#this went from just wanting to talk about hawke and glasses and ended up with a little convo with the party when they first see her wearing
danikamariewrites · 7 months
Okay, so what about some hcs with poly bat boys being jealous of a friend or something like that? Maybe they have a ddlg relationship with y/n?
When They’re Jealous headcanon
Bat boys x reader
A/n: they would be unbearable and the worst jealous boyfriends pouting and throwing lil tantrums to each other. Personally I’d squish their cheeks and just say awwww
Warnings: jealousy, slight ddlg and of course fluff
Usually Rhys, Az, and Cass can be very calm and collected
They know you have friends and hobbies outside of your relationship and they love seeing you happy bc it makes them happy
But they are prone to moments of jealousy when they see another male near you
The group had decided to go to Rita’s for the evening and you were ready to get tipsy and dance with Mor all night knowing your boys would take care of you
Wandering up to the bar you ran into an old university friend and talked to him for a while
The boys watched as you laughed with the mystery male, wondering why he was touching you and speaking to you
They watch as you leave him to join Mor back on the dance floor
Azriel watched you like a hawk for the rest of the night. His gaze going between you and the mystery male until Cassian had enough of the male practically eye fucking you
He dragged you and Mor off the dance floor, throwing you over your shoulder. Your giggles making your mates forget all about the male
When you got home the boys pampered you a little extra and snuggled you even tighter
They had almost forgotten about the mystery male, almost, until you and Azriel ran into him a few weeks later
With Cassian and Rhys busy in Illyria for the day Azriel decided to spoil you
Walking through the busy shopping district you tightly held Azriel’s hands as you excitedly peered in through the window displays when you saw something that caught your eye
“Oohhh daddy, that looks pretty. Can I get it?” You ask, pressing your nose against the glass. Azriel gently holds your hips, letting out a small chuckle. “You can have whatever you want, princess.” He kisses the back of your head
A shadow circles Azriel’s ear, letting him know the male from the other night was approaching. “Y/n,” he calls out. Your attention snaps to him as you wave him over
Azriel holds you a little tighter, pulling you flush against him as his arms wrap around your midsection. He glowers at the male and Azriel can tell he’s uncomfortable
After the male stutters a few more times he rushes away from the two of you
You tilt your head curiously at his sudden change in attitude. “Huh, I wonder what that was about.” You turn to Az with that cute curious look on your face. It immediately makes him melt, smiling down at you as he pulls you into a hug
“I’m sure he’s fine princess. C’mon, let’s get you that new outfit.” You shriek with excitement and run into the store
Every time you went out with your mates you seemed to run into your friend. When you see him the boys always keep you close and become overly affectionate, making sure to get their point across that you are theirs
One night while you’re fast asleep Az brings up the topic of the male from school. The three of them are sitting in Rhys’s office talking and drinking whiskey. “He keeps popping up where ever we take her. Don’t you find that odd.” Cassian crosses his arms and huffs. “I hate that guy. If he’s stalking y/n I’ll kill him.”
Rhys lets out a sigh, “I don’t think he’s stalking her. It’s time to admit it boys, we have become jealous mates.”
The boys didn’t want to believe it but Mor and Amren started picking on them for being jealous
You were oblivious to their behavior, just thinking that they were being more affectionate
The situation came to a head at Starfall
Your friend tried to dance with you and you had refused him. As the night went on he became more and more persistent
Rhys, Az, and Cass didn’t like that. They ended up pulling him aside and scared him off, telling him to never come near you again
Later that night Mor brought up them being jealous bat babies to you and everything clicked
Going to bed that night you pinched their cheeks and teased them for being jealous, “My jealous bats. How could you ever think I’d have eyes for someone other than my mates?” “We know, darling.” Rhys pulled you close to him, “We just can’t stand the thought of someone else giving our mate attention like that.”
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aanoia · 1 year
Kaz Brekker x reader
Summary; the enemy of your enemy is your friend... unless they are also your enemy
Warnings; blood?, knives, uhhhh violence lmfao, enemies to lovers
Words; 2,000+
This didn't end the way I wanted it to but that's okay
The inspo was from the song Trouble by Valerie Broussard
I'm prolly gonna make a pt. 2 bc im cool
Btw,, when introducing the Night Scarlets, each member will have their code name like this, name (code name)
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We wear red so they don’t see us bleed
Kaz Brekker hated many, many people. However, there was one group, in particular their leader, that he hated most. The Night Scarlets. Or the Cardinal, their leader. She has been after Kaz since he joined the business. She and her girls have stolen countless of missions right from under his nose, always having his Crows do the work then swooping in and taking over. She infuriated her.
Hundred dollar bills under our sleeve
We intend not to sleep ‘til we’re dead
The thing Kaz never understood was how. How did she know everything he had planned? He had thought it was spies at first, possibly he had a rat in his nest. But no. Even when he went on solo missions. The Cardinal would always know. 
Drink our problems right out of our heads
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
Here comes trouble
“Now, not a word to a single soul about this mission. Hear me?” Kaz asked lowly to his Crows. “If the Night Scarlets find out about this and ambush us I will take each of your hands and shove them down your throats. Am I understood?” The Crows nodded nervously.
“Kaz.” Inej started. “You do know we’ve never said anything before, right? I don’t know how but they always find out, whether we talk or not. She always knows.”
Kaz sighed, “I know.” He answered shortly, turning to look out the window.
Dangerously havin’ the time of our lives
These boys are just poisonous thorns in our sides
“So what do we do about them? I mean, I love the ladies, don’t get me wrong. But these ones gotta go.” Jesper said, toying with his new gun he had just stolen.
“I don’t know if there’s anything we can do, Jesper. They’re practically non existent when they aren’t in action.” Nina responded.
“I mean, there has to be a way to catch them. No one can be completely invisible forever.” Wylan said, his brain running through thousands of possibilities. “Maybe we can set a trap for them?”
Matthias snorted, “They’ll turn that into a trap against us. Bad idea.”
“Well, we need to do something. I need money!” Jesper argued.
“You don’t need it, you’re just going to gamble it all!” Wylan said, raising his voice slightly.
Starting fires wherever we go
Watching ‘em gamble everything they own
The group stopped arguing as the sound of glass breaking filled the room. KAz swung his cane one more time and a strangled bird cry came out. He stuck his hand out the broken window and grabbed the bird. Throwing it onto the table in anger.
“A cardinal.” Inej whispered.
Kaz slammed his hand down on the table, “She knows! She knows! How does she always know!” He yelled, picking up a glass and throwing it all the wall, causing Nina to flinch and Jesper instinctively step closer to Wylan. Kaz looked up with death in his eyes. “Change of plans. We’re killing the Cardinal. No matter the cost.
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
“Ready girls?” Y/n whispered into the small, barely workable communication device that her Fabrikator, Aisha (Raven), had been working on for months. 
“Yeah.” Luna (Eagle) whispered back.
“Ready, C.” Patty (Hawk) responded.
“Steph?” Y/n asked as she pulled her dark red hood over her head.
A few grunts were heard before Stephanie's ( voice filled their ears, “Yep, ready boss.”
Y/n smiled as she began to climb down the walls of the building to the top window, careful to stay out of the Wraiths' sight. “Great. Let’s commit some crimes. Shall we?”
Stephanie giggles, the clicking of her guns being prominent. “Oh, we shall. Ooo, my fellow sharpshooter, my favorite.” 
The line went quiet as Y/n carefully crawled through the opened window, landing silently in the office. She walked briskly to the desk, quietly rummaging through the drawers. She let out a gasp as her arm was pulled back and a familiar cane wrapped around her neck, causing her back to be flush against someone's chest.
Trouble coming in the dead of night
Trouble making everything alright
“Looking for something?” Kaz said quietly into her ear, proud as to finally catch the Cardinal. 
Y/n sighed with a smirk, “Yes. I am.” She said before kicking out his leg, being sure to not hit his bad one. He grunted and took a step back, keeping the cane around her throat. She took the chance to duck out of the way and push him back against the wall, raising her dagger in between the two.
“Y’know, I was very offended to find out you killed my bird.” Y/n said, her hood shielding her eyes.
“Should’ve told it to stay away. The Crow is stronger than the Cardinal after all.”
Y/n laughed, “Oh, Kaz. You should know by now strength is not the most valuable trait of this lifestyle. It’s intelligence-” Kaz’s eyes widened.
“In which I’d have the upperhand on both of you.” A new voice said as two arms knocked the dagger from Y/n’s hands, bringing them behind her back and ripping the hood from her head. Kaz stared at her as people grabbed him as well. He had never truly seen the Cardinal without her hood, and he hated to admit how her face made his heart stutter,
It’s in your blood
It’s in your bones
You cannot sleep for
You cannot sleep for
The two hostages were dragged down the stairs to see their fellow partners bound in ropes. They pushed the two down on their knees next to each other, causing Kaz to let out a grunt as his leg bent weird. Y/n sighed, disappointed in her lack to see the real trap behind Kaz’s. 
“Well, well, well. Look what I have found.” Pekka said with a disgusting smile, looking at each of the criminals tied up. “A bunch of little thieves who think they are so smart.” Pekka continued on his speech as Y/n struggled with her binds. If only she could reach her ear.
“Kaz.” She whispered quietly, careful to not let the boasting man hear.
“What?” He hissed angrily.
She sighed again, “I need you to kiss my ear.”
Kaz almost looked like he was going to hurl, causing the girl to roll her eyes. 
“What the fuck? No way.” He whispered back.
Whoa, oh
Whoa, oh
Tro-tro-trouble, trouble
“Do you want to get out of this?”
“How will kissing your ear help?”
“Just do it, for Saint’s sake!”
“Hey! Quiet, little bird.” Pekka said, walking over and caressing the girl's face with her own blade. She looked at him in disgust and spit in his face, causing everyone's eyes to widen. Pekka calmly wiped the spit from his face before angrily sliding the dagger against her cheek, slicing her skin.
Y/n smiled at him, “Red is my favorite color, you know?”
Pekka glared at her in anger, “Useless slut.” He said before walking back to his men, pulling them into a circle and talking quietly.
“Now!” She whispered to Kaz who reluctantly brought his lips to her ear, ignoring the water pooling around his knees. His lips met a piece of cold metal and he pulled back, actually looking into her ear to see a weird device.
“What is that?” He questioned, eyebrows raised.
Y/n ignored him, “Raven, are you there?” She whispered to nothing, before a relieved smile came across her face. “Emergency. Help. Now.”
Woah, oh
Woah, oh
Here comes trouble, trouble
After a few moments the door of the house burst open, letting in birds of all different kinds, all flocking around and clawing at anything they could get their claws on, Pekka and his men included and targeted.
“Hey, Cardinal.” A voice whispered from behind the girl as she cut her restraints.
“Raven, good timing.” Y/n responded with a smile, taking the dagger Aisha handed her. “Free the other Scarlets. Leave the Crows for now.”
“No, you let us go. I helped you.” Kaz protested as a few of Pekkas men ran out of the house.
“No can do, Brekker.” Y/n said before pulling her hood back up and going to fight off the men that weren’t scared by the birds.
After a few moments a disgruntled, furious yell broke out, “I will get you and kill you all!” Pekka screamed as he ran from the house, scratches littering his skin.
Y/n whistled to the birds, causing them all to stop and fly out the door, their duty finally fulfilled. Her Scarlets stood beside her as she studied the Crows, still tied up and on the floor, a few adorning bird scratches.
“Free them.” She demanded her girls, who broke out in protest. She raised her hand and they silenced. “They will not kill us. They need us, as we need them.” She addressed their concerns and they reluctantly cut the ropes binding their hands. Immediately Inej stood and got into a fighting stance. Her fellow Crows followed after, other than Kaz, who simply lifted his hand to tell them to be calm.
“We need you, do we?” He asked, taking a step towards the Cardinal.
“Yes, as do we, you. Pekka Rollins is, obviously, after us both. We are small groups. Six in yours, five in mine. Rollins has dozens of Dime Lions. It is simply impossible for one of us alone to take him down. You know that, hence why you didn’t let your Crows attack. Isn’t that correct?”
“Unfortunately it is. We shall work together.” Every bird in the room protested. “Until Pekka is down.”
Y/n smiled and held out her hand, “And then you can go back to getting bested by the Night Scarlets. 
“I’m not planning on it.” He said, not raising his hand, and Y/n, ever so observant, had noticed his touch aversion ages ago.
“Air shake.” 
“Come on.”
“It’s not a deal unless we shake on it.”
“I’ll kill you.”
“You don’t have weapons.”
“I’m smarter than you.”
“I’m cooler than you.” Everyone laughed, even Kaz had let a small, smug smirk fall upon his lips.
“You aren’t.” He said, pretending to shake the girl's hand without touching it.
There are dogs on the loose, there are snakes in the desert (in the desert)
I’m that knife in your boot, girl, I got ya (Girl, I got ya)
I’m your number two man in a fight (In a fight)
“And then, we win. Easy peasy.” Y/n said, finishing explaining the plan to the now group of nine.
“Easy peasy my ass.” Jesper mumbled.
“Language, Jes. A kruge.” Y/n smiled triumphantly as Jesper rolled his eyes and handed the girl a kruge. In the three months the two groups had been working together they had become quite close.
“Oh, yeah. I’m so ready for this. We’re so gonna win.” Patty said with a large smile, her arm linked with Nina’s who nodded along.
Y/n laughed slightly, “We will. Now go. Get rest. You’ll need it. We have a big day tomorrow.”
We are revolutionaries tonight
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
The office emptied, leaving the Crow and Cardinal. Kaz stared at the map, thinking hard.
“Kaz, what’s on your mind?” Y/n asked, placing her hand next to his to provide comfort without actually touching him.
“We can’t do it. We aren’t strong enough.” He muttered and Y/n laughed. Kaz looked at her in annoyance.
“Kaz. We are just about the strongest lot Kerch has seen. We’ve got this. We’re the coolest bunch in Ketterdam.”
Kaz shook his head with a smile he only let out around her. A genuine, happy smile. “Yes, we’re so cool. Do cool people always talk about how cool they are, though?”
Y/n nodded, “Obviously. Have you met me?” She asked with a teasing smile.
“Unfortunately, I have.” 
Trouble coming in the dead of night
Trouble making everythin’ alright
Y/n put her hand over her heart with a gasp. “I’m hurt. You, Kaz R. Brekker, have wounded me right in the heart.” He smiled at the use of his real last names initial, something she had always done once she learned his last name was truly Rietveld. 
It’s in your blood
It’s in your bones
You cannot sleep for
You cannot sleep for
“Oh no, Kaz, I'm Feeling light headed.” Y/n said, stumbling back towards the bed. She fell once the back of her calves hit the bed frame. “I see the light!” She said, reaching her arm up towards the sky. “Oh, it’s getting brighter! Kaz! It’s getting brighter!” She portrayed blood spurting from her chest, before spasming and falling limp, her tongue hanging from her mouth.
She failed to hide her smile as Kaz’s oh so beautiful laugh filled the air. It was like music to her ears. Compared to most people, Y/n got through Kaz’s walls rather quickly, which surprised everyone, including Kaz himself. She had provided him a safe space, free from the water and cold skin and lifeless eyes.
Y/n continued to play dead even after the laughter stopped, not failing to hear the footsteps nearing the bed, causing her heart to speed up. In just a moment, a soft hand gripped hers and pulled her body up as Kaz pulled her into a hug.
“Thank you.” He whispered, before quickly pulling away before the water rose above his head.
Heat creeped up Y/n’s neck, “For?”
“Making me look cooler by your loserness.” He simply said before walking out, pretending nothing happened.
Y/n smiled to herself, falling back onto the bed, a dreamy sigh falling from her lips. She kicked the air while giggling in excitement. Oh, how whipped the Cardinal was for the Crow.
Woah, oh
Woah, oh
Here comes trouble, trouble
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
hi! do you think you can do something where maria confesses her feelings after seeing r get flirted with by someone? basically a jealous maria confessing her feelings lol
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But I love you more
ofc i can, i love this submission! ty and enjoy🩶
maria hill x reader; bff nat, yucky men, hint of angst?, jealous maria❕fluffy at the end
while maria kept a cold and professional composure around everyone, you were her only exception.
around you, she could be maria, not agent hill or commander of shield. she was soft around you, gental and sweet with you.
you two had gotten close ever since you met. you broke her walls and she fell for you. there was something about you that she let herself fall for you. she wanted to love you. you reciprocated the feelings. and while maria was literally the maria hill one of the best spy and agent in the world, she didn't think you liked her back.
but oh was the feeling incredibly mutual. and you would've told her if you weren't just a little bit intimidated by her. you had to admit, she scared you when you first met. but that's exactly why you fell for her. seeing a woman in power was refreshing.
since maria's feelings of you were getting stronger by the day, she grew protective of you. as if you were hers. you both so desperately wanted that to be true but it unfortunately wasn't the truth yet. but she couldn't help it. when sam or any of the guys would flirt with you she'd send them off claiming it was just a coincidence they were needed whenever nat blamed her for getting jealous.
nat was a close friend to both of you. she knew both of you liked the other and encouraged you two to ask eachother out. she wouldn't pry but she was a big supporter of you two.
and you were an incredibly beautiful women. you could have anyone you wanted and maria was aware of that. there was always eyes on you, compliments and flirtatious remarks constantly came your way. maria was just another of your 'admirers'.
little did hill know that she was the only one that could ever have your heart. you wished she would be the one flirting with you or asking you out. you tried to get over her but soon figured it was impossible. she seemed to avoid you when she saw someone flirted with you. was it something you did? your thoughts got the best of you 'does she think i'm a whore?' you shook the idea from your head deciding to do the best you could and try to talk to her.
she couldn't hold a grudge on you for very long. she easily started talking to you again. she never got mad at you. she was jealous. she thought if she avoided you it would go away, it didn't.
tony decided to host a gala. it was an anniversary for the battle of new york. you attended by force but you enjoyed his shenanigans. maria also attended, only after nat told her you would be there.
you looked absolutely stunning to maria. well to everyone there. but you only ever wondered if maria thought you looked good.
you couldn't take your eyes of maria. she looked so so yummy. (yes, yummy, cobie smulders is yummy)
as expected you got hit on by various people, that weren't maria. a few women came up to maria but she was too busy watching you like a hawk to acknowledge their presence.
you politely rejected them saying you weren't interested. most were understanding but there was one man, of course, that didn't understand no.
maria watched you from the bar she was leaning on.
"you're gonna let him sweet talk your girl, hill?" nat asked with a smirk pouring two shots.
"shut it romanoff" maria exhaled, angrily downing the liquid.
her jaw clenched as she watched you. letting out unconscious groans as she watched the drunk man try to make advances on you. she almost broke the shot glass in her hand when his hand went to your hip. she had enough
"cmon mama, have some fun with me tonight" his voice laced with a think accent. he was okay looking, he wasn't your maria though. he was definitely too pushy for your liking either way.
"i said no. get off of me." you shoved him away, you could easily take him right now. you didn't want to cause attention. but when he tried to grind on you to the music, you were tempted to beat the shit out of him.
"get the fuck off of her"
it was none other than your maria. she pulled him from the collar.
"or what bitch?" he challenged. this couldn't end well. at the blink of an eye maria's fist went to his face. easily breaking his nose.
"get out of my sight." maria said angrily, hoping he'd leave before she lost her patience. of course he left, thank god.
maria turned to you, face and body completely softening by the sight of you. anger turning to adoration and worry. "are you okay? did he hurt you?" she worried holding your face with one hand and your hand in the other.
you pushed her off. "why do you care?" you said walking away to the balcony. okay obviously you were in love with her and she was your knight in shining amour, but she chased everyone one away yet never asked you on a date? you couldn't help but get annoyed.
she followed your quick feet. soon standing with you on the balcony.
"what?" maria was confused. did you genuinely want that thing of a man?
"don't protect me like you want me." you said fighting off tears. if she didn't want you why was she fighting anyone else who did. "don't act like you want me"
confusion and sadness was written all over maria face "what the hell are you talking about?" you're all maria ever dreamed of having.
"you chase everyone who flirts with me away but won't ask me on a date! what the hell do you think i'm talking about!" you were mad. how could she play with you like this.
maria froze. you wanted her to ask you on a date? maria never thought her feelings would be reciprocated. she eventually came back to the present. she had hesitated as you yelled and were now waiting for a response. you went to walk away as she didn't respond.
"i'm in love with you god damn it!" you turned, shocked by what you just heard "wha-" " i scare anyone who wants you because i get jealous alright? because i want you! i want to be the one kissing you and holding you at night and come home to you. i can't stand to see anyone flirting with you because that could be me! i'm jealous i cant call you mine."
now it was your turn to freeze and stare. you thought you were dreaming. maria, wanted you?
"hey i'm sorry it all just came out-" maria was cut off by your lips on hers. your all she ever wanted, and she was all you could ever want.
she immediately wrapped her hands around your waist and kissed you desperately. the kiss became heated as she took over.
when air became a problem, you pulled away. her lips chasing yours. your eyes were still closed, lips parted. you giggled, not believing what just happened. maria did the same letting out a breathy laugh. pulling you closer while squeezing your ass. maybe you two were a little tipsy.
"friday at 7 me and you?" maria asked looking at you lovingly.
"obviously hill" you laughed laying you head on her chest. she was tall, taller than you. she smelled elegant and felt warm. she grounded you and held you close.
the morning after she woke up with you in her arms. you really were a miracle to her. she whispered a hushed 'i love you' before placing kisses all over your neck and face. kissing all the marks she left last night.
her arms around your bare waist. hands once again exploring your body and carefully stroking your breast before giving it a soft squeeze.
"morning angel face" she mumbled into your neck as you stirred awake. you turned around and held her neck kissing her softly and deeply. "good morning my love." you teased smiling. scratching her scalp through her hair softly.
maria melted at the sweet name and gesture. making a cute flustered sound and hiding herself in her neck.
you pulled her away holding her head gingerly. pecking her lips once, twice, then three times. she smiled. not being able to believe how lucky she was
"i love you too"
MARIA HILL POOKIE BAE FOREVER✊ she never die. anyways bye🩶
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darling-glitch · 2 years
𝑼𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓
[Tamaki Keigo]
Reblog | Comment | Enjoy, ig
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Warning! Spoilers. Slow burn. Drunken sex. Breeding sex. Desperate sex. Forgetful sex. Loveless sex. No strings attached. Plot sex. Strangers to Lovers Sex
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"T-This just in..."
