#this post serves no purpose other than to be evidence that this blog is in fact 8 years old
borisbubbles · 3 months
Eurovision 2023: #12 & #11
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12. ARMENIA Brunette - "Future lover" 14th place
Decade ranking: 37/116 [Above Stefan, below Systur]
Very tempted to just post this meme as justification for putting Brunette here.
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Like, what is Brunette if not A Neat Lady? ? She working on herself, deciding to be good, do good, look good #TeamPretty for her future lover whom she wants to kiss her face, read books with and drink smoothies with at neat cafés - it's no "Why don't you make me dizzy with all your kisses *sad synth*", but it's cute and relatable for a libretto strung together from Pinterest posts lol <3. A Presence That Was Liked (--Gretchen Jones) if ever there was.
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What really pushed "Future lover" higher up my ranking though was the live, and specifically the middle section. "Future lover" is not an easy song to get into, but Brunette made it work, specifically by knocking the rap break-
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AND the following dance break-
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Right out of the park! Princess was eating and her song was the buffet.
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And honestly that's enough for a 12th place on my list. You know me, whenever we reach a new zone, we rank the competent people first since they're the ones I have the least opinion on. Brunette is good, i submit the live in Liverpool as evidence, I 'm sure we agree on that? "Future lover" was never more than a fun filler entry for me and I don't mean that disparagingly - every contest needs their also-rans and if the entries that pad out the numbers are good themselves, the contest usually becomes more enjoyable as a whole. Brunette was part of a strong streak that ran from Alika to Pasha, and she earned her spot, by delivering a strong and inspired live that was solidly good with no drawbacks. It's not something I'm passionate about, but "Future Lover" was top shelf Fun Finale Filler, and I wish the entries near the top of the scoreboard I put below Armenia had demonstrated the same level of quality.
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11. ICELAND Diljá - "Power" 27th place
Decade ranking: 34/116 [Above Lesley Roy, below TBA]
For the purposes of ranking ESC, I like to clump together entries I have similar feelings for to pretend the chaotic wreck that is this blog as a minimum of consistency. In this case I've completely given up lol <3 Diljá and Brunette couldn't be less alike if they tried. Where Brunette was competent, dignified and professional, Diljá gave negative fucks about how she came across and how it affected her point total. <3
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That isn't to say, I didn't enjoy "Power" for what it was because I did, a lot. Basic catchy Electropop by weird indie girls is my safe zone, and where I can fully unwind, calm down and be myself (I suppose that's the introvert equivalent to zoning out to a girlbop? You couldn't pay me to move to a Loco Loco or Slomo in public, although I like both of them). You can defo be sure that I loved "Power" for all its shortcomings and man was it flawed.
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As noted pre-show the biggest threat to Diljá was Diljá herself. Now don't get me wrong - I LOVE her. I love her annoying foghorn-like personality that blasted through her rehearsal tiktoks. I love how she, when asked what the best Eurovision song of all times was, served cunt by naming herself. I love how she gave zero shits about something as trivial as qualifying, and just went all out enjoying herself via the medium of her untreated neurodivergence. And of course, most of all, I love that she completely engineered her own demise in the semi, for no reason other than that she felt like it:
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YOU HAVE NO PPPPOWER OVER MEEE ::is so overpowered by her own ADHD/autism she peppers her song with needless karatechops and backflips::
Like, I'm pretty sure there's a decent chance "Power" could have qualified in that second semifinal. The target after all was Alika, who was an obvious traditional jury carry. But Diljá threw all that away when she magikarped herself to death on that turntable. 😍
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she could have chosen ANY aesthetic and she chose Lucie Jones in Arthur Fleck cosplay. 😍
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She could have chosen any camera angles, and went for several ones where her back was turned to the audience.
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In a sense, that was the most beautiful ending one could have imagined for Diljá's journey - a villain origin story turned flesh. Diljá would always be eliminated in the semis in any contest held acrpss the multiverses and it would always be through needless self-sabotage. 😍 AND SHE ALMOST QUALIFIED IN SPITE OF IT. REST IN P-P-P-POWER, my sweet anxiety princess.
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thebusylilbee · 6 months
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Transcription below cut :
[ Screencaps of a tweet by Mohammed El-Kurd (@m7mdkurd) that says :
"Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has reported¹ “concerns” that the Israeli regime has stolen organs from Palestinian corpses, citing medical professionals who have documented evidence of “possible organ theft by the Israeli military,” that includes, “missing cochleas and corneas as well as other vital organs like livers, kidneys, and hearts” from bodies of dead Palestinians returned by the Israeli military to southern Gaza.
The corpses subjected to organ theft were themselves stolen from the vicinities of Al-Shifa and The Indonesian hospitals in Gaza, as doctors and journalists have reported on Nov 18 and Nov 20. According to Euro-Med Monitor, “the Israeli army also dug up and confiscated the bodies from a mass grave that was established more than 10 days ago in one of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex’s courtyards.”
Although the Israeli military has returned many of those stolen corpses to the ICRC, dozens remain in Israeli custody. The theft of dead Palestinian bodies has long been an Israeli policy that serves two purposes: transforming the corpses into bargaining chips for political gain and collectively-punishing bereaved Palestinian families by depriving them of the ability to give their loved ones proper burials. The legality of such necroviolent practices has been upheld both by the Israeli government and the Supreme Court.
Reports of Israeli organ theft not scarce. In 2009, The Guardian reported² that “Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families.” (See also: CNN, NBC News, etc).
Euro-Med Monitor cites Over Their Dead Bodies³, a book by Israeli doctor Meira Weiss, in which it is revealed that “organs taken from dead Palestinians were utilized in medical research at Israeli universities’ medical faculties and were transplanted into Jewish-Israeli patients’ bodies.”
Euro-Med Monitor writes, “Even more concerning are admissions made by Yehuda Hess, the former director of Israel’s Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine, about the theft of human tissues, organs, and skin from dead Palestinians over a period of time without their relatives’ knowledge or approval.”
An Israeli investigative television series titled “Orly and Guy Return with Answers” broadcasted an episode⁴ about the Israeli Institute of Forensic Medicine which dealt in detail with the illicit harvesting of organs from the bodies of dead “Palestinians, immigrants, and foreign workers” (see transcript⁵)
People who have brought this issue to light, including myself, have continually been subjected to harassment and punishment and accused of "blood libel." One example of this is a Montgomery County teacher who has been put on leave over social media posts decrying Israeli necroviolence. The Washington Post's
@NicoleAsbury reported on this incident and falsely claimed that "there is no evidence of organ harvesting," despite ample evidence.
@EuroMedHR has called for "the creation of an independent international investigation committee into organ theft suspicions.
2- https://theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs
3- https://kotar.cet.ac.il//KotarApp/Viewer.aspx?nBookID=108738441#10.575.6.default
4- https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZnfCkSa3Uyc&ab_channel=IsraeliNetwork
5- https://meiraweiss.co.il/2015/03/blog-p "
The tweet is from 9:04 PM · Nov 26, 2023 and has 621.9K Views in the screenshot.]
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positivlyfocused · 5 months
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Becoming A Shapeshifter: Spectacular, New Results
Regular blog readers know I’m progressing on the trajectory of me becoming “ordinary among the superhuman.” Part of that path involves becoming a shapeshifter.
You read that right.
Nothing is off limits to us as eternal, infinite beings. Whatever it is we want is ours. But only if we become matches to that. Thinking what we want is impossible though makes it impossible. Doubting it’s possible does too. So does fearing it. As does believing we’re not worthy of it. Another thing killing desire: believing we’re only human, subject to birth and death.
Transcend these self-imposed limitations and we discover what’s really going on: that the Universe responds to our every wish with “yes”.
Regular readers also know I’ve written before about progress I’m making in realizing shapeshifting abilities. Read previous posts here and here.
Today, I’m reporting on the most intense, obvious and spectacular results indicating progress. Keep reading. If you’re at all interested in this subject, what you’re about to read may inspire you.
Not for beginners
Before getting to the deets, a word of warning: this is EXTREMELY ADVANCED mastery practice. Many, many prerequisites are required to even begin this practice. That’s because early results, if we don’t know how to see them, will elude our awareness. They will be there. But our awareness will miss them. As a result, we’ll conclude we’re not making progress.
But we are making progress.
Still, if we think we’re not, we’ll amplify THAT in our reality. Doing so, the Universe will deliver more of those results (not seeing results). Doubt will creep in, then the whole process will fail us.
This explains why I help clients learn how to see in new ways. Actually, it’s not really new. It’s ancient. But we’ve replaced this way of seeing with seeing only through our eyes. We’ve conditioned ourselves that only that which we can see is real. Everything else isn’t. So we miss the majority of what’s happening in the world.
Learning or re-learning to see appropriately, we can watch our desires become real right before our eyes. We then amplify that evidence. Then the Universe serves up more of that (seeing results). Then, in a while, we enjoy that which we want as full blown reality.
