#this ships name is mabe
imshii-kin · 1 month
Psychic In Training ::
Chapter # 1 Tourist Trapped
Code, Chapter 1 (You are here)
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Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent. - Conan Doyle
»»————- 🪬 ————-««
'Ah... Summer break, the time for parents to ship their kids off to some negligent camp to terrorize some poor 20-year-old looking for some extra cash.'
'That is... unless you're with the Pines.'
You scream as the golf cart crashes through the billboard, roughly hitting the ground before speeding up again. Glancing backward, you could see the shadow of the creature chasing you, and it seemed to be getting closer.
"Dip!" You yell, "It's gaining on us!"
"I know! This thing won't go any faster, Y/N!" The boy in front of you shouts back.
"Uhh guys," The girl next to him peaks her head out of the cart, "It's getting closer!" She shouts panicked.
"We know!" You and the boy yell at the same time.
'My name is Y/n. The sweaty boy in front of me is Dipper, and the girl beside him about to puke is Mabel.'
'Now, you probably already know why we are fleeing from some imaginable horror in a golf cart. Well I'm going to tell you anyway, and I promise, it's for a completely illogical reason.'
»»————- 🪬 ————-««
Beep. Beep. Beep.
You groan, reaching over to silence the alarm. It's the first day of summer break, but your mother insists on the 7:00 AM wake-up call.
"Y/n! The Pines are here!"
You groan louder. Your mother found a loophole after promising not to send you to camp this year. Now you're left wondering what's worse: a summer at Camp Campbell or a summer with the Pines weird uncle.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you slip into a short-sleeve turtleneck sweater and a pair of shorts, moving as slowly as you can.
"Come on, Y/n! We don't have all day!"
Grabbing your backpack on the way, you rush downstairs, where you're met with Dipper's less-than-enthusiastic expression and Mabel's overly enthusiastic grin.
It can't be that bad, right? No crazy, out-of-control adventures.
With a resigned sigh, you follow the Pines out of the house, bracing yourself for whatever this summer has in store.
»»————- 🪬————-««
"I'm pretty sure this is breaking some kind of child labor law," you mumble as you restock the blue and white pine tree hats. Off to the side, Dipper is polishing a jar of eyeballs while Mabel stalks some random customer.
"Mabe," you call out, giving her a pointed look. "Stop creeping on that poor guy and help me with these hats." Mabel just blows a raspberry at you, her focus undeterred. You turn to Dipper with a shrug. "Well, I tried. Your turn."
Dipper sighs, rolling his eyes as he sprays the jar again. "Mabel, I get that you're in your 'Boy Crazy' phase," he says, stealing a glance at the list in the customer's hand, "but you're kind of overdoing it on the 'crazy' part."
Mabel blows another raspberry, this time at Dipper. "Come on, you two!" she exclaims, bouncing over to join you. "This is our first summer away from home!"
You raise an eyebrow. "Speak for yourself, Mabe. I've been going to summer camp since I was five. It's not all it's cracked up to be-just a bunch of rules and chores." You gesture to the hats you're organizing. "This is just a slightly more illegal version of that."
Mabel crosses her arms, a smug smile spreading across her face. "Mock all you want, but I've got a feeling this summer's going to be amazing. In fact," she points dramatically to the door, "I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walked through that door right now."
The three of you turn to see Grunkle Stan walking in.
"Ha!" you snort, pointing at Mabel. "Dreamy enough for you, Mabe?" You continue laughing as Mabel cringes in disgust.
Stan strolls over, eyeing the three of you. "Alright, I need someone to go hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest."
"Not it!" Mabel and Dipper shout simultaneously, making you groan.
"Uh, also not it," Soos chimes in.
"Nobody asked you, Soos," Stan deadpans.
"I know, and I'm comfortable with that," Soos replies cheerfully, taking a bite out of a chocolate bar.
Stan turns back to you and the twins. "Well, since one of you was slow, you're doing it." He dumps a stack of signs into your arms. "But you've got a habit of 'getting lost,' so you'll need a companion."
Scanning the room, Stan spots Wendy at the counter. "Wendy! Help Y/n with these signs!"
Without even looking up from her magazine, Wendy replies, "I would, but I... uh... can't... uh... reach them."
Stan mutters under his breath, "I'd fire all of you if I could," before turning to Dipper. "Alright then, let's make it eeny-meeny-miney..." He points at Dipper. "You."
"What?!" Dipper protests. "Grunkle Stan, I always feel like I'm being watched when I'm in those woods." He sneaks a glance at you, lowering his voice. "And Y/n gets weird in the forest."
You shoot Dipper a glare. "Hey! I can hear you, you know..." They ignore you.
Stan gives Dipper an unimpressed look, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ugh, not this again."
"I'm telling you, something weird is going on in this town. Just today, my mosquito bites spelled out 'beware.'" Dipper rolls up his sleeve to show Stan.
Stan squints at it. "That says 'bewarb.'"
You snicker. "Who knew mosquitoes were bad at spelling?"
Dipper lowers his arm, embarrassed, scratching at the bites. Stan shakes his head. "Look, kid, the whole 'monsters in the forest' thing is just a local legend made up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that." He nods toward a sweating, grinning customer clutching a handful of merchandise.
"And Y/n's just... a little special. Nothing weird about it." Stan shrugs. "So quit being paranoid."
You huff, handing some of the signs to Dipper. "For the record, I can still hear you."
»»————- 🪬————-««
Hanging up the signs quickly became boring. Dipper was hammering nails into the trees so that you could hang the signs, he was muttering something about Stan not believing him.
"Could you not?" You snap, "All you do is complain, it'd be nice if you'd talk about something more pleasant for once."
Dipper shot a sharp glare your way. "Like you're any better. All you do is make snide comments and dump your work on everyone else."
You gasp, feigning offense. "When have I ever?"
Dipper's expression turned flat, clearly unimpressed.
"Who shrunk my sweater!?" Mabel wailed, holding up the now tiny garment. "I told everyone this was special cotton! It needs delicate care!"
You glance up from your magazine. "Pretty sure Soos did it," you answer before returning to your reading.
Dipper stared at you before his eyes flicked to the chore list on the wall, your name plastered next to 'Laundry'.
"That was one time." You defend yourself.
"No! It wasn't! That was one of multiple times!" Dipper said exasperated, placing down another nail and hammering it.
Both of you freeze, staring at the tree. Dipper taps the hammer lightly against the trunk again, confirming the odd sound. Lowering the hammer, he examines the tree closer, running his hand over the bark until he finds a small crack.
With a glance at you, he pries open the "tree."
A mechanical box with two switches sat within a hidden compartment. Dipper tests one of the controls, nothing. He flips the other switch, and next to you, a hatch suddenly opens in the ground.
You exchange a wary look with Dipper before cautiously peering inside the hatch. There, nestled within the earth, lay an old, thick book. Dust covered it completely, cobwebs clung to its edges, and millipedes skittered across its surface. The cover bore a gold six-fingered handprint, with the number "3" written on its palm.
You slowly reach for the book in the hatch, somewhat hesitate as a bad feeling sinks into your stomach.
A sharp shock runs through your hand as your fingers graze the surface of the book. The air around you seems to hum with a sudden energy, and a burning sensation spreads across your palm.
Something was drawing you towards the book, something ancient and powerful as if it had been waiting for you. The sensation sharpens, and a rush of images and whispers, flood your conscience.
"-/n! Y/n!!" With a sudden tug, you're pulled away from the book. Dipper, who was now in front of you, was gripping tightly onto your shoulders, a look of genuine worry on his face.
"What was that?" he asks, searching your face for answers. When you don't respond, he turns and reaches into the hatch, carefully pulling out the book.
He places it on the ground and opens it, eyes scanning the pages.
"It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon." Dipper flips through the book, each page revealing bizarre creatures and terrifying monsters.
"What is all this?" Dipper whispers in awe. You lean over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of a page that reads "TRUST NO ONE!"
"My worst fears have been confirmed. I'm being watched. I must hide this book before it's found. Remember, In Gravity Falls, you can't trust anyone."
You and Dipper exchange a tense look, a silent pact forming between you both.
You yelp in surprise, falling backward.
Mabel was behind you, leaning over a rotten log. "What'cha reading, some nerdy thing?" she teased, trying to peek at what Dipper was hiding behind his back.
"Uh- uh- it's nothing!" Dipper stammers, shooting you a desperate look.
""Uh, uh, it's nothing!" What? Are you not gonna show me?" Mabel laughs.
Dipper looks at Mabel then the Journal then back at Mabel. "Let's... go somewhere more private."
Mabel raises an eyebrow but simply shrugs. She hops over the log and strides quickly toward you, extending a hand to help you up.
You offer her a grateful smile as you reach for her hand.
"What is that?!" Mabel exclaims, suddenly tightening her grip on your hand as she examines it closely. "When did you get a scar like this?"
Startled, you pull your hand back and stare at your palm, shocked to find a vertical eye seared into your skin.
»»————- 🪬————-««
"I can't find anything," Dipper mutters, flipping through the pages with a frustrated sigh. "There's nothing about a mysterious vertical eye appearing on someone's palm."
The three of you have ended up in the Mystery Shack's resting room. You're seated beside Mabel, while Dipper paces back and forth, rifling through the Journal's pages.
"But still, this thing is incredible!" Dipper exclaims, holding the Journal open for Mabel to see. "Grunkle Stan thinks I'm just being paranoid, but according to this book, Gravity Falls has a hidden dark side."
You lean forward, a frown tugging at your lips. "Dip, this could be dangerous. That book gives me the creeps." You wave your hand in front of Dipper's face. "And look at what it did to me!"
Dipper bats your hand away, his expression annoyed.
"Who's that? More tourists?" you ask, glancing toward the door. Mabel grins at you. "Well, it's time to spill the beans." She playfully pushes over an empty can of beans. "Boop. Beans." Mabel beams, clearly pleased with her joke before continuing, "This girl's got a date! Woot woot!"
You and Dipper exchange incredulous looks. "Wait," you begin, "In the half hour we were gone, you managed to get a date who didn't run away from your... let's say, intense enthusiasm?"
Mabel nods enthusiastically. "What can I say? I guess I'm just irresistible."
Dipper looks like he's about to say something, but you cut him off with a grin. "You know what? You go, girl."
The doorbell rings again, and Mabel jumps up, hurrying to answer it.
Dipper sighs, slipping into the seat Mabel just vacated. "I can't believe I was right," he says with a grin, flipping open the journal. "Do you mind trying to touch it again?"
You hesitate for a moment, then nod. "Alright, but if I get possessed, I'm blaming you." Dipper brushes off your comment and passes the journal to you.
You carefully take it from his hand, bracing yourself for anything.
But nothing happens. No surge of energy, no eerie whispers—the journal sits quietly in your hands, completely still.
"What'cha reading there, slick?" Grunkle Stan asked as he walked into the room.
"Oh!" Dipper yelped, quickly shoving the book behind his back and snatching up the nearest magazine. "Just catching up on..." He glanced at the cover in his hand, "Gold Chains for Old Men?" He read aloud, raising an eyebrow.
Stan leans over Dipper's shoulder and grins, "That's a good issue."
"Hey family~" Mabel calls out as she drags some homeless-looking guy with her, "Say hello to my new boyfriend!"
"Ugh- ew-" you blurted out at the sight of the pale, disheveled boy, but quickly stopped when Mabel gave you a look, "Sorry, it was involuntary."
"Sup." The boy says.
"Hey," Dipper responded awkwardly. Stan, still focused on the TV, didn't bother to look at the boy. "How's it hanging?"
You squinted at him, suspicious. "How old are you?" you asked.
The boy hesitated, stumbling over his words. "Uh- um- fifteen?" he answered, uncertain.
"...You're definitely lying-"
"We met at the cemetery!! He's really deep." Mabel quickly interrupts your line of questioning.
Dipper narrows his eyes, suspicion clear in his voice. "So, what's your name?" he asks.
The 'teen' straightens up, a bit tense. "Uh... Normal... MAN!" he blurts out.
A faint warmth begins to radiate from the center of your palm, just enough to make you curl your fingers slightly. Unbeknownst to you, a soft greenish-blue glow flickers beneath your skin.
"He means 'Norman,'" Mabel chimes in, leaning closer to him.
You take another look at Norman. "Right... and is that blood on your cheek, Normalman?" you ask, pointing to the red liquid dripping down his face.
"...It's jam," he replies, a little too quickly.
Mabel gasps, delighted. "I love jam!" She turns back to you and Dipper with a grin. "He's perfect!"
You shake your head. "Mabe, your standards... where are they?"
Norman turns to Mabel, "So, you wanna go hold hands or... whatever?" He asks, Mabel blushes shyly, "Oh, goodness!" she exclaims, casting a quick glance at you and Dipper. "Don't wait up for me!" she calls out, her voice light and excited as she hurries out the door with Norman.
As they disappear, the burning sensation in your palm begins to fade, replaced by a faint, lingering buzz. You lift your hand, studying the vertical eye with a puzzled expression.
»»————- 🪬————-««
"Of course Stan sticks me with the broom closet for a bedroom," you mutter, shuffling into the cramped space. As soon as you reach the bed, you collapse onto it with a weary sigh. Your gaze drifts to your hand, staring at the vertical eye on it.
"...What are you?"
"Y/n!!" You jolt, startled by the sudden noise.
"Mabel'sdatingazombieandshe'sgoingoutonadatewithhimrightnow!!!" Dipper's frantic voice spills through the door in one breathless rush.
You quickly get to your feet and swing the door open. "Woah, woah, slow down, Dip-" You grab his shoulders, worry knotting in your chest. "Explain that again, but slower."
Dipper takes a couple of shaky breaths, but his panic is still written all over his face. "Mabel's dating a zombie, and she's going on a date with him right now!" Without waiting for a response, Dipper turns and dashes off, pulling you along with him.
"Huh!? Wait- how do you know?" you manage to ask as you stumble after him.
"Earlier today, I was following him to gather evidence," Dipper confesses. "When I reviewed the footage, I saw him lose his hand and then reattach it!"
"I knew something was off about that weirdo..." You mutter, following Dipper out of the Mystery Shack. Stan was standing in front of a crowd, showcasing some kind of rock face, which made it virtually impossible to get his attention.
Scanning the area for an alternative, your eyes land on Wendy, casually sitting in a golf cart. "Dip! Look!" you exclaim, pointing toward her. Dipper's eyes widen before he grins at you. "Nice catch, Y/N!"
Rushing over, you quickly approach Wendy, "Wen, Just the gal I need, you don't mind if we steal that cart and possibly wreck it right?"
Wendy looks at you, then at Dipper, then back to you, and shrugs with a lazy grin, tossing you the keys. "Just try not to mow anyone down."
With a smirk, you hand the keys to Dipper. "Let's go save your sister."
You and Dipper jump into the cart, ready to back out of the lot when Soos suddenly appears, blocking your path.
"Dude, it's me, Soos," he says with a grin, handing Dipper a shovel. "This is for the zombies." He then turns to you, passing you a bat. "And this is just in case you come across a piñata."
"Uh... Thanks?"
»»————- 🪬————-««
"I am seriously regretting giving you those keys" You shout as Dipper drives through the forest like a madman.
"Don't worry Mabel" Dipper shouts loudly, "We'll save you from that zombie!!" He accelerates faster.
"Help!" A shout resonated from off in the distance. You and Dipper gasp,
Dipper makes a sharp turn off the road, driving through the forest trying to follow the sound of Mabel's voice.
Soon, you both approach some kind of cave, and inside you can see Mabel surrounded by... gnomes?
Dipper slows down, parking once he's in the cave. "What the..." He mutters, "What the heck is going on here!?" he shouts, both confused and extremely underwhelmed.
A gnome runs up to you and hisses, prompting you to kick it.
"Dipper! N/n! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes!" Mabel shouts as she bats away the gnomes crowding her, "And they're total jerks!" One particularly persistent gnome latches onto her hair, making Mable gasp in pain, "Hair- hair- hair-!"
Dipper stares at the chaos, shaking his head in disbelief. "Gnomes... huh, I was way off."
A faint warmth begins to emanate from your palm, similar to before. Glancing down, you gasp seeing the vertical eye glowing with a soft greenish-blue light.
"Hey! Let go of my sister!" Dipper yelled at the brown-haired gnome.
The brown haired gnome spins around, offering Dipper a sheepish grin. "Oh! Uh, hey there," he stammers with a nervous chuckle. "This is just a big misunderstanding, really. Your sister's perfectly safe. She's just, you know, marrying all thousand of us to become our gnome queen for eternity!" He turns back to Mabel with a smirk. "Right, sweetheart?"
Mabel, now tied down, glares daggers at the gnomes. "You guys are butt-faces!" she yelled before one of them hastily muffled her.
You step up beside Dipper, and kneel down to the gnome's height, trying to ignore the faint warmth spreading in your palm. "Listen here, Normal-man," you mock, voice steady, "if you and your creepy little friends don't let Mabel go, I'm going to recreate that gnome scene from the 2015 Goosebumps movie." You give your bat a subtle lift, just enough to make your point clear.
The gnome glares at you. "You think you can stop us? You have no idea what we're capable of. The gnomes are a powerful race! Do not trifle with the-"
You nudge him off the rock with your bat.
Dipper wastes no time, stepping forward to cut the string holding Mabel down with his shovel. Mabel flashes him a grateful smile before kicking the gnomes away and rushing toward the golf cart.
Dipper grabs your hand, pulling you along. For a brief moment, he hesitates, noticing the glow in your palm. You can almost hear the questions forming in his mind, but the urgency of the situation forces him to push them aside.
Once in the cart, Dipper quickly starts it up and speeds away. Faintly, you hear Jeff yelling behind you.
As the three of you exit the cave, Dipper eases up on the speed, his tension fading.
