#this was sm fun!! would love for this to be annual event!
nokaru · 1 month
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My participation for the ANS Gift Exchange Event! the mods have given me a greenlight to post early lets goo
"first meeting" Zenyuki piece for @airahscorner <3 I hope you like it friend! I wasn't sure what exactly you would like cause I know you basically love everything in ANS but I remembered you mentioned really liking the first zenyuki meeting in the anime so this fanart is inspired by it! I provide the lineart in cause you ever feel bored and want to color something small and silly ksdjkajd
thank you for the amazing event @ans-arcade!!
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wrenrix · 10 months
D20 Zine Jam a really late Masterpost
First off, Dimension 20 Zine Jam is a collection of over 50 different zines from so many talented artists, writers, and creators!!!!
It's an annual event and you can find out about it at @d20zinejam
It was such an awesome time to participate and I loved it sm!!!
Food For Thought (3 Karna Poems and 1 Raphaniel)
Pixies and Peonies (2 General Bloom Poems and a Binx)
i am obsessed with the formatting of this zine
Faerie Fashion Week (Wuvvy art <3)
fun fact: a good half of this was done on either trains or planes
The 20th Dimension Gala Zine (Sunny Biscotto)
Wings are hard! I really love the tweets in this zine, they're so fun
Witches, Warriors and Wolves (Chang'e)
this zine is neverafter oc's and the concepts are so cool!!
2 Bling 2 Bing (Danielle <33)
i did this last and i think its one of my best pieces, i love yelle
When You're Here You're Family (Dantiope/yellope)
I just think they deserve to kiss
It's 3AM in a warehouse (the seven and holly)
i think the seven would have a great time sleeping in/around a sentient tree
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
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Meeting his girlfriend
It was SM's annual Christmas party organized by your company. You were pretty proud because you did your best. Your boss mentioned that he was looking for new partners for the sister company in Seoul and you see in this your chance. You honestly just moved to Seoul for the job. But since Jaehyun came back into your life, everything has become more complicated. You have deliberately not contacted him. After you kissed it was hard to forget him, actually you could never forget him. But you managed to distract yourself with sports, friends, and work. Your boss was so enthusiastic about you that he saw you as the ideal candidate for the new company in Seoul. And you finally had the chance to advance your career. Besides, you didn't have much in America anyway. Now your sister Audrey, which was the person with to whom you shared your apartment, has also moved to Cape Town with her fiancée and you thought that you had to move on also. You also visit the SM celebration, but more incognito, because you have to check that everything went according to plan. For the evening you bought yourself a tight red dress. For days you have been on a diet to make you look good in it. Sometimes you didn’t know why you did it all yourself. For Jaehyun? Who has a girlfriend? You were sometimes disappointed with yourself. You liked him, but he wasn’t ready to end the relationship with her. You look in the mirror and feel again this emptiness inside you. When would this be finally filled? Sometimes you wonder if you have ever been able to love. Maybe Jaehyun was better with his girlfriend than with you anyway. You just a being that couldn’t love.
Everything went well at the party. Everyone was excited about the event and everyone seemed to enjoy it. You went through the hall and stopped by a Christmas tree. The decoration was a bit crooked and you wanted to fix it. Everything had to be perfect because your career success depends on this party. "You look so beautiful." You suddenly hear a familiar voice and you have to smile a little bit. You turn to the side and see him. Jaehyun Jung. The hair styled and in a suit. He looked bigger than usual and you look at him with big eyes. "Hi." Like a stupid teenage girl adoring her crush, you grin at him. You try to control the corner of your mouth, but they keep pulling up. "Hi." His voice was so gentle and he looked deep into your eyes. You two say nothing at all, just staring at each other. You thought about how you would like to touch his lips now and feel his skin on yours. Everything in you got hot and you suddenly wanted so much more. Not like back in Paris. You wanted to take everything from him, feel his body, inhale his scent. You just wanted more from him. But you get interrupted. A slim figure clung to Jaehyun's body and turned his collar. "Here you are." She was here, the girlfriend of Jaehyun. It didn’t surprise you that she was beautiful. She was slim and stylish. She looked like from a fashion magazine. She could almost have been an idol here. Her look was amazing and now you could understand why Jaehyun was with her. "I have to go. Have fun." You try to smile and turn away from the couple. It was only a matter of time anyway that you got to know his girlfriend. But she was so perfect, so petite. You hoped that she had at least some flaw. But she was flawless, like Jaehyun. They looked like the perfect couple. Your heart ached and you would like to lie down with a pack of chips and watch awful love movies. But you had to work, you had to keep your composure.
You try to compensate your sadness with work, as always in the last weeks. But it was hard for you because Jaehyun passes always by with his stunning look. He always gave you a lovingly smile, but you didn’t talk to each other anymore. His girlfriend, you learned that night that she was called Suji, was with him all the time. At some point, you couldn’t anymore and wanted to collect yourself. That's why you go to the bathroom and lock yourself up in the toilet for a moment. You only need a minute for yourself. But then you hear how a group of high heels came into the room. "Oh my god, I hate this Y/N so much, why does she have to be in Seoul now?" It was clearly Suji's voice that you hear. You could hardly believe what she said and you couldn’t move. "What did she do?" You suddenly hear another voice that you didn’t know. "The bitch thinks she can take Jaehyun away from me, but we love each other and I think he'll soon make me a marriage proposal." The girls began to giggle and your heart stopped. Was that true? Did he intend to do that? Your heart beats faster and faster and you couldn’t realize it all. "But what does she think? Did you see how she looks like? Awful! And did you see her butt? Totally fat! Jaehyun needs more a woman who is classic and elegant and not as cheap and slutty as Y/N." Tears came up in you, but you don’t try to sob, because of course, you didn’t want anyone to notice you. The next moment you hear again the high heels, who leave the bathroom. You hear the door banging and after a few seconds you dare to get out again. You look if they are really gone and then you go out. You stop by the sink and look at yourself in the mirror. You feel so small and terrible at this moment. Unbelievable how fast someone can destroy your self-esteem. With a tissue, you dab off your tears and check if your makeup still fits. After you have gathered, you decide to go out again and finish the evening as soon as possible. When you went back to the hall you saw Jaehyun again. Next to him is Suji. You look at her and she grins, almost as if she knew what she had done. Does she even maybe? You look at Jaehyun and his eyes were soft and loving again. But you can’t bear it anymore. You turn away and disappear.
You found a small room that was unused. The chairs were still on the tables and in the middle was a bar that you could lean on. You hear to the music from the room next door and you knew that it would break you to go back and see Jaehyun with her. You had been thinking all along that you managed to forget him. But the truth was that you were in love with Jaehyun and you didn't remember when you experienced such intense love like this before. When you try to hold back your tears, you hear steps. You look down quickly to keep your composure and when you look up again, Jaehyun was already in front of you. He stares at you but said nothing. You had a hard time holding back your tears and when the first tear ran down your cheek you couldn't keep your words back. "You know, we had such a great time in America. We had so much fun, listened to music, watched movies, talked all night. Then the kiss that just triggered so much in me because it was so intense. And then you look for me at my work and send me my favorite flowers. Maybe I'm a fool, but I always thought there is something between us!?" You could just take only a breath after your speaking when you feel Jaehyun's lips on yours. He grabbed your hips and pushed you against the bar. And for a moment you let it go because it felt so good. As if you deserve it. All your suffering, tears and pain were rewarded. Just to feel his lips, to take in his love. But in the next moment, you realize what just happened and you push him softly aways. "Jaehyun, your girlfriend insulted me a few minutes earlier on the toilet and said that you wanted to marry her." You look up at him desperately. Why did it have to be so difficult? Why couldn't you just know what he felt, what he thought? "My life is not easy. Relationships are very complicated. If I leave Suji for you, are you really ready to have a secret relationship with me? We can never get out easily, go on dates or just have a coffee in public. We have to constantly hide. Are you really ready for this?" He takes your hand and looks at you seriously as if it were a matter of life or death. You didn't know what to say, it was all so unreal. You would never have expected such a question. Of course, you wanted to be with him, but you didn't know what it all entails. You keep forgetting that he's an idol. It was all so unreal and you didn't know what to say to him. You just stare at him with your mouth open and try to find words. "Y/N, I really like you. I want it to work between us. But I need to know that because if I leave Suji, I risk my whole career. So are you ready for all of this?" He put your hands on his chest with his and you could feel his pulse that was getting faster and faster. And suddenly you knew the answer. "Yes." You hadn't thought about it for a second. You wanted Jaehyun, even if the price was high. And Jaehyun looked visibly relieved. He took your face in his hands and leaned his forehead against yours. He smiled and stroked your cheek with his thumb. "I'll try to sort this out with Suji and try to find a solution." Jaehyun looked into your eyes and you just enjoy his skin on yours. "Jaehyun? Does she have anything against you?" You loosen your forehead from his and look at him with concern. None of this was normal. Why should his career depend on when he leaves any employee? "Yes ..." He said no more and you could see that he was ashamed. "Is it bad?" Your gaze sticks on him and you can see him slowly looking up again. "Whichever way you take it." He sighed and took your hand again. He didn't want to hide anything from you and wanted to start your relationship honestly right away. "When we were in America, Johnny and I smoked a joint. Somehow, she secretly took a picture and want to use it to blackmail me if I leave her." He looked up at you guiltily, but you were relieved. You were more likely to expect a sex scandal or something like that. "It's not a bad thing. It's legal in many countries and even I smoke sometimes one." You laugh and take a deep breath again. "But it is illegal here and if such a scandal became public, then SM would banish me." He ran his fingers over your hand and you think for a while. "So that's why you were with her all the time?" He nodded and slowly everything became clear to you. But you didn't want him to give it all up for you. Maybe it was a wrong decision, maybe you could forget him, no longer love him ... for him. "Jaehuyn, you don't have to risk it all. Not for me ..." You didn't want him to take such a burden. "I want you. And someone owes me a favor. Maybe I can solve it quietly and secretly. Give me a week." He looked at you seriously and you nodded silently. At that moment, you just had to trust him, you had no choice. But for the first time, it was okay for you. "Come over." He suddenly pulled you by the hand and take you to the middle of the room. "Let’s dance." He smiled and put his hands on your hips and you put your arms over his shoulders. As if that wasn't all cliché enough, it played the song of "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran.
