#and i love the bean and am happy to have another of the fam as a cave dog
bones-n-bookles · 4 months
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Cave Bean for @losech 💜
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fleurlibelle · 4 years
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𝕸𝖊𝖊𝖙  𝕵𝖔𝖊𝖑 𝕸𝖈𝕭𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖊
@geeky-simz | Bachelorette Challenge
Hey Meg,
I’m Joel McBride. By profession, I’m the Chief Master Sergeant of the Airforce (CMSAF) in Windenburg, originally I’m from Scotland, and I grew up in the countryside. Just sending this quickly ahead, I have no issues moving to the air force base at Magnolia Promenade.  Well, what should I say about me? I’m a very ambitious man and achieved at a very young age the highest rank in the Airforce. Career is set in stone. Yes, I have a bucket list, and the next goal is to claim my lady. I’m a family man because I grew up in a big family. McBride’s are very fertile, twins are highly possible. I don’t have a twin for myself, sadly [or not “smirks”], but I have two brothers Owen and Declan, who are twins, and my sisters Addison and Pippa. I’m the oldest and a unique bean in the fam, I guess. [chuckles]. Did I mention that I’m the most handsome one in my fam? Fact.
It’s hard to copy me, you know. Of course, I know I’m handsome. Listen, I work hard for my looks: Swimming, cycling, hiking, and fitness, in general, is my thing. At some point, I also want to explore Japanese culture. Mount Komorebi is on my bucket list, too. I love to travel. Don’t worry if you can’t cook, I can cook up and bake something nice. So if you can’t make a good Ramen, how about we replace it with fresh Sushi? I’m better at Gourmet Cooking. Photography is an another passion of mine. 
Some call me cocky or arrogant, but hey, I just know my value and the lady next to me? If she’s a smart bean, she will appreciate what I have to give. I call it, let's say: self-confidence. Aaah, and look, I don’t feel embarrassed at any time. This is an overrated feeling. I don’t have time to waste on such nonsense emotions. Maybe you would like me to mention that I’ve been told to be a great kisser? [smirks] But you can judge yourself, whenever you are ready. 
Why Bachelorette? I’m ready to settle down, and I’m a very loyal soul once I have the lady next to me who is spontaneous and loves to explore the world a bit. Even with kids, my parents did that with us too. They are my role-model. Chicks out there are still not really willing to settle, but I am. Many judge me by my cover and say that I would be a player. I’m not that type of man. It’s not efficient and a waste of time to deal with too many flat characters. So I’m here, and I want to see how far I can get? 
What do you think? Can I get a step closer to my dream and start maybe a fam with you, beautiful Meg? 
If you are self-confident and if you know how to fire back? I’m in, I love that when women are confident enough to show off proud their man. Simply because I love to be proud of showing off my lady. If that feeling is mutual? I’m all yours, hun.
Oh, did I mention that I love to wear a kilt? Well, it’s a tradition in my country where I’m from. Don’t worry, babe! I’m a true man. Just wondering if you will be able to handle my confidence. As I’m blunt and honest, too. I don’t like lies. If something bothers you? Spill the beans into my face, and we will see if we can rock it together, okay?
Meg, Imagine me taking shots of you in your garden, amongst flowers, only to capture you as the most beautiful flower.
You like video games and sports? Damn lady, this is hot. Too bad, I have no clue about video games, but you can teach me, right? Trust me, in no time, I will beat you [laughs]. Are you up for a challenge? Now you know who you're dealing with. Can you tame and handle my manhood? Ready for the best time of your life? If yes, join me. *winks. And if we don’t make it? That’s life and we keep on moving, right?
Basics and personality-related must-know about Joel can be found undercut.
age:32 | Gemini height: 6′3 Nationality: Scottish Parents: Mother: “Lauren McBride”, 50 yrs | Father: “Calum McBride”, 54 yrs. Both scottish. raised hometown: Windenburg current hometown: Windenburg Profession:  Chief Master Sergeant of the Airforce
Traits: Ambitious, Self-Confident and Athletic Skills: Charisma 10 | Photography 5 | Fitness 9 | Baking 7 | Groumet Food 5 | Aspiration: Big Family Hidden Traits: Shameless | Gymrat |  Observant | Morning Sim |Great Kisser | Fertile. Dreams: Having a big happy family like his parents. Retire soon and starting his own business as soon he earns 1 Billion Simoleons. What he wants to do? Well maybe a Photo-Studio? He saved already half a million, a hard workin’ man! Communication: Blunt, upfront, can be easily viewed as cocky and arrogant. Shameless, nope he won’t feel any embarrassment. “Whatever” that’s what he thinks and he moves on.
“Nature is wonderful, I love to inhale the air.”
“Nothing is better than fresh Orange Juice for breakfast, period”
“I love all sorts of music”
“Give me Sushi, Buffalo Chicken or Pizza and I’m a happy man [chuckles]
“In my free time, I’m mostly casual, yet I like it elegant.”
“Everything that is considered as masculine, I’m in”. I’m not gonna carry your bag, sorry, not sorry babe. [raises eyebrow]”
After I retire I would not mind to get some piercings. Lips? Eyebrows? Don’t know yet but because of my profession I can’t do this right now.
“I love to be the Alpha but don’t mind if my women is able to tame me at times [smiles]” You should be quick-witted, I’m not boring at all.
“I live by the quote “Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.”
“Oh prejudices, I don’t like to judge and be judged by the cover, simple as that.”
“Small-Minded People, aren’t they horrible?”
“ Raising voice when arguing. If you’re mad, talk to me, be furious, or angry but don’t raise your voice or use insults as a weapon and form of communication. I hate drama, and I will shut down and not talk to you until you realize this is not the right way of communication. I don’t need it. I understand if there is a conflict. Let’s find a solution to how we can solve it that we are both happy again. Or long-term, it won’t work with us. I was raised to respect and be respected. That’s what you really need to keep in mind if you want to argue with me [winks]” 
I don’t smoke if you do, you better stop poisoning your lunges” I need a healthy lady.
Swimming poses are by wonderful @katverse Thank you so much! They are really cool. Other poses are by MOC.
Private Download, if chosen
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aloesarchives · 4 years
Imai Cosmo Headcanons
Alright, now it's time for sunshine boy Cosmo. 
(Edit: I am so sorry, I accidentally deleted this for some reason. Sorry for the inconvenience) 
You met Cosmo when you both were first years in high school. You just recently transfer to his school in the beginning of the year for reasons not disclose(just move to Japan, came from a different school, etc.)
It was a hard time making friends because you were new and no one would approach you. But it didn’t stop Cosmo from wanting to be with your friend.
Cosmo is pretty much a social butterfly and is always friendly to everyone. When he said hi to you, the first thing you took notice was his bubbly personality. After that encounter, Cosmo actually made it his goal to be your friend. Everyday at school, he would always talk to you when he has the chance. And during after school you two would hang out together whether it be eating out or looking at the latest version of some Martial Arts magazine.
Thanks to the time you have been spending with him, he’s one of your closest friends you have. It’s kinda known around the school that you two always hang out with each other.
You also come over to his house to tutor Cosmo b/c he wasn’t doing so well in math so you had to help out a homie. You did have some encounters with his brother, Meteor. You get along with him as the two of you share the struggle of taking care of Cosmo.
Cosmo’s enthusiasm is contagious and even when you kinda hit your lowest Cosmo’s vibe just somehow revives you and you smile once again.  
Cosmo’s energy is so bright and powerful that you feel like you’re standing in the presence of the sun and you need some goddamn visors to look because he’s just pure and happy all the time that it hurts your entire being. But it’s in a good way, sis.
Throughout the time you spent with Cosmo, you notice that every once in a while that he would have a bruise or a bandage on his face or arm when he wears his short sleeve shirt. Come to think of it, Cosmo somehow has some sort of injury that can’t be explained in normal terms. Even when you ask Cosmo when he gets his injuries and small scuffs, he’ll just brush it off with an excuse that wouldn’t add up or make sense to the injury. But again you don’t push it since when you try to press on the issue that Cosmo switched the topic immediately and has completely forgotten about the conversation.
You did at one point remember that Cosmo did have a small rebellious stage but one day he stopped for some reason you don’t know about. But even so, it doesn’t calm your concerns of Cosmo’s random injuries.
In short, he’s really bad at hiding them and not making something obvious. But you being you, you didn’t push on the matter out of consideration.
Now that I mention that, you also notice Cosmo getting ripped and becoming more muscular. Cosmo actually lets you feel his arms and back when you ask him, he’s completely fine with it. Fam, no gonna lie, it has a nice feel to it.
(Y/N):Hey Cosmo, have you been working out lately? You’re back has been getting toned as of recently.
Cosmo: Actually yeah, I’ve been working out more nowadays. Do you want to feel my back, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Sure, if you’re fine with it.
Cosmo: Go right ahead.
*Proceeds to feels Cosmo’s back
(Y/N): Woah! You’re pretty ripped, Cos!
There were some subtle hints that Cosmo had that kept being in your sight. Like his physical strength when the class would play volleyball, or doing those fitness test everyone has to take, he was somehow on the top on it. Or at least there was a far seeable gap than he was to you and the rest of the class.
You, for sure, know Cosmo is hiding something when Cosmo would turn you down to hang out because he had some business to do. What only push your suspicions was when you were walking home one day from school and a car past by you. Although it was a nice car and you didn’t really care for it, the thing that caught your eye was who was in it. You saw a tan man with cool shades driving the car and Cosmo was in the passenger seat next to him. As the car sped off, you stood still on the sidewalk, completely confused. You’ve seen that guy before when you would go to the gym, but you didn’t put any thought to it.
I mean you don’t to bug him about all of this because you don’t want to be nosy and pester him about it. But you know Cosmo isn’t gonna spill the beans anytime soon so you keep it to yourself.
God, I really, really like to headcanon that Kureshi is a distant uncle/relative of your’s that you’re somewhat close to. You don’t tell Cosmo right off the bat because you thought it wasn’t super important. All you tell him is that your uncle owns a gym and during after school sometimes you go there to train/exercise with him. Cosmo doesn't think much of it too since you didn’t make a big deal out of it. But he was curious on what gym your uncle runs and that at you one point you mentioned he was a fighter too.
The way you found out was pretty much very coincidental. While you were at the gym, your uncle aka Kureshi mentions to you that he took up a student and took him under his wing. This was odd for you because you never saw your uncle to be one to take up someone for training. When he mentions to you that the person he’s training is around the same age and goes to the same high school, you were intrigued by who it was. The week you found out about this was the same week that finals/ heavy testing was being held and so you wanted to distress by going to the gym. You asked Cosmo if he wanted to hang out 2 hours before you go to the gym but he said he was going to do training at a gym beforehand and had to turn down your offer. You were kind of bummed out but you couldn’t convince him otherwise so oh well. Upon going to the gym, you get a text from your uncle that his student came to train and asked if you wanted to meet him. You said why not and when upon arriving to the gym, your uncle greet you and took you to see his student who was dealing some good blows to one of the gym’s punching bags. Upon further inspection, the boy looked familiar, too familiar. Without thinking, you blurted out Cosmo’s name. After stopping his workout, he turn to you and the both of you had equally shocked faces while Kureshi was having a kick out of it. When you looked at your uncle and asked if he was his student, the answer was fairly obvious and you just stood there while trying to process all of this. When Cosmo asked you why you were there, you explained Kureshi and stuff. It was a awkward few minutes before you decided to change into your workout clothes and doing some training of your own. After you were done with your workout, you took a shower and changed into some casual clothes. You waited for Cosmo to be done and the two of you would head home together after bedding your uncle farewell.
Since you caught Cosmo training, he couldn’t really hid it from you anymore because you saw him there at the gym and he had a entirely different training regiment than the average person. You got the courage to ask him about what’s the training for while telling him your suspicions. Cosmo kinda went silent, which is unlike him to do so especially in your presences. Then Cosmo just spills everything to you, the training, the bruises, the times he had to decline your offers to hang out, he explained himself to you why he had to it. At the mention of Kengan Matches and underground fighting, you thought this was like fight club or something. But snapping out of your thoughts, you didn’t see Cosmo any less differently and told him that his secret is safe with you. Cosmo is grateful for you and that he’s glad you’re understanding.
One day, when Cosmo didn’t come to Kureshi’s gym, you asked your uncle how he meet Cosmo. He told you that Cosmo got into a fight with a few guys that had him on the ropes before he stepped in himself to save Cosmo. While at it, your uncle ask about your thoughts on Cosmo and his potential in fighting. When you answered with a Cosmo having untapped potential, Kureshi made a deal with you. He said he’ll allow you to watch Cosmo’s matches and cover your back when you parents ask about your whereabouts. In return, you have to help him train Cosmo and update him on his matches. You didn’t even think about it, you just took the deal and the rest is history.
