#this screenshot was taken last night btw
motley-cunt · 2 months
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can you calm the Fuck down
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cryptid-pet · 1 year
What about Shin x Azusa x Kino? Perhaps a date between the three??
Maybe two, three?
Azushinkino Story
Tw >>> NSFW//
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(Note: I'm doing this from Kino's perspective in third person and the texts messages are color coded just to be helpful)
Beeping and booping of a game, flashing lights of beaming colors like a rave. It was only three in the morning and sleep was the last thing on Kino’s mind. Lights likes these we're like being blinded by something so beautiful, incredible.
Of course being prince meant no rules, sleep wasn't vital as holding possesion on a video game with a heavy number for a streak. Clattering and wiggling of joysticks, inward press to the buttons, this was a fiesty match Kino was in, determined to win. Hours and hours kept going as the night began to age into the morning very slowly.
Kino huffs as he got off his game and pounced onto bed comfortably, obviously not done with technology as he immediately caught himself on his smartphone. Texts flooded, over forty at least from Azusa and Shin within a groupchat. For this being the first relationship ever Kino found himself in, or that he squeezed into- It was pretty good, crack related over text is anything.
He finds himself reading the text that were seemingly flirty and dirty coming from Shin, thinking it would be him and Azusa along, which it was.
"When you gonna let me fuck you?" Was one message Shin had sent, he wasn't even daring to hold back.
The questions went on: "You going to let me use that mouth of yours? You'll come over and sneak out? Will you let me smash you rough?"
Kino find himself snicker at Shin's bold asks to whereas Azusa replied with skittish and unsure responses. "Maybe. Not sure." Azusa texted at some point, adding a :) to be cute. It was one of those sex comedy shows, you had to laugh to yourself at the stupidy. What was funnier? It was still going on, since eleven! Kino had taken screenshots just to reflect on in his gallery without needing to scroll. The final act of this sexting act was starting, Kino himself being the star.
"I've been ghosting this entire time btw..."
"WHAT THE FFCUWK?!?1/22//1"
The spasm Shin had was pricesless, even Azusa had to send a whole row of sobbing emojis on his end to sell it off. What's crazier was that the founder was so mad, he wasn't even able to type properly for about five minutes, the cackles offscreen where hysterical.
Suppose that is the point of a relationship: To be an asshole but be one in a loving way, in a teasing manner. Voice audios came from Shin hoping Kino would kill himself as Azusa just had to send one himself of him laughing sweetly, least Azusa left alone with Kino chuckled. Who needed sleep? Who did?
An hour would do fine. Maybe two? Even three...
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stormyoceans · 2 years
your horny puen thoughts oh my god give me more
SFJKSGFJSGJKSH i swear i don't want to be that person but every time puen opens his mouth he ends up saying the most unhinged things and i just [HEAD IN HANDS] YOU CANNOT BLAME ME FOR ANYTHING IM GONNA SAY AFTER THIS TAKE IT UP WITH EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THIS SHOW THEY'RE THE DERANGED ONE FOR PUTTING THESE THINGS INTO IT
like, they honest to god put hints of sugar daddy/daddy kink in the show???? which admittedly took me by surprise but it actually makes SO MUCH SENSE for puen's character, because it's true that he never had anyone taking care of him so that’s something he craves, but he also never had anyone HE could take care of: no parents or siblings to dote on, no friends to cherish, no lover to spoil…. but now he has talay. and if there’s one message the show has REALLY been set to get across is that puen LOVES to see talay enjoy himself and the things he likes, especially when puen is the one to provide those things for him. a clear example is given by all the times puen buys talay food or just straight up feeds him. he also likes to drive talay around and give him flowers and buy him gifts
it’s not hard to imagine how this can translate into their sex life. i honestly genuinely sincerely truly believe that puen gets off on pleasuring talay. i really can’t think of anything that would give PUEN more pleasure than having talay under him and taking his time to explore every inch of talay’s body (touching it, kissing it, licking it, biting it), until he finds every single spot that makes talay moan and fall apart. puen would revel in the feel, sight, smell, and sound of talay, he’s been wanting to eat talay out for so long (and THEY CONFIRMED IT) im pretty sure the first time he actually gets to do that he’s gonna come untouched just from the feeling of talay’s body trembling through his orgasm all around him
puen’s scent kink also means that he’s gonna steal talay’s clothes all the time, especially when he’s travelling or spending the night out because of his job and he’s missing talay so much he needs to be surrounded by talay’s scent to help him sleep (and im pretty sure puen jerked off more than once while holding one of talay's shirt against his face but you haven't heard that from me)
last thing im gonna say before hiding myself out of shame is that puen clearly has a thing for talay’s neck and for manhandling him. i haven’t made a proper post about it, but i swear i have an embarrassing amount of screenshots (i swear im normal) of puen grabbing talay by the back of his neck. most of the times it happens when they’re kissing, with puen using that as a way to pull talay in. and then there is his OTHER favorite way to pull talay in, which is grabbing his arm. it’s hard to show this through screencaps, but go look at the way puen grabs talay in ep 5 (part 1) and ep 10 (part 4). it’s, frankly, a lot. i wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that puen likes to push talay around a little and to squeeze and mark his neck a lot during sex, doesn’t matter if he tops or bottoms (i do think they switch btw, i mean the show is literally called vice versa. but srsly, even if puen is into the sugar daddy thing and loves to take care of talay, there are moments where he wants to be taken care of too, and when talay becomes more bold puen is definitely gonna be putty in his hands)
in conclusion:
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placeinthisworld · 1 year
I was tagged by @beachsread to post a screenshot of my lock screen, last song i listened to, last photo saved & last photo taken! (Love the new url btw cossette 🥰🥰🥰🥰)
*the last photo saved is possibly my outfit for night 1 of eras so im not gonna post it bc I don’t want it to sell out before I can buy it 🥰 so here is the screenshot I sent to my bf in place to know the *vibe* of it for rn
*the photo of my cat (leyna) that I took was because out of all my cats she’s the only one that has to drink at the top of the water fountain and not the bowl around it and she makes so much noise and makes a mess but it’s adorable 😂)
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np tags 🫶🏻 @stood-onthecliffside @besavedbyaperfectkiss @ilostyou @1989tv @faultlinegracie and whoever else wants to do it!!