You were seated in your usual spot at your usual bar, subtly listening intently at what the reporter had to say.
"T-This- I can't believe- "
She kept on stuttering over her own words. It annoyed you at first, but then you realized that gasps and sobs joined the baffled reporter. Curiosity had you looking up at the screen.
"I-" she cleared her throat. "This just in. Pro Hero Hawks seems to be having a struggle fighting against League of Villains member: Dabi. The blue flames make it hard to see b- but we should only hope for the- ah!"
The reported was attacked and the camera went all fuzzy. More people in the bar started whispering and gossiping; overall worrying about their safety. Many left while others tried to drown their sorrows away with alcohol. You just sat there, finishing your drink, looking up at the fuzzing tv.
Life never was something to brag about to you. Your quirk had gotten you exactly where your parents wanted you to be. You were a graduate of medical school, supported by your Regeneration quirk. Basically, you rebuilt lost or damaged DNA.
Later that night you walked alone in the streets of rubble, shit and death. Some newbie heroes took care of the job, though it lasted hours. Hawks ended up in the hospital, wings joined in the rusty evening sky as nothing more than ashes. You'd met him before and rather enjoyed his "company". Met at the bar, a few drinks in, then woke up entangled with feathers and sheets.
A shame, really, to see such potential burn in the flames of his rival. Fuck you, she scolded Dabi for being such a dickhead.
Time skip. He was discharged about two days ago, the fight being something of the past. Weeks were wasted in the hospital where the constant reminder of his disappointment haunted him. He was told to take things easy but being sober was forcing him to nearly lose his sanity. He left for a bar. A bar he hadn't visited in quite some time, and he wasn't sure why.
Everywhere he walked people would gawk and stare. Some would even try to encourage him, but that always ruined his day even more. People pitied him now. A hero, who was supposed to save them.
Wearing a face mask and cap he took a seat at the far back. He asked for something strong and patiently waited.
"Everyone's fucking stupid," he heard you say from behind him, seated at your usual booth. At first, he didn't think you were talking to him. "Either people or blind, or luck is finally on your side." You took a sip. He glanced through the corner of his eyes, but still couldn't see you.
"What now? You gon pity me or some shit? Call me out for being such a fucking disappointment?"
"Why would I do that?" He turned his head over his shoulder and looked directly at the back of your head. "You did more than what I ever could've."
"Yet I still failed." You scoffed and downed your drink, the notified waiter refilling it within moments. "Something funny?"
"Just you thinking you're so special," you could feel him lifting his brows and twisted your head to look at him. Your arm rested atop the booths. Both your faces were really close.
"I'm not-"
"But you are," you swallowed more comfort-juice.
"I'm not-"
"But you are," he stayed quiet to avoid irritation. "Stop thinking you're so special just because some villain whooped your ass. Life happens and there's nothing you can do about it... except laugh it off and call out: 'Fuck you too'," his eyes softened after a moment's worth of pondering. Then he started to chuckle amusingly.
"Have we met?" He then asked, voice a mixture of pure depression and pure delight.
You shrugged. "You've had many, but I'm a lucky bitch who was railed by the Pro Hero Hawks." A seductive grin grinned and he lifted a brow. Your glass rested on your bottom lip and daring eyes looked up at him. "Guess you were just having a shitty day and needed some therapy."
He reached for his own drink and downed the burning liquid. "Guess you pop up exactly when I need you most, huh." You snickered and placed your empty glass down.
"Are you saying you're having a bad day?" Fuck, you were being a slut. Your finger traced circles on his shoulder, ignoring the threatening glare he sent your way. "Maybe you need some therapy."
You looked at him. Fuck, you looked at him.
And that's how you ended up under him, begging for more and pleading for him to stop. Hands clawing at his back as his mouth sucked, bit, gnawed, and kissed away at your body.
Both naked. Both steaming hot. Both already dripping with sweat. Both horny as life itself. Where exactly? He said it was his place, but you didn't quite remember it being as such. Didn't matter. Nothing mattered.
Nothing mattered other than his slick fucking fingers stretching you out mercilessly. Your hands gripped at his hair and pulled, groans and moans syncing sexually. He added his thumb to rub your clit. Your back arched and a string of curses cursed their way out your mouth. The common stranger would never take you for being so verbal.
And you weren't. Unless it was a frustrated, animalistic horny beast busy railing you into the fucking ground. You came all over his hand, his fingers dripping soaking wet with the evidence you proved of being ready. He did that. He made you feel so good your body erupted with sensational orgasm.
"I think- I'm starting- to remember you," he spoke between sloppy kisses, ignoring his desperation for air. You kept on kissing him back.
"How so?"
He pulled away and flipped you over, forcing you into doggy style. He took a moment; a painfully short moment, just to take all of you in. "Who the fuck wouldn't remember something as incredible as you?"
Your head dropped with a childish grin. Big, rough hands tightly gripped your sides. Your heartbeat beat faster and faster at the anticipating expectation of him filling you up. You weren't a virgin when he fucked you before, but his size made you feel like tearing everything possible. It had you anxiously excited.
"Ha!" You responded to his previous statement. "You haven't seen the least of my incredibility," you boasted. Then you felt it. A massive fucking cock just brushing over your dripping cunt. It slid between your folds, massaging your clit with every up and down movement.
His chest pressed up against your back, mouth close to your ear. You felt his hot breaths. You felt his tongue wetting your lobe. Shivers. Fucking shivers.
"Then show me."
Fuck! What better word to describe what he was doing to you? With no mercy and no time for taking a breath, he fucked himself deep into you. Pounding endlessly until you swore, he reached your cervix. A repeated motion of buckling his hips and gripping your waist. It drove you mad.
Again and again, he thrusted into you and then for absolutely no fucking reason... he stopped. Dick buried deep inside of you, you were hoisted up and pressed against him. Your back against his chest. Both standing on your knees, only you had a twitching cock inside of you.
"Show me exactly what makes you so memorable."
When you made your remark, you meant it in two ways. You were incredible. Your quirk, to be more specific. And when he uttered those words, it somehow managed to slip out doubled meaning as well.
When all he got was sympathy, you proved to him that life was cruel and there was no point bitching about that. Yet you lightened something that he didn't even know was there. A flame, perhaps? A glimpse of... motivation?
His arms were crossed over your body, each hand gripping a tit. your one hand reached to cup his cheek, while the other rested atop his hands. His nose nuzzled into your neck, pecking it softly.
"If I did that, you might not want to let me go."
You wanted him. Before it was only a hunch and even now you could've just been under the influence of his arousal, but you wanted him. And not just in the sexual way. You wanted him. Desperately.
"You thought I was going to let you go?" He tugged at a string in your mind that sent flutters into your tummy. One peck to the cheek and you were back on all fours, gripping onto the sheets and crying out cries of pleasure. Bouncing along to his beat. Taking him in inch by inch. Like a hawk in heat, he made you his.
His thrusts became sloppy and breaths even more rigid. He was close. You gasped and yelped all at once, feeling the sudden attachment of his finger fingering your clit. Over stimulation. Complete and utter rapture. Glee that made you feel wanted and adored. How could he have such an effect on you?
Your walls tightened and pussy juices squirted all over his pounding cock. Hawks himself then joined you in orgasm and filled you with his seed. Hot, sticky cum dripped from your cunt, sweat mixing in with it.
You were exhausted. He plucked himself from your clingy pussy and turned to sit on the edge of the bed. At first, you fell face first into the bed. You then caught your breath and adjusted your position to look at him. He sensed it and looked back at you.
No words. He simply crawled onto the bed and wrapped big strong arms around you. Gently, he shifted both your weights to lay on your sides; snuggled up against him. You felt hot, sure, but you also felt safe. You heard him chuckle with little amusement.
"Last time I held you I could at least cover you up," he mentioned towards his lost wings. The fluttering burned and you had a heavy sensation dropping in your chest. He pecked your forehead, but let go when you looked up at him.
"I want to show you how incredible I am now." You've decided. His head titled slightly to the side in confusion and he snickered.
"Thought we already established that, kid."
You pulled your lips into a thin line, but then shook your head. Sincerity in your eyes allowed him to understand how serious you were, and his expression softened. He looked at you and maintained focus on where you were touching him. Over his chest, down his sides. Across his back... until you touched the roots where his wings once were.
He cringed or flinched; you weren't sure. One hand went to his neck, and you pulled him in for a kiss. Something to distract him. Something to comfort him. Intimacy. Affection. Passion. All synced along to the kiss. You worked your magic. He didn't notice.
When you pulled away his forehead touched yours. You felt gingerly at the roots of his wings. You smiled. You started to giggle. He looked down on you and gave you a questioning look. You simply smiled up at him.
"And that smile?" As reply you gestured towards the bathroom. In specific the mirror. He felt like there was something on his face or some shit and decided to get up. You sat there, excitedly waiting for him to open his gift from you. It was honestly the least you could do for him.
He looked at his reflection and saw nothing out of the ordinary. He turned to the side and looked back at where you were sitting on the bed, shrugging. You motioned towards the mirror again, this time he only turned his head to examine his side figure.
His eyes were wide, yours were closed. His mouth was agape, yours pulled up in a smug smile. His hands were near trembling, yours were ready to embrace him again. There they were. At his roots.
Two little bundles of freshly grown, scarlet-red feathers. An unforgettable favor.
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© all content belongs to estjbeaver '22. do not modify or repost.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Chapter Eleven
Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Y/N Burgess is the granddaughter of Alex and Paul, and after having spent so many summers at their manor and always wondering why she was forbidden from entering the basement, she descends the steps into the world of the Order. She broke out the being that had been trapped in that glass cage, but what does he want with her now that he is free?
Warnings: Language, Reader Choses Verbal Violence When Drunk, Alcohol Consumption Mentions.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x Female!GranddaughterReader, based on Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’, Reader now has long-ish hair for plot reasons (Just so Morpheus can tug on it later).
Word Count: ~2.4k
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Long after you had stumbled back to the hotel room you had booked for the night, drunk off your arse and in need of Advil and tonic, you dropped your aching body into the hotel bed with a soft groan. Drinking that much alcohol was not a good idea, who knew what trouble you could have gotten yourself into being in that state at a club, but you were feeling spiteful tonight… er, last night… it was after two in the morning. If he didn’t want you kissing or fucking anyone, he was going to have to watch your drunk arse like a hawk. Your eyes looked at the London skyline outside your hotel room, glazed over by the alcohol. 
“Do you like pissing my brother off?” You didn’t flinch or ever move at the voice. No, you only rolled your head to look at the woman standing in your hotel room with a raised eyebrow. Brother? She had to be talking about one man. 
“I can kiss whoever I damn well please,” You grumbled, your voice coming out in a croak. “And he certainly doesn’t control me.” 
“Mhm, I got that when you went and got yourself piss drunk on purpose.” The woman chuckled, taking a few steps closer. “Have to admit, I’m curious about a woman who intentionally pisses off my brother.” 
“Which one are you?” She smiled pleasantly. 
“I am Death.” You grunted at her. Death didn’t look like you expected… but then again what was death supposed to look like?
“So then Death, where the hell have you been in the last one hundred years?” You grumbled out, your drunk brain entirely fearless to talk to an Endless with such an attitude. “Dream has how many siblings and not one of you help him? You’ve got a lot of gall showing up.”
Her eyes narrowed at you and you narrowed your own, your irises blazing with silver color. The room’s lights flickered as both of your powers presented themselves. Drunk you wasn’t going to back down from challenging the Endless though, and it was only after Death started chuckling that you backed down with a huff. 
“He’s lucky to have you.” She murmured as your slow brain tried to understand what was going on. A far-off look echoed in her eyes. “You’re right, we should have done something, it’s inexcusable to have left our brother trapped there.” 
“I don’t understand why he chose me or what it means to be bound.” You blabbered, dropping back against the mattress and feeling your head swimming from the alcohol in your veins. “And he deserves siblings that actually act like siblings. None of you deserve him.”
Death let out a sigh and sat on the end of the bed. 
“You’re right, we don’t deserve him.” She spoke softly. “But he’s got you now, and I know that you’re what he needs. Maybe you can curb his egotistical ways.” 
“He shouldn’t need me, he shouldn’t need anyone.” Your voice was listless in the night, barely there as your mind wandered until you slipped into sleep. 
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Taking the train back to Wych Cross was miserable and you were hungover. Even more so when it was God knows how early in the morning. At least the sun wasn’t out yet or you would be in a world of hurt. The headache that already plagued your brain left you groaning softly in your seat, miserable and well-hungover. You had spent the first hour with your eyes closed, leaning against the window while trying to pretend like you hadn’t gotten yourself blackout drunk with Jemima last night. 
You knew that when you had that much to drink you usually ended up blacking out and completely forgetting several hours. It was a stupid idea no matter how spiteful you were feeling at that moment. You just hoped that it was worth it because there was no doubt in your mind that Dream was probably seething from your actions. A rather scary thought considering that he was an Endless. Would you inadvertently tip him into smiting you or something? Maybe considering your interactions thus far. You’d have to watch your manners with him. Your phone buzzed and you let out a groan. You fumbled with your messenger bag and dug around until you found your phone. Blinking at the screen, you wrinkled your nose. 
Jem: Still among the living love? [9:21]
Your fingers were sluggishly tapping on the screen, backtracking as you hit the wrong letters and just generally failed at spelling. 
Y/N: Sod off, Jemmie. I’m not dead. [9:21]
Jem: Ooh, Y/N-bear is feeling feisty this morning. You drank like a fish last night, love, who were you trying to forget? [9:21]
Not to forget, trying to piss off, actually. You weren’t going to tell her that though. The last thing you needed was for Jemima to get mixed up in this mess. Besides, you don’t even remember if your plan actually worked in the first place.
Y/N: Total blackout, I’ve got nothing to report :/ [9:22]
Jem: Disappointing, but classic drunk Y/N Burgess. How’s the head? You make your train on time? [9:22]
Y/N: Halfway to Wych Cross already and ready to die in a hole from my headache. [9:23]
You reached up and adjusted the ball cap you had on, trying to tilt it so the morning sun didn’t pierce your eyes so harshly. It was several minutes before Jemima replied to your text, and you spent those minutes looking out the window at the passing scenery. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a cloud of black weaving in and out of the trees, keeping up in time with the train. Startling in your seat, you straightened up and looked closer. You could see a trail of glowing red eyes and in that instance, your arm started burning in pain once more. That beast, it couldn’t be the one that… a loud crash to your left diverted your attention to see an older lady who had dropped her walking stick. Someone picked it up for her. 
“Oh dear me,” She gasped. “Terribly sorry!”
“Oh no worries, Mum, here you are,” She was handed back her walking stick. You turned your head back to what looked like a hell beast following along the train. It was gone. 
“And now I’m losing my mind,” You whispered, thumping the side of your head against the glass window with a tired sigh. Your phone buzzed one last time and you glanced at the screen. 
Jem: Drink lots of water, love. I’ll call you later. I’ve got to run to meet with a client [9:28]
 At least Jemima’s life was on track because you felt like yours was falling apart. Closing your eyes, you reached up and felt your wrapped wounds. They pulsated with sharp pain, a deep throb that was in time with your heartbeat. 
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Upon reaching Wych Cross, you forwent getting a taxi in favor of a miserable walk home, hoping that you would perk up from a nice walk to hide how hungover you were. The last thing Paul needed was a hungover, moody granddaughter. So walking it was and you were lucky that it was a very nice day to do so. Just so damn bright… Reaching the wooded road that led to Fawny Rig, you stuck your hands in your pockets and kicked at a rock that had made its way into the road. It skittered down the road before ultimately falling to the side. 
At your slow pace, it probably took you about forty-five minutes to walk to Fawny Rig, but at least by the time you were walking up to the front doors you felt less hungover. Letting yourself in, you took off your shoes and left your bag hanging on the banister to the stairs. Food first, then you could clean up and sleep. On your way to the dining room, you passed Herman who welcomed you back and said that he would fix you a plate for lunch. So you continued your way into the dining room and found Paul holding a newspaper, but staring off into space. 
“Lost in thought?” You asked, kissing his cheek in greeting and then taking a seat directly next to him. Paul perked up.
“Darling you’re back! How was your trip? Did you enjoy your time with Jemima?” Paul asked, latching onto something to speak and think about other than grandpapa Alex upstairs. You smiled gently and patted his hand reassuringly. 
“It was wonderful, we went out for dinner at a most scrumptious Japanese restaurant Jemima’s been wanting to try.” You left out the part where you then went to a club and both got hammered with alcohol. You definitely didn’t tell him that you didn’t remember anything from the club. His heart didn’t need that strain. 
“Oh, I’m so happy that you enjoyed yourself.” Paul sighed, readjusting his glasses to push them further up his nose. “These last few days certainly have been trying.”
“They have, how have you been?” You asked while Herman came in with filled plates and a fresh tea tray with the cook's famous biscuits. While Paul told you about his past few days, you both did your best to enjoy lunch. When you finished off your tea and sandwich, you leaned back in your seat and wrinkled your nose. After having that wild night at the club, you felt like you needed a good wash… or soak in the tub. You were partial to baths. You excused yourself, airing out your desire to wash off the morning's travel, and made your way upstairs. The first thing you did was start the water in the antique claw foot tub. You thumbed through the bath oils that were stocked in the cabinet nearby and picked one, adding a few drops to the waterline that was slowly rising. 
With the bath nearly ready, you edged your body out of your traveling clothes and carefully unwrapped your raw-looking arm. The scratch marks looked red and angry, a far cry from how they looked a week ago. It was like the wound was regressing from its original form. Then again, it was from a hell beast and you weren’t sure how exactly a scratch in The Dreaming transferred over to the waking world. You tried not to think about the oddity of the stinging wound and stepped into the bath, sighing as you sink beneath the warm water. 
The water felt heavenly against your aching body and leaning your head back against the edge of the claw foot tub, you closed your eyes and tried to relax. It wasn’t entirely too hard, the lovely scent of the bath oil calmed your mind and your muscles were soothed from the heat of the water. Your tiredness drew you into nodding off into a gentle lull of sleep that was an escape from the slight headache that remained of your hangover. You didn’t know how much time had passed since you had gotten into the bath, but your stress had entirely melted away and the pain in the arm you had resting over the side of the tub had disappeared. You were slowly nodding off when you felt fingertips lightly brush across your cheek. You flickered your eyes open. 
“Don’t you have more important things to do than watch me sit in a tub?” You asked your voice slightly on the raspy side. You moved your non-injured arm across your chest, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. He didn’t respond to your obvious jib at him and instead chose to continue to run his fingers across your cheek to your jaw, and then down your neck. You let out a sigh and then a groan when his lips brushed your shoulder. 
“What I do with my time is my decision alone.” He drew out, running his lips further across your shoulder and then ever so lightly up your neck. You shivered against his lips, trying to fight off the desire for more. He was Endless, you were mortal. Nothing about him was obtainable. Nothing about you was good.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Your words were whispered as you stared at the ceiling. 
“Then tell me to go,” Did he have a response for everything? Your tongue was thick, disabling you from an automatic response of: please leave. You tilted your head to finally look at him. Dark silver blue eyes met yours and you shuddered once more. You could see it in his eyes, he knew you wouldn’t be able to say it. 
“Why can’t I kiss who I want? Why do you always interfere with my relationships?” You asked, pressing your lips together in slight frustration. “What am I not understanding?”
He was still for a few moments and you felt like he was staring into your soul. You still held his gaze, wanting, and needing, an answer to this madness. Then he started moving. Your back went rigid when you realized that his face was drawing near, and going taught, you fought against the slight moan that wanted to crawl from your throat as his lips brushed their way up your neck to the shell of your ear. You were sure he could feel you trembling. 
“You’re mine, Y/N,” Your eyes widened and ever so slowly, you turned your head to look at him. Your faces were nearly a hair width apart and rather than heat, you felt coolness radiating from his skin. It was so hard not to stare at his lips so close to yours. Just one little shift and they would be on yours, just like they had been all those weeks ago. 
Stop it, Y/N. Stop it. 
It was another dilemma of mortality and who you were as a person. A mortal. A Burgess. A train wreck. Everything he should stay well away from. Your heart ached in your chest as you pulled away, retracting your body from him and his ethereal presence. Lowering your injured arm into the tub, you looked down at yourself solemnly. Misery surrounded you. It was as simple as that. It was hard not to jerk away when his fingers brushed against your cheek once more. Why was he being so damn gentle with you?
Something caught your eye. You raised your left arm and stared at your upper arm. Where you were supposed to have a set of scratches that had been plaguing you for weeks on end, was smooth skin. Dream. Your world twisted as you surged into a sitting position in the tub, the water now cool. You checked your arm, the scratches were still there. You had fallen asleep in the tub. Why was your mind still playing tricks on you? You let out a frustrated scream and buried your face in your hands.
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Date Published: 9/19/22
Last Edit: 5/29/23
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mrs-takami-keigo · 4 months
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Chapter 6
Main Pairing: Hawks/Quinn(OC)
Story Rating: Explicit! 18+
Genre: Romance/Action/ Smut
Words: 2.7K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
The next morning, Daichi gave me a ride back to the apartment. It was still early, so not that many people were on the streets yet. I looked out the window as the buildings passed me. Something about what happened last night didn’t settle right with me. It’s not like this was the first time I’ve ever done this. I was still a woman at the end of the day, so of course I had needs. I knew I would never see Daichi again, which was fine; that’s not upsetting me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt the car stop.
 “Thanks for the ride, Daichi.” I turned to him, flashing a small smile. He was great. After everything last night, I told him that this was a one-time thing. He fully understood why and also said he wasn’t looking to get into a relationship with a pro-hero, which I fully understand. 
“No problem, Phoenix. Just don’t be a stranger at the club; any friend of Mirko’s is a friend of mine.” He smiled back at me. 
