#this will forever be both the funniest and sweetest thing
thebluemoonjune · 1 month
The Sounds Of A Black Dahlia- Prologue
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8 years after marrying into a rich but cruel and messed-up family, Michonne, a loving mother and dutiful wife, finds herself in the middle of a brewing storm that may take everything she cares for, all while an unexpected member of the family returns, wanting to cause even more chaos and uproot her already troublesome life. AU Richonne centred. The first chapter is the prologue.
Today was the day—the day that her life would undoubtedly change forever. She ground her teeth in anxious worry, rocking back and forth or side to side as her fingers sought out anything she could hold onto. She looked regal as he stared at herself in the mirror, heart stumbling over its own rhythm. She couldn’t take it anymore. She got up, deciding it was best to work off her anxiety by pacing the room.
Girl, relax! Your heart is beating so fast, it’ll burst!
“Michonne! Calm down! You're getting yourself all worked up over nothing.”
“Me getting married is nothing, Sasha?”
“You told me months ago you loved this man. Your families may have pushed for this, but you told me it was okay because you fell in love with him. So why so nervous.”
“I just turned twenty… What the hell do I know about being a wife? What if I’m not ready? What if I mess up? My brother always says I’m childish. What if he thinks that? He’s six years older than me, after all. What if he changes his mind?” Michonne covered her face as her mind ran a marathon and Maggie snatched them from her.
“Stop it! You’ll mess up your makeup! I am not gonna let my best friend get married looking a damn hot mess! Get your shit together! As Sasha said, you said you loved him; this is something both your families want. It’s good you got feelings for him because you’d still have to marry him if your folks get their way. And could you, being a hopeless romantic, imagine a loveless marriage? You get to marry your first love; your first time will be with your husband; damn, he was your first kiss! He is also from one of the wealthiest families in the country and the world. You are living a fairy tale and you deserve it because you are the sweetest person I know!”
“I what if he’s having second thoughts? I’d be so embarrassed!” Sasha rolled her eyes, and going to her side.
“You told us he is the kindest, amazing, sweetest, funniest, protective, charming, understanding, most patient guy you had ever met. That’s not me exaggerating!” The three giggled as they tried to contain their emotions. “Those are your words. Honestly, Maggie and I were worried. You don’t have any experience, and it was clear your family was pushing this, but to hear how you spoke about him, it gave me relief.”
“It gave us relief.”
“Really! Do you wanna marry him? Believe it or not, he is not who matters here. Chonnie, you are so young and you may love him, but that’s not all it takes. You gotta be sure about these things.”
“Let her answer. Let her think about it. This is a goddamn life-changing decision, and she’s never even had sex. His dick could be small for all we know and she just goes in. We gotta know that she loves him regardless. That this, is what she wants, not her parents’ eagerness confusing her. I don’t want her to make a mistake either way.”
“Okay! Okay, I see your point—”
“I love him. I want to marry him… I do!”
“Are you sure? Think about it!”
“I’m sure, Maggie.”
“Well, you heard our girl!”
“I’m getting married!” Their mouths pulled into a silent O, increasingly as they processed the news. They soon began screaming in excitement.
The three of them held hands. Now that her friends had calmed her down, she smiled so widely, her eyes nearly pinched shut. At the same time, a knock came, and her brother Michael peeked his head in the door.
“You know, Mike, when one knocks, they usually wait for a response.” Michonne threw daggers at him and he rolled his eyes, letting himself in.
“Shut up. I see you guys worked your magic, She actually looks like a person—an adult, even. She ready?”
“She just needs her veil, but emotionally, she’s ready.” Sasha tucked it in Michonne’s hair, letting it fall over her face and she eyed Mike up and down.
“Alright, you guys, go let the others know so we can get this show on the road. My dad will come for her at the walkway.”
“Okay!” The two sent kisses and left.
“You look beautiful.” His eyes softened as he held her cheek. “Are you sure you're ready? I’ll talk to Mom and Dad. You don’t—”
“I’m ready. I promise.”
“Okay, I’m heading back. Meet us at the walkway in ten minutes.”
Michonne approached the mirror, lifted her veil, and observed herself. Her hands were balled into fists, covering her smile, big eyes gleaming over her knuckles. Her heart was still beating, but she was content as she admired her long-sleeved, ivory-stone, lace, round-neck wedding gown. Though modest, displaying no cleavage and merely her neckline, and rather traditional, it was a stunning gown. She realised why her mother chose it. They couldn't allow the media any room for criticism since they married into a white, rich family. She had to be flawless. She considered spinning around to check behind her, but decided against it since her long veil might tangle. It was time for her to leave. She shouldn’t dilly-dally any longer. She hiked up her dress and walked out the door, only to be graced by an unexpected soul leaning on the wall in a brown suit, puffing on a cigarette.
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What is he doing here?
“Rick?” Surprised, she couldn’t help calling out his name. He cast his gaze in her direction, allowing their eyes to meet.
“Oh… Hey. Everyone’s waiting for you. Your bridesmaids are already in position.”
“I know; thank you for the information.”
She always wanted to say as little to him as possible. He always made her uncomfortable, like she was an outsider he would never see as anything else. So polite, it came off cold. His eyes were never still, and he only glimpsed at her in passing. Today, however, he seemed more laid back.
I didn’t even know he smoked.
“Congrats, by the way.”
“For what?
“I heard your girlfriend Lori had a baby boy.” He smiled, clearly thinking about his newborn.
“Yeah… His name is Carl.”
“Given that I’ll be his new aunt, I’ll have to get him a good gift.”
She let out an innocent smile in his direction. Rick’s eyes narrow, studying her from head to toe, causing her scepticism to be reflected by a single lifted brow. He chuckled at her reaction. Keeping his blue eyes on her, he put out his cigarette, outing it on the wall, walking right up to her and invading her space.
“Why are you doing this?”
“What?” Her brows formed a deep, perplexed wrinkle as she examined his face for answers she couldn’t find.
“You don’t have to do this, you know? Are you so afraid of Mommy and Daddy that you’d get married without so much of a peep?”
“You ain’t one of us. You’re never gonna be one of us… It doesn’t matter who you marry or what last name you got; you don’t got our blood. You ain’t like us and you’re never gonna be like us. You can run right now. I’ll cover for you. It’ll be a little embarrassing for my brother, but he’ll thank both of us when things calm down… Trust me, this is for the best.” She blinked hurriedly, her pupils dilating as she struggled to make sense of the contradicting information.
“What is your problem with me?”
“I don’t have a problem with you; this is just advice.”
“Yes, you do! You treat me like I’m beneath you, like an afterthought.”
“Am I supposed to be friendly with you? We’re not friends; this marriage is all business too. You okay with rushing into a marriage that neither of you want?”
“What do you know! I am getting married, whether you like it or not. You don’t have the blood or the name either! Everybody knows that! So how can you stand there and insult me? I haven’t done anything to you. When I sign that marriage certificate, I’ll have the name since it’s so important to you! My children will have the blood too; that’s more than you. You are a Grimes. You aren’t one of them either…” His vast blue eyes widened in dismay before becoming dark and serious with acceptance.
“You’re right… I’m not.” His lips pulled down in a comical frown. “I—”
His expression caught her off guard. Nausea churned her stomach the more she looked at him and the more ashamed she felt. He was about to say something but the sharp voice of her father came from behind, stopping them in their tracks.
“Michonne, your late!”
Michonne hurriedly snatched up her dress with all its weight and dashed to her father’s side, who assisted with the train. She took a couple of steps forward and twisted her neck to catch a glimpse of Rick. He was leaning against the wall, a new cigarette in his lips, and looking aimlessly at the floor. She could not focus on him right now. She was set to get married. She pushed those strange thoughts to the back of her mind and concentrated on what lay ahead. Her father tucked her hand under his arm as they approached the chapel.
“You have to remember to do your wifely duties. You listen to your husband and honour his parents. Always remember your place. After today, you are a Walsh. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy…” She understood exactly what he meant. From today on, she was not their concern and she shouldn’t make mistakes that would reflect badly on them, regardless of whether she lived well or not. Her typically bright visage had darkened and become withdrawn.
“Good.” He tapped her hand repeatedly in acceptance, and his lips curled into a sneer.
They finally entered, and seeing her soon-to-be husband, all those bad thoughts faded away. He gazed at her with a light smile on his face. She had a maid of honour, Sasha, who clarified that the position was hers and Maggie was her bridesmaid; she had no others, not even her sister. Shane’s party also had two people, including his brother Monty, who served as his best man. He originally hoped for Rick, but he rejected it for unknown reasons. It didn't matter; everything was marvellous. Going down the aisle brought everything into perspective for her. Even with Sasha and Maggie’s assistance, she could feel the train of her gown and veil trailing behind her. They made it after what felt like a long journey. Her father handed her away, and her fiancé placed her hand in his. The chaplain delivered his sermon, and she was in a daze until they exchanged vows and said, ‘I do’ to cap it all off. The couple signed their papers in front of the media. 
“Alright, I need the married couple. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh, I need a picture of you cutting the cake, then we’ll go to the gardens.”
