#this was motivated under threat of not being sent jelly
bones-n-bookles · 4 months
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Cave Bean for @losech 💜
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The Fear Of Losing You ch. 4 pt. 1
Hello my lovelies~ part one of chapter four is officially up! Part two should be done within a few days~ I just wanted to say that in the future there will some yuri scenes, so if you’re uncomfortable with that, then this a heads up :) .
I also want to take this time to say thank you to those who have read and even reblogged or loved the series so far! It makes me so happy to know that you all have enjoyed the series so far! It’s given me to courage and motivation to write more and I just can’t thank you all enough for that *blush*.
So without further ado, I give you chapter four, I hope you all enjoy and as always, comments are always accepted! xoxoxo
After the terrifying events that took place the day before, a lot has been weighing down on not just Nadia’s shoulders, but her friends’ shoulders as well. With a lot on their minds already, graduation and the near future could prove to be rather difficult for them all, can they all remain as strong as they have been? Or will they crush under the stress and chaos that is soon to come?
How long had I been running? I wondered as I continued sprinting towards a faint light in the distance. I had to get out of here, or else that thing would capture me. My body wouldn't be able to take much more, my legs were turning into jelly and I found myself traveling at a slower pace than before.
Thankfully the light in front of my was drawing closer and closer.... however. Just as I reached out to touch it, something wrapped around my arm, the force was so strong that it sent me flying into my back. I tried to sit up, but was pushed back by a heavy force pushing down on my chest, causing to cry out a little. I tried resisting the force that was being set upon me, and that's when my arms were held down by these tendrils of black clouds. 
They slithered up my body like a snake and were used as restraints, from there, one wrapped itself around my neck like a boa constrictor. I found it hard to breathe, the scenery around me began to spin as I tried fighting and gasping for air.
My eyes flew open and I screamed at the top of my lungs, my hair was stuck to my face, so I knew I had to have been sweating. In front of me stood Amelia, Professor Schuyler and Sigurd. They all had a worried expression on there faces "Miss Water, you look as pale as a ghost. You do not need medical attention as well, do you?" Schuyler raised a brow as he asked. I replied by shaking my head before I spoke "n-no... I...I just had a bad dream, I'm alright, I promise."
Folding his arms, he gave a serious and stern look, "I see, well, perhaps you need to lie d some good to get some proper rest, considering you and a few others will be putting on a farewell performance for the graduates." Schuyler then turned to look at Amelia "Miss Nile, I expect you to safely escort Miss Water back to your dorm." It was all he said before turning around and heading down the hallway, the clicking sound of his footsteps trailing farther away in the distance.
I pushed myself off of the sofa and had to stand for a second, the room seemed to be spinning a little and my vision was a bit blurry. Amelia grabbed my arm, as did Sigurd "how's Melody?" "Oh, she's doing well, they managed to stop the bleeding and stitched her up. The wound was so bad that not even magic could help heal it all the way, but they took care of the worst part. They said within a day or two, she'll be able to move around." Amelia smiled as she spoke, which caused me to smile too. I was so happy and relieved, to know that Melody was going to be alright, she gave us quite a scare, especially for Nova.
After our brief encounter with Nova, we walked in silence for a little while "I wonder what could have caused it." Sigurd spoke up as we walked to the end of the hallway, and down to the entrance of the courtyard. "I'm not sure, but whatever it was seems extremely hostile against humans" "Yes, which makes it weird, sure there are some hostile creatures that roam the woods, but I've never seen a wound quite like the one Melody had. It was much to big for a wolf to make and it was a clean mark, which means it had amazing accuracy."
Hearing Sigurd talk, made me wonder more about it myself, he had a point...most of the creatures that reside in/or near the spring and woods are docile, but even the hostile ones don't have such clean precision. It was like the monster that attacked Melody, had intentions for hitting one specific mark and Melody is the best wizardess for her class. The fact that she barely put up a fight against that thing, means that this was definitely something to worry about.
"You seem quite lost in thought Nadia, care to share?" Sigurd gave me one of his trademark smiles as he spoke. "It's just that....this could be more of a problem, than what we initially thought..." I replied softly to his question, my eyes piercing the ground. "I agree, maybe Klau--" "absolutely not! He may be a very talented wizard, but he isn't invincible to everything. I don't want to risk putting his life in danger." I didn't mean to snap at him, but I did and I felt guilty as I looked down at the ground, attempting to avoid all eye contact with him.
