#cyber dragon (archetype)
Round 1d, Match 12: Blackwing vs. Performage vs. Cyber Dragon!
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Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower // Performage Trapeze Magician // Cyber Dragon Nova
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Some reasons why the DM cast would not like the friends Jaden made during school:
Syrus: In the dub, it's clear that he doesn't have the best relationship with his brother Zane so he projects the perfect brother figure onto Jaden. The minute Jaden doesn't fit the ideal, he abandons Jaden at the toss of a hat. From trading his bed/eating his breakfast shrimp to the Dark World, Syrus was never as loyal as Joey. Only reason he got the Ra Yellow promotion duel was because of his brother and it's hinted that he was given his Obelisk Blue rank as a 'thank you' for helping against the Light of Ruin since he was at the final battle (even though all he did was hold Aster). Didn't truly improve until Season 4 and his deck upgrade came from his brother. Literally rode coattails to where he is at the end of the series.
Chazz: He was a jerk at the start, but mostly due to his brothers putting pressure on him. When Jaden tried to bond with him, he was mostly rebuffed and while he could see Duel Spirits, he never reciprocated Jaden's attempts to bond over it. Despite everything he went through with Jaden, he didn't hesitate to rejoin Obelisk Blue in a heartbeat come Season 4.
Bastion: Season 2 did this man no favors. He lost on purpose to join the Society of Light to get recognition and respect, which he never got anyway. He did give Jaden the wake up call he needed to get out of his Dark World funk to at least beat Yubel/get Jesse back.
Alexis: RIP her development in GX because her archetype didn't do well in the real life sales, because having a Ritual Expert would have been great. When Jaden returned, she tried to act like nothing happened and tried to force Jaden into activities, which only made him angry because he wanted to be left alone. She only moved into the Slifer Red Dorm because Crowler was trying to make her into a pop star with her brother in Season 2 so she can't be blamed too much for leaving.
Atticus: After getting his memories back, all Atticus did was become comic relief and tried to hook his sister up with guys. Never did he duel with his own original deck against the villains (Red Eyes deck is hinted to be the deck he was given as a Shadow Rider, not his original). He's one of the few that can beat Zane since he was part of the Obelisk Elite but never showed it. It's his fault that the Sacred Beasts woke up because he stole the keys for his plan to get Alexis to hook up with Chazz. Literally tried to force his sister into stardom against her will because he's an overly dramatic theater kid.
Zane: Zane is a one trick pony with a pretty powerful beat stick. His entire deck revolves around getting out Cyber End Dragon via Power Bond. Anyone in the pros can shut that down quick and instead of trying to improve he just kept with his old deck and fell into the underground, rejecting any help due to pride. Literally almost rage quit his final duel with Jaden because Jaden was trying to duel around a brick opening hand and had to think instead of having fun on the fly.
Aster: Multiple posts already on this for this blog, was manipulated because of tunnel vision concerning avenging his dad and didn't care who he hurt as long as he got his revenge.
Hassleberry: This boy literally has a dinosaur bone in his leg which gives him dino powers, got his spirit sent to space to save the world, and still will talk smack about Jaden behind his back and call his Duel Spirits 'imaginary friends' despite having met Neos.
Axel: He saw that Jaden's monsters were forced to attack Brron and how it wasn't truly Jaden's fault that his friends were sent to the stars, but still turned his back on the boy and told him that he was on his own. Despite his tough guy act, he ran when the Supreme King challenged him the first time. Redeemed himself by beating the Supreme King in Sesaon 3 and in Season 4 by helping Jaden though!
Jesse: Jesse is a all around sweet guy, he really is! The fact that he considered making himself a martyr to save the school was fulfilling his dream probably doesn't sit right with some of the DM crew because of how Jaden blamed himself for not being strong enough to save his friend.
Exception to this cause would be Jim. He saw that something was going down at the academy and investigated. the minute he saw Jaden as the Supreme King? In the original Japanese he outright asks if Jaden was tricked into being a ruthless warlord. Only reason this man did not return in season 4 was because his Japanese voice actor retired. Chumley is in this camp too because he stayed a solid friend with Jaden after Season 1.
Okay I thought I was the Gx friend groups number 1 hater but I take my cap off and pass it to you. Way to eviscerate all of them.
Here’s the thing. The DM cast are big friendship people. They forgive people for things they probably shouldn’t as long as the offended party says it’s okay. But they are also loyal.
In Duelist kingdom Téa holds a bit of a grudge against Mai until they get to know each other. Joey and Tristian are very protective of their friends. Yugi is warm and welcoming to all but he won’t stand for anyone messing with his friends and loved ones. Atem is protective. He loves his friends dearly and will do anything to keep them from harms way. And Seto is a dragon, he hoards that which is precious to him and protects it viciously.
I don’t think they would tell Jaden they didn’t like his friends. Nor do I think these adults would hold grudges against children (Seto might but he’s Seto Kaiba he held a grudge to the afterlife) but they aren’t fans of all of Jaden’s friends
Syrus for all the reasons you stated, they just don’t like him. Syrus tries to force Jaden into a preferred older brother role instead of his best friend and equal. If Jaden fails that glorified image even a little bit Syrus loses all faith in him and interest in their friendship besides whining until Jaden full fills the role again. He’s a fair weather friend. I don’t think he’s a bad character or person but he needs to grow up. But because he is sheltered by both Zane and Jaden (from hiding behind him and Jaden’s hero complex) he doesn’t have to. Hopefully he matures after school.
But from a parents perspective this is not the person you want your kid relying on. He’s the friend who expects you to always be there for him but won’t be there for you in a hard time. Yugi’s good at reading people and from the stories Jaden tells them (which put all of his friends in a much better light) he and the Sam cast are not impressed. Téa and Joey especially don’t like the kid. Mai to. She felt with a lot of fake people in her life time. But how do you say that to a kid like Jaden who is so excited to have friends? Yugi is hopeful that Syrus will mature one day. After all his mom had similar worries when he became friends with Joey. But as time goes forward he’s proven wrong and Joey is a little offended by the comparison.
I haven’t seen season 4 so I can’t comment on it. I’m almost done with my rewatch of season 1 and Chazz grows a lot in that season. I can see the DM cast being wary of him in the beginning because Chazz does start off as a bit of a bully. But after the school duel and Chazz starts truly hanging out with the cast I think most of those fears are put to rest. With finding out about his family and he is fairly loyal to Jaden. It’s not Joey levels but he’s not suppose to be (he’s not the designated best friend though he does a better job then Syrus)
I think by the end of season 1 they like him. (They haven’t met any of these kids and only have Jaden and school reports to go off of) the kid did stand up for the whole school against his brothers using a completely different and “weak” deck. He’s impressed them, and he at least tried to help. He took down one shadow rider.
In season 2 they are probably worried about him with the cult running around but I don’t know how much Jaden has told them about said cult. Chazz is also a real winner in that season of I remember. He goes out and beats all the members of the cult and wins the Gx tournament while Jaden deals with the leader. That should be the job of the “best friend” but Syrus and Hasselberry were mostly cheerleaders. It sticks that most of it is off screen but at least he’s helping. The cult can’t gang up on Jaden if Chazz is mowing them down.
Season 3 is a mess for Chazz. He’s sideline like most of the cast and it doesn’t help that he is one of the nay sayers. I know it’s a spell and Jaden is being selfish and rushing ahead. But this is a rescue mission that you chose to go on. I need to rewatch this season because how did Chazz and the others get captured? How did they not fight back? I don’t remember them taking part in one duel in the dark world. Like they were just following, complaining, and dying. It sucks how much the writers sidelined the cast like I love the exchange students, it think they are better characters over all, but the way the og cast is handled is t the best.
In conclusion, I don’t think the DM cast disapproves of him, it’s just a complex relationship between him and Jaden. I have them becoming Chazz’s pseudo family by the end of the au. Him and Jaden started on a ruff foot but they got there eventually.
It’s almost funnier to say they forgot Bastion existed. He’s so fun in season 1 even though he’s a simp I love the energy he brings. But he’s the e first of the cast to get hard sidelined. I have to watch season 2 again. I always felt bad for the kid. Arthur and Solomon would have loved this kid. I’m going to play with his story a lot because he just wants to be acknowledged and seen as an equal to his friends and is constantly dismissed. Like he willingly joined the cult. He’s going to get a DM parental figure. One that probably doesn’t want the nerd following them but will grow to love their newly acquired duckling. I need to rewatch season 2 and think through the DM cast.
