#this probably went off topic at some point sorry 😅
Describe vlads personality and who is now vs who he was as a ruler and how his demise changed him in your opinion. Also what draws you to him? Thanks sm!!
OOO I love this!
It's interesting to think about personality change for vampires because canonically they are set in their ways.
We always see the Volturi as bad guys but really the Romanians were just as bad. They did not hide who they were and honestly valid, but they were also quite cruel and loved to toy with the humans. Their actions most definitely decimated many villages.
Considering that Vlad already was the leader of a four member coven before joining Stefan means that he had charisma and ability to inspire people to join him even more than Aro.
It's said that vampires couldn't work together but as can be seen from the Romanian coven which consisted of 12 founders and even more guards and ruled for 1000 years it shows that vampires can definitely co exist maybe not as peacefully as the Cullens.
But unlike the cullens who bonded on love and family, the Romanians from what we know of them bonded over the shared love of power and control. I'm even sure the mates weren't mates in the loving sense but more like political alliances.
I think there's a reason why even other vampires get creeped out by the Romanians. Probably because the power they held long time ago which the Volturi without Chelsea couldn't match. But also, I think it's the doubt of what would the Romanians do if the Volturi were defeated. Would they decide to rule again and go back to the old ways or will Carlisle be able to speak them out of it lol.
Honestly I would love to believe that Personality wise they have changed. Just a little less cruel. Meeting Carlisle and the cullens make them rethink much of who they were.
Aro was right about his fear of human weapons. And the Romanians would be wise to listen to that one. Stefan especially despite being a founder of the coven and leading battles... doesn't seem much enthusiastic about battling the Volturi. He should have been ready to take any chance but even said "maybe next time..."
Maybe the thirst for battle dulls some after so many centuries. Vladimir seems like the "let's kick as right now"...but he's still cautious. Losing your entire coven will do that to a person set in their ways or not.
I think I love Vlad a lot is because of his back story. And especially the Coven he lead. And I like to imagine what his future holds. And how he can change.
Gonna be real I like reading the Vladimir x Leah story so that got me thinking a lot 😅😅😅
His story is like what if Aro and Caius were the only ones alive after the Volturi are decimated in the future and they wander alone. That's mind boggling to think about because it could very much happen. I'm not sure if anyone has written something like that about the Volturi yet.
Thanks for the ask btw ❤️ I hope this is what you wanted to know.
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sugar-omi · 6 months
On the topic of moisturizing our ocean boy's lips... May I add a lil' idea on how making things easier...?
First: apply a very generous amount of your fav lipbalm on your lips.
Second: lightly tap the corner of your mouth with your index with an innocent smile and say "Cove, it's lipcare time, baby".
Third: Indulge and enjoy.
Somehow, I've got the feeling that Cove would be a real threat to MC's scented lipbalms/lipsticks/lipglosses. You know, like when you can't help but eat your lipstick once applied, because it's tasty and it becomes a habbit you absent-mindedly do...? Well, I kinda hc him doing the same, but to MC's lips.
I think it'd even reach a point where MC'd have a stack of lipsticks/balms only for his personal use (on MC's mouth). Pricey lipsticks would be worn only when sure he'd not be around. And i think he might pout and feel "cheated" if MC would ever dare wearing one of those long-lasting lipsticks (because he enjoys having you apply, re apply and re-re apply your gloss, so he can have seconds, thirds, as much as he wants, MC's mouth literally becomes Free Dessert Buffet to him).
Downside of it... your make up budget might explode, with how fast those lipsticks and balms are finished.
There's this french brand which sells this absolutely delicious lipbalm made with honey. You literally wanna scoop it from the bottle and eat it. Also, it's the kind of really rich and thick, blanket-like texture you'd apply before sleep. So if MC ever uses it... they'd probably have to either try keeping Cove away from their lips (at least enough time for the product to do its job on their lips), or benevolently sharing (cause it's caring), or resign to plan their lip moisturizing routine another day... or hide while doing it.
I think lipsticks/balms would end up being one of the most fav items Cove would gift them...
Sorry, I went a bit overboard with the topic... 😅
Rambling anon -
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MC putting on one of their nicer lipsticks/glosses, or putting a lotta time/effort into their lips and limiting cove to 1 or 2 pecks. PECKS. not kisses. PECKS.
cove is pouting, his distraught... he just wants to kiss you, your lips look so nice n juicy n shiny and-
he needs his fix.
definitely make him buy some if not all your lip products. if he wants to keep kissing you silly, wants to keep smudging your lipstick/gloss n making it so obvious what you were just up to, then he needs to pay for it!!!!
imagine giving him a lil peck, and then it turns to 3, than 5, and now you're just kissing... your lip is totally ruined, lipstick n carefully lined lips totally smudged.
don't ask if he's proud of himself because he'll just laugh n rub his arm. or maybe he's just looking at you all love-drunk. doesn't care about all the lipstick staining his lips... hopefully no one walks around the corner this time
liz did once, n she does not let you live in it down... specifically cove. always teasing him with, "cove, theres lipstick on your chin" and snickering hysterically when he slaps a hand over his mouth n chin, trying to wipe off the "lipstick"
(she did it once, being totally serious, and cove was like "im not falling for that again >:(" and went to work with your lipstick on his lips...)
yall definitely lip makeup wipes n a compact mirror on hand at this point...
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birchbow · 10 months
Gamzee often refers to himself as “pan-rotted” due to his sopor-eating habit as a wriggler (and so does pretty much everyone else at some point). He told Kurloz that he has to really focus in order to remember mission instructions a few chapters back, I think? Gamzee doesn’t have a great self image, but it seems true that he’s often slow to draw inferences unless he’s already paying attention for hints about something specific. Like his default awareness is a little more diffuse, and he has to put in deliberate effort to narrow it down on a particular problem? He attributes this to the sopor, and so does everyone else. What I’m asking is - sopor aside - does being neglected by a lusus affect a troll’s brain development? (Beyond emotional stability and the ability to form secure attachments, ouch.) Since lusii don’t talk I’m not sure about language acquisition but maybe lusii respond positively to grubs babbling? Sidenote: the fact that Gamzee has the scriptures memorized so well almost feels like his chronically understimulated pan grabbed these abundant in-person interactions with authority figures in his early schoolfeeds and ate it up like starving. Sorry this is so rambling 😅
I'm incapable of being brief, especially when I get long asks with lots to chew over, so here's a readmore!
SO There's a moment in canon where Gamzee outright says "[sopor] rots you. Rusts your motherfucking thinkpan." and I think it's up for debate to what extent that's true but also it does seem pretty reasonable that heavy/consistent drug use throughout your adolescence would leave you some cognitive issues!
