#this right here is my pretty boy swag
ocean--grey · 1 year
I watch Holoship for the first time in ages today, and I forgot how aspec the holocrew are :)
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queers-gambit · 20 days
Pretty Boy Swag
prompt: your big ass family comes to town and hosts a town-wide family reunion. after they meet your boyfriend for the first time, your proximity is criticized, and when you try to fall back, Eddie's swift to your side again. -> or when someone else calls you clingy, you try to fall back but your man doesn't want that.
pairing: Eddie Munson x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
word count: 6.2k+
note: AQPDO got me back on my Joe kick, Goddamnit
warnings: Eddie being the man we all want and deserve, kinda AU timeline (Eddie lives, Vecna still happened, and school is back in session? it confused me too, but fuck it we ball). shitty family members being judgmental. the fuck is this plot? idk her. there's insecurity, drama, anxiety, obviously some angst, but mostly hurt / comfort. drug use (it's Eddie, c'mon), kinda abrupt ending, author's lowkey a pyromaniac and advises you do not play with fire or gasoline.
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The summer was soon to end, leaving behind a muggy, thick heat that broke several air conditioning units around town from power usage. Windows were left wide open for cross breezes, doors, too; and fans were cranked up high. There was a rather nasty storm on the way in, but luckily, with it, came the usual drop in temperature - just in time for the coming week's activities. The last week of summer before the dreaded school year began anew, but luckily, it was officially senior year.
Eddie jogged up the rickety porch stairs and opened the unlocked screen door that was close to rusting off its hinges; the front door open and an oscillating fan turned on to blow a breeze at Ed.
The door swung open without effort, banging loudly and making Wayne glance up, "Hey, kid."
"Hey, Unc."
"There's a sandwich in the fridge, if you're hungry," Wayne cleared his throat, smoking a cigarette at the tiny coffee table covered in stacks of bills.
"Thanks," Eddie mumbled. "Here," he dropped a small wad of bills to the table.
"The hell's this?" Wayne scoffed, glaring up at the kid - who shrugged.
"Should be enough for utilities and water, maybe a bit for groceries," Eddie answered, grabbing a beer from the fridge and sighing with a grunt as he dropped into the arm chair.
"You selling dope again?"
"It's consistent money."
"You know I don't like that shit, kid."
"Which is why you don't see it - you just get the cash."
Wayne scoffed in amusement and smirked, nodding while releasing a deep sigh. "All right, uh, thanks, kid. I appreciate this."
Eddie nodded, brows furrowing as his mind whirled from his excursion in town; musing, "Something's gotta be in the air."
"Mhm. Tell you what, people are... Really in the market to buy this week. Everywhere I went was so crowded - I couldn't even get Goddamn cigarettes - "
"Watch your mouth, boy," Wayne reprimanded automatically. While he was all too used to Eddie's foul mouth, he still didn't like him using the Lord's name in vain. "It's all that, uh, anticipation," Wayne shrugged, dividing a few cash bills to an envelope, "got people all excited."
"Anticipation about what?"
"For the L/N Reunion."
"The what?"
Wayne looked up, offering a stale look, "L/N? Your girlfriend's family?"
Eddie sounded exasperated, "I know that - I'm asking what the hell you're talking about?"
"The L/N family, they've lived in these parts for generations. So, when they have these, like, uh, family reunions, it's an entire town-wide event. Everyone tries to go. I guess you must've been... Oh..." He shrugged, "8 or so last time they were all here. Whole place gets energized, they all participate; you know, it's a big cookout and shit."
"It's usually a good time," Wayne assured, taking another drag. "And when it's not, it's because it's a really good time. They use the field out back behind Sullivan's old place?"
"No shit," Eddie chuckled, taking a slug.
"Uh-huh," Wayne hummed, the cig bobbing; ash dropping to dust the bills. "They get a bunch of tents and shit; catering, too - it's like a big carnival. Heard some might drive some caravan in." Eddie was briefly reminded of his adventures in the mobile home with Steve Harrington and Company, yet there was no time to dwell because Wayne was questioning, "Your girl didn't say anything to you 'bout this?"
Eddie's head slowly shook, "No, but she's comin' over tonight."
"I got work."
"I know."
Wayne chuckled, "Which reminds me, I grabbed you a box of condoms."
"Oh, Unc, no!" Eddie begged with a groan.
"You're too young for a baby, Eddie!"
"Doesn't mean buy me condoms, old man!"
"You could just say thank you!"
"I'm not thanking you for condoms!"
The screen door hit the frame in a startling bang, the thin metal slipping from your shocked grip. You stepped into the trailer home, giggling, "Whaaaat the hell did I just walk in on?"
"Oh, hi, baby," Eddie greeted in a grumble; one hand wiping his face, trying to hide his embarrassment, "so glad you heard that!"
"Hey, honey," Wayne followed, you stepping inside and depositing your usual purse by the door.
"Everyone okay?" You asked teasingly.
"Yeah, Eddie's bein' dramatic again," Wayne spoke casually. "Hey, I, uh, I heard about the Reunion. That's gotta be real excitin', 'uh?"
"Oh, God," you groaned lightly, Eddie straightening himself up to invite you onto his lap. "Honestly, Unc? I was hoping this might be the one place in town I could escape from talking about that."
"Oh, sorry, I didn't - "
"No, no, I only mean, it's been nonstop in my family," you pouted. "Everything's gotta be perfect, so there's this, like, palpable tension, which makes it a madhouse, you know, 'cause everyone's coming into town. It's peaceful here."
"They all stayin' at yours?" Eddie asked softly, acutely aware and in-tune with your tangible anxiety; deflating himself and his energy to better absorb yours.
"Yeah," you pouted.
"All of them?"
"Until the festivities kick off, then most are gonna camp."
Wayne frowned, "When was the last time you saw 'em all?"
You breathed deeply, mulling his words while Eddie took a swig of beer; fingers flexing to pet where he held your hip. "Years ago," you answered, "and while it's really nice to spend time with them all, it's just..." You trailed off, frowning.
"A li'l much?" Wayne supplied.
"In the simplest terms, oh yeah," you sighed deeply. "I'm really grateful to still have time with them, don't get me wrong, but Christ Alive. There's four people in my room, we have two cousins in the attic, there's an Auntie in my parent's room, another couple in the basement - it's an absolute mad house!"
Wayne nodded with sympathy, seeing the way you pouted and dropped into Eddie's chest under his chin. His brows instantly crinkled, collecting you closer into his chest in comfort; keeping you curled across his lap. Wayne glanced at the wad of bills Eddie had contributed and sighed, gathering up both paper and cash bills. As he cleaned up around him, Wayne spoke, "You can, uh, stay here, if you wanna."
"Huh?" You gaped, looking at Wayne in earnest shock. "No, no, no, it's not - I just meant to complain to get it off my chest, you know? I wasn't fishing for - "
"I know, honey, but I can physically feel your stress from here," he chuckled. "Tell you what, if you agree to make dinner, you can crash here for the week."
With a grin, you nodded, "Your bodies might go into shock, I'm gonna force y'all to eat vegetables."
Both men laughed in amusement, the tension melting as you were obviously relieved by the fact that you wouldn't have to stay at your family home for the duration of the Reunion. It loosened you up, the trio happy to indulge in witty, harmless banter before Wayne was filing the bills in a mucked-up manilla folder. He stood to get ready for work, leaving you and Eddie in the armchair.
"Can I ask a favor?" You whispered into his neck, slowly pressing open, languid kisses to the sensitive skin.
"Anything you want, baby."
"I should go pack an overnight bag."
"Want me to come, too?"
"No, no, I was gonna ask you to go grab us dinner while I was gone," you mused, smirking gently; his head tilting back and sighing through his nose. "Oh, don't - "
"No, no, baby, it's fine," he scoffed, "we've just been dating 4 years and I haven't met your family. Like the whole family."
You scoffed, "So?"
"Do you not, you know, like, want me to?"
"I think it's more really not wanting you to meet them, Eddie - it's different."
You tried to stand, but his arms were like vices; keeping you in place and speaking softly, "Baby, how? Don't you think it's time? Nothing - not even your family - is gonna make me love you less. Plus, like, isn't the whole town invited to this Reunion?"
"I mean..."
"Did you think we were gonna avoid each other the whole week?"
"I was kinda hoping we wouldn't even go, if I'm honest," you admitted sadly, "but I'm a really good girlfriend, so we're going 'cause I know who would be most inclined to buy whatever product you might have left."
"Wow, you're gonna bring me new customers? Your family, too, huh?"
"Who said anything about family?" You smirked.
"Baby," Eddie sighed, pinning you with the beginnings of his puppy dog eyes, "if you're embarrassed, you can just say that - "
"Of what? Of you?"
"Well, yeah, or of us."
"Eddie, that's the farthest thing from the truth!" Guilt sounded through your words, "Baby, I love you - but I know my family and I don't want them to, like, infect you."
"Not possible," he hummed, bringing you in close to press a kiss to your lips in reassurance.
Not wanting to dwell, you quickly changed the subject and whispered against his lips, "Will you please go pick up a pizza from Reggie's?"
Eddie's head reared back slightly, his expression morphing into confusion, "Reggie doesn't sell pizza, baby."
"He does for me, I'll call it in if you can pick it up. It's just in the opposite direction of my house."
"Baby gets what baby wants."
You scoffed a laugh, kissing him again and standing finally, offering your hand to him; helping yank Ed from his seat just as Wayne was reappearing. After calling Reggie, you all left at the same time, shuffling out into the parking lot together to bid Wayne goodbye; waving as he drove off. Then, Eddie swiftly huddled you into the backdoors of his van; holding your legs around his hips.
Shocked laughter racked your lungs, holding onto his shoulders as he nuzzled directly into your neck and balanced your weight in his arms. He breathed in deeply, you petting the back of his head, both feeling yourselves recharge; usually trying to refrain from these grand gestures of PDA in front of Wayne. "Missed you today," Eddie mumbled, lips tickling your ear, causing you to slightly squirm.
"We were apart all of, what? 4 hours?" You mused quietly with a grin.
"Too long," he whined.
"I know, pretty boy. Which is why we have to hurry up - the faster you go get dinner and I go home, the faster we can come back here. I'm thinking... Blunts and movies tonight?"
Ed lifted up, your chest feeling cold from his retracted heat; but his face was calculating, then agreeing, "Yeah, we gotta go, let's go, c'mon, let's go, let's go, let's go!"
Max could hear your laughter from where she pet her neighbor's dog.
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Honestly? The only thing missing from the Reunion were actual carnival game prizes - like stuffed animals, goldfish, novelty gags, sports team embroidered plush memorabilia.
There were caravans of RV's - both rented and owned - lined up with cars of all shapes, sizes, colors, and passenger capacity; Christmas lights strung up around them like spiderwebs. Patio tables were erected to host intimate groups of people while banquet tables were used to boast an array of foods and drinks. Different speakers were set out and connected, playing the same soundtracks - while others at other distances played different genres. The soft ground from previous rain had hardened from the amount of feet (of all sizes) stomping over the mud and grass. Solo cups dotted the area like stars splatter the sky.
Oh! There was also a clown missing! The Reunion did not hire a clown - unless you count Uncle David...
"You scared yet?" You asked, sitting in the open passenger seat of Eddie's van, the back doors wide open to host the attending party members. Eddie was leaning at the hinges beside you, facing the back of the van, quickly dropping his gaze onto you and straightening up.
Eddie shifted subtly, side-stepping so he stood in front of you for a semi-private conversation. "Oh, please, think I'm the scariest guy 'round these parts. Your family's harmless."
"Oh, uh-huh," you mused, scoffing a small chuckle before taking a lazy pull of your red solo cup; matching those scattered in the field. Don't worry, though, 'cause your cousins were Litter Bugs and would pick up any and everything they come across when clean-up commenced. It was a rule of the Reunion - leave the area better than you found it.
"You good, baby?" Eddie asked softly, trying to keep his voice quiet; which was easy, since Robin and Steve were cracking boisterous jokes to the group.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah," you nodded, eyes glazed as you peered over Eddie's shoulder to survey the absolute (controlled) chaos your family entertained.
"Yeah, 'cause that's so convincing."
You sighed and leaned forward some; legs hooking around Eddie's and encouraging him forward so your chin rested on his sternum. "I promise, I'm okay," you whispered with a smile, "just a little overwhelmed."
He nodded, petting a loose strand of hair off your face. "You've not really seen your family much," he noted, "been hiding here with us the whole time."
"I'll... Get around to it."
"Eddie," you sighed, pulling back to still look up at him - curse his gangly frame.
"C'mon, baby," he pouted, "come introduce me to your family. Huh? I think it's time, I'm excited."
You felt frozen for a moment before Dustin's voice was whining, "When's dinner? Whole field smells like good eats."
Eddie pinned you with a small 'told you so' look, chuckling as you groaned and nudged him back a little to slide from your seat. "All right," you announced to the group, "c'mon, let's go mix and mingle. Play nice and they'll feed you."
You didn't even hear the small chorus of chuckles as your ears blasted the hammering sound of your nervous heartbeat. You cleared your throat as the group grabbed their things, Steve and Eddie closing the van doors before congregating together to begin stalking across the mud. With the red solo cup in one hand, your other was snatched swiftly by Eddie - tugging playfully to jolt you into his side and secure his arm around your shoulders.