This is the process of creating. The creative process. And it works for anything we want. Small things and large things alike.
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^^Clients willing to give me 75 percent bonuses for what they’re learning must mean They’re getting value. And they are: Their lives are changing for the better.
Believe it or not
What you’re about to read, therefore, may stretch your believability. I’m not sharing this to make you believe, however. I’m sharing this to amplify my own knowing and encourage more evidence I want to see. If this inspires you, great! But that’s not my purpose.
That said, my clients will attest: everything I’ve shared in this practice has resulted in exactly the results promised every client. So everything you’re about to read is accurate as far as how the Universe works.
For me, this is about one thing. I’m here to expand. This is reason enough. However, doing what I intend will show humanity that we are unlimited. Everything is possible. Anything, really. That’s our birthright. We came to joyfully expand All That Is. And we each are instances of that.
Even in our disbelief, we’re still part of All That Is.
The Buddha once asked, “what is the difference between a Buddha and a common mortal?”
“The common mortal doesn’t know he’s a Buddha.” He answered.
I’m here as an emissary of All That Is. I’m here to show all of humanity what it is. Many others are here too. They’re doing the same thing. After all, my approach may turn more off than it attracts. So it’s good many perspectives are being offered.
So whether you believe what you’re reading or not, it is all accurate. Shapeshifting is only one “supernatural” ability I pursue these days. Later, maybe, I’ll share more about those other abilities. For now, let’s stick with shapeshifting.
Meditation: the gateway
A big part of the Positively Focused Way Advanced Practice involves meditation. Besides dreams, meditation is the preferred gateway into other dimensions. It is the best way to still the mind. It also sharpens inner perception. That’s crucial because we must learn to see without using physical eyes. None of our physical sense organs work in nonphysical. They can’t handle the onslaught of data happening at that vibrational level.
But think about dreams you’ve experienced. In those realms, we see. We hear. Even our sense of smell works there. We also enjoy complex sense-making. We perceive distance. Depth perception works too. In many dreams, all these senses are richer. Far richer than physical perception.
And yet, when dreaming, our eyes are closed! Our bodies are still. Even so, we move around and manipulate objects.
So we must enjoy a completely separate set of interpretive functions apart from our physical ones. Meditation helps reacquaint ourselves with those. Then, we can start “seeing” what’s happening in that place. That place where everything in “reality” comes from.
And we can use that focus to help attract fulfilled desires. Including things some think are impossible. Shapeshifting, for example. 
So what is this evidence I’m getting to? Let’s go there now.
Correlating my experience with my predecessors
Recently, in several of my meditative sessions, I experienced a swelling of my cerebellum. How do I know this? I can feel it pushing up against the bottom of my cerebrum and out the back of my neck. I also feel correlated pressures in my frontal lobe. This happens while my body “roils” involuntarily.
Swelling of that part of my brain feels odd. But it’s not unnerving. Nor is it scary. It does, however, feel very uncomfortable. In his book Astral Projection, Oliver Fox describes having similar sensations. He originally published Astral Projection in 1962. Still, it’s a great primer. In it, Fox offers helpful advice from his personal experience. He also warns readers about these sensations I’m having:
“It would now be well to consider what risks, if any, are involved in the making of such experiments…some of the symptoms…are painful and extremely unpleasant…We are dealing with what is essentially a mental exercise or process, and it is easily conceivable that an ill-balanced mind, lacking in self-control, might become temporarily or even permanently deranged.”
My experience mirrors this. I have experienced the pain he writes about. And, during an awakening experience many years ago, I felt that fear of temporary or permanent derangement.
Jane Roberts and Robert Butts report similar experiences I’m having. Given these people’s success, I know I’m on track. I also believe these sensations are exactly what they feel like: changes in my body. Changes it’s making in preparation. Preparation to support what I want: to be able to shapeshift.
Stronger evidence proving advancement
What once felt like “pain” now comes as “discomfort”. I surmise “discomfort” will ease even more when my body has completed its preparations. After all, while this is a spiritual expansion, the body must play a part. It is “shape”-shifting after all.
That’s what I believe is happening when my cerebellum swells. It’s also what’s happening when my body roils. It’s all about accommodating these new desires. Desires, that, once fulfilled, may be a human first. Maybe.
I mean, people may have wished to do this. But they may not have seriously pursued it. I’m serious. Serious enough to endure the pain and discomfort. Serious enough to keep at it until I achieve my aim.
One night after a swelling episode, I got an interesting impulse. The impulse was “find out the cerebellum’s purpose”. Knowing to act on impulses because they lead to delightful manifestations, that’s what I did. I opened Wikipedia. What I read required interpretation, however. That’s because Wikipedia’s stylistic tone is pro-science. So I needed to read the information from a spiritualperspective.
What I read astonished me.
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^^The Positively Focused Way results in a person becoming superhuman among the ordinary, then becoming ordinary among the superhuman.
The astonishing correlation
Turns out that part of the brain may be the organ that manages shapeshifting. Science is very unclear about the cerebellum (no surprise there). But its speculations offer interesting glimmers. Glimmers that might shed light on what’s happening inside my skull.
According to Wikipedia, the cerebellum manages fine motor skills, particularly fine placements of the body in space. It’s also responsible for highly specific learning modalities, including optimal control, visual-spacial cognition, supervised learning and the regulation of unsupervised learning. All this includes interpreting sensory inputs from relativistic positioning to guide motor function and so much more…
Now, think about it. What is shapeshifting? It is changing one’s form from one structure to another. Doing that requires heightened levels of “Optimal Control” doesn’t it? Wouldn’t it also require highly attuned visual-spacial recognition? Yes it would. The two learning modalities play a part too. For the body must be able to tell when the shift is complete. And all this must happen at extremely fine levels. Infinite levels of relationship between parts of the body and relationships between the body and all other objects in the immediate space. In other words, extremely fine motor skills are required.
This sounds very much like functions the cerebellum excels at. So developing such abilities would necessitate expanded capacities in the cerebellum!
Did I mention how astonishing this was?
After reading the entry, I read other entries about functions I noted above. All of what I read had me conclude what you’re reading. 
Now, this is admittedly speculation. But my life is a library of proof proving true my speculations. Evidence my clients are creating bolster my own proof. So something is happening. And I’m thrilled to find out more!
Further speculation brings anticipation
My cerebellum is expanding to accommodate shapeshifting. Apparently, this part of the brain also is associated with pain processing. As far as shapeshifting is concerned, every part of the body, every atom, cell and nerve must rearrange into the model/vision – the target shape. That might be quite painful. But the cerebellum may modulate pain sensors to accommodate the shift from one form to the other.
Teleportation is another ability I’m cultivating. The cerebellum may play a role there too. What is teleportation? The ability to move from one place and time and appear in another, instantly. Wouldn’t that demand extremely precise motor coordination? How about fine placements in space and time? You wouldn’t want to teleport into a concrete wall, for example!
According to Wikipedia posts I read, cerebellum functions play a role in an animal regulating precise body movements from one position in time and space to another as it traverses an environment. Or as it repositions its body. As when, for example, a cat sits down and licks its nuts…
All this inspires me deeply. It also inspires anticipation. Eagerness too. I feel certain I’m on a path. A path including astonishing abilities. It’s fun walking this path. It’s also fun seeing signs showing my progress.
Want to know more? Interested in discovering your own path like my clients are? Get in touch.
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mha-grievances · 2 years
A fan/lurker submitted post. Thank you so much 😊
I have not read the Manga and am not up to date in the Anime, mostly because reading criticism of BnHA does more for me than does the series itself. So... I take full responsibility for anything here that is wrong due to my ignorance, but... Regarding the death of Bakugou, I thought the death of a UA student was meant to be the final event that would crater that school's reputation for good and possibly throw Japanese society into the sort of chaos that defined the early era of Quirks when it was lawless and structureless. The most prestigious Hero school has evidenced its incapacity multiple times and smoothed it over with platitudes, but now a student who is famous - the Sludge incident, winning the tournament, being kidnapped by the LoV, &c - has died. The Symbol of Peace is gone, the "hero" who took his place is terrifying, and UA has a dead child soldier. In this circumstance, the villains almost look like a separate authority, as the state and the academic establishment are unable to stop setting themselves on fire. The 'order' of things is broken. More than ever, this is a moment that needs genuine, selfless heroes- enter Midoriya, at last himself the spotlight after constantly being dimmed and overrode- But Bakugou is alive! You could say he never even died, because what utility did this have other than to yank the chain of his fans? I love the tag 'Bakugou x Consequences' but I want to go further to say the entire world mostly lacks consequences, too. Things happen, but nothing happens. Endless setup. A valley where there should be payoff. It does not come consistently. A mass of intersecting plotlines that fall down or fall apart, unannounced. Chains of events exist only in the most abstract sense. I really thought his death was going somewhere. I do not want to say that to this point I thought of his existence as totally useless, but when I saw he died, I thought, 'Oh, he was a slow burn, and all of these built-up events were meant to fundamentally shatter society with his death!' Not so... And I went back to wondering what he is supposed to... do, on a narrative level. Everything which begins to exist has a cause. For him, I am thoroughly unsure of what Horikoshi means to say with his existence. (That is a problem a lot, where there are few characters in BnHA who are truly irreplaceable, but I digress...) Horikoshi is an unskilled writer who lacks experience, and the scale of BnHA is beyond his capability, in my opinion. I don't mean to insult him - but he's written himself into an awful quandary, the type that is so complex, it can only be a result of a writer without experience. There is no reasonable way to fix this situation, so he did a triple-backflip and breathed life back into Bakugou because - ideally - that will quickly undo the mounting pressure within the universe (AND calm down Bakugou's fans; evidently this is their story not his). There are hundreds of incoming dead-ends staring at Horikoshi and each time he ignores them for the sake of immediate fixes, BnHA is one ton heavier and one step closer to collapsing under its own weight. This is not writing anymore - this is damage control.
