#this post isnt super important mostly ramblings
strawberrybabydog · 2 years
thank you for talking about the transabled thing bc we have BIID & are chronically & mentally ill and physically cannot think about the way some Tumblr Kids ruined a good term for a harmless experience for too long without getting really upset. I didnt ask for Any of this and the idea that someone wants to hallucinate or whatever is mind-boggling. imo it just sounds like kids being kids and doing shit for attention that they'll regret once they're older. but idk there are some wild people out there
to an extent i appreciate kids being kids. i was once an attention seeking 12 year old, and while i do regret it (obviously, although i didnt do anything as aggregious as THIS) i also understand that i was doing it as a cry for help. my behavior wasnt entirely my own fault, and if literally a single adult in my life had done an ounce of critical thinking, i would have gotten the support i needed & wouldnt have felt like i had to cry for help. i agree with you but i dont really like dismissing attention seeking behavior from kids, cuz kids dont do shit For No Reason & that mindset is what made me be like that in the first place & prevented me from getting support i desperately needed /lh /not scolding u. yes kids are dumb and annoying but theyre also Very vulnerable and they still should get the support they need, yknow? not saying ur not saying this, im just kinda rambling
... but like i said, what i was doing wasnt as aggregious as this. whatever i did only caused internal harm and affected nobody other than myself. the older i get, the more ive watched Internet Kids become more harmful to themselves and, especially others. its fun to argue when youre a stupid rebellious 12 year old but, when i was a kid there wasnt "discourse." it was arguing with conservative christians about gay marriage (like, very black and white issues, because 12 year olds cant understand nuance)... infighting didnt really exist back then... nothing similar to this existed back then
idk. there is no solution. the power lies in the hands of parents who clearly dont care. best we can do as tumblr.hell citizens is to just ignore it until it goes away. even i feel bad for talking about it because i am also now bringing attention to it
it is also mind boggling to me that someone who isnt like me at all, sees me & my struggles, and wants them. slush is very cool, but positive interactions with my hoarde only make up about 20% of living with DCS. the rest is being re-traumatized on a daily basis (which, yeah is actually sometimes by my hoarde too)... i fear i romanticize living with schizophrenia because i often talk positively about my experiences, but i have never spoken to a single person about my trauma related to it because i literally cant. i choke up completely. its just too painful for me. its unfathomable to broadcast that to thousands if not even my partner knows
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reanimationstation · 1 year
Hello! I'm curious about your BATDR au, with "Dad Sammy". I hope it's okay if I ask some questions:
How does this au's ending differ from the canon ending (if it differs at all besides Sammy's not dead and Bendy and Audrey are still in the ink world)? Did we have the big Monster Bendy showdown like in the game or did something else happen? Can Audrey and Bendy travel between worlds?
Also, with reference to the comic of Henry and Sammy talking about Bendy, is Bendy trapped in his toon form again or is he choosing to be stay that way? Can he still turn into the Ink Demon?
Love your art and the story ideas btw
oh it is absolutely alright to ask me questions, i love talking about my aus! thank you so much :] and sorry that this is being answered multiple hours late, i was busy with college
essentially, everything in BATDR happens the same, it's post-game where things start to diverge. sammy did die, the showdown happened, bendy and audrey did merge before and the loop got reset, though i think the city and the trains and all the new places we saw in BATDR still exist because they may have been sort of "hardcoded" into the loop by wilson. now that audreys in charge of the ink realm, i think she'd help as many people back out of the puddles, and take some creative liberties here and there (focusing in on sam, he came back a little more sheepy because everyone unanimously decided to suggest it to audrey without telling her that he'd HATE it. poor girl. he got over it, mostly), especially to make life more bearable.
audrey and bendy can travel between worlds, and i actually think that at least for this au, most everyone can. most dont, however, as they'd still be ink monsters/toons outside. that might be subject to change, though, i haven't super decided.
bendy isnt trapped in this form, he's actually gotten a bit more control over which form he takes now. he does, however, often choose the toon form because people like him more when he looks like that. this is an important part of the au to me, how people treat others differently/expect them to act differently based on appearances. ben sometimes could, if he wanted to, turn back into the Ink Demon, but since theres near universal hate for that form, he doesnt often.
i think one of the factors that does influence his transformation is fear. if he feels scared, or weak, or trapped, he wouldnt be able to transform back into the ink demon until those feelings have passed. he has to feel fairly comfortable and sure of himself in order to. does any of this make any sense?? i am just rambling
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svankmajerbaby · 1 year
!! thank u so much for the ask. i love talking about writing......
✨ What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
-hmm theres a point in which i have to tell myself not to worry about likes or comments bc what really matters is me getting the practise and exercising my writing muscles and having fun with it... But. i do wish i could get more ppl into my toy story fic. its got a whole bunch of wonderful comments and kudos and stuff, i just feel so proud of it and writing it came so easy and i poured so much of my love into it, i really really wish anyone who loves these characters would read it too.
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
-english is not my first language so grammar isnt often The Best, but i take a lot of care with using words and expressions as correctly as possible, and I try to always spell words right (i dont think ive ever confused loose and lose, for example, which ive seen confused a few times). some descriptions of spaces are particularly well done, at least to my own criteria, and the song choices are fun (or at least fun to write and picture in my head).
🎈 describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
- honestly, ive no idea. i think i get verbose, and i write long dialogue scenes. i overuse the — to lead into another thought, because thats kind of like how my mind works. i try to be "cinematic" in my writing and always start a scene with a description of a place, its lighting and its sounds, like im used to when writing scripts. and i got the sense that usually the characters often ramble and go on long discussions about stuff that maybe normal people wouldnt just start out discussing so strongly. but honestly id much rather someone else outside my own perspective told me what my writing is like, i would trust them more than my own opinion.
💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
-the characters!! everything is important, and stuff like grammar often jumps out first for me... but i need to enjoy how the characters are written, and feel like theyre real people with genuine motivations and interactions. i dont mind too much if theyre not super alike to canon, as long as they feel true to the core of their personality and values.
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
-i was surprised to even get comments on my barbie frankenstein one. i loved writing it and it came through so easily and comfortably, but even though i had used that moderately popular meme of reimagining barbie as a gothic protagonist as inspiration i didnt really think it would be anything but something i liked to picture existing. i was so happy to see people enjoyed it too.
🕯️(there are two questions with this candle emoji symbol? i chose the first one, idk why theres two) was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
-the tiff fic :'^) ive always liked writing sorta dark stuff, ever since i was little, but this was on another level. sometimes i felt (and still do) feel a bit awkward bc i really do push myself to write stuff i feel a bit embarrassed or shocked by, but i do think that if i want to be a better writer it does me good to make an effort to depict stuff that makes me uncomfortable and seek to write it in a sense of finding a way to both make if effective and relatively tasteful (or at the very least in-character).
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
- i have never heard about pod-fic before, but i guess i can imagine what it is (wonder if its like an audiobook, or if it has sound effects and the like??). i would love to listen to an audiobook of the barbie frankenstein fic mostly bc i would love so so much to hear the dramatic literary dialogue ive written in kelly sheridans barbie voice. also now that i think about it i have no idea what the creature would even sound like... that would be an interesting challenge.
🤲 what do YOU get out of writing?