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lost-lain · 1 year
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Vent in coming haha haven't done this in a while wee
So if you go back a post you'll see I'm currently pregnant about 6 months and we'll the dad is starting to be abusive. I've asked him countless times to get things for the baby because he's said he's so eager to be a dad and doesn't want to be a shit one like his. I'm also #trans lmao so this gender dysphoria is a bitch cuz my tits are big as hell and I can't pass for a man anymore. I'm also being evicted from my apartment woohoo and have been saving luckily and have found another place to stay and I'm very proud of myself for that anyway... I used to use drugs alot to cope with my bd bullshit like getting mad at me for being upset and then turning the whole thing into something about him and the drugs were also a good way for me not to cut myself which is why I haven't posted in a whileeee but hey I've relapsed becauseeee
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Woohooo calling the person carrying his child a cunt isn't he lovely🥰 anyway my best friend has been talking ti him alot about the whole argument and has taken his side because I'm not trying to communicate (and btw why tf would I change anything for someone like that are you kidding me) and so now the only person I could turn to for support is also ganging up on me woooo💞💞💞🥳🥳🥳 so I've spent all of last night and today crying because of all this stress and if you need more "evidence" that he's he's pos and maybe you also think I'm being a bitch I'm happy to give you all the screenshots. But anywhooo🥶 I've been told by one of my close friends I need to fucking run from him because his behaviour is only getting worse and I'm honestly starting to be convinced🤝
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clatterbane · 1 year
Redneck Brewing #3: Sour Cherry Apple Concoction
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Another batch that I went ahead and set up later than I had meant to last night. (So, no posting then.)
This time using cheap apple juice concentrate and some pretty delicious Slovenian tart cherry drink concentrate syrup that Mr. C had open in the fridge--consisting of basically just cherry juice, way more sugar than I need to drink as-is except to treat hypoglycemia, and a little citric acid.
I also decided to throw in a little bottled lemon juice for extra flavor, because why not. The "sour" cherry stuff is just made out of the stronger-flavored pie cherries, with more than enough sugar to take the mixture to a point where I thought it could use a little more tartness for balance. We actually have some fresh lemons, but I couldn't find the juicer, and just hand squeezing lemons/limes basically gives my hands a chemical peel. 🙄 DO NOT NEED when they're already this dry.
Not shown: more spooky powders! In the form of pectic enzyme (to help it hopefully turn out clear), yeast nutrient, and the same cider/champagne yeast because, again, why not. It was open.
Went with a little bigger batch in a 2L bottle this time, aiming to fill two regular 750ml wine bottles after it's finished. (Or one of the 1.5L bottles like the previous one is in, I guess.)
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As I left it before going to bed.
After I got back up, I realized that I had indeed done a little oopsie by putting in the fridge-temperature syrup and not bothering to make up the temperature with warmer water. So yeah, the yeast still had not shown any signs of activity.
Even after sticking the bottle in a warmer place for a few hours, it was still not really wanting to wake up. So, my impatient ass sprinkled in another smaller dose of yeast. That did help it take off pretty quickly. 👍 May well have taken off on its own with more time, but the little extra really shouldn't hurt anything.
It's now bubbling away happily enough, and I guess I will know not to repeat that mistake.
The actual recipe for this experiment, btw, with screenshots from last night before I edited to show the second yeasting:
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In retrospect, I may have also slightly overdone the cherry. I misremembered how much the bottle said to dilute it with water for just a juicy drink. (1:10 not 1:5 like a lot of others!) But, I guess it should have plenty of flavor. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Guessing the color will possibly get way less attractive as it ferments, but we'll see. Mostly just hoping to get something pleasant enough tasting, though it does look pretty going in. We'll see soon enough!
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craigsumter-justice · 2 years
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My Legal Battle with my Family and their Co-horts / Co-conspirators (79): 
Now back to my Post #74 from this Tumblr Blog.  In regard to “Amy Waltman” (a fake Facebook profile created by my sister, Shalene Sumter) in which she posted to my Facebook page.  She commented stating, “btw, there will always be an excuse why something he (Craig Sumter) claims is proof has been destroyed... it’s happens when people are schizophrenic.  There will always be a reason.”
Well, the picture attached to this post is a screenshot of a text message between my mother, Gloria Sumter, and me, Craig Sumter, in December 2019.  It’s in regard to property of mine (an iPhone 10, my wallet, and the keys to my apartment & car).  I had to go to court in Newton County / Covington GA in November 2018 for an alleged traffic violation.  As I was on probation at the time, I was unsure if it could possibly violate my probation and Tim Gehret had offered to retrieve my property (iPhone 10, wallet, keys) from my attorney, Mike Barber, if I was not released and to hold onto it, do with it what I needed him to do, and to return it to me once I was released.  I was a little leary to let/trust Tim Gehret to do this as I barely knew him.  He had literally initiated contact with me on Facebook and then I had run into him at the gym twice, after that I had dinner with him twice (Once at Killer Burgers on Cheshire and once at Poke City on Monroe), and then he invited me over to his house one night to watch a movie, that was it. I will note here that the night he invited me over to his house to watch a movie, he did try to sleep with / have sex with me which I did not entertain as I knew he had a boyfriend.
Well, as I thought might happen, the court in Covington, Georgia decided to hold me for two (2) weeks and to have a second court hearing in December 2018.  So, per our agreement, Tim Gehret went and picked up my property (iPhone 10, wallet and keys) from my attorney, Mike Barber.  I then spoke to him twice from county jail and he then refused to do the things he had made private agreement with me to do with my property and then wouldn’t answer my calls.  
Then, somehow Tim Gehret and my mother, Gloria Sumter, who had never met came to begin talking and text messaging with one another.   The entire reason for Tim Gehret to retrieve my property and to do with it what I needed was to prevent my parents from entering my apartment in Atlanta and destroying evidence while I was in jail and to also use the money in my Bank of America bank account for civil court proceedings that I needed him to file.  When he had invited me to dinner with he and his then boyfriend (a nice guy from Philly who was a dentist), I had explained all the horrible crimes and torts my family had commited against me and he was all on-board wanting to “be a friend.”  So for he to refuse to answer my calls and all-of-the-sudden be completely open to speaking with and texting with my mother, Gloria Sumter, who he knew was at the epicenter of nefarious dealings and causing me problems in all aspects of my life, was very strange and I believe, “all telling.”