Pulling off my seatbelt, I reached over, giving him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I opened the car door, saying my goodbyes as I walked to the entrance of the building. 
“Quinn?” I was digging through my bag, not noticing the presence standing at the door. Looking up, I felt my heart sink. Hawks stood by the door, a tray of coffee in one hand and what looked like a box of pastries in the other. He wore grey sweatpants, a plain black t-shirt, a baseball hat, and sneakers. His wings still hadn’t grown back yet, and the wounds on his face were still healing. 
“Hawks, what are you doing here?” I walked closer to him, and I watched as his eyes followed the black sports car as it made a right on the next block. 
“Who was that?” His voice was soft, almost distant, as he spoke. 
“A friend of Mirko’s drove me home. We went out last night.” I could see on his face that he had more questions but decided against asking them. “You want to come up?” 
As if flipping a switch Hawks smiled his signature smile at me. "Yeah, I got you breakfast.” 
“You didn’t have to be a be a silly bird.” Hawks was walking next to me, and with my heels on, I was slightly taller than him. 
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. And may I say you look stunning in that dress?” His hawk-like gaze traveled up from my legs to my face. For some reason, I felt self-conscious as he looked at me. 
“You think so? I feel gross for being in this outfit all night, and I know my makeup and hair are a mess.” I had turned to face the wall next to me, trying to see my reflection. 
“You always look stunning, Quinn.” Hawks had moved closer to me, his chest pressing against my back. Something felt off about him. Hawks always had a certain body heat radiating off of him. But now he felt cold, almost like an ominous chill in human form. 
Turning around, I put my hand on his chest, trying to push him away. “Backup Hawks.” He grabbed my wrist, squeezing it hard enough to know that if he held it any longer, it would leave a mark. “What the fuck Hawks let go!” 
“Why Quinn!? Don’t you love me?!” There was a tone in his voice that I knew wasn't like Hawks. He doesn’t talk like this, and he sure as hell would never grab me like this. 
“Who are you?!” I was inside my building, which meant I couldn’t use my fire. I had to think quickly and get whoever this person was as far away as possible. 
I watched as the skin of the impersonator melted away. Soon a brighter blonde head peaked through, and soon a young girl with a manic expression on her face was in my full view. I knew this girl, Himiko Toga. 
“Oh no, that’s so sad! You don’t love him, do you?” 
“Shut up, you bitch!” With a nod of my head, I watched as she flew back, sending her through the double glass doors. I followed her, pure rage seeping through my pores. 
She tumbled against the sidewalk as I made my way outside. I had to get her as far away from the building as possible. 
“How did you know where I lived!?” That smile was sinister. I could feel chills running down my spine as she wiped the blood that fell from the corner of her mouth. 
“We have our ways, Phoenix.” I looked behind me and felt my blood boil. Out of the black wormhole stepped a guy with white hair, hands all over his body, and a hand covering his face. I had already read all the reports in the league to know that this was their leader, Shigaraki. Right behind him was the one man I swear that I personally took down. 
“Dabi!” His name tasted like rat poison as it slipped from my tongue. I could see civilians who were on their way to work starting to either stop and stare, pull out their phones, or run for the hills. 
‘Smart choice.’ I thought as I kicked off my heels,assessing the situation I was currently facing. Behind me was the entrance to my building, which I now have to move out of. Shigaraki moved in front of me, with Dabi to his right and Toga to his left. ‘Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.’
“You don’t seem much of a challenge, Ms. New Hero." The voice that came out of the guy in front of me sounded like he had an inch in his throat, a voice that I would always remember. 
“That’s funny coming from scum who will soon be in handcuffs.” My voice was even; I didn’t want them to see just how fucked I was in this situation. Dabi alone was tough for me to handle with no backup, but fighting all three at once wasn’t smart.
“I don’t think that’s wise. See, last time I checked, we have the upper hand here.” Dabi said, his blue flame circulating around his long fingers. He had a smirk on his face, and I wanted nothing more than to rip off those stupid staples. 
“What do you want?” I was never one to back down from a fight, no matter the odds; it just wasn’t part of my nature. 
"Why, we just wanted to bring you a housewarming gift.” Another black warp popped out between us, and a man in a long yellow trench coat came out holding what looked like a person. My eyes widened as I realized who he was holding. There in front of me was Daichi, gagged and hands tied behind his back. He had a fresh cut on his hairline, tears falling from his eyes. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest. 
“No!” I went to reach for him, but Dabi shot a warning fire at my feet, preventing me from getting any closer. I growled through my teeth as I glared at him. 
There was no way I could start an all-out brawl here in front of everyone, endangering more innocent lives. “I will ask again, what do you want?” I could feel my own flames start to ignite around my body, my emotions getting the better of me. 
"Well, it’s very simple; we just want to see all your heroes fall from your pedestal.” The scratchy voice guy said as he raised his hands. 
“That will never happen!” I had to take a risk; I had to try and save Daichi. Without another beat, I set off a ring of flames to enclose us inside. The people that were around started to back away from us, leaving me enough room to do what I needed to do. 
I had to take out the easiest one in the group, Toga. Using my flames as rockets, I got behind her, bringing up my elbow, and slammed it down on the junction between her neck and shoulder. She let out a curdled scream before crumbling to the ground. 
'Good, I hit a pressure point.’ I pointed my hand in the direction of the trench coat guy, chocking him. He released his hold on Daichi, clutching at his neck. In a swift movement, I used my other hand to direct Daichi to the front doors of the building, crashing him through the doors. With him out of the way, I knew I didn’t have to worry about him getting hurt. 
“You little bitch!” I looked up and saw that Shigaraki was running at me; his right hand extended out. I knew about his decaying quirk. If I let him touch me, it was light out for me. Releasing my hold on the other villain, I shot my flames in his direction. I had to keep him at a distance; the further away, the better. 
“Burn in hell!”
“Not before you!” Dabi stepped in front of him, and I watched as blue flames met my orange and yellow ones. Between the circle of fire, my own flames shooting out of my hands, and Dabi’s ungodly flames, I wasn’t sure how long I could keep this up. I could feel my dress start to burn away from my body; the hem of the dress was slowly turning a burnt brown. 
The next thing I saw was a bright flash and an explosion, sending the rest of the villains flying back. Myself included. 
"Die, you scum!” I knew that voice. I looked up and saw fluffy blonde hair come down from the sky. Bakugo shot off more explosions down our way. 
‘This kid really doesn’t care about who was around.’
"Phoenix, are you okay?” I felt a gloved hand on my shoulder as I tried to stabilize myself from the blast. 
“Deku, what are you doing here?” Turning over my shoulder, I could see the sweet freckles in the in the boys eyes. He looked worried as he helped me. 
“We have our provisional license, and we were out on patrol when we saw your flames.” I could hear Bakugou still on a rampage, trying to cause the villains as much damage as possible. 
I reached over to my shoulder, giving the young boys hands a pat and letting him know that I was grateful to them for showing up as they  had. But I couldn’t put these kids in harm's way. 
“BAKUGOU! TAKE CARE OF THOSE TWO!” I called out to the raging teen. I can see him look over as he dodges out of Dabi’s range of fire blasts. I noticed that Toga was starting to regain consciousness, as was the other guy. If I had Deku and Bakugou deal with them, I could deal with the vermin in front of me. 
“Let’s dance, boys.” I smirked; it was better knowing that I had backup now. Using my fire again, I zoomed over to Dabi. Judging by how he uses his flames to keep his opponents at a distance, it meant that close combat wasn’t his specialty. I could see that he was gearing up to blast another blue-fire brigade at me. I changed my trajectory, shooting up. 
Before he knew it, I was behind him. Turning my body, I raised my right leg, sending it flying into his side. He gasped for air as he was sent flying to the side, almost stumbling right into my wall of flames. Not giving him a second to breathe, I used my telekinesis to shoot him up into the air, only to slam him back down on his back. I knew he wasn’t dead; that would be too easy. 
“Bitch!” I heard it as I saw a pale hand reach over my shoulder, attempting to grab my throat. Ducking down, I swiped my leg around in a circle, tripping Shigaraki. 
He fell forward clumsily and said, “This your first fight, chappy?” I laughed while watching as he scrambled to get up. I looked over to check on the two U.A. students, only to see their hands full of fighting Toga. She was elusive, dodging each of the attacks that they sent her. I could see that she was honed in on Deku, causing Bakugou to get angry, which made him slightly sloppy. 
“Wait..” I frantically searched for the fourth guy. He was no longer on the ground; it wasn’t until I felt a punch in my gut that I realized where and who he was. The magician. He must have put himself in one of those marble things while we were busy. 
“Too slow, little lady.” I was doubled over, holding my stomach, when he sent an uppercut to my chin. Metallic—that’s all I tasted in my mouth. I gasped for air, causing the blood that pooled in my mouth to fly out. 
“Phoenix!” I could hear the two boys shout. They started to run towards me, but I put my hand up, signaling them to stop. 
“Stand down.” I growled. They had successfully subdued Toga, completely knocking her out. They both stopped staring as Shigaraki came up behind me, kicking me in the back. Having used both my quirks at the same time, plus not fully healing just yet from phoenix rising, my body wasn’t ready to exert this much yet. 
"Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” I felt as Shigaraki sent another kick to my side, causing me to fall on my knees. My head was down, and both arms were still wrapped around my body. I had to end this; I had a duty to protect those two boys. 
I felt someone grab my hair, pulling it and forcing me to look up. It was the magician, Shigaraki, standing above me. 
“One of the greats, Phoenix herself, was killed by the league of villains.” He had removed the hand that covered his face, and I could see red eyes stare back at me. I am thrilled and delighted to have you in this position. 
At that moment, everything moved in slow motion; his hand was making its way to my throat, ready to send me off into oblivion. The feeling of his cold middle finger touched my skin; all I saw was red.
“Not today, you fucker.” I had to push through; I wasn’t ready to die, and not by his damned hands. The ground started to sizzle around his feet, and the soles of his red sneakers began to melt. The temperature increased not only around us but also in my body. 
“What the fuck?!” Shigaraki took a step back, mouth open, as I started to stand to my feet. The magician let my hair go as fire started to surround my body. His hand suddenly burned from the contact. Standing on both feet, my arms still at my side, my shoulders hunched, and my head down, I took a staggering step towards the man. 
He tried to run, but I grabbed his neck; my whole body was on fire, literally. I could hear his skin sizzle as I kept my hand in his throat, his red eyes wide, clawing at my arm. 
“What? Don't you like being chocked?” I smirked at him. I could see the fright in his eyes, his neck burning as he was trying to croak something out. 
“KUROGIRI!” It was the magician again. I hissed as I turned my head towards him. The next thing I knew, there was a black goo coming out of everyone’s mouth. I jumped away, the flames diminishing as I did so. Shigaraki crumbled to the floor once I let go, gasping for air, but not before he stared at me. We locked eyes; he didn’t even need to speak; his eyes said it all. 
He wanted me dead. I looked back at him with the same look. I knew, as heroes, we should never act on it. He’ll never think it, but I wanted him dead. 
Just as fast as they had appeared, the group was gone. Once I knew they were gone, I released the flames around us, with onlookers gawking at the sight. There I stood, my dress barely hanging on, and two young heroes rushed towards me as I fell to my knees once again, blacking out.
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shivunin · 2 years
To the Last Drop
(Maria Hawke/Fenris | 1,682 Words | No warnings)
It wasn’t that Fenris had never seen liquid lyrium in use. 
Obviously, that wasn’t the case. The mages of the Imperium had always made sure it was in reach, of course, and Hawke and the other two kept it on hand whenever they expected a brawl. He’d seen empty vials of it tossed aside mid-fight, seen it sipped from the finest gold goblets, passed from mouth to mouth in intimate moments—yes, Fenris had seen plenty of lyrium in use. 
He wished it weren’t the case, though. Because if he was unfamiliar with it, that might explain the way he couldn’t seem to help watching Hawke when she drank it down. 
Unfortunately, it was not novelty but something else entirely that kept his eyes on her lips, pressed to the glass, on the long line of her throat when she tipped her head back to finish the draught. 
On…on her tongue, when she traced it over her full lower lip to gather up any loose drops. 
“Ready?” Isabela asked, twirling a dagger in one hand absently, “I’ve an itch I need to scratch.”
“Oh?” Hawke said, laughing, her head still half-back. She was all but a silhouette to him, standing near the top of a hill while he leaned against a boulder at the bottom. 
“Again?” Merrill asked, peering at the Rivaini, “Is it the one under your shoulder blade that you can never reach? D’you want me to try—”
“No, no,” Isabela laughed, slinging an arm over the elf’s shoulders, “Not that kind of itch, Kitten.”
“Oh,” Merrill said, as the two began to wander back toward the road, “I thought…” 
Fenris had already stopped paying attention to them. Hawke was looking at him, one arm stretched across her bountiful chest, her head angled to the side. Fenris pushed off of the boulder and made his way very deliberately up the last rise. He stopped a decent distance away—he knew because he was measuring the space between them very carefully in his mind—and went on looking at her. 
He’d intended to say something. He knew he’d intended to stay something. 
Hawke eyed him carefully, then stretched the other arm across her chest, wincing faintly. She only ever did that when he was the sole observer—and yes, he only knew this because he was so often watching her—but Fenris could find no reason for it. 
Under other circumstances, he might think she was trying to get something from him. For anyone else, he would be right. But this: that he was the only one she allowed to bind her wounds, aside from the healer; that he was the one she balanced herself with when she was limping or woozy from blood loss. Fenris could not understand it, and he dare not ask. The obvious explanation—that she still trusted him after everything else that had happened—was simply beyond consideration. 
There had to be a reason. If she were anyone else, he thought with a sense of dissatisfaction, he would almost certainly ask.
“Stiff?” he asked gruffly, tapping the fingers of one hand against his thigh. 
Maria—her given name, not that anyone ever used it; Fenris only thought of her thus because she’d gasped it into his ear that night three years ago, told him not to call her Hawke while—
Hawke sighed and her mouth turned down at the corners in an exaggerated pout.
“I’m getting old, Fenris,” she said, so woefully that he almost believed her for a moment, “I feel it in my bones. Soon, I’ll only ever talk about…oh, gout and how young folk these days never know how to treat their elders.”
“You could have just said no,” he told her sternly, but the corner of his mouth lifted faintly. She must have seen it, for her lips curled up in answer, even as she lifted her eyes dolefully to the sky. 
“No, Fenris, you don’t understand,” she said, and set the back of her hand against her forehead, “Who will chase mercenaries all over these hills when I can’t hobble after them? Soon I shall be all wrinkles and white hair and—”
“And still look just as—” 
Fenris bit the end of the sentence off before he could make the fatal mistake of speaking it aloud, but both of them froze anyway. 
And still look just as lovely as you do now. 
The words hovered on his tongue for a moment, kept caged behind his teeth, and it was a force of will not to say the words aloud. 
They’d only made it this far by pretending it—that night—had never happened. Three years, nearly, and they were both still here together. That first night at cards in the Hanged Man, Fenris had hesitated at the door, abruptly itchy everywhere, as if the air itself were anathema to him. He’d thought to leave, to prevent the inevitable discomfort, but she….
She’d met his eyes and scooted over, nudging Isabela with her, clearing room at the other end of the table. So…so he’d know he still had a place there, even if it wasn’t at her side. Fenris thought he might be grateful to her for that forever, no matter what else happened between the two of them. How strange, not to realize how much having a place of one’s own meant until one faced down the possibility of losing it permanently.
“Well,” Hawke said after a moment, blinking first and lowering her eyes, “In any case, maybe I’ll be lucky and go bald. I cannot believe I forgot to tie all this up before I left the manor this morning. The wind is wreaking absolute havoc.”
“I can—” Fenris began, then winced inwardly. 
He could, in fact, help with that; it wouldn’t be the first time he’d tied someone else’s hair up, nor the first time he’d done it for her—but those had been simpler times. 
“If you have a bit of leather, or…anything, I can manage,” she said. 
Fenris’s fingers touched her token, still tied around his wrist, but he would not part with it—not even for the sake of her comfort. He reached into his pocket instead and retrieved a loose bit of leather he’d intended to tame his own hair with in case the weather turned. He despised the way wet hair stuck to one’s skin, and he’d endured it several times too many on these outings to the coast. The leather ought to be long enough for her hair, too, if he plaited it first.
“Turn,” he told her, his voice thicker than he would have liked, and she turned without a word. 
Fenris gathered the bounty of her hair in his hands, untangling several knots as carefully as possible. It seemed to cling to his fingers, twining around the joints, black against the pale blue lyrium that lined his skin. It had looked like that three years ago, too, had tangled around him just so when he’d tilted her head back over his hand to kiss down the length of her neck. It had felt like this draped over his chest when he’d combed his fingers through it after, and—
“Are you coming down from there anytime soon?” Isabela demanded from the bottom of the hill, and Fenris realized he’d been combing his fingers through Maria’s hair without moving onto the next step. For how long? Her chest rose and fell too quickly, as if she’d just climbed a very steep hill, but that was…probably just exertion. 
Fenris let his eyes focus again on her dark curls, pulling them into a simple plait down the middle while she answered Isabela. They were laughing about something—not him; it sounded different when Hawke was laughing about him—so all must be well enough. He finished the braid, tied it off as intended, and then he just…stood there, holding the end of her thick hair. 
It was soft as silk between his fingers, shiny as a raven’s wing and dark against the brown of his hands, against the pale blue of the lyrium that thrummed beneath his skin like a second heartbeat. Hawke was underneath his skin, too, in her way; and it was all the worse for knowing it had all been his choice. That having and leaving her had been his choice. And for all the times Fenris had wished he could forget what her skin had felt like, how she’d sounded when—
For all he’d wished he could forget, he was deeply, deeply grateful that he could still remember every second of it. What would he be if this, too, had been taken from him? He did not wish to consider it.
“Finished?” Hawke asked, turning her head. 
There was a faint quiver to her bottom lip that made him want to press his thumb to it, but he did not. He hadn’t the right. 
Fenris didn’t move at all. He just stood, and looked, and wished. 
Finished, she’d asked.
“I am…not certain,” Fenris told her. 
Hawke’s fingers found the end of the braid, tested the leather tie, but her attention was on him. He could tell; one could always tell when Hawke’s full attention was fixed on them. 
“Are you?” he finished, the words nearly carried off by the wind. She opened her mouth to answer and—
“Let’s go,” Isabela called from the other side of the hill, “I have plans for tonight that don’t include murder!”
Hawke turned, shaking her head at the words, but for a moment—just a moment—her hand brushed against Fenris’s, the warmth of her fingers barely felt between the joints of his armor. As she set off down the hill, the hand she’d touched curled into a fist, tight enough to dig into his palm, and flexed loose again. 
Fenris set off after her, eyes carefully on the steep ground ahead, but a careful observer might have been able to note the color in his cheeks, and the matching red that spilled over Hawke’s. 
It was unfortunate, then, that Varric had not come with them that day—for there was nobody present who would notice such things at all.
(For @14daysdalovers, Day 5: Lyrium. In case anyone is keeping track, this was about a week before the party ficlet I posted yesterday c: )
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brightlilith · 2 years
Pairing: Hawk 'Eli' Moskowitz
Warning: Angst, Fluff, mentions of booze and cigarettes, angry Hawk, drunk people, Man being an asshole to the reader, bad writing, bad english, more?
a/n: English ins't my fist language, nothing proofread, notable spelling and grammatical errors I think, I don't really know a title for this, so it goes without. sorry for the bad ending.
Masterlist | Cobra Kai - Masterlist | Nav/request | Support me ;)
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Request: thank you so muchh... ok so, i was just wondering if you could possibly write something with a shy reader & hawk is really protective of her because shes been thru a lot with being assaulted in the past before she was with him... so what if theyre at a party and Hawk went to the restroom or something, im not sure lol, but this dude comes up to reader and starts making inappropriate comments and maybe touching her so shes uncomfortable and just tries to walk away but he wont let her and he forcefully grabs her arm bruising her and thats when Hawk comes back, he's fuming because he sees the look on readers face and just the fact that this dude has the nerve to do that to HIS girl and reader just kinda hides behind him holding on to his shirt, terrified, and that just fuels Hawks anger even more and he just beats the hell out of the dude... sorry its long😅 but hopefully its not too hard to understand, in not very good with words haha
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It was 10 pm and the loud sound echoed throughout the street, some teenagers were dancing outside the house, clearly excited.
Hawk and I walked past them, some greeted us and others just waved and went back to dancing. When we entered the house, the smell of drink and cigarettes was strong, the owner of the party comes and greets hawk with a hug and I shyly wave at him who smiles, hugging me and hawk, since talking was out of the question, because of the music.
after that, we went to find Miguel and the others, who were waiting for us.
“You finally arrived, I thought you weren't coming anymore" Miguel shouted
“Sorry buddy, I was trying to get her to leave the house" Hawk yelled back, putting an arm around my shoulders.
We sat on the couch and talked, Hawk with the boys and me with the girls. A while passed and my drink ran out, I whispered to my boyfriend that I was going to get more drink, he came with me. Since I told him about my past, he's been more protective of me, and I mentally thank him all day for that.
When we got to the kitchen, there was only one guy refilling his glass, Hawk got two beers and gave me one, before going back to our friends he said he needed to go to the bathroom.
“Hey Babe, I need to go to the bathroom, can you wait for me here?" he said, the music in here wasn't that loud, so I could hear it without any problem.
“Yes, of course” I said with a smile, which he reciprocated by kissing my cheek.
He left and I sat on a stool in the kitchen, drank my beer and grabbed my phone to look at Instagram.
“Hi Shawty, why are you alone here?" he asked, moving very close to me. “you are hot" he touched my arm.
“Maybe it's warmer in my bed, eh?" he spoke again, by this point I was disgusted and uncomfortable
I put my phone away, grabbed my beer and got off the white boy, I just ignored him. But it seems he didn't understand the sign that I didn't want that conversation.
“Come on babe" He stood in front of me. He smiled seductively, his scent was pure booze.
