#what if hela found the ten rings
scriich · 5 months
Honestly while some things confused me (Wenwu is suddenly good, whats up with that) I enjoyed this episode. Plus I got HELA REDEMPTION so can't complain.
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pleasetakethis · 5 months
I cried AGAIN, What If Season 2 is knocking it out of the PARK!
Kahhori's story is still my favorite, but hot damn this ep is the runner up.
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afaimscorner · 5 months
What if ... Hela found the Ten Rings?
Okay, now I don't just want a Loki/Thor reunion anymore. Now I want a Hela/Loki/Thor-Reunion bitching about how Odin ruined all of their lives and how much better they are off now without him.
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rjnonymous · 5 months
Crazy that what if episode 7 didn't end with hela getting dp'ed by Wenwu and Ying Li. Insane
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thingsasbarcodes · 9 days
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What If...? 2x07 - What If... Hela Found the Ten Rings?
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trashunicorn · 5 months
Best line 😁 This episode was my favourite from this season 💚
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chaossmagic · 7 months
why can't what if...? do stories that are actually interesting and GOOD to ponder on instead of the most random combinations of characters and plot threads ever mashed together for seemingly no reason or logic?
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solidsmax · 5 months
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What If… Hela Found the Ten Rings?
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1queasycrow · 5 months
What if…Hela Found the Ten Rings is a masterpiece, I need Cate Blanchett in more hero comedy, like, I require it.
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thevibraniumveterans · 5 months
S2 of WHAT IF…
Ep1- “…Nebula joined the Nova Corps?”
Love the bleak opening sequence
Fascinating how Nebula narrates the context. Her “five years of isolation” hits hard.
Nova Prime siding with Ronan was a surprise
Ep2- “…Peter Quill Attacked Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?”
Cool intro; Peter leaning into his inherent powers is interesting…
The Winter Soldier being Gorbachev’s tool to contain Peter is surprising, but not unexpected…
“Does anyone have a plan?”/“I have a plan; retreat.” 😂
Thor announcing that Peter killed off all the Nine Realms except Earth; Peter needed containment to prevent him being too powerful.
Hope breaking Peter out is unexpected.
But Peter defeating his dad is a great ending.
Ep3- “…Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?”
Cool X’mas riff in the beginning music
Avengers Tower… looking festive.
Happy getting accidentally injected with Banner blood is unexpected.
Beethoven’s 9th riff playing when Darcy discovers a whole collection!
“Time for the Hammer to get nailed” 🤣
Overall, great X’mas episode.
Ep4- “…Iron Man Crashed into the Grandmaster?”
Cool that the Guardians of the Multiverse (from S1) are back!
Gamora’s origin story is a Tony Stark episode that looks to focus a bit on Valkyrie? Interesting…
Wonder what Gamora is doing there.
The little Chinchilla is adorable.
Tony with the nicknames (“Technicolor Dream Coat” is a Andrew Lloyd Webber musical reference) is hilarious
Also, Tony building a suit that reforms into a race car on command, and back, is AWESOME
Turns out, Tony inspired Gamora to be a hero.
Gamora melting Thanos, did not see that coming.
Ep5- “…Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?”
Cool Avengers team; with Carter and Janet instead of Steve and Banner.
It’s kind of what if 2012’s Battle of New York went differently. Then we pick up kind of CATWS but it’s Peggy and Nat.
Peggy’s spin-twist was really cool.
The whole reverse-CATWS but instead of Bucky gone bad and Steve finding out, it’s Steve gone bad and Peggy finding out.
Bucky as a Secretary of State? Did NOT see that coming. But makes sense that Bucky would be the one to try to bring Steve back. Truly a reverse CATWS.
The Stomper Suit keeping Steve alive, I wonder how.
Carter’s hilarious Star Wars reference to carbonite.
Also, the camera panning around Steve and Peggy, is a mirror of the Tony/Pepper one in Endgame.
Melina being part robot is also kind of creepy.
Captain Carter having a musical is hilarious too
Also, the emotional vibes kind of veering into CACW and “Black Widow” territory is quite fascinating.
Peggy disappears thru a portal, only to be greeted by Wanda.
Ep6- “…Kahhori Reshaped the World?”
Ragnarok comes early…
Also, this episode isn’t the first time we see the horrors of Spanish conquistadors invading on native land; we last saw that in Wakanda Forever a few years ago.
But when the Watcher narrates the context, it mirrors the Black Panther movie’s narrative about how the Vibranium came to Earth and ended with the peacemaking between various tribes.
Also great to note that this is the first MCU entry where nobody, except the Watcher (and Stephen Strange at the end) speaks English.
It’s really awesome that the Space Stone energy gives the people from the Sky World (who are formerly Mohawk natives from Earth) and Kahhori very, VERY interesting powers.
KAHHORI MOVED THE PORTAL TO THE LAND!! That is an insane amount of power and strength! That’s wonderful!
Kahhori and her people sinking the Spanish Armada is a sight to behold.