After Tim Gehret wouldn’t abide by the agreement he made with me to do with my property what I needed him to and not answering my calls while I was in county jail, when I was released I contacted him to collect my property (iPhone 10, wallet, keys) that he had retrieved from my attorney, Mike Barber.  He now claimed that he didn’t have my property, that he had taken it back to my attorney’s office and dropped it off.  For anyone who knows the law, this is actually two (2) different felonies he committed by doing this: (A) Theft by Deception; (B) Theft by Conversion. (I have also attached screenshots of the O.C.G.A. for these two felonies)
If you notice the last text message in the attached screenshot, which is a text message my mother, Gloria Sumter, sent me attempting to dissuade me from taking any legal action against Tim Gehret for stealing and essentially destroying my property.  She says in the text message, “You’re complicating ur life.  You don’t need this. That stuff is gone. You just need to drop it.”
My iPhone cost approximately $1200, and there was a plethora of evidence stored on the device, and there was my wallet which had cash, my driver’s license, all my credit cards, my debit card, and finally the keys to my apartment and truck.  Why would she, first of all, have any personal interest in the matter; and second, why would she attempt to convince me to not try to get it back from the man who stole it or to be compensated for the theft?  The answer is simple, he was helping her / my family and now she was attempting to cover for him.  This satisfies what is necessary for taking a step to further a conspiracy according to federal precedent case law called “Pinkerton Theory.”  Feel free to check out this U.S. Court of Appeals case:  Pinkerton v. United States, 328 U.S. 640 (1946)
So obviously, as “Amy Waltman” (my sister’s fake Facebook profile) alleges in Post #74 of this blog, this was not “schizophrenia” of any kind.  Tim Gehret truly, according to Georgia law, stole and destroyed evidence which belonged to me, Craig Sumter.  I will show in my next post how Tim Gehret threatened my attorney, Mike Barber, threatened to ruin his career and finally admitted to the crimes of “Theft by Deception” and “Theft by Conversion” in criminal magistate court and took a plea.
0 notes
daily-escuella · 3 years
Javier - an Observation #02
I'm not sure what I'm hoping to achieve with these observations. I just want to talk about them, feel free to discuss it further or correct me if I missed something!
This observation contains: Chapter 5 spoilers, Injury analysis, Blood
Everything is below the cut~!
Javier's injury on Gurama
Early on, after arriving to Guarma, Javier is shot. The first two times I played, I was like ouch, his poor knee, and then kind of forgot about how freaking bad that would be as the game advanced. But now I'm back to say WAIT A MINUTE. Ouch wtf!
I'd like to discuss the severity of the injury, point out times where it looks like it wasn't actually the knee, (which could help matters down the road), point out times where yeah it's clearly the dang joint of his knee that got shot holy crap, and then talk about how tf this man healed so gosh darn fast.
I took screenshots of the cutscenes to analyze it.
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First contact with the bullet, it's pretty clear it's his knee, though the position does change in later shots, but I'll get into that.
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Here we see the trajectory. From here it would be reasonable to argue it might have grazed him, and I'm not ruling it out, but it's also likely it was a fairly direct hit. That blood spray, the position of his leg... It's bad either way.
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In this shot however it looks like a direct puncture and it hit slightly above the knee. (my drawing is a little off, his knee cap would be slightly higher, but here it would seem to have missed the joint, colliding with the much less vital muscle of his thigh)
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However! You can see here, the blue X represents the position we saw him hit in the last panel, meanwhile the hole of his pants is almost directly over his knee now. The clothes could move of course, but there's no exit wound, and the nature of the fabric hole doesn't lend to a graze by the bullet. (Of course we see people get shot all over in this game, but cutscene injuries can be taken more "realistically" imo)
Later on...
After all of the island missions, it has been approximately 40 hours since Javier has had his wound tended to. We could venture to say that someone treated him off screen, but why would they? They intended to torture him for information and his wound isn't life threatening.
((Timeline: -First day Javier is shot around midday
-boys sleep through the night
-Arthur goes to meet Leon the next day (24hrs since injury)
-is tranquilized and wakes up next to Leon at night
-the next morning Arthur meets with Dutch
~40hrs since injury))
This next segment, I always assumed he was dragged by his bad leg. It seems the likely thing for these sadistic assholes to do, and it lends to it being the case especially because of Javier's reactions. Getting dragged around by your leg isn't going to feel good regardless, but he cries out and tenderly holds his leg when they move him. This is a man who was smashed against a table repeatedly in a bar fight and then sets his own jaw without a sound. He's tough and rarely shows when he's hurt so he's clearly in pain here! Previous events wouldn't allude to anything else causing it.
It's... the wrong leg though!! You think he'd be holding the hurt one, even while being dragged by the good one, not wanting to let his fresh injury drag in the mud... Ouch.
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Later on again...
We see Javier again after defending the fort. (I have no earthly idea where he was during this btw, they don't allude to it, I couldn't find him, they just popped him into another dimension while they fight I guess)
His injury has been.... tended to....
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It's now fairly clear it was his knee based on the position of the bandages. They're bloody too. I want to say it's bleeding again because of tending to it? But where it's over his clothes, that is pretty unlikely. The bandaging is filthy, he's filthy, everything is filthy, it's fair to assume they didn't clean and properly treat it under his clothes. Beyond Arthur cauterizing his own and the rest guzzling miracle tonic, I haven't see any of the fellas here treat a gunshot wound before. Javier, you're on your own kid.
Also he's WALKING on it already, I hurt just looking at him.
The boat ride home
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((Another shot of this bloody, and bloody poor excuse, of a bandage job.)) From my research, the boat ride would only have taken around 2-3 days, maybe 4 if we're being generous. And yet, by the time we see Javier in Lakay, he's walking normally!
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He arrives back before Arthur, he's clean and dressed too. I want to say maybe someone finally tended to him, and likely they did, but oh boy, it would not be looking good after all that time.
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Though he doesn't join the shootout with the Pinkertons, instead guarding the vulnerable in the house, he can be seen picking up bodies afterwards
Around a week since getting shot and already back to his old self.
Conclusion: Miracle Tonic is one hell of a thing I guess??