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own. And in your eyes you're holding mine. Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms.
You moved together slowly to the music and you put your head on his shoulder. He pushes you closer to you and so you linger. In the empty room, with all the chairs on the tables and where there was none except you two. And you knew at that moment that your story had just started.
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wildcardwriting · 4 years
How Social Media Infected the Glory Pro Circle #3
(or Conversations Most of the Glory Pro Community Would Like to Forget Existed)
[King’s Avatar /全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán ]
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Summary: Or Ye Xiu is forced to deal with his fans. No one saw what was coming next.Because the alliance wants more exposure (i.e. fame) for the pro gamers, all pros are mandated to respond to questions from the fans.Naturally, this leads to some…strange conversations and some stranger answers. Likely will lead into AU TKA UniversePart Story, and TKA fun. Will include some social media.
Chapter #3: When Ye Qiu (The Real One) Reads
The familiar cadence of Glory keyboard inputs echoed throughout the room. There was a lull in activity as everyone waited for the next scheduled dungeon raid to happen or for a wild boss to appear. Some members were doing light exercises, some were napping, while others were just surfing the net, and others were eating some snacks. There were quite a few members of the guild gathered in the room, but most of them were around one computer. They had odd looks on their faces as they glanced back and forth between the screen and Ye Xiu but none of them said a word to the person in question.
While most in Excellent Era knew about Ye Xiu's AMA, few beyond the core team had spoken to him about it. To most members of Excellent Era, Ye Xiu was an existence that was beyond all of them. Seasoned and renowned as the current champion, few dared to interact with him feeling themselves unworthy of his presence. Normal staff in the building had rarely even spoken a word to him, and although no one had said they needed to read his AMA on Reddit many of them found themselves drawn to the page wondering perhaps if they might finally be able to glimpse something of their resident god.
To their collective shock and laughter, Ye Qiu was so completely different then many of them had imagined. Where they had once seen cold arrogance, and disregard, many of them began to realize that Ye Qiu was simply very blunt and perhaps somewhat out of touch of social interactions. Yes, he was blunter then many of them were accustomed to but that didn't mean he wasn't kind. Little by little stories were being shared of deeds he had done for others, either secretly or directly for other people. There had been rumors before, but because no one had come out and said anything. People were coming out and telling stories about Ye Qiu reaching out and helping people. Former pros had even chimed in, telling stories of him lending them money to get back on their feet, stories of him cleaning up training rooms, and buying food for some of the poorer trainees.
Ye Qiu was becoming more real and human in a way many of the staff had forgotten. Ye Qiu was no longer some untouchable god and to many that comforted them. Ye Qiu may have won championships, but that didn't mean he thought himself better than them. He cared about the people of Excellent Era beyond winning trophies.
(When Ye Qiu asked to play Glory with the janitor of Excellent Era a few days later, no one said anything, but it was clear from the atmosphere in the room that the tone of Excellent Era had shifted.)
             [🍁 Autumn Chat 🍁]
[🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃 and 🍂Ye Xiu 🍂 online.]
🍂Ye Xiu 🍂: Change your username on all your accounts dìdì
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃 : Why? What did you do?
🍂Ye Xiu 🍂: Nothing important. Just change them.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Why?
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Stupid brother you better not still be using my name.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Brother! Answer me!
User 🍂Ye Xiu 🍂 is writing....
🍂Ye Xiu 🍂: Bye. 😎😎😎
User 🍂Ye Xiu 🍂 has signed out.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Brother.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Fine. I'll look into myself if you won't tell me anything.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Don't think I won't.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Stupid unfamil brother, what did you do?
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Why are so many people still bothering me? Link
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: And why are they calling me Old Ye? I'm not old.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Brother!
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Reply already.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Stupid brother what does PK even mean?
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: What is apm, and why is this important?
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Nevermind. I figured it out. Somewhat.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Though why this is important is beyond me. Of course, you can move your fingers fast. You played the piano for years under Madam Le. She would never have tolerated anything less than the best.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Regardless, call me brother. I need to talk to you.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Its been two days brother.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Call me.
🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃: Brother!  
      YQ Thread Reactions Annual Forever Fall News #7
                               Posted by u/LeafTreeFan
[Comment is Pinned.] LeafTreeFan: I expected so many things when I first started reading the response on YQ’s AMA and I have to say that every single word out of his mouth computer boils down to two reactions, shock or laughter. I feel like I missed so much before this became a reality. So Much potential wasted. Upvoted 29.4k
Lumasamear: So much potential wasted. 😧😧😧😧😧 Upvoted 3.9k
SunCoasting: I just let myself bask in his ‘Glory’. 😎 And that sass. Upvoted 3.8k
Inaweofautumn: Don't you mean that ass? Upvoted 1.2k
       SunCoasting: No @Inaweofautumn. At least not until we know what he looks like. Upvoted 2k / Downvoted 5k
CounterClock: So much sass in one…(looks up YQ height) 178 cm person. Upvoted 5.1k
      Excellent Era (Qin Tianran): We know this well. Upvoted 7.5k
           CrypticBask: !!!! Upvoted 6.7k
              NeatHosts: !!!! Upvoted 6.4k
                  CounterClock: !!!! I've been noticed! Upvoted 1.2k
                     SnowDancer: Congrats on being noticed! Upvoted 9.0k
Hyper_Battery: [Fanning self] Upvoted 12.0k
LandonFELL: And then there’s the random pro’s constantly chiming in so much that I was like this 😃😃😃😃😃😃 almost all the time. Like I figured that other pros knew each other, but some of the interactions just killed me. Upvoted 16.4k
         EatsWilder: The line "It wasn't until the pro alliance started up that I realized so many played the game I loved. And then I met the other captains of the other teams. I wondered if I was in the wrong place. Wu Xuefeng assured me otherwise. He must have been lying. " will be permanently imprinted upon my brain for its sheer amount of sass.
               GiveYouCandyandKisses: hey you forgot the rest of that quote!
                        EatswWilder: Sorry, can't type fast enough. Here, "His honest face is a trap."
                                  AftertheFire: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That line!
                                         NewMapsDrawn: If that makes you laugh, you should pay for the premium edition where all of EE comments in the margins. Its 1000% gold.
                                                 BeginningNew: There's a premium edition? Since When? How much?
                                                           StormbyStorm: Here's the link. It cost around 520 (RMB) but I've heard there's going to be a few given out with some special event that is taking place later on.
                                                                     AcrosstheUniverse: Details?
                                                                            StormbyStorm: None so far. 🤔
                                                [rest of comments hidden click here to see more]
BreakingChainsandBills: Back on topic. Have you heard about the expansions to his thread? Upvoted 2.2k
CosmosDivide: Who hasn't. 😮😮😮😮 A full walkthrough complete with class guides, dungeon guides, raid guides, and possibly video streaming! Cue the screaming. Upvoted  13.6k
tykebarriers: What a time we are living in. I thought we'd never get anything from YQ beyond his presence at matches, and never have I been so happy to be proven wrong.  ✨✨✨✨✨✨ Upvoted 23.5k
blindunnoticed: praise be Upvoted 2.4k
cattailsforever: praise be +1 Upvoted 1.5k
See all comments  Show 27+ Pro Replies  Show 15.0k+ Comments Share Save Hide Report
Yin Ming was an up and coming hire to Excellent Era's Research and Development Department yet despite being new she was well connected. Hiding a smirk, she glanced around the office beside her, and at some of her coworkers, thankfully there was no one else in the room. Yet even from her position at the back of the room, she could see that most of her coworkers were all looking at the same page. She did not doubt that they were reading on the latest newsletter but just to be sure she sure that no one could see her computer screen she moved her desk a few inches to the right.  At the current angle, she was at it was impossible to see her computer screen from the door but just in case she made sure that Guan Rongfei was still working in front of the room so even if someone from administration tried to entered they'd only the disaster that was Guan Rongfei and retreat.
Smiling, Yin Ming took a seat at her desk and switched on her computer. She clicked into her email and looking over her inbox she searched through her mail. After a tense five minutes of searching and wondering if perhaps she hadn’t been sent the most recent copy, she finally stumbled upon what she was looking for. Clicking on it, she got comfortable in her chair to read the current gossip.