This is putting a lid on an overflowing pot instead of turning down the heat, and in doing so, acknowledging the structural issues which lead to the problems on the surface. If the rumors that it is ending soon are true, it is for the best. These are just some thoughts I had while I read this blog last night. Avid reader!! Please keep writing essays. It's really important to give genuine critique to Anime.
Thank you so much for the kind words.
I 100% agree that Katsuki’s “death” was supposed to be a big thing, showing that the villains have the upper hand. However, like you said, his revival undermines the whole thing.
And I agree about Katsuki having no purpose in the narrative. His redemption serves no purpose in the story compared to say Endeavor’s which is about a man who, after be gave up most of his life and hurt the people he was supposed to be close to just to chase a silly dream, swore to make sure that he can at least stand strong until newer and better heroes take the stage.
I also agree that Hori is a flawed writer. He has great ideas and he does know how to create characters and a world, but the problem is that he fails at fleshing out his ideas, adds needlessly useless things to the plot, and focuses on the worst parts of the story rather than the better parts. The Stain Arc was great cause Hori was able to convey a message while developing the central characters pertaining to that arc. The Overhaul Arc, though criticism can be had regarding certain things, makes sure to focus on the important stuff and has a clear goal. Things like this current arc simply rely on asspulls to make things interesting. If you need to rely on asspulls, you’ve failed as a writer.
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wingedcatgirl · 1 year
a post about posting
things that likes do:
give OP a notification
give the person you saw the post on a notification, if it was a reblog
can be seen in the post's notes (except when they can't, which. is sometimes??)
puts the post (the specific reblog you liked) in your liked posts list, which you can see, and other people can also see if you haven't disabled that setting. there's no searching this, only scrolling chronologically by when you liked it.
if the original post comes across your dash again, even with a different set of reblog comments or a completely edited op, the like button will already be clicked and red. this could serve some purpose for you if you have a bad memory.
maybe possibly puts it on the dash of your followers, if they have "in your orbit" enabled (it's enabled by default but a lot of people disable it)
something with the "based on your likes" algorithm, if you haven't disabled it (it's enabled by default but a lot of people disable it). what it does is unclear because the results are notoriously absurd
possibly also something with the "best stuff first" algorithm for people who haven't disabled it (it's enabled by default but you know where we're going with this). we don't have solid evidence of this but it would make sense
probably boosts it in search (for people sorting by top instead of latest) and the various explore pages (which a lot of people don't use for similar reasons as the based on your likes option). this might be confirmed somewhere in the tumblr documentation but we don't feel like digging into that rn
maybe other stuff
things that reblogs do:
most of the same stuff likes do, minus the "convenient indicator on your dash that you have done this, if you ever see the post again in future" and obviously the likes page
(reblogs with links can't be seen in the post's notes, unless the links go to one of the sites on a hidden whitelist. this whitelist is probably larger than you think but it's still pretty small)
immediately puts it on the dash of anyone following you
immediately puts it on your blog page
if you tag it, people can browse through that tag on your blog and find the post that way. this is usually reliable but sometimes it fails and nobody knows why.
if you have searching enabled on your blog, people can (sometimes, unreliably) search your blog for words in the post as you reblogged it and find the post that way
reblogs can also be queued, drafted, and scheduled. (you can do this with new posts too)
a queued post goes at the bottom of your blog's list of queued posts. based on your blog settings, X queued posts get spit out (same as if you'd posted/reblogged them just then) between the hours of Y and Z. there is no way to pause a blog's queue entirely; if there are posts in your queue, at least one will be posted each day. your queue page has a "shuffle queue" button which randomizes the order of the posts currently in the queue, if you really wanna put the "vortex" in "processing vortex".
a drafted post goes at the top of your blog's list of drafted posts. you can freely edit it and, at your leisure, publish it to make it a real post as though you posted/reblogged it then. drafted posts can also be linked to others (this requires using web tumblr to get the URL, as far as we know)
a scheduled post works p much exactly the same as a queued post, except instead of being calculated based on your settings, you just decide straight up when it comes out. it appears on your queue page, sorted with queued posts by when they'll come out, but otherwise neither affects nor is affected by the queue.
most of the behind-the-scenes "work" of making a scheduled (or queued) post happens the moment it goes into the schedule (or queue); the only thing that waits for the specified time is for the post to actually go out to people's dashes. (this is why the "crash" gag didn't work) this presumably also applies to drafts.
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prachiblogs · 1 month
Blog Post 3: Parenting and Wellbeing
The Paradox of Parenthood: How to Embrace the Joy and Manage the Stress
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Figure: The Paradox of Parental Pressure
(Source: Osei-Owusu, 2023)
Ah, parenting. What a beautiful, rewarding, and simultaneously crazy-making experience, am I right? As parents, we've all been there - savouring those precious, heart-melting moments with our kids one second, and wanting to pull our hair out from the stress and chaos the next. The truth is, parenthood serves up a real paradox when it comes to our overall wellbeing and life satisfaction. On the one hand Li and Chan, (2021), staring a family and raising children may be tremendously fulfilling and significant aspects of our life that increase our happiness and feeling of purpose. However, no matter how much one loves their children, the reality of raising children, the reality of raising children also bring with them a whole new level of stress (Estes et al., 2013). Every day the parenting game serves out heaping helping of overload and burnout risk, from interrupted sleep to tantrums to the never-ending juggling of schedules and duties.
There is increasing evidence linking early parenthood to reduced levels of total mental strain, emotional distress, and martial satisfaction, that makes sense. The contradiction is in the way that the demands of parenting and the crazy making turmoil coexist with those of inexplicable sensation through compassion method. Here factors of pride, and unconditional love of for children. Therefore, as parents, how can we protect our own mental health and well-being as simultaneously appreciating the great blessings of parenting and next generation factors. Redefining our expectations and ways of thinking about motherhood itself is part of solution (Collins, 2020). Here, the image of flawless, contented parenting is often localised in the society. Here it is one of the most valuable and challenging professions would will ever have.
Aiming for "good enough" parenting rather than perfection can go a long way in alleviating pressure and negative self-talk. Beyond simply fulfilling your position as a parent, it’s essential to develop a self-care mentality and give your own needs priority. Plan frequent times for yourself to engage in enjoyable activities that take you away from your family obligations (Altena et al. 2020). This might be anything from a coffee date with friends to a shopping spree online. Parental welfare is greatly enhanced when they have a place to unwind and re-discover other aspects of their personality.
Speaking of self-care, don't underestimate the power of a solid support system. Raising kids absolutely takes a village, whether it's family, friends, community groups, counsellors, or all the above. Release yourself from the martyr mindset that you must do everything alone. Let loved one’s step in and lend a hand when you need it. On that note, here's a simple exercise for cultivating your parental support circle. Take out a notepad and identify five individuals you might contact for various purposes, such as a listening ear, an emergency childcare provider, a home cooked dinner during a chaotic time, or just a place to vent over coffee. Put the list up wherever you can see it as friendly reminder that you do not have to handle this parenting thing alone. 
At the end of the day, the key is striving for balance between savouring the unique joys and meaning that parenthood brings, while not losing sight of your own personhood in the process. It's the ultimate lifelong dance between giving yourself fully as a parent while refilling your own cup. That elusive equilibrium may be achieved with self-compassion and the appropriate supporting activities (Cha et al. 2021). Fundamentally, we all owe it to ourselves and our families to flourish throughout the paradoxical trip that is parenthood not just to endure it.
Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., ... & Riemann, D. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy. Journal of sleep research, 29(4), e13052. From: https://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/id/eprint/46025/1/Atlena-et-al.-2020.-Dealing-with-sleep-problems-during-home-confinement-due-to-the-COVID-19-outbreak.pdf
Cha, J. E., Serlachius, A. S., Kirby, J. N., & Consedine, N. S. (2023). What Do (and Don’t) We Know About Self-Compassion? Trends and Issues in Theory, Mechanisms, and Outcomes. Mindfulness, 14(11), 2657-2669. From: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12671-023-02222-4.pdf
Collins, C. (2020). Who to blame and how to solve it: Mothers' perceptions of work–family conflict across Western policy regimes. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(3), 849-874. From: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/am-pdf/10.1111/jomf.12643
Estes, A., Olson, E., Sullivan, K., Greenson, J., Winter, J., Dawson, G., & Munson, J. (2013). Parenting-related stress and psychological distress in mothers of toddlers with autism spectrum disorders. Brain and Development, 35(2), 133-138. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.braindev.2012.10.004
Osei-Owusu, P. (2023, May 5). The paradox of parental pressure: A humorous look at how we all fall for it. Nursing Daddy Blog.https://www.nursingdaddyblog.com/the-paradox-of-parental-pressure-a-humorous-look-at-how-we-all-fall-for-it/
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rianamblings · 1 month
On Characters and Circles...
In accordance with my posting habits, I've come to do my annual update for this blog. My draftsmanship has improved by a smidge, and my story sensibilities... mayhaps they remain the same. I feel like the most grueling part of looking at this archive is reading through my older entries. I've always written with some sort of strange self-important prose, but it gets more evident the older the entry is. Oh well!
I am working hard to update and put together my portfolio for the new year. I want to do better for myself this year, as I wasn't able to put together anything noteworthy in my eyes last year. I'd like to fall in love with the process again.
Funny enough, I feel like learning more didactic approaches to story structure and whatnot has served to hinder me. I'd like to remain far more loose in my approach as I had when I started. I felt my character work tends to suffer when I start ideating too hard about following a clear three-act structure. Pontificating too hard about Save the Cat has not been good for the old creative process as well. And I think that's come down to how I view my characters in my head.
Running in Circles...
To fit a character perfectly inside a circle, have them complete their arc cleanly, while still retaining that bit of human imperfection. How difficult to do in the span of 100-300 panels! And then I'm left to combat against my own need to over complicate things and over-think about a character that needs to fit in said very perfect story circle.
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Above is my crude rendition of Dan Harmon's story circle, of similar make to Campbells's Hero's Journey and other literary tools made to delineate the protagonist's struggle. I like circles and structure, and I've come to understand these tools exist as a way to better treat a story when a problem arises. That rather than bringing them in from the beginning, I've found it best to employ them when there's a need to fix a story issue and get to the core of the problem by understanding what purpose a plot point serves. You're better off for knowing the rules and so on.
Yet I would find myself stumbling with them, and I feel that I ended up using it incorrectly in the end. Losing sight of character in the pursuit of needing to hit very particular beats. It's a rough balancing act.
To combat my inclination towards my dry approach to doing story outlines, in lieu of Google excel sheets of plot points, I've opted to just letting the characters lead. I feel that in the story classes I've taken, I wanted so hard to apply what I learned in as clinically academic of a way possible.
This approach seems so simple and almost juvenile. Of course the character leads the story. And grass is green. But for me it has not just been simple enough to make a character and have them move a plot forward. I plot in stray ideas just very loosely connected by threads... And I don't make things easy for myself, of course.
Character First
I've always been advised with character first, and then craft a story around them. And I do think it's a solid approach for the majority of things. Yet I think with the character making process, to come up with something genuine and from the heart, it takes a lot more from me than listing out traits, a motive, and a backstory. And so I went back to how I made characters back in middle school
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Performing open heart surgery on my self-homonculus
I take a bit of myself, a bit of my heart, a bit of the parts that I dislike most about myself. Chipping it off, I turn that into whatever my character's core wound is, making it the thing that gives them weight. This is my idea of writing from experience. In that way, no matter how far off the genre or world, I try to ground them a little bit in myself. And in my hopes and dreams and wishes. I see the character as a space to explore that facet of myself, and see what I can make with it.
I don't think it's enough for me to have a cool plot idea, it's seldom enough to keep me interested. I need my own personal stake in there, and that means putting a little bit of myself in it. (Which is difficult for me, as I enjoy being as private as possible) I need a character that keeps my mind hostage, to the point where I have to write about it. And once that part of me is set in place, I like to develop a world around them from there. I'd like for my story sequences to be a vignette rather than the whole story. I want my characters to have lived a life before what I've drawn of them, and to have a life after the last panel. (Yes, so cheesy.)
And I know not every character calls for such an approach. At times, it's enough to have a story about people with no deeply ingrained trauma, and this method doesn't even always work for me. Not every story needs to be a deep meditation on human nature or a character study. But my intent has always been storytelling to reflect on my experiences and my interests. And I find this way organic and much more freeing!
Perhaps this entry made little sense and offers no real revelations on the art of character writing, but I'm glad to get some of my thoughts on the matter on paper. (hypertext?) I hope to continue making entries like this to see how my process and approach evolves. I hope to create even more genuine stories from the heart!
Yours truly,
Ri ♡
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Data Visualization: Telling Compelling Stories with Data
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Introduction to Data Visualization
Welcome to the world of data visualization, where numbers and statistics come alive in vibrant colors and captivating visuals! In today's data-driven era, information overload is a real challenge. But fear not, as data visualization swoops in like a superhero to save the day! It transforms complex datasets into easily digestible stories that can be understood at a glance. Think about it – we are bombarded with tons of data every single day. From social media metrics to sales figures, from weather patterns to healthcare trends – the amount of information available is staggering. And that's where data visualization steps in, turning raw numbers into insightful narratives that reveal hidden patterns and trends. In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating realm of data visualization: why it matters, what types exist, which tools you can use to create stunning visualizations, and tips for making your visualizations truly compelling. We'll also explore some real-life case studies showcasing successful examples of how organizations have used data visualization to tell powerful stories. So buckle up and get ready for an exciting journey through the world of Data Visualization. Let's uncover its secrets together!
Why Data Visualization is Important
Data visualization is a powerful tool that helps us make sense of complex information. In today's data-driven world, where we are constantly bombarded with vast amounts of data, it has become increasingly important to find effective ways to analyze and communicate this information. That's where data visualization comes in. One of the key reasons why data visualization is important is its ability to simplify complex concepts and present them in a visually appealing and easily understandable format. By using charts, graphs, maps, and other visual elements, we can transform raw data into meaningful insights that can be quickly grasped by anyone. Moreover, human beings are inherently visual creatures. We process images faster than text and are more likely to remember information presented in a visual form. This means that by presenting data visually, we can engage our audience more effectively and increase their understanding and retention of the information being conveyed. Another reason why data visualization is crucial is its ability to reveal patterns, trends, and relationships within the data that might not be immediately apparent when looking at raw numbers or text-based reports. Through interactive visuals like dashboards or infographics, users can explore different aspects of the dataset and uncover valuable insights. Furthermore, effective data visualization allows for better decision-making processes across various industries. Visual representations provide stakeholders with clear evidence-backed arguments for making informed choices based on accurate interpretations of the available facts. In conclusion (as per instructions), Data Visualization plays an integral role in transforming disparate sets of raw numbers into compelling stories that inform decision-making processes; through its simplicity yet effectiveness at conveying complex concepts visually; while also engaging audiences more effectively than traditional methods such as plain-text reports or spreadsheets
Types of Data Visualization
Types of Data Visualization When it comes to visualizing data, there are numerous techniques and approaches that can be used. Each type of data visualization serves a specific purpose and helps convey information in a unique way. Here are some common types of data visualization: 1. Bar charts: Bar charts are one of the most straightforward ways to represent categorical data. They use horizontal or vertical bars to show comparisons between different categories or groups. 2. Line graphs: Line graphs are great for showing trends over time. By plotting points and connecting them with lines, we can easily see how values change over a given period. 3. Pie charts: Pie charts are ideal when you want to showcase proportions or percentages within a whole. Each category is represented by a slice, with the size proportional to its value. 4. Scatter plots: Scatter plots display individual data points as dots on a graph, allowing us to identify patterns or relationships between variables. 5. Heat maps: Heat maps use color intensity to represent values across two dimensions, making it easy to spot areas of high or low concentration. 6. Network diagrams: Network diagrams visualize relationships between entities through nodes (representing entities) connected by edges (representing connections). 7. Word clouds: Word clouds visually display words' frequency in text documents using font size; more frequent words appear larger. With such variety in visualization techniques available today, professionals have ample options when choosing how best to present their data effectively and engagingly!