-practise writing in english, a sense of accomplishment (when i get to finish something!!) and every once in a while some strong validation in the form of ppl liking what i write... all of it is super valuable to me, especially practise and the push and drive to finish stuff to upload, but the validation in particular just really hits that dopamine in my brain i guess
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
-its from the glen and glenda fic im halfway planning! i got a few dialogues written and some scenes sketched out, but its still a long way to go. im very excited about it tho! ive grown to really love the versions of the twins ive made in my head. hopefully theyre faithful to their screen depictions while also adding a bit more depth and character building ive wanted to take them through.
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
⭐ -> star! ships. send your sexuality, gender, and a description of yourself and what fandoms you're in. ( as long as i'm in said fandom lol ) ill ship you with 1 or 2 characters!
I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her. I'm in the Harry Potter, marvel and stranger things fandoms!
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy mysteries, poetry and Russian literature!I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! I'm a taurus and a ravenclaw
Thank you very much!! Congrats on the milestone, here's to so many more followers ❤️
Thank you so much :((( <333
I do apologize though if this is bad, as i have never done this before. I love seeing those posts witg like people requesting ships with themselves and other characters and i thought it was cool so i wanted to try and im rambling but you get the point
From the MCU, i ship you with:
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker/Spiderman
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𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 would definately have you read to him on a lazy morning/midday! Loki would love hearing about any random thoughts/daydreams you have. Would 100 percent help you decide on outfits and collaborate with you every once in awhile. When you and Loki inevitably find yourselves in Avenger's tower, you both would definately pull a couple pranks ( loki would probably take the fall for you lol ). Any drawing or sketch you gift Loki would be kept in a special spot and would never be crinkled, lost, or torn. I feel like you and loki would probably banter quite a bit ( nothing harmful! ) just to hear your smart remarks- Loki loves what your brain can come up with in the heat of the moment!!
𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 would fanboy over the way you dress since he isnt one to dress up unless theres a really good reason and overall you just look good🤷. If its tom holland spidey you like, peter would tell you about his spiderman thang when you started dating or whatvs idk. WORSHIPS the advice you give him- and probably says some 'damn thats pretty smart why didn't i think about that?' when you put in your two cents about his issues. OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY I HAVE AN IDEA THAT I MIGHT WRITE A BLIRB OR SMTH ABOUT: when you paint realistic portraits and you need like a change of scenery or just something natural to take inspiration from, peter would have you pack up some water bottles, cups, snacks, your canvases, and paints in a drawstring and swing to a relatively natural environemnt ( i.e: a minimal amount of buildings, yada yada yada) and talk to you or listen to music while you painted
From the Stranger Things universe I ship you with...
Steve Harrington
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i <3 my babyboy
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 ( season 2+ ) would looooove taking it slow and letting you warm up to him- trust is important. His rich ass would probably buy you blazers/suit jackets/ basically anything you want. Would probably ask you to draw random things he thinks about during the day. Such a worrywart tbh- especially when you drive to that one diner in town without telling anyone so you could get a shake and basket-o-fries and brush up on your Russian readings. Super protective as well. If you were with him and Robin during their little Scoops Troops thing: expect him to hold on to you while hugging just a little longer.
From Marauders era Harry potter universei ship you with
Remus Lupin
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loml tbh
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 is lowkey a quiet guy with people he doesn't know. Understands social cues ( specifically yours ) and can easily calm you down if you have anxiety about something. Would probably tell you about Moony on accident, but would be happy that you knew so he didn't have to keep lying to you. Would rant and vent about all the dumb shit James n Sirius do and how Remus gets frustrated thaf Peter just follows them instead of saying what he needs to say. Compliments your dressing style and admires from afar. Would watch over your shoulder as you sketch/draw, loving watching the way your hand moves in a way that could create such a pretty thing. Please climb a tree and hang out with him
Golden trio era:
George Weasley
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silly billy georgey porgey
𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 would be a big fan of pulling pranks with you, even if you don't want to do take the blame for it. Could sit and watch you make art for hours <3. Sorry not sorry would call you his little arm rest. Absentmindedly braids your hair when he's bored ( he knows how to braid because Ginny went through a phase when she was a kid when she wanted her hair braided 25/8). Loves hearing you talk about your ambitions and goals, and helping you when you're indescisive. You'd get a sweater from Molly and thats when you knew you were part if the family
𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧 𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 <33
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dia-disappointment · 3 years
Really long post about me rambling about my story idea down below!! I wrote this while listening to Dream eating Monochrome Baku so If you like vocaliod listen to that mostly this one male English cover but still. There are a bunch of typos because I wrote this on a seven year old divide on fifteen percent so beware!
Okay so the main premise is that there's a group of three that go on adventures together for a somewhat (read:very) corrupt organisation using their abilities.
For context in this world/area depending or how big I make the world dreams are super important. So, much so that if the dream is strong enough it will manifest in a special power or magic baoses skill set, if someone has multiple dreams that will also reflect in the power and give a more rand.and unpredictable power while if your dream change if it still originates from the same ideal or principal traces of the previous power will stoll be there (kinda like a road map of character development and strength)
People ople with these dreams are seperate and hated by people who don't for some reason I haven't really figured it out but I'm planning on telling it but by bit thought the story. It's like a 75/25 spilt between normal people and people with these dreams and each have their own halves. Most Dream people feel indofferent or really angry towards the regular population because they're jerking and the same are true for the Humans (the people with dreams or The Dears as I'm nowgoong to call them are alsO humans but this is easier to write) there are some cases however of Dears and Humans being friends and even having families together however this is mostly because they lived on the wrong side and never questioned why their different and still think they're the same. I was planning on adding something we're if you know the exact reasoning behind someones dream you would have an advantage of some kind like using a lower version of their power but I don't know how that would work so I'll leave it for now. The setting was originally European but I thought a mix between that and Arabic might be cool but I know nothing about Arabia so I'll leave that Alona for now. Each area has their own government. The Humans.litterslly have a entire government of cinnamon rolls gotta love wm they are angels. Rhe main girl and captain of the Legion we see mostly is definitely in love with the girl of this group and they are dating. Anyways the Dear govewnt is alot worse and uses blackmail and force to get people to do their biding. Most peoe of Dear however don't really care and am to be one of them to prove their strength and unless they interfer with their lives the will help them out somewhat lazily.
Main boy - Ash Reisling
That name isnt definer yet it's literally just Ash and a bottle of wine I saw today but hey it kinda fits? Anyways so he’lol be the “main” character but really he’s just the one we follow throughout the story the most and it might be in his perspective I kinda hate first person tho so I’ll just follow him and show his thoughts (purely because I find it funny for him to be all cocky in his thoughts and be lame as shit) anyways so he’s a cocky little shit. He lives on the Human side but is still aware he’s a Dear. He went there for currently unkown reasons but what he does for a living is find Dears who don’t realise their Dears and using this funny artefact he has he can steal said dream and sell it to Humans. (This would play into the knowing a dream can give some kind of control over it) Because of this he acts like he’s some big shot but he can barely even win an arm wrestle. When we first start the story it’s like him doing his job getting the cash but he gets I trusted by the rest of the main cast who work for the Dear government. They aernt to smart and don’t realise that he’s the criminal their after and recruit him to do their work for now. Insert ash try to get rid of them while they blindly follow them around but blah blah they reveal they knew who he was blah blah this part is kinda half naked but I legit came up with this half an hour ago so I don’t care they get him to join the government
The twins:
They are litterally just wlw and mlm solidarity. That’s it. Also one is ftm trans so that’s fun. So far all I can remember is that the girl is really sarcastic but in a fun way and she likes bunnies. Possibly has some rabbit like features but I wouldn’t know what to do with that. Her dream has something to do with being friends with a rabbit who knows I don’t that’s fir sure. Also SHES really bad at most domesticate skills. (Ash is great at them if your wondering malewife material) The boy is just tired. He is just so tired. I like to think he has insomnia and because of that his dream is really weak (only action wise I think?) and he’s constantly sick because of it. Like I said before the girl is dating the Human Goverment leader.
