#this season lowkey making me dislike him LMFAO
sugucidal · 1 year
i watched the latest episode of jjk s2 and i take back what i said about mappa doing a great job. you mean to tell me.... they'll animate a shot of tojis bussy from below... but not bother to color his eyes GREEN??? one of the many reasons why hes even fuckable in the first place? unbelievable.
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im bored and kinda high so heres my opinion on all the reboot characters
caleb - is a character
axel - im just as gay for her as the next guy but there's no way in hell she's final two next season lol but i wanna hold hands w her
nichelle- yass girl give us nothing 🥰
scary girl - idc idc she was funny asf but i am glad she went early bc if she stayed any longer i wouldve hated her lol
damien - one of the best things to come from the reboot and yall are doing him a huge disservice shipping him w priya 🥴 that shit is so boring but honestly? there might be something there somebody's gotta make me a believer tho. CONVINCE ME
mk - as a bitter, annoying, sarcastic individual myself i could not stand this bitch omg 💀 her character has a ton going for it but all they did w her is make every single one of her lines sarcastic n shit and i was BORED
raj - dumb gay man i love him
wayne - dumb ace man i love him
ripper - bro just wasnt funy. i dont get why they make characters who just pride themselves in being nasty n shit kind of a waste of development idk
zee - we can all agree that he was great but he gives me early boot vibes for next season bc like if we're demanding development for all the first season early boots then he's just gonna be there ig. dumb can only get you so far yknow?
chase - him and emma both are such wasted potential like BREAK THE HETEROS UP OMG their relationship dragged the second half down so bad like chase is just bad for the sake of being bad. like he wasn't even funny either just a waste of space by the time he was gone 😭
emma - first i'll say im glad we got a plus sized girl w some fucking athletic ability beCause THEY EXIST yay happy but anyway she was so funy until she got back with chase and that whole shit w him throwing that challenge for pizza was so DUMB like she honestly thought he did that shit for her 💀 like she was CONVINCED bro the straight delusion was insane
julia - she was the bad bitch we all needed and deserved but i cannot sit here and let you mfs say that she played the game well bc she absolutely DID NOT. girlie had no actual strategy other than winning and thas not even a strategy. even her trying to "manipulate" chase that one time sucked too lmao. bro her goal was to get everyone to hate her and win out of spite that shit is so dumb but it's so her so idc we love her anyway
millie - there were so many times where i lowkey forget she existed lmfao i don't even dislike her it was just "oh yea she here too lol" but i gotta say it kinda feels like they used her as a scapegoat to make writing her outta the finale easier idk maybe it's just me. but her crying after bowie clowned her ass when she was eliminated was the funnies bit in the entire show i was giggling n shit bc she honestly did that to herself lmao rip
priya - people compare her to zoey and sky way too much honestly (its me, im people) but when you look at it we have a mary sue that was infuriating to watch , the same girl but olympic flavored whos existence i have to be reminded of every two months, and priya. priya is perfectly fine and she was a nice winner even if i knew she was gonna win the second she was onscreen lolZ but when she read millie's notebook and absolutely demolished her ego i was living. like girlie ate her up w absolutely no crumbs left idc
bowie (the real winner) - i was fully prepared and ready to hate this twink istg. like i was in my homophobic era and ready the second his name was called but omg i love him sm. he was the queen i never knew i needed in my life. and to all the mfs who say his gayness is his entire personally have never met an fem black man and it shows 💀 idc what anyone says he's the best writer character in the entire show 🤭 as much as i love him i cannot let his fit slide. the pearls can stay bc those were a serve but the pants??? THE FUCKING PANTS??? THOSE FUCKING FLOOD WARNING HIGH WATERS.?? why would they do him like that omg. fits like that are why we get hate crimed 😔
ok im done good luck to anyone who actually reads this lmao
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Downton Abbey for the fandom ask ofc
yay thanks for the ask!! since you didn't specify which one i should do so i am going to cheat and do all of them because i desperately need serotonin these days
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with: matthew my beloved <3
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i liked henry well enough when he was first introduced but then he and mary got married and i was like wtf anyone but him so yeah, henry talbot
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: during my first watchthrough i was really into tom/sybil but now i'm just like meh they're okay
my ultimate favorite character™: MATTHEW RGHRJFDFHRG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
prettiest character: rose or lavinia 😭 they are both so beautiful
my most hated character: EDNA BRAITHWAITE
my NOTP: mary/anyone who isn't matthew </3
favorite episode: ahhh i'm torn between 1x02 and 3x01 for this one
favorite season: season 1 probably, but seasons 1-3 were all good
least favorite season: 4-6 lol...
