#this show continues to go 'these two have the weirdest friendship on the planet and that's great'
shitpostingkats · 11 months
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Literally in what situation did this come up. Ai. Speak to me. Ai what do you mean by this.
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astubborntaurus · 4 years
Locational Astrology Part III - Choosing the Best Places to Go
Part I - Relocation Charts
Part II - AstroCartography Maps
Welcome to the 3rd and final part of my Introduction to Locational Astrology lesson! In Part 1 we talked about why location matters in astrology and the role of relocation charts, in Part 2 we talked about AstroCartography maps, and now we’re going to use that knowledge to pick out the best places in the world for you to go. If you haven’t read Parts 1 and 2 yet, I highly suggest reading through those before continuing so this lesson will make sense. Also, again, these techniques depend on having an absolutely exact time of birth for your chart, down to the precise minute. Even just a several minute inaccuracy can completely throw off the entire interpretation.
Here we go!
Start with the natal chart
Now that we understand relocation charts and AstroCartography maps, we’re equipped to start answering the fundamental question of locational astrology: “where are the best places for me to go?” The first step in answering this is to look at your natal chart to get a sense of your most advantageous and most challenging placements. If you have any planets that are in their ruling sign, are exalted, or have trine and/or sextile aspects, make a note of that. If you have planets that are in their detriment or fall, or have squares or oppositions to other planets, make a note of those, too. What we want to do in the next step is find places that put your best-placed planets on top of your AC, MC, DC, or IC, and in ways that line up with what you want to achieve through relocation.
Getting to know the planets
First, let’s look at the planets. Remember, moving to a location on one of these lines could turn up the volume of any of that planet’s traits for you, including those that come from more personal configurations in your chart rather than just the planet’s “normal” archetype. Things like rulership, aspects, sign placements, and anything else from your natal chart can’t be accounted for in this general intro lesson here, but make sure to consider those when interpreting what one of your lines will do. Each line will turn up the volume of that planet in your life exponentially, so you’ll want to get to know the planet’s role in your life as intimately as possible when interpreting what that line means for you.
The general effects of each line
Once you understand the personal role of a planet in your life, it’s a great time to start thinking about what the lines mean. Below are some general interpretations for each planet and angles on the lines. Be sure to check the interpretation for both the planet and the angle. For example, to learn about the Mercury MC line, read both the “Mercury Lines” and the “MC Lines” interpretations below to see which theme is being amplified and where in life it’s being channeled. 
Planets: Which themes you’re amplifying
Sun Lines: If you have a well-placed and well-aspected natal sun, these lines can amplify your vitality and life force, making you feel bolder, energetic, empowered, and inspired in these places.
Moon Lines: These lines put more of a spotlight on your emotions, family, fundamental roots, and sense of security. If you have a well-placed moon, this can go very well on your DC or IC, but it’s typically best to avoid more public-facing moon lines unless you have a really good reason for wanting to go more public with your emotions.
Mercury Lines: These lines can make you much busier and immerse you in constant communication with others and intellectual stimulation.
Venus Lines: These lines put more of an emphasis on themes like beauty, romance, and indulgence. These also tend to be great places to develop your sense of charisma if you have a well-aspected Venus.
Mars Lines: These places can really stimulate your passion, energy, and willpower, but also make you more prone to anger, recklessness, and accidents. They’re exciting, but can be a bit of a wildcard. They’re typically safest if you have a very well-aspected Mars.
Jupiter Lines: These are ideal lines for adventure, growth, and expansion. Your activities on these lines will probably expand to things much vaster than planned. They’re fantastic places to go if you’re feeling restricted and looking to expand more on something in your life.
Saturn Lines: On these lines, you may be forced to work harder and develop a much more rigid sense of discipline and responsibility. They also can make you feel very trapped and restricted, though, and you may end up stuck in these places (literally or metaphorically) and stay for longer than planned
Uranus Lines: These places will make you feel more rebellious and unsatisfied, demanding that you act on your need for freedom and independence to make changes and fight the status quo. They require a large amount of self-motivation, or else you might end up feeling angry and unsatisfied.
Neptune Lines: These lines are excellent for escapism and artistic endeavors. However, things might not be what they seem to be here, and you may find yourself seeing the world through rose tinted glasses in these places if you’re not very careful.
Pluto Lines: These are very intense places that will put you face-to-face with themes of death, the taboo, and very intense transformation.
Lunar Node Lines: These are probably the weirdest of the lines, and visiting them will likely be very deep and karmic experiences that feel too strange to be coincidence. These usually aren’t ideal places to live long-term because they are so spiritually exhausting, but shorter trips to these places can be life-altering experiences in unexpected ways.
Angles: Where in your life that planet will be channeled
AC Lines: These relate to your self, identity, and expression. These put the corresponding planet on the forefront of your identity, allowing you to explore formerly repressed parts of your identity and express yourself more truly to that part of yourself.
MC Lines: These lines make their corresponding planet become extremely public to the world and prominent in your career and public image. If you’d rather keep the traits of a particular planet private, such as your moon, don’t move to its MC line.
DC Lines: These relate to your relationships, coworkers, close friendships, and enemies. The corresponding planets of these lines might manifest in two ways: in the way you experience your connections with others, or in the kinds of people who come into your life here.
IC Lines: These lines make their corresponding planet manifest very strongly in your home and family life. This is ideal for stability-seeking planets that can help you build a solid foundation in your home life in the new location, but planets like Mars and Pluto on the IC can make your home life more volatile and unstable.
Good lines for challenging placements
Some lines may be extremely beneficial for some people, but rathe dangerous for others because of how the corresponding planet is placed and aspected in their natal charts. Earlier in the lecture, I said to take note of the strongest and most challenging placements in your chart to avoid moving to a line that will put your more challenging areas of your life on a pedestal. If there’s a theme in life that you want to develop, but it’s connected to a more challengingly-placed planet in your chart, another way to get beneficial effects for planets that are more harshly placed or aspected in your chart is to click the “w. harmonious aspects” button on the AstroClick travel map from Part 2. This shows where you can go to form trines and sextiles between planets and your AC, IC, MC, or DC in the relocation chart, getting a softer and more mellowed-down but harmonious version of what you’d get on the conjunction line. These can still be very powerful places to go with an incredible impact on your life. Seriously, these lines are epic - don’t underestimate them. 
What to do next
Looking at your AstroCartography map, make note of some specific locations on lines that you like. Once you have a few places in mind, check out your relocation charts for those places more detailed information about how they could impact you, and there you have it! You’ve done a locational astrology reading!
Advanced AstroCartography
These are just a few techniques used in interpreting relocation charts and AstroCartography maps, but many astrologers have their own individualized approaches to it. Some astrologers use techniques such as Zenith Latitudes to Crossing Latitudes to create even more lines, and some people even cross-check planets in both tropical and sidereal charts to see if a planet is well-placed in one but debilitated in another. Also, looking at any transits and progressions impacting the planets you’re hoping to amplify can give you a much more detailed view of what’s going on, but that’s more advanced and outside the scope of this lesson. That only begins the list of many other locational astrology techniques, but I hope that this lesson helped you get a feel for the general idea so that you can start building an approach of your own!
Thank you so much for reading this lesson, and I hope that it was helpful. As always, I’m here if you ever have any questions. This is one of my favorite topics in astrology and I’m always happy to talk about it more.