I just walked past him without saying a word, but he grabbed my arm tightly, it will probably leave a mark tomorrow.
"Look here you bitch, I'm talking to you" He squeezed my arm tighter, his smile was now dark
Hawk, where are you?
Before he could do anything, he went straight to the ground, causing his arm to be brutally wrenched from mine. I looked away, and the Hawk looked furious, no, he was furious.
"are you ok?" his gaze softened as he looked at me
“yes, I am." My voice was cracking and tears were streaming down, and only now did I realize I was crying.
Hawk came to my side and hugged me. Seconds later he had me behind him.
"well well, looks like the bitch has a savior" the guy stands up, and I clutch Hawk's shirt in fear. which makes him even angrier. Hawk was breathing heavily, so I hugged him from behind, and he quickly relaxed.
Baby let's get out of here" I said "let's go home please"
He turned to me and waved, then he kissed me, full of passion.
"I love you so much" he whispered
“I love you more"
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© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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bzedan · 2 months
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[ID: A digital illustration that looks like it was made of construction paper. A grid of eight Garfield head shapes on a background of blue, five of them look like orange paper stuck to the background, the other three are cutouts revealing glimpses of a photograph of leaves and palm trees. "July 2024" is scrawled at the top of the image. End ID.]
I have decided not to feel bad that this year is for about-two-hour playlists. Cassette tapes never went over 120, why should I. And my summer mixes are always heavily influenced by the rattling contents of auntie and uncle's tape collections. I decided to indulge myself this month which is why my favourite Harry Nilsson and Donovan songs are on here, sorry, I love them, they follow me around like puppies.
Related media to some of the songs:
Player's 'Baby Come Back' was a key song in the movie Riddle of Fire which is great, big recommend if you like movies about troublemaking kids with the aesthetics of Return to Witch Mountain. Here's a trailer.
'Shoes Untied' is the first song from Pony Talk, which grew out of members of The Downhill Jam, which is a Tony Hawk Pro Skater cover band and a good bunch of folks.
'You've Got That Edge" is the single from Urban Heat's upcoming album, which you can preorder now, they're maybe my favourite new-to-me band I've stumbled across this year.
Anyway here's a link to July's playlist on Spotify, with the track list below the cut.
Embedded, if you like that sort of thing:
'Lazy River' - The Mills Brothers
'It's a good day (to fight the system)' - Shungudzo
'Baby Come Back' - Player
'Butterfly' - Crazy Town
'Shapes & Colors' - Boy Jr.
'CAUTION!!!' - CerVon Campbell
'Everybody Wants To Rule The World' - Boy Jr.
'Axel F' - Thomas Foster
'Neverender' - Justice
'Take A Slice' - Glass Animals
'Gives You Hell' - The All-American Rejects
'Little Chaos' - Orla Gartland
'All That' - Sparks
'Vacation' - The Go-Go's
'We Invented Love' - Dorian Electra
'Roundabout - 2008 Remaster' - Yes
'Shoes Untied' - Pony Talk
'Marigold' - Begonia
'Stuck In The Middle With You' - Stealers Wheel
'Escape (The Pina Colada Song)' - Rupert Holmes
'Coconut' - Harry Nilsson
'Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)' - Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
'Blister In The Sun' - Violent Femmes
'Gotta Get Up' - Harry Nilsson
'Dream A Little Dream Of Me' - The Mamas & The Papas
'Riki Tiki Tavi' - Donovan
'Summertime' - The Zombies
'Soft Spot' - Claud
'You've Got That Edge' - Urban Heat
'Crazy' - Seal
'What a Fool Believes - 2009 Remaster' - The Doobie Brothers
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faux-fires · 1 year
(Not-a) drabble-a-day #8
(shounen protagonist knocked down in a fight climbing back to my feet, wiping away an artistic trickle of blood from the corner of mouth voice) i’m not finished with you yet!
handers (not-a) drabble-a-day prompt #8, “regret”. IT’S UNDER 1,000 WORDS FINALLY i’m heading in the right direction! nvm i edited it and now it’s 1,033 words. i am my own downfall :(
"Anders," Hawke says quietly, "I can't help you unless you let me. Open the door."
On the other side of the library door, broken glass crunches; furniture shifts. Anders' voice, Justice riding just beneath the surface, growls: "No."
Hawke rests his forehead against the cool wood, closes his eyes. This had gone so much smoother in his head. "Please, Anders."
Anders's voice is cold and hostile. "You should have known this was going to happen, Hawke. You made this choice, you did this knowing it was a betrayal of everything I stand for!"
"I didn't - "
"Don't," Anders says stiffly. "It is your fault we're in this mess to start with."
Hawke sighs. Perhaps there is some truth to the accusation. Anders is a man of absolute principles, a rigid black and white, and Hawke had always known there was no middle ground, no compromise. "I love you," he says, very softly, against the door.
Anders's voice, when it comes back through the door, is quiet and close; he must be leaning against it on his side, too. "I know," he says, "and I love you too. But this cannot continue, love. The library's smashed to pieces, and my shoe is beyond repair."
"I thought... I thought it might help. Take your mind off things." Hawke splays his hand over the door handle. "I'll fix it."
Anders snorts. "I should hope so," he says, drily; "It was your idea to get another dog."
Behind Hawke, the puppy whines. It's still holding Anders' ripped-up boot in its mouth, bandages trailing from one end. Hawke opens his mouth to point out that honestly, it couldn't be worse, and immediately decides against it and settles instead on the biggest, most generous offer he can. "I'll let you name her," he says.
There's a pause, and then he has to hurriedly scramble to catch himself as the door lurches open a crack. Anders' suspicious eye squints at him through the gap. "You'll let me name her."
"Yeah," Hawke says, although not without some trepidation. "I bought her for you, love."
Anders' eye narrows. "You got me a dog? Really? I know your gift-giving skills have always been questionable, but did they run out of heretical amulets?"
Yes, he did. Not because he thought Anders would come around but because he was Fereldan; because despite being away from home for so long he still associated them with protection. His own Dog had saved his life on multiple occasions and he wanted that for Anders, non-judgemental protection and companionship wrapped in a body big enough to knock down a man in full plate; loyalty and affection for those times when Hawke could not be there to offer his own. He had no idea where Anders went nowadays, why he was home so late. They never talked about the templars loitering in the Viscount's Keep or the patrols on the street or the increasing number of tranquil in the Gallows, day on day. It scared the shit out of Hawke.
He had gone from night terrors of his own arrest at the hand of Meredith to ones in which he found Anders  flat-eyed and branded working a stall there, under the shadows of the high Gallows wall, and he didn't know how to say that, to talk about that deep and biting fear, so yeah. "I got you a mabari," he said instead, because for a proper Fereldan, that said it all for him.
There’s a pause, and Hawke dares hope... Anders was born in Ferelden too. Perhaps that is enough. Perhaps he understands enough. With a sigh of defeat, the door opens with a creak. Anders looks thinner; the bags beneath his eyes are deeper. His brow is furrowed as he stares down the puppy, who stands up at the sight of him, her stubby tail wagging hopefully. In a crooning, leading voice, Hawke says, "Some people say they were bred by mages."
Anders wrinkles his nose. The puppy gallops up to him, cavorting in front of him with his boot in her mouth. She's a muscular little thing, massive paws and velvet-soft black fur; she matches Anders' new aesthetic. Hawke watches them anxiously, but even though Anders has always been vocal about preferring cats, he's never really much minded Dog, and eventually he crouches, sighs heavily, and puts a hand on her head. "Fine," he says.
"You'll keep her?" Hawke can't keep a note of hope from his voice. Anders has been... distant lately, and maybe this is all he needs. Cats are their own masters, but dogs are friends. Dog's certainly been his friend.
"I suppose," Anders sighs. She barks at him and puts her paws on top of his left foot, which makes Hawke wince; cute now, maybe not so cute when she weighs three hundred pounds. "There'll be no room for you in the bed either, little one," he warns her. She wags her tail at him, uncomprehending.
Hawke releases a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "I suppose you can think of a name for her eventually," he says, already thinking of how best to brace himself for sharing a house with a dog named Serah Wiggletoes or Madame Drools-a-lot or whatever his brilliant, beautiful boyfriend chooses to inflict upon her.
But - "No," says Anders, mildly. "I already know exactly what I'm going to call her." He squats down, placing his hand on top of her wrinkly little forehead and rubbing back and forth; his eyes cut up to meet Hawke's. His expression is mischievous, the face he usually wears before asking Hawke to tie him up in bed, or before attempting (badly) to cheat at Wicked Grace; it's self-satisfaction and Hawke has an instinctive wave of affection at the sight of it surge through him so quickly for a moment he can't breathe.
It lasts until Anders looks away, back at the puppy and says, "I'm going to call her Cat."
"Of course you are," Hawke says mournfully. He’s so in love with this man it makes his knees weak and his heart sing, filled to the brim with a vast well of emotion, and right now, that emotion is regret.
anders’ life in meme:
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hawkezone · 1 year
A missing Queen Cousland, whispers of an elven rebellion, and one hell of a party: Hawke, Fenris, and Varric attend a lavish ball at the Winter Palace celebrating Empress Celene and Marquise Briala's alliance, where Hawke finds himself enlisted to help by a man with a strong Fereldan accent and a deep-seeded fear of swooping. A Trevelyan-Dorian & Fen(m!)hawke imagining of the events leading up to Dread Wolf, sequel to The Seat of Power.
CHAPTERS: ♕ [1] [2]
Angus, leaning over himself in the library under the rookery at Skyhold, muttered into the flipped-open sending crystal his boyfriend had given him. He should’ve attended the party. Why did he let Josephine talk him into staying behind? And Leliana had been rather keen on him staying at Skyhold, too. Angus had long ago begun to put two and two together about “the safety of the Inquisitor”, but he was starting to get lonely in Skyhold, all alone, this evening. Even Cullen had gone off to the party, or, possibly, given up in defeat and was drinking alone in his carriage waiting for everyone to go home.
Angus waited, hoping Dorian would be in a quiet enough place in the party to hear him through the crystal. He knew Dorian wore it around his neck everywhere they went without each other - if only so Dorian could update him on the assorted social and/or fashion disasters he encountered on his many trips back to Minrathous.
“Dorian? Doriannnn. Come onnnn.” Angus, uncharacteristically, whined into the crystal. Next to him were several empty miniature novelty bottles of Seheron dry, which he insisted he hadn’t drank all by himself, and half a glass of whiskey. The whiskey, of course, counted as dessert.
Meanwhile, back at Halamshiral, Dorian could hear a faint buzzing coming from the locket he wore around his neck, as he continued to prime Alistair for more information - and pump him full of more ale. Unfortunately, the ale was indeed dwarven and watered-down, which meant he’d have to feed him much more of the stuff to get to the juicy bits.
Holding a finger up to Alistair, who was mid-woeful-rant, Dorian flipped open the locket, and strained to hear Angus’s soft, Marcher accent over the loud hustle of the party.
“Yes, my dear amatus?” he greeted, over the crystal, holding the rest of it towards his ear, frowning at the background noise.
“....come home soon so I can tell you I miss you… …bet you look good in your formal coat.. ….osephine left so many of these bottles here for the guests, can you believe….”
Dorian sighed. He could barely hear a thing, although it seemed like Angus, at least, was keeping occupied.
“Amatus,” he repeated, holding the crystal closer to his lips. “I can see you’ve had a lot of fun without me, and I can’t wait to get back to Skyhold to see how my Inquisitor wants to handle his lack of handling, but - you’re never going to believe who I’m talking to right now.”
Alistair watched, as Dorian continued his conversation, one-sidedly.
“Yes. No, not you. I know I’m also talking to you, but - yes. Mm-hmm. You know, next time I’ll just ask Josephine to put some mixers in with the wine for you to slow it down. No, you’re rotten. You are. …. Keep that up and I’ll really have to leave the party early.”
Alistair narrowed his eyes and sighed again, in defeat, taking another swig from his ale as Dorian’s conversation took another turn.
“You know just how to push my buttons. All right. But no necromancy this time. We both thought it would be funny but it just ended up being unsavory.”
Alistair raised his eyebrows. Dorian, it seemed, finally remembered why he’d interrupted Angus in the first place.
“But you haven’t guessed who! Right, right. Remember the meeting you had back at Haven? Yes! I know! That’s what I asked him!”
Dorian clapped a hand over the crystal, and turned to Alistair. “Angus wants to know if you’ve found your missing wife yet.”
Alistair gave him the most despairing look yet. Dorian perked up.
“Right! Right. That’s what you were telling me.” He turned back to the crystal. “No, he hasn’t. And he’s asking us if we know where she’s gone. I know. I told him about Hawke going to Weisshaupt. He is? He has? He - is - are they all here? …I’m going to murder Varric.”
With that, Dorian clapped the crystal locket shut, and carefully slipped it back under his shirt.
Giving Alistair the slyest of smiles, he leaned coyly over the bartop.
“Today, I think, is your lucky day,” Dorian smiled.
Alistair felt himself involuntarily skip a beat. Whatever was coming was sure to be something big.
The lowly music of the single harp played through the open courtyard, the golden light of the strung-up candles glinting off the gold and augments of the gathered Orlesian nobles, craning their necks to get a good look at the plucky minstrel who was chiming classic folk tunes, her belting lighting up the entire garden.
Away from the huddled crowds, in a secluded cloister, were Hawke and Fenris - and only one of them seemed to be having any sort of a good time.
Clutching one of his many beignets he’d tucked away, Hawke smirked. “You think the words are the same in Orlesian?”
“They could be saying anything, you know. I don’t speak Orlesian. I wager you don’t, either. They could be singing about how all Marchers are freeloading anarchist backwater pigs, for all I know.”
Fenris glanced sideways at Hawke, who was grinning. He rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile back. “I doubt that.”
“That’s what I’d do,” Hawke said, breezily, waving a hand at the bard. “If I was supposed to be entertaining a bunch of jackasses all night, I’d definitely try to take the piss.”
“That’s why we don’t let you entertain,” Fenris smirked.
Inside, the orchestra was starting to begin its triumphant wailing, the music coursing through the echoing halls and out into the gardens, just faint enough to mix with the bard’s singing.
“They’ve begun the formalities,” Fenris muttered, barely able to contain his scowl. “If they’re not entertained at every turn, they’ll start to turn on each other.”
“I can understand that,” Hawke said, thoughtfully, face full of beignet. “If I were a noble, I’d want my attention grabbed at every second. No point being bored, I bet.”
“Hawke, you are a noble,” Fenris replied, a bit despairingly. “I must admit, I wonder if your enchantment over snacks and lute-playing won’t betray a more deep-seeded sense of entitlement in the future, judging by how all these Orlesian courtiers act.”
“Me? Entitled? Over a title? Don’t be silly, goose,” Hawke grinned, elbowing Fenris playfully in the side. Fenris didn’t quite scowl, but he didn’t quite grin back, either.
Looking to either side of him, Hawke’s grin widened. Fenris could see the gears clicking together in his head, in ways that made him slightly suspicious - and even more trepidatious.
“Fenris?” Hawke ventured, with a sideways grin. “Can I make up for the Chateau in another way?”
Fenris looked wary, but his expression betrayed his true sense of curiosity. After all, he wouldn’t have followed this idiotic lug of a man all the way here if it weren’t for his morbid sense of passion.
“Make up for it how, Hawke?”
Hawke grinned even wider, and bowed, deeply and theatrically, like a footman. He extended a half-gloved hand to Fenris, without stooping back up, and smiled.
“Would you accompany me to the ballroom floor, milord?” he grinned.
For a brief second, everything froze. Fenris felt his face crack a little, as time came to a whopping halt, and Hawke immediately sensed he had done Something. Not necessarily something wrong, mind you, but the world didn’t come screeching to a standstill with the worries of a thousand centuries plastered across your beloved’s face for nothing.
“Hawke,” Fenris ventured, his voice cracking, like the first jolt of dry lightning in a canyon wracked with drought.
Hawke looked up at him, perplexed, then, immediately, read the expression on his face, backtracking as fast as possible.
“Sorry - I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I didn’t -”
Fenris, as if coming out of a daze, shook his head, rather firmly. “No, no. It’s just - not with - there’s all these people, Hawke-”
“Wait. Wait. I have an idea.”
Hawke got that mischievous glint in his eye - the one that meant he was about to get them both into massive trouble.
“Hawke - what - ”
Pulling Fenris by the hand, Hawke led him down the hallway into the vestibule, through the halls of the public appartements and out into the garden, where even more various nobles had gathered, listening to the dulcet tones of one of Orlais’ most talented bards. For a moment, Hawke could have sworn it was Maryden Halliwell’s voice, singing in the Orlesian tongue, but he chalked it up to his time spent at Skyhold having taken quite a toll on him.
Tucking into a cloister to the side of the garden, just out of sight - and just in the shadows - for naught but the nosiest of nobles to be seen, Hawke let Fenris go, and placed his hands on his hips, looking rather pleased with himself.
Fenris, bemused, placed his own hands behind his back.
“Plans, Hawke?”
Hawke, with a flourish, took a great, theatrical bow. “Indeed, my dear,” he said, putting one arm behind his own back, and extending the other in a deep, dramatic gesture, offering his open palm to Fenris like a noble on the ballroom floor. Which, for all intents and purposes, he was.
Suppressing a laugh, Fenris cocked a smile at Hawke, who looked up at him - still stooped - through his brow.
“Well?” said Hawke, raising his eyebrows, and tottering a little. “I’m starting to get a little sore, here.”
Letting out an actual chuckle - or, to Fenris’s denial, an actual giggle - he placed his hand in Hawke’s, and Hawke raised himself back up to full height, romantically sweeping Fenris in towards him by the small of his back.
“Your hand goes on my shoulder, I think,” Hawke smiled, teasing, a little primly, but full of warmth. “Unless you don’t want me to lead. Which I always offer, but we know how things usually go,” Hawke winked.
Fenris, glancing away for a moment, braced himself. For a second, he flicked his eyes towards the gathered nobles, through the shadowed cloisters into the well-lit gardens, entranced by the lute-playing of the bard and the thick, scented air of the evening. They were so occupied with their own, brightly-lit world, that they scarcely - if at all - noticed Fenris and Hawke, hidden in the depths of the marbled shadows.
He looked back at Hawke, his eyes expectant.
“I’ve - I’ve never actually danced. With anyone. Before,” Fenris ended, somewhat lamely. He looked away again, but his hand was still firmly placed in Hawke’s.
Despite himself, Hawke burst out in a brief spurt of laughter. Fenris, annoyed, looked back at him, but Hawke was clearly gazing at him with the look he only reserved for the man he loved.
“What, never? Not even at a party? Not even as a joke?” Hawke went on, tucking Fenris in closer by the waist.
Fenris, getting more annoyed by the minute, sighed. “No. It’s not something I had time to do in Tevinter. At all.”
“And in Kirkwall?” asked Hawke, holding Fenris’s hand aloft.
“Kirkwall is not exactly the place that makes one want to dance,” Fenris said, bitterly. “Despite any claims.”
“No one ever asked you?”
“There’s never been such an occasion. And I doubt I’d want to dance with anyone. At all.”
Hawke pouted, a little comically. “Not even me?”
Fenris, finally looking back up, saw that Hawke was trying his damndest to cheer him up. And he couldn’t help but smile.
“...Perhaps you’re the exception.” Fenris flicked his eyes downward, then back up at Hawke, their verdance as clear as ever.  “….You’re always the exception.”
Smiling, Hawke finished pulling Fenris in, and, laying a hand on his arm, gently guided it towards his shoulder.
“I’m not a very good dancer, I’m afraid,” Hawke said, as Fenris lay his hand against Hawke’s shoulder. Hawke’s stubble - which he was very bad at shaving consistently - poked through the thin Orlesian cotton of his upcollared formal shirt.
“Would I have been able to tell?” Fenris replied, smirking, flirtatiously.
“No, probably not. I should just keep my mouth shut,” Hawke said, laughing.
“Don’t,” said Fenris, softly.
Slowly, smiling, Hawke, holding Fenris by the hand, stepped in a graceful circle - as gracefully as he could - as the bard continued her enchanting rhyme. In the shadows of the cloister, nobody could see the two, slowly revolving, like planets gathered around a burning star.
Fenris, trepidatiously, laid his head against Hawke’s chest, as they turned; Hawke immediately clutched him closer, lowering his own head so it tucked gently into his.
As the song wound to a close, Fenris found his head still resting on Hawke’s chest, and he could hear Hawke’s heart beating at a breakneck speed. His fingers wrapped around Hawke’s collar, as he could feel his breath, hot as the night air was cold, burning down Fenris’s own neck.
Hawke, still holding Fenris in one muscular arm, the other hand wandering its way back down towards Fenris’s waist, felt the elf press closely against him, the clink of his armored shoulders and arms rubbing up against the thick fabric of Hawke’s formal coat. Fenris pushed against him, pulling him closer, and as Hawke felt Fenris’s cold, gauntleted fingers close around his neck, he grabbed him even more firmly, crushing him against his chest and hips, feeling the elf open up underneath him as Fenris intensely pushed his body against his, pressing every inch of himself against Hawke’s, as Hawke nudged his knee between Fenris’ legs - both of the men like pendulums in an imminent swing - if either of them moved, even one inch further, the whole thing would come crashing down. 
Hawke, breathing heavily, scarcely dared to move Fenris from his position, lest he lose control completely and pin him to the ground, disgracing this entire social affair - and probably causing the fine bard singing in the garden to completely lose her footing.
“Hawke,” Fenris breathed, roughly, in Hawke’s ear.
Hawke felt his heart skip a beat.
Intensely, softly, without breaking eye contact, Fenris pushed one thumb against Hawke’s Adam’s apple, biting his lower lip. Hawke gulped, feeling Fenris’s fingers press against him, barely choking him, the pointed backs of his gauntlet scratching the back of Hawke’s neck as his hairs stood on end, and he stood at attention. He knew that, at any moment, he could break Fenris’s hold, sweep him up by the legs and pull them both against him, pull his head back and take control, let Fenris drive him to the wilderness of extinction. He hoped that Fenris wouldn’t think he was too uncouth for already planning lines about needing a lot of help with handling his oversized, two-handed warhammer, since that was Fenris’s specialty, after all.
