#this was with spotify playlists bc that's what I use idk about other apps
the-worm-wiggles · 2 years
Love me normally just came on and,,,, what's the bet this is in some normal oak playlists
Gonna go look bc god so true
Ok 5/7 do and I don't think the other 2 have any ww on them so good chance they straight up don't know about it
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tuesday again 11/21/2023
awful lot of cooking content from me, who hates cooking but finds the evenings jittery and boring
Doorbell by Sterling Press, off the spotify weekly recced playlist. i don't know that i like this song. i don't know that it's particularly good. goddamn if it isn't catchy. alt britpop, they hate being compared to blur but mmmm. you do hear it. notes of ska as well. a song to blast in your car when your spring break plans fell through and you're driving to the good target two towns away from your hometown.
i don't think this music video could have existed pre-pandemic-- idk doorbell cams were that ubiquitous or well known, despite heavy advertising from nest.
from an interview:
Speaking about the new release, they said, “We wrote the song in our mates garage using drum samples off YouTube. We spent all night writing it then in the early hours of the morning drove to Maccies to have breakfast and had it on repeat the whole time. We all fell in love with it straight away. These lyrics speak to the importance of authenticity and sincerity in your actions. In a world where appearances and pretences can be misleading, it's a reminder to be true to yourself and to avoid trying to impress others for the sake of it. “I feel like its an experience we all share. We all know someone who goes off to uni or gets a new job and you bump into them on the street and they act as if they have no idea who you are. I guess this song is reflection of our frustrations towards those people.”
they have what i would consider an unusual amount of hype and presence for a band that has exactly three songs out, but they've all been making music together and separately since well before the pandemic so maybe they've just finally broken out? i can't figure out who these kids are related to. i don't think it's a full on industry plant but i do think someone's dad has some money.
a friend once said she hated how eighties songs faded out like a printer running out of ink, and i do not particularly care for how 2020s songs end with the entire band vanishing underwater.
this song is truly not that deep but it is thoroughly stuck in my goddamn head.
listening: special podcast edition
i am not looking for solutions. do not say solutions at me. i am taking through a brain thing and having a weird workflow and brain problem. i have tried other apps with browser support and do not like them, and i cannot have my personal apple id tied to my work computer bc i have and frequently use a work apple id.
i have been listening to podcasts through Spotify ever since mmm november ‘20. it has not been a good experience but juggling the Apple Podcasts app through my phone (distraction minefield) and whatever im listening to or working on with the work computer is a nightmare. ethics of spotify aside, it is a tremendously successful all in one listening platform. i do not have the brainspace to manage my own music library, and support my favorite artists in other ways.
i am not looking for solutions. do not say solutions at me.
however, if you listen to enough podcast episodes, spotify does not seem to believe you when you tell it to unfollow a podcast. it just keeps letting you know hey this has a new episode. this got me stuck on a loop where i was listening to more and more episodes of two very prolific conspiracy theory debunking podcasts to the exclusion of almost everything else. this was not very good for my mental health.
i am not looking for solutions. do not say solutions at me.
despite the real annoyance of finagling a very distracting phone and the work laptop, i have gone back to Apple Podcasts and (after weeding out a variety of podcasts for a variety of reasons) started listening to friends at the table again. not sure why i stopped but i felt a weird amount of guilt around restarting?? the tablefriends neither know nor care. i have finally finished road to palisade and am excited but nervous about starting palisade proper
a local religious thrift store has absolutely rancid vibes but does regularly have 6/$1 book sales. there were a couple older trade paperback comics the last time: the first three volumes of ULTIMATE XMEN and a radom What If? superman.
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my trouble with the xmen, and i have to read something from it once every two years to remind myself, is that magneto is right. they will never be able to assimilate into white picket fence middle america, or even among the liberal coastal elites or whatever the term du jour was in 1999. the box will always be smaller and you will never be perfect enough. i did not enjoy this enough to continue bc of this fundamental disagreement with most xmen comics.
also it looks like this. magneto’s lair has an arch in the shape of the arch on the front of his helmet and that was pretty baller, but there’s a real. what was they gimmick blog about all the comic book women in contorted spine-breaking poses? it’s like that a lot. WHAT is ororo’s body doing there
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hey. what the fuck do you mean tomato sauce is that easy. i dislike tomato sauce and almost exclusively eat jar upon jar of aldi brand pesto. im not allergic bc tomatoes aren't tingly but it's just sort of Nothing all the time. what do you mean it can be good???
i don't actually remember why i'm subscribed to mr internet shaquille. perhaps, like so many other food things, it's kali's fault.
pulled this horrid little brat. very pleased with myself.
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i do not. love. her story quest. it falls into the childrens' media trap of Sometimes It's Okay For Other People To Stomp All Over Your Boundaries If It's For The Good Of The Group! or perhaps this is just a thing i'm particularly twitchy about. either way, annoyed that other characters of this importance have gotten some deeply moving writing and so far furina has...not gotten that.
the next character i am excited about is lolita taylor swift, or geo-aligned lady with big fuckoff sword. from some early maybe-leaks i think she would pair beautifully with my playstyle and my pirate lady with big sword. my playstyle is mostly brute force damage. i hit things as hard as i can until they fall over and i've played the entire game (with some exceptions that required actual thinking about elemental reactions) that way. it pleases me.
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re: the conclusion of the annapausis sidequest, genshin does a really good job of teasing out "ok in a world with actual gods, what does spirituality look like/what are the differing views on fate/how do people make sense of an afterlife". mostly this is gnosticism. and sometimes it's a real life occultist secret society (reskinned Rosicrucianism). fascinating writing choices.
turkey cottage pie with scalloped potatoes, bc i had a five-pound bag of russets that were starting to sprout. im just going to yoink this pic i posted earlier bc it is now half gone and in tupperware form
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this is the first time ive ever cooked in a dutch oven and im in love. i thrifted this for $20 some weeks ago but bc the lid has some chips and rust i haven't used it. which is silly, bc the body of the oven is fine. de-rusting and seasoning the lid will wait for a day when i actually need it bc for now we can get by with doubled-over sheet of aluminum foil.
used this recipe: only had a pound of ground turkey and liberally stretched it with potatoes (i think about three and a half pounds out of five) and three pounds out of a cheap frozen veggie mix bag. did not include mushrooms bc i did not like them. threw in some bay leaves bc i have a giant bag of them, i think i almost doubled the wine bc i doubled the recipe, but i do not think i remembered to double the beef stock. i also shook in a liberal amount of italian seasoning bc i have a cheap jar from aldi i want to use up.
the final product was somewhat soupy. i anticipated that slicing the potatoes was going to be the longest part (mostly true, i had to take breaks) and kept them in a big bowl of cold water to stop them browning while i chopped and after i blanched them. i also could have reduced the filling down some more but i am not a patient woman.
not as intended but still yummy, which was a lovely surprise bc usually when i fuck recipes up i fuck them up But Good. plus new technique (dutch oven). if i make this again (likely) i will do instant potatoes on top bc this was a fuck of a lot of chopping for one recipe. thinking about getting one of those stupid little hand smash veggie choppers bc a full food processor is extremely out of budget.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 5 months
hey! Question about your spotify apk, where did you get it from? Like what website? Bc I found like 80000 and Idk what to trust
with modded apks, it helps to be informed and aware of what exactly you're downloading. you have to understand that it's like any other pirated software, except you know and expect modifications to be made to what you're downloading.
probably the best place to download would be from github or any other place where you can review the code. other apk sites can have software with hidden viruses or malicious.
while I cannot guarantee it's still safe now, I downloaded from apkmody back in 2022, and I haven't noticed any issues. I've been using spotify for years without any issues. I can skip, make playlists, listen to podcasts, and I haven't heard a single ad in forever.