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fckinwild-kiwi · 5 years
Time to Realize (pt. 2)
Warnings: swearing, smut Word Count: 6.3k
Important note: The Greek mythology throughout this piece does not accurately represent Greek mythology to its fullest extent. Some things are changed for the sake of the story. One major point is the relationship between Hades and the rest of Mt. Olympus. With that being said, their relationship isn’t family-oriented, but Hades is welcome throughout Mt. Olympus and everyone gets along enough to be considered tolerated.
A/N: Please give me some feedback on this smut, that’s the hardest thing for me to write and I struggled this whole chapter so let me know your opinions, please!
As she walked back into her apartment, she was met with a smirking Christine and a wide-eyed Rowan. “Jesus Christ, guys! What the hell are you doing waiting up for me?”
“I saw you two pull back into the apartment and as the best friend that I am, I decided to eavesdrop a bit,” She said, crossing her arms. “Seriously though, how was it.”
“It was amazing, Harry is just…Amazing…”
“Oh come off it, he’s just a typical guy, how amazing could he possibly be.”
“That’s the thing, he’s not the same as the other assholes around here with two brain cells,” Y/n said as she nudged Rowan’s shoulder. “Harry’s been such a good friend and for the first time in a long time, I allowed myself to see him as more than that.”
“Wait, what the hell happened between you two?”
“It’s complicated, I guess,” Y/n started, looking down at her fingers. “The whole night was so weird. I met all these beautiful looking people who I just felt so… connected with. They were so kind and welcoming and listen to this Chris, a bunch of them knew my parents! They said they’ve been watching me as I’ve been practicing my botany skills and that they’re impressed. I’ve never felt prouder.
“And then there was Harry. He was just-ugh! He was so in his element tonight, mingling and introducing me to everyone like they were all his old friends. I’ve been pining over him for the last year and I started to think I had no chance and that he wasn’t interested at all but tonight… Oh my god, guys, I don’t even think I want to share these details because Ro would probably just get off on it but… Tonight we kissed! I pulled him into the kiss but then he pulled me back in again and I- “
“Y/n stop! Oh my god, you and Harry kissed? I wondered how long that was going to take! Rowan, you owe me twenty dollars.”
“Wait a second… You and Ro made a bet against how long it would take Harry and I to get together?”
“Of course we did. I thought it wouldn’t be until senior year, but Christine just kept insisting that it would happen before this year was over.”
“You’re such assholes!” Y/n said grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her friends. She couldn’t help but smile, had she been that obvious? She felt drawn to Harry in a way she couldn’t explain and know that she knew for a fact that he was interested in her too, just made her the beam.
“Goodnight, y/n,” Rowan said as he stepped up to engulf her in a hug, quickly trying to leave. “I’m going to head out now. I’ll talk to you two tomorrow.”
That night as she laid in bed thinking about Harry and the Adonis-like people she had met this evening, y/n couldn’t help but feel like for the first time she was finally in a place that felt familiar and comfortable, like home. As her anxiety and loneliness started to diminish, y/n could feel the happiness and positive energy flow not only through herself but also through the environment around her causing the plants and living things in her vicinity to feel the effects of that too.
The next morning y/n was woken up by the heavy pounding of someone knocking on her door. “Oh my fucking god, I’m going to kill whoever that is,” y/n growled, her eyes still closed as she tried to roll over.
The moment y/n got comfortable, the visitor at the door long forgotten, Christine knocked on her door. “Y/n, Harry is here. He comes bearing gifts.”
Y/n shot out of bed, opening her closet to throw on a baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants. At this point in their friendship, Harry wasn’t someone she was going to hide behind the mysterious veil of makeup. She tried that for a few weeks but with him hanging out so often, it was much easier to just let everything happen naturally. And that meant that sometimes she would see him with her crazy bedhead hair and oversized clothes. She quickly ran into the bathroom to brush her teeth and go to the restroom. When she walked out, she saw him sitting on her couch, holding a coffee.
“Hey mister,” y/n said, gaining the attention of the curly-haired boy. “I didn’t expect to see you so early today.”
“Hey love,” Harry said as he stood up and pulled y/n in for a hug, kissing her on the top of the head. “I know I should have called first, but I still haven’t explained everything about last night and it might take all day. I also missed you.”
“Oh yes, I cannot wait to hear all about the odd and mysterious thing but all I heard just now was that you missed me,” y/n said, grinning as she kissed him on the cheek. She didn’t have the fear of rejection lingering in the back of her mind anymore. Just knowing that Harry woke up at the butt crack of dawn because he missed her erased any doubts she still had frolicking her mind.
“I also brought you this coffee,” He said, pulling out the Starbucks cup from beside him. “Iced Carmel macchiato with almond milk.”
“You’re my favorite person on this planet. Christine still doesn’t know my order and I’ve known her the longest,” Y/n said, saying the last part loudly.
“Shut the hell up Y/n/n. Can you two get out of here so I can go back to bed?” Christine said.
“We should go, I forgot how early it was when I decided to just show up here,” Harry said. “Are you ready?”
“Is what I’m wearing presentable enough for whatever you have planned?”
“What you’re wearing is perfect. I think we’re just going to go by my place. It’ll be easier to explain things like that when we’re there… If it’s okay?”
“Oh, are you just trying to seduce me? Is that where this is leading?” Y/n asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Oh my god,” Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck as it turned a deep shade of red.
“I’m kidding,” Y/n said, gently reaching up to touch his pink-tinged cheeks. “I’ve known you for a year and I have still never even seen where you live. This is exciting for me!”
Harry just smiled before grabbing y/n’s hand and leading her towards the door. The pair walked out of the apartment complex and walked in the opposite direction of the parking lot.
“Harry where are we going? The cars are that way,” Y/n said, pointing the other direction.
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do.”
“This is going to require trust and a lot of it,” Harry said, sighing as he looked down at the girl in front of him. Y/n quickly stepped on her tippy toes, her hands finding Harry’s cheeks as she pulled him into a kiss. At the moment, she wasn’t sure if she was reassuring him of the trust she had in him or trying to make herself less guilty for questioning that trust at all.
“Let’s get to it then,” Y/n said after pulling away from the frazzled boy.
“You never cease to amaze me,” Harry said as he smiled. Once the fear of the unknown was erased, y/n and Harry continued walking deeper into the woods behind the apartment complex. As they trekked further, y/n didn’t feel fear but an overwhelming sense of direction. It felt as if she knew exactly where she was going even though she didn’t remember ever being in these woods before in her life.
“Harry,” Y/n said, causing Harry to stop where he was walking and stare at the girl beside him. She couldn’t feel him staring though. Y/n was mesmerized by yellow daffodil growing by a nearby tree. As she let go of Harry’s hand she walked toward the lone flower.
“What is it, love?”
“It’s so crazy to see this daffodil growing here,” She said as she got down on her hands and knees, lightly touching the flower. “They usually only grow in the springtime. How is it possible for them to grow in September?”
“I’m not sure, totally crazy,” Harry said as he stared at her in awe. She didn’t even know what she was doing but she was doing it all… so right. “You could pick it though if you wanted to, that way you could keep it with you.”
“I’d love to pick it, but I wouldn’t want to disturb whatever’s going on here. It’s way too precious.”
As she stood up, she noticed Harry shaking his head, his smile continues to grow. She gently tugged his arm, breaking him out of his little daze before they continued on their way. The deeper they walked into the forest, the darker their surroundings were. This made y/n’s heart rate pick up and a smile form on her face, almost as if she were riding a rollercoaster and swimming on an adrenaline high. She was loving every second.
A few minutes later, Harry stopped and stared at a nearby tree. “This is it, we’re almost there. This is the weirdest part if that’s even possible. You just really have to trust me here.”