Is that why her development gets thrown in the garbage?? Her archetype didn’t sell well? No she’s the ritual expert. And you’re right that would have been super cool. She’s still not a good friend. She’s alright in season 1 and at least takes down one of the Shadow riders. In season two she has a mini arc as the ice queen and they do a nice job of if I remember correctly. But she’s also sidelined in season 3 and I’ve heard season 4 is not great for her. To focused on her crush on Jaden and his past and her idolized version that she can’t see the Jaden in front of her is in need of help.
I don’t think the DM cast hate her but I think she rubs them the wrong way in season 3 and 4.
Maybe I’ll extend post cannon because I can see Alexis with a mentor and learning how to navigate her own feelings becoming a real power house. Ritual decks are rare and I wish we saw them more. Atem has two ritual monsters he uses in Black Magician of Chaos and Black luster solider. I’m not saying Atem’s her mentor but she just needs a chance to grow and stand on her own. Post cannon is going to be forcing these characters to stand on their own two feet, letting them fail, and watching them build themselves back up again.
The og friend group relies on Haden way too much to solve their problems.
Atticus is a disappointment. He’s so fun and a goofball which is very different from his shadowrider persona. And I’m okay with that. It’s not his personality that upsets me. (Joey and Tristan have a can can dance when they beat an enemy and sing “can can we kicked it in the can can” like they would love Atticus and I love that goofball energy)
No where Atticus is a disappointment is that he never wins a duel on screen. He’s built up as this amazing duelist. He wins against the tomb keepers duel spirits to get his half of the shadow medallion. He’s part of the obelisk elite like Zane (I always wondered why their uniforms are different and now I know) yet he never wins an on screen duel.
I’m okay with him being a jokester and having fun with his kid sister and her friends, he’s behind his class by two years so he’s got to make new friends and Alexis and her crew welcome him. But I wish we say more of that.
Serenity join the DM cast in Battle City works this really well. She’s new to the group but already has connections because she’s Joey’s sister. She doesn’t know the rules and learns over time. Shes not the strongest but she’s helpful (saving Joey from the anchor) she doesn’t take center stage but we care about her.
But the difference between making her a side character/cheerleader and Atticus is Atticus is hyped up to be a good duelist. If they just showed him winning a duel or even talked about how he was win off screen I wouldn’t be as mad but the boys is a joke. He’s older than the rest of the cast and while he can be a goofy older brother he should also be a mentor or at least protective of the group. What was he even doing during the Gx tournament/Alexis’s cult time. I honestly forget. His kid sister spent a season looking for him and fighting to save him and the writers could let him return the favor. No Jaden has to save her.
(Like let him attempt. Maybe he can’t win in his own and Jaden has to take over or switch it and have Jaden start the duel but he’s not getting through and then Atticus steps in. It would be like Arem taking over for Kaiba bs Noah, where he takes Kaiba’s life points and deck and still pulls out a win. Do you know how good that would have made Atticus look if he took over Jaden’s duel using his deck and was able to beat Alexis. He’s a great duelist and to win using someone else deck is always seen as an impressive feat.)
I’m going to play with him to. I think most of the DM cast would love him. The Gx writers really just dropped the ball on their side characters.
Way to kick Zane when he’s down. Honestly sounds like something Kaiba would yell at him.
To be fair, if Zane is a one trick pony it’s also a fault with the school. They held him up as the best of the best and never forced him to change or adapt. The pro league is far more aggressive and he should have been prepared for that. If none of the students could beat him that’s one thing but a teacher should have pointed this flaw out. Maybe they did and he was to prideful or thought they were wrong because no one had ever stopped him before.
In know the Cyber end deck is a good deck. It still sees play today and has a lot of legacy support. So I don’t think it’s that his deck is bad. I think he just needs to change up his strategy.
But in topic. Ever already discussed the DM cast feelings towards him. He’s talented and good to Jaden in season 1 but they can’t help him in season 2. One they have their own things going on and two they can’t reveal their connection to Jaden. In all honesty they probably don’t know about Zane’s underground dueling until Jaden does. By then it’s too late to get the kid out.
I’ve already talked a lot about asteroids and his relationship with the DM cast and how they feel about his actions so we will move forward.
I haven’t rewatched season 2 but I remember preferring Hasselberry to Syrus
They thing that drives me nuts though is that they both act like Jaden is crazy talking to spirits. Syrus has had multiple encounters with duel spirits since season 1 and Hasselberry has turned into a cartoon dinosaur and fought beside Neos. The man has no room to talk. We are all suppose to believe in your Dino DNA but you think Jaden talking to spirits is crazy.
Hasselberry is far more helpful than Syrus but it’s the Jaden is crazy talk that drives me nuts. Like he draws the same short straw as everyone else in season 3 and I want to do a deep dive on who got what negative emotion because some fit the character way more then others but we will talk about that later.
Over all I think the DM cast would like Hasselberry. If he’s away from Syrus. They get really toxic together trying to prove who is Jaden’s “true best friend” and he follows Syrus’s lead of putting Jaden on a pedestal and then getting upset with him when he falls off. (I wonder what their friendship could have been without Syrus?)
Okay I have to defend my boy here. Yes he sucks for abandoning Jaden. He’s also the “most experienced” when it comes to missions like this. I need to rewatch season three to figure out exactly where everything g went wrong. Yes Jaden is selfish and moving to fast but it’s also understandable where he is coming from. And everyone else invited themselves on the mission.
I saw someone say season three is meant to show Jaden what will happen if he keeps bringing his friends into dangerous situations and loses. Um I’m sorry. Jaden didn’t ask them to come. He does in season 1 ask for Syrus and others to come and support him but he doesn’t in season 3 he knows this is dangerous, stupid, and reckless, he knows he’s going to do whatever it takes and he tells them that up front. And then they get mad at him for doing exactly what he said he was going to do. And I can see the Duel Academy kids getting upset because they’ve spent 2 years with Jaden holding their hands but Jim and Axel? They did so well in the other dimension and Axel knows what this kind of mission intels, move fast. They have a short window of time to not only save Jesse but to move without Yubel knowing they are there. They have to keep moving.
Now in his defense. If my friend (and let’s be honest Jaden, Jim and Jesse are probably his first real friends) just accidentally murdered/was forced to murder our other friends I’d be upset to. And you have to blame someone even if that blame doesn’t go to the right person. Syrus was running (both his mouth and his legs) and he’s the weaker of the two. Jaden, in theory, can take care of himself. Should Axel and Jim slip the responsibility and in go after Syrus and one stay with Jaden yes. But they are teens and no one expected Jaden to spiral like that.
So here Axel is, his whole life has been a war zone. He finally has friends and they are dropping like flies but he’s still going strong. Until the supreme king is revealed to be Jaden. Jaden the silly sweet kid who welcomed him even after the way he acted. Who has always dueled with honor. Who he abandoned and lead to this monstrosity before him. And he just killed Jim. Him who only wanted to help him and is all around a great guy.
I don’t blame him for having a panic attack. He reached his limit and freaked out. He also over came that and still came back to help Jaden. Risking his life to do so.
After season 3 and 4 the DM cast love him. I don’t think he would ever run from a fight again. I think he’s started down the worst that could happened and over came it. He shows his loyalty (from what I understand) in season 4 and I believe is one of the few life long friends Jaden made at school.
My boy. I think the DM cast is more worried about him than anything. He does have a self sacrificing tendency. But then so does Jaden. I think that’s the thing that worries them the most about the two of them traveling together post cannon. They know Jaden won’t let Jesse get hurt. But what will Jesse do if Jaden gets hurt protecting him? And the opposition is true to Jesse won’t let Jaden get hurt and we’ve already seen the lengths Jaden will go to if Jesse gets hurt protecting him.
Over all the DM cast likes him (with Seto Kaiba being huffy about it, only because he’s scared he’s losing Jaden to his future boyfriend/husband. He’s got big over protective dad fears going on)
Jim and Chumley
No notes. They are great friends and very helpful in their seasons.
I already decided Chumley finds out in between season 1 and 2. He’s just a good guy and I wish we say more of him.
I wouldn’t put it past him to figure out Jaden’s identity on his own. But still need to rewatch their season and see how things play out.
As of right now.
The DM cast likes
Chumley (finds out post season 1)
Chazz (the drama with his family solidifies his placement in season one but he doesn’t find out until post season 4)
Jesse (finds out during season 3)
Jim (finds out post season 4/ maybe mid way season 3)
Axel (same as Jim)
Aster (ruff starts but he and Jaden end up close and he finds out post season 2)
DM cast are on the fence about
Bastion (I forgot him when I was first making this list and that is actually hilarious)
They got some ground to recover. The DM cast don’t openly dislike them. But they don’t know if they trust them with the Jaden.