I've also heard good things about xmanager on github, but I have not used it myself so I wouldn't know from experience if it's decent or not
I can't tell you a website that will have a 100% safe download of a modded spotify apk. but I can at least reassure you that the number of people who are hiding viruses in modded apk files is FAR outnumbered by the number of people who are making and using modded apps for android that get rid of ads. basically, trust your gut. if something seems sketch, don't download it.
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eremiie · 2 years
wait hold on bc i have Apple Music but it’s starting to get on my nerves so i’m actually thinking about switching to Spotify 😭 what specifically abt Spotify is better bc it looks confusing to me ngl
okay so for me, i had apple music and this is entirely a personal opinion of course but it feels more engaging
i didn’t have apple music for long but some features i really fuck with is
- collaborative playlists: you and your friends can make playlists you can both add too
- music parties: you can listen to music with your friends at the same time
- public playlists: favoriting other peoples playlists to listen to / making yours public im pretty sure apple had this too but i think you have to like… have their contact or something idk
- spotify makes playlists based off like your most listened, they have playlists based on like what’s trending rn, for when you’re sad, playlists for your horoscope
- without spotify premium if you use spotify on a laptop or ipad it’s practically spotify premium so if you have one of those i wouldn’t sweat it
- the customization is so cute!!!
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- overall the app just feels so engaging & like a community and the layout is really comforting & nice n stuffff
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crepuscularqueens · 3 years
bestie do you have tips/a process for making playlists? friend is asking for one for new music and my brain is short circuiting
okAY i am going to try my best to articulate the closest approximation i have to a process because i'm a very scatter brained and disorganized person who tries their absolute darnedest to not be!
if i have an artist in mind that i want to include i do a deep dive through their discography (if it's a sound i'm looking for i usually have a few songs in mind that i'll listen to to make sure it's the right fit, if im looking for a particular theme in lyrics, genius is my best friend bc it's the most organized lyric site i know of i am CONSTANTLY on it to make sure a song im thinking for actually works)
if i know one particular song that i want to work around, i'll sometimes bring it up on youtube and look through the suggested videos (doing this in private browsing is usually more helpful bc the suggestions are based on what other people who looked up that song were also watching or whatever the hell the algorithm does rather than what youtube knows you have a tendency to watch)
sometimes i'll search through my itunes (which afaik is defunct but baby we love defunct apps over here) to find songs i was obsessed with in like 2009 but didn't keep up with the artist, look up the artist to see if they have recent releases and give them a listen. there is something so nice abt rediscovering an artist i used to love and falling in love with their new stuff all over
uh one of my no. 1 things i will do is as simple as listen to my fav radio station lmao so idk if that's helpful but a listener funded radio station is great bc the dj's have more control of what they're playing and it's introduced me to so many artists i would have never known about. i've literally been in the car listening to the radio, heard three songs in a row that flowed SO WELL together, i shut the radio off and repeated the names of the songs to myself for like 20 minutes so i would remember it and could add it to a playlist
as a last resort spotify is sometimes kind of helpful at suggesting songs when you start adding to a playlist. usually not but sometimes they're on to something, or close to it like right artist wrong song? So sometimes i'll look up their suggestions on genius/youtube and go down a rabbit hole from there
if there is a general mood/vibe you're going for (in my case, usually a character), sometimes i'll look that up on spotify just to see what other people have made playlists with. more often than not it just makes me annoyed bc it's NOT what i'm looking for and my ridiculous pettiness and need to prove i can do it better fuels me to create what i want. sometimes i get a little inspiration.
once i have all the songs in mind and start putting it together in spotify, i'll listen to the first/last 30-ish seconds of each song to make sure they flow okay, then adjust accordingly, but if it's just a playlist meant to be shuffled this doesn't really apply
i really really hope this was even a little helpful!!! and somewhat coherent lmao. (but also thank you for asking me about playlists bc i love making them despite my general incoherence)
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shoshie · 3 years
hi poosie 💞🌺💘 im going w 3 nights by dominic fike; emotional by okaywil; honest by the neighborhood; devil i know by allie x; sweet disposition by the temper trap; very nice by seventeen; moonlight by dhruv; rain by ben platt; home by phillip phillips; just friends by jordy; timebomb by walk the moon; cross my heart by marianas trench; shatter me by lindsey striling; paris is burning by st vincent; arrival of the birds by the cinematic orchestra; nyc girl by the orion experience; relay by fiona apple; dnd by glaive; sympathy by vampire weekend; december 1963 by frankie valli & the four seasons; and step with me by mika.
if ur thinking ‘h what the fuck’ you & i would b thinking the same thing. i kept adding songs bc im like ‘ah shit what if they hate the one i suggested?’ so i added 2 more. and then yk . i kept adding until my spotify app weirdly refreshed and i took it as a sign from god to stfu and finish the list so !!! that’s what i have !!! i hope ur having a lovely lovely day & that u like at Least one on this list 💓❣️💘🌺💞‼️
i’m gonna tell u what i think of each song BUT i’m putting it under a read more lkdhfbf
1. 3 nights: i realized i’ve actually heard this one BUT not the whole song so it’s ok! i like it it’s v chill v vibey it sounds like streetlights reflecting off a wet road <3 (i am incapable of describing songs with adjectives)
2. emotional: the instrument in the background of this is rly cool idk it’s like. it kinda sounds like hitting spoons on a glass but more musical & almost piano like? i rly like it tho, this song sounds like bright colors & peaches :D
3. honest: this one kinda sounds like one of those ones that makes ur brain go brrrr ‼️ its like. laced w something kfjbjsbfksnv musically it’s not rly my thing but i can appreciate it as a song <3
4. devil i know: i only know one allie x song (can’t stop now) so i wasn’t sure what this would sound like but it’s kinda insane??? the background vocals r so cool i love the humming :0 v sexie nd her voice is so beautiful omg
5. sweet disposition: this feels oddly familiar. i don’t think i’ve heard it tho. it kinda reminds me of say geronimo if u know that one? it sounds like adventure kind of, like it could be used in a travel vlog (complimentary)
6. very nice: aju NICE babababdadadabbabda!!!! i’ve heard this one but i don’t mind listening to it again <3 bop banger etc. good vocals amazing horns in the chorus also if u haven’t seen the choreo i would definitely recommend it it’s so fun
7. moonlight: this is so pretty omg 🥺 i got a mental image of like. sitting on top of a car w someone u love & watching a meteor shower on a clear night. very chill his voice is so lovely
8. rain: ben platt’s voice is gorgeous. this is not the type of music i would have expected from him though??? idk he doesn’t seem like the pop music type of person. i think i prefer some of his other music (cough grow as we go cough) but this is a solid song
9.. home: ive heard this but not since i was like 10 so the nostalgia i got from it,,,, :’) home also sounds like a travel vlog song a bit! i think its the oooohhhhhohohohs in the post chorus (?). this song just reminds me of my childhood i used to hear it all the time on the radio sitting in the backseat <3
10. just friends: I HAVE ALSO HEARD THIS BUT IDK WHERE the beginning played nd i was like wait a minute. OH!! its so nice i love how simple the instrumentals are & jordy has a rly pretty voice as well!! the melody is so addictive as well
halfway done! this is fun<3
11. timebomb: bop?? this could be used in the soundtrack to a romcom tv show directed at teenagers (once again. what are adjectives) it reminds me of when shut up and dance came out nd everyone was obsessed with it.. that was a better time i think
12. cross my heart: headbanging songs > the lyrics to this one r a little basic but thats ok not every song has to have deep profound lyrics that make u feel existential. this is certainly a banger yessir. the ending is cool too i love harmonies
13. shatter me: scawy... the imagery in this is insane "i pirouette in the dark" UM?? this sounds like a movie hello. imagine WAI HISNFVNKDNV THE DROP???? THE VIOLIN?????? i litrally just had to interrupt myself that was not an exaggerated reaction. ANYWAYS i was going to say: the movie scene im imagining is like. it keeps cutting between a girl doing ballet in dark, foggy lighting & a fight scene
14. paris is burning: dark alleyways & vintage movies!!! i enjoyed this more than i expected to? im picturing a girlboss character, maybe a spy? in all black & carrying a purse walking down the street. but she has to be wearing one of those black hats w a veil in the front & a flower on the brim, an ankle-length velvety black coat, & heels that go plonk on the cobblestone
15. arrival of the birds: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! OMG! blue skies & green grass at a state park!!! i love it so much actually this went in my healing playlist <333 the way it built up in the best way.. tears
16. nyc girl: ok the guitar in the intro??? this is fuckign music truly one of the most songs ive ever heard. the bass fucks as well i rly like this one :D its so catchy im already bopping nd ik later im gonna b going "im gonna make u ma ha hine"
17. relay: the lyrics are so good???? its not a song that id probably listen to very often just bc its musically not my type of thing BUT i respect it a lot. shes obviously a super talented artist like i looked up the lyrics nd apparently she wrote the repeated line when she was 15??? i love what the song is about!