“I do,” Y/n said, gripping his hand tighter as they walked towards the tree. She was getting more confused by the second, Harry was picking up his speed and it looked like he was going to walk right into the tree…And make her collide with him! She closed her eyes, bracing herself for impact but instead of slamming into the tree, she was hit with a new feeling: Heat, punishing heat.
As she opened her eyes and released a bit of her death grip on Harry, she noticed how different her surroundings were. PEOPLE were swimming in a moat-like area around the floor they were standing on. It was entirely clear that she wasn’t in Massachusetts anymore…
“Y/n,” Harry said, causing her to snap her head towards him. “This is where I live…”
“I love it down here!”
Harry’s eyebrows shot up and mouth fell open. Maybe he thought the disgustingly hot feeling would turn her away. Or maybe he assumed that she would hate the souls of the dead swimming around their feet or be terrified of his pet—
“Is that a dog!”
“Yeah his name is Cerberus,” Harry said chuckling as he watched her approach the usually ferocious pup with no fear. The second she made it to the pup, all three of his faces changed from their usual angry demeanor to something Harry hadn’t seen in this way before, excitement.
“H, Cerberus is SUCH a good boy,” She said, getting on her hands and knees for the second time today, this time to get closer to the happy pups begging for her attention. “You are. You’re such a good boy!”
“If I had known that bringing you here would make you lose all interest in me and turn it on to my dog… I would have brought you somewhere else to talk.”
“Oh stop it, you do not need to be jealous,” Y/n said, her attention still focused on Cerberus. “The fact that you have such a beautiful and might I add, exotic, pup just adds to my interest in you.”
“C’mon love,” Harry said. “Cerberus has a job to do and I have some explaining to do. If everything goes well with us, he’ll be happy to see you again later.”
“Okay, see you later honey,” Y/n said before kissing each of his heads and standing back up. She grabbed Harry’s hand again wrapping her arm around his, they walked past Cerberus and towards some thick stone French doors. Once they opened, y/n was mesmerized and hit with some cold air. The interior of the Underworld, while, in this instance, was cold and drab were instantly brightened the second y/n stepped through the threshold. The once dark appearance of the walls softened into a dark grey instead of the original deep black color that once colored the walls. Marble crowned moldings lined the ceilings of the Underworld with bright red accents flicked in. The stereotypical appearance one would associate with the Underworld was nothing to what y/n was experiencing this very moment. Maybe it was due to her bias towards Harry, but y/n felt at home. She felt that maybe this was where she was meant to be.
Harry watched y/n closely, trying to pick up on any distaste or discomfort she may have. Little did Harry know, y/n was so engrossed in her surroundings and her ever-growing feelings towards Harry to feel anything negative.
“Right through here are my living quarters,” Harry said as he ushered y/n in through another door.
“You have your quarters,” she said, using air quotes. “So what you’re telling me is that you’re a rich bitch?”
“I guess you could say that,” Harry said, chuckling at the reaction he was getting. “C’mon, let’s go sit on the couch.”
Y/n followed behind him as she continued to take in her surroundings. His living space even surprised her. It was dark grey with different accents that brought lots of color in such a modern way she wasn’t sure if the men she had been with previously would ever have the advanced taste that Harry did.
Harry turned around and pulled y/n along with him, guiding her towards the couch. As they sat down, he wrapped his arms around her and enveloping her in a hug.
“Are you being quiet because you just want to enjoy my company or do you just not want to talk about it,” Y/n said a few minutes later, the suspense was killing her. “Because as much as I would love to just sit here and cuddle with you, I’m also dying to know what else you’re hiding from me.
“It’s not that bad, y/n,” Harry said as he released a breath, he didn’t know he was holding. “Do you know anything about Greek Mythology?”
“Of course, I was such a nerd in school, it was so interesting, and I felt so connected to it.”
“Of course you did,” Harry said, letting out a small chuckle. “Well before I start… Please keep an open mind.”
Y/n nodded her head before looking back up at Harry. “This might sound crazy but I’m Hades, King of the Underworld.”
Harry paused awaiting her reaction before y/n started to laugh. “Right, okay.”
“You think it’s a joke but I’m telling you the truth. There’s a story about Persephone and Hades, it’s a prophecy because it’s not fictional. That’s the only prophecy that hasn’t come true yet. The only one! And I’ve spent so long waiting for the love of my life, and I’ve been searching for her for hundreds of years. It wasn’t until Demeter had another child that I regained my hope.”
“Who’s Demeter?” Y/n asked, interrupting his story.
“Oh, you met her the other night, but she introduced herself as Demi,” Harry said as he clarified, pausing to gauge her reaction before continuing. “The prophecy stated that Hades will eventually break the curse of loneliness and despair from a woman named Persephone. She will be both kind and cruel, using both only at the most necessary of times. It’s prophesied that she will live with him in the Underworld. That’s you y/n, you’re my Persephone.”
“Wait for a second, this is all so much,” Y/n said trying to slow down her brain to process each part. “You’re telling me that you’re a god and all those people we met the other night are gods too?”
“Yeah I am, it probably sounds weird when you say it like that.”
“Harry, that’s not what makes it sound weird,” Y/n said, nudging his shoulder with her arm. “But does that mean that Demi is…”
“Your mom, yeah.”
“No way, my mom died after I was born. It was a freak car accident.”
“That’s not the truth, y/n. Your parents are Demeter and Zeus, you were introduced to them as Demi and Jove,” Harry said, rubbing her cheek. “When you were born there were a few people afraid of what you would mean to me, your parents, and the underworld. They didn’t know who at the time, but someone kidnapped you from Mt. Olympus… They had been trying to find you for years and then when they finally did… You were already on your own and thriving.”
“My parents are alive? I just that's so crazy… I’ve spent the last twenty years thinking I was alone and now to find out I’m not is-,” Y/n paused to wipe away her tears. “Harry it’s such a relief.”
“C’mere love,” he said pulling her into another hug. “You were never alone, I’m sorry that it ever felt like you were.”
Y/n molded into Harry resting her cheek on his chest. Of course, she wasn’t alone, not anymore. “Harry?”
“What is it, honey?”
“This prophecy… Is it kind of insinuating that I’m your mate?”
“Basically. If werewolves were real and I was a werewolf, the attraction I feel towards you now would feel similar to mating werewolves,” Harry said, choosing his words carefully.
“Woah,” Y/n said as she pushed herself off of Harry’s couch. “So you’re like really into me…”
“Yes, I am,” Harry said as he tried to hold back a laugh at y/n’s bewildered expression. “That doesn’t mean that you’re obligated to feel everything back towards me or in the same way. Being raised in the mortal world changes things for a person. I don’t want to smother you.”
"And this place is the Underworld? Like those were people floating out there in the water?"
"Well yes, this is the Underworld," Harry said as he chose his words carefully. "Those aren't exactly people floating down there but their souls instead."
“Is it a completely inappropriate time to ask if we could make out?” She asked, her cheeks turning red, but her eye contact never faltering.
“Maybe,” Harry said, smirking at her. “But I would never decline such a tempting offer from my girl. That is pretty dark though. Me telling you about the floating souls makes you want to make out?”
Y/n giggled as she leaned in, molding her lips to Harry’s. The first contact of every kiss between the two felt more magical than the one before. Harry grabbed y/n’s hips bringing her closer by pulling her body into his lap. The surprise of the contact caused y/n to gasp allowing Harry to deepen the kiss. When she felt his tongue swipe across her lower lip, she couldn’t help but groan at the contact.
Y/n pulled away, reaching for the hem of her shirt to pull it over her head before Harry stopped her. “Baby no, we don’t have to.”