Another time, you met Mr. Nishihonji while training Cosmo. Apparently he used to use this gym a while back. After learning he was Cosmo’s sponsor/ fighting for his company, you do remember Cosmo subtly mentioning him in your conversations in the past and now you meet him in the flesh. He made a good impression of himself to you and ever since then you’ve been chill with him. The man means well so he doesn’t really give off any bad vibe that you can tell.
Mr. Nishihonji has picked up the both of you from school when Cosmo has a match. Once school is over, you two would head over to where his car is and people from your school would just gawk because who knew the two of you were hanging out with a rich man with a nice car. This happens a lot where you kinda get use to it.
Your crush/love for Cosmo is built up over time and isn’t too obvious  that other people can catch on but people close to you can see something is up with you when your around Cosmo. When people ask you about it, you brush it off as simple friendship you have for him. People won’t push it but people like Kureshi and Mr. Nishihonji can piece things together to where they have an fundamental understanding that you really care about Cosmo.
Speaking of Kureshi, your uncle Kureshi loves to fucking tease you about you and Cosmo. He really gets a kick out of how you get all tsundere on him when he does. It’s like an inside joke you have with each other and it’s family love, that’s all.
You never confessed to Cosmo because you 1.) don’t want to ruin or make the friendship awkward, and 2.) you don’t think Cosmo feels the same way as he is oblivious to your small actions/hints towards him.
And by the way, Cosmo is fucking oblivious to everything unless pointed out by him. This sadly includes your feelings, sis. This is one of the things Cosmo needs you in his life because of this. He’s oblivious to the point where you had to point out or explain things to him when he doesn’t get it or it goes over his head.
But your feelings becomes evident when the Kengan tournament goes under way and that you were invited to go with him. You watch on the sidelines, with Mr. Nishihonji of course, Cosmo’s matches. You knew after his first match ended that this tournament was something else when you saw the line up and after Cosmo fainted into Mr. Nishihonji’s arms after exiting the pit. You knew that Cosmo was not going to have an easy time in his matches and he needed to know this. Although you have faith in Cosmo, it’s not impossible to remember that this isn’t a simple walk in the park.
After beating Adam, Adam kinda just became your friend instantly. Like after Cosmo convinced him, he just stuck around the two of you. Even though you hate what comes out of his mouth, Adam isn’t really a jerk and tries to unlearn the things he has said to the two of you. When Adam stays in Japan for training, he literally becomes you best friend/ brother at this point. Adam is probably the only person that actually caught on
But the thing that has been bothering you is Cosmo’s naivety. There’s nothing wrong with his happy go lucky attitude. It’s just, Cosmo doesn’t seem to be grounded a lot in certain situations where he’ll understand the dangers/risks that come with this. Especially when it came down to fighting. You do warn him of being careful and taking the fight seriously, but he just say don’t worry and not really mean it. You knew that this would be problem because Cosmo takes his fighting skills for granted. You love the man but wish he would understand how grave some matches could’ve been if he didn’t take them down sooner.
But that fight with Akoya, oh my fucking god. First off, Fuck Akoya and his justice boner. Second, god this fight did some ever lasting damage on you. This was one of those surreal life changing moments that you can never forget even if you tried. The fight, in it of itself, was one of the most intense, gruesome, but slightly breathtaking things you have ever bear to witness. Although you hate to say this, this was the fight that Cosmo needed for his break through. This gave Cosmo what he’s been looking for in order to evolve and better his fighting.
However, this fight was to you was gut wrenching and mentally breaking. Like when you caught Hiyama helping out Akoya in the matches with Adam and Mr. Nishihonji, something was wrong by her desperate reaction to continue to help Akoya. Then the next you know was when you look down towards the arena, Akoya goes berserk and went total psycho on Cosmo. From biting a chunk of Cosmo’s leg off, cracking his ribs, and practically torturing him by bring him back to conscious after Cosmo pasted out. You, on the other hand, couldn’t shout as nothing would come out of your mouth no matter how hard you tried. Tears were building up, your heart was pounding out of your chest, it was hard to watch. Two things could’ve happened next, you either fainted from the immense fear where Adam had to catch you or you glued your eyes to the match and gripped the concrete so hard your finger nails got damage along with bleeding finger tips. Let’s go with the second one, then. The match in-front of you seem one sided and you feared for Cosmo’s life. But deep down, for some goddamn reason, you believe he can pull through if he found his motivation and drive. You called yourself stupid for having so much faith in him but he never has once let you down, so why should you? Once you said that Cosmo has a chance, Adam thought you were nuts but the unwavering hope said otherwise. For Cosmo, he has the classic anime protag shit where in a near death experience he has a bunch of flashbacks. Most of them was his time training with his master, however, some were times spent with you. With all the memories, Cosmo wanted to win, not just for his life and master, but for you as well. When Cosmo started to have his epiphany and turning the fight around in his favor, you never yelled as hard and as loud in your entire life. You bet his ass that he heard it. After the brutal few minutes, Cosmo came out the victor and you have never felt so relieve and exhausted in your life. You cried, fam, there's no doubt (I cried too, don't worry). When you came to get him and send him to the infirmary, you stuck to him for the rest of the tournament.
The fight didn’t make Cosmo realize he loved you, but it did stir up something inside of him that made him view you in a new light. In which he didn’t want to spend a moment without you. Man, you yelled at him for almost dying on you but spoke of your relief to him. He just apologizes and said he’ll win his next fight. It’s a very tender moment between the two of you.
What shock you the most was Kureshi suddenly appearing at the quarter finals tournament, he stated that he wanted to see Cosmo’s progress. It was odd seeing him but it was probably important as the tournament was nearing the end. He was up against Ohma which prove to be a powerful opponent. But alas, Cosmo was defeated by him. While he sat in one of the waiting rooms, you were right next to him, comforting him. Then you let your emotions speak for themselves, how you were proud of him for coming so far especially someone for his age, that he shouldn’t stop here and strive for more, and that you’ll give him your undying support. Then Cosmo pulls you into a hug and just cries it out, you smile and held him close.
After a few months after the tournament, Cosmo realizes he has feelings for you and confessed to you after he took you out to eat. And the rest is history.
Being with Cosmo is great (I say this with almost everyone, so bear with me). Being happy 24/7, a lot of hugs and kiss, spending endless hours with him. The man, himself, is a ball of sunshine at just happens to be your boyfriend.
The man loves you unconditionally no matter what. He doesn’t really have a preference on appearance. However, I’ll do say that if you’re shorter than him(he’s 5′6 i think), he’s over the moon because it adds some cuteness to you. The man loves you.
Cosmo really likes hugs and cuddles. He knows not the strangle you when he’s cuddling with you, but he loves to squeeze you tight. Meteor has caught the two of you sleeping on the couch in each other embrace in more than one occasion. Meteor thinks it’s cute and doesn’t disturb you two.
Cosmo is more than okay with PDA. He can’t really keep his hands off of you, yet he’ll respect your boundaries. He’ll hold your hand, arm around your waist or shoulder, giving small pecks to you. He’s not afraid of showing you off.
He’s a playful kisser, he likes to play around with you. But there are times where he does kiss you passionately, but that’s usually in private though. Before his matches, it’s a must for you to kiss him before he goes out and fights. Sometimes he kisses you out of nowhere and when you ask him, he just says I love you and stuff.
I can see him calling you baby/babe/ and love. It just sounds like him.
The man’s always hugging you from behind.
I’m gonna say since no one has said it louder: Cosmo with his hair slicked back makes him from cute to instant HOT. Deadass when you see he like with his hair like that, you cheeks heat up quickly and you just quietly freaking over his hair. You tell him that it looks better on him(which it does, btw) but he says it’s a simple haircut for him.
I headcanon that you and Kureshi gave him the idea to grow out his hair since it’ll suit him more. When his hair gets long enough, you sometimes braid his hair or brush it. To him, it’s a very relaxing moment since you’re kinda spoiling him.
Cheer for this man and he will definitely fight even harder in his matches. You’re his motivations.
Cosmo does have nosebleeds so make sure to bring some tissues.
Before the Kengan Omega, you had to help him take care of himself but after the two years he doesn’t have to, or rather not as much.
The only time you got jealous was probably when you found that Mr. Nishihonji took Cosmo to a brothel(?) and you finding out Cosmo had a taste for older women kinda sat with you the wrong way even though you two weren’t an item yet. You didn’t tell him out right what was wrong because you thought it was stupid to be feel jealous. It made you avoid Cosmo for like a day or two. You still haven’t told him yet about it and it will remain like that to this day.
You did take note on Cosmo’s estrange friend group aka the fighters. They’re not intimidating people. You actually had a run in with Wakatsuki on accident. Cosmo invited you to come hang out with him but you were busying with errands that you sadly had to decline. While you were fast walking to your next destination, you bumped into someone and tripped on your own foot. Before your face touched the ground, Wakatsuki caught you and helped you up. He apologizes for bumping into you because he didn’t see you. You said you were fine and ask what he was doing, he stated he was waiting for a friend of his. After you excuse yourself to continue your day, Cosmo comes around the corner as you left. While they were eating, Wakatsuki told Cosmo ran into you. When Cosmo said “oh, you met my girlfriend?” Wakatsuki had to pause because, like what?, the girl/person he bumped into was Cosmo’s girlfriend. Big shocker for him. Before you guys became a thing, Sakura, Sekibayashi, and Wakatsuki, would tease Cosmo about girls that would know him. I mean, they do this a lot when it was with you but to know the two of you ended up together caught them blind sided.
The fact Cosmo can take down opponents twice his size and age is pretty amazing in your eyes. Man’s short but damn can he pull off some impressive moves. Proud to call him your boyfriend honestly.
Food buddy, you guys love to eat with eat other. It’s pretty obvious that Cosmo loves to eat. The man takes you out to eat all the time, fucking bet on that shit.
When Cosmo loves you, he will LOVE you to death. Sure, you were hard on him when he’s training, but he is thankful for you being with him for the long run.
Being in a relationship with Cosmo is just full of fun and love even though it does get serious at some points. Cosmo never fails to show you that he loves you and how much you mean to him.
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hunbomb · 4 years
roommate! jaemin
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i hope u guys like this one! i do :) 
warning: not proofread LMAO
jaemin: a huge flirt
like we been knew sis okay bUt its not like it defines him ya kno??? like yes he is a flirt but its not like he does it purposely
however that doesn’t stop every single girl from liking him
except for u cause you’re ~not like other girls~
jk you are 
cause who wouldn’t find na jaemin attractive?? tf???
okay but like the dealio between you and jaemin is that you are best friends 
and you have a fat crush on him (u have since the beginning of highschool LOL)
luckily for you, although jaemin is a flirt, he isnt interested in any girls so he doesnt bring any to your dorm
and even if he did, he would tell u because it would be shitty not to 
so u met in grade nine and yalls friendship popped TF off right away like you joined nomins duo and made it a trio in the span of 4 months and everyone was like???? this mf got that close to them that fast???? mastery
jeno was like ur brother from another mother fr
you and him told eachother everything and sometimes he would tell you things he wouldnt even tell jaemin. like everyone has those people that although theyre close w, there are some things you’d never tell and that goes for jeno and jaemin
jaemin never told jeno he listens to taylor swift
and jeno never told jaemin that he watched all of my little pony friendship is magic on netflix
but since you and jeno shared some personal things w eachother, you obviously told him about your crush on jaemin
and since you had a crush on jaemin, you never got like super super close with him just cause ur feels got in the way 
mainly just you never got as close to jaemin as you did jeno
sure you were bffs, but it wasn’t on such an intimate level
cause everytime jaemin would look your way you’d be gasping for air
so timeskip to senior year
everything is great
your friendship is still strong af and you guys are all planning for post secondary
jaemin and you get into the same uni right.... and jeno gets into the one the town over so your friendship wont take that much damage
but!!! jaemin wants to room with you!!! and ur like!! fucufejdsk!!!
cause like ofc you want to who wouldnt????? but you have such a massisve crush on him you dont want it to get in the way of not only yours but also jaemins university experience
you say yes tho and next thing you know youre unpacking all your stuff
the dorm is kind of small like there isnt a lot of space,,,,, theres two bedrooms but the beds literally take out the whole room HAHHAHA and then there is a chill space with the kitchen connected and u and jaemin have to share a washroom LOL
“jaemin what the FUCK did you eat??? beans??? i bet it was beans this shit smells so bad i-”
“it really do be ya own friends sometimes” -jaemin 2020 :((((((
anyway so like university life is good you and jaemin invite jeno over every weekend for a sleepover and vice versa its so cute GAH
but like,,,, here’s where the drama comes in
one day you are facetiming jeno and youre telling him about how you really like jaemin and blah blah ya know the usual
and youre not really looking at the screen cause youre doing your homework and focusing on that but jeno sees in the back that jaemin has fully entered the room
and you dont notice cause hes silent and your still talking but jeno is trying to get your attention UDHSJIA
and when he does you see in your part of the screen jaemin just,,,, standing there
cue you ending the call with jeno SO FAST and turning around like oH i thought you had classes right now?