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: uhhh can't really think of one ig
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: bates probably lmfao
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: molesley!!! give him character development aND A WIFE ALREADY
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: brary i guess?? it's not rlly nasty or sinful but the fact that they're in-laws kinda makes me eeehhh...
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: baxley, chelsie, and edith/bertie
Leave a Fandom in my Ask
Favourite Female: anna <3
Favourite Male: matthew ofc!
3 Other Favourite Characters: isobel, tom, and mary :)
3 OTPs: mary/matthew, anna/bates and robert/cora!
Notp: mary/tony and mary/henry smh
Funniest character: definitely violet, she invented sarcasm
Prettiest character: already said this above but rose or lavinia!
Most Annoying Character: sarah bunting
Most badass character: JOHN BATES WITHOUT A DOUBT
Character I’d like as my BFF: i'd get along best with tom or anna i think
Female Character I’d Marry: lavinia bc she deserved better and i refuse to break up the otps
Male Character I’d Marry: actually fuck the otps, matthew and i are getting married tomorrow <3
Character I hate/dislike/least like: edna braithwaite ughhhhh
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): matthew my beloved
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): since i can't say matthew twice i'm going with anna
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): lavinia <3
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): molesley ... gib him screen time...
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): r.... robert LMFAO
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): i would love to make matthew suffer in every possible way but since he is already my blorbo i'm going with tom
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): i think thomas would be very happy in superhell actually
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heathneycanon · 4 years
reasons why phobia factor fucking slaps
ok this lowkey just turned into me rambling abt phobia factor while i rewatched it. putting it under a read more bc it’s super long lmao
like, the entire first five minutes are the campers being friendly to each other?? and vulnerable, to a degree??? you know i love that shit
courtney and trent?? talk to each other?? like. okay they’re never in the same frame together unfortunately, but they do have like, two whole back and forth conversations.
also in that campfire scene at the beginning, cody and trent are sitting next to each other and there are some. good screencaps
“exSQUEEZE me?!” like cody. ur such a dork omfg
duncan vulnerability hours
lindsay asks what a standee is and trent explains it and doesn’t mock her/isn’t annoyed with her at all, in contrast to a lot of the other campers interacting with lindsay. i love them as friends SO much u all have no idea
harold’s little scene with the ninjas. i love him sm. why does he have nunchucks with him when he goes to the bathroom??
leshawna is afraid of spiders and she runs away screaming from. chef wearing a spider suit??? like i don’t love spiders but if a man i knew wearing a spider costume was calmly walking toward me i wouldn’t react the same way as i would to a real spider. anyway i think this is hilarious.
season one heather vulnerability hours.....
i mean, i really wish they’d actually shown her talking abt her fear at the campfire, rather than just having it told by gwen in the confessional, but i get why they did that. regardless that one scene right before the sumo wrestler charges at her where she’s literally shaking.... i want to give her a hug
side note i hope the sumo wrestler is okay he hit his head quite a few times
ok so. trent accidentally leaving gwen buried underground because he’s getting chased by a mime isn’t like. a sweet gwent moment. but it is one of their interactions that i remember most vividly from tdi lmfao
what is a cute gwent moment is trent like. kneeling next to her while chris is burying her. and the face he makes at chris when he jokes abt not digging her up..... i love them sm
also gwen sounds so fucking dramatic when they close the box she’s in like. “goodbye cruel world” gwen ur being buried for 5 minutes ur not dying sdfjlafskj i love her
duncan hyping dj up before he picks up the snake is so cute?? like he’s clapping for him and he’s got what i call “adorable duncan face” which is where his eyes are full circles and he’s smiling. i can remember him making this face at courtney, dj, and alejandro throughout the series and it’s just. ugh loving soft duncan hours
“ah! it blinked” “it means she likes you” sadie where are u getting this information
okay so i googled if this was true and the result i got was “snakes can’t blink” so first of all i have no clue where sadie pulled that fact from and i have even less of an idea of where chris got that fucking. blinking snake from. is that even a snake??
when dj picks up the snake and they all hype him up?????? i love the killer bass so much it’s unreal
more cute gwent moments... gwen and trent talking on the walkie talkies.. they’re so cute
when the mime pops up behind trent and he does that little scream.... it’s loving trent hours u guys
trent is so bothered by a mime literally just. being a mime. me too trent. me too.