18. dnd: the production on the vocals is a lil bit strange but i like the song itself if that makes sense. its like mitam where the songs r mixed weirdly but i enjoy the songs anyway? i did think for abt a minute that the title referred to dungeons & dragons tho,, also i just looked up the artist and he is ALSO 15 what the FUCK
19. sympathy: the GUITARRRRR omg omgogmomg!! i rly love the whole intro like the first 30 seconds r just *chefs kiss*. OOH bass solo sexyyyyy i love prominent bass :D the instrumentals r really nice too & it reminds me of like. a heist? like a found family of thieves. this song would play as they were breaking into a museum or smth
20. december 1963: GROOVY! simply a fkin tune idk dude like this IS fun nd makes me think of roadtrips during the summer & also of walking along a dock in a harbor under the moonlight. very much floaty yellow dress vibes this song is just a mood booster
21. step with me: domestic. domesticity. thats it. no but the chorus is rly nice omg i like the melody!!! its so cute too the lyrics r so wholesome.. this sounds like an old couple thats been married for 50 years dancing to the radio in their kitchen <333 life goals
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riskeith · 3 years
good morning love! (or afternoon for you hehe)
deku vs kacchan part 2 is my favorite ep of the entire series actually. i’ve watch that ep so many times as well it’s just perfect. i got into them when i watched that episode actually! the voice acting god..... literally shivers. now that i think about it it might even be my favorite anime ep of all time help. i just love how bakugou lets it all out and we get to see that side of him.. the insecure scared child he tries to hide. god i could ramble about it forever idk just love it. OH YOU WATCHED THE MOVE RIGHT AFTER? a scene with bakugou and todoroki is guaranteed a good time.. and they work so well together. haha that’s such a nice coincidence tho their dynamic is great in that movie even if it’s mostly kiribaku sjsksjk. what do you think about kiribaku btw?
RIGHT!!! at least we have a couple days to decide hihi.... paimon no longer emergency snack.. only seelie. 🥴 oooh? what kind of thing have you envisioned? (if you wanna share ofc!)
i’ve seen so many people mention that!! like one of the worst parts of the game is that in the higher level you get the less there are to do.. ssjksjdk at some point all you can do is grind domains and try to level up shdkdfhdj
LEVEL 40 INTO A LEVEL 70+ FIGHT ok that’s honestly hilariously brave doesn’t she like die right away 😔 oh yeah you’ll be leveling up Again soon *praying for you*... can’t believe they don’t keep the easy bosses anymore sjdkfh that’s so rude. this game is just grind grind grind. WE NEED A BENNY STORY SO BADLY. like imagine a story with him wanting to seek out diluc because he wants to learn how to fight from a master or something like that. i saw it in a comic and i can’t stop thinking about it 😭 all of them deserve stories!!! there’s so many ways they could make it happen pls mihoyo... chongyun x xingqiu story... <333
shfkjdskdjhf nope right now i’m playing with noelle as my main damage dealer, traveller, lisa and barbara actually. so i think i have a pretty good balance atm.. 2 long range 2 short range-ish. i usually trade out barbara for another character if i have to tho, hehe. that’s only combat though ^ benny is with me when we explore. mood is me having a 5 star and not even using her... i still need to think of ways qiqi could fit into the group yk. is your group still looking the same as before? ooooh if you could rank the elements what would your ranking look like?
172!!!!! that’s a bit short though when you said tall i thought like... 190 or something sjksjdxk. wait how tall are You?
oh i just meant like... people bashing others for spending too much money on the game vs those that bash people for not spending money and complaining that they don’t get 5 star etc? idk yt comments can be so ugly though so it’s a good thing that you don’t read them sjdjdjdkd
that’s super smart!!! you just follow along the plan and delete when you come to the part. must feel so satisfying too i imagine. haha, what little notes i have i put in the notes app and just check up on when i need to. sometimes i even forget they’re there shdkdhsks. my notes are filled with half-assed dialogue or random one words notes that don’t make any sense to me anymore.. nskdhddjdj
you’re right!! so you write at night? sometimes i just open docs on my phone and write a bit before i sleep and when i wake up it’s either a grammatical mess or just... super bad hskshd the brain is simply too tired to create anything shakespeareian
nooo i’ll def check these out and let you know what i think. i’ve seen halsey being in pretty much every klance playlist on spotify so i imagine she portrays their vibes pretty nicely. doesn’t she have a song she sings about being blue and red or something... shdjfhdj such a bad description but i see it being used in edits a lot. also now that i think of it melanie has a song called pacify her that i really like!! do you like it?
THATS SO CUTE YOU ARE A CRYBABY. 🥺 same here tbh i actually like crying sometimes... sjskdjdjd like you said it just feels nice to get it all out. i cry to almost movie or series or book i read i’m a super emotional person but i also think it adds to the experience? you feel more immersed in it that way.