“I want to Harry,” She said before pulling her shirt off completely. “I know what I want and right now, I want you.”
“Are you sure?”
Y/n smiled while nodding before reaching for his shirt. Harry lifted his arms, making the process easier. Once they were both shirtless, Harry reached for the waistband of her sweatpants. “May I?”
“Yes, please,” Y/n said before lifting her hips to allow the process to go smoother. Once her pants were off y/n quickly unhooked her bra before throwing it across the room. She wasn’t normally the kind of girl who had her full confidence while sitting naked in front of a lover but there was something in the way that Harry was looking at her that washed all of her worries and doubt away.
“You’re so beautiful, love. C’mere,” Harry said, letting out a breath as he reached for her face before bringing their lips back together. They kiss once again becoming more passionate as they continued the sensual assault on each other’s lips.
“Y/n,” Harry said as he broke away, his breathing erratic. “Can I try something? Can I eat you out?”
“Oh my god,” Y/n said, her eyes growing wide. No one had ever done that for her before let alone ask but she couldn’t deny that his blown pupils and dreamy look on his on the face had her dying to figure out what this man could do with his tongue.
“We don’t have to- “
“Fuck no, please eat me out, please- “
Before she could finish her sentence, Harry stood up, smiling as he motioned for her to sit back on the couch. She watched him, nerves raking through her body but as he reached forward to pull the lower half of her body closer to the edge of the couch.
“You have such a pretty pussy, love,” Harry moaned out, getting on his knees to get a look.
“H stop staring and get to work,” Y/n said, her cheeks getting hot but her body getting impatient. He quickly got the memo as licked a stripe along her slit.
“Mm, you taste so good, baby.”
Y/n moaned out as her legs spasmed unexpectedly, a dull ache started to burn in her lower abdomen. She reached out, tangling her fingers into his hair and tugging. “Don’t stop,” she sighed, her grasp tightening on the handful of hair.
“Does that feel good, love,” Harry asked, looking up at her through his eyelashes with a smirk on his face.
“It feels so good. So good, oh-!” She said as Harry slipped two fingers inside, stretching her out before continuing his assault on her clit.
“I’m sorry lovey, you’re just so tight. I’m a bit big so we need to stretch you out a little bit,” Harry said as he began shaping his fingers in a come-hither motion, brushing the spongey part inside of her.
“Oh my god, I’m going to cum” Y/n whimpered. Her legs were trying to squeeze shut but Harry grabbed onto her inner thighs as he rested, rubbing gently on the soft flesh but pulling them apart.
“Let it out, baby,” Harry said, before curling his fingers again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Y/n chanted after his fingers grazed her g-spot again, causing her to find her release.
“You did so well, baby,” Harry said as he stood up and scooped y/n up in his arms before walking across the room with her in his arms and placing her on his bed.
“Kiss me,” y/n mumbled, reaching for Harry’s face.
“You’re incredible,” he responded before, pressing his lips against hers again. Y/n continued caressing Harry’s face with one hand, but she trailed the other hand down his torso, reaching inside of Harry’s sweatpants and boxers.
“You’re so big,” she whined against his mouth.
“Quit it, baby, you’re inflating my ego way too much,” Harry said before smirking at her.
“Do you want me to suck you off right now?” Y/n questioned, looking at Harry with hooded eyes, still in her post-orgasm bliss.
“You don’t even know what you do to me,” Harry said as he shook his head before pressing a wet kiss against her neck. “Of course I’d love for you to suck me off but how about we save that for another time, yeah? I don’t think I’d last very long anyway.”
“Yeah, later,” Y/n said, her heart rate starting to pick up in anticipation. After a moment she softly said, “Please fuck me, Harry.”
“Sh, patience lovey,” Harry said before pressing another quick kiss to her lips. He pulled back before reaching into his nightstand to grab a condom. Y/n leaned forward, grabbing Harry’s pants and pulling them down to his knees before snatching the condom from his hands.
“You take your pants of mister; I’ll take care of this.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Harry said, his eyes wide before he started scrambling to take his pants off. Once he was fully naked y/n sat up on her knees, ripping off the top of the package. Grabbing his dick with one hand, y/n leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to the leaking red head of his cock.
“You told me that you didn’t want a blowie right now, but I still had to show it some attention,” Y/n mumbled out as she rolled the condom on, causing Harry to hiss in pleasure.
Once everything was situated, y/n leaned back against the pillows on the bed, letting her legs fall to the side, inviting Harry to follow her. He quickly got the idea, moving to align his body with hers. Harry grabbed his dick, nudging the head against her folds before asking again for reassurance.
“I’m sure H, I’m so sure,” y/n said as she rubbed the hair off his forehead. “Give it to me.”
With that, Harry pushed inside slowly. Inch by inch allowing her to take a few moments to adjust and accommodate the foreign feeling. After Harry bottomed out, filling her up to the hilt, y/n was engulfed with pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her heels into his lower back.
After hearing her moans of pleasure, Harry pulled back out slowly before quickly thrusting back into her. “You feel so good, baby. You’re taking me so well.”
“So fucking good,” Y/n said, her hands reaching for his hair again.
“How are you so tight,” Harry moaned as he continued his thrusts. Y/n let out another loud moan before reaching down to rub her
clit. Harry noticed the action and pushed her hand away.
“Harry, baby, I’m so close,” y/n whined.
“I know baby, me too, but let me take care of you,” Harry said as
he replaced her hand with his, rubbing circles on her clit to bring her over the edge.
   “I’m gonna- fuck!”
   “Me too baby,” Harry said. After a few more thrusts he let out a particularly pornographic groan, causing y/n’s heart to swell with pride knowing it was her that was partly responsible for how he felt.
   Harry laid his body partially on top of y/n’s. Both of them riding their orgasms out together. A few moments later, Harry pulled out, tying the condom and throwing it in the trashcan beside his bed. He stood up, walking to the bathroom that was attached to his living quarters and grabbing a warm washcloth to clean y/n. After they were both cleaned up, she watched him crawl back into bed before grabbing the duvet at the end of the bed and covering them both with it.
   “Can I have some cuddles,” Y/n asked, making grabby hands at Harry.
   “You can have cuddles any time you want, my love,” Harry said before wrapping his arms around her body and kissing her forehead.
   “Thank you for today, Mr. King of the Underworld,” she mumbled out, sighing in content at the warmth of his arms surrounding her.
   “Thank you for staying here and not letting it scare you off,” Harry breathed out. “You blow my mind.”
“I can’t believe that you’re my boyfriend,” She said, before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.
Y/n was hot. Not in a ‘we just had sex that was hot’ kind of way. But she felt like she was on fire. She tried to sit up before she realized where she was. Y/n laid back down, placing her head back onto Harry’s chest. She hadn’t spent a lot of time in her life wondering what Hades would feel like. But as she spent a few moments letting her mind wonder she could feel herself imagining that the fictional Hades was cold as ice, considering his rough exterior and need to be on guard at all times. As she relaxed in Harry’s grasp though, she realized that no matter what kind of imaginary scenario she played out in her head, no matter how she pictured the fictional depiction of Hades… Harry was nothing like that.
Even from the start when she noticed the beautiful brooding man getting frustrated with his brown thumb, he was warm and kind. Maybe he was just that way with her, maybe the whole prophecy as he called it was true. But the assumptions and stories that were written about him had got it all wrong. He was a serious man, that part was written correctly but he had to be considering what his job demanded of him. Beneath that hard shell of an exterior though, he was kind and he had a soft heart. Spending time writing poetry and writing songs about love. He wanted to make her happy, and y/n took notice. There was absolutely no hiding it, as she reveled in her surroundings and the comfortable feeling of his arms, she allowed herself to admit that she was completely and utterly smitten with Harry.