They main cast has met before this but Ash can remember. It’s like apart of the reason he lives with the Humans. His wish was to become powerful I think and then so after the event happened or during it he losses most of his memories and only really can remember the world and his DreamTM and thinks he’s a greedy bitch and just acts like it. I think I wrote down that he actually was a nice kid and made it when he was three or smth so it was meant that was but Ash just thinks he’s an asshole now? Ash and male twin are dating
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avirams · 3 years
Hey, if it isn't too much trouble can I get a kin assessment? I kin Gonta, Gundham, Kazuichi, Kokichi, and Korekiyo. (I there a limit?? I looked through your posts but didn't see anything) There's also Jughead Jones (Archie comics) and Waluigi, but that isn't too important. Anyways, have a nice day/night. :)
theres no limit rlly, thanks for checking tho,,!!
okay you suffer severly with social interaction. like its kinda hard for you to put your thoughts into words i think, and that can leave other people extremely confused. you probably talk to inanimate objects or stuffies or animals more than people since they cant break your trust
youre SUPER passionate about your interests, even when they arent always the most common. you have a tendency to ramble, and thats awesome! im glad you enjoy your hobbies this much.
i think in addition to all this youre also probably often labeled as the weird kid, cuz social cues arent the easiest for you to pick up.
despite mostly being an avoidant person, you can get extremely clingy when someone shows the slightest interest in your passions. you have a bit of trouble understanding boundaries but you do try!! youre just very loyal and overprotective, i think.
but as always- be sure to check yourself around the people you care for. yes, i know it might be hard, but you need to start understanding the red flags that someone isnt being all that honest with you. dont let people take advantage of you.
yeah. family issues. cant tell exactly who or what, but youve always enjoyed the found family trope a lot more than others...
you definitely have like,,, no sense of self identity, i feel like. you probably melt into the background of most social gatherings, but also stand out?? like, its a bit odd. you probably change yourself to have other people like you more.
you also act suuuper overly confident but youre honestly really self loathing tbh and that aint good. you do actually matter, and you arent weird. other people just havent reached your plane of existence yet.
hope this was accurate- it was super long either way haha,,,thanks for the rq!! and sorry for the wait ://
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{??? shift}
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minecraftoworymode · 4 years
picked a whole bouquet of whoopsie-daisies the other day reading some Very badfeel content so to cheer myself up here’s some super self-indulgent ramblings about romeo recovery post-s2
“YOU CAN DANCE IF YOU WANT TO YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR INTERNALIZED MISOGYNY BEHIND” or how romeo learned to stop worrying and indulge in the ““feminine”“ shit in life
when romeo transitioned he scrubbed everything that could be potentially viewed as feminine from his appearance and behaviour. while he did everything he could about the former (hairstyle, clothing, body language, voice), it didn’t feel like enough bc he couldn’t change some things that ppl used to be jerks- his frame (short and lithe), his family, his being trans- so he made up for it by trying to “act” like a “real man”. this unfortunately meant he was super vulnerable to manipulative alt-right indoctrination tactics (”we will validate you as a man as long as you endorse our assholery and share our shitty beliefs about what it means to be a man”) and he was on the verge of getting sucked into gamergate ideology when [THIS LORE IS ANOTHER POST] and hey, now the world is minecraft. u dont gotta perform gender roles for villagers they dont care. xara will not only actually eat ur liver for pulling The Bullshit but when you are kind she smiles, so bright and warm, and it is very very nice so maybe you should keep on doing that. n fred? fred is chill with their Everything in a way uve only ever Dreamed of. romeo marinates in this sauce for a couple centuries and comes the closest to being comfortable in his own skin he’s ever been.
after the Incident he slam-dunked himself back into the hypermasculinity juice bc it was a mindset “safe” from feeling pain, whether his or others’. n since the worlds the admins created dont have the same ideas of gender as the world they came from, once he’s been dethroned romeo has a particularly hard time adjusting wrt That on top of all the other 2750347502730 issues he has to face
anyway flash forward a couple months of being incredibly volatile bc he now has to confront all the terrible things he did and how Dare u make him do that and maybe if hes nasty enough he can provoke someone into killing him and saving him from having to unpack All Of That- (note from @simple-mooshroom-herder​: Xara and Jesse at least grasp that Romeo will probably burn himself out on this bullshit eventually and the best thing to do is interact with him with a certain level of healthy detachment. Eventually he'll see that theres no "getting out of this" and he'll start to do the Work but until then its very frustrating to see that tactic take him nowhere.)
- one day petra notices how he’s constantly staring at all the ppl wearing cute dresses in beacontown and at first she thinks he's being creepy but then realizes that he's not being creepy and actually she knows exactly how he feels bc she also used to look at ppl wearing clothes super not suited for combat like that, like she wished she could wear them too, like if she just didnt have to keep up this image of the Warrior who is Not Soft Ever-
n ok. listen. these worlds have been specifically engineered to be better and kinder than the one the admins came from, and when people mess up- even REALLY mess up- people are generally not only willing to forgive you but support you as you try and get better. it’s instinctual for communities to respond to misdeeds with rehabilitation and reconciliation, rather than retaliation and renunciation (tho its not an overnight thing and it generally takes 1-3 people to spearhead the process, esp if the actions have affected a large group of people). like. ivor created something that almost destroyed the entire world, not just beacontown, yet by the end of season one he’s grown to be a part of the team- n its not just jesse & co being forgiving here, bc when ivor made his s1 build with 3 lava source blocks people objected to it, but by s2 he not only has lava in his build but a giant lake of it. (im assuming the fences around said lake are coming eventually, bc safety is still important, but the implications im choosing to take from this are a) despite almost ending the world people let him into their lives anyway and b) the community not only grew to accept but encourage his self-expression.)