“.... they ended early”
“i see” ://////////
you like get up super fast and just walk around him and go into your roomm shutting the door 
poor jaemin is just like “what”
cause to be honest he never really considered this situation ever happening yah he thought you were prettier than most girls and he liked the way you were able to talk to people so easily but he never would have thought you harboured feelings for him
so he kind of just leaves it be cause he knows that you def dont want to talk about it and is willing to wait for you to be the one who brings it up
so time skip to dinner youre both just eating in silence but you dont like it,,,
“what i said was true” you say and jaemin looks up and he knows where this convo is going but he lets you speak
“i didnt ever plan on telling you because i really like our friendship but i guess i wasn’t careful enough”
your heart is beating hella fast but you try to look unbothered and its going pretty good until jaemin asks you something
“how long have you felt this way?”
OKAY like it shouldnt be a big deal to tell him bc you already exposed yourself but for some reason that question just hit you deep cause you realized that youve liked him for so long and he never felt the same ya know
“i dont know,,, since the start of highschool? when we became friends i always thought you were cute and it just turned into a full blown crush”
jaemin just sort of nods in response “oh okay”
so that night your just laying in your bed full of regrets
you know things are about to be super duper awkward between you and jaemin and you wish it didnt have to be like that
so over the next couple of weeks its more awkward than it has ever been before and the sleepovers with jeno seem so divided 
its either jeno and you or jeno and jaemin its never the three of you anymore :((((((
jaemin isn’t ignoring your feelings though, dont worry! hes just trying to sort his out
because your confession kind of opened his eyes
he doesnt want to force himself to like you but he cant help but admit that when he first heard you talking about your feelings a huge warmth spread through his chest and he may or may not have uncovered some feelings
these feelings were always there but he suppressed in grade nine cause he thought you’d never like him and you just wanted to stay friends
so he pushed them down and never thought about it again
but obviously that didnt happen because now youre on his mind 24/7 and he wishes that he could just talk to you but hes kind of nervous
so after taking advice from jeno he tries to talk to you more, like asking how your day went and starting up conversations
youre  kind of like “what u playing at son” but you leave it cause you know jaemin would never do you dirty like that
it stays this way for a while until one night theres a particularly bad thunderstorm and jaemin is scared of thunder
and so when youre just playing on your phone jaemin opens your door slightly and has this scared look on his face
and you know that jaemin is scared of thunder so you open your arms without any words being shared
a huge boom of thunder makes jaemin squeal and jump into your arms
and he gets comfy under the covers as youre holding him, no words shared between you two
he starts to feel much better and this sense of comfort washes over him like,,, youre his home
and as hes falling asleep he softly mutters
“im sorry it took me so long”
and youre just straight confused like what does that mean is he talking about his feelings or just the fact that yall havent had such an close encounter in a while 
the next morning you wake up and jaemins arms and you guys are facing eachother
and hes already awake so when you oepn your eyes you find him already looking at you
“thank you for last night, youre the best” he whispers and youre like all good fam i understand
but then he leans in closer and is like “i should have told you this so long ago, but i am in love with you”
your eyes widen and youre like wh AT the FUCJ your heart is beating at like 420 bpm and ur shooketh
he just smiles and pulls in you in closer and its just a super soft moment and no words have to be said
that night you guys are cuddling on the couch after dinner when jaemin just asks you be his gf
OF COURSE YOU SAY YES! you have been waiting for this moment for god knows how long
jeno is all like damn fina-fucking-ly i’ve been watching this romance play out for like 5 years! 
its super cute
its even better that you guys are roommates because youre already living together so you get to see eachother everyday
jaemins room as become a guest room for sorts as he now shares a bed with you
jaemin: >:(((((( tf is that supposed to mean
you just laugh and youre like im not complaining hahaha and jaemins heart just stutters so bad 
he really does love you and he cant believe it took him so long to accept his feelings
and one night he tells you about how he pushed them down and youre like “exCUSE ME we could have been dating all this time u pussy”
sad jaemin :((((( 
anyway ya its so good its a win-win situation 
you get to room with the love of your life and its just magical there are so many soft moments between you two and just UGH relationship goals
i need me a jaemin
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sdottkrames · 4 years
Five Little Turkeys
@comfortember prompt 17: Flashbacks
Summary: Five Iron Fam Thanksgivings Past + 1 Present
Notes: Happy Thanksgiving!  Even if you don't live in the US and don't celebrate, I hope you take a little time to think of something you're grateful for and appreciate it. I am so very very thankful to all of you! and a special Thank You goes to @baloobird for always believing in and inspiring my writing, to @an-odd-idea for tagging me in fun things and for beta reading some stuff for me, and to @littlemissagrafina for leaving the absolute best comments and to every other friend I’ve made in this wonderful fandom. I love you all.
Read on AO3: Here
Five little turkeys standing at the door,
One waddled off, and then there were four.
May Parker had never hosted thanksgiving before.
Maybe that was a good thing, because she’d already managed to ruin the mashed potatoes, which resembled concrete more than anything, and burn the green bean casserole past recognition.
At least Ben was having more luck with the turkeys and gravy, and that was the most important part, right?
Oh goodness, this is going to be a disaster. I never should’ve agreed to host Ben’s family.
At least baby Peter’s gonna be here.
Staving off tears and chanting more positive things to herself in her head, May turned her attention to something she knew she could do: opening a can of cranberry sauce and dumping it in a festive pumpkin shaped bowl. Then she grabbed the homemade rolls Ben had made that morning and put them carefully in a basket with a pretty white towel to cover them.
Ben came up behind her, surprising her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Smells amazing,” he murmured in her ear.
May giggled despite the tears that threatened again. “Well, maybe it’s the ruined potatoes, or the burnt green beans.”
Ben spun her around, tenderly kissing her. “I wasn’t talking about the food, babe.” May blushed. “Besides, I’ve already called my mom, and she’s gonna buy more potatoes on her way to make a fresh batch, and we’ve got plenty more cans of green beans to make the casserole again. We’ll be just fine.”
Goodness, May loved this man. She told him so as she kissed him again, and again, and again.
May opened the door to her husband’s family and inhaled a steadying breath as she took in the five of them standing there. She focused on their genuine smiles and kind eyes.
I can do this.
Once hugs and warm greetings had been exchanged all around and a new batch of potatoes had been made, the others put their offerings on the beautifully laid table. What May Parker lacked in the cooking department, she made up for in the decorating department, and the table was stunning, and the food even tasted better than May had hoped. However, it quickly became apparent that it didn’t really matter what food had been made. Little 14-month-old Peter was the star of the dinner.
It was hard for him not to be with the chubbiest of cheeks and the sweetest of smiles. All eyes were on him as he tried turkey for the first time, then stuffing, and cranberry sauce. He was more interested in mashing the food with his fingers...until pumpkin pie. The little boy’s eyes widened as the sweet dessert hit his taste buds, and he eagerly made grabby hands for more. All the adults giggled along as he shoved another bite into his mouth, clumsily holding his spoon.
Ben was right, May thought. Everything is just fine.
She looked around again, her eyes lingering on her husband, who smiled back at her.
More than fine.
Four little turkeys sitting near a tree,
One waddled off, and then there were three.
Tony stared at his phone, trying and failing to keep the disappointment off his face. It seemed to fill him, all the way from his toes to the top of his head, accumulating into a grey cloud that dumped great drops of homesickness all over him.
He’d been looking forward to Thanksgiving. He wasn’t all that excited to see his father, of course, but he and his mother did get along, and he missed her. It was his first year at college, and he hadn’t seen his mother in nearly three months. He couldn’t wait to sit and play piano with her, hear her singing, feel her hugs. His mom had also promised him that his Uncle Jarvis and Aunt Anna were going to be there, and he was beyond excited to see them too. All that excitement turned sour in just one text.
I’m sorry it said.
Sorry sorry sorry. Always sorry.
He should’ve known his father would ruin plans. Should’ve never gotten his hopes up. His parents were traveling (again) and taking Jarvis with him. There would be no thanksgiving.
Tony resigned himself to spending the holiday by himself, hoping to see his mom and the Jarvises at Christmas. He started unpacking and putting everything away.
Then his roommate walked in.
“What’re you doing?” James Rhodes- Rhodey, as Tony had dubbed him their first week together- said.
“My parents are traveling. I won’t be able to go home,” Tony answered flatly. “I’ll be staying here for thanksgiving.”
Rhodey didn’t hesitate. “Oh, no, you won’t. Pack your stuff, Stark. You’re coming to the Rhodes house.”
“You don’t have to do that, really. I’m alright staying here. I’m honestly used to it! I prefer to be alone, actually.”
Tony tried to keep his cavalier persona firmly in place, playing the situation off. But he should have known that Rhodey wouldn’t buy it. From day one, his roommate had been able to see right through Tony and his bullcrap and been able to call him out on it.
Rhodey arched an eyebrow, placing a hand on his hip. “Uh huh. That why you’re sitting here moping?”
“I’m not moping!”
“I can practically see the storm cloud above your head!”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Fine. Well, are you sure your mom-”
Rhodey placed a hand on Tony’s shoulder, cutting him off. His dark eyes were serious. “My momma would have my head if she knew I let you stay here by yourself. I’ll let her know to expect you, but trust me when I say that it won’t be a problem.”
Tony took a deep breath and placed the shirts and bag of toiletries he’d unpacked back into in his small duffle while Rhodey called his mom.
“She said you better come, and expect to bring home at least three Tupperware full of left-overs.”
And so Tony found himself sitting around the table with Roberta Rhodes, Lila Rhodes, and his roommate. He hadn’t expected to be treated like family so quickly, but it was clear that’s exactly how they viewed him as the chatted and passed him turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce.
Later, the Christmas tree cast a warm, happy glow over the four individuals laying around the living room in various stages of consciousness, their full stomachs lulling them into a contented stupor. Tony was surprised the tree was up so early, but he was glad it was. It’s branches were laden with ornaments that clearly held stories (like the handmade snowflake one that featured a picture of a young James Rhodes wearing the ugliest sweater Tony had ever seen, grinning ear to ear without any front teeth), so different from the sterile red and white decorations that went on the tree at his home every year.
The warm light and company seemed to fill him with happiness and contentment all the way from his toes to his head, accumulating into bright sun rays around him like a halo that warmed every part of his soul.
It was the best thanksgiving he’d ever had.
Three little turkeys with nothing to do,
One waddled off, and then there were two.
The first year is the hardest Tony had heard it said.
It gets easier people promised.
Well, so far, it had been the hardest year, but Tony didn’t think it was going to get any easier after the one year mark.
His parents were dead. Killed. Gone. Right before Christmas.
At each new “first” without them, Tony found himself turning more and more to the bottle, saw his roommate and best friend become more and more concerned, his grades more and more in danger.
Tony had refused Rhodey’s offer to come be with him for thanksgiving. He loved them, but he couldn’t stomach being around a family.
His family, because the Rhodes’ were almost more family than his own parents had been.
Maybe that’s why it was so hard.
So on yet another first- the first thanksgiving without them- Tony woke to a dull grey sky outside his window. Bare trees, brown leaves, and dead grass further matched his mood. It was another day to be drained from his memory, drowned out by the buzzing in his skull.
He was heading to grab a beer for breakfast (totally healthy, he knows) when a knock on the front door had him changing course from the kitchen to the entranceway of his apartment.
He had to grip the doorframe to keep from falling over when he saw who was on the other side.
“Hello, Sir,” the man said with a kind smile, but he couldn't quite cover up the concern in his eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, Anna and I thought you might like some company today. Our neighbor gave us a turkey that is much too large for just the two of us, so we thought you might come help us eat it.”
Tony knew Jarvis well enough to know that it wasn’t really a question. Jarvis wasn’t leaving without him. And, really, Tony couldn’t refuse even if he had the energy or desire to.
Later that night Tony hugged them both goodbye, a stomach full of good food softening the sadness that had gripped him earlier that day. After Jarvis dropped Tony back off at his apartment, Tony paused as he was heading up the stairs, and turned around.
“Jarvis?” The man looked up from putting the car in gear. “Thank you. And Anna, too.”
Jarvis’ face softened. “Anytime, sir.”
And as Tony went to bed, he grabbed a beer out of habit, but thought twice before putting it to his lips.
Maybe it was okay to feel sometimes.
He dumped the beer down the sink and threw away the bottle.
Two little turkeys in the morning sun,
One waddled off, and then there was one.
The bright sun woke Peter up. He wandered blearily into the living room, and was surprised to find his aunt already awake, holding a cup of steaming coffee.