"Hurry, before they come after us!" Mabel urges, prompting Dipper to chuckle. "I wouldn't worry. Did you see their legs? Those suckers are tiny!"
You frown. "I'm with Mabe on this one, Dip. That was way too easy."
Dipper rolls his eyes. "And you called me paranoid-"
"...I blame Dip. He jinxed us."
A giant gnome monster, made up of smaller gnomes, looms behind the golf cart, chasing you.
"Move, move!" Mabel shouts at Dipper. He stumbles but quickly picks up speed. Glancing back, you see the creature's shadow growing larger.
"Dip!" you yell. "It's gaining on us!"
"I know! This thing won't go any faster, Y/N!" Dipper shouts back.
"Uhh, guys," Mabel says, peeking her head out of the cart. "It's getting closer!" Her voice is panicked.
"We know!" you and Dipper yell in unison.
The monster swings its massive arms, hurling small gnomes through the air toward your cart. Two gnomes land beside you, and out of reflex, you smack the one on your left, knocking it out cold.
The gnome on your right hisses, ready to pounce, but you swiftly grab the unconscious gnome and toss it at the other, sending both tumbling out of the cart.
Another gnome crashes onto the hood and springs at Dipper, latching onto his face with a tight grip.
You lunge forward, reaching over the seat to help the boy. The moment your hand touches the gnome, a greenish-blue light flares from your palm. The gnome yelps in pain, releasing Dipper and snatching his hat away in the process.
Mabel gasps, turning to you with a bright smile. "How'd you do that?" she asks. You stare at your hand, bewildered. "I... I don't know..."
Before either Mabel or Dipper can ask more, a tree crashes down in front of the cart. "Watch out!" you shout as Dipper swerves to avoid it. He manages to steer clear, but the sharp turn tips the cart over, sending all of you tumbling.
Groaning, you crawl out of the wrecked vehicle. "Called... it..." you mumble, slowly getting to your feet.
The ground trembles as the giant gnome monster approaches, each of its thundering steps echoing through the forest.
"Stay back, man!" Dipper shouts, grabbing a shovel and hurling it at the monster. The creature swats it away effortlessly.
The twins cling to each other in terror. You step in front of them, instinctively trying to shield them from the looming threat.
With every step the monster takes, you and the twins retreat, until you're backed against a wall.
"It's the end of the line, kids!" Jeff yells from atop the monster. "Mabel, marry us before we do something crazy!"
"Shoot..." you mutter, glancing at Mabel. "There's gotta be a way out of this..."
Mabel's gaze locks onto the monster as she carefully considers her next move. Slowly, she steps past you and Dipper, her expression firm. "I gotta do it," she says, her voice steady.
"Mabel, don't!" Dipper grabs her arm, fear evident in his eyes. "Are you crazy!?"
She doesn't waver. "Trust me," she whispers.
Dipper hesitates, about to protest, but you place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Dip," you murmur. "Trust her, just this once."
After a tense moment, Dipper sighs in frustration, then steps back.
Mabel offers you a grateful smile before turning to face the monster. "All right, Jeff. I'll marry you."
"Hot dog!" Jeff cheers, scrambling down the monster's side. "Help me down there, Jason! Thanks, Andy! Left foot, there we go... watch those fingers, Mike."
Jeff approaches Mabel, holding out a diamond ring with a smug grin. "Ehh? Ehh?" he says, gesturing to the jewels. Mabel kneels down, letting him slip the ring onto her finger.
"Bada-bing, bada-bam!" Jeff dances with glee. "Now that's how you get a wife! Let's head back to the forest, honey!"
Mabel admires the ring. "You may now kiss the bride," she declares.
Jeff smirks, leaning in for the kiss. "Well, don't mind if I do."
As Jeff moves closer, Mabel leans back and flicks on the leaf blower behind her, aiming it straight at him. The suction pulls him in with a whoosh.
"That's for lying to me!" Mabel shouts, cranking up the power. "And this is for breaking my heart!"
Jeff flails helplessly, yelping in pain.
You and Dipper approach, both thoroughly impressed by her quick thinking. Mabel glances over her shoulder, a sly smile forming on her lips. "And this... is for messing with my brother and my best friend."
She lifts the leaf blower and points it at the monster. "Want to do the honors, Dipper?"
Dipper grins widely. "On three."
"One, two, three!"
They launch Jeff out of the leaf blower, sending him crashing into the giant monster, scattering it in pieces.
With their leader gone, the gnomes scramble in confusion. You grab a rake leaning against the Shack and start herding the gnomes back into the forest.
Once you were sure they were all gone, you turned back and started heading in towards the Shack, Mabel had gone inside after talking with Dipper, leaving just the two of you.
"Oh- Um, Y/n!" " Dipper called out just before you reached the door, making you turn to face him. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just wanted to, uh, clear the air?"
He hesitated, glancing at you to gauge your reaction. "Since we've been stuck here, it kinda felt like we were at odds," he admitted. "But with everything that's happened - the journal and all - I figured we should..." His voice trailed off.
"But especially after today," his tone grew firmer, "you helped me when you didn't have to. If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would've been able to get to Mabel..."
You smiled. "I get it, Dip, no need to get all mushy." He flushed, groaning a little in embarrassment. "But, honestly, you proved me wrong. You're a lot braver than you give yourself credit for."
Dipper stared at you for a moment, then smiled. "Thanks, Y/n. That... means a lot."
A comfortable silence settled between you just as Mabel popped back outside. "Come on, guys! Grunkle Stan has a present for us!"
»»————- 🪬————-««
You admire your new ring, a simple silver band etched with intricate Celtic designs. Inside, the name 𝕌ℝ𝕎𝕍𝕆ℝℍ is engraved, the letters catching the light as you turn it between your fingers.
A knock on the door pulls your attention from the ring. Shuffling around the tight space, you make it to the door and carefully open it.
"Dipper?" you ask, seeing the boy.
He nods, clutching the journal under one arm, a pen in his other hand. "Yeah, I wanted to talk about your... strange mark." You step aside, allowing him to enter, and the two of you settle on the bed.
"This started when you touched the journal?" Dipper asks, glancing at your hand. "Can you feel anything from the mark?"
You nod slowly. "Yeah, there's this constant faint buzzing sensation, and sometimes it gets really warm." Dipper jots something down in the journal, his brow furrowed.
"And do you know what triggers the warmth?"
You pause, thinking back. "It happened when Normalman first appeared - my palm started aching. And then again when we were near the gnomes."
Dipper murmurs to himself, deep in thought. "But why now? Was it the journal that set it off? Could you be some kind of psychic?" He clicks his pen repeatedly, lost in thought.
"Maybe... you have a knack for sensing the supernatural," he suggests, his voice trailing off.
You glance out the window, noticing the sun had long set, "Let's discuss this more tomorrow ok?" You suggest, "It's been a long day Dip, you should get some sleep."
Dipper frowns, trying to protest. "But-"
Before he can finish, you start nudging him toward the door. "Nope, not until I get my beauty rest," you say with a playful grin.
Despite his reluctance, you manage to push him out of the room and shut the door behind him.
"He worries too much," you mutter with a smile. With a yawn and a stretch, you make your way to your bed, sinking into the comforting embrace of the covers. As your eyes grow heavy, you're unaware of the soft glow beginning to emanate from your palm.
. . .
When you open your eyes, you find yourself standing in an empty field. The sky is a strange, burnt-orange hue, and to your surprise, you spot not one, but two suns hanging low on the horizon.
"Where... where am I?" you murmur, spinning around to take in your surroundings. Far off in the distance, you notice a figure, their entire body obscured by layers of clothing.
With nothing else to guide you, you approach the figure cautiously. "Hello?" you call out, the sound of your voice echoing slightly in the eerie stillness.
The figure jolts, turning abruptly to face you. A scarf and goggles hide their expression, but their posture is tense. "You!" he shouts, his voice sharp. "How did you get here? Who are you?"
You hesitate, glancing around once more before offering a helpless shrug. "I don't know. I just went to bed and woke up here."
He studies you closely, his gaze unnerving. After a moment, he reaches out toward you, his hand passing through your form. You blink in surprise.
"Fascinating," he mutters to himself, stepping back to examine you more. "Somehow, through your dreams, you've crossed into this place."
A strange sensation begins to ripple through you, like a tug from deep within. The man's eyes widen in alarm. "You're waking up," he whispers, almost in awe.
You glance down at yourself, watching in disbelief as your body starts to fade, the colors draining like watercolors bleeding into the paper.
"Wait!" the man calls out, suddenly frantic. "There's so much more I need to-"
But before he can finish, everything blurs, and the dream collapses in on itself.
. . .
Your eyes snap open, the soft light of morning filtering through your window. The room is still, the quiet only broken by your racing heartbeat. You lift your hand, the glow slowly fading once more.
You exhale deeply, trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease, wondering what it all could mean.
A/N: Wooo Gravity fall's fandom is making a comeback!! This is an old - old rewrite of a fanfic I made on google docs as a kid. Now that I can write, I figured why not revise the old thing?
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aegon-targaryen · 1 year
Zelink Week Day 5 - By a Thread
read on AO3 | read on FF.net | @zelinkcommunity
The violent crash of thunder shakes Zelda from a dream. Only a moment ago she was standing on the rolling deck of a pirate ship, cutlass in hand, a fearless girl astride the raging sea.
How cruel it is to imagine power and wake up with none. She slips out of bed to lean her forehead against the cold windowpane, watching rain ripple down the glass, until she hears something else: the creak of the drawbridge.
Earlier tonight, a young farmer boy stumbled into Castle Town on a half-dead horse to tell a gruesome story: monsters were pillaging Mabe Village, a small settlement just to the south. The king deployed a company of the royal guard minutes later, and the brilliant sight of Link’s blue tunic among them came as no surprise.
Zelda went to sleep terrified—not for her knight, not really, for she’s never seen him face a foe that even stands a chance. But monsters attacking in such great numbers, so close to the castle, can only mean one thing: she is running out of time to do what she was born to do.
The company must be back if the drawbridge is lowering this late at night. Let him be safe, Goddess, Zelda pleads, let them all have come home safe. But she reaches for her boots and cloak anyway, because prayer is as fruitless as ever; she has to see for herself.
She plunges down her tower’s pitch-black staircase before she can consider what her father would say. The storm swallows the familiar shapes of the castle and spits out a frightening, featureless place of imposing shadows. She’s half-blind and soaked to the bone by the time she reaches the ground, thinking, If I had my power, I could navigate any darkness. If I had my power, nothing would ever touch me.
Zelda finds herself running the rest of the way to the first gatehouse.
By the time she ducks breathlessly into the orange light, the guards are arriving through the opposite entrance, trudging in with heads bowed and exhausted horses trailing behind. Zelda sees a man with his arm in a makeshift sling, another getting sick against the wall, a third half-carried by a companion who’s staggering as much as he is.
“Move, girl,” growls an irritated voice from behind, and she scrambles out of the doorway to admit a cluster of bedraggled nurses clad in white. No one is expecting the princess to be here, and no one has time for a cloaked teenager shaking in her nightdress, not when the room has devolved into a loud flurry of stretchers and bandages and bloody wounds.
This is only the beginning, Zelda thinks, and only the cold stone wall at her back keeps her upright.
As the drawbridge squeals shut, he is the last to ride in. A dark hood shields his face from the rain, but she’d never miss the blue tunic she stitched with her own hands, even though it’s smeared with crimson. A nurse shoots to her feet, but a guard catches her arm, and Zelda is close enough to hear him mutter in her ear, “No way that’s his blood. Nothing ever touches him. Focus on those who need you.”
The crowd parts for Link and his drenched horse. Whispers and sidelong glances trail behind him. He doesn’t notice Zelda when he passes her, because under the hood his chin is raised and his eyes are nowhere at all. She has watched people give him their awe, their hope, their envy—has felt all those things herself—but what slithers through the gatehouse now feels more like fear.
He halts his mare at the far wall and slides from the saddle stiffly. The ground feels unsteady beneath Zelda’s feet, but she’s hurrying towards him anyway, unable to believe that in this entire room of people, she is the only one worried for him.
When she says his name, one end of Epona’s girth jerks from his hand, swinging wildly towards the floor as he whirls. Link’s gaze travels up and down Zelda’s body, like he can’t believe what he’s seeing.
“You’re covered in blood,” she blurts out.
He doesn’t spare a glance for his tunic, just stares back at her with an expression she cannot read, as smooth and blank as the screen of the Sheikah Slate. I thought we were past this, she thinks plaintively.
“Link,” she says instead, “Are you all right?”
They stand there in the chaos of the gatehouse, waiting helplessly for words he doesn’t have, until he breaks away to circle Epona. Zelda swallows down a jagged stone of grief, trying to decide whether to follow or flee, when another guard approaches him.
“Everyone’s accounted for,” the stranger says. “I…that was masterfully done, Link.”
Interesting, Zelda thinks. Most people only call him hero or swordsman or appointed knight of the Princess.
“I know it wasn’t easy,” the other guard continues gruffly. “But—Link? Won’t you say something?”
The ensuing silence brings Zelda around to Epona’s other side. The older man, whose uniform marks him as the company’s knighted lieutenant, snaps to attention instantly. “Princess,” he greets. “I hope my son has done well as your bodyguard.”
She has gotten Link to talk about food, horses, swordplay—all in tiny and manageable increments. But if she asks about his family it’s only fair to discuss hers in return, and that is something she feels wholly unprepared to do with the boy whose eyes seem to travel straight to her soul every time he looks at her.  
Still, this is a surprise. Surely Zelda’s own father would have mentioned it when he appointed Link, if he knew. There is a resemblance in the two men’s wheat-colored hair, but where the lieutenant is broad and rugged, Link has a slight figure, and those long-lashed blue eyes, and such delicate features that one could even call him ­­­­pretty.
Pretty? she repeats to herself incredulously. Where did that come from? Focus, Zelda! “Yes,” she confirms aloud, regaining her composure. “He saved my life, you know.”
“And saved many more today,” the lieutenant replies. His subordinates, many of whom are goggling at the scene, jump to make themselves look useful at his sharp glare. “Please know that to be true, Princess, whatever else you might hear.”
The words are directed more at Link, who’s ignoring them both to unbuckle the other end of Epona’s girth, using one hand for a task better suited for two. Feeling oddly protective, Zelda watches the lieutenant’s frown carefully—and then he steps closer all at once, lifting the folds of Link’s cloak to reveal the half-broken arrow buried between his collarbone and shoulder.
Zelda’s stomach plummets to the bottom of Tangar Canyon.
“When—” the lieutenant chokes out.
Link, glassy-eyed, blinks up at his father twice before stepping back. Someone across the gatehouse calls for the lieutenant; he half-turns towards the voice, torn between his battered forces and his bleeding son.
And Zelda sees everything in that moment. She sees that Link is hanging on by a thread in more ways than one. She sees his father’s terror. She sees all the world’s whispers wedged between them—favoritism, distraction, the weakness that stems from love—because her own father has allowed those same forces to push them both into a barren place.
“I’ll take care of him,” she offers quietly.
The lieutenant’s shoulders drop in shame, or relief, or both. “Thank you, Princess,” he murmurs. Touching Link’s uninjured shoulder briefly, onlookers be damned, he adds with surprising kindness, “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Can you make it to the infirmary?” Zelda asks Link as his father walks away.
He nods at her, upright and unfaltering. She hands Epona off to a stablehand and leads Link into the downpour. The night shrouds them both, but she can feel him following her as doggedly as ever, and something about it breaks her heart a little.
Inside the infirmary, Zelda gets them behind a privacy screen, where a stern-faced surgeon takes one glance at Link and begins lining up a row of intimidating tools on the side table. Only when the surgeon begins cutting the Champion’s tunic away from Link’s wound, sending Zelda’s handiwork to the floor in wet pieces, does he press his lips together in the first sign of alarm.
“I can make another,” she promises.
The surgeon hands Link an elixir, and he closes a white-knuckled grip around it without drinking. Stripped of his layers, he’s pale and lean and scarred, and Zelda can’t look at the arrow jutting out of him, can’t look anywhere but his eyes, which have fixed on her like the shivering flame of a candle. She’s struck all at once by how small he looks, how human.
Does anyone actually see him that way? Maybe his father and Mipha and Daruk, but no one in that gatehouse did. And Zelda didn’t recognize it herself until that moment in the desert last month—not when he put himself between her and that Yiga without a thought for his own life, but after, when he turned around to ask if she was all right, even as his hand trembled on the bloodstained sword.
The moment breaks when the surgeon faces her. “Princess, I hate to ask, but we’re stretched so thin. Can you hold him down?”
“Yes,” she says in a small voice. “Whatever you need.”
“There are cloths over there—give him one so he doesn’t bite his tongue when he screams.”
Reading the refusal in Link’s face, Zelda says, “He won’t scream.” The surgeon chortles out a disbelieving laugh—one of exhausted stress, not malice—but Zelda silences her with a glare anyway.
The rest is unspeakable. Zelda doesn’t watch, and Link doesn’t scream. He only turns to rigid ice under her hands and holds himself that way for long, suffocating minutes, eyes squeezed shut, until the surgeon’s tool grabs hold of the arrowhead.
He faints the moment she starts to draw it out. For five seconds Zelda feels herself paralyzed in the freezing water of the sacred springs, hopeless and unmoving, until the world returns in vivid violence: Link is awake and confused, twisting instinctively away from the source of pain.
Her arms tremble with the strain of keeping him still. Even now, he’s strong enough to break her hold if he panics badly enough to try. She’s never imagined her levelheaded knight capable of panic, but the way his chest shudders with jagged gasps—so quiet and so horrible—frightens her beyond belief.
