; a Hawaiian pizza slice for Baekhyun and a Pepperoni for Kris. Though Kris never agrees that pineapple goes with pizza, he never speaks his opinion out loud to Baekhyun, he just can't. Try and say that to a man who really enjoys it and do you dare see his heart breaks? No Kris doesn't want to break his heart; it's the last thing he wanted to do to Baekhyun.
Dinner is amazing. Over two slices of giant pizza and soda, they exchange stories, laugh over new jokes, and secretly treasure this sweet moment. They end their pizza date with a split bill and with the warmth of a full stomach. The two men make their way out of the bright, fragrance road and move to another crowded and romantic district.
Baekhyun told Kris about a new milkshake shop opening in here in Gangnam, and Kris will do everything that brings a smile to Baekhyun's face. With Baekhyun standing close by his side, Kris naturally slides his arm to hug Baekhyun's slim waist from the side as he reads the menu in the TV from the queuing line.
The café is full of sweet couples, the atmosphere here is so warm and comfortable, Kris knows this will 99% become their favorite hangout place.
"We're so sorry, but we sold the second last cup already... We only have one left for the special house favorite's chocolate," the man with a name tag reading Yixing, smiles apologetically to the two sweet couple across him.
Baekhyun runs his eyes to the TV screen to look for another substitute, but Kris was faster.
"No problem, an extra straw will do. How much for the last cup?" Kris hands Yixing his card and swipes the bill.
Baekhyun squeals deep inside his heart, how Kris could always do a new sweet action every time they go out?!
"You sure don't want anything else?" Baekhyun asks when Kris lets go off his straw after a good five sips.
Kris shakes his head and raises his thumb to wipe a trace of chocolate from Baekhyun's lips, "No, you can have them all. It tastes good and I know you like them so much." Kris kisses his thumb and cleans the chocolate from Baekhyun's lips.
Baekhyun playfully punches Kris, "What's into you?! Why are you suddenly this sweet!"
Kris laughs it off and rolls his eyes, "Because I am a nice boyfriend? Come on admit it—" Baekhyun shuts him off with a quick peck "—I'm going to have heart attack Baek, if you are making that a habit."
After making a loud sip to ensure he leaves nothing on the bottom of the glass, Baekhyun and Kris step their foot out of the lovely café. They freeze when they see people carrying umbrellas and celebrating something.
"The first snow!" Both men choir and giggle upon welcoming the cold winter!
Baekhyun reaches for a folded umbrella he had brought in his pocket and this time takes the lead to pull the giant closer and tries his best to raise the umbrella to his height. Kris cannot oppress his gummy smile and allows Baekhyun do his thing.
"I am not taking care of a sick giant again, that's why I read the weather forecast earlier and they predicted the first snow the fall. Turns out they were accurate this year, come Kris let's walk under the first snow!" Baekhyun sneakily places his hand into Kris' coat and the taller simply holds his hand.
They have fun for a moment under the first snow, took some pictures and updated their social media platforms.
"The snow is falling harder, shall we head home?" Kris worries for their health. The two men are responsible for their working days, falling sick is something they can't afford.
Baekhyun does not refuse; along their careful steps on the slippery grounds the two men don't stop talking at all. They will find new topics whenever they seem to come to an end. Tonight is a good date night. Their date night ends with Kris ushering Baekhyun back to his Apartment room.
"Good bye Kris, thank you for tonight!" Baekhyun shakes his wet umbrella.
"No problem Baek, I'll be going now,"
"Wait—" Baekhyun runs to his room and returns not long after it, he gets on his tip of toes and wraps a warm red scarf over Kris "—take that with you, it's my winter present. Stay safe okay and call me when you got home." Baekhyun buries his face on his chest as he hugs him tight.
"Thanks honey, Good night." Kris steps back and waves his hand.
Baekhyun wiggles his hand in panic, "Oh take the umbrella! And please just grab a taxi!" Baekhyun pushes his umbrella to Kris' hand.