(Although also, as a person who tests super well in things I intuitively Get and am interested in, but often feels slow and dull, can't fit certain subjects/concepts into my head, and has a hard time remembering all the steps of things I want to do,,,, I put a lot of myself into my characters, is what I'm saying lol.)
RE: not having a lusus, I think that probably would have way more effect than the kid who went through it would assume, yeah. Like, all trolls would know your lusus keeps you safe from predators/intruders, gives you early practice fighting/wrestling, and especially in more rural areas, scavenges and hunts for you especially when you're young. But trolls as a society definitely undervalue the part where they also provide a sense of security and affection, because you're not supposed to want or value those things as a troll!
It's hard to make direct connections since lusii only sort of resemble human parents, but there's certainly studies to show that children of neglectful human parents struggle forming the cognitive pathways they would otherwise establish, and have trouble later in life--even if your caretaker doesn't talk, it seems pretty reasonable to me that having a parental figure who fucks off for long periods of time and leaves you completely alone with no idea when they'll be back would have a pretty similar effect across species! I'm not well-educated enough on that topic to draw the parallels I would want to, but it feels like a solid theory.
Also, quite apart from any of that, there was definitely a chain of cause and effect from "dad doesn't want me and there's no food" to "...but I have sopor slime" to "this makes me less hungry and also I give less of a shit about how hungry and lonely I am" to "if I stop eating this I feel shitty and have a hard time thinking straight and there's like a decade of repressed emotions under there".
RE: scripture, one of the things that I see original-flavor/canon Gamzee do is be all in on his religion, and when that falls out from under him, reorient to the first convincing power he finds, which unfortunately for everybody is the whole mess of Doc Scratch/Li'l Cal/Lord English. It to me feels very much like a guy who has no idea how to make his own ideological support structure, and is desperately looking for someone to give him a belief system and set of rules to follow.
ANYWAY SO hopefully it's fairly clear how that carries forward in a universe where instead, he gets a supportive church that helps him sober up and channels all his deeply-repressed rage into "hey, those aliens over there need conquering, go kill em", and also he's offered these books that are like. The rules. And knowing them gets him approval, and reassures him when he feels like a fuckup, and it turns out he can learn things, if they're things that fit in his brain right, and that's reassuring because he genuinely thinks most of his failings are his own fault for wanting sopor, and Alternian addiction support boils down to "do that again and we'll cull you" so they sure the fuck don't have a compassionate attitude about recovery or good information into after-effects, so everybody else is also just like "yeah, probably you fucked up your brain, idk, git gud".
This is a very lengthy way of agreeing with you lmao. The feedback loop of "oh you're pretty good at this" from authority figures, and it being a topic that he naturally had an interest in, definitely is a big part of why he's so deeply into it.
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
Aaaaaand again with the shitty Wi-Fi. Anyways, I found Mondo borrowing Evelyn & Evelyn the Quibble heads’ keyboard to write some song about a “pretty-in-pink Monster…” (who is probably Toorie, knowing Mondo.)
Hm ?
I didn’t say anything.
yeah uhh nope we werent saying anything
Oh , Okay .
Anyways, thanks fo helping us, Maggpi.
Anytime! But I’ve got to go now, I have a feeling Tawkerr and its Napoleon complex are picking on another Monster.
Alright , See You When We Visit Here Again !
cya maggs
(Maggpi leaves the scene to go stop Tawkerr from biting someone like the angry chihuahua he is.)
Okay, we have to leave Cold Island now.
…Hey , Where’s The Spurrit Of Adventure ?
It’s a huge boat, Toorie, it could be right in front of u-
the fucking boat is missing
Yeah well, no shit, Mondo.
Where Did It Go ?!
I think I may know where it went.
(The gang turns around to face Urceus the Strombonin. also hi @paidexp)
Huh ? Who Are You ?
oh thats urceus
we made friends with her when you were sleepin
More like “made acquaintances,” really. We haven’t really interacted much.
So… where did it go? The Spurrit of Adventure has all of our books and food and extra clothes on it, plus it’s our only form of transportation.
I have seen it drifting away to Celestials-know-where.
Excuse me, it WHAT?!
Drifted away.
But How ?! When I Tied It To That Icicle , I Tied It Really Ti-
…Oh . It Was An Icicle.
You tied it to a fucking WHAT?!
Don’t Blame Me , Please ! I Didn’t Know They Broke Off That Easily !
toors its a fucking icicle
its solid fucking water
Well , I Grew Up In A Place Where It Was Hot All The Ti-
bWAAAAAAAUGH amimimimimimimimir
What Was That
Oh, that is just Shell. My Strombone.
The hell is a Strombone?
Cold-weather snail. Every Strombonin—like me—has one. Shell is supposed to keep me company, but they’re more of a snoozer than anything.
BWAAAAAAAAAH amimimimimimimimir
Can’t they stop snoring?
Anyways, let’s go find that boat. We are getting off-topic here.
Okay ! But , Didn’t You Say It Drifted Away ?
toorie if theres one thing you need to know its that strombonins are HELLA good at jumping from ice floe to ice floe
…Oh . But My Leg Is Broken -
ill carry you
(Mondo, with a load of effort, lifts up the taller Toorie.)
O-Oh , Okay . If This Is How We’re Going To Go 😅
I can tell this is going to take a while, plus I can’t type while jumping from floe to floe, so I’ll stop typing no-AAAH!
(Mondo Grabs Sprigg as well, and follows Urceus, jumping from ice floe to ice floe—and the occasional mini-iceberg—almost falling in the water a few times.)
What is the hold up? Do you all not want to get to that boat quicker?!
Mondo , I Know We Are All In A Hurry , But PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE Watch Sprigg’s Leafstalk !! That Is Kind Of Like Their Antenna !!!!
(The trio continue to desperately follow Urceus as she hops across the ice at a speed to fast for them to follow. She suddenly stops at the tip of a medium-sized iceberg, and the rest catch up to them, panting and exhausted.)
So…. where’s…. the boat?
…I am afraid it is all the way over there in the distance.
(The trio gazes in horror as they see the Spurrit of Adventure with all their stuff, drifting miles away.)
Mondo ! Language !
Don’t worry. We can paddle that ice floe over there.
(Urceus points at a medium-sized ice floe, about as big to fit 5 Monsters, right below the iceberg.)
Oh , Good ! Let’s Go , Then !
(They all climb down the iceberg, Toorie being carried by Mondo, down to the ice floe.)
toors do you have something stuffed in your hair that can help us
Ummm … Yeah ! This Pizza Peel .
Excuse me, but why do you have a damn pizza peel stuffed in your hair?
I Thought It Might Be Convenient .
Well, it is now. Toorie, start paddling!
Okay , Got It !