Zelda remembers their trip to Eldin last week: a small army of dead monsters at Link’s feet, a long red scratch on his arm, another on his forehead. He only noticed them when Zelda did. He indulged her concern without expressing any of his own.
She’s long past thinking that arrogance fuels his silence, but she can’t understand why he hid the arrow, why he didn’t ask for help. He even recoiled from his father, there in the gatehouse with the watchful eyes and fearful murmurs of their comrades. Nothing ever touches him, one of the guards said scornfully, and not so long ago, Zelda would have agreed.
But the proof of her ignorance is everywhere, no matter that Link has locked his face up tight as a vault. He’s all over blood and scars. He’s so cold, she can feel it under her palms, just like she can feel the frantic hammering of his heart as the surgeon continues her grisly work. And his gasps are getting faster and thinner, nearing hyperventilation; maybe it’s better than screaming, but it’s still the worst thing Zelda has ever heard.
“Link,” she says helplessly. “Please breathe. I’m sorry it hurts, but try to breathe.”
His hand scrabbles for purchase along the edge of the cot. Taking a risk, she shifts to catch it in her own, and he turns his bone-white face towards her slightly.
“You’re going to be just fine,” she manages through her aching throat.
Gripping her fingers tightly, Link drags in his first full breath and opens his eyes to find her. Zelda sinks to her knees beside the cot. The world falls away. Everything is right here: his small, calloused hand, his heartbeat, his gaze telling her everything he can’t say.
She stays long after he falls asleep. Despite the moans of the other wounded and the reek of blood, something inside her settles to the steady sound of Link’s breathing.
Maybe she sleeps, maybe not; either way, some indeterminable time passes before she raises her head at the lieutenant’s footsteps. He pulls off his helmet to reveal a shaggy, tired face and sits down on the other side of the cot, watching Link’s chest rise and fall.
“The surgeon expects him to make a full recovery,” Zelda assures him. “Will you tell me what happened?”
“The monsters baited us into a trap,” the lieutenant says wearily. “Most of the villagers were dead by the time we arrived.”
Zelda presses a hand to her mouth at the image of enemies flooding Mabe Village’s single tiny avenue, boxing the guards in, raining arrows down from above. If the monsters have grown this intelligent—she can practically feel the fangs of their master closing around her.
“I had us behind a shield wall, waiting them out,” the lieutenant continues in a hollow voice. “Link disobeyed orders and broke through the monsters’ line. Turned the entire tide by himself.”
That’s a good way to describe it. Zelda has seen the force of nature Link becomes with the Master Sword in hand. She imagines how he must have looked—fierce and blood-soaked and silent, parting the world before him—and almost doesn’t blame the other guards for their fear. Then he curls in on himself, making a small sound of pain in his sleep, and she thinks furiously, Almost.
His father clutches the helmet between his broad hands and says, “Princess, may I speak freely?”
“We’re both too tired for anything else,” Zelda replies, trying to make her tone far lighter than she feels.
The lieutenant’s smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m only here filling a vacancy for the month,” he says slowly, watching Link’s sleeping face. “Then I return to my permanent station at Akkala Citadel. Princess, did you know they deploy him on every out-of-town mission, even if he’s just been on guard duty for eight hours or returned from traveling with you?”
“No.” Her voice sounds weak to her ears. “I—why would they do that? We’ve no shortage of guards.”
“Because if he’s there, no one dies. No one gets hurt either, unless it’s as bad as tonight.” The lieutenant shakes his head at her horrified expression. “It’s not you, Princess. It’s this castle—these people—that godsforsaken sword. I think you know of what I speak better than anyone, and tonight proves that I’ve failed to protect Link from it.”
She realizes what’s in front of her: a father who regrets his shortcomings. A father willing to breach protocol for his son’s sake. Maybe he fails sometimes, but at least he tries. “It was chaos,” Zelda points out. “You had twenty people to command.”
“Only one of whom was my son. And I let him—” the lieutenant stops, shaking his head. “Apologies, Princess. You’re only being kind. He said you were.”
“Link said that?” she splutters. “But I was awful to him. For months.”
“I think he’d disagree,” the lieutenant says sadly. “When I can get him to talk, Princess, it’s mostly about you.”
Zelda’s breath catches in her throat. Link following five paces behind, listening diligently, accepting her ire like rain rolling down stone. Link unflinching before the Yiga, the Master Sword bright and red, every line of his body honed into a threat.
“Yes,” she answers his father’s unspoken question. “I’ll be here for him. As he has been for me.”
Link wakes to pain, morning sunlight, and a nurse changing his bandage. She’s gentle and efficient and it still takes everything he has not to pull away. He searches the room, finding the Master Sword leaning against his cot and his father asleep in a chair, stripped of his armor but still wearing his muddy uniform.
The nurse sweeps away, leaving an elixir behind on the nightstand, and Link closes his aching eyes when his father starts to stir. Three minutes pass before a cork pops and he says, “You’re a bit old to be faking sleep. Drink the elixir.”
Link opens his eyes. The contents of the bottle are crimson and thick. His stomach churns: the rain, the screams, the sword carving through flesh.
“The princess was going to stay. She only relented when I told her you’d want her to rest.”
That’s exactly what Link would want. Zelda doesn’t get enough sleep. He hears her tossing and turning when he guards her door on the nights they spend at inns or garrisons on the road. She cried once too, on their way to Gerudo Town, while he stood uselessly outside.
Wait: the princess. Her green eyes holding him fast. Her long golden hair spilling around her face. Her—her hands on his bare skin. Link’s face floods with heat.
Things have been so good between them, better than good, ever since she gave him the apology he never needed. Zelda wants him to talk to her, and she’s so patient and interested that he actually can most of the time, and when he makes her laugh he feels as strong as people claim he is. He feels like he could vanquish the Calamity here and now.
But now she’s seen the truth. She’s seen her appointed knight bleeding and whimpering like a pathetic child, and in one fell swoop, Link has knocked over everything they were building. She’ll never lean on someone who can’t even hold himself together.
“Oh,” his father remembers. “She asked to be notified when you woke up. I’ll have someone—”
“No!” Link’s voice cracks horribly with disuse. He covers his mouth.
His father’s brows snap down over his tired eyes, and he draws Link’s hand away and presses the bottle of elixir into it. “Drink,” he orders, not letting go until Link closes his fingers around the cool glass and sits up to obey.
“Now lie back down and listen,” his father says firmly. “Milo told me how you came back and took an arrow meant for him. I would give anything for that bastard—that fucking bastard who I’ve seen jeering behind your back—to be in this bed instead of you. But he’s not, because you’re a better person than him or me. If you believe for a second that your princess isn’t sharp enough to see the truth, then you’re doing her a disservice. Understand?”
Link nods meekly.
“Good. Hylia knows I haven’t given you the life you deserve, but I won’t let you deny yourself a friend who needs you as much as you need her. Now—the king must want a report.” He stands briskly, then adds in a softer tone, “I’m sorry I didn’t come back for you.”
By the time Link realized Milo was missing, the rest of the company was five hundred feet away. In that rainy night, with half their people seriously wounded, he was the only one who could’ve gone back. The same injury that he’s already healing from might have killed someone else.
But there’s anguish in his father’s eyes—his father, who tried to keep him from the Master Sword, who threw everything away to train him after it became inevitable. Soon enough Link will lose him to Akkala, and then he might lose himself to the Calamity. So he finds the words, hoarse and halting: “I was okay, Dad.”
Shaking his head, his father steps forward to cup Link’s face briefly. “I love you, son.”
He’s gone before Link manages to say it back, but it’s enough. It’s courage for what comes next. After he leaves, Link finger-combs his hair into a neater ponytail and winces his way into the plain cream-colored shirt the nurse brought him. It’s several sizes too big, but better than the princess seeing his scars again. He tries not to think of the ruin he made of the Champion’s tunic—tries not to think of anything as he waits.
Zelda arrives with a tray of tantalizing breakfast. She’s changed into a simple green dress that matches her eyes—he tries not to blush at the memory of how that wet nightgown had clung to her—but her hair is loose and unbraided, her face shadowed.
“Can you eat?” she asks, smiling a little at Link’s answering nod. “You can always eat, can’t you?”
She’s brought cheesy scrambled eggs, wildberry crepes slathered with whipped cream, and potatoes sliced and crisped just the way he likes them. Two plates, but the one Zelda hands him is piled much higher. He’s inhaled half his food by the time she starts on hers.
“How do you feel?” she asks, noticing that he’s eating one-handed.
Link makes a reassuring noise around a mouthful of potatoes. Zelda chews her own meal, taking on that analytical look she gets when she’s interpreting his meaning. Link remembers what his father said, and he remembers what she did for him when he was fraying beneath the pain, the dreamlike feeling of her hand gripping his.
He’s not going to make her guess anymore.
“I wanted—” Link starts. Zelda’s golden head snaps up at the sound of his voice, and he almost breaks, but somehow he gets the rest out. “To thank you. For yesterday. And to say sorry.”
“Sorry?” She looks at his wounded shoulder incredulously. “Whatever for?”
For your sleepless nights, he thinks. For the way you look at the Master Sword. For the bruises on your knees when you pray for too long and I don’t know how to make you stop. For letting your father treat you the way he does. For being such a coward.
Link swallows again and says, “For not talking.”
“Oh. There’s no need for that. You’ve been trying, and I know by now not to take it personally.”
“But I,” he stammers as a vice squeezes the air from his lungs, “I—” And he can’t finish the sentence. It was a mistake to try. His jaw clamps shut in mortification, shame flooding his face with heat, the one reaction he can’t control.
“Link,” Zelda says in the same clear voice that brought him back to himself last night. Her hand slips into his peripheral vision as it transfers one of her crepes to his empty plate. “Eat that, and try to remember that you never once judged me. I intend to return the favor. If you’d like to tell me what makes you stay so quiet all the time, I’ll gladly listen.”
I want to be better, is what he was trying to say, and he repeats the mantra silently, over and over, as he eats the crepe more slowly and absently than he’s ever eaten anything. Link is a walking reminder of everything fate has denied Zelda, and now she’s seen his weakness twice in less than twenty-four hours—but she’s still here, patiently occupying herself with the Sheikah Slate while he regains his composure.
If you believe for a second that your princess isn’t sharp enough to see the truth, then you’re doing her a disservice.
Inside himself, Link circles the mountain that has been growing up through his core every day since he found the Master Sword, displacing everything else with its sheer size. He can’t see the peak anymore. He doesn’t know if he can make the climb. But he knows it’s keeping him from Zelda, so he has to try.
“If I…falter,” he says haltingly, and she looks up at him instantly. “Like—if people in the gatehouse had seen this.” He touches his wounded shoulder. “What would happen?”
“They would help you, like your father and the surgeon did,” Zelda answers. But she reads his reaction and shakes her head. “No—you’re asking what they would think and feel and say, not what they would do.”
Link nods.
“Well, we’re supposed to smite the Calamity when it comes,” she muses. “Unlike me, you’ve already acquired the means to do so. That raises people’s expectations. So if you falter…if you give them a reason to doubt that you can deliver…they’ll lose hope.”
He looks down at his hands, because Hylia, she understands. She’s defined the mountain better than he ever could. Better than anyone could, because the way people watch her—like she’s a vessel to be filled—is not so different from the way they watch him.
“Lose hope, lose the fight,” Link says very quietly. His father had taught him that.
“Oh,” Zelda whispers. A long, frightening minute passes before she takes a shaky breath and asks, “Do you keep any hope for yourself?”
That question burrows into his viscera like the arrow did yesterday. He turns his face away.
She must see something in it even so, because she stumbles to say, “I’m sorry, I just meant—it seems an unfair way to live. Thank you for telling me, all the same.” Another pause. “Link…will you look at me?”
When he does, her brows are knitted together, her lips forming a thin line. Sadness? Because of him? Or—for him?
“I guess we’re the same, you and I,” Zelda murmurs. “I’m sorry if that’s presumptuous, but when you came into the gatehouse last night, I just thought—you’re so alone, Link, and I am too. Except that we’re stuck with each other. And maybe we don’t always have to hide. Wouldn’t it be better if we were friends?”
Link stares at this person with her tired eyes and her white-knuckled grip on the Sheikah Slate, understanding what she’s offering, understanding that she’s as terrified to step out onto the ice as he is. Getting stuck with her, as she puts it, is the best thing that’s happened to Link in years. But he never expected more. He never expected her to draw out the tangled truth, thread by gentle thread, without turning away.
“I’d—really like that,” he answers, surprised by the clarity of his voice.
“Good.” Zelda wears the beginnings of another smile. “And for whatever it’s worth—I think your father would like to hear you speak, too. So would the other Champions.”
He arches an eyebrow. “Even Revali?”
That makes her laugh, and Link might as well be free in the wide-open wild with the sun shining down upon him.
He does have hope, he realizes, but it doesn’t come from him. It comes from Zelda’s radiant smile, from how hard she works at the research she loves and the prayer she hates, from the way she held his hand through the dark night. You’re going to be just fine, she promised, and now he is, because she stayed with him.
Someday—someday soon, Link hopes—he’ll have the voice to thank her.
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ms-sakurai · 6 years
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We live a dying dream If you know what I mean All that I’ve ever known
Happier times, before Wkm
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craftartz67 · 2 years
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Hello, My Dear Detective ~ ❤️
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darklovetrash · 3 years
My unpleasant experiences in the a song of ice and fire fanfiction community
Hello, my friends. On archive of our own, my name is DancingSnowflakes23. Back in 2018 I started posting fanfiction. My first story was a Jonerys fic, but eventually I ended up writing stories in which the Rhaegar x Lyanna ship featured and had some of  the most unpleasant encounters I ever had in a fandom.  That said, I am not even a L x R stan or shipper per se, but since many of my stories feature Jon they appear as well. I have written two stories to be exact where Lyanna or Rhaegar were alive beyond canon. One was called the Loyal Knight and it had Lyanna surviving and marrying Arthur Dayne, though she cared a lot for Rhaegar whom she grieved deeply. Several anonymous people came and were bombarding my fic with comments about how I am wrong and should get my facts straight despite writing an AU story. I do not mind discussion, but I was called a dipshit numerous times and I was hurt by this behaviour, which even went to far as to question my writing. i am not perfect, but I am writing fanfic with a lot of effort and if readers disagree with the premise of a story I expect them to move on and not harrass me further.  The second fic I wrote was called Beneath the Weirwood which was an AU of Rhaegar x Lyanna surviving and there it got even worse. I was called numerous unpleasant things (Like me being racist). Sadly, I don’t have the story anymore since I rewrote it and cannot provide you with these highly-intellectual comments about the some bullshit regarding R X L over and over again. There are literal people who scoure the R  x L tag to seek out pro- R x L stories to annoy and harass authors. I am a grown up person and I was hurt about their comments and should have probably just moderated, but back then I was new to fanfiction and was stupid enough to waste my time over this stuff, but then there are maybe younger writers who are brave enough to post their stories and then they have to endure this bullshit? I could understand if they just left the fandom. Yet, I am not the only one who got this treatment. There are numerous cases of this and usually its by anonymous commeters, who all sound the same way and always repeat the same silly arguments. There are some I remember: Armansky Something, KingofKings? Not sure anymore, Dublin, UnbentGlass and what connects them is their weird obessession with all things Ashara Dayne and Elia Martell. I am not posting this to start a war and I do not think the majority of Elia fans are like these weirdos, but mabe they like to know what kind of hatred some people spread in the name of their favourite character. I am honest, I always felt Elia Martell was a character who got fucked over and deserved more characterization, but I like many other writers do not write her, because such stories draw this people to the comment sections like flies to a fire. No one wants to engage with people like that and it soured my liking for the character which I doubt is the wish for Elia Fans. On the contrary, I think most of them want Elia to be liked and admired and not be assoicated with toxcity. And with the current developements in this tag I decided to post this to show that the R X L people are not crazy people who just want to appear as victims. I am no R x L shipper and got targeted. So, I dont know what the real R x L shippers would feel for being called racists, pedos and other stuff for liking a fictional pairing. What I hope this post achives is to expose these creeps and maybe have the Elia fans purge them from their community so we can all go back to a more friendly atmosphre. Wouldn’t that we wonderful? And here to give you some examples: And this stuff is harmless compared to what some other writers got. 
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Humans are space Orcs, “Interrogation.”
Wrote this after my first day of work, so forgive me if there are any issues. 
Admiral Vir sighed and tilted his head back to stare up at the ceiling overhead. “You can make me wait here all day, it isn’t going to change my story.” He leaned back further in his chair to the point where he balanced on two legs, “You want to know why?” He turned his head towards the mirror across the room, which he was in no small doubt, was a one way mirror. He allowed the chair legs to drop and slam against the floor, “BECAUSE I AM TELLING THE TRUTH.” 
He sighed and slammed his head against the table with a sigh. The energy cuffs on his wrists hummed, buzzing slightly against his skin when he moved.
He groaned, “I’ve told you countless times. I am-being-framed.” With every word, he accentuated his statement by slamming his forehead against the metal of the desk. Not hard enough to hurt, but he was just so bored that maybe pain would be better than just sitting here.
He sighed when no one came and looked around at the small room, the single table, the one way mirror and the two metal chairs, his hands chained to the desk in front of him.
He groaned and slumped down in his chair. Folding his arms before him, he rested his head against his arms taking a deep breath and sighed. Well maybe he might fit in a nap while they were working, at least that wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing he wasn’t enjoying this.
He was asleep within seven minutes.
“Krill STOP!”
His ranting was cut off as Sunny clamped a hand over his mouth and dragged him away from the front steps of the Tesraki prescient, “What are you doing! This isn’t going to help Adam. If anything that is going to make it so much worse.’
Krill turned his head to look up at her, eyes narrowed, “Who are you and what did you do with Sunny.”
She frowned, “what do you mean.”