                Annual Forever Fall Newsletter #7 
                      [Section is viewable by link access only]
[Rules are Pinned.] All users are to remain anonymous. This section is for gossip, information and other bits of useful information about working, interacting, interning or training at EE. All departments are allowed. Usernames must be in the following format [Alias/Department] Note: If you are working in a department with fewer than five members, or would like to have extra security the following format can be used [usernameEE]. Thank you, everyone, for keeping this space for us. Remember this thread is a secret to everyone! :)
[Topic is Pinned.] ModlogEE submitted topic: YQ is the reason we no longer have to deal with Yao Wang. 🎉🌟🎉🌟🎉🌟🎉🌟
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Praise me, everyone, on the internet, for I have the news!
Check it out! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Ye Qiu is at it again.
Last week he brought little Mucheng some breakfast and nearly all the trainees had a heart attack. It was glorious.
I know most of the readers are like, “Why is this important?" Well, to all my readers here’s the reason why. He stayed for a few hours teaching all the trainees and no one knew who he was. Because no one has seen him without his mask on but still. He smiled and was like “I’m a little good at this game” as if the captain of a three times winning team is only a little good. Anyways he then proceeded to defeat everyone once and then spent like twenty minutes going over their matches to help them improve.
That's when Yao Wang appeared (late as always!) and he was not pleased about Ye Qiu's presence, but not for the right reasons. He started going off on Ye Qiu about how he was going to ruin the trainees’ careers with his careless advice and Ye Qiu just stood there blinking. It was like he blue screened out of pure confusion.[1] And then guess who walks into the room but Wu Xuefeng himself.
Wu Xuefeng takes one look at the situation and at Yao Wang trying and failing to tear to Ye Qiu to bits before he calmly steps in between the pair and says quite calmly that “Ye Qiu would never give bad advice to anyone playing Glory” and the entire room goes silent. Because if the vice-captain of Excellent Era says that the young teen behind him is indeed Ye Qiu, no one is going to says he's wrong. And that just makes it worse because it's Ye Qiu the resident God of Excellent Era.
Yao Wang looks like he swallowed a lemon (good, that man deserves it. He's so sexist that everyone, including the guys, hates him anyway) and walks out of the room runs away and Wu Xuefeng makes a couple calls before manager Shaolin Tao appears and apologizes for the trouble because obviously someone messed up if no one knows what their resident god looks like.
But the most surprising part has yet to be revealed!
As Ye Qiu walked out of the room, he turns to tell Shaolin Tao that the AC would get fixed later that day. (I don't think I need to remind everyone about that damn AC in the lower half of the building that hasn’t gotten fixed in so long and that upper management refused to believe that it needed to be repaired.) Shaolin Tao nearly looked like he wanted to vanish into the floor. Because it was just so embarrassing and the old man had just resigned himself to the fact that the AC might not get fixed in time for summer, and here comes Ye Qiu and he's all like "this is a problem" and does something about it.
But it gets even juicer.
Ye Qiu paid for the repairs himself like it was no big deal.
I've attached the receipt as proof (the same one that was submitted to Tao Xuan later as evidence) in case there are doubters. (I've blocked out all the sensitive information but the signature is no lie.)
KumoCloudEE: Boss Tao did reimburse YQ for the repairs if I'm not mistaken. But he was pretty upset that it was an issue for some reason. 😕😕😕😕😕 Whatever the rest of this was cool.
FanningCameraRD: This is the kind of content I needed in my life. YQ being all "baam this going to change" is like the best thing ever.
SquareDukeEE: I will admit I used to think YQ was some kind of an arrogant jerk, but I can't help but think he's just an awkward turtle. But his gameplay is completely fox-like though.
ChalkydeclareRD: YQ being a fox is something I could totally see. How dare you do this to me upstairs.
    CandycreamSeekerEE: Hey, PR department got an idea I think you should hear. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
HawkStarryTrainee: Um, so just how did this whole thing lead to Yao Wang being fired??? I wasn't present for that part.
TiktokDropEE:⭐ Well, here's the general outline. I heard it from one of the building maintenance dudes. Apparently, after the mess that went down in the Training Camp Room #1, Wu Xuefeng paid a visit to Tao Xuan and had a rather pointed conversation. It was serious enough to get a bunch of pencil pushers to gather up some paperwork because immediately after that a group of secretaries and IT people were called into the room. Something about misfiled paperwork???? I don't know. But afterward, Yao Wang left with his stuff and he was sooooo angry. ⭐ [Comment has been starred.]
CranberryCookieSD: The paperwork in question was trainee results. I think it was wrong somehow? I'm not sure. I don't play Glory enough to understand what apm and so on means.
PersonaClueEE: It was trainee paperwork. Normally it was always signed off by Yao Wang and then submitted to Shaolin Tao for record-keeping. So if it was wrong in any way it affects Excellent Era's team placement, advancement, and contracts. If I had to guess Yao Wang may have been either inflating or deflating results, perhaps even going so far as completely lying on the forms. It's hard to tell.
EvaTreeTeaEE: Then that explains it.
BohrPieEE: Someone please connect the dots because I am so lost.
EvaTreeTeaEE: 🌟 Alright, so here's the full story near as I can tell. YQ goes to Training Room #1 for whatever reason, and Yao Wang appears and starts yelling at him. Then WXF enters and stops the yelling making Yao Wang leave. Then either because of this or in addition to this WXF goes to Boss Tao and tries to figure out how such a huge mistake happened i.e. Yao Wang not recognize YQ and the AC was broken and somehow no one knew. So paperwork is brought out to figure out who messed up and throughout this, it is discovered that Yao Wang was slanting all the trainees in some form. I'm assuming he was downplaying female players (considering his attitude) or was maybe inflating the performance of the male trainees, either way, it comes out and now everything needs to re-evaluated and its a huge mess. So quite a few people probably got in trouble because they were supposed to be checking on this sort of thing, and the fact that nothing was done probably has made upper management SUPER angry. I don't know if this will lead to other people being fired but so far Yao Wang was the only person fired, and as far as most of us care that makes the workplace 3000% better. He was a total sexist jerk. Whatever, this is as near as I can guess but there was probably more we don't know because of privacy/reputation reasons. 🌟 [Comment has been super starred.]
DaybreakFrontlineEE: Wow nice analysis! 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
DDDLeeEE: Can confirm that no one else is going to get fired, but a few people were demoted/paycheck cut.
satisfactionstirringEE: Wow what a mess.
variedkioskEE: +1
To say that Ye Qiu, brother of Ye Xiu knew nothing of games, would be a lie but unlike his brother who was a professional gamer, but Ye Qiu himself knew little.
When the brothers were younger and still living together, they often played together huddled around a small Gameboy from one of their trips to Japan. They didn't have many games for it even then, but it was one of the rare times they did anything together before the demands of their parents were too heavy. So Ye Qiu while not an expert in gaming knew a little bit about the world his brother worked in.
Typing in the name 'Glory' into the search bar, Ye Qiu was a little shocked to see how many results came up. Thinking for a second, he typed in his name and the word 'Glory' to the search bar and sat in to read. As his day off there was little to interrupt him, and considering he had given his secretary the day off, he was a little reluctant to bother her.
At least not yet.
Though depending on what he found out he may change his mind.
Scrolling down on some Wikipedia pages for his brother (because it had to be his stupid brother considering the characters used for the name) Ye Qiu read carefully about his brother. While he knew that his brother was famous he had little idea what being a professional gamer meant. He had had no idea that game could generate income and considering his brother was considered the top player there was little reason he shouldn't be earning top dollar.
Reading to the bottom of the page, Ye Qiu was surprised to see several new links attached to the page.
Clicking into them Ye Qiu was quiet for several minutes before his face went red and he moved passed some of the utter nonsense his brother had written. He just couldn't believe how ridiculous his brother was. As it was, Ye Qiu was seeing quite a few references to himself and their family however vague they might be to everyone else in the world.
Any other stranger might not be able to understand what his brother was getting at, but seeing some of his brother's response was a little embarrassing, Ye Qiu clicked off to the side inadvertently clicking open a comments section before he froze.
There were some usernames he recognized in the comments section and knowing the rest of his family, Ye Qiu was almost afraid to connect the dots on what he was thinking.
Reaching for his phone, Ye Qiu moved off of the chat between him and his brother and moved into the general family chat and typed in a single question. While he waited impatiently for the reply, Ye Qiu could help but think he was wrong and his suspicions were just the result of an overactive imagination, but at he stared at the letters in black and white he couldn't convince himself otherwise.
And then the reply came, and Ye Qiu groaned.
Of course, he was right.
Moving back into the chat with his brother Ye Qiu typed out eight words. His face moving through different emotions before he reached for his laptop and typed out a rather long email to his secretary.
What a mess.
Their parents were not going to be happy when this finally came out.
While thousands of kilometers away from Beijing a single message appeared on Ye Xiu screen.
             [🍁 Autumn Chat 🍁]
[🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃 and 🍂Ye Xiu 🍂 online.]
[🍃 Ye Qiu 🍃 ]: Grandfather and Grandmother know where you are brother.
            Welcome to Ye Qiu's Glory Walkthrough!
Unlike the first walkthrough that was completed and posted on Ye Qiu’s private account almost four years ago, and has remained untouched even through numerous patches, this walkthrough will be updated as more patches, attacks, rotations, tactics and so on evolve/created. This guide will seek to assist you through the main story adventure in Glory’s Main Quest and Side Quest mode, from your character’s creation to the final boss fight.