“Hey, baby,” she murmured, holding out her arm for Peter to snuggle under.
He didn’t need to ask about the red rim around her eyes, or what she was doing up so early. The space on the side of the couch from her was too conspicuously empty, the two places already set at the table too obviously missing a third, the hole in their heart too Ben-shaped to be ignored.
“I’m sorry,” Peter whispered, again, the guilt eating him as it always had, but especially on holidays.
Once May had found out about Spider-Man, Peter had finally cracked one day and told her the real details of Ben’s death after a particularly bad nightmare about the night featuring rain that was red like blood and gunshots echoing all around him. He’d sobbed and sobbed, begging her to forgive him. She hadn’t even thought about it. She’d wrapped her arms around Peter, hugged him as tight as she could, and whispered over and over again that it wasn’t his fault.
But hearing it and letting himself believe it were two completely different things. Peter didn’t feel like he deserved May’s forgiveness. It was his fault that they were awake at 6 AM, watching the sun rise, and missing part of them.
“No,” May said, her voice firm but her hand very gentle as she pulled back to place it on Peter’s cheek. “No. None of that. Ben would not want us sitting here, moping away on his second favorite holiday.”
Peter chuckled at that, remembering how his uncle would always insist that if he weren't already a religious man, he might start his own church dedicated to food. Thanksgiving was almost as holy to him as Christmas.
“Remember that year he made cupcakes that looked like turkeys? With the little candy corn feathers? You couldn’t eat it cause the turkey was ‘looking at you’?”
They both chuckled, snuggling together again.
“Or that time you tricked us with that stupid microwave turkey thing and he called in a panic, screaming for you not to do it?” May laughed.
“Oh! what about that time he laughed so hard, eggnog came out of his nose?”
They continued to remember and honor the man they were missing. As the sun rose and lit their apartment, the memories of thanksgiving’s they’d shared lit their hearts.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” May whispered, remembering her husband’s words from years earlier and taking solace in them once more.
“Yeah,” Peter murmured. “It will. Thanks, May. I’m so grateful I have you.”
“You, too, kiddo. More than you know.”
One little turkey better run away,
For soon it will be Thanksgiving Day.
Peeling potatoes was a mindless task, and Tony found that to be a very not good thing.
It meant his mind had time to wander and think about...things. Like Peter, and May, and the thousand others who weren’t celebrating Thanksgiving for yet another year. Though it had been four years since Thanos, Tony still found his mind wandering every holiday, thinking about and dwelling on the people who were unable to celebrate.
Especially one very specific person. The most important one, really, at least to Tony. And Tony hadn’t even been able to tell him.
To make up for lack of words shared in life, Tony found time every holiday to talk to Peter. Found a little private space that was quiet and secluded and talked to his kid. His kid. It had taken that kid’s death for him to finally admit it, but that’s what Peter had been to Tony. Pepper knew what he did even though he hadn’t told her, and he had a feeling she purposely kept Morgan busy to give him that quiet time.
Tony placed the last peeled potato in the bowl and turned to his wife. Her face softened at the look on his face, and she nodded, gesturing to the back door.
Tony squeezed her hand before walking out the door and to the group of small birches by the lake that he’d chosen for this purpose. He called it Peter’s Place. He was working on a sign for it.
“Hey, Pete,” he whispered, sitting on the ground and leaning up against his favorite tree. “Happy thanksgiving, bud. Another one without you, and I gotta say, it doesn’t get easier. But it gets...different. I hope you know I’m thankful for you. Thankful that you opened my heart to having kids, that you let me get my fumbling attempts at parenting so when Morgan came I had a better grasp on how it worked. I’m thankful for you teaching me about memes, for the movie and lab nights, for your smile and hugs.” He paused to wipe his eyes. “Geez, you made me soft. Anyway, I just wanted to come out and say my piece as usual. I love you, kid. I hope you know that.”
He took a minute to compose himself before heading back to the house. He didn’t make it all the way in before the door opened and a little body was running towards him.
“Oh no! A monster,” he cried, running the other way, smiling as Morgan’s laughter peeled behind him. He ran slowly, letting his 3-year-old daughter catch up to him on her tiny legs. She grabbed his leg, and he theatrically fell to the ground, rolling and taking her with him.
She giggled, and he placed a kiss on her cheek, then another, then another, keeping her happy laughter ringing out.
Morgan was a bright spot in his life, the light that, along with Pepper, chased the darkness of his failures away and reminded him that despite all he’d lost, there was still so much to be thankful for.
And Peter would want him to be happy, to live, to be grateful and positive. That’s how he’d lived, after all.
So Tony kissed his daughter twice more, one for her, and one for his other kid.
“I love you,” he whispered to them both.
Soon it will be Thanksgiving day
Peter could hardly contain his excitement.
May laughed at him as she put the mashed potatoes (that Peter had made, with May “helpfully” giving tips and pointers...mostly to make him laugh) in a tin to bring with them to the Starks.
“Peter, calm down or I will intentionally make this take so much longer,” she threatened.
“But Maaaaay, I’m HUNGRY.”
“Yes, and I told you to eat something for breakfast. And did you?”
Peter mumbled something unintelligible.
“What was that?”
“No. I wanted to be hungry for turkey! And potatoes! And pie!”
“Peter, please,” she groaned, good naturedly. “Go get one of the super bars from the cabinet so your stomach doesn’t start digesting itself and so I don’t have to deal with you complaining the entire way to the lake house!”
“Fine,” Peter sighed, and dramatically went to grab a granola bar as requested.
“Grab two!”
Peter did, and waved them pointedly in front of her face. May laughed. “Okay, okay. Eat them, and let’s get out of here!”
They passed the time by belting Christmas carols on the ride down, laughing and dancing, and soon they were there. Peter carried the potatoes in and put them down on the counter so he could accept a hug from Morgan, who ran and jumped as high as she could, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Petey!!! Happy Thanksgiving!” She shouted, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Hey, Mo,” he said, smiling. “Happy thanksgiving.”
The little girl placed both her hands on either side of his face, very seriously looking into his eyes. “Peter, I am thankful for you.”
Peter couldn’t help but chuckle a little at her dramatics, even though his heart was swelling from her words. “Well, thank you. I’m grateful for you too!”
Her mission completed, Morgan squirmed to go give May a hug, so Peter turned to Pepper. She was wearing an apron with little turkeys all of it, and was rolling dough for rolls into balls to be placed in the oven once the turkey was done.
He placed a kiss to her cheek. “Happy Thanksgiving, Pepper!”
“Happy thanksgiving, sweetie!”
“Where’s Tony?”
Pepper’s face . “He’s out back. Why don’t you go find him. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know you’re here.”
Peter found Tony by the lake in a little grove of trees.
“Hey kid,” Tony said, and something about his voice made Peter pause. He glanced around and saw a little sign that said Peter’s place. He looked quizzically at Tony. “I came here every holiday to talk to you while you were...gone. I guess old habits die hard. I couldn’t not come here today.”
Peter blinked back tears. “Wow,” he said, unable to find more eloquent words.
“Pete, you know I love you, right? And that I’m grateful for you?”
Peter’s voice wouldn’t form the words, couldn’t make sound come out through the lump of emotion in his voice. He settled for hugging Tony instead.
“Yeah,” he said finally. “You know I feel the same, right?”
Tony hugged Peter tighter. “Yeah, kiddo, I do.”
They stayed there for a little while, just holding one another, basking in each other’s love and the intense gratitude of being able to be together again that seemed to overwhelm them.
Eventually, Tony let out a watery chuckle. “Geez, today’s supposed to be a happy day. I blame you for making me all emotional!”
Peter nudged Tony with his elbow. “Rude, old man!”
And the two, still linked together by arms thrown over shoulders and around waists, headed back to the house.
As Peter looked around the table as they all sat down, the Starks, May, even Happy and Rhodey, he allowed himself to be a little bit sappy. This was what Thanksgiving was truly about, anyway: family. And he really couldn’t express how grateful he was for each and every one of them, including the ones he’d lost. He closed his eyes and mentally committed the moment to memory.
“Happy thanksgiving, everyone!” He said, raising his glass.
“Happy thanksgiving!” They called back.
And it was. It really was.
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hils79 · 4 years
Fic Tag Game
I saw this on @kholran’s tumblr, liked it to fill in later and then promptly forgot. Don’t check Tumblr as soon as you wake up, fam. You will forget what you did an hour later. Anyway, this looks fun and now that I’m actually writing regularly again I thought I’d give this a go. 
Name: Hils
I am an ancient internet crone who, when I set up a Livejournal back in 2001, decided to just use a version of my actual name. I’m some version of Hils most places.
Fandoms: Since this is specifically about fic, I’m going to limit it to fandoms I’ve written in. Because otherwise we’d be here all night. I’m also not going to include fandoms where I only wrote one fic on a whim. All of the below are fandoms where I’ve written two fics or more. 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: This was my first experience with online fandom and still the longest and most prolific time I’ve spent in any fandom I think. My ship of choice was Buffy/Spike. I’ll be honest, when it became canon on the show I kind of lost interest. Be careful what you wish for :D
Pirates of the Caribbean: Yeah, I have a think for enemies to lovers. Jack/Norrington was my ship of choice here. This was also my first m/m OTP. 
Lord of the Rings RPF: This was my first RPF fandom (I know it's not for everyone don't judge me) and my pairing of choice was Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen. It was a pretty small pairing even in terms of LOTRRPF but I had a lot of fun. 
Smallville: I started shipping Clark and Lex from pretty much the first episode. Which was funny because I’ve been a Superman fan since I was a little kid and never expected to end up here. This was another big fandom for me where I wrote a lot. It’s second after Buffy for number of fics I’ve posted. 
Merlin: This was another one where I started shipping Merlin/Arthur from pretty much the beginning. It’s funny that, as a Brit, this is the only British fandom I’ve ever been in. 
Supernatural: Another big one. I’d watched the show from pretty much the beginning but it wasn’t until Castiel arrived in season 4 that I started writing fic. This is my third biggest fandom in terms of number of fics published and it’s also responsible for my two longest fics
Marvel: I’m using this as a broad umbrella to cover a bunch of different MCU movies, the comics, and the Agents of SHIELD TV show. Pairings I have written are: Tony/Pepper, Tony/Steve, Steve/Bucky, Phil/Clint
The Man From UNCLE: I grew up watching repeats of the old 60s show which I adored, and then the movie came out and was also fantastic, so my fics cover both the movie universe and the TV universe. Mostly Napoleon/Ilya with some Napoleon/Gaby/Ilya thrown in
Check Please: My introduction to hockey and I’m ashamed to say I still haven’t read the end of it despite owning a hard copy of it. Jack/Bitty are so sweet but, again, I kind of lost interest once they actually got together in canon
Hockey RPF: Sort of a natural progression from Check Please really. All my hockey fic is locked and comment moderation is on but it’s there if you feel the need to look. Pairings I wrote were Sid/Geno, Gabe/Tyson and Phil Kessel/Carl Hagelin which was a nice little rare pairing to play with.
The Untamed: My introduction to cdramas. I’ve only posted a couple of fics because I find the fandom quite intimidating in terms of volume and quality.  Weirdly this is one of the few fandoms where the pairing being canonically together just inspired me to write instead of putting me off. This fandom got me writing again after a couple of years of barely posting anything at all. 
Guardian: I fell into this one HARD. I posted my first fic about a month after I finished the show and I still have ideas for more. This was kind of a turning point for me in getting me to write regularly again. 
DMBJ/The Lost Tomb: This is where I pretty much live at the moment. I don’t know what it is about these silly shows that inspires me so much but I love them and the characters dearly. This is one of the few fandoms where I’m just as happy writing gen as I am writing shippy stuff. I just love the Iron Triangle friendship so much. 
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort is the big one for me. Pretty much all my fics involve this trope in some sense. Other than that I think it depends on the characters and the fandom. 
Fic I spent most time on: Definitely  Misha Collins Makes A Match (yes it’s an RPF fic). I had to plot out a whole road trip route set in a country where I don’t live. 
Favorite fic(s) you’ve written: Ooh, that’s a tough one. I generally don’t read my fics after I’ve published them and once they’re out there I consider them Done and move on to thinking about the next one. 
And There's That Pesky Thing Called Reality - I had a lot of fun playing with the meta aspects of fandom. It’s dated quite badly now but if you want a taste of what fandom was like in 2010 this is it.
He's My Brother - I enjoyed exploring different characters’ points of view for this one and how they see Wei Wuxian at different points in the show
Fic I spent least time on: I think I wrote and posted  Love On Ice in one evening. 