BUT ANYWAY before i go off on that even more one day petra and romeo basically put on an impromptu fashion show in jesse’s house (bc their house is huge and, kind of perfect for a fashion show, and also right next to the order hall’s armory whence they stole a bunch of fancy swords to match the outfits) n theyre having a blast until the hero in residence , returns to their residence (and with COMPANY) n romeo is absolutely Mortified- caught red-handed showing feelings of an almost human nature, oh my god, this will NOT do- n this whole grand soliluquy of shame and excuses and apologies grabs the steering wheel of his tongue but he cant even spit a single syllable out bc jesse and lukas almost immediately dip leaving romeo panicking for a second before they come back with their inventories FULL of cute outfits, including a billion skirts and dresses, some of them are even enchanted so theyre like. super shiny or constantly flowing or things like that.
this actually ends up spiralling into a town-wide... not quite fashion show bc there's no runway or anything, everyone just shows up in their cutest/coolest outfits .. fashion convention?? Anyway several people come up to him and compliment him on his outfit casually before continuing along, not recognizing him not only bc of how hes done his hair and makeup n what hes wearing but he just seems... so happy (he might be wearing something on his head? like a headpiece or hat or something? but also maybe not hmm)- whoever this is, he's not hunched over like he's got several centuries' worth of sins crawling on his back he’s not trying to shrink and make small a human-shaped apology for the simple fact of his existence not dragging his feet like hes ready for, dreading, a hundred mile trek through the desert repenting hes just. hes literally just Vibing
anyway he's mostly been silent or just providing very quiet "thank you"s but when it turns out that some people showed up ready to play music and there's a song that he knows he literally cant help but start jamming out its the GOod Stim everyones a-dancing and a-jiving and some people start to sing and so of course he does too (the healing power of dancing and singing in cute outfits.... unfathomable) but. ppl recognize his voice
and after a few seconds he notices how quiet it's gotten all of a sudden n everyones looking at him like "oh shit thats the admin" and honestly his heart breaks. visibly
then someone starts singing, so quiet it takes a moment for him to hear over the sound of an encroaching panic attack (oh god he has airpods in), but when he looks over theyre smiling - theyre smiling at hiM???? AND IT DOESNT EVEN LOOK MEAN??- and doing this very simple step, that he catches onto just as easily as he matches their singing (its a fairly common little tune n dance)
theyre like standing like a good few meters away but as they take turns with lines in the song they slowly inch closer
and he thinks hes starting to recognize the dance that the steps theyre doing is from but at the part in the song thats coming up ur supposed to allemande left and even tho theyre like, less than a meter away now literally no one has really wanted to get close to him, let alone actually touch him, so hes totally expecting them to be like 'psych' and humiliate him in front of the entire crowd-
he completes the step without even thinking about it n continues onto the next in this state of dull bewilderment where there is but one braincell active in his head and it is just going, in a very tiny voice, "danser?"
- when they linked arms the person briefly seemed surprised that he didn't like, chew their arm off or anything (he had. kind of snapped at people a few times during the past few weeks), but then their shock turned into a wide smile and they sort of- nodded? at someone over his shoulder like 'come and join us, it doesn't look like he's going to kill me after all you guys can put the eulogy writing on hold'
what rly makes his heart do the confused and hopeful conga is that this isnt even anyone romeo knows, its a total stranger. or- like- he saw them while he was pretending to be jesse he just didnt care to get to know them beyond ‘name and gimmick’- its not even someone who has any reason to think he'd be cool to befriend its literally jsut someone taking a chance on him (tkae a chance take a chance take a chance take a cha)
afterwards hes like "i should thank jesse for putting you up to that, it was fun" and theyre like "what? jesse didn't "put me up to" anything, dude, you just looked super choked. * something something surfer lingo who would i be if i just left someone to feel bad when they could be having fun dancing you know?*"
he H
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Crystal spirits, and how i work with them
Disclaimer. this is all my personal experience and beliefs. though this post is educational, take from it only what you believe. my word isnt the authority and neither is any other blog post. 
In my experience with crystals throughout the years, ive learned many things about them. i hope this post will help yall out there, who are maybe beginners, or just curious on how some things work, or how others like to do things. 
This post does not list crystal correspondences.
This will be a bit rambly, but i hope you get what i mean~
Obtaining your friends
Couple of options for this, i would suggest going rock hounding in a local area. Bring your companions, water, and your tools.
Maybe youre in a place with slim pickings,like me. you can just buy some online or in person
Crystal shopping online seems more convenient since you can look everywhere for whatever you want, and get to compare prices.But physical crystal shops are great because you can tell by feel who wants to come home with you. 
honestly, i believe nothing happens to a crystal that it doesnt want to happen. and if it does, it will end up fixing it itself. If you get a crystal that doesnt feel right, you will know who to give it to.
Im in the crystal shop. Now what? Well, just take a look around! see what catches your eye.I like to have a very loose suggestion of a shopping list, but it usually gets thrown out the window. If you feel like you need to touch something, do it. (unless the shop says no touchy ofc). Some things will practically jump out at you and scream “TAKE ME WITH YOU”. If you dont find something that really yells at you, and you still want to bring something home, just find something pretty. 
 How crystal spirits work
This is mostly based on what ive experienced. this doesnt come from any specific belief , but it does align with how some people practice animism. 
(much like in steven universe,if i had to give an example,) Crystals pop out of the ground, knowing who they are and what they do.They may grow and change with their experiences, but mostly, they know what theyre about. They are given energy and life by the earth, and they do their job. 
Each crystal group, species, and individual type seem to have overarching personality traits and a group spirit. i think some folk call these “crystal devas” but im not entirely sure where that comes from and what that entails. also each vein, and individual piece, has their own spirit and personality, say, beryl and quartz are completely different. An amethyst and a rose quartz are both quartz, and therefore have a similar type of personality, but are different. Each amethyst also has its specific differences. A chevron would be different from a grape jelly. Two individuals broken off from the same cluster would be different but similar, and so would each half of a broken slab.
sometimes individuals have names, and sometimes they can be named by you. some like to work with each other, and some prefer to work alone. 
Each crystal has correspondences , but sometimes those general guidelines can be deviated from, simple because the individual just doesnt do that kind of thing. 
My crystal broke! what happens then? Well, now you have two friends to work with. Some folk like to keep one half and give the other to a friend, some keep both halves and glue them back together with super glue (i do this with show pieces), and some folk like to bury them and return them back to the earth. You dont have to get rid of your broken pieces if you dont feel like its time. The crystal will let you know
How crystal spirits communicate
Most of the time, unless youre just really closed off, you will just feel it. They usually speak in feelings. if one wants to come with you for the day, you will know. If one wants anything , youre gonna know it. Dont second guess yourself, and just do it on impulse, pretty much.
These spirits are from nature, and are usually not relatable to humans (theres exceptions to this, like lab made crystals, and carved skulls, more on that later.).  they can and will communicate in ways youre not familiar to, if you dont do spirit work.If a crystal tells you its name, like its TRUE name, you might not even be able to comprehend the words its throwing at you. dont try to decipher it, just let it be. also , try to keep true names secret unless they tell you otherwise. 
If you cant really feel what they try to communicate, you could also meditate. If they want to say anything at least. just get cozy and meditate as you usually would, once you get good and calm just hold a rock and sit with it for a bit. Usually this type of communication is more in detail, maybe fully formed thoughts and sentences, maybe images. Once i even got one that liked to speak through song lyrics!
If you cant do these, use a pendulum! Ask the pendulum where its yes is, and where its no is. (for me usually, non human or complex spirits like to go left and right for yes, and forward and back for no. for animal spirits and servitors, ive found usually they nod yes and shake no. not sure how plants respond just yet.)
Ask it some troubleshooting questions first like “are you an amethyst, are my eyes blue, do i live at XYZ” ect... 
A problem with pendulums is, if you try and use a crystal pendulum when working with any other spirit, the crystal itself may respond. Always ask if youre talking to the right entity.
What might a crystal communicate to me? It could be something as simple as “my name is  ⌷ ⌷ ⌷ ⌷ ⌷ ⌷ “ or   “you like to smoke cleanse usually, but i would specifically like sunlight ”, or it could be advice about a situation that you need help with. 