You could see Hopper and Uncle David laughing almost to the point of tears; both with beers in hand, several others dotting around them to share in mirth. Wayne was tearing into a bacon cheese burger with an ice cold beer and a table full of "uncles" - or family friends you just called "uncle". Joyce Byers was playing corn hole with that PI the Hollands hired, Murray Bauman, to find their daughter, Barbra, years ago when Will Byers first went missing, too. They were being cheered on by a sea of cousins - all heavily intoxicated and keeping score on a chalkboard. The Wheelers were seen playing a few table games; Holly happy to play with your aunt's Australian Shepard, Auggie, while her parents were distracted. The Sinclairs were dancing together under the strung Christmas lights, Erica accepting a gargantuan size cotton candy to share with a few friends. Well, honestly, with the way she was eyeing the sugary treat, you wouldn't be surprised if she inhaled it all by herself.
"Hey now, baby girl! Ova here!" You heard, glancing over automatically just to catch sight of your father waving you over to where he and his siblings stood with a few cousins, your mother, and a couple siblings.
"Baby," you mumbled, squeezing his hand. He instantly parted from Steve and followed you; both missing the looks exchanged amongst your family, a few perking their brows swiftly and others even rolling their eyes. "Hey, guys," you greeted kindly when you arrived around the patio table.
"There she is!"
You were happily received by your loved ones, exchanging pleasantries before automatically returning to Eddie's side. "Um, hey, guys, can I introduce you to my boyfriend, Eddie?" You made the proper introductions, holding his arm as he offered his dominant hand to shake as he greeted the family members he had begged you to meet.
"Got you this," your father purred, handing you a full plate of ribs and all accompanying fixings.
"And this, for Eddie," your mother handed you his plate carefully. "You know Cooper's cookin' goes first."
"Thank you, guys," your boyfriend appeared as if out of thin air over your shoulder, leaning in to peck your mother's cheek. He straightened up to shake your father's hand and take both plates from you as your sister stood from her seat.
"Here," she waved, letting you take her spot because it was the only place beside an open seat so you and Ed could sit together.
Darlene, some distant cousin, daughter of your Aunt Rebecca, scoffed, "What? You two have to sit right next to each other?"
You pulled a face, "Girl."
"It's no biggie," your sister instantly defended, "and it's Eddie's first time here, can't let him sit alone."
"Mhm," Darlene snickered, your hand subtly latching onto Eddie's thigh to give a comforting squeeze. He dropped a quick wink, leaning over to take a fork full of baked beans from your plate - humming obnoxiously when he ate it.
Before you knew it, a couple hours had passed, the sun setting, and the bonfire was being structured. In fact, your name had been hollered for aid, looking to Eddie out of habit. He smirked at you, petting the hand he held with his thumb, nodding slightly - not in permission, but in assurance. Before either could say something, your Aunt Rebecca mused (but really scolded), "Oh, Jesus Christ, you two! You're not gonna fall apart if you're not together 20 seconds, he'll be fine to hang while you get the fire goin', girl. Go!"
You bristled at her tone, but only minimally rolled your eyes at Eddie before pecking his lips as you stood from the chair you had been offered. "Be back, baby," you whispered, and as you straightened up, raised your voice, "don't listen to a single thing they say and don't let them bully you!"
Laughing over jeers, you offered your middle finger, slapped your hand into Cousin Allison's, then skipped towards the wooden teepee pyre. Turns out, all "adults" were too intoxicated to deal with the bonfire and your cousins all too nervous to use gasoline - hence why they needed help. So, you playfully pushed them back and fixed the structure; stuffed kindling in ideal places, sprinkled a responsible amount of gasoline, and with a piece of old newspaper, used a lighter to ignite the flame. Then, when it caught, you carefully used it to catch along the gas-soaked kindling. Once that initial contact was made, you dropped the paper and stepped back because, a moment later, the entire pyre caught flame with a small but defining whooshing sound.
The cousins cheered you on, amusement shared as Cousin Maxwell handed you a fresh solo cup as a reward. You blew past the praise, knowing they were just being dramatic for humor's sake; making your way back towards the group you had left - intent on making s'mores with Eddie. Except, Aunt Rebecca stood to meet you, just enough of a distance away that her words weren't overheard.
"So," she smiled, "he seems real nice."
"Hmm?" You took a sip of your drink.
"Your boyfriend."
"Oh," you nodded, "yeah, no, he's arguably the nicest guy I know."
"Even more than that Harrington fella?" She asked, eyeing your friend and twiddling her fingers flirtatiously. Steve smirked and waved back.
"Uh-huh. C'mon, Auntie," you nudged her, "your husband's right over there."
"He's fine," she scoffed.
"Well, all right - "
"Hang on," she halted you from leaving, seizing your arm. "I was just wondering, you know, how nice a boy can be with all them tattoos? I mean, only delinquents defile themselves like that."
You scoffed, "I seriously doubt inking your skin is an indication of kindness in a person - but that's a good one."
Rebecca halted your departure again by asking, "Well, how healthy do you think this is?"
"Be more specific, Auntie."
Her eyes rolled, "Your relationship, girl, pay attention."
You chose not to engage fully, just sighing, "It's the healthiest relationship I've ever known - not much thanks to you, since nobody in this family would know a healthy, functional relationship if it punched them in the face."
With a fake smile, you pulled your arm from her grip and only managed two steps before she was sneering, "You sure it's healthy the way you cling to him?"
"What was that?" You asked, slowly turning to face her.
"You're so clingy, it's actually concerning! David, Kyle, Bethany, Darlene, Casey, and Tom all agree with me, and not to mention, your mother told us that's normal behavior for you two - which is just a red flag, sweetie. You're lucky, though, 'cause when I was your age, my mama would've slapped me silly if I hung all over my boyfriend like that in front of her. You know it's distasteful, right, honey? Men don't like that - they don't want girls who are desperate for love that they claw onto them."
"I'm not clawing - "
"Whatever you're doing, sweetie," she mocked, "it's not a good look. I can smell your desperation - you do know, there's gonna be more boys later. This Eddie guy? He's not your end all, be all. First loves are fun, sure, but this is where you make your mistakes - so, take notes and then try not to do the same shit with your next man. Okay, pumpkin?" She patted your upper arm as if a child winning a sports participation trophy. "The kid is nice and all, but he's not gonna last, honey. Women in our family are prizes, you see, so, it takes a real stud to earn us - not some long-haired, tattooed punk. Don't embarrass this family anymore than you already have by thinking this is a sustainable relationship."
You slapped her hand away and stepped into her space, snarling, "You wanna try that again?"
Eddie glanced over and saw the two of you; needing a double take when he realized how tense the exchange looked. "Shit," he whispered, sitting up in attention while nudging Steve.
"Huh?" Eddie pointed, Steve turned, and after a beat, repeated, "Shit."
Rebecca stuttered and tried to explain, "I-I-I'm just saying - "
"Sounds like you're making pretty snap judgements about the man I love - based on what? His fucking appearance? Do you fucking hear yourself? Like, you're reprimanding me for dating when you're not even my parent. You need to take several steps back into your lane."
"I'm not reprimanding you for dating! Just for... For..."
"For dating Eddie?"
"For being so dangerously desperate!" She snapped. "Jesus, a kid like that? You don't have to cling too hard, he's lucky to just breathe your air! So, maybe loosen the reins, babe, it's not a good look to keep a man so... Beneath you so close and so tight."
Eddie launched from his chair in time to hear you laugh in response. "Yeah? Yeah? This comin' from the woman whose husband cheats on her more than he remembers their anniversary or her birthday? Is that what you mean by desperate?" You narrowed your eyes, "You're right - that is a real bad look. I mean, I've had years to watch you and decide, that's not what love is. That's not respect. Wow. Being desperate for love really is embarrassing, isn't it? Thanks for the advice, Auntie, but don't worry - first place for worst relationship is still steadfast yours. I mean, Eddie and I are actually compatible, you know? He and I actually like one another, mutually love another. Now, I know you're not used to that, so I guess I can excuse you mistaking 'love' for 'desperation' and being 'clingy' - "
"Baby, hey, hey, hey," Eddie caught you around the waist and pulled you back a few steps. "All good, it's all good - don't gotta argue, c'mon. Walk away, just walk away, c'mon, come with me." You scoffed in amusement while Rebecca looked close to tears, Eddie directing you in the opposite direction to force space. "What the hell was all that?" He asked in worry, arm slung around your neck as he checked over your shoulders to make sure you weren't being followed.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"Didn't seem like it. C'mon, baby, what happened? Talk to me."
"When my family drinks, you know, they can just get a little mouthy."
"What'd she say?"
Insecurity exploded in your chest, freezing your tongue and heart, pumping icy shards through your body. You didn't want to worry nor upset Eddie by being honest, so you sighed, "Oh, just some dumb shit. She honestly sounded jealous... And bitter..."
"Ah, Uncle Paulie isn't giving it to her, huh?" He teased and you laughed, if only to not tip him off to the brewing storm of emotions threatening to take over.
"Guess not. Hey, uh," you glanced around, "you wanna get outta here?"
"What?" Eddie chuckled, "Baby, no, nah, c'mon, night's just starting. Fire's finally lit, and look," he pointed, "Dustin's challenging Mike to corn hole. And... Is that...?"
"Max and Lucas playing... Pong?"
"Looks like," Eddie smirked. "Think we're bad influences, baby."
"They're not even drinking - how much of an influence can we really be? Do they even pay attention, learn from us?" You teased, arms crossing across your chest in a light hold as Eddie tugged you a fraction closer to place a kiss on your temple. "Well, can we go back to the van and smoke? I left your hoodie in there and it's getting kinda chilly."
"Oh, you left it, huh?"
"Since I was the last in it? Yep."
Eddie chuckled and kept you under his arm all the way to his van, opening the backdoors and letting you climb in first. He shut the doors after himself and instantly rocked onto his back; you mimicking his position.
You both just stared at the ceiling for a moment; breathing together; existing as one. Then his head turned, yours did the same, meeting each other's eyes and without a single word exchanged, let your lips spread in matching smiles. Like two charged magnets, you both leaned in at the same time to let your lips meet in a sloppy meshing; playful, heated, and quick-tempo'd.
When Eddie pulled back, he whispered, "I love you."
After returning the sentiment, you both sat up to rest against the metal van walls and Eddie reached over to snag the wee box he used to store (some) of his drugs in. You breathed a sigh of relief while watching him, engaged in a new and distracting conversation - grateful he seemingly forgot about Aunt Rebecca's bullshit already.
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Yet those words seemed to haunt you.
It's been about two weeks since the Reunion and you felt as if you were slowly losing whatever was left of your mind. School had officially started and with all your AP classes, you were already juggling several assignments.
Everywhere you went, everything you did - you second guessed the amount of energy, effort, and diligence you put forth into everything! School! Friends! Family! And you know who suffered the most? Eddie - of course he did! He was closest to you, of course he was on the frontlines; enduring some kind of silent attack.
You didn't know what to do - so, you did nothing! You avoided Eddie because you were afraid of being ridiculed like a bug under a microscope in biology class. It seemed reasonable; not wanting to dig a deeper grave, not wanting to give further room for judgmental assholes to feel comfortable enough to voice their opinions. It drove you insane, living in silence, in this empty space; going from joined at the hip to severed Siamese Twins.
"Hey," your mother perked up when you came through the front door, "what're you doing home?"
"Uh, I live here?"
She sat up from her lounging position, "No, I meant, it's Thursday - isn't Thursday date night with Eddie? You didn't go last week."
"Oh, uh, no, not this week, Ma, I've got this crazy essay I'm swamped with."
"Hm," she nodded slowly.
"Hmm? No, no, nothing, it's nothing," she waved you off, and just before you could take a step, she continued, "it's just - last week, you said you had some big test to study for. And now you're blowing him off for an essay? Honey, school just started, you shouldn't be this stressed and upset so soon."
"What can I say, Ma? I'm not blowing him off, I'm focusing on school. You know, the thing you love yelling at me to do?"
"I'm happy you're buckled down, sweetie, I'm just not used to you being here so often. You know? Since you started dating Eddie, I feel like you're only really home some weekdays, and sometimes, I don't even see you! Now, you've been home and I'm just worried something might be, I don't know, wrong."
"The only thing wrong, Ma, is the amount of work I have to do."
She sighed and nodded, offering a tight-lipped smile; finally allowing you to make your escape. First, you stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and bag of trail mix, then, you made your way to your room; throwing your windows open, turning your stereo on a low volume, settling at your desk, and rolling a joint - but setting it aside for now. You unpacked your supplies, cracked your knuckles, and got to work handwriting ten pages on The Lord of the Flies.
There came a knock at your door, eyes cutting to your clock and noting you'd been working about an hour. Waving smoke from the freshly lit joint away your face, you plucked it from your lips, inhaled sharply, and called, "C'min!"
Eddie slipped in your room.
"What're you doing here?" You asked in shock, tilting your head back when he stood over you and accepting his kiss. The ends of his hair tickled your face from where he dangled himself over you.
"It's date night."
