#this whole sequence shows how much he loves aziraphale
I dont think we're talking enough about Crowley's widow arc. He arrives at the burning bookshop, assumes that hell has killed Aziraphale with hellfire, has the whole mental breakdown, then immediately drives to a pub, gets very drunk, starts talking to literally no one about how he didn't want to be a demon - which doesn't really sound like it's about Aziraphale. Except - if it wasn't for Crowley being a demon, Aziraphale wouldn't have been 'fraternising' with a demon and Aziraphale wouldn't have been executed by hell for it. Then Crowley gets a 'vision' of Aziraphale who tells him to do something for him, and of course Crowley will do it. Everything for his angel.
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biceratops7 · 1 year
… let’s talk about “Arrival”
So I was fully intending on making a more general but thorough peruse through the new Good Omens title sequence, because my FUCK aren’t those always a gold mine. But then I thought to myself, “hey wait a minute, I can be even more unhinged and on brand.”
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Something I’ve seen nobody talk about yet is that the movie that the procession is marching into is The Arrival, which is a 90’s movie that draws a pretty straightforward parallel. But I think if it doubles as a reference to 2016’s Arrival, THAT has some much more interesting implications. Either way this reference is doing some heavy lifting.
For those who haven’t seen the movie (or that one philosophy tube video about it lol), the basic plot is that a group of aliens later named heptopods arrive on earth scattered across the world, and just kind of invite humanity to check them out. Each country hires a team of linguists who are all tasked with figuring out what the visitors are here for. But the thing is, it’s only about aliens on the surface level. This is really about communicating, cooperation, and how language holds the power to alter your very fabric of reality.
Spoilers for the movie:
Two major revelations occur towards the end of the movie. The first is that an element of fluid time is revealed. Throughout the movie, the main American linguist has been having flashbacks to a daughter that passed away of an illness. But since the heptopod language has no regard for chronological order, we learn that these are actually flash-forwards when she becomes nearly fluent. In other words, learning heptopod, having a genuine curiosity and even compassion for these vastly different beings. has given her the ability to perceive reality in ways thought previously impossible.
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Even before noticing the Arrival reference, I’ve been side eyeing these “flashbacks”, but this and the image above confirmed it for me. Any instance of the word “becoming” when talking about the past indicates some sort of fluid time nonsense. The past is fixed unless something ✨happens✨. I don’t think these are simply memories, I think something rather cosmic instead is afoot.
But it’s more than just “there’s probably time travel in this” though. Simply having Aziraphale as a companion has changed Crowley. It’s given him an ability that he’s not meant to be capable of as a demon. He already had it in him to be good and have mutual relationships based in trust and kindness, I’m sure all demons can if given the right nurture… but Crowley is experiencing love. In the show, something tangible to the senses and distinctly angelic. I’m very much hoping that that whole element of things is going to somehow be a driving factor in what’s occurring over all, and possibly involved in time going screwy.
The other element of Arrival’s ending that’s of import, is the heavy emphasis on the importance of cooperation. First of all, we learn at some point that not every country has the same message to decipher, they each have one piece of a whole. Some of the countries begin using games to communicate with their heptopods, and this poses a problem because it causes messages to be more easily interpreted as hostile. For example, the phrase “we brought a tool” can be easily misconstrued as “we have a weapon.” Eventually, the world gets impatient and scared, and a war is imminent. What finally leads to everyone putting down arms and cooperating, is the American linguist sending a message to the Chinese linguist saying “in war, there are no victors, only widows.”
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Something noteworthy about this particular march is that the procession never splits like it does at the end of the first season’s. Not only are both angelic and demonic figures marching into the light atop a mountain as a United front, but this actually seems to be a theme this season. Heaven and Hell aren’t working together as far as we know, but they are at least working towards the same goal, which for some reason is getting Gabriel’s ass. There is also a heavy emphasis on mending broken relationships, with Crowley and Azirphale trying to fix a (probably) lesbian couple literally being the B plot.
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Now this is where we bring in what’s actually on the movie screen, which is that damn box. So at this point we know basically nothing about it accept for it probably being a Mcguffin. But we DO have the imagery of three feathers, a black one, a white one, and a bluish grey one, falling into it… and it sure as fuck looks like a moving box. So back to arrival, what actually was the message? The heptopods told the linguist that they’re here to help humanity (via giving them a tool or new tech I think?) because in 3,000 years, they will need humanity’s help. So with this and the world eventually being inspired to stand down and share their pieces of the message, it’s this over arching theme of setting aside fear of the other and cooperating indefinitely for the benefit of the whole. The black feather, the white feather… and then something that is somehow both yet entirely unique.
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I think… somehow, someway, this season may culminate in Heaven and Hell reconciling. Whether it be against a common enemy, for a shared goal, or in love, there seems to be many clues both symbolic and literal that show them learning to be one again. Learning to understand eachother’s language and see new ways of being neither before could fathom.
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humbledragon669 · 2 months
Script to Screen comparison: Episode 2 – The Book P2 – deletions, additions and amendments
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Standard Intro
Having followed the episodes through with the Script Book, I've tried to break the differences between the original script and the end result on screen into a couple of different categories:
Large changes (whole scenes/multiple lines of script). These are in part 1 of the write up for this episode.
Things that are in the original script but not in the finished episode (I'm calling these deletions).
Things that aren't in the original script but are in the finished episode (I'm calling these additions).
Things that have been changed (I'm calling these ones amendments).
Not all of the changes fit neatly into one category or the other (there are shades of grey...). The first three of the differences will be presented within bullet lists, with a description. The last of the categories will be presented in a table. I'll make comments about anything I find particularly notable after each category.
Crowley is spotted (by Aziraphale) outside the bookshop during the visit from Gabriel and Sandalphon.
Aziraphale invites Sandalphon (by name) into the back office with Gabriel.
Aziraphale’s invitation to Gabriel to step into the back office is more polite by way of a “please”.
Gabriel is more enthusiastic about his “pornography” (“thank you so much”).
The TV presenter returns to the screen after Hastur and Ligur leave Crowley to his thoughts.
Crowley speaks an extra line after his tense conversation with Hastur and Ligur – “I didn’t fall”.
One of the participants of the peace treaty signing speaking about the praise he had for the treaty process.
War’s line reacting to the peace treaty process. Her reaction is changed here also – from a suppressed smile to an all-out giggle in the finished episode.
The peace treaty participant determined to sign first speaks in the future (not present) tense.
Queen track (“Crazy Little Thing Called Love”) playing during peace treaty scene.
Lesley’s additional description of how he managed to find the delivery location.
War signing her name on the delivery paperwork.
Buddy Holly song to introduce the credit sequence.
Maggs’s mention of a bone fire (for Agnes’s burning).
Magg’s line about children being cruel (about Adultery Pulsifer’s name).
Stage directions for introducing Agnes suggest there should have been more scene setting done around her cottage.
Close up of Agnes’s note to the milkman.
Anathema whining about having to study the prophecies and her mother offering her a cookie if she does it.
Anathema’s mother affectionately calling Anathema “sweet pea” and offering her better encouragement in her studies.
Newt telling his mother that he is putting the computer back together (showing he has clearly taken it to pieces in the first place).
Newt’s explanation of what work he has done to the computer.
Newt complaining, rightfully and sadly, that computers hate him.
Louisa (one of the office workers) taking attendance (electronically).
Mention and presence of three ladies from Financial Planning.
Newt introducing himself to Tompkins.
Immigration officer stamping Anathema’s passport.
Shadwell leaving the stand where he has been delivering his evangelical ravings after conceding that nobody is listening.
Shadwell’s repetition of the word “nipples” when quizzing Newt about how many he has.
Shadwell’s departure from his first meeting with Newt, complete with him smoking a rolled-up cigarette that he keeps behind his ear.
Anathema describing Tadfield as a postcard image.
A close-up of the tarot card of the Antichrist showing all of his other titles (Ye Adversarye, etc.).
A shot of Crowley misting the houseplants and talking to them.
Some sort of magic with the houseplants that shows them trying to make themselves look better to avoid Crowley’s disappointment.
Crowley’s exit to his office following his “pep talk” to the houseplants.
A shot of Shadwell’s front door in context with the building next door (a corner shop).
Part of Madame Tracy’s corporate spiel about her activities as a psychic, where she informs Newt that parties are welcome. She also enquires of him when he would like to indulge of these services.
A line from Madame Tracy about the effect of Newt’s imminent arrival of Shadwell – apparently it was going to make him very happy.
Newt’s cursory inspection of Shadwell’s flat.
Shadwell’s insistence that “it’s up to us” when challenged on the necessity of their involvement in stopping witches.
A handful of exclamatory sentences from Aziraphale where he talks to Crowley’s answerphone, seemingly in the knowledge that he is talking to a machine and not an actual person.
Aziraphale bringing shortbread housed in a tin decorated with a tartan pattern for the road trip to Tadfield.
Crowley removing his hands from the steering wheel to gesture at the pedestrian he nearly ran over.
A dollop of ice cream landing on Brian’s shirt.
An additional (and entirely unoriginal) flavour variation of ice cream from Brian.
Brian wiping his ice-cream covered face.
Anathema making notes on an iPad whilst in the woods.
Pepper’s definitive nod to indicate she has a plan in place for setting up Spanish Inquisition v2.
The suggestion that Crowley is following signs to Tadfield Manor when driving to Tadfield.
The clarification from Adam that he is the Chief Inquisitor of the British Inquisition.
A shot showing Wensleydale having a grand old time being pushed about on the swing torturing device.
Brian taking the witches hat from Wensleydale to wear it himself.
A shot of Anathema looking fondly at The Them as they play out their witch torturing game.
A close-up of the front cover of the brochure for Tadfield Manor.
A single line from Norman telling Louisa that he heard someone in the area as they walk past the prone figure of Nigel.
A sarcastic quip by Crowley about his giving real guns to the humans being an enabler for them to exercise their own free will as being “ineffable”.
A shot of the Bentley driving past a bunch of police cars, all with their lights flashing, completely unchallenged and unnoticed.
A close-up of the back wheel of Anathema’s bike “clicking ominously” after the accident.
Anathema telling her mother that she’s been in a car accident.
Anathema’s mother being seemingly unaware of what to call the thing that Anathema is looking for.
Anathema drinking from a cup of coffee as she talks to her mother.
A line from Anathema about needing to be able to think like “a seventeenth-century witch with a mind like a crossword puzzle” to work out where the Antichrist is.
Mrs. Young knocking on Adam’s door before barging in.
The distortion of Crowley’s sentences after Aziraphale has found Agnes’s book in the car.
God’s description of St John the Divine of Patmos as being “a nice chap, if a bit too fond of funny mushrooms”.
Aziraphale picking up the book in order to read it (instead of leaving it on the desk).
A close up shot of a pad of paper with all of Aziraphale’s notes about Agnes’s book on it.
No “Everyday” rendition leading us into the end credits.
As with episode 1, there are quite a few deletions, most of them tiny. I was very interested to see that Crowley was spotted (by Aziraphale) hanging around Soho during the time of Gabriel’s visit to the bookshop in the original script. I’m not sure why this would have been cut: it seems to me it would have been a great (and very simple) way of increasing the tension for this scene, whilst also planting the suggestion that Crowley is always around the bookshop, and that Aziraphale is always aware of his presence. Similarly, Crowley’s missing line that he “didn’t fall” would have offered us further insight into how he feels about this incredibly important life event (I know we hear this same sentiment later in the season with a bit more context, but there’s something about an outright denial that speaks volumes). There are a few bits on the list that would have given us a bit more character development for Shadwell too – his disappointment and general disparagement that his evangelical speech isn’t having the desired effect, the idea that he would be happy to have company, and the egotistical declaration that only the Witchfinder Army can get the job done. On the flip side, there are a few things on the list that I feel were rightly trimmed from the final episode – after all, what would be the point of a close-up shot of Agnes’s note to the milkman when we’ve already heard her read its contents?
Crowley picking up his phone and thinking better of it before he turns on the television in his flat.
Adultery Pulsifer calling after Agnes as she strides away from her cottage.
Newt’s box breaking, spilling all of its contents on the floor after he’s been fired.
Some additional lines from Shadwell to his evangelical speech that we hear as we fade in to see him on his plinth (“…undermine the moral fibre of the whole country. You all walk past them with your noses in the air…”).
The address and contact details for the Witchfinder Army in the advert.
A line from Madame Tracy referring to Newt’s luck that one of her regulars has had to cancel his appointment.
Newt’s inspection of Shadwell’s fridge (and subsequent reaction of the supposed stench emanating from it).
An additional line from Anathema about her search for the Antichrist (“You must be here somewhere”).
Crowley clicking his fingers as he changes all the paintball guns into real guns.
Norman actually getting shot.
Norman’s awakening from his “fake” death.
Aziraphale clarifying that he wants to know if Mary Hodges was a nun “at this convent”.
