#this probably is not healthy- but coping via my relationship to fictional characters is more healthy than other coping mechanisms ive had
babybabyaphrodite · 2 years
thinkin ab the parallels between my awful social anxiety and cullen behavior. yes, i too look like im in physical pain when i am near people. i am absolutely clenching my jaw, not breathing, and sitting ramrod straight. getting overwhelmed by a conversation and just, Fleeing? yeah. having a conversation and sounding just slightly Off because my points of reference for small talk are not current. 30 minutes ago i sat at a restaurant and didn’t eat anything because i physically couldn’t but that’s just because i’m too hot & sexy & inhuman for food. this is a more enjoyable way to interpret my atrocious social behavior.
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mytrumarareviews · 8 years
Nostalgia Glasses: Sailor Moon (Part 3): Season 1, Episodes 23 - 33
So, a reminder about how this series works.
I will be looking at these episodes without wearing rose tinted glasses and openly criticize what I do and don’t like about each episode. I will be skipping past any filler episodes, this means that I will be skipping past any episodes that don’t directly relate to the plot of develop more aspects of each character than we have already established. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Episode 23 - Naru’s First Love
This episode was the turning point for Nephrite’s character. He starts off by taking advantage of Naru’s love for him but by the end he starts to realize that human love isn’t something that can be taken or controlled. Naru ends up protecting him from Usagi’s tiara, even if it would mean her own life would be at risk. He, in turn, protects her from a youma that’s attempting to kill her. It’s a good example of a sympathetic villain who starts off very abusive.
Now the biggest criticism I have here is that Nephrite’s entire character arc happens over two episodes instead of happening over the filler that’s really easily skipped without missing anything.
This episode also brings up themes of infatuation and abusive relationships. Naru doesn’t realize that Nephrite is using her to get the crystal and Usagi is attempting to tell her that he’s not a good guy. In fact it isn’t until she protects him from death that he becomes sympathetic towards her and actually seems to care about her.
They even treat the themes of infatuation really well in this episode. It’s stated in this episode that Naru only really loves Nephrite because he’s really attractive and has shown her, and her alone, false kindess at various points.
Episode 24 - Nephrite Dies for Love
So going into this episode I want to bring one very important thing up about Japanese culture, and something we could learn from it here in the west. Now before I get into this I want to say that I know that Japan is not a perfect country and there are many flaws with the way it runs, much like any other country. Though they do have a few censorship laws that I like.
So, this episode shows a 14 year old girl in the complete nude. It shows her entire body but what it doesn’t do is sexualize it. This is the biggest difference between western culture and Japanese culture, the West has this cultural taboo against nudity, I’m not going to get into everything, but even non-sexualized nudity will bring a show’s rating up to 14+ (or 14a in America). In Japan however, the censorship laws don’t make this a taboo in their fiction and this show can still be a family series.
Now getting on to the actual episode...
Some people could criticize this episode for having a damsel in distress plot halfway through but on the other hand it’s actually having a male character sacrifice his life to save the girl he loves. It’s not until this episode that he really starts to have feelings for her and understand what love is, but at the same time it is his redemption episode, he dies so that somebody else might live on. Turning a damsel in distress plot into a very well written tragic romance.
I always remembered Nephrite the most out of any villain I’d seen in fiction up to this point because he was the first sympathetic villain I’d seen since I started really taking fiction seriously. Up until this point I’d been watching really bad kids shows because they were on, but along with getting easy access to the internet I also came across anime for the first time in 7 years.
The dramatic timing in this episode is perfect though. When Nephrite enters to save Naru he looks intimidating, he fights near flawlessly and ends up rescuing her from the three Youma that have captured her. The pacing in the next few scenes in spot on as Naru brings him into a little park to wrap his wounds in some of the fabric from her pajamas. They have a conversation about starting a legitimate relationship and just as things start to seem like they’ll go right for them and he might actually become a better person for her, he takes an attack meant for her.
This leads to him telling her to run so that he can die without her having to see hit happen but she refuses and starts to pull the weapon from his chest. The Youma tells her it’s impossible but using all the strength she can muster while simultaneously being electrocuted she nearly pulls the weapon out. This is of course before they’re attacked again. Nephrite shields her this time and takes the entirety of the attack, again. He insists that she runs but before the Youma can kill them the Senshi arrive and save them. But it’s too late for Nephrite and we get a heartfelt goodbye of him apologizing for all the times he’s lied to and manipulated Naru, showing that his true character was honest and compassionate and that in another world they could have been a healthy couple. With those thoughts in your mind the episode ends and this song starts to play:
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLqJBXggDvc)
I love this episode so much.
Episode 25: The Brawny Girl in Love
So, this episode introduces both Sailor Jupiter and the moon scepter 
I still like Jupiter’s character a lot. It’s obvious from her first episode that she feels very self conscious about her height. Though she seems to go for the same type of guy who would say things like “massive girls like her aren’t my type” instead of giving her a chance. This leads to her being a hopeless romantic. By the way she reacts to the way he turned her down we can safely assume that she lost it when she was turned down the first time and attacked the guy. Getting herself expelled form her past school and moved to this one, where she would practice more restraint. She’s a lot more aggressive with complete strangers than any of the other main characters as shown by the way she reacts when Usagi is spying on her, this being in her nature makes it so that she doesn’t understand why people see her as unapproachable. She also shows that when somebody she either idolizes or loves is in danger that she’s willing to fight to protect them, and that she’s physically strong enough to lift between 100 and 200 pounds of weight over her head.
In other words, she’s tall, strong, and aggressive yet compassionate.