"Yeah, but I told you I had work, baby," you pouted at him, watching him set the paper bag he brought in front of you and taking the joint from your stalled hand.
"Mhm," he agreed while taking his pull, holding smoke in his lungs and still speaking, "which is why I brought it to you."
"Oh, yeah?" You chuckled, opening the bag and revealing your usual burger and fries order. "Eddie - "
"Eh?" He grinned, producing a milkshake from behind his back, "Ta-daaaa!"
"Oh, a man after my own heart!" You laughed, "You're literally perfect - thank you. This is really sweet."
He smirked and sat in the plush chair you left beside your desk just for him. "All right," he reached out to pick up the essay prompt as you ate a fry, "let's see here, uh... Lord of the Flies?"
"Yeah, it's about - "
"No, no, I know," he nodded, "I read it."
"You did?"
"Why do you sound so surprised?"
"I thought you didn't read anything except your D&D manual and Hard Rock Magazine?"
"Oh, ha-ha, don't forget Playboy," he mocked, you smirking. "All right, well, let's get crackin'."
"What?" You asked, watching him toss aside the paper prompt and pick up the novel.
"I'm helping you," he shrugged like it was common knowledge.
"You? You're gonna help me write this essay?" You laughed, handing him the half-eaten fry - which he accepted into his mouth without hesitation.
"Why is that funny?"
"You don't even do your own homework, baby!"
"Yeah, well, figured I'd help if it'll get done faster, you've been acting real funny."
Eddie pinned you with a harsh look, "You've been distant."
You froze, knowing you're caught, but still responded, "Uh, no?"
"Uh, yes? Since the Reunion, I've barely seen you. And even when I do, it's at school. You don't come over, you don't invite me over, you canceled our date last week, tried to today, too. Baby, look, if something's wrong, you gotta tell me 'cause I can't fix shit if I don't know what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong - "
"Try again."
"Are you serious right now?" He asked, his voice no longer light and lithe, playful nor silly. "You might have yourself convinced, princess, but I know you better than that. Something's up, something's wrong. Talk to me, please."
"Why does something have to be wrong? Why can't I just be, like, tired or stressed? Or both?" You avoided his eyes, taking the joint from him.
"If you really want me to believe that, answer when you started smoking with homework?" This made you pause, shrugging in embarrassment. Eddie scoffed gently, "Lemme guess? You're just stressed?"
"It's not a lie!"
"But you're not telling me the full truth!" He leaned forward in his seat, reaching for your hand, frowning deeply. "Baby, I just want to help you. Since the Reunion, you've been distant, and I think it's to do with whatever your aunt said."
Tears filled your eyes, mutely taking another long inhale; gently ashing the joint in the tray on your desk hosting several stubbed-out filters. Swallowing the saliva that had pooled in your mouth harshly, you coughed gently upon exhaling the smoke; tears pooling and slowly cascading down your cheeks. Eddie sat closer in worry - literally sitting in a balancing act on the edge of his seat.
"You're right," you squeaked, unable to look at him; fingers beginning to shake. "Y-You're right, and I'm sorry, I just - I didn't know what to do, how to feel - "
"That's why you gotta talk to me, baby, so we can figure shit out together. Right? I help you, you help me," he spoke gently, reaching out to caress the back of your head. He sighed, standing, ushering, "C'mere, c'mon, stand up for me. C'mere."
He lead you to your bed, letting you sit as he toed out of his shoes before joining you. He settled on his back and pulled you in tight to his side; your arms like a vice around his waist, resting on his chest that was dampening from your tears. He rubbed your back and shoulders, up to your head, down to your waist and hip. Eddie spoke softly, encouraging you to talk when ready.
"She scolded me, I guess," you whispered, "because according to her, several other family members think I'm too clingy."
"She said what!?"
"Eddie," you groaned, his voice loud under your ear.
"Sorry, sorry - I just - she said you were too clingy? What? Seriously? Like - Like with me?"
"Yeah. Said it wasn't a good look," you admitted, and then, Eddie just remained silent as you poured your heart out and admitted all that was said. It felt like a never ending cycle; confessing that you loved Eddie so effortlessly, you didn't think you were loving him 'wrong', but your Aunt Rebecca's words made you second guess your own emotions.
And it honestly angered Eddie. No, not (only) about you being upset - but the reason for you being upset. He wished he knew the night it happened, remembering hearing your response to Rebecca, understanding your words now. He wished he knew, he would've had a word or two for your aunt; angry that this woman successfully made you doubt yourself. Doubt the way you love Eddie.
"Hey," Eddie whispered, hand on your jaw to gently encourage your head up so your eyes met his. "Don't do this."
"Do what?"
"Pull away from me. Try to change, doubt yourself, do different. Baby, I love you - and no, you're not fucking clingy. And even if you are, I love it because I love you, and that means loving all of you, exactly the way you are. Fuck your aunt, fuck anyone who had something to say, their jealousy and bitterness and ineptitude are their problem, not ours. And anyone who makes it our issue can get bent." You were honestly shocked into silence, just staring up at Eddie in a daze of wonder. "What?" He asked.
"I'm just processing you using 'ineptitude' correctly," you teased in a whisper.
"Oh, you little - " He laughed, rolling onto you; fingers digging into your flesh and wiggling. Your laughter was loud and genuine, Eddie grinning in amusement before just staring down at you; gently petting hair off your forehead. "Listen to me. Hey? You listenin'?"
"Yes, Eddie," you chuckled.
"Don't ever pull away from me," he told you sternly. "I need you close to me, always. I don't care what anyone ever thinks or says - you're not a bother, not to me, never to me, so, please, for my sake, stay close. I'll fuckin' fall apart without you."
Overwhelmed by emotion, his sweet words, and how they instantly settled your anxiety, you didn't respond verbally. Your hand shot up to hook around the back of his neck and pull him down - but it's not like he resisted. Eddie let his mouth descend onto yours in a heated display of passion, his hips involuntarily rolling forward to roll his hips so his bulge ground into your clothed cunt. His tongue was hot, wet, sliding against yours in a raunchy pace that made your head spin until you were dizzy.
And in exactly 436 days, Aunt Rebecca, Cousin Darlene, and any other outspoken family members sat at home, bitter, while the rest of you (and the town) celebrated yours and Eddie's union of Holy Matrimony.
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requesting rules and masterlist
Stranger Things masterlist
Clingy Baby collection masterlist
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scekrex · 6 months
Hey could you by chance do an Adam x reader who dies their hair all the time? Like one month they have blue hair, the next it's pink, then black, then red, and there's no real way to tell what color is next besides maybe a "I think people with *insert hair color here* look super cool", thanks and have an amazing day/night!
I fucking got you, as someone who used to dye his hair every 4-6 weeks, I feel reader's vibe
Pretty Boy Swag
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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“Adam,” you called out for your boyfriend from the bathroom. It only took him a few seconds to open the door and lean against the door frame, his arms were crossed over his chest and the look in his eyes was critical. Even though he was very much enjoying the view of you sitting there only dressed in boxer shorts in order not to mess up any clothes.
In annoyance he sighed, “What color this time?” Like don't get him wrong, he didn't mind that you dyed your hair regularly, he thought it was fucking badass, but he didn't like helping you because no matter how careful he was, he would always get that fucking hair dye on his skin and it would take days to fade. Your lips curled into a playful smirk as you put on your gloves and squirted some dye onto your plastic covered palm. “First bleaching, then purple,” you replied. Adam's eyes flickered up to look at the faded neon green that your hair currently was and decided that purple sounded like a fucking great upgrade. “Alright, gimme the gloves,” he continued to act all annoyed as he stepped closer. The brunette stopped behind you and took the gloves you held up to him. Once his hands were safe, he took the bottle with bleach inside from you. Bleach was fine, it burned a little in his eyes and it smelled absolutely horrible, but bleach didn't stain his hands for days so he could live with that. As long as none of it got onto his or your wings, that was.
The bit of bleach that you had squeezed onto your hand you roughly applied, only for Adam to bat your hand away, “You want me to help so you're gonna sit fucking still and let me do my fucking thing.” He would never admit that he secretly enjoyed your little hair dying sessions. It was relaxing, really. “So why purple?” the first man hummed as he made sure the bleach covered every inch of your hair. “Y’know, because extermination is in a couple days and your battle robe is mainly purple so,” you shrugged as you watched Adam through the mirror in front of you, “So you thought it would be a nice fucking match, huh?” he finished for you. “Damn right. Whatcha think?”
Adam thought about it for a moment, “Do you have golden dye?” You raised an eyebrow at that, curious on what his plans were. “Yeah, in the back of the cabinet is a bit of leftover gold, why?” Adam however, completely ignored your question and continued to cover your hair in bleach silently.
Once he was done the two of you decided to order food and something while the bleach was working its magic. A thing Adam didn't calculate was that the food would take some time to arrive so when it did, it was already time to wash out the chemicals. So instead of immediately eating, you two went back into the bathroom to finish your job.
“So you gonna tell me what you need that for? I asked for purple, not gold,” you were about to complain but Adam pushed you down on your shoulders until you were sitting on the chair you had placed there before you had started to mix the bleach. “Split dye babes, if you wanna match colors, we're gonna do it fucking right.” You liked the way he thought. So he used the golden hair dye on the left and the purple on the right side. Once the color was applied, the two of you finally got to eat.
“Remind me to let you pick my hair color every now ‘n’ then, big guy, because fuck you have taste,” you mumbled with a mouth full of sushi and a shit eating grin on your lips. “Did you ever doubt that?” his voice was playful as he raised an eyebrow at you, a silent challenge. “Maybe, I mean gold and purple? C’mon, that's clearly a you-thing.” If he could, he would've tackled you and wrestled you down onto the floor, pinning you down. But he couldn't because that would cause a fucking mess, not only on the floor but also on your head. So he didn't.
Well at least until you had washed it out, because the second you had turned off the sink, he wrapped his hands around your waist, lifted you up just to carry you on his shoulders like a large bag of potatoes. “The fuck?” you squeaked in surprise as Adam carried you out of the bathroom and right into your bedroom. “Adam my hair's still fucking wet!” Not that he cared. He dropped you onto the soft mattress and leaned over you within a blink and for a tiny moment you felt dizzy by how quick he had moved. “Shush bitchboy, you look absolutely fucking glorious and I take that as my sign to fuck you stupid.”
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ghouly-boiiiii · 5 months
࣪⊹°˖✧ Welcome to a Powerpoint Presentation by Some Ghoul-Loving Freak ✧˖° ⊹
Why is The Ghoul hot? I think many of us who find ourselves swooning over this necrotic, murdering cowboy have been asking ourselves that very question lately. Is there something wrong with me? Do I need therapy? Will my friends ever look at me the same way again? Well my fellow ghoul lovers, you are not alone. And I am here to explain to you the exact reasons why this gun-slingin’, ass bitin’ baked potato with teeth has captured the hearts of so many... with science! (sort of) 🤠
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------(Spoiler warning... lots and lots of spoilers below the cut!)------
1. Walton Goggins… just Walton Goggins
I think we can all agree that the man behind the makeup and prosthetics is a large reason as to what makes The Ghoul so attractive. Walton himself is a very nice looking fellow, and he absolutely oozes charisma, both on the set and off. And for some reason decided to amp that up to 100 while playing The Ghoul. He managed to make Ghouly Boi likable and endearing, even when he's doing murdery things. So yeah, the dude's mad talented.
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"Strong enough to keep out the rads... and the reds." - Cooper Howard shooting a Vault-Tec commercial in episode 6.
2. The makeup artists knew what they were doing
Attempting to make The Ghoul “kind of hot” was absolutely intentional. There was serious discussion behind the scenes about how they could make The Ghoul attractive to viewers, despite him being… well… a ghoul. (So yeah, it is 100% the creators fault. They did this to us on purpose!) When creating The Ghoul’s design, they deliberately ghoulified features that weren’t that important for attraction and left the rest alone, or made them more accentuated.
For example, when it comes to the attractiveness of a male, specifically in the face, most people focus in on the eyes, lips, jaw and cheekbones, which they emphasized and brought out with the makeup. Things like the nose, hair and even skin can be safely tinkered with, and even with those they went pretty easy on. Many ghouls have cloudy or discolored eyes, but not Ghouly. (in fact, bro’s still got his eyelashes, lol) They also kept his ears, despite most ghouls’ tending to fall off just like the nose. His teeth are still intact, despite being rather discolored. And they even made his skin relatively smooth compared to most ghouls. (I’m willing to bet he gets made fun of in a lot of ghoul circles for being such a baby smooth smoothskin)
If the creators had made him any uglier - messed up his eyes, took away the ears, rotted out some teeth, or made his skin a lot more torn up - we might not be here right now. But the character designers and makeup artists were very intentional in his appearance, making him look rotten enough to be recognized as a ghoul, but not so nasty he’d be hard to look at. By keeping and even accentuating Walton’s eyes and bone structure, while giving the ghoulishness to other features, they managed to balance out the ‘yuk’ with the ‘hmmm… wait what?’ just right.
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"Sometimes a fella's gotta eat a fella." - The Ghoul to Lucy while munchin' on Roger in episode 4.