Hawke locked eyes with him, and Fenris’s eyes glowed with an intensity that sent the usually confident Hawke into a venusian, cloudy-headed rabbit hole.
“Perhaps it is my turn to surprise you,” Fenris growled, with an insistent half smile.
Hawke, losing control entirely, pressed his face against Fenris’s, biting on Fenris’s lip before sending himself into a spiral, flicking the inside of Fenris’s mouth with his tongue, holding him in place with one arm while running the other up and down his back, then his side, then down the front of his hips.
“Wait,” Fenris breathed, his voice still guttural, putting a single finger to Hawke’s lips. “Not here.”
He held Hawke by the hand, this time, and pulled him towards the end of the cloister, where a latticed wall covered in nightblooms anchored the corner between the palace and the gardens proper.
Indicating the wall with his head, Fenris withdrew his finger from Hawke’s lips, smiling with an intense, mischievous grin. Letting Hawke go, he backed up into the lattice, where Hawke, cottoning on, began grinning himself, helping Fenris up and over the garden wall with a light foothold, making a step with his cupped hands.
Following him over the wall, Hawke paused for a moment, at the top of the wall; one foot in the party, the other imminently in the outer gardens - and examined the scene.
The whole of Halamshiral spread out before him, the excitement, the romance, the buzz of the party, the ham that tasted of despair, the tittering gossip of the nobles, the rampant fireflies and the clink-clink-splash of caprice coins being thrown in the fountain - all accented by the intoxicating scent of jasmines and Andraste’s Grace - and he sighed, with great contentment.
Truly, really, it did not get any better than this.
He looked back down, at Fenris, who was already playing with the top buttons of his guardsman’s jacket, giving Hawke the most smoldering look he could manage.
Hawke grinned. Perhaps the night had great potential, indeed, for getting even better.
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xalonelydreamerx · 1 year
Heey!! Sorry to bother u, but I was rereading Lítost for maybe the sixth time and just wanted to ask if u could give us a little snippet of the next chapter?? Pls? I've read it for the first time soon after it was posted, and I just love how in-character all your characters are. Sending love!!
you've read it so many times? 🥺 I'm seriously not worthy of you. thank you so so much for your patience! I can imagine how frustrating it must be having waited that long and I'm so greatful that you and the people who have contacted me are so nice about it ♥
As for the snippet, chapter 2 opens with a (admittedly long) flashback that gives us an insight to the late dynamic Obi-Wan/Padme/Anakin had.
I went a bit back and forth whether the snippet should be from present moment but I think that part needs more editing so I hope you'll be happy with the opening flashback instead 🫶
Master Yoda truly knew how to deliver a punishment when he wanted to. Obi-Wan thought dryly as his eyes took in the people who were slowly arriving. The sounds of cheers, and claps and clicks could still be heard from the reporters outside, who were waiting like hawks did their pray to capture the perfect and the worst shots of the guests.
Master Yoda had had called it a simple request; “Fond of you are many Senators. With a familiar face content more they will feel.”
He had no choice but to accept and guard the multiple politicians that were to attend the gala and ensure their safety. Obi-Wan wasn’t a big fan of the unnecessary glamour or the spotlight. He was a Jedi, he didn’t belong here. There was next to nothing he could do however, especially after the stun Anakin had pulled.
Padme had been trying to comm him restlessly the past few days. To apologize, he presumed. Regardless of the inevitable talk they were bound to have eventually, he still felt hurt at her actions; for going behind his back, against her own word to tell Anakin of the secret mission the council had assigned him. What a fool he had been; to entrust her with his doubts, with his fears. Just because he had warmed their bed a couple of times, didn’t mean she would have his back. Padme and Anakin would always choose each other in the end and for the first time he wondered when he had stopped being an option for Anakin.
When had they stopped being a team?
A hand clasped his right shoulder firmly, “Where does your mind travelling, my friend?”
He sighed before he took another sip of the drink the senator had recommended him. He grimaced at the spicy flavour; he was more keen on the sugary side.
“To be frank, I’m just thinking how wasteful my presence is.”
Bail didn’t take his comment unkindly. He laughed easily and shook his head in a feign disappointment. “Wasteful? You already left quite a good impression on one of my friends.”
He raised his glass to toast at someone and Obi-Wan followed his gaze, which lead to Senator Danu. Yes, the Senator had an interesting viewpoint of the Kuat's shipyards, but seemed too concern about the guests who had yet to arrive. He, too, found a Jedi’s presence unnecessary - he was supposed to be fighting a war, not spend his night with the high social class of Coruscant but how could Obi-Wan explain that his attendance was more of a punishment than a service? “An interesting man indeed.”
“Your ability to blend among us must be a curse.” Bail teased him between his giggles and Obi-Wan wondered whether his had snatched an extra glass under his unsupervised eye.
“I wouldn’t call it a curse. More of an unwanted gift.”
“Ahhh, I’m certain you’ll endure.” He nodded, giving him another pat on his shoulder as his face brightened at the sight of another quest who entered. Obi-Wan couldn’t see him clearly as the people started filling in the room but Bail seemed to sober up rather quickly as he finished his remaining drink and left it on the table. “If you excuse me I have another friend to catch up. This is a night off for you Obi-Wan, try to relax.”
He watched silently as Bail walked across the room to greet an Ithorian Senator before they both made their way towards Senator Amedda who was conversing with Senator Taa. His eyes narrowed at their clumsily attempt to appear obscured as they tucked themselves in the other side of the roo,. He would have to ask Padme if there was something stirring within the Congress.
Speaking of whom, she was radiant tonight. He thought a little dazed.  The multi-colored gown hugged her petite form elegantly and her bodice was studded with beads and pearls complimenting her low-cut neckline wonderfully. Delicate embroidery was stitched at the hems of her dress and her silky brown hair were pulled back a by a silver headpiece made of embossed pieces of metal connected by tiny silver shells, allowing her face to be unconcealed. The rest of the hair were wound into a large braided bun, with the remainder of two stray strands framing her face. Obi-Wan had to wonder how long she must have sat to allow her handmaids to create such an artwork. He looked up, meeting her kind amber brown eyes; warm and inviting. Obi-Wan could easily get lost in them. He had almost begun to return the smile she gave him before he caught a sight that immobilized him to the spot. Anakin was there He stood right there, in all his glory with arms crossed and an angry petulant grimace on his face. Rather clumsily, Obi-Wan put back the glass on the table; it clinked against the tray, disturbing his uneasy thoughts.
He was suddenly weary as they ambled through the crowd; it was almost poetically fitting; him against them – separated by a sea of people. But Padme was determined, even as she made small stops to chatter and greet the people who demanded her attention.
Her smile was tight, fake and by the way her fingers twitched he could tell she was getting impatient. Anakin wasn’t hard to figure out. He always wore his heart on his sleeve, something Obi-Wan had continued to chastise him for years. Anakin rolled his eyes quite rudely in his opinion as he nodded whatever the quest was telling them and tagged Padme away.
“Obi-Wan!” Padme cheerfully saluted him, pretending to have just spotted him now. As if no one had noticed the furtive looks she had been sending at his direction from the minute he walked in.
“Senator Amidala, Anakin…” He greeted them with a slight bow, hands crossed behind his back in a perfect pose as he eyed their intertwined fingers with distaste.
Padme took a notice of it and dropped Anakin’s hand quickly as if it burnt her. She scanned around the crowd, suddenly concerned if anyone noticed her impulsive behaviour. Good. He thought, she should be Anakin glared both of them, probably annoyed at their façades. “Hello, Master…” The way he dragged his title was enough to let Obi-Wan know of his mood. “None of that Obi” She told him gently, placing a soft hand on his forearm.
He tensed at the endearment and cleared his throat, gently shaking her hand off as he looked at his former padawan whose fists clenched at his side. “Did you at least have the consideration to require permission from the council for your attendance here or is it another thing I should report?”
Padme folded her arms under her chest, making it temporarily difficult to concentrate as she raised her chin slightly upwards in defiance. "I requested his presence from the council and they granted permission without any objection"
Because they'll question me later. He thought, suddenly exhausted. He would be the one to stand once more in front of the council and defend Anakin’s actions until he was out of breath. How someone as intelligent as Padme could be so thoughtless and impetuous with her secret marriage was beyond him. Did they really believe their pretence wasn’t obvious? “I see… Well then I wish you both to enjoy the rest of your night.” A resilient hold prevented him from moving and he was pulled back roughly only to meet Anakin’s furious stare. “This isn’t fair!” Padme tried to sooth Anakin but he shrugged of her hand, his attention sorely on him. “You were ready to lie, to deceive us! And you have the gall to pretend to be offended?"
Obi-Wan tried in vain to jerk away his arm but Anakin’s solid hold only tightened painfully around him. He glanced around; making sure no one was watching the display of disrespect.”Lie, deceive? I’m not the one who hid his secret marriage for years” He accused him coldly and Anakin had the audacity to look shocked.
He relished him at last from his iron hold and stumbled backwards as if he had been slapped. His gazed lowered for a moment as if considering his next words before they hardened. “I thought we had moved passed that”
Obi-Wan studied the two for a moment, contemplating how worthwhile the argument was. “Perhaps I haven’t.”
Padme’s brows furrowed in guarded curiosity, “Why didn’t you tell us?”
Why indeed. How could he explain that he was in no rush to open old wounds? How every night they spent together, he had to wonder if it would be the last?
The air fell still between them and for once Obi-Wan was glad for the people who surrounded them; their mindless chattering was enough to fill the heavy silence. Despite the recently closed bond, he could sense the storm in his beloved eyes. Guilt sent little squirming feelings slithering through his belly at their suffering. He was hurting them for no reason. It wasn’t their fault they couldn’t understand. Their relationship was already so fragile and freshly new, it left him buffed on how to treat them and hesitant at the risk of destroying what they had built through their friendship
He thought of Siri, of how he had begged her to leave the Order with him, of how close he had been to convincing her to go. He thought of Cerasi; young, and passionate - his love for her had burnt brighter than any light. And then there was Satine; strong yet gentle, just as lovely as she was wise. She had seen the bigger picture, had known they wouldn’t be able to thrive together, not when their duties had become their priorities.
His love for these women had been selfish, and childish. His passion, naivety and yearning had been overwhelmingly consuming, a bubbling sensation slowly rising so close to the surface, he had been certain he would explode.
So far, he had been perfectly content with loving Padme and Anakin from afar. They had each other; he had to constantly remind himself every time the waves of envy and possessiveness made their way to his head.
His friendship with Padme had helped fill the gap between him and Anakin; the miscommunication that had existed between them for so long and yet…
Padme was never supposed to enjoy his company enough to want him to stick around and Anakin was never meant to dwell so deep into his heart. Somehow, the two had decided to cast aside logic and thought it was normal to start pursuing him
He refused to make the same mistakes again
He gave her a sidelong glance, opting to ignore their hurtful expressions, “This is neither the place nor the time for this.”
“When will it be then?” Anakin stepped forward, jaw clenched tightly as his eyes trailed his face as if searching for an answer. “When will it be when all you’ve done is shut us out?”
“What angered you most Anakin?” He turned facing him, a taunting tone painted in his voice. “That I was ready to accept the mission or that I chose Padme instead of you to know the truth?”
Padme could barely hide her mid surprise. Her eyes darted between them in uncertainty before she shook her head and claimed with confidence. “That’s not true, right Ani?”
Anakin did not respond.
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iamfruitie · 2 years
In Too Deep Chapter 37
Mad woke up to the house empty, save for Al, who was sleeping at the foot of his bed. He stretched with a grunt and chuckled when Al woke up from that and went up to his face, purring as he rubbed his head against him. 
“Morning, Al.” Mad greeted, running a hand down the cat’s body before sitting up. “Oh?” He saw a piece of paper on his bedside table, a note by Mare
‘Had to run out with Phantom, will be back later today. Don’t forget to eat and drink some water, starlight, or I’ll make you~’
Mad rolled his eyes and set the note aside, crawling out of bed and getting dressed. 
“Off we go, Al,” Mad said, leaving the bedroom and heading for the kitchen, his cat at his side. He found everything strangely…quiet in the home. He had lived alone for so long, with the occasional visit from Jackie, and thought he was used to the silence. But after having Mare around, it felt off now. “Hawk, play some music, please.” 
“Playing house music,” Hawk’s voice said before it turned into a random song. The playlist was a sporadic collection of music Mad had enjoyed over the years. It was far from being the same as having Mare in the room, but it was enough to fill in some of that emptiness. He hoped Mare wasn’t going to be gone for long. Maybe he was getting himself some more clothing for here. Mad would be more than happy if Mare brought more of his belongings over. It would make the 'being a couple' feel more official.
Eventually, Mad ate a quick breakfast and prepared himself a mugful of coffee before heading off for his lab, being sure to take a bottle of water with him. He sat the mug and bottle down, drinking from both of them, before getting to work. 
It didn’t take long for him to get lost in his project, the music playing in the background and his hands and mind busy. Oblivious to the world around him and unable to hear Al meowing behind the lab door. 
The cat could smell that someone else was in the room with Mad. Someone new. Someone who was pissed. 
“You’re the one prying into my family’s affairs?” A voice spoke over everything and pulled Mad out of his trance. He turned and was greeted with the sight of a large man in a suit. “You’re Madrick? You’re the nosy human who has been trying to contact those he shouldn’t?” The man was nearly growling as he made his way over to Mad. 
“I-I don’t know-I don’t know what you're talking about?” Mad did a quick scan of the room; his mallet was on the other end of it. He’d have to get past the stranger to get to it. 
“You’re the same little scientist that we stole from. If I had known you would be causing trouble, I would have had Mare kill you when I sent him here.” 
“You sent…” Mad thickly swallowed. “You’re Dark.” 
“How do you know my name?” The man, Dark, stiffened, and his glare hardened. Mad quickly used that very brief moment of distraction to take off, managing to get past Dark but didn’t get much further before Dark grabbed his leg and caused him to fall. 
“Do you really think you’re going to run away that easily? The only reason I haven’t snapped your neck is because I want to know how you got the information that you do have. You have to have a connection of some sort.” Dark’s grip on his leg was tight and it triggered Mad’s fight or flight. Mad kicked his other leg out, slamming it into Dark’s arm. Dark let go of him, not from pain, but from the shock that the small human was actually trying to fight back against him. 
Mad crawled over to the other table and grabbed his collapsed mallet. He had a moment to breathe and then was grabbed by the back of his shirt and thrown to one of the walls. His body slammed into one of the cabinets and shattered the glass. Mad cried out in pain, feeling some of the pieces slicing parts of his skin and blood dripping down. 
That hurt. 
“You little brat! Do you really think that stick of yours is going to do anything to me? You know damn well what I am and what I am capable of. Just give-” Dark stopped and caught the head of the fully formed mallet with his palm. Mad had swung while he was talking, it showing its true form mid-swing. “A mallet? Really?” The scoff soon turned into a harsh curse, a blade popping out of the mallet and stabbing into his hand. Dark pulled away and held his bleeding hand by the wrist. Mad scrambled back up to his feet the best he could, holding his mallet up and ready to fight. Dark hissed with pain, the wound slowly closing as he panted, angrier than before from Mad showing he had the potential to be more dangerous than first assumed. His intelligence wasn’t just for show by the looks of it. “Forget getting information. I can’t let you live.” 
“Stay back!” Mad gritted his teeth, still feeling the cuts from the glass but knowing he needed to fight. “Just stay back!” 
Dark was to Mad in a blink, prying his hands from the mallet easily and throwing it away from both of them. He cocked an arm back and, before Mad could process anything, punched him across the face hard enough to make him dizzy. Mad fell over and didn’t hit the ground, but his back was soon against the wall, hand on his throat and holding him up in the air. “Couldn’t just be happy with what you had, could you?” Dark snarled. 
“W-Wait.” Mad wheezed out, hands clawing at Dark’s arm to no prevail, feet kicking as it was becoming impossible to breathe. 
“I’ll make this quick and-” Dark paused when he was finally hit with the scent of Mad’s blood, of his body. He was coated in Mare’s scent. Inside and out, it was Mare. That shouldn’t be possible. Mare wasn’t here long enough to leave a scent on this man, even if he did ‘have fun’ that night, that scent would have been gone long ago, his blood would have circulated by now and he’d have washed the rest of it off. The only way for this scent to be as thick as it was and even so fresh was if Mare had been here for a good period of time. 
“Stop!” Mare’s cry was almost an echo in Dark’s head, it becoming a tackle to the side moments later. Mad took in a harsh gasp of air and started coughing, down on the ground but held by Mare. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I’m so sorry, Mad.” 
“Mare?” Dark blinked at the sight of Mare almost crying as he looked over Mad, trying to see what he could do to help him. 
“I knew it wasn’t just a one-nighter.” Wilford arrived mere moments after Mare did, having been told by Anti that he had run off after Dark, and was now next to Dark, shaking his head and clicking his tongue. “We’ll have to take him to the house. Have Edward patch him up. Mare would never forgive you if you kill that human.” Dark made a sound of agreement and understanding.
“He’ll need to come with us, and we’ll need to sort out what to do next. We can’t just let him go. He’s in too deep.” 
Tag List: (Feel free to ask to be added!)
@dungeon-dragons-dragons @justyoursicanon @angst-anonn @damnthedead
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hepbaestus · 2 years
Thoughts on Dead Poet Society (1989)
I've got notes to write so I'm going to be watching Dead Poet Society (1989) and writing whatever comes to mind.
1989, wow, this film is the same age as my eldest half-sibling.
This sounds like it's the beginning of a cult.
Ugh the Ivy League.
I'm so glad that I didn't have to wear a blazer at any of my schools.
There's always one kid who's sick all the time and needs all the medicine in the world
I like the alternative four pillars.
Knox Overstreet? Oof poor sod
Till he finishes medical school???? That's fucking years away, poor kid.
Ah yes the numerous bird shots
That Latin class seems so dull.
I do not envy them carrying around all those textbooks
That's not at all morbid.
Neil Perry's kinda cute.
Ah yes the pondering, writing on a piece of paper before scrunching it up and throwing it
Perry in the glasses, oooooo.
Ewwww the sound of chalk against a chalkboard
Nice the ruler method of ripping out pages
The lord's prayer, I forget sometimes that I was christened and did the whole confirmation thing. Was mainly doing it for the wine.
"Burn that. Especially my picture." Can relate with almost every photo of me before the age of 15
Neil and Todd. They're cute.
Scary stories time
Saying poems like they're raps
This is mockery upon the British accent, and I expect nothing less from Americans (we do the exact same tbf)
Poor Todd
Oh god midsummers night's dream, brings me back to 11 year old me where I acted in this play with the RSC as a fairy
Forging a permission slip?? Fair
Time lapse of teamwork in football with pretentious music as the background sound, not surprising, quite fitting actually
Jesus Christ Knox, bit extreme dude
I have a feeling this is going to end in shit; they're all too happy and the creative arts and the heads of their school are not going to be happy.
Oh no sad parent talk with friend
Rather aerodynamic? Nice way of saying you want to throw it away to break it.
The first women in this entire film with more than one line
Oh of course his night went to shit
Oh shit paddling
The boys share my sentiments about spaghetti and meatballs
It's always the child's actions affecting the adult's reputation and it's bullshit.
Poor Neil
Oh god it's the play
His father's there, awwww. I don't know whether this will end badly or not and I am scared
Oh no
Military school?? Oooo not fun
Don't cower to your father's will Neil
Don't jump Neil. Do not.
Okay phew.
Oh no
Fuck where is he
Oh shit there he is
Really taking the name of the film to heart there Neil
There was always some special connection between Todd and Neil and I'm glad ao3 writers agree with me on that (I was curious as to how many ship fics there were of those two as of me writing this, there are 1600+)
Kid deserved to get punched
Never trust a ginger
This meeting is gonna be painful
Poor Todd (a lot of this has just been me say "poor this person" I now realise)
Rebellion. Nice.
The paddling they'll get for this one is gonna hurt so much. Or not that's the end of the film.
Overall score: 7/10
Recommendations welcome!
6 notes · View notes
the-last-concert · 4 months
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Chapter Eight: Playing God
“Ms. Farewell, please have a seat.”
I just arrived at Dr. Miracle’s office. It’s been a week since Pepper had been discharged and sent home. Since then, I have been making regular visits with Dr. Miracle to get his chemotherapy treatment started.
….But it wasn’t only that.
Dr. Miracle was helping me find a great OBGYN in Hallow. I hadn’t agreed to Pepper’s last request yet. I couldn’t even bring myself to talk about it. Truly, I didn’t know if I wanted kids right now. But, somehow, it makes sense for him to ask me. I couldn’t shake my worry, though. We aren’t young anymore, and I’m not sure if my body could take the risk. But, I knew I would at least consider all my options. Because it was Pepper who asked me.
I sit down in his padded chair across from his desk. He is hacking away on his computer before he lowers his glasses off his face. They hung around his neck. My guess, it was easier for him to reach them that way. “I called around and found a private women’s clinic not too far from here. It’s ran by an old colleague of mine. We went to Oxford before going our separate ways.” He hands me a paper with the referral and a reference on her profile. “Her name is Dr. Sasha Thompson. And she is American.”
I brightened up a bit. Not only was she American. She was African-American, which seemed extremely rare to find in London. I looked at her profile and felt some pressure ease off me. “This is amazing. Thank you Dr. Miracle. When do you think she will be available to meet with me?”
He grins before answering. “Today. Her 3 o'clock canceled. I took the liberty to fill you in that spot.” Then he gestures politely, “That was assuming you didn’t have anything else today.”
“I don’t,” I reassured him. “Again, Thank you for this.”
He held up his hand. “No need. Dr.Thompson does amazing work. I know you will be in great hands.” His eyes go back to his computer screen and quickly scans before continuing, “As for Mr. Davis, can you bring him back here on the 20th? I’m leaving abroad soon and that seems to be the only date that’ll work out for me.”