(Toorie, with all of her might, paddles toward the Spurrit of Adventure. Mondo the simp helps, too, paddling with his hands. With a TON of effort, they finally make it to the boat.)
Finally …! We’re Here !
Thank You , Umm-
You may call me Urceus.
Okay , Thanks , Urceus ! We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You .
…And was Shell sleeping through all of THAT?!
What can I say, they are a sleeper.
BWAAAAAAAAUGH amimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimir
k thanks
…This may be one of the only times I accept thanks. Anyways, I have to leave now. Goodbye.
Alright , See You Next Time If We Ever Visit !
(Toorie Waves Urceus goodbye as the boat drifts far away from the ice floes. Urceus then proceeds to jump back to Cold Island.)
* Yawn * All That Jumping Has Made Me Slee…..snooooooooooork amimimimimir
yeah me t..honk shoo honk shoo HOOONK shoooo
…Aaaaand the others are sleeping. Well, I guess I should go “hit the hay,” too. I’ll stop typing now…
ANYWAYS I’m going to do what the trio is doing and go be eepy
(also again I’m sorry if I wrote Urc wrong-)
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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littleholmes · 2 years
Hi there! I was reading a couple of your JJK analyses not long ago and one that seems to be really prevalent in most cases is Gojo vs faithfulness/sincerity. Boy i had and still have many thoughts about this but first i wanna say that i liked your analysis on that topic.
You know i always figured Satoru as this lonely person that hasn't really let anyone in after Suguru incident and everything. Gege's comment especially regarding not being able to imagine Satoru being sincere to anyone just flat out meant to me that this guy probably doesn't even do relationships, i mean considering jujutsu sorcerers and their job as a whole it doesn't surprise me that they are far off removed from normal life. And Satoru is a whole other bite entirely. I think he's just carrying to much PTSD and workload to ever considering whether having someone again is for him, especially given the fact how many times his vulnerabilities has been used against him. And now to the point where i saw the most asked questions of all times: Does he sleep around? I personally think he doesn't, multiple times it's been stated that he barely gets any free time, then there's also the fact that he most likely has intimacy issues and i carry this from the fact that he always has limitless on and doesn't take it down unless it's around someone he trusts, like his students or his close peers maybe, other than that? Not so much, and while i think that non-sorcerers aren't really aware of who he is I'd argue that there is still caution involved especially when they can become colleteral. I don't think Satoru would choose to get involved with someone like that, which again I think is another reason why Gege said he cannot imagine him being sincere with anyone.
TLDR; i think his power as a whole is also representative of how he has everyone at arm's length but keeps the physical distance and emotional as needed regardless. Does that make sense? I went off a bit with such a long ask but i felt the need to share it after reading your analysis. If you have anything to add or tell me, I'd like to read it!
Hi! Thank you for reading my analysis posts! 🌸Also yep, everything you said makes sense and I agree 10000%!
I think I either said or alluded to everything you said above in my ask responses about his relationships (x , x) , though I’m not quite sure I managed to make each of those points come across clearly in those responses😅 (Unless you’re adding to my post in agreement—which, if so, I’m sorry and totally ignore me! My brain’s kinda fuzzy these last few days since my dad passed)
Either way yes! I agree with you about Satoru, and I don’t have anything to add because you said pretty much everything I think when it comes to Gojo and relationships and his abilities. Not to mention he’s constantly had people trying to kill him since he was a little kid, so that’s definitely going to add some trust issues but also a bit of a defensive mode. And after the whole Toji situation? I’d keep my Infinity activated all the time too just to keep myself safe.
I also agree with his Six Eyes and everything that comes with it basically being this metaphor for him and how his life kinda ends up having to be as the strongest and the only one with this amazing ability and the loss and devastation that comes with it. Satoru is a lonely soul in more ways than one.
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
The older ones are where it’s at tbh. The new ones aren’t bad, but the storyline could’ve ended at 5. And after they finished 7, they probably should’ve ended things, bc the story has jumped through tons of hoops at kinda absurd heights in attempts to continue one-upping the previous movies. Plus the runaround that keeps happening with Brian is like. Exhausting, and it only gets worse the more movies they have to explain away his absence
Sorry, little rant 😅 the topic is rather fresh in my mind bc I was just talking about it with my friends yesterday while we were watching f8 (which imo isn’t the worst movie, but even with my “literally grew up with these movies” bias, it’s still def pushing my limits)
yeah 😭 like the whole thing is that each movie has to be bigger than the last and i get that and i like it!! but like at some point things went from cool to just ridiculously over the top which kind of takes away from the movies themselves tbh and i agree with you they should've stopped after 7 but like the movies do make a lot of money so like i guess i understand why they wouldnt have wanted to lmaooo
i literally think they shouldve just killed off brian tbh like worked it into a plot for a movie where the rest of the crew like get revenge on whoever did it, i think that wouldve worked better than like sending him off away somewhere or whatever they did for every single movie but i do think they didnt want to just kill him off bc of paul walker so it is what it is 😭😭😭
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
thanks loads for the quick response, you were so lovely!! 🌸 as i said i’m just starting to educate myself so i don’t want to get things wrong or support someone who doesn’t deserve it. for example, Eliza.. like im still confused about this other topic bc i’m not interested enough, my heart already belongs to Alycia and i mean Alycia only, so… that’s what i’m focusing on. okay so basically that’s what i thought, the “could’ve handled it better” was about her not actually handling it at all, in a way, which i like to believe has nothing to do with her “hating” lexa (it’s something i keep reading online and idk where it comes from) or her fans. Bad advices and likely her trying to save Jason’s a** lead her to shut the discourse. but if this makes sense for the first weeks/months following lexa’s death, what i don’t understand is why she did seem annoyed when fans brought up lexa to conventions etc. but if she hated the fans and/or lexa, i can’t possibly believe she would’ve ever accepted to come back to the show for the finale. she came back bc she cared (about lexa, i mean SHE played her for gods sake, it must be hella important for her as well!!) and knew it was important for the fans, i guess. I’m almost scared to talk about this as i know Eliza’s fans are mad about it and especially Eliza/b0b supporters (i’ve seen enough on Twitter dear lord) but if what some people say is true, that he asked Jason to fire her bc he was jealous of her success, then maybe HIM being fired was also one of the reasons she willingly came back? like don’t get me wrong, i’m sure a big fat paycheck played a huge part too 😅 but trying to add more pieces to the puzzle here, as i really know like 40% of what happened behind the scenes with Jason and all when lexa was killed off, so again, i’m sorry if this always ends up being super long but i’m trying to do my homework here 📋🖊️ (and you genuinely are super kind btw which i’m super grateful for 😭)
I have never opened my mouth about the E and B topic because I am not about to open that can of worms or invite their fans to fight me here. I was a huge E fan and just a week before all the shit came out i was talking to a friend about how i wish clarke and her got the same love Lexa and Alycia do... that came back to bite me in the ass real quick 😅 you guys know how much i love Clarke but damn was it impossible for a bit there for me to be able to watch clexa and clarke scenes again and be able to seperate e from Clarke. We clearly got there tho 😌
In a way, I can understand why she was a little annoyed at cons. Alycia never went to a con with the main intent of talking about Lexa, she was on FTWD, she was probably very excited about it and was sent there to talk about it and yet every question she got was about a character that st that point she had not played in maybe a year if you account for the time between filming and the episodes coming out. And its probably nerve wracking to have a room full of people who care so deeply for a character and that are part of a community that is marginalized and her having to say the right thing. Not to meantion like most actors sometimes the line betwwen Lexa the character and Alycia the actor got a little blurred and i get the sense Alycia is the type of actor who wants a clear separation between herself and the character. Maybe wrongly so she tried to distance herself from Lexa not because she hates the fans but because it was what she and others around her felt was right for her career having just started on a new show.