duncan and the celine dion music store standee.... everything abt that scene
"DUDE SHE’S MADE OF CARDBOARD” tyler i love you
courtney genuinely saying that it’s okay if he can’t do it (when she was being harsh to dj about the snake earlier..... duncney is so good in tdi u guys)
and THAT is what gives duncan the encouragement he needs to go for it?? they’re so good.
his “okay, okay” right before going for it... duncan’s voice acting is so good in this episode omfg
“duncan, you’re awesome!” and the look of shock on his face at both the fact that he did it and that courtney’s hugging him...... have i mentioned i love duncney yet?? bc i do
i can’t believe i used to dislike duncney omfg
then when courtney realizes that she’s hugging him and steps back jafksdfjlsa she’s so cute
and then the rest of the bass come over and hype duncan up more like. i love how supportive they all are in this episode!!
trent is so excited when he finally gets the mime to leave him alone fakjldjfl like he didn’t have to ROAST the dude. but he did.
chris somehow owns a remote control hail cloud?
lindsay getting excited about the “baby cloud” and calling it over?? she’s so cute omfg
trent fucking. hates geoff. gwent has geoffphobia in tdi ig
when they dig up gwen and she throws the walkie talkie at his head but he doesn’t stop smiling..... your honor i love them
owen and izzy getting out of the plane and kissing the ground together..... adorable.
cody with a fucking. watermelon on his head and covered in trash scares bridgette out of the woods. that will never not be funny to me
the only bad thing abt this ep- tyler should have gotten the fucking point. he completed the challenge. i love courtney, but realistically, she should have gone home this ep and tyler should have stayed.
bridgette hyping tyler up...... im soft they should be friends
“quit being such a girl” courtney im sorry but the only reason you’re still in the game rn is because ezekiel made sexist comments in episode one. what are u saying lmfao
tyler and heather’s reactions to their fears rly make me think. bc like. most of the other campers have a more outward, loud reaction, maybe scream and run away. a couple are just a little wigged out. gwen gets a little snippy and is clearly super freaked out as well. but tyler and heather just. completely shut down. like, curled up in a ball, nonverbal, and shaking. makes u think.
why did cody need a calculator to figure out that the score was 7/3....... cody is canon lgbt+ bc he can’t do basic math without a calculator confirmed
also regardless of how little sense that made. at least that screencap gave us commie cody
when gwen starts trying to psych courtney out and heather like. gasps and looks shocked..... i like to think that heather feels a little bad for courtney here. heathney real.
duncan and bridgette hyping courtney up..... i love the killer bass so much omfg
courtney looks so sad when she walks away from the jelly.......
and then in the confessional right after?? she’s like. crying a little bit :( and she’s beating herself up abt it like..... :( courtney no
LITERALLY she’s like “how could i be so weak” “i deserve to go home” “you’re pathetic” (to herself) and then tells herself to show some confidence and then. she just starts crying again. and then slaps herself?? GOD I FUCKING LOVE COURTNEY SHE’S SO HARD ON HERSELF
owen just. hangin out in the tub of jelly. i love u, u wild dude. fuckin sit in that green jelly. loving owen hours
the little look that courtney and tyler give each other when they’re the last two without marshmallows..... half solidarity half “i don’t want to be the one going home”. i love them sm :(
i KNOW i said this earlier but. tyler should NOT have gone home this episode!!!!!! only bad thing abt this ep
all the fuckin chicken puns are a little bit funny tho
“he won’t be flying high tonight” bridgette chickens can’t fly
when courtney goes “okay, that’s enough” like. tyler’s not even there at this point but she’s defending him. maybe it’s because she still feels she should have gone home instead? maybe it’s because of that little bit of solidarity she felt for him when they were the final two without a marshmallow? maybe i’m reading too much into this? but idk. i think it’s sweet
okay no i have another complaint. what the fuck was the whole boat ride for tyler?? like when sadie gets eliminated the surprise she gets is that katie is on the boat. when tyler is on the boat, CRYING, after literally none of his teammates came to see him off, after he LITERALLY COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE BUT DIDN’T GET CREDIT FOR IT. the fucking. CHICKENS POP OUT?????? tyler deserved better
also some of the challenges were a lot easier, or at the very least, harder to fail than others this ep. i love it but come on. lindsay and sadie vs like. gwen vs owen and izzy vs dj. there were very different time limits, actual fright level, ability to back out once they were doing the challenge.... not a fair challenge
also uhm. if we’re being technical tyler and heather had the exact same reaction to their fears, so why did heather get a point and tyler didn’t? if the chicken had run at him, would he have won? smh
i do love this episode so much but. i had a couple complaints
okay finally lindsay’s little confessional to tyler where she blows him a kiss.... they’re so adorable lyler rights!!