This person is on thin ice with the DM cast
Syrus (is anyone suprised)
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howlingday · 2 months
siguiendo con yugioh!au (personalmente prefiero pokemon pero gx llamó mi atención)
Qrow lo veo con un deck tipo archfiends debido a su pasado como bandido y su reputación, así mismo el efecto de desgaste de tus puntos de vida hace alusión a su semblante desventajosa, además creó que tendría cobertura con algunas cartas de joey debido al tema de la suerte y el asar aunque capaz que esto pega más con clover, en otro punto gx tiene un deck no-canon de vodka perdón "salsa picante" según la censura
El caso de penny es complicado debido a la cantidad de archetypes de máquinas aunque se me hace divertido que tenga el deck de syrus de vehicroid, debido a la naturaleza de niña curiosa de penny sería adorable como su deck se conforma principalmente por cosas salidas de bob the builder además debido a que varios de ellos dehecho contienen efectos problemáticos refleja también su otra naturaleza de androide de batalla, aunque definitivamente si habló de naturaleza de batalla entonces tendría a cyber dragon
Iroonwood definitivamente tendría un deck ancient gear, esto aparte de su prótesis también refleja sus características militares asi como la historia de atlas de tanto avanzar como quedarse estancado en el pasado
Por último cómo otra nota talvez jaune tendría una actualización de su deck con los neo space, debido a que estos provenían de un mundo aparte me parece lógico que se encuentren en ever after, además en lugar de curious cat podríamos tener a yubel
Continuing with yugioh!au (personally I prefer pokemon but gx caught my attention)
I see Qrow with an archfiends type deck due to his past as a bandit and his reputation, likewise the effect of wearing down your life points alludes to his disadvantageous appearance, he also believed that he would have coverage with some joey cards due to the theme of luck and roasting, although maybe this works better with clover, at another point gx has a non-canon deck of vodka, sorry "hot sauce" according to censorship.
Penny's case is complicated due to the number of machine archetypes, although I find it funny that she has the Vehicroid Syrus deck, due to Penny's curious girl nature, it would be adorable how her deck is made up mainly of things from Bob the builder also because several of them actually contain problematic effects also reflects his other nature of battle android, although definitely if he talked about battle nature then he would have cyber dragon.
Ironwood would definitely have an ancient gear deck, this apart from his prosthesis also reflects his military characteristics as well as Atlas' history of both advancing and staying stuck in the past.
Lastly, as another note, maybe Jaune would have an update to his deck with the Neo Space, because these came from a separate world, it seems logical to me that they are in Ever After, also instead of Curious Cat we could have Yubel.
Huh. I never realized the "hot sauce" was actually sake. Pretty funny censorship! But, yeah, I can see Qrow having similar cards due to his battle with alcoholism, and his use of Dark monsters, including Archfiends, is also fitting due to his role as the sort of shadow ops of Ozpin. I can even see him pulling out something old school like Archfiend Emperor, The First Lord Of Horror simply to utilize it's one of many special effects.
Actually, if we follow the Chibi logic, we could also give Penny some Insect cards, like Naturia Mole Cricket or Atomic Firefly. You could even take a step further with Inzektor cards, like Inzektor Exa-Beetle, or a monster that gains attack based on the monsters around it, like Insect Queen gaining ATK for every Insect on the field, or Humongous Hive Hegemon - Zexstagger, which also gains ATK AND can special summon Insect monsters from your graveyard or hand.
I can definitely see General Ironwood having military specific cards, as well as cards that are very similar to airships. Ancient Gear also works with his allusion to the Tin Man. In fact, Ancient Gear fusions would also allude to Atlas' use of robots AND their willingness to sacrifice for a supposed "greater good". That said, I would say his most powerful card would be Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem, acting as a menace of titanic proportions only matched by the might of the most technologically advanced kingdom on Remnant.
To be honest, I never finished GX. Partially because the ending wasn't dubbed and also because I don't even remember where GX stopped off. But I've heard plenty about how bad Jaiden got for no reason because of Yubel, which would be a pretty neat parallel with the Curious Cat.
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pro-prin-prinny · 3 months
Which Yu-Gi-Oh deck would you're favorite characters play?
I'll be providing images so if I run out of room part two will be a reblog. For the sake of deck building rules I'll go with it needs to be an established archetype but characters would have custom cards to them within the archetype. We'll start with the siblings.
Ashley Graves-
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Ashley's nightmarish yet childish nature leads me to believe she would play a Fluffal/Frightfur deck. Her signature cards would of course be a pink and green fluffal rabbit and her ace would be a Frightfur fusion of the two.
Andrew Graves-
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Andrew being the hopeless romantic that he is would play a Black Rose deck. His deck would be full of plants that would deal burn damage upon being destroyed with some of them dealing damage to both players instead of just one. His signature card would be a tuner that treated synchro summoning as destroying and his ace would of course be Black Rose Dragon.
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I don't think I could see the Machine Herald playing any deck that wasn't Cyber Dragon. I imagine there would be a few monsters that synergize in his deck that go from one type to machine type. His signature cards would be a monster that changes to machine type at the cost of turning an opponent's monster into machine type and DNA Surgery. His ace monster would be Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.
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thepuff09 · 6 months
So I’ve been thinking about the Malefic cards, and I think the time is right for new ones.
First, I think all four of the Illiaster decks deserve new cards, maybe except T.G. For those who don’t know, that Malefic, Timelord, and Meklord.
As for Malefic, I think new monsters are the first thing we need. I’m thinking Slifer, Light and Darkness, Cyber, Starving Venom, Critias, Borreload, and Curse of Dragon. I will explain these picks in a moment.
Next, I think about 5 main deck monsters similar to the gears, support cards that doesn’t have limitations.
Now for those dragons, here is why.
Light/Darkness and Curse of Dragon are both monsters used by main characters (Manga Chazz and Yugi) that don’t get remembered as much as they should. Plus, both have very unique designs. Curse has a very distinct body shape, while Light/Darkness already resembles the Malefic mask.
For Slifer, I think it’s pretty obvious for a new boss monster. I think being a DARK/Divine-Beast monster could be cool. However, due to its overwhelming strength, I think it needs a special summoning method: Banish Slifer The Sky Dragon, after it has amassed 5000+ ATK with its own effect. For it's effect, I'm thinking base 5000 ATK, but it's effect only gives 100 ATK for each trap. Maybe even 0 base, but 1000 for each monster banished to summon a Malefic monster?
Malefic Cyber Dragon could be very interesting. I have two ideas: 1) A level 5 thats easier to bring out (tributing rather than banishing) in exchange for less ATK, or 2) the strongest of the monsters without the normal limitations. Seeing as its already mechanical, it could work with the aesthetic.
Starving Venom and Borreload are pretty explanatory, being DARK dragons used by antagonists. They could even bring more extra deck monsters?
Finally, Critias. Now, when I say Critias, I don't mean any of it's fusions. I mean the dragon itself. Being Kaiba's dragon, it would be the most likely, and it could even be a spell, which lets you turn 1 Malefic moster into another from the deck?
Also, I think a Five-Headed Malefic Dragon could be interesting. Extreme power, but it needs five Malefic Monsters, which would limit its power.
I might do the other Archetypes eventually.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
for the yugioh ask thingie, 13? also hi <3
Hi <3
13. Favorite deck archetype
For the anime specifically, either Cyber Dragons or Rose Dragons. I love weird dragons that still lay on the properly creatchury side of the spectrum. Small amount of evilness is a plus.
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If I had to rank them, I'd say I like rose dragons just a little bit more than cybers.
Also sharks. And trains. I like archetypes that make big chunguses that hit very hard and make big explosions.
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Just curious: which Yugioh dragons are your favorite?
OUGH such a good question, yugioh really is one of the best franchises for Dragon Likers, THERE'S SO MANY GOOD ONES!!! I KEEP DISCOVERING GOOD ONES!!! NEVERENDING PARADE OF COOL DRAGONS
My OG childhood favorite was Red-Eyes Black Dragon and when i got back into ygo I started a Red-Eyes merch collection that's pretty sizeable now!! I adore the whole archetype (if one could not tell from my URL eheheh) but I think my absolute favorite Red-Eyes nowadays is Red Eyes Toon Dragon.... Absolute silliest little guy. Got him watching over my desktop blog theme :]
(also a longtime big fan of Blue Eyes Toon Dragon--I remember trading a kid at sunday school in like 2004 for a beat to shit BETD card that I still have.)