Currently, there are a few guides up, but more will be coming in the following weeks. So look back often!
Character Creation for Beginners
Melee DPS
Ranged DPS
Magical DPS
Main Quest Walkthrough
Chapter 1 – Beginning Towns (Level 0-10)
Chapter 2 – Exploring  and Basic Mat Mining
Chapter 3 – Cosmo Trial
Chapter 4 - Spider's Cave (Dungeon)
To be continued….
Arena for Beginners
Fixed Field
Betting Field
Group Match Classic
Group Betting Match
                               Comments [show]
LastManStanding4all: This makes me want to play Glory all over from the beginning just so I can see what I've messed.
      AllergictoSecrets: This feeling I know well.
            OneSnowFlake: you and everyone else
                  SodaOne: Ye Qiu's perspective on everything is just so interesting! And so detailed!
                       BugLane: YQ does things like this and my mind is just so...blown. He's just so sfjsdlandalskdn. Like, read the end of page one and just that level of sass. "If you hate dying or are not escaping your rivals then don’t jump off the bridge. There is nothing to be found in the mountain's shadow. I've checked personally. Multiple times."
                             SkynnyFriend: Adding another for your viewing pleasure "The game's gravity mechanics are still a work in progress in this area so if you are a witch or warlock, do not fly. If you want to know specifics ask Wei Chen."
                                   VulpinThief: my favorite "Create a character you like and are not embarrassed to be known by. You don't want to be 'Naked SuMu'."
                See all 10k+ replies  Comments Share Save Hide Report  
                                           [Team Chat]
                                        [All users online.]
🌑Woven Shadow 🌑: Question Vice-Captain 1:10pm
👓 Qi Breaker 👓: Yes? 1:11pm
🌑 Woven Shadow 🌑: I get how Xia Ming and the rest knew about pairings but how did you know about it? 1:12pm
👓 Qi Breaker 👓 is typing…
👓 Qi Breaker 👓 is typing…
👓 Qi Breaker 👓 is typing…
👓 Qi Breaker 👓: There are just some things better left unknown. 1:25pm
🌑 Woven Shadow 🌑: ?????? 1:25pm
Author’s Notes: 
General EE Staff @ Current is a mix of the following: YQ is sassy and a lot more down to earth then we thought. He is funny/awkward/and asdfdgdfgfdfg. Thank you for existing YQ our lives are better because Yao Wang is gone.
EE Team @ Current: The captain is very clueless about social things like fanfiction and we must never tell him about the depravity of fans or else we will all suffer. Also, dodge practice sucks, and WXF may have a shit list of rival players he may want to have a talk to and we know nothing.
1:YX really didn't know who Yao Wang was because he had never seen him before, so he was trying to figure out who he was.
So not a whole lot of YX stuff, but lots of information about things changing among the people of EE. I read over what I could of the wiki and the light novel but there's nothing about when the training camps got started or anything so much of this was just head cannon because I don't know.
Strangely enough, I had most of this chapter written since the middle of January but it still didn't feel right and finally after countless editing and so on I am just throwing in the towel. I'll come back to this particular chapter and probably edit it some more. Maybe.
Next Chapter | Previous Chapter
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stylexquisite · 6 years
Make your own Havaianas (MYOH) is finally back for an annual event! They’re doing it again in 2018, and it’s going to be SOLE-FUL with their rainbow tropical theme. For this season, expect more lively colors and quirky yet fashionable design options that will also fill your heart and soles with joy. Plus, put smiles on your faces as these flip-flops can always be the fun and comfortable footwear you can use on your vacation or even on a casual day! If you’re curious what else is new and for possible combos, continue reading through the blog post to find out.
For Davaoeños who would like to create a pair of personalized flip-flops, you can drop by at All Flip-Flops Abreeza on November 16-20, SM Lanang Premier on November 22-25, or get a pair on their website. If you’re from another city, you can check their post here.
As soon as you arrive at the venue, you can follow these steps to avail your Havaianas flip-flops.
  Easy as 1,2,3 then you’re done!
If you’re still clueless which colors you can mix and match, these MYOH combos could be the perfect inspiration for your customized pair.
[metaslider id=”3002″]
Aside from the colorful sole and strap combo that you are going to choose, you can also accessorize your pair with a limited edition pin from this fun and cute collection below.
Looking at these designs, we know it’s going to be a blissful MYOH this year. So mark your calendars and express your style! For more updates, you can visit Havaianas Philippines on their social media accounts or website.
You can also send me a message at [email protected] if you would like to collaborate with me in the future. For updates, might as well click on the arrow on the left and drop your email address in the subscription box. Lastly, don’t forget to follow me on social media. Everything is linked below. ‘Til next time!
Make Your Own Havaianas (MYOH) is Back | Color Combos You’ll Love MAKE YOUR OWN HAVAIANAS IS BACK! Make your own Havaianas (MYOH) is finally back for an annual event!
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gccemyouth · 4 years
IGNITE – Friday February 28th, 2020
Friday, February 28th
Invite a friend and join us at IGNITE this Friday. Hope to see you there!
7:30 pm Snacks, Fellowship, Games
8:30 pm Prayer, Bible Study, Small Group Discussion
This week at IGNITE...
The High School group will study and discuss lesson 4: “Can Naturalism Make Sense of the Universe”?
The Middle School group will participate in a fun, exciting, and challenging game of Bible Trivia – Bible Jeopardy. Join us to test your Bible knowledge and skills.
We are adding Discord as means of communication with youth and families especially (for those who do not check email regularly). Use this link to opt-in to receive weekly youth notifications via Discord.
IGNITE Yearly Calendar of Events here
Save the Date:
Friday March 6th – First Friday Fun & Fellowship night
Friday Jun 12th – End-of-school year Graduate recognition and celebration
TBD – Youth Summer Service Project
July – August – Youth Summer Sabbatical
Friday September 11th – Annual Youth and Parents Back-To-School Night
Verse of the Week:
Psalm 33:4-5
4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
If you would like to receive our weekly notifications by SMS, please sign up for Remind or Discord.
If you have any other prayers, questions, or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]
For additional details about IGNITE visit here
The GCC Youth Leadership Team
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joemixn · 5 years
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AVS Yr1 Blog 10
Going off of the last blog, I am continuing a sabbath school series about end time events and prophesy mainly in Daniel and revelation. The youth seem to be eating all of this up and asking relative questions not only about history but about the future as well. I praise God for working through the spirit in the youth sabbath school. Even so, I see even more potential for growth with these kids leading into the holidays. So I’m excited to see the spirit work even more.
In other news, I got re-certified to be an open water diver this past Sunday. I’m stoked about spending more time under the water here in Palau - as it is one of the most beautiful underwater sanctuaries on this planet.
I also had the opportunity to go out to lunch with most of the senior class on Friday after school. It was awesome. Getting to do these things early is quite a blessing, seeing as I didn’t do things with the kids until second semester of my first SM year. I feel like I should prioritize the seniors because obviously they will be gone next year, and the other students will more than likely be back. So the juniors can wait their turn. With that said, I still absolutely love all the juniors and underclassmen as well. Palau mission academy is definitely blessed with some solid kids.
There is one boy named Sonny, however, who has been struggling a lot in the past with drugs. This year, he tried hard to be clean and even joined the basketball team. I would see him and hope that positive growth and change continues to happen for him. However, during our last basketball game, he got really mad at one of the other players and decided to go home and do a bunch of drugs once again. Consequently he is now expelled for the second year in a row. I’m so sad for him but he needs to learn this valuable lesson somehow.
I’ve had the awesome opportunity to be a part of a soccer team in the national soccer league here in Palau, and we just had our first game! I’m playing with a few of the other missionaries along with a few locals - and our team actually looks really strong. I think that we have the potential to win the championship this year. So we will see how the season ends up in a few weeks.
I was asked to chaperone a field trip to “the bridge” with our marine bio elective class because I have experience lifeguarding. And it was honestly so fun. It was just a small group of kids and even though it rained a bit, we all had a great time naming different fish and picking up trash in the ocean.
I also just had the opportunity to speak for our PMA vespers program this past Friday night. We had an agape feast, so the topic was love and service. I think it went really well and helped transition the kids from a long week to the sabbath (and even for the sabbath school series I mentioned above).
Saturday was actually kind of special because it marked the first outreach event sponsored by a brand new organization at PMA that we are calling Campus Ministries. All week we had been promoting a can drive so that we could present individual gift packages to all the prisoners at the local prison here. Our prison ministry has been really impactful so far this year - and the students definitely didn’t disappoint. We had well over 100 cans that we donated to the prison and it luckily went really well.
To cap off a wild and crazy 1st half of 2nd quarter, Student Association put on the 7th annual thanksgiving family feast. It was a huge success with a full program of games and performances followed by food and more games. I’d say the students had a blast but some would probably say that is an understatement.
Stay tuned for thanksgiving break shenanigans.
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chamela · 7 years
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Life Lately February 2017
 New Job: It’s my fifth month at work. I’ve never expected joining a company I now call a family. I remember when I was just starting, career has always been my issue but never have I imagined working now and having my own workplace.