3. His charisma, charm and sense of humor
Look, Ghouly is charming as FUCK, okay? There’s no getting around it, so let’s just get that out of the way right now. He exudes confidence and beats you in the face with his overwhelming swag. He also has these… looks. Which I can only describe as “sexy” looks. I’m not really sure how to explain, but if you’re reading this, you probably know what I mean.
As mentioned before, a lot of this is just Goggins being Goggins, but the writing is brilliant as well. He definitely embodies that sort of hot badboy/outlaw/pirate sort of archetype that is often found in romantic settings/stories, so yeah. And also, who doesn't love a man with a great sense of humor? He's got all the best lines in the show and is just a joy to watch, even if it's just for the funny. Really, whoever wrote for Ghouly was a comedic genius, a gentleman, and a scholar. They should be commended.
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"I'd offer you one a' these cherreh tomaydas, but you got a hole on yo neck." - The Ghoul to some guy he just shot in episode 2.
4. He loves dogs
Okay, so yes, we all know he stabs Dogmeat in order to keep her from ripping his face off, which ALMOST ruined his character for me, but then he brought her back with a Stimpak and all was forgiven. I’m willing to bet he probably also tried to stab her in a place that he knew wouldn’t be fatal, and also his choice to stab instead when he could have easily just shot her, letting her get right up on top of him before doing anything to defend himself, shows his hesitation in harming a dog.
It’s clear that Coop has a lot of affection for dogs, especially when we see the flashbacks of him with his OG dog and how pissed he gets about not being able to bring him into the vaults. The way he handles Dogmeat with such loving care, and smiles with genuine joy as she leaps up off the table was one of the first moments to show that, underneath that hardened exterior, he’s still got a soft, squishy, gooey center (other than the rotting flesh, I mean).
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"Who decided that there were no dogs in the vault?" - Cooper to his wife upon finding out their dog Roosevelt wouldn't be able to go to the vault with them in episode 6.
5. He's a genuinely good person, deep down...
Not only does he save the dog (twice), but Ghouly also did other things that were surprisingly unselfish and not awful. Does that make up for the bad shit he did? Well, no. But again, it shows that he’s at least not ALL bad, and that the man he use to be is still in there somewhere.
For example, he could have easily ratted out Lucy for busting up the Super Duper Mart, but he took the heat for it instead. And despite the fact that he shoots (and eats) Roger, he does seem to have genuine empathy for the turning ghoul. So his choice to kill him wasn’t completely selfish, but also an act of mercy. Roger was essentially dying anyway, and Cooper saved him from an arguably worse fate than death. He even took a moment to remind Roger of a happy memory before doing the deed, a scenario reminiscent of the book Of Mice And Men, when George shoots Lenny at the end after reminding him of their dream in order to save him from a worse fate as well.
And let's not forget that before the bombs dropped, Cooper struggled to even fake kill a man on screen while shooting a film, not wanting his character to go down such a dark path. This shows that he was once a man who lived by a code of morals and principals, so much so that just the idea of stepping outside of that made him deeply uncomfortable, even if it was just pretend. This is why Cooper gives Lucy the line, "Oh, I'm you, sweetie. Just... give it a little time." Because he sees himself in her, or rather the person he used to be.
One of the things I love about how Cooper’s story is told is that we get to see his present and past self right away, juxtaposed against each other. His backstory isn’t revealed as a surprise later on. Instead we really get to see up front the complexities of his character that make him so compelling. He’s not just some heartless killer. He’s like this because he’s been through so much pain, and pushed to the point where he was forced to become something he's not in order to survive and carry on. Because of this, it makes The Ghoul a lot more likable and relatable than he would have been otherwise. It also kinda lets you put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself what you would do if you found yourself in his position. Actually brilliant writing, in my opinion.
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"Do I have to kill him?" - Cooper to the director of the film he's shooting in Episode 3.
6. That tragic backstory
This is where the character of Cooper Howard really got me in the feels. Not only does Ghouly love dogs, but he loves his family too. And it’s revealed at the end of the season that even after 200+ years, they are still on his mind. He’s spent over two centuries looking for them, and putting himself through absolute hell, because he loves them that much. And not just his daughter, but his wife as well. Even though they had gotten divorced, presumably because of what he learned at the end of the season. Maybe he’s even hoping his old dog is still alive somehow, although that’s admittedly very unlikely...
So... you know what that means... Although he’s done horrible things, Cooper is a man driven by LOVE. He's stayed alive because of LOVE. He does these bad things because of LOVE. He’s become a monster IN THE NAME OF LOVE!!! It’s all about the power of LOVE, you guys. Call it cliché, but if that isn’t romantic as hell, I donno what the fuck is, ladies.
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"Now, I've waited over 200 years to ask somebody one question... Where's my fuckin' family?" - Cooper to Hank in Episode 8
In Conclusion
So yes. He's ugly. He's mean. He's murdery. Kinda toxic AF. But that doesn't mean he can't also be a sexy motherfucker as well. 👍
He's a fictional character. It's a fantasy, and fantasies are allowed to be kinda fucked up. 😃 Hey, don't ask me why humans human the way we do. I didn't make us, so I don't know. It's all in good fun though, so let's just enjoy ourselves and try not to think too hard about it, eh? 😆 (So says the person who literally just wrote a fucking essay on the subject)
Alright, well... I guess that's about it. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. I hope this helped anyone who was feeling their sanity slip a little bit (like me 😃). Refreshments and resources are at the back. Exits to your left. Have a lovely evening and please excuse me while I drop my mic and go find myself a fuckin' gin martini. Team Ghoul Forever, baby! 🤠
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sunnylighter · 4 months
I read your ninjago series x movie fic (GiGAU) and I really love it, just recently got back to ninjago and have been searching through ao3 for good fics. Your fic was really good–no–great! I like how you wrote it.
I'm also here to inform you that you've been in a hiatus for a year.
Anyways, got any good ninjago series x movie fics you can recommend? Or any great fics in particular? (Mostly the series x movie fic) I'm pretty desperate ;u;
Yeah, and it will probably be a while yet before I get back to it. I'm burned out on Ninjago right now, but I'll get back to it eventually. It helps I haven't watched a good few of the more recent seasons, so there will be new stuff for me to sink my teeth into when I get back to it.
As for fic Recommendations:
My Dad is Bad but Still Family, by KayHau. This was written by my beta reader, and was a big chunk of what inspired me to write my fics. It's more of a merging of the movie and series, but it is very good. Kay Hau also wrote a series of gift-fics for the Grass is Greener which are canon to the AU, so check her out. Basically, in a mash-up of movie and show canon, what would happen if Lloyd had been raised by his dad, only to find he had a great destiny to fulfill.
Summoning Gone Wrong, by Doctor_Who_Fan85 is a funny take on what would have happened if in season 8 of the show, Harumi summoned Movie Garmadon instead of the undead one from the show. I beta-read this one, and it was fun to do.
That's Ninja Swag (It's Nothing New) by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro). It's a reincarnation fic. A 'What if the Movie Ninja are the reincarnations of the Show Ninja in the far future and start regaining their past memories' fic. I highly recommend it for the feels.
Of course, no series-movie crossover fic is complete without Same People, But Not Really, by @KittyDemon9000. What if Kai got sent to the Movie-verse, and how long would it take him to adopt all the Movie Ninja? It's a really great one, and I can't recommend it enough.
Enter the Ninjaverse by BionicStars. I didn't finish this one, but it's about the return of the Time Twins and Lloyd chasing them across the multi-verse to stop them.
Switched! also by Doctor_Who_Fan85. Another Show Lloyd and Movie Lloyd switcharoo. Poor boys.
Tantamount by Bamboosauce. Using the Tornado of Creation to stop the Oni sends the Show Ninja rocketing into the Movie-verse. There's not much to it, but I enjoy seeing the Movie Ninja freak out about it.
It's Me (Version 2-point-0) by lloydskywalkers. Okay, all the previous ones are on AO3, but this one is on Fanfiction.Net. It is honestly one of my favorites, and what first got me thinking about crossing over the show and the movie in any meaningful way. It's a oneshot that was written before March of the Oni came out, and has the author's imagining of how the oni could be. When one of the Oni come after Show Lloyd and drag him through the multi-verse, he ends up landing on his movie counterpart, and the two work together to avoid their murderous Oni Aunt.
That's all the ones I can find in my Bookmarks list on AO3 and FF. More may have come out since I burned out on Ninjago, so keep your eyes open. I hope you enjoy my recommendations.
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
Fezco x rue’s older cousin reader ?
Perfect Couple
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Fezco x bennet! reader (gender not specified but is called ma)
warnings: cursing, smoking, hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍
euphoria masterlist
Summary: Fezco and Y/N’s relationship timeline
posted: June 29,2023
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How Fez and N/N met:
You were going to pick up Rue for some ‘cousin bonding’ as she would call it. And you guys were going to get some rolling papers since you ran out. You finally get to the house and honk the horn multiple times.
She finally came running out and you’re still honking the horn just to piss her off. “I’m here! I’m here!” She got into passenger seat and hugged you. “Hey Seth Rogen!” You start to drive to her plug.
“Stop calling me that. Jules is gonna think she can call me that.” She said pouting. “Oh your girlfriend? She wouldn’t be wrong though. You dress like Seth Rogen”
“She’s not my girlfriend. And no I do not.” You just nod.
That’s her girlfriend. And she does.
“So who are we driving too?”
“Oh his name is Fez and his little brother ashtray.”
You look at her. “His name is Ashtray? Like his biological name?” She just shrugs. “I don’t know his name is just like that.”
“But you would like Fez. He’s your type.” You just shrug her off. “Shut up you don’t know my type.”
“Yea I do it’s white boys with swag. As you would say.” You just roll your eyes and continue the drive.
“Hey rue. Who’s this one over here?” Fez said pointing at you. “This my cousin Y/N.”
“Hey.” You give him a awkward wave. Rue was right. He is your type. Tall, pretty eyes, good style. “Hey.” He said looking at you up and down.
You get your papers and when you were about to leave Fez called you. “Hey Y/N. Can I get your number ma?” You may have giggled at the nickname. “Um yea of course.” You give him your number. You turn around to see Rue smiling at you.
“I told you!”
The first time N/N and Fez facetimed:
You were pacing back and forth. He wants to ‘see your face’ and yea you guys talked and stuff but it’s just something about facetime that’s nerve wracking.
You called Rue out of panic. “Hey cuz. Ew why are you like sweating?”
“Fez wants to facetime!”
“And that’s a panic situation because….”
“Because Seth it’s different!”
Then he started to call.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! He’s calling! Rue he’s calling!”
“Then answer it…”
And you did. “Hey Fez.”
“Hey ma. Why you look so nervous?” He said smiling. Wow, he has a really pretty smile. “No reason just overthinking about something.”
“Well what you thinking about?”
You told him you were nervous about the call and he laughed in your face.
“God! It’s not funny!”
When Fez and N/N first smoked together:
Fez invited you to smoke because you said you were bored and you wanted some weed. He was on the phone while you were driving. “You’re so vain. You probably think this song is about you.” You were singing lowly. You were watching the movie a few days ago and the song’s been stuck in your head ever since.
“What’s that song from?” You made a shocked face. “You never saw that movie?!” He just said no. “Really?! How to lose a guy in 10 days?!” “I don’t watch romance movies.”
“Ok we are gonna watch it when I get there.”
“What’s it even about?”
“So it’s about this girl named Andie and she makes like cute little tips and she wants to make something real right? And she comes up with this article how to lose a guy in 10 days. Then this guy named Ben bets to his co workers that he can make a girl fall in love with him in 10 days.”
“They’re doing the opposite of each other’s goals or something.”
“Yeah exactly!”
“Alright ma, Ima get the movie ready.”
You knocked on the door. And Ashtray opened it. “Hey Ash. I got your favorite.” You give him a bag of those airhead bites. Not too long ago you brought them when you came over. He asked for one and when you gave him one he fell in love and told you.
“Everytime you come over bring these.”
“Yes! Thanks Y/N.” He walked to his room. And Fez came from the kitchen and hugged you. “Hey ma. I told you not give him those shits.”
“But he’s likes them.” You pulled away and went to the couch. He sat next to you and gave you a blunt. And you guys started to do your thing and watch the movie.
“That movie was actually good.” He said smiling. “What was your favorite part?” You asked him.
“The dog, that motherfucker was funny looking.”
You guys started to laugh.
When Fez finally asked N/N to be his girl:
After a lot of smoke and movie sessions you guys were at your apartment just laying in bed. Your head on his chest and his hand drawing shapes on your hip. “You wanna be my girl?”
You looked at him abruptly. “You’re finally asking me after six months?!”
“Why you so surprised?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know I’m just not used to waiting I guess.” He smiled.
“You don’t chase you attract. I like that.”
You let out a small laugh. “You still didn’t answer me ma. You my girl?”
“Yeah sure. Why not?”
He leaned in and you smiled into the kiss.
Fez and N/N were the perfect couple.
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An: YESYESYES hoped y’all enjoyed this is probably one of my favs YALL i just want to do a former apology for all the song fics i plan on posting but until I post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: pope x reader*
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eijirousbestie · 1 year
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small headcannon where izuku has his ears pierced
very serious abt cleaning them
pretty boy swag
“Did you clean your piercing yet?”
“Yeah, I got it this morning.”