They followed the photographer’s wishes. They fed each other cake and Michonne grinned ear to ear the entire time. She didn’t know why she was so nervous in the first place. During it all, her newlywed husband was quiet during all of it, He was never much of a talker so she paid it no mind. He held her lower back and lifted her dress as he guided her to the garden. They took various photos. There was one particular one that stood out. She was standing next to him under a large, royal white-flowering redbud tree. Its sweet pea scent filled the air with a gentle, lovely fragrance. Michonne closed her eyes and inhaled the soothing scent that brushed across her nose. They were supposed to look ahead but it didn’t work out that way. Next to her husband, a baby duck had fallen behind, drawing his attention from the shoot and causing her to gaze at him. The photographer was going to delete it and try again but Michonne went to see it as she had done with all the others. His eyes looked sad, staring at the baby duck, which made her giggle. She was staring at him, basket in concern, with an outstretched hand
So sensitive! But it’s adorable. I want it.
“I like it; let’s keep it!” She called him over to show him. “Cute, right?”
“You don’t gotta keep it… We can take better ones.” She shook her head in protest.
“Nope, I’m keeping it. We can show our children how sensitive their daddy is.” She let out a sweet laugh. “Are you embarrassed? Is that why you don’t want to?” He looked at his feet for a moment before returning eye contact with her with a soft smile.
“If it makes you happy, we’ll keep it.” Her eyes were alight with joy as she giggled uncontrollably.
“I love you, Shane.” He took her hand, placing a gentle kiss on her fingers. “When we’re done, we can go to the pond and feed the ducks.”
“Redbud trees look nice.” She reached out to him, straightening his tux.
“There is a longstanding myth that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from a tree of this species... And yet, since the leaves are heart-shaped, it makes for a beautiful symbolic display of love that everyone has come to associate them with… Funny, isn’t it?”
“Is grunting all you’re going to do, my dear husband?”
“Well, then, talk with me. What do you like and what do you hate? Did you enjoy the cake?”
“I enjoyed the cake... Today is your day; it ain’t about me.” His eyes dropped again. “It’s our day—it’s our wedding. Shane, it’s about the both of us; don’t forget that.”
“It’s time for the family portrait.” 
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Both sets of relatives gathered in the sea of royal white-flowering redbud trees. Sasha and Maggie fixed her gown, and the photographer positioned everyone right away. In the mids of things, Michonne caught that some people weren't present. She scanned the surrounding area and noticed Rick standing by the side, under a tree, with his girlfriend, Lori, as she held their baby boy.
“What’s wrong?”
“Rick isn’t here. He’s your brother; he should be here. Same as Carl and Lori.” Shane came to a realisation when he heard his wife’s words. His little brother wasn’t there. Following Michonne’s line of sight. He caught him in his view and waived him over.
“Rick! Come on, man! Don’t keep us waiting!” Rick stood there, unwilling to move. It was Lori who forced him over. “Alright! Now that lover-boy is here, let’s do this.” Shane slapped his brother on the back.
Since the reception was held in the gardens as well, they evacuated the media so Michonne could finally relax and not worry about how she looked to others. Everyone was having a merry old time. Sasha was harassing her brother Mike and Maggie was down drinking. Shane had gone with his father and brother, talking to business associates. She was sitting at the table alone when her mother-in-law Eleanor, sat next to her.
“Not taking part in the festivities?”
“I’m okay.”
“Mhmm. You know, Michonne, I like you.”
“I see a lot of myself in you.” Eleanor reached out and played with Michonne’s diamond earring. “You’re a sweet, young girl, yes, even naive. No doubt your parents had you under lock and key. I’d say that you’d be eaten up and swallowed whole, but I see this spark in you—this resilience, this loyalty… You’ll be a good wife for my son. He doesn’t need some floozie who thinks a baby is gonna make all her dreams come true. You’re a good, smart girl who will learn and survive. It’s why my cunt of a husband and I chose you. My son needs someone like you by his side.”
“I don’t—I don’t think I understand…” She admitted, her voice carrying the resignation of someone who had yet to find answers. Eleanor withdrew her hand from the clueless girl.
“Of course not, dear, but you will, given time. A word of advice, keep your thoughts to yourself; do not care what anyone else has to say and you’ll be just fine. I know a diamond when I see it… I’ve enjoyed this talk.”
Eleanor got up, leaving Michonne spluttering incoherent sounds, as if her thoughts were too tangled to express. Eleanor was always sweet to her. She didn’t quite understand much of their cryptic discussion nor did her mother-in-law wish to explain it. Michonne didn’t know just how valuable those words would come to mean or their weight. She was in thought until her husband came to fetch her.
“Are you ready?
8 years, 9 months later
They stood over what seemed to be a lifeless corpse, Michonne’s white heels stained with fresh blood. Time slows as the gravity of the situation weighs it down. She grabbed her chest, her fingers quivering, as if attempting to keep her pounding heart from escaping. Then she put her quivering tips against her temples, attempting to calm the frenetic ideas racing through her skull, each one a teasing reminder of her rising terror. Their breath came in jagged, uneven gasps, as if their lungs strained to suck in oxygen within the crushing grasp of dread, each inhaling a war against their own panic as their eyes met. They were fucked.
Now that the prologue is complete, the key points to properly understanding this story are colour, styling, clothing, relationships, and references to sayings and myth. The colours will tell you a lot or lead you astray. I put both negative and positive for a reason. Sometimes one will apply, and sometimes both will apply. I was listening to the succession theme the whole time I was writing Chapter One while listening to Jon and Daenerys love theme/suite, plus it was also an element mix of the Og Dynasty and Bold and the Beautiful. Og characters will be in this as main players, along with Richonne, Carl, Shane, Andrea, Magna, Maggie, Sasha, Beth, Daryl, Negan, Phillip, and Jessie. I don’t know if I missed someone; I probably did. So I have a little chart that will be updated as the story goes on. It is not a necessity but to keep track as the story goes on...if it goes on. you can skip everything below!
Family Chart
Original Branch
Ronan Lucius Walsh II
Ronan Lucius Walsh III (66), Patrick Friedrich Walsh (42), Cillian Artorius Walsh (63),  John (61) Castus Walsh, Joseph Caesar Walsh (58)
Branch 1.1
    John Castus Walsh (61), Eleanor Olivier Grimes-Walsh (55),
Shane Johnathan Walsh (34), Shawn Montgomery Walsh (32),  Kendall Oliva Walsh {K} (28)
Branch 1.2
John Castus Walsh (61),  Andrea Holden (36)
Alexander Malcolm Walsh (18), Andrew John Walsh (11)
Branch 2.1
Shane Johnathan Walsh (34), Michonne Marie Walsh {Chonne} (28)
Andre John Anthony Walsh{AJ} (6), Maliyah Olivier Marie Walsh {Lia} (3)
Branch 2.2
Shawn Montgomery Walsh {Monty} (32), Magna Anders (27)
Eleanor Olivier Walsh-Grimes , James Augustus Remus??
Richard Daniel Grimes {Rick} (30), Lori Wayne (30)
Carl Arthur Grimes (8)
Michael Mace Hawthorne (59), Michelle Marie Hawthorne (55)
Michael Micah Hawthorne {Mike}(33), Macie Maya Hawthorne (31), Michonne Marie Walsh (28)
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shirefantasies · 23 days
do you have a fave member of the company and of the fellowship? if so, who and why?
Oh ho ho! Well I’m glad it isn’t too overly obvious 😉 as far as the fellowship goes I’m a big Pippin girlie! From the company I love Ori so much, such a sweetheart and I love non traditional masculine characters every single time! And innocent cinnamon rolls are my kryptonite. I just love him! Bofur, he’s just so adorable and heartwarming and goofy and ahhh! Plus his early exchange with Bilbo is so iconic. “Think furnace with wings.” To quote what my personal blog @spacemanxpaninis has on its page about all my favorite characters:
On Pippin-
“My childhood fictional character crush! …that kinda carried into adulthood… I’m a sucker for humor and adorable innocent dorks, plus Pippin is extremely neurodivergent-coded and it does my clumsy screw-up heart good to see a clumsy screw-up type character. But you know what? Pippin is a hero. He overcomes so much and matures a lot and he’s not perfect, but that’s part of why I love his character. He’s different from all the other unique figures and has a heart of gold, but doesn’t always know how to use it. He wants to help and it breaks his heart that people around Pippin think otherwise and that in turn breaks MY heart. He’s just the cutest, sweetest man and I want to make him happy forever. Plus PLEASE that scene at Sam’s wedding I WILL maintain that is the funniest thing that happens in those movies darnit he is HILARIOUS. That and mission…quest…thing. Iconic. Who is doing it like him.”
On Sweet Ori-
“It kinda kills me how little screen time we got of each dwarf from The Hobbit because of sheer numbers and how much screen time they wanted to give to bigger names mostly the line of Durin. Because here we have dear sweet Ori, canonically in the movies the youngest company member and one of the most polite, this young scribe finding his courage alongside his big brother on a quest to reclaim a homeland he’s never even been to. Yes, more patterns, another cinnamon roll. I never said I had no blorbo type ok? I just adore Ori’s innocence but also the way he balances having traditional dwarf interests with other things like his art, writing, knitting, and such. He doesn’t entirely conform to his people’s standards, but seemingly isn’t too outcast for that either and I find that to be a high word of the dwarrow. Ori is just a little sunshine character for me that always makes me happy :) I wish others appreciated him more too!”
