#this post probably seems really sudden but basically seeing that big ass follower number made me feel like guilty?
i-can-not-art · 4 months
Okay so this is the most personal and parasocial I’ll (hopefully) ever get on my stupid art blog, but I think there’s someone out there like me who might need to hear this:
idk if I’m happy with the way I’ve reached 300 followers.
Not that I’m ungrateful, I’m extremely happy, I understand that 300 whole people decided they liked my art enough to bother to follow me and I just made a shitpost of catboy five pebbles to celebrate. But honestly I don’t know if the way I got those followers is the way I want to continue doing art
Those followers mostly came from my lmk and rain world fanarts, but the reason I draw so much fanart of those communities is because I saw how many more notes those posts got than my oc ones.
Before I’d basically if not actually just only draw oc art. Art felt so much more fulfilling when I just drew those little goobers in my head than now. Now I feel like I’m making art for this audience I’ve artificially manufactured by posting what they want to see.
It doesn’t feel like I’m creating for myself when that’s the whole reason I got into art. Plus, all my favorite blogs and mutuals post like pure oc art which I why I think they’re my favorites and mutuals, their art is what they want to make.
That’s what I want my art to be like, just what I wanted to create.
But, tldr: I think I’ll be making and posting more oc art
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mistaeq · 4 years
since christmas is coming, how about some headcanons for preparation for christmas and baking with the bucci gang? ✨💖
Bucciarati Gang: Baking and Christmas HCs
TW // none
This was so fun to write, plus I put a lot of effort into editing the images! I'm so happy I managed to post this as soon as possible ~ thank you so much for the suggestion, memory♡
Bucciarati Gang Baking and Christmas Headcanons with a neutral!reader
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He's never really tried to bake something, to be honest Giorno never had the occasion to even think about trying, in his past. So when Christmas approaches and you suggest the two of you try to bake something for the holidays, he's incredibly suprised and looks forward to it at the same time.
"Baking? Me...? That's sweet y/n, but I'm not sure I'm made for this."
He lets you be the one who does the shopping to buy what you need to bake whatever the two of you have in mind, plus he decided what ingredients to use in the recipe and what to bake.
Get ready for man bun Giorno, while you bake! He won't resist tying his golden hair up.
Christmas stuff doesn't have to be forcibly Christmas related, does it? Anything edible will be fine, and Giorno can't resist when he comes across the recipe for sunflower shaped cupcakes. Luckily you have everything you need to make them, you're just in awe for Giorno's inexperienced ideas.
Let this boy be the one to use the sac-à-poche to make the petals of the sunflowers. Since he's the one whose stand has nature related powers, it sounds just good for him to be the one who makes the petals with the frosting!
"I became one with Gold Experience!"
The two of you are concentrating on the chocolate chips to put in the middle of the sunflowers when you hear the signature sound of Gold Experience creating something. Your eyebrows raise when you see a real sunflower in the stand's hand, and giggle. "Thank you Gold, but I don't think we can put real flowers in the cake."
While you wait for the cake part of the cupcakes to be ready, the two of you are gonna choose a flower for every gang member, and create Christmas decorations with it thanks to Giorno's stand power. Abbacchio is gonna hate it so damn much. It gives you life for it's definitely hilarious.
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Bucciarati is probably the one who gave the idea. In his mind, he wanted to bake with all of the gang, but for some reasons, all of them declined, you may never know it's because they wanted to let you have some time with Bruno, the two of you only. Abbacchio convinced Mista and Narancia.
"Who knows why nobody can join us... nevermind, it'll be the two of us, amore."
The two of you go doing the shopping together, so you can confront each other and decide what to buy while you're at the supermarket directly. Bruno enjoys doing the shopping with you.
Bruno loves Christmas, above all if it's with the gang - basically his family - and with you. So, he's gonna choose something more classic than Giorno's cupcakes. Chocolate chips cookies, the most popular ones, a must for christmas. Plus, he can't help but admit those remind him of his outfit.
"I'm... lowkey dressed like a cookie, ain't I?"
I bet Bucciarati's gonna be the ninety percent of your self control on how many chocolate chips to put in every cookie, and how to blame you, it's literally delicious. Plus, he can't lie. He enjoys seeing you so enthusiastic about it.
"Come on Bruno, it's not that big of a deal, just a chocolate chip more..." you insist, when all of a sudden, a metallic blue arm crosses your sight, and the bowl full of batter that was in your arms is now closed by a giant zipper. Your gaze automatically electrocutes Bucciarati. "It's not fair to use Sticky Fingers!"
When he unzips the bowl, you manage to throw in more chocolate chips anyway.
As you wait for the cookies to get ready, you're gonna witness Bucciarati writing touching Christmas themed letters to his gang members, and if you feel inspired, you might wanna suggest him what to write in some cases eventually. He's gonna ask you to sign the letters as well.
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You'll have to get his ass off of the couch using brute force, for he's never gonna bake something with you unless you try really hard to convince him. He's gonna let you pull him eventually, just because you rarely are so enthusiastic about something, and he likes to see you like that. So he accepts.
"Okay, I'll bake with you, just if you're the one who works and I'm the one to watch."
No excuses, mr. Scrooge. You're gonna make Abbacchio do something for it, sending him to do the shopping and asking him to surprise you in terms of ingredients, so that he's gonna choose what to bake, too.