Kris chuckles and tousles Baekhyun's soft hairs, "Yes sir! I can take care of myself—" Kris winks and Baekhyun rolls his eyes. The tall blonde makes his stealing move and kiss the plump lips of Baekhyun before finally going back home.
Sun rises and sets, moon shines and hides, the world rotates and time runs. Their love for each other blooms, although their relationship has ups and downs, the two can overcome the big waves and sail their ship to another calm ocean. A calm sea will never make a skillful sailor, and one day the biggest wave crashes to their ship, and Baekhyun feels like he is forcefully drowned into the dark deep grief of heart breaks.
The road is crowded, well at least there are cars speeding in the road, and his sparkly eyes are fixed on a "sweet" scene in front of him. Yeah sweet if the people you saw were someone you did not know, or your best friend; but seriously not sweet if it's your boyfriend you saw over the road holding hands with another pretty boy, wrapped in an expensive suit looking all lovey dovey with your man. Maybe Kris did not know or see Baekhyun on the other side of the road, but Baekhyun cannot mistake that man as someone else. His eyes turn red; Baekhyun fetches his phone and takes the speed dial to call Kris. He waits for a moment with his eyes fixed on the two men across him.
The pedestrian traffic turns green, and Baekhyun sees the two of them walking to cross the road. He quickly hides himself in an old payphone box while still listening to the waiting tone and keeping an eye on Kris. When Kris made it with the sweet smiling guy to the same street as Baekhyun's he swears his call just was sent to voicemail. Kris also presses his screen earlier, hufth he didn't even hesitate to reject his call. Insteaad, Kris looks so happy walking with this new man. His jealousy and suspicion completely take over him, he leans over the small phone box and stares at his screen emptily.
"Sorry, busy can't pick up your call." Kris' message appears in his notification bar.
Baekhyun swallows the lump stuck in his throat; disappointed and angry the lonely man runs back to his apartment. He was planning to buy dinner and surprises Kris in his office for working overtime. If his vocabulary for overtime means having a walk with another man, heol Baekhyun won't bother coming to see him.
Baekhyun locks himself in his room and cries his heart out, his stomach grumbles, but his heart aches more. Baekhyun ignores all of the calls and messages in his phone. Thirty minutes later he wipes his eyes and after ensuring his heart he needs to do this: Baekhyun texts a number.
"Soo, you're right... I'm coming to the dinner tomorrow. What's his name again?"
This time Baekhyun regrets not listening to his friends when they warned him about his boyfriend playing fire behind his back. Baekhyun is too naïve and blunt to realize Kris has slowly changed. He was not as sweet as he used to, he got busy, and he rarely picked his calls. At first Baekhyun simply forgive him; thinking he must be busy with his works, turns out Baekhyun is living blindly.
The tall blonde man enters his apartment and paces his room nervously while sticking his phone to his ear. He bites his lips when the line beeps but no one seems to answer the call.
"Pick up. Pick up Baek.... Please... I'm worried sick..." Kris ends the waiting and jumps to the message room. He sends more messages asking if Baekhyun is okay, why is he not picking up calls, and why is he not reading his messages.
Kris feels guilty rejecting Baekhyun's call earlier, but he cannot pick the call there when he thinks his coworker has a big crush and is flirting with him. Kris cannot bring himself to answer the call and crushes the cute man's dream. Yes, Suho, his co-worker is lately clinging on his side, and Kris cannot lie and say he's unattractive. Suho is a calm and nice man, good with works, and Kris finds it hard to keep his heart stable when he's around.
Kris thought he saved Suho from crying in the streets, when in reality his real boyfriend is the one crying on the busy streets... by himself. Poor Kris doesn't know this.
The next morning, Baekhyun did not bat an eye nor reply any of his messages. He muted his number and prepares for work. As he sprays his perfume, the front door beeps open and a tall man he used to love, but now hates, shows up with a bouquet of yellow flowers on his hand.