Over the last year y/n had noticed little things about him, things that always brought a bit of hope when considering a relationship simmering the back of her mind. He had a rough exterior and a serious expression. He wore that often but for some reason whenever he looked towards her, it softened. She liked that she had that kind of effect on him, it made her feel special. And now she didn’t have to worry about those fleeting moments because he was hers and she was his. They hadn’t discussed the gritty details but to her, it was a relationship through and through. She didn’t have to question her value in his life because he was doing a great job of showing her, constantly.
“Ello love,” Harry said as he stirred from his nap, pulling her into him tighter.
“Hi, handsome.”
“I just remembered something,” Harry said, his cheeks turning red.
“And what is that?”
“I wrote you a little something… I was going to give it to you before dinner the other night, but I chickened out. I’m not afraid to give it to you anymore. I know you won’t judge me.”
“Oh really,” Y/n said, smiling up at him before kissing him on the cheek. “Well, go get it for me Mr. Poetry.”
Harry got out of bed before walking into the other room. Moments later he walked back in carrying a folded sheet of paper. He slowly sat back down on the bed before handing over the sheet of paper. Y/n made grabby hands, quickly intercepting the paper. As she opened it, she felt her heart swell.
To my sweet Persephone,
You know me as Harry, you’ve been able to get to know me in
a way few souls ever have. There are a few things my heart, usually hard as stone but soft as putty for you, aches to tell you. I’ve never seen a soul radiate the kind of energy that yours does. It is both the most beautiful soul that I can see bubbling over with kindness and also a very dark soul hardened with darkness. You care and create life through plants with just your fingertips, whether you know it or not… This is one of the things you were born to do. This just proves that you are the most extraordinary woman on this planet. A goddess, if you will. The prophecy likes to paint the picture as me being the bad guy, one who will kidnap you and force you to spend your days locked in solitude with me. That couldn’t be farther from the truth, my love. It’s true, I would love for you to live with me, rule the Underworld as my Queen. That is if you’re ready for that.
I love you.
 H Xx.
   Y/n felt the air leave her chest as she stared at the words in front of her. ‘LOVE.’ As cliché as it was, those were her favorite combination of letters. She took a deep breath, taking a second to flash through all of her memories. Never in her life had she felt such an overwhelming sense of belonging.
   “You don’t have to say it back,” Harry said quickly, rubbing the back of his burning neck. “It’s hard to explain but the second we met; I always knew I was destined to love you. With that in mind, it wasn’t hard for me to just fall into it. I know this is all new to you so you’re probably not quite there yet and I don’t want you to feel obligated to say it back.”
   Y/n smiled before looking up at Harry’s nervous eyes. “I’m not going to say I’m there yet, because I was raised in the mortal world and it would make me crazy to just throw out those eight letters. I know that I’m getting there, though. You’ll just have to be patient with me.”
   Harry nodded, a smile forming. “I’ll take that.”
   Y/n smiled back at the green-eyed man in front of her, nuzzling her face in his chest before wrapping her hands around his waist. “Can you show me around your little kingdom, please.”
   “You know I couldn’t tell you no,” Harry said as he kissed her forehead. “I just don’t want it to freak you out.”
   “Hey Mr. Tough guy, don’t get too soft on me now. You wouldn’t want all the lost souls floating around here to think that you have any weaknesses,” she said nudging his nose with hers.
   “I know for a fact that you’re not one of my weaknesses, at least not where other people are concerned. I’m not going to lie though; I might get a little possessive of you around other people or even around the souls in the river…”
   “A little possessiveness is sexy,” She said before putting her hands on his cheeks and pulling him in for a quick kiss. “Let’s go explore now!”
   Much to Harry’s reluctance, they got out of bed and put on their clothes. He guided her out his sleeping quarters and down the poorly lit corridor into what one would be considered a dungeon. Instead, though, it was the workspace of Hades with a desk in the center of the room with a chair that held the essence of a throne. Y/n brought her hands to the chest before turning around and letting out a squeal.
   “This place is so fucking cool,” She said speaking her thoughts. “It’s exactly how I pictured Hades in the Underworld. All dark and badass. I was expecting some floating souls or something more terrifying though.”
   “Oh my Gods, woman! Of course, you were expecting the souls. They’re this way,” He said before shaking his head and grabbing her hand again. For the third time that day, y/n followed Harry down another corridor. This time though, the further they walked down the hallway the brighter and warmer it got.
   “It’s uncomfortably warm down here, H.”
   “That’s only because we are so far down in Earth’s core. The myths don’t get it all right, there aren’t any crazy fires that burn people for eternity… It’s just so hot because of the molten lava,” Harry said nonchalantly as he opened a large steel door that revealed the millions of souls that resided there.
   “Woah,” Y/n said with wide eyes as she stepped through the threshold of the room. In front of her was the River of Lost Souls. The souls weren’t lost per se but instead were just destined to swim around the river aimlessly and for eternity. This would be considered a reward for the souls that weren’t destructive or murderous during their lives. There was always a chance for these souls, if able to prove themselves to return to the world of the living or working in the Underworld if granted the privilege by Hades himself. The tortured souls though were destined to an eternity of punishment and damnation. Forced to spend the rest of the days doing the things that torment them the most, a form of the cruelest kind of punishment.
   “It’s kind of mesmerizing when you first look at it,” Harry said as he looked at y/n while rubbing the back of his neck.
   “What happens if you touch the water,” Y/n said as she took a step forward, bending down to place her hand in the water. The moment that her hand made contact with the water; a hand wrapped around her wrist causing Y/n scream.
   “Harry, what’s happening!” She said, using all of her strength to get her hand back from the unknown captor.
Quickly Harry reached into the water himself and grabbed the hand clutching Y/n’s wrist. As he detached the hand he bent down to the water before sternly saying, “You have lost all rights to one day be rewarded freedom or opportunities. At this moment you have been banished to live out the rest of the days in eternal punishment.”
“What did you just do,” Y/n asked as soon as Harry stood back up.
“I just punished the soul that harmed you,” He said before grabbing her wrist to inspect the damage done.
“That’s not fair to that soul,” Y/n said before turning the wrist in his grasp to hold onto his forearm. “They were just trying to get the attention of you. I think you should let them return here if this is an easier punishment. I’m not hurt, it just scared me.”
“I can’t do that because I will not be seen as weak,” Harry said, his eyes going darker at the possibility of losing control of the soul.
“You won’t be seen as weak; I doubt you’ve ever done anything like this before. Please do it this once, for me?” Y/n asked as she pouted her lips before looking up into Harry’s eyes.
“You have way too much control over me,” Harry said before smiling down at her softly and pressing a kiss on her forehead.
Y/n smiled before kissing his cheek and saying, “Do you want to go back to your room and cuddle? Unless you have work to do and need me to leave…”
“I would love to go back and cuddle with you.”