“Are you kidding me Sunny! Your battle partner is in there, and who knows what could happen to him . Who knows what is happening to him as we wpeek Whoever framed him had a lot of ower and that means they have the power to murder him on the inside.”
Sunny snarled, “Don’t you think I know that Krill! I can’t believe I am saying this, least of all to you, but we have to be rational! Charging in there weapons blazing is only going to get us hurt, thrown in jail or killed, and neither of those would be useful to Adam right now. We have to prove that he is innocent!”
“What more proof can we get that they won’t just reject out of hand. It doesnt matter that he was traveling with the two of us, or that his ship is full of aliens, or that he is the head of a drev clan. Something bigger is going on here Sunny, we have to do something even BIGGER to fight this.”
She frowned tapping her fingers lightly against the bottom of her chin.
Great drops or rain began to fall from the sky plunking down on the pavement with subtle thudding noises.
“We have to find irrefutable proof, something they cant argue with even if they tried.”
“Where do we start.”
“That list Adam gave us should be a good start.”
Krill sighed, “Fine, but there isn’t time to be nice about this. We can’t rely on the authorities. We have to do this our way.”
Adam jerked awake, his head ringing as he sat up in his chair staring around the room and groggily trying to find the source of the noise. It didn’t take long before he found what he was looking for. The Detective stood over him, his jacket hanging lank and long draped around his shoulders and towards the floor.
On the table before him, there sat a large cream file, which had likely been the source of the noise.
Adam frowned and sat back in his seat.
“Really, a file. Is that supposed to intimidate me or something?”
The Detective sat across from him, “Do you need us to get you anything Admiral.”
“How about the key out of here.”
The man frowned, “So you fancy yourself a comedian.”
“No, I fancy myself a free man.” he would have crossed his arms if the cuffs didn’t get in the way.
“Are you always this resistive to authority.”
Adam snorted, “I’m in the fucking army asshat of course I’m not. I am resistive to assholes who falsely accuse me of something I didn’t do and then ignore my friends when they try to stick up for me.”
“The Drev and the Vrul?”
“We are looking into them as we speak. We are sure to find their link to your plot soon.”
Adam sputtered, “Plot, what plot you daft dimwit.” he wrigged his fingers comically, “My dastardly plot to give hugs to all the aliens in the universe, or how about my evil scheme to steal cake from the shared company fridge. Oh what a fucking moster I am.”
“Where did you put the body parts?”
He stopped in his tracks, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“The body parts of the first Tesraki, where did you put them.”
Adam shook his head in disbelief, “Look Detective dumbass, I didn’t put the Tesraki’s body parts anywhere… do you want to know why?”
The detective raised an eyebrow and leaned in a bit as Adam motioned him closer. 
The man nearly lept out of his skin with the strength of Adam’s voice. Adam sat back in his seat, “Just look at my ship’s log. I was busy working in the Perseus spiral of the Milky way before I was called in here. There was no way I could have been involved.”
“I know, we have a ship log that  says you were there.”
He frowned, “Than why try to get me to admit to something I didn’t do.”
The man shook his head, “I didn’t say you didn’t do it, I just said that your ship’s logs seem to state that you were off world during that time.”
Adam huffed in anger and indignation, “Are you suggesting that I doctored my own ship reports?”
“You are the admiral, you do have executive control over things like that.”
Adam sighed in frustration, “I can’t even believe you right now. Changing a SINGLE long would prove nothing. I would have to change hours and hours mabe even days of data. Looking on the ship, you will find collected specimens and photos and videos taken during the time of the killing.” He rattled his hands against the chains, “You are a pretty ass detective if this is the best you can do.”
The man frowned, clearly not very impressed.
“Did you ever stop to think about why you are even here? I CALLED YOU IN. Why the ever loving hell would I do that if i thought there was even a chance that you could come in and catch me. It’s stupid, and it doesn’t add up.”
“You aren’t doing anything to make yourself look better Admiral.”
“Because I shouldn’t have to!”
“I beg to differ.”
A bright light flicked on in the darkness.
The human cringed back against it his feet scraping on the floor along with the metal of the chair, which he was tied to.
“Krill I-”
“Shh Sunny,”
The human squinted past the light in confusion and concern as two shadows coalesced before him and his eyes grew used to the glare. He shifted back in his seat, eyes wide as the two aliens stared back at him, one of those big shiny Drev and those weird spider things he forgot the name of.
The little creature paced back and forth in front of him, ‘You will find it interesting to know how easy it was to find you. After we found your three thug friends on the list, surprise surprise, guess how delighted we were to learn you were all staying in the same room together…. And one of you was missing.”
The an hook his head staring at the scuttling legs of the little bug creature as he crawled past, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb with me.” The bug turned to look at him, and he was suddenly very disconcerted by the angry glower that covered the creature’s face, It was too human of an expression to belong on an alien.
“Wha, wh… I have no idea what you are talking about, I swear.”
The little bug leaned forward, as something shiny appeared in his hand, ‘Oh I think you do.”
“Is that a scalpel.” He squeaked out 
“Yes, why yes it is. I am a surgeon by the way.” He glowered at the human, “And I know over 100 ways to.” His voice grew quiet, “disembowel yo, while keeping you alive.”
The man’s eyes widened in panic.
“Krill!” THe Drev hissed.
“Shut up, Sunny.” The Little bug crawled forward, until he was right up in the human’s face. Did you know when I was in medical school, I learned how to completely dissect the nervous system of a krevling. My record…. Ten minutes and twenty three seconds.”
The man turned to look at the Drev, who, surprisingly, out of the two of them seemed less crazy and violent.
She caught his eye, “Maybe you should do what he says. I don’t think he’s kidding.”
THe bug creature inflated his helium sack and rose into the air scalpel held out nonchalantly. He leaned in close quietly, “I hear humans taste like chicken.”
His mouth quivered, “I, I thought you bugs only ate plants.”
The alien smacked his lips together, or at least made the approximation of smacking his lips together, “I don’t know a light based diet hasn’t really been sustaining me lately. He leaned a little further in, “besides, I think sauteed lightly in butter with a couple of onions…. You might just manage to convert me to carnivorism.”
The man pushed back against the ground, metal scraping against concrete until his back was planted right against the wall, “I…. I don’t know what is wrong with you, but I swear….”
THe Drev placed a hand on the bug’s shoulder, “krill, seriously, don’t you think this is going a little too far.”
“This coming from you, Sunny.” He shrugged hr off, “I think I would like his toes first.”
The human took a deep breath staring down into the little creature’s prismatic orange eyes, crazy eyes, manic eyes.
Sunny, the Drev shook her head, “Look we don’t really want to hurt you, we just want to help our friend.”
“Toes.” The Vrul whispered 
The look on the creature’s face was enough to have him loose his nerve completely, “OK OK fine, I will tell you what you want to know, just don’t. Just don’t touch my toes, OK. you Freak.”
*** “Dear lord in heaven above give me the strength not to smash my head through this table.”
“Are you sure you don’t want something to drink.”
“You know that whole trying to be my friend thing isn’t going to work. You called me xenophobic after all, which is the msot damned insulting thing I have ever been called. My best friend is an alien, my g….my gr-reatest allies are aliens. I was the one who DISCOVERED them. I am the leader of a Drev CLAN for crying out loud.”
“People do things they don’t like for power.”
“Were you dropped on your head as a child or were you just born stupid.”
The Detective glowered at him, “Name calling isnt going to help you here.”
“I demand a lawyer.”
The detective snarled.
He tired to cross his arms but only managed to tug against his jacket, “I demand a lawyer immediately,  and until I get one, I am not saying another word to you.”
“Admiral Vir, there is no law on the Tesraki homeworld that says.”
“Twinkle twinkle little star-”
“That is really mature Admiral.”
“Wanna hit you with my car.”
“Toss you off a cliff so high!” “Admiral, stop that right now.”
The detective was seen storming out of the interrogation room not minutes later fuming with the sound of lyrics followed him down the hall, which didn’t stop until the door closed all the way.
It would remain to be seen who was going to break first.
Sunny stared at Krill, and Krill did his best to ignore Sunny as he paced back and forth over the ground.
“What the hell was that.”
“What was what.”
“What you just did in there.”
“That guy nearly shat himself.”
Krill looked up at her with a very serious expression, “That is what I was hoping for.”
“Have you gone insane.”
“No, not at all besides, it worked didn’t it.”
Sunny grumbled in acknowledgement. She supposed he was right. The revelations they had received from the man as he cowered back against his chair begging Krill not to cut off his nose.
Someone had hired the four of them for sure. He was in charge of locating their targets while the other three men did their dirty work. Following that he was supposed to doctor some information given to him by his outside source, “I fixed the surveillance to make it look like the admiral was there. I have the doctored files in my computer, and I was supposed to bring them to my source tomorrow night so they could use it as evidence against him.’
“And who are your contacts.’
“I don’t know, I never saw their faces, or asked questions. I was just the guy who dropped off what they needed.”
“Than that means you can take us to this dropoff point.”
“No I…”
“Did you know it only takes a spoon and less than a pound of pressure to pop a human eye out of it’s socket.”
“FINE FINE ILL TAKE YOU. Just get this crazy freak away from me.”
Sunny had grabbed krill then and dragged him out of the room with a disapproving frown. 
“What you are a drev you should love scaring the shit out of people.”
“I love beating the shit out of people krill, not threatening to eat their toes.”
He shrugged seeming very unconcerned about the whole thing, “Either way, we have our way in. As long as Adam can hang in there, we might be able to save him.”
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Looks Like Someone Picked a Whole Bushel of Oopsie Daisies
Chapter Ten: Shades of Blue
As always, thanks to @edward-or-ford and @pacific-ship!
How can you leave me on my own? Desperate and destitute, these seconds feel like lifetimes without you.- New Years Day, My Dear
Mabel marked off February 1st in her calendar with an X in her pink gel pen with sparkles (was it really even a gel pen if there were no sparkles? Mabel’s opinion was firmly on the side of ‘no, absolutely not’).
Just two hundred and twelve days to go. She was counting the days, the hours, the seconds (okay, maybe just the days, she wasn’t that good at math) till her parents could no longer keep her from her soulmate.
Because on August 31st, 2017, Mabel and her super awesome brother-boyfriend-soulmate combo would be turning eighteen, and there was nothing their parents could do to keep them apart once they turned eighteen.
Their parents had insisted they were monitoring their texts, and that they weren’t allowed to speak under any circumstances.
Of course, Dipper had called Mabel from Grunkle Stan’s phone (turns out their parents had been total liars about that, too, and neither Grunkle Stan nor Grunkle Ford was in any way opposed to the whole soulmate situation) as soon as she got home, and they had both downloaded an untraceable messaging app where they could text, make phone calls, and send pictures.
As one might imagine, they sent a great deal of pictures.
And also videos.
They had a lot of phone sex and sexy texting time, okay? They’d only gotten to have actual in-person sex twice (twice!), so they had to compensate somehow.
In any case, there was nothing they could do about it before they turned eighteen, so they had to come up with workarounds.
Not that it could prevent the withdrawals that were likely to hit if another month or two went by without them seeing each other, of course, but it sure made the days go by easier.
Mabel wasn’t sure what her parents were planning to do once they hit the three month mark and the first of the withdrawal symptoms started. It wouldn’t be so bad at first, according to what Dipper had told her regarding the massive amount of research he’d done. Probably just more of the usual depression she’d been having since she watched him disappear behind their car, and then sleepiness, then headaches and body aches, and then things would get progressively worse until eventually, they wouldn’t be able to function at all anymore.
She didn’t know what their plans were for anything, really. She hadn’t spoken to them since they’d left Gravity Falls. She hadn’t said a word to them on the drive home; just put her headphones in and tuned out. She hadn’t said anything to them since, either. Her parents would try to get her to talk sometimes. Her mom did it more often. She had headphones on most of the time. She wasn’t even home very much.
She didn’t tell her parents when she was going to a friend’s house the way she had before. The first few times, her parents had called the parents of various friends until they found her. After awhile, though, they stopped.
She didn’t care if they were worried. They clearly weren’t worried enough about her and Dipper to let them be together, so Mabel didn’t see any reason to notify them or her comings and goings, despite their protests. Just because they wanted to cherry pick their concerns for her well being didn’t mean she had to let them.
Besides, she came home every few days, anyway. It was usually only for a night, of course. Then she’d go back out again. And yeah, that meant she was out on school nights, but her grades were good, and she always made it to class on time.
She wanted Dipper. She wanted to be in his arms again. She slept in the shirt she’d taken from him every night, and she hadn’t even washed it. It smelled more like her by that point than it did him, and not in a good way, either, but it made her feel a little better.
Plus, whenever she sent him pictures of herself wearing it (sometimes leaving enough of the buttons undone to where her cleavage was visible, other times leaving all the buttons undone), he got all possessive and sexy, and the night usually ended with them panting each other’s names into the phone as quietly as they could.
Mabel stared at the cheery pink gel pen in her hand. She wasn’t feeling particularly pink. She hadn’t felt pink in just over a month, as it happened. Which was strange, because Mabel always felt some shade of pink or purple.
But she could hardly remember what Dipper smelled like. She could hardly remember what he tasted like. What he felt like. If she couldn’t remember those things, she couldn’t make herself feel anything that wasn’t some shade of blue or other.
She hung the gel pen back up on her calendar, grabbed her overnight bag, and opened her bedroom door.
She had her headphones in and was looking at her phone, pulling up a playlist, so she didn’t notice her mother there until she spoke.
“Honey, why don’t you spend the night here? I’ll make your favorite, if you want, and we can watch a movie, and…” tears welled up in her mother’s eyes. “Please, sweetheart, I can barely remember what your voice sounds like.”
Well, Mabel thought, maybe you shouldn’t have decided to separate me from my soulmate, then.
With that in mind, Mabel shot her mother a glare severe enough to make her flinch, and pushed past her, her overnight bag bumping against the hallway wall as she did.
Her friends were waiting for her in their car outside.
Mabel loaded her bag into the trunk and ignored her mother watching her behind the curtains in the living room.
Squeezing into the only empty seat in the car, she grinned at her friends.
Kristin, Eva, and Julie had been total lifesavers. They knew about Mabel’s soulbro situation, and they were, like, super supportive.
“Your ‘rents still giving you shit?” Julie asked over her shoulder as she pulled out of the driveway.
Mabel sighed heavily, her shoulders drooping. “It’s not shit, exactly, just…” she sighed again. “They just, y’know. They won’t let me see him.”
“Yeah, that still doesn’t make any sense to me at all,” Kristin said, adjusting her black lipstick in a compact mirror. “I get that having an incesty-soulmate isn’t, like, ‘socially acceptable’ or whatever,” she did air quotes with her fingers, the motion seeming a bit off due to the tube of eyeliner she had in between her pointer and index fingers that she was using in lieu of lipstick. “But if my parents can handle me being bi, yours should be able to handle your soulmate being your brother.”
“Okay, so here’s the thing,” Eva cut in, turning around to address Kristin and Mabel. “I feel like, if it were me, and they were my kids, at first I’d be all freaked out, y’know? Cause like, they’re your kids, and then it turns out they’re soulmates and have to bang a whole bunch or they’ll get all eeeeuuughh, right? That’d mess anybody up, I think,” she paused for a moment before continuing. “But the thing is, though, I feel like after that initial freak out, I’d be kinda relieved, honestly.”
“Relieved? Really?” Julie was so surprised she forgot to use her turn signal when changing lanes. “Oops, my b,” she said, half to herself and half to the driver who had honked at her. Not that he could hear her, of course.
“Why relieved?” Mabel wondered.
“Well, if you’ve got a kid, right, and your kid finds their soulmate and it’s some stranger you don’t know, how do you know your kid’s soulmate isn’t gonna hurt them, or be a terrible person or something?” Eva reasoned.
“That’s a good point,” Kristin agreed, shutting her compact mirror with a snap. “Soulmates aren’t exactly exempt from domestic abuse and shit.”
Eva nodded. “Exactly, so like, if it were me, I feel like I’d be cool with it once I got used to the idea, because I’d know my kids, right, so I’d know they’d never hurt each other.”
“That makes sense,” Julie said thoughtfully.
“Mmm,” Mabel hummed. “I guess. I dunno. They’re weird about it.”
“Wait a sec,” Kristin interjected. “Didn’t you say your parents mentioned something about their parents being, like, religious fundies or something?”
Mabel nodded. “I think my grandmother on my mom’s side might be. Which would make sense, honestly, since my mom has been so militant about keeping the Dipster and me apart.”
“Okay, first of all,” Eva had a haughty air to her voice, and Mabel raised an eyebrow at her. “First of all,” she said again. “It’s ‘the Dipster and I’.”
The other three girls groaned, and Julie took a hand off the wheel to swat at her half heartedly.
“Ommigod, shut up!” Mabel giggled.
“Whatever, you love me and you know it,” Eva said with a grin.
The others grumbled but did not object.
“FYI, Mabes,” Kristin put a hand on her arm. “You should send him a selfie real quick.”
“Mhm,” her friend nodded sagely. “You look hot, and it’s a damn crime he doesn’t get to see it in person, so you gotta help a brotha out!”
Mabel smiled and snapped a few dozen pictures of herself.
“Okay, which one’s best?” she asked, handing her phone to Kristin, who scrolled through and inspected each one.
“No, no, no… meh, maybe… no, no… oooo, yes, love it, this one, totes send this one! Look at how much boobage you got in there, just fuckin’ go for it, man!”
Mabel grinned and sent the picture to Dipper, along with a short little miss you <3 text.
He responded with a miss you too and then, two seconds after, fuck you’re beautiful.
She giggled and showed Kristin his response. “Mhm, mhm, told ya.”
“Okay, so, confession time,” Julie said, pulling into her parents’ driveway.