On Bofur:
I mean come on, everyone loves Bofur right??? If not THEY SHOULD! Like, his whole thing is being lovable come on. One of the most unique designs among the dwarves, Bofur looks far different from the stereotype and that’s a wonderful element of ‘not all of any given people look the same’ plus it makes him stand out even more. Bofur is such a comfort character- you know he gives the warmest hugs EVER and he holds you for as long as he can. Bonus points for being one of the first to really welcome Bilbo because he’s just that kind and accepting of a person, someone who would take a lot to really dislike somebody. Beyond being kind he’s also a great listener AND a great party companion, the epitome of ‘get you a man who can do both’ as equal gusto goes into dancing and singing and being with the people he loves and being there for them too. I just know he would be the best dad too ugh.
Lomls fr thanks for letting me rant and plug my personal blog anon 😉🥰
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eggsploded · 11 months
fausto for the ask thing...... the girl herself
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butterflaust :)
first impression: you really get the feeling that she fucking hates you. shes rly funny cuz shes the tutorial character but doesnt leave after the prologue. shes here forever, judging dante. i feel in the beginning i skimmed over all the nuance in her dialogue assuming its just wordy for the sake of wordiness.
current impression: faust is soooo... faust. upon replaying the prologue shes way less cold than i first thought, her little c: smile when talking about mephis was saur cute. in fact shes not really cold at all to me, simply operating in a faustly way. you can contextualize what she does as a way to keep herself occupied. not really for some deeper lore sense (because ionno what her deal is) but a bitch needs some stimuli. i think if she was made to do arts and crafts with no larger purpose outside of fun she would explode into blood and gore. it also makes her friendship with yi sang really funny because i wonder if she cares to understand his artsy spech past it being a little clever wordplay. if he made her a drawing she wouldnt know how to compliment it outside of a technical sense. her flavor of arrogance is also so funny to me because its so stupid? like when rodya complimented her and she puffed up and went faust Is cool. the speaking in 3rd person too is funny, knowing she isnt LARPing like don and is very much just Like That. theres alot about herself she either doesnt notice or simply does not want to examine deeply like her mild competitiveness or tendency to manipulate people if it means theyll be less annoying to her. simply the faust of all time
favorite moment: i think the sweetest and funniest thing was realizing her spiel about yi sang not being a genius Unlike Her and believing in more philosophical things unlike her Sensible and Tactile self was an attempt at a COMPLIMENT. i thought she was ripping him to shreds but no she was actually hyping him up a bit in the most clinical way possible
story idea: you know earlier when i said making faust attempt creative expression would cause her to explode into bits? well i want to see it anyway. im forcing her at the kindergarten table of that nasty smelling homemade playdoh and telling her to make a new animal. sinclair made a bear with with wings called a beear. very nice young man.
fav relationships: im enjoying the fandom divide with faust shipping where she is either getting bitches left and right and not giving a fuck to maintain them (because it comes out weird when she tries) or not even being aware of when shes down bad and having the primal part of her brain that tells her to bite and roll around hijack her motherboard. shes being corroded by an insidious EGO called... horny, different to lust, which is Krausts jam. i already wrote a little bit about fausang and i think fausts inability to know how to enjoy things makes them a very sweet duo. in her mind the guy doesnt come a lick close to her own brilliance, but something about how he closes his eyes in understanding speaks more words than compliments do. not to say that faust doesnt like being hyped up. because she does, like all the time. if they were walking she wouldve tripped when rodya called her babe. her greatest flaw is pretending shes above anything, if there was a chance to maul ryoshu she would without pausing. probably so turned on she cant see anything. ishmael too. also outis. hey, whats going on here? my sources tell me due to her ongoing opposites to yi sang she is incapable of a domestic lame marriage the way he is. ishmael is the yuri messiah, but faust is the yuri menace. you know what they are both capable of though? following rodya around enamored because that was the first pet name theyve ever been called and it felt Funny.
fav headcanon: in the newest credits cg for canto 4 i think shes telling vergil she has a tummyache
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wellgoslowly · 8 months
wishing allie the literal happiest birthday ever ever ever!!!!
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happy happy 22nd birthday to one of my best friends literally ever, @oblivious-idiot !!!! oh my god how I love and cherish you. I am so so happy that we met- i think we initially started talking during the period of time where we were trying to decode possible renewal news before the cancellation, and I'm so so glad that we started talking.
not a day goes by where i am not insanely grateful for you. you are one of the kindest, sweetest, funniest, and most genuine people i have ever met. you have helped me through some insanely tough times, and I genuinely can't remember what my life was like without you.
you and i understand each other in ways I cannot possibly try to explain. As a person with AuDHD, I've kinda taught myself to dim/dull my passion and excitement for things to make other people happy or more comfortable, but you are one of the few people that I have never felt like I needed to do that with. I can be as excited and as unhinged as I want and you literally always understand. I know i say "you get it" a lot and its kind of our thing to say that back and forth but i truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. You understand me in ways I've never been understood before and its such a beautiful feeling to be known by you.
every time i think about it i feel like it's absolutely insane that we haven't even known each other for a year. like??? you're such a fixture in my life its insane to think that we only met early this year.
to anyone who does not have the pleasure of knowing allie, please PLEASE try. to know allie is to love her, and I'm so proud to be able to say that I both know and love allie.
happiest of birthdays to the george to my lucy. i love you forever and ever <3 wishing you nothing but light and love for your next trip around the sun :)
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(this is literally us by the way in case you didn't know)
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catsofemma · 4 months
i recently rebinged g3 and i have some notes
• i absolutely adore paisley and autumn. i feel like it’s really hard to pick a “best girl” or even “best character” when it comes to this generation. they’re all amazing and wonderful in their own ways. but if i had to pick the characters that i feel were the most influential, it would be those two. they make me feel so joyous and happy when on screen. i love paisley’s friendship with olly… i love autumn’s passion for animals… they’re both just so cute and so sweet and perfect
• liann and nova are totally girlfriends. my friends and i were in the car discussing the new playset (of the chocolates, flowers, etc. from nova to liann) and how specific it is. like they have to be dating! dating! I WOULDNT DO ALL THAT JUST FOR A FRIEND! i know it’s a show about friendship but cmon! why didn’t nova do that for anyone else? oh, i don’t know… BECAUSE LIANNOVA IS 👏🏻 CANON 👏🏻
• leo is by far my favourite boy. he’s the perfect combination of silly, creative, anxious, and boyish. i just adore him and his goofy watermelon shirt whenever he is on screen
• brad is the funniest character for sure. it’s never a dull episode if brad is getting some screentime. he totally reminds me of those class clown kids at school who did a bunch of childish, random, “funny” things just to get attention from the teachers and classmates. like bro doesn’t need to be doing all of that. i love him for it, though
• aliya and autumn have the cutest friendship for sure. they level each other out pretty well and that’s always something i always look for in my ships and pairings. i of course love autumn with nova, i love aliya with liann. i love most pairings. but those two were my og ship from g3 just just just being announced and they still live on as a top favourite ship of mine. they’re so perfect together
• paisley’s backstory literally tears me apart. her and olly being friends is so cute. one of my most favourite moments between them (and the entire show, to be exact) is when they were both filled with tears of joy and olly asked to give paisley a hug. that is the purest most sweetest most kind hearted thing and they are so adorable. olly is always there to lift paisley up and help her through her troubles. she’s always there to support him and be kind to him. getting her to sing her mother’s song and getting her to perform were two very big things paisley never would’ve done on her own. i think if any of the other friends were to try to help her with that, she wouldn’t have gone through with it. but her friendship with olly is so sweet and i hope they stay best friends forever
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chanstopher · 1 year
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Dear friends, just a note to say... dress warmly, eat well, stay safe and sound, keep smiling, I’m always there for you. 
2022 was a really great year for me on here, I’ve made more friends than i ever could have expected, and had so many wonderful interactions with people in my askbox and beyond. Stray kids have brought me so much joy, only amplified by the kindness I have received from all of you. I am so grateful for all you have given me, especially the love and support you have shared. I feel so privileged to be a part of such a kind, safe, space. I love creating for stray kids, and especially for chris, it brings me so much peace and joy in my life and I’m thankful to everyone here for giving me the opportunity to be absolutely insane over him.