We know B was most likely fired but I doubt that he was the reason why Alycia left. I truly think Jrot believe he was doing something with Lexa's death and that he was telling a epic story, i really think any other story of B wanting her gone and what is now know its false about her not being able to do both shows (AMC was ready to let her continue on the show, i wish i could link you a source to this) - making Alycia agreeing with Jason probably just PR trying to not cause a drift. Alycia (and Jason) kind of alluded to the fact that there had been chances for Lexa to come back before but that Alycia didn't feel comfortable with it and I do think that shows that she respected the fans and didn't want to be used as a prop to make fans to watch the show again. Her being in the finale was a surprise (well, not to me and many others because it felt like there had been hints being dropped for a good while). While i dont doubt the nice pay check wasnt an incentive Alycias entire message for the shows finale felt very sincere to me and very clearly dedicated to the fans. Blorke/B/E fans (well, B fans, lets be real here they only care for her because shes with him, they used to call her names before that) think that just because Alycia is both rather private and doesnt try to take fans money left and right that she hates her fans and hates Lexa. I just think that Alycia didnt really speak up when it was the time for it for whatever reason - i dont think it was out of malicious intent but i do think she should have said more - and talking about it now would just come across as trying to stir something up unless it was directly asked of her to talk about it. Id like to think she has proven herself an ally and a decent person where i dont think she has to talk about Lexa for me to consider her "forgiven" for not speaking up back then.
No need to say sorry, i totally get trying to understand what the fuck happened in this fandom of ours 😅 i just hope im saying things accurately because i have been here since mid 2015 so some things really get blurry around the edges. There used to be master posts or something im sure that explained things because this was a whole thing that last through most of 2016.
☺️ i might not remember or know how to answer everything but if you have any more questions about the fandoms history and if i can help and respond, feel free to ask me! :)
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nfly5 · 2 years
Secret Santa here! ^_^
First off, please don't apologise for your N.Flying SS event reblogs! It's my first time participating in this sort of event, but I understand the whole point of it is about sharing joy and appreciation to each other, so I was absolutely delighted when I saw you participating in another secret santa! Even more so when you told me you're part of the organiser -- that's amazing! You're great!! (੭ >▽<)੭
Secondly, I'm not familiar with award show seasons, buuuutt, from Kokobop stage performances I saw when Baekhyun doesn't have that red hair, doesn't he rock the silver hair instead? Sooo 4 out of 6 looks you chose, he has silver/bleached hair. I think I figured out your type? XD
But anyway, on the topic of Baekhyun's looks and how they maaaaayyy or may not be related to the gifts (👀) this is just to be sure, like, I'm not even 100% certain this will be included but just in case: do you feel comfortable with potentially some NSFW stuff, such as nudity? Again, I'm not even sure I'll include anything like this, but just to cover all the bases, you know? 😅 And another question (which I think may be the last ... for now) I have is: do you have any favourite colour schemes? :>
I think that's all I got for now! And I think it's fine to say this? But I'll be getting into the planning and prep stage real soon. :3 I know my messages have been sporadic and not frequent, but just giving you a heads up they'll probably be even more sporadic and infrequent in the coming weeks due to the aforementioned reason. (°▽° ) I truly, truly hope you'll like them once they're ready. :3
I hope the next time we talk you'll be a lot better! I know how much it sucks to get sick back to back, it's so frustrating!! >_< I hope you'll get a lot of warm drinks and food, please do take care, and be well! <3
thank you so much for understanding! recovering from this sickness has been so painful :( idk what's going on with my immune system it has completely hit rock bottom this year!! feeling much better now and finally back online! thanks for bearing with me, so sorry for responding slowly!
awww thank you, there's very little n.flying blogs & content on here but i was so happy to see some interest for it so went ahead with it heheh let's see how it goes.
yess during the awards season in nov-dec 17 he went back to silver. LOL i am literally a black hair advocate but baekhyun's silver hair is just such a look i find it very iconic! thanks for asking, if it's alright with you i prefer avoiding nsfw content! ohh favourite colour scheme is a tough one but i would say i really love pastel tones!! and green/blues?
hope you are taking care too! excited to speak with you again soon <3
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effielumiere · 3 years
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Girl of My Dreams: Chapter 1
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader / SUGA x Reader
Genre: Romance, Idol AU, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Soulmates (?). Age gap.
Summary: Every one has always wondered why Yoongi was good with words especially when it comes to the topic of love. It wasn't a question of why, but who. Who made him think of love that way? Who was his muse? Who was the muse that always made Yoongi smile like he won the damn lottery? Who made him laugh even in situations where he had to be serious? If you ask him, he'll just smile and blush, but if you ask the other members they would smile at Yoongi then look at you and start giggling like gossiping high schoolers.
Warning(s): Sentences in italics are English words translated to Korean (that sounded confusing but I said what I said). Cursing. Underage reader at one point (Yoongi didn't know and tried to ask her out)... Spoiler lol. Mentions of MC being tipsy. A bit of angst at the end. UNEDITED!
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: The summary was really the idea or the question that came to mind, though we all know that Yoongi is undeniably a genius in any topic you throw at him, his idea of love is always what gets me. And his part in Girl of My Dreams sparked my thoughts - he's a hopeless romantic. Other might think he's very serious and cold but I think he's very romantic and sweet, even at times clingy. For now here's my idea on how it would be if he had a muse - which one day, of course, will happen when he gets married to his s/o and have kids they would be the lucky ones because they're his muses in life.
Enjoy this one!!!