"Good morning sunshine! What's with the cloudy face?" Kris extends his hand to give Baekhyun the arrangement.
Baekhyun looks at his sickening handsome smile and walks to take his working bag. "Nothing. I'm tired of work and this life full of lies."
Kris frowns, "What do you mean?"
Baekhyun just hums an "I don't know" tone and occupies himself with packing his lunch and laptop.
Kris walks to the kitchen table and picks Baekhyun's phone, he scrolls through the notifications and shakes his head, "WOW! You haven't open my text, not a single one! Why?" he sounds confused.
Baekhyun is the type to have his phone on his nose almost every second, what's with leaving Kris unread?
Baekhyun snatches his phone, "I fell asleep earlier yesterday after you said I shouldn't come and have dinner with you, since you're taking overtime."
Kris sighs, "Come on Baek, you're acting like this just because I denied your offer to eat dinner together?" Baekhyun walks away.
"Don't act so childish. We can always have dinner together tonight or other nights." Kris snaps.
Baekhyun keeps his cold face on; he takes his lunch and working bag, and slips into his shoes. Kris shadows him all over the place.
"Really? Then why did you cancel it yesterday?" He wears his shoes and holds on to the door knob.
"I had a sudden meeting." Kris lies quickly.
"Oh so now you call walking with another man without companion, while acting lovely is your definition of meeting. To me I call that a secret date mister!" Baekhyun stomps his foot, "Now go! Leave! I am tired of your lies!!" Baekhyun exits the room, but Kris holds a grip of his hand.
"but..." Kris is cut off by Baekhyun's loud voice, "For your information Kris, I saw you with my own eyes walking with a man and rejecting my call." Baekhyun raises his tone and his face turns red. He breaks his hand free and rushes to the parking lot.
Kris runs after Baekhyun, but luck must've left him today for the lift closes before he can reach him. Baekhyun is clearly mad and fed up, for he is not trying to do anything to clean up the misunderstanding.
Their day goes on differently, Baekhyun is still absorbed in his sadness and pain, while Kris... Kris thinks today's problem will end like any others. His day is smooth and the man from yesterday even offers him coffee. Upon seeing Kris busy checking his phone; waiting for someone to call or chat; Suho asks him, "What's bothering you?"
Kris thinks for a while, should he tell Suho what actually happened, but what if things get more dark and dangerous? After some consideration, Kris decides to use the help chance. He told Suho what happened yesterday and earlier this morning. Suho just laughs and comes up with a solution, "I can help you clarify this... Give me his number, I'll talk to him."
Kris denies that idea at first, but after some more convincing words from Suho, he gave up Baekhyun's phone number to Suho. He thought maybe Baek would listen to Suho.
Sure, Suho's idea was not completely wrong, Baekhyun answers his call in a friendly manner and he did not blame Suho for anything. Baekhyun listened to all of Suho's kind and sincere explanation, but his heart still cannot easily forgive Kris for doing it.
Baekhyun dresses up nicely in his bomber jacket, and puts on his cap to hide his puffy eyes. He takes his steps to greet his date tonight, the man Kyungsoo told him about. Park Chanyeol, son of the CEO of Eve's corporation: Korea's first leading group in food supply, while Kris is the son of the second leading group.
To put it into words, Chanyeol is a man of daydream. He is everything you expected when meeting a living prince charming. He talks in his deep voice, his choice of words are amazing, his fashion taste is casual yet daydreaming, his manners are polished as perfect as one can be, but no matter how nice and perfect Chanyeol is, his heart cannot stop comparing him to Kris. Kris is not as perfect as him, Kris is more of the clumsy type and silly. However one thing for sure, Baekhyun likes Chanyeol's jokes better than Kris'
His choice of place for a first meeting is way beyond expectation. Baekhyun would have dressed up properly if he knew Chanyeol is bringing him to a secluded private restaurant. Baekhyun seals his mouth tightly about this date, yet Kris knows.