I ALSO adore Black Rose Dragon, such a supremely cool design I need to draw one day. Stardust Dragon and its evolution are all also EXTREMELY cool and the freaky ethereal noises it makes in 5Ds are some of my fav ygo monster sounds.
ALSO. ALSO. ALSO. I have a tremendous fondness for Machine-type "dragons"-- All the Cyber/Chimeratech Dragons, Power Tool Dragon, and Meklord Astro Dragon Treskelion are all some of my tip top favs up there with Red-Eyes. Robot Dragon is simply, Very Very Cool. I keep getting attached to characters with Robot Dragons.
very excited to find out what other ygo dragons are my favorite. My wild card other fav pick is also The Sexy Vampire Dragon Number Card
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slam in the back of my dragulas
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
I found out Appreciate a Dragon day exists, and it’s today, so here are my thoughts on every dragon bey (thank you Beyblade wiki for having lists)
Spin Dragoon: First bey ever released. It’s important because of that, but honestly it’s lacking compared to newer beys. It’s like a Model T, great for its time, but very outdated. Its design is plain and it doesn’t have much going for it
Frostic Dranzer: Looks kinda cool, but I do prefer Dranzer as a phoenix than an ice dragon
Dragoon Grip Attacker: A massive improvement from Spin Dragoon. This is when Dragoon started developing more of its defining characteristics
Bearing Stinger (aka Metal Dragoon): Arguably the first real use of stationary attack. No be has ever been designed with stationary attack in mind, and the archetype wouldn’t see any real use until burst (only to get phased out when burst beys became harder to burst), but it is cool to see high stamina, high recoil beys
Wing Attacker (the bit-chip has a dragon): The bey itself kinda sucks, since its only unique feature is the fact that it has “wings” that actively hinder it, but it is cool to think of it as a predecessor to some Burst gimmicks, like Ragnaruk’s stamina wings (which don’t do much, but at least don’t make it worse) and Lucifer’s rubber barrier (which hinders it or makes it great depending on the specific matchup)
Dragoon Storm: Every future Dragoon in bakuten shoot shares Storm’s 2 main traits: left spin and a very aggressive attack ring. While it’s not as good as some later versions, it defined the later Dragoon beys (much like Grip Attacker did for rubber tips)
Bakutenryu Hayate: The Hidden Spirits line was weird, and funnier in hindsight now that an official Beyblade x Transformers collab exists (as disappointing as it was). As for Hayate itself, it’s pretty cool and the attack ring is very detailed for its time (this level of detail on attack rings wouldn’t become the norm until much later)
Bakutenryu Zinrai: Everything I said about Hayate but its black instead of white
Bakutenryu Raiden: Hayate but purple
Kid Dragoon: It’s pretty cool but feels more like a predecessor to Driger G (three blades that are sloped for upper attack) than to any mainline Dragoon bey (which focus on smash attack and have little to no upper)
Hayate 2: The original Hayate but in dark blue, though I have to say it’s less impressive since attack rings had started getting more detailed around this time, making it a bit less unique (but it’s still part of Hidden Spirits and those are all unique)
Dragoon Fighter: It’s Dragoon Storm but better looking. It has all the same core features as Storm, but is more detailed
Master Dragoon: It’s Kid Dragoon but reskinned and I like this version better
Gaia Dragoon: It’s like Spin Dragoon but on a smaller scale. It sets up the rest of the Gaia Dragoon beys, but is, on its own, pretty bland
Dragoon Victory: The same way Dragoon Fighter just takes Dragoon Storm and builds on it, Dragoon Victory takes from Fighter and makes it more aggressive
Cyber Dragoon: It looks cool and I loved it in the anime, but by god is that base stupid as hell. The concept of jumping beys would be reworked into something much better in mfb and burst, and seeing how simple the mfb version was (just have the tip not be centered), I don’t see why this even exists
Dragoon Victory 2: Dragoon V but a bit better
Cyber Dragoon Battle SPEC: Cyber Dragoon but reskinned. It’s kinda cool but I still prefer the original
Dark Dragoon: It’s a cool bey, but sadly not very memorable since it’s not part of the main Dragoon line and lacks any super unique features
Gaia Dragoon Vast: It’s better than the original Gaia Dragoon but still not very good
Bakutenryu Gaia Dragoon: It’s Salamalyon but reskinned to look like Gaia Dragoon. At least Dark Dragoon wasn’t just a reskinned existing bey
Dark Gaia Dragoon: Cool, but unremarkable
Dragoon Galaxy: It deviates from the standard Dragoon design but it works really well
Gaia Dragoon Great: This is when Gaia Dragoon beys started being cool
Dragoon Galaxy Turbo: It’s closer to V2 than to G, but I like it. It’s the Dragoon design taken to the logical extreme
Bakutenryu Zeo: I can’t believe Hidden Spirits lasted for this long. Also, I’m disappointed the bit-chip doesn’t feature Zeo the anime character
Bakutenryu Aveiron: Bakutenryu Zeo but black
Gaia Dragoon Metal Spike: Peak of the Gaia Dragoon line
Dragoon Metal Storm: Dragoon GT pushed the limits of what Dragoon could be in the plastic system, and Dragoon MS goes even further by taking advantage of the new system
Wyvern DJ (I am classifying wyverns as dragons here): It’s owned by Blader DJ and that makes it great
Bakutenryu Donitrus: We are at the ending stages of bakuten shoot and Hidden Spirits is still a thing. How?
Dragoon Metal Storm Ultimate Version: It does for HMS what Dragoon GT did for plastics
Thunder Dragon: Cool, but unremarkable. The only unique thing about it is that it was a fan-made design that entered a competition and won (similar to Burst’s Duo Eclipse and Brave Valkyrie originally being fan-made)
Sea Dragon: Same as Thunder Dragon. It even entered the same contest
Dragoon Metal Fighter: Dragoon MSUV was the peak of the Dragoon line. Dragoon MF seemed to be made with this in mind, as it throws away a lot of Dragoon’s core traits (even more so than Dragoon G), probably since they knew they couldn’t make Dragoon MSUV but better, so they opted to take it in a different direction completely. That would be pretty cool if it weren’t the last Dragoon
L-Drago 105F: The original L-Drago bey. It clearly resembles all future L-Drago beys, but lacks the mode changes that would become associated with them. It’s also far more aggressive in shape, which feels odd when Meteo and beyond had modes specifically meant for more defensive styles
Lightning L-Drago: It takes the original L-Drago and improves on it. It can switch modes for more versatility, it’s a little lower to the ground (which complements its shape), and its performance tip has around the same attack power and a little more stamina
Meteo L-Drago: L-Drago now has rubber for better spin stealing. While spin stealing was a thing since the early days of bsb, Meteo is where it really took form. Rubber contact points are great for spin stealing, and would become a staple of beys like Fafnir in the future
Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Absorb: It’s a white and purple version of Meteo L-Drago, but its spin track’s wings are in the opposite direction, lifting the bey off the ground instead of providing downforce (the effect is negligible anyway). It also has a rubber driver and makes it better for attack
Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Assault: It’s closer to Lightning in shape, and is meant to be more aggressive. It’s one of the 85XF beys, and those are aggressive to the point of being unusable (just look at Mercury Anubius or Omega Dragonis)
Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Rush: It has a more aggressive shape than Assault, but more more passive movements. The passive movement kills it, because if instead of 125 SF it had, say, LW105 RF, it could be a great bey
L-Drago Destructor: I love the mode changes turning it from a fairly defensive spin stealer to an aggressive attacker, but hate F:S. The tip makes spin stealing useless but also forces the bey into a defensive position where spin stealing is the only option
L-Drago Guardian: A defense type L-Drago? Turns out spin stealing is great for defense and stamina, who would’ve figured? The answer is competitive players. Anyway, an L-Drago optimized for defense is a great thing
Omega Dragonis: It sucked so much that even when its wheel was allowed in Limited (which bans all 4d wheels except Omega and Jade, plus some OP fusion wheels like Twisted), no one used it. It also uses 85 XF. Yeah, a hyper aggressive bey that’s too light to pack any real punch
Diablo Nemesis (one of its spirits is a dragon): It’s an amalgamation of a dozen of the best beys in the anime. I love it because it truly is one of the most threatening villains in the franchise
Pirate Orochi: Cool, but not memorable
Guardian Leviathan: I like it, and I think 160 is a good track to counter low attacks as well as TH170 and 230′s variants, but compared to beys like L-Drago, it isn’t that great
Orochi Leviathan: Guardian Leviathan but better