"So...what are you going to do then Nadia?" Amelia, whom had been quiet for a while, finally spoke up. "I'm going to inform the Headmaster about this, if he doesn't already know. We both saw how Melody nearly died.... whatever this thing is, it poses as a severe threat to all of us. We can't risk more lives being out at stake." I spoke as confidently as I could, but my voice was still a bit raspy after experiencing the recent nightmare.
For the rest of the way, we walked in silence until we reached the girls dormitory. From there, Sigurd let go of my left arm and Amelia steadied me a little. "Sigurd....I wanted to apologize, for how I snapped at you. I truly didn't mean to, it's just that..." Sigurd let out a small chuckle and smiled "you didn't want to see Klaus get involved in something, that could result in him getting injured, right? It's understandable, so don't feel like you have to apologize for something like this."
I gave a soft smile and gave a soft “thank you”, before turning around and heading for the entrance to the dormitory.
~~~~~oOo.Sigurd.oOo~~~~~ After waving off Amelia and Nadia, I spun around and took my leave. Of course I was heading to the place where I had been spending most of my days, the prefect's office. I wonder if Klaus and Randy already knew about the situation that had occurred, if they didn't, it was for the best I at least let them know a little bit. Graduation for us was this afternoon and I for one didn't think that mentioning everything was a good idea.
I took my time making my way to the office, taking in all the sights and smells one last time, but something was off. The daisies, Azaleas and Sakura that grew around in this area...it didn't have the sweet smell, in fact, it smelled damp. I shook my head of any weird thoughts and just continued onwards. Once there, I knocked on the door twice "come in" I chuckled, hearing that stern voice of the prefect himself.
When I opened the door, I was greeted by the faces of both Klaus and Randy and one more. Her soft facial features and silver haired bob-styled hair which reached just a little past her neck was a dead giveaway, not to mention her silver bangs which split off in two, and were longer than the back of her hair itself. "Nova" I gave her a smile, she had been pacing back in forth in the corner, she did stop when I called out her name, but she did not answer. "She's been doing that ever since she came here" Randy's voice rang into my ears. "Taffy even tried snapping her out of this trance, but I guess he's not cute enough" "whaaa? M-masterrrrr!". Taffy's voice rang out and he looked like he was pouting at Randy's recent comment.
Randy of course just laughed and patted his head, assuring him that he was indeed cute and that Nova had a lot on her mind. Which I could completely understand, she almost witnessed the death of her best friend, anyone would be in a trance if such a thing had recently occurred. "You guys heard what happened then?" I asked curiously, while I grabbed a mug and began making a hot cup of coffee. Klaus stuck up his nose and distaste and muttered "disgusting" under his breath, but I still heard it and it made me laugh.
"What are you talking about Sigurd?" Klaus then spun around in his chair and looked at me. Disgust was written on his face clear as day, when he saw the mug. "Well, about Melody?" I asked while taking a sip of the contents in my mug. Klaus raised a brow and Randy shook his head while saying "nu-uh". Nova, who had been pacing back in forth stopped dead in her tracks and looked directly at me. "Hm, I see, so Nova didn't tell you" I said while taking another sip, "Nova, should I tell them, or would you like to?"
Nova took a few steps closer and Klaus spun around in his chair, only this time to face Nova, who now had a few stray tears, falling down her cheeks. "Melody....she...she was attacked in the woods. She left on the day of the finals and I went looking for her--" "so you broke curfew, to go into a restricted area" Klaus intervened. Nova came up and looked at him directly in his eyes "you bet your sweet ass I did, I did it for her! I was worried sick about her and I had to find her! I couldn't let Melody, the one I care about the most, end up hurting or even dead!" Nova's fist hit the top of Klaus's desk hard, making Randy and Taffy jump a little.
Nova then turned around, her back now facing Klaus as she began to speak again. "When someone you love could be in danger, you'd do anything to protect them....if Nadia had been in trouble, you wouldn't have thought twice about jumping into action and breaking rules." Her voice trailed off as her sleeve reached up to her face as she wiped away what I suspected to be tears. Klaus sighed heavily and put his hands over his face, when he let them drop, he spoke in a softer tone "you are right Nova, I apologize, now tell me, when you found her what did you see?"