You decided to find a compromise, and bake something for everyone to enjoy it, but not really Christmas themed. Still, you forced him to wear a Santa hat while you were baking. Blueberry cupcakes, that's what he liked. The color matching his tastes, plus cupcakes are units, for everyone.
"So everyone has their own cupcake 'n shit."
He's messy. You had asked him to be the one to put the blue frosting on the cupcakes, but he turned out to be so clumsy that you had to put your hands on Abbacchio's and guide him to make a perfect twirl. At the end, both your hands are blue.
Hope you enjoy Abbacchio in a ponytail, because this is what you're gonna get here.
As soon as you show him how to do decorate a cupcake, he's gonna use Moody Blues, for the scene to repeat and you to decorate every cupcake with him watching only. Luckily, your stand manages to stop this, as you cross your arms. "No lazy man will be my boyfriend, just so you know, Leone." he then started to work.
He's gonna work on something serious for his fellow gang members and for you when he'll be alone with himself, probably. Around you, he just plays it cool and opts to give each member one of the blueberries left from you baking session. Woah, Leone. Don't stress it out too much, huh.
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The gunslinger will probably not even ask for your opinion about it, deep down he knows you'll accept to bake some delicious Christmas treats with him. You'll wake up one day just to find him in a cook outfit already, pulling you out of the bedsheets to drag you in the kitchen. He's so extra.
"Come on y/n, you can't keep on sleeping! Don't you feel the Christmas atmosphere?"
He's already done the shopping. When you get into the kitchen, expecting him to send you to buy everything you need. But the sweet goofball was so excited for it that he bought it all himself.
Oh, he wants to go wild. He can feel the Christmas spirit all over his soul already. When you look at the ingredients you can tell he chose to bake some classic panettone with raisins. That's not easy, but he believes he can do it with you, and you'd never let your boyfriend down. Let's do this!
He's gonna be so extra that his signature hat will be replaced with a chef hat for the day.
You better hide the raisins in the process, because Mista's gonna distractly munch on them, ignoring the fact that if he keeps going, they'll finish before you'll even be able to put it in the panettone. Keep your hungry man under your control.
"Guido... care to explain why do you keep on eating all of the raisins? We need them for the recipe!" he's then gonna stare at you, confused, for he claims he hasn't eaten any but a single raisin since the beginning. You seem to figure out the issue when you see a raisin moving by itself, Number 3 under it if you squint. "Oh my god."
While you wait for your panettone to be ready, him and the Pistols are gonna wrap up some smol presents he bought for you and for the gang. You're allowed to help the Pistols, but don't you dare to even try to look at what he's doing. You know, he's the one wrapping your present.
"If you watch this, I'm gonna fucking die."
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He's gonna be the one to bring the idea up, but it will take Bruno to sweet talk him into asking you. Asking something to Fugo isn't easy, and you told Bucciarati you would have liked to bake something. So he talked Pannacotta into be the first one to bring up the idea of baking to you.
Get him by the hand and bring him to do the shopping with you. His embarrassment with asking you to bake will slowly go away with time spent together choosing the ingredients you'll have to use. Let him enjoy it.
"So uhm... you choose the recipe and I follow you? No...? I choose? Oh my god..."
How much do you have to love a fruit to have it as a pattern on your tie too? You can't say no when Pannacotta suggests baking a strawberry cake. Even if it's not really Christmas themed, you don't dare to question him, it's already a good thing that he expressed his thoughts freely.
Pannacotta feels lucky to be able to have such a quiet and good time alone with you.
For the love of God, don't you even think about letting Fugo be the one to put the strawberry frosting on the cake. Man has no patience. Unless you want your cake go to waste, make sure you're the one to decorate it. Or maybe, decorate it together.
"Damn... you really made a mess on the counter, huh." you jokingly scolded Pannacotta. But now you had to find a way to clean up without Bruno to notice. "Do you think Purple Haze would be interested in tasting the frosting which flew around?" you suggest, seeing the stand summon itself and stick his tongue out of his mouth stitches.
"I think we did our best. I love you, cara/o."
While you wait for your strawberry cake to be ready, you'll happen to ask him what has he bought as presents for his fellow gang members. Fugo will shyly answer that he was lowkey hoping you could help him in choosing what to do. He's doing his best, please be proud of the boy.
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Baking? You really want to bake with him? Is he allowed to bring his headphones with him while you bake? No? Flour might ruin them? Narancia is new to this baking thing. Before you came to Passione, he left these tasks to Bruno or Mista, but now you want to bake with him? This is good...maybe?
"What's the point of baking if you can't even listen to some good music and vibe to it?"
You left Narancia at home to get the kitchen ready to bake with Bucciarati's help, and after asking what kind of Christmas cake he would have liked to bake, you took care of doing the shopping.
Obviously he would have wanted to bake that. It would have been hilarious, but predictable. Still, you decided to make Narancia happy despite the failed Christmas theme. Orange chocolate cake! Turns out he wanted to bake such a thing just to apply the meme "I am cake" to himself.
"I'll finally be cake... like the prophecy said."
Please keep Narancia from eating the cake batter, or else he'll probably eat the whole cake before you even bake it. It's a good thing, though. The boy's got a good sense of taste, and at least you know the cake's turning out pretty delicious.
"We have to slice the oranges. I'll try to figure out a way to do it properly- Nara? What are you..? NO-" you only manage to say, without keeping Narancia from throwing the oranges towards Aerosmith's propellers. You hate to say it, but you must admit that your boyfriend's idea worked and sliced the oranges perfectly.