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Stan Marsh
out of character info
Name/Alias: JIM JAM SAM Pronouns: all Age: 19 Join Our Discord: done binch Timezone: est Activity: u know this by now Triggers: nothing that needs to be tagged Password: dildo Character that you’re applying for: Stan Marsh Favourite ships for your character: stendy, style, stan/everyone, stan/chemistry
in character info
Full name: Stanley “Stan” Marsh Birthday: October 19 Sexuality, gender, pronouns: bisexual, not that he mentions it or really “came out”, but if you asked he’d say so. cis male. he/him, but he’s cool with they/them. Age and grade: 18, senior Appearance: 
Stan has a very pretty face, outlined by a strong jawline. He has deep blue eyes, with nothing interesting about them. They don’t change color, or have flecks of green or hazel in them, they’re just blue. His hair is black, but dark brown when viewed in the sunlight. When growing it out it has a lot of volume, not that you can tell from his frequent hat-hair, and though it’s cut short every few months, Stan has his hair longer for most of the year, keeping the sides trimmed with help from his mom and a pair of trimmers. This results in him having the “fuckboy” haircut, which he will keep back under a hat or simply keep back with pomade, if he’s hatless and wants to look decent. 
He’s 6’1, making him one of the tallest out of his classmates. However, he’s second tallest in his family, being an inch shorter than his dad. As well as tall, Stan is also rather muscular, toned from playing football in the fall, baseball in the spring, and maintaining a relative level of fitness throughout his sport-free months with some regular gym visits, (which he thinks helps him maintain a decent mood, too.) He’s pretty much as pale as the next guy during the winter, but Stan tans very easily. He gets a good tan during the summer, which starts to lighten up until wearing off early October. Stan’s wardrobe is not very diverse, and is a little fuckboy-like. He can usually be seen wearing jeans or chinos, a t-shirt, and a jacket/hoodie, or if it’s warm out, some basketball shorts or still jeans and a t-shirt or tank top. On special occasions he can be seen in nice button ups and pants, or even a suit. He is almost always wearing a hat. During the cold 75% of the year he wears a winter hat, and in the summer he wears baseball caps.
Stan, in his own way, is an artistic tortured soul, but not really. He’s the all-american guy, successful in athletics, he tends keep his grades above average, and while he doesn’t feel special about all that, his parents proudly try showing him off like he’s the best. Though he has every reason to be happy with his life, Stan’s still a cynical asshole, and finds himself spending a lot of time complaining about really anything. At heart, though, he’s kind, hard-working guy who cares about his friends, is loyal, is passionate, always has good intentions, and doesn’t want anybody to get hurt. He’s a force for justice and balance, and he has a strong moral compass.
His love for animals never stopped, as he finds himself volunteering at animal shelters, while he should be busy at football or baseball practice. He can’t help that he cares about every living thing, (animals more than people, though.) A romantic at heart, he doesn’t show real, genuine interest – the ‘I’m about to vomit’ kind, for him, – in someone very often. He won’t fall for someone easily, but when he does fall for someone it happens pretty hard, and he will do anything for them just like he would with anyone else that he cares about. With a big heart and an open mind, which he uses to try to make sure his dad isn’t doing something stupid, Stan is always ready to try to be with someone. However, he is often worries that the bad sides of his personality –– being unmotivated, cynical at times, impulsive, combined with having an addictive personality, a bad temper, and a great ability to be a dick, –– will throw all his relationships in jeopardy.
Stan feels like he had a terrible childhood. Although he enjoyed his early years, tossing the football with his dad, falling asleep in his parent’s bed when he had nightmares, and overall a peaceful life in a loving family –– except for frequent bullying from Shelly –– his life had taken a turn for the worst, around the time he was eight. His family life was chaotic. His parents fought a lot, even getting divorced twice, and even while they were together they were a lot to deal with. Well, Randy was a lot to deal with. He’s constantly taking care of his dad and watching out for him, trying to make sure he’s not up to his usual antics. However, he has always loved his parents, and has a good relationship with his mom, and even with his dad when it’s not being strained by one of his dad’s episodes.
Around nine years old was the apex of the craziness in his life, it seemed, with the weirdest things going on in his little mountain town. During this time, though, was when Stan developed and proved the largest parts of his personality, like his loyalty, but also his fierce cynicism.  He started to see everything as bullshit, and always has a hard time believing anything is more than that. This was also when he started something of a battle with alcoholism, not that it was ever too bad in his mind. He started to be something of a high-functioning alcoholic, as it didn’t really interfere with his life, despite a few problems with friends early on in the struggle.
Throughout middle school and into high school he began to spend even more time than usual with his friends, in order to avoid his crazy dad and the stress of his family. Stan was always up for adventures with his Super Best Friend Kyle and his other close friends Eric and Kenny. Due to his cynicism and lack of motivation with others, though, he did struggle to become close friends with anyone else. Even with Wendy, his childhood crush and girlfriend, he had a hard time maintaining anything more than a very loose friendship. Stan was nothing more than friendly acquaintances with most people. Despite that, he was still pretty well-liked by most of his peers, with his kindness, success in sports, and his natural ability to comfort people all being well known by the student body.
Now a senior, Stan Marsh is often considered South Park’s top dog, as captain of two varsity teams and, due more to hard work than intelligence, maintaining an A- average. However, he still struggles a lot to cope with how he feels about his life situation, drinking himself to sleep at night, or sneaking out to be with his friends and do anything but think about being trapped in where he is in life. He does hope to get the year over with quickly and, although he is afraid of being apart from his friend, he’s looking forward to get out of his bullshit town.
Sample paragraph: 
“Duuude. Where the hell are you?” Stan’s voice raised to a clamor, words slurring together slightly, his unsteady footsteps coming to a halt mid-wander. The first attempt he made of searching for his friend was short lived, ending as he threw his head back to drink from the can, a repetitive action that nice considering the many cans his hands had cradled over the course of the night. Stan and his friends had their fair share of the cheap, but potent, beer, now finishing off the rest of the supply he had grabbed the back seat of his truck. His hand crushed the now-empty can and let it fall to the snow-covered ground. “Kenny?” he called out, his eyes searching around the nearly empty street.
Taking a break from his wandering along one of the town’s streets, Stan kept trying to figure out where he was without much luck. Intoxication left his vision blurry, making the road, which he could’ve easily identified if he was the slightest bit sober, now completely unrecognizable. He started walking again, before stopping in his tracks and turning quickly, picking up the can he had realized he left on the ground. After all, ‘there was only one planet’, and as lame as it was that he even thought that Stan was glad his concern for the environment was slightly more powerful than his drunkenness.
As he once again continued down the road, he kept yelling for his friend. “Oh my god, did someone kill you?” It was meant to be a joke, but there was some serious concern lingering in his voice. Minutes passed, and he didn’t know how long it took but Kenny eventually came into view from beyond a corner, probably from hearing his name, or realizing his friend had lost his trail. What a relief.
“Dude.. don’t disappear like that,” Stan told him through something of a chuckle once he had caught up. Following his friend, they turned the corner again, where Kenny stopped. With an exasperated sigh, Stan leaned against the wall of the building, then slid down to sit, unbothered by the dirty, wet snow that now cushioned his bottom. He groaned and buried his head in his hand, sitting there for a few minutes, glad that Kenny understood his need for some quiet –– he always did.
Once a few minutes passed, the complete silence was interrupted by a small clicking noise. Stan looked up, watching Kenny’s thumb stroke the wheel of a disposable lighter over and over, up until it finally created a small flash of sparks in the dark night. He watched as the flame was brought to the end of a fresh cigarette, while his off hand protected the fragile little light from the winter’s breeze. As Kenny lit the cigarette, Stan nudged his friend’s leg to get his attention, slurring his question of “Dude, can I bum one off you? I promise I’ll buy you a new pack tomorrow, but you know I like to smoke when I drink.”
Stan thanked his friend when he obliged and grabbed the cigarette and the lighter from the hand that stretched out towards him. He held the cigarette between his teeth and placed the lighter on his knee as he pulled off his gloves, then lit the cigarette. He watched his hand shake in the cold as it brought the filter end to his mouth, and he inhaled some of the smoke, but was quick to exhale and cough a little bit. After a few more puffs of smoke, his coughing subsided, and he was able to lean back and relax again, closing his eyes as he felt it hit his system. 