“Might wanna clean it again.” He doesn’t look from his phone as he rapid fires texts back and forth in the guys’ group chat.
Your head tilts slightly at his tone. It’s not harsh but there’s definitely no room for argument.
“I will, just not right now though.”
“I don’t know. You wouldn’t want it to get infected hun. Piercer said 2-3 times a day yeah?”
“Mhm and I already cleaned it once.”
“M’kay, just make sure you get it again before you fall asleep with it in.”
“What about you?” You cross your arms over your chest loosely.
“What about me?”
“How many times have you cleaned your piercings?”
He looks up from his phone, his eyes so innocently wide it’s almost comical.
Green eyes roll up to the ceiling as he thinks. “Mmh… 3 times I think? Once when I woke up, again after work and I just did it before coming to bed.”
“You’re so cautious it’s cute.”
“Well I have to be. Open wounds are no joke. And keloids are real. Just because there’s no leakage doesn’t mean they’re not there.”
You can’t help but to smile softly as he continues to list off all his knowledge and precautions towards both of your piercings.
“I’ll be sure to consult with you when I pierce my ears myself.”
His head whips to you, eyes even wider than before.
“Please don’t.” His face is set in a neutrally mortified expression, tone even.
“And why not?”
“I mean this in the least offensive way possible but you have no license, no training. What if you hit a nerve? Or a blood vessel? I just think having a professional to do it for you is the best decision safety-wise.”
“I promise I’m not gonna go into cardiac arrest from self-piercing my upper lobes babe.”
“I know you’re gonna go through with it regardless of what I say, but make me a promise? Please?” His body is completely turned to you now, phone abandoned in the sheets of the bed.
“Sure thing.”
“Promise you’ll do proper research. And be as cleanly as possible when you do it. The last thing I want for you is you accidentally injuring yourself.”
You walk over to where he’s sitting on the bed and cup his face in your hands. You scratch lightly at the curls behind his ears, careful to avoid his fresh lobe piercings.
“I promise that I’ll be very very careful and to keep everything properly sanitized. Because I’d hate to disappoint you.” You say, placing a soft peck on the tip of his nose.
“You look really good with these by the way.” You use your pointer finger to trace his earlobe, the small stud shining brightly against the reddened skin. His eyes lock with yours and a small smile graces his lips.
“You think so? It was hard choosing the placement at the shop. I didn’t wanna choose anything too gaudy.”
“Nah they look really good Izuku. Like, really good. They suit your face so well. I’m jealous.” In reality, you couldn’t help staring at him after he got his ears done. It matched up too well with his current look.
His wild afro-esk hair, the thin gold serpentine chain peeking from under his t-shirt and the black Wrangler cargos he sported made your head spin. Not to mention his freckle-kissed skin.
Izuku was already a fairly attractive man, but now? It’s like someone sprinkled diamonds on a bar of gold. The shiny new studs in his ears just made him impossibly more attractive and it was dizzying. Sitting here and staring at him, you wonder why you’d even fought him on cleaning your piercings again in the first place. Should’ve answered ‘yes’ from the get-go.
“Hun?” You’re brought back to reality at the sound of his voice. You take your hands off his face and run a single hand through his hair.
“You were staring at me for a bit. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. It’s hard not to honestly.”
“You’re flattering me.” A lopsided smile finds its home on his lips as he shakes his head.
“I’m so serious. Sometimes I’ll feel the need to just take in your features. It’s insane.” His eyes find yours in a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.
“My fault. Too much?”
“No, no! You’re fine, honest. I’m just not the best at taking compliments still but thank you, really.” The sudden need to reassure him ticks at your brain.
“Izuku, you are an incredibly attractive guy. You’re kind, witty, intelligent, and not to mention fine as hell. You should get used to compliments. You’ve got a lot going for you.”
A slight blush creeps onto his cheeks, tinting the skin under his freckles.
“I don’t think I’d be very successful with anyone else. It just… feels weird taking compliments that aren’t from you.”
This mf-
“And you say you’re not a smooth talker.”
“______, please. I’m already embarrassed.” But it’s too late. You were already coming up with a freestyle in your head.
“Izuku too smoove, hot boy too smoove.” You chant in a sing-song tone, much to the man’s dismay. His face rests in the palm of his hands as you continue your antics.
“______, please.”
“Hot boy too smoove~”
“Oh my god.”
“‘Zuku too smoove.”
“Oh my god.”
“He steal yo bitch too-”
“Please stop spreading these false claims.”
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multi-lefaiye · 4 months
the eden linnaeus powerpoint
we did it, gang, we climbed this whole mountain.
inspired by @vacantgodling, here are the slides for my eden linnaeus powerpoint <3 because i love him.
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i had a lot of fun making this, so i hope y'all enjoy <33
tagging the Eden Fanclub/people i think would be interested in this: @anexor @skitzo-kero @vacantgodling @invaderskoodge @paradoxspir1t
@drawnecromancy @astral-runic @void-botanist @vampiresdrinkfruitjuice @chaieyestea
slide transcriptions under the cut!
A Guide to Eden Linnaeus
Or: I’m kind of unhinged about this purple boy. And now you will be, too!
by @/multi-lefaiye, your local purple tief enthusiast.
[Image ID: A heroforge model of my character Eden Linnaeus, a purple-skinned tiefling with white hair, a van dyke beard, and black horns. He is shown from the chest up, smirking as he looks to the right. End ID]
Who is Eden?
Eden Linnaeus is the character I play in my fiance’s D&D campaign “Into Darkness We March,” which has been going since 2022.
The basic premise of the campaign is that a group of characters from vastly different time periods have all been revived in modern day, and they’re looking to put a stop to a terrible curse slowly rotting their world from the inside out.
Also, all of these characters fucked up big time in life and were struck with the curse, too! :D
The curse is based on the concept of the seven deadly sins, so each character has an associated Sin. I’ll get into that more shortly.
Anyway, even though Eden was originally made for this campaign, I’ve become so attached to him that I’m keeping him as an OC outside of it as well.
Something about a purple demon boy can just be so personal
Eden Linnaeus is the son of a famous necromancer and a powerful cleric. However, his father, Abdiel, abandoned the family when Eden was very young, leaving him to care for himself, his younger brother, and his dying mother, despite being only a child at the time.
As he grew older, Eden came to deeply resent his father, the rejection and abandonment leaving him feeling worthless and lost. And after his mother’s death, he silently vowed that he would get revenge, that he would punish his father for leaving him behind. He would prove to everyone, especially that deadbeat sack of shit, that he’s not worthless. In fact, he’s the best. And he won’t rest until Abdiel lost everything.
This ambition drove Eden for many years, leading him to become an accomplished and respected magic user. However, it also destroyed him slowly, leading to him pushing away everyone who still cared about him until he was completely alone. Which was fine by Eden--who cared if everyone abandoned him? He’d prove them wrong, too. Fuck them.
But in the end, Eden never had the chance to really prove himself. When he was 28 years old, shortly after finishing his phD, he died in his lab, alone and forgotten by history.
Then, just over 600 years later, Eden came back… and he’s not wasting this second chance.
Basics - 1
Name: Dr. Eden Linnaeus
Yes, he has a fantasy PhD.
Nicknames / Aliases: Ivaebhin (Kader only), Ed (Michael only), Jericho Ferebey (rarely)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Eden is trans, as a note. He’s got that autistic tboy swag.
Orientation: Gay
Class: Artificer / Warlock
Sin: Pride
Eden’s sin is pretty self-explanatory. For much of his life, he’s been motivated by an intense, all-consuming need to be the best in every situation, better than everyone around him. Even if it destroys him.
[Image ID: A drawing of my OC Eden, shown from the waist up and facing the right. Eden is holding both hands up and smiling at a ball of magic floating above them, depicted as purple with a gold outline and a smiling face in the center. He's wearing a red jacket with a popped collar, a golden necklace, a black t-shirt, and a pair of red fingerless gloves. The background behind him is dark purple with gold accents, and his name is written across the bottom of the image.]
Basics - 2
Species: Tiefling
Languages Spoken: Infernal (native), Common (fluent), Elvish (fluent), Sylvan (proficient)
The version of Elvish that Eden knows is rather archaic compared to modern Elvish, but he still understands modern Elvish decently.
Education: He has a fantasy PhD in alchemy, lmao.
Deepest Fears: Fire, extreme body horror, his body or mind deteriorating, being overshadowed by his father.
Fun fact: Eden can’t stand the smell of cooking meat for the same reason he’s afraid of fire :D
[Image ID: A drawing of Eden sleeping on the floor, with straighter hair than usual and without his facial hair. His eyes are closed and he's resting his head on his arms. The whole drawing is tinted a light purple. End ID]
Outdated art, but still cute!! This is from before I settled on his horn design and decided how curly his hair should be. And before I gave him facial hair.
Purple skin, with patches of scales on his face, shoulders, and hips
Curly white hair that grows past his shoulders, usually in a ponytail, and a van dyke beard
Black horns, with a crack in the left one
5’3” (approx 160.02 cm)
Multiple ear piercings and an eyebrow piercing
Various scars, most notably on his arms and face
Details on next slide :3c
Right hand slowly turning dark grey
Little spikes on his tail, especially at the base and near the tip
Usually wears a lot of red and black
[Image ID: A fullbody drawing of my OC Eden Linnaeus, squatting and facing slightly left. Eden is wearing a dark shirt under a red jacket, dark pants, red fingerless gloves, and knee-high boots. He has a small smile on his face, and his tail is curled slightly around him. The background is dark purple, with a yellow gradient starting from the center. End ID]
Notable Scars
A black handprint on his right side.
This scar is from the time his father almost killed him during a magical duel when he was 19.
Jagged scratches across his face.
From the creature that killed him, lashing out and slashing his face in fear.
Long scratches along his arms.
How he actually died :(
A crack in his right horn, and a ring of scar tissue on his tail.
These are from the same event so they go together. Eden cut these parts of him off for a ritual, but they grew back immediately when the ritual was complete, leaving just the scars behind.
[Image Description: A drawing of my OC Eden Linnaeus,, shown shirtless from the waist up with one arm raised and his hand resting on the back of his neck. He wears a red and gold compression bra and black slacks, and he has multiple gold piercings. Notably, he has a black mark on his right side shaped like a handprint, his right hand is covered in a dark mark, and he has scars on his arms and face. The background is a block of dark purple with gold accents and a gold question mark next to Eden. End ID]
Eden is a very stubborn, egotistical jackass much of the time. He’s better than everyone around him and not shy about telling them that.
… However, under that, he is incredibly, deeply insecure. Eden believes wholeheartedly that he has no inherent worth as a person, and people won’t stay with him if he’s not The Best.
He cares so so deeply about those close to him, but he struggles to accept that they might care about him, too.
Very logical, very low empathy. Articulate and intelligent.
Extremely passionate and excitable, loves to learn and share information.
Lowkey highly self-sacrificing.
[Image ID: A drawing of my OC Eden Linnaeus, shown from the chest up with a tired, disgusted expression on his face. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail and he's holding a cigarette in one hand. End ID]
Key Relationships - 1
Dr. Abdiel Linnaeus is Eden’s father, who left when Eden was only six years old. For most of his life, Eden has been haunted by the shadow his father left behind, fueling a burning resentment for the man who abandoned him. Before his death, Eden dedicated his life to destroying Abdiel’s legacy, desperate to punish the man who hurt him, and also to prove that they have nothing in common.
As much as Eden hates to admit it, he and Abdiel are very similar. Two sides of the same coin, one might say, with very similar sins weighing on them.
Eden wants to destroy Abdiel only a little more than, on his worst days, he wants to destroy himself.
Hannah Linnaeus is Eden’s mother, who died when he was twelve years old. He remembers her very fondly, so much so that he puts her on a pedestal in his mind. Though Hannah tried her best to be a good mother, she ultimately failed to protect Eden, too, and left him deeply, deeply broken and hurt. Many of his insecurities stem from Hannah, and how she compared him to Abdiel at nearly every turn in an attempt to convince him to forgive his father.
Hannah loved Abdiel, even though he left her, until the day she died. And for that, more than anything else, Abdiel deserves to burn, as far as Eden is concerned.
Michael Linnaeus is Eden’s younger brother, who Eden had to raise almost entirely alone, despite only being a child himself. For most of their lives, Eden and Michael were extremely close, and Eden has always been very protective of his brother.
This made it hurt all the more when, as an adult, Michael decided to forgive and reconnect with Abdiel. Eden couldn’t understand why Michael would forgive the man who’d abandoned them, and this sparked a long, drawn-out falling out between the brothers.
By the time Eden died, he and Michael had stopped speaking entirely.
Kader Al-Masri is Eden’s childhood best friend and first romantic love. The two met as young children and became fast friends, and as Eden’s family fell to pieces, Kader’s family stepped in to help out and take care of the Linnaeus brothers. And as Eden and Kader got older, they developed romantic feelings for each other, and they started dating as teenagers.
In the end, they broke up before they left for university, because neither of them wanted to try long distance, but they always thought they might try again someday.
Eden always thought they’d get married someday. But, things don’t always work out that way. Kader found someone else, and his friendship with Eden fell apart when Eden reacted badly to the news.