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iaketpauet · 3 years
The most accurate possible guide to Robin Finck's hairstyle in the Self Destruct tour
(very long post)
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He began touring with the dyed black dreadlocks, they lasted until August 30th, 1994, when he cut them and shaved his head before the second night at Nautica Stage, in Cleveland;
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He looked like this for a while and let his hair grow;
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This is his hair on September 26th, at Cascade Mountains (photo taken by Kevin Westenberg);
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And this is at the Madison Square Garden first gig, December 8th (btw, it's Twiggy right behind him), around that time he started bleaching his hair;
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At the Mon Jin Lau restaurant, Troy, Michigan, some day between 12/30 and 1/2 (it's my guess, because they did a gig in Auburn Hills on 31st);
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And then he cut it a little bit. This is from January 6th, 1995, Uniondale;
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And then he let it grow again;
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He shaved the top and dyed the rest someday before January, 24th (according to a fan review from Atlanta's gig);
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At Lacrosse Center, Wisconsin, February 5th (photo taken by Steve Harm);
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And at last, he shaved it all but the sideburns again someday between February 6th and 13th (which is the day this screenshot is from, "Wish" live at Civic Auditorium, Omaha).
Second part with Dissonance and Club tours is here!
Most of used pics are from @fincktheworld and my main sources were Happiness in Heresy, NIN Live and fans reviews from the old Newsgroup NIN forum.
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emmadoodlewrites · 2 years
Just got hit with the “I’m not mad just disappointed” card /hj. Can I ask what some of Ranboo’s fans are doing?
discourse under the cut
Basically, Ranboo's fanbase on Twitter were rather mean to Dream when he came out as unlabeled queer, but when Ranboo did the same they showed nothing but support. Dream's fanbase has been attempting to call them out on it but people haven't been listening since the gate for dream is too big. There's been many threads showing screenshots of large bootwt accounts being homophobic
Last night Ranboo made a joke tweet that he "cured" homophobia, all while his fanbase has been incredibly homophobic to Dream, so people quoted his tweet to call him out on it. Now of course I agree there's not a lot Ranboo can do, just like Dream can't do anything about harassment, but when Ranboo saw everything the next morning, he made a rather tone deaf reply just saying he's allowed to make gay jokes, and completely disregarded what his fans have been doing. It's just a sad situation :( No hate to Ranboo btw, I'm sure this is difficult to deal with
Also this is just hearsay, but apparently there was also a bootwt account that posted a fake screenshot of Dream saying he was straight, which was taken down very quickly. I don't know for sure if it's true since obviously people don't want fake info spread, but that's also something going on with Ranboo's fanbase.
If anyone want links or screenshots of threads or Ranboo's reply just dm me
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chai-ssi-latte · 4 years
Prompt 08
REQUESTED - Chris Evans
16. “Stop being jealous! This is my job!”
About: There was an intimate shower scene in your show that involved you and the whole internet is talking about it.
Masterlist | Prompt List | Masterlist (Taylor Swift Songfics)
Send a tip here :) | Donations/Tips are not required but is very much appreciated :> It will help me support myself in uni and my studies :)
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Gif not mine :) (found on google)
Chris remembered greeting his mom a happy mother’s day on twitter and scrolling through his feed full of political stuff, so he doesn’t know why and how he stumbled upon one tag that lead him to the trend list.
Your name occupied the top 5 trends and Chris got curious. What he didn’t expect was videos, screenshots, and photos made into wallpapers of your naked body. Nothing can be seen really, it was a shower scene; with your hands and cheek pressed against the glass. Someone was behind you and even with the fog and mist of the heat, you were bent over...and Chris could tell that it’s a sex scene.
@ ynevans4ever: that was HOT. the scene lasted for 23.15 seconds but the tingles i felt would last for weeks.
@ queenyn: lucky bastard. Chris would be sooooooo jealous!
@ jonnn12112: don’t like evans. don’t like marvel. but i like his girl. got a new wallpaper btw. thanks netflix for the pause button.
The more Chris scrolled, the more his jealousy intensified. He was okay with his and her fans making comments with it since most of them could be taken as a compliment. What he didn’t like were the locals commenting about it, Chris thinks that some of them were malicious and disrespectful. 
Putting his phone on the night stand, he decided to watch some movie to take his mind off of things. He shouldn’t be jealous, he act for a living and he knows that there are some things you need to do as an actor.
“Hi baby.” You greeted, walking in the room and plopping on the bed next to your boyfriend. Chris’ mind seems to be somewhere else as he played with the remote. His eyes are connected to the tv but he wasn’t paying attention on the scenes rolling before him.
“Chris?” You took the remote he was fiddling with. “Are you okay?” 
Chris blinked a few times and looked at you. “Yeah. yeah. I’m fine.” He assured.
“You don’t look fine. Are you sick? Do you have a fever or something?” You tried to place the back of your hand on Chris’ forehead but he swats it away. It was light yet it caught you off guard. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know.” Chris muttered. “I really don’t wanna talk right now.”
You huffed. “No, we’re talking about this. Now, tell me what’s wrong.”
“Don’t push it Y/N, please. I’m going to take a nap.”
Chris tried to turn his back on you but you stopped him. “We’re talking about this now, and when we sort this out, you can have your nap. Now, talk.” He was glaring but so were you. “Talk. Tell me why you’re moody.”
“I don’t know? Maybe because I saw my girlfriend trending on twitter with her shower sex scene all over the internet.” Chris said then turned his back.
“Seriously? You know that’s fake right?”
Chris stayed silent. 
“Stop being jealous! This is my job!”
“I’m not jealous!”
“Yes you are!”
“I just don’t like it when people talk about your body as if you’re an object.”
You sighed. “Baby...”
Chris faced you, now calm and solemn. “Sorry, I overreacted.”
Smiling, you put your hand his cheek. Chris placed his on top of yours before grabbing it and giving it a kiss. “I love you.” You whispered.
“I love you too.”
“You do know I told you about that scene right?” You brought it up playfully.
“Yeah, yeah. I remember.” Chris sighed, now with a faint smile. 
“Good. Wanna do it later?” You teased.
“Why not now?”
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UGHHHGHGH. I keep thinking of Hades angst and yo,,I remember a screenshot from Astraeus route and I think it had Hades holding his scythe (from his Reaper) to MCs neck or something?? OR MAYBE I LIKE,,IMAGINED THAT??? But like,,imagine if that happened...
MC doesn’t want to be Hera. She begs for anything else to happen to her. She’s lost, scared, in despair, and she needs a way out. And Hades knows this. Not just because she doesn’t want to die, but because like I headcannon, when a god takes over, you basically have to be in this abyss and watch what happens, ya know?? And honestly that IS terrifying, it makes sense for her to not want to be there. ESPECIALLY FOR ETERNITY?!?!?!? THAT WOULD BE HELL ITSELF!! AND SHE TELLS HADES THAT!!