He's gonna suggest to keep the cake for yourselves and give the gang brioches.
While you wait for your chocolate cake to be ready, Narancia's gonna show you all the playlists he prepared for his friends, but obviously not the one for you, that has to be a surprise. The music's one of the best ways for him to express himself, so that's a great gift, coming from Narancia.
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It's not like she has had so much time to dedicate to baking in her last fifteen years of life, so you're gonna let her have a good time with it, being the one who brings it up first to her. Trish is gonna happily accept, and will take it as a way to thank Bruno for all that he's done for her, too.
She's gonna want to go doing the shopping by herself, in order to show you she's become independent enough and to make you proud of her. Trish is gonna surprise you with her choices!
"I won't disappoint you, y/n, I'll come back with the best ingredients you can wish for."
Turns out the poor baby's not really good at baking, but that's no problem! You opt for something more decorative, but still sweet. She's on cloud nine when you tell her it's no big deal, and that the two of you can still prepare some pink meringues to munch on during the festivities!
"Let's stay positive. Meringues are perfect!"
The girl is gonna definitely use you as a taste tester for the meringues, Trish likes to spoil you by feeding you the pink candies the two of you just prepared, and if they're good enough, she'll even let you do the same for her and feed her a meringue.
She'll be likely to do her best to be romantic to you. Trish's new to love relationships.
"Ouch... I think the batter turned out a little too hard. Maybe we put too much flour, babe." you tell Trish, but she smiles, and looks like she has a good idea. At the sound of a loud "WANNABEEEEEEE", Spice Girl punches the batter enough to turn it a little softer, a little less dense, just like you needed it to be. "Thank you, love."
While you wait for your pink meringues to be ready, Trish is gonna tell you a Christmas secret. She thinks it's not much, but she's prepared a small speech to tell to every member, to thank them for having saved her life. Reassure your girlfriend of the fact that her gift is amazing.
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megashadowdragon · 5 years
The True Face of Pariston, The Kurta Clan Massacre and The events that lead to it
source : www . reddit . com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/6jzwyo/theory_the_true_face_of_pariston_the_kurta_clan/
Ok, so there was a post recently saying Pika was partially responsible for the massacre of his clan. I also had a fever dream a few days ago and the answer to to the Kurta mystery suddenly appeared within the dream. The fore mentioned post said that basically Pika was responsible because he didn't let the elder know his eyes went red while he was on his mission in the human town during the test, so someone spotted him. The Kurta are nomads, so anytime they think someone might find their location, they change it. Since the Elder hadn't known about Pika's incident, they didn't move the village, and, well, we know what happened after that. So, here's my theory with the evidence, step by step:
1)Pariston is Sheila
The evidence we have for this is;
-they look extremely alike
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-Sheila wanted to become a Hunter, Pariston IS a Hunter
-Sheila has the rat ears, while Pariston is the Rat Zodiac
-Sheila's suspicious behaviour(see next point)
2) Sheila(Pariston) didn't get lost in the woods, he was searching out the area for the Kurta clan
-Pika and Pairo find her in the woods with a broken leg and severely dehydrated, but when they give her water, she has a few gulps and suddenly, she's back to normal!(Was she just faking it?)
-To show her gratitude, she gives them a book*, which is really weird and random since they don't speak or read the language(was the book some kind of tracking device or had a chip in it?)
-There's a scene that shows them(Sheila, Pika, Pairo) holding their forefingers against their closed mouths(the generic hand sign of keeping something a secret). Did she tell them not to tell anyone in the clan they found her? Did she want her appearance to be kept a secret so the clan wouldn't be alerted?
-Sheila's leg starts to heal but then SHE STARTS FALLING AND HURTING IT AGAIN MANY TIMES ALL OF A SUDDEN. This is the most suspicious part. But the question is, since she obviously wanted to prolong her stay there, why would she want to do that? Still, suspicious as a mother#ucker.
-She one day suddenly decides to leave and leaves them a letter saying goodbye and all that jazz. Why is this suspicious? Pika and Pairo are shown in the panel being surprised at her leaving, so they thought she still had to rest some more to heal her leg. Amplifies the above point about her faking a leg injury.
3)Kurapika's (seemingly) fatal mistake
-Pika's seemingly fatal mistake was when he was on his mission to the 'outside' with Pairo world during the test, when he got mad and his eyes reddened. A bunch of people saw this and word must have gone around. He didn't inform the elder about this, so , in his mind, when he heard of the massacre, he thought it was his fault. Why do I say he 'thought' and not 'it WAS his fault'?
Because of the tracking device in the book Sheila(Pariston) gave him. That book was actually the reason the Troupe managed to find the Kurta village, and not the fact Pika had his 'outburst of red'. Pika doesn't know this and it only amplifies his rage and creates terrible self hate and blame, since he thinks the massacre of his kin was his own fault.