@lonelystreetlight the loml (behind chris and jeongin and minho and jisung and cha- you know where you stand) my bestest friend my otp to age our friendship 😌 i love you and i miss you so much you’ve helped me more than anyone could ever understand and i’m forever trying to draw enough jisungs to repay that 🍕
@brianbangs amazing how we proved science wrong by being actual twins while never having met 🤔 truly immaculate of us. thank you for being the most unhinged person in the world with me about that one guy we’re both disgusted by. and for being the sunshine and rainbows to my lil storm cloud of a being. i know our friendship is still so young (how have we not known each other for decades?) it’s so important and special to me. i love you very much the ashley to my mary kate 
@quokki oh my wife i love you so much. you are so talented and fun and amazing. i love getting to watch your art style evolve into the super cool style it’s become. i get to look at that immaculate chris every day and be so floored that you made it just for me 🥺 thank you for being my friend, it really means the world to me
@nevoono god you are so special to me nev, i am so happy you live in safe my little phone making the cutest and funniest art in the world. and that you’re constantly giving me these perfect icons and thinking of me 🥹 i love you so so much you’re the sweetest person ever i’m so happy you’ll always be my first stayblr friend 🖤
@decembermoonskz oh izzy my angel i love you so much, you’ve truly made my entire stayblr experience a million times better, i love talking to you and hearing about how you’re doing and i’m always here keeping you in my thoughts and hoping the world is treating you like the ball of sunshine you are to me and everyone lucky enough to know you
@ the stayblr discord there are a million of you i cannot be bothered to try and tag everyone, but thank you for all the amazing love and support this year, literally could not have gotten through it without you. i love you and i promise i’ll try to be more active 😔
@ my anons my sweet little garden of anons that come to visit me i appreciate you so much, i feel so lucky to have each one of you coming to spend time with me, to share things with me! you’re all so very special to me 
and last but not least to all my mutuals and followers, you mean the world to me, i would be nothing without all the support i get in the tags you give me. there are so many ppl on here that i’m too shy to talk to but i adore i wish i could befriend each one of you like you deserve. thank you for being here and loving chris and skz with me 🥹🖤🤍
ps if you get the reference from the beginning im kissing you on the forehead hehe
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untilthenextencore · 9 months
"Nights To Remember Ch. 5: You Belong To Me~..."
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Jimmy & Dahlia made their exit from the Chuco sometime after that. The smallest thing triggered it. The funniest thing. A song by the Duprees. And a shared look after one last dance.
"See the pyramids along the Nile…
Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle…
Just remember, darling, all the while…
You belong to me…"
The look they shared was laden with understanding. A flicker of a shared shy, sheepish smile. A soft laugh at how fitting the song was then.
They both knew it was time. It was in their nerves. In their blood. A little flicker in their eyes.
Jimmy laced his fingers through hers, hand swallowing hers as he gazed down at her. "Shall we?"
Dahlia nodded simply. "Let's go."
Jimmy slipped out of his jacket, draping it around her shoulders before leading her back out into the now much cooler night. He nodded & smiled in greeting, tossing a few waves to some cheering fans before they were both tucked safely back into the quiet private depths of the backseat of the town car he arrived in.
"Darling, you really shouldn't have run off like that. You really did give me quite a fright. Though I'm glad you left word for me with Peter." He tutted, patting her hand.
"Of course, baby." She reached up to cup his face tenderly & thumbed the swell of his cheek. "Like you already said I didn't want to worry you. I got bored back there but saw you were still having fun. I knew Peter would get the word to you in where I had gone. If you didn't already know or guess. I just got homesick I guess. Missed things. Missed the place. The fun. You know. The old days I guess."
The old days.
Memories danced in Jimmy's mind. Of more dances here. More dances at the Chuco. Inside under the tinted light. Outside on the patio. Under the streetlight. Under the stars. Under the moon.
From the first time she took him there in his Yardbirds days to then. Through all lengths of his hair. Through all lengths of his beard. Both before & after his beard. Pinstriped trousers, jeans, velvet bellbottoms. Silk blouses, lace trim, simple cotton. No matter what he wore he was always welcome. She was always welcome. They were always welcome.
It wasn't hard to see why she loved it.
Why she missed it.
Why she escaped.
The other party was the complete opposite.
Though she stuck out in both like a sore thumb - albeit a stunningly beautiful one - it was clear, she fit this one like a glove.
"I'm sorry if I worried you at all, Jimmy. I thought maybe if I went along with Robert when he offered you'd have less to worry about."
Jimmy stifled a laugh. Stifled a grin. Barely. After all these years. Even after that night. She still had no idea. He was glad in a way. It meant Robert hadn't tried anything. It also meant that certainly Magnet hadn't either. It meant she was still safe. Still his. Still secure.
"Forgive me?"
And thus, so was he.
Cupping her face in his large hands, Jimmy cooed in a dragon's curl of smoke from the cigarette he had just finished. "There's nothing to forgive, my dear. Nothing. As long as you're safe."
Dahlia beamed at him, placing her hands over his cupping her cheeks, starry-eyed as ever. "I had a wonderful time tonight, darling. Hope you did too. Despite the slight fright I gave you."
His smile grew before his lips pressed to her forehead once more. "My dearest. My sweetest. My loveliest. My only. My girl. My lady. My Dahlia."
His heart swelled in his chest at what he saw flickering in her gaze. The light. The devotion. The purity. Purity of gaze. Of heart. Of love. Of feeling. Of emotion. Pure, raw emotion.
All of this led him to make one simple promise. "The night's not over yet, my girl. My lady. It is but still young for us."
"I bless the day I found you…
I wanna stay around you…
Now and forever, let it be me…"
Jimmy's smile brightened at the sound of the Everlys crooning over the radio. "Remember this song, my darling?"
"Don't take this heaven from one…
If you must cling to someone…
Now and forever, let it be me…"
Dahlia's smile quirked in the same way. Instantly, she read his mind. "Palomino, 1969."
They shared a private giggle. A favorite date of theirs. A favorite memory of theirs. Jimmy taking Dahlia to see the Everly Brothers at the Palomino in 1969. Holding hands. Holding her close. Sneaking squeezes of her hand. Sneaking little clinches. Sneaking kisses. As they did before.
"Each time we meet, love…
I find complete love…
Without your sweet love…
What would life be?..."
As they did then.
Jimmy leant in & nuzzled Dahlia. Nuzzled his wife. She nuzzled back. A low growl sounded in his throat. A purr in hers. A chuckle followed from him. A giggle from her.
The partition rose between them & the front seat. Jimmy's arms came around Dahlia's back, hands caressing the skin left bare by her low backed dress. Dahlia shivered & purred again, reclining back as Jimmy leant her back into the seat. Her arms circled his shoulders as their nuzzling intensified & once again their lips met.
She shivered as she felt his silver jeweled pendant cool against her hot skin.
"Gee whiz, look at his eyes…
Gee whiz, how they hypnotize…
He's got everything a girl could want…
Man, oh, man, what a prize…
Oh, oh…"
As the song played Dahlia gazed up at him in the flickering, intermittent light. The dragon's green fire seared her to the core. A private smile was shared. A tandem flicker. The air crackling between the two as it so often did. And suddenly two pairs of curved lips crashed into each other.
"Heaven up above knows how much…
I love that fella's soul…
Angels sing of a love like this…
I hope our love will grow and grow…"
Jimmy's lips burned a trail of heated kisses down her throat as his hand blazed a trail up her skirt. Her legs fell open instantly. As if on command. Under his spell as ever. Open sesame.
"'Cause, gee whiz, I love that guy…
Gee whiz, my, my, oh my…
There are things we could do…
I could say I love you…
But all I can say is…
Gee whiz…"
His lips trailed back up to claim & conquer hers yet again. Dominating her again. Mauling her again. Dahlia nipped his lower lip softly, earning a throaty growl. The growl of course came with more hungry, devouring kisses.
A sudden gasp left Dahlia's lips, thighs tightening around his hand slightly as Jimmy's fingers shifted her panties aside & his middle finger pressed inside.
"Dahlia… My lady…" He panted.
Dahlia let her legs fall open just that bit wider. Jimmy's finger pressed deeper, curving towards those familiar places he knew so well would elicit those deliriously sweet sounds.
And little bucks & lifts & rocks of her hips as she was so doing then. Each little buck allowed her skirt to slip higher and higher up her thigh. The slipping slip dress thusly only revealed more and more of her shifted panties & his working fingers.
The sight of the flickering light, intermittent from passing cars & streetlights, flashing on her exposed core stirred him to no end. The sight of her lips parted. Him parting her lips. His fingers parting them & pumping. Curving. Pressing deep. Making her mewl. It stirred him… To action.
"Oh, my angel…
Come back to me…
And I will love you…
Till eternity…
Oh, my angel…
This fire in my heart…
Consumes my happiness…
Since we are apart…"
Jimmy let Dahlia slip from his arms momentarily, only to bring both hands to his belt & undo it.
"Dahlia… Forgive me… I need..."
Dahlia merely allowed herself to sink down onto the sear & giggled. "There's nothing to forgive… As you said, my love…"
Jimmy hurriedly undid & unzipped his trousers, freeing himself & allowing his length to fall free. Dahlia giggled again & softly stroked his length in greeting. Jimmy jolted, grunting, groaning deeply. He stilled himself, allowing her a few more smooth strokes before acting again.
Taking her hand & once more pressing a kiss to the back before draping her arms around his shoulders. Coming close, he gave her panties a tug down her thighs before embracing her once more. And with that, Jimmy rose over her, drawing his hips back & piercing her in one go.
"Ah!" Cane the tandem response.
"You're mine…
And we belong together…
Yes, we belong together…
For eternity…"
The music was the perfect soundtrack as they lay wrapped in each other's arms. Another giggle was shared between the two before Jimmy pressed deeply once more. Another thrust. Another gasp.
"You're mine…
Your lips belong to me…
Yes, they belong to only me…
For eternity…"
Jimmy rolled his hips into hers slowly. Smoothly. Deeply. He drew out moan after moan. Sigh after sigh. Stirring her from deep within.
Dahlia's back arched, allowing Jimmy to slide the spaghetti straps down her shoulders. There he was able to bunch the silken dress at her waist. There he was able to trail kisses down her neck as her head craned back.