Nova slowly turned around to face him, her eyes were a little puffy and her hands trembled, but her voice was clear and crisp as she spoke. "When I got there I heard her screaming and I sped towards her. By the time I reached her, she was on her back, her hand over her stomach and....and...there was this massive gash. Her whole uniform and hands were covered and blood and when she tried to speak...she just gurgled and more blood came from her lips. Whatever attacked her was brutal.... she's a top student, she could have put up a distraction and left...but this...this thing must have been quick and relentless to have almost killed her was such ease."
Silence filled the room after she had finished speaking, then Nova put her mouth to her hand and more tears fell from her cheek "I though I had lost her..." her voice was trembling this time and Randy took the box of tissues from the the nearby shelf and handed it to her. "So she will be alright?" Klaus asked and Nova nodded before blowing her nose, "they had to give her actual medicine along with the magic. The magic wasn't even enough to heal her completely." We continued to talk among this topic until Klaus stood up from his chair and looked at me.
"Sigurd, I want you to escort Miss Thorn, to her dorm. Graduation is upon us and I think it would be for the best that she went somewhere to calm down a little. Take a few breaths and recollect herself." I nodded and replied with an "alright" as I went over to Nova and put my hand on her shoulder reassuringly. She looked at me and gave me a soft nod as we walked out of the door and headed down the hallway.
I let out a sigh and looked at Randy, "can you please do the most simple of tasks, and shut the door?" To my astonishment, Randy actually follwed directions and did as I said. "I'm impressed, you managed to actually do something productive" I gave off a smirk, as I saw Randy's face turn from that idotic happy face if his, to something filled with a little distaste. "Hey, I do productive things around here!" I let out a scoff as I walked to my tea set "just the other day, you caused an explosion, which filled an entire classroom with melted bubblegum. I don't see how that is productive, in fact it's more of an hindrance than anything." I added as I brewed my tea, adding a few sugar cubes to the mix.
Randy folded his arms and looked at me "for your information it is productive, Now I know not to add too much gummy oil extract the next time I try that experiment." I sat down and gave him a glare. "I'm very thankful that today is the day we graduate and head our separate ways. Looking at you just makes me feel sick and nervous to my stomach." Randy gave off a loud laugh and he held his stomach, "now come on Klausy, you don't mean that." I rolled my eyes at his latest remark before taking a sip from my cup.
"Now listen to me Randy, what I'm about to say is serious and I'm concerned it won't process through that jelly bean sized brain of yours." "Hey! Now that was uncalled for" he pouted and put his hands on hips. "I'm serious Randy, listen I need someone to keep an eye out on Nadia for me. I'll be stuck in my office until graduation ceremony finishing up the rest of my work, since I know you're too lazy to do any of the work yourself". Randy was about to open his mouth to say something, but I raised my hand up to shut him up.
"As I was saying, I will lend you my familiar, as I can't be there to protect her from her reckless tendencies. I fear she may get curious and go searching for things that are not to be found. Also, my familiar will be watching your moves as well. If you try to touch her or flirt with her and I find out about it, just remember that I can hide a body." Randy was about to say something but instead gave a nervous chuckle "alright, alright Klausy, I'll follow your orders.
Randy then grabbed Taffy and ran out of the room "Dammit Randy! Stop calling me that!" However my voice must have seemed like a distant whisper to him by that point. "That cotton candy head, he will be the reason for my death" I sighed and then rubbed my temples before taking another sip from my cup.
I sat on the edge of my bed, my left hand was outstretched in front of me, hovering right above it was a small orb of water. I had been practicing for the performance that Elias, Yukiya, Cerim and I were going to put on. We were the ones chosen for our class and we had decided to do it in pairs. Yukiya would work with Elias and I would work with Cerim.
I rolled the water orb around my hand before I threw it into the air, as I did I tried my hardest to concentrate my power, on it, making it hold it's shape even in the air. I did this for about a minute, before I moved my hand. The water orb followed the movement of my hand and before long, it started falling apart into a line, which was now under my control. I couldn't help but smile while watching the water dance around to my movements, It filled me with happiness to know that I was capable of doing such things.Â
"Ooo! look at you go!" a sudden voice made me lose my concentration for a second, I tried to stabilize the water once more, but sadly, my efforts in do so, were futile. "Randy! You can't be here!" I turned my head and shouted at the figure, who now stood on my dorm's balcony. "It's not like I'm actually inside the dorm. Besides, I wanted to see what you were up to."