Tools for Creating Effective Visualizations
Data visualization is a powerful way to present complex data in a visually appealing and easily understandable format. To create effective visualizations, you need the right tools that can help bring your data to life. Thankfully, there are several tools available that can assist you in creating compelling visualizations. One popular tool for data visualization is Tableau. With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality, Tableau allows users to quickly create interactive charts, graphs, maps, and dashboards. It also offers advanced features like data blending and forecasting. Another useful tool is D3.js (Data-Driven Documents), which is an open-source JavaScript library for creating dynamic and interactive visualizations on the web. D3.js provides a wide range of functions for manipulating HTML elements based on data values, making it highly flexible and customizable. For those who prefer a more user-friendly approach, tools like Google Data Studio or Microsoft Power BI offer easy-to-use interfaces with pre-built templates and drag-and-drop functionality. These tools enable users to connect to various data sources, visualize the data in different formats, and share their findings with others. Additionally, programming languages such as Python or R have libraries like Matplotlib or ggplot2 that allow users to generate static or dynamic visualizations programmatically. These libraries provide extensive customization options while leveraging the power of coding. The choice of tool depends on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for simplicity or advanced functionality, there's a tool out there that can help you create effective visualizations that tell compelling stories with your data.
Tips for Creating Compelling Visualizations
Tips for Creating Compelling Visualizations: 1. Know your audience: Before you start creating your visualization, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of who will be viewing it. Consider their level of expertise and the specific insights they are looking for. 2. Keep it simple: Avoid cluttering your visualizations with unnecessary elements. Use clean and minimalist designs that allow the data to take center stage. Remember, less is often more when it comes to effective data visualization. 3. Choose the right chart type: Selecting the appropriate chart type can make a significant difference in how well your message is conveyed. Bar charts work well for comparing values, line charts are ideal for showing trends over time, and pie charts can effectively display proportions. 4. Highlight key findings: Identify the most important insights from your data and emphasize them in your visualizations. Use color coding or annotations to draw attention to these findings, making them easily understandable at a glance. 5. Tell a story: Instead of simply presenting raw data, aim to tell a compelling narrative through your visualizations. Structure your visuals in a logical sequence that guides viewers through the information and helps them reach meaningful conclusions. 6. Employ appropriate colors: Color choice plays an essential role in conveying information effectively. Use contrasting colors for different categories or variables to ensure clarity and avoid confusion. 7. Test and iterate: Don't be afraid to experiment with different design options and gather feedback from potential viewers before finalizing your visualization. Remember, creating compelling visualizations requires careful thought and consideration of both design principles and audience needs
Case Studies: Successful Examples of Data Visualization
Case Studies: Successful Examples of Data Visualization Data visualization is a powerful tool that can transform complex data into meaningful insights. In recent years, we have seen numerous case studies where organizations have effectively used data visualization to tell compelling stories and drive decision-making. One such example is the New York Times' interactive feature on global warming. By visualizing temperature changes over time through an interactive map, they were able to engage readers and convey the urgency of addressing climate change. In another case study, Netflix utilized data visualization to optimize their recommendation algorithm. By analyzing user viewing patterns and preferences, they were able to create personalized recommendations that increased viewer engagement and retention. The World Health Organization (WHO) also leveraged data visualization in their efforts to combat infectious diseases. Through visually appealing charts and graphs, they effectively communicated disease trends and patterns, enabling policymakers to make informed decisions regarding public health interventions. Furthermore, NASA has been using data visualization techniques to present astronomical findings in an accessible way. Their visualizations allow viewers to explore the vastness of space and understand complex celestial phenomena with ease. These examples demonstrate how effective data visualization can be in conveying information in a clear and impactful manner. From journalism to entertainment, healthcare to astronomy – there are countless success stories showcasing the power of visual storytelling through data. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more innovative uses of data visualization across various industries. Whether it's presenting financial insights or tracking social media trends, visualizing information will remain essential for making sense of large datasets quickly. In conclusion, the successful case studies mentioned above highlight how effective data visualization can be in communicating complex information clearly and engagingly. As we move forward into a world driven by big data, mastering the art of telling compelling stories with visuals will become increasingly important for businesses and organizations alike.
The Future of Data Visualization
The Future of Data Visualization As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, the future of data visualization holds immense potential. With the rapid growth of big data and the increasing need for businesses to make sense of large volumes of information, data visualization will play a crucial role in uncovering insights and driving decision-making. One exciting development is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into data visualization tools. AI algorithms can analyze complex datasets, identify patterns, and generate visual representations that allow users to grasp information quickly. This combination enables more interactive and dynamic visualizations that can adapt in real-time as new data becomes available. Another area where we can expect significant advancements is in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. Imagine being able to step into a 3D immersive environment where you can interact with your data visually. VR/AR has the potential to revolutionize how we explore and understand complex datasets by providing an immersive experience that goes beyond traditional 2D representations. Additionally, as more devices become interconnected through the Internet of Things (IoT), there will be opportunities for real-time streaming visualizations. These visualizations could provide live updates on various metrics or events, allowing businesses to monitor their operations continuously and respond proactively. Furthermore, advancements in natural language processing (NLP) will enable more sophisticated ways to interact with visualized data. Users may be able to ask questions using voice commands or have conversations with intelligent assistants that extract relevant insights from visuals instantly. In conclusion,the future holds exciting possibilities for data visualization as technology continues to evolve rapidly. From AI-powered analysis to immersive virtual environments, these innovations promise enhanced decision-making capabilities for individuals and organizations alike. Don't miss out on harnessing this power - start exploring what compelling stories your own dataset has waiting!
Conclusion Data visualization is a powerful tool that enables us to unlock the stories hidden within complex data sets. By presenting information in a visual format, we can more effectively communicate insights and make data-driven decisions. Throughout this article, we have explored the importance of data visualization and how it helps us understand patterns, trends, and relationships that might otherwise go unnoticed. We have also discussed various types of visualizations and the tools available for creating them. In addition, we have provided tips for creating compelling visualizations - from choosing the right chart type to using colors strategically to enhance understanding. We have also highlighted successful case studies where organizations have used data visualization effectively to tell impactful stories. As technology continues to advance and our ability to collect vast amounts of data increases, the future of data visualization looks bright. With advancements in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and interactive dashboards, we can expect even more immersive and engaging ways of exploring and analyzing data. In conclusion... Oops! Sorry about that slip-up! But now you know what I mean when I say that using an undefined tone is sometimes tricky! Overall... Wait, no "overall" either? Well then... To sum it up, By harnessing the power of data visualization techniques combined with effective storytelling methods, individuals across industries will be able to make better-informed decisions based on clear insights derived from their datasets. So let's embrace this valuable tool as we continue our journey towards a more visually captivating world filled with meaningful narratives told through the language of data! Thank you for joining me on this exploration into the fascinating world of Data Visualization: Telling Compelling Stories with Data. Happy visualizing!
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yearabroadfordummies · 7 months
Totally serious guide to intercultural conversational routines
Newly found evidence shows British people split off from our human ancestors around a million years ago, evolving into homo cynicus. The brain of which is divided into two hemispheres: the left, which produces feelings of shame and self-loathing, and the right, which produces feelings of shame and self-loathing. /sarcasm
This had led to many unfortunate characteristics such as: a severe debilitating need to apologise (even for things clearly not our own fault), a lack of capability for direct communication, and a deep craving of orderly queues, to name a few. This could give the impression that we are a polite and well-mannered people, when really these are purely defence mechanisms for when we must venture out from the warm confines of our dwellings, leave our beloved cups of tea behind, and do the dreaded… social interaction. /s
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^Excurb1a’s ‘England a beginner’s guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KySFp0w7-hE&t=28s
Above: Highly classified records of the evolutionary split, retrieved personally for use in this blog from maximum security compartment below the crown jewels in the Tower of London. /s
The rest of the world is unaware of this fact of human evolutionary history, and therefore may find what we see as ‘normal interaction’ slightly odd, or even rude, to the absolute dismay of us politeness fiends. /s This brings us to the purpose of this post; to spread some awareness of different conversational and politeness norms across cultures, to prepare you for your year abroad (aside from leaking highly classified government documents)!
‘Phatic communion’, such as the British ‘you alright?’, is an example of a conversational routine. In true homo cynicus fashion, a perfectly acceptable response is to seemingly completely ignore the ‘question’ with an ‘alright’ in return. Really, this example acts as a greeting, and not a question at all, and we would be pretty taken aback if someone responded with a long list of their day-to-day struggles. These phrases, or mini conversational routines, are very useful for interaction abroad and are rarely taught in language classes, so it’s a great idea to be aware of some from the place you’re off to. For example, in Mandarin, ’chī le ma?’ meaning, ‘have you eaten?’, is not an invitation to get lunch, but a greeting. Saved you some potential embarrassment there.
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Small talk also comes under phatic communion and serves a more social than informational purpose. However, there are different small talk norms across cultures. For us, it’s usually pretty devoid of actual meaning and by the fifth ‘weather’s nice, isn’t it?’ of the day, we’re left wondering why we even bother at all. One study (Beal, 1992) looked at small talk between French and Australian employees. When asked ‘how was your weekend?’ the Australian employees responded very briefly, (quite like the small talk habits of the homo cynicus) whilst the French employees responded in much more detail. Both types of responses were evaluated as rude by co-workers of the opposite group: the Australians thought the longer answer to their question showed their French co-workers being ‘self-centred’ and ‘insensitive to other people’, while the French employees thought the brief answer showed ‘indifference’ and ‘lack of sincerity’.