“Spill it,” Eva immediately demanded.
“So you guys know Chad, right?”
“Unfortunately,” Kristin said with a grimace. The guy in question was a bit of a fuckboi.
“No, don’t say that!” Julie whined, getting out of the car. “He’s really sweet!”
”Of course he is,” Eva deadpanned.
“He is!” Julie insisted. “Anyway, so he asked me out.”
Mabel groaned. “Jules, tell me you didn’t.”
“I might have, yeah.”
“Ugh, ew,” Kristin said.
“It’s not ew!”
“No, it’s totally ew,” Eva pointed out, and Mabel nodded her agreement.
“If it helps,” Julie was saying sheepishly as she unlocked her front door, “he’s really, really good.”
“Of course he’s really good, numbnuts,” Kristin said with an eye roll. “He’s slept with half the school.”
“So have you!” Julie said defensively.
“Oooo, gotta point there,” Mabel snickered, pointing a glittery blue nail at her friend.
“Yeah, but I’m, like, discreet about it,��� Kristin pointed out. “And I’ve actually dated people seriously, too!”
“Anyway,” Julie cut in. “So the consensus is ew, then, huh?”
“Definitely ew,” Mabel agreed.
“Why are Chads always such Chads?” Kristin wondered aloud, opening the door to Julie’s bedroom.
“They really are,” Eva laughed, plopping down on the bed.
“Soooo…” Mabel trailed off. “Cards Against Humanity, anybody?”
———————————————————————Her friends always helped push the separation anxiety to the back of her mind, but with the other three girls asleep, there was nothing for Mabel to do but wallow.
Her phone lit up the dark room, illuminating the air mattress Mabel lay on.
Dipper had sent her a message.
I want you.
Mabel unplugged her phone and scrambled up as quietly as she could, crossing the hall into the guest bedroom and locking the door behind her and turning on the light, typing out a quick okay in response.
She knew from experience that as long as she was quiet, nobody would hear her.
Now? he asked.
And then he was calling her, and she was hastily stuffing her headphones in her ears and hitting the little phone icon on her screen.
“Hey,” he greeted, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
“Hey,” she said back. It was always such a relief to hear him. “I miss you.”
“We’ve been texting all day,” he laughed.
“I know, but…”
“It’s not the same,” he agreed with the words she hadn’t said.
“Yeah,” her voice was soft, and she heard him sigh on the other end of their call.
“Can I see you?” he asked after a moment.
“Y- yeah, one sec.” They’d done this more times than she could count, but somehow, she was always nervous.
She stripped out of her shorts and unbuttoned his shirt to let it reveal her breasts, pulled her panties down a bit with her thumb and smiled into the camera.
She only had to take six or seven pictures before she had one she was satisfied with. Sending it over and promptly deleting them from her phone, she waited for it to arrive.
She knew when he got it, because he said, “Fucking hell, Mabel,” with a groan, and she could almost picture him stroking himself.
She’d only seen him do that a handful of times, when they’d gotten the chance to do this on the rare occasion she was at their parents’ for the night. She could have watched it for hours.
“You’re so perfect,” he sighed in her ear, and if she closed her eyes, she could almost imagine he was there with her. He’d kiss her neck, maybe, and then squeeze her breasts and pinch her nipples. Mimicking the things he was doing to her in her mind’s eye, she trailed a hand down her body and stroked herself lightly through her panties, listening to the way his breath was quickening.
“I wanna see you, too, Dip,” she sighed into the phone.
A few seconds later, a picture came through of him holding himself, and when she saw him naked… well. She had seen him naked more times than she could count by that point, but it was always breathtaking each time.
“Are you wet for me, Mabes?” he murmured in her ear.
She nodded, pulling her drenched panties off and kicking them to the side, before remembering he couldn’t see her. “Yes.”
“Show me.”
She took another picture, this time of a part of herself she didn’t really understand why he wanted to see, but he liked it so she sent it to him anyway.
“I wish I had gotten to taste you,” he gasped. “I think about that a lot.”
“O- oh?” How embarrassing. She knew she was blushing. She could feel it.
“Are you blushing right now?” Dipper asked. “I bet you are. You’re so cute when you blush.” She giggled a little, and he went on. “Will you touch yourself for me?”
“Mhm.” She brushed her fingers over her slit, dipping one inside slightly, just for a second, and gasping as she did so.
“Pinch your nipples, too, okay? I know you like that.” He did know, didn’t he? He knew all the things she liked. He seemed to know them intuitively. To be fair, though, he’d said she knew all the things he liked, too.
Pinching her nipple and brushing a finger lightly over her clit, Mabel whimpered.
“Does that feel good?”
“Y- yes,” she gasped out.
“I wish… mmmf,” he cut himself off with a groan. “I wish this was your hand instead of mine.”
Mabel squeezed her breast roughly, rubbing a finger back and forth over her clit.
“Me too,” she whined. “God, Dip, I want… I want you inside me so bad, I-“
“I know, Mabes. I know. I’d give anything to be inside you right now.”
She rubbed herself a little faster, and her legs were going to give out, she could tell they were, so she allowed herself to collapse onto the cold of the hardwood floor.
“You okay?” Dipper asked when he heard her fall to the ground, concern evident in his voice.
“Yeah, I just had to… ah!” she gasped. “I had to sit down.”
“Oh, okay,” he murmured, and it sounded like he went back to stroking himself.
“I need you.” She’d resorted to begging. She always did that when she was getting close.
“I know,” he groaned. “I need you, too.”
“Dipper, I- please, I need…” she rubbed herself faster, and her hips lifted off the floor an inch or so.
“I know,” he said again.
“I need you.” She couldn’t stop. It felt too good. “I need it, I want you so bad, please,” she begged. “Please give it to me, please Dip, god, I can’t-“
“Are you gonna cum for me, Mabes?”
“Yes,” she gasped. “Yes, I’m gonna- fuck, I want your cum in me, yes-“ her wrist hurt, but she kept going. She was so close, so fucking close-
“Cum for me, I wanna hear you cum for me.”
“Dipper, ah, oh fuck, Dipper, I’m gonna-“ her body spasmed, and she fell limp.
A few seconds later, he followed her with a grunt.
It had felt so good, and Mabel felt so content for a split second, because she’d forgotten that Dipper wasn’t there with her.
The tears started to fall, and she began to sniffle. It usually ended that way. She couldn’t help it.
“Mabel,” he said with a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” she hiccuped.
“No, no,” he assured her. “I just… I wish I could be there with you.”
“I don’t care where we are as long as we’re together,” she cried softly.
“I know,” he sighed again. “But we’ll be together soon, okay? I’ve got an idea.”
“An idea?” What kind of idea, she wondered.
“Yeah, but it’s a surprise, so until I’ve got everything worked out, just be patient for me, okay?”
“Okay,” she sniffed.
“I love you,” he told her softly.
“I love you, too.”
After a few seconds, he said, “and on that note, I need to clean this jizz off my stomach before it drips all over my bed.”
She giggled. “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”
“You’ll text me tomorrow, right?”
“Uh, doi, when don’t I?” She sniffed again. It was hard to force the silliness that usually felt natural when she felt so blargh.
“Good point,” he chuckled. “Night, then. Love you,” he said again.
“Love you, too.”
After they hung up, it took several minutes for Mabel’s body to stop tingling from her orgasm, and then several more minutes before she could stop the tears and go back to bed.
Being without him was tougher than she’d imagined.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse Ch. 27
The Coven was invading tomorrow.
But if all went well, they were going to bring them down tonight.
After Jay attacked Antiquam, they realized they could not keep their cover of staying in the Coven. Jay, Aziz, and her headed out to Uma’s ship for hiding when Antiquam inevitably revealed that Jay was no longer hypnotized.
Though dangerous, Jade, Uma and Calix stayed as Antiquam wouldn’t be able to prove that Jay had any help from breaking Jafar’s control. So they still had their own infiltraitors in the Coven.
At that point, it seemed like they were on the sidelines. The sidelines of an impending disaster that they could do nothing to stop. Literally as they still had no tangible plan to stop the Coven.
Then Celia, the shadow man’s youngest daughter who hadn’t been in the loop for most of their infiltrating and espionage troubles, came up with a brilliant plan.
It was obvious in hindsight. Villains were paranoid because they expected backstabbing. But until Celia had suggested it, they never thought they should sew the seeds of dissent. Uma had thought it too obvious. The others hadn’t thought of it all. But Celia suggested that only select people plant the seeds. She, for one. Jade too. They were presumed to be completely loyal to the Coven and so would more likely be believed to be speaking from genuine concern than from causing trouble.
And Celia could plant the idea in the heads of Ginny and Zevon which would then bring out Mother Gothel and Yzma’s worries. And so without the united focus in hatred, which Circe told them was vital to the spell, Coven would turn against itself and bring its own ruin.
And then on Uma’s signal, they’d come in as magical backup.
Jordan sighed. Even though she told herself that she had chosen Uma as a better leader, that she knew what she was doing, and she was okay with no longer being the hero, it stung to be stuck as backup and not be in the front lines of the plan or the fighting.
Especially when it meant, waiting in Hook’s office, away from the crew that disliked them anyway, waiting for word from Uma since their presence was too obvious to be wandering around the Isle. Although, as Jordan looked at her fellow Agrabahians, with their dirtied faces, ratted hair and ripped clothes, she thought the Isle had made its mark in turning Jay and Aziz into two more villainous-looking residents.
Right now, the two were chatting it up about some tourney strategy or parkour technique, she wasn’t sure. It was something athletic which Jordan tended to zone out and think for herself. And when her thoughts got too deep, she’d admire, well more like wonder, Hook’s knicks knacks decorating his office. What possessed him to spear a codfish over his desk. Seriously? It didn’t look grand or particularly impressive since it was medium sized and covered in green flecks that Jordan suspected it to be mold.
Was it a pirate thing? Like when that CJ chick purposefully made herself smell like rotten kelp? Was it a villain thing for their decorations to be as vile as their hearts?
She wondered if she could ask Jay this or it would be considered too offensive. Maybe a few months from now when-
A quick “knock knock knock” signalled their attention, announcing Uma’s arrival. And with her came the usual suspects of Gil, Harry and Calix. As well as some more recent additions of Celia, Jade and Lala.
Which Jade was all too happy to explain as she jumped in front of Uma, her arms opened wide, “Guess who got us another fighter on our side?”
Lala stiffened and crossed her arms at Jade’s enthusiasm, refusing to look at the girl who was trying to hook her arm through hers, “I finally convinced her that we’re already miserable with her moms so why not join the winning side. It’s not like our lives could get worse if we lose.”
Everyone looked disbelieving at that statement. After all, their lives could get worse if they lost, they could be dead.
Jordan didn’t think anyone else noticed, but she paid attention to the extra bright smile Aziz had at hearing the news. And unless she was just imagining things, she could swear that Lala had looked at Aziz first to see his reaction before looking anywhere else.
It was for a moment but it was there, and even though Aziz still insisted he didn’t have feelings, Jordan knew. And unlike her previous, and in hindsight, very bad overreaction to it, she didn’t mind it as much. After all, a girl that made Aziz feel better about his Jay inferiority complex (when all of Jordan’s pep talks hadn’t worked which kind of stung) couldn’t be too bad. Even if she was the daughter of a villain.
“Uh great. Thanks, Jade.” Uma made her way back to the center of the room as everyone squeezed against the wall or in Celia and Gil’s case sat on Captain Hook’s desk, listening intently to whatever Uma had up her sleeve.
“Okay people. We have five hours to get through this so here are the assignments.” Uma began, “Harry, Gil, gather up the rest of the crew and take position around the castle. When I signal, you shoot the bow through the window and begin the seige.” “Celia, since you’re not needed for the Coven’s spell, you can gather the rest of the Anti Villain Club, and the volunteers.” “The volunteers?” Jay questioned with, in a very un-VK move, a raised hand.
“The Anti Villain Club and I have been soliciting volunteers from the regular citizens of the Isle to fight against the Coven in exchange to getting off the Isle,” Uma promptly explained before moving on.
“Calix, Jade, Lala and I are expected at the ceremony so you three,” She nodded to them, “Will sneak in through the Underground entrances and will get into the room, at the top of the tallest tower, and help end the fight. Got it? Let’s go.”
So they split up, Gil and Harry heading toward the starboard, (or was it stern?), Celia to the alleyways and the rest of them were back to trudging through the jungle to the castle.
Jay, and Jade strode side by side each other, pausing to show off a parkour move as they talked, predicting how their family members would react to their arrival. Aziz and Lala walked in companionable silence, hacking away at tangled brush, but Jordan wasn’t paying attention as she had been before.
Jordan walked up to Uma’s side, a choice that the sea witch hadn’t appreciated Jordan could see by the forced way Uma kept her eyes straight ahead. But Jordan had a question that had been burning in her after watching Uma’s leadership skills the past weeks.
“So… where did you learn how to lead like this? I mean your mom was just a witch so why haven’t you focused more on your mystical side,” Jordan cringed realizing how it sounded and began backtracking, “Not that I expect you to be like your mother. No one is exactly like your parents. I don’t mean that. But just- you know.. Does it come naturally? Did you learn it from someone?”
“I’m Ursula’s daughter, but  do not let her define me. I make my own legacy.” Uma ducked under a stray leaf, “To give my people a chance, to get off this Isle and live better lives. And if I wanted to make that happen, I learned to lead. On the Isle, you learn what you need to. ” Uma grunted before walking faster and farther ahead.
Though Uma probably hadn’t meant anything by it. It was probably a “there-I-answered- now-shut-up-and-do-what-you-were- ordered-to-do” answer to get Jordan to go away.
Even though it offered no advice on leadership,it got Jordan to thinking. So many of them, all of them really, had their issues with the heavy legacy that their parents set before them. They were all defined by them, especially when it was announced “Name, son or daughter of-.” It was part of life. A more difficult part of life when their legacy was founded on greed and vileness and evil like the Vks.
But even though they were defined by their parents, these Vks tried their best not to let it control their lives. They lived day to day, in the present. Mainly it was for survival reasons, but it could work personally too, Jordan thought.
She had been defining herself solely by her parents. Not trying to live up to them. By rebelling to be the exact opposite of them. It is always in some relation to them or what others’ preconceptions of genies were supposed to be.
And she did the same. Judging people with her views of mortals, which were mostly right, but didn’t make her happy. It just made her miserable to know she was surrounded by so many jerks. And it kinda made her self-absorbed. Musing and complaining about how people only wanted to use her. She had been so focused on that during her time here, she had missed Aziz’s personal turmoil; She had been distrustful and uncooperative with Jay; She focused on her personal safety and her fear of the other Coven members taking advantage of her more than saving the kingdom.
But what if she took a page from the Vks book.
Just live in the present, and not focus solely on the resentment of the past.
It was a new way. Instead of expecting the worst, she could let people come into her life, if they were just using her, cut ties and let it go because she had Aziz, and Calix, and maybe Jay and Lonnie and the rest of her family. They cared for her.
And she should let go of her biggest resentment. Her parents for leaving her. For so long she saw it as evidence of their lack of love for her, and while it hurt, it didn’t lessen their love. And she hadn’t let them in because they didn’t love her like the other parents loved their children. They weren’t what she wanted. Which wasn’t fair. They weren’t like others, they were genies.
So if she survived this, she was going to stop with the sarcasm and the irritation whenever she was with them. But she was also going to have that talk with them, a serious talk even though they disliked those things, because as she had experienced with Jay and Aziz, a talk could go a long way in resolving their differences.
She was going to focus more on what she loved. Her show, mabe even add some improv sketches that she had refused to do because it was too similar to her Dad’s antics. She had no reason to hold back just because someone would compare or judge. People would always judge you so there was no point trying to prove them wrong. Just follow your instincts, do what is right because you know is right, and YOLO. YOLO because even though she lived forever, she should do more in enjoying what she had. Enjoy life.
And if they didn’t like her for it, fuck em all.
And there, right in that muddy path with jungle palms blocking sunlight as if to suffocate them all with the smell of moss and the hot humidity; Stuck on an Isle where semi rotten trash was considered high dining and you were praised for your bloodlust and kindness of any kind was a weakness.
Jordan felt a peace with the doubts that had plagued her for.. for maybe her whole life.
It was the most inappropriate place for such a realization but it was perfect too. The Isle was loathsome and the bottom of the barrel, but rock bottom was where you find your greatest strength.
Jordan smiled, remembering how Calix had thrown her own story tropes back in her face that every adventure had heart to hearts and personal revelations before the final battle.
She didn’t know about anyone else, but she was having hers. Even though she was not the leader, even though she wasn’t going to be the hero to save the day. She felt changed and it felt so good.
But she couldn’t bask in the glow of her personal growth for long. For as her newfound maturity reminded her, there were bigger things at stake right now.
Tonight was the night. The Coven was going down.
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kamijirou-zine · 5 years
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Name: Mabes
You can find Her on: Instagram
Her favorite song: I Was Zapped by the Lucky Super Rainbow by the Flaming Lips It is actually a song that really gives me Kamijirou vibes!!
More about Mabes:
What’s up my dudes! I’m Mabes, and I am an artist with too many interests and too much homework. Nevertheless, I am very excited to create more art! I am kinda new to BNHA, but Kaminari and Jirou immediately became my favorite characters and my favorite pair! I am very excited to work on this amazing project with some incredible artists, and I can’t wait to draw one of my favorite ships!
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the-delta-42 · 6 years
The Pirate Prince Chapter 11
The Pirate Prince
Chapter 11: Ole Tidings
Everything was hazy. He did not know how long he had been walking, how long he had been searching for her. He had to find her, and he had to find her soon, he didn’t know what to do. She had always been there for him, even when he wasn’t there for himself. The water lapped at his feet. Tiredly, he looked down, the water was so cool, so welcoming. Slowly, he submerged himself into the water, the sweet breeze slowly lulled him to sleep.