His lips trailed a heated path down to her breasts, circling her nipples & sucking them into peaks as his tongue batted & teased them. The sight of her panties, filmy & now sodden, ringing around her ankle led him to remove them, pocketing them secretly. Then, Jimmy's smile widened as Dahlia's legs wrapped around his waist. Her heels grazed the upholstery on the door behind him, her ankles locked behind his back as he drove consistently into her as they were driven around.
"You're my, my baby…
And you'll always be…
I swear by everything I own…
You'll always, always be mine…"
Dahlia watched as his pendants glinted in the light. Dangling & spinning. Hypnotizing her. Each thrust pierced her to her very core. Stealing her breath away. Her hands slipped under his jacket, sliding along the smooth expanse of skin along his back. Her fingers curled. Nails scoring into his shoulders.
His hips stuttered & faltered only momentarily before snapping harder & ever so slightly faster into her.
"You're mine…" The song crooned.
"Jimmy..." Dahlia mewled, arching her back slightly. The way her eyes both glittered & hazed over caught his eye. He recognized that. Recognized the way her nails dragged from his shoulders down his back. He hissed & shuddered & snapped his hips yet again, thrusting deeper still.
Her legs tightened around him. Walls tightened around him. Arms tightened around him. "Ahhh… Jimmy… Jimmy…"
"Are you close, darling?" He asked with a kiss, even though he already knew.
As he expected, he saw her nod slowly, still with that hazed starry-eyed gaze.
Jimmy smiled, sliding one hand down to brace her hip. His thumb swirled gently on her clit as he began to hone his thrusts in a very pointed fashion. Dahlia gasped softly. The gasp was muffled against his lips as he claimed hers in yet another passionate kiss.
"Mmmm… Me too…" He admitted, with a cheeky grin, muffling his subsequent chuckles into her lips just as she had muffled her gasps.
Now their hips rocked in unison. Lifting & rolling into a sweet, smooth grinding meeting. The two of them colliding over & over.
"Jimmy…" Dahlia mewled.
"Mmm-hmm…" He purred, wrapping one arm around her back, the other hand bracing her thigh, keeping it close to him.
"Jimmy… Jimmy…" She nipped his lower lip, causing him to growl. The sound vibrated through her body, making her shiver & clench around him.
She felt him drive into her clenching tightness in a few short quick thrusts, aiming for her spot just so & jolted. Another gasp fell from her lips as her back arched. She clutched into him & with the last of his thrusts as he grunted & groaned, he spilled & she shattered.
Galaxies collided as their bodies had, shattering & spreading stardust across her vision, the stars he had seen in her eyes sealed with a bated breath sigh of his name & kiss.
The same stars she saw alight in his now as his lids fluttered open. Emerald depths twinkling in greeting as their gazes met.
"My lady…"
Her fingers drew their last trails down his back. Another hiss fell from his lips as he stirred deep within her, filling her as he braced her body to his. Large right hand still bracing her thigh to his hip. His left arm still wrapped around her, keeping her stomach flush against his.
"I love you…"
He swore as his lips retook & staked their claim on hers at the same time. Deep, passionate, grateful, sated, yet all the more hungry kisses greeted her on the way down as they both recovered.
"I love you…"
She sighed her pledge in return.
Another purr sounded as despite the eternity their hurried climb & easy float down from their peak seemed to take, they both registered the last words of the song then on the radio. Fitting as ever. As always.
"And we belong together…
Yes, we belong together…
For eternity…"
Hope y'all enjoy~!
As ever, this is forever under construction~!
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mvalentine · 2 years
Fandom Appreciation
@choicesfandomappreciation thank you so so much for hosting this event <3 we all appreciate you & your efforts so so much!
as per usual, i'm late to this but literally who's even surprised at this point? there are so so many people in this fandom who have my entire heart, & i will always be grateful to this fandom for allowing me to meet people i love & adore so so much 💘 so lets get this show on the road:
@utterlyinevitable : dom! i literally love you so fucking much you have no idea. i am so so glad we grew so much closer this year, because no one understands my brainworms better than you: from bridgerton to open heart to the royal romance i am so so glad i have you to rant and scream at <3 you're one of the most talented people i've had the pleasure of knowing, & im so incredibly lucky to call you my friend.
@maurine07 : the way this girl has my entire fucking heart. maurine i'm literally never lying when i say that you're one of my favorite people on this hellsite. you've been so incredibly supportive of me since day one, and i genuinely cannot thank you enough. the way you genuinely care about me & allow me to rant about my ocs? it means the world to me. i love ranting & talking to you so so much, & i hope we stay friends for a very very long time (also please rant about your ocs to me at any time i need to know what's going in that brilliant head of yours <3)
@mysticalgalaxysstuff : m! gosh i cannot believe we only met this year because it genuinely feels like i've known you forever. you are one of the friendliest, funniest & most supportive person i've met. the way you just get me & my humor, the way your reblogs make my entire day, just you - i hope you know just how much of an integral part you play in this fandom. also i will rant more about this in my upcoming (& lengthy) writer's appreciation post but i absolutely adore you & your writing. also miss marissa & you both have my entire heart.
@the-pale-goddess : sis! you're literally one of first people i interacted with on here, an og if you will. you also happen to be one of my favorite people ever. i am in forever in awe of your talent (as if you didn't already know this) but i am way more in awe of the kindness and poise you hold. you're always so incredibly welcoming to everyone here, and i know i can always count on you to make me laugh & feel better whenever i interact with you. i know you're not as active in the fandom as you once more, but i really hope we stay friends for a long long time because you are genuinely one of my favorite people <3
@ofmischiefandmedicine : lin, my brain twin - i literally love you so so much. i can't believe we became friends over someone sending me a hate anon and you coming to my defence, maybe they aren't so bad after all lol <3 i know you're taking a break from the fandom at the moment but i selfishly await for you to come back. but even if that doesn't happen, i know it doesn't mean our friendship is gonna end because you're stuck with me forever, obviously. you are one of the kindest, sweetest, most supportive people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. the way you always go out of your way to stand up for what is right & for what you believe in is genuinely so inspiring to me. also let's not forget about your immense talent! the way we share all of the same thoughts and opinions is my favorite thing ever, apart from miss laura levchenko who has my whole entire fucking heart. also! petty lin is my fav <3 in conclusion i love you, so so much.
@starrystarrytrouble : ruby <3 the way i literally love you so fucking much. ma'am how are you so fucking talented? so fucking kind? so fucking funny? like genuinely, teach me your ways. i am so incredibly lucky to call you my friend. you have always been there for me, always so incredibly supportive & i appreciate that more than words can say. i will obviously rant more about your talent when i post my writer's appreciation post but i hope you know that e&e have my entire heart <3 also i can't wait to move to the uk & hopefully meet with you irl because how fucking cool would that be?!
@takemyopenheart : avy my beloved <3 you were one of the first writers who's works i read on here, and i have been obsessed with you since then. you are so incredibly talented, not to mention so fucking funny. i love love love that we are fellow bridgerton whores <3 i am so so glad that you're here & am forever grateful for your friendship & support. i love you!!
@openheartforeverinmyheart : lizzie!! again one of the people who i've only known for a short period of time yet it feels way longer. you are such a positive ray of light in this fandom, & i am so so happy to call you my friend. thank you for being so incredibly supportive of me since day one, it means the world to me <3 i love all your takes & ethan & adelina!! i am so so glad you decided to join our fandom because it genuinely wouldn't be the same without you.
@lsvdw-blog : l! my bestie! i literally love you and your big brain so fucking much <3 i love how i can always count on you to be my rant buddy like bitch how are you so fucking funny while having the best takes at all times? i am so incredibly grateful to you for always being so supportive of both me & my writing, it means so much to me. and bitch you already know i love serena & ethan & that angsty mind of yours, like yes please give me more break my heart to smithereens.
@cariantha : cari! my fellow brooks sister <3 since day one, you have been such a staple in our fandom, and i am so incredibly happy that you're here. i am absolutely obsessed with your edits & your talent, not to mention the immense support you show everyone here! i'm grateful to call you my friend & i love you mwah <3!!
@anotherbeingsworld : alya bestie i know you're not super active in the choices fandom anymore but it is how we met so thank fucking god for that because you are literally one of my favorite people ever. you're so fucking kind & talented like hellaur how do you do it? i am obsessed with you and all your ocs like is mastermind by twsizzle about you? also i love love love our calls so so much, we gotta do it again soon! also queen of moodboards & edits hello? i'm gonna stop now before i start ranting but i can't wait for you to visit sg so that we can finally meet irl & i can show you around the sights and be your local tour guide <3
@ariondevereux : nikka! again, i know that you aren't super active in the choices fandom anymore but it is how we met and i am so so thankful for that. your talent is fucking insane!! i am so so incredibly excited for the ethan & lana song like that little snippet i already saw? fucking out of this world. i absolutely love that brilliant brain of yours, your hcs and your characters and your pinterest boards like you don't understand, i'm obsessed. also you're literally so fucking kind?! like yes you have the voice of an angel but you're also literally just an angel in general, like i love you so fucking much <3
@burnsoslow : burns! the way i've been obsessed with you since day one. literally one of my favorite creators & human beings on this hellsite. the way you were so kind to me since day one? it meant & continues to mean so fucking much to me. i love you & your big brain so fucking much - let's have that wine & gossip day soon yeah?