P.S: this is my 2nd fanfic for BTS lol and I became an Army during the Dynamite era (though I knew them since I saw For You and Idol). sorry if some of the facts are a bit off. Do feel free to correct me but please remember that this is a fanfic, some stuff are meant to be different!! 😅💜
Please don't forget to leave a like, reblog this story and please leave a feedback. Please don't be a silent reader🥺! My ask box is also open as well as my permanent taglist if you wanna get tagged for future stories. There are probably more parts after this, just ask if you wanna be added to the taglist ;)
aaand... Happy, Happy Birthday to the best of the best, our one and only Min Yoongi (lil meow meow). We love you. Stay healthy💜 Borahaeeeeee
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"Y/n?" I call to her and she hums in question looking up from her book.
"Do you think I would sound cool if I sing?" ask her twirling my ballpen in my fingers, I stopped myself from murdering the button to click it open and close repeatedly out of being nervous.
Her pouty lips curl inwards to stop herself from laughing and she shut her eyes as she removes her glasses.
"Be honest, please," I beg with a smile already knowing the answer but I wanted to hear her voice she's been quiet ever since she sat on the couch in my studio and hid behind the pages of her book, a romance novel. All I could hear when I put my headphones away were the quiet humming of the air conditioner and humidifier, and her flipping pages on her book.
"I mean, I know I don't sound like Jin hyung or Jimin, or Taehyung or even Jungkook," I explained "Even Namjoon and Hoseok sound good when they're singing," she snort laughs and starts giggling hiding her face in between the book, "I can carry a tune, I'm a rapper, I can sing just not as amazing as the vocal line!" I exclaim and she guffawed "Ya~! I'm serious!" I tease her though she knows I'm not serious.
"Sugs," she starts but ends up sniggering again. She been calling me that ever since we debuted, went to America and met her for the first time and I told her my rapper name or stage name is SUGA. She pronounces it Shoo-g-s, just like SUGA but she replaced the A with an S. It all started when she was texting Namjoon to tell me her email and she typed 'Please pass it to Sugs' and followed up with an email saying 'I meant Suga* :)'. Namjoon started teasing me after that which lead to all of them agreeing that they'll only call me that when Y/n was not around, which was often. But after a while the teasing stopped but it didn't stop them from calling me Suga hyung or just Suga which was alright.
"Sugs," she tries to control her laughter "I like the idea of you singing, trust me,"
"But no?" I chuckle "Is that it?"
"But no," we both end up laughing. We've had memories of hanging out with friends drinking and singing. Yes, singing. And usually, Hobi, Jin hyung and Y/n were the ones who would laugh like hyenas in the corner of the room crying their eyes out when Namjoon sings out of tune and makes me join him.
And like the goofball I am around her, I do a spin on my chair started belting out the chorus to Just One Day causing her to double over in laughter on the couch behind me.
Doing another spin from where I was at the desk, I stop to look at her before continuing my singing, getting up and walking to her. When someone knocked on the door to the studio. I immediately stop not wanting anyone else to witness what just happened and look down at Y/n who was wiping her tears.
In so many ways fate was very kind to introduce me to Y/n, she was a combination of all the members but there was one thing that about her that made me think she was my soulmate and made me fall in love with her.
She was the one who made me realize that I didn't have a heart made of stone, that I deserve love just like any body else in this world and she taught me... love. How love is, how love should be and how to love. But she never taught me how to love her, not just as a friend but something more. Much more.
"Hyung," Jungkook's voice calls from the other side of the door "It's Jungkook,"
"I know, kid," I answer him with a chuckle as I open the door.
"Oh dear, God," Jungkook exclaims as he turns "Y/n, what are you doing here? I thought you were on a vacation. You look scary under your onesie, you scared the living shit outta me."
"I am on vacation," she grins "Destination was Genius Lab"
"Ahh..." Jungkook nods then turns to me "You texted me?"
"Yeah, hand this over to Namjoon when you see him in the gym," I hand him a flash drive and he just nods, "Will do. Anything else?" I shake my head and say thank youas he says goodbye to Y/n and leaves.
"Wanna go somewhere?" I ask her as I turn off my computer.
"Please tell me 'somewhere' has good food." she laughs
"I heard the chef's pretty good," I bite my lip
"Mhmm" she nods grinning "Is he a genius?"
I scoffed hiding my smile "Definitely."
"Then let's go," she smiles closing her book to put in her bag and waits for me to stand up to leave. We both leave my studio a d head for the elevator when I hear her sigh as she turns to me, and asks through her purple face mask, "Can you believe it? I mean it's been years since the building has been up but it's like what? My fifth time inside here?"
"Believe what?"
"That you're here? Right now?" she says as we both get on the elevator and I push the button to the basement parking "When we first met, you guys were in LA doing your laundry and you said you guys were handing out tickets AND you had a challenge, that was not included in American Hustle Life sadly, to flirt with me and ask me out on a date"
"Which failed, obviously" I laugh "I was young, but so were you. Damn it, I thought you were my age. Imagine my shock when I found out you were Jungkook's age."
She laughs loudly in the tiny space of the elevator as the door opens to the basement parking and we both walk out.
"You were a jailbait" I tease her "My heart plummeted to the ground and Taehyung said I looked like my balls shriveled up my body when you said you were Jungkook's age and showed manager-nim your ID" she holds on the wall beside my parked car as she laughs some more.
"You could've sent my ass to jail, woman!" I tease her some more to make her laugh, and she does. This is how it was ever since, she's just as easy to entertain like Hobi, and she laughs in different ways but this was my favorite. Her guffaw was music to my ears, but so was her voice. I couldn't sleep at night without calling her just to talk about how our day went and saying goodnight.
"It wasn't my intention," she says as looks up at me while she sits on the cold ground of the concrete floor with her back to the wall "I thought you were my age too if not a year younger, I didn't know if I was gonna take you seriously when you told me you were... what twenty? twenty one?"
"Twenty, I think," I reach out for both of her hands to help her get up and opened the car door for her "You were probably sixteen or seventeen,"
She plopped her behind on the passengers seat before she starts laughing again as she sits properly and I close the door behind her.
When we arrived back in my apartment, she followed me to the bedroom saying she was gonna help me pack up but was surprised to see that I was already done except for my backpack. She sat on the bed legs crossed, carefully arranging the tangled wires of the laptop charger when she looks up at me when I walked out of the walk in closet with an oversized tshirt and joggers in hand similar to the one she was wearing but slightly bigger, "you can change into these if you want. I'll leave them here," I tell her as I place it on the ottoman.
"Thank you~," she says as she gets up, done with my charger, and she grabs the clothes and hurriedly runs to the en suite squealing. I put all of my remaining things into the backpack as I waited for her to change before heading to the kitchen to prepare cooking dinner for the both of us wondering if she'll return the clothes she's 'borrowed' over the past years.