Can these spirits be malevolent?  personally, no. i dont think so. though it can be a grey area. most nature spirits want nothing but the greater good for themselves, nature, and maybe even you, if youre a good person in its eyes. 
there are instances where a crystal could be “angry”, maybe because the way it was obtained, or that it holds some kind of curse/hex/negative energy (maybe just even being around something awful that happened). Usually cleansing a stone will help with this. And if it doesnt? Try and see if you can do anything for it. 
Be careful about crystal runes, as you can piss them off. ive made a few mistakes in my time working with them(and by a few i mean a LOT, its not fun), in general just dont be a dick, and dont ask for things youre not ready to know the answer to. always thank them for cooperating, and cleanse them after use. 
What are the effects of this? for me, it was like a terrible panic attack, i was suffocating, my heart was going nuts, it was so hot, and i was so dry mouthed. i have never had panic attacks that bad. Tried to use some quartz crystals to ground myself, since i knew it was an attack, and they broke in half in the middle. This is completely my fault. I got scared and locked my runes away because it told me something i wasnt ready for, the next time i busted them out (and i hadnt thanked or cleansed them since,) is when they decided to teach me that lesson.. i was new at magic and stupid. and im glad my first big mistake was with something this forgiving. You probably wont ever have to deal with something like this if youre generally respectful. please learn from my mistakes. 
As with any divination and spirit work, you need to take protective measures. when youre speaking to a crystal spirit, you may actually be talking with something else. and it could be negative. use your best judgement please. 
Whats up with cleansing/charging/ect..?
 a lot of folk like to fight over whether or not you need to charge, cleanse, and bless or whatever else you need to do to crystals. Personally,i do like to cleanse crystals after heavy use, spellwork, or when i first get them from a shop. just to get rid of residual negativity. 
Crystals can hold information, but as far as charging them, im not so convinced. crystals arent a sigil, or something you made yourself. it has its own energy from the earth and its spirit, and will work perfectly fine without any of that.  Only do what you feel is necessary 
If its fine without charging, then why cleanse?  other than getting rid of stored negative energy, its just a nice thing to do every once and a while. It sort of works like an offering. showing that you respect the entity and want to work together in a mutual relationship. if you keep up your end as a guardian, then it will help you. 
How do i use crystals in spellwork and every day life? 
well heres some ideas! 
carry some around in your pockets/bag/bra/whatever according to whoever wants to come with you , and crystal associations
Gridwork. make a crystal grid
In spell jars/bottles/satchets 
As a decoration in your house to give the space a certain mood, feeling, or help. 
In meditation, to give advice perhaps, but also to help you according to its correspondences 
In divination, as help. 
As vessels for spells, enchantments, servitors, and whatever else (always ask it first!!! im using a large quartz as an astral tether, and a smaller one to house a servitor) 
As a friend. ever heard of pet rocks? well this is just an aesthetic step up from that. 
in your plant pots, to help them grow and thrive (be careful about water solubility) 
Pain relief and healing (only do this in congruence with actual medical care! keep around a fluorite for sinus issues, but definitely take your cold medicine) 
Important notes~
 As with any spirit, treat your crystals with respect. especially since theyre gifts from the earth. Dont act like you own a crystal. Like a piece of the earth, we really dont own land either. You arent its master and it doesnt have to do what you say. when you buy a crystal, youre pretty much signing up to be its guardian, and adding it to your team. be good to the earth, and to your friends, and a crystal will be good to you. 
if you have suggestions on other ways to work with crystals, comment! I hope this post was informational and not a complete rambling mess. have fun working with your rocks, yall~. Post about crystal skulls coming soon.  
Admin Fifa~
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juncpers-blog · 5 years
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i am truly the worst at introductions, so i do want to apologize ahead of time asdfg !! on that note, im gi and i am screaming of excitement right now !! its been a minute since ive been excited for a group, and an already open on at that .. anyway asdfj before i start rambling this right here is my baby face juniper and if you want to know more about her dumb ass please keep on reading !! 
╰☆╮ MADISON BEER ─ JUNIPER DUNAY identifies as CISFEMALE and uses SHE AND HER pronouns. they’re a MUSIC ARIST AND SONG WRITER, and they’re only TWENTY ONE ! they’re said to be +ALTRUISTIC, but also -ERRATIC. i guess that’s why they’re known as THE SKOOKUM in the tabloids. (mabel)
trigger warning !! gang mention !! murder mention !!
                                                               the synthesis !!
scribbles on empty pages that equal pain, anger, and struggle. words that had only been meant for one, carved themselves into the brunettes skin the moment air filled her lungs for the first time .. screams into the air, she formed into a fear that driven those around her. a fear that was so powerful, it made even a king cower. her king. the daughter of a man who ran an empire, was vowed to be protected along with her four other siblings who stood beside her. but the life of crime and danger always tugged at their skin, forced their claws into their flesh. it was an eat or being eaten lifestyle, and without choice juniper dunay was thrown in the middle of it. it was her bloodline. and while her mother wanted to protect and shelter, her father wanted to toughen her skin and wrap the chains of their gang around her feet. she was forced into situations by loyalty, by the love she had for of those around her, by the drive that was forced within her. but, this lifestyle was not always for her. the constant fear, the murder, the dirty hands, the loss, the pain, and the anger, it sat on her shoulders like boulders. the pain and anger that latched on to her and her siblings wrist troubled their mother, at first it was an itch, and then it was a rash, and then it ate at her flesh. she was barely skin and mostly bone when she decided to take her twin boys, juniper, and her youngest child out of their fathers arms, lifestyle, and curse.
                                             some important extras !! ; these are mostly for me to keep in memory of but can also be used for plots and whatnot !!
despite being a crime family, the dunay had hide behind the socialite title for decades. being something people that, everyone adores but no one can really get their hands on. basically, think of a celebrity family, the kardashians, the westbrooks and how they live. that was the dunays, but tie in gang ties and there you have them. 
her mother and father split when juniper was young, and despite them not exactly being in his life anymore they could never truly hide from him nor not be connected to him considering how public their family is. 
most people believe the reason for the split, and the children not talking to their father side is because of an affair and despite it not being anywhere near the truth juniper and the rest of them let the media take it and run.  
her oldest twin brother, has started to get back into the lifestyle their mother has done everything in her power to keep them out of- yet despite the knowledge and knowing for a fact that its not something he should be in she has kept his secret out of loyalty and has lied countless of times to not only his mother for him, but her other siblings as well as his friends and others in his life.
she once filled out a police report on her father, exposing everything he has and everything he has done. of course, it came from a place of anger and hurt, and a way to get back at him for not being in her the way she wants him to be. she never actually filed this report considering it could have gotten her into a lot of trouble with her father and his gang, not just trouble put could’ve put her on her death bed.
despite the anger and hatred she has for her father, he still sends her along with his three other kids money each month; while one of the twins refuses to touch it and her mother forbids it… she and her two other siblings have used it to benefit them to help build their careers and fund their startups, lifestyle, buy them new cars, spontaneous trips, and anything else they can get their hands on. considering she has made a living for herself now, she usually takes the money he still sends and donates it.
at five years old, juniper had actually witnessed a murder (the reason her mother removed them from her fathers live) and to this day it still lives on in her head. so bad, that she use to have night terrors (and occasionally still does ).
a lot of their time when people ask her about her father, she changes the subject or gives short answers. its always so hard not to expose him and in all reality she’s mostly just stuck in a state of not knowing how to deal with her emotions when it comes to him and their situation. 