Ronin Dragoon: It’s an attack type but I guess L-Drago Guardian’s design stuck because Ronin Dragoon is great for defense. You can see it’s inspired by both L-Drago and the original Dragoon series, so that’s cool
Griffin Dragoon: Ronin Dragoon but better
Gladiator Bahamut: A great bey for a villain. It managed to solve the 85 XF problem by not using 85, instead using a 230 variant and GF (85 XF was too short and aggressive, making it scrape too much). Bahamut makes it too tall to scrape and thus can use something even more aggressive than Xtreme Flat, Giga Flat
Pegasus Bahamut: The closest we ever got to a second Diablo Nemesis. It doesn’t hold a candle to Nemesis in terms of anime power, but it is cool as hell
Wyvern: The Wyvern layer was cool, but the other parts really held it back. The Armed disc is just bad and so is Massive
Wild Wyvern: The Orbit driver is good, but the layer is kinda boring and doesn’t perform that well. Also Vertical is a terrible disc that’s just Armed but worse
Lost Longinus: It’s a great start for the Longinus line. While it’s not as extremely aggressive as some later beys (like Rage and Guilty), it’s great for the time
Kreis Satan: Rollers have been tried before and they never really worked. Here, they’re better than before, but still not good
Drain Fafnir: Like Lost Longinus, it’s a solid start to a line of beys that would improve a lot as time went on
Tornado Wyvern: The best Wyvern bey by far. Every one of its parts was good for the time, with the Atomic driver in particular being top tier
Nightmare Longinus: Lost Longinus had good smash attack, but Nightmare gave it some good upper. This upper attack is what made every Longinus from Zwei onwards so great
Arc Bahamut: Opposite spin battles have less recoil. Arc Bahamut exploits this by being a left spin defense type. It was a great bey
Bloody Longinus: A disgrace to the Longinus line and we don’t talk about it
Hell Salamander: It can switch from a defensive left spin bey like Arc Bahamut to a very aggressive jumping bey. I love it
Geist Fafnir: It’s great for spin stealing but not much else. It accomplishes its main goal wonderfully, but against anything with decent attack power or left spin, it loses badly
Ace Dragon: A fairly standard attack type whose only notable trait is the Charge driver being really heavy, but it’s since been overshadowed by the likes of Charge Metal (which is just Charge with more metal)
Grand Dragon: The idea of a heavy, aggressive bey with good stamina that can deplete the opponent’s spin by being heavier is a solid one, but Grand Dragon lacks the necessary stamina to pull it off. It is a solid concept I wish was revisited, but I get that it’d require some meta-breaking parts to work (it needs to be extremely heavy, and any part with that much weight will be OP)
Rock Dragon: It’s a defense type that self bursts more often than its attack counterpart (Ace). It sucks
Wizard Fafnir: It spin steals better than any other Fafnir. Sadly it also bursts more than any other Fafnir
Zwei Longinus: The first of the 3 heavy hitters of the Longinus line. It’s no wonder Rage and Guilty look so similar to it. TT struck gold with this design
Venom Diabolos: The Diabolos chip is great and the Bullet driver is fun. Vanguard is kinda cool but sadly Bullet does hold it back (as fun as the projectile is)
Erase Diabolos: It’s like Venom, except it gets into LAD battle more often (and it has terrible LAD. At least Venom didn’t actively engage in them), and has even less attack power than Venom (when KOs are Venom and Erase’s only viable win condition)
Flare Dragon: I like it, but it should’ve been a Zeus evo. I like the absurdly high number of metal balls the whole bey has
Dread Bahamut: It gets into LAD battles which it can’t win because of the Wall frame. I like the wing gimmick, and I like the Gen weight, and Orbit Metal is pretty cool, but a left spin defense type should always have good LAD since it’s what battles will come down to most of the time
Tact Longinus: The Tact base is underrated but the rest of the bey really isn’t that great
Regalia Genesis: It’s fun but for a bey meant to be almost unburstable, it bursts very often
Prime Apocalypse: One of my favorite GT beys. I love the dragon with a sword tail, and unlike Genesis, it’s actually hard to burst
Imperial Dragon: It’s a great attack type, and the only time Dragon has been legitimately good for attack
Master Diabolos: I like it, but that gap between the base and the driver annoys me every time I see it
Master Dragon: One of the bets moments in the GT anime
Bigbang Genesis: Like Regalia, it’s disappointing. At least the Bigbang armor can be used too complete Prime Apocalypse
Curse Satan: Rollers that work? Great. Also Universe is a fun driver. My only complaint is that they reused Hurricane when Hurricane sucked and Around would’ve fit the theme of “as many free spinning parts as possible” better
Mirage Fafnir: A Fafnir bey that can tank left spin opponents (except Longinus) but has too little LAD to work for spin stealing. It’s the opposite of what Fafnir should be
Rage Longinus: Zwei Longinus but improved
Death Diabolos: It sucks and is a disgrace to the Diabolos line
Abyss Diabolos: Somehow even worse than Death
Tempest Dragon: Heavy as hell and has rainbows. I love it
Jet Wyvern: The Jet ring is the only good part here. The Wyvern chip, 1D chassis, and Around disc are all subpar. Just is terrible
Vanish Fafnir: Best Fafnir ever. It can spin steal well and tank left spin opponents to perfection
Roar Bahamut: Best Bahamut bey. It’s a tank with good LAD
Guilty Longinus: Peak Longinus. It’s one of the best attackers ever released
Gatling Dragon: It’s everything I loved about Tempest but better
Dragoon S (Burst remake): The burst system doesn’t work with plastic gen’s design philosophy when it comes to contact points. It looks good, but its performance sucks
Gaia Dragoon (Burst): Same as Dragoon S
Dragoon F (Burst): Same a Dragoon S
Lightning L-Drago (Burst): It had some competitive use oddly enough. Turns out certain discs pair really well with it
Dragoon V (Burst): recoil too high so it self bursts
Gaia Dragoon V (Burst): Same as Dragoon V
Dragoon V2 (Burst): Same as all plastic gen remakes in Burst that aren’t Driger V2
Meteo L-Drago (Burst): After seeing how good Storm and Lightning were in Burst, TT started nerfing all mfb remakes. It’s very noticeable here
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nettleshuttle · 2 years
How about Alexis for the ask meme?
here goes asuka then!
fav thing about them: contrasted with anzu, she’s quite the self-sustained, individual love interest figure that is not defined by her relationship with the protagonist (the bar was on the floor but still) and i really appreciate it. she’s probably the most independent love interest personality-wise, when i think about it? i personally love cyber angels, one of my definite fav archetypes aesthetic-wise. besides, she got a great ending in the final episodes, giving a nice sense of closure to her character.
least fav thing about them: probably too little screen time and character development, meaning retrospections, relations etc. she had inklings of dynamics with the kaiser, with her brother and other characters, but i feel like these went by hugely unexplored, which is a great shame, making her lack depth.
favorite line: not even anime-related, but the sassy dl tag event line where she tells you to remember to check the cards she sets. great reference to her tags with jaden
brOTP: kaiser ryo. they made a fun duo at the beginnings of gx and i think they could get along really well
OTP: nothing too original; jaden. he doesn’t pay much attention to her, especially considering how she’s supposed to be the love interest to his protagonist figure and all, but the almost-confession scene was cute and i just like the conceptual dynamic. the initial episodes when they had only just met had a great vibe too.
nOTP: chazz. i have built up considerable cringe resistance throughout all the yugioh series i’ve watched, but way their relationship is directed in the anime makes me want to jump out of a window. every. single. time.
random headcannon: judging by cyber angels, she’d enjoy sf movies! besides, all these ‘loves dueling, doesn’t pay attention to boys’ hints scream lesbian to me and i like to listen.
unpopular opinion: fubuki is a terrible brother to her, with zero regard for who she actually is of respect for her independence. argue with the wall.
song i associate with them: hmm no specifics, maybe “it’s time” (imagine dragons)? it fits her individuality and personal dilemmas, especially with what to do after she finishes dueling school, and it seems to offer a nice view on her, so why not
favorite picture: uhh arc v asuka yes please
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magpiejay1234 · 2 years
So, Asuka’s Cyber Angels. Before we talk about them, we need to talk about the Cyber Girls first.
The original Cyber Girls were EARTH Warriors focused on Fusion, and Tribute Summoning. Their presence in the greater Cyber archetype was obviously a reference to Asuka’s connection to Ryo (this connection is reminded on Ryo’s end by Cyber Pharos, a later support for Cyber Dragons). Their designs, and effects were largely a homage to Mai’s Amazoness cards, which become relevant in the context of GX(Tania), and ARC-V (Tyler Sisters).