@joachimtriers : tagging you because i know you're the biggest ethan stan ever <3 okay anyways you know how much i fucking adore you but this ain't about you so adios mwah <3
@katkart122 : the way you won't even see this because you fucking suck <3 but anyways of course you have to be on this fucking list because without this inane app i wouldn't have met one of my best friends (ew, that felt gross to type </3) -- you already know how much i adore you (not really) & your big brain (yeah really) won't get too sappy because that's disgusting but i can't wait to move in together and tell people we met because we simped over a 2d man's dick.
special shoutout to my og ethanbrook girlies <3 i know ya'll aren't active in the oph fandom anymore but i hope you know how much i fucking love y'all you guys made this fandom such an amazing place & you guys will always have a special place in my heart: @cryinginthebackseat @drethanramslay @thefeminineurge @openheartthot @sleepingdea @mortifying-macaroni
also shoutout to one of my favorite people ever- @terrm9 terr i know you aren’t active in the fandom anymore but if you see this just know that i love you so so much, you have the biggest heart and i will forever be grateful for your friendship. also i am obsessed with your mind & ocs and i still think about lina & tatum to this day <3 i love you my friend i hope life is treating you and your family well because you deserve that and more & oh tell my favorite human zuz that i said hi MWAH 💘💘
this post is getting egregiously long so i will shut up now, but i can't end this post without mentioning a few more of my favorite people, people i am so so grateful are in this fandom & make the fandom what it is: @blossomanarchy @lem-20 @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @mydemonsdrivealimo @alwaysmychoices @gryffindordaughterofathena @headoverheelsforramsey @bryceslahela @kcnnarys @potionsprefect @txemrn @quixoticdreamer16 @peonierose @annfg8 @trappedinfanfiction i love ya'll <333
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Omg just watched episode 2 of Distant Lands & I'm screaming.
Now, don't get me wrong, I definitely shipped Bubbleline before, but this episode had me INVESTED!!!!
Ahhr, I don't even know where to start?
The glass kingdom is so beautiful. I don't care how impractical it'd be, I wanna live there.
Marceline's old look was so awesome!!!!!! like, don't get me wrong, she always looks good, but I know WLW were being fed this episode, lol. As for me, I want Bubblegum's wardrobe STAT as not only is it a pastel lover's dream come true, but all the clothes look so soft (which I don't know how they manage to convey in 2D but they did).
Domestic Bubbleline has my entire heart forever, bye!!!!
Am I correct in seeing the friendship between glass boy & See Through princess as a parallel to Finn & Bubblegum's early friendship? Like tall, beautiful royal that's bogged down by her duty vs small, younger(?), disabled (which Finn later ends up becoming), blue boy who starts feeling dismissed/not taken seriously by his older(?) friend & wants to help/be a hero despite not having any powers (ok, so Finn has lightning amuinty, but that didn't come till much later)? Plus, there's the whole fire monster trying to kill him only for it to turn out to not be so bad, like when flame princess was introduced, & turning into (what looks to me like) some kind of a butterfly at the end, which we know was one of the things Finn was reincarnated as in a past life.
Those royal helpers (or whatever they're called) suck ass.
Simon, I love you!!!! Also, Ignore those monsters. Wear that moomoo & crown if it helps you cope.
They bubble wrapped him!!!! I'm crying, that's the sweetest, funniest & most practical way to go about it though like dude, you're litrually made of glass & already have a cracked face. You need to be way more careful about your obvious fragility.
I'm sorry, Bonnie, but the song does slap.
This is the major Bubblegum betrayal that I've been hearing about? Omg you have to be kidding. Like, I'm not saying you HAVE to love her as a character, but you really had me scared she was gonna do something absolutely twisted & it turned out to be.....this? Like, don't get me wrong, her reasoning wasn't the best & it was definitely bad of her to keep it from Marcleline, but do we really want characters without flaws & why are some fans seemingly convinced that Bubblegum is the sole AT character (especially out of her & Marcleline) that has any? Like the episode litrually gives us serval scenes from both of their POV's to show us that they each have good & bad qualities, streaths & weaknesses, baggage/insecurities & don't always handle everything the best way (especially in the past) but that they clearly love each other & are now in a much better place. Where they are willing to learn & grow & be vunrable by actually talking things out & apologising if they do something that hurts the other. Also wasn't, overcoming past hurts that are impacting your current, hard earned happiness by realising that you can't always be right/win all the time & that it's not always worth it if it means loosing what really matters to you, a huge part of the theme of the episode?
Mama Marcleline, we finally get more of your backstory & god dose it hurt. RIP queen, you did the best you could (am still scared to find out how you ended up pregnant though coz like, Hunson's a freak LMFAO!). Also, baby Marcy, I wanna hug you so bad 💔😭.
Ok, that song is so fucking cute that it makes me wanna bite my own cheeks off & eat them, and no, I don't care that that doesn't make sense.
That's how she got the band shirt? Omg, shoot me dead!
Oh, Simon, you know those banana guards can't do shit lol.
Omg Finn!!!!! Ok, so I kind of already saw that visual (being online, you can only avoid spoilers for so long), but still. My man, looking good. No prostetic? That's probably nice for amputees to see. The Jake Tattoo makes me both happy & sad because, on the one hand, it shows how much they love each other, but on the other, he probably got it because Jake is dead in this time period (I'm assuming).
Omg, grown-up Bronwyn is so cute 🥰!!!!!!!!
All the other cracks being revealed in others was a lovely touch. Thinking about the cracks as flaws or imperfections (or truma like the "damage" people accuire through being alive) & how society demonises that to the point where people feel like they have to hide them & then lash out at others who can't or refuse to hide theirs. Also, love the princess getting pants, lol. The angry monster secretly having a cracked face the whole time got me ok . Like, no wonder it hated the palace for how they acted towards glass boy. When it first saw him, it was probably so happy to know that someone like it existed & then was so hurt that Glass Boy was trying to change himself to be like everyone else.
Yes, Glass boy, kill those assholes!!!!! I hate hypocrites. It's sadly realistic, though. Sometimes, it really is the people with the highest number of faults that wanna condemn others the most.
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stargirlfics · 1 year
Imagine YOU have an engagement ring for Alfred and you try and propose to each other at the same time
THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! He’d be so surprised and you’re surprised and it’s the funniest and sweetest thing and you both end up asking each other and putting the respective rings on! 🥺💌 I feel like Alfred would also get a ring to wear himself even if you hadn’t, maybe he already did and is like I like yours better I’m wearing it forever!
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lynnlovesthestars · 1 month
(1/2) I'M FREE TO COMMENT!!! My Headcanon: BG3 men with kind and patient s/o. (pt. 1) request is so good! Don't worry about it! I was busy myself so I don't blame you! I'm sorry that my request made you write 5 times though 😅 It's definitely worth that wait ☺️ Thank you so much for letting me know you separated Dammon and Rolan in my second ask because it was getting long! It's good you didn't force yourself to write both of them in this request 👍 I love it especially Zevlor is a emotional mess & he considers kindness a virtue, he appreciates how they're trying to treat him with more kindness, he doesn't get much respect when he just want to prove he's worthy of his title 😞, they do their best to be patient with his outbursts of anger (I'm glad it's not at them!) or sadness, he cherishes how they always offer a shoulder to him 👍, he's slightly envious that they're kind to everyone, he's genuinely worried about them being hurt but he also wants them to only be kind to him ⊙⁠.⁠☉, it might be selfish of him but he's hesitant to let it go after being deprived of it for so long 🥺, Astarion is obviously wary of them after only recently gaining independence 😅, he won't blindly trust them as he believes that they might be part of a bigger scheme 😞, he enjoys their kindness when he gets used to it even the smallest gestures 👍 (What a coincidence that I do open the doors too 🤭), he can't help but melt from their kindness 🫠, he's terrified that they would be hurt because of their willingness to help people & told them to help those they can trust (HIM), he won't hesitate to fight them about this especially if they're about to or did get hurt 😞, he would tell them why they shouldn't & it's one of the times he's grateful they're patient, they do their best to compromise since they understand where he's coming from 👍, they're always patient as they will be there with him & let him know he can take his time as he has a lot on his plate 🥹, Wyll finds their kindness quite endearing ☺️, it's one of the reasons he fell in love with them 😍, he would encourage them as it's a virtue to him & to be a better version of themselves 👍, he reminds them that he would be there to pick up the pieces if they do get hurt 🥹, he's grateful for how patient they are 👍, he knows he's a handful if his pact with Mizora isn't broken & needs to leave several times, he will make sure to make it up to them for lost time when he returns ☺️,
im crying this is the sweetest and simultaneously funniest thing i have ever recieved, with all the comments and emojis? Makes me soft inside, thank you so much for this i will be forever grateful for it
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danna644 · 1 year
hi, this may be super weird for me to be sending an ask about, but genuinely i just had to. 5 years ago my older sister showed me this video from your acc, specifically the midoriya going TRROOOOOOOOYYYYYY to todoroki in the sports festival. it was like the FUNNIEST thing to us ever and became an inside joke for us, we fucking LOVED that video. and it was what got me into mha, no joke.