RIGHT??? ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! and it’s our boys 😭 and they’re cuddling 😭 under the sun 😭 ssjdjdhdjdj 😭
can’t wait to hear from you again <3 yours, ma <3
good night! more like ahhah
:o!! that’s so legendary of them wow.. <33 and yeah honestly the voice acting is phenomenal.. and all the implications behind the fight too? bakugou finally opening up? midoriya understanding that what he needs is to fight him? ugh. kiribaku is fine! fhdsjfks my brain is so full of todobaku that any other ship is really just... in the background hfskjfs but i can appreciate the relationship they have! with kiri being the only one bakugou has really acknowledged and seeing as being on the same level, that iconic hand clasp when bakugou was being rescued... i have a kiribaku fic in my drafts but idk if i can ever get to it ahha. you like them a lot right?
ikkk also i didn’t know we had to wait until the very end to buy? i have more than enough to buy it rn but when i clicked it said ‘must explore area 14 first’ and i was just... bruh. AHAHAH. okay so in my mind it’s like.. chongyun at a funky angle we’re kinda looking up at him and his body is like bent down towards us fhsdkjs idk how to describe it but i can picture it very well but i also cannot put it to paper/screen. and then his clothes are just black instead of white! HAHAH. tho i kinda wanna see if i can draw a xiao first to offer up to the gacha gods hfsdjkfs (and if i can i’ll do a version w a dark outfit too for u hehe)
legitttt im literally just logging in and grinding the talent domains every day fhsdkjfhskfhjd there are some artifacts i want as well but the domain is literally SO difficult for me fuck.
i just go in and use her skill then heal a bit and switch right away fhsdkjfsd it going alright! and then i go ham with my other 3 charas and switch back to her to heal again fhskfjd. OMGGG that’s so cute please... i miss diluc too... come back!! i wish we had a way to replay the old quests even if we get nothing out of them like i just wanna experience it again ya know.
oooo! that’s pretty nice. hfskjd you could switch barbara out for qiqi! since she’s a healer as well. omg wait you have lumine right? so your combat team has no males? legendary 😩 we love fighting queens! ya! traveller, chongyun, xiangling, fischl. and then i switch depending on the domain/boss i’m gonna fight. hmm elements I think would go: anemo, cryo, electro, pyro, hydro, geo, dendro? LMAO i reckon if i had diluc tho pyro would be higher... i also almost forgot to add geo to that list lmaooooooo oops, hbu??
I JUST SAW THE LINK.... AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! the bestest boys look how cute they’re sjdkfjdjjdd i’m obsessed. the picture where benny has his back turned sjdudjdjddnd stop. 🥺 they’re so neat. 🥺 also NO ARE YOU SERIOUS? that’s so upsetting are you gonna try it out nonetheless or do you think it’s too risky?
they’re SO neat!!! and bennett facing the other way was so fhskjfd yeah cute <3333333 I KNOWWW IM SO SAD :((( and no...... im not gonna try 😭😭😭 i told my brother about it too and he asked how many rolls i was at and i said 70 and he was straight up ‘you can’t try then’ and i was like ‘i know 😔😔’. @ xiao... i am giving up xingqiu rate up for you 😤😤😤😤 ugh i hope i can still get xingqiu in xiao’s banner tho even tho the chances will be shit. are you gonna roll ganyu’s banner?
FHSKJFSD NOOOOOO don’t tell me 172 is average for you wtf... (apparently the average male height in japan is 160cm! for reference ahah) and i myself am. one hundred and. fifty something cm hfsdjfhskjdfhskdjfhw9uehdsifhwsdkjfhsdkfhsd 😔 big sighs lmaoooooooo. how tall are you? (im assuming much taller 😔😔😔😔😔)
ooh notes app? nice ahaha. fhdkjfhskfsk hdthat’s the mood tho! if i don’t have my laptop with me i’ll write out everything on notes first then transfer to my laptop~
AHAHAH yeahhh i think mostly i do? bc during school times i’ll only write after i’m done with my work which = night time. for a while Peak writing time for me was like 1am lmfao but i do that in a like half-asleep half-conscious state so when i come back the next day at a “normal” time i run into the same issue as you fshdfkjshfs
she does!!! it’s called colours 😩 but i think the one i related to voltron most is control! there was this really good shiro edit with that song i still remember it to this day <3 yeah i do!!! i like most of melanie’s songs actually ahahah. i think my favourite for a while was show and tell~
it totally does!! like it’s satisfying as well you know... like the characters have gone through so much and you experienced that with them so it’s natural to get emotional about it. that reminds me, what kind of books do/did you read? did you read all Those YA novels ahah talking about crying has reminded me how i cried reading those..
<333 i wanna be there with them 😩 actually no i want to BE them 😩😩😩
eager for your response <33 love, c.r.
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after-lauhgter · 3 years
Hey dude, I really like your music taste so do all the music questions that you didn't already answer 🌚
OK DUDE HERE THEY COME (except 1,6 & 14) ... ok lets do number 1 again  What's a song you've been listening to a lot lately? as the world caves in by Matt Maltese, if I get high by nothing but thieves, and literally anything off waterparks’ new live album, that thing makes me feel so ALIVE bc like LIVE MUSIC  Is there an album you recently discovered and are obsessed with it now? well waterparks live in the uk obviously but if the last 6 months count as recently, then the new abnormal by the strokes. its... absolutely breathtaking. I don't have words. 0 words. except these dudes know what the fuck they’re doing. and then I found the devil and god are raging inside me by brand new and jeeesus. literally Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ was my most played song in 2020 AS IT SHOULD BE bc its EVERYTHING this album is THE SHIT. every song is just *chef kiss* like there's limousine (omg limousine) and you won't know and not the sun and AHH listen to these albums omg  Put your playlist on shuffle and show the first 10 songs. No cheating. i assume “your playlist” means all my saved songs so Topography by Civilian (pls go listen its SO great) Na Na Na by mcr yees issa classic  Du schreibst Geschichte by Madsen omg geeerman  just saying by EDEN (pretty pretty pretty) Westerland von den Ärzten another classic  letdown by nothing,nowhere. sad but the good kind of sad  The Man by the killers making fun of toxic masculinity gives me LIFE  Graffiti by CHVRCHES YES  and death stranding by CHVRCHES too YES SO GOOD simmer by Hayley Williams, a queen  How do you tend to discover new music? If you do at all of course I do enjoy what Spotify suggests, like my weekly mix brought a lot of bops in the past, although sometimes it just sucks lets be real. I also like the artist- or album-radio, when I wanna find something similar to an album but not the album.  and another thing I lovvve is when artists I like recommend music, for example, have you seen dallon weekes instagram stories? THE TASTE? bc yes, someone who writes music like that MUST have a superior taste in music and he fucking does. 