But everybody knows, after the duel with Titan, Asuka realizes Fusion is not the way to go, and adopts Titan’s Ritual Summoning to her own. Her Main Deck Cyber Angel is now based off retrains of early Fairy-Type monsters, with her new secondary mascot, Cyber Petit Angel, being a retrain of Anzu’s Petit Angel. And since she now cares about Judai now, her monsters shift to being references to Judai’s monsters, and cards instead of Ryo’s.
For Cyber Angels we need to need to divide them separate them into three groups, the GX ones, the ARC-V ones, and the post-ARC-V ones. The GX ones, and the ARC-V ones are largely based off Buddhist gods, whereas ARC-V ones are based off Hindu gods, since ARC-V already has tons of Buddhist references.
For GX ones:
**Cyber Angel Benten’s Kanji name, 弁天, Benten, references Benzaiten (shortened as Benten), the Japanese Buddhist version of the goddess Hindu goddess, Saraswati, consort of Brahman the creator god. The Kanji 弁 either means petal or speech (similar to Melodiouses’ naming pattern I guess?), and 天, ten, means heaven, but is used as the suffix for standard Kanji naming of Buddhist gods.
Benten’s effect’s reference is one of the most obvious. It is the same as Flame Wingman (and base, non-Pendulum Odd-Eyes Dragon), but with DEF instead of ATK.
**Cyber Angel Idaten’s Kanji name, 韋駄天, Idaten, references Idaten, the Japanese Buddhist version of Skanda, a bodhisattva that protects Buddhist temples. He is a presumably historical person who is venerated as if he is a god, without actually being one. Idaten is one of the genderbent Cyber Angels, and there is more to come. I don’t know what 韋, means in Japanese Kanji, it is almost always used in reference to Buddhism (though in Classic Chinese it means tanned leather), 駄 means of low quality, but also a packhorse, likely alluding to Idaten’s speed, and we already discussed  天, ten.
Idaten’s effect is a bit more obscure, it is based off Judai’s Skyscraper.
**Cyber Angel Dakini’s Kanji name, 荼吉尼, Dakini, references Dakiniten, the Japanese Buddhist version of Dakini, the female corpse eaters in Hinduism. The Kanji  荼 is used to transliterate Hindu terms, but on its own, it references Ixeridium dentatum (the flower reference again...), 吉, ki, means good luck, and 尼, ni means sister, but here it means Buddhist nun.
Dakini’s effect is probably the most obscure one, it is based off Elemental HERO Plasma Vice, and its ATK/DEF are 100 higher than Plasma Vice, which is supposed to represent that Asuka now surpasses Judai from the past, but Judai at the Season 4 is basically a demi-god, so...
As the final comments, the original GX Cyber Angels have more mechanical designs. The later Cyber Angels will have more organic designs. This is likely because original Cyber Angels are meant to be an updated reference to Buddhist self-mummification, with elements of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and The Six Million Dollar Man added in.
For ARC-V ones:
*Cyber Angel Vrash’s Kanji name is 美朱濡, Vishnu, references Vishnu, but as I posted earlier, this is a non-standard Kanji. 美, bi, means beautiful, 朱, shu,  means vermillion, or red, 濡, nyu, means wet, but can euphumeristically mean sex. As I said in the previous post, this is likely not just a funny dirty joke (though congratulations for ARC-V team passing this sh*t pass the radar), but also references of Fusion used as a metaphor for sex in GX, and ARC-V a la Steven Universe.
Vrash’s statlines reference Judai’s Neos Wiseman, and Vishnu’s fused form with Lakshmi, Vaikuntha Kamalaja, is likely the connection with Yubel. Its Extra Deck monster destruction effect references the upper tier Neos Fusions (Chaos Neos, Storm Neos, Rainbow Neos), and its effect activation negation effect references White Night Dragon, Asuka’s boss monster from her brainwashed Duel against Judai in GX Season 2.
Vishnu is shown generally with a lotus (allusion to Yuzu’s Bloom Aria, and Yubel’s Samsara Lotus), and four arms (allusion to Mieru’s Tarotrei).
*Cyber Angel Natasha’s Kanji name, 那沙帝弥, Nasateiya, references Nasadiya sutta, though the monster itself references Kalki. The Kanji is non-standard. The Kanji 那, na, means what or which, and it is used in replacement of the Kanji 奈, which is used in Buddhist concept of Naraka(basically Hell), 沙, sa, either means sand, or one in 100 million, 帝, tei, means sovereign, but in the context of Yu-Gi-Oh! it means Monarch, and 弥, ya, means either go across/cover, widely, extensively, increasingly, or for a long time/forever. So it means something like “What does the Sand Monarch cover?” or “How long will Sand Monarch last?”, as I said before, the Sand Monarch here is likely Leo, since Duel Academia is a fortress built on a Pacific Island, his empire is literally, unironically built on sand.
Natasha’s LP drain effect is likely based off Judai’s Draining Shield, its attack negation effect is likely based off Negate Attack (abused by Judai back in GX), and the control switch effect is a likely reference to Judai’s Mirror Gate. Its statlines reference Judai’s lesser Level 5 Fusions.
Natasha’s artwork features a weird Valkyrie armor, either as a allusion to Siegfried’s Valkyries, or to Mai’s Dunames Dark Witch, or Yuzu’s Valkyrie monsters (Solo, Bloom Prima). Her mask is based off OG Supreme King’s Evil HERO Infernal Gainer’s mask, it is almost a perfect copy.
The ARC-V Cyber Angels don’t use standard Kanji, instead go for punny names. Their more organic designs also deviate from original Cyber Angels, though that is expected, since that is the case for all returning archetypes in ARC-V.
The main reason of existing here is because they were not printed back in GX era, so they got printed with the new support. But also Ben Kanji in Benten’s name likely created a connection with Yuzu’s Melodious, with the “sound is flowers” pun going there. As such, Asuka’s ARC-V monsters more closely resemble Melodiouses (and to lesser extent Mieru’s Prediction Princesses), than Ryo’s Cybers, or Judai’s Elemental HEROes.
Natasha’s design basis, Kalki, is also references Reira’s role in the ARC-V finale as the Kalki of Ray, in addition to reference of Asuka being Yuzu’s temporary salvation, and metafictional predecessor.
Post-ARC-V one:
*The only one here is Cyber Angel Izana’s Kanji name is 伊舎那, Ishana, is based off Hindu god Ishana (which is believed to be one of the avatars of Shiva), which is adopted in Japanese Buddhism as Ishanaten. Interestingly Izana’s design seem to be based off Ishana’s consort in Japanese Buddhism:
Īśānī is Īśāna's consort. According to the Secret Storehouse Records (祕藏記) she is flesh white in color and wields a spear.
For why she is named as Izana, as a reference to Izanami/Izanagi in TCG:
According to the Ainōshō, there is a theory that this deity is synonymous with Pāpīyas as well as the Shinto deity Izanagi. The Jinnō Shōtōki also states that there is a theory that the names of Japan's primordial creator gods Izanagi and Izanami are the same as the Sanskrit names Īśāna and Īśānī.
The Kanji 伊, I, doesn’t mean anything on its own (though it means something like you or this in Classic Chinese), 舎, means house or inn, 那, na, is the same as above. So I guess it means something like “Is this your house?”, even though it is meant to be the classic transliteration of Ishana.
This card’s statlines, and effect is based off Idaten, though its multiple attack is based off Elemental HERO Wildedge. Interestingly, this card is more of a parallel to Serena’s Lunalight Leo Dancer, since it was released in same set as its reprint (Duelist Legend 4/Sisters of the Rose). Card destruction effects are based off Idaten, but they might also be inspired by Glow Neos, who also wields a spear.
Bonus speed round: Machine Angel cards and Ritual Sanctuary:
*Machine Angel Ritual’s Kanji name is 機械天使の儀式, Kikaitenshi no Gishki, which literally means Ritual of the Mechanical Angel. 機械, kikai refers to the Kanji name of Machine-Type, but literally means Mechanical/Tool, 天使, means tenshi, angel (as in the Fairy-Type), の, no, means of, 儀式, Gishki, means Ritual.
*Machine Angel Absolute Ritual’s Kanji name is 機械天使の絶対儀式, Kikaitensei no Zettaigishki, which literally Absolute Ritual of the Mechanical Angel. The only new Kanji is, 絶対, zettai.
*Incarnated Machine Angel’s Kanji name is 応身の機械天使, Oujin no Kikaitenshi, features 応身, which means nirmanakaya, a concept in Buddhism that means:
nirmanakaya (response body, form taken by a buddha according to the capabilities of those who are to be saved)​
So it can be translated as Mechanical Angel’s Response Body.