That was at the end of the month. And it was near the holidays. I already knew Pepper was going to fight me on pushing the date back, but I couldn’t let the opportunity slip by. Dr. Miracle was amazing with Pepper. I only trusted his eyes to monitor everything going on with him during the treatment.
“Of course. I’ll make sure of it, personally.” I agreed to the appointment.
“Has he been doing alright with the medicine adjustment?” He asked, clicking away on his computer again.
“Seemingly. Most days, he’s been sleeping a lot.” I thought back to him in bed just before I left. His body was tangled in the sheets and his snoring, uncanny. I readjusted myself in the chair. “Should I be worried?”
He smiles. “Not one bit. His body is resetting. Sleep is the fastest way to achieve a lot of rest, which he needs. So no abnormalities?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Good. That’s great news.” Then he jokes, “And I know you will monitor him like a hawk.”
I snorted, slightly. “What other way is there?”
He laughs before responding, “Then it looks like we are all set.” We both get up at the same time and he shakes my hand good-bye. Before I left his office, he called back. “Make sure to check in with Nurse Marvel before you leave. I’ve never seen her so interested in my patients before until now.”
I chuckled. We always know how to leave an impression. Speedy and Pepper, especially. “I will. Enjoy your day, Dr. Miracle.”
I walk down the long whitened hallway to find the receptionist desk. It was the same lady from before. Her hair was in a top bun and she was smacking her gum while on the computer. I cleared my throat. She looked up from her glasses, extremely monotone.
“Can I help you?”
I ignored her careless attitude. I smiled the best I could. “I’m looking for Nurse Marvel.”
She looked at me and looked back at the clock. “She’s in the cafeteria around this time. You’ll find her there.” I nodded and left to follow the signs that would lead me there.
The main cafeteria was on the second floor. I had to walk up a flight of stairs. I was pretty winded before I reached the entrance. But my breath didn’t seem to find me when I saw Speedy and Nurse Marvel chatting it up on a lunch table. Speedy was sitting directly on top while Nurse Marvel laughed at something he said adjacent to his position. They seemed awfully close. She even touched his shoulder lightly as they shared conversation. Suddenly, as if he sensed my presence, Speedy looked in my direction. This-of course-made Nurse Marvel’s eyes follow. I felt like I was interrupting something.
“There she is,” Speedy said. “We've been waiting for you.”
“Waiting for me?” I questioned. “I didn’t even know you were coming here.”
Speedy hops from the table and lands in front of me with ease. He smiles cheek to cheek. “It was a surprise. I wanted to pick you up myself.” Then he kisses me. It was settling down inside. But I can't say I wasn’t distracted by knowing Nurse Marvel was watching us.
“Mal here tells me you studied art,” Nurse Marvel interjected as we broke away from the kiss. Her face was lit up like a Christmas tree. “My husband is an art director here in town. I’m sure he would love to chat with you about some pieces he plans on implementing in the upcoming show.”
I couldn’t get past what she just called him. I blinked at him. “Mal?”
He whispers as his arm hangs over my shoulder. “She’s old, Moggie. She likes her nicknames.”
“Yeah, okay,” was all I said. Then I addressed Nurse Marvel. “That’ll be great.”
“Really? I’ll call him now!” Nurse Marvel pulls out her phone from her scrubs and dials quickly. She holds up one finger, letting us know she’ll be right back.
I look at Speedy and he looks down to meet my questionable gaze. “What?”
“You guys looked comfortable,” I said.
Speedy’s laugh shook me. “Moggie. Don’t start. There is nothing going on with me and Marv. She was just keeping me company while I waited for you.”
I scoffed and had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. I knew Speedy. All too well, in fact. Nurse Marvel wasn’t too far from his type. He liked older women. Especially older women who didn’t look a day over 40. And Nurse Marvel was a looker. She had porcelain skin that shined better than the walls did. Her brunette hair was always neatly in a pulled back bun, but you can tell it had some length. Her fingernails were trimmed but manicured. And her eyes were greener and brighter than emeralds. Nurse Marvel was not an ugly woman.
I moved to sit down where they did. I sat my bag next to me to ensure he didn’t. I don’t know why I did, but I needed not to be so close to him for now. If he was near me, then I would be jealous. If he kept touching me, then I would think he was hiding how he exactly felt about Nurse Marvel. Speedy used women as distractions before. And right now, I didn’t want to be just another distraction.
“Moggie,” he called. “What are you doing?”
“Staying away from you.”
“You’re being serious right now?”
“Do I look like I’m joking?”
“No, but you obviously missed what I said.”
“I heard you.”
“If you did, I would be sitting exactly where your bag is.” While I had no response, Speedy huffed and moved my bag for me. “Moggie, I’m tired of fighting okay? We’ve been at it for a while. I honestly came here today to end all that. But you keep looking for things. You keep searching for a reason not to be with me…. Is that- is that what you really want?”
I turned so fast in his direction. “Of course not.”
Then he gets up, hastier than before. “Then what the hell is it, Moggie? Rule number one, remember? I’ve been honest about everything. Why can’t you do the same?”
“Because you don’t want me to go through with this, Speed. You don’t want me to have Pepper’s baby.” It came out louder than I wanted it to. Some people in close distance started looking at us. Speedy grabs my hand and pulls me out of the cafeteria into the hallway. No one was there.
Speedy turns to the wall and breathes loudly before answering, “Have you ever asked me why? No, you haven’t, have you? It’s because you aren’t just dating him. I’m going to be affected by this choice, whether you see it or not. He should’ve never given you an ultimatum like that. He was high off his ass.”
I hugged my arms close together. “Yeah, well he still asked me.”
“Oh my god. He never asked you. He told you. Like he always does. And of course, you go along with it because his word is gospel, right?”
“That’s not true.”
“You’re here, aren’t you? You've been coming up here for days, in fact. More than you needed to. The random doc calls in the middle of the night. Your mind has been made up since he said it.”
I didn’t want to keep having the same argument with him over and over. I was too exhausted. Yes, I was curious about having a baby. Yes, I had questions due to that being true. But I never told Pepper I agreed. But Speedy doesn’t care about that. The fact that I was even considering this as an option, I saw how warped it made him. We haven’t been on the same page since. For days, I’ve been trying to get him to see my side. But we either get interrupted by Pepper, or Speedy just shuts the conversation jokingly. He was wrong about a lot of things. But I wasn’t going to keep explaining myself.
“Fine, Speed. My mind has been made up. And I’m sorry this bothers you so much. But what I do with my body is solely my choice, alone.”
Speedy’s expression glazed over. His face is still as a statue. “Whatever, Mog. Let’s go home.”
“I can’t. I have an appointment soon with an OBGYN in town. This is the only day she would see me.”
“Then, we’re going together. I mean- there’s no point in trying to talk you outta it, right?”
Speedy walks off before I could even answer. I don’t think he even wanted me to answer. I have never been in this position with him before. And we had fights, sure, but there was always some type of turning point. Some way I could get through to him. I couldn’t. Not this time. It hurt me in a way I didn’t know it would. I felt us slipping, and I didn’t know how to pull us back.
Just as I was about to follow him out, Nurse Marvel exits the cafeteria door with a confused look on her face. She must’ve caught Speedy walking out. “What? You all are leaving already?”
I answered, apologetic. “Yes, I have another appointment to get to in an hour.”
“Well, take this.” She hands me a business card. “This is my information and I wrote my husband’s on the back. I told him you might be interested in looking at those pieces for him.”
“Actually Nurse Marvel, with Pep- I mean Phinehas recovery and chemotherapy, I might not have time to.”
“Nonsense,” she waves as she hugs me. “You will not have to deal with this on your own. Trust me, I know you’ll need a team. In the meantime, it’s important to still do the things you love. Especially now. I know Phin is a strong lad. He’ll pull through.”
Knowing it was pointless to turn her down, I settled with, “I’ll think about it.”
“Good,” Nurse Marvel nods her head to the door. “Now, off you go. You don’t want to be late with Dr. Thompson. She’s a stickler for early arrival.”
I blinked. “How did you know-” Then I put it all together. “She’s the ex, isn’t she?”
Her face turned sorrowful. “Mmm, afraid so.”
“I have so many questions now,” I said.
But she waved me off as she opened the door to the descending stairs. “Later, you really need to get going. Ring out when you’re done?”
“Okay,” I said before I jogged down the stairs to catch up with Speedy in the main lobby. He was looking at his phone. When he saw me, he said nothing and just opened up the door to walk out. I just walked through.
The car ride was worse. The air, coated with heavy tension, made me feel like I wanted to choke. I cracked my window briefly just to make sure that I was still awake. This isn’t us. We never had any issues that we couldn’t bounce back from. Not with Speedy. From age 8, we knew exactly how much we were fitted to be mates. He was like the glue off every single crafted piece I made. Since I met him, I had never questioned fate.
I won’t forget the first time I ran into him in our neighborhood. I wore pretty pigtails, braided with colorful beads. I had a helmet on. There was patting on my elbows and down to my knees. I sat on this bright pink bicycle, still learning how to balance underneath.
“Would you like some help?” A boy asked me. He held a basketball in his hands and shifted it to the right side of his hip. It was hot out. Deadly in the middle of summer. He wore orange shorts that seemed too big for him and a plain white T.
I turned from him. “I got it.”
“Are you sure? Cause I’ve been watching you for a while and you haven’t moved.”
I frowned. Too embarrassed to even rebuttal anything.He puts the ball down on the ground and comes over even closer. When he faced the front of my bike, he smiled widely. I looked down directly at his shoes. “You don’t have to help me. It’s stupid, I know. What 8-year-old doesn’t know how to ride a bike?”
“Plenty,” he said. “But you won’t be one of them for long. I’m here now.” He grabs the front end to steady the bike. “Let’s start with you putting both your feet on the pedals.”
This time, I looked at him. His freckles matched the darkened color of his hair. It was curly and wet from the humidity in the air. We locked eyes briefly before I did anything he said. I’ve never seen such kind eyes before. It freaked me out. But I was able to find it comforting. I just trusted what he said.
“Good,” He nodded in approval. “Now, I’m going to get behind you and push as you pedal.”
I was familiar with this part before. “You better not let go.”
“I won’t.” He agreed.
“Okay,” I replied.
He did exactly what he said and continued to hold the tail end of my seat until I found a rhythmic pattern under my feet. I didn’t realize I was picking up speed until he was running aside of me. He wasn’t holding the seat anymore. I lost my footing and ended up crashing right next to the pole.
“Shit! I’m sorry! Are you alright?” He asked as he moved the bike off of me. I was laughing hysterically. I was laughing so much, it made him laugh. Then we were both laughing together at the end of our street next to a pole that was slightly bent because of me.
“That was so much fun!” I answered. “Can we go again?”
“But you’re bleeding.”
I looked down to see where he meant. My knee was cut open and blood trickled down my leg. I didn’t cry. He ripped a good portion of his shirt and wrapped it around to stop the bleeding.
“Wow, you’re pretty tough.” He said to me, “My sister is one year older than you and she would’ve shit her pants just then.”
“You have a sister?” I questioned back. It’s not that I didn’t believe him. But being an only child for so long made me curious about real relatives.
“Yeah, her name is Valerie. Bit of a prissy prune, but she’s alright I guess.”
“And what’s your name?”
“Malachi. What’s yours?”
He scrunched his nose. “That’s too long.”
“It’s only one more syllable than yours.”
“Still, you have to have a nickname.”
I shook my head no. It was just my folks at home. And they were too busy to worry about something so small. I barely had any friends at school. I never really knew what a nickname felt like. What it was like to own one.
“What about Moggie?” He said and I turned to him so fast. My helmet almost collided with his head, but he backed up in time. He shrugged and threw a rock into the street. “Or Mog. Even shorter.”
“You pick.”
“I like Moggie.”
“Me too.”
He smiled and got up to dust the dirt off his shorts. He held out a hand in front of me. “Let’s get you home, Moggie.”
I couldn’t answer. Him calling me sounded better than any music I would ever hear. I had to get stitches afterwards, but it was worth it. He ended up teaching me how to ride my bike the rest of the summer. And then when school came back around, we ended up riding our bikes together. We were so incredibly in sync back then. For the first time ever, I knew exactly how it felt to have my very own best friend.
“Moggie,” Speedy called to me as the Jeep came to a stop. “We’re here.”
“I love you,” I blurted out. His eyes widened slightly as if he was trying to see if I meant to say it. I did. Maybe not so rushed, but I really really meant it. I knew Speedy wasn’t any ordinary guy for me. The moments he went out of his way, just to make sure I was okay. He hadn’t deserved how badly I was treating him. I took a deep breath and looked at him. “I love you, Speedy. And I’m really sorry for how I’ve been acting lately. You’re right. You’ve been right…about everything. I just-I can’t lose you in this. If you don’t want me to go in there, I won’t.”
His jaw clenched. He said this so slowly, “Get out of the car, Moggie.”
I blinked away the water that swelled under my eyes. I unfastened my seatbelt so fast and slammed the car door. My heartbeat was pounding against my chest. I made it my mission to get to the clinic’s door as quickly as possible. But my arm was caught. I was spun around and jolted into Speedy’s arms. The tears poured in. I couldn’t stop myself from crying all over his trenchcoat. He pulled me away from him slowly as his larger hands cupped my face. The tears never stopped falling. He tilted my head against his and kissed me tightly. I wanted to stay right here forever. I wanted to kiss him until I couldn’t breathe again. I wanted him to never pull away from me ever again.
“My beautiful Moggie…I’m so in love with you,” he said when we released each other’s lips. We were both left a little winded. “At the end of the day- I just wanted you to have a clear head in this. I know you will be doing most of the work. But being a parent, a mom… are you really ready for that?”
“Are you?” I searched for something in his eyes. “I want you to be fully involved too, if this happens, Speed.”
He sat down on the outside bench of the clinic. And hung his head. It was a heavy topic, I know. Life changing. We would all have to adjust our lives entirely. But I knew that going in. I knew that moving to London. I couldn’t help but to feel a little bad that I was dragging Speedy along with my decisions.
“I would have to see what the doctor says,” he replied. “But you gotta give me time.”
“Okay, let’s go in together then.” I reached out my hand towards him. He chuckled like he was experiencing the same deja vu feeling I was.
When we reached the reception desk, Speed stepped in front of me. He greeted the receptionist first. It was fair. Considering I haven’t had the best track record with them. “Hi. We have an appointment with…” then he turns to me, not realizing who we came here to see.
“Dr. Thompson.” I told him.
“Right. Dr. Thompson. Is she ready for us?”
The receptionist seemed frozen. Like a deer in headlights. She looked young. Maybe early 20s. But her blue eyes could not turn away from Speedy for one second. Then she blinked rapidly and looked down at a giant calendar that had a lot of scribbles.
“Y-yes. Is this for Mahogany Farewell?”
I raised my hand. “That’s me.”
“You can go right in.” The receptionist pointed out the directions. “It’ll be the second door down the hallway to the left.”
I looked to Speedy and he nodded in that direction. “You can go first. I’ll wait here, in case you need me.”
I smiled and kissed his cheek before heading over to Dr. Thompson’s office. I hadn’t realized how much I needed his support for this. It’s scary to have someone tell you about all the wrong things your body is going through, even if it’s a professional opinion. I knocked on the door.
“Come on in.” I peeked inside and saw her. Dr. Sasha Thompson. She was standing near her gigantic whiteboard making edits. She closed the marker and smiled very graciously toward me. “Mahogany, it’s great to meet you.”
She wore brown scrubs with her hair wrapped under a brown satin scarf. Her glasses hung from her neck. Her white coat was hung neatly on the back of her chair. Her skin was flawlessly brown and not a pimple in sight. Dr. Thompson was beyond beautiful. I was so grateful that she would be my OBGYN moving forward. It couldn’t be a better fit.
“It’s great to meet you too, Dr. Thompson.”
She sat at her desk and leaned back into her seat. “I gotta say, Tom doesn't usually push patients my way. He must’ve taken a liking to you.”
I smiled slightly. “You could say that. Or maybe it was because I wore him down.”
“Ah,” she chuckled. “The persistent tactic. Spot on.”
“I can’t tell you how well this worked out for me.” I said openly. “I was nervous to get anyone else.”
She gives me the look that most Black women share. The “don’t I know it” head-tilt. She looks at her computer, quickly logs in. “Well before we get started, did you want to share any concerns with me?”
“Well, how practical would it be… to become a mother soon?”
She blinked. And then almost fell back in her chair. “You don’t waste any time, do you?”
I shrug to readjust in my seat. “I’m a straight shooter.”
Only in that sense.
“Well, Ms. Farewell, I will give you some good news. It’s possible for you to have a baby, yes. And after this appointment, you will have more certainty about how high those chances are, ” Dr.Thompson said before leaning forward on her desk and placing her hands together. “However, I’m not saying there won’t be complications either. If you were to start right now, I would have to get prenatal care for your body to be ready. We would need some details in blood work. Do you know if more spontaneous labors run in your family?”
“Well, I’m an only child,” I pointed out. “But I remember my mom saying she had me naturally.”
“Good,” she grabs a clipboard. It looked like she was filling out something. “And how old was she?”
“I’m not sure exactly- 22, maybe.”
“Early 20s is common. That’s good.” She continues to keep writing on her clipboard. “And you had no issues younger?”
“Well, not exactly. I had trouble breathing when I was younger. My mom used to smoke.”
“Ah-I see.” Her eyes don't leave her clipboard. “And do you? Smoke that is.”
“A few times in college. But now, no.”
“Okay. Do you have any substance habit?”
“No. I mean… other than the occasional beer or wine.”
“So not much of a drinker then?”
“Not really, no.”
“Okay,” she puts down the clipboard with a smile. “The possibility is growing.”
“Well…. that’s good to know.” I was relieved. Maybe all the nervousness was mostly in my head. It could’ve been the thousands of articles I read on stillbirths. Or that the birth rate for women in their 30s were more at risk for miscarriages, birth defects and difficult labors.
“Age is only part of the factor here.” She must’ve heard my thoughts. “My mother had me at 43, and then two more after that. No complications. No fuss. And we all turned out okay. But that’s why this is a crucial appointment. We need to know what your body needs to give you the best possibility.”
“Am I allowed to say how much that scares me shitless?”
Dr. Thompson nods her head firmly. “Of course. But it's scarier not to know, right?” She has me there. I’m the one who put in the effort this far to know. She gets up and holds the door open for me. “Let’s see what we got then.”
“Sure,” I followed her along.
A few moments later, we are back in Dr. Thompson’s office. She is reading over the paperwork that resulted in fertile testing. She also did some blood work. Neither bothered me. I seemed more relaxed around her than I had been all week. This was the right decision. It’s always good to know the unknown.
“Well- Miss Farewell, it looks like your eggs are promising. There’s no complications whatsoever.”
I actually sighed in relief. Not that I thought something was wrong with me, but it was just another thing to cross off. “I’m really glad. Thank you, Dr. Thompson.”
“Of course. And the blood work will be tested in a week for any STDs or any other medical conditions. That shouldn’t worry you though.”
“No, it doesn’t. I’m glad I’m covering all the bases.”
She smiled. “You know we can test him too, if you like.”
“Him?” I don’t think I understood what she was asking.
Then she says, “The potential father? Is he the one waiting outside the main lobby?”
“No. He’s not- um, it’s complicated.” I looked down and played with my rings. “I’m actually dating… two guys.”
She raised her eyebrows. It wasn’t hard judging. But I can see she had her own opinions about my polygamy agreement already. I thought back to Nurse Marvel. About Dr. Thompson being her ex. I knew I shouldn’t pry but…
“Actually, this is my first experience with polygamy. And I was wondering… how did you and Nurse Marvel make it work?”
She tensed up. I think this is the first time I see her face freeze. “You know Gloria too?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend had a nasty fall and she was his nurse,” I shook my head. “My other boyfriend.” I could see how complicated introductions were going to be already. I probably sound crazy to her.
“Gloria was…. special.” She leaned back in her chair. “I just advise precaution. When a lot of hearts are involved, it can get messy real fast.” She didn’t deflect, but she wasn’t completely transparent about Marvel either. I could see the wall there. “Anyways, what are their names?”
This time my face cracked into a smile. “Malachi and Phinehas.”
“By the way you said that, I could tell they’re a great ordeal to you.”
“Yes. They’re my whole world. We grew up together. And… we lost contact for a while. But when we saw each other again, it just seemed like….”
“Like everything fell back into place?” She questioned. She looked up at a portrait that was hanging adjacent to us. It was a picture of her and Nurse Marvel in graduation attire. “Yeah… I know the feeling.”
“I don’t mean to overstep. But I don't have someone to talk about this with. Do you mind sharing what happened between you and her?”
She gets up to close the door behind us. And she goes and takes the portrait down. She gives it to me to look at. I glanced between her and the portrait. They seemed so happy. So full of love and light. Even then, the photo captured them embracing each other as roses were wedged in between. They looked so much in love. And the fact she had this hanging in her office, I don’t think Dr.Thompson ever let it go completely.
“It would be cliche to say we wanted different things,” Dr.Thompson hugs her arms close as she paces in her office. “Gloria is a bulldog. And I know why her and Jeffrey get along so well. When she met him, they were joint at the hip from day one. Sometimes I wish we never went to the concert-“ she shook her head and laughed hysterically. “But that wouldn’t have been possible. They were going to find each other soon enough.”
“So is Jeffrey the reason for y’all not working out?”
She scoffs. “It’s not that black and white, Miss Farewell.”
“It’s Moggie. You can call me Moggie for now on.”
“Okay, Moggie. Jeffrey was willing to do whatever it took to keep Gloria happy. Even if it meant complications for him.”
“So he wasn’t thrilled,” I said.
She shrugged. “He acted like any normal heterosexual white male would toward an openly gay Black woman.”
“Enough said,” I said, jokingly. She was a threat to his ego from the moment he saw her.
“But still, Jeffrey made it clear that he didn’t want to break me and Glo up. It’s just he couldn’t see his life without her.”
“So, he married her, knowing she still loved you too?”
“Yeah,” She shook her head to hide the embarrassment. “I was even her maid of honor. Can you believe it?”