Kurapika's(and Pairo's) true fatal mistake wasn't this, it was not informing the clan of Sheila and accepting the book*
4)Origins of the Kurta Clan
-To those who more or less frequently browse this sub, the belief that Kurta originate from the DC is prevalent. The evidence is abundant(their huts and the birds they use for transport are also found on the DC map, Kurta traditional symbols resemble the lake Mobius and the gatekeeper's fate symbols) Here's a good post that proves this point:
www . reddit . com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/5ugjiq/the_lake_mobius_strip_the_kurta_and_the_dark/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=comment_list
Mobius, in case anyone doesn't recall, is the name of the great lake the known world of HxH currently resides in. The name "Mobius" seems to originate from the Mobius Strip; an example of a mobius strip is a ring of tape with a half twist on it. Anything caught in a Mobius strip, by it's definition, cannot escape the boundary of the Mobius strip. A Mobius Strip can also be made into a three dimensional plane so the boundary is a circle, but it would look something like this....
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It is also interesting to point out that if a line is drawn at the seam, it ends up at the starting point but on the OTHER side of the Mobius strip. If the line continues it will end up back to where it was. I believe the lake they reside in is going to be shaped like a Mobius strip and will cause a great deal of problems once they realize the shape of the "lake" they reside in. The Dark Continent must reside somewhere on this Mobius Strip, perhaps off to the side somewhere. If I had to guess it would be far, on the other side of the starting point like the example I stated.
Further evidence of that basically confirms this is this image from the manga when Ging is talking about the Dark Continent to the specialists on the boat.
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What gets even stranger is the fact that on Kurapika's robe, you can CLEARLY see a Mobius Strip on his robe.
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 I think this is conclusive evidence that the Kurta have some tie to the Dark Continent and Kurapika is going to learn some truths about the Kurta if he survives his trek to the DC.
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There are 3 Mobius Strip instances in HxH to my knowledge:
Kurapika had it on his second Kurta robes in the YorkNew arc
The known human world is in the center of a giant lake - Lake Mobius
2 books that Don Freecs wrote/is writing about DC form a Mobius Strip
And we know that Chimera Ants came from DC to the Human world. Here is the scoop - almost every explanation about how traversal works in a Mobius Strip is using ANTS as an example 
 google Mobius strip ants and see it for yourself
So, basically I think the Kurta came from DC(well, duuuh). But why did they come?
Well, we know that every time mankind has tried to explore/colonize/invade(colonize and invade? wtf? - I'll explain) the DC a calamity has befallen humanity IN HUMANITY'S OWN WORLD. This is an important distinction. There were 4 calamities mentioned: Hellbell, Papu, Brion, Zobae and Ai (also probably the Ants, but that's a theory for a different time). Well, these weren't the only ones. The one that was overlooked and not mentioned was the "Great Kurta Retribution" and the Creation of Meteor city.
Sidenote: Did you know the Vikings were the first ones(from Europe) to discover and try to colonize North America? (They have sagas about it, and they called it Vinland). What happened to these Vikings? They arrived accidentally in NA while following the water currents, decided to colonize the place, got in a fight with the natives and we're all killed by the same natives in retribution.
Now, back to HxH. Here's what I think happened: In the place of Meteor city, there was once the capital of a large, wealthy kingdom. This kingdom decided to explore(or better yet, colonize) the DC. They sent their army and fleet across the ocean. What they found were the Kurta, who, even though they lived in small huts and rode birds, were extremely advanced and strong. This DC-exploration force at first glance thought the Kurta were weak and primitive and so they wanted to conquer them. Long story short, this exploration fleet got their asses handed to them, and a big war ensued. The Kurta were beating this Kingdom badly, the conflict moved from the DC into the Known World , and as the climax, the Kurta destroyed the Capital of the kingdom and other large parts of it. In this place of rubble and trash Meteor city was born. The name of Meteor city comes from the time of Kurta invasion, and I guess the Kurta attacked the Kingdom with blasts from the skies that resembled meteors, and also turned the Capital of the Kingdom to rubble and ruin with these attacks. Yes their power was that great(remember when Uvogin mentions to Pika while they were fighting that the Kurta were really strong, this is what he meant).
After their undisputed victory, the Kurta forces started to return to the DC. A small number of them stayed behind in the known world, since it was more peaceful than DC. They also had to remain in hiding, always migrating, since humanity now hated the Kurta and would gladly hunt them given the chance.
This happened so long ago that people slowly forgot what happened to the part of the world that is now Meteor city, and The Kurta Invasion faded into myth and legend. The only people who DIDN'T FORGET were the elders of Meteor city, who have the forgotten history handed down from their predecessors. The flame of revenge still burns in them, for they do not forget the destruction of their once glorious Homeland. This is the reason The Troupe were ordered to kill the Kurta. It was revenge for what the Kurta did. In the note they left at the site of the massacre, it said:"We reject no one, so take nothing from us.". They(Meteor city) have become the World's dump, where people leave dead bodies, junk, waste and even children - they accept everything and reject no one, so take nothing from them, since they once had everything taken from them(the Kurta War).
-The view of the Kurta as merciless Invaders and monsters lives on even today, even though people don't know it's origin. We can see this clearly by the reaction of the people when Pika 's eyes turned red when he was with Pairo in that town. The reaction was much, much stronger than what you'd expect. Those people were TERRIFIED! That grandma even called Kurapika "Red-eyed devil", like it was a monster's name from a scary story parents tell their kids at night to scare them into behaving well. Like:"If you don't do eat your veggies the Red eyed devil's will come take you!"
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Kurapika will probably discover his origin and the truth about the Kurta calamity later in the DC arc
5)Final proof on Pariston
-You know what's odd about Pariston/Sheila? Except the part that he and Pika NEVER met after the Kurta massacre(when he was Sheila)(smart Togashi!)-The panel where he said to Ging that "He loves destroying those he loves/is fond of".