 important career information !! ;
 basically, music was something that came rather early in her life. even as a small child, she had the habit of singing everywhere, everything, all the time..
her interest in music only grew as she did, putting herself in piano lessons and guitars lessons from the moment she was able to express her want to do so. of course, she had other hobbies such as soccer and dance but? music was her number one.
after separating from her father, her mother kind of pushed her children into normal things? encouraged them to do whatever they want. and so, at sixteen when she told her she wanted to be a singer her mom did everything in her power to make that happen. 
her already having created a fanbase from just being a ‘socialite’ breaking out into new industries was?? easier then most have it. 
a year later, age seventeen, juniper released her first single ‘my boy, my town’ that peaked number one on the charts for three weeks. 
she has been singing ever since, and of course growing and learning as a person and an artist. she is currently writing her second album. 
personality !! ;
compassionate, hard loving and big hearted. 
she goes above and beyond the limits for those she loves and feels deeply for.
she will burry your secrets so you dont have to, jump in the darkest of waters with you so you dont have to fight them yourself, will pull you into chaotic nights to keep your mind from straying to all the bad things in life.. she is a giver. 
trust issues are wrapped around her neck, clawing at her flesh. they are heavy on her shoulders, along with the ones she formed from her toxic relationship with her dad. she can be difficult is all. 
she refuses to let anything or anyone defend her and with that, you can nine out of ten times see her ebullient soul forcing its way out of her. 
she is always a super playful person, alway has to be teasing someone. 
she wants to give people around her home and comfort, someone they can depend on.
she is guarded, but its only because she feels everything so deeply. 
once she lets you in, you’re in forever. but when she hurts, she really hurts and when you cross that line you cross that line.
which is funny because she hates attachment but often finds herself getting attached to people. 
she is always on the move !! like if she isnt in the studio shes writing . if she isnt writing she is dragging her friends on trips across the world, endless parties. she seeks excitement, and things to keep her away from her thoughts. 
she holds grudges, and anger. 
you really cant be just anyone to get another chance after doing her wrong.
shes passionate, ambitious, stubborn, sarcastic. 
shes a affectionate drunk, let her live asdfg.
meaningful relationships really mean a lot to her? like she just longs meaningful connections with others. 
she honestly?? just wants to live life to the fullest??
shes also annoying as fuck just a warning ASDFGH
not personality related but !! close friends and family usually call her june and/or juni !! 
please, i absolutely love plotting? and am opening to so many different ideas and connections and everything else. dont be afraid to throw anything at me!! you can find some of her wanted connections here !! and of course know that i can expand on any of these and still have a whole lot more if you dont see anything on there that you like !! so with that, like this to post? or jump the gun and come message me!!
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
Character Comparsion - Calianna and Caleb
Alrighty, first blog post. Damn you Mark Hulmes, for coming up with a character that I must, must write about (and also I’m a new critter starting with the Wildemount campaign and i’m super hyped about everything critical role) Also, massive respect to everyone having such emotive, distinctive characters that we can all feel passionate about. So, this blog is mostly about turning all that hype into somewhat intellectual considerations and analysis before I explode screaming “IS IT THURSDAY YET?” every hour it isn’t thursday critrole time. Also, reblogging good art and fics. ALWAYS. so SUBMIT all you lovely talented people. 
Okay okay lets go. Right off the bat in this episode, we are introduced to Calianna, a half-elf with draconic ancestry, supposedly 1/10th. So....50% elf, 10% dragon, 40% unknown? As an aside it’s mentioned it’s from a great-ancestor, but Cali is half draconic and half elven feature wise. Later on, we find that she was pretty much living on the streets until a cult of the Scaled Tyrant took her in, taking good care of her and occasionally using her to do nasty things to people and also raising her as a sacrifice. She afterwards realizes these are nasty people and escapes on her own.  Comparing that backstory to Caleb’s, there appears to be many points of contrast, built around the cultish/fanatical upbringing. They are opposed in so many ways, Caleb was raised by pure human parents, taken in by a magical academy (as opposed to a religious cult). Interestingly, Calianna left on her own realization (possibly over an extended period), whilst Caleb had a 180 turnaround incident; one succeeded, the other was miraculously rescued after losing a great deal of memory, so there is some vagueness on both sides. Their sources of magic are also innately different, one acquired via thorough study, the other via instincts and bloodline (The one similarity they have is an affinity for fire). These differences probably contribute to the contrasting ways these two characters behave. 
Cali comes across as trusting, open and idealistic, despite her rather gritty past. Caleb, as we have seen for some time now, is rather cynical/pragmatic and closed off. Both share some social awkwardness, though expressed in different ways. Cali kinda powers through it, stuttering and stumbling as honestly as possible. Caleb holds his cards as close to his chest as he can, telling half truths and neglects mentioning the facts whenever he’s shuffling the options in his head. 
In this episode, we can also see the way they approach combat. While Cali lacks combat experience, she isn’t afraid to be right in the frontlines, closing at every opportunity, and ofc Caleb as we know hides in the back, only approaching to the maximum available distances to get in range or angle, then backing away out of potential danger. Both of them are pretty trigger happy with their magic though, quick on their feet/mind (Also, im rewatching as I type, so one moment of silence for Fabron who died a horrible, messy death, unmissed by his employers who happily wailed on the monster kidnapping him, causing him to die faster)
Then, the most important thing to include would probably be that final confrontation, where Caleb’s caution boils over to what some would consider paranoia. I personally even considered if he wanted to take possession of the bowl himself, given his penchant for magical artifacts. Having said that, he did say it was of no use to him/the Mighty Nein, so probably not. 
Him using the Mighty Nein as a barrier between himself and Cali is.....revealing. To be fair, he did see Cali rush very aggressively at the fish folk, also that momentary slip of aggression about claiming that last kill. Perhaps he made the assumption that Cali was still angry (post Friends spell from Molly) and was merely concealing it. (like he himself probably would if someone tried to keep magic stuff from him, he’s like a magpie) Then Cali did go on to reveal that he was well treated by the cult (as compared to Caleb who was punished during his magical training), so maybe a bit of jealousy there?  Regardless, this episode quite clearly highlights Caleb’s highly, highly skeptical nature,to the point where he doubts Yasha’s ability to destroy the bowl before she even tries. He seems caught by surprise that Cali is willing to let him mind check her, and even more so when she reveals her desire to fervently oppose the cult that once held her.  Here are my final speculations and head-canoning. Perhaps Caleb was in shock from having the bowl snatched from his grasp or how the group doesnt seem to quite side with him despite standing between him and Cali. I think he will be quite shaken from meeting someone who shares a little of what he has been through, and how different said person is. Will his trust in the Mighty Nein as a group be shaken? In Beau? In Jester? In Molly? Fjord and Yasha were the neutral ones here for sure. Strangely enough, Nott didn’t make any move to question Cali or defend Caleb during the standoff, perhaps seeing it as Caleb’s area of expertise? So many questions, some of which I’ll definitely be writing more on (and some retroactive ones as well). If you’ve got any question or headcannon (on critrole campaign 2) you’d like me to dive into, ramble on and overcomplicate, SUBMIT or drop an ask! Its summer break, so all the time in the world :)
Thank you all who’ve read this far! Looking forward to doing this writing thing more. Credit to all the redditors, alpha chat and discord users whose well stated opinions help shape some of mine!