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laufire · 3 years
the first character I ever fell in love with: Lola! She stole my heart in the pilot with this scene where she points out exactly WHY she and Mary aren’t in a position to be friends.
a character that I used to love/like, but now do not: hmm, I mostly went the other way around? I liked some developments more than others, but I never grew to DISLIKE anybody. I guess maybe Bash? He was never one of my faves, but at one point I found him interesting enough and then he was just... there lmao.
a ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: same as above tbh. I took basically all ships for what they were, one way or the other, so when things went South I took it at face value. IDK if I’m explaining myself right lmfao. But it didn’t matter to me what progression ships like Kennash, Frary, Monde, Catcisse, etc. etc. went through, I enjoyed the story.
my ultimate favourite character™: this is one of the hardest shows you could ever ask me this lmfao. During the course of the show I’ve had FIVE favourite characters, taking turns xDD. If I was forced to choose I’d guess I’d go with Catherine, whose ending pleases me more than the others and who was a joy to follow from beginning to end.
prettiest character: another complicated one xD. Have you seen the women in this show?? (the men had... nice personalities lmfao. Except Condé. Condé was pretty). Marie de Guise had swagger, Kenna was flat out gorgeous, Lola and Claude were adorbs, Catherine had IT... And ofc, Mary. I love love love her face. It can be argued I wouldn’t have liked her character so much if I hadn’t found her so pretty, given my track record with protagonists of her ilk xDD
my most hated character: idk what it says about me that it’s Castleroy. Fuck that guy.
my OTP: Catherine/Narcisse.
my NOTP: Castleroy/Greer.
favourite episode: have a list of candidates here, because there’s no way I’m picking just one.
saddest death: Francis, but more for Mary and Catherine than for him (I loved Francis, but I wanted them to get on with it tbh xD).
favourite season: season 2, which as I understand is one hell of a UO lmao. But I loved it! I still had all my three ladies in waiting, Catherine’s wacky storylines, all the Frary conflict, Greer as madam, my man Narcisse’s introduction... it was a fine season.
least favourite season: I guess s4? Partially is my disappointment with the finale, but it was kind of a mess, and some of the storylines irked me.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: Castleroy seemed to have his fans, and again: fuck that guy.
my ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: well, I guess Catherine and Narcisse both had moments like this... but Lord Darnley was great fun and he was the trashiest of them all. You gotta respect that.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Greer. Truly the most generous soul on the show, and her ending is made to be so unimportant ugh.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it’ ship: eh. I was here for the Henry ships, for Darnley/Mary... I guess those are the ones that get to wrongship levels.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship: Greer/James, Claude/Luc, Dudley/Elizabeth, any Greer/Lola/Kenna combo, Lola/Francis (she was so not into him lmfao)... all of these were enjoyable, one way or another.
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
do you have any controversial litg opinions???
I think I’ve voiced most of these... But lmao let me put them all in one place.
I don’t really like Bobby/particularly find him very funny. No shade to people who love Bobby of course- I can see the appeal of a goofy soft boy. My sense of humor is a lot more based in observation, wit, and self-deprecation, and I think his whole ‘LOL PRANKD’ thing is tiring. Plus I get Nice Guy (TM) vibes from him- his fixation on being with MC is a bit too much for me. 
I know all of the LIs that I adore most people hate- namely Noah, Marisol, and Carl. I just like them a lot, ok? Most of the reasons people dislike them is because of things like their routes being slowburns or that they’re not overly affectionate, which are two things I’m really into. Plus I just like their characters a lot. 
I think Lottie and Gary are super bad together- idk if this is controversial or not? They’re both really interesting characters, but they each need someone really different from the other. Gary needs someone nurturing who will push him out of his comfort zone but still be attentive/affectionate. He needs someone who will call him out on being a bad partner, but do it in a positive and constructive way instead of just blowing up or sulking like Lottie would. And Lottie... Well she should be with Hannah. But assuming they’re strictly platonic.... I have this whole fake LI made up in my head for her. If yall are interested I can ramble about him forever, but basically, Lottie needs someone who will call her on her shit and not let her get away with being selfish and vindictive. She needs someone who can match her energy and be half of a power couple. 