His eyes snapped open.
Off in the distance, he could hear a poor soul screaming so loud that their voice no longer carried the tune. He exhaled and rose to his feet and headed towards the source of the sound.
Oh, what is the tune that giants sung and slept to?
Link could barely watch as the boat that held his sister went up in flames. Aryll had passed in the night, before Link could work up the courage to speak to her. Link looked to his left, Midna and Impa stood off to the side, Link couldn’t help but wish that one of them had taken Aryll’s place. Link looked down at the daggers in his hands, one was made of Gold and the other of Bronze. Typically, anyone who was amongst the Gerudo had their weapons with them when they were burned, however, Telma had placed them to one side when they were setting up Aryll’s boat. Link idly turned the bronze blade over in his hands, Aryll’s name was printed onto the blade in ancient Gerudo. Link then turned the other blade over and his breath caught in his throat. Along the golden blade was an inscription written in ancient Gerudo, much like the bronze blade, however, this blade held Link’s name instead of Aryll’s. The blades were made shortly after Link had left, so it couldn’t be an old inscription.
Link felt a lump form in his throat, which he swallowed and turned away from the flames. Link headed back to the ship. Tetra started following behind. Link had just reached the gang plank, when a massive roar caught his attention. Link and Tetra ran back to the pier, just in time to witness one of the great Colossi descend upon a small village that had been suffering from a plague. Link’s breath stilled in his throat when the Colossus opened its maw and unleashed a stream of fire upon the little village.
A few members of the crowd visibly flinched at the sight. When the flames died down, the colossus turned its head to face the Cove, making everyone go still. Before it made eye contact with Link.
‘Wake the spirits. Restore the blade.’
Those words suddenly echoed in Link’s head, before the Colossus turned and went in the opposite direction. Link was silent, only turning his head after Tetra touched his arm.
“Are you alright?” Tetra asked, her eyes searching Link’s expression.
Link’s tone of voice was quiet and chilled, “Dutour had a master. That same master has turned those beautiful creatures into monsters. That same master caused Aryll’s death.” Link took a breath, “Perhaps a visit to Hyrule is needed.”
Link then turned around and started barking orders to the assembled crew. Impa watched how Link had turned from a drunken, mourning wreck into a captain that commanded respect throughout the entire time he was speaking. Link then turned his chilling, wolf-like eyes onto Impa.
“There’s someone in Kakariko Village that can help with our growing problem, is there not?” Said Link, to which Impa nodded.
“Good,” Said Link, “Alright everyone get to the ship, we’re launching at dawn.”
Link then marched to the ship and up the gang plank and disappeared into the depths of the ship.
“Do you think his plan will work?” One crewman asked another.
“Finding a sword that can kill all evil and then using that sword to kill a guy who calls himself the Demon King?” The other replied, “It’s worked before with the other heroes, maybe we’ll find the hero in Kakariko.”
Impa quietly shook her head, silently looking back at Aryll’s boat and the burning village. Impa hoped that this was a battle they could win.
Link examined the sword in front of him, the Tri Force on the hilt and the leather wrapped handle and the long thin blade. The sword that had been gifted to him by the Gods had a permanent shine to it, as if it had just been polished. Link quietly looked at Pipit’s shield, making a mental note to give it back to the man when he recovered.
A quiet knock jarred Link from his musing.
“Come in.” Called Link, allowing the door to open and Tetra walking in, carrying two bowls of soup.
“Telma made soup, apparently it’s your favourite.” Said Tetra, placing a bowl down in front of the young man. She wasn’t wrong, Link remembered begging Telma almost on a daily basis for a bowl of the soup, it annoyed the woman so much, she taught Link and Aryll how to make it. Telma said that she got the recipe from an old Hylian Vai that lived in Mabe Village.
“How many people do you think were in that village?” Link quietly questioned, “How many children?”
Tetra was silent, before saying “Judging by the town size and the fact that the inhabitants were suffering from a plague, most likely brought on from Malice, I’d say fifty people, at least, a hundred at most.”
“It sometimes scares me how you’re able to work that out.” Said Link reaching for the spoon that had been supplied with the soup, “We’ll be heading for Kakariko Village as soon as we land in Lurelin, it’ll be a long journey, but it will be worth it, hopefully.”
Tetra was quiet, “We’re going to have to tell your crew who I am, how I know you so well, compared to the others.”
Link was quiet, slowly looking up at Tetra, before returning his gaze to his soup, “You’re right, the relationship that I have built with the crew was founded on trust and honesty, I’ll tell them first thing tomorrow morning, that’s a guaranteed time that the entire crew will be together.”
Tetra quiet, “I wonder how they will react to find that the Princess of Hyrule was hiding amongst them.”
Link only laughed and shook his head, neither noticed Midna standing outside the door.
Both blondes were quiet while Link ate his soup, Tetra looked over some of the maps that were under the sword, one of which was of the great Hyrule forest and the Lost Woods, another was of the Temple of Time, complete with the pedestal of Time from the era of the Hero of Time, another one was of the Sacred grove from the time of the Hero of Twilight and another of the basement of an ancient castle in Hyrule from the era of the Hero of Winds.
“What’re these?” Asked Tetra, twisting one of the maps so she could look at it properly.
“Maps of all the areas where the one weapon that could kill the bastard that took Aryll has ever been.” Said Link, setting his bowl down, “Every time a ‘demon king’ has appeared, this weapon has appeared and been used to strike back at it. I plan on finding it.”
Tetra was quiet, Link sighed, “I don’t expect you to help me with this, as it would kind of be encroaching on your family history.”
“Link, the Master Sword is a weapon shrouded in myth and legend, one the Goddesses chosen hero or one with the blood of the goddess can even find it, and no one is even sure about that.” Said Tetra, her hand going to the Tri Force pendent her father had given her.
“I know, the sword goes from place to place, no one knows where it is kept.” Said Link, running his hand through his hair.
“The sword is kept in the Temple of Heroes,” Said Tetra, “The same Temple that is a hot spot for Colossi appearances, so going through the front entrance would be suicide, however, there is another entrance, but you need to get the keys for that entrance, you already have one.”
Link quietly pulled out the pearl and rolled it around in his hands, the pearl had the mark of the Goddess Farore engraved into the surface of it, the same mark could be seen on the gem that was in the hilt of his new sword.
“So, I have to find more of these pearls.” Muttered Link, his eye looking over the pearl critically.
“Yes, two to be precise,” Said Tetra, “one for the Goddess of Wisdom and one for the Goddess of Power.”
“Nayru and Din.” Said Link, looking up at Tetra, who nodded.
Before the conversation could continue any further, Impa rushed into the room, locking the door behind her.
“We have a problem,” Said Impa, “Midna knows who Tetra really is and has told everyone.”
Link swore.
A/N: I wanted to get this up for Christmas and then for New Years but I got side tracked playing Breath of the Wild.
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sapphirepartners · 4 years
For just $1329.00 Tear Drop Pearl and Blue Sapphire Drop Dangle Earrings in 18k Solid Yellow Gold Description Weight: 14.6 gr. Length - top to bottom: 1.95" inches Width: 14.60 mm the widest point Metal: 18k solid yellow gold Closer : Butterfly pierced Gemstones/Stones: 2 Natural blue Sapphire cabochon shape 4.67mm diameter each sapphire Diamonds: None Pearl: Mabe pearl Tear drop and Heart shape Hallmarks: 18k Condition: Used in very good condition Other: Jewelry gift box included Payment We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. New York State residents pay 8.875% in sales tax. International Shipping We can ship almost anywhere in the world! Please contact us prior to bidding for accurate shipping costs. We cannot ship jewelry to certain countries due to import restrictions so please check your country's import regulations on precious stones and metals. Returns Returns will be accepted within 14 days of shipment. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have before making this purchase. Authenticity We guarantee that all products sold by us are 100% authentic brand names. We do not sell imitations of any sort and only carry genuine items. Payment must be made within 3 days of the end of the auction. Please feel free to contact us concerning any questions you may have. About Us We've been in the high-end jewelry trade for more than 30 years in our Midtown Manhattan location and have developed a reputation as an industry leader in brand name and estate jewelry. Other Items may appear larger in photos. Please check the description box for exact dimensions. We reserve the right to re-list items not paid for after 7 days. We reserve the right to NOT accept payments from Unconfirmed Pay-Pal Addresses. Do NOT Confirm your Bid unless you are willing to pay that much for the piece. We would not carry any responsibilities for any possible taxes or duties that might occur in your local countries. Feel free to visit our store page for more items! LOT #06500
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
Ten Facts That Nobody Told You About Pink Kousa Dogwood | Pink Kousa Dogwood
The dogwoods accept been blooming so beautifully with those ample blush or white saucer-shaped flowers accoutrement continued accumbent branches. They were consistently the assurance that bounce was actuality back I was growing up in Connecticut. The dogwoods bloomed as all the leaves of the oaks and maples abounding out.
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View Plant | Great Plant Picks – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
The dogwoods in Connecticut are the aforementioned ones we bulb in our landscapes here. Their accurate name is Cornus florida, and they’re built-in to best of the eastern seaboard. It rains year-round there, and we never had to baptize them. But actuality we charge to put them into an anhydrous mural for them to survive.
No watering required
But there’s addition dogwood you can bulb that won’t charge to be watered.
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Pink kousa dogwood tree Stock Photo – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
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You ability accept noticed a dogwood that doesn’t alive in a lawn. It’s one that grows in abundant of the west bank and in the Sierra. It’s alleged Accordant dogwood (Cornus nutallii) and is absolutely amazing with big white flowers. It lives in the forests in some shade, generally at the bend of forests, like abounding of us do.
It can get as alpine as 50 anxiety and up to 20 anxiety wide. It may accept a distinct block or some accept several. It has accumbent branches that affectation the flowers so nicely, like the C. florida does, although the flowers are added advance out on the C. nutallii.
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Cornus kousa ‘Heart Throb’, Pink Kousa Dogwood – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
And back this one is built-in here, it doesn’t charge to be watered already it’s established!
Plus, it supports some built-in wildlife and has chichi abatement foliage in reds to orange.
This is the one to bulb if you accept shade
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GardenLady | pink kousa dogwood
While the eastern dogwood flowers bigger with abounding sun or a little afternoon shade, the Accordant dogwood is fabricated for allotment shade. A absolute abode for it is at the bend of the backwoods copse abounding of us alive around. Those places that get aloof a few hours of sun or blotchy sun throughout the day. It’s acceptable beneath tall, aerial angled copse breadth it has admission to some sun.
The adumbration is abnormally bare to assure the bland gray case from sunburn. In fact, this timberline doesn’t like any abrasion to its bark, including pruning. Injuries would acquiesce pests and ache to enter. So bulb it and let it be.
Pretty bounce flowers that aren’t flowers
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Cornus kousa ‘Miss Satomi’ Tree – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
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Pink Flowering Japanese / Kousa Dogwood – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
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Cornus kousa ‘Miss Satomi’ (Kousa Dogwood) – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
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(14 Gallon Bare-Root) Pink Dogwood Tree, Gorgeous Rose Pink Flowers in Spring, Vibrant red Berries and Green Leaves Turn Crimson in Fall | pink kousa dogwood
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Buy Pink Chinese Dogwood Tree – FREE SHIPPING – Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’ For Sale Online From Wilson Bros Gardens – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
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Cornus Scarlet Fire® – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
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Stellar Pink developed from disease-resistant kousa dogwood | El .. | pink kousa dogwood
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Buy Pink Chinese Dogwood Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’ trees For Sale .. | pink kousa dogwood
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Amazon.com : MABES WAREHOUSE 14 Pink Kousa Dogwood Seeds Tree .. | pink kousa dogwood
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Pink kousa dogwood flowers in full bloom – pink kousa dogwood | pink kousa dogwood
The post Ten Facts That Nobody Told You About Pink Kousa Dogwood | Pink Kousa Dogwood appeared first on Wallpaper Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/ten-facts-that-nobody-told-you-about-pink-kousa-dogwood-pink-kousa-dogwood/
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ms-sakurai · 6 years
If anyone wonders what I’ve been up to these last weeks and what I’m currently drawing, I tell you this: I’ve been in hell that is called Actor Marc x Abe aka Mabe. And there is no sign of stopping. Why nobody is talking about this pair is beyond me (and the two other people who are suffering with me).
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pinewreaths · 7 years
Inseparable, Part One
The first story of Angstmas 2017! This story’s gonna be a two-parter.
The sound of the thundercrack woke Dipper, screaming. Waddles shuffled and grunted at the side of the bed, and he reached down to give the huge pig a scratch along the dry, wire-haired skin; the nightmare had been the same as it always had been, night after night, nearly every time he closed his eyes. Ford had tried a few gizmos and meditation tricks, but the memories resurged nevertheless, to the point that his Grunkle had voiced his murmured concerns to his brother Stanley that Dipper didn’t want to get better.
In a way, that was true. Dipper didn’t want to forget. As awful as those moments were, they were the last he had with his sister, and he never wanted to let them fade an iota if he could help it. He had seen how Stan would rub his shoulder, where the scar from the night he lost his brother still persisted, and the look in his eyes when he did so, in the weeks and months before Ford’s return, that look helped remind Dipper that he would never, could never, forget.
Not really.
But Ford had been lost to intradimensional space, through a portal beyond the ken of mere human understanding. Stan’s machinations to restore the portal had been extraordinary, his success improbable, Ford’s survival for two decades and ability to return unscathed impossible. Still, his death was not assured, not written in stone, not visible for all to see.
His memory turned back towards Mabel. She had him by the hand, pulling him ahead as they had raced down the corridors of obsidian, attempting to not look at glowing runes that twisted as you read them, inscriptions on walls that made your eyes water even before you could understand what your mind had barely refused to read. She had pulled him ahead, but missed the flash of movement, missed the baleful glow from ahead that outshone the light from the runes, missed the eye and the mocking half-laugh, half-scream of outrage and fury.
The bright flash of lightning through his clenched eyes alerted him a mere second before the crashing crescendo of thunder hit him like a punch in the gut, a clenched and muted scream forcing itself past his gritted teeth. In the thunderclap he had seen it, again, the sight of an enormous fist outlined in a pale unlight that raced towards them like a bullet the size of a car.
Dipper had held on, pulled backwards with Mabel as the limb struck, a half-second later thudding with wrenching finality against the inscribed wall behind them. His own shoulder twinged, and even now, nearly a year to the day later, he knew the oval-shaped rune the harsh obsidian had carved into his back was still inflamed and visible. At the time, he had barely felt it, the impact making his world nothing but sore pain across his entire form, his eyes forced shut from shock that eclipsed any previous fear he might have hoped to overcome.
Beyond the pain, however, was an icy dread that had shot from hand to arm to brain: Mabel’s grip had become loose, unresponsive. Her warmth had faded, stolen by the cold stone, and Dipper could feel a tepid wetness spreading across his palm.
He had cracked open one eye, uttering his sister’s name in a query filled with hope, fear, prayer, and despair in equal measure. His eye could make out the form of his sister, lifeless, and her name echoed off of the pyramid walls again as the demon cackled and fled.
Dipper recalled little that followed; at some point he was pulled free by his friends and Grunkles after the demon had been banished, at some point he had been comforted with words and embraces, at some point he had returned home to yet more of the same from parents, classmates, relatives, strangers, and at some point he had been put back on a bus to Oregon, with the hopes that it might “help the healing process.” He could examine each of these memories like they were glass snowglobes, looking in but never truly feeling anything but the chilling numbness he had felt in the pyramid. He spoke words, ate food, interacted to a minimum level, but it felt cold, mechanical, and insignificant.
It was only after a few days back in Gravity Falls, after the empty words and touches and looks of pity had passed, that he felt a spark of his old self. A yearling tree, marked by the base of the roots with a stone that had been carved with an unearthly-powerful laser pistol to engrave a shooting star, two initials, and a date.
Dipper had leaned against the tree, and a wisp of a memory surfaced:
It had been the third day after he had found Ford’s third journal. Dipper had already skimmed it and realized the grave importance within, but had now focused on reading it from cover to cover. One section he had lingered on was “Incantations moft Black and Foul,” described as being “for perfons and purpofes profane and forbidden.” Between the spell for “Razor Winds” and “Sickness, Inflict Mass,” there had been a single page devoted entirely to one ritual:
Dipper had once stolen into Stan’s study, mere days before Bill had emerged and come into his true power, and had found a sheaf of copied papers. The journals were but ash now, long scattered to the winds, but a copy might yet exist.
He forced himself to remain calm, his heart beginning to race as he took a long breath to steady himself. He couldn’t help but shoot a glance back towards the Shack. Soos’ voice could be heard, enthusiastic but indistinct through the trees; if there was one thing Dipper could rely on, it would be that Soos would never have destroyed or discarded any of Stan’s possessions. In fact, Dipper wasn’t even sure if the new owner of the Mystery Shack had ever even explored the office of the previous owner in the first place.
The thunder crashed again, and this time Dipper merely flinched so hard it was more of a shudder. That had been almost a week ago, but the one pilfered page sitting in a locked fishing tacklebox in the lowest level of the basement stood silent testament to his success. There had been warnings, to be sure, but Dipper had ignored the ones he could read and didn’t waste the time to decode the ones he couldn’t. Once, maybe, he would have happily spent an entire evening or two poring over cyphers and diagrams to wring every secret Ford had imbued into his journals, but he couldn’t afford to now.
Not when he was so close.
Soos had seemed curious when Dipper had gone up on the roof with part of the totem pole’s broken aerial. He had seemed to be content to leave Dipper well enough alone, and Melody had stayed even farther away: she seemed to want to help just as much, but Dipper could tell that something in the way he carried himself now made her uncomfortable. He didn’t care, didn’t bother to leave a platonic smile in place of his seemingly-permanent glower, didn’t look up or engage when asked about pointless drivel like the weather or sports teams, and generally had no time or patience for any attempts at probing into his feelings.