Mary Hodges quantification of the amount of records the nuns had.
A flashback of the convent fire and Crowley cursing Hastur for having caused it.
Aziraphale breaking Mary Hodge’s trance.
A shot of the Bentley actually driving away from Tadfield Manor.
A few extra words from Crowley showing how vehemently he is against giving Anathema a lift home.
A single word from Crowley when having the telephone conversation with Aziraphale that they’re looking for the missing Antichrist.
An extra couple of words (“can it”) from Aziraphale to show his disbelief that finding the Antichrist could be as easy as dialling a phone number.
3 extra shots at the very end of the episode:
Mr. Young looking baffled at the odd phone call he’s just had.
Adam playing with Dog in the garden.
Return to Aziraphale in shock.
There are some really beautiful and simple additions that have been made to this episode, and I feel like the end result is that we have a much richer episode for them. Crowley’s debate about making a phone call (which I am 100% sure would have been to Aziraphale) stands out as being a particularly rewarding addition, but every one of them feels like they’ve really fine-tuned the finished episode, largely contributing to character development. The addition of Norman “dying” really helps to convey the chaotic and cinematic nature of that whole sequence too.
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As with the deletions for this episode, most of these changes are tiny. Yet many of them have resulted in a fundamental shift or emphasis in the underlying subtext of the line or setting that they’re part of. Take Gabriel’s change of wording when he discusses the outsourcing of the calling of the Horsemen for instance. In the script, the action of outsourcing the being responsible for calling the Horsemen is neutral (i.e. it is outsourced). In the finished episode, he takes ownership of the action, on Heaven’s behalf (i.e. we outsource it). As another example, the switching around of the words “wisdom” and “witchcraft” in Anathema’s speech about her purpose in the UK. The originally scripted version would place the emphasis on the “witchcraft” element (it being first in the sentence), whilst the version on screen shifts that emphasis to the “wisdom” side of things. It’s a clever way of distracting the listener from the true, and generally more socially unacceptable, nature of her duties. Both of these examples (and quite a few of the others in the table) are really subtle changes but make a huge difference to the meaning of the words being said. They’re further examples of the incredible attention to detail that was put into the making of this show.
There’s a really simple change in the lines that the TV presenter delivers that intrigues me. It was originally scripted as if the TV was being turned on in the middle of a program. Pretty ordinary, right? What I find interesting is that the wording has changed onscreen to “Welcome back”. As if Crowley has managed to turn on the TV at the exact second that the program has returned from a commercial break. Not completely out of the question I know, it’s just the way it’s delivered makes me feel like the entire TV program being shown on Crowley’s TV is actually something there just for him, so that every time he turns the TV on, he’s always welcomed back. Silly I realise. Would be pretty cool though.
There’s a minor amendment to Mary Hodge’s interruption of the wall slam that really does spin that whole thing on its head. Her originally scripted line was hesitant, as if she wasn’t really sure about what she was interrupting. The version we see onscreen is much more definitive:
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I said it in the episode write up, and I’ll say it again here. Mary Hodges is telling us exactly what was going on between this pair at that point in time, and it wasn’t just Crowley throwing his toys out the pram because somebody gave him a compliment. This is a brilliant example of something I find absolutely fascinating – the everlasting idea that words have power. A couple of little tweaks, and this simple sentence has changed from something polite and throwaway to something filled with subtext and knowledge. Love it.
There’s one more amendment I want to mention, and it’s the change from Aziraphale describing the way that love is “around” Tadfield to “over” Tadfield. The original statement makes it feel like the love encompasses the area, or is perhaps scattered disparately around the place. The version we get onscreen feels so much more powerful, like the love is a blanket that covers, possibly even smothers, the entire locale. Again, very subtle, but what a huge difference in the imagery it gives.
There’s a lot more I could say about lots of all of the changes I’ve picked up (deletions, additions, and large changes included), but I think I would largely be saying the same thing, and we’d all be here forever, so I’ll wrap this episode here. Feel free to pick up on any of these changes that you’d like to discuss or comment on in more detail 😊 As always, questions, comments, discussion: always welcome! See in the next one.
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sonkitty · 3 months
The Sideburns Scheme Post #104
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
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Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 6, Every Day, Ending Credits
Sideburns Check
The sideburns have shortened. They look similar to Crowley driving in episode 1 where he said "two minutes" as a clue to indicate that's how much time he needed to finish. He is indeed on screen with these sideburns for less than two minutes.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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The above image is brightened to show the potential streak better.
Again, like in episode 1, if the streak is there, it actually moved over to the right side of Crowley's head instead of being in its usual place above the center of his left eye.
Hairstyle Changes
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The sideburns have shortened. The streak might have moved. The top hair in the center is curving on both sides to center that hair as it goes upward. There's a darkened gap above Crowley's left side of his left eye.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
Something resembling physical earthly object touches has started, but the lighting and framing of the credits are messing with the view. Crowley has his back to the seat. His blurred hand is touching the steering wheel. His right thumb is visibly moving in part of the driving that's happening during the credits.
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The above image is brightened.
During this sequence, around when Aziraphale smiles before they both disappear in a blur, Crowley raises his head back enough to reveal a pocket of hair aligned with the roof of the car. There is a second pocket of hair that's even harder to find and see as he lowers his head not long before he disappears.
Crowley's side of the credits actually lights up enough so that, depending on the lighting of your screen, you can see his eyes through the sunglasses. Those eyes are looking at Aziraphale's side of the screen. It looks like Crowley closes his eyes briefly and narrows them.
As noted back in my post about the pub visit, Crowley's lacking smile might actually be him still following whatever the advanced rules are with the pockets since he never smiles during the touches of The Pocket Trick or The Door Trick. If not, I still think he at least has a strategy in motion.
Are these good things or bad things? Well, if the credits scrolling over Crowley are any indication, they are good things because "Good Omens" appears over Crowley's shot twice.
Still, Season 3 isn't going to start off saying everything is fine, never mind, no problems, or whatever. The emotions during the argument were tense and presumably real.
Heaven, Hell, and Earth are represented in this sequence. The Heaven reference is obvious with Aziraphale being in the elevator that was used as the threshold to Heaven during episodes 5 and 6.
Crowley's car was Hell during episode 1 when Beelzebub summoned him.
The plants behind Crowley represent his and Aziraphale's love and connection with Earth. The plants were used for the Green in the Rainbow Connection.
Story Commentary
What a ride, huh? Pun very much intended.
I went through the whole season. I didn't cover every scene since I focused so much on Crowley, but still, I went through all the Crowley scenes.
On the subject of whose POV this story is, I go with thinking of it as largely shared among all the characters, but if you want to find the main character POV, I'll say, for my reading, it's not Aziraphale.
It's Crowley.
All you gotta do is look at the bookends.
But if you want more assurance than that, it helps to play The Sideburns Scheme and Earthly Objects. It's hard to find 6 Threshold Tricks performed mainly by Crowley and then think Aziraphale's the main character POV. I certainly wouldn't do it. I am of course very biased, but still, I think my play of the games in reaching that conclusion was worthwhile.
See you around. Thanks for the time in reading, liking, and/or reblogging the posts in this series.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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hedgebotherer · 1 year
Random thoughts about Good Omens 2 that either I haven't seen addressed much or haven't been addressed to death or I just want to address anyway.
- The opening scene with the creation of the nebula was astounding, despite how distracted I was by AngelCrowley's Mr Whippy curls. It really hammered home the themes of the original book and the show as a whole to the point where it reminded me why I see Good Omens as essentially the secular humanist Bible. I feel like Good Omens 2 was more scathing in its criticism of the idea of God's 'ineffable plan'. It pulled no punches and kept punching through the whole Job story line. Religious people may disagree, or agree but more angrily.
- Why Eccles cakes? Don't get me wrong, I like an Eccles cake. They're considered old fashioned, but they're actually nice. I'm one of those weirdos who enjoys dried fruit. But calming? I wonder if the whole thing was a subtle bit of foreshadowing based on the fact that Eccles cakes (along with their dried fruit filled cousins, such as the Chorley cake and the currant slice) are sometimes known as fly pies.
- Aziraphale slightly misquoted the Buddy Holly song Everyday when first asking the record shop owner Maggie about it. I don't know how likely this is, but I wonder if this was a sneaky reference to the fact that the Good Omens novel quite famously got many of the song lyrics it quoted slightly wrong (to the point where avid reference collectors wondered if it was deliberate).
- Everybody and their talking dog spotted the Discworld 'seamstress' reference, but not everybody might be aware that this may have been a real historic euphemism for sex workers.
- Some viewers night also not realise that John Hammiel's 'Who told you I was naked?' is a Biblical reference. 'Who told you that you were naked?' is something God asks Adam in Genesis. I admittedly only know this because of a sketch from A Bit Of Fry And Laurie!
- The idea that a song can be remembered even after the rest of your memory is jumbled might have a bittersweet real world inspiration. Neil Gaiman once recounted his favourite memory of Sir Terry. He said: "The last time I saw him. We had been left on our own and Terry (who had Alzheimer’s) had sort of drifted into his head. He stopped talking. So I started to sing They Might Be Giants’ song Shoehorn With Teeth. And after a few lines, Terry started to sing along.". This song seems to have been 'their' song. You can even find a clip of them singing it together!
- I had no idea ducks love frozen peas. This is important information.
- Speaking of ducks, way back when the credits sequence was first dropped I thought I spotted among the procession of animated characters a duck playing an accordion. But, no, surely if there was such a thing then everybody would be talking about it. Then, in a scene were a man is miraculously evicted from his seat in a bar, he's shown reading a newspaper with a headline about a duck that was taught to play the accordion. Vindication! I want this musical duck to be significant to series 3 somehow.
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
I binged the entire Good Omens season 2 today, and, well. I certainly don’t have anyone in the Real World to talk to about it, so here is my review. Under the cut, because spoilers.
Good Omens 2 was ALWAYS going to be a hard sell, because season 1 was so damn perfect. It was a closed story, based on a book, very faithful to that book, yet still added enough to keep things interesting. Amazing actors, great costumes and set design, it was funny, it had a great theme, and was very layered.
It is also literally the only time that I saw the kind of relationship I feel like I’d want for my self. Ever. Anywhere.
So yeah. I very much would have loved if the show had just left things there. What I was telling myself is that I trust Neil Gaiman, and that whatever happens, he knows what he is doing and why. I’ll get back to this.
The majority of the season was fun, but significantly less good than the first one. As I said, the standard was very high, so no surprise there. What I was surprised by, however, was just how much the characters who are not Crowley or Aziraphale (I wouldn’t even call them side characters, they are just as if not more vital to the plot) added to the whole. They were not in this season, and the show is definitely poorer without them. Gone with them are the fun and whimsical worldbuilding things that made this story so good, like the witches and the prophecies and the children and their way of making sense of the world. It is also a loss not to have any of those very colourful people mentioned again.
The side characters that this season does have are a lot less interesting than the ones in the previous season. They also don’t seem to add as much to the theme as the old ones did. Every character in season 1 revolved around love, love for humanity and love for someone they were supposed to be adversaries with (looking at you Anathema and Newt). Meanwhile in season 2 we get two shopkeepers on the same street who kind of have a crush on each other. It is much lower conflict, and much less relevant to the theme of the story. Ass far as strength of character goes, I feel like none of them live up to, for example, Mme Tracey.
The scope of the story feels smaller, too, possibly because the action is almost all happening on Aziraphale’s street, while season 1 had a significant part be in Tadfield, and Aziraphale and Crowley were moving around much more. We also get fewer, but longer, history flashbacks, and no voiceover narration or animated sequences to illustrate said narration.
A lot of the plot is ideas that I’ve seen online in the fandom. I’m not sure whether it is because we were particularly good in guessing stuff, if said tropes were already known from previous things said by Gaiman and Pratchett, or if Gaiman got inspired by popular headcanons and used them in his work. I also don’t care where the ideas came from. I definitely enjoyed seeing things on screen that I knew from up here, including but not limited to that one crack ship I used to read some fics about back in 2019 because one of the two partners uses genderneutral pronouns.
Ah, talking about. Gender. And general queerness. It’s there, but feels less overwhelming than it did four years ago. Maybe that’s me, but I definitely did miss the parts where Crowley was presenting as female. Most shopkeepers on that street seem queer in some way, and one of them has a visibly nonbinary partner, but it was all very much in the background. I would have liked these things to be a little more prominent. Season 1, I still go back sometimes and rewatch Pollution’s introduction, just to hear God use they/them pronouns. Season 2 didn’t have any moments like this.
Crowley and Aziraphale. Crowley and Aziraphale... Oh dear. Please let me repeat again that I am not going to be able to be completely objective about them. (Neither is anyone else in this fandom. At least I’m honest about it.)
So I was very happy with most of the season. Not great, but it was nice and fun. And then the ending hit.