I watched him as he sat on the balcony railing while giving that innocent smile of his. "Oh hey Nadia, I wanted to ask you something." "what is it?" I asked while going and grabbing a rag, cleaning up the mess from the water. "It's about Melody...did you see what it was?" Randy's usual cheerful tone was now sullen and serious, I glanced up only to notice that his eyes held a firm gaze, one that meant business.
"I wasn't there when she got attacked...but...I did have this weird dream. I saw this shadow and it was chasing me, but I didn't know where I was or how I ended up there. All I knew was that something was chasing me and my instinct told me to run away as far as I could. But...." I stopped my dream talk right then and there. I thought it would be best not to talk too much about the dream, especially when I knew Randy was sent by Klaus. I also knew that Klaus' familiar was most likely around and would let Klaus know of everything I say, which I didn't want to happen, especially when it's the day of his graduation. He should be happy, not worried about a dream I had, which could actually be "prophetic" and somehow come true.
Randy let out a sigh and stretched his arms out wide "well, whatever it was, it seems to have caught the attention of some people. I guess Headmaster himself has put in a word to the Ministry of Magic, to send a representative down here and have a look." I had just finished cleaning the spot on the floor when suddenly my vision became blurry and the scenery around me began to spin and the world around me became black.
When my vision returned, I was back in the same place, like before, back when I was being chased, this time however, it was a bit different. I looked around, noticing at how the scenery had changed, I also took note that this time, someone else was with me. A tall muscular figure stood almost a hundred feet away from me, of course, my curiosity took over and I was compelled to make my way over to the man.
"Excuse me? Who are you? What are you doing here?" I had asked while walking closer. It seemed that he couldn't hear me and when I tried to poke him and get his attention, my hand went right through him.
I quickly put my hand to my heart, knowing that this was in fact a vision I was having. "You! What do you think you're doing here, don't you know that this site has been subject to hostility?" The man shouted at someone, at first it looked like he was screaming at me, but how could he? I wasn't really here, I was just looking into the future from a distance. It was at that moment I turned around and that's when I noticed it...the same dark figure that had chased me in the forest previously, was now slowly stumbling towards me and the man.
"Oh no....he has to run...." "w-wh-what the hell are you?" the man took out his wand, but as he did, the shadow unleased a black tentacle looking spear, which aimed at and then impaled the man's chest, impaling him to a nearby tree. I screamed at the top of my lungs, at the scene that I had just witnessed. My legs turned to jelly and I fell to the ground while tears started to spill down.
I began slapping my cheeks, trying to make this horrible vision end, I wanted to be back in my dorm, I didn't want to spend another second in this terrible place. Just then, my eyes came into contact with something shiny, it must have fallen off the man when he was so brutally murdered. When I picked it up my eyes widened and I dropped it immediately.
It was a badge.....a badge that people in the ministry wear, which meant....that the representative that Headmaster would send, would be murdered. It was then, that the scenery began to fade and I was once more in my dorm room. "Nadia!! Wake up!" Randy's frantic voice snapped me to reality. "I'm....I'm awake" I said softly "thank goodness!" Don't go and scare me like that again! Have you not been getting enough sleep or something?" My legs trembled slightly and so did my voice "I-I think I must have used up too much energy, while I was practicing for the performance." I hated that I had to lie to him, but I wasn't going to worry anyone, especially since today was a big day. "Alright, just please take it easy next time" Randy gave a soft smile as he spoke, before letting out a sigh "I should probably head back to the prefect office, before he gets mad".
Randy began to laugh and that caused me to smile, I knew right away who he was talking about, and just thinking about my Emperor, made my heart beat rapidly. "Oh, hey Randy? Can you give this to Klaus?" I began to rummage around in my school bag, pulling out a cutely wrapped box, moments later. "Sure, but what's inside?" Randy asked curiously, before shaking the box a little, trying to figure out its contents. "It's some homemade sweets, I thought he might like something to eat, since I know he hasn't left his office for quite some time."Â
"Ooo! If it's sweets, then I don't know how safely the box will get to him! I love your sweets sooooooo much!" Randy beamed, a big bright smile formed on his lips, while he looked intently on the box. "Don't worry Randy, I have some for you too!" I quickly rummaged in my bag and brought out a small bottle with a ribbon. Inside, was an assortment of different homemade candies "oh, wow! Look at how colorful they are! Thanks Nadia!" Randy quickly grabbed his sweet gift and opened it, plopping one of the candies into his mouth.