“In a way, I do. You just wanted her happiness too,” I replied.
“Yeah, but to what cost? I thought I could handle her marrying someone else. That I would be happy if she was happy too. But it wasn’t enough-,” Dr. Thompson started to look mortified. “And then it happened.”
My eyebrows mushed together. “What?”
She sighed and sat completely on her desk. Her legs crossed in front. She stared at the floor. “Well-they were having trouble getting pregnant. I knew that. But I never thought Jeffrey would have been bold enough to ask me to be-“
“A surrogate?! No fucking way!” I stood up from my seat. She gets up and goes over to her cabinet and grabs two wine glasses. A stash of Pinot Noir was tucked away. She pours into the glasses and hands me one. She took a huge gulp before pouring another one. “Please tell me Gloria wasn’t comfortable with that.”
She smiled through her half-filled glass. “Actually, she thought it was brilliantly funny. She said she always wanted a piece of me somehow.”
I could understand why Dr.Thompson had to leave now. It was more than just sharing Nurse Marvel. They couldn’t see past her being Black. Couldn’t fathom why under any circumstances, that was not the way she wanted to be portrayed. It hurt her. It still hurts her.
“I’m sorry, that’s just-,”
“Creepy? Unorthodox? Yes. She wanted her husband’s swimmers inside me.”
“I see why you had to go then.”
She lifts her glass before downing it with a heavy grunt. “It wasn’t my cup of tea. And certainly not how I wanted to start my own family. Jeffrey barely acknowledged me up until I was useful. I felt-,”
“Exposed.” I finished her sentence. The story made me feel a little exposed, myself. I couldn’t believe this is why they didn’t work out. And Nurse Marvel clearly didn’t understand how exactly Dr. Thompson felt.
“Well, anyways, that’s enough reminiscing for me.” Dr. Thompson takes our empty glasses and puts the wine bottle back into her cabinet. “Loving two people can be challenging, Moggie. And there’s a lot of murky areas that go with that. However, I see how he looks at you. You shouldn’t worry too much.”
“Got it, Dr. Thompson,” I stood up and collected my bag. “And thank you for sharing.”
“Sasha.” She beams brighter. “After hours, it’s just Sasha.”
I hear Speedy knocking on the door. When he opens with Dr. Thompson’s permission, he whispers, “Hey, you about done? I need to get Pepper if we want to make our reservations.”
“Almost.” I cling to his hand and push him inside. “Sasha. This is Malachi, but we call him Speedy. And he’s one of my boyfriends.”
He jokes before shaking her hand. “Her favorite, though.” I hit his shoulder. And he smiled back, coyly. “I hope she didn’t trouble you too much. Moggie has a real case of being nosy.”
“Hey!” I folded my arms. He just hugs me tightly as Dr. Thompson tries to gather herself from laughing so loudly.
“You know her best. But frankly, I don’t mind.” Dr. Thompson said. “It was nice to meet both of you. I hope in time, I can get to know you both better.”
“Do you hug?” I asked her. She nods and opens her arms wide. I pile in. It was strange. I hadn’t known Dr. Thompson long, but it already felt like I could talk to her about anything. Everything. At this moment, this is what I needed. I needed a girlfriend. Space between the words. A girl who is a friend. I couldn’t explain it, but Dr. Thompson sharing her experience made me feel closer to her. Like I can share anything. And being in a foreign land-filled with people who don’t look like me-it was such a relief to know I can go to someone for help.
Before we leave, I check in with the receptionist for another appointment next week. I see her sneaking glances at Speedy when I’m filling out paperwork. I giggle silently. I couldn’t blame her. I was glancing at Speedy all day too. He was fully covered up. His gigantic black trenchcoat hugged his body like a wool blanket. His joggers were cotton thin, but his green sweater was long enough not to see any prints. He styled them with Air Force 1s. Green and Black low ones. Compared to my comfortable appearance with a white hoodie and black joggers, he looked nicer. Speedy never leaves anywhere without a great appearance. He was the best dressed out of the three of us.
Our eyes met when I turned in the necessary paperwork. He always does this cute little head nod. I mimicked him. He was on the phone talking to Pepper just outside the door. We had to pick him up from his first rehearsal with the band. And this marked our first time meeting them. Then, me and Speedy had our first date. I was… anxious. It’s not like we haven’t been alone before. This week had a lot of arguments, though. Specifically because of how I handled things with Pepper’s ultimatum.
But he got through to me though.
Speedy always does.
In the car, Speedy checks my seat belt and then smirks. “So I’m guessing you’ve found your new best friend.”
I crinkled his nose. “No one can replace you, Speedster.”
He waves me off as he pulls out the clinic’s driveway. “Yeah yeah, I just hoped you talked me up good. Wait- does she know who you’re doing this for?”
I shook my head. “I just told her what she needed to know. Speed, this appointment wasn’t just for Pepper. I wanted to know what was going on with my health, as well. She actually asked me if you wanted a check-up too.”
He squints his eyes, but still looks ahead. “Isn’t it a woman’s clinic though?”
“Yeah,” I said. “But I don’t think it applies with you being my boyfriend.”
Speedy is smiling from ear to ear. “Say that again.”
I motioned him away from my face. “Watch the road, Speed.”
When we arrived at Southbank Centre, I’m blown away at how open it was. Skating park. Ferris Wheel. I was immediately taking pictures of the artwork that led to the concert hall.
Speedy, being used to my theatrics, rushed ahead of me to patiently wait before opening my door. When I walked inside, he chuckled before saying, “Your mouth's gonna hurt from staying open like that, Moggie.”
I was gawking at everything inside. The rows of seatings. The high ceilings. The colorful lights that were flickering back and forth between them on stage. My eyes found Pepper’s right away. He made a cute wave. I followed. He wore a brown wilted leather jacket with a ton of buttons. Under that, he had a plain white T. His faded jeans wrinkled as he sat down on the edge of the stage. He had one leg off and one leg propped up against him. Clean white Converse hanging off them. His beanie matched his jacket pocket with orange seams. I couldn’t see it up close, but it wasn’t my first time seeing him with those particular items. He has owned that jacket and beanie since high school.
He rested at center stage with Dandelion. The other members were off on the sides, resting near their instruments and downing water. He looked like he belonged up there. I’ve never seen him so relaxed in this setting before. It brought memories back from the concert. The one where he sang his song just for me.
Someone came on through the speakers above us. “Okay that was great, Pepper. Do you mind doing another take before we get outta here?”
I walk a little further and turn around to see the production room just a few stories above us. The boxed sound room was mostly dark, but I could see little shadow figures moving around. Then the sound producer ordered to balance out the mic levels. Pepper looked at me then smiled warmly.
“Yeah, I’m good with that.” He said into the mic before standing up with Dandelion and plugging her up to the nearest aux cord. His fingers stretched across the strings of his acoustic guitar for a sound check. I felt small chills. But I ignored them when Speedy pulled me down to sit while they finished their rehearsal. We were located near the back. It was a way to hear everything fully. And profoundly, it was a way to feel everything too. Within the few notes, Pepper’s monotonous voice reached into my soul. It was vibrating like lightning waves throughout my entire system. The song he was singing was new. I hadn’t made out the lyrics just yet, but it was the perfect linkage between voice and rhythm.
“Wonderfully made, popper!” A girl came out from the shadows and into Pepper’s arms.
My face reacted before my body could move. She looked really petite. Her short-cut pixie hair was red like her face right now. I was calibrating so many ways I could take that stage mic and hit her with it. But when I turned to Speedy, he almost fell to the floor at my daggered reaction. Then his arm reached across me to reassure me that her gesture meant nothing.
Speedy says with low volume, “That’s Lizzie. She’s one of the co-founders of Blocc PartIE. She’s from Scotland. They’re big on affection.”
I snorted softly. “Yeah, no kidding.”
“Don’t show him anything,” he whispered. “You would never hear the end of it, if he knew you were jealous.”
“Jealous??” I was shocked by the assumption. I tried to state this as calmly as I could, hoping he couldn’t tell the rage I just swallowed down. “I’m not jealous. It just was…. surprising, that’s all.”
“Yeah, might wanna tell your face that, then.” Speedy commented, bringing me back to my own awareness. I sighed and forced out a smile. I was hoping by the time it was done, it would actually feel real enough.
“Lizzie, I like to introduce you to someone,” Pepper called, removing her out of his arms. He shouted covering half his mouth. “Moggie, get your ass up here.”
Speedy and me side-glanced before I moved closer to the stage. With one hop, I was face to face with Lizzie. I smiled widely. “How'd you do?”
Lizzie was still annoyingly close to Pepper. But she exchanged glances between me and him. That was until Pepper walked up and kissed me full-on. He grabbed me so fast, and then backed up saying, “I’ve missed the fuck outta you.”
“Pepper,” I said, shaking off my own heated feelings.
He wrapped his arm around my waist. “Everyone, this is Moggie. Our girlfriend. Moggie, this is everyone.” There were a lot of small hellos all around. Except for Lizzie. She was trying so hard not to seem surprised.
“Oh?” She finally said. “Is she the one y’all both snogging?”
Pepper glared at Lizzie. “This is the woman we’re madly in love with. Yes.”
“Nice to meet all of you,” I simply said. I didn’t need to address Lizzie’s pettiness. Clearly, she liked Pepper. And clearly, she was mad he wasn’t available.
“Zap, it’s a bit weird isn’t it?” Lizzie called to the drummer who was twirling his drumsticks. His green locs hung low. Dark skin and a flawless smile. His teeth showed slightly when I looked his way. “How does that work exactly? Not like you can split her down the middle.”
“Like I need to explain my shit to you, Izzy,” Pepper smirked as he hung his arm just below my hip. “Aren’t you screwing half of London?”
My eyes widened as the whole band began rolling from Pepper’s obvious jab. Lizzie’s tomato face made me feel a lot better. “Aren’t you cute? Naur. I just like to have options.”
I had to refrain my eyes from rolling. But when Pepper and I shared the same thought, I laughed a little out loud.
“Iz just is dedicated to pleasing her fans,” Zap explains while tapping on the drums. “More than us.”
She shook her head, bowing out. “I don’t have to take this. Rehearsal is done, I’m out.” She grabs her bag and glares at everyone. “Be ready to go Friday. We will meet up then.”
“Yes Warden,” Zap salutes before Lizzie flips him off as she leaves. Zap walks over to us and waves in front of his face. “Don’t worry about Iz there. She’s always like that.”
“More now since Pepper joined,” another member called. His blond hair hung low, covering his eyes. He had piercings almost everywhere. And like Pepper, he was fully dressed with tattoos. He looked too built to be in an indie band. His arms were almost twice as big as me. He added while packing up his guitar. “I’m here for it. Someone needs to stick the middle finger to her every once in a while.”
Pepper whispers to me. “That’s Elliot.”
“The multi-talented guy who can be in his own band?” I asked. “Seriously, how do you play so many instruments?”
Elliot’s prideful smile was so big. “I get bored fast.”
“Clearly, the guy's a maniac.” Pepper jokes. “You should hear the singles he puts out. It’s insane he doesn’t have a deal yet.”
“Actually-,” Elliot cheeses, leaning back in a black folding chair. His arms were above his shoulders and were balancing on one leg. “Something’s in the works.”
“No shit?!” Zap jumped off the stage and landed gracefully. He grabs his backpack that was in the front row. “They called you in?”
“Tomorrow morning,” Elliot said.
“Congrats, man.” Pepper patted him on the back, making his balance wobbly and he folded in front of everyone. The laughter echoed throughout the hall. “My bad.”
“We should celebrate,” Zap said. “Y’all game?”
“Like I’d turn down a party.” Pepper helped Elliot up. “Mog?”
“Y’all go ahead.” I said. “I have prior engagements.”
Pepper scrunched up his face. “Come on, Mog. Just one night.”
I shook my head. “Pepper, you know I can’t go. It's Tuesday-it wouldn't be fair.” Speedy leaned on the stage and looked pleased. Like he was saying that’s my girl, without words. But Pepper’s aloof mood pissed me off.
“I’m going with them. So I guess- I don’t need the ride.” He brushed past me as he packed up Dandelion. “Y’all ready?”
I knew he was acknowledging the band, but I couldn’t help the overwhelming anger to smack him. He knew I was going out with Speedy today. Why was he being such an ass?
I tried to give him a chance. “Pepper.”
“Later, Moggie,” he said while they all made their way out the hall.
I squatted near Speedy. “Well, that was a complete waste of time.”
“Forget him,” He replied, jingling my chin. “You got to meet the band, at least. He’s sulking because he can’t show you off more.”
“Yeah,” I sighed. “But I don’t feel like being his arm candy, tonight.”
“Good thing you’re not,” Speedy said. “You’re mine.”
I hopped off stage to push him. “As if.”
“Let’s go home first,” Speedy answered while swinging his arm to pull me in. “I got a great surprise for you.”
“No way. I’m not wearing this.”
After me and Speedy came home, I was greeted by a lovely dress laid out on my bed. I frowned. It was short. A little too short. And backless. Speedy leans on my door. He just showered and was drying his hair with a towel. I smelled his manly Dove soap before he showed his face.
“Yes, you are. Along with the jewelry on your dresser.” He pointed at my dresser and I saw the expensive blue box in the corner.
I groaned. “Okay, but no heels.”
Speedy smirks and throws his towel at me. It was the one around his waist. I had to ignore how naked he was. “Like I’d fight you on that. I value my life here.”
“Whatever. Get out so I can change.” I stuck my tongue at him and threw his towel back. He caught it mid-air.
“Don’t overthink this, Mog. I know you. We still need to make time if we wanna eat. You’ll look great, I promise.” He kissed my cheek and smacked my ass. I almost got him back, but he slammed the door on me.
A few moments later, I’m staring at my reflection in the life-sized mirror. I did look great. I can’t remember the last time I even dressed up. The plum backless dress hugged every curve of my body. It was definitely oozing sex appeal. He was not settle. I thought my Michael Kors thigh boots would go perfectly with the dress. And the jewelry took my breath away. It was coated ambers across my neckline and the earrings to match.
Speedy whistled before coming up behind me. He grabbed my body so tightly and swung me around. I smelled his cologne first. It was mild but sweet. He looked amazing too. He was wearing a plum silk shirt with white suspenders. With black trousers and black leather Jordans. He tugged at my chin gently before he kissed me.
“What’d I say? I knew you would look sexy as hell. Almost don’t want to leave now.”
I grinned into the mirror and kissed his hand. “Now who’s pressed on time?”
“Keep looking at me like that….” His hands trails over my exposed skin. I felt his breath drop down my back. “I might say fuck it.”
“No. Get off. Cause you've been raving about this place since we got here.” I smacked his hand and as he backed up in surrender, I grabbed my clutch and coat. “Let’s go.”
We barely made it to our table. But we valet the Jeep. It was a super trendy Italian restaurant in London called Legacy. The line was wrapped around the block. I’m glad I didn’t wear heels. We walked past a lot of judgy faces as we moved to the front. He said this is the place his mom met his father. A well middle-class stock broker who was very English as they come. I was honored. Speedy doesn’t like to talk about the past often, but him sharing this felt special.
“Your chair, my lady,” He offered after the waiter guided us to our reserved table. It was perfectly private. Lights dimmed and away from the normal chaos of the restaurant.
I sat down. “Okay, how much?”
“Of course, that’s the first question you ask,” He took off his coat and draped it on the back, folded. “Don’t worry about it.”
I scrunch my nose. “Speed.”
“Moggie.” His fiery eyes pierced me. “I’m not saying.”
“Fine.” I looked around. Most of the interior was brick covered walls, complemented with small contemporary artworks capturing Italy. The table was traditional modern with white table cloths and fancy silverwave, mirroring each other. The napkin was folded into a complicated dove. “It is lovely, though.”
“Yeah, I was afraid we wouldn’t get in. Their reservations are like a month in advance.”
I blinked. “How’d you work around that? Actually, nevermind.” His smile said it all. I changed the subject. “Can you tell me their story again?”
Speedy laughs and takes my hands from across the table. “You’ve heard it so many times, though.”
I grinned as he stroked his fingers back and forth against mine. “But we are here now. So I have to hear it again.”
“Okay,” Speedy grabs the bottle of Chardonnay the waiter brought over. He pours us both a drink. “Picture the worst weather imaginable. This was before this place got popular. Victoria came in here to dry off from the rain.”
“Is that when he saw how gorgeous she was?” I interjected.
“You gonna let me tell it or what? ” Speedy said. I sealed my lips as a gesture. I really wanted to hear him explain their first meeting. He takes his sip and looks off into the distance. “Daniel was just here on his lunch break finishing up some files when she said-”
“Sir, could I trouble you for a pager? I seemed to have soaked mine,” I said with my best “Victoria” impression. I thought he’d be mad if I stopped the story, but he just laughed with his entire belly.
“Okay, maybe slow down on the drinks. You sounded way too accurate for me.” Speedy grabs my glass closer to him now. I shrugged. I don’t know why he seemed concerned. I only had two. Wait- maybe it was three? Either way, my insides were matching the temperature of my flushed cheeks now.
“He didn’t hesitate after he saw her dripping wet right in front of him.” Speedy continued the story again. “He just handed his phone to her immediately and watched her walk away with it. When she reappeared, he offered to pay for her cab home. But she refused. Big surprise there. He knew she was a college student. He knew because his best mate was one of her professors. Daniel realized this was not the first time they saw each other, but the second.”
“He thought it was the universe giving him a second chance at love.”
Speedy agreed. “Yes. Daniel wanted to win Victoria’s heart. And this restaurant started a month-long battle of them finally going on a date.”
“A date that was also here?” I asked, but of course I knew the answer.
“Yes.” Speedy replied. “He didn’t care that she wasn’t his age. Seems like Vickie’s charisma got the better of him.”
“Doesn’t she affect everyone?” I pointed out. When people meet Victoria, they will never forget who she is. She had a way of impacting someone’s life without trying. Her light was full. Her love was bountiful. And for me, she never made me feel like I didn’t belong. In a way, she was like a second mom to me.
Speedy pointed a breadstick at me before chewing half of it. “Good point. But something gets me everytime with that story.”
“What’s that?”
“If they had such an amazing start….what happened? Why didn’t he go with her after she got pregnant?”
His face looked conflicted. I know Speedy not knowing his father took a toll on his childhood. But my dad kind of stepped in for him. He was able to teach Speedy things Victoria couldn’t. I guess that’s how me and Speedy remained inseparable, back then.
My hand stroked the edge of his cheek. “Knowing Vickie, I’m sure he didn’t tell him.”
“Even still,” He said, amber eyes bursting toward me. “I would’ve looked for you. No questions asked.”
“He could’ve had doubts about their love, too.” I explained. It’s easier when it's just you and your person. But sometimes, the outside world of that bubble can be so cruel. And with the great age difference, I’m sure Victoria wasn’t the only one who was receiving unnecessary influence.
Speedy shook his head against my hand. “It’s crazy, you know? A lot of people say they want love. But as soon as they see other people happy, they’re all in their shit. World would be a lot simpler if people just minded theirs.”
I broke off a breadstick and soaked it in butter. “You’re not wrong.”
Speedy laughed again, seeing me carb load. “Sorry, didn’t mean for the mood to have a dark turn.”
“It didn’t. You know I always love hearing about Vickie and Daniel. And that you’re the result of their love.”
He clicked his teeth and sank deeper in his chair. “You make that sound so poetic, Moggie.”
I batted my eyelids wide towards him. “Well, it’s true isn’t it?”
The scoffed sound meant he disagreed. “But hearing you say it, makes me sound like I’m some miracle.”
“Well, aren’t you?” I looked up and saw him frozen, I think I stunned him. He started to fidget in his seat and remove his suspenders. They hung off the side of his trousers. He rested his arm on the table as he tapped his fingers rapidly. I reached my hand out to relax him. “You are a miracle, Speed….…At least to me.”
“Thanks Moggie, and I love you for that. But… I just don’t feel like one.”
He turned to watch the commotion in the background. I could understand why he would say this. A lot has happened to his family. A lot he couldn’t control, but somehow still held all the guilt. It was there. Behind those gleaming eyes, I saw someone who just wanted to reverse time. Back when his mom held two loving kids in her arms.
I took this time to watch him. Speedy’s features were definitely distinctive. His hair coiled in front twists as the back was tapered. His face was hairless. A little subtle for a mustache, but that was it. His jawline was full. And his cheekbones were round and covered in freckles, just like Victoria’s. The scar below his eye, Pepper gave him. When they used bark swords to fight at age 11. That mark was more of a reminder when life was simple. Calmer. I ended up using it as a beacon for our past experiences. Speedy-in the moment- was pissed Pepper was so careless. And even though he didn’t flinch, they didn’t talk to each other for about a week or so. Not until Pepper bought him his first console system. They ended up playing Madden for the entire summer after that.
“I actually visited Vickie a few years back,” I confessed. I went home for break to help Monica with a big client for her gallery. He was a New York native. And famous for mostly street scenes and mind blowing murals. I ran into Vickie and her boyfriend, Steven, at the show. Afterwards, we all ended up having them and a few other of Monica’s elite friends for wine and chatting. Speed turned as an eyebrow raised. I just continued, still loading on breadsticks. “She seems very happy with Steven.”
“Steven… yeah,” He smirked. I know him and Steven got along. But it was nothing deeper than hi’s and goodbyes. He was Valerie’s dad. Not his. Plus- Speedy has a hard shell for people who flake often. “Only after what happened, he decided to stick around more.”
“Is that why you left? For California?”
“Well, Vickie practically kicked me out the door.”
“Come on, I know that’s not true.”
“Okay, you got me.” Speedy’s smile tugged on my heart strings. “She did want me to stay locally. But, she made me promise to look after him.”
I almost dropped my breadstick. “Seriously?”
He shrugged. “After Valerie’s death, she said “God ain’t taken anyone else away from us.” She felt safer knowing we would be together.’”
“I had no idea.”
“Because no one wanted you to know. You had to live your dream in New York. She knew you would’ve stayed.”