After a few minutes, he sighed and opened his eyes again, holding his cigarette-free hand out towards Kenny with the lighter in it. The other was brought back to his mouth as he took a final breath of cigarette smoke, exhaling dramatically through his nose as he ashed the butt in the snow beside him. “Thanks for coming out with me tonight, Kenny,” he muttered, closing his eyes once more and feeling his lips curl into something of a smile. “I really needed to just get away from it all. Means a lot that you came with.”
Stan has always been a pretty big Broncos fan, and still practically idolizes John Elway. Don't mess with him on game day –– he'll be glad to let you watch with him, but he'll get mad if he's trying to pay attention and you distract him.
He has a pretty decent knowledge of fixing cars, since he drives his dad’s old truck and needs to fix it pretty often.
He’s absolutely the friend you call if you’re feeling suicidal and need someone to talk to you. Even someone he hated could call him and he’d help.
He has a fleeting alcohol problem. He is an emotional drunk. Drank too much? He’s in a dark corner questioning life. He cries after seeing mildly sad things. If anyone lets him cry on their shoulder he’ll stick to them like glue for the rest of the night.
Stan hasn’t grown out of his asthma, and still carries an inhaler around in his backpack during school, and has it nearby when he’s working out or doing sports. He can usually tell when he needs to use it before he gets full blown asthma attacks, so he hasn’t had one in a couple years.
He gets super toxic in videogames. He tries to be nice and be a good team player, but if he’s tired of dealing with stupid teammates he just gets pissed.
Stan struggles with his depression. Though he carries himself like it’s nothing, he often has pretty bad episodes where he needs to reach out to a friend. Usually, it’s his SBF.
His dog Sparky is an old man, who sleeps in Stan’s bed. Also, halfway through his junior year, he convinced his family to rescue a pitbull mix named Pepper. He cuddles up with them like every night.
While he’s something of a pacifist and doesn’t like to solve problems with violence, he is unafraid to throw hands to stand up for himself or his friends.
He’s pretty well known as the South Park High football’s “Star Quarterback” as well as the baseball team’s pitcher. Although he used to hate baseball as a kid, he grew into it after years of playing when he discovered that a spring sport was nice for the same reasons he liked playing football in the fall: the exercise and teamwork mentality was a good source of therapy for him.
Sees you eating veal? He fucking decks you. Okay, not really, but he will keep a mental note of it and/or try to tell you not to.
Given his love of animals, he only eats meat from local small farms that treat their animals well, or wild caught fish.
He has a summer job working on an independent ranch in South Colorado, tending to the livestock. He stays there for the summer in the employee housing, but will drive back up to South Park to see his friends when he has days off.
During the school year, he works as a receptionist at the veterinarian office in South Park.
He likes to stay up late, but usually regrets it in the morning.Ends up falling asleep while trying to do anything late at night. He often falls asleep fully dressed then wakes up at some point and showers and changes
Stan goes on camping trips a lot, because they’re very calming for him and, as much as he likes his TV, video games, and everything, he needs a break and loves his time out in nature.
He’s extremely ticklish on his sides –– if someone hugs him by surprise or nudges him on the side, he flinches. He won’t tell anyone he’s actually ticklish to avoid any mean-spirited or teasing tickling.
He gets easily overstimulated by a bunch of noise, like if  there are too many people talking to him at once, or talking around him. He needs to take breaks during social events like parties, or else he’ll get a headache.
Stan’s very easily distracted. Not that he’ll get distracted constantly, and can’t focus on anything at all, he just tends to daydream, or he often makes the choice not to stay focused if there is something more interesting to pay attention to.
Spends a ridiculous amount of time making sure randy isn’t up to something stupid. Seriously, it’s exhausting.
Anything else:  u kno i had to
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fckclementeabelli · 7 years
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Does it bother you the way that the show makes your life public and everyone that watches has an opinion on every little thing that you do and why?:
It used to, when I first joined. But with time, it became something you get used to. I don't do many interesting things, so I don't really care what other people think about me.
If you could ask any one person in the house a question and receive a completely honest answer, who would you ask? And what would you ask?:
I would just be boring and ask Joey some lame questions. I don't know many people in here, and I plan for it to stay that way. 
Is the way that you look on camera important to you at all?:
No. I am my own person and if people think that's weird, then that's their negativity. And I don't focus on negative people.
What is one event in your life that you think really affected how you act today?:
When I was fifteen and I got the news about my illness.
If you had a choice who would you have sex with with in the house:
Joey. He's the only one.
Who at Fucked Up has been someone you struggle to see everyday because of anything that happened between you two in the past or hidden feelings for the person and explain:
No one. I don't focus on the past because that only makes you sad. And I don't like being sad.
Have you ever thought about leaving the house?:
Many times. I did leave last season but that was because of health reasons.
What would you be doing if you weren’t on the show?:
I would be home in Berkshire, sit in my garden and paint pictures.
Do you think the friendships you’ve formed on the show have the ability to continue once it’s over and everyone goes back to their everyday life?: 
Yes I do believe that the friendships I have formed will last. But Joey is my best friend and fiance, so of course I will still be in his life.
What is one thing about you you wished people recognized more?:
I am stronger than you think, mentally.
What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever done for you?: 
I have no idea. I don't even know if I have fans. Things like that doesn't matter. Material things doesn't matter. The love the fans gives to me is the most important thing for me. 
A childhood memory you love the most?: 
My seventh birthday. We ate cake and then I got my first crystal and it was love at first sight.
What have you learned about yourself since joining the show?: 
That love is stronger than hate. I already knew that before joining. But being around negative people and people that think you are pathetic for being so positive, I understood that being yourself and loving yourself is a super power in todays day and age. 
Name six fears you have:
I only have two. And that is my illness finally winning and me leaving Joey behind.
If you could be one animal, which one would it be?: 
Penguin. I adore them, they are so so cute!
Would your 10 year old self be proud of the person you are now? why or why not?:
Yes, he would be so very proud that I stand up for who I am and don't let anyone change my outlook in life.
What is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?:
Actual super powers.
Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? What’s stopping you?:
No I'm not. That only wastes your precious time on this amazing planet.
If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?:
It would help me.
If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?:
One; Get better. Two; Fly in a spaceship. Three; Live on the moon.
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allspark · 5 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Transformers, Transformers/Ghostbusters, The Crow, Disney Afternoon, My Little Pony, and more! All coming your way for June 26th!
Brian Ruckley (A) Cachet Whitman, Bethany McGuire-Smith (CVR A) Anna Malkova (CVR B) Casey Coller
As Megatron seeks to bring about change to Cybertron, he meets with Termagax, a living piece of Cybertronian history and founder of the Ascenticon movement. Will she set him on the path to peace, or lead him to an unrepairable rupture with the Senate?
•   A bold new era! •   Transformers-now shipping twice-monthly! •   All your favorite Transformers characters as you’ve never seen them before!
Erik Burnham (A/CVR A) Dan Schoening
“GHOSTS OF CYBERTRON” PART 1! After years of civil war, the Autobots fled Cyberton, leaving their home planet in the evil clutches of Megatron and his Decepticons. Years later and millions of miles away, the Autobots pick up a Cybertronian distress signal from a mysterious planet called Earth. The ghostly signal shouldn’t exist, and it’ll bring Optimus Prime and his team-including brand-new Autobot ECTOTRON-face-to-face with… the GHOSTBUSTERS!