*Merciful Mahine Angel’s Kanji name is 慈悲深き機械天使, Jihibukaki Kikaitenshi, 慈悲深き is a corruption of 慈悲深い, jihibukaku, which means merciful. The suffix き, ki means past tense, so this means Formerly Merciful Mechanical Angel, because the artwork shows Izana in Buddha pose, so this is you, the player, encountering Izana in the Samsara cycle after death. 慈悲, Jihi, literally means compassion, but it refers to Buddhist concept of Karuna. 深, is read as bu here, but actually is spelled fu, and means deep (though it can be apparently read as shin, ie. death).
*Magnificent Machine Angel’s Kanji name is 荘厳なる機械天使, Sogon’naru Kikaitenshi. 荘厳, sogon, can mean grim, stern, sublime, or solem, and なる, means to attain or to become/transform. So it means something like Mechanical Angel Attaining Solemnity.
*Ritual Sanctuary’s Japanese name is 祝福の教会-リチューアル・チャーチ, Shukufuku no Hikai - Richuaru Chachi. The Katakana, リチューアル・チャーチ, is Ritual Church. 祝福, Shukufuku, literally means blessing, but specifically refers to blessings from God in Christianity, 教会, Hikai means church, but specifically refers to Christian Church. So it means something like Church of Holy Blessing - Ritual Church. Peak American Protestantism right here.
Other things of note:
*Integration of Shinto-Buddhist-Hindu gods might confuse you, but don’t worry, vast majority of major Shinto Gods are believed to be originating from Hindu Gods, with others being later Chinese additions. Local Gods are largely disconnected from this, though, obviously.
*Isao’s Idaten the Conqueror Star is written in Katakana (覇勝星イダテン, Hashousei Idaten, Victory Star Idaten, lit. Conqueror Victory Star Idaten). This Idaten is written in Hiragana.
*Something I didn’t talk about in the Melodious post, the ha/ka (flower) Kanji used in Melodious is also found in terms relating to ascension/Samsara cycle, which likely ties into whole “Eternal Recurrence” concept that ARC-V uses, which Nietsche adopted from Buddhism/Hinduism/Asian mythologies and their connection to Indo-European myths in general. Because you know, the pendulum swings and back forth, and a theatre play is repeated the same way always with slight differences etc. There is a lot more going on there, since that is the fundamental thesis statement of the show, this is going to be a recurring theme (ha!) in ARC-V related archetypes. (It is also present GX Season 3, and Aporia’s pieces, but both GX, and 5D’s reject circular time theory. ARC-V, on the hand, goes full ham with it.)
Edit: Miswriting, it is Mirror Gate, Mirror Wall is Mai’s card.
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twothpaste · 2 years
Okay, I gotta know and need to ask, it's been a burning question since i saw the one (1) art of Claus with Chimeratech Overdragon
what would be the EB/M3 Crew's Yugioh decks?
hi, sorry i'm late! i wish i actually had extensive knowledge of the card game and its deck archetypes to better answer this question. the high honor of king of games goes to my bestie, though. we have a running bit about my paula using DDDs, 'cause she's a lit & history buff, and a ruthless strategist. ness would probably like elemental heroes. lucas might would like naturias. college au jeff played yu-gi-oh in elementary/middle school, and has an outdated collection of OG cards. magnet warriors, maybe. claus of course is rockin' those cyber dragons. i think he'd try to craft wacky disastrous hybrid decks too, but his chimeratech / masked hero / dinosaur deck probably isn't earning him any W's. porky would probably fuck with lava golem.
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in case you were wondering, this is the current list of archetypes for the upcoming archetype tournament.
please note that the tournament won't be for a while, and i will be accepting submissions until then! All submissions will be accepted (as long as the submission is actually an archetype, of course)
A bunch of these are just me putting in every archetype i could think of, and those are the only ones that might end up being removed from this list. If someone specifically submits an archetype, it's in for good.
anyways here is the full list (current number: 220)
@Ignister A.I. Abyss Actor Ally of Justice Altergeist Amazoness Amorphage Anti Arcana Force Armed Dragon Aroma Atlantean Batteryman Battlewasp Beetrooper Black Luster Soldier Blackwing Blue-Eyes Borrel Branded Burning Abyss Bystial CAN:D Charmer Chemicritter Chronomaly Cipher Code Talker Constellar Crusadia Crystal Beast Crystron Cyber Dragon Cynet D/D Danger! Dark Contract Dark Magician Darklord Deskbot Despia Destiny HERO Digital Bug Dinomist Dinowrestler Dogmatika Dracoslayer Dragon Ruler Dragunity Drytron Earthbound Edge Imp Elemental HERO Endymion Evil★Twin Evil Eye Evil HERO Evilswarm Evolsaur Evoltile Evolzar Fabled Fire King Flamvell Floowanderfreeze Fluffal Fortune Fairy Fortune Lady Frightfur Frog Fur Hire G Golem Gaia Galaxy Gadget Gate Guardian Gem-Knight Genex Ghoti Gimmick Puppet Gizmek Gouki Gravekeeper’s Guardian Gusto Heraldic Beast Heroic Hieratic Ice Barrier Icejade Igknight Infernity Infernoid Invoked Kaiju Karakuri Kashtira Koa’ki Meiru Kozmo Krawler Kuriboh Kurikara Labyrinth Laval Live☆Twin Lunalight Lyrilusc Machina Madolche Majespecter Majestic Magikey Magistus Masked HERO Materiactor Mathmech Mayakashi Megalith Mekk-Knight Meklord Melffy Melodious Mermail Metalfoes Morphtronic Naturia Nekroz Nemurelia New Order Ninja Noble Knight Number Numeron Odd-Eyes Ojama Orcust P.U.N.K. Paleozoic Pendulum Magician Performapal Phantom Knights Photon Plunder Patroll Poker Knights Predaplant Prediction Princess Purrely Qliphort Raidraptor Red-Eyes Rescue-ACE Rose Dragon Rikka Ritual Beast Rokket Royal Demon’s Runick Salamangreat Scareclaw Scrap Shaddoll Shiranui Skull Servant Sky Striker Speedroid Spellbook Spright Springans Stardust Starry Knight Steelswarm Subterror Sunavalon Sunseed Sunvine Suship Swordsoul Sylvan Synchron T.G. Tearlaments Tellarknight Thorn Prisoner The Weather Therion Toon Traptrix Transamu Tri-Brigade Trickstar True King Umbral Horror Utopia Vanquish Soul Vaylantz Vendread Vernusylph Vision HERO Voidvelgr Vylon War Rock Watt Wight Wind-Up Windwitch Witchcrafter World Legacy X-Saber Yang Zing Yosenju Zefra Zoodiac ZW -
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ygoartreviews · 3 days
Do you ever hear about an archetype you love getting new support and you can't stop smiling?
(Sorry if this is a weird question. It's just I heard "Fabled" got some new support and I've been grinning from ear to ear for days now 😁)
Not a weird question at all!!! Honestly though, I absolutely get this. When one of you guys told me about the Rush Duel Cyber Dragon cards I got so insanely excited that I just kept pulling them up to look at them for a few days afterwards LOL. I also got really excited when I saw Chronomaly Vimana for the first time in Duel Links, AND when they dropped some new Superheavy Samurai cards last year (ranging from silly [Motorbike] to cool [Commander Shanawo]).
I really like these two new ones btw (Fabled Realm Resurrection and Fabled Gamygyn)
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addgg-taylor · 5 months
Today In Card Design [2]: Your Bias
Bias (or player taxonomy/typography/psychography, as some may call it) is extremely important in card design. You may want a specific type of card, but Timmy might want a different kind. Knowing where you stand is important in closing gaps in card design, and if you ever need help, talk to a friend!
- X Factor (Inspired by Mark Rosewater's Timmy)¹: X Factor players favor cool, interesting designs, as well as other cards that make a massive impact (almost regardless of how viable they actually are). Whether it's a lot of text or a huge threat, the more "flashy", the better. These players favor aggro decks and big finishers, though they might also play cheaper cards that have interesting effects on the board. Examples of Timmy cards include Magic's Chromanticore and Yu-Gi-Oh's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
- Combo (Inspired by Mark Rosewater's Johnny)¹: Every TCG generally requires some form of synergy for a deck to work well, especially the likes of Yu-Gi-Oh. Combo players take this to the next level, taking advantage of powerful synergies and lines of play to achieve a devastating endgame. They usually win off the back of multiple cards together, not any one. These players favor combo decks like Magic's Mississippi River archetype, though they might favor tribal strategies as well. Magic's Aetherflux Reservoir and Yu-Gi-Oh's Cyber-Stein are some examples of combo cards; they function on their own, but they're best at the head of a dedicated deck.