I started last September 2016, I was told to report at their office to meet the 4 bosses (Regional Manager, Finance Manager, Vice President and the President). They were all very kind, approachable and smart. The whole month of September have been a very challenging month for me. The fact that, I’m entering a new environment where I don’t know anyone, staying in Manila and commuting everyday, budgeting money on my own to survive the whole week, and learning about new/unfamiliar things (the business world). Aside from that, before I left Naga, my grandma was rushed to the hospital complaining for stomach ache and vomiting. It was so heart breaking knowing that I can’t be there physically for her and what’s worst, her unexpected death that left us wondering why too soon and our never ending question about the doctors who were part of her operation. (I need to end this here, I’m going to cry again.) I went back to work with a weak heart and soul but it made me more inspired to work harder and to dedicate all my efforts for her.
Those were the days where I cry thinking what I’m going to do with my life considering the fact that I’ve tried applying in most of the hospitals in my city and ending up resigning after a week. Now, I’m celebrating my fourth month here in my new job. Funny how I never learned about doing what I love and not forcing myself to work in a place I never really wanted. Funny how I’ve set my mind to like something I really don’t like. Funny because it’s only until now that I learned about all those things. The need to take risk, the need to take a leap of faith. They say it’s when you’re scared that you’re doing something brave and it takes a lot of courage to succeed in all these. Thank God my parents accepted the fact that what’s more important is doing what I love instead of doing what they want.
I’m so happy and grateful to be part of this company. Luckier, because I have awesome workmates.
Happy 5th Month to me!  
 Annual Convention: I was invited last February 9-11 to attend in our company’s annual convention. My supervisor should be the one attending in those events but this year, I was luckily invited since the day before the convention, there was an important scheduled meeting with the medical licensed professionals and bosses regarding FDA updates.
 The convention was held at Thunderbird Casino Binangonan, Rizal. The place was breathtaking, I really made sure I’ll enjoy my stay there. It was a 3-day stay, our first day was all about talks on how to increase sales and team building activities. I’m so thankful we have those activities coz’ I got the chance to talk to unfamiliar faces.
The second day was all about presentation of sales and quota and that night was our most awaited gala night. Since I was a newbie, they told me that It’s a must to showcase our hidden talents. There was a ballroom dancing competition and my bosses volunteered me to be part of the said competition. It was funny because, we only had a limited time to practice. We got 3rd place and was given a prize. Lol. My workmates were telling me that they can’t believe I can dance. Lol. It was really a fun experience! Everyone enjoyed that night. I can still remember my workmates dancing and showcasing their moves on the dance floor, on the other side, workmates roaming around the hall inviting other to take a picture with them and some, holding their shot glass and shouting cheers! I will never forget that moment! It was euphoric!
The third day was spent swimming! Together with Ma’am Fatima, Ma’am Kitkat, Ma’am Janesa, Ma’am Janice, and Ma’am Beth, we extended our stay. Thanks to Ma’am Fatima for letting us experience what Thunderbird Casino has to offer.
 The Yard Underground Pasig: I discovered a new food park near my office at Pasig City. There were so many foods to choose from. It was like a one stop restaurant where you can find everything from seafood, ice cream, waffle, Japanese food, Korean cuisine, breakfast menu etc. Together with my workmates, ma’am Jess and ma’am Beth, we tried the Ta Ke Ho Me sushi, hash brown with oozing cheese (well I forgot the name.lol), the shrimp tempura and the amazing frappe filled with toppings. (Meyn! I’m drooling!) It’s really hard to choose when there’s a lot of food to choose from, as of that moment, it was our biggest dilemma.
Kenny Rogers: I never expected Kenny Rogers would offer a plate that has all of my favorites. Ma’am Beth’s parents invited us for a lunch date since we were strolling at Cubao and her parents was also waiting for her brother from work. We met at Kenny Rogers SM Cubao and as we were ordering food, her father asked us what we like to order, since I wasn’t familiar with the menu, I told ma’am Beth that I’ll also get what she orders. Then came our orders, grilled chicken barbecue, corn and carrots, corn muffin and mac n cheese. All I can say to her that time was Oh la la! A big thanks to her parents.
 Valentine’s Day: I celebrated my Valentine’s Day with mom. We decided to buy a bucket of Jollibee chickenjoy that was supposed to be a Greenwich pizza. To prevent long queues, I opted for Jollibee. What made me even happy was my boyfriend’s video call! Even though we were miles apart, we still enjoyed our Valentines date. Surprises can still be possible even when we’re apart right? ;)
 Mommy Sophie’s Birthday: Even when my grandma has left us to join the Lord, it doesn’t mean we won’t celebrate her birthday anymore. Together with my family, we celebrated he birthday last Sunday (Feb 26). We prepared foods for her just like the old times. I miss you, grandma so much! Happy Birthday, Mommy Sophie!
 Relationship with God: I’ll take this opportunity to thank God for all the blessings He has given me. I can’t believe how my prayers were all granted, I can’t thank Him enough. I knew it was Him who helped me through bad times and I’m now rejoicing with Him because of all the success, guidance and blessings He has given me. Thank you, PapiLo for everything.
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goservechange · 4 years
8 Apps to download before your mission trip
1. YouVersion Bible (Free)
Everyone is probably familiar with this Bible app. We're mainly including it in our list to remind you to use it! You can download offline versions of the Bible, so there's no need for wifi. The app makes a great pocket Bible; you never know when you'll have the opportunity to whip out Romans 10:9.
You also never know when you'll have some down time (on the plane, on the bus, etc.) to read and refresh yourself.
Download: iOS | Android
 2. Google Translate (Free)
On the plane, on bus rides to and from your hotel/hostel, and even during downtime throughout the day, you can use Google Translate to learn the local language! In my personal experience, locals love it when you make an effort to learn their language. It's a great way to connect with locals, and it shows them that you're genuinely interested in their culture. It's especially fun when you get past the basic, "Hello, Goodbye, Please, Thank You," phrases.
Google Translate is free and you can download offline languages, so you don't need to be on wifi to use the app.
Download: iOS | Android
3. XE Currency (Free)
As you travel on a mission trip you typically run into several situations in which you'll need to use the local currency. Purchasing food in the airport and purchasing souvenirs from locals are a couple of examples.
This currency exchange app can really come in handy in these situations. You can store up to 10 currencies on the free version of the app, which is plenty for a mission trip. XE Currency uses wifi to update exchange rates, but if you "refresh" the app before you leave, you'll have pretty up-to-date rates during the week you're gone. The rest of the app works without a data or wifi connection.
XE Currency is especially useful for quick price conversions back into US dollars. So, if the price of a souvenir is 2000 Kenyan Shillings, you can quickly convert that, which would be about $23.
Download: iOS | Android
4. Entrain App (Free)
Developed by researchers at the University of Michigan, Entrain is a guide that takes user input to give you a schedule that promises to overcome jet lag faster. It doesn't use light sensors or any other automatic input, so it's important that the user submits data—it's not magic!
The science behind the app is that light is the primary diving input to the body's circadian rhythms, so if you feed Entrain your current light input schedule, it can figure out light stimulus that moves your body clock from one phase to another. Detailed math is available in a paper at PLOS:
Download: iOS
5. Connect Global (Free)
Our is packed with up to date content, trip information and other resources to help you grow and stay connected.
With this app you can:
- Watch or listen to messages from the Connect Global Team
- Follow along with our Bible reading plan
- Sign up for events and mission trips
- Read articles and blog posts
- Stay up to date with push notifications
- Share your favorite messages via Twitter, Facebook, or email
- Download messages for offline listening
Download: iOS | Android
6. Duolingo (Free)
Learn a new language with the world’s most-downloaded education app! Duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 35+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons. Practice speaking, reading, listening, and writing to build your vocabulary and grammar skills.
Why Duolingo?
• Duolingo is fun and effective. Game-like lessons and fun characters help you build solid speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills.
• Duolingo works. Designed by language experts, Duolingo has a science-based teaching methodology proven to foster long-term language retention.
• Track your progress. Work toward your language learning goals with playful rewards and achievements when you make practicing a daily habit!
Download: iOS | Android
7. Mobile Passport (Free - Freeium)
Mobile Passport enables U.S. passport holders and Canadian visitors to save time during the entry process at most major U.S. airports and cruise ports! Securely submit your passport and customs declaration form and access designated lanes in the inspection area.
Mobile Passport plus ($14.99 annually or $4.99 monthly) provides even greater convenience with features to digitally scan and store passports in preparation for your next trip.
Download: iOS | Android
8. WhatsApp (Free)
WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for iPhone and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, calls, photos, videos, documents, and Voice Messages. When connected to Wifi this is the best tool for communication in large parts of the world outside the US. It can handle all of your messages including photos, multimedia, etc
Download: iOS | Android
3 disclaimers you should know before downloading:
1) Only bring a cell phone (or iPad or whatever) on your mission trip if you’re not going to get distracted by it. While you’re on your trip, it’s important to be focused on your mission, not Angry Birds and email.
2) Traveling with electronics anywhere in the world puts you at risk for theft. If you’re going to bring your smartphone or iPad, make sure you keep watch over it.
3) Put your device in airplane mode for the entire trip (if you don’t have an international plan) to avoid an insanely high data bill when you get home.
4) These are only suggestions, we do not necessarily endorse the manufacturer or owners of these apps or in any way take responsibility for their function or helpfulness. They have been apps we have used but we are always on the search for more tools that can help us while traveling.