After a few days they had stopped trying, and now they steered clear of him as he bolted the aerial to the side of one of the roof peaks, and dropped a thick coil of rubber-insulated copper cable into the shattered stump of the totem pole. He finished making the necessary purchases and arrangements down in the basement below, clearing the remains of the portal as best as he could to make room for the circle he inscribed with salt and chalk and blood.
The most vital part of the whole affair was the hardest to procure. Dipper had to poke through Ford’s discarded inventions after a second check of the copies of the journals yielded little, until he found an old digestion notebook nestled between some crystal pyramids, with a promising title scrawled across the front:
Same-Plane Portals, Experiments #1-
The second number in the range had never been filled in, and the book was only half-full, but the latter few diagrams matched some of the intact hardware he had seen in the lockers and corners of the portal control room and cavern. The figures written alongside seemed to be promising, and when Dipper was able to fix some broken wiring and get a blue glowing pool to appear within the perimeter of the devices, he almost leapt with joy. The surge of hope and relief in his breast was more than he had felt for months, and a bit of ginger probing with a plank of wood returned seawater soaking the dry plank.
Time to dial it in. The red numerals on the side corresponded to the raw geographical coordinates of the portal’s exit, and Dipper carefully punched in the digits.
37°50'05.3" N
122°14'13.6" W
He shivered as the pool rippled and stilled again. In a single lurch, he strode through, a long bundle under one arm as he stepped into the darkness of the cool California air. Glancing nervously at the distant lights, Dipper steeled himself. He retraced his steps to the same humble headstone he had visited on the 13th each month, every month, for the entirety of this first wretched year so far.
For you, Mabes, he thought with a smile. Then Dipper began to dig.
The fruits of his labor lay far below him, wrapped in a canvas tarp, the musty worm-ridden dirt threatening to muss up his careful inscriptions. Dipper sat on his back, listening as another clap of thunder pealed and rattled the windows. His weather app on his phone had predicted the storm, but also indicated the bulk of it was nearly past. If he wanted to still rely on the energy of the storm, he would need to act swiftly.
Quickly slipping on his shoes and giving Waddles one last rub, Dipper stole out of the attic bedroom. Soos had cleared the storage bins to the side, but Dipper’s bed was uncomfortably unadorned: gone was the picture of the sailing ship Stan claimed to have once owned after winning it off the owner in a hand of poker. Gone was the writing desk, where so much studying had been done in the name of cryptozoology and science. Gone was the other bed, and the strange and unfamiliar asymmetry seemed to strike him the hardest.
Instead, in all their places were boring boxes of cardboard and plastic, containing the hopes of an independent house to come and the ability to expand to fill that home, like a hermit crab moving into a larger shell. For now, they all merely urged Dipper to complete his task, to bring away the edge of unfamiliarity and loneliness.
He ducked downstairs, past Stan’s bedroom and the twin underlying rumbles of his hosts’ thunderous snoring within. The code was punched into the vending machine, and a rusted joint protested briefly before he was at the elevator, watching as the cold glow of the lights in the control room speckled across his face.
Dipper pulled the elevator door aside, and strode over to the panels. With a few pressed buttons and pulled switches, a lone spotlight illuminated the floor; Dipper breathed a sigh of relief that no settling soil or underground rodent had disturbed a single line of the sigil. Still, he performed a quick perimeter check, ensuring all of the items were in their proper places, that the lines were crisp and neat, and above all, avoiding looking at the still and too-small bundle at the center of it all.
Another rumble of true thunder outside reminded him of the urgency needed, and Dipper sat, opening the tackle box and removing the spell. Crossing his legs, he cleared his throat, and began to incant slowly.
Dsvm lmv wivznh lu wzbh gszg xzmmlg ivgfim, Dsvm lmv'h slkvh zmw olevh zmw qlbh zoo yfim, Dsvm Wvzgs'h ozhg yfiwvm xzmmlg yv ylimv, Z oruv xzm yv ivgfimvw.
Yfg ivnvnyvi dvoo gszg oruv zmw yivzgs, Ziv mlg gsv nvzhfiv lu olev'h dvzogs, Nvnlirvh ziv yvggvi gszm uzohv svzogs, Blf szev gsfh yvvm dzimvw.
Z hsvoo rh nzwv uiln uovhs tlmv xlow, Z nrmw rh klfivw uiln nvnlib'h nlow, Z yivzgs ivgfimh oruv gl gsv ulow, Yfg gsv hkrirg szh mld yvvm yfimvw.
There was a faint fizzle, a crackle of green-hued fire sparking around the perimeter, leaping from each of the humble piles the spell had specified: iron, lime, water, sulfur, arsenic, potash, gold, silver, lead, and phosphor. Ford’s notes on the spell had said that the final three ingredients were strangely abstract in the original spellbook he had transcribed, and he had indicated that the test of the spell on a stillborn fawn had seemed to be successful enough.
Dipper couldn’t afford to be picky, but even then the green racers of light and heat were starting to fade, and Dipper could feel a breath of despair escape him as they threatened to fade out.
Then the cavern shook as a blinding strobe of light flared down the disused periscope hole that lead to the totem pole. At the same time, an almighty roar of thunder like the screaming of an enraged god threatened to deafen Dipper, drowning out all sensation of noise in one heartbeat and leaving a howling silence in the next.
He could feel the hairs on the back of his arm prickle from the insulated cable lying a few feet away, and a moment later the fading sparks of the incantation roared into a sheet of emerald fire. The components caught fire, boiling and burning and smoking merrily as streamers of smoke and ash and steam boiled upwards. Almost as soon as they reached the ceiling of the cavern, they curved inwards, towards the tarp-covered form at the center. The tarp ripped away, as if by a galeforce wind, and Dipper quickly averted his eyes from the greyed, tiny misshapen form beneath.
Soon, however, the clouds had mingled and obscured it from sight. The roaring in Dipper’s ears from the thunder had been replaced by the hiss of flame, and a sickly green glow shone from the center of the cloud. A form was backlit by it, and Dipper could feel his mouth drop in shock as the outline of first one limb, then another lengthened from the trauma-shortened stumps to their full length, and the form of her head filled out to a healthy roundness from the caved-in ruin it had been.
The ingredients consumed, the clouds began to thin, and Dipper could see them being drawn into patches of pale flesh that pinkened even as he watched. He felt his vision blur as he caught a glimpse of her face: it was as he remembered, looking like she was barely sleeping rather than being dead and gone from the world for an epoch. Then the clouds faded, and her nude form drifted almost gracefully to lay on her back, still and unmoving.
Dipper started to take a step forward, then stopped, remembering the circle. Still, his eyes swept over her immobile form with increasing alarm as she failed to take breath.
What did I do wrong, why didn’t it fully work, oh God did I just do nothing more than heal a corpse-
“GHAAAH!” she screamed, taking in a long and shuddering breath.
Dipper let out an incoherent shout of joy and raced to his sister, almost tackling her down as she strived to sit up in the middle of the spent ritual circle. Mabel’s head turned to her brother, giving him a smile that he returned with tears cleaning streaks over his grime-stained cheeks.
“Hiya bro-bro. What’d I miss?”
Continue reading here.
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Complete Lyrics
Oh boy. All the lyrics to every song that has been written. Here we go.
Tag list: @somer-joure @kerbabbles @atomicspaghetti (AtomicSpaghetti, your young Ford and Stan contribution was recycled and incorporated into the Tale of Two Stans song)
D: Ah, summer break. A time for leisure, relaxation, and takin’ her easy with family. Unless you’re me. My name is Dipper Pines-
M: Oh my GOSH! Look at all the grass! I didn’t know Gravity Falls had this much grass- OH MY GOSH A GOAT!
D: That was my twin sister, Mabel, and we’re about to have the worst summer ever.
D: A few days ago, Our parents shipped us up here, Now we’re stuck in some lumberjack town Called Gravity Falls.
M: Look at all of the trees, And all the boys-
D: Mabel.
M: What?
D: Right now I can’t think! How will we survive the summer?
GS: Hey! What’re you two doing? I don’t pay you to stand around all day.
M: You don’t pay us at all.
GS: Touche.
D: That’s our Grunkle Stan. He makes us work in his cheesy tourist attraction called “The Mystery Shack.”
GS: No refunds!
D: Now some would say that this is horrific, but it’s not so bad.
W: Hey dudes. How’s it going?
D: Wendy, Wendy Corduroy, Red haired, Friendly Corduroy, I love Wendy Corduroy, It’s true! But it’d be best if she never knew.
D: She has a boyfriend, after all. Robbie: as edgy and terrible as his music.
M: But on the bright side, I got a pig! Waddles! I named him that because he waddles.
GS: Hey, you. Go put up these signs in the spooky part of the forest.
D: What? But Grunkle Stan, I-
GS: What, are you “scared”? Ha!
D: Fine [Pause] Stupid Grunkle Stan, making me put up signs in the- what’s this? A journal? Suddenly our lives were upside down!
M: Gnomes!
D: Zombies!
M: Mermen!
D: Mysteries abound! This Journal 3 I’ve found, Is the answer I’ve been looking for.
D+M: Now we finally know, We can survive the summer! We will dare, Go anywhere, Uncover any more monsters.
D: The journal says “trust no one,”
M: But we can still have some fun!
D+M: This town is not what it seems.
D: Write down all that I’ve seen!
D+M: A summer full of mystery, Right here in Gravity Falls!
Gideon: This is just a widdle love song, It’s the kind of thing I do, This is just a widdle love song, love song, And I made it just for you. So Mabe-y baby stay and listen, Cause this song is overdue, This is just a widdle love song, love song, And I just gotta say that Mabel, I love you! Every morning, when I wake up, I think of you, and the whole world seems to light up! And when the night comes, if I’m feeling sad again, I think of you, and wonder what you’ve been doin’!
This is just a widdle love song, It’s the kind of thing I do, This is just a widdle love song, love song, And I made it just for you. So Mabe-y baby stay and listen, Cause this song is overdue, This is just a widdle love song, love song, And I just gotta say that Mabel, I love you!
Stan: Nobody wants to know the truth. Nobody wants to know what’s real, what’s wrong, what’s fake— They wanna be fooled. Nobody really wants to see The seams and the snares, Hey, kid, they just don’t care. Ya distract ‘em and they’ll give ya green. Nobody wants to look too close. Nobody wants to read the fine print, give 'em the bold and they’re already sold. And nobody’s really all that brave, What’s true is too much for these rubes but a touch Of a sham and they’ll rant, hey they’ll rave. It’s easy as pie. It’s easy as just Two lies for a laugh, And then prevaricate to give 'em a fright. Then tapdance 'round the background—they’ll doubt if your story’s too tight. Ya just suggest. They’ll make up the rest themselves. Just wait and see. You’ll confuse 'em You’ll always ruse 'em Because… Nobody wants to be the dupe. Nobody wants to know the truth Is what they avoid or admit they’ve been fooled. Everybody’s happy to pretend Just to keep living. Pretend’s what I’m giving, Oh, watch me work Watch me give it right down to the end. Hey ma'am? Customer 1: Yeah, sir? Stan: I can carry that wallet. Looks heavy. Hey, sir? Sir, Look here, Yeah, I’d call this a deal Customer 2: It’s a steal! Stan: There’s appeal in befuddlements Packaged and pricetagged so low, Had ya any sense— Customer 2: Sold! Stan: So, kid, you ask my why I do the things that I do. Did you hear the clink of the cash in the drawer? Do I gotta rehash just what it’s all for? (Pause) Nobody wants to know the truth. Nobody wants to know 'bout petty crime or misspent youth, Or who was wrong, And who was right, Or why old men don’t sleep at night. Nobody needs to know.
Dipper: He’ll be amazing, He’ll be fantastic, Like a hero from a movie-
Mabel: It sounds like he’s made of plastic! D: He’ll be brilliant, He’ll be clever, He’ll be everything I’ve ever dreamed or ever hoped to be. D:  I bet he’s been to lands untold! M: I bet he’s a million years old! I bet his voice cracks when he’s stressed! D: I bet his every breath puffs up his chest! M: I bet he knows every secret. D: If there’s one he doesn’t know, he’ll seek it. I bet he has a sweeping cape- M: Wait, Dipper, what if we made a mistake? What if he’s dead? D: What? M: What if he’s- D: No, that can’t be- M: The entry here dates ‘73. D: Mabel, that’s short for 1973, not 73 AD. But even if he is old, He’s still amazing, M: He’s still fantastic, D+M: Like a hero from a movie, Definitely cliche-classic. He’ll be brilliant, He’ll be clever.
D: We’ll find him soon together. M: You and me, there’s nothing better! D+M: You and me, and me and you, We’ll find him, the Author!
Bill: Ah, Gravity Falls! In color, even! Fancy. Man, it’s good to be back! You have no idea how long I was stuck in the nightmare dimension, kid.
Gideon: Listen Cipher!
Bill: Oh goodness, was I babbling?
Gideon: I have a job for you!
Bill: Ahh... Let’s...make...a...deal!
Gideon: A deal?
B: It’s getting real!
Gideon: What on earth?
B: See when you say those words, I focus on you little nerds! Let’s make a deal!
Gideon: You said that.
B: Bear through my spiel, And you could be anything you want Just agree to my terms and I won’t taunt Let’s make a deal! Let’s make a deal! Let’s make a...deal!
Bill: So, wha’d’ya want, Gids? Infinite power? Money? Deer teeth?
Gideon: No! I want you to break into the mind of Stanford Pines and steal the code to his safe.
Bill: Well. Mindscape invasion, Though it’s fun, it’s evasion, Of the law if I do it for you. It’s a tricky business and I’ve got a lot of plans, So hush up kid and listen, cause I have got my own demands... A little something in the works, Not disastrous, not mean, I’ve just been trapped in a decaying dimension while plotting my schemes. Now I’m not the type of Dorito that likes to lie to guys like you, You seem smart so I won’t waste time on you. If you help me out, then I’ll steal the code. Do we have a deal?
Gideon: Agreed.
B: We...have...a...deal!
Gideon: A deal!
B: It just got real!
Gideon: Oh yes!
B: See when you say those words, I focus on you little nerds! Let’s make a deal!
Gideon: You said that.
B: Bear through my spiel, Remember no tricksies cause I’ll EAT YOUR SOUL THEN WE’RE DONE! Play by the rules and you and I will be the best of chums! We have a deal!
Gideon: We have a deal!
B: We have a deal!
B+G: We have a...deal!
Bill: Well well well! Got yourself a problem, don’t cha Pinetree?
Dipper: You again! What are you doing here!
Bill: Just coming round to offer my assistance. You know, I can be quite helpful if-
Dipper: What?! No! I’d never trust you.
Bill: Slow down, kid! Just think about it.
B: Let’s...make...a...deal!
Dipper: A deal?
B: A bargain meal!
Dipper: I’m gonna be sick.
B: See when you say those words, I focus on you little nerds! Let’s make a deal!
Dipper: GO AWAY.
B: Bear through my spiel, And you could be anything you want Just agree to my terms and I won’t taunt Let’s make a deal! Let’s make a deal! Let’s make a...deal!
Dipper: No. Get away from me.
Bill: Ouch. Suit yourself, kid. I’ll be back, and my price is gonna be something MUCH STEEPER.
Bill: All I want is a puppet, Maybe one with googly eyes, (side note: is googly a word...?) Just a little puppet, Why is that such a surprise?  All my life I’ve been waiting, For the chance to have one be Mine, tell me, and be honest, Can you spare one just for me? Dipper: I dunno, Mabel worked really hard on these- B: Don’t you want those answers? I can tell you anything, And all I want, all I want, Is a puppet! D: Just one? B: For everything. B: So what d’ya say, Pine Tree? Do we have a deal?
D: Deal. So, what puppet are you going to pick, anyways?
B: Let’s see. Eeny, meeny, miney, YOU.
Tell me Pine Tree, Did you think that I’d be without plans? A second agenda, With my own goals, And now, strike up the band!
We have a deal! Here’s the reveal... You’re my puppet until I find and burn that third journal! So just sit tight and rest assured it’s nothing personal!
B: Hahaha! We have a deal!
D: No no no no no! Stop!
B: We have a deal!
D: The laptop! B: Your fate is sealed. Hahahahahaha!