What app do you mostly use to listen to music? Spotify :) Is there an artist that you feel ashamed of listening too? I can't think of anyone so probably not  What is your favorite album cover art? omg. I have to go with more than one. so there's where the mind wants to go/where you let it go by I the mighty, one of my favorite albums of all time, and I'm going to say it how it is, I LIKE THE COLORS. the blue-ish imagine with the red omg. look at it pls.  Also fandom by waterparks looks SO COOL. again the COLORS  and I love the art for Isola by Kent.  I recently discovered you wouldn't believe what privilege costs by civilian and I think that cover is pretty cool too.  well and then there's petals for armor by Hayley Williams, the cover art is so fucking powerful Jesus I get goosebumps just thinking about it. in case you don't know about it, long story short: there's been a lot of shit going on in Hayleys life in the past. relatable imo. then they made after laughter and its been like u know what fuck it we’ll just laugh and dance through the pain. together. and I LOVED the vibe omg it gave me so much. but for Hayley it kinda postponed REALLY dealing with shit. she came home from touring with AL and she also got divorced during the AL era and everything's shit and out of all that came petals for armor. and in it she reclaims femininity, being alone, being powerful, being a women, everything. and ah yeah we were talking about the cover art, the cover is her, having a line of squares on her face, three of these squares are tattooed on her fingers though bc its where her ex husbands initials used to be that she got covered up. WHAT A MOVE. THE POWER.  (if anyone is interested in hearing Hayley talking about/explaining all this, I really recommend watching her interview with zane Lowe. its SO GOOD basically free therapy) How much did your parents influence your music taste? a. lot. my dad listened to a lot of “dad rock” you may call it, I guess a lot of dads listened to stuff similar to this. Deep Purple, the police, simple minds, Green Day, Billy Talent, the scorpions and things like that. what influenced me the most tho was the beatsteaks (german band, very good), die Ärzte (german band, very good) and LAST BUT NOT LEAST the fricking blues brothers. my favorite movie (not the 2000 remake, go watch that in hell where it belongs), a great, charismatic band, unbelievable live performances. very big WOW from me.  Do you own any vinyl? don't get me started omg. I DO. I wish I could take a photo but my records are at my parents house so ill just name my favorites.  -after laughter and brand new eyes by paramore -violent things by the brobecks and their song boring on 7inch (this is very rare ok) -razzzzmatazzz by idkhow in gold :) -may death never stop you by mcr (my first one, I bought it first and then bought a record player for it, that's how it started lol) -omg the black parade is dead by mcr, this was never available on vinyl until record store day 2019 (?) and I hunted that bitch like idek what it was insane but I found a super cute small record store and the owner didn't have copies of it bc NOBODY DID but he fucking CALLED THE LABEL even though it was way too late and he asked if they'd send him a copy and THEY DID I FUCKING OWE THIS MAN  -and omg Isola by Kent (in Swedish tho bc the English version was never pressed on vinyl) this was intense. I searched for like 2 weeks and then, on google results page 8 or something, I found what could've been the only copy on the damn internet and it was very expensive but its MINE NOW -my signed vertigo vinyl by EDEN, its clear and on side D it doesn't have music but a little message engraved it the vinyl IT IS CUTe -Placebos MTV unplugged! I am so I love with this album. SO. in love. and one day, when I was in Berlin to see palaye royale, back when we had concerts, I walked by a random record store and they have like 4 records left bc they were closing or idk and the only one displayed in the window was this one. tell me about FATE  Do you own any cds? not many. sometimes when im at the store and I see ones I know or like, I just buy them and put them in me moms car bc I want her to listen to them. or when I find a cd by a smaller artist I enjoy, I buy it just to push the nachfrage. HI i am HERE and I WANT this music  Is vinyl really better than listening on a digital device? im not gonna be that middle aged white male audiophile that hates on our generation for using Spotify. bc its great. I think its just different. I mean im sorry I don't carry my record player on the bus with me, pls forgive me for using my phone? having immediate access to most of the music that is out there? wow. what a concept. I love the internet. YES TECHNOLOGY. but. vinyls are... different. I feel likes its a different kind of listening. I feel like youre rly LISTENING. and that way isn't better, or right, and im not saying it works like this for everyone. but when I put a record on, my only activity at that moment is listening to music, I sit down and I listen. to the entire album. so skips and no pauses, bc that's how it works. and I think that sometimes, that can do a lot for you. if you let it.  and besides that, physically owning a record makes me happy on a level nothing else really does. fuck I love music so much and when I fall in love with it, I fall hard. and then owning a copy of it, something I can touch, something that is MINE, putting it in my little shelf, looking at it every few days and just being in love? fantastic feeling.  What is a genre of music that you tend to go to for comfort? sad shit. I feel like I can get great comfort from the sad shit. or maybe just slow shit. and songs that mean a lot to me and have been around me for some time, they have this other level of comfort. like for Emma, forever ago by bon iver for example. I have a playlist, maybe I'll reblog this again and link it ;) Do you tend to like poppy upbeat songs, or more intricate and interesting songs? both. sometimes I wanna have complicated stuff and analyze the shit out of lyrics and instrumentation, sometimes I just wanna v i b e If you have a favorite band or artist, tell us about how you got into them I liked paramore before but when they posted the video of them performing last hope at reading? it was over. when Hayley sang the bridge it was over. now im a die hard fan and I never looked back Is there a song that came out this year that you like? maybe after reading all this shit you expected a list but somehow I can't. where do u even start. but the answer is definitely yes.  THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING I COULD GO ON FOR DAYS 
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nicohischier · 4 years
ok so i legit know nothing about apple music despite having had a mac since 2016 and an iphone since 2018. pls explain them basics for me.
edit: i read this again and its highkey confusing af. if you can figure anything out from this i applaud you. but eyah i am definitely available if you want more explanation since this did.... the bare minimum...... k i n d a
okay ! apple music is actually very easy to navigate after you’ve found the features once so i’ll give you a nice lil run down on them! 
(so i did this on mobile so the pictures will probably be fucking stupid but it got really long so i actually got out of bed and got my computer so i could add the read more thing)
so i’ve had apple music since 2014ish so i dont entirely know what the initial set up stuff is like anymore but they’ll obvs guide you through that and then toss you into the app. so i’ll take over from the moment you’re in the LIBRARY page.
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this is roughly what your first impression will be (your sections at the top will be different bc i altered mine for my preferences. i included a pic to show all the options apple music gives you to sort the entirety of your library).
most likely they will have had you select artists/songs you like already so that’s dope. to add more go to the SEARCH function (which i’m sure you would’ve figured out easily bc you’re not 3).
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apple music has the ability to search their entire database or search within the songs you already own (v helpful when you want to locate a song without scrolling through everything). so obvs select to search from apple music and just look for whatever artists or song you want and add them.
you can also search for playlists (like on spotify) that were created by users but please. lower your expectations for them. do not go in with high hopes bc you will probs be let down. 
so we’ve covered the library page (mostly i’ll be back to it) and the search function. the for you page is basically like spotify’s except it’s a lot less tailored. apple music doesn’t process their data nearly as well as spotify does so the playlists they curate aren’t the best (fr i haven’t listened to fob since 2015 and it still gets recommended to me in the favourites mix playlist)
but essentially the for you page has the playlists that get made for you, hold your recently played albums/playlists, albums they recommend based on your listening habits/playlists, and other kind of stuff.
imma be tbh w you though i only use the library and search pages bc the other stuff isn’t really tailored at all
but in the BROWSE page it’s all generic stuff. things that are in no way specific to you and are just trending albums or songs, top # in [country], new stuff, and some world-specific playlists (ex: summer themed playlists).
in RADIO it’s literally that. radio shows, radios you created based on songs, broadcast shows (sportsnet, tsn, etc).
that covers the stuff to do with the main pages. i’m willing to bet you’ll use library and search and rarely touch the others but who knows.
but going back to library bc it’s where you will absolutely spend most of your time...
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downloaded music: holds all the music you download for offline listening. separates music the exact same way, so it’s separated playlists, artists, albums, songs, mvs, etc.
*composers: literally sorts by the person who composed the song idk you won’t use it i promise
*compilations: i dont actually understand man but it’s dumb and you’re not sorting by compilations i know you won’t so who cares
genres: separates songs by their genres (so pop, kpop, rock, r&b, whatever. you probs won’t sort by this either i only have it bc it lets me play every kpop song i own)
music videos: puts all the music videos in one place. apple music has music videos so you can save those to your library and watch them in app if you want. this tab just lets you keep them all together. idk.
songs: is literally your entire song list. every song or music video you own is here. every genre every language every album every artist every single song.
albums: sorta all your stuff by the albums they’re in.
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artists: i think you get the gist but it sorta all your songs by the artist (i put a pic above just to make the post a lil bit shorter)
playlists: obviously where your playlists are stored. (the recently played one is bs don’t rely on it).
PERSONALLY i think apple musics playlist function is superior. but that’s my opinion.
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this is what creating a new playlist is like. you have an optional name, optional desc, and optional cover image. when you add music you can do it from your library, your for you page, browse, or you can search for songs. personally i think it’s better bc unlike spotify if you search for an album and want to add three songs you won’t have to search it up three times because the app kicks you back to the ‘add songs’ page every time.