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Dog Training Devices | Best Methods Here
New Post has been published on https://dogtraining.dknol.com/english/dog-training-devices-best-methods-here/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230+Freda+K+Pless&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BBest+Dog+Training
Dog Training Devices | Best Methods Here
Urban Dog Training Ground Rules Become an RSPCA Member I usually come every Sunday but I’m going to miss a week.  Do I get an extra week on my membership?  OR: Do I get an extra week if class is cancelled due to really bad weather? Event Tickets 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Facebook YouTube Courses Seasonal Messages 4.3 Clicker training I love dogs they are so cute AND Branches Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress facebook Quality & Standards Pet insurance First Name We aim to cap classes at 8 dogs to ensure personal attention for all clients and we do have extra trainers on hand  in case we have a few extra dogs turn up.  Dog training Event Tickets Mutts with Manners: Basic Dog Training Course Need to get your puppy or dog’s vaccinations, flea and worming up to date? Visit PETstock VET. New South Wales Apprenticeships Cesar 911 (“Cesar to the Rescue”) 07 Sep 2017 9:34:47am Explore America’s top dog-friendly destinations! 22 Aug 2017 9:32:24am Refresher – Our fast paced fun course to get you and your dog back on track! Send us your contact details and we will keep you up to date with all  courses release dates. Thank you for your prompt response.. I shall definitely recommend Blue Dog Training. Thanks again! – Tracey Corrigan Group Dog Training Classes K9 Connections Dog Club Inc. Tricks will improve and establish a relationship based on trust and understanding.We give you the tools to communicate effectively and efficiently with your dog.Goodog staff are highly qualified, experienced, dog and puppy trainers recommended by several vets on the northern beaches, accredited and adhere to a strict code of ethics.  Our positive reinforcement methods are the most effective and humane way of training dogs and are the least likely to create behavioural problems.Our positive reinforcement dog and puppy training methods are recommended by the Australian Veterinary Association, Veterinary Behaviourists, the RSPCA and Animal Welfare League. These classes are where you can take your basic dog training skills and turn them into more – our trainers want to challenge both you and your dogs. Bandogs Bay dogs Bird dogs Bulldogs Catch dogs Companion dogs Crossbred dogs Curs Dogos Eskimo dogs Feral dogs Fighting dogs Guard dogs Gun dogs Hairless dogs Herding dogs Hounds Hunting dogs Lap dogs Livestock guardian dogs Mongrels Mountain dogs Molossers Meat dogs Pinschers Pit bulls Pointers Purebred dogs Retrievers Setters Scenthounds Sighthounds Sled dogs Schnauzers Spaniels Spitz Street dogs Terriers Turnspit dogs Village dogs Water dogs Wild dogs Wolfdogs [email protected] Stands Prerequisite: Level 1 Junior or Level 1 Senior Interesting Dog Links thy are so cute – Alex Health & Diet How to Enroll My team and I would love to help! The above organisations are required to produce an annual report and have a code of ethics that promotes responsible pet ownership in compliance with the Act and its related codes of practice. It is expected that the organisation will take disciplinary action against members who do not comply with the organisation’s code. Pet Care Join our e-mail newsletter to keep up to date with our news & dog training tips Muscular/skeletal care Training Information Trainers spotlight E [email protected] Reptile Show all Cancellations are advised on Facebook and BDT website Notifications Popup – the notifications can be found by clicking the button on the Home Page. Email : [email protected] Byron Bay Big or Small 1 Definition Please arrive at 6.45pm with your dog. An instructor will assess your dog and provide details of the program and an enrolment form. Payment of the appropriate fee is required before you return the following week to commence training. Hydraulics short course for agriculture, mining, earth moving or civil construction workers. Only at selected stores. Ryan : Ferntree Gully This can be one of the more difficult commands in dog obedience training. Why? Because the position is a submissive posture. You can help by keeping training positive and relaxed, particularly with fearful or anxious dogs. About Sit Drop Stay Dr Chris Brown 24 Aug 2017 11:27:07am Walking on a Loose Lead Chat to us and see how we can help your pet. Sponsors Working at Heights Awareness 4.7 Relationship-based training Volunteer at our place How you can help Rugs Click here to access our library of Training and Behaviour information Message ^ Jump up to: a b c d Burch, Mary R. (1 August 2012). “The Evolution of Modern-Day Dog Training”. National Animal Interest Alliance. Retrieved 30 November 2012. Svenska What we do Barking Solutions® If you’ve forgotten your password then we can reset it and notify you by email or sms Jump up ^ “Why Won’t Dominance Die?”. Association of Pet Behavior Counsellors. Retrieved 16 December 2011. Latest Appeals Australia:NSW Upcoming Seminars I usually come every Sunday but I’m going to miss a week.  Do I get an extra week on my membership?  OR: Do I get an extra week if class is cancelled due to really bad weather? Our behaviour specialists are available on weekdays and weekends. Become a puppy class instructor. Pet Care Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress Level 2 Puppy Class Instructors’ Course contact us Obedience training Dog walking training and certification class for dog walkers. School for dog trainers. Dog business consulting for dog trainers, dog walkers, dog daycares, pet sitters, and dog boarding facilities. Cancellation Policy We just love the fact we can go to our services Terms and Conditions – Positive Dog Training Choosing a compatible breed/dog Elected Members login Tighes Hills About Us Franchise The SAcommunity website is licensed under a Anti Anxiety Products Cat Care Hearne, Vicki (1987). Adam’s Task: Calling Animals by Name, New York: Alfred A. Knopf ISBN 0-394-75530-8 Private Consults can be held at either Wingfield, Osborne or Croydon Park You will pay a $50 deposit when you book and this deposit will be deducted from your first Membership Fee.   Modbury SA 5092 Move your hand up, allowing his head to follow the treat and causing his bottom to lower. Sharon Crichton is the trainer and behavioural consultant for Positive Dog Training. Together with her experience team of trainers your dog training issues and problems can be addressed. Wow!! That was the quickest response from any company I have ever received. Well done!!! You should be congratulated on your efficiency and speed.. Thankyou! – Ange Hughes Monday to Friday – 7:30am to 5:00pm (EST) Urban Dog training accepts the following forms of payment: The White Card course was excellent, extremely easy to complete and a lot of helpful videos to guide along the course.
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pratikbarot-blog · 6 years
Joyful New Yr Emails, New Yr SMS & Desires
New Year fantasies are a desire that we're placing in the event of this coming calendar year.  Pick from one of whats app along with face book messages; purposeful quotes, limited messages with all the images of blossoms along with nature's bounty, probably the many hottest and brassy GIFs or straightforward Brand New Year exactly the most suitable phrases and unite them along with your heart felt emotions and feelings to produce your decisions Advance Happy New Year supposes which men and women might remember during the entire whole year. Might the new year bring you a lot of happiness and success.  Joyful New Year for youpersonally, my beloved, you guaranteed my 2018 was warm and safe.  You may need them messaging or reciting a number of those satisfied New yr 2018 quotations.  New Year yells 2018 -: Joyful New Year is still actually a festival that you may commemorate to the one you love, relatives and family members.  Only realize that lifetime really is a publication, regular is just a fresh webpage, every single couple will be a fresh chapter and also every single New Year can be some collection. https://happynewyear.net.in/ Wishing you fresh year fantasies.  Just ship this brand new year fantasies for your buddies.  Happy new yr 20 17.  While this season is concluded, '' I need all of the tragedy and troubles fades and New Year provide victory and wealth on your own life.  This sort of occasions produce the bond, even more much stronger because we all ship those fantasies pictures of this brand new year using any most useful quotes composed about these to the friends to acquire the 'desi' texture on fresh season find the neighborhood terminology that we've accumulated for you men. Joyful new yr 2018.  I enjoy you, also wish you a exact Happy New yr.  Whether or not you would like to need your relatives, family members, close friends or exceptional someones, you'll discover delighted New yr 2018 Greatest New Year desires for every single sort of man here enjoy most of things below 1 roof.  The brand new year can be quite a moment, when a lot folks do dictate inside their own lifetime.  These comical New Year fantasies are ideal for that particular good friend or relative who are able to love a fantastic joke. Nevertheless composing thoughtful messages are from time to time described being a challenging endeavor to not quite plenty of individuals, notably once you have wonderful amounts of buddies.  You can even send a amazing content New yr Message Advisor to get some special's heart.  May your days be glittery as gemstone, will your pals be fantastic as golden, will your soul keep as much green as emerald, and can your spirit continue being as pristine as decoration. Together with most of the current brand new hopes and maintains which the New Year will attract Hope additionally, it brings a ton more chances to use with.  Wishing my entire face-book good friends and loved that a lucky New Year filled with calmness, bliss, prosperity and wellness.  Enable the previous ends and New Year commences with new and happiness inspirations as well as goals.  Regardless of that everybody else enjoys to ship very best wishes for Happy New yr with their own loved types. Rejoice Joyful New yr 20 17 together with me constantlytime, and so that individuals may stop the calendar year jointly and commence the New Year jointly.  He wants his visitors and enthusiasts that a Joyful New Year, in their own signature fashion.  17-3) brand new season will not merely attracts a brand new assortment 2018 nonetheless in addition, it provides you the chance to assume of fresh notion and fresh thoughts.  Wishing you a joyful, healthy and prosperous new year 2018. There's strictly the e-message mode that allows individuals to create their own own fashionable e-messages and fantasies and can be shared straight to some nearest and dearest.  However several new Years go and come, we prolonged to observe New Year afternoon and exude the emotions welcome increasingly more Brand New Year later on.  