Ok, the guy's a psycho, what about it?
Well wouldn't you say he kinda got to like Pika and Pairo when they found him/her in the forest and were taking care of him/her for weeks? Hadn't those 3 spent hours conversing, sharing stories, and getting to become closer for multiple hours a day?
Yes, but where are you going with this?
Do you remember the panel where Prince Thunder Sandwich is sitting on his sick throne of body parts?
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The head in behind him is probably Pairo's. Now, why did all the Kurta have their eyes removed, except Pairo, whose head they severed whole?
Sheila only met Kurapika and Pairo, and now you're telling me the only person with the preserved severed head with the eyes from the Kurta, is one of the only two people from the clan Sheila has met?
Do you remember what Pariston said, about destroying those he loves? He probably tortured Pairo the most during the Kurta massacre, and finally sawed his head off,(pretty dark, huh?) not only for his own pleasure, but as a message to Pika, who he also wanted to torture and kill, but when he came there with the Troupe Pika wasn't there, so he wanted to at least hurt Pika by making him find Pairo's decapitated body. That's what hurt Pika the most, beside his case of extreme survivor's guilt.
(Also, when Pariston reminisces about loving to kill the people he loves, a doll with it's eyes torn out is shown! A Kurta eye reference!??)
-Also, as I mentioned before, Kurapika and Pariston(in his male form) have NEVER MET. Probably because if they had met during, let's say, Chairman election arc, the the shit would had hit the fan and chaos would ensure. Togashi's a really good writer, and he has been saving this for later on in the story. Kurapika not visiting Gon wasn't bad writing, it not only served as good characterisation to demonstrate how Pika descended into darkness even deeper, but now it makes even more sense from the story perspective - Pika wasn't meant to meet with Pariston yet.
-This will be the final point on Pariston/Sheila: Isn't it so convenient that "a lost female traveler" discovered the massacre. I mean, come on! It doesn't take a genius to realise this was Sheila/Pariston, and ain't that SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK!!?! You're telling me he/she GOT LOST(it specifically says she got lost in the manga) again and conveniently wondered upon the scene of the massacre?
I think Pariston/Sheila either came there to confirm the kill,in which case he wasn't there at when the massacre was happening. This is the less likely version.
The likelier version, considering what happened to Pairo and his/her relationship with Pika, I'd say Pariston/Sheila was there at the scene, maybe even coordinating the Troupe, ordering them to exclusively cut off Pairo's head, and then reporting the incident to the news to inform Kurapika of the tragedy(to Pariston's delight). They probably killed the Kurta some days immediately after Pika left to find the cure for Pairo, waited for him for some weeks to return so they could ambush him upon his return, but when he didn't show up in those weeks, Pariston reported the story to the authorities as "the lost female traveler, Sheila"
*Many people got hung up.on the fact that the book Sheila gave the boys was called "Adventures of D Hunter", since D Hunter is probably Don Freecs. The reason I think this isn't important and this isn't neither the West books OR the East book is this; The V5 organisation members mentioned that the stories about the DC were well known in the world but people thought they were just fiction. I think the book Sheila gave them was to them just an ordinary (DC, non)fiction book(with a tracking device).
Tell me your thoughts on this theory. It was a lot of fun making it!!!
@hamliet   @aspoonofsugar
edit:  addition by @gallyl 
Wow. Very interesting. Now I also think Sheila was specifically searching for the Kurta Clan, and that she is Pariston or connected to him (a relative?). As for the Kurta massacre, I still like to think that the Troupe did what they did out of cold greed. But the idea about the war is good and provides the explanation for the existence of the meteor city.I also believe that Kurapika and Melody are connected not only by friendship but by fate too: the Kurta clan were associated with the devils, while Melody was injured by the Devil’s Sonata. I guess this sonata could be composed by someone from the Kurta clan. This supports the idea above that the Kurta clan was really powerful and capable of destruction. That’s why Melody is on the Whale ship too. In this regard (as a possible hint to Devil’s music, Kurta and the war in the meteor city?) when Chrollo starts a revenge massacre in the Yorkshin city, he orchestrates Requiem music for Uvogin killed by Kurapika.
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cadpadawan · 4 years
A Black Winter Day 4 Years Ago...pt.1
Ok, now that I have the most pressing issues off my chest, maybe it's time to shed some light on the surreal chain of events, that changed my life quite drastically back in 2016. Those weird times pretty much account for why I needed to get re-educated in the ripe old age of +45.
Oh yes, I'm old as shit – there's no two ways about it.
Maybe this jovial stroll down the memory lane will also hint, why I ended up picking up the blogging pen, after years and years of absence from the blogosphere. I'm not really sure if anyone reads blogs anymore. I'd guess not. Everybody's just too busy posting duckface selfies in Instagram, or vlogging some utter bullshit about their day in YouTube. I think maybe a handful of sad boomers, like me, still occassionally follow the rare eloquently written blog, or even administer a blog of their own. I must confess: I might be a bit pre-occupied with the idea, that the human condition may be better contemplated in written form. Although, the extremes of that condition can be expressed quite evocatively via YouTube, too. Undoubtedly. Digital platforms offer modern solutions to recording, in full detail, how fucked up we really are.
Well, anyways...let's pretend for a moment, that blogging was cool, like it was 2005 again!