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SO. within the song. in red is where you find all your actions (delete the song, download it, ‘love’ it, suggest less like it, add to playlist, whatever)
in blue is your queue, your upcoming, where you control if you’re shuffling/looping/repeating. you can also scroll down (up?) and view your history.
in green is just the info abt where your music is playing. speakers, bluetooth, headphones, whatever.
and in purple is my favourite feature! lyrics! it scrolls along with the song, highlights which line is currently being sung, and you are able to tap any line in the lyrics and it will jump to the specific line.
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that’s really all that’s important. i mean apple music also has a profile feature but it’s really not used so.
idk. if there’s anything unclear (bc god knows this was terrible and missed things) or you want more info feel free to ask
*you will never in a million years sort by this feature. its stupid and pointless and dont. just dont.
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phuezo · 5 years
Hehe, all questions with a question mark! Jk jk XD Questions that have food in it.
you mean ALL OF THEM lol well I have a little of free time lets see 1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? bubblegum
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? the calm and quiet one, I never got into trouble
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? I stopped drinking soda time ago but would prefeer on cups
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? tomboy goth and grunge... 👀
7. earbuds or headphones? headphones
8. movies or tv shows? tv shows!! the story last more! :D
9. favorite smell in the summer? smell of beach or sea I think
10. game you were best at in p.e.? I think it was dodgeball C: 
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? eggs... lol
12. name of your favorite playlist? “RWBY inspiration ideas” LOL for now
13. lanyard or key ring? Key ring (so I can use my ember celica keychain 👀)
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? not so into candies I think (?) mmm... I think the peppermint caramel
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? never got assignment one (or didnt like any of those)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? depending if is chair or couch xD but mostly its in a weird lotus position
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? a black pair of tennis (I need to buy more shoes :’3)
18. ideal weather? rainy or cloudy weather <3
19. sleeping position? on my back with my arms kind of streched?
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? on my pc, evernote. tho sometimes I take notes on my sketchbook...
21. obsession from childhood? videogames and some cartoons
22. role model? I... dont know? my mother was?
23. strange habits? I dunno lol bite my nails count?
24. favorite crystal? -gem? :D I think the sapphire
25. first song you remember hearing? I think it was Bee gees song (bc of my mom)
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? anything really
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? anything really heh
28. five songs to describe you? Battle Beast, Katy Perry, Delain, Ignea, rwby songs... cant pick one sorry
29. best way to bond with you? If you like the same shows I like or games :) idk sometimes people talk to me and it just “click” and BOOM friendship and sometimes it doesnt work... my head is weird
30. places that you find sacred? My desk at the tv room on my house... 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? dont have an outfit my normal ones are so lame being just jean and a shirt 
32. top five favorite vines? shut up, vulture, YEET, the mario school kids, beagle exorcism... I love a lot xD 
33. most used phrase in your phone? “lol” “puta” “hi Im gay” “Uwu wa this?!”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? moday.com...
35. average time you fall asleep? between 11pm to midnight :c bc of work
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? pff I dont remember but I remember a website where those kind of memes started (?)
37. suitcase or duffel bag? duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea? both
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? lemon meringue pie!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? when a oppossum entered one of the gardens?
41. last person you texted? my sister
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? both!
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? all >:3
44. favorite scent for soap? I think rice and honey lol
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? dark fantasy and scifi
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? pants and a shirt with no undies :3
47. favorite type of cheese? mozarella
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? I dont like so much fruit but I think I would be a mango?
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “I do/wear what I want and I dont give s** about others opinion”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? I dont remember many things made me laugh hehe I think some crack videos or vines
51. current stresses? work...
52. favorite font? Helvetica(?)
53. what is the current state of your hands? clean, nails bitten... meh
54. what did you learn from your first job? there is so many kind of people in the whole world and dirty stuff that happens in movie theatry (cinema)
55. favorite fairy tale? Beauty and the Beast, Alice in wonderland
56. favorite tradition? Halloween Hanal Pixan (Day of death)
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? my mother passing away, my ex gf...  idk 
58. four talents you’re proud of having? drawing and having good concept ideas but poor at trying to execute
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? “HEEEYA” Idk lol
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? ...In a fantasy or dark fantasy or scifi with yuri (lesbian) ...please
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? "Because life, as it is now, is an accident, and will chaotically disappear just as it had appeared" -some dude on youtube comment.
62. seven characters you relate to? Yang, Blake, Chloe, Pearl, Historia eh... Yui and Max I think?
63. five songs that would play in your club? all of my metal songs from spotify
64. favorite website from your childhood? cartoonnetwork.la LOL bc games
65. any permanent scars? a little one on my left eyebrow
66. favorite flower(s)? roses? I think they are cute 
67. good luck charms? my black cat :D... I dont have lol
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? spoiled...milk
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? I dont know how out of nowhere I learned /love english language lol
70. left or right handed? LEFT
71. least favorite pattern? eh?
72. worst subject? religion...
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I dont have I think? 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? like 6-7
75. when did you lose your first tooth? at my house when my mom teach me I think?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? ALL OF THEM I LOVE POTATO
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? I dont know so much about plants but maybe a carnivore?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? coffee from gas station (never trust any sea food on store)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? school
80. earth tones or jewel tones? earth I think
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? fireflies
82. pc or console? BOTH
83. writing or drawing? both but more of drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio? 1 podcast only
84. barbie or polly pocket? polly pocket
85. fairy tales or mythology? BOTH!!!!
86. cookies or cupcakes? cookies
87. your greatest fear? end being alone... with no idea of whats gonna happen... and totally darkness 
88. your greatest wish? just survive by drawing or make a comic that ends being famouse or something like that... have a partner but idk I think I still traumatized
89. who would you put before everyone else? none... only me and it depends...