As I said, Neil Gaiman clearly knows what he’s doing. What he is doing, is setting things up for a third season. As far as cliffhangers go, this one was very elaborate, instead of just throwing in a scene at the end, but also, I really, really wish that he hadn’t.
I’m not sure that Neil Gaiman understands just how important Good Omens was to many of us BECAUSE of the happy ending. And obviously he doesn’t owe us anything and is not responsible for my emotional reaction, but this doesn’t change the fact that I am very, very deeply hurt, because it feels like we’d been given the perfect fairy tale, back in 2019, and now it all got ripped away. And for what. Also, I do trust Gaiman, but I do very, very much NOT trust Amazon. If he doesn’t get a third season, then I don’t want the story to be left like this.
There are a lot of deep conversations that we could, and should, have here. About streaming shows and their obsession with cliffhangers, about our cultural inability to conceive of two characters who are just together, without any drama, and also love stories that are not about getting together. We could talk about abusive situations and how difficult is to get away and not be dragged in, and how maybe the show will explore that. About queer representation in particular and how tired many of us are to see our few couples being kept apart again and again, with no promise of a further season to fix things (remember First Kill).
I am not going to have any of these here. Obviously.
What I AM, however, bothered by, is just how out of nowhere it seems to have come? I honestly feel like Aziraphale’s character development had been set back to episode 3 of the first season, where he still believed that Heaven was good and worth trying to work with. After that, he realized that it is very much not the case, openly defied Heaven, was almost killed for it, and then got a happy ending by getting rid of them all and being allowed to stay on Earth. WHY IS AZIRAPHALE EVEN SLIGHTLY INTERESTED IN THE IDEA OF GOING BACK TO HEAVEN AND RUNNING THE PLACE?! I mean, that was the whole point of his character, wasn’t it?? An angel who loves Earth and humanity enough to defy the will of God, just so he can stay and spend more time here. WHY WOULD HE WANT TO DO SOMETHING ELSE NOW??! 
So the thing is, I understand why he would want to go back to an abusive institution. I wanted to go back to school, too, after the first attempt almost killed me. The problem is that I did not see this coming. If you want to change a character’s motivation this much, then you need to set it up very carefully. Throughout the season, we’ve seen Heaven be generally kind of awful, and Aziraphale didn’t show any signs of missing being part of it. There also isn’t anything they can really offer him, because he was already together with Crowley. It’s very weird. Gaiman seems to be setting up a getting-together story, but like, we’ve been through that already in season 1? He actually talked about it multiple times himself how he purposefully structured it as a love story? And like, he IS a very talented and experienced writer. He would be absolutely able to set up some interesting conflict for an already-together Azirapahle and Crowley, that doesn’t feel like setting their arc back half the story??
I don’t understand why he chose to do this. I am always very annoyed if I don’t understand where storytelling choices are coming from. It’s why the Supernatural finale pulled me back in so strongly.
I am also very hurt, but mostly angry. I don’t feel like I really have the right to be, but I am.
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orwellian's a great word for it actually. "appropriate raiments will be provided" is the most disturbing thing in the whole series and i stand by that. this interpretation of heaven has definitely coloured my reading of the show especially how i see the fall so it's cool to see someone who agrees!
hard agree that pure coercion would be a total cop out. it's just that he does seem nervous so i do think he's aware of a certain degree of potential danger. i initially thought the metatron must have let slip an implication somewhere but i much prefer your idea that he suspected something. and well. i've been saying basically since season 2 came out that accepting the offer doesn't equal having completely fallen for it. will come back to that in my thoughts on the whole mess that was that domestic.
the blanket permission to come scream at you is greatly appreciated and i'll definitely make use of it; i love this kind of media dissection and speculation. 🦭
(p.s. i did indeed end up making the chekov's list since my ocd never can leave well enough alone lol. brace yourself: incoming!)
hihi again, 🦭 anon!!!✨
yes!!! in the context of 1984, especially, that line really is ominous; obviously there is a fine line between a corporate uniform and dictated dress, especially as the only scene where we see all of the angels look the same (iirc) is the waiting platoon in s1. otherwise, all of the angels do have individual dress/style (but similar enough to show belonging), even in the job scene, even if certain elements of their designs indicate shared rank or moral alignment... but the implication of subjugation made by clothes being specifically chosen for the prospective mind-wiped gabriel is... interesting.
and of course - aziraphale's outfit is very different to that of the other angels, in it being actual human clothing, and showing unashamed signs of wear and comfort. i remarked in a post that in job especially, his jobes (job robes) are very similar in aesthetic to that of michael and gabriel compared to say muriel's. could be that it's the appropriate dress of a principality rank, but im not... wholly convinced.
anyway, let's get on with your list!!! a herculean effort, truly!!! hope you don't mind, but a) ive copied and pasted it under the cut, because b) id love to use it as a checklist for myself (and of course if anyone else does!) re: things ive talked about, or indeed things that i have Thoughts on... or even things that i haven't thought to talk about and will probably look into doing so in the future!!!✨✨
episode 1:
starting with the big one there's the pre-fall sequence. the fall itself. talked a lot about these two things/the whole theme in general, found under the #the fall/the great war spec tag
maggie's spelling under the #we need to talk about maggie theory tag - babygirl is an angel, im convinced of it
"what's the point of it all" i mean, kinda talked about this in connection with stuff under the #god is dead theory tag, and in a couple of different asks; mainly that god doesn't give two hoots about any of it, and just wanted to give everyone and everything free will - and they have to work out the consequences for themselves (whilst she throws in a few chaotic sprinkles to keep things interesting)
shax's insider information about heaven ive definitely not discussed shax at all really, and i definitely have a few things id like to work out... main one being, for me, how she went from wondering where aziraphale was in ep3, to suddenly knowing how to exactly triangulate his position in ep4 finally talked about her in the #shax meta tag!!!
the demons being on half rations didn't really think to look at this!!! that could be interesting, especially with the short-staffed comment... someone did put to me that bc the apocalypse failed, everyone on earth continues dying and adding to the population of the Damned, so the work vs demon ration is steadily getting outweighed... but hm, could be something more than that!
"something terrible" because are we sure we're sure that that was about the stuff we've already seen you know, i wondered this too after ep6!!! it was a very interesting choice of words for me, bc whilst yes gabriel's fate was looking pretty shit, the line was almost a bit... well, over-announced? they kept repeating it? like, gabriel said he had to bring the box to aziraphale/the bookshop otherwise something terrible would happen... but why specifically the shop? is it just because aziraphale is the only angel/sanctuary on earth? is it because he was drawn to an angel that's also fallen for a demon? is it because aziraphale is simply kind? i don't trust that it's any of these explanations at all (or maybe all of them and another besides)... and tbh i think god has something to do with it. another speculation for the to-do list!!!
the book of life this one ive remarked on a fair bit under the #book of life theory tag, but it's fairly disjointed from other bits and pieces - tbh i probably need to do a long post at some point as to where all my theories etc join up... bc for the moment all of them are full of loopholes
michael and uriel's power politics oooooh i literally don't have a single scooby on this... id have to think on this a little more
the very highlighted matchbox quote this one ive had sat in the drafts for ages bc i can't quite parse it out - where does leviathan come into it? is it a reference to crowley-as-aziraphale spitting fire during the execution? why would it be on a matchbox of a bloody pub? is it a clue from god? is god linked to jim/gabriel somehow? gahd this one is still giving me a headache kinda? wrote about this - here, no tag for this specifically - and im still not fully satisfied that is the meaning of the matchbox but i think (hope) it might be somewhere near the mark?
1650 i speculated (or, well, dreamt up a hc) as to what this potential flashback could entail in a LWA response somewhere - in any case, give me the boys in cromwellian england and give it to me Now
the 25 lazarii miracle my batshit theory (and yet it makes complete sense to me, i stand by it) is in my #25 lazarii theory tag
episode 2:
heaven and hell working together as a single good cop bad cop system this is similarly stagnating in my drafts at the moment!!! but it's a bit of a mindbender for me bc it means i need to pick apart what everything thinks the job/satan bet was actually about... basically, i think it all comes back to understanding god's will - and all of them (yes, even crowley) have it wrong because imo god is completely amoral and is just the strongest advocate for free will... weirdly, i think the person that had the most right of it was gabriel.
"forces them under an awning together" god i hope this happens in s3... i mean there's no way it won't, right? and so many juicy possibilities (for my money itll be the bandstand, but equally would love, like, the stoop of the bookshop, and then have it mirrored again under like the porch of the south downs cottage) 🥺
gabriel's eyes glowing statements this tbh harks back to what i posted under the #25 lazarii theory tag - definitely something weird going on, and i have a gut feeling the boys accidentally made it even worse lmao
tricking heaven with a sleight of hand this is also going to require a bit more thought!!!
episode 3:
aziraphale's chekhov's diaries see im not sure how important i truly think theyre going to be, but if we go by the prominent influence of the crow road, it definitely has to be a s3 plot device, right? the only thing im scared of is that aziraphale's memory gets wiped, or he goes missing, and the books are key to getting back his memory/finding him... hmmm
crowley's consciousness extending into the bentley i think the crank is certainly important, even if just symbolic of his power - uses it to create nebulae, it survived the s1 explosion, etc. i do think bentley has its own kind of personality, but think it's borne out of proximity, use, and influence of her demon owner... obviously i could be entirely wrong, but i kinda hope it's more that he made her, and her allegiance as a sentient being is with him (and of course aziraphale by extension), mainly bc i want something to look after crowley... but then is it more poetic that the bentley is basically just him, and representative of him finding comfort in himself? idk tbh but she's a bad bitch and i love her
general resurrection themes ive talked a fair bit about the second coming aspect, but not about the resurrection and last judgement so much, so this is one for the list
gabriel's glowing eyes statements part 2 as above (and i realise that you might be talking about what he specifically says, not the general thing itself, 🦭 anon, but in a way what is being said is fairly self-explanatory imo, but why is the heftier question)
shax can sense gabriel in a way the archangels couldn't i personally don't think there's much by way of implication in the method in which she senses him (ie... smell? vs michael's weird sixth sense), but i do think there is something about the fact they can sense him at all... talked about in #25 lazarii spec and the #shax meta tag!!!
"it's always too late" oh god 💀 i had the most batshit theory about this that i don't even want to talk about BUT im with you that it's... an odd line. i love that it potentially references line in the book about crowley's watch being set to hell's time, which is set at "too late", but beyond that... not entirely sure why the line was said or said so... blatantly? feels like something obvious would explain it
rumours that aziraphale and crowley were an item that so far don't seem justified based on what hell knew. rumours that apparently had no major consequences for crowley despite one harmless photo warranting a legion to collect him [screams at 1941 truther sign] yeah this is how it read to me too, 🦭! something definitely happened after that dinner, and im not saying a move was made (and potentially witnessed by a couple of errant nazi zombies) but i think a move was made (and witnessed by a couple of errant nazi zombies) - #1941 spec tag
the literal chekhov's gun in the bookshop this one has flummoxed me, but i did read a speculation about continuing the 1941 flashback today, which was utter genius (and so much better than what i managed to dream up in the above tag), and suggested the derringer will make an appearance in a fight-ish scenario in that scene... which is frankly bloody inspired tbh, and im very much convinced by
the miracle blocker oooooh i don't have a dedicated tag for this but i definitely talked about it in a post under the #sanctuary/bentley theory tag!!! i think it was potentially a chekhov's gun that we didn't see get fired
sleight hand to trick hell probably one to look at in hand with the one above about tricking heaven
the zombies just running around london kinda as i said above tbh, not sure what'll happen to them afterwards but presumably a grisly end being eaten and pooped out by a spider
1941 full stop. we have not seen the last of that night. goddamn right we havent [skips around the 1941 truther sign]
episode 5:
the lack of demons available for the attack pretty much what i said above in ep1 about being short staffed bc the Damned population keeps increasing... maybe? still one to look at in more detail though!!!