Was it really cool even then, I wonder?
In hindsight, it seems that the vast majority of blogs were pushing some corporate agenda, disguised as trendy lifestyle blogs, whose main initiative was to suggest, that in order to reach the ultimate boss-level of cool, you needed to eat certain full-vegan superfoods and support certain street-smart clothes brands, while exclusively listening to a bunch of generic indie disco-rock bands, that some washed-out, has-been, good-for-nothing celebrity had cherry-picked on behalf of some unheard-of indie label CEO.
Well, a monkey dressed in casual designer clothes is still a monkey.
The year 2005 was actually one of the turning points in my life. It was almost as if some cosmic nudge pushed my life into a downward spiral in 2005. It was one of the most emotionally ambiguous times in my life. I became a dad – which scared me shitless, and at the same time, made me the happiest person in the whole wide world, for a moment. Only six months later, I experienced a severe burnout due to sleep deprivation and excessive overtime at work – and at that time, I also experienced my first epileptic seizure. Though, at the time, I didn't have a clue what it was about. First, I thought it had something to do with the burnout. It probably did. I think the burnout triggered the first seizure. It happens. I later found out, that you can have an epileptic seizure due to a number of reasons, even if you are not diagnosed with epilepsy. The kind of seizures I started having on an irregular basis, for years to come, were not convulsive – so it was pretty easy to mistake them for something else completely: stress reaction and whatnot. You see, I worked as an express courier, which qualifies as a high-stress job – hands down. I worked long hours, played in at least two active rock outfits at the same time for years on the side, tried to spend quality time with my new family...
In retrospect, I wonder now: when the hell did I have the time to get any sleep during the years 2005-2016?!?
No wonder, my memory is full of holes, concerning that time. It's all just one big hazy blur. I kind of lost the most part of those 11 years. Yeah, I unlocked all kinds of life achievements – mortgage, a son and a daughter, various music-related things – but I guess I was so busy burning my candle at both ends, that I never stopped for a second to appreciate all the little things in my life – and now I can't remember shit.
Of course, it also had something to do with my epilepsy. Any type of epileptic seizure may potentially affect the memory, either during or after the seizure. If you experience frequent seizures, memory problems are more likely to occur. Eventually, when I finally consulted a doctor and started keeping a seizure journal in the early 2016, I used to have 10-15 seizures a week, sometimes 3-4 times a day. My seizures were of the focal type that affected only part of my brain – the temporal lobe, to be exact. Abnormalities in that region are the most common reason for memory problems in people with epilepsy. One common trigger for a seizure is lack of sleep.
Focal epilepsy is a neurological condition, in which the predominant symptom is recurring seizures that affect one hemisphere of the brain. Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) means that the seizure starts in one of the other of the temporal lobes. My symptoms included: feelings of strong deja vu, and a rising sensation in my stomach – the so-called epigastric aura that resulted in an impromptu vomiting first few times. Most seizures were brief, lasting only few seconds – until in 2015, almost 10 years after the first episodes, I had a seizure that lasted for minutes – my first jamais vu-experience.
In psychology, jamais vu refers to the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that you recognize in some fashion, but nevertheless seems very unfamiliar – the opposite of deja vu, so to speak. It involves a sense of eeriness and the impression of seeing something for the first time, despite rationally knowing it cannot be true. In my case, it meant getting lost on my way home from the local supermarket, as if having been sucked into a sudden dementia simulation. I was driving home from the grocery store, the usual route that I had been driving for the previous eight years so far. At some point, I felt the usual signs of the epigastric aura – that slightly nauseating sensation rising in my stomach. It predicted a seizure. I was pretty accustomed to having those every now and then. Nothing to it. It usually didn't affect my ability to drive a car in the slightest. Heck, I had been driving a van for a living for years with this little nuisance. It didn't worry me one bit. It usually lasted for a few seconds, and then it was gone. An epileptic seizure is basically a disruption of the electrical communication between neurons in the brain – an uncontrolled burst of electricity. That pretty much sums up how it usually felt: a burst of something inside my head, fluctuating like a liquid for a few seconds. It felt pretty fucking weird. So, there I was, coming home from the grocery store, blasting metal in my car stereos. Then, the stomach thingy, something sparkling in my head for a moment...I guess I didn't really pay much attention to the seizure. Maybe there was some kick-ass song playing on the radio. I probably didn't realize, that the seizure had already lasted way longer then ever before. I came to a T-junction. Suddenly, I didn't have the slightest clue where the fuck I was! I was less than one kilometer from home. I turned right. Then my wife burst out wondering, what the actual fuck I was fooling around for. I should've turned left. I grinned back, as if this manouver was some spur-of-the-moment prank. I made a U-turn, and soon I was back at the same T-junction. This time I was supposed to drive straight. Guess what?
I didn't. I turned left this time.
My wife suggested, that i should maybe go and see a doctor...
Nah, I decided to wait six more months. Why not wait until I fucked up my life to a point of no return, before going to see a doctor? It became increasingly obvious, that I was in for a major life changing event. Was I subconsciously sabotaging my life, in order not to feel tempted to go back to the old ways, when the shit finally hit the fan? In April 2016, I was diagnosed with a benign tumour in the brain, which was the reason for my epileptic seizures. In the meantime, between my epic jamais vu-experience and the MRI scan that revealed that alien implant attached to the hippocampus in the right temporal lobe of my brain, I managed to fuck everything up in the most beautiful and thorough way you could imagine: my job, my marriage, everything...as if I was laying down the foundation for the oncoming midlife crisis the best I could. Well, being some sort of an artistic personality type, I can handle chaos much better than the average person. Although, I never deliberately looked for chaos, and never actually wanted to stare into the abyss, it seems that the chaos looked for me, to stare me into the eye.