New forthcoming season is therefore glorious period of one's own life, it truly is if we observe the brand new years and say farewell for the preceding calendar year old. Might this New Year bring joyful hues of delight and calmness!  For many visitors that would like to shed ancient,may shed your kid anytime right after 2-1 February wanting your household a joyous and vibrant Holi.  Joyful New Yr 20 17, Close Friends!  Might every day of this brand new year brings you chance, happiness, joy and prosperity.  While this season is end, I need all of the negativity and troubles too wind for this specific past year and 20 17 B ring victory and desirable outcome for all you personally. Staff India captain MS Dhoni on Thursday wanted a Happy New Year for each of his fans ahead of boarding a trip, evidently to accomplish out station duties.  If that is true for everybody on your group of family or friends, then you can find outside and become an acquaintance by needing them that the most appropriate for your up coming calendar year.  While a lot of men and women are active with their job program, therefore for those we have been supplying some optimal/optimally way by that they may desire their loved ones by sending New Year 2018 yells by copying out of. We expect it provides you a lot of enjoyment and enjoyment.  4) Combine those terrible times and nighttime, draw fresh fantasies and aims on own life in a fresh calendar year get together.  May possibly you still have lots of serenity, love, and enjoyment in 2018.  Reveal these incredible messages and brand new graphics together with your family and friends with whats app along with face-book.  The newest calendar year 2018 will be currently here, nonetheless in several places about Earth can love the newest year ancient depending up on their period zone. Joyful New Year Sweet Heart.  Let us welcome that the 365-days it attracts.  The calendar year 20 17 watched a picture of b town actors wanting their followers and fans onto a Joyful New Year and also the best way!  May this upcoming year bring you delight.  By minding down bunch of traces to your own store-bought homemade cards, then you also can entertain individuals; wager that it that your relatives, relatives, friends or somebody else special on your own life. Everybody else likes to want their own family relations, family and friends from the alluring vogue.  We've sorted out a few very best foryou personally in the sort of New Year 2018 yells the following.  Even though I am unfamiliar with you personally but my fantasies will continually stick together with you with this Brand New calendar year 2018.  Joyful New Year yells 2018 are in regards to the disposition, enjoyment, and heat which can be guaranteed to get into with the center. With this particular scenario, we've prepared pleased New Year position, quotations and fantasies for whats app and face-book, right here you'll discover top greetings and warmest words, so you're able to talk about them with your buddies.  Listed here are a number of delighted New yr 2018 desires Estimates and Sayings Pictures 2018 from English that you should ship your nearest and dearest with this particular amazing holiday season.  Delivering New Year yells Quotes will be your Optimal/optimally Approach to wish someone Happy New Calendar Year. The dawn is just one although many cultures around the globe rejoice the brand-new season inside their ways but the supreme item will obtain would be pleasure and happiness to get this twelve months.  This we're providing essentially the very amazing pleased New yr Cards 2018 with no cost that you may utilize to observe daily together with additional pleasure.  My fantasies for you personally aren't confined to merely the next year however alternatively than everybody of those years you simply live, within that lifetime and outside. New era is just one of one of the absolute most renowned days on earth.  Want you a exact joyful and fun filled New Year, expect there isn't any limit into this Earth, there's nevertheless good deal to be viewed.  And we all understand nicely, Gregorian calendar is a solar panel also it possesses annually of 365-days (366 times at a Leap Year).  Wishing you a Exact HAPPY NEW Calendar Year.  Wishing you amazing New yr 2018 ideal fantasies with a great deal of really like. I exude heartily and desire you and your loved ones a exact happy, balanced, peaceful and Happy New calendar year.  And made from this a very joyful new yr 2018 sms.  Together with the newest era technological innovation of societal networking and whats app we could instantly mail messages which are a simple approach to showcase your nearest and dearest and present them your love and attention at a particular that the New Year round the corner, and we all attract you a number of their optimal/optimally whats app messages you may look at sending into your nearest and dearest. If your settlements contain of retaining the arms out from this cookie jar or devoting your heart-felt note to concentrate with connections together with loved ones ones, this will make all of the difference to place them fantasies in to phrases and warm desires.  Chat Joyful New Yr 2018 Quotations, SMS on Content New Yr 2018.  Rahul Gandhi now tweeted however be visiting Europe and sold New Year fantasies in progress.  
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The Manila International Book Fair is the biggest and longest running book fair in the country. It is an annual event that many Filipinos are dying to go to every time. For this year, it was held on September 13-17, 2017 (Wednesday to Sunday). Since we have no classes every Wednesday, I have agreed to meet two of my best friends in Pasay City. We first went to SM Mall of Asia then ate some yogurt at Yo! Panda. We only had a few hours because Jannah, one of the two, needed to travel back to Batangas that same afternoon. After she left, Liebert and I went to the SMX Convention Center fo the book fair. Being the socially anxious girl that I am, I didn't want to go in at first because I knew that there would be a lot of people there. However, that feeling disappeared when I saw the stacks of books displayed on tables and shelves. (That GIF represents my excitement every single time I see books and other stuff that I like.) There were also different stalls for different brands and publishers. Oh, it was a paradise for every book lover like me! I don't if it's just me being crazy but I heard angels singing in my head. (LOL) I saw the books I have planned to buy and more. But since it was getting late already and I didn't want to buy books in a rush, I decided not to buy some books yet and just go back on Sunday. On Sunday, like what I planned, I went back to the book fair. This time, I was with my older sister and a cousin. When we got there, there was this loooong line to the entrance. Thankfully, it moved faster than I thought it would. By three o' clock in the afternoon, we were inside the paradise again. Since it was last day of the fair, there were more people inside and it is very crowded. I first went to the National Bookstore but the books I've been planning to buy were out of stock already. IT WAS HEARTBREAKING! So I tried to distract myself by looking at other books I might like. I also went to Fully Booked to see if the books I like were there. AND THEY WERE THERE. AND MORE BOOKS I LIKE 💖 The bad news is that I only have 2000 pesos with me. (Because the matakaw girl that I am keeps on spending my ipon for food. My love for food > my love for books, it seems 😩💓) Eventhough all the books are 20% off already, my budget is only enough to buy 4 to 6 books (depends on the prices of the books you'd want to buy). I planned to buy the sequel to the books I already own and to buy newstories to read. I also planned to buy a gift for Liebert whose birthday is on September 23. Also, I planned to buy a bible but the real good ones are just so expensive. I held as many books as I can in my arms but when the time for payment came, I needed to let go of some. No, I let go of most of the books I was holding. It was torture; knowing that as much as I wanted to buy all of it, I just can't. I. Just. Can't. 😭💔 So with this, I ended up buying 4 books only. Three for me and one for a friend. The journey did not end there. After buying books, we went to the second floor where we found different stalls exhibiting different stuff like Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. which my older sister loves so much. There was also a stall for Blind Dates with a Book. Too bad we came in late. They were already closed. (Another Heartbreak). We roamed a bit more then Jon Snow (from Game of Thrones) and The Flash came to save my day. They were cosplayers who were very kind to let us take a picture with them. I was lowkey hoping that they were Kit Harrington and Grant Gustin but still, they made my day. 😊 (Fun fact: I didn't know I was allowed to enter here last year when I went to the fair for the first time.) Lesson Learned: It's better to buy books on the first day; Visit the exhibits earlier; EARN MORE MONEY (stop spending so much on food) 😅 Overall, it was a tiring but fun-filled day. My heart is so full. I will surely go to this event again next year. 💞
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fblikeshayaris · 7 years
Eid Mubarak : 20 WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook greetings to wish your loved ones on Eid al-Adha 2017
Happy Eid! On this joyous occasion, take a moment and wish your loved ones with these lovely WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook greetings.
Considered one of the holiest festivals in Islam, the Eid al-Adha marks the end of Hajj – the annual pilgrimage undertaken by devout Muslims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This year, the festival was expected to fall on September 11 – which is the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon back 2001.
But, according to recent reports, the festival dates – which are dictated by the sighting of the moon and the lunar calendar – have fallen on September 12 and 13. Countries in the Western Hemisphere will celebrate it on Monday, while in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Asian countries, Tuesday has been fixed as the day for celebrating Greater Eid.
Eid al-Adha literally translates to ‘festival of the sacrifice’, referring to the story of Abraham, or Ibrahim as he’s also known, who was ready to sacrifice the life of his son at the command of Allah. God, after testing Abraham’s devotion, switched the object of sacrifice to a sheep instead of his son. This is the reason why this day is also called Bakra Eid.
Muslims usually symbollically sacrifice goats, lambs and other animals in the name of Allah and as a respect to Abraham’s willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice. The meat from the sacrificed animal is considered pious and distributed among friends and family.
Eid al-Adha is vastly different from Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims fast as a devotion to Allah.
On this auspicious occasion, here are some wishes and greetings to share with your loved ones to wish them good fortune and a Happy Eid.
* May Allah shower countless blessing upon you and your family. Keep me in your prayers. Happy Eid al-Adha 2016
* May Allah flood your life with happiness, love, wisdom on this blessed day of sacrifice. Happy Bakrid.