We were nearly three days away from leaving for the US for the American Music Awards and PTD LA, and I had yet to convince her to leave with me. It was a last minute thought of mine but after I realized I was gonna be able to record Girl of my dreams in Los Angeles, I thought why not bring her with me. I've been doing that ever since I kept contact with her when we first met in American Hustle Life.
Back in 2014, while I played with the claw machine and got both Taehyung and Jungkook a plushie while we were being chaotic and she was listening to music while reading a book and our camera man and producer leaned on me saying he has a challenge for us which the younger ones overheard, so we gathered around.
"Who in you three think can naturally swoon or flirt with a girl by rapping?"
Automatically we all turn to where Y/n was sitting reading and as I studied her appearance I noticed that she had earphones on, and you can faintly hear the music she was drowning into while reading what looked like a romance novel.
"Isn't that too straightforward?" Taehyung chuckles nervously.
"It is," I agreed with him "but it also depends on what the reward is if we do the challenge" I state as I avert my gaze from her to our show producer.
"Additional allowance for all of you" the maknaes gasp in surprise and Jungkook starts playfully tugging on my shirt.
"Pity the babiesssss" they cry dramatically "the poor hungry babies"
"I'd do it but I don't know how to rap" Tae laughs
"So, who's up for it?" our manager smiles while our producer starts chuckling.
"I have a feeling Yoongi hyung would do better" Taehyung says looking at me
"I agree" Jungkook says "and besides, she looks like she's more your age, hyung."
I look back at her and she put her book down to lean her head back on the wall, eyes closed for a few seconds before she opens her eyes and starts reading again
"How much?" I ask our producer and the other boys 'ooh' as I square my shoulders accepting the challenge.
"How's $50 each?" he asks and I look at them in question and they smile and shake their heads yes, "Deal," I put my hand out to shake his hand "I have one problem though,"
"Which is?" he asks as he shakes my hand "I can't speak English"
"Just ask her out for dinner" he shrugs "If she says no, I'll give each of you the $50 from my wallet"
"And if she says yes?"
"He and Bang PD will pay for the wedding" Jungkook jokes making Taehyung and I laugh loudly.
"Dinner," the producer corrects him with a laugh "I'll pay for your dinner date"
"Damn,"Taehyung chuckles "now that's what you call sponsored"
"Wait," Jungkook interjected "If she says yes, you pay for their date, but what about the $350?"
"That's mostly what I'm gonna use to pay for their date, you'll all just receive a total of $70 at the end of the day" he declared "but you refuse the challenge, you'll all get nothing"
"I'm okay with $10" Jungkook says with a smile "At least we get something and Yoongi hyung gets a sponsored date" he mischievously grins the others agree with him but it didn't feel right.
"You have to try" Taehyung says when I voiced my doubt, reassuring me "you never know,"
After a second of pondering, I shake my head and get up "Just ask her out and flirt with her right?"
"The other way around, hyung" Jungkook laughs "Flirt first and then ask her out"
Just as I was about to head in her direction she gets up, she carelessly puts her book in her bag not knowing she missed it. And walks towards out of the laundromat, my eyes widen and I look back at our manager and producer in panic. Suddenly I was being pushed and yelled at to run after her and I did exactly that grabbing the book that fell from her bag onto the bench.
"Excuse me!" I yell as I run after her "Excuse me, Miss!" I touch her shoulder lightly when I reach her just as she was about to cross the road.
She turns around abruptly, confused as she pulls her earphones out.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," she says as she watches me catch my breath "I didn't hear you, I was wearing my earphones"
"It's okay" I tell her "You left this in chair? At the laundry?" I point at the direction of the laundromat. Her eyes widen in realizing what I meant.
"Oh," she looks at the book in my hands before slowly taking it "Thank you so much, this book means so much to me"
She looks up at me with tear threatening to fall from her eyes, "Thank you," she says again smiling
"You're welcome," I smile "I want to ask you something before I saw you leave?"
"Oh," she says eyes widening "what is it?"
"I wanted to..." I trail off thinking for the right word to use, where was Namjoon when you needed him "sorry, I'm thinking about word, my English is not good"
"It's okay," she smiles "where are you from?"
"Uh, South Korea," he smiles
"Oh, that's cool," she beams "I have this translating app we could use, my friend is half Korean and we used this when she first arrived here," she says pulling her phone out of her pocket and tapping away then she stands next to me.
"Here, type what you need to tell me so that it will try to translate it" she explains.
I type away explaining the situation minus the cash thingy before handing her phone back to her. And after she reads it and tries to understand the translation, she looks up at me biting her lip as she looks down at her phone again to reread what was translator gave her.
I'm a rapper back in South Korea and I'm here on a business trip with my group. Today is laundry day and back in the laundromat, my manager and our show producer challenged me to flirt with you and try to ask you out on a date. I just did not expect to ask you out on for dinner using a translator. I'm sorry. It's okay if you don't want to go out with me, I understand. :)
She looks up again at me, squinting because of the sun and she grins at me, then looks behind me. I follow her line of sight and notice that no one followed me and that they were all in one space near the van looking hopeful.
"What's your name?"
"I'm gonna guess that your rapper name?" she questions and I nod smiling "I'm Y/n,"
"Nice to meet you, Y/n" I smile shaking her hand
"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" she asks "You look seem a bit on the younger side, and I know that age is pretty important for you guys"
"I'm 20 years old," I tell her slightly concern that maybe she thought I was too young and her jaw drops as she starts giggling.
"You look like a really good guy, Suga," she smiles and she reaches out to touch my arm as to comfort me "But the thing is, I don't think I'll be able to go out on a date with you.
"Unless you want to wait in like 2 or maybe four years" she giggles
"Wh-what do you mean?" I ask confused
"Oppa..." she starts holding my shoulders in both of her hands with a gentle grip "I'm 16 years old" she lets go of my shoulders to type it on her phone before handing it to me.
I look up at her with probably a weird look because she starts laughing at my reaction as I type furiously
You don't look 16, I don't believe you.
"But I am," she tries to convince me, eventually pulling out an ID from her tiny wallet and handing it to me. And sure enough, she was born in 1997.
"Ah fuck," I curse under my breath "Can you tell my manager?" I ask her pointing my thumb back at the direction of the laundromat hoping she would go back with me "Please?"
She looks at the direction of where she was headed with a sigh, before looking back at me and nodding, "Okay, I will... you're lucky you're cute," I blush as we walk back to the laundromat where she explains to my manager, the producer with the help of our translator that she was 16 and won't be able to go on a date with me.