5 years later, im living with my sister, she’s since moved out and so much time has passed it feels, ive moved in with her a month ago. we’ve started mha again, i’ve been caught up with the manga, its great, but she went out of her mha phase. recently i got her back into it though and we decided to restart it for probably the sixth time. come season 2 tonight, i mention the video. we both lose our minds like “MAN that video was the FUNNIEST thing ever to us, i wonder if we could find it.” she goes on to spend the next HOUR looking for it in her account she’s had since she was like 12, she’s a grown woman now. she scrolls so far and it actually ends up sending her back to the top and she almost dies from the pain of it, i was laughing so hard. but she found it. we found your video of the dumb fucking high school musical 3 audio over the my hero academia sports festival arc. and atlast we have it again, and now we wont have to search through the fucking CATACOMBS of old tumblr to find it.
i come here to thank you, for that video. it was truly life-changing for us, truly. and by the way, you might recall having gotten an old, OLD ask from forever ago, im not sure when, maybe 4 years. it might’ve been anonymous, it might not, but it was someone telling you about the impact that video had had on that person and their little sister. that was my older sister. and now im here to tell you as well, just how much that video affected us lol. so whoever you are, i hope this can bring you a laugh or complete utter confusion, regardless i thought it was funny, and you just had to know.
I... I don't know what to say tbh... This is the sweetest most incredible message I'ver recived and it makes SO VERY HAPPY that you guys enjoyed that video that much. It really means the world to me, trust me on this hahaha
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This blog has become my time capsule of my past.
It captures a feeling and moment for me that will forever last.
She was my summer love, my one time girl.
I often find myself dreaming of her wondering what she’s doing now, hoping she’s good.
I miss her smile, her smell, the way she thinks. Our conversations. God I could listen to her for hours. She was the only thing I ever needed. I could literally just be in her company with nothing else and be the happiest I have ever been. That girl kept my mind alive.
I remember it all, everything n those eyes, beautiful blue eyes, I could easily get lost in those eyes, that smile that will forever melt me. She was and still is the most beautiful person, a soul I will forever long. She lit a fire inside of me that will forever burn strong.
I loved that girl more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. I still do. She was my it girl. They say with love it never dies and I guess it’s true, after all this time nothings changed. They say when you know you know and my god do I know!
Sure I’ve loved since but not like that, I have a big heart and I care a lot. Fact is no one has or ever will come close to her but that’s ok.
I’ve never truly been more myself with anyone, from the moment we first started talking it was so easy. She was my best friend.
We were both young back then, she had a lot on her plate and the distance made things so much harder, never mind the time zone challenges.
The physical distance is still about the same but the metaphorical distance has grown, the conversations fade becoming few and far between but one thing I’ve never questioned or doubted… one thing has forever stayed strong, my feelings, love and thoughts for her.
It’s funny when you look at it, she seems happy now; a new girl a whole life, two dogs a home and a new life. I’d have thought I’d have been jealous but strangely I don’t feel envy but only happiness for her. Knowing she’s happy is all I ever wanted I guess the thing is I just always wanted it to be me, I wanted to be the reason behind all that for her. All I hope is that she is always appreciated and loved and never taken for granted, I forever will wish her the utmost happiness.
I find myself randomly thinking of her and smiling, randomly through the day or night. A song comes on the radio or a little thing someone may say brings flashbacks to that time. I feel my heart flutter still when her name pops up.
It’s coming up to 5 years now but I still have hope that maybe one day our paths will cross again and our lives will align. I would drop anything and everything for her which is kinda insane when you think about it but hey I suppose love can make us do crazy things right?
‘I love you’ 3 words I can no longer tell her because that would be disrespectful to her and her new life but I hope she knows no matter what happens, no matter the distance I would be there for her in a heartbeat.
I wish her the ultimate happiness and success, she was and still is the most incredible, beautiful, funniest, sweetest and smartest girl I ever had the privilege of knowing or meeting and I truly wish her all the success now and forever.
I suppose I am lucky really some people wait their lifetimes to find or feel a love like this, I was lucky enough to find it. Yeah I may have lost her and I will forever miss her but it made me believe it made me feel so alive. It gave me hope and I can always look back and smile knowing I was lucky enough to experience and find something so real and true in my lifetime.
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pingutats · 3 years
at last!
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it’s the morning after harry proposed, and here you are, in heaven.
warnings: some sexual content, not very graphic.
word count: 2k
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As soon as you start to drift awake, you feel this overwhelming sense of bliss. Like everything is right in the world, properly aligned and in harmony. Your heart feels full, warm like the way a lover would cradle their hands around yours on a chilly winter night. 
The thing that pulls you completely from the gentle embrace of sleep into the morning is someone actually grabbing your left hand. Not just someone, but Harry. And, you remember suddenly like a crack of lightning bursting through your sleep-weary skull, he isn’t just Harry, he’s —
“Morning, love,” he murmurs, his voice croaky and slightly slurred from sleep still, as he pulls your hand over to him and slips the ring back onto your fourth finger. “Y’always look so pretty in the morning. ‘Specially today.”
“H,” you whisper back, barely able to form a coherent thought. He’s your fiancé. You blink your eyes open, rubbing at them as you adjust to the weak light streaming through a window. “Oh my god, Harry.”
He’s grinning at you, eyes still half-closed. He brings your hand to his mouth and kisses the ring. “Oh my god, Y/N,” he repeats back, and you giggle.
You hold your hand up to the light, twisting your wrist so the small, classic diamond sparkles.  You’ve seen it before, of course. You’ve known what it looks like for ages. The two of you picked it out together in a store a couple months ago. You’ve spoken about this moment, over and over — sometimes in practical terms to try and plan for your future, sometimes whimsically as you spelled out your wildest dreams to each other — but now it’s here. It’s real.
He was insistent on being the one to propose. You could pick the ring, the wedding venue, write the guest list and choose his outfit and even curate the reception playlist, he offered— as long as he got to propose. You accepted, of course, without the bargaining. You wanted him to do it anyway.
Harry isn’t one for grand gestures. When you first met him, only knowing him as the glamorous rockstar that he performs as when he’s on stage, you had assumed he would be into the massive displays of affection, the lavish gifts and the kind of relationship that no one can tear their eyes away from. But he isn’t really like that.
Harry is a cup of tea set out for you in the morning before you even ask for one. The last segment of the mandarin he was eating, held out for you to take. A hundred kisses to your cheek over the course of a night out, for no particular reason except that he’s tipsy and he loves you. A playlist that he texts to you with a sweet note in the description. Making the bed by himself before you’re done brushing your teeth. Carrying you from the car to the door at three in the morning because your heels are killing you and he’d rather roll around naked on broken glass than see you in any amount of pain at all.
That’s what Harry is. So it made sense that, rather than flying you out to Paris and organising a string quartet to play in the background while he got down on one knee under the Eiffel Tower at night (something you had joked about often), he did it in his own little unassuming way. 
You wanted a surprise. That was all you asked. If he was going to ask, he better make it good.
It wasn’t big. It wasn’t grand or especially beautiful. You had been baking together all afternoon: flour all over the place, a small pile of chocolate chips that you’d “accidentally dropped” on the counter and were snacking on, cookies in the oven making the kitchen smell all warm and cosy. The echoes of your laughs and playful banter still lingered in the room. An Etta James album was playing in the background — Harry’s choice, of course. You were bending in front of the oven to check on the cookies. 
“They’re looking good, H,” you said, gazing at them.
“Y/N,” he said from behind you.
“I think we’ve got a perfect batch on our hands.” You straightened up, reaching over to swipe a couple more chocolate chips from the shrinking pile. “Better than last time, those were all hard and —”
“Darling,” he said, a bit more firmly.
“Yeah?” You turned around, sucking on the chocolate, and froze.
There was Harry, on one knee on the kitchen floor, holding a little box and smiling gently up at you.
“Hi,” was all you managed to breathe out, once you regained the ability to move.
“Hello,” he said, smile growing. He cleared his throat. “I love you so much, you know?”
“Harry, you’ve got flour on your nose.”
“Do I?” He was grinning widely now, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as he tried not to laugh. “I’ll fix that later, love, got something more important to do right now.”
“Okay.” Your voice was shaking slightly.
He chuckled, and then took a deep breath to steady himself. “Y/N. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. You make my days better, every day. Most gorgeous, funniest, kindest, sweetest girl I ever met. You’re so fucking amazing — sorry, I shouldn’t swear. Probably ruins the moment.”
“It doesn’t,” you said quickly. You could feel tears threatening to prickle at your eyes. “Keep going.”
“Nothing’s going to stop me, angel,” he promised. He set his face, playing at being very somber. “I really need to ask you something.”
You bit your lip through a smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. ‘Cause every day I wake up and hug you and I think to myself that I never want to let go of you. Ever.” 
You nodded, unable to speak for fear that you would just collapse from how unbelievably sweet he is.
“Y/N,” he said, finally. He took a deep breath and pulled open the lid of the little box, and there was your ring. His smile returned to his face again, bright and dimpled and so Harry you nearly starting sobbing right there. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” You were saying it before he even finished his sentence. “Yes, yes, yes, yes—” and you kept saying it until he was back on his feet and had swept you up in the tightest hug, pulling you into his chest and spinning both of you around. 