I can tell you a story...
It all started on a black winter day, January or February 2016.
(To be continued...)
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The Vampire, The Zombie and The Werewolf
A/N: Originally posted on @luci-in-trenchcoats
Request: There’s a Halloween episode of Buffy where there’s a costume shop but the guy who owns it puts a spell or something on it so whatever costume you have on Halloween you become it. Could you have Sam and Dean and Cas get costumes from there but reader gets one from somewhere else or home made so she has to make sure nothing bad happens b/c all of the sudden there are monsters and the boys aren’t hunters?
Pairing: none (Team Free Will centric)
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language
A/N: Non-supernatural supernatural stuff? Got it…
“Alright guys! You got two minutes before I drag you down here!” you shouted from the foyer of your shared house, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“Coming, ya little…well look at you, slugger,” said Dean. You glanced down at your old softball uniform, leaving the shirt untucked from the pants, your hair in a side braid under a backwards cap, your mitt in one hand.
“Where’s your costume?” you said with a frown, Dean holding up a werewolf mask. “That is not a costume and you know it.”
“Boo!” Sam shouted, Dean jumping behind him as he saw Sam sporting some fake blood and some tattered clothes, trying to be a zombie from the looks of it.
“Scare her! She’s the one making us go to this party anyways,” said Dean with a grumble.
“Come on. You guys are doing me a solid. Janice keeps saying she wants to meet my roommates. Plus there’ll be free booze,” you said, twirling your hips.
“And girls in sexy costumes, right?” asked Dean, Sam rolling his eyes.
“Sure,” you said, hearing Cas come down the stairs, wearing a bed sheet. “Very original buddy.”
“I thought so,” he said, tearing the sheet off and revealing his count dracula cape underneath.
“So Dean’s the only one that didn’t dress up,” you said, cocking your head. He sighed and ran upstairs to his room and back down, sporting a pair of fake paws with claws, his mask on.
“Rawr,” he said, swiping at the air, making you laugh. “Lead the way slugger. It’s only a four block walk, right?”
“Yup,” you said, Cas locking up as you headed down the path and to the street, the guys muttering that you never got any kids to trick or treat on your block. You glanced around at the quiet street, the moon poking out behind a cloud. “At least it’s a nice night, not freezing like last year.”
No one responded and you kept walking, humming along until you got to the corner of the street and turned your head, the boys nowhere in sight.
“Guys?” you asked, looking all around. “Come on guys, don’t scare me, it’s not funny.”
You didn’t see them anywhere, clenching your hands into fists.
“Guys! I’m serious! It’s dark and don’t pull this shit on me!” you shouted, hoping if they thought you were actually scared they’d call off their plan to jump out at you. When no one came out of hiding a few seconds later you actually felt a jolt of panic. “Guys?”
“Hi,” you heard behind you, Cas nearly giving you a heartache as you spun around to see him smiling at you.
“At least one of you is going to be an adult. Where are the wonder twins?” you asked, Cas stepping forward, licking his lips. “Uh, Cas?”
“You smell very…good,” said Cas, leaning forward as you stepped back, holding your mitt up and catching his face.
“Dude! You’re seeing someone! Did you pregame or something? You’re being weird,” you said, walking away from him. “Don’t do that again, got it?”
When you got no response and spun around, he was gone, probably off to sulk at home.
“Drunk little shit,” you muttered, hearing a raspy groaning further up the next block, spotting a tall looking zombie. “Oh great, he’s drunk too.”
You stormed up to Sam, doing a damn good job of sounding like an undead creature, trying to grab at you but too slow for his own good.
“Where is your brother, moose?” you asked, Sam groaning again. “Sit on the sidewalk and do not move, understand me?”
Sam groaned as he followed you over before you took off farther down the street. Spinning back around two seconds later, Sam was gone, wandering through one of your neighbors yards most likely.
“What the fuck guys? I’m your babysitter now?” you grumbled, Dean jumping out in front of you, making you jerk back. “Get your ass home now!”
Dean didn’t say anything but snarled and swiped his paw at your mitt, the sound of the leather tearing. You glanced down at it, showing the deep cuts before back at Dean, finding the mask to be…off. It was formed a little too well to his head and the mouth was moving…
“Maybe there’s a gas leak,” you said, shaking your head, trying to grab Dean by the arm, getting a shove to the ground instead, Dean standing over you. “I am going to kick your ass if you don’t sober up in the next two seconds Dean.”
He growled and bent down, baring his teeth, your eyes widening when you saw that it wasn’t just a mask you were looking at. It was…real. Somehow it was…
“Dean? Good boy?” you asked, hoping you weren’t nuts. He growled and you reached up to pet his furry head, scratching behind his ears, Dean whimpering and nuzzling into it. “Someone drugged me. That’s what’s going on. There is no way in hell my best friend is currently a werewolf that is…fucking hell Dean!”
He’d rolled onto his back, looking for a tummy rub for the looks of it. You shook your head and you heard him snarl, your hand running over his stomach as you winced.