- Metagame (Inspired by Mark Rosewater's Spike)¹: Metagamers almost always play to win. While winning is the goal of nearly every game, these players take that goal to higher levels by playing the best decks and cards a game has to offer. They favor clean designs and pure value, though what they play is more easily swayed than most other biases. It's a bit harder to pin down what exact strategies a metagamer plays, but common examples include burn and midrange. Examples of metagamer cards include Magic's Faithless Looting and Yu-Gi-Oh's Monster Reborn.
- Storytelling (Inspired loosely by Mark Rosewater's Vorthos)²: Any card game can succeed if it's enjoyable, but a story can make or break a card game's success. However, no matter how much storytelling you do for your game, what really matters is the story told by the cards. Those with a storytelling bias embrace this aspect of game design, enjoying a card's "flavor". The flavor of the card is the story it tells, not just based around name and art (and of course, flavor text/lore blurbs), but also through mechanics. These players usually don't gravitate towards certain strategies, though the World Chalice and Elemental HERO archetypes of Yu-Gi-Oh may attract a storyteller. Magic's Faithful Salvaging and "Tenth District" cards, as well as quite a few of Yu-Gi-Oh's entire archetypes, are storytelling cards.
- Designer (Inspired loosely by Mark Rosewater's Mel)²: You don't have to be a game designer or developer to have a designer bias. However, those with designer bias appreciate the design and development aspect of cards. They love when all of a card's aspects mesh together just right. They love when cards embody the aspects of a game's attributes or archetypes. And they especially love when the aspects of templating and mechanics are explored in distinct ways. This bias is generally never linked to an archetype, though Magic's flicker and Yu-Gi-Oh's D.D. archetypes are very mechanically interesting. Magic's Sauron, the Dark Lord and Yu-Gi-Oh's Obliterate!!! can be argued as examples of designer bias cards, but specifics can be very hard to pin down here.
- Speculator (Inspired by Kohdok's Jimothy)³: Not all players are in it for the game. In fact, some members of the community may not play a game much, if at all; they're somewhat comparable to day traders and crypto-bros, buying cards while they're cheap and selling high. While most players spend a majority of their time playing the game or deckbuilding, speculator bias is what keeps the secondary market stocked: those with this kind of bias spend most of their time cracking packs and selling cards. Whenever a potential power or utility card comes up, they generate a lot of hype around them. Without speculator bias, card games would have a much harder time staying afloat; those with this bias buy the most product, making a majority of your profits, so even though they don't play much, keep them in mind when designing! Examples of speculator cards come and go fast, but as of the time of writing, Magic's Bristly Bill is an example.
- Collector: Alternate printings. Special editions. Limited print runs. These have become a reality of the TCG industry, love it or hate it (I know where I fall). TCG's are also known as CCG's (Collectable Card Games) for a reason; some players want to collect the cards. While speculator bias focuses on the short term, collector bias focuses on the long term, buying into limited products in hopes that they gain value in the future (or occasionally just to say they own them). Some even play with their collection, seeking foils, alt-arts, and other special card treatments to bling out their decks. Where does this fall in the design spectrum? These players have a special demand; keep card quantities limited. It's important to make cards available, but some hyper-specific cards are worth the special treatment of exclusivity through high rarity. Magic's Mythic Rares and Yu-Gi-Oh's Secret Rares are examples of collector designs, but hold the phone. Both games have made the mistake of printing major utility cards at super high rarity, like Magic's Sheoldred, the Apocalypse and Modern Horizons 2 Evoke Elemental Cycle and Yu-Gi-Oh's Bonfire. These are cards practically any deck running their attributes will benefit from playing; more situational cards should be put at these high ratings, like Magic's Borborygmos Enraged.
Note that there does tend to be some overlap between these biases, and you may fall into/drift between biases. For example, I have both a heavy designer and storytelling bias, but I also favor X Factor and Combo as a player (both equally).
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bossa-61240 · 7 months
'Sup my mind is being consumed by Yugioh and Music so I'm gonna talk about the archetypes I play and link playlists that I jam to while playing those decks on master duel.
Elemental HEROs/Masked HEROs: So obviously HERO decks move quick as all hell, so my brain gravitated to the vocal tracks from various video games where quickness is a key factor. In addition to the game songs, this playlist includes a handful of hard rock / metal tracks that reminds me of the multi monster beatdown style of the HEROs
Cyber Dragon: Obviously I had to swing with like mostly electronic music, but I went with stuff that's super nostalgic for me because Cyber Dragon was the first archetype I really played and enjoyed. I also grew up with GX reruns on the CW, so music from that period of my life is just kinda linked to Cyber Dragon in my mind. Even with all that it just turned into a nostalgia playlist halfway through.
Ancient Gear: In my experience (limited as it is since I just started playing AG), AG is slow and hits hard. For whatever reason, this screams dad rock to me. So this playlist has like Survivor, Thunderstruck, Livin' on a prayer, and so on
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Dyna Base
Level 4 EARTH Machine Effect Monster (0 ATK, 2100 DEF)
If your LP are lower than your opponent's: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using this card you control and other monsters from your hand or field as material. You can only use each effect of "Dyna Base" once per turn.
Dyna Tank
Level 7 EARTH Machine Fusion Effect Monster (? ATK, 2100 DEF)
1 Machine monster + 1 Dinosaur monster Gains ATK equal to the original ATK of the Dinosaur monster used for its Fusion Summon. You can only use each of the following effects of "Dyna Tank" once per turn. When a card or effect is activated that targets this 1 card on the field (and no other cards) (Quick Effect): You can target 1 other card on the field that would be an appropriate target; that card or effect now targets the new target. If this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by an opponent's card: You can Special Summon 1 Dinosaur monster from your GY.
Put the dinosaur on the tank. When the tank is destroyed, the dinosaur gets back off. Pretty wild.
Dyna Tank isn’t the only card Dyna Base can summon. Here is a full list: 
Dyna Tank (Machine + Dinosaur)
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life (2 monster same type & attribute, different names)
Mudragon of the Swamp (2 monster same attribute, different type)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (Machine + Pyro)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (Machine + Pyro)
Panzer Dragon (Machine + Dragon)
Pair Cycroid (2 Machine with same name)
Chimeratech Overdragon (”Cyber Dragon” + 1 or more Machine)
Cyber Eternity Dragon (”Cyber Dragon” monster + 2 Machine)
El Shaddoll Shekhinaga (”Shaddoll” monster + EARTH)
Elemental HERO Gaia (”Elemental HERO” monster + EARTH)
Elemental HERO Brave Neos ("Elemental HERO Neos" + LV 4- Effect monster)
Invoked Magellanica (”Aleister the Invoker” + EARTH)
Millennium-Eyes Restrict (”Relinquished” + Effect monster)
Time Wizard of Tomorrow (”Time Wizard” + Effect monster)
Sprind the Irondash Dragon (”Fallen of Albaz” + Effect monster special summoned this turn)
Metalfoes Adamante ("Metalfoes" monster + ATK 2500- monster)
Metalfoes Crimsonite ( "Metalfoes" monster + 2 ATK 3000-  monster)
It can also summon Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment (3 monsters with different names) and Guardian Chimera (3 monsters with different names, at least 1 each from hand/field), but Trish only gets its effect if summoned with all dragons, and Chimera only gets its effect if summoned with a spell effect.
You can normal summon this monster because it is level 4, but you can also special summon it if you have less LP than the opponent. Here are some generic-ish cards to help accomplish that:
Upstart Goblin
Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
Extra-Foolish Burial
Instant Fusion
Ready Fusion
Instant Contact
Chicken Game
Performage Trick Clown
Herald of the Abyss
Cosmic Cyclone
Psychic Eraser Laser
Solemn Strike
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Warning
Ichiroku's Ledger Book
Also certain archetypes frequently use cards that cost life such as P.U.N.K, Vampire, Qliphort, Exosister, D/D, and Dinomorphia.
I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be a Dinomorphia card. They are a dinosaur-type archetype that is involved with fusions, often have lower LP than the opponent, and whose main deck monsters would trigger on being summoned by the tank’s destruction.
The other thing I think you could use this card for is in a World Legacy deck. This card can easily summon Trishula or Chimera which are level 9s to be a target for World Legacy Monstrosity to summon two more level 9s from deck, then make something like World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy, or Laevatein, Generaider Boss of Shadows.
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