The take-away from this is you should be aware of different attitudes to small talk across cultures and that sometimes, doing what we think is the norm can be interpreted as the opposite or impolite. With this in mind you can adjust the level of detail and self-disclosure you give in these conversational routines, and be more open minded in evaluating responses you weren’t expecting.
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hashtagmark-com · 8 months
Does adding hashtags in comments work on Instagram?
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In the vast kingdom of social media, Instagram reigns supreme with its visually stunning content and large user base. It's no secret that utilizing hashtags is a crucial part of any successful Instagram strategy.
But wait… are you aware that hashtags in comments have become a hot topic of discussion lately? In this blog post, we will delve into the age-old question of whether adding hashtags in comments truly works on Instagram.
Hashtags and Instagram: A Match Made in Heaven:
1. Boosting Visibility:
Using relevant hashtags in your captions is a tried-and-true method to increase engagement and visibility. However, it is believed that putting the hashtags within comments rather than the caption itself can make them less intrusive. This way, you're able to maintain a clean and concise caption while still reaching a wider audience through hashtags.
2. Evading Oversaturation:
Hashtags are a double-edged sword. While they widen your reach, they can also expose your post to an overwhelming number of irrelevant or spammy comments. By burying your hashtags in the comment section, you can avoid cluttering your caption and maintain a clean aesthetic. Moreover, your post won't appear over-hashtagged, which can deter potential followers.
The Controversy:
Ah, the plot thickens! Instagram's algorithm remains an enigma to users and marketers alike. Though Instagram has not explicitly stated whether hashtags in comments are as effective as when placed in captions, countless users argue that they've witnessed no significant changes in their post's reach or engagement. So, is it all just a myth?
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The Truth of the Matter:
1. Algorithm Dilemma:
Some experts speculate that Instagram's algorithm treats hashtags in both captions and comments equally, implying that it doesn't really matter where you put them. While many users have reported success with hashtags in comments, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that Instagram explicitly favors one over the other.
2. Be Strategic:
Regardless of where you place your hashtags, it's essential to use relevant and specific ones. Aim for a mix of popular, niche, and location-based hashtags to maximize your chances of getting discovered by your target audience. Additionally, keep an eye on trending hashtags and adapt your strategy accordingly.
While the debate surrounding the effectiveness of hashtags in comments on Instagram continues, it ultimately boils down to personal preference and testing. Some users swear by it, while others don't see any significant difference. The key takeaway is that hashtags, in both comments and captions, serve the purpose of expanding your reach and visibility among the vast Instagram community. So, experiment with both approaches and see what resonates the most with your audience and aesthetic.
Remember, Instagram success is about quality content, engagement, and genuine connections. Utilizing hashtags is just one piece of the puzzle; don't solely rely on them for growth and engagement. Happy
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studyrights · 9 months
Enhancing Your Reading Experience: The Art of Highlighting in Books
Reading is more than just the passive act of perusing words on a page; it's a dynamic and engaging experience that allows us to explore new worlds, gain knowledge, and connect with the thoughts and ideas of others. One way to make the most of your reading journey is by employing the practice of highlighting in books. This blog post delves into the art of highlighting, exploring its benefits, methods, and how it can transform the way you interact with written material.
The Power of Highlighting
Highlighting in books is a time-honored tradition, embraced by students, academics, avid readers, and professionals alike. At its core, it involves marking specific passages, sentences, or words within a text to draw attention to them. This simple act can have a profound impact on your reading experience. Here are some of the key advantages of highlighting:
Active Engagement: Highlighting encourages active reading. Instead of merely skimming through the text, you become an active participant, identifying and marking significant points.
Enhanced Comprehension: When you highlight, you're effectively identifying the core ideas, arguments, and supporting details within the text. This process aids in comprehension by helping you grasp the material's structure and key concepts.
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Effective Note-Taking: For students and researchers, highlighting can be a form of note-taking. It condenses the material into a more manageable format, making it easier to review and study later.
Organization: Highlighting enables you to organize the information within a book. By using different colors or symbols for various types of content, you create a visual roadmap to navigate the text efficiently.
Critical Thinking: The act of deciding what to highlight fosters critical thinking. You must evaluate the text's significance, determining what warrants attention and why.
Improved Retention: The highlighted sections serve as memory aids. When you revisit them, you're more likely to recall the essential ideas and concepts, reinforcing your understanding.
Methods of Highlighting
The methods and tools you choose for highlighting can significantly impact your reading experience. Let's explore various techniques and materials for effective highlighting:
Traditional Highlighters: Colored highlighter pens are a popular choice. Each color can represent different categories or levels of importance. For instance, yellow might indicate main ideas, while green highlights supporting evidence.
Colored Pencils: If you prefer a more subtle approach, colored pencils provide precision for underlining and coloring text. They also eliminate the risk of ink bleeding through the pages.
Post-It Flags: Adhesive flags, available in various colors, can be easily placed on specific pages or passages. They serve as visual indicators of important content, allowing for quick reference.
Digital Tools: E-readers and digital reading platforms often offer built-in highlighting features. Using a stylus or your finger, you can select and highlight text digitally. Digital highlights are usually searchable and can be organized into custom categories.
Marginal Notes: In addition to highlighting, consider jotting down notes or comments in the margins of your books. This practice, known as marginalia, enables you to record your thoughts, questions, and reflections as you read.
Symbols and Codes: Some readers develop their system of symbols or codes in the margins. For instance, an asterisk (*) might denote an important point, while a question mark (?) could indicate something to revisit or research further.
Tips for Effective Highlighting
Highlighting is a skill that can be honed over time. To make the most of your highlighting practice, consider these tips:
Have a Purpose: Before you start highlighting, determine your purpose. Are you extracting key points, noting examples, or identifying supporting evidence? Having a clear objective will guide your highlighting choices.
Use a Consistent System: If you're using colors or symbols, establish a consistent system and stick to it throughout the book. This helps maintain organization and clarity.
Highlight Sparingly: Avoid over-highlighting. Highlight only the most crucial information to prevent clutter and ensure that the highlights truly stand out.
Revisit and Review: Periodically revisit the highlighted sections and review your notes. This reinforces your understanding and helps you retain the information.
Balance Digital and Physical: If you read both physical books and digital content, consider how you'll integrate highlighting into both formats. Digital tools offer convenience, but physical highlighting can be a tactile and memorable experience.
Respect Borrowed Books: When highlighting borrowed or library books, be considerate. Use removable tabs or lightly underline with a pencil to avoid causing permanent damage.
Highlighting in books is a powerful tool that can transform your reading experience from passive consumption to active engagement. Whether you're a student aiming to excel in your studies, a researcher seeking to extract key information, or a dedicated reader looking to deepen your connection with a text, highlighting can be your ally.
By employing various methods and adhering to best practices, you can harness the benefits of highlighting to enhance comprehension, retention, and organization. So, the next time you embark on a reading adventure, consider picking up your favorite highlighter or digital stylus and embark on a journey of discovery, one vibrant mark at a time.
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Web Design Psychology: How Colors and Layouts Impact User Behavior
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Have you ever wondered why some websites are more visually appealing than others? It turns out that there is a science behind web design and how colors and layouts can influence user behavior. Web design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about understanding human behavior. Every element, from color to layout, can deeply influence how users interact with a webpage. In this blog post, we will explore how web design psychology plays an important role in web design, and how certain colors and layouts can be used to maximize engagement and conversions. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of how web design psychology impacts user behavior. So, let's get started!
The Power of Colors
a. The Emotional Spectrum of Colors
Red: A color that has long been associated with energy, danger, and excitement. The hue is stimulating, passionate, and immediate. This is precisely why businesses leverage red in advertising and promotions. A 'Sale' sign in red not only captures the attention but also evokes a sense of urgency, prompting quick action from the customer.
Blue: A color of the sky and the sea, blue is serene and universally loved. It resonates with feelings of trustworthiness, stability, and calmness. Think about the number of businesses, especially tech giants like Facebook and LinkedIn, that use blue in their logos and interfaces. The color instills a sense of security, making users more open and receptive to the platform's offerings.
Green: A refreshing color that takes us back to nature, green stands for growth, fertility, and harmony. Its versatility is evident in its application. Health and wellness websites often lean into shades of green to promote well-being and restoration. Similarly, eco-friendly brands and initiatives use green to connect their mission with the environment and underline their commitment to sustainability.