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baconpal · 6 years
so heres the long super paper mario post
strap in for why super paper mario is fucking bizarre and why that’s pretty much awesome
gonna be a good amounts of spoilers, so if you’re on desktop then hit that read more, and if your on mobile, then here’s your punishment for using this god awful app
super paper mario is a game that is incredibly difficult to put into words, but it leaves such a powerful, lasting impression on me and i can’t come to say anything first other than I love it so much, and if you havent played the game, please just go do it now, even if you have to pirate or emulate or something, just let yourself play this game. It’s one of those games that I really feel I can just recommend to anybody
it’s difficult to think of where to start with dissecting this thing so i’ll just start with the art since lookin at things is pretty easy
every world in SPM is completely unique, not just in what type of environment, but it’s art style, and this is premised with the fact that none of these worlds are capable of existing together and are completely separate, and NOT part of a cohesive universe (LOOKIN AT YOU ODYSSEY I STILL THINK YOU LOOK STUPID)
The hub and the first 2 worlds are mostly just slight variants on the same general style of simplistic shapes and colors, with world 1 delving into more linework type aesthetics, and 2 focusing more on impressions and silhouettes, 
world 3 changes this completely with what is obviously an 8 bit kind of style, but instead of jarring over sized pixels, the world is composed of detailed tiles arranged to look like pixel art that imply a more real world, and not a gamey one, 
world 4 focuses on patterns and big patches of color to give the impression of the vast emptiness of both space and the surface of a barren planet, before giving you the “Whoa Zone”, with a striking mix of wire frame and futuristic UI style to it
world 5 takes the idea of nature being crude and simplistic and humanity being sharp, angular, and extreme and flips that on its head, with humanity and the space they occupy being these absolute memes with no sense of depth, and the plant life existing in a system of clean cut caves with futuristic technology and elegant historic values
world 6 simplifies a kind of colored Japanese painting aesthetic, down to the funny cylindrical cloud clusters and brushstroke trees
world 7 depicts what is essentially hell (yes there’s hell in this game keep your pants on) as a squarish blur of bright greens and warm reds and purples, and depicts heaven as fluffy land of clouds and Greek temples
and lastly, world 8 is inverted greyscale, where light is black and darkness is white, its simplistic and striking and i couldn’t think of a better style for the final area of a game so focused on the concept of light and dark
I’ll just try and keep it simple, the musics fucking cash money
The game makes great use of motifs when it needs to, where specific themes and instruments are used in other songs to suggest relationships and put battles and travels into perspective
And when it ISNT doing that, it’s just fucking funky stuff, with a weird trend of BOING and PLOP and SPLISH noises in the percussion because fuck you i guess
There’s a lot of good songs that do lots of interesting things, any of the like 5 final battle songs are great things to point to, but i’ll just go ahead and say the main theme of world 8 “Castle Bleck” is one of my favorites that isn’t super highly rated. It brings in the types of instruments that have been associated with the villain the entire game, but also throws in 2 very important things; a sudden triumphant burst of almost JRPG styled chiptune that pushes away the constantly building tension, which is then followed by the sound of a clock ticking, which is a musical motif only present in the songs “Memory” and “Promise” which is played whenever the memories of the player’s little guide thing and the main villain’s past lives together are alluded to. This one song holds a lot of weight, as well as simply being a fucking cool song.
This is, sadly, the one place I’ll not mince any words and say the gameplay is not amazing by any standard, it’s pretty much a classic mario game if it had RPG stats, items, and random abilities granted through the character and partner systems. The 3D flipping mechanic is nothing astounding, though it is very interesting to see how worlds are constructed
One of the biggest flaws people will mark the game for in its gameplay is that it’s tedious, and while I have to agree, that’s because I’ve already played the game before, and the tedium only comes from not being completely invested in the experience anymore. I’ll get some specific examples in a bit, but there’s a few cases of “tedium” that i believe are 100% intentional and drive the story in an interesting way
Thats a fuckin broad section, but its pretty much everything else i have to say on the game, and where the most spoilers and random praise is gonna be
I’m not actually gonna talk about the whole story, more just the strong parts of it, under the assumption you’ve already played it or understand a story as simple as “villain wants to destroy world, hero wants that to not happen”
The writing and characters are just flawless, everyone is fun to be around, especially the bad guys, who you see more antics of than your own party. There’s goofy running plotlines about O’chunks and mimi essentially getting grounded and being forced to write essays about why they fucked up at beating mario, and big stinky brother dimentio teasting and bullying them and sneaking them out to do his bidding when The big Count Bleck is away
The game is full of referential humor to not just mario itself but all kinds of games, there’s skeletons in hell who are clearly just Marios from the mainline games who died in stupid ways, there’s an actual dragon quest turn based boss battle in hell too, and chapter 3 has an otaku villain who tried to get with peach in a simulated visual novel
but the humor exists not just in references, but in simple good scenarios, with things like “Having a game show in a bathroom when everyone's life is at stake” and “locating an ancient manuscript to use as toilet paper” or “flying through black holes to find a convenience store” and things of that nature
It also interacts with the players emotions in many interesting ways, one of the more lauded being chapter 2-3, where mario is forced into working off a massive debt of fictional money, and is required to do hard, boring labor. There isn’t anyway to avoid doing both the hitting a block 100 times and the running on a treadmill for a few minutes thing, but the constant feeling of “there has to be a faster way to do this” drives the player to prod around, find the secrets, and slowly discover how to break the system wide open and get to the end, and i love it for that
This entire game is some sort of bait and switch, to put it simply, while it’s already a bit of a departure from both mario itself and the paper series, the first 5 worlds are pretty fucking tame stuff, other than the void, which is a giant black and purple spot that sits in the sky, always, every single world has the void growing in its sky, and it does grow, every chapter it gets bigger and bigger and takes up the sky, but where this truly culminates into the “switch” part is chapter 6, which starts itself by presenting you with the most TEDIUS sounding chapter possible, fight 100 enemies in a row, and nothing else, and for 25 straight fights, that is all it is, so you’ve locked yourself into it at this point, you know whats up, but the void in the background begins to grow to the point of being the entire fucking background, and every enemy you face speaks as if they know they’re all going to die, and by the 30th fight, one of the villains comes to stall for time as the void completely swallows the world, and the party is sent back to the hub. When they decide to go back in to world 6, its empty, the entire world is a white void with a single black line making up the ground, and colorless destroyed structures occasionally peaking out of the ground.
and you walk on this white void for so long and you just feel nothing but regret and fear and no matter how fast you make yourself go you feel like you’ll never find anything, but you do eventually get your plot item and escape
then, Dimentio, one of the villains you’ve seen the least of, appears in the hub world, the safest place in the universe, and kills mario
he just fucking kills him
he puts mario in a box and fills the box with explosions and mario fucking dies and goes to hell because fuck you mario
then you go through all of chapter 7 just to escape hell (called the Underwhere cus how could we possibly be allowed to take hell seriously) and join up with your full party before confronting the final world, which i’ve already stated i just love the design off
the game just takes the comfortable ride you’re on and throws it into the fucking sun and burns you alive and i love it so much, even the very end of the game doesnt let up, where the main villain is overtaken by that absolute madman Dimentio (Whose name is a play on both Dimension and dementia), who clearly was powerful enough to have done the whole “ending of the world” himself, but did it this way for the theatrics of it
there’s a lot i could still say about the game, but this post is absolute rambling and its 2 in the morning but as usual, i just wanted to shit my thoughts onto the internet to people could maybe learn somethin about either the game or me and how i think and look at and respond to stuff, and as always, anybody who read this whole thing is cool and i love you a whole heck of a lot
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madzoomerr-blog · 7 years
 ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᵃˡ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ  /  BACKSTORY,  FAMILY  &  CALI  #001.