She’s very deep from her first episode and this episode was really meant to both introduce her and develop her character.
Episode 26: The Power of Friendship
So, I may start using the western title on few of these because they’re generally better and don’t just give out the episode’s plot in them starting this episode.
So this episode revolves around Usagi attempting to cheer up Naru after a couple weeks had passed since Nephrite died. Now I want to bring up that well this was airing in Japan, this happened over a couple of weeks in real time, it’s pretty awesome how they made the series match up with real time as it aired.
This episode also gives us a bit more exposition about the Great Youma and serves to develop Mamoru’s character a bit more. When it comes to the villain of the week, well, I wish we could have seen this priest throughout the rest of the series. I mean we see him in the RPG, which I may cover later. It would have been nice to see Naru try to turn to something like the church to try and cope with Nephrite’s death, which for this episode she does. But it would have given her a bit more character in the end.
This episode is also a good example of how Usagi is always in a constant state of “holy shit” whenever she’s fighting an enemy. She’s inexperienced and it she definitely shows it when she fights, though she can follow orders when they’re given to her. I also think she’s bipolar, but that’s neither here nor there.
Episode 27-32: More filler
Now having plot relevant happenings being filler isn’t new for this series. They did it with Ami’s introduction after all. 
In these episodes, we see that Ami is capable of being more than just a bookworm, but instead of physical attractiveness, intelligence is what somebody would have to use to attract her. The character in question Urawa, only does well on tests because he can see the future and therefore know what the answers to tests are. He also doesn’t canonically show up again and only really makes an appearance in the RPG after this. Another one has Usagi and Mamoru being forced to model together for an artist. Another one has Usagi and Makoto realizing that the guy they have a crush on has a girlfriend. Then we get Umino dressing as Tuxedo Mask to try and woo Naru, saving her life in the process. The last one does reveal that Luna is from the moon (though she’s actually an ambassador from another solar system in the manga, alongside Artemis). It’s a whole lot of filler that doesn’t really push the plot forward. But then we get to...
Episode 33: Sailor V Makes the Scene
Minako is probably the most developed character in the series, save Usagi and Mamoru. She has the most episodes centering around her out of any non-Usagi senshi throughout the entire series and to be honest it’s for good reason. She’s an amazingly deep character who was actually the first Sailor Moon character to be created, she starred in her own manga serial when Sailor Moon was only in it’s infancy and honestly, it’s a really good serial that allows her character to develop even further. Why do I bring this up, well if the title of the episode didn’t give you a hint, this is her introduction episode.
So the episode revolves around Zoisite cross-dressing to masquerade as Sailor Moon in an attempt to draw Tuxedo Mask out.
This episode was probably the reason Zoisite is female in the dub, because even if the actions are portrayed as villainous, the catholic parents will get pissed off about it and that’s not something we’d want now is it. I never really got this way of thinking, if you think something is bad and a villain is portrayed doing it and these guys are obviously the bad guys, why are you mad about it. Do you have such little faith in you children that you think they’ll idolize the bad guys? Mind you they have a homosexual couple portrayed as normal in the third season, which takes the hetero-normative attitude out of this show for pretty much the rest of the series. It’s also one of the reasons that the third season is my favorite.
But what I do like about Zoisite’s disguise is that it’s made of blues and purples. In Japan, blue often represents hidden evil or a character who at first seems nice but ends up being evil by the end. And purple represents death. Both are bad things, so even by looking at the design, you could tell that they were evil. Say if Zoisite hadn’t outright stated his plan beforehand. Another thing, Zoisite has really, really nice legs.
There is, however, one animation mistake that actually made me break out in laughter. For an entire second (about 20 frames in the 90′s) they had started the animation to open her mouth and just left it until they were at the right part for her transformation sequence.
So Zoisite successfully tricks everybody and Mamoru “saves” him. Zoisite then proceeds to stab Mamoru in the shoulder, causing him to fall in pain.
So this shows the first aspect of Minako’s character that I love. Aside from being an attractive character, though I don’t want to sound like a pedophile with that statement. She’s only 14 (even though every female character in this is drawn with adult proportions) in this arc. Actually, the characters in this show are all written with the personality quirks of a 16 to 18-year-old girls rather than 14-year-old girls. Mamoru’s also only around 16, being only a couple years older than the rest of the main cast. If anything that’s something I can heavily criticize about the writing in this series. Especially when it comes down to things like Naru’s infatuation with Nephrite. I also don’t want to seem perverted or pedophilic at all by saying this, but they all have rather larger breasts for 14-year-old girls and their legs are way too long.
If you want a good example of a 14-year-old character, take a look at shows like Pretty Cure. At this stage in their lives, 14-year-old girls don’t necessarily have a bust the size of any of the characters in this show. The design works with characters like Uranus and Neptune due to them having gotten through puberty. Hell, by the time the fifth season rolls around they’re 18-years-old, which is now the age of majority in japan.
Sorry about that, I do have a few gripes with this show and the fact that the main cast have adult figures kind of peeves me.
Anyway, getting back on track, she’s very confident when she’s transformed into Sailor Venus. Nobody knows who she is and she doesn’t nervous like she does when she’s not in costume. She’s also willing to break fingers to save her allies. She shoots straight through both Zoisite’s and Kunzite’s hands to stop them from harming others, this means that she’s not afraid to get violent if the need arises. Yet she’s vastly different when we see her in her everyday life.
It’s also nice to see how Usagi reacts to meeting her idol.
Overall this was a good episode, even if it does bring up a few of the things that really peeve me about this show.
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