Yellow: Bursting with cheerfulness and youthful energy, yellow is undeniably optimistic. Its brightness can uplift and invigorate. However, it's also a color that demands discretion in its application. Overusing yellow can be overpowering, potentially straining the eyes. This is why designers use it strategically, often to spotlight or accentuate specific content, ensuring it draws attention without overwhelming. Do you want to Hire Best Web Design Company in US then, Megatask Web is the Best Choice.
b. Color Contrast and Call to Action (CTA)
In the realm of web design, CTAs serve as the focal point, guiding users towards taking a desired action. To make these CTAs stand out and be effective, contrasting colors are employed. Consider a website with a primary blue palette. Introducing a CTA button in vibrant orange not only makes it stand out visually but also taps into the user's psychology. The stark contrast naturally draws the eyes, nudging users to notice, and more importantly, to click. The interplay of complementary colors doesn’t just make the design aesthetically pleasing but serves a functional purpose, steering user behavior in the intended direction.
The power of layout
Web design is an intricate dance of creativity and structure, with layout acting as its backbone. The layout determines the hierarchy of information and directs user focus. Essentially, it channels the users' cognitive processes and navigation habits in a manner that best serves both the site's purpose and the users' needs. Click Here for Web Design and Development Company in US
a. The F-Pattern Layout
Eye-tracking studies have illuminated a user's natural approach to scanning web content, which often resembles an "F" pattern. Beginning at the top left—due to many languages being read from left to right—users move horizontally across the main header. They then drop down slightly and repeat the horizontal scan, though not as extensively as the first. Finally, their eyes trickle down the left side, catching headlines or standout elements. By understanding and leveraging the F-pattern, web designers can strategically place the most crucial content where users naturally gravitate, optimizing user engagement and interaction.
b. Grid Systems and Symmetry
Beyond just creating aesthetic appeal, grid systems impart a sense of order and predictability. This organized layout divides content into digestible sections, columns, and modules, ensuring a structured visual flow that's easily comprehensible. Users find information faster, leading to an enhanced experience and deeper content exploration.
Symmetry, a familiar concept in art and nature, instills a sense of balance in web design. When elements on a page mirror one another—be it through size, positioning, or visual weight—it induces a harmonious feeling. This implicit balance not only pleases the eye but also provides a psychological comfort to the user, subtly communicating that everything is in its rightful place. Visit Megatask Web for Your Web Design and Development Service Needs
c. Whitespace: The Unsung Hero
Often underestimated, whitespace is a quintessential aspect of web design that doesn't shout for attention but quietly enhances user experience. Contrary to its name, whitespace isn't necessarily "white"; it refers to the unmarked space between different design elements. This 'breathing room' plays multiple roles. Firstly, it declutters the interface, preventing cognitive overload and aiding in content prioritization. Moreover, by isolating and emphasizing particular components—like a call-to-action button or a highlighted testimonial—it directs user focus effectively. In an age of information bombardment, the judicious use of whitespace is pivotal in offering a user-friendly, easily navigable, and focused web experience.
Real-world Examples of Color and Layout Impact
The interplay of colors and layouts in web design is nowhere more evident than in some of the world's leading digital platforms. These companies have not only incorporated user-friendly interfaces but have also strategically employed psychology in design to enhance user experience and engagement. Here are more examples:
a. Spotify: This globally recognized music streaming giant opts for a dark theme, complemented by bright accent colors. The advantage of such a choice goes beyond aesthetics. The dark background is known to significantly reduce eye strain, making it ideal for users in dimly lit rooms or during nighttime browsing. On the other hand, the contrasting bright colors, particularly greens and pinks, are strategically placed to highlight important interactive elements like play buttons, enhancing user interaction and prompting the desired actions.
b. Apple: Apple's design philosophy extends beyond its products. Their website is a testament to their belief in minimalist design. With a predominant use of grayscale and the occasional splash of color, Apple focuses users' attention exactly where they want it - on their products. Ample whitespace is used not just as a design element, but to create a sense of luxury, superiority, and emphasis on the sophistication of Apple products. Here You Go for Professional Web Design Company in US
c. Duolingo: For an app that's all about progress, growth, and learning, Duolingo's predominant use of green is on point. Green, in psychology, is associated with growth, motivation, and progress. By employing this color, Duolingo subtly reinforces its mission and keeps users motivated in their language learning journey.
d. Dropbox: Dropbox, the cloud storage solution, uses a simple layout with playful illustrations and a clean blue and white palette. The blue tones instill a sense of trust, reliability, and professionalism – crucial for a platform where users store personal and professional data.
e. Airbnb: This travel-focused platform emphasizes large, immersive photographs of travel destinations and accommodations. With a simple and intuitive layout, Airbnb ensures the visuals tell the story. Their use of red for CTAs is both attention-grabbing and action-inducing, motivating users to book their next adventure.
4. Key Takeaways
Web design psychology plays a critical role in user engagement. While a site must be aesthetically pleasing, understanding the emotional and psychological triggers of design elements can make a significant difference.
Colors: Use them to evoke emotions, guide decisions, and highlight important content.
Layouts: Ensure content is organized in a way that is intuitive to the human eye and mind.
Research & A/B Testing: Always keep your target audience in mind, research their preferences, and conduct A/B tests to see which designs resonate the most.
In a world where attention spans are shortening, optimizing web design for user behavior is no longer an option; it's a necessity. By blending aesthetics with psychology, designers can craft experiences that aren't just visually appealing but are also deeply engaging.
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suryaprabisha1 · 10 months
Maximizing Your Job Search with Professional Resume Services
Introduction: In today's competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is essential for standing out among other candidates. This blog post will explore the benefits of using professional resume services and provide insights into how they can significantly impact your job search success.
Your resume serves as the gateway to your dream job, and the professional summary is the key that unlocks the door to capturing the attention of potential employers. A well-crafted professional summary can be the difference between landing an interview or getting lost in a sea of applicants. In this blog, we will delve into the art of creating a powerful and impactful professional summary that makes your resume stand out from the crowd.
Understand the Purpose of a Professional Summary: The professional summary, also known as the resume summary or career summary, is a concise snapshot of your professional identity. Situated at the top of your resume, it serves as an elevator pitch to recruiters, summarizing your unique qualifications, skills, and accomplishments. Its purpose is to provide a quick overview of your candidacy, highlighting your most relevant attributes, and enticing employers to read further. By offering a glimpse of your value proposition, a compelling professional summary entices recruiters to explore your full resume.
Keep It Concise and Relevant: In a fiercely competitive job market, recruiters often sift through hundreds of resumes for a single position. With limited time to review each application, brevity is essential. Your professional summary should be brief, ideally consisting of 2-3 sentences or a few lines. Trim unnecessary details and focus on your most relevant experience and key strengths that align with the specific job you are applying for. A concise and targeted summary ensures that your unique selling points are immediately evident to potential employers.
Showcase Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Identify the key factors that make you stand out among other candidates. Reflect on your most significant achievements, skills, and attributes that make you uniquely qualified for the role. To craft a powerful USP, carefully tailor it to align with the job description, demonstrating precisely why you are the ideal fit for the position. Your USP should articulate what sets you apart and pique the interest of recruiters, compelling them to explore your qualifications further.
Highlight Your Experience and Expertise: A strong professional summary should mention the number of years of experience you have in your field or industry. Emphasize any specialized knowledge, certifications, or training that showcases your expertise. This helps establish your credibility and builds trust with potential employers. By succinctly highlighting your relevant experience, you create a compelling case for why you are the right candidate for the job.
Incorporate Industry-Relevant Keywords: To navigate the digital landscape, where applicant tracking systems (ATS) are commonly used to screen resumes, incorporating industry-specific keywords is crucial. These keywords, drawn from the job description, act as signposts for recruiters, directing them to your qualifications and skills that align with the role. A judicious use of keywords not only increases your resume’s chances of passing through ATS but also demonstrates that you are well-versed in the language of the industry.
Quantify Your Achievements: While your professional summary should be concise, adding quantifiable achievements provides concrete evidence of your impact. Numbers speak louder than words and reinforce the value you bring to an organization. Whether it’s increasing sales by a certain percentage, managing a team of a specific size, or achieving cost savings, metrics lend credibility to your claims. By quantifying your achievements, you differentiate yourself as a results-oriented professional capable of delivering tangible outcomes.
Use Power Words for Impact: Aim to make your professional summary dynamic and engaging by using strong action verbs and power words. These words create a sense of energy and enthusiasm, making your summary memorable. Examples include “led,” “achieved,” “innovated,” “exceeded,” and “initiated.” Power words inject vitality into your professional summary, effectively conveying your capabilities and passion for your work.
Your professional summary serves as a powerful tool to captivate recruiters and make a lasting impression. By crafting a concise, impactful, and tailored summary, you increase your chances of getting noticed in a competitive job market. Remember to customize your professional summary for each application, using it as a preview of the value you can bring to a potential employer. With a strong professional summary, your resume will be a standout document that opens doors to exciting career opportunities.