So...she goes to him and begs him for a way out. And like...he has tried hard. He has taken the route in his own route (where he’s fought for her with everything) and it’s still not enough. They’re gonna make sure she becomes Hera, no questions, and they’re both scared. And MC has an idea and so does Hades, and neither of them like it. She basically asks him to kill her...And like my mind was like “NO!!!” And that screenshot came to mind (unless its fake and I hallucinated it-) and I was so sad because...in this AU he would. She’d beg and say how she’d rather die at his hands than the other Gods hands. Wants the last thing she sees to be her fiancée. Even if its a sad look, he’s still there. And that’s what she wants. She doesn’t want to be separated, to see him from afar, to see him suffer knowing he won’t hear her last words. 
Which would be “I love you.”
But she will not die at the hands of all the Gods. Part of MC thinks its to spite the Gods and say how they cant control her, another part is fear. And there’s a little part of hope in there, right in her chest, small but bright, hoping that she’ll find her way to him. She’ll be able to hold him again, see his purple eyes look at her with all the love in the world, and see everyone again. Well,,,everyone immortal. And she’s reminded of everyone. Hades sneaks Alex, May, Josh, the boys, and Aphrodite to see her. She tells them what she plans to do. Obviously, none of them like it. They hate it and suggest everything else, but MC can’t change her mind. She will not risk the chance of her keeping Heras power OR being stuck in an abyss forever. Just the mention of the idea makes everyone cringe because she’s right...that IS a hell. So...they spend one last night with her. They keep it quiet, watch a movie, talk, tell her what they all want to tell her. 
Especially ALEX!! ALEXXX!!! They’re scared to tell her. They know they will be denied and afraid to ruin everything at this last moment, but they need to tell her. So, they do. They tell her everything on their heart and she listens with surprised eyes. She was oblivious to this. She thinks its because she hasn’t been relaxed with them in a long time, so she never noticed, but now that it’s in front of her face...she realizes tHAT YEAH ALEX DOES LOVE HER AND HAS SHOWN IT BIJFBKF. And she smiles and “C” comes out of her mouth before she cuts herself off.
They’re not Cyprin here.
They’re Alex.
That’s who they have been to her all the time, and she smiles and pulls them into a hug. “Thank you, Alex. I love you too, I hope you know that Alex. Maybe not the same way, but you are my best friend, Alex. I love you, too.” She said Alex so many times, as if she was learning their name for the first time again. It makes them happy to hear it come from her lips again, and everyone loves the sweet moment. And Cerberus and his brothers give her hugs and Cerberus gets his aura out to cheer her up and keep things happy for a bit. Josh shares funny stories of cooking, his mishaps, and everything! Aphrodite tells her own stories, BASICALLY EVERYONE SHARES SOME WHOLESOME STORIES. EVEN MC!! SHARING HER FEELINGS OF EVERYONE AND HOW SHE LOVES THEMMM ALL!!!
 And when everything is said and done, its about 6 am, and the Gods are coming for her. They’re coming to take her to the throne room, but no.
They won’t get her.
They can’t.
Everyone leaves them alone, but they all give her a kiss on the cheek or forehead and a TIGHT hug because they will miss her. THEY WILL!! And May and Josh basically threaten that she better know that. She knows that and promises that she’ll be watching them from the afterlife and it makes them all cry harder, but they leave and its just Hades and MC. However, to be NSFW real quick, they ‘get together’ before it happens bc honestly,,,idk thats just where my mind went lol. AND THEN,, THE TIME HAS COME,, HE HAS TO KILL HER BECAUSE HE PROMISED HER!! He calls upon his Aura and MC notices the sad look on the Reaper and she gives them both one last smile. The Scythe is at her neck and Hades’ tears streak down his face as she closes her eyes and takes her final breath. He was holding her hand and the grip was tight, and it went limp (Idk what he’d do necessarily?? Just uses the scythe to take her soul). She was falling to the ground but he caught her instantly and held her to him as he cried on the floor. What would he tell the Gods? What would he do? What will he do without her? He has his friends and everyone to back up that she wanted this...but still. 
What will he do without her? Who will be the light to his shadows? 
Zeus and Poseidon come through his door (not even knocking), and they call out for Hades, but they speed up when they hear Hades sobs. They come to the main room (idk I assume the door is a littles away from the main room like the living room) and they see Hades clutching MCs body to him. There’s no blood, no struggle, nothing. Just him holding the love of HIS LIFE in his arms, knowing he just ended the life of someone he loves once again...
Zeus and Poseidon just stand there for a second. Hades refuses to look them in the eye, cant look at them, and just looks at his lover...the one he loves so much...But he can’t avoid it forever. He looks up at his brothers and Zeus is furious and Poseidon is sad. Zeus is so close to attacking him, but Poseidon grabs his arm with a TIGHT grip. Poseidon isn’t even looking at anyone, just at the ground. “Hades...what happened?” His voice isn’t angry, it’s just sad, and worried. Zeus still can’t say a word. Hades looks back up at them. 
“She...she wanted it to end.” His voice was shaky and tears still streamed down his face. “She told me...she wanted it to be me. For me to end it. Not you.” He growled the ‘you’ out. “She didn’t want to be trapped in an abyss for eternity. And it makes sense. None of us want to be trapped...”. He stops there, he can’t continue. He looks back down at her and hugs her body closer to him. 
“The Reaper has taken yet another soul...” he whispers out, and his brothers hear him. This time, even Zeus is sad. He’s never seen his older brother like this (yh I found out Hades is the OLDEST FIREJBFD). This emotional and this heart broken. Or maybe he has and he just never payed attention. That makes him realize his actions and everything he’s done. Its shameful and he stares at MC as well, feeling his heart drop. And its not just because of Hera...its because she was going to be his sister-in-law (I think that’s what they are??? IDK MEG-) and that is an innocent woman. He doesn’t know how to face this (not even my Zeus knows how to face his emotions-), so he just walks to Hades and goes to sit beside him. Hades flinches away from him and his hold tightens on her for a moment, and both brothers understand why he does that. But they just sit beside him, in silence. “She asked you?”