A hum of delight could be heard and a smile, followed shortly after "it's so savory and sweet!" Randy said before closing up the bottle and putting it in his cloak's pocket. Randy didn't stay long, he left a few minutes later, and at around the time he left, Amelia had entered the room, and relief washed over me. "Amelia, thank goodness you're here" "oh? Is everything alright?" She asked curiously while removing her cloak and heading over to her desk. "I have a lot to tell you...."
As I walked back to the office, I couldn't stop eating the sweet candies that Nadia had made for me. Speaking of Nadia, I still kept wondering about what had happened in the dorm, she said that she overworked herself, yet something inside, made me question it. All I remember was that she was talking and cleaning up her magic mess, then the next thing I know, I hear a gasp and she collapsed right there on the spot.
What was even more concerning, was that her eyes had changed colour as well, they weren't that pretty emerald green, they were gold....like a rose gold. "Masteeeeer!" a cry snapped me out of my thoughts, and my faithful familiar came skipping towards me. He had his usual smile as he approached "Taffy! I told you to wait in the courtyard while I went to see Nadia". "Klaus big meanie, he sent me to find you or else, then he call me name!" Taffy looked like he was in the verge of tears, so I grabbed him and placed him on my shoulder.
"What did he call you?" "he call me a furball and a pest" I frowned slightly, yeesh, Klaus seems to always have his trousers on too tight! He doesn't have to be so rude "well that wasn't very nice of him, but hey! I have something that might make Klaus be a little bit nicer." As I said that Taffy burst into a smile "cure meanie Klaus! cure meanie Klaus!" he began chanting happily and I had to laugh.
We continued walking and once we reached the prefect's office, I opened the door and headed right in "hellloooo Klausy". I heard a groan and Klaus looked up at me annoyed "just once, could you be less annoying?" His gaze then returned back to the stack of papers, where he was carefully organizing everything and putting them in specific boxes. "Woooow look at you! You work hard!" I laughed as I said it.
A piercing glare was shot in my direction "yes, it's something you're not familiar with" Klaus growled "what am I not familiar with?" I asked, knowing that I was slowly but surely making him angry. "Work and doing anything useful around here, you imbecile!" Klaus nearly shouted at me, his eyes not moving from the task in front of him. "Oh okay, so I guess delivering the baked sweets, that Nadia made for you, isn't useful."
I smirked as I said that, already assuming what reaction he'd have, to hearing that. Sure enough, I was right, Klaus stopped dead in the middle of his task, and looked at me, turning his chair around to face me. "Nadia made sweets for me? Give them here." "What's the magic word Klaus?" "Dammit Randy! Give them to me!". I quickly reached in and grabbed the box from my pocket "yeesh, here take it" I said while pouting and handing him the box.
Klaus quickly took the box and delicately unwrapped it, a smile curled on his lips and he took one of the sugar cookies from it and liked it on his desk, he then got up and went over to where his tea set was, specifically, one that was given to him by Nadia, for Christmas one year. Once he set up his tea, he sat back down and took a sip. "Tell me, while on your visit, how was Nadia behaving?" Klaus asked before taking a bite of the sugar cookie.
"Well....Nadia got really tired, she had been practicing really hard and collapsed" Klaus dropped his cookie and got up from his seat, after I had said that. "But don't worry Klaus! She's alright and plus, Amelia would there soon and would make sure she's alright. You know how those two are, they watch each other and make sure one another is safe.”
That is not the point, the point is that she has yet again worked herself into exhaustion, I swear, no matter how many times I tell her not to do something, she does the complete opposite. Klaus let out a heavy sigh and put his hands on his temples. “But Klausy, she was practicing for the ceremony, she’s doing this all for you, can’t you show a little appreciation? Or at least some other emotion besides your grumpiness?”
Klaus shot a piercing glare after I spoke, but then turned his head to the side, I the light from the window hit his face and indicated that he was blushing. I couldn’t help but smile, sure he was terrible at saying romantic things, but deep down I knew the love he had for Nadia was deep endless. You know, we should probably start practicing for the ceremony. I suppose you’re right, though hearing those words come out of your mouth almost gave me a heart attack
Klaus got up and carried the remaining papers in his hands and headed out the door. “There’s no need to be so rude!” I called out before running him down. The trip was so agonizing with his lecture, but for some reason I felt sadness at the fact that he would no longer yell at me. I kind of liked pissing him off...
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