 For more information visit our website https://bidisharay.com/ or call us at +919560602202, +447867090359
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ajeanhalning · 1 year
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Book Review: Possessive Series 21 Knight Velasquez by Cecelib
By Angel Jean Gupit
June 2023
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Knight Velasquez doesn’t know the word ‘No’. What he wants, he gets. As a Spaniard Count from a Noble Family, he was taught that people with no Royal Bloodline and no Royal Status in the society are beneath him. He was made to believe that to control people around him, it is necessary to lie and pretend.
And he’s good at it.
His father’s words: Never show your true color. Never let anyone see behind the mask you use.
He already perfected the art of lying and pretending, until she cam into his life.
Suddenly, he was thrown off and confused as hell.
And slowly, his mask fell.
Since his father is a powerful man, he is powerless to do anything other than ensure that the things he values most are protected, even if doing so makes him appear to be a villain. As a result, he suffers severely at the hands of his father, who has bound and shackled him to comply with his every request. But like a miracle, someone caused his mask to fall, convincing him little by little that he is worthy.
In Cecelib's entire story, Count Knight Alastair Minrod Velasquez is my favorite character. His story has taught me numerous life lessons and opened my eyes to a lot of things. One of the reasons I adore his character is that it taught me that everyone has a facade, which means that even we are unable to fully understand who we truly are. However, one person in a million would embrace those qualities in order to be with us. In addition to this, possessive 21 taught me to value the word "promise" and that you should only make promises to specific people if you truly mean them. The character of the knight being saved is yet another aspect of this story that makes me adore it.He sees himself as someone unworthy of everything, he pushes those who showed him sincerity and questioned those with pure intention towards him. he doesn't believe in good deeds, for him, there must be something the other person wants from him. However, his growth throughout the book is so significant that it demonstrates how he battled to succeed while facing enormous obstacles. The quote from the book " I act like i don't care but i swear, deep down it kills me, I would say that I'm okay" shows a lot about his character, if you learn to love his character, you would surely feel sadness when reading this quote, not only that but many can relate to this, a lot of us can see ourselves in knight's shoes in other situations.
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Furthermore, all of the characters—not only Knight's—deserve praise; as the author, Cecelib, promised her readers, she did not let them down. Because every character in the novel serves a purpose and isn't just there as filler, that is the reason why this book is well-liked. In addition to this, the heroine's character stands out since she doesn't act like a normal female lead who would wait for the male lead to emerge. This serves as another evidence that the book is worthwhile to read because it discusses feminism and women's empowerment. In addition, Knight's story encourages the LGBTQ+ community, , with a quote that said "being gay doesn't make you a less of a person". Me as a reader felt proud when i read that. Additionally, the narrative has a fantastic plot, little to no flaws, which makes it praiseworthy, and it also aids in growing readers' vocabulary by using words with deep meaning that are unfamiliar to them. However, since the author came from a place where english and tagalog is not her second language, grammatical errors can be observed in many chapters of the story. Moreover, this doesn't affect the flow and plot of the story.
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To properly appreciate and comprehend not only Knight's narrative in possessive series 21, but also the other characters in the novel, I advise starting with possessive series 1. Additionally, Abigail De Silva, popularly known as Cecelib, is the author of the well-renowned possessive Series. She creates stories that captivate readers' attention while simultaneously imparting valuable life lessons. It is definitely worthwhile to read all of her work, not just the Possessive Series.
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hayeseuropean · 1 year
5 Telltale Signs That Your Mercedes Oil Cooler Needs Replacement
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If you're like most Mercedes owners, you probably aren't aware of the oil cooler. Never mind… In this blog post we have covered everything you wanted to know about oil cooler like what it is, what purpose does it serve, and how can you tell if your Mercedes oil cooler is about to fail or not. Hence, it is advised that you read this blog post in its entirety…
Oil Cooler: A Brief Intro
An oil cooler, as is evident from the name as well, is a device that essentially removes excess heat from engine oil. It has many morphological and anatomical similarities with the radiator of the cooling system. Like a radiator, an oil cooler consists of tubes and fins. However, it facilitates the circulation of engine oil instead of coolant. By the way, oil coolers are made of aluminum and stainless steel and can be found sitting at the front of the engine's cooling system.
An oil cooler, just like any other part, can wear out over time; as a result, your Mercedes can face a variety of problems. Want to know about the reasons that may contribute to oil cooler failure in a car? Well, please keep reading…
Reasons Why Your Mercedes Oil Cooler May Fail
#1- Plugged oil passages
One of the major causes of oil cooler malfunction in a vehicle is that its oil passages are clogged; perhaps due to the accumulation of sludge and other contaminants. You will need to clean the oil cooler passages for unrestricted circulation of oil.
#2- Rust
Another leading reason why your Mercedes oil cooler may fail is rust. Rusting of a piece of metal usually occurs when it comes in contact with oxygen and moisture. Rust can cause irreparable damage to the oil cooler and you may need to replace the entire unit.
#3- Physical damage
Since the oil cooler is located at the front section of the vehicle; it can get damaged by road debris and other similar elements. The oil leakage caused by this can lead to various engine problems. So, if your car is leaving oil strain when parked, get its oil cooler tested.
Signs Your Mercedes Oil Cooler Has Malfunctioned
#1- Oil stain on garage floor
Oil flows through the thin tubes of the oil cooler to dissipate excess heat to the outside air. If for some reason one of its tubes gets damaged, the oil will leak out. So, if you are noticing an oil stain on your garage floor, the first thing that you should do is to have a mechanic check on the oil cooler.
#2- Engine running hot
Since the oil cooler plays a crucial role in dissipating the engine heat to outside air; if it gets damaged, you will see a jump in your Mercedes’ engine temperature. A faulty cooling system can also contribute to engine overheating. In any case, if your car engine is running hotter than usual, it’s a sign of trouble and should not be taken for granted.
#3- Dashboard lights
If there is something wrong with your Mercedes’ oil cooler, you will come across quite a few warning indicators such as the check engine light, oil pressure light, etc… After all, the oil cooler plays a crucial role in keeping the oil temperature within a permissible limit. Plus, it maintains appropriate oil pressure.
#4- Engine power has been reduced
Has your car been performing poorly of late? This may indicate a problem with the oil cooler. By facilitating heat exchange between the hot oil inside and the cooler air outside, the oil cooler keeps the engine temperature within an optimal range. By doing so, it ensures smooth engine operation. A faulty oil cooler will not be able to do its job smoothly and may interfere with engine operation.
#5- Weird noise
The engine needs lube to function smoothly and efficiently… If your car is leaking oil because of a defective oil cooler, friction among key engine components will skyrocket. As a result, strange noise will come out of the engine.
To Sum Things Up;
The oil cooler is something that not many people know about… But, it is an important part nonetheless. Its failure may contribute to a series of engine functionality problems; ranging from sluggish performance to engine overheating. It is therefore important that you check on your Mercedes' oil cooler from time to time and if it has a defect, replace it.
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The Importance of Professional Residential Appraisals in St Louis, MO
When it comes to buying or selling a residential property, having a professional appraisal is essential. A residential appraisal provides an unbiased evaluation of a property's value, helping both buyers and sellers make informed decisions. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of professional residential appraisals and how they can benefit individuals involved in real estate transactions.
 Accurate Property Valuation
One of the primary purposes of a Residential Appraisal Services in St. Louis is to determine the accurate market value of a property. A professional appraiser assesses various factors, including the property's location, size, condition, and recent sales of comparable properties in the area. By considering these factors, an appraiser can provide an unbiased opinion of the property's worth. This valuation is crucial for sellers to set an appropriate asking price and for buyers to ensure they are making a fair offer.
 Lender Requirement
 In most real estate transactions involving a mortgage loan, lenders require a residential appraisal. Lenders want to ensure that the property's value justifies the loan amount. Appraisals help lenders mitigate the risk of providing loans that exceed the property's worth. By obtaining a professional residential appraisal, buyers can satisfy their lender's requirement and proceed with the loan process smoothly.
Negotiation Tool
During negotiations between buyers and sellers, a residential appraisal can serve as a valuable tool. If the appraisal reveals a lower value than the asking price, buyers can use this information to negotiate a lower purchase price. On the other hand, if the appraisal comes back higher than the offer, sellers can leverage this information to support their asking price. Appraisals provide an objective opinion and can help facilitate a fair and reasonable negotiation process.
Legal Protection
Professional residential appraisals also offer legal protection for both buyers and sellers. In the event of a dispute or legal issue regarding the property's value, an appraisal report can serve as evidence. If a buyer believes they overpaid for a property or a seller feels they sold below market value, the appraisal report can provide an objective assessment of the property's worth. This can be crucial in resolving disputes and protecting the rights of all parties involved.
Professional residential appraisals play a vital role in real estate transactions. From determining accurate property values to serving as a negotiation tool and offering legal protection, appraisals provide invaluable insights. Whether you are buying or selling a residential property, investing in a professional appraisal is a wise decision that can help you make informed choices and navigate the real estate market with confidence.
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