“Yes. I would not take her life for no reason...I would NEVER even dream of it”. Poseidon hears the bite in his voice and the way its darker from his power, the power he tries to hide and not flaunt around like everyone. He just nods and it goes silent. “But at least...it wasn’t painful...”. Hades whispers it out. He knew the ritual would be painful, he knows it is. Not from experience but the ritual takes the soul apart...it’s going to hurt. He wouldn’t wish that pain on her. He would give his life, but the Gods wouldn’t accept it. Hell, he’s lucky they let him have her for one more night. The tears have stopped because they can’t continue. They always rise to the surface, but won’t drop. “I lost her...she’s gone...it’s all our faults...”. Hades made sure they all knew it was their faults. Not them but the Gods in general. They’re desperation for a Goddess who didn’t want to come back, who BEGGED to not come back, led to the death of an innocent woman. Led to a woman wanting to die. And I imagined Hades finally telling Zeus the whole truth like...it’s an emotional moment, and he feels like he should tell him.
“Zeus,” he says, his voice back to normal since he’s reigned his power back in, “Hera wanted to die. She asked me to take her, so I did. But she made me promise her to not let her come back. Never. Or maybe until she was ready, I’m not sure exactly. And when I found [MCs mothers name]...”. His breath catches at the mention of MCs mother who was also taken to early, a woman he loves as well, who was killed by the Gods. Direct or not didn’t matter. “She was Hera’s reincarnation and I...I was a little afraid. I made H.E.R.A with her and Aphrodite and I planned to tell her of her power that she held. But...I realized that I cared for her. Not in a romantic way, but she was a sister to me, I cared for her dearly, yet she was taken away from us because of US!” His voice was louder, and his eyes were shut still facing MCs body. Poseidon and Zeus flinch at his voice, not used to Hades being this angry even if they understand why he’s angry. “And I had to hold her in my arms when she died...and it moved to MC...and I fell for her, and I’ve done everything I can. But none of you wanted to think of her. Think of a woman who has done SO MUCH for us, a woman who has already suffered because. OF. US!” 
When he mentioned that she had done so much for them, they were reminded of his s1 when basically everyone disappeared and was taken, yet MC was such a big factor into helping them...and they forgot that. They shouldn’t have, but they did. And it hurt them all. 
AND AWAY FROM HADES TELLING ZEUS AND POSEIDON HIS STORY, they have a funeral on Earth. Even Hades will not bury her on Olympus. A part of him wants to since her mother is buried there, but he remembers Josh, May, and Alex. None of them will come to Olympus anymore, he knows it, and he won’t torture them by forcing them to come to Olympus to see her. And its all emotional. And,,,Hades tells everyone (as in her close family,,including May bc she IS family AND THE BOYS!!) that he’s sorry, but they know he did his best. Aphrodite witnessed it, and so did everyone else. And for the few years...it’s all silent. Hades attends meetings and does his work because he knows MC wants him to. MC wants him to keep living, being kind, helping people, and being Hades. But she asked him to promise her something...promise to never love another. And it was promised with NO hesitation. He loves her and no one else and he’s lucky to have had the chance to love her
ESPECIALLY AFTER KNOWING ALEX LOVES HER!! THEY’VE KNOWN HER LONGER AND HONESTLY HADES IS A LITTLE SURPRISED SHE DIDNT END UP WITH ALEX IFBHKRJEBWB. But like I said, everything is silent, emotionless. Everyone smiles from time to time, but it’s mainly quiet. Well, some of the Gods don’t care, and he honestly gets PISSED when he sees that, but he just goes back to his estate or his condo. Probably his condo since he has more memories of her there. She was never one for Olympus. It was beautiful to her, but it made her anxious, so the condo (and her apartment) was her safe place. And he goes to the fridge the day of her funeral and guess what he sees??? GUESS WHAT HE SEES??? He sees MCs baked goods. He takes them out and eats them and tastes how sweet and full of love they are. He KNOWS it will be a long time before he can taste this type of sweetness again, but he’ll happily wait 1,000 years if that’s what it took for her to come back to him. And he’ll keep his promise. 
He will find his light again. He will. And maybe his light will find him. Light needs darkness after all....
Love you 💙 💙. I’m so sad,,,but I love it and I hope you’re sad as well 😭 😭.
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delirious-comfort · 4 years
Regarding Shadow Haven.
You know when something happens and to many people it’s insignificant, but to you... it’s destructive. Painful. And people say, “Don’t give it more attention than it deserves,” but you’re silently fuming because it takes all your attention?
That’s me right now. That has been me all day every since I saw the post. One small comment, one giant accusation. 
Now I can do two things. Post the screenshot here or not post the screenshot. Because the third option? To walk away silently? I can’t do that. 
Today I scrolled through a group on Facebook and read the comments. It was about SQ fics that got turned into a books. Obviously, mine is one of those. 
One of the comments said this: 
“I used to like Shadow Haven until I found out the author was using their partner’s ideas and even having their partner write parts of the book for them, then took their name off everything and took all the credit.”
When someone called her out on the fact that it was a highly defamatory statement, she said this:
“I know I’m correct, because I watched the tail end of it happen. Don’t get me wrong, she did write some of it, but there was too much that she didn’t write for her to not put the other person’s name on it somewhere.”
At first I laughed, because how utterly ridiculous. Then I started to cry because there is one thing I cannot stand and it’s being accused of something I did not do. Then I got really angry. I think I am still very angry.
I feel the need to defend myself over a comment someone made with zero evidence to back it up. Because I wrote every last word of Shadow Haven myself. 
The girl who accused me is a friend of one of my exes. Someone I have blocked. Someone I don’t wish to interact with. Someone who I didn’t think would sink so low as to lie about this, but she obviously has. 
If you’ve ever followed Shadow Haven as it was published, you’ll know these things to be true: 
- I started writing Shadow Haven before I met my ex.
- I finished Shadow Haven after I broke up with my ex. We dated for a short amount of time (6 months give or take). It wasn’t healthy and I wasn’t gonna stay in a relationship like that. I broke up with her about four weeks after my brother died because everyone has their limit and my limit was a comment of hers about my grief.
- Shadow Haven never has had a different author than me.
- My ex edited perhaps a couple of chapters for me, like any beta would do. If she added sentences to my work, I removed them. I can recall this happening once with the scene where Regina has the nightmare about the man on the island. I removed it because I didn’t like that, it was not her place to do so. It’s never any beta’s place to do so, btw. I can’t remember any other instances. 
- I have never taken the ideas of my ‘partner’ nor has she written any parts of the book, nor was her name every on the fanfic, nor did I ever take it off. The only thing I removed was this comment: “This story is currently being edited by blabla.” Because we broke up and she stopped doing that way before we broke up because, you may recall, my brother died in 2016 (when I was with my ex) and I stopped writing for a while.