He comes home with a bright smiling face, Chanyeol had just dropped him off from his Mercedes-Benz G65. Baekhyun secretly smiles to himself and wraps his jacket tighter as he enters the lift to reach his house. He can't stop humming small tunes while taking his light steps.
With a big surprised face, Baekhyun takes a step back when Kris greets him in his stern voice.
"Why are you here?" the shorter man sounds annoyed. His mood totally jumped from hype to down.
Kris raises his brow, "Am I not allowed to visit my lover? Beside I came here to check if he's here yet, since he ignored my calls and texts." Baekhyun makes his way to the kitchen and fills himself a glass of water, "Well, sorry but I have someone to see tonight," Baekhyun shrugs his shoulder.
Kris joins him to the small kitchen, "Yeah and I just found out my boy, without my acknowledge, went to meet another man and came home—" he glances at his watch, "—late, my boy came home pretty late. It's 10!"
Baekhyun finishes his glass of water, and slams his cup a bit too hard, "So what? I'm big enough to come home whenever I want and I can take care of myself."
"Who's that man? How are you sure he is someone good?" Kris elevates his tone.
Baekhyun takes a deep breath and speaks out loud clearly, "it's none of your business! Even I did not know who the man you're with yesterday was and I did not ask you anything! I did not interrogate you Kris Wu!" Baekhyun spits those words in one breath, he tosses his jacket then locks himself in his room. Kris knocks on his door relentlessly and all he gets is silence.
Silence from the loudest man is the scariest thing
Baekhyun wakes up with heavy head, puffy blood shot eyes, and a runny nose. He forces himself to leave his bed and calls in for a day off today. He has called Chanyeol last night and told the new man everything, something in his heart screams that Chanyeol can help and Chanyeol will not hurt him like Kris did. With his beloved corgi walking beside him, Baekhyun opens his door and freezes when he sees Kris sleeping uncomfortably on the floor.
"Babo-ya," Baekhyun scoffs in his mind and leaves the tall giant on the floor. He makes himself a glass of tea and gulps an aspirin down his dry throat. He takes his time writing a short note and sticks it on Kris' free arm. He bends to place a soft kiss on his temple, probably his last, and Baekhyun secretly leaves.
Kris wakes up from the pain his back screams for sleeping on the floor, he yawns and stretches then looks around and realizes he had fallen asleep when begging Baekhyun to open the door. He sees the post it on his arm and he quickly reads it. His brow scrunches as the line gets down, and finally they widens and his mouth fell. Kris lost his sense of touch, hearing, and sight... he feels like a thunder just hit him and he's drowned in his emotions. He slowly sits on the sofa, and re-reads the nicely written letter. He makes sure to not miss any single word or get the wrong idea. But no matter how many times he checks the letter again, the words don't change.
"Baekhyun wants us to end it here," Kris speaks to himself, the tall blonde quickly searches the house. Hoping to found the man he was looking for, he needs to discuss this with Baekhyun. Seriously they did not need to break up over a silly matter!
"Baekhyun-ie, what do you mean? We can talk about this... where are you?" Kris puts on his shoes and coat.
"We don't have to discuss anything Kris. We're not meant to be, I realized we're not made for each other. Our parents don't even support this relationship we had for three and a half years. It's over Kris, go get that man and I will go my way." Baekhyun explains as best as he can.
"No, We need to meet. We're not breaking up over phone. I don't consider our relationship over just because you decided it by yourself. We need to meet." Kris grips his phone hard.
"I can't Kris, I'm no longer near you. Bye," Baekhyun said.
Kris hears the faint background sound and damn that man is in the airport, where the hell is he going now without telling him.
Baekhyun turns off his call and sadly stares at his wallpaper. It's a picture of happy Kris and Baekhyun laughing under the mistletoe from their last Christmas.