"Even if I wanted to, just to get to know him because he looks like a really cool and cute guy, I can't" she laughs
"I think the only one you're gonna be able to go on a date with is Jungkook, but the deal was with Suga," our translator laughs with her "But thank you anyway for letting him try and not calling the cops on us,"
"No problem," she smiles and she looks towards my direction and she says goodbye and teases me that maybe next time we could go on a date. Before she could walk far away I called after her.
"Y/n-ssi," she turns around at the sound of her name, as I stand close enough in front of her with my back to the maknaes and the staff I ask her in a voice only for her to hear "Can I see you tomorrow? Santa Monica beach? I want you to meet other members. At the park near the beach, at 3pm?"
"He means the Pier!" our translator yells out to her and she looks back to my direction.
"I can't make any promises, Oppa," she smiles "But, I'll try. I want to see you again too. I'll see you tomorrow." she waves as she slowly walks away.
Once we were done with laundry and went back to the dorm, I sat down with Namjoon and told her about Y/n. And after we were done talking and the lights were out.
"Hyung?" Namjoon asks as we laid on our own beds in the dark.
"What if she doesn't show up tomorrow?" he asks "Did you at least ask for her email?"
After a beat of silence, I squint my eyes and press the heel of my hands on them and groan, "Ah fuck!"
"Ya~! Hyung!" "Yoongi! What in the world is wrong with you!?" "Hyung!" they all yell at me in the dark "Yoongi!" Jin yells at me from where he was laying "Ask for her email at least and be her friend! You don't have to go on a date with her,"
"He has a point," Namjoon says "There's nothing wrong with being friends with her and keeping contact, just keep it rated PG 13."
"Just hope she's going to be there tomorrow," Jimin says
"Or you all can consider me unlucky."
"But at least we have extra cash," Namjoon says "thanks, hyung"
"Get her something to remember you by, hyung" Jimin says "A teddy bear or something"
"IF she shows up tomorrow"
"This would be a good time to pray," Hobi chuckles making the other boys chuckle with him.
"YOONGI!" Y/n's voice breaks me out of my trip down to memory lane "The boiling noodles are overflowing!" I look down to quickly at the pot, hurriedly closing off the heat and taking off the pot and pouring the noodles on the strainer waiting by the sink.
"Jeez," she sighed as she stands next to me "You okay, Yoongi? You seemed a bit out of it."
"I'm okay," I sigh as I start stir frying the vegetables for the Japchae "I was just reminiscing some old memories, like how I lamely asked to see you at the Santa Monica Pier."
"Yeah," she laughs "it was weird, I nearly didn't make it that day, I don't know if I ever told you that,"
My forehead crinkles as I look in her direction, "You never told me that," I stare at her fora good second before I paid attention to what I was cooking "What happened?"
"As you know I was only there for the Summer," she sighs as she sits on the floor where she was playing with Holly, but I was still able to see her "I was supposed to leave that day, at that time." I look back at her wondering if what I was hearing was correct.
"I was supposed to fly back home at 3pm the day I was supposed to meet you at the pier. I was already at the airport," she looks down at Holly who was tugging at the toy Y/n was holding in her hand "But when I checked the board, my flight was cancelled because of the weather back home. That's why I was late to meet you that day," I guess I was lucky that day...
I take the pan from the stove after closing it to place on the table, grabbing the two bowls I set on the counter earlier along with two pair of chopsticks.
"Jagiya~" I playfully call out to her and she laughs as she gets up "Call me that in front of the other members and they might think we eloped,"
"They probably think we're married and keeping it a secret from them," I told her "But, we're not," I look down at my food taking another bite. She stays quiet as we eat and once we were done, I took the chance to ask her.
"Would like to join us on the Permission to Dance in LA concerts?" I ask her "You used to join us on tour before anyway, so it's nothing new to you. Oh, and you can stay with me and Namjoon a few more days after the concert if you want to. I just have a project I need to finish while I'm there. You can come back home with Jin hyung, Jimin and Jungkook right after the concert too if you want." I offered the idea.
"Will it be alright with you if I want to stay where you do?" she asks hesitantly looking up at me.
"I'd rather you stick close to me while we're in LA," I stare at her "Don't want you roaming around without me or without security,"
"Oh come on, that was one time," she exclaims grinning
"Which is why we don't want it happening again," I chuckle
A few days later when we reached LA and was done with the American Music Awards, the first place Y/n and I sneaked off to was the laundromat where we took pictures, giggling like a bunch of teenagers before headed off to the beach where we watched the sunset while we sat on the sand.
"So, am I allowed to ask you what is this project of yours that's so important that you have to stay a couple of days after the concert is over?" she asks pulling her mask down to breathe in the salty air.
"A song that I'm producing," I tell her pulling out my phone, searching for the song.
"Nothing new there," she smiles "Still impressive as ever, but nothing new. Everyone wants to collaborate with the best of the best,"
"Hmm," I hummed happily "I thought you might say that," I pass the phone to her as she listens to the first half of 'Girl of my dreams', I had still yet to write and record my rap verse. And once the track was over, I explained to her the story behind it eventually we finally head back to the car waiting for us that was going to drive us back to the hotel, but not before having dinner which ended up with her being tipsy. Her room was next to mine, so I walked her to her room and just as she was about to close her door she calls out to me.
She hesitates for a second before she finally says "Not to sound like a needy bitch but-," she was cut off by the way I laugh, I immediately stop myself and gesture for her to continue.
She sighs heavily, "We've been friends for a while, how come you never wrote a song about me?"
I blush at her question and look down at my feet before looking up again to face her and shot back, "Ya~! You never asked, that's why,"
"But I thought you'd at least write about how you've put up with how annoying I am for the past years," she says playfully.
"I..." I trail off and stop myself before I ended up saying something I wasn't supposed to, "I wrote a song about you,"
"No shit!" she laughs
"I did," I smile at her genuinely "I was in one of the past albums,"
"Which one?" she asks seriously, eye wide "Please don't say it's Whalien 52 and that you're calling me a lonely, lonely, lonely whale."
"Ya, go to bed!" I exclaimed laughing "You've had too much to drink!"
She pouts, "You're no fun,"
"I'm fun," I state "When you're sober. Good night, y/n."
"Fine," she sighs heavily "Good night, Yoongi,"
As she closes the door and I hear the beep telling me it's locked, I make my way inside my own room shutting the door right behind me with my back to the door and my heart on my throat as I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself. That was the first time I've ever lied to her and hopefully the last. I don't think I'll be able to live seeing my grandchildren if I lie to her like that again. I take a deep breath but tears flood my view as I remember her question.
'They're all about you' I wanted to tell her as I lightly thump my head repeatedly on the door tears slowly rolling down my cheeks, 'Every song I wrote about love and heartbreak, they're all about you. Because, for nearly the past decade, I've been so in love with you and it breaks my heart knowing you might never reciprocate the feeling, and it hurts because there's no one else I want to be with for the rest of my days.'