- Shadow Haven was so important to me. To show true representation. Then it became a whole different kind of important to me because I was working on the book version (because Ylva asked me before I finished the fic) while dealing with the grief of my brother dying. 
But now there’s an accusation. And I can’t prove I didn’t nor can they prove I did. And it’s bothering me. The only proof I have is that the story is my voice. Every last word, because I wrote every single fucking word. And I am so angry about it and I don’t know how to let it go. 
Many people have already showed their support to me. And it’s helped, but then I glance at the comment, and I get angry all over again. Because Shadow Haven is a fic I worked so hard on. Had so much pleasure working on. Made great friendships over. And now this fucking cloud is dooming over it. Because she won’t be the only person who would have been told this. 
So what do I do now? How do I get over being so angry over one comment? Do I link you to my ex’s ao3 so y’all can go and compare our writing styles? Do I DM this girl on one of her three differently named Facebook profiles and tell her my side? Do I just... let it go?
Do I expose every last fucking lie my ex has ever told?
No. Because I don’t want to be like that.
But I can guarantee you this and I will die on this hill. Every last word in Shadow Haven was written by me. I never stole anyone’s ideas, nor did I ever ‘take’ any credit.
The credit belongs to me. Because I wrote it. I thought of it. I put down the very last sentence of Shadow Haven the day I wrote the first sentence and took many months to fill in everything in between. 
Now this girl mentions the book and not the fic, so I’m honestly kind of confused which one she means. Because if she is actually talking about the book, I can show every last fucking edit I made as I turned it into a book. I have the digital proof of every last chapter. Time stamped. Date stamped. I have the comments and suggestions of the editor provided to me by my publisher and every single change I made because of it. 
And you know? I did all those things way after I dated my ex. Because I was dating someone else at that time. Someone who lived with me. Someone who watched me day after day and night after night work on it. Someone who supported me and someone who earned the dedication I gave her at the time in the book.
So, to my ex, if you’re reading this. Please stop. Tell your friend the truth. If you wanted to hurt me, congratulations, you succeeded. 
But I will never let you take Shadow Haven from me. 
It is and always was, mine.
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monotonous-minutia · 4 years
had one of the best teacher moments today :)
About a month ago I made the mistake of telling my campers that I’d written a play based on Carre & Barbier’s Les contes d’Hoffmann (upon which the opera of the same title is based). They demanded to know all about it and, after I told them, said they wanted to perform it themselves. Given it’s about 100 pages and these are elementary schoolers, I told them we could adapt it for them to meet their needs. We wrote a version in about 11 pages, changing the names and stories to their preferences (it’s absolutely, wonderfully ridiculous, btw).
During the process of writing the script and rehearsing and making puppets (they decided it would be a puppet show) they asked me so many questions about it; they were so interested in where the original story and characters came from. Nerd that I am, I enjoyed telling them all about it.
Yesterday I told them that the opera based on the play was streaming and I was going to watch it; they were disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to see it themselves, so I told them I’d take pictures and show them the next day.
So I came in today and didn’t bring it up at first because I figured they’d forgotten about it, but almost as soon as they saw me they asked to see the pictures. So I showed them some of the screenshots I’d taken of last night’s, and when that wasn’t enough for them, I showed them some images from others I’ve watched. They continued asking questions upon questions about the characters they were playing and why some of the pictures of the same characters were different, so I told them about how opera works and what it means to have different productions of the same opera.
They still hadn’t had enough, so I pulled up some videos to show them.
Of course I had to show them the “trio des yeux,” so I found a video of the Met 2009 one and they got so into it. They asked about the type of singing, why it was different from what they were used to (one of them said it sounded like it would hurt). They asked about the performance and the subtitles and the costumes and the sets. It was awesome and tbh I felt like my heart was going to explode, because it was two of my most favorite things in the world: my kids and opera. And that indescribably joy of being the one to introduce a new form of art into their lives.
They kept asking for more, so I showed them Damrau’s Antonia and Giulietta, and Erin Morely’s Olympia. When they watched Olympia dancing around and falling over and getting wound up, they lost it. There was so much laughter that kids from across the room came over just to see what was up.
I had to leave after about five videos and they were so disappointed because they kept wanting to see more. This from kids who a few months ago had told me that opera is boring and annoying.
I loved it all so much because I was able to show them something they’d never seen before because I made it really relatable for them. They asked for specific scenes because they wanted to see what the characters they were playing looked and acted like. They wanted to see parts of the story that we’d written into the script and were curious about the ones that were left out.
I have no idea if they’re ever going to actually put on the show, but the entire process was just so cool--for them and for me--and I just can’t explain the joy I felt in those moments as I showed them the pictures and videos and answered their endless questions about one of my favorite forms of art.
Kids are the freaking best.
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miracloud · 5 years
always been with you
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han seungwoo x reader (ft. hypeman byungchan)
friends to lovers
fluff with slight angst
There he is again. Laughing in front of you while holding another woman’s hand. Of course, you laugh with them without knowing what was the joke. 
This has been the third woman he had introduced to you.
“y/n, this is h/n, my girlfriend. h/n, this is y/n, my bestfriend.”
He claimed that since you are his bestfriend, you have to approve of his girlfriend. Seriously, it is a ridiculuos idea to you. He’s introducing them as girlfriend already and that means you don’t have a say on it.
Seungwoo has been with you for years and at that time, you did not worry about other women. Soon, whenever you walked with him on the corridors of your school, you have noticed the stares coming from women.
You know that you have fallen for him long before but you did not rush in confessing. You have seen him as a charming goof ball and you thought, no one will fall for him.
After realizing those stares, you have observed Seungwoo secretly. He has a handsome face, a perfect physique, and a sweet smile. You mentally facepalmed. Of course, women will fall for him.
 After the date where you have participated as the third-wheel, you have received a message from him.
hey, how did you find her? she’s pretty and nice right?
* yup. she is. you have chosen well but you could have chosen me
i knew it. thanks for coming with us. good night ~
The next morning, you met with Byungchan, a friend you have met through Seungwoo. You arrived earlier than him and ordered breakfast first. While waiting for your order, he came in while jokingly stomping his feet. You laughed.
“That hyung got a new girlfriend, right? We were supposed to play this game but he ditched me ‘cause his new girlfriend doesn’t like shooting games. By the way, where were you yesterday?”
“I was with them and ate dinner. He needs an audience.”