"Are we ready to go?" Chanyeol's deep voice resonates beside him. Baekhyun groggily nods and copies his steps to the boarding gate. Baekhyun takes one last heavy breath; yes he is leaving Korea and Kris behind. This is what his family wants, this is for the best.
Baekhyun comes from the leading electronic cooperation in Korea; turns out his parents had made an agreement to make Baekhyun and Chanyeol an official pair. Simply said his parents arranged his marriage with Park family for the sake of their business. The Byun family does not have a good history with the Wu family. Both Kris and Baekhyun had been trying their best to keep their boat sailing despite the harsh wind made by their own families, but Baekhyun has had enough. The two used to think if they are together, they can fight their families and live happily ever after, but that's too good to be true.
Now, his family has made a lot of agreements with The Park family, and that explains why Baekhyun is sent to leave Korea with Chanyeol the night when Baek reported Kris' actions. His father used the situation to break them apart, and he partly succeeded. Baekhyun is now seated on the first class flight to Britain, with his future fiancé (That's what his parents insisted).
The loving couple separated without a clear ending, Kris still lives his life to the fullest he can, but everything is pointless when Baekhyun is not in his life. He did not date anyone, he still holds on to the belief that Baekhyun is still his boyfriend, and he is still committed to that man he loves.
Suho has tried a lot of things to set Kris up with a new date, but none of them seems to win his heart. Kris only attends the blind dates Suho made, just to respect his kindness and attention. Suho himself has won the heart of the cute guy in the milkshake shop Kris and Baekhyun once visited, Yixing. Suho was close with Kris because he needs help with winning the cute dimple man's heart. The night when Baekhyun went home with Chanyeol, Kris was actually waiting for him to explain everything. Kris wanted to tell Baekhyun that he doesn't have to be jealous of Suho, for Suho has his heart and eyes for another man. Fate did not let him explain anything that night, and the next day Baekhyun was already gone from his life.
Kris changes into a cold and quiet man, while Baekhyun has opened his heart to the new man with him. Baekhyun realizes Chanyeol shares a lot of things in common with him. Knowing the new tall man with elf ears is easy and they get along so well. They spend a good two years in England, and they have to return to Korea when the working contract for Chanyeol ended.
Their plane touched down on the land of Korea, where the leaves are starting to fall and the winds getting colder. Baekhyun sighs it's once again autumn, He always hates autumn.
Chanyeol feels for having to check the office and sending Baekhyun home by himself. Baekhyun did not mind, instead he is happy he can have his time alone here.
Baekhyun takes the taxi to a park he missed. A small park with benches for couples to seat and enjoy the falling leaves with the big Han River across them. He breathes in the autumn leaves and slightly smile when he the memories he made here with Kris slowly floods his mind. A small tug is felt in his heart, how is that tall blonde doing? Baekhyun walks and walks then sits at one of the empty benches, his hand traces the old wood and smiles when his eyes caught a small scribble that managed to be intact even when seasons has changed.
He traces the craving and secretly hides his smile when the memory comes back in his mind.
The writing of Kris and Baekhyun in a big heart, deriving from four years ago. He remembered craving their names cheesily on a park bench when the first leaf fell. Baekhyun scoffs when he realizes a lot of things he did with Kris is associated with autumn.
He closes his eyes for a while and finds himself awaken in surprise when a familiar voice greets him,
"Baekyun?" the voice sounds unsure, "Baekhyun?! It's really you?" this time it sounds surprised and a bit happy.
Baekhyun opens his eyes and gulps when the same man he left without news is here again infront of him. The man he shared love, the man he secretly hates and loves, the same man who used to be the happiness of Baekhyun. He looks different! He definitely lose weight, his hair is now plain and boring brown, his eyes no longer offers the star and galaxy Baekhyun used to spent his time gazing. His voice didn't change though, still the same deep voice that never fails to make him tremble.