Longest fic: Discounting things I’ve written with other people it’s  Misha Collins Makes A Match again
Shortest fic: According to AO3  Three Little Words which is a 200 word Buffy/Spike fic
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks:
Hits:  The Truth About Cats, Dogs and Penguins which is a Sid/Geno hockey RPF fic
Kudos and Bookmarks:  Unleashed which is a Steve/Bucky AU where they meet in their local dog park
Comments: He's My Brother. The Untamed fandom might be a bit scary but they are also very kind
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I’m already planning at least one addition to the Zhu Yilong/Chen Minghao series I wrote for this year’s Sundial Exchange
Share a bit of a WIP: I generally only have one WIP on the go at a time and I just write outlines for any other ideas I have. So, this is a bit of what I’m working on at the moment. This is not, despite the below snippet, a Zhu Yilong/Chen Minghao fic. 
“Do you want his number?” Chen Minghao asks with a grin. “You can ask him yourself. I’ll need to check with him first but I think he’ll be fine with it.”
Something drops in Zhu Yilong’s stomach. He’s a mature adult who has met plenty of famous actors during his time in the industry. But there’s something different about being introduced to someone you admire. He’s not going to let his shyness get in the way of this opportunity though, not when it could help with his current role.
“That would be great. If you’re sure it’s no trouble.”
Chen Minghao waves a dismissive hand. “Of course it’s no trouble. All I need to do is send a text.”
I tag: ALL of my writer friends. I want to know all about your projects. TELL ME.
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consider this: izuku doesn’t go to aldera but instead he went to soumei and it’s iideku friends to lovers where iida supports his dream and they train together and tenya tells tensei about it and during the foursome fearsome hangout tensei starts talking about this quirkless kid who’s working hard to be a hero and piques aizawa’s interest and soaodnmxownsosks;;;; C,,,, they’re such beautiful bois I love them;;;;
inko gets mido OUT of aldera bc she finds out abt the extent of the bullying nd she will Not have her boy be tortured like that under her watch
mido kinda protests at first bc he doesnt want to make it a big deal and also what if it’s not any better in another school but inko is determined to try and help him so mido lets her
SOO soumei is a fancy private school but im sure if u can pass the entrance exam with a certain score or higher u can get a scholarship which mido succeeds in doing bc he’s a smart lil bean
anyway so he comes as like a resident nerd bc he’s gotten the highest score in like years. and iida as we all know is always striving for academic excellence so when they end up in the same class he introduces himself RIGHT away like “HELLO!!! I AM IIDA TENYA!!! IT’S A PLEASURE TO MEET YOUR ACQUAINTANCE” mido screams but it’s okay iida apologizes nd mido is like “no its all good u just startled me is all” we love them
ANYWAY so iida invites him to sit w him during lunch nd like ppl r friendly towards iida but theyre not rlly friends w him?? not like super close bc he’s well Iida but also ppl r intimidated cause iida fam stuff
but mido has stars in his eyes and he thinks iida is so cool and iida is so flustered nd flattered HHH babies,,
so they become quick friends nd mido ends the first school week without anyone even asking abt his quirk bc theyre so interested in his nerdiness instead!!! so he’s a lot happier
it does come out tho eventually probably when a teacher implies smth or mido says smth self-deprecating but u know same result. ppl are still nice to mido to his surprise but they treat him like glass which he gets fed up w p quick but he’d rather this than the outright hostility
iida is still his friend tho and he still likes mido and mido is like “ok. ur my favorite person in the whole world.” and like all might is still his favorite but iida is becoming his real hero AH
mido is kinda nervous abt talking abt his dreams to be a hero but iida can just tell like from the way mido talks to him abt any and all things heroes nd how he analyzes quirks iida just knows,,and one day iida is like “u know midoriya-kun i think you’re gonna be a great hero. have u decided which hero school u wanna go to yet?” cause they were talking abt high schools before lunch started
mido YELLS but also hes so flustered bro literally doesnt know how to respond for a solid five minutes he’s just red-faced and like giddy but also like “WAHH WHERE DID THAT COME FROM IIDA-KUN” “DID I SAY SOMETHING WRONG??” “NO I- I APPRECIATE IT IM JUST- AHH” they scream. but eventually mido calms down enough to tell him ua and iida is like “OH ME TOO!!!! we can train together!!!” mido is fucking floored
anyway then like u said iida is always talking up a storm abt mido and how he admires him and thinks he’s so cool nd when iida mentions mido is gonna apply to ua, aizawa is like “oh worm?”
aizawa finds mido and after mido finishes screaming hes like “i can help train u kiddo” “AHHH- but wait im gonna train with my friend iida” “i know him he can come too” “AHHHHH” PLEASE BRO IM CRYING,,,
obv throughout all this iida and mido are pining so hard. so fucking hard it’s like painful almost but BRo. aizawa gets to deal with these fucking middle-almost-high-schoolers pussyfooting around each other and blushing at literally everything the other does and hes like “oh my god.”
they have a sleepover when the results come in and both r just so excited and so happy. they stay up SO late and mido mightve kissed iida in a sleep-deprived haze but no one’s complaining
they dont rlly TALK about it tho so theyre like dating but not officially and uraraka nd tsu have to say smth like a quarter into their first year like “u guys r so close how long have u been dating” “WE’RE NOT DATING??” “midoriya you literally kissed iida good morning” “THATS JUST WHAT BROS DO?” “midoriya. no. thats kinda gay.”
please this is such a god-tier iideku concept. i am absolutely floored. i owe you my life. please i love them PLEASE this was so good,,,thank you
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cherishingstydia · 5 years
prompt- married!buddie telling the fire fam that their surrogate is pregnant and just being all cute and excited showing off the ultrasound pictures and what not p.s. you write the cutest, fluffiest fluff and i love it 💗
Thanks💕it’s a little short hope you like it!
Buck and Eddie had been married about a year and wanted a baby so bad. It finally happened their sweet baby was on the way.
Buck and Eddie entered the firestation hand In hand. Grinning from ear to ear.
“We have an announcement!!” Eddie yelled.
Hen, Bobby, a Chimney quickly came over.
“We’re having a baby!” Buck squealed showing the ultra sound.
They had a big group hug and gave them their congratulations.
“So how far along is she?” Hen asked.
“Just a month.” Eddie said. “I know it’s a little early to tell people but we couldn’t hide it anymore.”
“I’m suprised you didn’t spill the beans the day you found out.” Chimney laughed.
Buck wanted to, but he agreed he could wait 1 month.
Buck grinned. “I’m excited to expand our family ok.”
“So am I.” Eddie smiled.
“You two are disgustingly cute.” Hen laughed.
“We’re just really happy.” Buck beamed.
“And we are so happy for you!” Bobby grinned.
“I can’t believe we’re gonna have another kid.” Buck smiled.
“The world needs a little more Buckley.” Eddie said giving Bucks cheek a little kiss.
“Buckley-Diaz.” Buck corrected causing Eddie to laugh.
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lexilucacia · 5 years
Title: Stars
Relationships: Logince
Words: 1742
TW: Self deprecating, sad Logan, fighting, sexual jokes (not really), fluff, angst, gay stuff
Based on: a prompt by @illogicallyinclined
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Logan and Roman always seemed to be arguing. Whether it be banter or a full blown argument, they never seemed to agree. Usually it was about how Logan shot down another idea with logical reasoning.
On this particular day Logan and Roman were just talking. A little banter and such.
“As you can see Cancer is located to the right of.”
“Oh come on four eyes, you’ve been talking about constellations for the last hour. You’re like a robot, do you have an off switch?” Roman laughs at his joke, feeling quite proud of himself. He unfortunately doesn’t see the look of hurt flash across Logan’s face before he goes passive.
“Oh, would you look at the time. I am way off schedule. Sorry Roman, I’ve got to go.” Logan says before sinking out.
Roman didn’t notice anything different because the Logical side was always talking about his schedule. If only he had taken a little more care. Thought his words over before he spoke. If only he had noticed.
Once in the safety of his room the logical side broke down.
“Stupid, stupid! Why do you have to go mess everything up? You know Roman hates it when you babble too much.”
He starts sobbing on his floor. “Sorry, my love. I’m sorry. I’m so stupid.”
Now normally small things don’t set him off but he had, had enough. He was in love with Roman. And Virgil and Patton. This wasn’t his forte and he had no idea what to do. The others would never reciprocate his love. They’d never love an unfeeling, not good enough like him.
“Logan! Logan? Where are you? We’re having fam-ILY game night!” Patton calls from the living room.
“I’ll be just a second.” Logan responds trying to keep his voice steady. He runs into the bathroom and washes his face before slipping on his unicorn onesie as tradition.
Over a game of Monopoly and a huge buffet of snack (courtesy of Patton, of course) they all just talk about whatever. Logan doesn’t really get into conversation and whenever he senses he’s been rambling too much he bits his tongue.
As the night progresses Logan just stops speaking all together. He doesn’t interact with others and tries not to get excited about a topic. Logan is not good with social cues and doesn’t sense that the others are worried about him. After 3 games of Monopoly Logan decides to head to bed. (Or retire to his quarters as he put it. Provoking Roman’s response ‘looks like someone swallowed a dictionary’.)
Logan blushes beet red and mutters an inaudible apology before sinking out.
There was a slapping noise followed by an “Ow!” from Roman.
“What did you do Roman?” Virgil hissed at him.
“Me – what? I didn’t do anything.” he didn’t meet Virgil’s eyes.
“Kiddo?” Patton prompted gently.
Roman starts sobbing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
The other sides nod understandingly, but then he says something that causes him to blush and sink out quickly.
“How could I hurt the one I love…?”
Roman spends the rest of the night crying in his room, as does Logan who will never admit it.
Roman wakes up the next morning, face red and stain with tear marks. He almost starts crying as her remembered what had happened the night before. Calling Thomas he inquires if they have anything on that day. Roman swears he almost cries with relief when Thomas informs him that they do not have anything planned for the day.
Just as he walks downstairs he can hear coffee mugs being shuffled around in the cupboard and being placed onto the bench. The shake of coffee beans and the smell of frothed milk hits his nose. Ah must be Logan.
Princey clears his throat before walking into the room.
“Oh my Crofters! Hi Roman.” Logan says straightening up his tie. He spoke professionally and in clipped tones, almost like he was hiding behind a mask.
Roman recognised the behaviour from Thomas’ early videos when he did not communicate with Roman or the other sides.
“Logan. I’m sorry about last night.” He reaches out to touch Logan’s arm but Logan backs away and reaches for his coffee.
“I do not recall what you are referring to. I mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You have nothing to apo- I mean be sorry about.” Logan seemed to correct himself a lot, using shorter words and apologising more.
“Logan. Are you alright?”
“I can assure you, sorry I mean I’m fine.”
“Logan…” and that’s when Roman heard it. A tiny whimper. He had never heard such a broken sound before.
In a shaky voice and not making eye contact Logan said “Stop, I’m fine. I don’t feel emotion remember? I’m a robot. You hate my schedules. I’m a walking dictionary. So fine I’ll stop talking about constellations and trivia facts. If it makes you happy, Your Highness.”
And it wouldn’t have been so heartbreaking had his voice not cracked part way through and left him whispering the rest of the sentence.
Not have been so heartbreaking if he hadn’t fallen to his knees.
Not so heartbreaking if he hadn’t let out a sob like his heart was being ripped out.
Not so heartbreaking if he had punch Roman.
And then the nerd sunk out.
They didn’t speak that day or the next. Not unless they were talking in a video and even then the atmosphere was tense. Virgil and Patton didn’t know what to do because they knew this was something Roman and Logan needed to fix and they did. Though conversations were still tense and there was a lingering of bitterness in the air.
Once again it was time for fam-ILY game night. Everyone was babbling and going on about their days. Even Virgil was getting into it. But Roman noticed the logical side still refused to talk about his interests and often downplayed his achievements.
When the topic of constellations and star gazing was brought up Logan had a little spark in his eye and Patton almost thought he might say something but then it dimmed and he murmured a few words before swiftly changing the topic.
Virgil tried getting Logan into a debate a few times that night but Logan had just shaken his head and given in without so much as a huff.
All-in-all they missed their nerd. The socially awkward nerd who didn’t know when to stop talking but face lit up as soon as he started speaking about something. Who couldn’t tell the difference between a joke and a statement. Who added ‘metaphorically though’ to the end of any slang term or phrase. They missed the parts of Logan who made him, well, Logan.
Once again the 3 sides stayed up talking late after Logan went to bed. Logan knew this of course and assumed they just didn’t want to talk or hang out with him so he let it be. But as Roman was walking down the hallway heading to bed he heard a muffled cry coming from Logan’s room.
He knocked only to be met with “go away!”
It was truly heartbreaking to hear their most eloquently spoken unable to produce anymore than ‘go away’ without ending in tears.
“Logan please.” Roman’s voice was shaking.
He was tugging on the doorknob now begging and pleading to be let in while Logan was screaming to leave him alone!
