#this was a STELLAR ep
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Observations on ep 10:
(I'm sure that music was used in BBS...)
I've never really understood that arm/handholding thing that bl characters do...I've never questioned it before but the lingering camera shots on Top and Mew here has made me want to now...I think it bothers me. I find it odd from a body language perspective. Is it a cultural thing? I've never done it to someone or had it done to me - any thoughts from anyone else?
Oh and I find hugs where one person leaves their arms hanging are always awkward. If someone didn't put their arms around me I would break that hug so fast. I don't know how these characters stay hugging someone who doesn't hug them back. *shudders*
I've never heard those bass notes before the opening credits music kicks in! I'm sure it's just been silent before... *runs away to check* Oh, they've always been there but it's definitely louder on ep 10 than ep 1 - I've obviously had my volume too low to hear it before now.
"To solve the problem you must first admit there is one". And "I don't want to sing at your funeral". Sand slapping some truths on the table.
Why do I get the feeling that Boeing is a shit-stirrer?!
Now that it's come to mind, I can't stop thinking about Papang and Poppy together. Sorry Mark (and Pepper) but I'm rooting for a different ship now.
*incoherent screaming* I just love Khaotung as an actor!!
Oh Atom 😂 smh
I feel sorry for Boston tbh.
I somehow knew Mew was going to push Top in the pool. It's what I would have done. 😂 (But also, more bbs music).
Ooops, accidentally liking Boeing's photo. We've all been there Mew, we've all been there 😂
Yeah, Boeing wasn't 'stolen' from Sand by Top. He's a minx who likes to flirt and shit-stir and get around.
(Have I seen that stripy vest in MSP?)
Is that jealous Boston activated?! Me thinks they're not talking about phones and phone cases... OMG I love these two.
Boeing: 'be with someone who won't cheat on you'. Uh Mew...that is not Boeing. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
ANOTHER KISSING PAIR @ranchthoughts!! (I know you know but I need to shout at you anyway)
THAT'S THE DON'T SAY NO HOUSE @colourme-feral!! The 'holy guacamole' house!
Oh nooooooooo Ray's dad paid Sand to encourage Ray to go to rehab. Now Ray knows and it's going to deter him from going. Noooooooooo.
Oh wow. Oh....... Wow. Just wow. Khaotung and First. I just... WOW. But also, it's Ray's turn to slap some truths in Sand's face.
Oooo I don't trust Mew. I think Boeing got to him.
I do like Mond playing evil though.
Oh, ohhhhhhhhhh Boeing is vindictive. I want to feel sorry for Top but...I need more of their backstory first...and Top's motivations for being with Mew...so, the jury's out for now.
Neo does 'kicked puppy' really well.
Oh Mark is incredible. He does that switch from cocky to vulnerable so well.
Just, *takes a deep breath*, THIS SHOW IS SO FRICKING GOOOOOOOOD *incoherent screaming*
See my other post for an serious in-depth meta essay on this ep.
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velvetrambles · 1 month
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This has been a finale Cyn appreciation post
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ashxketchum · 4 months
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time some guy in a Dungeons and Dragons show/stream shouted “my erogenous zone!” I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice
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bubblegeon · 1 year
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Will Yukata be okay? Yukata won't die, right? No, he won't.
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relistening to taz balance after having listened to rq podcasts for quite a while is crazy. what do you mean i dont have to skip 5 minutes of ads at the start like i do on stellar firma....
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the “dude, we’re getting the band back together!” episode of phineas and ferb is one of the greatest half-hour’s of television ever written and in this essay i will—
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Not sure how hot a take this is but Twelve had the best regeneration sequence (at least in NuWho) by a landslide like good fucking god
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critdeeznuts · 1 year
knew it was gonna be a fantastic matt episode from the MOMENT he said “no follow up questions” before his teen fact
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nymika-arts · 1 year
people posting about how it would have been better if natalia didn't come back and buck ended the season alone like aksbkdndb they really thought they might get canceled and were trying to tie things up neatly in the end can u IMAGINE if this character, who's had this major running theme throughout the series of finding romantic love and building a family, literally ended the entire show just by himself on his couch. I'd die
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despazito · 1 year
what convinced me to watch trailer park boys was hearing about the episode where ricky robs a pharmacy for his pregnant daughter and demands “pills that make your fenus bigger” so the pharmacists frantically give him a pile of dick pills instead and the boys use them to barter with lahey who tries an fails to impress his gay lover randy. average day in nova scotia
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piratespencil · 1 year
There was so much good stuff in this episode!!! The matching aeormaton hoodies. The wooden robot and seashell for FRIDA and Deanna. FRIDA telling FCG that they don't want to leave him, and FCG telling them that they don't think that they could... Deanna and Chetney having a soft moment together. Deanna and Chetney having a freaky Savalirwood werewolf threesome with Fearne. The return of the evil chair!!! Rexxentrum Toy Authority. The (possible??) return to Jrusar. I cannot WAIT for the next episode.
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pleasetakethis · 9 months
I cried AGAIN, What If Season 2 is knocking it out of the PARK!
Kahhori's story is still my favorite, but hot damn this ep is the runner up.
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sadpanda · 1 year
first dndads episode without terry jr tomorrow
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stellarwaffles · 10 months
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Céline: *jokingly suggests relying on transphobia to not die*
Céline like 2 seconds later: wait no I wasn't serious
(Osamodas is @thebluelittlewitch2-thesequel 's oc Leaf :D)
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bubblegeon · 2 years
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I thought I would feel a sense of freedom when I left, but I don't feel light at all, perhaps because I've received so much.
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