"i know. do it anyway" "i know. looking at where the furniture isn't" not necessarily in reference to these quotes specifically, but in the general context - discussed this (and potential crowley memory loss) in the #the fall/the great war spec and #book of life theory tags
"if it happens twice it might seem like an institutional problem" oh. OH. THIRD EYE HAS OPENED. because we know two things, right? gabriel didnt fall/wasnt intended to, so the 'happens twice' isn't realised. and heaven does have an institutional problem, practically embodies the term. so if this is foreshadowing. does aziraphale fall. oh no. Oh No (ive sort of discussed this in #scapegoat theory tag but that was strictly pre-eden context...) this however has actually just made me realise that this is a chekhov's gun literally pointed at aziraphale's head... shitshitshitshitshjthka
mrs cheng's weird look across the street see this is on my list but waaaay down it. think she could be a demon. will work on it at some point edit: talked a little bit about this in the #shax meta tag, but possibly needs a dedicated post, idk
nina and maggie's semi immunity to miracles so the bit where aziraphale can't miracle them? that to me is potentially the same explanation as the miracle blocker post (like it all connects). maggie is more immune than normal to the ball miracle? see #we need to talk about maggie theory tag. as for nina... im still not sure on. idk if she's a demon (which for me is a Thought if we consider that hell are short-staffed; she could be one of Many) but it feels a little on the nose... one for the list edit: talked a little bit about nina in the #shax meta tag, but definitely needs a separate post at some point
shax saying the shop isn't an embassy anymore but the demons still unable to get in i didn't think of it from this angle, but i think my theory still stands - under the #sanctuary/bentley theory tag
nina and maggie's immunity to miracles part 2 oh oops - see above
episode 6:
maggie being able to invite the demons into the shop i think she's an angeeeeeeellllll (see #we need to talk about maggie tag)
the speed at which the portal opens and it's potential as a means of spying my latest galaxy brain moment (i hope) - #sanctuary/bentley theory tag
haloes and the potential consequences of blowing them up this one is in the #halo theory tag
crowley opening the files not quite sure what you mean by this one, 🦭!!! do you mean about his rank? definitely tried parsing this particular headscratcher in the #AWCW spec tag
heaven was trying to restart armageddon in a way that seems awfully unofficial oooooohhh.... haven't looked at it this way, but definitely will be!!! might link in with #god is dead theory stuff, but will need more exploring!!!
saraqael having their own agenda honestly saraqael is my newest bad bitch (gn) and if my #saraqael spec is even halfway true, im going to explode i love them
"i'm the only first order archangel in the universe" *camera cuts to crowley* kinda talk about this in the #AWCW spec tag but since neil cremated the lucifer theory (rip) ive kinda left this aspect alone... tbh i don't think he was as important as he's set out to have been
"i'm the only first order archangel in the universe" full stop. statement's plenty suspicious on its own too. this is....... potentially very intriguing
memory wiping as just a thing heaven does when someone disobeys i need to reconcile #book of life theory with this tbh - like, the focus on memory is so strong in s2 that i strongly believe it has connection to falling... at which point, where does gabriel demotion/mem wipe punishment fit in? and where does saraqael fit in, too?
muriel having the same kind of position gabriel was going to be demoted to vaguely looked at this in #book of life theory tag posts i think, especially in reference to how their potential punishments (in muriel's case) mirror each other
heaven and hell are technically at war now. its not like anyone with authority actually called it off danced around this in the #halo theory tag, in reference to aziraphale declaring this new war, and yet they've been at war for a long time? yes the reflection of it being a cold war but still... interesting to think about especially when framed like this
it's possible to remove your essence and store it elsewhere definitely need to explore the possibilities and implications of this at some point, but the suggestion i made in the #25 lazarii theory post somewhat starts to look at this
hell is understaffed as already mentioned above
the shax furfur alliance not quite sure what to think about this, and whether it necessarily means anything more than it's put across (ie just that they are the danger duo of hell in s3?) idk tbh i just need to look at them both as individual characters a bit more first #shax meta tag!!!
the many strange things that could indicate something going on in the last fifteen minutes god.... just anything in the #feral domestic/final fifteen meta tag tbh
"does anyone ever ask for death" idk whether or not to take this as meaning anything deeper than metatron just idly thinking "hmmm aziraphale could refuse my coffee, refuse a chat... at which point ill probably need to destroy him etc. hey, i wonder if anyone - instead of coffee - has ever actually asked for death? funny name for a coffee shop"... and possibly a double meaning meant by Nina saying 'everything else was taken'?
saraqael being the only one other than crowley who recognises the metatron and their reaction well theres my school of thought that saraqael is potentially closer to metatron that we maybe thought (#saraqael spec tag), but then again - and this exact sentence just reminded me - i think in this particular instance, both saraqael and crowley have just come fresh from watching the trial, so that's why they both remember metatron... which begs the question of what happened between the trial and the final fifteen to make them forget? hmmm
almond syrup imo, #omelas theory
the possible miracle chime ehhhh i know i wrote about this but im still like 50/50 on it... but it fits my theory (in the #feral domestic/final fifteen tag) so im rolling with it - i think there might be a chime and i think it might be a failed miracle to change the coffee
the metatron and crowley seeming to have some kind of history lmao anything in #metatron spec or indeed #the fall/the great war spec tags tbh
aziraphale's peculiar mannerisms im getting so lazy with these responses now 🦭 anon im so sorry, but again recently speculated in the #feral domestic/final fifteen meta tag
the way the conversation between aziraphale and the metatron is only reported and very strangely transitioned in and out of as above
the nothing to see here shooting of the kiss this one...
i know ng said it was a continuity error but. the time skip on the clocks ...and this one ive looked at in the #time-stop theory tag, and im the same - not trusting continuity error on this... not just yet
the something's up vibes of metatron. the general scheming and manipulativeness. the framing as the wizard of oz. the colour scheme and the dice on his tie. the sigh of relief in the elevator lol #metatron spec
the credits scene i haven't really gone into this in any detail and tbh idk if it needs it - i think it's pretty reflective of some stuff ive talked about in the #aziraphale meta and the #feral domestic/final fifteen meta tags
plus special mention: not technically in the episode but the distinctly ominous madonna/crucifixion promo photos aaaaaaaand this one is in the #mary/pieta spec tag
again 🦭 anon im really sorry it got a little lazy towards the end!!! but im very, very grateful that you put this all in a list, because ive definitely got some stuff in mind that id like to parse out!!! and as ever - more than happy to scream about things so pop on back if you feel the need to scream with me!!!✨
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paperclipninja · 1 year
1941 thoughts
Just finished re-watching ep 4, after getting side-tracked by the opening sequence last night that led me to this post about the significance of the music Bentley plays for Aziraphale, and I tell you, nothing can convince me that we're not going to get a third part to the 1941 story in season 3. NOTHING.
The 1941 sequence in season 1 gave us the beautiful moment with the books being saved, Crowley walking on actual fire (pretty much) for Aziraphale and was part of a series of flashbacks showing that Crowley shows up for Aziraphale time and time again. Lovely, heart feeling many things here (as is a certain angel it seems).
The 1941 minisode in season 2 is an immediate continuation of the scene from season 1, with grateful Aziraphale insisting there must be something he can do to repay Crowley *fans self*, we discover that hell caught on to Aziraphale and Crowley's alliance at this time and Aziraphale steps in to help Crowley out of a pickle with angry Mrs. H. But that's not all.
We hear Aziraphale call Crowley his friend, twice. First, when trying to placate Mrs. H by offering to fill in for the magic show 'on behalf of my...good friend here' and then back at the bookshop, after Crowley thanks Aziraphale for getting him off the hook, 'no need to thank me, that's what...friends are for'. This is a significant insight imo, Aziraphale almost catches himself on both occasions but rather than stopping himself, he allows the follow through without correction.
We also get the unwavering indulgence and support of Crowley for Aziraphale's magic show; from the practice and Crowley pre-game inspo speech in the bookshop, suggesting a bigger act, 'isn't there somewhere we can buy tricks?', to the amazing bullet catch. I know the bullet catch scene has been discussed a lot and I'm not going add any new insight there, so as has been confirmed and observed, this is the ultimate display of trust between the angel and demon (I mean, as we find out, if Aziraphale tells Crowley to 'trust me', he does!), showing us yet another aspect of their deepening relationship.
Cue the dressing room with the coupliest couple who ever didn't couple, a radiant Aziraphale interrupted by Furfur, whose attempt at a gotcha moment is thwarted by banana-fish-gorilla-shoelace-with-a-dash-of-nutmeg (Aziraphale getting Crowley out of a pickle yet again) and we find ourselves watching the two drinking wine over candlelight and toasting to shades of grey. Ok ok ok.
Both the bullet catch and the photo swap-out happened while the miracle blocker was on. Which means that both Crowley and Aziraphale were put in positions to protect the other using only themselves, their own skill and thinking. The throw back to season 1 paintball and knowing Crowley is not a fan of guns, and repeatedly seeing that Aziraphale isn't great at magic, simply emphasises how big a deal both those instances of stepping up for each other actually are. But they also show something else I think.
They demonstrate that Aziraphale and Crowley's ability to perform 'miracles' is attributed to more than them being an angel and demon with special powers. There is a role that will plays for each when required, perhaps the influence of their time with humanity, but also the power of connection. I was going to say love, and perhaps it is love too, but the connection Aziraphale and Crowley have to one another means that they want to ensure the other is safe, will take a risk and bet on themselves in a time of need because they trust each other and don't want to let the other down. Also something to consider when thinking about why their 'tiny half miracle' to hide Gabriel was so powerful (that's a whole different post though). So what's my point here?
The minisode ends with our two faves very relaxed and enjoying one another's company, but also knowing that the trust there is absolute and reciprocated when it matters. There was a bit of a revelation for Aziraphale at the end of the season 1 sequence, they're now very in sync and on the same page it seems at the end of the season 2 scene, but it still feels like there's another piece. There are so many references to 1941 and when you view the season 1 and season 2 1941 parts right after one another, they read as a self contained developing story.
But you know what stories have? A beginning, middle and end. Right now, it feels like we've only seen two of those. And I will remain on this hill until proven otherwise, because as the lyrics of 'Moonlight Serenade' (the tune playing in the Bentley at the opening of ep 4) say:
Let us stray till break of day in love's valley of dreams. Just you and I, a summer sky, a heavenly breeze kissin' the trees.
And there's still a whole night before daybreak, just saying.
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rillils · 11 months
@stucky-just-stucky honey I'm so sorry, I didn't see this up until now but the timestamp says it's been in my inbox for a few days?? I'm sorry, submissions never show up in my notifications 😭😭 I think I must have accidentally turned them off or something, idk, I'll figure it out I hope
OKAY BUT THIS THOUGH 💕💕💕💕💕 ahhh doesn't it just kill me, in the very very best way, how invested Aziraphale was in this, and how much he just really really wanted to dance with his Crowley 💖
Like, in that whole sequence - while Crowley's trying to tell him about the demons outside the bookshop - Aziraphale's like- just bracing himself to ask Crowley to dance, he's barely even listening to a word the guy is saying! He's standing there fidgeting, looking hopeful, and happy, eyes sparkling and all, kinda holding his breath, you can almost hear his heart pounding in his chest!!! And all because he can maybe finally have the old-fashioned ball he's been dreaming of, and have his romantic dance with Crowley in front of everyone 💕💕💕 He's so excited when he takes Crowley by the hand!! OUR BOY'S BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR LIKE TWO LITERAL CENTURIES, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT FJSHSKSL
and then of course Crowley indulges him, and they're out there on the dance floor touching hands and- waltzing around each other in the most literal way lol, and it's so fucking precious 💖
Makes you wonder if, at the end of the night, when they were alone and the chandeliers still twinkling above them, Aziraphale might have taken Crowley's hand once more, only much more deliberately, and finally put his love into words for Crowley to hear 🥰✨💞💫💖
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grassangel · 1 year
Thoughts on GO2
Spoilers ahead
So I might just be a bit pleased with myself that I read Bad Grace, oh, 15 years ago? Which I always muddle up with Manchester Lost, but is definitely the superior fanfic because it's actually kind of likely. And given the ending of GO2? Very definitely likely that like Bad Grace, the second coming of Christ is going to be a girl and she, like Adam, will agree that Earth's quite nice actually. (And be implied to get together.)
Which will make some fans complain that Gneil has been reading fanfic on the sly, but like. that's the hallmark of good fanfic: working with the same ingredients and stirring in a similar fashion landing you a similar dish. And the Good Omens fandom is over 30 years old, there's been plenty of time to experiment with technique and ingredient combos.
And possibly also why Gneil has emphasised he can't read fanfic, because yeah, this does happen often enough that writers/authors will tread the same path as fic writers and have to prove their independent working.
Am I a bit miffed that the third act isn't Heaven, Hell and humans waging war against God? A little. But I suppose my personal second act headcanon of Heaven & Hell vs humans as the official third/final act is good too.
Anyway, I did feel the six episodes was a bit too long for what Gneil admits is pretty much a bridging season to get everyone into position for how the sequel would have started. Even if having s1: 6 episodes, s2: 6 episodes and s3: 6 episodes all lined up read like 666 is very funny. I did like that we finally got a bit more of Crowley Questioning things, Aziraphale's awful 'the poor have more chances to do good!' stance and showing, if not saying, that demons are from angelic stock. (I might have been mentally shouting 'Angelic stock!' every time I saw Crowley in his heavenly disguise before watching this season.)
There was a lot of 'Aziraphale and Crowley through history' - which yes, we all loved the cold open in s1, but I at least liked it because it was a depiction of The Arrangement and how it came about - and these bits in this season were decidedly NOT about The Arrangement. (Though again, I did like how we were shown Crowley is skeptical of this whole 'God's plan' thing.)