After what seemed like hours the door clicked and Roman burst through only to see a blubbering mess of what seemed like a shell of Logan curled up under the doona in the middle of the bed. He had pillows surrounding him and he looked so small.
Roman wasted no time running inside and comforting the broken man before him.
“Baby. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. You’re so perfect and I’m sorry.” Roman couldn’t get the words out fast enough. He kept murmuring about how Logan was perfect and he was so, so sorry that he hurt him. That he didn’t realise how far he took the bantering before he hears a whimper.
“Do you really hate me talking about stars and constellations?”
“Oh god no. My favourite thing is when your eyes light up when you’re talking about something you love. Or when you don’t notice you’re rambling but when you do your ears turn pink. And don’t get me started on how you make something so boring sound interesting just because it’s you talking. You are so perfect in every way imaginable and I’m so sorry that I made you feel anything less than that.” He doesn’t have time to think beofre the next words fall out of his mouth.
“I love you.” It’s not a lie but it’s enough to make Logan and Roman stop. The room is silent apart from Logan’s hiccups and sniffles.
“Really?” Logan asks, so hopeful but like he’s restraining himself. Roman can’t help but coo.
“Really.” He leans down to rub his nose on Logan’s.
Logan scrunches his nose cutely and wipes his face. “I love you too.”
“Will you be my boyfriend?” Roman asks hesitantly, still fearing rejection.
Logan just pulls him down and kisses him. “Yes you silly goose.” And boops Roman on the nose.
“Turn over my little nerd.”
“I will not you perverted, little.”
“You talk too much.” And with that Roman reconnects their mouths before pulling away and flipping him over much to Logan’s annoyance.
Then suddenly Logan lets out a sigh and a groan and Roman just laughs.
“Your back has a lot of tension.” He says as he lightly starts pressing the muscles. “When was the last time you relaxed or slept properly?”
“Um, I can’t remember…?” Logan says while Roman just makes Concerned Princey Noises™.
A few hours and a lot of groans later, just as the sun is peeking over the horizon Logan is curled into his boyfriend sleeping. He is not tense and is having a good sleep. For the first time in a long time he is sleeping uninterrupted instead of getting up in the middle of the night. He is not unhappy or worrying about what Roman thinks of him. He feels loved.
For the first time, in a long time, he is not apologising in his sleep, murmuring his self loathing thoughts. He is talking about Roman. He is talking about stars.
Taglist: @illogicallyinclined @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @rxndxm-stuff
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toomanyfamdom · 5 years
Not all love is physical
Messages for a special girl on a special day. @dannixy
To my chaos twin, 
When I first started on Tumblr, I thought, ‘no one is going to want to talk to me or like me. Shoot why did I do this?’. And that happened for the first few weeks I started. Those weeks were hard, I guess. I followed literally everyone and mostly posted for my own enjoyment. Then, you posted. You posted about some group chat with writers and to not be afraid to ask to join. Me being the lonely sap I was, I took a leap of faith and sent you my username. When the group chat was first formed, I was so scared. You all were so confidant and lovely, and just amazing people that I couldn’t believe were real. I never thought I could live up to the level that everyone set by their writing and personalities. Then I started talking to you, Danni. I have no idea what it was about, all I know is that we clicked. Something told me that you (and everyone else xx) were special and that I could always count on you. And from then on, I knew we were going to be good friends, maybe even family. You made it so easy and comfortable to just let go and be myself. You made me not worry what others thought of me and to just enjoy writing and not compare it to other works. I have only known you and the family for a short period of time, but honestly, it feels like we’ve been together for years. When I was having just an awful day you stepped up, and took control and calmed me down. Not even looking back once and basically dropped everything to help me, and that is truly amazing. I have never met you, which is obvious, but you have a heart of gold. You’re loyal, honest, funny, caring, beautiful, chaotic, a bean, supportive (ahem, POLE), and just anything one could ever wish for. I hope you know how amazing you are. You are my chaotic twin. I love causing trouble with you, ticking off mom (love ya mom xx)(FOR THE POLE FOR THE POLE FOR THE POLE), converting people to our ways (...you know who you are), yelling at random things, bullying each other (stop messing with my spelling man), and just talking nonstop. I know I can always be honest with you and I can definitely be insane with you. 
I heard this song the other day, and I couldn’t help but think of you and the family. Particularly, one lyric. Which was:
“But if only you could see yourself in my eyes. You'd see you shine, you shine”
In everyone’s eyes, and especially mine, you are extraordinary. Don’t you ever forget that, love. 
Happy birthday, you beautiful soul.
All my love, Ayla
Xx @all-my-love-cathy
Hey you little bean it’s your birthday and I just wanna say how incredibly proud I am of you. You’re like a little sister to me and I couldn't ask for a better person to be called idiot by x
You're always here for me and I know that I can count on you whenever and wherever. I just want you to know how much I appreciate that and love you for that!
You're one incredibly talented, strong, independent and smart gal and I am so so SO proud of you and of the person you’ve become. You might be way younger than me but I believe that there's so much I can learn from you.
Never change!!! (except maybe cut down the gay disaster, but i mean we working on that)
I hope you have the bestestestestetest of days.
All the love and hugs in the universe, you deserve it!!!
Your idiot xx @sarahzarahh
To Danni, my precious little chaotic bean noodle who I love with all my heart.
So, this is a surprise I’m hoping. I know I once talked about this with Ayla, your fabulous twin, in front of you. But I’m not sure if you thought we were serious. Mom is serious. Dead serious. And it is because I you. I know things haven’t been the easiest, especially these past few weeks. But I want you to know just how amazing you are, as a creator, a TIEF, a writer, a queen, a sister, a bean, a daughter, a friend, and overall a lovely person. Danni, you were the one who asked me to join the group chat, and I have never been happier in my life. You have this amazing way of being able to make others comfortable and elicit the most hilarious and random jokes out of us. You never fail to cheer me up, especially when I am a bi disaster. Or when I am stuck in sad bi hours. And you have proved to me that calling someone an idiot can be affectionate. Even when you and Ayla team up on me (still not buying her a pole btw.) I can’t stop smiling. You add this chaotic and funny spice to my life and I shall eternally love you for that (but please don’t choke on a smartie). You know how to get me motivated and when to joke with me. And you have hilarious reactions to my jokes (I swear you are not actually a disappointment, I love youuuu. [but no pole] ) And you are such an amazing artist, like :0 (you were right, my eye did stop burning.) You are so special and I wish you could see just how much you mean to me. I never made friends who I felt so close with online before! (#I HATE TIME ZONES) And I’m not just complimenting you because it’s your birthday or because I am a hype mom. Danni, I mean it when I say you have impacted me so much. Look, I know I’m a lot, with my zillion ideas, huge word counts, and never ending list of puns, pick up lines, and stories of me being a flailing idiot, but you never once made me feel anything less than loved. So that’s what I want you to feel, always loved. Know that the fam and I will always have your back. You are such a beautiful girl and talented writer who has changed my life and not only helped me find new friends, but a family. Never forget that you have an amazing gift, an ability to make those around you smile. Happy Birthday to one of the Anne Boleyns in the group (even if you deny it), and to the best chaotic bean noodle in the world. I love you Danni. 💚💙💚💙
(P.S. I’m on Newspaper so you know I only spread the truth. :D ;3 )
XO my chaos child, you truly are one of a kind, no category.
Love you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Love you.
- Maddy the bi disaster hype mom who writes way too much. <3 @thenameisnoone
Hey Danni! I know I didn’t write as much as the rest but your a beautiful writer! Whenever I check the Parrlyn tag and see that you’ve posted I immediately stop what I’m doing and read the masterpiece! You were one of the first people who spoke to me on Instagram and I couldn’t be more thankful for you doing that! I hope you have the best birthday and stay chaotic!!!! x @politics-notmything
Hey babes! Keeping this short and sweet. Thanks for making me feel more ancient than I already do, but another year older, another year hopefully wiser. You have been nothing but lovely and wonderful in the short amount of time that I have known you and I am so grateful that I can call you my friend. Have an absolutely wonderful birthday, Danni, and here’s to many, many more! Sending you all the love and light. 
x Allie @little-bit-lost-and-found
I'm not sure what I can say that hasn’t been said already. So I guess I just want to say thank you. I was so anxious when you first added me to the group chat but now I'm so incredibly happy that I took that leap of faith and met this most incredibly family, so thank you for making the chat. Thank you for calling with me all any time (sometimes for over 2 hours), for making sausages with me, for being the test run with my parents, for editing that essay for me (I still ended up crying but itS OKAY), for putting up with me, for listening to my shit, for comforting me, for you (and Ayla) converting (read: corrupting) me, for being a true TIEF and for just being the most amazing friend, sister and person. I hope your day is awesome an you get royally spoilt. I hope this next year is a good one for you and many good things come your way. May you find good relationships, platonic or otherwise and may you be very happy. I LOVE YOU SM WTF
~ your baby-but-not-actually-younger sister, Hannah xx
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ambiengrey · 4 years
It's the third week of being back at work, and I hate it and feel like a terrible human being. I also feel like I Wasted my time during lockdown, even though I know I sometimes didn't. Like, I did some things. I got things done. I'm happy about that. Work is making me so tired, but I did kind of know it would which is Why I didn't watch TUA during lockdown, so I could watch it now while I feel so useless and like the day is already over.
.::a warning for spoilers::.
S2 E6
Run Allison :O
It suddenly occurred to me out of basically nowhere, that I am a dumb. So, Lilah legit tells Diego her mom taught her to fight. And I was like :o I dig it, tell me more. Then literally like two episodes later she's sharing her tragic backstory about how she found her parents dead at age 4 and it went Right over my head, if that's true then how could her mom have taught her to fight? And I should have realized. I'm dumb. I mean, neither of those things were false, and she said them both sincerely enough, but, just presented as such without explanation those two things contradict each other. I was clearly not paying attention. I suppose Diego wasn't either, cause he didn't notice it either. XD
Of course she does XD Is the fish going to be there? Because I miss him.
"My Pursuers." I love that.
D'aww. Team Zero for the win. Lol. XD
TMI Ben :P
Oh no, that's not what he meant. XD the nodding, lol. This cult is really just doing its own thing X'D
This little montage, such fun :D
Ooooooooh snap. Oh :o
I guess the consequences of Allison's powers are that they're kind of addictive? and it's easy to lose herself in using them. I'm interested to know how Mr H...managed? her, as a child. How did they discover her powers? Did she have a wild rebellious phase where she just got everything she wanted with no one the wiser XD
I wanna play bingo.
These two are gonna have a real falling out. Or. Falling through. X'D
Are we gonna have a legit posession at some point? :D
Also, Ben feeling offended about sounding like Dad...like, I gotta know what happened to Ben my guys.
(before posting this I browsed tumblr -_-' and I got a little spoiled about Ben, but seemingly nothing I haven't already been suspecting though, so I guess it's not too bad)
We're all invited!
Oh, Dave D':
The Handler is being a busy busy bee. Setting everyone up just the way she likes. Let's hope Five doesn't decide to change his socks. :/ :P
Five's little smile.
Daddy's girl? Interesting, after I was just wondering what she and Mr H were like in her youth.
Dat no-nonsense entrance.
Mr H even brought a notebook XD
And Yet. XD
Mr H looked So amused when Allison made Diego do that.
Oops XP
Mr H is a time. O.O A very self-assured time though. I. Like, don't hate him? Like, not at This time. Not, for who he is right now. I feel I ought to dislike him, for who he was or will be and what he did with them as kids, but, right now. He's just very interesting, and I can't dislike him because he makes sense.
Ben yass!
Yeah, Five is the only one that makes sense to you Mr H. Aw Diego, I'm sorry.
A smidge XD
Ah, they all got it.
That makes so much sense, starting with seconds.
How interesting, he's pretty accepting of the world ending apparently, but in another time he trains literal kids to prevent that from happening? Time travel will make your head hurt. I'm not sure how time travel works in this universe, but we have seen things Happen, and then be Changed afterward because Five traveled back to before they happened and so things happen differently the second time around. So, to just answer a thought I've been having by myself over here XD I don't think Their Mr H who is dead in 2019 had This meeting with them in his timeline. Only after we travel back to 2019 will he have had this meeting, because he couldn't have had it before it happened and it only just happened Now. So he adopted them and prepared them for the first apocalypse not because they told him he does, in this time here, but rather, for some other reason. At least, originally. Since they've now told him all the things, This might Become the reason he adopts them in This Version of the timeline.
The way Five says, they have to "get out of" the timeline, makes me think there's a million possible timelines, which is probs accurate.
Out of interest I'd like to mention, that poor Five is such an innocent bean concerning these apocalypses, because he hasn't been a part of what actually starts it either time XD he only arrives for the end or the aftermath. His fam is a time. XD
Aw, Five and Mr H are a nice pair. I feel like Five thinking he gave Mr H a hard time as a child is interesting, because on the one hand, that's something adults sometimes say sincerely to their parents, and it's fair of them to say that. But all of his siblings of course, would never say that, and probably still wouldn't no matter how old they get. But, Five's teenage years and entire adulthood, he spent without Mr H, so Mr H wasn't there to mess him up the way he had the others'.