90. luckiest mistake? idk sometimes when I need to save money something happends and I end saving money. (UBER)
91. boxes or bags? boxes
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? lamps
93. nicknames? Tany, Huezo, Kad, Tantan, TAN, Blake and phuezo
94. favorite season? Fall and winter
95. favorite app on your phone? knight chronicles LOL
96. desktop background? RWBY
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? only 2 LOL mine and my father
98. favorite historical era? the creation of our universe and world... dinosaurs and some victorian era...(?) FINISHED OMG thanks for the ask but omg xD
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resilientreader · 5 years
1-98 for asks like we did a million years ago, I dare you
i knew the MOMENT i saw the notif in my inbox that it was gonna be YOU pulling this shit and i crossed my fingers when actually clicking, HOPING i wouldnt have to answer all 98, maybe you’ll be tame this time, but no! this is what you’re doing to me. and ykno what, Fine. u dare me and i Will do it. i hope u rb the asks post so i can do it to u too, tho
1. coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars
3. bubblegum
4. that smart student who always read instead of actually paying attention
5. soda from glass cups is the best
6. its hard to just Decide between all these styles so ill say which one applies to mine most, which i Gotta say has to b preppy even if i want like goth or grunge to b mixed in
7. headphones
8. good omens, fmab, castlevania, uhhhh. those are just the ones ive watched so far this summer
9. my grandparents’ home. which is kinda weird but i have a lot of summer memories there
10. i sucked at like Everything in p.e., there Was no best
11. leftovers
12. i cant choose a favorite playlist?? /some/ of them, tho, are soar my ethereal heart, neither here nor there, mountainside storms, and sync of my heartbeat. so like any of my more recent ones
13. lanyard
14. i had to google a list for this bc honestly i always eat just chocolates but i like starburst
15. fahrenheit 451 was a rly fun read. ray bradbury’s writing gave me inspo for metaphors and writing and such and it was rly nice
16. sprawled across one of those comfy armchairs where i can swing my legs over one arm n lay my head on the other one
17. my black converse
18. cool temperature and rain without storms, or a cloudy day that lets me take a nice walk
19. on my side if i can but on my back otherwise
20. on my laptop, in google docs, to be more specific
21. winnie the pooh
22. idk?? i try not to look to just one person for a source of “this is how i should be”, so i guess,,,, a mix of family members and then a couple like more famous ppl??? which would basically consist of one of my aunts, my dad, and jenna marbles, to keep my Brain Process for role model stuff simplified
23. i dunno if any of the habits i have are strange?? i bounce my right leg and my right hand kinda. like. shakes when im nervous. i cant rly think of anything else i do tho i Know i probably have other habits
24. amethyst or pyrite
25. ur really just assuming my memory is good enough for this but if i had to say, it’d be any popular song from 2009 specifically
26. hide in my room with a fan and ac
27. read with a blanket wrapped around me or smth
28. atlas: six by sleeping at last, flaws by bastille, atlas: five by sleeping at last, she by dodie, and neptune by sleeping at last. there are probably more/better ones but those are the first ones i found
29. listen. be open with me. talk with me. not to sound like that person, but sharing ur life secrets is a rly big ice breaker for me because it helps let me know i can trust u. but also idk im a really awkward person and can accidentally distance myself from ppl so when ppl notice theres smth up w me or even do the bare minimum of doing Their part to maintain a friendship, that’s always rad as shit when idk how to communicate what i need
30. my room, my high school’s auditorium, the local barnes and noble
31. black boots, black jeans, any button-up shirt that’ll match that combination OR a really cool sweatshirt
32. im a bad bitch, you cant kill me. road work ahead? uh, i sure hope it does. it is wednesday, my dudes! welcome to chili’s. i love you, bitch, and i ain’t ever gonna stop loving you, bitch.
33. probably “omg” or “oh my god”
34. sc johnson. a family company.
35. i dont even have one but on a good night like 10-11
36. the troll face memes
37. suitcases feel much more organized
38. lemonade
39. lemon cake
40. ummmmm....one time a tech/theatre kid left a paint can sitting out in the open accidentally and a person took a shit in it or smth then knocked over the can, spilled a bunch of paint, and tried to clean it up w a broom and proceeded to like snap the broom in half. then they ran away to leave the kids to clean it up the next day. i wasnt actually there for that but ive heard the story firsthand enough times to Know
41. my dad
42. jacket pockets
43. hoodie is what i wear, tho everything else is Very Good
44. lavender
45. fantasy, my dudes
46. this set of pjs i got for xmas w a soft tshirt and matching baggy flannel pants
47. colby jack
48. uhhh a banana?? i could probably give a better answer if i was more
49. i dont rly live by a quote or saying, i just Go for it
50. my sister has probably done smth before to like Break me
51. everything ever but mostly myself
52. arial
53. uhhh...kinda worn? my nails aren’t doin so good and i have a couple scratches and stuff that Still havent healed after a few weeks
54. get a move on
55. the ugly duckling
56. tradition is kinda vague but i like that it became tradition for me and my siblings to go to my grandparents’ home every summer
57. i think im still overcoming like everything ive been faced with ever
58. writing? listening, helping, giving advice. idk tbh like talents who?
59. "jesus christ, my dude”
60. a fantasy/comedy, or at least if its gonna be fantasy with death and stuff, it should be dope as fuck
61. "isn’t vulnerability the opposite of being in control?” from a webcomic called aerial magic. super simple but the entire scene leading up to it,,,,,so good
62. umm fuck! i dont kno whether favs r usually ones that i relate to or ones that i wanna b like but??? keith from voltron, jirou from bnha, chromedome and/or rewind from transformers/mtmte, sypha from castlevania, and jayfeather from warriors
63. planetary (go!) by mcr, the seed by aurora, hayloft by mother mother, the cup/halloween blues from relient k, choke by i dont know how but they found me
64. coolmath was THE shit
65. yes! two on my leg from a surgery i had to get to realign my femur, bc i snapped the bone in half
66. lavender, snowdrops, hibiscus
67. i dont really have any, mostly bc i have a hard time attaching like. That sorta meaning to just random objects, but i do still have a small teddy bear stashed safely away in my room from when i was a little babee
68. pickle-flavored pringles. disgusting. would not recommend
69. lions’ roars can be heard up to 5 miles away from the original source
70. right handed
71. horizontal stripes, i guess? there’s not much wrong with them but i just Never wear them
72. math
73. i dont usually eat /weird/ flavor combos, even tho ill eat basically anything, but i like ketchup in mac and cheese sometimes. or fries in shakes. chicken and waffles. stuff like that
74. 11
75. idek honestly, my memory is too bad
76. hashbrowns
77. i dont kno a Lot of plants off the top of my head other than the Basic ones but literally any flower in a windowsill is like bone apple teeth in my mind
78. sushi from a grocery store. publix taught me that grocery stores can, in fact, be trusted when needed
79. my school id photo
80. earth tones
81. fireflies
82. pc
83. writing
84. talk radio is nostalgic but podcasts are always more entertaining to actually listen to
84. polly pocket
85. mythology with a dash of fairytales
86. cupcakes, because of my dog’s name
87. abandonment
88. to grow unbreakable attachments with everyone i care very deeply about and grow into an old age with them, or something
89. i feel like answering this question totally honestly would hurt ppl’s feelings, but also i literally could think of like 4 people to put down for this and i’m bad at deciding, esp w smth like this, so. not to b vague but These People kno who they are
90. becoming a part of a certain website with a bad crowd and managing to pick out the good apples in such a rotten batch
91. boxes
92. lamps /and/ fairy lights
93. i dont rly have any but my parents call me hannah banana. that’s ab it, tho
94. fall/winter? it kinda is inconsistent because fall has bad weather in florida but winter is when like everything has Gone Wrong in life these past few years, but then fall has such a GOOD aesthetic and my birthday is in winter, so they’re pretty even rn
95. uhhh??? thats such a weird thing, to try and assign a “favorite” app, but the only thing i could think to say would be spotify just bc i use it so much on my phone, even if the app itself isnt the greatest
96. i havent set one, actually, bc im lazy and havent found anything that’d fit
97. 2 and a half
98. the part where fish were learning that they could walk on land
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charmerofbees · 6 years
im bored at lunch and doing this bye
WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Elaine ******* ********* who tf puts their whole name on the internet??
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Laine, Lainey, Eli
3. BIRTHDAY? Feb 27
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES?  Um Lady of the rivers/white queen/red queen/white princess by phillipa gregory
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? tom robbins and david sedaris and toni morrison. a lot more but those are top three that are drastically different
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? the only one i listen to is a local alt rock, other than that i listen to my own perfectly curated spotify playlists 
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? uhhh lavender or salt n vinegar lmao
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? deadcrush by alt j
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? cornflake girl - florence and the machine cover
MAD MEN even tho matthew weiner die, schitts creek, the office only bc you wont get any memes if you dont, SHARP OBJECTS SHARP OBJECTS SHARP OBJECTS and also the sinner season 1
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? just the sims and when im with my friends ill play what they play
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? a stranger breaking in to my house or like a ghost idk
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i dont judge anyone bc i just dont care what other people do as long as its not harming others. so ive been told im a good person to confide in
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? for sureeeee my need to be right at all times
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? my cat is the best living creature, but other than him, dogs
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? summer i need to feel the sun radiating my bones to feel alive
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? my childood dog and no bills
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? her name is hailey, my sister and i met her when i was 5 and they were 6 and we’ve been inseparable ever since
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? ash blonde
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my sister
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my sister and all of my friends
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my 12 year old half brother
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? get to go to baltimore this weekend for a museum trip
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? honestly rn sims 4...its like therapy for me lmao. and my cat. 