•   Crossing the streams after 35 years! •   Written and illustrated by the long-time fan-favorite Ghostbusters creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, and Luis Antonio Delgado! •   Five action-packed interconnecting covers from series artist Dan Schoening! •   The series will also include covers from superstar artists like Nick Roche, Alex Milne, Paulina Ganucheau, Priscilla Tramontano, and more!
Greg Preslicka, Heidi Preslicka
Canto’s adventure begins! Enslaved for generations, Canto’s people once had hearts. Now they have clocks. When slavers damage a little tin girl’s clock beyond repair, Canto must brave his strange and fantastic world to bring back her heart. Can he overcome the dangers that await to save the one he loves?
•   An all-ages fable inspired by Wizard of Oz and Dante’s Inferno! •   Part fantasy. Part adventure. All heart.
Tim Seeley (A) Jim Terry (A/CVR A) Tim Seeley
The crow flies. A soul is brought back. But something is wrong.
Angeles Cero won’t stop killing on her quest for revenge, and the bodies are piling up. Now, slasher hunter Cassie Hack and her monstrous partner Vlad are on the trail of the Crow Killer, assuming her to be one of the masked murderers they’ve hunted for years.
But they aren’t the only force trying to make the universe right again.
•   From writer/artist, Tim Seeley (Green Lanterns, Nightwing, Shatterstar). •   Featuring an all-new Crow unlike any you’ve read before!!
Carin Davis, Delilah Dawson (A) Egle Bartolini (A/CVR) Anna Cattish
Advance solicited for May release! After their second film, the children of classic Disney characters like Maleficent, Belle and The Beast, and the Evil Queen take on an all-new adventure from Auradon! Evie, Mal, Ben and friends begin taking classes in Sherwood Forest with other Auradon Prep students. In the forest, they discover that some of the skills they learned on the Isle of the Lost will come in handy, but the other students have talents of their own to match. And when they’re split into pairs, they’ll be reminded that teamwork is the key to success… AND survival!
Descendants and Descendants 2 are two of the most watched Disney Channel original movies of all time!
Thierry Smolderen (A/CVR) Alexandre Clerisse
A groovy spy thriller and coming-of-age tale set in the Go-Go days of the 1960s, done in a chic, retro style sure to charm readers. For 15-year old Antoine, the summer of 1967 will prove to be an unforgettable one full of new discoveries: a secret agent from nowhere, a mysterious troubled girl, and the disappearance of his father-all happening within two days! These events and more conspire to turn his life upside down and into something he could never have imagined.
•   Advance solicited for April release! •   The Atomic Empire creators turn their vintage-inspired style to the spy-thriller genre, recalling a time when James Bond was the biggest action-hero in the world.
Michael Avon Oeming (A/CVR A) Michael Avon Oeming
Dick Tracy is Sisyphus, pushing the law boulder up the hill as he struggles for reason and order in a world with none. His attempts at law and order are met with crime and chaos in the form of unpredictable and absurd villains. But Dick Tracy will never give up trying, no matter the era or incarnation. Join Eisner Award-winning creator Michael Avon Oeming on a startling case through time and space!
•   From the mind of Eisner Award winner Michael Avon Oeming, co-creator of Powers! •   Each issue has an exciting new take on one of the most iconic comic-strip heroes of all time!
Ian Brill (A) Leonel Castellani, James Silvani, Ricardo Garcia (CVR) Magic Eye Studios
The return of Darkwing Duck begins this issue with chapter one of “The Duck Knight Returns”! Where did Darkwing Duck go, and what crisis has sparked his sudden reappearance? Find out in this issue! Then, Chip ‘n’ Dale and the Rescue Rangers are back for another thrilling adventure in “Stranger Danger”!
David Barnett (A/CVR) Philip Bond
Eve Stranger can do anything thanks to the nanotech that she has to inject every week to stay alive… anything except remember who she is or where she’s been. Her talents sold by the shadowy E.V.E. Project to the highest bidder, Eve’s latest mission takes her to history-drenched Prague to face a monster who must be stopped. High-octane adventure, weird science, and doomed romance meet the jet-set in “Retrograde”!
Bobby Curnow (A/CVR) Simon Gane
Bobby Curnow (A/CVR) Simon Gane
Bobby Curnow (A/CVR A) Simon Gane
A sinister force grows in strength as Brandt discovers more secrets about his past and his family’s connection to the Ghost Tree. Will Brandt be able to discover his true purpose in Japan in time to save himself?
A touching drama with a hint of horror!
Tini Howard (A/CVR A) Hannah Templer
Based on the hit Netflix show! The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling quickly realize that there’s no way they’re going to be able to beat these real, muscle-y professional wrestlers! With morale low, Ruth has to come up with a new plan, and she’s going to make sure they win-even if they have to lose!
Magdalene Visaggio (A/CVR A) Marley Zarcone
Where were you in ’81? When the White House goes dark for 17 days in August, the president’s spoiled daughter and her best friend Abe-who claims to be possessed by the spirit of Abe Lincoln-throw a rager at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, unearthing long dead historical figures and government secrets that are better off buried. Sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll séances, and secret passageways lead to time-bending mystical romps where past and present collide. But at what cost to Marilyn Kelleher, the world at large, and music television?
Uniting the red-hot Eisner-nominated talents of writer Magdalene Visaggio (Eternity Girl, Kim and Kim) and artist Marley Zarcone (Shade, the Changing Girl, Effigy) for the first time, MARILYN MANOR explores identity, classism, appropriation, and friendship. It’s a rollicking, neon party gone out of bounds when we need it most-set just in time for the greatest pop cultural marriage to date: MTV.
“We’ve been trying to capture the feel, the excitement, the energy of the rise of the New Romantics, of the decade that embraced excess and excitement in hugely over-the-top ways, and filled it with chaos and insanity. This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever written in the best way possible, like an apocalypse directed by John Hughes.”
Ted Anderson (A/CVR A) Brenda Hickey (CVR B) Tony Fleecs
Strange things are happening in the woods around Ponyville! When ponies start seeing weird shapes, hearing unknown sounds, and losing the tools they need to work, all signs point to a mysterious monster! But it couldn’t actually be the Spirit of the Forest-right?!
David Barnett (A/CVR A) Martin Simmonds
It’s the moment the whole story has been building to… Fergie comes face-to-face with Billy, the dad he’s never met. Or should that be Beleth, banished prince of hell? But before that, have Sid and Fergie actually found a way to stop being stuck together? And finally, Dorothy and Asif return to London with Natalie in tow for a battle royale unlike any other. Don’t miss “To the Underworld,” the smashing conclusion to our sophomore arc!
“…razor-sharp dialogue, black humour … dripping in punk rock…” –Tripwire
“…a riot of technicolour and tentacles…extraordinary…” –Hero Collector
Rich Douek (A/CVR) Alex Cormack
Rich Douek (A/CVR A) Alex Cormack
After weeks battling the cold, freezing tundra and a dwindling food supply, tension runs high between Roman, Sergei, and Grigori as they flee the horrors of the Kolyma Gulag. Their one hope is reaching a hunting lodge in the mountains where they can replenish their supplies-but the rocky path grows more treacherous with every step. Even so, Roman has yet to discover the true meaning of treachery-until he learns what Grigori and Sergei’s true plan for survival is. The dark tale of survival at any cost in the Siberian wilderness continues in ROAD OF BONES #2 from writer Rich Douek (GUTTER MAGIC) and artist Alex Cormack (SINK).
Survival drama at its finest!
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IDW Comics Shipping List for June 26th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like…
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