I would have appreciated more layering to the narrative and more parallels to Crowley and Aziraphale. Yes, we got Maggie and Nina, Gabriel and Beezlebub, but both of those pairings barely featured. Personally I'd have included Beezlebub in the Job sequence to further ram home the whole 'equal but opposite' thing. I'm surprised there wasn't a flashback to Jane Austen's heist with pointedly familiar people, and I would have rather had that than the WWII sequence, which rather lacked the opposite, but equally incompetent, heavenly snooping. Maybe have Nina and Maggie going around after Aziraphale and Crowley talking to the other shopkeepers about Nina's stance on the lights. Have a bit more demonic grumbling about Beezlebub - whether about her being a hardass trying to track Gabriel down or her not doing much since the Armagedidn't. Also, more of the fly and Jim being protective about it.
Because yeah, the last episode didn't quite feel earned. It would have felt more fitting to keep the general last 10 minutes, but like how Maggie and Nina aren't a certain thing, Aziraphale and Crowley aren't either so what is the point of the kiss? Like keep Aziraphale's notion of turning Crowley 'good' (please read that in the same way Michelle Gomez said 'good' in an extremely thick Scottish accent as Missy) and his extremely misguided belief that Heaven is good because they're heaven, but less kissing and more appealing that they're the same and humans don't need either demons or angels to do good or evil. (I personally love to hate Aziraphale being an asshole, and that was possibly the truest to the book part of the series.) (And while I do love a 'Crowley turns back into an angel' fic, I pretty much only like it when it's incidental/he does too many 'good' things/God decides to fuck around.)
No notes given on Muriel. I love her and want to be her friend.
0 notes
angelsnuffbox · 3 years
Hello! I have no idea if I'm doing this right! Whould you be open to recieving an ask about your deleted works later? And if not you still have so many lovely fics! I love your works dearly but the one I'm currently rereading is "Tadfield's Finest" : 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13 and any other question you would like to answer.
Hi anon! Yeah, deleted works are alright if there's anything you'd like to know more about :)) 2: What scene did you first put down? I can only write fics in proper sequence so the very first scene lmao 3: What’s your favorite line of narration? I think the part where Aziraphale shelters a soaked Crowley with his umbrella and Crowley tells him how he got that bruise on his cheek! “Slipped and banged my head on the sink, alright?” Crowley grumbled, averting his gaze. It was the most uncool thing he’d ever seen Crowley do, but his heart still stirred at the sight. The flash of anger he’d had mellowed down to light amusement, slipping easily into a kind of fondness that could only be justified by someone so madly in love as he was. He liked it, Crowley admitting this to him.  It made him feel like he had a piece of Crowley with him. 4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? “Don’t want you to think I’m doing it because I’m nice.” His (Crowley's) cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “I do it because it’s you. I mean, surely you know that.” 5: What part was hardest to write? I honestly don't remember anymore which specific scene was the hardest for me but I think a more general answer would be ALL the smut scenes because this was my first smut fic ever and each time I posted an update I was SO nervous about what people would think about it. 9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? Umm so confession i guess but Tadfield's Finest came from an older idea I had for a Bill Masters/Alec Hardy fic that never came into being 😂 I chickened out of writing it and then later on decided to rehash the whole thing as a Good Omens human AU, so I guess you can imagine an alternate version would be somewhat the same story but with Hardy as Crowley and Masters as Aziraphale 11: What do you like best about this fic? I love that it's a mix of a lot of my interests! Ineffable Husbands, Broadchurch (STILL my favorite show ever), detective/mystery fics (because before GO i mainly wrote for murder mystery genre fandoms), and high fluffy romance with a happy comforting ending. It's also the fic that really got me into writing Good Omens, so even though I periodically forget this story I'm still very fond of it for being a huge step for me as a fanfic writer :) 13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading? This was so long ago so I don't remember exactly, but I THINK it was a lot of Japanese 80s city pop. Off the top of my head, some songs I recommend are 'Misty Mauve' - Tatsuro Yamashita, 'Tell Me, Tell Me' - Mariya Takeuchi, and 'Dream in the Street' - Noriyo Ikeda When writing, I also like to look for 2 to 3-hour compilations of city pop music like this one :)) I find that when I listen to English songs it distracts me cause I'm also writing in English, so Japanese is always my go-to for that 😂 (and also, because I'm formally studying Japanese, it kind of helps me learn the language by osmosis) Thank you so much, anon! You made me relive a lot of happy memories with this x Tadfield's Finest Ask me about any of my fics!
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theflikchic · 4 years
Things I Love About “Good Omens” (From A Christian)
I read the book a year ago but only just watched the show because of a fluke that made us get Amazon Prime. And now that I’ve gotten to watch it and really absorb it (and not be on a ton of painkillers, since I was recovering from surgery when I read it), I realized there were SO many things I love about it, most of which come from the fact that I...am Christian. 
(So heads up: I’ll be referring to all this stuff as if it’s real since...it’s my belief system and I feel “Good Omens” is an awesome show so yaaay, celebrate that darn adorable angel and demon with me) (WARNING- LONG POST AHEAD)
- First and foremost: Jesus’ death. The way that was HANDLED so well just blew my mind. I have anxiety so I’ve tried to avoid all crucifixions scenes but I’m glad this was the one I saw because it was so respectful and heartbreaking (i was sobbing). 
- It was also cool to see Jesus’ death from the perspective of people who aren’t Christian and to see that although they don’t believe him to be the Son Of God, they still recognize it as a tragedy.
-  Frances McDormand as God. Okay, I was iffy on it at first but I was reminded that God is supposed to be the mix of masculine and feminine and He presents himself as Father to us so we can get a better idea of who He is. So although I refer to God as a man, He is supposed to be reflective of both so having a woman voice Him is a really interesting viewpoint........And I just like Frances McDormand.
- Newt’s casting. Just...so perfect. Exactly the way I pictured him.
- The fact that the angels mention how they’re celestial and not organic because HEEEELL yes,
- Adam and his friends ringing their bike bells just to tell everyone how they got into the airbase. Iconic.
- The fact that they toned down the Famine sequence. Reading that part made me feel so sick so I’m glad they toned it down for the screen.
- Michael Sheen’s terrifyingly accurate David Tennant impression.
- The angels, though seen as more aggressive than they probably are, are militant and that’s...kinda what they’re meant to be.
- The fact Heaven is filmed to be nauseating because (in my theory), we as humans find being good to be incredibly hard and stressful so we can’t imagine what it would be like to constantly be good.
- They defeated Satan with a MEME.
- Bonus: They defeated Satan and we got to SEE IT.
- Michael McKean. Bonus points because he’s one of my mom’s favourites and he made us all so happy.
- I’ve read Revelation TWICE and it wasn’t until I saw this that I learned 666 is an actual thing and not just a meme.
- The moment when Crowley prays. Biblically inaccurate but I sorta saw it as us in sin, as humans, praying to God because I have BEEN THERE. The amount of times I’ve asked God- “What do I do. I don’t know what to do,” is wild and I did it just earlier. And that moment hit me.
- “Oh.........FUCK,” *heavenly jingle intensifies*
- The fact that, besides Crowley, there are no redeeming qualities in the demons. That’s a hard thing to write and they nailed it.
- *to the Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc jingle* Demons are holding a buuuuckeet!
- Although Aziraphale is genuinely a bad angel, he’s a pretty good representation of what we should try to be as Christians: loving, trying to help everyone, not kill kids, etc.
- “Tickety-boo,”
- The fact that they literally got ALL OF THE HOLMES SIBLINGS TO BE IN THIS LIKE WHAT-
- “We are Satantic nuns,”
- I will praise Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett on this forever but the fact that the kids talk like kids. Because kids talk like adults. Because kids are little adults. Love it.
- The moment when Aziraphale at the sword and said to Adam- “We’ll be right beside you,” was like a hardcore guardian angel moment and I was SHOOK.
- The casting of literally anyone to play the angels, demons, and supernatural beings because- as Neil Gaiman and the Bible say- they’re genderless. They’re angels and demons. 
- When Madame Tracy just screamed at that woman and she screamed back. That must’ve been so much fun to film, my goodness.
- The narrative creates a flawed way to try and talk to God and recognizes that it’s a flawed way, whereas the real way in the belief system isn’t because we as humans find it difficult to fathom that you can just...talk to the Big Boss.
- The little add-on that that one angel was from Sodom and Gomorrah. Which made me laugh but then made me sad.
- Those crappy camp chairs being in Hell because of COURSE they are
- The sea monsters. I just really like the sea monsters in Revelation so that was cool.
- Got to see Death ride that motorcycle because that’s the closest that we’re probably getting to a live-action “Soul Music”.
- War’s jacket.
- The fact that I had an existential moment when I realized Death being an actual...being is Biblical.
- Every “Doctor Who” reference.
- The hint that God planned everything because...just up.
- The repeated emphasis on how supernatural beings aren’t the reason behind every choice or event in history. Because they really aren’t. WWII happened because of humans. Supernatural beings can influence but they aren’t the REASON for everything.
- The pushing of the idea that the plan is “ineffable” but it constantly contradicts this idea because even in real life, God’s plan has never been ineffable.
- “He was waving,”
- God narrates so He/She knows everything which kinda gives Aziraphale and Crowley a Jonah-feel since they’re trying to outrun an almighty being. And obviously failing.
- Aziraphale’s gasp when he got betrayed. Legend.
- Agnes Nutter’s prophecies being insanely specific like the actual prophecies in the Bible. (I read a verse and Jesus said- “Remember me when there’s anger in the streets” and I was like WAIT)
- The emphasis that most- if not all- witch killings were rooted in sexism and superstitions. Also, that whole scene gave me “Holy Grail” vibes which is always a win.
- And most importantly: “Good Omens” has fun with the creatures and supernatural beings in the Christian belief system but never ONCE makes fun of the religion itself or the people who believe in it. The book takes an extra step and mocks organized religion (which, YES, do that, please) but it’s never mean-spirited. While flawed and inaccurate in some Biblical aspects (like the basic plot), it’s so funny and witty while remaining accurate in other aspects to the source material of the Bible such as the supernatural beings being genderless. It’s basically like- “Woah...it says in Revelation that there are giant sea monsters! We get to write giant sea monsters, awesome! What can we make the sea monsters do? OOooh, what if they took down a whaling ship?” It also gets the message of Christianity down: love others, forgive others, give second chances. And I feel that’s why it’s so effective, because it’s fun and cool but still hits those perfect emotional beats that resonate with everyone because they’re true. Love each other. 
And go read more Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. They deserve all the love.
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fandomsardonic · 5 years
Brilliant things in Good Omens that are NOT Crowley & Aziraphale
I mean, those two are a black hole of show praise. Fair enough. They are fucking fantastic characters and Sheen and Tennant nailed it completely. But these are some moments/things I loved that are not our fave Angel and Demon dream team, because there was so much brilliant stuff in this show. -That hilarious camera pan-down to the recently-puppified Dog the Hellhound. I mean, that whole sequence was funny, but this shot in particular emphasized the humor. Great directing. -Dog’s glowing eyes (on his adorably Good Boi face) when he tries to threaten the cat. So cute.  -Gabriel’s “just buying pornography!” ruse to avoid drawing attention to himself but totally just weirding out the customers. Just so hilariously out of touch with life on earth.  -Hastur just shrieking his head off for a solid minute after the holy water. -Miranda Richardson acting as two different people at once. She was seamless. When she was pantomiming for Aziraphale’s lines, I totally bought it. How can an actor be that good?
-That long shot of War with a shit-eating grin after she receives the sword and chaos is just letting lose behind her. Cinema.  -The confused Tibetans retreating back into their tunnel after running Dick Turpin off the road. I just thought it was a really fun and cute shot.  -”Chow. It’s Italian. Means ‘food.’” -I still get such a kick out of Agnes turning herself into a human bomb. The sequence was so well done in the show.
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consultingmadhatter · 4 years
Compilation of Doom Days Lyrics that Relate to Good Omens
I started writing this shortly after the series and the album came out, so please forgive that this is really late to the party, any inconsistencies due to working on this over a long period of time, the fact that I haven’t watched the series in over a year so some of this is written when the show isn’t fresh in my mind, and if anything in the fandom or my personal stances have changed since I started writing this.
*Most of this will be about Crowley and Aziraphale. My personal view on the two of them is that they definitely love each other, but whether they are romantically attracted to each other is entirely dependent on whether an angel and a demon (who have been around humans for 6000 years) are capable of feeling them human sensations of romance and if so whether it would be something they would have to consciously choose to feel or whether it would be automatic and involuntary like it is with humans. I can see it either way, so this analysis will probably be a mixture.
*The lyrics for each will be out of order and will instead be in the sequence that I deem easiest for presenting my analyst
*I worked on the songs out of order so there might be places where I only briefly touch upon something and act as if it is just of another example of something I don’t actually end up talking about until a later track. Apologies for any confusion that may cause.
This ended up being way longer than I thought it would so I’m going to start with the Bad Decisions analysis as a sample and put the rest under the cut. The rest are in album order; I didn’t have much for Quarter Past Midnight, so I thought Bad Decisions would be a better example. (Another Place is the most shippy one if that is what you are looking for).