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? i barely watched tv as a child....probs the wild thornberries
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? my other best friends john and tyler. we’ve been friends for 16 years 
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? yeah catch me practicing all safeguards 
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? misophobia/phonia
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? not really a hobbie but im v passionate about tarot cards. and i do yoga every morning
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? their eyes were watching god
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? when harry met sally 
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? used to play piano but i stopped in high school
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? thestateonmtv, theocseason4, thehauntedmansion2003....idk any more i check those 3 a lot bc theyre good comic relief
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? i loooove my room. also a small abandoned beach called claiborne.
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? anything my idiot cat does, tv shows, when i mreally depressed i listen to my brother my brother and me because its mindless
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i mean i played volleyball for 3 years BUT i did ballet and modern dance (w some jazz sometimes) for 16 years so that took up almost all of my free time
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? water, green apple kombucha, an oatmilk latte
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when ppl chew loud it makes me wanna die. 
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? omg tons are you for real lmao
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? uhhh a weird mix of no dairy and no meat but i eat seafood? bc im on the east coast in maryland so you basically have to here
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yes but im not great at it despite having like 10 years training lmao
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? in high school i skipped like 50 days a year lmao. in college i was better but def used all of my sick days
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? the beach, or st andrews by the sea in new brunswick
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? summer in st andrews by the sea, somewhere warm and beachy the rest of the time
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? my cat, and at my moms house another cat and a dog, my dad has a dog a horse and a raccoon (?) but i dont go there alot
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? i guess early bird but i love sleep
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? for six years i hated my life
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? alternative and classic rock. also i love jazz and blues
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? i dont have one
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? i loved the archie comics as a child...thats why i unabashadly love riverdale
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? close minded people
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? art history in college, english in high school
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? 2 step brothers, 2 ex step brothers (Were still close), a full sister, and a half brother
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? a latte maker and hair dye
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5’ 9″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes but i hate cleaning pots
76. WHAT ARE THREE FOUR THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? my cat, lattes, music, my bed
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? i dont really label myself but its definitely fluid
81. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED? one of my group chats
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? ugh on monday in therapy
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? i dont really have one
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? almost never
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? uhhh instagram and huji
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? mmmm spanish or like...portugese
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? deep ocean bc its like... right there
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? for like 2 years i would accept any dare anyone gave me....until i jumped off a bridge and cracked my ankle. so not anymore haha
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? an ingredient in contacts and pink eye medication
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? no one is thinking about/judging you as much as you think they are
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? yes but i dont use it often
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? uh idk or care tbh 
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? very infrequently
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? god the most introverted
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? i loosely keep a tarot journal
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? depends on the situation but almost always, no
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yeah its so weird to me that some people have been haha
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? SO when i turned 18 i got lik 7 extra piercings on my ears...they all closed up so now i have my OG two
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? anna karenina i think wed be friends
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? staying home for a year and going to community college when my step dad was dying
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yes totally
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yes 3 girls
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? why the fuck would i say it here
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? yes bc of anxiety
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 23
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE?  “unable to perceive the shape of you, i find you all around me. your presence fills my eyes with your love. it humbles my heart, for you are everywhere” from the shape of water
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory but i love a good fruit
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taesthetes · 7 years
hi petal, it’s vn army anon here ♡ I’m sorry again for my late reply! omg cat it’s here. it’s coming. this friday is the D day; my prom’s on that day! and not gonna lie, I’m pretty hella nervous, it’s just rly intense with the choreo and all, hope I won’t embarrass myself that much in front of a hundred of ppl who’ll be there._. I actually went to a makeup&hair try last weekend to see how it’ll look like. and I’m still not sure abt the hairstyle, I’mma ask a few friends but maybe I’ll leave it–
–like that. and how was thanksgiving?? I saw all those pics of food my friends who celebrate it shared and I wanted to be there so bad! yes, at least our class does have matching outfits for our prom bc we ordered them at the tailor’s. we have two skirts, a short one got dancing&long one for later, and an overall body (top). I personally like the long one more but it’s not that bad overall. and yea, over here each class has their own prom where they choose their theme&we all have to do a little–
–opening dance. but tbh I only hope for it to end asap, it’s just too much work around it. ohh that’s great u got a scholarship tho! it rly does help u a lot with ur studies! government sucks. I never got the point of students paying tuition, they just thirsty for $$ lol. “as long as u pay tuition” ouch, but what else can we do, that’s the sad reality. abt the playlist, ur welcome, it rly was nothing, I enjoyed creating it! since I don’t have data, I downloaded the vid&converted it into mp3 so–
–I’ve been listening to it quite often lately as well! another thing I found out was that the sound quality of that vid playlist is way much better than on spotify—like idk if it’s just my case but the sound quality on spotify is rly low, and I have premium! I had to turn up the volume to red mark warning to truly enjoy the music. I even changed my earphones but it was same, when I tried out another music app or listened to my playlist posted on YT, the sound was HQ.–
–I had in mind to make more but as you can see, I barely have time to even make any original content on here so I was just putting it all on hold for now. taeyang’s vocals are truly amazing tho! how are you doing these days? any news? what about the cute guy behind the gym desk? (yea, I read your fic ;D) have a pretty day/night, petal ♡♡
hello, raindrop!! i’m sorry for the super late reply; it’s finals week, so i’ve been cram studying and i took my last exam today, and i’m finally done! my holiday break has officially started aksldjhflas but i missed talking to you!! and HOW WAS PROM? did you have fun? how was the dance? was there good food? i hope you enjoyed it!! and i know you did amazing with the dance! :D did you find a hairstyle you liked for prom?
and thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful!! i had so so much good food, and thanksgiving leftovers are my absolute favorite. I packed some to bring to my dorm for the week, and it was glorious. oooh wow, well, at least the stress of finding a prom dress is nonexistent for you akjsldfhdlas i remember being too impatient with dress shopping, and i tried on like three dresses and just bought one of them right then and there ahah. and your prom  sounds like so much fun!! it seems much more organized than my prom :’) 
and yes!! i’m so grateful for the scholarship because tuition is just unbelievably expensive, but education is so important, so it’s a struggle D: i wish the government didn’t take away all our money like this, but unfortunately, i don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon ): omg did it take a long time to download and convert all those files? i’m still listening to your playlist everyday, too!! it was nice to listen to as I studied for finals :D and really?? i use spotify all the time, but i’ve never noticed that before; maybe i’m just so used to the spotify quality after listening from it for so long ahah for me, youtube has been doing weird interruptions/bufferings after i get three seconds in for any video, and i have to manually press the play button for it to continue playing /:
askdjhfalksh you’re so busy, please don’t overwork yourself!! make sure to take breaks and relax a little bit in between! and yes, i agree!!! i love love love taehyung’s vocals the most, but maybe i’m also just a teeny bit biased haha :’) and i’m doing good! i have a full month off for xmas break, so i’m so so happy to finally be able to go home and catch up on sleep and do absolutely nothing ahhh and the cute gym guy and i are friends!! we like to tell each other pick up lines whenever we see each other at the gym now :D asdlfkajsdf thank you so much for reading my writing ♡ and i hope you’re doing well!! have a wonderful day and night, raindrop!! 💙
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