Ep7- “…Hela Found the Ten Rings?”
Hela suddenly being able to speak Putonghua was a surprise.
Odin says that the bearer of Hela’s crown be merciful, which explains why Hela is at first unable to lift it. Just like the first Thor movie.
I kind of wonder why Wenwu would invite Hela to wear a traditional dress; but more importantly, why does he have one ready?
MORRIS RETURNS!! Best fuzzy thing.
Hela visits Talo.
Folding paper. That’s basically Origami. IRL history has it that China has its own paper folding traditions long ago, just like Japan, but separately.
Hela being upset that Fenrir as a puppy was taken from her, is something interesting too.
Asgard, a realm of Norse legend, and Ta Lo, a fictitious Chinese fantasy realm, coming together to free the cosmos, is something I did not see coming.
Ep8- “…the Avengers Assembled in 1602?”
Tom Hiddleston as Loki narrating Hamlet? Not surprising.
Wanda summoned Carter from three episodes ago, and turns out Thor knew about this here.
But what are those portals? Wanda warns to stop them.
Wanda speaks of a lost traveler…
Tony says “Forerunner” but the caption says “person”.
Loki speaking of William Shakespeare writing about Iago in the play Othello.
Rogers Hood. Hilarious combo of Steve Rogers and Robin Hood.
Rogers and Carter double-teaming with the shield is really cool.
Where did the Destroyer come from?
Hogan throwing out all manner of old fashioned insults is hilarious 😆
Also, why is Hogan a hulk in this episode? He was one in the Christmas episode but this one?
Turns out the Forerunner is mainMCU!Steve?
The main effect is that Carter is alone again.
Strange Supreme makes an appearance. Which we leave on a “TBC” for next episode. The fact that he went to fetch Kahhori in Ep6 must mean something big is in the finale…
Ep9- “…Strange Supreme Intervened?”
Interesting; we get the full MCU theme for the title card. We never got the full theme in previous episodes.
Peggy speaks with Strange, who keeps dangerous beings inside their own little crystals.
If the Watcher is a metaphor for us, and Strange implying that the Watcher may not always be right, that means that we might not also always be right about certain things.
Peggy enters South Dakota… where Red Skull (HYDRA) exploded the Tesseract. But why would Kahhori be a danger to the Multiverse, considering Strange net with her last episode? Why is she considered a danger in this one?
Also, Kahhori now speaks English. Not odd, per se, but it helps. She says Strange is “a universe killer.” Which, in some way, he is.
Also, a dragon from Ta Lo, which kinda sells the point.
Hela being insulted that Kahhori sent the swords back is hilarious 😆
Peggy gets an Infinity Armor is pretty to cool. Also, Peggy and Kahhori vs Strange? That’s also really cool.
Peggy gets sent back to her home, but it’s an illusion, and she sees right through it.
Though, playing with the lives of so many people to face Strange, that’s a weird effect, perhaps meant to be “comedic” in a way, but comes off as cruel, which might have been the more intended effect.
Also, the characters falling to the portal just basically overpowering Peggy with their weapons? It’s very interesting because it’s not overpowering her for no reason, she NEEDS to be overpowered to stop an already over-powered Strange. She needs to be MORE than him to win.She gets Hela’s crown, a large sword, and multiple other weapons, while Kahhori uses her powers to lift Thor’s hammers and also uses the Ten Rings. Both Peggy and Kahhori MUST be overpowered to overpower Strange and stop him.
Strange becomes a huge devil monster and falls into the Forge.
Peggy goes to the Watcher.
S2E9 ending exactly as Loki S2E6 did, that’s interesting.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
What If 2-7's title is nicely punned.
"What If Hela found the Ten Rings?" I legit thought they meant the Ten Rings the artifact. But no. They're talking about the Ten Rings the organization. Clever wordplay.
It's amazing how much Hela's personality in this episode is just a mash-up of her siblings. She basically has two modes: Thor Mode and Loki Mode, alternating between Thor's pre-development brash warrior arrogance and Loki's conniving, devious scheming. You can always easily imagine one or the other delivering her lines in her place.
Neither ever really feels like Hela, but it also doesn't feel unlike Hela either; If anything, it calls attention to how little attention the original film paid to defining this character in the first place. Ragnarok Hela was the personification of an idea, moreso than a character. There wasn't a lot to work with here.
I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, the way they examine Hela as herself a victim of Odin's colonialism is a conversation that I don't see enough of in media. This episode is basically, "Okay but can we talk about how Azula is just as much a child of abuse as Zuko is and deserves sympathy too?" I appreciate that.
On the other hand, there's something hilariously on-the-nose about using the personification of colonialism itself as the central protagonist for a straightforward, by-the-book Mighty Whitey tale. Like. Wow. They really did that. Not an ounce of irony or self-awareness. She even whole-ass displaces a local character to step into that spotlight.
And then somewhere in the middle is Wenwu being reframed as a desperately lonely man eager to jump into bed with the first woman to kick his ass; Doesn't matter who. I. Don't. Know. How I feel about that.