You clutched at the front of his fuzzy sweater and pulled him into a kiss that made the world feel like it was shifting. Because it had. Everything had changed now. It felt like the two of you had taken the world and cracked it open like a walnut, finding a completely new kind of life inside. A kind of life where you both completely, irrevocably, belonged to each other.
When he pulled back from the kiss, he rubbed his flour-covered nose over yours, then pecked another kiss on your cheek. “Got flour all over you, love.”
“Best go take a shower, then,” you said to him, grinning.
He raised his eyebrows, that mischievous glint in his eye that you so adored appearing. “Yeah? Okay, whatever my beautiful fiancee wants.” He let you take his hand and start to pull him toward the bathroom, before he suddenly jerked you back, making you stumble into his chest. “Shit,” he murmured. “Give me your hand, darling.”
“Oh.” You held out your left hand, and gently he slid the ring onto your finger.
He looked up at you, eyes shining. “Can’t believe I nearly forgot the most important part.”
“Me too. Silly goose.” 
He snorted, and you leaned forward to kiss him again. He held his hands to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. He was warm, his embrace firm, his mouth gentle. Tasting him, the sweetness of the cookie dough he had been stealing out of the bowl, the vanilla of the lip balm he used — you could have lived in that kiss forever. Any kiss, really. You weren’t picky when it came to Harry. But he pulled back, and ran his hands down to the back of your thighs.
“Jump, darling,” he whispered, and he pulled you up to wrap your legs around his waist, your arms looped behind his neck. He pressed his lips to yours again, then carried you to the bathroom, your giggles echoing through the house.
He got on his knees for you again in the shower — “Wanna treat my fiancee like a proper gentleman” —  with your leg thrown over his shoulder, your hand with the ring in his hair, your head thrown back against the tiled wall. He was always good (outstanding in the field, you would joke) but somehow today he was better. Like he was trying to tell you something just by the way he licked up your folds and sucked on your sensitive little bud until you were shaking and your hand tightened in his hair in a way that was surely painful. Like he was trying to show you just how much he loved you, as if everything else wasn’t already enough.
Later, you opened up the expensive bottle of champagne you’d been saving and split it over the takeout he had ordered over the phone in a rush while your hands were slowly creeping down his bare chest and playing with the waistband of the sweatpants he had thrown on after the shower. You ate outside. It was a pleasant night and as stars started to dust over the sky, you were sure they were shining just a little bit brighter.
And when you finally made it into bed, he was immediately over you, his arms snaking underneath you and hugging you to his chest while he thrust into you, deep and passionate. He had his head buried in your neck, his moans vibrating into your skin and you knew he was feeling more than just the physical. It was beyond that for both of you. Treasure this moment, you kept thinking. Keep this day safe forever.
You came together. As he got close, his steady rhythm starting to falter, he grabbed your left hand and pushed it down into the mattress, so you could feel the ring pressing into your skin. That was what sent the both of you over the edge.
Sleep came easily, your limbs still tangled together, your ring lying on the bedside table because you were scared to sleep with it. Harry must have fallen asleep after you — as you dozed off, you could hear the rustling of his pillow as he kept turning his head to look at the ring glinting in the full moon’s light coming through the window. His strong arm wrapped around you, holding you close, letting the rhythm of his heartbeat lull you to sleep.
“I’m so fucking happy,” he says now, in the morning, quietly, breaking the silence that had descended over you. He says it like it could be the last sentence he ever speaks. A neat epilogue.
You look at him, your arm still raised in the air between you. His eyes are trained on the diamond, and you could swear his eyes are sparkling just as much as the jewel is. He blinks, and glances back to you. “So, so fucking happy.”
“Me too,” you tell him. You let your hand drop, finding his and intertwining your fingers. “Love being engaged.” The word rolls off your tongue easily, and that was thrilling. You’re engaged. “’S better than I imagined. Better than anything else, ever.”
“Mm,” he hums, running his thumb over the ring, and then along the empty space of your finger just below it. “I think it just keeps getting better from here, love.”
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hope you enjoyed!! i wrote this in barely two hours around midnight (obviously with at last by etta james playing in the background) because i just had to get this concept onto a page. it’s only been very lightly edited so if there were mistakes or it was structured messily ........ sorry. but i am just so in love with these very domestic, un-grandiose proposals because the important thing is the love between the two rather than the big displays... yeah. anyway hope you liked and if you want to send me a request or just chat, my askbox is very much open!!!
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RNM, 4x01
I loved this episode.
It was a solid season premiere, way more balanced than previous episodes and it's sad to know this is the last season when it feels like RNM finally found its way.
I didn't even dislike Maria in this episode 😲 Although it seems like she is gonna be a pain about losing her powers so she can live. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Let's wait and see how the writers gonna make her deal with all of that.
Maybe last season will be it to make Maria likable again?
But anyways, I'm sad for Kyle. The guy has been working nonstop as a way to avoid Iz, obviously. 💔
I still don't know how Isobel hasn't picked up on Kyle's feelings for her. I assume eventually she will and that might give us the funniest and sweetest scenes ever.
Her and Anatsa relationship it's not very convincing.
I think Anatsa would be a great addition to the show if they had time to develop her story arc. Which I'm assuming they won't. The I love you felt rushed and I'm sure soon enough the relationship will be over and forgotten.
Although it's seems she'll stick around until episode 4. 😳🤔
Max trying to propose was ... something. I never got the wedding feelings for Echo as their happy ending. Liz always wanted to see and do. For me, a better ending for them would be living their lives out of Roswell, together.
But, as Liz said, she'll say yes when the time is right. 💞
Speaking of timing, the introduction to the new characters was so well done.
The Tezca character (I think that's her name) didn't have to say a word for us to know she's gonna be trouble. 😳
Bonnie and Clyde seem to be motivated by misguided purpose but, my guess is they gonna turn up good, eventually.
The Alighting seems like an end of time sorta deal.
Very intrigued by what it actually is. Maybe our favorite aliens will need to head back to their home planet. Maybe they'll fight like hell to protect the true home they found on Earth and its humans. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Speaking of aliens and humans, Malex was a highlight in this episode. 🥰🥰🥰
It couldn't possibly be any other way. Domestic-angsty, who knew would be so good?
Michael's nerves getting the best of him just points out how much he loves Alex and doesn't want to screw it up. The guy is a genius who can build very difficult things and yet, his nerves (and his low self-esteem) didn't let him fix the gazebo model.
It's a nice callback to 3x13 bunker scene where Michael is terrified that something he'll do will break him and Alex up again.
The fear of losing everything for someone that always had nothing is so understandable.
Dallas and Max calling how it was just proved Michael never intended to back down from living together, but that didn't mean his insecurities would go away. He needed to let it out.
So he talked to Dallas, he talked to Max, and, to Dallas again. But what got through to him was coming back home and talking to Alex about it.
Alex was upset. A cute upset with the crossed arms, sitting on that couch just waiting for Michael☹️
Can you imagine being so happy about moving day (Alex was so pleased to be sharing everything he has with Michael) and then coming home and not seeing the love of your life but just a key on the table?
Alex handled the situation with the skill he has mastered over a decade: loving Michael Guerin.
There was just so much love in Alex's words to Michael, in a way that reassured Guerin but also allowed Alex to be vulnerable too. 🥺💜
The growth of both of these characters. They have been through so much since 1x01 but now they are finally there. In a place that's for forever.
Rating for 4x01: 9/10. It's not a 10/10 for me because Alex Manes should have been in more scenes and the birthday party should have been longer.
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machinecreature · 3 years
i am crying real tears that buzzfeed unsolved is over. this show was with me all throughout college, a year off before grad school, dropping out of grad school, life changes, life traumas, good times, career changes, rough times - through everything crazy that happens to you in your late teens-early twenties. it was always my favorite thing to watch through all of it. i remember when a coworker introduced me to the series via the sodder children true crime ep while we were working - in a library, where we had to be quiet as possible - and i both laughed so hard i cried, covering my mouth, and i was also fairly spooked. from then on i was hooked. while everyone else was watching this or that tv show i was watching bfu episodes over and over. whether i had a rough day or a good day bfu was always there. it truly became and is still such a constant in my life, so to know there will never be another episode is strange. but the ending was so perfect and, like ryan and shane, this feels like the right time for me to say bye as i too enter another new stage of life.
i grew up on ghost hunting / unsolved mystery shows, youtube, and comedy, so a show that rolled all those things into one would obviously end up being my favorite. ryan and shane are some of the funniest and sweetest people alive and watching their friendship grow in real time on camera over the years has been insane. it’s rare when two people have such chemistry and i’m glad this show allowed them to find that type of bond with someone, and i’m glad they are still making content together. i’m glad the stars aligned and these two weirdos ended up working at buzzfeed at the same time and sat next to each other and shane said okay to filling in for brent (no offense brent) and the rest is history. for that reason these are happy tears!
bfu has never gotten old for me and i don’t think it will; i’m still going to rewatch it all the time. it will always make me laugh and that damn music they put in the background will always make me a little spooked when i wake up in the middle of the night to find it still playing on my roku. i will always quote this show and i will always use memes from it. it’s simply a piece of media that is part of my life, part of me. it’s more than just that funny ghost hunting show with those guys from the internet, to me, really. it’s an old friend. a forever friend.
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