“Argh~ how come he is so dense? I would support you being his girlfriend, you know? And you would definitely play online games with us.”
“Okay, quit rambling and order your food. I will not wait for you once mine will be served.”
He called the waitress and ordered. After a while, your order came and a few more minutes, his order also arrived. You have enjoyed the breakfast while sharing funny stories.
You later spent time to play online games with him so he can rambling about it. You are not the best player and he knew it but he simply wants a company.
 When you went back home, you have posted pictures from the cafe and his house on instagram. A few seconds passed and you have received a dm from Seungwoo.
you traitors!
hahaha. seem like you are busy so we went ahead and had some fun without you.
i will scold byungchan once i see him.
well, you should also get ready. he was rambling because you ditched him yesterday.
oh right. wait, h/n is here. talk to you later.
And there he goes again. Leaving you hanging.
You were walking along the corridors with Byungchan when you heard his voice. He went running to you after letting go of h/n’s hand. I hate it when he does that. It makes me feel more important. He placed his arm on your shoulders. You knew how it looks like to his girlfriend so you pushed his arm away and pulled Byungchan’s arm. Byungchan just shook his head. He knew what was on your mind so he just let you be.
At some point, you knew you were partly responsible for his previous breakups. Of course, you did not do anything outside of your boundaries but his previous two girlfriends had been looking at you with such despise whenever you meet them. You don’t want to happen it again.
Seungwoo was left standing there when his girlfriend also left him. It was the first of their many fights. When they have a misunderstanding, he would share it to your GC. Byungchan and you learned to ignore his messages later on. 
Their relationship did not last long, just like his previous relationships. Both you and Byungchan received a message from him one night. You visited him in his apartment and you were welcomed with the strong smell of alcohol. You looked at Byungchan. Here we go again~
He was a mess that night. There were no third parties. They realized their differences and decided to separate since there were no solutions.
Before the night ended, he promised that he will not jump to a relationship without fully knowing the person and you and Byungchan nodded.
Seungwoo exactly did that. It has already been a year and he is still single. Byungchan is definitely happy since his hyung is spending more time with him. That also applies to you. You finally feel like everything’s fine and normal again but ...there was this one time when he was staring at you for no reason. You asked him a couple of times that night if he wanted to say something but he just gently shook his head.
You didn’t mind it much since it only happened that night.
wanna hang out?
You looked at the notification on your phone. It’s from Seungwoo.
sure. byungchan has new games btw. i’ll tell him we’ll hang out in his house.
i only want to hang out with you.
You stared at your phone for some time. Is there something wrong?
is something wrong?
nothing. just come 
He opened the door the moment you knocked. It almost seem like he’s waiting for you by the door. He greeted you with a smile. He led you to the living room and you saw that it was set up for your usual movie night. Oh god. Why did he have to sound so serious when he just wanted to watch a movie?
You turned your feet to face him but he was too close, too close that you felt his breath. You immediately moved backwards.
“W-why are you so close? And you should have just told me that it’s movie night. I thought something happened to you.”
“Why? Are you worried?”, he replied with a smirk.
“O-obviously. I’m always worried”, you replied without looking at him. You sat at your usual spot and he followed and sat beside you.
He played the movie and you noticed that he was closer to you than usual. You scooted a little to your side.
“Why is Byungchan not invited?”, you asked not looking away from the screen.
“He’s on a date.” You looked at him immediately.
“What?! And I was not informed?!”
“I’m going to tease that guy once I see him”, you added.
“How about you? When will you start dating?”, he asked. You were taken aback. It’s the first time that he showed interest on your love life.
“Probably never”, you replied blandly.  He laughed. 
“Because I’m not looking at you?”
“Hah? W-w-where the hell did you get that confidence, Han Seungwoo?!”, you responded while internally wishing that you are not blushing.
He brought out his phone while seemingly looking for something. He stopped scrolling and momentarily smiled. He gently placed his phone on your hand. He placed his head on his hand and gestured you to look at the phone. You did.
You panicked upon seeing the screenshot. It’s a picture of your conversation with Byungchan.
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“T-that’s edited”, and you faked a laugh. You pushed the phone back to him and stood up. You grabbed your bag and walked away. Before you can get far, he held your wrist, turned you around, and gently placed his lips on yours. Everything moved slowly and all you can think about is the kiss. He looked at you for a moment and he find your shocked face cute. He smiled before kissing you again. This time, he moved and led you to do the same. You relaxed and brought your hands to his shoulders while he did the same to your lower end of your back. 
“When did you know?”, you asked.
“Hmm.. last month? Byungchan is getting impatient that nothing’s happening so he showed me that conversation.”
“Why did you not mention it to me earlier?”
“I don’t want to make the same mistake again. I don’t want to jump into a relationship with you if I’m not fully sure. And I don’t want that to be the cause of a broken friendship.”
“So I’m formally asking you if you want me to be your boyfriend?”, he asked. He confidently said it but you can see the nervousness in his eyes.
You giggled and gave him a nod.
He hugged you tightly.
“I’m so stupid for not looking at you earlier. This.. feels right with you”, he whispered. 
Later that night, you shared the news to Byungchan and both of you laughed with his reply.
a/n: this is my first story for produce x 101 trainees/ victon. expect to read more stories in the future :) hope you liked it.
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jupneko · 4 years
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The twins both separately from each other but simultaneously went for a night swim.
(Btw the person snorkeling with Carole is their old nanny who came to visit.)
[id: 5 screenshots at the ocean at night. In the first one, Carole and an older person (fairly thin, with light skin) snorkel in the ocean. The picture is taken from above, and below them is a large coral reef.
In the second pic, Carole and her nanny continue to snorkel near a buoy. The camera angle is nearly horizontal, showing an island with palm trees off to the right and a dark purplish-blue, cloudy sky.
The next screenshot shows Judith swimming in the water next to their house, zoomed out so Judith and her green plumbob look like a small speck in the expansive night. The main island curves out to show other buildings, palm trees, and a small pier to the right, and mountains are faintly visible in the background. Numerous stars show in the blue-black sky.
In the next one, Judith has now swum to the shore and is kneeling in the shallow water playing with a toy cat. Her face is scrunched up and her vivid imaginings show up as bright pictures floating around her (one of which is a pirate ship).
In the last, and fairly-zoomed-out picture, Carole stands on a small barrier island populated by palm trees and philodendron, and if you zoom in you can see she’s playing with a lump of clay she must’ve carried with her while swimming for some reason.]
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