Bad Decisions:
“You said that maybe this is where it ends Take a bow for the bad decisions that we made Bad decisions that we made And if we're going down in flames Take a bow for the bad decisions that we made Bad decisions that we made”
Armageddon has arrived; the world is ending. Aziraphale and Crowley have always made bad decisions both in their acts of stupidity (looking at you Azi, wandering over to France during a revolution just for some crepes dressed as conspicuously as possible) and their decisions to “fraternize” with the enemy and to question and mildly disobey heaven and hell. Arguably, they weren’t the wrong decisions, but as doomsday approaches they will have to reckon with opposing the cosmic forces at work (”take a bow”).
“So we'll make the same mistakes 'Til the morning breaks So we'll make the same mistakes 'Til the morning breaks”
But they are not going to back down. They are going to continue to make the same “mistake” of working together and trying to stop Armageddon until the very end.
“London's burning”-The M25 catches fire; London is literally burning. “If the world is ending, let's stay up all night”- They are spending every moment they can trying to stop Armageddon and when it looks like they will fail they are still being kept “up all night” by their separate crises. (Yes, I know this line is meant to be more along the lines of “let’s make the most of the time we have left by having a good time” but I’m changing it for the Good Omens context)
“Now we find ourselves lying right here Always find ourselves lying right here Can we make the same mistakes (Ooh) 'Til the morning breaks”
“Do you remember what you said to me? 'Cause we lost track of time Yeah, we lost track of time”
These lyrics remind me of how they always find themselves drawn together. Their decision to stop the ending of the world is built on 6000 years of trust and friendship and history together. (I don’t really have a more specific interpretation but I hope it’s clear what I’m saying and I’m sure a more fleshed out explanation could be made). Also, though they went through some rough patches, when it comes right down to it, they would never want to stop making the “same mistakes” of working together and being friends, and they always come back to each other.
“Love me, leave me”- Throughout their relationship there have been a lot of instances of them meeting up and then going their separate ways for years. Over time their love for each other has grown. When Crowley asks for holy water, Aziraphale cares for him to much to give him a suicide pill; they have an argument and end up not speaking to each other for decades. Then Crowley shows up at the church during WWII to get his angel out of a sticky situation, demonstrates his love by saving the books, and then he’s away again. Later, in the Bentley, Aziraphale can’t stand seeing Crowley risking his life, so he delivers the holy water himself. But Aziraphale is not yet in a place where he can give in to his feelings for Crowley and ends up leaving him again. When it looks like they won’t be able to stop Armageddon, Crowley offers for them to run away to runaway together, but still Aziraphale can’t bring himself to say yes and he leaves him again.
“You always let me down so tenderly”- Each time Aziraphale rejects Crowley, it may hurt both of them, but he’s never saying “I don’t love you;” he’s saying “I can’t let myself love you.” Even when he says he doesn’t even like Crowley, they both know it’s a lie. He’s just in a difficult position being torn between his identity as an angel and his feelings for Crowley. Decades earlier he had left it open ended with the “You go to fast for me” and the suggestion of a picnic or dining at the Ritz.
“So live fast and die young and stay forever numb”- For me this one is less about what is in the actual show but rather some of the head cannons going around. These include the ones about Crowley’s presence in the nightlife culture of the 60′s and 70′s and how that coincides with Aziraphale’s “You go to fast for me, Crowley” line. Also theories that Crowley is depressed and self destructive which is why Aziraphale is worried about Crowley using the holy water on himself. In the show you can see he is suffering when he talks about how he hadn’t meant to fall and when he pleads with God about testing humanity to destruction. It could then be argued that in his 6000 years on earth Crowley spent some time trying to distract himself from this pain by acting in the demon/angel equivalent to “living fast, dying young.”
Quarter Past Midnight:
*This is the one that I have the least for. I almost put it at the end because I didn’t think i could connect it enough to Good Omens to leave it among the other songs. Some of the other songs might also have few direct connections, but I feel the essence of the songs in those cases still match better to the series than Quarter Past Midnight does. So please bear with me here.
“Help me piece it all together, darling Before it falls apart oh”
The world itself is about to fall apart. Crowley and Aziraphale are trying to piece together what they know to find the antichrist and in general they work together to try to stop the end of the world.
“And you said we'd leave this place in dust”-Crowley asks Aziraphale to run away with him.
“And fall from heaven straight through hell”
Crowley has already fallen (or sauntered). Aziraphale, throughout, is worried about falling from heaven’s grace.
“We never know what we have We never knew what we had”
I believe Aziraphale struggled to understand what he truly had with his relationship with Crowley. Crowley was the one who recognized their bond in the beginning, and he was the one who actively pursued establishing a friendship. Even later on, in the church during WWII, Aziraphale truly believed their friendship was over; he hadn’t seen Crowley in nearly a hundred years, yet he still showed up to rescue him.
“Why are we always chasing after something Like we trying to throw our lives away”
Some general angsting about the risk of them getting punished for “fraternizing” and Aziraphale being concerned that hell would actually destroy Crowley. “Chasing after something,” perhaps chasing after their relationship.
“We keep on running Running through a red light Like we're trying to burn the night away”
Crowley’s driving. The Bentley being on fire.
The Waves:
“Staring down the barrel of a hundred tons”- They are up against very formidable opponents: all of heaven and hell, the four horsemen, and finally Satan himself.
“It might be getting older, but the night's still young”- As Armageddon approaches they are rapidly running out of time, but dooms day is still young and the whole crew pull off a lot in a very little time.
“We never, never give up on the lost boy life”- Crowley and Aziraphale never grow out of the theoretical naivety of working and being friends with someone from the other side
“So here we are, escaping from the world outside”- Crowley suggests literally escaping and running away together. They have also tended to avoid and escape the political dynamics of heaven and hell and their opposition to each other. In the end they even escape their punishments.
“Oh, what would your mother say if she could see what we're doing now? Oh, what would your mother say if she could hear what we talk about?”
In a way God is their mother wondering what she would say about Crowley and Aziraphale’s plans and actions aligns with the question of whether they were going against God’s will or whether their actions were actually part of her bigger plans.
“The waves are crashing down on you and me again, again, again The waves are crashing down on you and me I'll see you on the other side Get carried, get carried away, oh-oh-oh-oh Caught up in, caught up in the wave”
Both heaven and hell and all the events of Armageddon are crashing down on them. The get caught up in this struggle between the sides and it threatens to sweep them away. There are moments like when Crowley and Aziraphale promise to meet up in Tadfield after Crowley finds out that Aziraphale is still alive and when they are captured for their punishments that they just have to hope that they will see each other on the other side.
“So tie a ribbon 'round my arm and throw me in”
During the entire mess they are each other’s life line. Even when they get separated, they are able to find each other again and make it through the chaos.
“We sink or swim”
They are in it together and either they will succeed, stopping the apocalypse and surviving the wrath of heaven and hell, or they will fail and it is all over for them.
“Is it an apocalypse or nihilism on your lips?”
I’ve been trying to come up with something really profound and clever to say about this but I haven’t been able to come up with something. Obviously the apocalypse is in there. Crowley and eventually Aziraphale do certainly reject the institutions of heaven and hell and point out that many of the morals heaven imposes are arbitrary, but they definitely don’t go as far as saying that all morals are arbitrary/baseless or that life is meaningless or that knowledge is impossible. If I had to place this line to a specific moment in the series, I would probably associate with the scene in the first episode where Crowley is convincing Aziraphale that they should try to stop Armageddon since there is some element of accepting the apocalypse or deciding that the supposed agenda of the higher power is meaningless.
“Suddenly we're fallin' through the twilight zone”- A lot of weird stuff happens when Adam comes into his powers
“Watch the party playing out in slow motion” - they stop time during that final confrontation with Satan to give Adam a pep-talk
“Roll the window down, let the air blow 'round you A sadness in the breeze as the night divides us”
They had several scenes in the Bentley together, but that second line brings it back to that night in 1967, saturated in sad tones, as Aziraphale leaves him again.
“In these darker days, I push the limit to the love you offer There's a riot in my head, demanding we do this forever”
Darker days can be both the the final days as Armageddon approaches and that period when their relationship was strained and Aziraphale was pushing Crowley out of his life. In both cases Aziraphale was pushing the limits of Crowley’s love. During Armageddon he rejected Crowley’s multiple offers to run away together and during that stretch 1862-1967 his responses ranged from what was essentially a “wait for me” to that heated declaration of not needing him. With the next line, Aziraphale is torn between Crowley and heaven, and he wishes that he didn’t have to chose, that they could continue toeing the line with their friendship without getting in trouble. However, he knows that Crowley wants more, and eventually Aziraphale will have to give something up.
“So roll the window down, won't let you go like this Go like this, go like this Roll the window down, won't let you go like this Go like this, go like this”
Crowley won’t give up on Aziraphale. Even after declaring he will run off with out him, he still comes back to find Aziraphale, even running into a burning bookshop for him.
“Why would we divide when we could come together? Just bodies that collide, lost and found each other So don't, don't leave me alone Don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone Why would we divide when we could come together?”
In the beginning, their arrangement was defined as “Why fight each other when we could work together and still reach the same effect.” Over time their relationship evolved. Aziraphale still believes there is an inherent divide between them, saying they are on opposite sides. However, Crowley argues they are really on their own side and that they should not just work together, but runoff together. “Just bodies that collide,” again, they are like celestial bodies that have crossed paths and now they are pulled together. “Lost and found each other,” when Aziraphale gets discorporated in the book shop, Crowley truly believes he has lost his best friend, and even Aziraphale has a moment of panic that he won’t be able to return to earth. They are reunited again at the bar and in-person at the airbase. Crowley never wants to lose Aziraphale. When it looks like they won’t be able to save the world, Crowley begs Aziraphale to head to the stars with him. When he thought he lost Aziraphale, he was devastated and was having a break down. Earlier, he ran into a church to save Aziraphale from some Nazis. Crowley is desperate for Aziraphale not to leave him.
“Looking back around, glamorize the chaos Don't let summer nights destroy everything before us”
Everything is in complete chaos during those days leading up to Armageddon. Each night that passed was leading closer to the end. Everything would have been destroyed on that fateful summer day. Perhaps when it was all over, Crowley and Aziraphale reminisced about what happened because, even though it was a disaster, it led to them becoming free.
Million Pieces:
“No one is loving, it's not a drill Don't look outside, the world is ending (Faster, faster, faster, faster, fast)”
It is not a drill, Armageddon is starting. The time they have to stop it is running out. It goes from 11 years to less than a week to mere hours. And well heaven and hell never liked each other, the period where they would tolerate/look other way as two of their agents “love thy enemy” is over. It is time to cut ties with the other side.
“The king's a clown”- the leadership in Heaven and Hell are definitely clowns
“We're too far gone Nothing I say will mean anything”
That point where both Crowley and Aziraphale believe it is too late to stop it. Aziraphale realizes nothing that he can say to his side will make them change their mind. Throughout the series Aziraphale struggles with going against heaven’s wishes, but Crowley points out that if world does end that they will be stuck in their respective awful eternities as well as that they are on “our side” so in a way it doesn’t matter if they say (or do) things that go against their sides’ orders.
“Just drink, fuck, dance right through disaster” -While they don’t really “drink, fuck, dance” through disaster, Crowley does offer for them to run away together while everything else turns into a “burning puddle of goo,” which has a similar feeling of escapism.
“The echoes of that news ring loud (The echoes, the echoes) No sound can ever drown it out (The echoes)”
For Aziraphale that news was probably when God’s representative told him that they were going to go ahead with war instead of avoiding it. You can see on his face that that is the point that he lost all hope in his side doing the right thing and finally decides to abandon them completely. For Crowley it would be when the book shop burns down and he thinks he lost Aziraphale for good.
“Don't speak, 'cause it's like a bitter pill”
This goes along with the two moments I was talking about above, but it also fits with every time that Aziraphale rejected Crowley in some way. Probably also when Crowley asked for the holy water and Aziraphale thought that Crowley was thinking about killing himself.
“It breaks my heart It breaks my heart into a million pieces, oh It breaks my heart into a million pieces If it's gonna break me, won't you let me go? Leave it 'til the morning, I don't wanna know Breaks my heart Breaks my heart into a million pieces”
Again, the moments I was talking about directly above. In general, when the characters are at their bleakest, no-hope, desperate moments.  
Doom Days:
“When I watch the world burn All I think about is you When I watch the world burn All I think about is you”
As the world is ending, all Crowley and Aziraphale are thinking about is each other. After finding out that Aziraphale is still alive, Crowley is determined enough to hold his Bentley together as he drives through the inferno of the M-25.
“Cruising through the doom days”
This, in general, conjures images of anytime Crowley is driving way too fast as he tries to find a way to stop the end of the world, but the scene on the M-25 is particularly fitting.