"Kris, well... yes this is me." Baekhyun sheepishly admits it's him.
"It's been a while," Kris opens his mouth. He takes the empty spot beside Baekhyun.
"Look Kris, I don't have much time," Baekhyun dares himself to face him and holds his tears back. He almost breaks down in tears when he once again sees the man he loves in front of him.
"I know it was hard for both of us, but that was the best for us. This is the best for us." Kris stays quiet despite wanting to kiss Baekhyun and tell him everything he kept to himself for a good two years, but no he wants to listen to Baekyun. He reflected for two years and he wanted to make up all his bad mistakes.
"Fate doesn't let us be together... our family hates one another... we can't... we just can't be one Kris." Baekhyun bites his lips and holds his tears back. His heart is breaking right now when he sees the broken look in Kris' eyes. When he first saw Kris sitting beside him, he swore he saw a glint of hope in Kris' eyes but now Baekhyun completely destroys it. He hates him for one again hurting Kris, but this is for their own goods.
Baekhyun can no longer holds his tears, he breaks down into tears right beside Kris. The brunette hides his face in his hands and his shoulder moves as he expresses all of his bottled up emotions. Something glints under the last rays of the sun and Kris moves closer to Baekhyun's side. He bravely takes Baekhyun into a hug and he brings his thumb to wipe the crystals falling over Baekhyun's smooth cheeks. Kris cannot speak a word, his mouth goes mute all he knows is his life is completely dark now without Baekhyun. It was dark already before when he left, but now when he clearly said that... Kris feels like dying.
"Good bye Kris," Baekhyun stands up and walks to leave the broken hearted man. He turns one last time to see his unrequited love; Baekhyun forces his sweet smile, "Thank you for the memories." Baekhyun takes quick steps to leave the park and Kris. A strong wind blows and makes the piles of orange dried leaves fly around and when it's over Baekhyun is completely not anywhere to be seen.
Kris closes his eyes and memorizes the last words from his love, he left him completely now. Baekhyun left his presence, his world, and his hopes. Kris fishes his jacket and pulls out a velvet box, he snaps it open and a simple diamond ring is shining there. Well, he's been carrying this around since Baekhyun left, he wanted to propose to him whenever he got the chance to see Baekhyun , but turns out his ring finger is occupied already with the same diamond ring he had in mind will fit his slender finger. Kris keeps the ring again in the box and he pockets it again in his left chest. He lets his tears run through his face as he walks along with the last falling leaf.
He leaves the love of his life with tears and thousand of memories. Kris smiles bitterly when he remembers how Baekhyun always hates autumn. Turns out all memories with Baekhyun are prominent in autumn: Baekhyun's least favorite season.
flashback <<<
"I hate autumn Kris, can you imagine how selfless the tree is, letting the leaf die so it can live longer." Baekhyun pointed to an almost bald tree.
Kris pinches the cute cheeks of Baekhyun, "Well yes the trees are selfish Baek, but did you see how sincere the leaves are? I'm sure the tree did not want the leaves to die, instead I think the leaf sacrifice itself so the tree can live," Baekhyun cuts him, "But why Kris? Why must the leaves die for the tree?"
Kris holds his lover's hand tighter in his jacket, "Because my Baekhyunnie, that way the tree can survive the harsh cold winter and make new leaf later on spring. That way the leaf and the tree are once again together!"
Baekhyun nods his head, "Woah that's a better theory! You should definitely be the one telling our kids bed time stories later on!" He cheerfully pecks a kiss on Kris' lips and blushes.
"Just like love, you must sacrifice for the one you love." Kris leans in for another kiss.
"I love you Kris, now and forever!" Baekhyun leans his head on Kris' strong and wide shoulder.
"I love you most Baekhyunnie, I'll be like the leaf in autumn!" Kris whispers to his world; Baekhyun
The two men in different place share the same memory tonight.
As the moon shines and the first snow falls they secretly whisper each other "I still love you."
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