Family Tree
[Image ID: A simple depiction of my character Eden's family tree, from his grandparents to himself and his brother. On his mother's side, his grandparents are listed as 'Mg. Ansel Ferebey' and 'Jeriah Ferebey.' On his father's side, his grandparents are listed as 'Noa Linnaeus' and 'Sylaris.' His mother is listed as 'Hannah Linnaeus' and his father is listed as 'Dr. Abdiel Linnaeus.' Finally, he and his brother are listed as 'Dr. Eden Linnaeus' and 'Michael Linnaeus' respectively.]
Michael went on to marry and have children of his own as an adult, but Eden never met any of his nieces and nephews, so I didn’t wanna list them here.
"Mini Eden," AKA Eddie
Eddie gets his own slide, because I love him so much.
Baby boy. Baby. Baby bastard.
Eddie is a homunculus, an artificial being created from part of Eden’s soul.
He also has all of Eden’s personality traits turned up to an 11, for better and for worse.
He’s rude, loud, and whiny, but he’s deeply protective of Eden. In many ways, Eddie is basically his son, not that Eden would admit that.
About the size of a gerbil. Soft and warm and furry.
[Image ID: A drawing of my character Eddie, a small, bat-like creature with purple fur and a lighter underbelly. He has a mop of curly gold hair and yellow eyes, as well as darker horns. Eddie is wearing a red vest and his hair is pulled back into a ponytail. He has a vaguely humanoid face and is smirking as he glances to the right.]
Magic Color-Coding:
As a fun treat for myself, Eden’s different spells are color-coded based on the source of the magic powering them. When he uses these spells, they manifest in these colors.
Innate Tiefling Spells: These spells come from Eden’s demonic heritage on both sides of his family tree. Many of them are associated with fire in some way, and as such, these spells manifest in shades of red and orange.
Artificer Spells: Eden’s artificer spells are those he learned growing up or during his time at university, and he knows them inside and out. They don’t feel magical to him anymore, often manifesting as silver or a very light grey.
Warlock Spells: His warlock spells, meanwhile, are an unknown, terrifying new power granted to him by a being whose motives he’s uncertain of. He’s still learning them, and on some level they frighten him deeply. As such, these spells manifest as a very dark purple, almost black.
Cleric Spell: All of the characters in this campaign, regardless of class, have one cleric spell, gifted to them by the goddess Phara. These spells in some way reflect the character’s true souls and intentions. Eden’s cleric spell, Shield of Faith, manifests in gold, with touches of blue to represent the goddess’s influence.
[Additional Details: The color names mentioned in the above text are the colors mentioned.]
Animal: Lion
Color: Gold
Zodiac: Leo
Flower: Laurel
Tarot: Knight of Wands
Song: Faust, Midas, & Myself - Switchfoot
Misc. Associations for Symbolism: Kintsugi, the sun, Icarus, stars
[Image ID: Two screenshots of Eden as he appears in my save of Baldur's Gate 3. In the left one, he is shown with longer hair that's shaved on one side, his eyes closed as he smiles. He has silver piercings. He's wearing black and red armor and has a gold staff strapped to his back. In the right one, he's shown with different piercings and shorter, spikier hair, his eyes glowing green. Here, he wears leather armor, and he has a black staff strapped to his back. End ID]
Two different screencaps of Eden in BG3--one with short hair, one with long hair. Unfortunately both with wayyy straighter hair than he should have, but none of the curlier options feel like him either, so this is as close as I could get.
He’s such a model to me.
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softwarmfur · 5 months
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This...right here....is my...pretty. boy. Swag.
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grigori77 · 11 months
The Mighty Nein: Echoes of the Solstice (Live Show from Mo-fucking WEMBLEY!)
Ah, a hype man ... okay then ...
My ... he's quite salty really, isn't he?
"All the bar staff are like: What team is this? I don't know, but none of them make eye-contact."
He's got a point, we are better at swearing ...
"In this country, the sentence: I twatted the twat in the twat ... makes perfect grammatical sense!"
Ah yes, the first ĺive show since the Pandemic ...
Oh, here we go ...
Fuck me, look at that FUCKING CROWD ... O.O
Ye gods, Ashley what the fuck are you doing to us AGAIN?!!! Bloody hell ... then Liam ... and Taliesin? Look at that SWAG!!! MARISHA!!! Incredible ... Laura! Wow ... that's like ... AND Travis ... basically Jester and Fjord in the flesh ... just a shame Laura's not blue ...
And then we we have SAM FUCKING RIEGEL ... never misses an opportunity, does he?
Matt's going nuts and I don't blame him ...
Ah yes ... what fresh hell is Riegel gonna unleash upon us THIS TIME? The audience are ahead of us already ... oh gods ... no, you really AREN'T Freddie Mercury, mate ...
Bloody hell ... that actually WORKED ... I'm extremely surprised ...
Ashley has an announcement? Blimey ... no wonder she's a little nervous ... oh, but she's getting into it already ... Nice ... and yeah, Crit Role Red Nose Day, always fun ...
Cosplayer nod! Nice! Liam: "Oh man, so many Sprinkles!"
Liam: "I've had this dream!" Matt: "Thank you all so much for the trauma!"
Recap! Nice!
Oh, so they WERE just Shunted, then? Okay, so what happened then?
So we're about to find out ... where are they? Shush, sound effects problems! Blightshore? Intriguing ...
Ah, so he CAN talk ... Caleb: "It's been a while." No shit, mate!
Oh, so the magical disruption has knackered the collar too ... batter that thing off, Beau! "You know, your wife has shaved me with a greatsword, this should not be too challenging for you." Oh, NOW he's rethinking this plan? Minor Alchemy?
Sam: "No, I want her to punch you!" Liam (as Caleb): "I'm sitting right next to her, it's going to happen!"
Oh crap ... Matt, what are you saying? What the fuck is THAT shit supposed to mean?
Ah, Imogen ... Beau: "She was kind of cute." Caleb: "Don't cross the streams!"
SNAP!!! Thankfully collar not neck, at least ...
Yes! Get her to Yasha! Go! With Caduceus? Awesome ...
Hey! The Blooming Grove! They made it ... oh, this is PRETTY!!! Calliope! Awwwwww ...
BABYYYYYYYYY!!! :3 Ashley: "I touch her everywhere, make sure she's fine! Well ... maybe not EVERYWHERE ..." Caleb: "I've seen them like this when they've been apart for a few hours."
CADUCEUS!!! Yeah, boy!
Ooh! Munchies!
New armour? Sweet ... the "Oh no, I have to leave in a hurry kit"? Intriguing ...
Dream Beau can be an asshole, apparently ... Beau: "But if you felt like exploring, maybe ..." Yasha: "Oh, I didn't know that was on the table!"
Oh yeah, Veth has, like, PRIORITIES now ...
Beau's accidental kleptomania ... XD
A splinter from the Nein Heroes? Intriguing ... and they're on the ship! Yay ... docked? Oh, hey, Nicodranas! Sweet!
Good lord, what are they doing? Matt: "How did we start this so horny?"
Jester's been getting headaches from her Sending ... yeah, that's right, makes sense ...
Perception check? Oh, first roll ... Travis: "Nine!" The crowd cheers! Of course they do ...
ALL of the Assembly ... yeah ... Trent Ikithon, of course, I thought so ...
Yeah, get Veth! Yay ...
Weird dead seabeast? What is that shit?
Matt: "Interrupt MY story, why don't you?"
A Message to the Ruby ... and she has to roll a D100? Nuts ... 48? 14 points of Psychic damage? Oof ...
Yes, she COULD heal herself, but it's par for thd course, really ...
Blud! Hi!
Spooked seabeasts ... hmmm ...
The Brenatto residence ... here we go ...
VETH!!! Yay!
Veth: "The world has been turned upside down!" Beau: "What's wrong?" Veth: "I HAVE A FUCKING TEENAGER!!!"
Luc wants to be an adventurer? Of course he does ... yeah ... how old IS he? Veth: "Whatever feels right!"
Veth: "To be fair, I was drunk for most of his childhood." XD
So what's the plan?
Oh, Scrying? Yeah, try it!
I love how Jester's being do sweet about Ludinus, it's hilarious ... oh, NOW she gets it? Jester: "He's a douche, I hate him!" Yeah ...
Here we go then, go Jester ... Travis: "That's right, use the 5th Level, nothing can possibly go wrong ..."
Jester has a DICK COLLECTION now? LOL
Reminding Jester who Trent is ...
Oh hey, here's Artigan! Nice! Oh ... how rude!
Caduceus: "We're not big problem people." Jester: "Are you saying we're NOT going to push the Moon back into the sky?"
Oh wait ... is Veth NOT coming?
Jester: "Um ... the Lavish Chateau is NOT a whorehouse." Veth: "A speakeasy with benefits?"
Luc? Hi! Wow ... he's an EMO TEEN now? Interesting ...
Veth making fun of Fjord being the weakest of the Nein ...
UNCLE Caleb ... :3
Jester! DO NOT give Luc a tattoo!
Wow ... Veth REALLY IS bowing out ... that's so sad ...
Veth makes Jester take another 8 points of Psychic damage ... XD
Wow ... AWKWARD goodbye ...
To the Cobalt Soul in Rexxentrum? Okay ...
Everybody runs into the circle ... wait ... WHST THE FUCK?!!!
Luc? Seriously? Wow ... he even has a Character Sheet! He's do cute ... :3
Here we are, then ... and they've just realised they're not alone ...
Sam's doing an emo teen voice now ... I love it ... this is gonna be SO MUCH FUN ...
Are we EVER gonna learn howold he is?
Yasha: "Hit me!" Seriously?
Oh, so we're doing this ... and she CATCHES his punch ... of course she does. Adorable ...
And now he's in a huff ...
And now he's gonna try and hex Beau instead ... this really is getting funny now ... Beau: "I'll cover my eyes to make it more fair." XD
Ah ... Caleb gives him THE TALKING TO ...
Wow ... he's really good at THIS ... oh, totally working the heartstrings, definitely ...
Oh wow ... they're coming around ... oh, so they're giving CAD the deciding vote? This'll be interesting ... and he makes a good point.
Ground rules from Caleb ... as it should be ...
Caduceus casts Death Ward on Luc just to be safe ... Nice one, mate.
Ovedo? Okay ... apparently things are chaotic ... oh, this doesn't sound good ...
Matt once again using the feedback constructively ...
Ah, teenage bravado ...
Volither ... hmm, nice hair.
Aggy? Who's that?
Dark tunnel? Okay ... no, DEFINITELY not Luc in the lead ... an extra luck roll for him? Nice one, Caleb!
Oh shit ... the magic seals are DEAD. Not a good sign ...
Crap ... what the hell is THIS shit? Oh, that's fucking CREEPY ... scary monster monologue ...
Beau just closes the door on whatever the fuck THAT was ...
Oh, it's still going? He does love to go on and on ...
Hello who's this?
Wait ... a guest? Oh shit! It's Daniel! You sneaky bastard ...
A dwarf? Intriguing ... a blue kilt? Even more so ... and WINE? Hmmmm ... a bit tipsy, apparently ...
Whoa ... he bested Beau? Wow ... and then he offers her a DRINK ... of course she accepts. XD
Aggy: "Is that a little boy?" Luc: "I don't trust this guy, he looks over 30."
Luc: "Hey! Don't insult me and then explain it to me!"
Yes, Matthew, what HAS HE found?
"Unattended baggage" ... SNORT ...
See Invisibility ... oh, hello, Star Razor ...
Eldritch Blast! Yay!
Aggy HEADBUTTS the wall Fjord just attacked ... wow, and he just NUTTED a dozen open. Cute ...
Constitution check? 9? Oh, and what does THIS mean? Oh dear ...
He thinks Caduceus is a horse ... I love that ...
Daniel: "I look like a very small, short John Wick, by the way." XD
Aggy just walks RIGHT IN ... and now there's more illusory nonsense ... wait ... the Shadowhand? Ooooh ...
Ah, so ... going down, then? Hmmm ...
Oh dear, this doesn't look too good ... what now, then?
Wow .. clearly Aggy is NOT particularly bright ...
Whoops? Holy shit ... Nice dodge! He's now tumbling down the stairs and FLASHING EVERYBODY ... oh dear, what now? Another dexterity roll? NAT20!!! Nice ... he is UNSCATHED ...
Daniel: "I am just sucking the Dice Gods' dick!"
He is almost ACCIDENTALLY good at this ... oh, here we go ... CRITICAL FAIL!!! Finally ...
Oh dear, what has he gotten into now? 76 points of Force Damage? Holy fuck ... is Aggy DEAD ALREADY?!!! Fuck ... a DISINTEGRATION TRAP?!!! Shit ... so that's it? Aggy is DUST ...
Farewell, Daniel ...
Oh yes, that's right, technically he IS an Admiral ... Admiral Tusktooth. Nice ...
DO NOT let Luc check for traps ... oh yeah! Mage Hand ... and Jester Guides him too ... :3
Wow ... that's a lot of traps ...
Another magic mouth ... for the gods' sake ... he's so full of himself ...
Another door? Okay ... check for traps again ... and ANOTHER mouth ... even MATT is now acknowledging that Trent is full of himself ...
Oh you ARSEHOLE ... not cool to taunt Caleb like that ...
Ah yes, the Tower? Sweet ... yes, rest.