“God knows what is real and what is fake”
Adam has been altering reality, doing and creating things that defy the logic of the real world. When it is all over and he puts everything back to the way it was, people still remember what happened and are left in a confusion of whether any of it was real.
“Last couple years have been a mad trip”
During the eleven year lead up to Armageddon, everything is a little crazy. Heaven and hell are now focused on making sure it all goes to plan and Crowley and Aziraphale are trying their hardest to stop it. After years of trying to influence Warlock, they learn that they have the wrong boy and all that effort was for nothing. From that point on everything descends into even greater chaos.
“We fucked this house up like the planet We were running riot Crazy that some people still deny it”
Climate change and humanity’s effects on the earth are touched upon in the series. It is mentioned more in the books as Adam takes action to address issues such as deforestation and the dying whales, but it shows up in the TV show too. The aliens even try to give earth a ticket for it.
“Let's pick the truth that we believe in Like a bad religion Tell me all your original sins So many questionable choices We love the sound that our voice makes Man, this echo chamber's getting loud”
This of course brings in the religious elements. Focusing on that context, these lines can relate to the questionable and morally ambiguous areas of the religious structure depicted in the show. Heaven has chosen to believe in “the truth” that violence and killing people are justified if it is part of the path to righteousness. Crowley questions Aziraphale about such choices during the flood scene, horrified that even the children would die. Many of the head angels and demons are so certain of themselves and the correctness of their actions that they seem smug about it. They appear to derive pleasure from hearing themselves speak, especially when it is to chastise others. Heaven and Hell echo each other on the matter of the war, and, no matter who Aziraphale or Crowley speak to, they say the same thing: the war is too be fought, not avoided.
From a Crowley and Aziraphale perspective, they choose for themselves what is right and what is wrong. They (mostly Crowley) question whether the “sins” others have committed are truly wrong and bad enough to warrant the punishments they received. This includes the original sin with the apple and Crowley himself falling just because he asked some questions and hung out with the wrong people. Each inhabits a grey area in their roles as a demon and an angel due to their questionable choices to bend the rules and will of their prospective sides.
In a more general interpretation, these lyrics describe the chaotic state humanity has reached, especially in the years leading up to the apocalypse. This divisive type of mindset can be used by the four horsemen to help spread the plights they represent.
“We'll be the proud remainers Here 'til the morning breaks us”
Crowley, Aziraphale, Anathema, Newton, and the Them (as well as Madame Tracy and Sergeant Shadwell to some extent) are the “proud remainers,” the ones who fight the apocalypse.
“We're gonna rabbit hole down, third act love now”
It is not until the third act, after the climax and resolution of Armageddon, that Crowley and Aziraphale can finally be together since they are finally on their own side. Their love story resolves itself on the bench as they wait for the bus and at the Ritz.
“We'll stay offline so no one gets hurt Hiding from the real world Just don't read the comments ever, ever”
“Think I'm addicted to my phone My scrolling horror show I'm live-streaming the final days of Rome One tab along, it's pornographic Everybody's at it No surprise we're so easily bored”
Technology isn’t mentioned that much in the show, and even less in the original book since it was released almost 30 years earlier. However, I do like all the fan theories and head canons about heaven and hell’s influence in the development of technology, especially Crowley’s role. Perhaps he had a hand in establishing humanity’s current cyber addiction. Maybe he orchestrated the entire thing, maybe he just helped out with a few aspects (developing certain apps, creating specific smart phone/social media features, etc), maybe he had nothing to do with it and just took credit for it, maybe he doesn’t really care about it at all. Either way, technology and social media are a major component of the current state of humanity.
Nocturnal Creatures:
“You put your arms around me Partners in crime in the dead of night”
Partners in crime definitely describes Crowley and Aziraphale, and, by the time the series ends, a gesture of intimacy such as putting their arms around each other doesn’t seem out of the question.
“We've only got ourselves to blame Again and again and again Again and again and again”
Crowley and Aziraphale are the ones to get themselves in trouble whether it is accidentally (Aziraphale in 1941, losing the antichrist) or a conscious choice (working together, trying to advert the war). They are both disobedient and incompetent.
“Let every night play out the same 'Cause I wouldn't, I wouldn't change a thing”
Another set of lyrics that describes how content they are when they are with each other and that they are happy just being together. Besides finally reaching a place where they don’t have to hide anymore, they wouldn’t change a thing.
“We're nocturnal creatures, we own the night And we don't need a reason if we want to lose our minds We're nocturnal creatures, drawn to the flame And the morning doesn't reach us Well, not until we want it to, want it to”
In the end, when Aziraphale and Crowley are a united force, they are unstoppable. This part of the song embodies the new confidence they have, especially after dealing with heaven and hell’s attempts at punishing them. They are reveling in their new found freedom which leads to the clip at the end of the song:
“We received the freedom but we were completely unaware what to do with this freedom It felt like the hungry people received the foods and we just ate everything” 
Unlike in this clip, they know what to do with their freedom. They are going to dine at the Ritz and start their new life together. They have been starved of being allowed to show each other their full level of affection for 6000 year, so if they get carried away and  “eat  everything” (*wink, wink*), who can blame them.
“No moon, no stars above us The orange sky says the night's alive This time with you's elastic We stretch these hours as far as we can make them go”
Holding on to their time together, whether it’s desperately clinging to the moments they share in secrecy during the first 6000 years, or enjoying those first days together when they don’t have to hide and that promise a beginning to hopeful future.
“It's our weekend religion A different chord but the same refrain”
Crowley has always had his own definitions of right and wrong. He asked questions and disapproved of punishing people indiscriminately, especially the children. Even in his role as a demon, he spreads evil differently, favoring free will and creating circumstances where the humans to do the bad things of their volition. Because of his relationship with Crowley, Aziraphale started questioning Heaven too. 
“Tuesday'll be doom day, this got out of hand”
Technically doomsday occurs on Saturday in Good Omens, but this lyric has the same level of immediacy for the end of the world approaching. Things did get out of hand for Crowley and Aziraphale. They thought they might be able to advert the apocalypse if they raised the child to be normal, but, when the hell hound failed to show up, they realized they were in trouble, and things continued to spin out of control from there.
“Here, here, my family (Might be a walking disaster) You are my familiar, you are my familiar (Not much, but all I would ask for) Here, here, my friends and me (Might be a walking disaster) You are my familiar (Not much, but all I would ask for)”
Crowley and Aziraphale are friends, family, each other’s familiar, two halves of the same soul, and more. Being with each other is all they would ask for in the world. That’s why “or I’ll never speak to you again” is the greatest threat for them both. They are also both walking disasters (They spent eleven years trying to stop Armageddon and in the end they only played a minor part in what actually went down).
“Oh, there is nowhere I would rather be Never felt more comfortable, could never want for more when I'm here No, there is nowhere I would rather be, oh-oh Never felt more comfortable, could never want for more when you're near”
Again, they are happiest when they are with each other. They got their ideal ending when heaven and hell left them alone and allowed them to spend the rest of their lives together without having to hide it.
“I don't care if we're talking 'bout the same things I don't care if we're stuck in the familiar I don't care if we're going 'round in circles Again, again, again”
I feel like this describes how comfortable they are with each other that they would be content just talking about whatever and doing the same old things as long as they are with each other.
Another Place:
  *I started this one in another post, but I’m going to do the full explanation here. I’m probably just going to steal some bits directly from that post. (Also for this one to fit I’m using the full romantic interpretation of their relationship).
This song is the epitome of all those feelings Aziraphale has in his internal struggle with and conflicting feelings over loving Crowley and knowing his place as an angel. It also captures the longing they both feel.
“I am bound to you with a tie that we cannot break With a night that we can't replace I'm lost but found with you, in a bed that we'll never make It's a feeling we always chase”
Crowley and Aziraphale have had a connection for 6000 years. They are bound to each other and even if they tried to they could never truly escape that. Both Crowley and Aziraphale are lost: Crowley never meant to fall, all he did was ask questions and now Aziraphale is starting to question heaven too. When they are together, they don’t feel so lost. They have found themselves in each other, yet Crowley is the one who encouraged Aziraphale to become lost in the first place. And they can never truly be together because heaven and hell would never approve. Instead they have small moments of intimacy, chasing those feelings.
“Oh, in another place In another time, what could we have been?”
If they weren’t an angel and a demon, if they weren’t risking everything if they got caught, what could they have been.
“You go too fast for me, Crowley.” Maybe one day they could have a picnic or dine at the Ritz. Maybe one day they could be together if Aziraphale can come to terms with defying heaven and having his existence no longer being strictly defined by his role as an angel. But this is not that time.
“So lie to me tonight and pretend 'til the morning light And imagine that you are mine 'Cause when the sun will rise with the truth coming out your eyes We'll be good in another life”
When the apocalypse is averted and they no longer have a side, that’s when they can indulge those feelings. They are not in the clear yet; the wrath of heaven and hell will still be coming down upon them, but they don’t have to worry about that until the morning. Just for that one night they can pretend that everything is alright and spend the night at Crowley’s place and be together. If they survive tomorrow, they will finally be truly free. That “other life” will finally have arrived. They can dine at the Ritz and will no longer have to hide their love for each other.
“I could write a book about the things that you said to me on the pillow And the way you think, and how you make me feel You can fill my mind and move my body with the fiction, fantasies Just call this what it is, we don't pretend it's real”
The singing and the beat in this part of the song... I can’t quite describe it but it feels so intimate. It sounds like someone who is absolutely intoxicated by their feelings for the other person and being driven crazy by their need to be with them. Aziraphale and Crowley have come to know each other so well, and their connection to each other is stronger than that of any humans; they are bound to each other’s very existence. Therefore, I believe there must have been moments where they were completely overwhelmed by their love for the other, where it feels like all their thoughts and actions are being overtaken by their longing and desire to be with them. The orbit each other and gravitationally pulled together.
“Feels like something's special but it never felt like love Wonder what we could be living in another life Catch us in the mirror and it looks a lot like love Then you stop me talking as you kiss me from above”
Because Aziraphale has so much trouble coming to terms with the fact that he loves Crowley, I doubt he let himself consider for even one second that those feelings might go beyond on just loving Crowley in a fraternal way, but in a romantic way. Crowley too might have stopped short of thinking about showing his affection for Aziraphale in the traditional human ways of kissing and so on. But to many of the viewers, and maybe even the characters in the show, it does look like a romance, especially in that last scene at the Ritz when they are no longer holding back. Cue all the fanart and drabbles/fanfics of them kissing, dating, etc.
Those Nights:
“Those nights when your friends are gone When you're holding on for someone to leave with Those nights when you crave someone To be there at dawn, to wake with, 'cause aren't we all just Looking for a little bit of hope these days? Looking for somebody you can wake up with? Looking for a little bit of hope these days? We are, we are”
As the end of the world approaches, Crowley and Aziraphale both feel lost. They each have permanently cut ties to their respective side, so now all they have is each other. After the book shop burns, there is a stretch where they both believe they don’t even have each other. But they have always had each other. They found that person who would be there with them early on. It just took them awhile to realize/admit it.
When things are at their darkest, each is looking for some hope. Aziraphale goes to his higher ups, hoping they would be willing to advert the war, and, when that doesn’t work, he tries to contact God Herself; however, he receives the same answer there. Crowley too makes a plea to God to not test humanity to its destruction, but he knows that it is pointless. Crowley does, however, hope that Aziraphale will leave the planet with him, and he continues to hold out for that even after Azirphale rejects his offer.
“You'll never get to heaven on a night like this”
“You try to get to heaven on a night like this But you, you never get to heaven on a night like this”
“We'll never get to heaven”
Neither one will ever be forgiven by heaven or hell. They can never go back to what they were. However, by the end, both seem to have already happily accepted that.
“I can feel your eyes in the back of my head Burning, burning, burning Floating through the room as the hairs on my arms are Rising, rising, rising I'm chemically drawn closer to you Eyes wide, eyes wide open Will you be my future or just an escape? Love me, love me, love me”
“Pulling at my t-shirt, your hands everywhere Rising, rising, rising As you trip and fall, dragging me up the stairs What's your, what's your name, now?”
I’ll just leave these lyrics here for you all to picture since this crosses more into the world of fan fiction again.
*This is the other one that I don’t have much for. The song describes a kind of specific moment that doesn’t really fit with the series, but the general idea of that one person who can always bring you joy does describe Crowley and Aziraphale. So again, bear with me. (Maybe this one is more of an epilogue of their life after the series ends).
“I'm your walking disaster, keep on dragging me From self-pity, poor me”
They are both walking disasters, but they are each other’s walking disaster. I’m not sure how much self-pity there is but maybe they help the other one pull themself together (or at least pull themselves from individual walking disasters into a collective walking disaster).
“Thought I'd never be waking on the kitchen floor But here I lie, not the first time Now my morning has broken, and it brings the fear My mind's falling, falling” “Take a walk through the wreckage, clearing out my head”
I feel like this would describe the morning after the world was saved. They survived the worst of it but they still are going to have to face the consequences of opposing heaven and hell.
