#this version is more fusion oriented and plays more high-risk cards like power bond for fun
trident-dragion · 2 years
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: Ancient Gear
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Ancient Gears are a classic GX archetype, and they exemplify what such an archetype is usually like; it was played in the anime, but in the TCG most or all of the cards were unplayably bad, with decks based around said archetype centering around only the best monsters within it, and filling the rest of the space with staples. For Ancient Gears, their deck revolves around their field spell, Geartown. Geartown, however, is not like other archetypal field spells; rather than wanting to keep it on the field for as long as possible, Ancient Gears want that field spell destroyed to activate its secondary effect: If it is destroyed, Geartown lets you summon an Ancient Gear monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard, and that monster is typically Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon. With 3000 attack and the ability to ignore backrow when it attacks, Gadjiltron Dragon is an incredibly powerful monster to summon for such a cheap condition. Geartown benefits significantly from an old ruling; if you set a field spell face down when you have one active already, the old one is destroyed. In short, by setting another field spell, we can easily destroy Geartown and summon Gadjiltron Dragon for free. This deck also capitalizes on how the NPC decks in Over the Nexus usually don't play Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, allowing it to play Cyber Dragon, once one of a Machine deck's greatest assets, without fear. And because this is a Machine deck, we have ready access to Machina Fortress, paired with Machina Gearframe, which works especially well in this deck given the large amount of high level Machines we can discard. And if all THAT wasn't enough, playing a field spell means we have access to Malefic Cyber End Dragon, possibly the biggest "free" special summon available. In short, this deck excels at summoning huge Machine monsters rapidly and winning through sheer offensive force. Class is in session, don't be a slacker! MONSTERS (19): Ancient Gear Beast x3 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon x2 Ancient Gear Golem x2 Cyber Dragon x3 Machina Fortress x3 Machina Gearframe x3 Malefic Cyber End Dragon x3 SPELLS (16): Dark Hole x1 Future Fusion x1 Geartown x3 Limiter Removal x1 Monster Reborn x1 Overload Fusion x1 Pot of Duality x3 Power Bond x2 Terraforming x3 TRAPS (5): Solemn Judgment x1 Solemn Warning x2 Starlight Road x1 Torrential Tribute x1 EXTRA DECK: Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x3 Chimeratech Overdragon x1 Cyber End Dragon x3 Cyber Twin Dragon x1 Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem x2 Ancient Fairy Dragon x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Scrap Dragon x1 Stardust Dragon x1
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