If Five hadn't traveled into the future, would he hate Mr H as much as his siblings do?
That's not ominous.
That feeling when you inherited dental equipment from your father (right? I forget) and are then being tortured by two-thirds of the Swedes with it. :|
Some other place. Some literal other time.
CAAAAARL. like the llama.
Surprise! It's not a good surprise.
These green colours are a mood.
We've got some traveling to do.
I guess we'll see if events in this point in time, like the apocalypse, actually change the future of the current timeline? Or, when Five goes forward to the board meeting, will they be in a second timeline? Will they be unaffected by the apparent apocalypse, and be in a timeline prior to when Five's fam arrived in the 60's because the fam is in the process of basically resculpting that little section of time, technically for the second time because Five has now joined them so these ten days prior to the apocalypse are kind of not "set" yet? So whatever consequence they have is yet to be determined. And, if the Handler is to be believed, 2019 still exists as it was before they traveled and before their first apocalypse, because she claims to be able to take them back there. Which also suggests to me, that whatever causes the apocalypse, is their fault sure but it also hasn't happened yet. Like, I guess JFK's assassination has got to be the point of no return right? Whatever happens there has to be the thing that sets the apocalypse in motion officially. I haven't actually been trying to figure out what causes it, because I don't feel smart enough to pick up on any potential clues that might allow me to piece it together XD so I've just been going with the flow.
I feel like I could explain what I think time travel and the timeline works like, better, in a picture. :/
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mxndwitch · 5 years
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Dear Tumblr fam!!
I recently made it to 800+ of you wonderful people in my follower list and although it doesn’t really matter, I still want to use this opportunity to say THANK YOU to a bunch of very special people on here. I am obviously grateful for all of you and thank you for making my time here so enjoyable. But let’s move on to the sappy part :D
                                                           THE AVENGERS                                                (aka, the people who I can’t do without )
@facemypast | My die hard partner in crime! We’ve been rocking the boat for almost a year now, I think and you’ve been with me since day one of my reboot on Wanda. I ADORE our babies and all the things we have written so far and look forward to everything we will be writing. Thank you for always having my back <3
@primankapustoty | My other ride or day since day 1 of the reboot !! Love you and our babes so, so much and I am grateful to still have you around to rp and chat with. You’re amazeballs and I hope we’ll write together until we’re both sick of dumblr roleplay one day xD
@damneddixon | You precious, special lil bean! You’ve only recently entered my life and rp world, but I am so grateful for you! I LOVE our babies and cherish out ooc interactions SO much! Thanks for always hanging out on discord with me and being an amazing writer & friend
@shefiights | Another one of my cherished TWD fam members <333 You are such a fabulous writer and human being and I am so happy to write with you! I love our interactions, both ic and ooc, and I can’t thank you enough for putting up with my Marvel ass xD
@getrightbackup | My other Carol love <333 You are so talented and such a sweet person to talk to & I absolutely adore our characters together. Carol is such a blessing for Wanda and I am super thankful that you have accepted me into your TWD midst as someone from a completely different fandom, who’s just winging it xD
@captainrcgrs | Okay, so, I hope you know how much I love and adore you! You write Steve exceptionally well and I can’t get enough of our interactions. Everything you write is just so raw, real and well written and leaves me in awe. Thanks for putting up with me ( especially when i lose threads and realize so after 2 months xD )
@erictwd | Alright, we have never actually WRITTEN together ( shame on us ! ), but we’ve been following each other for a while now and I have to say that I absolutely cherish your positive presence on my dash! You are such a kind, humble and generous human being and make this rp world a brighter place! Never change <3
                                   THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY                         ( aka the people I don’t interact with that much, but still love )
I’m going to keep this one a little shorter, but please know I LOVE all of you endlessly and I thank you for following me and making my dash a bright and happy place. You are all insanely talented and I bow to you <3
@aarontwds | @putiskupleniya | @torturewon | @tocxmply | @lcdgerbled | @outlawiism | @sensesdialed | @gcroinya | @seruminfused | @crowncdlegends |  @hebled | @prouddov | @thelcstsister | @redroomcd | @theymakehistory | @agecfmiracles | @soulstcne | @battlesthatmatter | @peaceinourrtime | @thunderaesir | @miiikos | @amcricascaptain | @conscriptur | 
I am pretty sure I forgot half of the people I wanted to tag, but if you’re not on here, don’t forget I love you, too!
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“I’m worried about you” with Logince?
I gotchu fam
Warnings: Insecurity, tiny bit of Roman Angst™ but he is quickly helped 
Word Count: 800
Pairings: Logince
Logan knew immediately that something was wrong. Roman hadn’t been as… extra as of late. He still spent a lot of time with Logan, but the grand gestures had become farther and farther in between. Logan first noticed this when there had been no flowers for a week. Yes, Logan pretended to roll his eyes each time a bouquet was delivered to him with that same cheesy grin, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t enjoy receiving them, and it was a clear indicator that Roman wasn’t acting normal.He was also less–for lack of a better term–straight. (Though, Logan supposed, that was always the case.) Despite the irony of the statement, Roman had indeed been slouching as he walked, arms seeming always to be curled around his torso, as if protecting some unseen fragile being hiding behind his arms. Logan, however, knew that this body language, paired with the light that had seemed to disappear from behind Roman’s eyes, was something to be worried about.
It wasn’t difficult to strike up a conversation. Roman, as mentioned earlier, didn’t neglect to spend time with Logan. He was simply putting up a mask as he did so. Which meant it was easy to start the conversation, absolutely, though much more difficult to actually lead it anywhere constructive.
“Roman? I have a question I’d like to ask you.”
The Prince raised the remote to pause the movie they’d been watching, and Logan noticed the slight shaking of his arm as he did so. Less noticeable when the remote was placed down, but impossible to miss whilst it was raised. “What is it, my darling dearest?” Roman asked, turning to Logan with a smile that was nearly enough to convince Logan that everything was okay, but he knew that wasn’t the case, so he cleared his throat to ask his question.
“Has something happened recently that upset you?” Logan asked, watching Roman’s expression drop as the words left his mouth. The Prince’s brow furrowed, and his eyes darted away for a moment. 
“Not at all,” Roman said, though the crinkling of his eyes told Logan otherwise. “I’m peachy keen, my perfect bean. I can’t imagine why you’d think I would keep my feelings from you.”
At this, Logan frowned. “It’s nothing new,” he said, despite knowing it may upset Roman. “You’ve hidden your true feelings from all of us quite often before. Though I’ve always believed you to be entirely honest with me since we’ve been romantically involved. Have I done anything to make you uncomfortable? I’m more than willing to remedy my mistake if you tell me what it is. But you’ve just been acting so different lately. I’m worried about you.”
Roman’s expression softens, and the smile that spreads across his lips this time is more sincere. “I’m so happy to have you, Lo. I’m happy that you care about me as much as you do, but I promise you didn’t do anything wrong.” His smile drops, and he stares at his hands, folded in his lap. “No, it’s me who I’m worried about.” Before Logan can ask what he means, Roman continues. 
“Just because I’m romance doesn’t mean I know exactly what I’m doing. I know you’re not overly sappy or dramatic or anything.”
Logan tilted his head, confused. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that I am,” Roman answered. “You’re so reserved, and I’m so unnecessarily theatrical with my romantic gestures. I’m terrified of scaring you off. You used to hate me because I was so… out there. I don’t want–”
“Woah, Roman, what? I’ve never hated you, what in the world would make you believe that?” As the words left Logan’s mouth, though, he realized what Roman meant. So he held up a hand before Roman could start. “Nevermind. Ignore that statement. I completely understand why you think that, I am sincerely apologize for any of my actions that lead you to that conclusion.” Logan sucked in an unsure breath. “I love all of your appreciative gestures, Roman. You’re my boyfriend. I knew what I was getting into when I chose you. I wouldn’t have done that if I wasn’t sure that I loved you, and all of what you do.”
Roman’s eyes drift down, staring at his hands as he smiles besottedly. Logan reaches out to cup his cheek, returning the smile despite Roman not looking at him. “And if you ever forget that, I’ll be happy to remind you as many times as need be,” Logan assures him, tipping his face up to meet his eyes. 
“I love you, Logan,” Roman says, his voice quiet, but Logan can hear the sincere fondness behind the words. He smiles softly at his prince.
“And I love you, Roman.”
Prompt List (Send one in if you’d like!)
My Other Fics
Tag List: @monikastec @misstallip @aikogumi @another-emo-blog @roses-for-roman @confinesofpersonalknowledge @phoenix-galaxies @well-love-has-failed-me @theresneverenoughfandoms @lilbit-gay @em-loves-them @logicaltimeink @never-ending-agony @kameraishere @saltypaint @hot-tea-and-sweater-paws @analogical-mess @jemthebookworm @crownswriter123
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thatonebirdsposts · 4 years
All of them. I’m replacing Frog this time, answer all 86 👁👄👁
Mother why do this to me =")
1. Not all! I don't care about all that
2. If they are healthy that 3000%!!!!
3. Ohhh this one will remain a mystery cause we won't open the trauma
4. I am not🤡🤡
5. I think so? It's not often that I fall hard so idk
6. I suppose so
7. Yep!! I don't find it that hard??
8. An absolute dork, funny, a bean stalk and also a Teddy bear-
9. *kesha voice* HOT AND DANGEROUS-
10. NOPE! Love takes time and lots of trust
11. Heck ye! A whole party with my friends and family to celebrate me and my partners love?? SIGN ME UP
12. Depends on the level of betrayal but normally no
13. Pfft nope! I'm pretty easy going and don't see why I should be jealous? I don't own anyone
14. Yesh🤡
15. Not yet!!
16. Nº but i sure would like to!!
17. FUCK Yesss gimme that PDA
20. Obviously 💅🏼💅🏼
21. Oh definitely =")
22. Maybe?? Who's to say
23. Yes????? Why would get in a relationship and cheat??? If I don't have anymore feelings I'll break up? Or maybe talk about an open relationship??
24. Maybe! It would be nice tbh
25. I mean with miss rona around I don't think I would be able to enjoy it much but I guess I do??
26. Pfft yeah👀👀 heard that one too many times and bitches be lying so-
27.HMHM😌😌 they have my whole heart
28. Not as far as I know
29. No and I refuse to do so. Its honestly disgusting
30. I did and I will reduce my chest😌💅🏼
31. Nein! And I plan on keeping it that way vc a bitch has better things to do
32. Oop- yes and it's not a fun time lemme tell ya
33. Will not open that trauma can today
34. My asexual ass physically cant do it-
35. Oui oui
36. Yes and I hated it-
37.hmmmm I don't think so
39. I guess so?? Haven't we all
40. Nah fam... Too much brain work
41. Yokes no and I don't want to
42. I don't count?? They move when it feels right to move???
43. Maybe 8 months?? I haven't has one in a long time
44. 2??relationships aren't really my priority
46. Eehhhh qualified
47. I'm ageless 👀👀 a creature of the night-
48. That I'm glad they found someone they can be happy with
49.HU👏MOR👏 and honesty
50.i mean he was sweet and we ended on good terms so I guess??
51. Oh definitely
52. Many people. They all at some point betrayed my trust or hurt me deeply and I don't got time for toxic hoes
53. No bc my ass is single-
54. Oof so many people
55. This day he told me that he loved me and that I was everything to him and the only girl in the world and the next day when I went to kiss him he said he was just very drunk and goofing around with his friends and went to flirt with another girl
56. I'm chubby, my back is terrible, curly hair, tan skin, DIMPLES, very sensitive eyes, sensitive ears annnndddd birthmark in the shape of my country
58. Food, cuddles, movie marathons, walks on the park and books
59. (Am littol creachure-)
60. 2 years
61. Their SMILE and posture
62. Kiss my hand in that old couple way
63. People who feel phisical attraction for one another and [redacted]
64. When you are unfaithful to the person you are in a relationship with
65. I don't have one-
66. I don't know?? Is this a sex ask??? Ksksks I honestly don't know
67. Us chilling and watching the sunset
68. Panromantic
69. I don't get turned on so I guess nothing??
70. Nothing??
71. I haven't had one of those in so long I can't remember
72. None kdmdmdk
73. Come pick me up and take me to a cute park while eating mc Donalds
74. Nice eyes and smile?? I don't ask for much I think
75. This one guy that I met in a party found me in school and just... Bowed and kissed my hand while saying 'You look lovely today angel' gave a peck on the cheek and a flower... I swear I melted
76. I made the a little box full of memories of us and photos
77. If you're all adults I don't give a shit who you date
78. One time I ate like 10 cupcakes and I blamed the dog-
79. I guess when my little cousin was born and I was like... 10 so I wanted attention??
80. Today
81. My friend Noah, My friend P., ZENDAYA MY QUEEN, Queen Beyoncé and Tom hiddleston
82. My father
83. A boy who is a family friend
84. We worked better as friends
85. I don't think so???
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quarantingz · 4 years
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oop mind dump(!), half-baked thoughts (!), usual confusion(!), being busy(!), efficiency(!), procrastination(!) & none of the above(!)
enjoy :))
[written on] 7 april, tuesday
[intended to post on] 7 april, tuesday
[intended to post 2.0 on] 8 april, wednesday
[finally posted, after much procrastination and probably just laziness, on] 9 april, thursday
Hi there!