So. Yeah. This one had its ups and downs. And then it ends on the funniest note possible.
Hela: I will take your throne only so that I may dismantle your empire. Uatu: And then Hela and Wenwu built the biggest empire ever.
Wait, what. That. Was. Not. The thing she was going to do.
Uatu: It was an empire of LIBERATION.
That's not how empires work. I don't think you understand what that word means. You might as well have said she's doing "equal rights fascism".
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trendfilmsetter · 6 months
The seventh episode of Marvel’s WHAT IF…? Season 2 titled “What if… Hela Found the Ten Rings?” is now streaming on Disney+
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void-thegod · 5 months
Watched Season 2 Ep 7 of "What If...?
That shit was so good.
I teared up at the end
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seansilv25 · 5 months
After two whole years of waiting, season 2 of What If is finally here!
And just as long in the wait is my ranking of every episode:
9: What if Captain Carter fought the Hydra Stomper? (The Watcher says he doesn't do sequels normally. I can see why, that wasn't all-too interesting
8: What if Strange Supreme intervened? (Strange has an entire heel-turn and decides to sacrifice multiple powerhouses to resurrect his world. I know he said he had "plenty of time" to watch over Killmonger and Zola, but it seemed like WAY too much
7: What if Hela found the Ten Rings? (While I haven't seen Shang-Chi, Hela's arc and the martial arts were pretty cool to see [Even if martial arts are too "show-offy" and "egotistical" to me]
6: What if Kahhori reshaped the world? (This one feels kind of weird to be put in a what if kind of setting, as most of it is completely new ideas for the MCU. Not exactly unwelcome, just odd
5: What if Peter Quill attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes? (This felt like an entire Avengers movie crammed into half an hour, yet somehow it works
4: What if Happy Hogan saved Christmas? (Happy does a Die Hard as Nando pops off at the return of the Hammer
3: What if Iron Man crashed into the Grandmaster? (It felt good to finally see this episode after it was cut from the season 1 lineup, and it was a fun Christmas gift
2: What if Nebula joined the Nova Corps? (An interesting Blade Runner-type noir. Definitely one way to open a season
1: What if the Avengers assembled in 1602? (I was probably most excited for this one and was not disappointed. It definitely felt like it had the most identity out of the rest
Well that's all the episodes ranked. Hopefully season 3 won't take as long to come out. And since we already have a preview of an episode, it just might come sooner...
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88y53 · 5 months
Marvel's What If S2E7–What Marvel Used To Be (spoiler warning)
If you're like me then you've probably been disappointed by the MCU's recent output, and What If isn't excluded from that list.
However, "What If Hela Found the Ten Rings?" gives us a brief glimpse into what Marvel used to be like and why I liked it in the first place.
Rather than Odin locking Hela away in Hel, he banishes her to Earth, ala Thor 1, but this time in China, where she manages to learn a bit of humility.
Here in lies how Marvel made a brief return to form:
We have an intriguing character
They go through an arc (here a redemption quest)
The trademark Marvel quippiness is used–get this–for characterization
IT MAKES SENSE that Hela would be flippant because a) she was like that in Ragnarok, and b) she's bitter about her current situation.
I know Marvel has increasingly come under fire for it's over-reliance on tension-breaking humor and quips, but that's mainly because they've needed to cover over the obvious stitching together of the movies in the wake of COVID and the writer's strike.
Of course, it's not exactly fair to blame that entirely on those two events–Marvel is getting lazy and falling back on bad habits.
Thankfully, this series being a little easier to make than the live-action films and shows, they remember a very important rule with these stories–know when tension doesn't need to be broken.
Like the moment when Hela can't lift her crown (a call-back to when Thor couldn't lift his hammer), or when she goes on a quieter contemplative montage of letting go of her toxic war mentality that Odin instilled in her.
And the moment when Odin abuses a puppy Fenris to teach her a lesson is completely free of any obnoxious comedy cut-ins.
THIS is what Marvel used to be.
The story kind of falls short in the third arc for me, but I guess it wouldn't be a Marvel movie without a bad Third Act that makes up for it in the very last scene.
Cate Blanchett absolutely brings her A-game in this, which deserves high praise because voice acting is notoriously difficult for film actors to master.
I genuinely would love to see more of this Goddess of Peace Hela, and I would hope to see Marvel learn from this level of quality going forward.
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themarysuep · 7 months
What if season 2 is coming December 22 to December 30
Episode list
What if nebula joined the nova corps?
What if Peter will attacked earth's mightiest Heroes?
What if happy hogan saved Christmas?
What if iron man crashed into the grandmaster?
What if captain carter fought the hydra stomper?
What if the Avengers assembled in 1602?
What if Hela found the ten rings?
What if kahhroi reshaped the world?
What if strange supreme intervened?
This sounds awesome. I didn't like the direction the latter half of s1 went tbh. What If has so much potential but they kinda wasted episodes last season.
Kinda excited for the 1602 one.
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