The Aeorian Security Cannon ... and a FLUFFERNUTTER?!!! Holy fuck ...
True Seeing ... oh dear ... now Caduceus has Beau tripping balls again ... fuck, a Nat20 for a full 27 perception ... sweet fuck ...
Athtiri Menthal ... huh?
Beau has a +16 to her Arcana? Fucking hell ...
Ashley once again Stop It-ing Sam when he sneezes. VERY LOUDLY this time, too ...
They're fighting Trent AND a thing, or Trent AS a thing ... lovely ...
Okay, so rest and regrouping, then ... back to Caleb's tower, then head out in the morning ...
Mahogany? Hmmm ... certain dirty minds, I swear ...
Okay, then ... and time for a break! Well then ...
Aaaaaah ... Welcome To Wildemount returns ... always fun ...
And we're back ... Heroes' Feast! Nice ...
Caleb has a personal talk with Luc, and gives him his Luck stone? Wow ... oh fuck, WISH?!!! Seriously? 5th Level Simulacrum ... so he's now CLONED himself ...
Yasha: "Whoa! There's no riding going on! Except on me ..."
"Beth"? Hmmmm ... typical teenage boy, clearly ...
Beau and Yasha and AT IT ... of course they do. And Fjord and Jester. Liam: "No-one more competitive than Laura Bailey."
Good night's rest ...
Beau finds TWO Calebs TWICE as insufferable ...
Luc chugs the weird Potion ... oh boy, what's this shit gonna do? Oh crap ...
Whoa ... wait, what ... oh no ... extra confidence? Oh that's not good ... crap ... Luc is DEFINITELY gonna be even more reckless now ...
Death Wards on both Luc AND Fjord, then ...
Crown of Stars? Crazy ...
Caleb 2 is now a sabertooth cat ... of course ...
And so now Caleb has come home ... group stealth check! Blessing of the Trickster to Yasha? And she doesn't even need it ... but Beau TANKS it ... at least everybody else rolls spectacular ...
Now what?
Ring of Telepathy ... and Trent is still insufferable ... and fucking NASTY with it too ...
This is just gonna be a fucking RECKONING ...
No ... Caleb, DO NOT say your fucking goodbyes right now ...
Assault of memories ... ouch ... this is just CRUEL ...
Two undead presences? Oh you fucking evil bastard ...
Jester goes in with Caleb ... Beau and Yasha go round back ...
"Uncle Deuce" ... Caduceus: "Oh, I'd forgotten about that ..."
The bastard REALLY HAS brought Caleb's parents back ... that's fucking monstrous ...
Insight check ... oh yeah, they're not right, definitely ...
Jester just goes STRAIGHT to Turn Undead ... and they BOTH fail? Fuck ... that's effective, at least ...
I'm sorry ... the house just EXPLODES?!!! Fuck ...
34 points of Fire damage? Oh wait ... no, Fjord has some protection! Nice ... just 17, then. Same for Jester, too ...
Well, they're definitely NOT his parents anymore ...
BATTLEMAP!!! YAY!!! Cue Sam's plug for Wizzkids ...
Jester Invokes Duplicity! :3 Awwwww ... tiny voice Laura doing the Jester voice is adorable as she directs Matt ...
She attacks Trent with her Spiritual Weapon and HITS!!! Nice ... but it just MISSES him? WHAT?!!! Meanwhile while the duplicates scatter, she bolts out the door ...
Yasha Rages and bamfs out her wings for Radiant Soul! Nice ... charging in to get ready for attack next turn ...
Beau POWERWALKS inside ... and attacks Trent from behind ... but the punch does NOTHING?!!! Seriously, what the hell?
She attacks the dad ghoul instead ... POP POP!!! But it resists the Stun ... Flurry of BLOWS, then ... and Patient Defense.
A METEOR SWARM?!!! Seriously?
And that is just OUCH all round ... crap ... thank fuck for saves for most ... Caduceus takes THE FULL DAMAGE ... and so does Luc? Crap ... but he has Evasion? Oh, so just half, then ...
Fjord casts Hexblade's Curse on Trent, then throws FOUR Eldritch Blasts ... a miss on Trent, first misses on the dead dad, but the other 2 HIT!!! Boof-boof!
The undead back off but Beau gets an Attack of Opportunity ... daddy is FUCKED UP ...
Mind of Mercury? Nice, Beau! And she gets the first HDYWTDT! On the dad ... oh dear ... well, it's a mercy, really ...
Rapid Cast of Chain Lightning from Trent ... oh no, Caleb just Counterspells ... but he can't actually see him, so it misses? Ow ...
Shit ... Caleb is DOWN ...
Caleb 2 turns into a T-Rex! Okay then!
Death Save 1 fails? Oof ...
Luc casts See Invisibility ... Trent is ACTUALLY hiding behind the tree ... Laura: "Like a little bitch!"
Caduceus casts Mass Heal ... 100 each? Holy fuck ... that is all round a SWEET FUCKING SAVE!!!
Jester runs to find Trent ... Fortune's Favour? Nice ... something that doesn't need line of sight? So she just casts Anti-Magic Field his magic! Nice ... that's it, he's now REVEALED!!!
Yasha charges in best she can ... but she can't attack now ... crap ... so she just casts Zealous Presence and YELLS in his face while flowering everybody else ...
Beau charges in too and just SWINGS for him with her staff ... and TANKS the attack roll! Okay ... second strike ... Fortune's Favour! Oof ... Flurry of Blows! FINALLY hits ... 14 damage plus Stunning Strike ... but he shrugs it off ... then 17 and another Stunning Strike ... but he uses Legendary Resistance even though he Crit Fails ... Extract Aspects ... he's resistant to ALL magic? Interesting ...
Fuck, is he running? What is this thing? An artifact ... oh shit, is he changing? What's he doing?
Sam: "Guys, we're fighting Trent Ikithon in Wembley Stadium!"
Everybody's blasted back ...
An orb of black shadow is just growing ... and now he's just a great horrible black shadow creature ...
Whoa ... a SECOND Battlemap? Fuck ...
It's the whole town ... Trent is a FUCKING KAIJU!!! He's suckimg the life out of people and stuff ...
Hexblade's Curse! Go, Fjord!
Caleb stays prone, jnstead turns into Gelidon the Nightmare in Ivory? Whoa ... and Matt has the miniature ready! Wow ...
Caleb 2 charges in with Luc still on his Dino back ... but they keep a safe enough distance ...
Luc casts Enlarge on the T-Rex! Fuck ... Matt doesn't have a larger model for THAT ... Godzilla is now loose in the streets!
It attacks Fjord with a tendril ... Liam: "Keep your hentai out of this!"
Caduceus runs to Yasha ... Holy Weapon to her, so she has boosts to all her weaponry! Nice ...
Jester casts Gate to pull Artigan through in front of the creature. SHIT!!! And he is suitably SHOCKED by what she's got him into!
Arty casts Chain Lightning on it ... 38 points of lightning damage! Nice ...
Yasha charges in and attacks! Lots of damage maths, apparently ... 101 points of damage in ONE FUCKING HIT!!! The crowd goes wild! She attacks again! Another hit! 59 points this time! Bloody hell ...
Beau rushes in znd attacks ... Nat20! Yeah! And another hit! 19 damage, then 16! Flurry of Blows ... 20 misses? Oof ... Debilitating Damage? Oh, okay ... and now it's vulnerable to Ice Damage? Nice, Beau!
Oh fuck ... EVERYBODY takes 31 points of Necrotic damage? Ouch ... now it concentrates on Yasha ... Ire of Oblivion? Oof ... a Nat20 save? So she only takes 70 damage? Oh great ...
There's a weak spot? Okay then ...
Even Sentinel with a Nat20 doesn't stop it? Crap ...
Fjord takes 2 swipes with the Star Razor ... both hit! 42 points of damage, snd a Divine Smite for an extra 16! Nice ...
It responds with a Void Claw ... Fjord just hits the brakes and it just MISSES him ... phew!
Caleb just brings his whole dragon mass down on it and vomits ice into its face! 77 points of Ice Damage! Nice ... and he has a Frightening Presence? Okay then ...
Caleb 2-zilla bites the thing's arse ... no joy! Claw strike! Hits! 21 points, then 14!
Luc looks for the egg ... he casts Brenatto's Voltaic Bolt, then shoots the gun into the egg! 26 points of damage to the artifact! Okay ... that looks to be the sweet spot!
Caduceus prays to the Wildmother, makes the creature's ichor turn into ice ... now he can see through it to find out how it works ... he pulls out Yasha's Holy Weapon and inflicts 26 points of Radiant damage on the creature! Cool ...
Jester teams up with Arty to hold her spell with him ... Guiding Bolt with his Enhancement ... balls ... shit roll spoils the shot ... crap ...
Yasha flies up and goes RIGHT for the egg ... and misses! Agh! Reckless! Go again! Another miss! FUCK!!! Oh Fortune's Favour! Okay ... balls! That was ALMOST awesome ...
Beau RUNS UP the creature! Holy shit ... she tries go reach into the chest snd tear the egg free ... strength check! Marisha: "WITNESS ME!!! NATURAL 20!!!" The crowd EXPLODES!!!
Matt: "Beauregard Lionett, how do you want do this?" AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
She tears the egg free, which pulls Trent into it, throws it into Caleb's mouth, and he BITES IT TO FUCK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Caleb has his vengeance at long last ... the survivors of the town applaud (as does the crowd). Nice ...
Jester congratulates Arty for saving the day ... oh flattery ... he gushes in response ... then she drags him into helping with the clean-up ...
The Calebs return to normal, Caleb sends what's left of the egg into some kind of nether realm. Then they big Luc up a bit, while still zlso grounding him.
Fuck ... Fjord just PROPOSED TO JESTER!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Matt: "You motherfucker!" Jester OF COURSE accepts ...
Caleb's cats prepare a feast for all, and there is celebration, but only a small victory against the larger backdrop of CHAOS from the Apogee Solstice ...
And that's it! Everybody takes a bow!
Well, this was a whole hell of a lot more epic than usual ... but altogether just the AWESOME reunion we wanted. I just hope it won't be the LAST time ...
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remedy-ships-it · 9 months
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Hi! My name is Rem, I'm in my 20s and love to selfship for fun but it's also a major coping mechanism for me, so I tend to get super attached to fictional characters .
This is my sideblog for such, but I follow/like from @cxremedy !
I'd prefer not to interact with minors too much as I'm an adult, and I may post suggestive things from time to time which is tagged as #cw suggestive or #suggestive if you don't want to see that .
My main interest right now is Supernatural and my selfship with Dean Winchester :) You can find more of my interests here . I'd love to interact with those who have f/os from the same media as me .
join my taglist !
Do not interact: FANDOM BLOGS (pls just be nice), if you are a pro.shipper, com.shipper, neutral, or anything like that, and I'd prefer H.azbin H.otel/H.elluva B.oss/V.ivziepop supporters stay away .
↓ my selfships ↓
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♥️ = not comfortable sharing
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♥️ Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - romantic 03/08/2024 shipped with: Rem Singer (s/i) tags: #🥀remdean, #🥃r | can't fight this feeling dynamic: childhood friends to frenemies to lovers hcs: bisexual, high-masking auDHD playlist / pinterest
(not a main focus rn but still mean a lot to me)
♥️ Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) - romantic 11/08/2023 shipped with: Rem Barrett (s/i) tags: #☕remreid, #🧠r | pretty boy swag dynamic: coworkers to friends to lovers slow burn / nerd x nerd solidarity <3 hcs: bi/demisexual, autistic playlist
♥️ Alec Hardy (Broadchurch) - romantic 01/10/2023 shipped with: Rem (s/i) tags: #🌊remlec, #🔎r | di softy dynamic: grumpy x sunshine hcs: acespec, autistic playlist
Sam Winchester (Supernatural) - platonic tag: #🫎p | samwise
Bobby Singer (Supernatural) - familial/dad tag: TBD
Jack Kline (Supernatural) - familial/adoptive son tag: #💛f | spawn of satan (lovingly)
Miracle (Supernatural) - pet tag: #🌟p | every day is a miracle
Castiel (Supernatural) - platonic tag: TBD
+ more
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds) - platonic tags: #🌸p | penny g, #👓bau's finest nerds (her + spencer trio)
Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds) - platonic/brother figure tag: #🚨bau family
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) - platonic/father figure tag: #🚨bau family
David Rossi (Criminal Minds) - platonic/father figure tag: #🚨bau family
Ellie Miller (Broadchurch) - platonic/motherly figure tag: TBD
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dividers by @cafekitsune ! dean header by Elle :3 !
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hey uh dread, who are the crayon monster people from HatchetVerse (lords in black i think?) ? U keep rebloging stuff abt them and now im curious.
Oh boy oh son OH MAN OH NOOOOO
So, the lords in black are a family of eldritch beings from the HachetVerse (as you correctly said). They are made up of a group of 5 brothers. While you can also include they’re sister, she is her own separated thing
Each lord in black are associated with a particular “theme” and each have their own dolls. They are from a realm outside of all dimensions (or timelines) known as the Black and White. They can be summoned or you can use their powers through a spell book known as “The Black Book” (Ik so creative)
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Wiggly, or W’gog Y’Wrath is their leader; “The lord in black”. He has his own musical in the trilogy, with him being the main antagonist of Black Friday. He’s associated a lot with squids and octopuses with his whole tentacle motif. His powers mainly include driving people mad and space manipulation. He represents capitalism and wrath.