“Good boy,” you said, Dean suddenly jumping up and sniffing sharply at your face. You pet his head again and that seemed to calm him down. “Okay, let’s get you home so I can figure out what to do with…shit.”
If Dean was somehow an actual real life monster, what about the other two? It’d explain why they were acting so strange. But a vampire and zombie weren’t exactly things you wanted running about on a night where kids were out and about.
“Dean, you’re such a good boy,” you said, hearing him bark as you rubbed up and down his back. “Can you…I can’t believe I’m asking this…but can you sniff out Sam and Cas? We need to bring them home with us.”
Dean tilted his snout up and sniffed, taking off down the street as you jogged to keep up. You saw Sam wandering around a front yard a few houses down, Dean running back to you, looking for more praise apparently.
“Good boy, Dean. I’ll give you a treat later,” you said, Dean barking and attracting Sam. He wandered over, snapping his jaw open and shut a few times that caused you to shiver. Dean wrapped his arms around his brother, Sam confused but not really minding as he just let Dean push him further along the street and back home.
Dean bumped into you and you pet him again, Dean walking the three of you down to your house where you front door was open. Dean went first with Sam as you shut the door and heard your kicthen being torn apart.
“What the…” you said, walking down the hall to find Cas with the fresh meat you’d picked up at the store earlier on the floor, the blood from the package over his hands as he sucked on a finger. “Ew. You’re getting salmonella poisoning for sure Cas.”
“No I won’t,” he said, Dean letting go of Sam as the both grabbed at the meat on the ground and started to tear into it.
“Guys, you’re going to get sick,” you said, Cas giving you a smile again. “You are not a blood sucking vampire.”
“Not yet,” said Cas, stepping forward as you held up your hands, your mitt being the only thing that seemed to stop them all from ripping you to shreds tonight.
“Alright boys,” you said, looking around, trying to figure out your next step. Dean was the least of your worries, especially with the way he would wrangle in Sam if told. Cas was the most level-headed at the moment but that wasn’t saying much. “Um, if you guys stay here in the kitchen, I’ll bring you back treats in just a little while, okay?”
“Or we could just have the treat in front of us,” said Cas. “I’m sure the thriller reject wouldn’t mind either.”
Dean growled at Cas and stood in front of you as you slapped a palm over your face. You weren’t sure to be scared or laugh at this point.
“Be a good puppy and you can have the heart,” said Cas, Dean loosening his fighting stance.
“Dean…” you said, petting his head. “You got to help me out. Calm Cas and Sam down while I fix you guys.”
Dean growled at Cas and jumped on top of him as you pulled the kitchen door shut, shoving a chair behind it, not like that’d stop them. You went upstairs to their rooms, trying to find anything to help you, only the bags their costumes came in catching your eye.
“This is…oh we’re already nuts, might as well roll with it at this point,” you said, grabbing one of the bags and dialing the number for the store. It was late but the voice on the other end didn’t seem surprised.
“Kil’s Costume Shop, how may I turn you into a monster this evening?” the man said, a smirk in his voice.
“Listen up. My friends are literal monsters and you’ve got something to do with it,” you said, expecting an awkward pause or a big laugh.
“That’s kind of the point of the costumes. They make you a literal monster, hun,” said the guy, your jaw clenching.
“Well they kind of want to eat me so I’ve got a problem with that,” you said, the guy sighing.
“Oh, they’re harmless for the most part,” he said, like he was talking about a posion fucking ivy rash.
“One tried to suck my blood!” you yelled, hearing a commotion downstairs. “Listen pal-”
“I said mostly harmless. It only lasts until midnight. Keep an eye on them if you’re so worried then,” he said.
“Oh, well thanks for the update! I’m just swell now!” you yelled, the guy grumbling.
“It’s basic witchcraft. Any idiot with google can figure out how to undo it. Good luck,” he said, ending the call.
“Any idiot with google can figure it out,” you mumbled, grabbing your laptop, not sure what the hell to even look up as you heard your kitchen start getting torn apart.
Fifteen minutes later you were holding a spray bottle normally meant for ironing, now full of the concoction you whipped up using stuff from your bathroom. You pulled the chair away and flung open the kitchen door, Dean sitting on top of Cas, Sam munching on a pack of beef jerky.
You sprayed the mist in the air a few times, hitting all three. Nothing happened for a few moments and you groaned, turning around to go find another solution. A hand caught your arm as you rounded the stairs to research again and you kicked freely, hitting the poor guy so hard he dropped to his knees.
“Ow,” said Dean hoarsely, bending over as Sam and Cas followed over with confused looks on their faces.
“What the…” said Cas. “What even…”
“Take off those costumes and throw them in a garbage bag. Now,” you said, Cas dropping his cape fast, Sam back a minute later in normal clothes and adding it to the pile. You grabbed Dean’s stuff up and tossed it in, putting the bag in the back yard in the trashcan and setting it on fire, putting it out with the hose a few minutes later.
“Did I eat raw chicken?” asked Sam, cocking his head. “The morning is not going to be fun.”
“Just sit on the couch and put on a halloween movie. We’re staying in tonight,” you said, changing out of your costume upstairs, coming back a few minutes later to find them all in their normal spots.
“Y/N?” asked Dean, now in a pair of pajamas. “Did you…pet me?”
“New rule. You three will never go near that costume store again and we will never discuss what happened tonight ever. Agreed?” you said, all three nodding their heads.
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