* May this Eid bring a lot of fun and happiness,
With endless blessings from God,
Who enlightens you with knowledge.
Bakrid wishes to you and your family
* Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son. Sacrificing the most loved things will make you a better person to be loved by Allah. Happy Bakrid wishes.
* On Eid Ul Adha, wishing that your sacrifices are appreciated and your prayers are answered by the almighty. Have a blessed Eid Ul Adha!
* May his blessings always shine upon you and your family on this Eid Ul Adha and Forever. Eid Mubarak!
* Eid Ul Adha is Eid of sacrifice and commitment of Allah’s orders. May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life, and help all amongst us, who are helpless, worried and waiting for his rehmat. Eid Mubarak!
* On this Eid Ul Adha. May all your prayers be answered by Allah. Believe on him and he will grand you your heart’s desire. Happy Eid Ul Adha.
* Eid spreads the message of brotherhood and togetherness. May Allah bless you and bring happiness in Life. Eid Ul Adha wishes to you and your Family!
* The moon has been sighted the samosas are ready here comes EID so just go steady lots of dua’s is all I request and just wanted to wish you all the best. Eid Ul Adha Mubarak!
* No shadows to depress you. Only joys to surround you. Allah himself to bless you. These are my wishes for you. Today tomorrow and every day… Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak!
* Wishing you smiles and all things nice. May this Eid bring all the comforts you have ever wanted, and all the joy and laughter you have ever wished. Happy Bakra Eid Mubarak!
* Do you know what is the meaning of EID?
Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E – Embrace with open heart
I – Inspire with impressive attitude
D – Distribute pleasure to all
~ Bakra Eid Mubarak
* May you never see the warmth of hardships and there would be always happiness in your home and you see many happier moments like this Eid Day. Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak!
* May the noor of this EID illuminate your heart, mind, soul and may all you pray be answered. Remember me in your prayers. Happy Eid Mubarak!
* “EID” Is an Event When We Share
Our Joys and Happiness With
Our Special Ones.
So On This Happy Event How
I Can Forget My Special Ones.
Accept my heartiest regards and
Congrats to you and your all family members at home.
* Many are the wishes that are being sent your way,
But the is a special one for a very happy Eid Day…
Bakra Eid Mubarak!
* Together with friends… Full of warmth and fun… Here’s wishing your Eid celebration is truly a special one! Eid Mubarak!
* Have a joyous Bakra Eid with full of sparkling lights. A warm and heartfelt wishes to tell you how much you mean to me. Eid Ul Adha Mubarak!
* Today I pray that: Happiness be at your door may it knock early stay late and leave the gift of Allah’s peace, love, joy and good health behind shaban Mubarak, Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak. may you remain happy all the time Irrespective of any occasion.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2qBtvgi Cards, Eid Cards, Eid Facebook Covers, Eid Facebook Posts, Eid Greetings, Eid Mubarak, Eid Wishes, Eid-ul-Fittar http://ift.tt/2qBDXEf May 20, 2017 at 06:33PM
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gccemyouth · 5 years
GCC Youth Fellowship – Friday, May 24th, 2019
Information about the GCC Youth Ministry can be found here.
Friday May 24th
Youth Fellowship meeting canceled for the Memorial Day weekend. ..
Join us on Friday May 31st for our next event.
Save the Date:
May 31st – Cherokee Mission Trip Theological Training; all Mission trip participants, parents, and all youth are invited to attend
Jun 7th – Cherokee Mission Trip Project Training; all Mission trip participants, parents, and all youth are invited to attend
June 14th – Annual end of the school year celebration and Graduate Recognition. Join us for a great time of fun and fellowship as we thank God for what he is doing in the lives of our youth and recognize them for their accomplishments. This event is open to all parents, youth, and their families.
June 22nd – June 29th 2019 – Youth Mission Trip….Details are available here. (New content such as informational videos are now available on the site)
July 5th – July 7th – CCVA invites GCC to their Summer Retreat. More details to follow as planning has just started
July – August – Youth Summer Sabbatical
September 6th – Resume Youth Fellowship Meetings with our Annual Youth and Parents Back-To-School Night
Prayer Requests & Praises:
Jessica Lee, one of your former youth, requests prayers as she is looking for a job
Praise God for all the graduates who have been blessed so far with finding a job,
Praise God for those who have received college acceptance letters and pray for those who are seeking God’s guidance in their decision
Pray for Mr. Arthur’s health and healing
Pray for Jennie Xie – Jennie is going through Navy A School in Texas for about 14 weeks of Hospital Corpsman training, until around July 10th. Please pray for God’s continuing strength and encouragement for Jennie Xie as she goes through Hospital Corpsman training for at Navy School in Texas.
Pray for Alice Wang that God would give her clear direction for where He wants her to serve after graduation. Pray also that God would use Alice to be an exemplary leader the Summer ALPHA project and to make Christ more beautiful in her eyes.
Pray for the upcoming short-term mission trip that we would grow in our faith in God while serving others. Pray also that the mission team would be transformed more into the image of God and that the hearts of those we serve would be directed towards God
Pray for our college students – pray for diligence and faithfulness
Pray for our High School and college graduates – pray for God’s guidance as they work to complete their academic requirements at the end of the school year
Pray for all our Youth and families – pray for a closer relationship with God
Verse of the Week:
Romans 12:10
10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
If you would like to receive our weekly notifications by SMS, please sign up for Remind.
If you have any other prayers, questions, or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]
The GCC Youth Leadership Team
Check Tumblr for details of upcoming events and activities.
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gccemyouth · 5 years
GCC Youth Fellowship – Friday, May 17th, 2019
Information about the GCC Youth Ministry can be found here: http://youth.gccpraise.com
Friday May 17th –
You definitely matter... Join us for our last regular Youth Fellowship Meeting for the 2018 – 2019 school year. See the dates below for upcoming activities
7:30 pm Snacks, Fellowship, Games
8:15 pm Prayer, Bible Study, Small Group discussion
Save the Date:
May 24th – Youth Fellowship Meeting cancelled due to the Memorial Day Holiday Weekend
May 31st – Cherokee Mission Trip Theological Training; all Mission trip participants, parents, and all youth are invited to attend
Jun 7th – Cherokee Mission Trip Project Training; all Mission trip participants, parents, and all youth are invited to attend
June 14th – Annual end of the school year celebration and Graduate Recognition. Join us for a great time of fun and fellowship as we thank God for what he is doing in the lives of our youth and recognize them for their accomplishments. This event is open to all parents, youth, and their families.
June 22nd – June 29th 2019 – Youth Mission Trip…. Details are available here. (New content such as informational videos are now available on the site)
July 5th – July 7th – CCVA invites GCC to their Summer Retreat. More details to follow as planning has just started
July – August – Youth Summer Sabbatical
September 6th – Resume Youth Fellowship Meetings with our Annual Youth and Parents Back-To-School Night
Prayer Requests & Praises:
Pray for the Spring cleaning event on Saturday 5/18
Praise God for those who have received college acceptance letters and pray for those who are seeking God’s guidance in their decision
Pray for Mr. Arthur’s health and healing
Pray for Jennie Xie – Jennie is going through Navy A School in Texas for about 14 weeks of Hospital Corpsman training, until around July 10th. Please pray for God’s continuing strength and encouragement for Jennie Xie as she goes through Hospital Corpsman training for at Navy School in Texas.
Pray for Alice Wang that God would give her clear direction for where He wants her to serve after graduation. Pray also that God would use Alice to be an exemplary leader the Summer ALPHA project and to make Christ more beautiful in her eyes.
Pray for the upcoming short-term mission trip that we would grow in our faith in God while serving others. Pray also that the mission team would be transformed more into the image of God and that the hearts of those we serve would be directed towards God
Pray for our college students – pray for diligence and faithfulness
Pray for our High School and college graduates – pray for God’s guidance as they work to complete their academic requirements at the end of the school year
Pray for all our Youth and families – pray for a closer relationship with God
Verse of the Week:
Zephaniah 3:17
17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.
If you would like to receive our weekly notifications by SMS, please sign up for Remind.
If you have any other prayers, questions, or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]
The GCC Youth Leadership Team
Check Tumblr for details of upcoming events and activities.
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gccemyouth · 4 years
IGNITE – Friday February 7th, 2020
Friday, February 7th
Come hang out and have some fun this Friday at IGNITE.
7:30 pm Snacks, Fellowship, Games
8:30 pm Prayer, Bible Study, Small Group Discussion
The High School group will finish up the study from Lesson 3 on Is God Real, "Does Morality Need God?" (Exodus 20:1–23). We'll look into how moral values necessitate the existence of God.
The Middle School group will continue their study of the attributes of God (Who is God). This week we learn: God is Awesome as we look at the story of the Plagues in Exodus 5 -12.
IGNITE Yearly Calendar of Events here
Save the Date:
Friday Jun 12th – End-of-school year Graduate recognition and celebration
TBD – Youth Summer Service Project
July – August – Youth Summer Sabbatical
Friday September 11th – Annual Youth and Parents Back-To-School Night
Verse of the Week:
Psalm 33:4-5
4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
If you would like to receive our weekly notifications by SMS, please sign up for Remind here.
If you have any other prayers, questions, or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]
For additional details about IGNITE visit here
The GCC Youth Leadership Team
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