Ford: I suppose we should start at the beginning, then. Stan: 1960-something, Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. Young Stan: Hey, Sixer? Young Ford: What? YS: Are you sleeping? YF: Yes. YS: You're such a liar! I can hear Your nerdy little voice Loud and clear In my ear! YF: Sometimes I wish you'd just disappear. YS: No you don't. YF: Goodnight. (Pause) YS: Hey, Fordsy. YF: Ugh! Go to bed, Stan! YS: No! I'm not tired and I say, This is the best time of the day For adventure. C'mon let's go and play! YF: Why? We did that all day. Go away! YS: Hey! We could be pirates sailing far, Across seven seas under the stars, Or maybe soldiers in a galactic war, C'mon Sixer, what are you waiting for? The night is ours, Use your head. We could make a huge blanket fort on your bed, And pretend to be knights saving pretty ladies- YF: School's tomorrow are you crazy? YS: Maybe! We can save the world from supernatural threats! Slaying mighty dragons without breaking a sweat! Finding buried treasure and diamonds and rubies, C'mon Sixer, why won't you play with me? Aliens, monsters, They'll all quake in fear, When they hear that the Pines twins are near! Dashing, charming, and handsome too! YF: Please be quiet - mom and dad will kill you! YS: Think about this, Just you and me! Our future right there for the taking. A story book fairy tale just opened up And it's written just for us. Stanford why are we waiting? Can't you see? The world is full Of new things to find, days for seizing, I'll punch my way out of anything. And I know you've got my back. Sixer, I'm not teasing. You and me! YF: You and I. YS: Side by side, Together? YF: Together. BOTH: Forever and ever, I'll never leave you behind! MA PINES: Boys! It's way past your bedtime! If I come up there and find that you've made a mess...! S: Those were the days, huh, Sixer? F: High school followed a few years later, and my future began to look bright. TEACHER: Mr. and Mrs. Pines, welcome. We need to talk about your son, Stanford. Stanley is waiting outside, but we'll get to him later. MA PINES: What's happened? Has Stanley spray painted the girls' locker room black, again? TEACHER: Yes, but that's not the point. Your son Stanford... He's a genius! A straight "A" genius! All the staff is going crazy Over his new project. Mr. Pines, he's great! You should be proud! Some college administrators Will be visiting tomorrow. I am almost certain That Stanford stands a chance with them. MA PINES: What about my Stanley? TEACHER: Miss, fast food restaurants were started for one purpose: to give jocks like Stanley a job. Look at the bright side, he'll always be nearby. (Pause) Teen Stan: Ha! Like you'd want to go to college. Ha! Like you'd leave me behind. All for the "pursuit of knowledge," Jokes on them: we're staying side by side. Teen Ford: You know what, Stan, I've been thinking. This is a huge break for me. I could actually do something with my life, Just you wait and see! Tomorrow decides my fate, Tomorrow seals the deal. That project decides my fate, But I know when that man walks in, he'll- Give me a scholarship, Make me an offer. TS: But what about us? Our hunting for coffers? TF: It can wait. TF: I'll make you a deal, Stanley. If I don't get a scholarship, then I'll do the treasure-hunting thing with you. Deal? TS: (Pause) Alright. (Pause) TS: What about me, huh? What'll I do? All of my plans Were banking on you, Being there with me. But those plans I'll never see! All because of a stupid project, I've been pushed aside like a dusty old object And like THAT suddenly my future is gone! (Machine breaks) TS: Oh no, no please! Okay...okay. Fixed it. Good as new. (Pause) TF: Today decides my fate, Today seals the deal. That project decides my fate, But I know when that man walks in, he'll MAN: Son, your machine's broken. TF: What?! No, no! It was working just yesterday- MAN: I think I'm done here. TF: (Pause) STAN! TS: Hey, Sixer! How'd it go? TF: It didn't "go" at all! My project was broken, Stanley. And guess what I found next to it! TS: Okay, so...maybe I hit it. But hey, there's a silver lining! Eh? Treasure hunting? TF: Are you kidding me? Why would I want to do ANYTHING with you? You ruined my future! FILBRICK PINES: You did what, you knucklehead? Get out of my house, Get out of this place! You tiny louse, Find some other space! FILBRICK: And don't come back! TS: What? Wait! Sixer, don't let him do this? High six? (Pause) TS: Fine! I don't need you, I don't need a home, I hate every one of you. Someday I'll be famous, And on that day you'll see, The name "Stanley Pines" on every billboard, And you'll remember me! No I won't be coming back! Not even if you beg me! Look at everything you'll lack, Now that I'm gone, you'll see. So bye! Ciao! See ya! And one thing overdue: Ford, I know your listening, I hope you're happy with the future you lose! (Pause) S: So...I decided to do the treasure-hunting thing. Turns out that gold is some kind of "rare metal." I struck gold elsewhere, though: in sales! Adult Stan: Hello my name is Stanley Pines! Are you sick of band-AIDS that won't come off? You need the RIP-OFF! It comes off easy! RIP-OFF! Trust me, I ain't sleazy. When I say it comes off, it comes off! S: The problem was: it didn't stay ON. Needless to say... It ended badly. But with a quick name change, Steve Pinington was ready to take on New York. AS: Hello my name is Steve Pinington! Are you sick of stains that won't come out? You need the SHAM! It makes it easy! The SHAM! Trust me, I ain't sleazy. When I say it won't give you rashes- S: It gave you rashes. And that's how I began - and that's why I'm banned from 43 states. F: Meanwhile, I had to go to my...second choice college. DEAN: Welcome, students, To Backupsmore. We weren't your first choice, But there's more! We make up for what we lack in mostly bug-free dorms! F: I had to work twice as hard for my degree, but luckily for me, that's what I do best. I soon graduated with 12 PhD's and was awarded a grant for my research, but what to study? Adult Ford: All my life I've been teased, For my hands, my abnormality. Six fingers on each hand, Excluded from group activities. Maybe there's a reason, Maybe there's a place, Filled up with superstition, Sightings. Just a trace, Is all I need to go on. Aha! That's it! I'll study the paranormal, And of sightings, just a minute, There it is, I knew it! In Oregon's countryside, There's a town called Gravity Falls, Where folks say monsters hide. F: I set off at once and started my research. I began to keep a journal- Dipper: AHHHHH THE JOURNALS!!! (Pause) D: Sorry, I just...keep going. F: Right. Well, my research led me to...an interesting circumstance. S: Meanwhile for me, life was great. Everything was going smoothly. (Door knocks) AS: Hold on, Horace! I told you once already. We sorted this out- You gave me a week to- AS: A postcard? (Pause) AS: Calm down, Stanley, breathe. It's only been ten years, Plus, he's your brother. It's not like he'll- AF: HALT. HAVE YOU COME TO STEAL MY EYES?! (Pause) AS: Great to see you too. AF: Stanley. Quickly - inside. AS: Did you build this? AF: Yes, but Stanley, I need you to listen to me. Take this journal, Keep it safe. Promise me, You'll keep it safe! AS: Alright, alright. AF: Do you remember our plans? Our plans to search for treasure? To sail across the seven seas, The world's width to measure? AS: Yeah- AF: Take this, and sail far away with it. AS: You're kidding! That's it? All this way- You must be SICK. Ten years, I haven't seen you! Ten years, I thought it'd be- Forget this. Forget you! I'll just burn this book and leave- AF: No! My research! AS: Get off of me- AH! AF: Stanley! No, oh god- OOF! AS: Some brother you turned out to be. AF: Stanley...Stanley! AS: What's going on?! AF: Help me, Stanley! Help me...! AS: No. No! You can't take him, I just got him back! S: I stayed down there for days, trying to get that thing to work. Eventually, I had to go out for food. (Pause) Lazy Susan: Hey, aren't you that researcher in the woods? Manly Dan: Whatcha been doin' up there, bro? AS: Oh, nothing much... LS: I'd pay anything to see what's in that "mystery shack" of yours! AS: Pay? Money? S: And so, the Mystery Shack was started. I'd spend my days upstairs, selling cheap oddities and museum tours. But at night, I was back in the basement, working on getting the Portal to work again.
Dipper: He’s amazing, He’s fantastic, Like a hero from a movie, And he’s living in our basement!
He is brilliant, He is clever, He is everything I’ve ever dreamed, And ever hoped to be!
Stan: Kid, you’ve got your facts twisted around.
S: He cares for nothing but himself, The only reason why he ever does anything is to get trophies on shelves, He wants to go down in history, A statue in gold, over billions sold, and the world, the world at his feet.
D: No! If he’s as selfish as you say,
S: Oh, you bet he is.
D: Then why have you for the past thirty years worked on that portal for every day You could’ve taken your things and left,
S: Kid…
D: But you stayed here working, with monsters still lurking, and you turned away from theft!
S: That’s enough! There are some things that kids like you just can’t understand.
D: But Grunkle Stan-!
S: I said THAT’S ENOUGH! And stay away from my brother.
Ford: Take this back, this path of choices, I didn’t mean for this at all. I shook his hand, “show me your way,” And here I stand, on Judgment Day, Waiting, mere hours ‘til Earth’s curtain call.
I never should have trusted him, why did I? He who only watches with a single eye? I thought the dream was pure, But not I’m not so sure. It’s too late to change, just repeat that line.
When I try to sleep, it’s in my head, All burning broken desolate and dead, But there’s nothing I can do, He planned this out, he knew, That I’d have no where to turn after the fall. Besides, who could help me? Who who try? Everything is lost and I trust no one.
Ford: Dipper, can’t you see? You are so much like me, Can it be, that you were meant for something more? Your future’s right in front of you, I’m opening a door. Be my apprentice, Dipper, You don’t want to miss this, Dipper, You and me, we’ll take the world by storm! Just you and I together, We’ll change this world forever, Stick with me, we’ll be mystery defined, Just Dipper and Stanford Pines. Dipper: But what about school?
F: I’ll teaching you everything. D: What about my friends? F: Casualties for progress.
D: What about my parents? F: They’ll be thrilled!
D: What about Mabel?
F: She’ll be fine on her own. Twins have an understated ability to...move on. 
D: I don’t know... We’ve never really been apart before.
F: Isn’t it suffocating? Haven’t you wanted to do something with your life? This is your chance!
Be my apprentice, Dipper, You don’t want to miss this, Dipper, You and me, we’ll take the world by storm! Just you and I together, We’ll change this world forever, Stick with me, we’ll be mystery defined-
D: Great Uncle Ford!
Soos: Whoa, dude! Slow down! Mabel: Oh my gosh! We could have the party HERE! Stan: Ha! No. Knowing you two, you'll probably raise the dead or somethin'. Not in my house! Soos: Hey dude! You could try the gym - it'd be a great place for your party. Mabel: That's a great idea, Soos! Let's go! I'm growing up, There's no need for babysitters, I'm old enough! I'm growing up, Drop the "pre" in preteen, high school here I come! In just a couple days, I'll be older, In so many ways. No turning back, now, Look out world, I'm growing up! Mabel: Whoa, what is everyone doing at school for the summer? Soos: I dunno, dude. I thought it was gonna be empty. Wendy: Hey! Mabel! Mabel: Wendy? You're here too? Wendy: Yeah. Everybody's here signing up for next year stuff. Mabel: This is great! I'm going to be in high school next-next year. Do you have any tips? Wendy: Don't try to grow up too fast. Mabel: What? Wendy: Listen, let me be honest, High. School. Sucks. Everybody's angry, Covered with acne, Drama's always everywhere, Boys like you based on your hair. Robbie: Hormones! Tambry: Taxes! Thompson: College! Nate: Jobs! Ensemble: Only four years to endure, But it's like death, you can be sure! Hey! Whoo! Sit down! Get to class! Detention! Wendy: When you grow up, There's no more crying, No more relaxing, Everyone's lying. You can't wake up, This is the nightmare That is high school Ensemble: High school! Wendy: Anyway. Whatcha doin' here? Mabel: Oh, you know, just...planning my thirteenth birthday party. Wendy: Cool. Can I come? Mabel: Sure. Soos: C'mon, dude. We have to deliver your invitations. Mabel: Oh yeah! I'm growing up, PG-13 movies, yeah, I'm old enough! I'm growing up, Sure there's high school soon but I can finally fall in love! In just a couple days, I'll be older, In so many ways. No turning back, now, Look out world, I'm growing up! Mabel: Candy! Grenda! Candy: Hello Mabel. Grenda: Heyyy. Mabel: You're not gonna believe...THIS! Grenda: What? You're birthday party's on the last day of summer? But I'm going on vacation with my boyfriend! Mabel: What? No! Candy, you can still come, right? Candy: Sorry, Mabel. My parents send me to music camp this time of year. There is no escape from music camp. Grenda: Sorry we can't come. Candy: We're going to miss you! Soos: Dude? Are you okay? Mabel: I'm growing up, Summer's ending soon, my friends are leaving. Feels like I'm doomed, But you know what? The sun's still shining through! In just a couple days, I'll be older, In so many ways. No turning back, now, Look out world- Ford: Be my apprentice, Dipper You don't want to miss this, Dipper Mabel: No... I'm growing up, I can't be a kid, anymore. I'm growing up, Why did everything turn out so poorly? In just a couple days, I'll leave my brother, I'm out of control. No turning back, now, Look out Mabel, You're growing up...
Ford: See Dipper? This is what I mean…. Can you look in the mirror and follow your dream? You’re a kid unlike any I’ve known! Whose bravery and knowledge have always brightly shown Will you be my apprentice Dipper? You sure don’t wanna miss this, Dipper.
Dipper: I’ll do it!
F: You’ll do it? Oh that’s wonderful my boy!
D: I’m meant for so much more!
D+F: You and me, we’ll take the world by storm! Just you and I together We’ll change this world forever!
F: Stick with me! We’ll be mystery defined, D+F: Just Dipper and Stanford Pines.
Stan: Can this be real? Can you hear how I feel? Are you sleeping, or is it pretend? I don’t think you know That for this battered soul, You’re the world, mid, beginning, and end. Ya know, sometimes I think I’m dreaming. Please tell me how I could have known That after those years Of heartache and tears I’d be here, with so much to lose. What could I have done To deserve to have someone Love me the way that you do? What I wouldn’t give— Had I another chance to live, I’d trade it all Just to keep both of you.
D: A few days ago, Bill took over the town, Now we're stuck here, And there is no way out. M: I can't believe this happened. It's all my fault- D: What? Mabel- M: I can't figure out a way BOTH: To survive the summer.
M: We have an idea!
S: Mabel? What are you doing up?
D: We know how we can defeat Bill!
D: We’ll need smarts!
M: And sweaters!
D: We’ll work in any kind of weather.
M: Cause we can do it if we work together-
S: What are you kids talking about?
M: Just listen!
D: Before Bill burned the journals, Grunkle Ford started to say, That Bill has a weakness! Now we know there’s a way!
M: So all we have to do, Is bust in and rescue Ford. Then he can help us beat Bill, We just gotta work to
D+M: Take back the Falls!
D: With your inventions and skill.
D+M: Take back the Falls!
M: By the end of this you bet we will! We just have to start with this house, Tell us, you guys, you in or out?
S: You kids need to go back to bed, you’re obviously sick in the head or something’.
M: Grunkle Stan, Bill has your brother. You can’t let him go, you just got him back!
D: We can do this.
Wendy: I’m in.
Soos: Me too!
Fiddleford: Me three!
Ensemble: Take back the Falls! With our inventions and skill. Take back the Falls! By the end of this you bet we will! And that one-eyed evil, Won’t see us now, take back the falls! With our inventions and skill. Take back the Falls! By the end of this you bet we will! No more running, and hiding, We’re done! Take back the Falls!
M: Grunkle Stan, why aren’t you helping?
S: Me, rescue my brother again? Ha, no. What’s the point? He’s dead to me either way.
Ford: Let him go you- what?
Bill: Hiya Fordsy. You have a nice nap?
F: Where am I?
B: The Fearamid. Like it? I think it’s snazzy. Have a seat!
F: What are you laughing at?
B: After all this time, you still don’t recognize a flesh couch, do you?
F: Agh! () What do you want, Bill?
B: You know that forcefield thing?
F: What forcefield thing?
B: There’s something that’s stopping my Weirdmageddon from getting released to the masses.
F: Gravity Falls’ Law of Weirdness Magnetism, yes I know it.
B: How do I get rid of it?
F: I’ll never tell you.
B: Then I’ll just have to make you tell me.
F: AH!
Ensemble: Take back the Falls! With our inventions and skill. Take back the Falls! By the end of this you bet we will! And that one-eyed evil, Won’t see us now, take back the falls! With our inventions and skill. Take back the Falls! By the end of this you bet we will! No more running, and hiding, We’re done! Take back the Falls!
Ford: What could I have done To deserve to have someone Love me the way that you do? What I wouldn’t give For another chance to live! I’d give it a-all…. 
M: We're growing up, Now the summer's ending, Soon it will be fall. D: We're growing up, Turn our backs on this town, Bye Gravity Falls. S: Now you're both older- F: And smarter, but don't lose heart. S: Promise we'll be back to visit, M+D: Promise we'll be back to visit. W: See ya when you come to visit. M: Waddles? I...I told you, mom and dad won't let me bring a pig home. You can't come. S: Forget what they said! Hey, driver! This pig is going with the kids, you hear me? DRIVER: Now wait just a minute- Uh, I mean, welcome aboard, pig. W: Hey, Dipper. Come back soon, okay? CANDY: Bye Mabel! GRENDA: We'll miss you! SOOS: See ya, little dudes. F: Goodbye, Dipper and Mabel. It was a pleasure to be able to meet you. (Brief pause) S: Kids, you knuckleheads were nothing but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of ya. (Pause) M: We'll miss you, Grunkle Stan. (Pause) D: Ready to head into the Unknown? M: Nope. Let's do it. D: So, if you're ever taking a road trip in the Pacific Northwest, look out for a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls. It's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it. Some think it's a myth. But if you're curious, don't wait. Take a trip. Find it. It's out there somewhere in the woods...waiting.
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coco-writes · 7 years
Alex, Kara, Iris, and Sara.
Alex I could potentially ship with all the ladies (minus Kara) across the DCTV verse. Like, just throw someone at me and chances are I’ve got a headcanon or would happily ot3 them with Sanvers. Specifically tho literally EVERY female character on Supergirl I ship with Alex; Astra, Lucy, M’gann... oh mabes not Cat, wow that’d be weird. Also, Laurel. I have extensive headcanons about Laurex and Alex/Maggie/Laurel. Come on, secret agent/cop/lawyer, what a power team. 
Kara, Mainly Cat, James, and Lena... occasionally Sara bc Sara. 
Iris I ship Snowest pretty hard, bc I’m gay and I love them. I do ship Westallen tho, another of my rare straight ships. 
Sara, everyone. So many people. If the character’s name isn’t Oliver Queen or related to her, probs I ship it. Honorable mentions, NYSSA, Kendra, Snart, Kara, Alex, Amaya, The Queen of France bahaha, I’d probs ship her with Gideon... you can’t stop me. 
Send me a character and i’ll tell you at least two characters I ship them with
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