–––––––––––––––   okay  before  going  on,   an  important  note  first   ;   because  we  haven’t  had  any  information  from  the  duffer  brothers   /   and  until  we  do,   this  whole  thing  will  strictly  be  my  whole  take   /   thoughts  and  headcanon  on  max’s  family  and  all  about  california   through  my  own  80s  research  and  thoughts.    of  course,  when  season  three  starts,  that’s  when  i’ll  start  editing/corporating  this  headcanon  along  with  the  canon  plot.    HOWEVER  TILL  THEN   this  is  my  intake  and  personal  headcanon  of  max’s  backstory.  so  before  it  creates  some  ruckus,  i’ve  talked  about  this  with  a  few  people  already,  along  with  mentioning  it  elsewhere  i  write  ic  such  as  discord  and  twitter    so  its  all  good  and  hope  it  makes  sense  to  the  rest  of  you.  this  is  MY  intake  on  all  of  this,  other’s  can  have  their  own  thoughts  and  opinions  about  it  which  is  10000%  fine  just  please  don’t  attack  me.  i’m  gonna  try  and  word  it  as  best  as  i  can  just  because  i’ve  plotted  this  privately  with  a  bunch  who  wanted  to  know  more  about  my  max  because  it  made  more  sense  explaining  it  to  someone  privately  and  bouncing  off  from  questions  but  i’ve  been  meaning  to  finally  post  it  so  this  is  basically  everything  explained.  this  one  is  super  important  to  me  so  please  also  respect  it   ??    because  this  is  also  going  to  be  a  huge  part  of  my  portrayal  for  max.   if  you  have  constructive  comments  or  specific  questions  about  this  one  particularly  please   DO  ASK  ME   !!    it’s  easier  answering  them  too  because  i  tend  to  either  ramble  or  leave  a  lot  of  things  out.    but  this  is  part  one.
Max  and  Susan  Mayfield.    before  i  get  in  to  my  headcanon  about  max’s  dad,  i  need  to  firstly  state  her  relationship  with  her  mother  and  why  it’s  relevant  to  the  max’s  feelings  about  the  separation,  family  and  the  move;    Whilst  she  loves  and  cares  for  her  mother,   THEY  ARE  NOT  CLOSE.   and  here’s  the  breakdown,  during  the  80s  and  even  today,  the  mother  has  the  custody  of  their  children  before  the  appropriate  age  of  18  when  they  get  to  choose  WHO  to  live  with,  therefore  makes  susan   the  rightful  guardian  for  max  before  she  turns  18.   with  that,  my  justification  of  susan  and  max  not  being  close  comes  in.  it’s  not  surprising  that  susan  and  max’s  father  had  max  when  they  were  young,  i  believe  that  they  may  have  been  highschool/college  soulmates  and  married  young  which  also  makes  sense  having  max  at  a  young  age.   it’s  also  pretty  clear  from  what  we’ve  seen  from  the  show  is  that  max  wasn’t  open  to  anyone  especially  her  mom  when  it  comes  to   SERIOUS  STUFF.   there’s  this  barrier  between  them  and  we  see  that  max  isnt  open  to  her,  and  just  mostly  super  basic  mother  /  daughter  interaction.  
now  that  that’s  out  of  the  way,  this  is  what  brings  everything  together.   Max  and  her  father.   i  concluded  with  the  idea  /  hc  that  max’s  father  is  still   alive  and  well   living  back  in  california.   how??   well,   statistics  show  and  obvious  knowledge  from  personal  experience  from  my  parents,  is  that  failed  marriages  were  super  frequent  back  then,   so  it’d  be  an  acceptable  reason  and  not  surprising  that  her  parents  separated  when  max  was  younger.   with  that,   i  then  hc’ed  that  she  was/is  closer  with  her  dad  before  the  separation  /  move.    and  this  is  why:   please  hear  me  out.   (   #001.  )     max’s  skateboard.  this  is  a  short  personal  headcanon  of  mine  i  wrote  a  while  ago  here,  basically  that  her  skateboard  was  given  by her  dad  and  is  really  the  only  thing  she  holds  on  to  from  her  dad.  i  thought  about  this  when  she  was  super  upset  trying   to  wrap  her  board  when  it  broke,  bc  obviously  yeah  it’s  her  HOBBY  but  i  wanted  to  add  a  very  significant  reason  why  that  board  meant  a  lot  to  her.  (   #002.  )   this  one’s  important.  Max’s  anger  towards  Neil  Hargrove.  it  would  make  sense  that  max  blames  billy  as  an  extension  of  neil  because  Neil  had  "taken her  dad's  place."  and  she  hates  this  because  she  knew  her  mom  stopped  loving  her  dad  which  explains  the  barrier  and  distance  between  her  mother  and  herself.  not  to  mention,  susan  seems  to  be  OBLIVIOUS  to  what  neil  does   ie.  not  doing  anything  to  stop  neil  abusing  billy,   so  it’s  concerning  that  she  doesn’t  really  know  ANYTHING  about   her  daughter  /  her  daughter’s  feelings.  (  #003  )   I also  think  that  max  is  slightly  upset  with  her  mom  at  times  when  she  sees  that  susan  doesn’t  do  anything  when  something  goes  down  between  billy  and  neil,   PAUSE  THERE  before  y’all  throw  pitchforks  at  me  because  this  is  in  no  way  defending  billy  at  all,  HECK  NO  WAY,  bc  if  you  havent  read  my  other  hcs  then  you  should  probs  know  that  max  cannot  nor  i  cannot  see  any  redemption  for  billy.    the  only  thing  that  i’m  justifying  here  is  that it  scares  max,   why?   because  she  always  thinks  about  what  if  she  was  in  that  situation.  which  explains  max’s  hard-shell  exterior,  that  she  doesn’t  wanna  be  anything  like  them,  like  her  mother  who  is  always  a  bystander  behind  neil,  or  neil  who  is  a  horrible  human  being  and  she’s  proven  this  multiple  times  standing  up  against  billy.  
don’t  get  me  wrong,  susan  cares  for  max  genuinely  of  course.  but  through  max’s  eyes /  point  of view,  she  knew  that  her  parents  were  going  to  separate  and  didn’t  take  this  well.  which  MAKES  SENSE  when  you  question  why  both  billy  and  max  blame  each  other.  surely  there  are  other  reasons  as  to  why  they  moved  to  hawkins,   but  with  my  understanding  /  thoughts,   this  one  was  important  to  think  about   and  develop.   and  if  that  detailed  summary  didn’t  make  sense:  basically,  to  sum  it  up.  max  loves  her  mom,  but  she  also  isn’t  close  with  her  and  in  actual  fact  is  closer  with  her  father.  but  because  custody  belongs  to  her  mother,  she’s  had  to  be  expected  /  in  a  way  forced  to  live  with  neil  and  billy  which  makes  her  hate  moving  from  california  and  hates  neil  for  taking  her  biological  father’s  place  and  therefore  causes  her  to  blame  billy  because  he  is  an  extention  of  neil.
more  headcanons  here.
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