Pokey, or Poketho, “the one singular voice”. He’s the most … “unkempt” one. In the words of his sister “He hates every voice that isn’t his own”. He’s the first LiB we meet in the first musical of the trilogy, The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals. Unlike Wiggly, he can out right take over people’s minds and he LOVES musicals! Although he’s very pretentious and petty. He’s supposed to represent envy and vanity I’m pretty sure.
Next is Tinky or T’Noy Karaxis! “The bastard of time and space”. While he has no musical, he does make his appearance in NPMD (where all of them show up). But he mainly shows up in Nightmare time, a side series of the Hatchetfeild trilogy. His title is pretty self explanatory, he can manipulate time and space. He’s the most sadistic of them all and like to torture one guy in particular for all of eternity.
Then we have Blinkey or Blinklotep. “The watcher with a thousand eyes”. Like Tinky he’s mainly in Nightmare time and shows up in NPMD. However there is a line in a COMPLETELY separate OTHER starkid show called trail to Oregon where a character refers to the audience as “the watchers with a thousand eyes” but WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO GET INTO THAT! He also drives people mad :) He’s just a little guy who like to look :)
Finally we have my personal favorite, Nibbly! Or Nibblenephim! “The insatiable”. He’s the super gender one that’s walk-in round she/her but is still him. Femme he/him swag!! He like to EAT. He CONSUMES. He’s uhm… he represents uhm… vore. Same situation as Blinky and Tinky with his appearances.
Then we have Webby! “The queen in white”. We have no idea what her doll looks like or her true name. She is limited to a mention in Black Friday and all her content is in Nightmare time. She is associated with a lot of spider imagery (Ik very similar to Wiggly and his octopuses with a strange, 8 legged creature). She is however, LUCKILY NOT EVIL! She has a strained relationship with her brothers but they are her or at least were mentors. Wiggly HATES her for some reason. She’s also a massive dork lmao. Here she is!!
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I could rant all day about my theories yeah that’s the basic basics
Fact check me if I’m wrong no beta we die like Maxwell Jäegerman
if you want to learn more WATCH THE MUSICALS AND NIGHTMARE TIME.
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littlearticbear · 4 months
This right here, is my, pretty boy swag.
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bambinotattoo · 1 year
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Hey everyone, I hoper you have a great day today. Treat yourself and each other great today.
So this past weekend I wasn’t feeling that well, not well at all. Which Is kinda rare honestly, either way. Over the last few weeks/days I have been noticing myself experiencing episodes of light headedness and even passed out a time or two. Which is effin scary cause I live along ( future Mommy, now is the perfect opportunity to tell me it’s okay, your here to take care of me!! “A boy can dream”.
So as you can imagine passing out and falling down can be pretty dangerous, actually crashed into my bedside table on Saturday and broke it into PIECES. CHIPPED A BONE IN MY HAND TOO. I’m not a big fan of hospitals and all of that, but thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go and just make sure things are okay. Being a full time diapered baby, sometimes it can be tricky. I generated speaking will only go if I have a friend or sitter to kind of help be a buffer. Just in case I say something dumb, or someone gets suspicious. I will also usually change into a “Normal” diaper and avoid wearing anything to “babyish”. Just easier that way.
Well, lol, this weekend I was feeling so gnarly that decided they can think what they want…I am coming comfortable and as myself. I was wearing a pink Princess with a booster, a bright blue onesie and some pastel blue full zip and baby patterned pair of footed Jammie’s. Fuck it, right. Lol. As well, the only diaper bag I had packed was my pink clear acrylic see through backpack style one. To put it lightly, it was Halloween in my bubble and boy did I get the stares and looks. I just put my paci in and ignored them. Thankfully the waiting room was fast and I was taken back with in 15-20 minutes
By the time I was escorted back, I had filled my diaper almost to the point of leaking. Hell I was sure the front desk girl could hear me release embarrassed pee pee streams the whole time we checked in. Which always happens. A great way to know if your really got me flustered is immediate bladder evacuation, followed my a beat red face and a goofy smile. The nurse that brought me to my room was trying to mind her own business and just get on with things, but offered to help get me into a gown since there were s many snaps on the Jammie’s. She then discovered the onesie, which of course had been leaked on showing I was blatantly a helpless little pissy pants. I ended up just standing there silent, looking scared to death I’m sure, while this attractive woman near my age stripped me of my baby clothes exposing just my saggy, stinky, diaper. And a pink baby one at that. She looked up at me with a little distaste and I started wimpering. She quickly began to console me and wrapped me in the gown and had me sit down.
“I know it’s none of my business, but that diaper is pretty wet isn’t it”
“Um, y…ye…yea”. As I started getting more upset.
“Hey little guy, it’s okay, it’s okay. Is that your diaper bag over there”
“Um, yes. Yes it is.”
“Okay, here in a lilts while when I get a few seconds would you mind if I changed you?”
This wasn’t the first times something like this happened, it pretty common. Just never had I come to a medical situation with this much ABDL swag before. She just smiled and told me to try and calm down and things would be just fine. She exited the room and I was left alone awaiting the doctor and etc
The first doctor came and went, nothing to crazy, but wanted me to consider seeing a Urologist while there. I sure maybe, but knew it was a no.
Several minutes later and the fist nurse came back in and closed the curtains behind her.
“Okay little guy, let’s get you more comfortable…huh?”
I just nodded and signaled for my diaper bag. I pulled out a Tykeables, my wipes, powder, and desitin as I had been nursing a rash for a few days. She giggled at the powder and ointment and said I need to make sure and change more often to ovoid that. I told her I know, and joked about needing a full time caregiver to make sure.
She actually popped my paci in, gave me a smile and told me to relax, and everything will be done quickly. I couldn’t tell her that I loved being changed without sounding like a creep so I just smirked, laid back, and started rhythmicly sucking my pink pacifier. She got the VERY wet diaper untapped and began to wipe me down with the SUPER cold wipes (I’m used to my wipe warmer). Right as she was going to slide the new diaper unde me and as she was saying
“Okay, life your butt”
There was suddenly commotion near the screen that separated my spread eagle bottom with a diaper being slide under, and anyone walking past and or etc. she immediately shouted
“Hey, hey…I’m busy in here…DO NOT COME IT. Private private stop”
And guess what, they did not stop. To my horror and here annoyance the doctor from earlier and THREE resident doctors started piling in. He saw what was going on and didn’t care at all. I am laying there, more red faced than I had even been while getting a change while the doctors just hung out waiting for her to finish. I tried closing my eyes to block out the more than uncomfortable situation, right up until when the doctor said
“So, why are your wearing diapers that look like that? Aren’t those the like fetish ones people wear?
The doctors and nurse changing me all tried not to laugh.
I wasn’t able to communicate that well through the fog of humiliation but did manage something to the effect of…
“I don’t like it when they leak. These kinds are thicker and make me feel more secure.”
The doctor made his snide remarks the nurse finished up and I was dry, and covered again. After a battery of tests the doctor wasn’t concerned about my passing out and all that, but did want to keep me for 24 hours for observation. I argued and pleaded to not be held over, but the decision had already been made and there was already a bed on the 8th floor being prepared. The nurse that changed me went out above and beyond and explained that she was talk to the nurses station where I’m going and let them know of my special needs, that way there wouldn’t be any confusion. I asked if I could have a friend bring some some supplies because I only had 1 more diaper in my bag and my onesie wasn’t the cleanest. I did, and my friend Ashley who babysat a occasionally was giving to drop by later with a care package.
After getting up to my room I began calming down and accepting the situation I was going to make the best of it. Around that time a nurse I hadn’t met yet comes in knocking and wanted to introduce herself and figure out all the details and etc.
“H there, Eric? Yes hello, my name is Nora and I willl be your nurse tonight and until 6am or so. I hear your an extra special little one, yea? Lol.
I really didn’t know what to say or what she expected me to say, but I just smiled blushingly and nodded my head.
“You really are a shy one, they were kidding. Lol. Okay, so, this is a hospital, I am a nurse, and diapers and changes are absolutely normal and nothing weird! I hear you like the babyish ones and even the cute toddler clothes too”.
Still blushing, she just smiled and started coming near me.
“Well, let’s just see what we have going on, shall we? I will be checking you everytime I’m in the room. So just be prepared for it. Are you used to that or are diapers a new thing”
What ya think, y’all want the rest?
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pharmafelon · 4 months
Before I do that Bosnia review or specifically Romanija-Sarajevo & Herzegovina cuz I didn't go to Semberija or Krajina yet
-I'm Fočapilled first off, for American mutuals if you know the towns in Appalachia that are randomly well off it's that same vibe minus the parts that makes those towns suck. Actually on my list for vacation spots now, even though I hate going uphill
-I can't really remember anything about Višegrad sorry, I think I thought it looked nice but the bus only drove through it & my brain was turned off bc it was so soon after border control
-Pale is great too, very easy to switch between the good parts of a city and being in the woods. Loads of places to chill, hike, have a coffee, go to dinner, etc. A lot of the small town vibes without the shitty state of living small towns usually have. Only downside is glovo doesn't work here. Also apparently there's a bear just chilling in the woods here but I haven't seen him, and I think he'd like my white boy swag and not eat me.
-I like Sarajevo, it's also a lot more hinged than people will have you believe (I've had it described anywhere from Balkan Belfast to Balkan Derry which yeah not accurate) and there's actually tons to do if you wanna be a tourist (gross). If you're feeling inclusive and progressive there's anthropological stuff for the other ethnicities there too, which can be fun but I didn't go to them (not racist)
-Mostar was really pretty but the Croat-Muslim beef is so obvious there it felt like when you're a kid going to your friends' house & his parents are blatantly on the verge of divorce. Gorgeous city though, I wish we could all get along 😔🤙🏻
-I didn't go to Trebinje even though I kept saying I would but I'm definitely gonna go there on vacation eventually, like a Trebinje-Dubrovnik excursion would be lit as fuck
-the random ass Muslim towns between Mostar and Sarajevo looked really chill too, right on the water and everything. Shout-out to the guy trying to get Arab tourists to rent rafting equipment from him in this random fucking village, real recognize real
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boolpropper · 10 months
A Quick Refresh!
Boy okay SO. It's been like 5 months since I've touched this game or posted about it. Here's a summary of my active hoods so as to spare everyone from a million posts of many months old drafts and for my own good LMAO. Read below for details!
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Pleasantview While I've updated most of the premade hoods, I'm playing Pleasantview the most because I love being a homewrecker. There's a supernatural turf war brewing between resurrected alien Bella and vampire Mortimer because that's absolutely fucking ridiculous and awesome. Also, all the premade teens are in college and mingling with SSU premades. Greek life is a mess of love triangles (accurate to real life I think) based on what I last posted there! MAJOR UPDATES:
Don Lothario and Mary Sue are having a fling against all odds. It is definitely just physical. Also, Don went out with Goopy and it was very funny because Goopy got SUPER pissed at Don for being a two-timer. Er, 7-timer.
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Cassie and Darren are married, with one alien hybrid baby and one human baby on the way. Dirk is in college and feels really weird about his dad remarrying and has a hard time connecting with Cassandra or the alien baby...understandably. Oh, did I mention Cassie is a witch?
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The Caliente/Broke household is...broken? Something is wrong with the lot they're on so I'll have to figure that out BUT. Nina runs a gym and continues to flirt with every single eligible person on the planet. Dina and Brandi got married and have combined their households.
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The Burbs are coping with Lucy growing up and developing a temper, and are raising a somewhat unexpected baby.
Daniel Pleasant and Kaylynn Langerak had a pretty dramatic falling out. They are both living on their own and trying to make ends meet.
Frogpoint Frogpoint is my BACP set vaguely in a 1970s/80s zeitgeist. You have to suspend your disbelief a little. Right now it's still in early stages with just three families (and I'm building a university since the eldest teen is about to age up), so there's nothing too funky going on yet.
Rita and Lewis Radisson, the young couple, just had a baby. The first born-in-game sim!
The Sikes are a wealthy family on the edge of town with of course a very rambunctious and counter-cultural daughter. I cannot wait for her to go to art school.
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Finally, there's a commune of young adults near the not very well hidden secret government lab complex. Something something Cold War something something.
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Damerel Damerel is my medieval hood that loosely follows the Warwickshire Challenge rules + my own rules. There's a lot going on and still several families I haven't introduced. It's busy. The last family I posted about was the Brewers family, which is HELL to play -- operating a business AND wrangling like seven grillion bajillion children, AND satisfying a lecherous patriarch. But I think the blacksmith is up next in my drafts!
There's a university being built (at no cost of course because the coffers of the crown are boundless) because the heir to the throne is incredibly depressed that he didn't attend.
The Blacksmith household is led by Jaco, a gruff and down to earth craftsman. He looks after two apprentices, Seamus and Allie. Seamus is hopelessly in love with Maud, one of the brewers.
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The Bards are my lesbian songstress queens and I love them. I roll a random event for every household and theirs was to get pregnant SO that's pretty swag
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