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Please don't forget to send me a message in my ask box or reply here on your thoughts about this story 🥺 Write a tiny feedback please 😄They really keep me motivated 💜
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Check out my Park Jimin fanfic, The Companion
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
ok ok idea but like mha headcannons for either bakugo todoroki or anyone else of your choice with a s/o who isn't in the hero course or not even in UA maybe a hint of the joke " you won't know them they go to a different school" do what you like - a anon you probably won't see agian
Characters: Bakugou (Reader is gn!)
Genre: General (with undertones of crack and fluff) + HC's
Warnings: Minor swearing
a/n: Hi anon who I'll apparently never see again! Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy! Sorry for the long wait 😅
I only did Bakugou for this, hope that's alright! Maybe in the future when requests are open you or someone else can request for Todo and/or others! (if I still write for my hero when that happens) Also! I added both how Baku's friends find out/react and then general points on how the relationship is!
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Bakugou w/ a S/O that doesn't go to UA
Heheheh poor Baku
You decided to text him since you were at home and bored and knew he was on lunch (your school had a day off while his didn't). Which is kinda bad considering all his friends the extras at his table started asking questions and teasing him.
"Oooo who is it?" Mina asked, already leaning over the table, trying to catch a glimpse at the contact.
Kaminari, of course, jokingly adds that it might be his secret lover. Relationships are the go-to for poking fun at your friends after all...
However, with the way their blond bestie retaliated, cursing just a little louder, cheeks dusted the faintest of pink, it leads the rest of the Baku-Squad to believe that Denki hit the nail on the head (for once).
So, of course, that breeds into even more teasing and pestering. At one point, while they all were hanging out in one of their rooms and the topic came up again, Bakugou spouted "you wouldn't even know them dumbass, they don't even go here!"
Yeah that didn't help in getting them off his back...
It gets to the point where, by the end of the day, the idiots have gotten on his nerves so much he finally admits who it was.
Which... didn't help in lowering the level of teasing he received either...
But! That doesn't mean they're all not shocked that Bakugou landed a s/o before them (Mina and Kaminari made sure he knew they were flabbergasted about it with their yelling).
Still, they're happy he found someone to love and be loved by. Now all they have to do it meet the lucky individual.
Relationship wise Bakugou is the kind of boyfriend to send quick texts reminding you to eat or stay hydrated when he's got a moment. He may also (if you're lucky) send good morning/night texts with his own personal touch. ('night dumbass, love you or whatever' something like that?? you all know what I mean)
Is reluctant to bring you to the dorms since he doesn't want the others to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable in anyway. He knows that some of them can be a handful at times (he knows all too well). Of course, if you even suspect that that's the issue and try to bring it up he'll vehemently deny it all (but after plenty of reassurance - that he says he doesn't need - he'll eventually cave and introduce you)
The whole class loves you btw. They see how their prickly classmate looks and acts around you.
Doesn't show it but is very conscious about his sweaty palms. You won't know about it (unless you can read him like a book) but Baku is keenly aware of how much sweat he's got on his hand and is focused part of his attention on it to make sure he doesn't accidently let off an explosion.
Unfortunately, since you go to another school you don't get to see him as often as you would if you went to UA. Dates are sort of far apart with how much he dedicates to training and schoolwork. But if you're in a relationship then you probably already knew and understand this.
If you posses a potential combat quirk dates can consist of you two sparring and giving pointers! If you don't then you can still help with training if you'd like (throwing objects at him for him to blow up, things like that).
Depending on your character Bakugou might not talk about what goes on at UA (the attacks that aren't reported on the news or ones you didn't hear of for example). He just doesn't want you to work yourself up with worry over him.
When in private Bakugou is definitely one to sling his arm over you while you cuddle up to his chest
Strikes me as the kind of guy that gives you cheek kisses. Like, nice but forceful cheek kisses, the kind that moves your head back a little just from how much force he puts into it.
Very perspective so he's very in-tune with how you may be feeling and does his best to make you feel better (it just may not seem like it at first)
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I uh this might not be the best? Sorry 😓
Tag list: @tickotaku // @decora-peaches // @dorkylittleweirdo //@thylocalcrackhead // @that-enby-alien
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charlieweasleysimp · 3 years
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I’m currently rereading chapter 5 of So Sweet & Achingly Innocent <3 I just wanted to point out how much I love the idea of your OC’s dreams. The entire story makes it seem more interesting with it being told from Charlie’s POV. He seems so sweet with her. I know it’s an age gap relationship, which is something I don’t usually go for, but I admire the way you’ve written it. The mixture of fluff and sexual tension makes me so excited!
Oh thank you 🥺💜 I’m blushing right now, and can’t believe you’re rereading it again. You are so kind 💜😭 I was kinda nervous about posting it for both of those reasons. I wasn’t sure how it would sound with it being from his point of view, but the words just kept falling out in that way one day, so I kept at it. I liked the idea of readers being able to know all the dirty thoughts and everything else going on in his head. 🤗😉 The age gap relationship was the other thing I was worried about.. 😅 I do not condone that in anyway whatsoever. The 10 year age difference still kinda makes me cringe, especially since he’s coming back to Hogwarts as her teacher til the end of the year. I don’t care if she’s technically of age and graduating, if an older person is trying to date someone who’s brain isn’t fully developed yet (quoting this here because I just looked it up to be sure- ‘the brain doesn't fully mature until age 25. Up until this age, the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain that helps curb impulsive behavior — is not yet fully developed.’) then they are probably morally skeezy. I’m sure there’s people out there who’s relationships work out successfully, but in my experience, they are normally coming from a place with more insidious intentions. That being said, I started writing this while indulging in a quick daydream about an older guy I had a small crush on while reading one of those dirty Madison Faye books (most of her books involve older men.) And naturally I replaced the irl guy with Charlie Weasley. I am not perfect. Though I am married to a wonderful man who is less than a year younger than me, I typically prefer older men when it comes to fantasy. Most assholes might say I’m a slut with daddy issues, and some of those people might be just a little bit correct in that statement, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I own up to it. The story itself is supposed to be hot, scandalous and taboo. Made for mature audiences and to be taken with grain of salt and a shot of tequila. But I wanted to write it in a way that Charlie knows he’s being inappropriate. But it also shows how much he cares and how attentive and loving you should be to your partner. It’s both wildly, morally grey and still romantic with a purpose. My messy, romance filled brain had a love child with spicy corruption and this was the result 😅🤣💀 So, yeah… do as I say and not as I dream. 😌💀🤣 Thank you for reading! I’m sorry I went off on a whole other topic but I just wanted to share how we originally got here. I appreciate you keeping an open mind. ☀️❤️
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