“Damn,” I sank into my chair. Vickie was right. If I would’ve known how bad Pepper needed me, I would’ve stayed. Forgot everything about New York. I would’ve followed him instead. I can’t believe Vickie knew that about me. I didn’t even tell her how I felt about him. How could I? I didn’t know until a few weeks ago how strongly I felt towards… both of them. “Can’t really hide anything from her, huh?”
Speedy chuckled before his eyes rested on mine. “You know exactly why that is.”
I did know. Vickie was witty as they came. Her eyes and ears on everything. And I loved her so much for that. I was going to respond with something cheesy, until the waiter reappeared, almost fatigued. He had staff and a few bungees near me. Full of food. My eyes widened at the sight before I turned to Speedy. He just nodded to the waiter and they started setting up a spread. He pulled his wallet from his coat and gave the waiter a huge tip. The waiter bowed and he and the rest of the staff were gone.
I stopped myself. I didn’t want to seem like I was complaining. As expensive as everything looked, I knew he put a lot of effort into this. Now, I knew why he picked up those extra shifts at Black Faerie. And he just nodded for me to dig in first. I did. Oh, I was planning to stuff my entire face. After all, I’m on a date with my best friend. I didn’t need to care about how much food was on my plate. He knew I liked to eat well. I started with the fettuccine, dripping with tomato sauce and basil. Between bites, I kept catching glances of him. He wasn’t eating. Then his hand reached up and wiped sauce from the corner of my mouth. I dropped my fork onto my plate. He looks at tomato residue on his finger, and then licks it before putting it all into his mouth. I chewed on my lip. As sexy as that was, I couldn’t stare too much. Not if we wanted to leave this restaurant intact.
A chill went down my spine. It was the code word he picked specifically for us. He said it so low and almost breathless. I thought he called my name.
I didn’t want to look up from my plate. I really didn’t. But his leg grazed mine and now, he had me hooked on his bidding. He seemed all too relaxed. I knew he was watching me eat the whole time. I knew he wanted me to look at him while I did. His head was tilted slightly as he rested his elbow on the table. His fingers slid across his lips as he bit down on the sides. It was a major turn-on. One of my favorites. I felt embedded in his mood, somehow. Whatever came next, I just hoped I wasn’t too full to carry out what he was craving this very moment.
He gets up, impatiently. And my eyes followed him as he pulled me out of my seat. My mouth is still full of fettuccine so I don't question him. I didn’t even have time to. Before I knew it, Speedy led me down this secluded spot that seemed like an open archway between the restaurant and a grand dancehall. It was dark, but I could see the windows splattered in rain droplets across the foyer. The moonlight seemed like our only source of distinct lighting. He stopped walking. I almost ran into him.
“Give me your undies, Moggie,” he ordered. His shadowy figure stood strong in front of me. His hand held out for me to drop them there. I was too much in his trance to have not realized sooner.
I felt myself in the dress to check. “I’m not wearing any.”
His smile was the brightest thing for me to see. “Now, you should’ve told me that sooner.” He rushes me and backs me into the nearest window. He hoisted me up as his hands went under my dress and into my pussy.
“Shit, shit. You’re too deep,” I tried my best not to scream. He didn't stop though, his fingers kept pushing in and out of me as his tongue latched on my neck. I moaned vigorously. It was almost on his command. I couldn’t stop myself from sounds racing through my lips as he licked his. He kissed me and we melted simultaneously. His fingers released me and he cleaned off all my juices with his tongue.
He whispered in my ear, “Want to know why I picked maroon?” When I just nod, he continues, his hand spiraling my curls. “It’s the deepest color to red. Which is all I see… when you’re around me.”
Moggie, I just saw red.
I blinked. Pepper said that to me before. But when he meant it, it was like an active volcano waiting to burst. This…. This was different. What Speedy meant was… passion. We held some type of high level heat that formed every time we sensed each other. The way his eyes held me, his body caressed now, I could hardly breathe. It was walking out into the night in the middle of the hottest heatwave. I could never cool down enough. My insides were shaking with all the sweet electric shock he started.
I grabbed his silk shirt and twisted it as I kissed him so fully. Our tongues collided again and again as he felt up every inch of me. It felt like our most never ending game. Who could hold out the longest? We both lost.
“You’re driving me crazy,” Speedy starts unbuckling his pants with one hand, balancing me. “You’re still on birth control right?”
I just nod again. Words were escaping me. It’s not like he gave me time to answer him, anyways. He set me on the ledge between the window and him. I watched his pants drop down. Speedy’s dick was in full view of me now. My eyes were so wide that I couldn’t hear him calling my name. He jerked it forward with his hand before he grabbed me again. His dick seeped further into my pussy. My walls swelled with him, pulling in and out of me. It was a hellish rush. We were too exposed. His hands rested on each side of the window as he pounded me in place.
He grunts near my ear. I fight the urge not to bite him. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t want to have to explain his marks later. He thrusts inside me and I mimic his motion as my legs wrapped around his lower half.
Again…. We were clearly out in the open. Anyone could walk by. But it’s not like we cared. We were reckless with each other in a different way. When we got together, the world ceased to exist. It was better that way. My mind was cleared and I only needed him. I only focused on him. He was like my favorite dish I could consume a million times over. I knew I was safe with him. That’s why I didn’t mind such oblivious exposure.
A staff worker did walk by. But by that time, Speedy and I were done. His hand still rested against the windowsill as I looked up at him. He smiles down, caressing my face. To anyone else, we looked like an affectionate couple just standing there. But we knew. We knew exactly what happened a few moments ago. If they came any sooner, they would’ve gotten a show. I don’t think he would’ve stopped if we were caught, either. I don’t know why, but it turned me on even more…. Knowing that.
I motioned my finger to pull him closer. He leaned down as I whispered, “Can we go?”
Speedy smirks before he whispers close to my ear. “Thought you’d never ask.”
The Jeep had to be so foggy by now. We could not wait until we got home. After Speedy paid the bill and boxed up the whole restaurant’s menu, it wasn’t long until he was between my legs again. This time I was riding him. Another one of my favorites. My dress was completely off. His silk shirt along with it too. Sweat collided between the both of us. But I kept going. And he didn’t slow me down. His lips sucked one of my breasts as his hand squeezed the other. I never had to worry about where he would touch me. He found all my spots pretty easily. We adjusted to each other so quickly.
“Fuck- Mahog…. Damn.” Speedy came and I followed too. We collapsed and he held me a little longer. “You might be the death of me.”
“So?” I teased. I slid off him and got back into the passenger’s seating. After we were dressed, I thought I should joke with him a little more. “Maroon?”
He laughs and holds up the empty box of condoms before throwing them in the back seat. “Sadly, that was my last. You gotta wait until we get home.”
I clicked my teeth, but I hadn’t realized how much we went through them. I was on birth control still, but it wasn’t going to be for much longer. I couldn’t risk too much with Speedy. Not with other circumstances rising. He reached for my seatbelt to check the security before pulling off into the darkened street ahead.
When we reached the flat, it was awfully quiet. I looked at the time on the clock above the fireplace. It was past midnight. Pepper wasn’t home yet. I almost texted him but refrained when I remembered how much of an ass he was to me. I did always let him go off too easily. Maybe it was out of pity. But I know, with the night I had, no way would I be the one to check on him now.
“Coffee?” Speedy chimed into my ear. I was sitting in the living room with the fireplace lit. He held a small white dainty cup with a black saucer below it.
“Thanks,” I smiled, taking it from his hands.
He sits next to me and reaches his arm over the shoulder of the couch. He pulls me in closer. My leg found a nice resting place on top of his. He throws a blanket over them.
“So, should I know what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?”
I look up from the cup and into his eyes. They held a strong gaze. Enough to break down any resistance I had felt. I sighed. I guess I should’ve known hiding anything from Speedy was never going to work.
“This isn’t strange for you? Sharing me?”
He chuckles. “I never looked at it like that. I fully trust that you’re capable of making me just as happy.” I look at him and his eyes twinkle for a moment. My heart fluttered and I quickly looked down again. Staring into the abyss of dark liquid that jolted my nerves. He continues, “It’s strange… when I saw you at the concert, it’s like my heart wanted to burst out my chest. I never had anything that intense before. And I handled it so weirdly. Pepper just told me how he felt about you, the night before. I wanted to be selfish, but I know you too well. You'd feel lost …. if you dated just me.”
I sat there, almost frozen. I didn’t expect him to say all that. “Speedy…”
“I’m not offended by that, don’t worry,” He kissed the temple of my forehead. “In fact-It makes me feel better, knowing you’re the only one who affects me this much. I need you, Moggie. But… I know so does he.”
I smiled as he met my lips with a light peck. Speedy was always so understanding. It was refreshingly beautiful. No one could argue with the fact we belonged together. We just fit each other so well.
But…. so do me and Pepper.
Even though we are polar opposites in every sense, his heart still beats with mine. Same rhythmic tune. In a way, they both reflect me. One without the other, I would feel lost. I’m glad to know that isn’t the case. That I have them both right now.
Speedy yawned and stretched his legs out from under me. “I should turn in. I have an early shift tomorrow for inventory.”
“Okay,” I said. “Sleep tight.”
He takes my cup as he gets up. “Don’t wait for him too long, okay?”
“I won’t.” I wrapped the blanket around me like part of my security. Speedy did know me. Too well.
“Speedy?” I called him before he reached the end of the hallway. He turned around and I smiled. “Thank you for the date.”
He smiled back as he waves. “Please. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. Goodnight, beautiful Moggie.”
“Goodnight, sweet Speedster.”
I stirred in my sleep. I fell asleep on the couch. The sound of the door clicking open and close woke me up. I turned the lamp on near me to see Pepper almost jump outta his skin.
“Jesus, Mog. What the hell you doing?”
“Why were you out so late?” I asked him. I got up from the couch and walked towards him. I noticed he wasn’t in the best state. He smelled like alcohol…. Everywhere. And he had scratches on his face. I touch them lightly and he turns his head against me. “Please tell me you didn’t get into another bar fight.”
“Fine, I won’t,” His eyes peered down. I forgot I didn’t change from the date. He frowns. “That’s a very short dress.”
“Don’t change the subject, Pepper.”
He pushes past me and stumbles to toss his jacket and beanie on the couch. “What do you want from me, Mog? Shouldn’t you be enjoying the rest of your night with him?”
He couldn’t be serious. I can’t believe he actually sounds jealous. Speedy isn’t some random guy. He’s our family.
“No,” I said, blocking him. “I’m exactly where I need to be. And jealousy isn’t a good look on you.”
He scoffs. “I ain’t jealous.”
“Oh really? So why are you so mad about my date with Speedy? Why are you acting like it’s not in the list of agreements we all made?” He stumbles off into the kitchen and leaves me standing here. I follow him. He looks in the fridge, searching for food. When he finds the leftovers from the restaurant, he starts putting out the dishes. He makes a plate and throws it into the microwave. I lean on the counter. “Pepper, I’m trying really hard not to be pissed at you.”
He licks his fingers from the sauce. “That sounds like a personal problem.”
“Personal prob-? You know what, it is too late. You are clearly drunk and clearly want to start shit.” I decided to leave him in his mess. I nudged my head to his food. “Enjoy our leftovers.”
Pepper scowled. “I will.”
I made it back to my room and slammed my door. Hard. He really knew how to get under my skin. And what makes it worse is that I know he’s deflecting… something. Whether it’s against me or not. I stare at the dark void of my ceiling. We had a rule about sleeping arrangements. We all slept on our own. Each of us claimed a different room in the flat. There were plenty to choose from. Past the kitchen and dining area, there was a hallway with a golden arch, leading into the bedrooms. There were a total of four rooms. And two baths. Speedy chose his room closer to the archway. It was on the right side. The last door before the bathroom at the end. Pepper chose the master bedroom. The one with the private bathroom inside. He was on the left side of the hallway. The last door on that end. My room was set in the middle across from the study room. It wasn’t intentional to be in between them, but it was fitting. For our relationship.
I stared at the digital clock on my dresser. It was pushing 3 a.m. I was left so unsettled and confused. And I didn’t want to be alone right now. I threw my covers off and grabbed my robe. I tipped down the hallway trying to be so quiet. I didn’t knock on Speedy’s door. I just cracked it open to peek inside first. He was sound asleep. His body, diagonally touching on the bed. His legs stretched out. He was only in his boxers. A golden chain laid flat on his neck, unmovable. And tube socks. His feet get cold often. I remember because we had that in common.
As I entered the room and closed the door behind me, he stirred a little bit. Then I heard light snores from his mouth. He must’ve been really tired. Speedy is a light sleeper. I’m surprised he hasn’t woken up by now. I told myself that I would watch him sleep a little longer, then head back to my own bed. But… I wanted to get a closer view. I was still near his door. I moved so cautiously to his bedside. He looked so cute with him cuddling a few pillows against him. I chuckled because I didn’t know his legs were tangled in between them. He is the super affectionate one. It would make sense why he needed a placement there. It just made me want to move them out of the way and replace them with my own body… instead.
“How long are you gonna stand there?”
I gasped. His eyes were still closed so I couldn’t tell if it was sleep talking or did he really know I was here. He stretches before knocking the extra pillows off the bed. He looks into my eyes, supporting his head in his hand.
“Sorry- I wasn’t trying to…. I can leave,” I stumbled out.
He shook his head. “Something is bothering you. I'd rather you tell me than losing sleep over it.”
“But I…” I didn’t feel like talking. I just wanted to feel his body next to mine. This time I needed the physical touch. I needed to be close to him. “I’m okay. Really. Go back to sleep.”
“Moggie… are you really about to leave?” Speedy asked. He stopped me from opening the door by placing his hand on it. I whimpered softly. He spun me around and caught a few tears against his fingers. “No. You’re staying with me tonight.”
“But the rules-,”
“Fuck the rules. I’m not going to leave you crying like this. He got to you…didn’t he?” Speedy asked. It didn’t matter to confirm that. He knew it was true. He sighed and held out his hand in front of me. “Come to bed, Moggie.”
I sniffed and took it. “Okay.”
His body felt amazingly warm. I was under his neck as his head was propped against mine. His lengthy arms wrapped around me, charging up this toasty cocoon. Our legs intertwined with each other… it felt right. He drifted off to sleep right away and I smiled against his skin. I loved hearing his breathing, the air going out and in. It meant that this was all real. I wasn’t imagining him. He molded with my body and there was no way I could move now.
When I woke up, Speedy was nowhere to be found. It was morning, so I’m sure he left for work. I felt the empty space between me and the silk sheets on his bed. There was a knock on his door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Maybe I had imagined it. There was a knock three times. My heart had fallen into my ass, knowing who it was.
“Moggie,” Pepper said on the other side of the door. “Can I come in…. please?” His tone was calm and mellow. I threw on Speedy’s old college sweatshirt and pulled up my socks. I made my way to the door and placed my hand there.
“Why?” I asked through the door.
I hear him sinking down to the ground. His head rested on the door with a small thud.“I’m sorry… Mogs. You ….didn’t deserve that.”
Tears swelled around my eyes. “No. I didn’t.” I sat against the door too.
“I wanna make it right. Let me try?”
“I don’t know, Pepper. You really hurt me.”
“I know… I know. Shit- I’m sorry. My head was spinning with-no, it doesn’t matter. Moggie, just… please let me in,” his voice cracked. I heard him scurrying to his feet and jingling the door handle. I unlocked it and swung the door towards me. There he stood. Still not in the best state. His eyes were still red and his face kind of puffy. Had he been crying? No, I couldn’t go there. My ground had to remain firm. But… It was hard. He was the man I loved.
Am in love.
So effortlessly …. So deep.
And he was just in front. Standing here, with no shirt and exposed tattoos resting on each muscle. He had on black Calvin Klein briefs. Nothing else.
I folded my arms. “What the hell Pepper?”
He shifted his eyes slightly toward me as he explained, “Moggie. I just …. I don’t know. My head hasn’t been in the best of spaces. Seeing you with Speedy is triggering me, somehow.”
I exhaled and looked up to his watery eyes. “Why is it? I thought you were okay with me dating him too.”
He shook his head. “No, I am. I told you from the beginning, I wasn’t trying to make you choose. In fact, since my sickness…. I didn’t want you to. I figured that if I was gone, you would at least-“
“I’m not letting you finish that sentence, you hear me?” I interrupted him. “I want you to be around for as long as I am.”
“I know that.”
“Then, what aren’t you saying?”
Pepper reaches for me and I let him. He pulls me into this impulsive hug. Like he needed me to feel him. My hands stretched across his back and I felt him relax even more.
“I do feel jealous. But not in the way you think.” Pepper paused to rub his temple. This had been something eating away at him for a while. Whatever it was…. He had been lashing out to run from it. “…..Speedy is healthy. He will be able to give you far more time than I can.”
I’m yelling now. “What did I say, Pepper?! You won’t talk this way around me.”
“Enough.” My tears soaked his chest. I pound on him with my fists. “You will get better. And you already have me.”
“Alright, alright… Mog. Please stop crying. That’s the last thing I wanted to make you do…” Pepper lifts my chin to look at me. I couldn’t help myself, so I ended up kissing him. His lips tasted very minty. He must’ve brushed his teeth before seeing me. Feeling cautious that I haven’t, I pulled away. But he doesn’t let me for long. We’re right back into kissing away everything. He lifts me up and carries me to my bedroom. He doesn’t bother closing the door. His hands go up Speedy’s sweatshirt to squeeze my breasts, and I’m cautious again. Was I really going to do this? Was I ready to go all in for him?
Fuck yes.
“Don’t wrap it,” I said.
He paused from kissing me. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” I said. “No more pills.”
His eyes beamed. “Then?”
I nodded. “Yes. I’ll agree to what you want. I will have your baby.”
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stuckinamok · 1 year
So when I'm writing for Imminently Intertwined, I often end up with excerpts or "extras" that I will never fit into the final story. Below is a moment that could have happened not long after they (Hunter, Willow, and family) ended up on the Boiling Isles, almost 20 years after having been gone, but I decided not to keep:
Chiara walked ahead of her parents, along with Eliza and Elowyn ahead of her. She watched the twins testing out their magic on the plants around them. Some of them seemed familiar and others strange. Baz was cautiously walking between their parents. Chiara shook her head, muttering to herself. She could tell they wanted to talk without younger ears present. Whoever Belos really was, it was bad. So bad they never talked about him—at least, not around her or her siblings.
Hawkthorne crowed at her, pecking at her forehead.
“Hawk, stop! What is it?”
Her palisman flew back on the ground behind her. In front of him, in the dirt, was a beat-up scroll. Chiara knelt down to take a closer look.
It was her mom’s scroll—it must have fallen out her pocket. She forgot she had taken it.
“Is that what I think it is?”
Chiara looked up at her mom, giving her a sheepish look.
“I’m not upset—but I hope you’re not making this a habit,” Willow smiled, patting her on the head. “Assuming Penstagram still exists, we might be able to find Gus this way.”
Somehow, her mom reacting this way made her feel even more embarrassed. She sighed, and stood up. At least with the scroll they probably won’t stay lost forever. Her dad was still having a hard time understanding where they were.
“I know I’ve had a mission that was close to the Knee, but if this much time has passed, there’s no way this area that far away can still—“
“Hunter, stop.”
“No, I swear, this doesn’t make—“
“It doesn’t make any sense,” Willow interrupted again.
He paused, and looked over her shoulder. Chiara peeked as well.
“I’m confused—has it loaded yet?”
Willow blinked.
“Let me take a look,” Chiara interjected, and swiped the scroll from her mother’s hands.
She swiped up to the top most page to refresh it.
She stared.
“What year did you say you fell through the portal?”
“XX22, and it was in the middle of school year,” Willow answered, removing her glasses so she could rest her face against Hunter’s chest. Cale was still blissfully asleep, blissfully unaware. She muffled something unintelligible and her husband rested his one free arm around her.
Chiara locked eyes with her father.
“It’s the same year,” she said.
The color drained from his face.
“I-I think maybe a month or two has passed, based on the amount of posts I see—just the ones I haven’t seen before until now—“ Chiara cursed herself in her brain for letting her voice start to shake. She had to be strong. Why was that scary, anyway? So they went back in time, so what? What does that even mean for them? Would that really be such a bad thing?
She looked up from the scroll again to see Baz standing next to her with worried eyes. She looked back toward where they were walking and saw Eliza and Elowyn far ahead.
“D-doesn’t this mean it will be easy to find Gus?” Baz asked, looking at the scroll.
“But Gus will be—“
“My age,” Chiara said, finishing her father’s sentence. She looked down at the scroll again, and then sat on the ground. Baz continued to lean into her, looking over her shoulder. “I could be wrong,” she faltered, not believing in what she was actually saying this time. “Maybe it’s just taking a long time to load—after all, lots of years to catch up on, you know?”
Hunter shouted, calling the twins to come back. Cale opened his eyes and started fussing a bit, so Willow took him into her arms and then sat next to Chiara and Baz. After Elowyn and Eliza had rejoined them, their dad sat down too.
“I think Gus… and everyone else, are going to have to wait.”
Willow took a deep breath, hating the words coming from her husband’s mouth.
“Your father is right,” she clenched, and then kissed Cale on the head. “If we are actually back in time—there’s a few things we need to go over before we make our way to Bonesborough.”
“What about the Owl House?” Eliza asked.
“What about the Owl Lady?” Elowyn chimed in.
“What about…what about the human?” Baz asked, also curious.
Willow forced a smile. She had a chance to introduce them to their grandparents—if Belos has let them live.
“All in good time, my little minions,” she said. “But first we need to talk about the real reason we left the Boiling Isles in the first place.”
All of their palismen huddled in.
“As we’ve told you many times before, your dad was on a rescue mission to save me—“
“But it was more like you saved him,” Eliza snickered, poking her dad.
“Yes,” he said, nudging her back gently. “It was sort of like that—but it was much more serious. I… I was—“
“Dad used to be one of the bad guys,” Willow said, getting right to it. “Your mom had a thing for bad boys, what can I say?”
“Ew, gross—“ Elowyn gagged.
Hunter chuckled. Maybe this story, the real story, was going to be easier to tell than he had thought.
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