Ok I LOVE Henrik. Love our chronic good boy who drinks nothing but respect other people juice. We stan. But.... He’s kinda ugly. I’m a lesbian so take this with a grain of salt, but I’m able to look at Rahim and Noah and say “I can tell they’re attractive even if I’m not attracted to them”. But Henrik??? Something about his face- I think it’s in the brows or chin maybe- is... Hmph don’t like. Take Henrik’s personality and give it to Lucas then keep the long hair, now THAT’S an attractive man. I kinda think the same with Camilo and Tim- love the character, but they’re a little uggo. Which is fine!!! Ugly representation babey!!!
I really like Yasmin and Lily from S3. I know they’re generally unpopular lmfao, so I guess that’s controversial? I also think Hannah is hot- I’m a big nerd who is desperately trying not to be pretentious, so (like Marisol) I want to Fix Her With My Love. 
Of all the S2 characters that deserve #Justice, I think Rahim’s the one in most dire need. He’s such a good design and archetype, but they did him so dirty in the second half of the season (and if they hadn’t I think he’d be just as popular as Bobby). Everyone else’s routes make sense for their characters omitting some writing/coding errors, but Rahim never gets the arc and payoff he deserves. Instead he just lowkey bullies MC if they’re in a relationship, and if they’re not he just gets in way too deep with Jo without us really seeing that progression. 
I prefer a game with fewer LIs but more distinct paths for each of them. I think this is controversial because a lot of people want more options of LIs, but all the characters being generic and sharing dialogue bothers me way more than not being attracted to my favorite LI does. I’m totally willing to be endgame with a character whose design I don’t like, as long as their character development and story makes sense. 
I know a few sapphics in the fandom want Chelsea to be an LI, but I really feel like not only does she have Straight Energy (TM), but she also needs to be a platonic friend. They handled her writing SO well and I think making their relationship romantic lowkey ruins it.
I actually enjoyed the Jo/Shannon drama. Maybe it’s because I was on a Rahim route so I could headcanon being involved, but I do like the conflict premise there: Shannon’s trying to be strategic to stay in the villa, so even though the right thing to do would be to confront Rahim/work on their relationship she instead attacks Jo. Jo’s a really defensive personality and genuinely is interested in Rahim (unlike Shannon who saw him as the best man to take her to the end). Plus it makes sense that Rahim would disappear, because he’s so conflict-avoidant (I still wish we’d gotten a scene or two of him reacting to it! He’s been struggling all season and now TWO women are fighting over him?! How does he feel about that??) As much as I loathe Elisa for the gossip-sneezer thing, it shows a lot about her character too- she realized that she’d gossiped and it blew up so she loudly shifted blame to Chelsea. I love character-driven conflict, so I didn’t mind Jo/Shannon’s fight and our role in resolving it. 
Blake is the hottest girl. I love Marisol and Priya, but Blake is objectively the sexiest design in S2. Her clothing is Bad, though, like she’s tied with Jo for being the worst dressed girl in S2. If she were in the villa sooner, I’d 100% simp for Blake.
Those are all the ones I can think of off the bat, but I’ll definitely add to this as I find out more of my Thoughts are controversial.
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firelxdykatara · 5 years
He really did peak in terms of absolute shittiness in s4, and the show's inability to recognise it pisses me off so much. He treated her like shit for the entirety of s4; making her feel like a broken toy, teaming up with the man that once kidnapped and tried to drain Elena dry of all her blood and has made clear he has every intention of doing so again, forced Jeremy against his will, and against Elena's wishes, to activate his hunter gene, making lowkey rape comments at her expense (1/3)
while smirking and they STILL had the audacity to have Elena thank him for the way he treated her. Because apparently not leaving excuses him acting like a giant piece of shit. Oh, god, the fact that Stefan's PTSD got a whole episode for it but the show's attitude towards Elena was a "she'll get over it". Her ex literally tried to drive her off the place of her biggest trauma but apparently that wasn't worth addressing, other than for Stefan's manpain. (2/3)
Also, not to act like season 5 exists or anything because the writing was bullshit, but the fact that Stefan made Damon and Elena feel as guilty as possible about him spending the summer in that safe, even though they had no way of knowing, and yet Damon was tortured for 5 years and never once brought it up because he didn't want to make Stefan feel guilty... just says so much. TVD might not exist after s4, but the decision to kill Stefan off? Best decision they ever fucking made. (3/3)
Oh, yeah, the fact that Stefan (and Caroline!!!!! s4 was the season where I really started to dislike her, which was a pity because she’d been one of my favorite characters to that point) was 100% a-ok with turning Elena back into Klaus’ unwilling bloodbag if it meant making her human again is just.... so much fucking bullshit. All the pain and misery that being the doppelganger had brought into her life (literally EVERYTHING that happened in the first three seasons was because of her doppelganger blood) and he wanted to put her right back in the fucking crosshairs of the entire supernatural world????