“Then I feel my pulse quickening But regrets can't change anything”
“Then I feel my pulse quickening But I wouldn't change a thing”
Abandoning Heaven was a hard decision for Aziraphale and it probably took a little time to fully come to terms with (for example he was still thinking about what his side would think about him staying at Crowley’s place after everything was over). Of course he’s glad he made that choice, but maybe he regrets not fully joining Crowley sooner or those times in the past that he chose heaven over Crowley. But then again, everything turned out for the best and they still have their whole future together so he wouldn’t change anything even if he could.
“Oh Joy, when you call me I was giving up, oh, I was giving in Joy, set my mind free I was giving up, oh, I was giving in” “How'd you always know when I'm down?”
I feel like this is their reunion when Crowley realizes Aziraphale isn’t gone. But this could just also be their general dynamic for the rest of their lives together where they are each other’s rock and always know when the other is feeling down and how to cheer to cheer them up.
“I hear your eyes roll right down the phone” - You just know this happens often
“As the night dissolves into this final frame You're a sweet relief, you saved me from my brain”
As the series ends on that final moment of them dining at the Ritz, finally together and happy. They saved each other from a lot of inner turmoil and now they will always have each other.
*If you read all this or even just skimmed it, thank you so much! It means a lot. I did not expect this to take over a year to complete, yet here I am. I know neither the show nor the album is topical any more so some of that initial buzz/excitement/interest has died away. So it means even more to me if you still took the time to read this now!
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 years
Were there any outfits in your mind, creating your character?
TENNANT: Not specifically, no. You know we started with a much more sort of clean cut look because that’s… if there is any description of Crowley, it’s that, it’s that he wore a sort of three piece suit and his hair is slicked back. But that’s very much a Crowley born of the late 80s, 90s, I think, which is when the book came out. And he should be of now. So, we kind of had to slightly expand with that. If you are doing that kind of yuppie, American Psycho thing then, what’s the 2019 equivalent? I think he feels like he’s really cool. So, what does somebody who thinks they’re really cool in 2018 look like? I suppose that was the thought process we went on, yeah.
And which one was your favorite? The costume and part because in episode three you get to do a lot of time travel.
TENNANT: Well, they were all fun… as we said they were all fun to visit. I don’t know how many of them I’d want to have done a whole shoot doing.
SHEEN: Like wearing armor is fun for a couple of hours and then after that it stops being fun very quickly. I loved doing the Shakespearean one. The one at The Globe. Because we were actually in The Globe Theater, so, that was kind of fun and in the Elizabethan costumes…
TENNANT: I enjoyed the 60s look. I thought that suited Crowley with his sort of mop top and his very cool shades. What was great about that was just trying to… always asking each other question of where would these characters be then? What version of then suits them? How would they interpret that moment in time?
SHEEN: Yeah, and that’s what’s sort of satisfying, reading that sequence. Because as a reader, you just go, “Oh, this is great. And what’s the next one going to be like? And what’s the next one going to be like?” And then in the playing of it, hopefully it becomes very satisfying for the audience as well, to go, “Oh, look, he’s got such good hair. Oh, he wears that sort of clothes.”
TENNANT: And the way that they both were. Whereas Crowley would very much lean in to whatever moment in history he was in. Arizaphale was slightly resistant.
SHEEN: Well, I feel like Aziraphale is sort of rolled down the hill of history. (laughs) And things are just stuck to him (laughs).
TENNANT: That’s a nice one.
SHEEN: So, rather than manifesting his look which Crowley does, he’s always of the moment, Aziraphale has just accumulated stuff over time because he likes that. He likes things that have age and so I wanted him to be… ultimately feel like an old favorite sofa. Sort of bit worn and a bit overstuffed, and comfortable. So, you see that happen during the… that whole history period as well. So, whereas David got to have all these incredibly brilliant new looks all the time. I just slowly try to add… keep… Oh, he’s got the waistcoat from the Dickensian period or he’s got that sort of bow tie from that. And just add those things as you go along.
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ineffably-good · 5 years
Changes (1/3)
Read it on AO3
Summary: Crowley and Aziraphale decide they better let their pet snake, Frederick, see them in their true forms before he finds out by surprise.
“Did you know,” Crowley said one day, looking up from his phone as they sprawled on the couch with their legs entwined, “that king snakes are named that because they tend to kill and eat other snakes?”
Aziraphale looked up from his book and wrinkled his nose. “Well that’s unsettling,” he said.
“Also they have the strongest constrictor strength of any snake.” Crowley read from his screen. “Really? Huh. That’s how they do it – they squeeze so hard they can stop the heart of something much bigger than them. Here, look at this video of a king snake just up and eating a snake twice its size.”
He held the screen out so the angel could see it, but Aziraphale frowned in distaste and pushed it away, not liking to think about his friendly little pet that way.
“Why exactly are you sharing this information?” he asked, confused.
Crowley looked thoughtful. “It’s just – I was wondering what would happen if Frederick saw me in my snake form.”
Aziraphale peered at him over the top of his glasses. “Well, he’d hardly be able to eat you.”
“No, I know that. I just wonder if he’d be frightened or if it would be okay.” He thought for a minute. “We should probably introduce him to that side of me at some point, so we don’t scare him half to death if he ever comes across me, you know?”
Aziraphale put his book down. “You might have a point. He’s bound to find you sometime in snake form, with winter coming up and the shop getting colder.” Crowley was inclined to spend more time in snake form in the winter, as it was just easier to conserve body heat when he could curl up in a tight ball near a heat source. He also tended to revert to snake form whenever he was especially confounded, cross, overly tired, or being asked to share his feelings at moments when he didn’t want to. Aziraphale found these reactions, in sequence, endearing, irritating, adorable, and infuriating.
“He hasn’t seen either of us with wings, either,” Crowley pointed out, interrupting the angel’s line of thought. “Could be in for a series of surprises, our young Frederick.”
“All right, I’ll think it over,” Aziraphale said. “We need to proceed carefully but you’re probably right that we need to do something about this soon.”
Read it on AO3 or click below!
Aziraphale began trying to lay the ground work with Frederick. He presented him with a carefully-pulled feather from one of his wings, one day. The snake flickered his tongue and scented it with some interest for a moment, then tried to eat it. He swallowed it down, laid still for a moment, and then vomited it back up with a sound that sound like *hrgk*.
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THAT, Frederick thought grumpily at Aziraphale. The snake glared balefully at him for a moment, then tunneled under his bedding material.
“That could have gone better,” Aziraphale muttered.
They tried again later with one of Crowley’s feathers, a black secondary one he'd saved from a molt. Frederick, now suspicious of feather-shaped objects, scented it from further away and then crawled into his cardboard tube, watching it suspiciously. He’d learned that these things had a mind of their own, even if they smelled comfortingly of his two large pets.
“He’s not getting the idea,” Crowley said. “We’re just going to have to show him.”
The next time, they pulled out the glass vivarium and placed it, with Frederick tucked securely inside, on the middle of the office desk.
Crowley sat at the desk chair next to him and tapped the glass a little to get Frederick’s attention. “Are you ready? You need to watch now,” he said quietly, laying one hand in front of the glass case in a manner he hoped was comforting. “Watch Aziraphale.”
WHAT NOW? Frederick moaned, irritated at yet another interruption to his nap schedule.
He unwillingly lifted his head and pinned both the pointy and the fluffy creature with his disapproving gaze, then prepared to go back to sleep. He had almost succeeded in resettling when suddenly, he picked up on a strange shift in the air of the room, almost like an electric current, and the background of the room behind his large, fluffy friend shimmered briefly as Aziraphale concentrated on manifesting his wings into the physical plane.
With a sudden pop, there they were. Glorious, huge, alabaster wings, held carefully behind him in a nonthreatening stance. Aziraphale watched as Frederick, who was most definitely paying attention now, uncoiled slowly and moved as far away to the other side of the glass container as he could.
“Frederick,” Aziraphale said, moving slowly to come kneel before the container. “It’s still me. I’m an angel, that’s all. Not a bird of prey.”
Frederick hissed quietly and looked unconvinced. What in the blazes is an angel, he thought to himself. His limited experience of the world had contained no mention of this concept.
“Let’s try just hanging about for a bit with your wings out,” Crowley said. “Maybe he’ll get used to it and you can take him out for a closer look.”
Frederick watched the two of them walk into the kitchen area to make tea, and he pondered. He’d always known there was something strange about these two – there had always been a hint of feathers in both of their scent profiles, and he’d never been quite sure why. So, his lovely, kind owner was actually a gigantic bird? Or part bird? Either way, if there was one thing a snake of his size knew it was that he was no match for an avian of that size, and he was not at all sure that he liked this development.
In Frederick’s world, there were two truths: large snakes ate small birds, and large birds ate small snakes. End of story. Period. Finito. And yet, he couldn’t find it quite in himself to be afraid of his owner. He’d always been so kind.  
The dark one came back a while later and reached in to pull him out of his container. Frederick hissed dramatically and made his displeasure known, but ultimately allowed it. He took him over to the table where Aziraphale was sitting and, holding the snake carefully, let him take a good look at the wings and scent them to his heart's content.
Aziraphale concentrated on radiating as much love and peace as he could at the little creature, and soon enough the snake uncoiled a little and accepted a few pets from his owner.
HEY YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON’T LIKE IT. Frederick thought at them both, but as it didn’t seem like Aziraphale was inclined to eat him, he supposed he could get used to it.
He was, they all noted, much happier when Aziraphale put his wings away.
“Better not let him see you in your true form any time soon,” Crowley murmured that night. “Four wings and all those eyes? You’ll give the poor little guy nightmares.”
“Indeed,” Aziraphale agreed. “That can probably be avoided, for the most part.”
Frederick the snake was having a very nice autumn, thank you very much. Things had been very calm for the last few months since he’d pulled his disappearing act and startled the two supposed grownups into slightly better behavior, and to their credit they’d been much less prone to idiocy lately. Frederick had watched approvingly from his perch nearby as they exchanged rings and acted ridiculously sappy about the whole thing. He didn't understand what the fuss about a couple lumps of metal was all about, but in general he thought anything that made the two of them less likely to bicker was worth encouraging. And when they were feeling sappy, they tended to extend that pleasantness to Frederick through a surfeit of treats and long naps in the sun.
All in all, it had worked out rather well.
After Aziraphale’s reveal, Frederick noted that his fuzzy owner was taking care to spend a bit more time with him, which was nice. Aziraphale had always been the warmest body in the house, and although he loved his heating pad, nothing really beat curling up with the fuzzy one for keeping a snake loose and happy. He basked in the attention and tried not to think any further about his pet’s dual nature. Some things were best ignored.
It was, he thought, the most sensible approach.
A few days later, they decided it was Crowley’s turn to reveal his wings. Aziraphale sat on the couch with Frederick curled up in his lap, stroking the snake gently while he mostly napped. “Frederick, wake up pay attention now,” Aziraphale said, booping him gently on the nose to wake him up. "Crowley needs to show you something."
OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE, WHAT DO YOU TWO WANT THIS TIME? Frederick thought at them. Frederick had for several months now been listening closely to the pointy one and was picking up on quite a wide variety of curse words, which he practiced assiduously at night while his companions slept. He was rather proud of how well he was doing with them.
Crowley got a strange look on his face for just a second. "Did you hear something?" he asked Aziraphale.
"No," the angel said, looking at him levelly. "You all right, there?"
Crowley nodded his assent and got back to the task at hand. He frowned in concentration, while the angel made sure Frederick was watching.
There was a whoomp sound of displaced air and, suddenly, the pointy one was unfolding large, black wings behind him.
Crows, he thought with the inborn knowledge of all snake-kind, were nothing any intelligent snake tried to eat. They were smart and ruthless fighters, loyal in a way that caused their loved ones to band together to help them if they were under attack, and lived to cause trouble. They cackled with their own twisted sense of humor that no one else could really understand, and they were messy and annoying.  
That seemed about right, he thought, for what he knew of the pointy one.
Also, luckily, they tended not to hunt snakes.
Frederick eyed Crowley with a sense of grudging respect, and nodded his head a little in acceptance. Better a crow, who, yes, was crazy but was predictable crazy, then a big giant seagull. No one could tell what a seagull might do next.
“He’s doing good, I think,” Crowley said. “Let’s show him the rest.”
“Okay, Frederick,” Aziraphale said, “there’s more. Crowley can change into something else, too.”
Frederick sighed dramatically, but looked up, interested in spite of himself. He watched, transfixed, as the big, feathered, Crowley-adjacent thing in front of him slowly morphed and dropped to the floor and became the absolutely biggest  snake he had ever seen in his life.
Frederick’s entire brain short circuited and he did what any sensible snake would do faced with such an enormous threat – he went limp and played dead.
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