With a lack of a profound statement to start off this entry, I’ll just say this…my mind is as scattered and non-sensical as ever! What’s new?
Second coffee in, I’m thinking about, as the title suggests, a lot of things (with as much caffeinated enthusiasm as it suggests)! I definitely didn’t think I was going to be writing a post today because I thought yesterday’s entry [monday’s] was heavy enough that I could simmer and ponder over it for a while longer. But I guess, as things go, and because I naturally must write things down, I need to write everything that’s going on in my head right now - before I forget, but also so I can pRoCeSs it :)
I will definitely not get through everything I think I want to write about in this one post, and for the sake of keeping it short and still somewhat legible and engaging, I will try my best. Maybe I will do a part two (??). Hmmm maybe I won’t haha. We’ll see how this goes.
Here we go…enjoy…
So as I was swinging my arms and getting a good stretch of the legs on our family “night” walk yesterday, Tali asked me, “did you have a good day today?”. It was a simple question and one I always answer with a “yeah kinda, did a few things, wish I did more, but tomorrow will be better!”. I like looking on the bright side, but it really got me thinking about what it means to be busy and how society has placed a lot of emphasis on it currently.
I recently read an article on It’s Nice That called, “You are More than Your Output”, which was an interesting read on this idea of “busyness”, the pressures on what we do for a living, self-definition from this and our relationship with work. Oosh, it was confronting and I definitely needed to discuss this with someone further. So of course I decided to send it to Gwen, Cullz and Paulz (there’s something so comforting and encouraging to know that I have people in my life who creatively challenge and most importantly, understand my journey as a creative, post-graduation).
Twas good discussions and what they said was so so good (got my brain juices flowing for sure), but I want to briefly touch on this topic and my thoughts about this…I love being busy, in fact, as I’ve mentioned before, I thrive off being busy. As bizarre as it sounds, I’m almost like an adrenaline junkie who gets off of busy schedules and long lists of TO-DOs. I like to ambitiously jam-pack my day with the most things I can do and “tick off” in ONE day. Sounds overwhelming and you’re probably thinking I’ll burn out eventually and I won’t always like this once I have a full-time job. But for now, I like that feeling. It makes me be and feel productive. And although I regularly remind my friends to take a break and relax in order to rejuvenate, I can’t seem to take this advice myself. I constantly feel like I’ve drunk five cups of coffee within 20 minutes, so my heart usually feels like it’s going to beat its way out of my chest, and my mind is so full, it’s almost incomprehensible and confusing.
Anyway, back to productivity…this feeling is probably the reason why I struggle with self-love a lot - if I’m not achieving everything on my list, I’m not being productive enough, it is not a “good day” and I’m not…“succeeding” in life. Which again, is all about MINDSET, people!
Yes, everything does comes with balance, prioritising and re-evaluating what’s the most important things in life at any given time. Sorry, but I feel like this entry will just raise more questions and half-baked thoughts (ha, managed to tick that off the list!), than actually solving anything.
I guess what I want to touch on here, is not so much on the debate about whether you should be busy or not, it’s more about dismantling these personal-constructs that we have in our minds…
Ahhh, another topic to elaborate on (solely) for another time I guess (…??).
Right now [tuesday, 2.40pm], my eldest sister sits on the La-Z-Boy, rocking back and forth trying to write a new idea for a new script. My dad too, sits facing the same way as her towards the ranch slider and garden, bowl of sweet mung bean soup in hand, relaxing in a foldable picnic chair for his “break”. I can’t help but smile at this scene and feel very happy and content in where I am right now. It also makes me chuckle at the contrast of their peaceful reflections with my scattered mind and furious typing. My frantic fingers almost echo in the quiet space that is my living room. I like this. I had only wanted to write one word down for this entry before I forgot it (then finish this piece tomorrow, when I felt like it), but here I am having written over one page long. I’m also not listening to music, which is rare for me as I like dwelling in the emotions and vibe of the music while I write - it helps me as you know by now. But in this moment, it’s just Tema, my dad, me, my typing and my silent scattered thoughts.
Back to the point…the mere act of typing furiously on my keyboard (ooh links!) actually makes me feel busy and definitely makes me look busy. When someone says, “oh Alyssa, you’re always so busy” or “bro, when are YOU free?”, it kind of makes me feel good - that I’m somehow “succeeding” in life because I actually have things to do. But isn’t it all superficial and just an appearance? Because in my mind, I’m not achieving as much as I want to do within a day or week. Anyway, maybe that’s why a lot of people, even myself, give into this idea of busyness - because we’re fed this belief that to be “successful”, means that we not only occupy ourselves to the max, but we look the part too. That’s apparent in any bustling city, like Auckland, or London and Paris. People are constantly moving and doing things. These cities never sleep and apparently that idea means those cities and people are thriving and being “successful”.
I guess another aspect I want to discuss is the idea of efficiency. For some reason, that word is so mockable, but maybe that’s just because my boyfriend uses that word excessively and I like to laugh at him (because he’s silly, not because I’m a bully, woah, CHILL). So to be busy, and therefore “successful” is also associated with being efficient. Which also relates to B, who applies lip balm VERY STRANGELY, but efficiently…he applies it by swiping the stick across his top and bottom lip at the same time, followed by a giddy “EFFICIENCY G!” EVERY. TIME. This is quite like the idea of “killing two birds with one stone”. The idea of doing the most you can and preferably at the same time in order to optimise time. It also links with the saying, “time is of the essence”. Because we have such a limited time on Earth, people feel like they have to fill everyday and every waking hour doing something - or else we feel unproductive and ultimately a “failure”. I’m not saying everyone feels like this (I do), or that efficiency is stupid and entirely negative. I think it’s entirely individual and lies within our perceptions of the things we actually do and hope to do. Everything is relative (??).
Which brings me to the subject of procrastination. For example, in the span it has taken me to write this blog post, I’ve made myself a bowl of plain porridge for my late 2pm lunch (oop photo reference - twas really nice actually), a toastie with salami, sweet thai chilli sauce, harissa sauce and a lot of pepper (odd mix I know), which I had at 4pm, but now consider as my dinner coz now I’m stuffeddddd. I’ve also made hummus (which I think I want to write about next - there’s a metaphor in there that I want to exploit lol) for the fam, folded all of the whites and made the cinnamon apple filling for Tema and I’s mini pies. Talk about procrastination…see here, maybe this isn’t “procrastination”!
The issue lies in how we prioritise and give importance to certain things in our life. And in this case, I’m still being “busy”, but my perception of what I’ve done is that these are menial tasks - they are of lesser importance and priority compared to other things on my to-do list. Again, it is all relative. This comparison between certain things we do is what makes us fall into this trap of self-punishment and “failure” (again, maybe it’s just me). So when we do the thing that seems less important, we consequently feel unproductive . But I had been meaning to make hummus since last week, and I intended to eat lunch at 12.30pm, but got too busy looking through some design concepts for my friend, AND I was meant to fold the whites so my dad could have a clean set of singlets for this week. And lol, I wanted to make pie filling because we all craved something sweet (can’t we just do things just coz?). Looking over these, all of them are important! But why do we prioritise our jobs as so and essentially, degrade our life choices??!
Okay, I think I’m going to wrap this up because there’s no point to this entry anymore. But it was interesting to type out all these random thoughts and somehow try to weave them together. But as always, this is just a ramble. You're confused, I’m confused, we’re ALL confused.
(Or maybe I wanted to see whether you could keep up with my 100 mph train of thoughts hehe)
So to tie everything up in a big, definitely-not-an-indecisive-red-or-maybe-blue-nah-feelin-green-now-BOW…be busy, don’t be busy. Procrastinate, don’t procrastinate. BUT, be kinder to yourself. You don’t have to be busy nor productive - give yourself some slack, you’re doing the best you can! So practice SeLf-LoVe.
You owe yourself thatttt much :)
p.s. I think this post was more me procrastinating about writing and posting, because clearly, I took my time procrastinating and eventually posting three days later than when I first wrote this.
Anyway, have a great day y’all (productive or busy or none of the above)!
- a
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conflitdecanard · 6 years
Rules: Answer the 11 questions you were asked, write 11 questions and tag 11 people.
Got tagged by @mysticaltigersorceress THANK YOOOUU !!
1. What is your favorite sound?
Cat kneading ! It always lull me to sleep and my pillow I bring at work for naps is fluffy and soft and my cat can’t resist kneading it and I stop what I am doing to listen to him and often do a half nap djezijid
2. Strangest thought you’ve ever had?
I have a lot of strange thoughts all the time but one I remember is when I did an all nighter and at 5am, I wondered “ does female monkeys has titties ? “ and wanted to find out but I got distracted by all the other monkey facts and I fear to search now oops sjje
3. Something hard you’ve overcome recently?
OOOh !! Probably talking on the phone about insurance business !! On my own !! I stumbled a lot but I got the job done ! I even did it multiples times this week as paperwork is long !
4. First character crush? (Don’t deny it, we’ve all had a crush on a fictional person at some point or another.)
Would be Sora from Kingdom Hearts II ! Yeah the second one the first one is too much small ahah ! I always loved his cuteness and optimist and I believed, he would accept to be my friend and not bully me ! Maybe even fight my bullies ? He is still a good bean and dear in my heart but I grow up and I see him more as a cute brother I must protect from harm :’)
5. Most embarassing thing you’ve done in public. (Again, only if you’re comforable.)
OOOOUUH BOOIII ..... BEING ALIVE ??? DHEIFI FIR I AM SORRY I AM VERY ANKWARD AND CLUMSY AND ALWAYS PUT MY FOOT IN MY MOUTH buut I guess it is good enough if I tell you about when I called my boss “ Madame (her first name) “ and she did a strange face at me and my dad explained me later you usually call brothel lady boss like that and I cannot look at her in the eyes until I left this workplace defrefr
6. When’s the last time you tried something new?
Hmmm .... I guess a few days ago my mom bought some gluten free biscuits because a friend of her told her that it would be nicer for my stomach and I never had any gluten free stuff before and it was quite good !
7. What’s something that makes you smile?
dkefrkjji jWELL I WAS SMILING ABOUT IT JUST A FEW MINUTES BEFORE and it is when I called my dear friend Arimwe and we discussed and I told her that I still sometimes say “ have a good meal “ in dutch ( her main tongue ) and she told me I still say it very well AND I HAVENT STOPPED SMILING THINKING ABOUT IT
8. Something you used to hate about yourself that you like now?
I can’t find anything aaah I am more neutral about most stuff but still lowkey hate most of myself daily ?? sorry ;;w;;
9. Is it more important to love others or to be loved by someone?
I would say to love others as being loving by somebody is very overwhelming for me dijcei oops
10. Learned any important life lessons recently?
“ You will never please everybody in your life but that’s okay because you will find people that accept and love you as who you are and you will find them someday “ JQJDEJIJ I DUNNO IF THATS MADE SENSE BUT I THOUGHT OF IT YESTERDAY 
11. What can you do to make your life more meaningful right now?
Send a message to my fam to tell them I think about them and love them ? I guess I will do that ?? <:)
OH BOI MY TURN OKAY HERE MY QUESTIONS ( If you are okay to answer them of course ! :O )
1. Do you like your laugh ? 2. When was the last time you looked up at the sky ? 3. Is there a texture you can’t touch ? ( Can be overwhelming or make you feel uneasy ? ) 4. Can you think of food/future meals when you just ate a lot ? 5. If you had the ability to create a new life and become their god, would you be benevolent or would you torment them ? 6. What is the last thing you have been proud of to finish ? 7. Did you recently gifted yourself something ? 8. What was the last thing you ate that made you so so happy to eat ? 9. Would you prefer to fall asleep easily or wake up easily ? 10. Is there something everybody hate but you love ? 11. Is there a number or a word that you love for his form or sound or writing ?
I tag ! @kiwibaskerville @shark-somthin @arimwe @ethmoids @sirenibe @thestrangelittlemoonchild @kajeaynart @sleepydragnn @zenaquaria @deereblogsthings @nihilagis
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