But yeah, no, the writing for pretty much everything after s4 was bullshit. There are maybe a handful of scenes I’d want to keep (like ‘promise me this is forever’, which I hc happened during s4 timeline-wise anyway, and the ending scene of s5, which broke me a million ways from sunday and is the only reason i got back into the show; i was booboo the fool, thinking it was gonna get good again and then s6 was... that lmfao) but everything else I’d love to just launch into the sun.
Finally getting to watch Stefan die, for fucking good this time, was exceptionally satisfying (even if he got to go out like the Good Brother, all self-sacrificial -insert eyeroll here-), though frankly I wish he’d just stayed dead back in season 5. Or stayed in the lake forever, that would’ve been fine too.
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raviposting · 8 years
gonna ask the marvel fandom!!
@themadnerdwithahat asked: Marvel fandom
the first character i ever fell in love with: Hmm…if we’re going like, really early childhood days, Peter Parker. That’s my man right there. If we’re going by modern Marvel movies + tv shows to how the franchise is now, then probably Thor (despite how much I love Tony, I wouldn’t say I loved him in the first two movies, but rather just liked him). 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Hmm. I really don’t like Loki that much anymore tbh. I wouldn’t say I dislike or hate him, but I just don’t really care for him anymore? Maybe that’ll change by the time the next movie rolls around though lol 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I don’t think I ever really stopped shipping anything? I think if anything I don’t ship Clintasha as strongly as I used to.  jk I just remembered Skyeward was a thing lmfao 
my ultimate favorite character™:  PETER PARKER MY SON 
prettiest character: Daisy Johnson
my OTP: T’Challa/Me jk probably Fitzsimmons 
my NOTP: Jess*grave I will never understand shipping a character with her rapist
favorite episode: Imma take a pause on this question because I cannot pick out of all the Marvel shows lol 
saddest death: LINCOLN’S I WAS SO SAD 
favorite season: Hmm…Luke Cage season 1 was really good! 
least favorite season: Probably Agents of Shield season 1? But even then I still really enjoyed it. 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: This is really a toss up bc the Marvel fandom is definitely not uniform in their thoughts lolol but I guess sometimes with Kilgrave some people really love him and I just do not 
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: MATT MURDOCK 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Foggy Nelson or Malcolm Ducasse 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Mmm Stucky except I don’t love it I just casually ship it? 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship’: lol Stucky again or Karen/Matt 
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laufire · 4 years
Idhun Chronicles (show or book whatever you choose)
I’m going with the books because otherwise idk if I can answer, so prepare for THE VAGUEST OF SPOILERS lmfao.
the first character I ever fell in love with: Jack. IDK if it’d be like that if I started the books now, but I liked him a lot.
a character that I used to love/like, but now do not: n/a. Maybe if I finish my re-read I’ll have a better answer, sorry ^^U
a ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: n/a, same.
my ultimate favourite character™: Sheziss. My snake wife.
prettiest character: Kimara sounds GORGEOUS. RIP to Jack’s monogamus ass but I’m different etc.
my most hated character: *shrugs*. Like, there are some I dislike in the “ugh, hateful antagonist alert”, but. Eh.
my OTP: Lunnaris/Yandrak, I’m soft for that shit. Though my fave relationship is Jack & Sheziss by far.
my NOTP: n/a.
favourite episode: in the show, I liked the flashback one, with Lunnaris and Yandrak xD. In the books, I’m just graving Umadhun and going with that.
saddest death: [redacted] along [redacted], by the end of the second book.
favourite season: book 2 part 2 is where I live (and the reason this show needs at least four season PLEASE).
least favourite season: book 1 part 1 as it is the least interesting one in terms of worldbuilding, ig.
a character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: idek. I like the usual suspects lol. Hmm.
my ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: the Seventh. ILU genderfluid villanous god xD
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: n/a.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it’ ship: a part of me was into Jack/Sheziss just for the potential hilarity of it, sorry not sorry xDD
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship: Jack/Victoria/Kirtash could fall here, ig. Thematically I’m more interested than this ask would lead you to believe lol, but writing-wise I have ISSUES.
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